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Jorge Luis Borges - Lennon, Adrian

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Hispanics of Achievement

Jorge Luis Barges

Adrian Lennon


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Jorge Luis Borges
Consulting Editors

Rodolfo Cardona James Cockcroft

professor of Spanish visiting professor of Latin American
and comparative literature, and Caribbean studies,
Boston University State University of New York at Albany
Hispanics of Achievement

Jorge Luis Borges

Adrian Lennon

Chelsea House Publishers

New York Philadelphia

Editor-in-Chief: Remmel Nunn
Managing Editor: Karyn Guilen Browne
Copy Chief: Mark Rifkin
Picture Editor: Adrian G. Allen
Art Director: Maria Epes
Assistant Art Director: Noreen Romano
Manufacturing Manager: Gerald Levine
Systems Manager: Lindsey Ottman
Production Manager: Joseph Romano
Production Coordinator: Marie Claire Cebrian

Hispanics of Achievement
Senior Editor: John W. Selfridge


Associate Editor: Philip Koslow
Copy Editor: Sol Liebowitz
Editorial Assistant: Martin Mooney
Designer: Robert Yaffe
Picture Researcher: Nisa Rauschenberg
Cover Illustration: Daniel Mark Duffy

Copyright ©
1992 by Chelsea House Publishers, a division of Main
Line Book Co. All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United
States of America.

First Printing

13 5 7 9 8 6 4 2

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PubUcation Data

Lennon, Adrian.
Jorge Luis Borges/ Adrian Lennon
p. cm. —
(Hispanics of achievement)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: Presents the life and times of the Argentine writer, in
text and photos.
ISBN 0-7910-1236-0
0-7910-1263-8 (pbk.)
1. Borges, Jorge Luis 1899-1986^uvenile literature. 2. .Authors,
Argentine — 20th century—Biography—Juvenile literature. [1. Bor-
ges, Jorge Luis,— 1899-1986. 2. Authors, Argentine.] I. Tide 11.

PQ7797.B635Z77344 1992 91-17667
868—<lc20 CIP
[B] AC

Hispanics of Achievement 7

111 Search of Borges 15

Palermo 21

The European 33

Return of the Native 45

The Infamous Decade 57

Teller of Tales 69

800,000 Books and Darkness 83

The Master 95

Chronology 103

Further Reading 106

Index 109
Hispanics of Achievement

Oscar Arias Sanchez Jose Martf

Co\lfi Ritari president Culxm rniulutionary and poet

Joan Baez Rita Moreno

Mexkan-A merican Jolksinger Piieito Rican singer and actress

Ruben Blades
Pablo Neruda
Panamanian lawyer and entertains
Chilean poet and diplomat

Jorge Luis Borges

Argentina imiler
Antonia Novello
U.S. surgeon general

Juan Carlos
King of Spain Octavio Paz
Mexican poet and critic

Pablo Casals
Spanish cellist and ronductor Javier Perez de Cuellar
Peruvian diplomat
Miguel de Cervantes
Spanish zoriter
Anthony Quinn
Mexican-American actor
Cesar Chavez
Mexican-American labor leader
Diego Rivera
Mexican artist
Spanish military leader
Linda Ronstadt
Roberto Clemente Mexican-American singer

Puerto Rican baseball player

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Placido Domingo Mexican general and politician
Spanish singer

George Santayana
El Greco Spani.'ih poet and philosoj)lier
Spanish artist

Juni'pero Serra
Gloria Estefan
Spanish missionary and explorer

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Lee Trevino

Colombian xvriter Mexican-A merican golfer

Raul Julia Pancho Villa

Puerto Rican ado Mexican rei'olutionary



Hispanics of Achievement

Rodolfo Cardona

J. he Spanish language and many other elements of Spanish cul-

ture are present in the United States today and have been since the
country's earliest beginnings. Some of these elements have come
directlyfrom the Iberian Peninsula; others have come indirectly, by
way of Mexico, the Caribbean basin, and the countries of Central
and South America.
Spanish culture has influenced America in many subde ways,
and consequently many Americans remain relatively unaware of
the extent of its impact. The vast majority of them recognize the
influence of Spanish culture in America, but they often do not
realize the great importance and long history of that influence.
This is partiy because Americans have tended to judge the Hispanic
influence in the United States in statistical terms rather than
to look closely at the ways in which individual Hispanics have
profoundly affected American culture. For this reason, it is fitting
8 Jorge Luis Borges

that Americans obtain more than a passing acquaintance with the

origins of these Spanish cultural elements and gain an under-
standing of how they have been woven into the fabric of American

It is well documented that Spanish seafarers were the first to

explore and colonize many of the early territories of what is today

called the United States of America. For this reason, students of
geography discover Hispanic names all over the map of the United
States. For instance, the Strait of Juan de Fuca was named after

the Spanish explorer who first navigated the waters of the Pacific
Northwest; the names of states such as Arizona (arid zone), Mon-
tana (mountain), Florida (thus named because it was reached on
Easter Sunday, which in Spanish is called the feast of Pascua
Florida) and California (named after a fictitious land in one of the

firstand probably the most popular among the Spanish novels of

chivalry, Amadis of Gaul) are all derived from Spanish; and there
are numerous mountains, rivers, canyons, towns, and cities with
Spanish names throughout the United States.
Not only explorers but many other illustrious figures in Spanish
history have helped define American culture. For example, the
13th-century king of Spain, Alfonso X, also known as the Learned,
may be unknown to the majority of Americans, but his work on the
codification of Spanish law has greatly influenced the evolution
of American law, particularly in the jurisdictions of the Southwest.
For this contribution a statue of him stands in the rotunda of the
name Diego Rivera may
Capitol in Washington, D.C. Likewise, the
be unfamiliar most Americans, but this Mexican painter in-
fluenced many American artists whose paintings, commissioned
during the Great Depression and the New Deal era of the 1930s,
adorn the walls of government buildings throughout the United
States. In recent years the contiibutions of Puerto Ricans,
Mexicans, Mexican Americans (Chicanos), and Cubans in
American cities such as Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami,
Minneapolis, New York, and San Antonio have been enormous.
Introduction 9

The importance of the Spanish language in this vast cultural

complex cannot be overstated. Spanish, after all, is second only to

English as the most widely spoken of Western languages within
the United States as well as in the entire world. The popularity of
the Spanish language in America has a long history.
In addition to Spanish exploration of the New World, the great
Spanish literary tradition served as a vehicle for bringing the lan-
guage and culture to America. Interest in Spanish literature in
America began when English immigrants brought with them trans-
lations of Spanish masterpieces of the Golden Age. As early as
1683, private libraries in Philadelphia and Boston contained copies
of the first picaresque novel, Lazarillo de Tormes, translations of
Francisco de Quevedo's Los Suenos, and copies of the immortal epic
of reality and illusion Don Quixote, by the great Spanish writer
Miguel de Cervantes. would not be surprising if Cotton Mather,

the arch-Puritan, read Don Quixote in its original Spanish, if only to

enrich his vocabulary in preparation for his writing Lafe del aistiano
en 24 arti'cubs de la Institucion de Cristo, enviada a los espanoles para
que abran sus ojos (The Christian's Faith in 24 Articles of the Insti-

tution of Christ, Sent to the Spaniards to Open Their Eyes) pub-


lished in Boston in 1699.

Over the years, Spanish authors and their works have had a vast
influence —
on American literature from Washington Irving, John
Steinbeck, and Ernest Hemingway in the novel to Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow and Archibald MacLeish in poetry. Such
important American writers as James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar
Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Herman Melville all
owe a sizable debt to the Spanish literary tradition. Some writers,
such as Willa Cather and Maxwell Anderson, who explored Span-
ish themes they came into contact with in the American Southwest

and Mexico, were influenced less directly but no less profoundly.

Important contributions to a knowledge of Spanish culture
in the United States were also made by many lesser known in-
dividuals — teachers, publishers, historians, entrepreneurs, and
10 Jorge Luis Borges

others — with a love for Spanish culture. One of the most significant
of these contributions was made by Abiel Smith, a Harvard College
graduate of the class of 1764, when he bequeathed stock worth
$20,000 to Harvard for the support of a professor of French and
Spanish. By 1819 this endowment had produced enough income
to appoint a professor, and the philologist and humanist George
Ticknor became the first holder of the Abiel Smith Chair, which
was the very first endowed Chair at Harvard University. Other
illustrious holders of the Smith Chair would include the poets
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and James Russell Lowell.
A highly respected teacher and scholar, Ticknor was also a
collector of Spanish books, and as such he made a very special
contribution to America's knowledge of Spanish culture. He was
instrumental in amassing for Harvard libraries one of the first and
most impressive collections of Spanish books in the United States.
He also had a valuable personal collection of Spanish books and
manuscripts, which he bequeathed to the Boston Public Library.
With the creation of the Abiel Smith Chair, Spanish language
and literature courses became part of the curriculum at Harvard,
which also went on tobecome the first American universit)' to offer
graduate studies in Romance languages. Other colleges and vmiver-
sities throughout the United States gradually followed Harvard's
example, and today Spanish langviage and culture may be studied
at most American institutions of higher learning.
No discussion of the Spanish influence in the United States,
however would be complete without a mention of the

Spanish influence on art. Important American artists such as John

Singer Sargent, James A. M. WTiistler, Thomas Eakins, and Mary

Cassatt all explored Spanish subjects and experimented with
Spanish techniques. Virtually every serious American artist li\ing
today has studied the work of the Spanish masters as well as the
great 20th-centviry Spanish painters Salvador Dali, Joan Miro,
and Pablo Picasso.
Introduction 1

The most pervasive Spanish influence in America, however,

has probably been in music. Compositions such as Leonard
Bernstein's West Side Story, the Latinization of William Shake-
speare's Romeo and Juliet set in New York's Puerto Rican quarter,
and Aaron Copland's Salon Mexico are two obvious examples. In
general, one can hear the influence of Latin rhythms from tango —
to mambo, from guaracha to salsa —
in virtually every form of
American music.
This series of biographies, which Chelsea House has published
under the general title HISPANICS OF ACHIEVEMENT, constitutes

further recognition of and a renewed effort to bring forth to the
consciousness of America's young people —
the contributions that
Hispanic people have made not only in the United States but
throughout the civilized world. The men and women who are

featvired in this series have attained a high level of accomplishment

in their respective fields of endeavor and have made a permanent
mark on American society.
The title of this series must be understood in its broadest
possible sense: The term Hispanics is intended to include Span-
iards, Spanish Americans, and individuals from many countries

whose language and culture have either direct or indirect Spanish

origins. The names of many of the people included in this series
will be immediately familiar; others will be less recognizable. All,
however, have attained recognition within their own countries, and
often their fame has transcended their borders.
The series HISPANICS OF ACHIEVEMENT thus addresses the
attainments and struggles of Hispanic people in the United States
and seeks to tell the stories of individuals whose personal and
professional lives in some way reflect the larger Hispanic ex-
perience. These stories are exemplary of what human beings can
accomplish, often against daunting odds and by extraordinary
personal sacrifice, where there is conviction and determination.
Fray Junipero Serra, the 18th-century Spanish Franciscan mission-
ary, is one such individual. Although in very poor health, he
1 Jorge Luis Borges

devoted the last 15 years of his life to the foundation of missions

throughout California — then a mostly unsettled expanse of land
in an effort to bring a better life to Native Americans through the

cultivation of crafts and animal husbandry. An example from

recent times, the Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez
has battled bitter opposition and made untold personal sacrifices
in his effort to help poor agricultural workers who have been
exploited for decades on farms throughout the Southwest.
The talent with which each one of these men and women may
have been endowed required dedication and hard work to develop
and become fully realized. Many of them have enjoyed rewards
for their efforts during their own lifetime, whereas others have
died poor and unrecognized. For some it took a long time to
achieve their goals, for others success came at an early age, and for
still others the struggle continues. All of them, however, stand out
as people whose lives have made a difference, whose achieve-
ments we need to recognize today and should continue to honor
in the future.
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Barges, phologmplied during a visit to the University of Texas
in 1962. One of Argentina's leading writers since the 1920s, Borges
achieved worldwide recognition when he luon the International Publish-
ers Prize in 1961.

n Search of Borges

Xn October 1982, the Swedish Academy in Stockholm awarded the

Nobel Prize in literature to the Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia
Marquez, best known for his novel Cien anos de soledad (One
Hundred Years of Solitude). Garcia Marquez was naturally over-
joyed at receiving the world's most prestigious literary prize. But he
took the opportunity to wonder aloud why the Nobel Prize had not
been awarded to a different Latin American writer. "I hope he
receives it," Garcia Marquez remarked to reporters who flocked to
interview him, "and I still don't understand why they haven't given
it to him." He was talking about Jorge Luis Borges.
At the time, Jorge Luis Borges was living in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. He was 83 years old, and he had been blind since the
mid-1950s. If he felt he had been passed over for
slighted because
the Nobel Prize, he gave no He was
indication to the public.
accustomed to being overlooked when it came to honors. Although
he had written his most brilliant short stories during the 1930s and
1940s, he was unknown outside Latin America until 1961, when he

1 6 Jorge Luis Borges

won the International Publishers Prize. By the end of the decade

his books were everywhere, and he was finally recognized as one of
the masters of modern literature.
Despite his fame, Borges remained a puzzle to many readers
and students of literature. On the one hand, he had almost in-

vented a new form of writing the short story that explored philos-
ophical questions about the nature of reality. The element of

fantasy in his work had clearly inspired the "magic realism" that
critics hailed in the work of younger Latin American writers, such

as Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende, Julio Cortazar, Mario Vargas

Llosa, and Carlos Fuentes. These writers themselves always ac-
knowledged their debt to Borges. As early as the 1960s, Fuentes had
written, "Without Borges's prose there simply would not be a mod-
ern Spanish-American novel."
But Borges differed from the younger generation by avoiding
political and social issues, which he did not consider proper sub-
jects for literature. As a private individual, he had always believed
passionately in liberty and justice. He had, for example, vigorously
opposed the Argentine dictator Juan Peron during the 1940s and
1950s. As a result, Borges lost his job and was threatened with
death. Although he emerged from this ordeal a hero to many
Argentines, it had no obvious effect on his writing.
In 1976, when Argentina came under the sway of a military
dictatorship, Borges upset many of his admirers by supporting the
ruling generals. He did, however, lend his support to those protest-
ing the fate of los Desaparecidos (the Disappeared Ones), op-
ponents of the regime who were being jailed, tortured, and killed
by the thousands. In 1982, Borges broke entirely with the regime
after Argentina seized the British-held Falkland Islands (Islas Mal-
vinas), in the southwestern Adantic Ocean, resulting in what Bor-
ges termed an "absurd war" with Great Britain and a resounding
military defeat for Argentina. No one can say with certaint)', but it

is quite possible that Borges's political attitudes cost him a chance

at the Nobel Prize.
upon winning the 1 982
Nobel Prize in literature,

the Colombian novelist

Gabriel Garcia Mdrquez

paid tribute to Borges.
"/ hope he receives [the
Nobel Prize], " Garcia
Mdrquez stated, "and I
still don 't understand
why they haven 't given
it to him.

"I don't understand my own country," he admitted to an inter-

viewer in 1982. Then he added, in classic Borgesian style, "But the
world is not meant to be understood by men. Every night, I dream.
I have nightmares — of being lost, of being in an unknown city. I

don't remember the name of the hotel, or I can't find my way home
in Buenos Aires. Maybe I feel very lost because the world is mean-

The search for meaning, the feeling of being lost in the

universe, were themes that had haunted Borges all his life. He was
accustomed to questioning everyday realities, even the fact of his

own existence. Indeed, if the Swedish Academy had wished to

award the Nobel Prize to Borges, a reading of his story "Borges and
I" might have caused them to wonder how to find the right person.

It's to the other man, to Borges, that things happen. I walk

along the streets of Buenos Aires, stopping now and then
perhaps out of habit — to look at the arch of an old entrance-
way or a grillwork gate; of Borges I get news through the
mail and glimpse his name among a committee of profes-
sors or in a dictionary of biography. ... I live, I let myself
live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems, and
those tales and poems are my justification. ... I am fated
to become lost once and for all, and only some moment
18 Jorge Luis Borges

man. Little by little, I

of myself will survive in the other
have been surrendering everything to him, even though
I have evidence of his stubborn habit of falsification and


The story concludes with the line "Which of us is writing this page
I don't know." Many artists have undoubtedly felt that they express
themselves more fully in their work than in their everyday life. But
few have suggested that there is a war between the self that lives

from day to day and the self that creates the work of art. Few have
explored the feeling that life is a journey through a labyrinth, or
maze —a theme that occurs over and over in Borges's work —and
that every turning may reveal a mirror in which one will see an
unrecognizable image. Borges in many ways based his career as a
writer on just such a feeling.
Was he, then, at the age of 82, simply an old man depressed by
blindness, confused by the world aroimd him, and no longer inter-
ested in life? The Borges who wrote may have given the impression
that he must be. But the Borges who lived in Buenos Aires was an
entirely different person, still filled with ideas and youthful energy.
Willis Barnstone, a poet and professor of literature at Indiana
University, visited Borges in 1975 and had a memorable walk with
him through the streets of Buenos Aires:

The British destroyer HMS

Sheffield after being
struck by an Argentine mis-

sik during the 1982 Falk-

lands War Argentina's
attempt to seize the British-
held Falkland Islands
ended in a humiliating
defea t for A rgen tina.
Borges, who had previously
supported the govei~nm£nt,
condemned the war as
In Search of Borges 1

As the hours passed Borges seemed to be more and more

awake to every oddit)' in the streets, to the architecture
which his bUnd eyes somehow knew, to the few passersby. . .

At first I thought he might not know his way [back to his

apartment], for he stopped every few steps when he made
some important point and circled about as if we were lost.
But no, he wanted to talk about his sister Nora and their
childhood, about the black man he saw shot on the Brazil-
Uruguay border some forty years earlier, about his military
ancestors who fought in the civil wars of the nineteenth cen-
tury.Often his cane would hit against a hole or small ditch
in the broken pavement, and each small event offered him
the chance to pause, to stretch his cane and to extend his
arms and legs in the posture of an actor. ... By dawn we
reached his building.

The American writer Paul Theroux, visiting Buenos Aires a few

years later,had occasion to observe how Borges was regarded by his
fellow citizens: "The restaurant was full this Good Friday night, and
it was extremely noisy. But as soon as Borges entered, tapping his
cane, feeling his way through the tables he obviously knew well,
a hush fell upon the diners. Borges was recognized, and at his
entrance all talking and eating ceased. It was both a reverential and
curious silence, and it was maintained until Borges took his seat

and gave the waiter our order."

Theroux also found Borges to be a tireless companion, eager to
stay up late talking and having someone read to him. At these

moments, the Borges who lived and the Borges who wrote were
perhaps as close to being at peace with one another as they ever
could be. But for those who can only approach Borges through his
writing, there will always be an element of mystery about him. The
search for his identity is not unlike a tripthrough one of those
labyrinths that so fired his imagination. Wlien the going becomes
difficult, it may be helpful to remember Borges's words: "I believe
that in the idea of the labyrinth there is also hope, or salvation."
This (k'rman engraving depicts a scene from the early European explora-
tion of the New World — the arrest of Christopher Columbus in 1500 on
the island of Hispaniola. Columbus's discoveries paved the ivayfor the

Spanish settlement of Argentina in 1516, and Borges's ancestors were

among the first A rgen tines.


I orge Luis Borges was born in Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires,

on August 24, 1899. At the time of his birth, his parents lived in the
heart of the city, but shortly afterward the family moved to Palermo,
a rather shabby suburb on the northern outskirts. The very name
of this district — derived from the capital of Sicily, Italy— says a great
deal about Aigentina's society at the time of Borges's birth and
about the varied influences on his intellectual development.
Since its settlement by Spain in 1516, the population of Argen-
tinahad consisted largely of Spaniards, native Indians, and people
of mixed Spanish and Indian heritage, known as mestizos. By the
middle of the 19th century, mestizos accounted for more than
500,000 of Argentina's approximately 800,000 inhabitants. At this

point, the government decided that the future of the country

would be best secured if Europeans were to outnumber the mes-
tizos and thus become the ruling group. The government began

to encourage massive emigration from Europe, principally from

Italy and Spain: Italians and Spaniards made up four-fifths of the

22 Jorge Luis Borges

6 million immigrants who came to Argentina between 1844 and

1914.Thus the country in which Borges was born was rapidly
becoming a crossroads of New World and Old World cultures.
Borges himself, like many other Argentines, had a diverse an-
cestry. He could count among his forebears both the Portuguese
sailors who had been the first to discover the territory that be-
came Argentina and the Spanish conquistadores who settled the
country. (Borges is a name with Portuguese roots.) More specifical-

ly, he was descended from Juan de Garay, the man who founded the
seaport of Buenos Aires in 1 580; Hernando Arias de Saavedra, who
introduced into Argendna one of the nation's economic staples
cattle —and played a crucial role in the settling of the Rio de la Plata

region;and Jeronimo Luis de Cabrera y Garay, who became gover-

nor of Rio de la Plata in 1641. His later ancestors, with whom
Borges would chiefly identify, were equally important figures in
Argentine history. Francisco Narciso de Laprida presided over
the Congress of Tucuman, which in 1816 declared Argentina's
independence from Spain, and Colonel Isidoro Suarez fought in
the war of independence. Isidoro de Acevedo Laprida fought in the
civil war against Juan Manuel de Rosas, Argentina's legendary

19th-century tyrant, and Justo Jose de Urquiza aided in the final

defeat of Rosas in 1852. The home of Borges's maternal grand-
father, Isidoro de Acevedo Laprida, in which Borges was born, was
almost a family museum. The house was filled with swords that had
been used in the wars of liberation, carefully preserved uniforms,
and velvet-framed photographs of heroic freedom fighters. The
images of his ancestors and the tales of their exploits remained with
Borges always: The question of physical bravery and the clash
between the violence of the Argentine frontier and the European
culture of the cides are themes to which he returned again and
again in his stories.

Equally important to Borges's literary background was the fig-

ure of his grandmother, Fanny Haslam de Borges, who had been

born in Staffordshire, England. As a young woman, Fanny Haslam
Colonels Isidore Sudrez

(left) and Francisco Borges

rvere amongJorge Luis
Borges 's heroic forebears.
Borges was horn in a
house filled with military
souvenirs, and although
he was destined to live by

the pen rather than by the

sivord, the theme ofper-

sonal bravery appears
often in his writing.

came to Argentina to live with her eldest who had married


Jorge Suarez, an Italian -Jewish engineer who introduced horse-

drawn tram cars to Argentina during the 19th century. In about
1870, Haslam married Francisco Borges, a colonel in the Argentine
army. They settled in Argentina's frontier provinces, where Colonel
Borges was killed at the age of 41 during one of Argentina's fre-
quent civil wars. Fanny Haslam de Borges ran a boardinghouse
after her husband's death and lived to the age of 90; in addition to
entertaining her grandson with tales of life on the frontier, she was
responsible for his knowledge of the English language and his early
enthusiasm for English literature. When Borges was a child, his
grandmother often read to him from English magazines and saw to
it that his early education was supervised by an English governess.
Miss Tink. The mixture of Spanish and English in the household
was so complete that for a long time the young Jorge called —

Georgie by the family did not even realize that they were separate
languages. As he explained to an interxdewer in 1973: "When I was
talking to my paternal grandmother I had to speak in a manner
that I afterward discovered was called English, and when I was
talking to my mother or her parents I had to talk a language that
turned out to be Spanish."
24 Jorge Luis Borges

Fanny Haslam de Borges had given birth to rv\'o sons before the
death of her husband. Her elder son became an officer in the

Argentine navy, and her younger son -Jorge Guillermo, Borges's
father —became a lawyer with a passion for poetry and philosophy.
Jorge Guillermo Borges had a powerful impact on his son's de-
velopment. Although a successful professional, he was hardly a
conventional man. The elder Borges considered himself an anar-
chist, one who believed that human beings could manage their
affairs without the need for governments, armies, police, or or-

ganized religion. "Once," Borges later wrote, "he told me that I

should take a good look at soldiers, uniforms, barracks, flags,

churches, priests, and butcher shops, since all these things were
about to disappear, and I could tell my children that I had actually
seen them. The prophecy has not yet come true, unfortunately."
hi addition to his work as a lawyer, the elder Borges taught
psychology —a new field of study at the beginning of the 20th
century — at the Normal School for Modern Languages in Buenos
Aires. At home, he taught his young son the basics of philosophy.
Using a chessboard, the elder Borges demonstrated the intriguing
puzzles posed by Zeno of Elea, a Greek philosopher who lived
during the 5th century B.C. Zeno delighted in standing truth on its

head by the strict use of logic. He argued, for example, that Achil-
les, the legendary Greek warrior, could never beat a tortoise in a
race if the tortoise had a head start. This was so because Achilles
first had to cover the distance between his own starting point and
the starting point of the tortoise. While Achilles was doing this, the
tortoise would also advance a certain distance. Then Achilles would
have to cover the added distance while the tortoise advanced again,
and this process would go on forever, so that Achilles could never
overtake the tortoise. In real life, of course, any average human can
beat a tortoise in a race; but as Borges's father enacted the contest
with two chess pieces, Zeno's argument could not be refuted. It was
proof young Georgie that the power of the human mind could
overcome everyday reality.
Palermo 25

Wien Barges was two years old, his family moved to this house in the Palermo dis-

trict of Buenos Aires. Borges later recalled that when the neighbors sat outside on
warm evenings, "the street was cozy and light and the empty houses loere like
lanterns in a row.

In addition to his love of philosophy, Jorge Guillermo Borges

had a passion for books. As Borges wrote in his "Autobiographical
Essay," published in 1970: "If I were asked to name the chief event
in my life, I should say my father's library. In fact, I sometimes think
I have never strayed outside that library. I can still picture it. It was
in a room of its own, with glass-fronted shelves, and must have
contained several thousand volumes." The first books Georgie read
were by British and American authors with a taste for mystery and
adventure — Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, H. G. Wells, Robert
Louis Stevenson. He also read English translations of the great
Spanish Don Quixote, as well as Grimm 5 Fairy Tales and The

Thousand and One Nights. In Spanish, he read about the outlaws of

the Argentine frontier and the exploits of his military ancestors.
26 Jorge Luis Borges

Like many young dreamed of being a military

boys, Georgie
hero, but the example of his father exerted more power over him
than the swords and uniforms displayed in the family home. Jorge
Guillermo Borges had published poems, stories, and a novel, but
before long his failing eyesight prevented him from enjoying a
full-fledged literary career. "From the time I was a boy," Borges
recalled, "... it was tacitly understood that I had to fulfill the
literary destiny that circumstances had denied my father. This was
something that was taken for granted (and such things are far more
important than things that are merely said). I was expected to be a
Borges later believed that he began writing at the age of six or
seven. His first efforts were understandably clumsy, but his father
never criticized them, preferring to let young Georgie correct his

Fanny Haslam, Borges English-


born grandmother, in a photograph

taken shortly before her marriage to

Colonel Francisco Borges. After her

husband was killed in battle,

Haslam stayed in Argentina and

raised her two sons. She maintain-
ed her English ways and instilled

in her grandson a great love of

the language.
Palermo 27

own mistakes. This technique was obviously the right one, because
when Georgie was nine years old, a Spanish translation of a story by
the British writer Oscar Wilde appeared in El Pats (The Nation), a
Buenos Aires newspaper. The translation was signed Jorge Borges,
and everyone naturally assumed that it had been done by Georgie's
father. In fact, it had been done by Georgie himself.

It may appear that Georgie became an adult long before his

time, but he did enjoy some childish pursuits. He had a passion for
the Buenos Aires zoo and was especially fascinated by the more
ferocious animals. As he told an interviewer during the early 1980s,
"I used to stop for a long time in front of the tiger's cage to see him

pacing back and forth. I liked his natural beauty, his black stripes
and his golden stripes. And now that I am blind, one single color
remains for me, and it is precisely the color of the tiger, the color
yellow." At times, Georgie became so engrossed in the tiger and the
other animals that his mother could only get him to leave by
threatening to take away all his books.
Even at home, when Georgie played with his sister, Norah, two
years younger than he, their games had a literary quality. According
to an account published by Alicia Jurado in 1964, based on an
interview with Norah, "He liked to reenact with her scenes taken
from books: he was a prince and she the qvieen, his mother;
standing on a staircase, they leaned over to hear the acclamations
of an imaginary multitude; or they traveled to the moon in a missile
made by folding a red silk Chinese screen, embroidered with gold-
en birds and flowers, into which they tumbled after sliding down
the banister of the staircase. Sometimes, they traveled dangerously
on the flat roofs, searching for a room where they'd never been."
Another world that Borges came to know early in life was the
neighboring country of Uruguay, which shared a great deal of
history with Argentina. Georgie's mother was part Uruguayan, and
her cousin Francisco Haedo owned a villa on the outskirts of the
capital city', Montevideo, in a rural village called Paso Molino. In the
summertime, the Borgeses often made the 12-hour ferry trip across
28 Jorge Luis Borges

the wide, muddy Rio de la Plata and paid an extended visit to the
Haedos. Georgie and Norah allowed their cousin Esther Haedo,
who had also been educated by an English governess, to join in
their games. Often the children went to an old wooden lookout
tower on the Haedo property; there the two girls defended Georgie
against an imaginary enemy who was out to murder him. The game
became so real to them that one day when they were in the house
taking a nap, they were terrified by the reflection of the imaginary
murderer in a wardrobe mirror. Mirrors retained a lifelong fascina-
tion for Borges and figured in many of his stories; the image of two
mirrors endlessly reflecting each other became for him a symbol of
the mystery of the universe.
The Haedos
also owned a ranch near Fray Bentos, on the
Uruguay and the family spent part of the summer there.
Borges learned to swim in the swift, treacherous currents of the
Uruguay, becoming an unusually strong swimmer in an age in
which swimming was not a common pursuit. (Wlien he asked some

and his younger

sister, Norah, at the
Buenos Aires zoo in 1908.
Although Borges preferred
reading to all other ac-

tivities, he was fascinated

by wild animals. Often,

his mother could get him

to leave the zoo only by
threatening to take away
his books.
Palermo 29

cowboys if they knew how to swim, they replied scornfully, "Water is

for cattle.") He also discovered for himself the pampas, the South
American where his English grandmother had spent most of
her married Here Georgie gathered impressions and legends

that would later be shaped into stories of battles, duels, and des-
perate crimes. One of his most memorable tales, "The Story of the
Warrior and the Captive," drew directly on his grandmother's
encounter with an Englishwoman who had lived among the In-
dians for 15 years: "Perhaps the two women felt for an instant as if

A group ofgauchos, Argentine cowboys, herd sheep on the pampas, the vast plains of
Argentina. The gauchos were known for theirindependent spirit and their love of
knife fighting; the legends of their exploits made a deep impression on the young

Borges and later inspired some of his best stories.

30 Jorge Luis Borges

they were sisters, here in this incredible land far from their own
beloved island. My grandmother said something; the other an-
swered with difficulty, searching for the words and repeating them
as if astonished by an ancient
savor. She said that she was from
. . .

Yorkshire, that her parentshad emigrated to Buenos Aires, that she

had lost them in an Indian raid, that the Indians had carried her
off, and that now she was the wife of a chieftain to whom she had

already given two sons and who was very brave." Borges's grand-
mother urged the woman to stay in the settlements and promised
to bring her children to her, but the woman disappeared:

Nevertheless, they saw each other once more. My grand-

mother had gone out hunting; on a ranch, near the sheep-
dip, aman was cutting the throat of a sheep. As if in a
dream, the Indian woman came by on a horse. She threw
herself to the ground and drank the warm blood. I don't
know whether she did this because she could no longer
act differently or as a challenge and a sign.

Georgie's carefree life took a sharp turn in 1908, when he

began to attend a state-run school. Previously, his parents had kept
him out of school because they feared he would catch a deadly
childhood disease. In addition, his father distrusted all government
enterprises and disliked the religious instruction that was so much
a part of public educadon. However, there were limits to how much
Georgie could learn from Mfss Tink, and at the age of nine, he
ventured out into the wider world of classrooms and classmates.
School was not a happy experience. Georgie had to wear glasses
because of his poor eyesight, and his classmates taunted him. In
addidon, he dressed in the English style, wearing a short jacket and
high collar; this his background but
was natural for a child of
unusual Buenos Aires, where the cultural model was predomi-
nantly French and the British were often resented for their eco-
nomic domination of Argendna. As a result, Georgie often found
himself goaded into fights. He was not especially strong or skilled
Palermo 31

with his fists, but he always accepted a challenge. The code of the
duel had been bred into him by tales of his ancestors' exploits. He
could not allow himself to be seen as a coward. As a result, he
absorbed a number of beatings at the hands of his fellow students,
whom he remembered as "amateur hooligans."
Despite his unhappiness, Georgie did well at history, literature,
and philosophy. At the same time, he continued to learn from his
father athome. Not surprisingly, considering his experiences at
school, he shared his father's belief that English was superior to
Spanish and that Argentine culture was hopelessly backward. If

Georgie had simply stayed in Argentina, he might have held those

opinions for the rest of his life. But a sudden decision by his father
gave Georgie a new perspective of the world.
Jorge Luis Borges and his sisler, Norah (left, front), attended high school
in Geneva, Switzerland, from 1914 to 1918. The school required them to

karn French; Ckorgie had a difficult lime mastering the new language,
but Norah picked it up so well that she even dreamed in French.

The European

JLn the summer of 1914, Jorge Guillermo Borges decided to retire

from his legal practice and take his family to Europe. The immedi-
ate reason for this decision was his failing eyesight, the result of a
hereditary disorder that would eventually afflict his son as well.
Borges remembered his father saying, with perfect logic, "How on
earth can I sign my name to legal papers when I am unable to read
Once the decision was made to leave Argentina, preparations
for the journey took only 10 days. At that time, the borders of all

countries were open and travelers did not have to

to everyone,
worry about obtaining passports and visas. The Borgeses were not
wealthy, but in those days the Argentine peso was strong, and what
money they had would go a long way in Europe. As Emir Rodriguez
Monegal explains in his hook Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography:
"Those were the years when landowners in Argentina, made rich by
the meat and dairy products of their ranches, used to spend a great
part of their fortune in Europe; when European elegance was

34 Jorge Luis Borges

carefully copied on both banks of the River Plate; and when the
wealthy journeyed to Europe with their servants and sometimes
even with their favorite cows."
The Borgeses did not take any servants or cows with them
to Europe, but they did take Georgie's maternal grandmother,
Leonor Suarez de Acevedo. The plan was for Georgie and Norah to
Geneva, Switzerland, with their grandmother while their
stay in
parents took a tour of the Continent. After a few months, the family
would return to Argentina. There was only one hitch in this plan:
In August 1914, the nations of Europe became embroiled in the
First World War, which was to last until 1918.
The war took the Borgeses completely by surprise. From the
standpoint of the late 20th century, it may seem incredible that they
were unaware of the conflicts brewing between the Triple Entente
(England, France, and Russia) and the Central Powers (Germany
and Austria-Hungary) But Argentina was a long way from Europe,

and there was no television or radio to bring instant reports of

events in other parts of the world. There were books and news-
papers, to be sure, but Argentina at this time was a nation preoccu-
pied with its own affairs. In his "Autobiographical Essay," Borges
complains about the narrow focus of the school he attended in
Buenos Aires: "My father used to say that Argentine history had
taken the place of the catechism, so we were expected to worship
all things Argentine. We were taught Argentine history, for ex-
ample, before we were allowed any knowledge of the many lands
and many centuries that went into its making." In addition, there
had been no major military conflict in Europe since the Franco-
Prussian War of 1870; economic prosperity and the opening of
frontiers had convinced many others besides the Borgeses that the
world was entering a new era of harmony. That dream was shat-
tered in August 1914.
The elder Borgeses were in Germany when the war broke out.
They managed to fmd their way to Geneva, where they remained
for the duration of the war. Switzerland was a neutral country, so
The European 35

Barges 's parents, Jorge Guilkrmo Barges and Leonar Acevedo de Borges. Because of
up his law practice and take his fami-
failing eyesight, Borges 's father decided to give
ly to Europe. As her husband became increasingly blind, Leonar Borges gradually be-

came the mainstay of the family.

36 Jorge Luis Borges

the Borgeses were relatively safe, if somewhat isolated, within its

borders. The isolation was relieved somewhat when Fanny Haslam

de Borges, nearly 70 but still filled with the courage that had
impelled her to set out for Argentina as a young woman, decided
that she missed her family too much to stay in Buenos Aires.
Braving the German submarines that were prowling the Atlantic,
she sailed to Europe and rejoined the Borgeses in Geneva. In 1916,
a few of the Haedo cousins also made the journey. Georgie had
missed his grandmother, but Emir Rodriguez Monegal, after ex-
amining a photograph of him surrounded by nine female relatives,
wondered if the large-scale family reunion was not a mixed bless-

A German machine gu7i company in action dunng World War I. Borges parents

were in Germany when the war began in August 1914. They managed to rejoin their
children in neutral Sxintzerland, where they remained in safety until the war ended

in 1918.
The European 37

ing: "Even with his closest relatives he seems the odd man out, the
stranger. The difference is visible in the expression of the face, the
sadness of the eyes behind the thick glasses, and the terribly unhap
py mouth. It is also evident in the way he sits or stands, always so
clumsily, as if his body, growing too quickly and with a will of its own,
bothered him too much."
It is difficult to know whether Borges was happy or unhappy in

Geneva. The isolation and the damp, chilly climate were certainly a
shock to him after the sunshine and the wide-open spaces of
Argentina. Writing in 1927, he recalled: "I spent the war years in
Geneva; a no-exit time, tight, made of drizzle, which I'll always
remember with some hatred." However, after revisiting Geneva
during the 1980s, he wrote of it in a totally different spirit.

Of all the cities on theall the divine and intimate

planet, of
places which a manand merits in the course of his
seeks out
voyages, Geneva strikes me as the most propitious for happi-
ness. . Unlike other cities, Geneva is not emphatic. Paris
. .

does not ignore that it is Paris, decorous London knows that

it is London. But Geneva scarcely knows that it is Geneva.

In other words, Geneva did not impose itself on Georgie, it did not
dazzle him with its beauty or sweep him up in its rhythm. It gave
him a chance to grow and experiment, to develop the European
side of his heritage and sort out his feelings about Argentina.
The Borgeses' apartment was in the city's old quarter, near the
College Calvin, the high school where Georgie was to study for
four years. Before Georgie could enroll, however, he had to study
French with a private teacher and then at an academy, because
French was the language in which classes at the College Calvin were
conducted. This was Georgie's third language and the first to

give him difficulty. His sister, Norah, had an easier time, learning
French so well she even dreamed in it. "I remember my mother's
coming home one day," Borges later wrote, "and finding Norah
hidden behind a led plush curtain, crying out in fear, 'Une mouche,
38 Jorge Luis Borges

A vieiu of Geneva, with

Lake Geneva in the fore-

ground and the Alps

in the background. As a
teenager, Borges found the

city cold and dreary, but

in later years he ivrote:

''Of all the cities on the

planet, . . . Geneva strikes

me as the most propitious

for happiness.

une mouche!' ['A fly, a fly!'] It seems she had adopted the French
notion that flies come out of there,' my mother
are dangerous. 'You
told her, somewhat unpatriotically. 'You were born and bred among

Georgie began attending the College Cahdn in the fall of 1914.

Of the 40 or so students in his class, half were non-Swiss. The
principal subject was Latin, but Georgie also studied algebra, chem-
istry, physics, botany, and zoology. By the end of his first year,
despite the difficulty of studying every subject in French, a lan-
guage he had hardly mastered, Georgie managed to pass all his
exams —except the French examination itself. His classmates
with whom Georgie had become popular, a delightful and en-
couraging surprise after his depressing experience at the state

school in Buenos Aires —banded together and asked tlie head-

master to consider the unusual effort and progress Georgie had
made. The headmaster was moved by the request and advanced
Georgie to the next grade.
Not surprisingly, Georgie felt most powerfully drawn to the
students who came from abroad. His best friends at school were
The European 39

Simon and Maurice Abramowicz, both of Polish-Jewish

descent. Georgie taught them truco, an Argentine card game based
on shifting alhances between players, alliances created by subde
and mysterious signals. Truco was the only card game Georgie ever
liked— he described it as "a game whose real aim is to pass time with

mischief and verses" and his friends took to it so well that they
cleaned him out the very first time they played. Having grown up in
Europe, Jichlinski and Abramowicz were more sophisticated than
Georgie, both in the ways of European life and the range of their
reading. Among other things, they introduced him to the 19th-
century Symbolist poets of France, principally Paul Verlaine,
Arthur Rimbaud, and Stephane Mallarme. The Symbolists had
rejected the idea of trying to describe the world in realistic detail.
Instead, they wished to capture the inner life of human beings,
depicting ideas, emotions, and impressions with striking symbols.
They were not afraid of confusing the reader, because they believed
that truth was cloaked in mystery. This was a great departure from
the literattire Georgie had been used to, and the influence of the
Symbolist approach is clear in his later writing. It is also significant
that Jichlinskiand Abramowicz, who became a doctor and a lawyer,
respectively, remained Borges's friends for life. They never lost
touch with one another after Borges left Geneva, even though they
were not to meet again until the early 1970s. And when they were
reunited, Borges recalled, "We talked, we went on talking without
minding the fact that half a century had elapsed, about the same
things, the French Symbolists. It was a very fine experience. No
word was said about the interim."
Borges also continued his readings in English. Among the
British authorshe discovered at this time was Thomas Carlyle
(1795-1881), who pioneered a technique that Georgie was to use a
number of times later in his career. The idea was to avoid writing a
whole book to develop an idea that could really be expressed in just

a few pages. Why not just pretend that a book had already been
written and then write a short review of it? The idea could be
The College Calvin, where

Barges attended high

school. Barges was very
papular with his class-

mates; when he failed his

French examination at the

end of the first year, the

other students convinced

the headmaster to advance

him to the next i

explored, and then both reader and writer would be free to move
on. Of course, some readers would
there was always the danger that
be confused and go off looking for books that had never been
published. But as far as Carlyle and Georgie were concerned, that
only added to the charm of the work.
In 1918, Georgie's maternal grandmother, Leonor Suarez
de Acevedo, died, and the Borgeses moved east from Geneva to
Lugano, where they remained for a year. At this time, all of Europe
was suffering from a shortage of food as a result of the war, and
Georgie experienced hunger for the first time. But as he later
wrote, more pleasant memories of Lugano remained with him:
"One of them is a morning, not overly cold, in November 1918,
when my father and I read on a slate board in an almost deserted
plaza the chalk words announcing the surrender of the Central
Empires, that is: the desired peace. We returned to the hotel and
broke the good news (there was no radiotelephone as yet) and
drank toasts, not of champagne but of Italian red."
By 1919, life in Europe began to resume its normal pattern, and
the Borgeses were finally free to return home. Before doing so, they
decided to visit Spain. They took a train to Barcelona and con-
tinued on by boat to the beautiful island of Majorca, where Georgie
The European 4

impressed the natives with his ability as a swimmer. In the winter of

1919, the Borgeses moved to Seville in southwestern Spain, a city
with a great historical and literary tradition.

During the great age of exploration in the 15th and 16th

centuries, when mariners and conquistadores had sailed off to the
New World, Seville had been their base of operations. But it was not
the storied past of Seville that appealed to the 20-year-old Borges.
He was far more interested in meeting young people who shared
his passion for literature. He found this more difficult than he had

In Seville, I fell in with the literary group formed around

[the magazine] Grecia. This group, who called themselves
had set out to renew literature, a branch of the arts

about which they knew nothing whatever. ... It baffled my

Argentine mind to learn that they had no French and no
inkling at all that such a thing as English literature existed
.... As for Grecia itself, the editor, Isaac del Vando Villar,
had the whole corpus of his poetry written for him by one
or another of his assistants. I remember one of them telling

me one day, "I'm very busy Isaac is writing a poem."

Borges had much better luck when the family moved to

Madrid, the capital of Spain. There he met Rafael Cansinos-Assens,
a 36-year-old poet and scholar who spoke 11 languages. Cansinos
was an unusual man in many ways. According to Borges, Cansinos
had originally studied for the priesthood but changed his plans
when he read some historical documents that listed Cansinos as a
Jewish name. Cansinos immediately declared himself a Jew, began
to study Hebrew, and eventually underwent the Jewish rite of cir-

cumcision. This was a very extreme form of behavior in Spain, from

which both Jews and Muslims had been expelled in 1492. Ever
since then, Spaniards had been accustomed to boast of their pure
Spanish blood and staunch Catholicism. Cansinos's decision to
turn his back on this heritage was to be echoed in Borges's own
42 Jorge Luis Borges

actions during the 1930s, when he took a stand against the anti-
Jewish sentiments emerging in Europe and Argentina.
Borges found in Cansinos the role model he had been search-
ing for. Here was a man of genuine talent who was totally dedicated
to literature, caring nothing for money or fame. According to
Borges, Cansinos's entire house was a library; visitors had to thread
way through columns of books that rose from the floor and
reached all the way to the ceiling. Borges later wrote, "Cansinos

seemed to me as if he were all the past of that Evirope I was leaving

behind —something like the symbol of all culture, Western and
Cansinos was the leader of a group that gathered every Satur-
day night at Madrid's Cafe Colonial. At times as many as 20 or 30
people would show up, and they would stay up all night discussing
literature. They called themselves ultraists, another way of saying
that they meant to go as far as possible in finding new ways to

Stephane Mallarme (1842-98), a

leader of the French Symbolist move-

ment, which revolutionized modern

poetry. The Symbolists were a
favorite topic of discussion for
Borges and his schoolmates, and
Symbolist poetry had a lifelong

influence on his own writing.

The European 43

express their thoughts and feelings. {Ultra is the Latin word for
"beyond.") hi this attitude, they were very much in tune with young
people throughout the world who had lost all faith in their elders

during the war years, when millions of young men were slaughtered
on the batdefields of Europe. The staid, solemn forms that had
prevailed in both society and literature were gone for good. In
Russia, the Bolshevik party had seized power in the October Revo-
lution of 1917, founding a government that for the first time in
history claimed to draw its power solely from the workers and
peasants. Inspired by this upheaval, young writers refused to copy
the carefully worked ovit novels and poems of the prewar years,
when everything had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Instead,
they followed the French Symbolists and tried to mirror the life
within and around them, recording vivid, jagged impressions, often
putting things on paper without trying to make sense of them.
Borges, having been taught by his father to despise armies and

governments and having witnessed fortunately from a safe van-

tage point the horror and stupidity of war, was more than happy
to support the October Revolution and to call himself an ultraist.
With the inspiration of Cansinos and his followers, Borges
produced two books while in Spain. One was a collection of essays
on literature and politics, the other a collection of poems, a few of
which were published in the magazines Grecia and Ultra during
1920 and 1921. Looking back, Borges dismissed both books as
essentially worthless; he must have adopted that attitude soon after
writing them, because he destroyed both manuscripts before leav-
ing for Buenos Aires in March 1921. Despite his self-criticism, he
had made enormous strides during his years in Europe. First, he
had completely absorbed the European culture that was a major
part of his heritage. Equally important, he had ended his visit by
rediscovering the Spanish language, in which he was to write ex-
clusively for the rest of his life. Whether he knew it or not, at the age
of 21, Borges had already absorbed all the ingredients for the work
that was to bring him worldwide fame.
A view ofCongallo Street in downtown Buenos Aires, photogiuphed in
1924. (Mitchell's Book Store, a favorite of Borges's father, is in the left

foreground.) When Borges returned fom Europe, he found the capital

bustling with cultural activity.

Return of the Native

Wvhen he returned to Buenos Aires, the 21-year-old Borges saw

his native city with new eyes. The had grown physically, stretch-

ing out far to the west, and it had on a new sophistication

also taken
and vitality. Borges found the cultural life of Buenos Aires as
stimulating as that of any city in Europe. As soon as the family
setded in a house on Bulnes Street, near their old Palermo neigh-
borhood, Borges plunged into the exciting cafe circuit of the
capital. "I remember that in all the cafes there were intriguing
characters who created excitement and interest," he told an inter-
viewer in the 1980s.
The most fascinating character for Borges was Macedonio
Fernandez, a novelist who had been born in 1847, the same year as
Borges's father. Fernandez, a tiny man who sported a mustache and
a black bowler hat, inspired Borges the same way Rafael Cansinos-

46 Jorge Luis Borges

Assens had inspired him in Spain. He too presided over a literary

group that met on Saturday nights. Borges went through the week
impatiently, waiting for the moment when he could hear what
Fernandez would come up with. As Borges
would only open his mouth three or four times in an evening but —
everything he said was striking and original.
Fernandez was apparently even more offbeat than Cansinos.
Borges reports that among other things, he went to bed with all his
clothes on, wrapping a towel around his head to ward off drafts.
According to Borges's reminiscence, Fernandez also delighted in
confusing his friends:

Macedonio was fond of compiling small oral catalogs of

people of genius, and in one of them I was amazed to find
a very lovable lady of our acquaintance, Quica Gonzalez
Acha de Tomkinson Alvear. I stared at him open-mouthed.
I somehow did not think Quica ranked with Hume and

Schopenhauer [two of Borges's and Fernandez's favorite

philosophers] But Macedonio said, "Philosophers have had

to try and explain the universe, while Quica simply feels and
understands it." He would turn to her and ask, "Quica, what
is Being?" Quica would answer, "I don't know what you

mean, Macedonio." "You see," he would say to me, "she

understands so perfecdy that she cannot even grasp the
fact that we are puzzled."

If Borges was something of a shut-in during his earliest years, as

a young man he became a bundle of energy. He explored the

streets of Buenos Aires tirelessly, until there was no part of the city
he did not know. At the same dme, he plunged into literary acti\it\'
with a passion, appointing himself the champion of ultraism in
Argentina. He and several other young writers published a literary
magazine entitled Prisma (Prism). In fact, the magazine was pub-
lished as a single sheet the size of a poster. Each issue contained a
statement of the aims of ultraism, a group of poems, and a woodcut
by Norah Borges, who was on her way to a successful career as an
Return of the Native 47

in his tiuenlies. Shy and withdrawn during his boyhood, Borges showed a neio

self-confidence after his years in Europe. While working hard at his poetry, he joined
discussion groups and helped found a literary magazine. Prisma.
48 Jorge Luis Borges

artist.Each time a new issue was published, Borges and his friends
roamed the streets throughout the night, plastering their creations

to the walls of Buenos Aires.

Borges's father had always advised him not to rush into print,
but by 1923 he was ready to collect his poems into a 64-page book
entitled Fervor de Buenos Aires (Adoration of Buenos Aires) Accord- .

ing to Borges, the book "celebrated sunsets, solitary places, and

unfamiliar corners; it ventured into Berkeleyan metaphysics and
family history; it recorded early loves." In later years, Borges
believed that he had tried to cram too much into this small volume,
but he recognized that it contained all the major themes he was to
explore in later books.
Borges's father put up the money to cover the printing costs,
and 300 copies oi Fervor de Buenos Aires v^ere produced. Borges had
no notion of making money on the book and gave away most of the
copies to his friends. Perhaps out of modesty, he found a subde way
of distributing his work:

Having noticed that many people who went to the offices

of Nosotros one of the old, more solid literary magazines

of the time left their overcoats hanging in the cloak room,
I brought fifty or a hundred copies to Alfredo Bianchi, one

of the editors. Bianchi stared at me in amazement and said,

"Do you expect me to sell these books for you?" "No," I
answered. "Although I've written them, I'm not altogether
a lunatic. I thought I might ask you to slip some of these
books into the pockets of those coats hanging out there."
He generously did so. When I came back after a year's ab-
sence, I found that some of the inhabitants of the over-
coats had read my poems, and a few had even written
about them. As a matter of fact, in this way I got myself
a small reputation as a poet.

The year's absence was caused by a second family trip to

Europe, arranged so that the elder Borges could see his eye doctor
Return of the Native 49

in Geneva. Young Jorge was not eager to leave his literary life in

Buenos Aires or the young woman whose long hair had inspired
several of his poems. But his father had been supporting him, and
if he stayed behind, he would have had to find a job and thus give

up much of the time he devoted to writing.

Upon returning to his old haunts in Spain, Borges found that
the ultraist movement was dead. He also discovered that he himself
still had admirers in the literary community. He began to publish

poems in Revista de Occidente (Western Review), edited by the most

important thinker in Spain, Jose Ortega y Gasset. In the same
journal, Ramon Gomez de la Serna, one of the leading writers of
the day, published a review of Fervor de Buenos Aires in which he
affectionately recalled Borges's first visit to Spain and praised a
number of things in the poems. This was a great honor for a
young writer; although in his "Autobiographical Essay" Borges
downplayed the reception of his work in Spain, it must have given
him a great lift at the time.
Borges returned to Argentina in the middle of 1924. To his
dismay, the young woman he had been reluctant to part with had
cut her long hair, and she no longer inspired him. On a happier
note, the ultraist movement Borges had founded was flourishing in
Buenos Aires. The center of activity was a magazine called Martin
Fierro, named after the 19th-century epic poem byjose Hernandez

that celebrated the deeds of the gauchos, or Argentine cowboys.

Borges published a poem and a pair of articles in Martin Fierro, but
before long he found backing for a magazine of his own, Prow. All
in all, Borges produced seven books between 1921 and 1930. In
later years, he expressed little pride in this body of work, claiming
that he spent many years buying up old copies of these youthful
books and burning them. Nevertheless, this period of intense ac-
tivity established Borges as a force in Argentine literature and
allowed him to find his identity as a writer.
That come by. Borges was widely re-
identity was not easy to
spected as a leader of the new movements in Argentine literature.
50 Jorge Luis Borges

but he was also seen as something of an oddity, a delicate creature

who had been nurtured on foreign literature in a comfortable
home. This view of him became evident when the editors of Martin
Fierro decided, as a publicity stvmt, to make up a literary feud
between two groups of Argentine writers. They called the two

Actor Rudolph Valentino performs the tango in a 1921 film. Valentino made the
tango a respectable dance, but for Borges it zvas a symbol of the Buenos Aires under-
world, where it originated. During the 1 920s, Borges spent many hours exploring the
city's slums, in search of literary material.
Return of the Native 51

groups Florida and Boedo, after a pair of well-known neighbor-

hoods in Buenos Aires. Florida was a prosperous street filled with
theaters, cafes, bookshops, and art galleries; Boedo was a residen-
tial working-class quarter. Hence, the Florida writers were the ivory-
tower types, and the Boedo writers were closer to the people.
Without consulting him, the editors of Martin Fierro assigned
Borges to the Florida group. When he protested that he really
belonged with the Boedos, they told him it was too late to switch.
Although Borges later dismissed the entire episode as a "put-up
job" and a "sham," it clearly distressed him at the time.
Whether or not his fellow writers were aware of it, Borges was
doing everything possible to distance himself from the comfortable
world he belonged to by birth. He spent much of his time exploring
the Northside, a section of Buenos Aires frequented by underworld
characters. He became fascinated with the slang of the area, lunfar-
do, 2l dialect made up of Italian and Portuguese words, and with the
tango, a slow, sensual dance performed by hoodlums, which in a
cleaned-up form became popular throughout the world during the
1920s. Borges's model in this pursuit was the poet Evaristo Car-
riego. Carriego, who died of tuberculosis in 1912, had been a
neighbor of the Borgeses and the first Argentine writer to celebrate
the culture of the Northside. The young Borges had admired
Carriego and set out to follow in his footsteps. In later life, he
admitted to an interviewer that his experiences had perhaps been
a bit more tame than those of his idol.

Yes, [Carriego] personally met almost all the criminals

of his time. on the other hand, also met them, but only

when they were somewhat on the sidelines, when they

had already retired. I met the guapo [tough guy] Nicolas
Paredes, for example, when he was very old, and I became
a friend of his. The last time I visited him at his house, he
gave me a present —an orange. He lived in abject poverty,
and before I left, he said: "No one leavesmy house empty-
handed, Borges." And as he couldn't find anything else to
52 Jorge Luis Borges

give me, he gave me an orange, which I would have liked to

preserve forever.

Borges's mother took a dim view of her son's fascination with the
Northside, whose residents she considered "a bunch of bums." She
also believed that Carriego had been a bad influence on Borges.
When Borges wrote a book-length essay on Carriego in 1930, he
felt had to give his mother some excuse. He pointed out
that he
that the dead poet had, after all, been a neighbor. He was wasting
his breath. "If you are going to write a book about each of our
neighbors," his mother replied, '\ve are finished."
During this period, Leonor Acevedo de Borges began to
emerge as the mainstay of her family. The Borgeses had moved to
a sixth-floor apartment with spectacular views of midtown Buenos
Aires. They were in comfortable enough circumstances, but Jorge
Guillermo Borges was now completely blind and dependent on his
wife. Leonor Borges, who had always represented the purely Argen-
tine heritage of the family, now began to perfect her English so that
she could read her husband's favorite books to him. There were
also signs that she might eventually have to fulfill the same role for
her son: In 1927, Borges underwent an operation for cataracts, a
condition in which the lens of the eye becomes clouded. The
operation was successful, and Borges was able to carry on reading
and writing as before. But in the years to come he would need to
have seven more operations, in a futile attempt to preserve his

Apart from the difficulty with his eyes, Borges had little to
complain of. In 1929, his third collection of poetry and essays,
Cuademo San Martin (the brand name of the notebook in which
Borges wrote), was awarded the Second Municipal Prize, which
carried the substantial award of 3,000 pesos. Borges used part of the
money to purchase a secondhand set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica,
which was eventuallyto have more influence on his mature writing
Return of the Native 53

An ancient Egyptian labyrinth, as depicted in a 1 7th-century drawing. The

labyrinth, a maze with only one way out and many false turnings, fascinated Borges
throughout his life and played an increasingly important role in his writing.

than did his excursions into the skims. The money also gave him
more time to write without worrying about earning a living. At the
age of 30, Borges had yet to hold a full-time job.
Much of his energy was devoted to forming friendships that
were to last throughout his life. ("Friendship is, I think, the one
54 Jorge Luis Borges

redeeming Argentine passion," he later wrote.) In 1925, he met

Ocampo, an attractive, intelligent, and
Victoria forceful woman
who was nine years older than Borges. Ocampo, who had been
brought up by a French governess, had been so steeped in French
culture that she wrote her books in French and had them translated
into Spanish so that they could be published in Argentina. (In this
light, she could certainly sympathize with the deep influence of
English language and literature on Borges.) Upon meeting the
Borges family, she was immediately charmed by Jorge and Norah,
of whom she said, "They both, in their different ways, seemed to
walk a few inches above the earth we all tread on." Later on, as
editor of Sur (The South), perhaps the most influential literary
magazine in Latin America, Ocampo was to prove a great cham-
pion of Borges's writing.
Another of Borges's great friends was Alejandro Xul-Solar, a
poet, painter, and mystic. Xul-Solar, whose real name was Schultz,
was a charming eccentric in the vein of Macedonio Fernandez and
Rafael Cansinos-Assens. "I remember asking him on one particular-
ly sultry afternoon," Borges recalled, "about what he had done that

stifling day. His answer was 'Nothing whatever, except for founding

twelve religions after lunch.'" Borges also met a 17 year old named
Elsa Astete Millan and took a fancy to her. Millan, however, did not
return Borges's admiration and eventually married someone else.
According to Emir Rodriguez Monegal, this would not normally
have had any lasting effect on Borges: "In spite of his reputation as
an intellectual and a bookworm, Georgie was terribly susceptible to
beautiful young women. He was constandy though briefly falling
madly in love." This time, however, Borges did not forget the object
of his passion. Many years later, when Millan was a widow and
Borges a 67-year-old bachelor, he married her.
On the whole, the 1920s were an innocent and jovfiil time for
Borges, filled with experimentation and accomplishment much —
the same could be said for the world at large, which was enjoying
peace, prosperity, and rapid progress after the nightmare of the
Return of the Native 55

First World War. But new problems were on the horizon in the form
of a worldwide economic depression and, eventually, another world
war. In Argentina itself, the first came in 1930, when
sign of change
a military revolt overthrew thegovernment of President Hipolito
Irigoyen, ending 14 years of democracy and ushering in the "in-
famous decade" of the 1930s.
Hipolito Ingoyen (right), known as the Mole, served two tertns as presi-
dent of Argentina during the 191()s and 1920s. Borges both supported
and criticized Irigoyen at different times, but he preferred the Mole to the

military men who overthrew him.


The Infamous Decade

In 1853, following the overthrow of the brutal dictator General

Juan Manuel de Rosas, Argentina adopted a political system based
on that of the United States. Under a series of elected presidents,
the nation made great economic progress throughout the 19th
century, becoming one of the world's leading exporters of beef and
grain. But Argentina was unable to achieve the same political
stability enjoyed by North American counterpart. The upper

classes controlled the government and showed litde concern vydth

the plight of the poor; officials took graft and rigged elections; and
presidents usually picked their successors in order to ensure con-
servative rule. However, the adoption of the secret ballot in 1912
made it possible for Argendnes to hold honest elecdons, and in
1916 the people chose Hipolito Irigoyen as president.
Irigoyen, known as the Mole because of his reluctance to ap-
pear in public, concentrated on social reforms and educadon
during his first term as president (1916-22) and enjoyed wide
public support. Borges, though never deeply interested in politics.

58 Jorge Luis Borges

nevertheless found Irigoyen an appealing figure. In an article

written in 1925 — when Irigoyen, even though retired, was still

running the government from behind the scenes —Borges com-

pared him favorably to Rosas, the 19th-century dictator. Although
Borges recognized that both men shared a tendency to trample on
their opponents, he admired them for capturing the devotion of
the people and for conducting themselves in a restrained st)'le. This
was a curious point of view for Borges, whose ancestors had shed
their blood to rid the country of Rosas. Borges's biographer Emir
Rodriguez Monegal suggests that it may have been a declaration of
independence from his family, on whom he still relied for the
necessities of life. In other words, Borges was assuming a pose
rather than taking a stand.
Monegal's idea gains credence from the way Borges reacted
when Irigoyen tried to regain the presidency in 1928. Although
Borges spearheaded the Committee of Young Intellectuals to back
the former president, he made it clear that he was doing so because
he felt that Irigoyen's enemies would tamper with the votes and
cause his defeat. It would be both noble and romantic to stand up
for a lost cause. When Irigoyen surprised everyone by getting
elected after all, Borges began to criticize the regime harshly. As it

turned out, Irigoyen, nearing the age of 80, was unable to cope with
the problems facing the nation. When the military supplanted him,
Borges's reaction showed that he was, in the end, completely fed up
with politics: "Before ... we had stupidity but with it the noisy
opposition newspapers, the 'Long Live' and 'Death To' which
flourished on the walls, in tangos and milongas; now we have
Independence Under Martial Laiu, a fawning press, . . . and the estab-
lished myth that the former regime was cruel and tyrannical."
With one repressive government following another, the 1930s
proved to be tortuous years for Argentina. They were, however,
years of achievement for Borges. In 1932, he published a fourth
collection of essays, Discusion (Discussion). The book is especially
noteworthy because it marked Borges's first appearance in print as
The Infamous Decade 59

a film critic. He had been devoted to movies since the growth of

silent films during the early 20th century and had spent many
afi:ernoons in darkened theaters, perhaps at some cost to his fi"agile
eyesight, watching the flickering images on the silver screen. As a
critic, Borges proved to be a keen judge of talent. He was among
the first to appreciate the genius of Charlie Chaplin, the king of
silent-film later years he championed the work of
comedy. In
the American actor and director Orson Welles, particularly Citizen
Kane, released in 1941 and considered by many to be the greatest
of all American films. Even after he went blind during the 1950s,
Borges continued to attend the movies, listening to the dialogue
while a friend gave him occasional clues as to what was taking place
on the screen. He also collaborated on screenplays with Adolfo
Bioy Casares, an Argentine writer to whom he was introduced by
Victoria Ocampo when Borges was 30 and Bioy Casares was only 1

but already a published author.

Orson Welles, the actor

and film director, on the

set of his 1941 classic,

Citizen Kane. Borges,

an avid moviegoer and
a serious film critic,

was among the first to

appreciate Welles's
unusual gifts.
60 Jorge Luis Borges

Borges's growing importance as a writer was confirmed by

a roundtable discussion of his work in the magazine Megdfono
(Megaphone) in August 1933. Most of the participants were
Borges's age or younger, and their reactions tended to be t\'pically

passionate: They either loved Borges's writing or detested it. One

of the older panelists, the Spanish critic Amado Alonso, took a
more balanced view. Alonso appreciated Borges's intelligence and
sense of humor and understood that he had progressed from a
writer who simply wanted to create effects to a writer deeply con-
cerned with describing reality, as he saw it, in precise language. His
final judgment was "Borges is worth the trip."

As he was achieving this recognition, Borges was committing

himself to the form that would ultimately bring him worldwide
fame —the short story. Considering the briefness of many of his best
stories, many readers might conclude that he found them easy to
write. But according to Borges's own testimony, the need for clarit)'
in short stories, the necessity that they have a definite beginning,
middle, and end, made him fear at first that he was not up to the
task. He was only inspired to attempt his first true short story,
"Streetcorner Man," by the death of Nicolas Paredes, the aged
brawler who had so proudly given Borges an orange some years
before. "I wanted to record something of his voice, his anecdotes,
and his particular way of telling them," Borges later wrote. "I slaved
over my every page, sounding out each sentence and striving to
phraseit in his exact tones." Knowing from experience that his

mother disapproved of his writing about people she had called "a
bunch of bums," Borges wrote the story in secret over a period of
several months.
"Streetcorner Man" was published in the literary section of a
rather low grade daily newspaper called Critica, of which Borges was
the literary editor. Borges was so unsure of himself that he used a
pen name —Francisco Bustos, the name of one of his great-great-
grandfathers. As it turned oixt, the story became so populai' that
Borges was almost embarrassed by it. The populaiitv' is easy to
The Infamous Decade 61

understand. In racy, vivid language, the story relates an incident in

the Villa Santa Rita district of Buenos Aires. The scene is Julia's
dance hall, where the local toughs get together to drink rum and
dance the tango far into the night. On the night in question, the
party is disrupted by a group from the Northside. Their champion,
the Butcher, is seeking a knife fight with Rosendo Juarez, the local
hero: "Everyone knew that [Rosendo] had at least a couple of
killings to his credit. He usually wore a soft hat with a narrow brim
and tall crown, and it would sit in a cocky way on his long hair,

which he slicked straight back. Lady luck smiled on him, as they say,
and around Villa all of us who were younger used to ape him even —
as to how he spit."
But on this particular night, as the narrator (a young tough)
tells it, Rosendo disappoints his admirers. Challenged openly by

the Bvitcher, he takes the knife handed to him by La Lujanera, his


"One look at her could cause a man to lose sleep" and —
tosses it out the back window into the river. La Lujanera, disgusted
by Rosendo's refusal to fight, goes off with the Butcher, and Rosen-
do vanishes forever. The narrator describes the way he himself
wandered around in the dark, infuriated by the cowardice of the
man he had so admired and by the Butcher's unanswered insult to
the honor of the whole neighborhood.

I remained there looking at the things I'd seen all my life

the wide sky, the river flowing on blindly, a horse half
asleep, the dirt roads, the kilns —
and I began to realize that,
in the middle of the ragweed and the dump heaps and that
whole forsaken neighborhood, I had sprouted up no more
than a weed myself. With our big mouths and no guts, what
else would grow there but trash like us? Then I thought
no, that the worse the place the tougher it has to be.

After a while, the narrator goes back to Julia's, where the dancing
has resumed. Before long, the door opens; La Lujanera walks in,
and after her comes the Butcher, his chest cut open. As the Butcher
62 Jorge Luis Borges

This illustration shows

Sheriff Pat Garrett hus-
tling Billy the Kid and his

gang off to jail, an event

that took place in New
Mexico in 1881. In his
first book of stories, A
Universal History of In-
famy, Borges described the
exploits of Billy the Kid
and other notorious


bleeds to death on the dance floor, La Lujanera describes how

someone followed them into a field, challenged the Butcher to a
fight, and stabbed him. It was so dark she could not see who it was.
Suddenly, someone hears the police coming. Not wanting trouble,
the dancers quickly strip the Bvitcher's corpse of money andjewelry
and heave him out the window into the river. The narrator goes
home, and the last sentence of the story reveals what the reader
has previously only been able to guess: "I turned the blade over,
slowly. It was as good as new, innocent-looking, and there wasn't

the slightest trace of blood on it."

"Streetcorner Man," despite its success, was not the t\pe of
writing Borges wanted to pursue. He may well have been afraid of
becoming a popular writer of stories on the Buenos
daily life of
Aires; this kind of popularity, however enjoyable, would have made
it difficult for Borges to explore the more complicated ideas that
had always interested him. He had no intention of writing a sequel
to "Streetcorner Man." But he could never, throughout his life,
shake his fascination with the story's main themes honor, cour- —
age, cowardice, the code of the duel. In the summer of 1934, while
The Infamous Decade 63

visiting his cousin Esther Haedo at her ranch along the Brazil-
Uruguay border, Borges found the impetus to continue his story
writing. As he later told Professor Willis Barnstone:

I was rather bored, but I saw a man killed. I had never seen
that before. He was an old Uruguayan herd drover. He was
killed by a Negro with a revolver, who got two shots into
him, and he died. And I thought, wh^t a pity. And then I
thought no more about it. But afterwards, in the many years
that came after those ten days the place came back to
. . .

me, and I seem to be always recalling it. It is very strange. I

have traveled more or less all over the world. I have seen
great cities. .Yet I don't know why my mind goes back to
. .

that shabby little town on the Brazilian border and, when I

am writing, it seems to inspire me. And yet, at the time, it
was not especially interesting. The whole thing happened
in memory afterwards.

The first result of Borges's strangely delayed inspiration was a

volume entitled A Universal History ofInfamy, which marked the true
beginning of his career as a writer of stories. At first glance, the
might be considered a continuation of "Streetcorner Man"
because most of them chronicle the lives of infamous outlaws,
including Billy the Kid, the vicious gunfighter of the wild West;
Monk Eastman, an early-20th-century New York gangster; and the
Widow Ching, an 18th-centvuy Chinese pirate. But at the very
beginning of the first story, "The Dread Redeemer Uazarus Morell,"
Borges frees from the bare facts and lets it roam
his imagination
across centuries and continents: "The Mississippi is a broad-
bosomed river, an immense, dim brother of the Parana, the
Uruguay, the Amazon, and the Orinoco. It is a river of muddy
waters; each year, disgorged by it, over four hundred million tons of
silt profane the Gulf of Mexico. From time immemorial, so much
muck has built up a delta where gigantic swamp cypresses grow out
of the debris of a continent in perpetual dissolution, and where
labyrinths of mud and rushes and dead fish extend the bounds and
64 Jorge Luis Borges

the peace of this foul-smelling alluvial domain." hi story after story,

Borges weaves fact and fantasy to create a backdrop against which
every human gesture appears both greater and simpler than it
would in the everyday world. Reading A Universal History of Infamy,
it is easy to understand why later Latin American writers such as
Fuentes, Cortazar, and Garcia Marquez, praised for their mastery of
the technique known as magic realism, felt that they had learned
their craft from Borges.
At the time, however, Borges did not consider himself the
creator of a new trend in literature or the master of a future
generation of novelists. He was mainly concerned with making a
living. His newspaper jobs provided a scanty income, and he real-
ized that he had reached an age at which he should be helping his
parents rather than the other way arotmd. With a worldwide eco-
nomic depression in progress, the mid-1930s were not the best time
to be looking for work. After talking to a number of friends, Borges

An illustration for Dante's

Divine Comedy. Dante's

epic poem,


an imaginary
hell, purga-
heaven, was a
''^ i
constant inspiration to

Borges. He later called

Dante's work "the greatest

gift that liternture can
ff .^^ Vs

give us.

The Infamous Decade 65

found a $70-a-moiith job in a branch of the municipal library. The

branch, known as the Miguel Cane, was located in a drab neighbor-
hood in southwestern Buenos Aires. From Borges's description, it
is reasonable to guess that most of his fellow employees were
neither trained librarians nor genuine lovers of books (as Borges
obviously was) but rather a collection of people who had been lucky
enough to get on the city payroll:

/ There were some fifty of us doing what fifteen could easily

have done. My particular job, shared with fifteen or twenty
colleagues, was classifying and cataloging the library's hold-
ings, which until that time were uncataloged. The collec-
tion, however, was so small that we knew where to find the
books without the system, so the system, though laborious-
ly carried out, was never needed or used. The first day, I

worked honestly. On the next, some of my fellows took me

aside to say that I couldn't do this sort of thing because it

showed them up. "Besides," they argued, "as this cataloging

has been planned to give us some semblance of work, you'll
put us out of our jobs."

Borges adjusted to the system and consoled himself by reading the

three volumes of Dante's Divine Comedy during the long tram ride
back and forth to work. Dante's epic poem, written in Italian during
the early 14th century, describes the poet's imaginary journey
through purgatory, and heaven. As Borges later told a lecture

audience Buenos Aires, this wasjust the sort of reading to further


define his own purposes as a writer: "A contemporary novel re-

quires five or six hundred pages to make us know somebody, if it
ever does. For Dante a single moment is enough. In that moment
a person is defined forever. ... I have wanted to do the same in
many stories, and I have been admired for a discovery which
actually belongs to Dante in the Middle Ages: that of presenting a
moment as a cipher of a life."
Once he reached work, Borges found that he could finish off
his duties in an hour and then go down to the basement to con-
66 Jorge Luis Borges

The British novelist and essayist

Virginia Woolf, photographed dur-

ing the early 1930s. Nozv recog-

nized as one of the 20th century 's

great writers, Woolf was unknown

in Latin America until Borges
translated her work into Spanish.
He undertook the task to fill his

idle hours at the Miguel Cane


tinue his reading. On his days off, he pursued his interest in English
literature by translating works by the British author Virginia Woolf
and the American novelist William Faulkner. These writers, later

recognized as among the greatest of the 20th century, were un-

known in Latin America during the 1930s, and Borges deserves the
credit for introducing them to Spanish-speaking readers.
Borges's co-workers and superiors were completely ignorant of
his literary standing, but they were pleased enough with his work to
award him a minor promotion. His satisfaction in raising his in-
come was canceled, however, by the death of his father in February
1938. In his "Autobiographical Essay," Borges describes the event in
a single sentence: "He had undergone a long agony and was very
impatient for his death." As so often happens with Borges, the
sentence contains a great deal. It recaptures the character of the
The Infamous Decade 67

father — endurance, the

his mind up the
clarity of" his to last mo-
ment —and the son's awareness of how much he was
also losing. He
was, in fact, being left to carry on without the force that had shaped
his mind and given him the courage to pursue his vocation as a
writer. It is not surprising that later in the year, on Christmas Eve,
he entered upon a mental and physical crisis that reshaped the
course of his career.
Juan Peron, president of Argentina from 1946 to 1933, rides in a motor-
cade with his wife, Eva, in 1932. Barges paid a heavy price for speaking
out against Peron 's regitne: He lost his job and was even threatened with

Teller of Tales

An keeping with the air of mystery that often surrounds Borges,

there is no happened on Christmas Eve, 1938.
clear record of what
According to Borges's own up a stairway
account, he was running
and felt something graze his scalp: "I had brushed a freshly painted
casement window." How this would result in a dangerous cut is
unclear. In the story "The South," Borges provides a fictionalized
but more vivid description of the accident: "hi the obscurity, some-
thing brushed by his forehead: a bat, a bird? On the face of the
woman who opened him he saw horror engraved, and
the door to
the hand he wiped across his face came away red with blood."
Apparendy, a section of the window had swung back into the
stairwell, and Borges ran right into it, breaking the glass with his

head. A doctor stitched up the cut, which may have been con-
taminated by chemicals in the wet paint, but failed to disinfect it

properly. Borges contracted septicemia, an infection of the blood-

stream. After suffering for a week at home, he was rushed to the
hospital for an emergency operation, followed by a slow, agonizing

70 Jorge Luis Borges

recovery. He described the experience in "The South," a story he

considered as perhaps his best.

Fever wasted him and the pictures in The Thousand and One
Nights served to illustrate nightmares. Friends and relatives
paid him visits and, with exaggerated smiles, assured him
that they thought he looked fine. Dahlmann listened to
them with a kind of feeble stupor and he marveled at their
not knowing that he was in hell. A week, eight days passed,
and they were like eight centuries. ... He awoke [in the
hospital] with a feeling of nausea, covered with a bandage,
in a cell withsomething of a well about it; in the days and
nights which followed the operadon he came to realize that
he had merely been, up to then, in a suburb of hell. Ice in
his mouth did not leave the least trace of freshness. During
these days Dahlmann hated himself in minute detail: he
hated his identity, his bodily necessities, his humiliadon, the
beard which bristled upon his face. He stoically endured the
curative measures, which were painful, but when the sur-
geon told him he had been on the point of death from sep-
ticemia, Dahlmann dissolved in tears of self-pity for his fate.

In the story, Dahlmann is sent to a ranch in the south —gaucho

country — in order to recuperate. Upon arriving, he stops for a
meal in a general store. Some local toughs, half-drunk on wine,
decide to insult him, and he feels compelled to answer back. Before
he knows it, Dahlmann has been given a knife and has accepted a
challenge to fight, even though he knows he has litde chance. "As
he crossed the threshold, he felt that to die in a knife fight, under

the open and going forward to the attack, would have been a

liberation, a joy, and a festive occasion, on his first night in the

sanitorium, when they stuck him with the needle. He felt that if he
had been able to choose, then, or to dream his death, this would
have been the death he would have chosen or dreamt."
hi the story, there are clear echoes of Borges's experiences at
his first school, when he submitted to beatings rather than back
away from a fight. However, the ending of "The Soudi" is far more
Teller of Tales 71

romantic, and perhaps less frightening, than the reality of Borges's

recovery after being released from the hospital. He knew that he
would eventually recover his physical strength, but he feared that
his illness had destroyed his mental powers. When
his mother
offered to read to him, he put her off, terrified he would not
understand the words. When she finally read him a page or two and
he found that he did understand, he began to weep with joy.
The next question was, Could he still write? He was afraid to try
something easy, such as a review, because if he failed he would know
that he was a hopeless case. He decided to try something complete-
ly new; if he failed at that, there would always be hope that he could

A I9th-rentury illuslra-
lionforDon Quixote
\h(iu)s Cervantes's knight
in his library, surround-
ed by the imaginary
beings that populate his

favorite books. Borges's

1938 story about a
French author who tries

to re-create Don Quixote

began a new phase in his
72 Jorge Luis Borges

do simpler things. The result of this experiment was "Pierre


Menard, Author of Don Quixote," a story that many fans of Borges's

would choose as perhaps the most typical if not the best —
example of his mature work.
"Pierre Menard" is a brilliant mental exercise in which Borges
invents Menard, a French writer, as well as a whole catalog of his
writings. According to the narrator, a supposed friend of Menard's,
the author's greatest achievement was not his visible work but his
invisible work. This consisted of the word-for-word reproduction of
several portions of Don Quixote, the great 17th-century Spanish
novel by Miguel de Cervantes. According to the narrator, Menard
achieved this feat not by copying from the book but by imagining

that he was Cervantes. After quoting two identical passages one —

from Menard and one from Cervantes the narrator decides that
they are in fact quite different. For Cervantes, a 17th-century man,
to call history "the mother of truth" is quite natural; for Menard
to write this more than two centuries later, when philosophers
believed that historical events are subject to different interpreta-
tions, is truly astonishing. But Menard has really done a great thing;
by exposing himself to criticism, he has allowed the reader to
approach Don Quixote with new eyes. If other writers followed this

example, all of literature could be revitalized.

"Pierre Menard," simple in language but complicated in
thought, serious and funny at the same time, was a breakthrough
on many levels. Among other things, it suggested that reading is as
much of an art as is writing —an idea that was to have a powerful
influence on literary criticism during the 1970s and 1980s. But the
story did not entirely satisfy Borges. He called it a "halfwa\' house
between the essay and the true tale," and as he went on, he allowed
himself a wider range. After returning to work in the library, he
wrote an extraordinary piece entided "The Library of Babel," in
which the universe is described as an endless series of hexagonal,
or six-sided, galleries containing an endless number of books that
no one can understand.
Teller of Tales 73

When was proclaimed that the Library comprised all


books, thefirst impression was one of extravagant joy. All

men felt themselves lords of a secret, intact treasure. There

was no personal or universal problem whose eloquent solu-
tion did not exist — some hexagon. The universe was jus-
tified, expanded to the limitless
the universe suddenly
dimensions of hope. Thousands of covetous persons
. . .

abandoned their dear natal hexagons and crowded up the

stairs, urged on by the vain aim of finding their Vindication.

These pilgrims disputed in the narrow corridors, hurled

dark maledictions, strangled each other on the divine stair-
ways, flung the deceitful books to the bottom of the tunnels,
and died as they were thrown into space by men from re-
mote regions. Some went mad. . . .

The Vindications do exist. I have myself seen two of these

books, which were concerned with future people, people
who were perhaps not imaginary. But the searchers did not
remember that the calculable possibility of a man's finding
his own book, or some perfidious variation of his own book,
is next to zero.

In other words, the universe is another labyrinth, a series of endless

which we continually lose our way. This is the
reflecting mirrors, in
theme that Borges went on to explore, mixing humor, philosophy,
and drama, in story after story. In "The Circular Ruins," for ex-
ample, he tells the story of a wizard who, night after night over a
period of years, creates a living man in his dreams. At the end of
his labors, he submits to the fire that surrounds the ruins of the
temple where he has had his dreams: "He walked towards the sheets
of flame. They did not bite his flesh, they caressed him and flooded
him without heat or combustion. With relief, with humiliation, with
terror, he understood that he also was an illusion, that someone
else was dreaming him." The reader is left to understand that
whoever is dreaming of the wizard is himself being dreamed of by
a third person, and the third person by a fourth, and so on.
An astrologer's den, as de-

picted in an 1 8th-century
engraving, features a chart

of the heavens (on table)

and a globe (at left)

decorated with the signs of

the zodiac. Mystical sym-

bols and writings intrigued

Borges, and he used them
freely in such stories as
"Death and the Compass.

Although Borges now rarely wrote a story that lacked a philo-

sophical framework, he did not lose the storytelling gifts that had
marked his earlier tales of violence and adventure. "Death and the
Compass," for example, is an intriguing mystery story in which a
detective discovers that a series of three murders corresponds to
the tetragrammaton, the letters representing the name of God in
sacred Jewish writings. By tracing the pattern on a map, he is able
to predict where the fourth murder will occur, although, to the
surprise of the reader, he is unable to prevent it. In "The Garden of
the Forking Paths," a learned and mysterious Chinese spy, em-
ployed by the Germans during World War I, uses an unwitting
English scholar —who has solved a labyrinth devised by one of the
spy's ancestors— accomplish to mission. Borges was his thrilled
when Mystery Magazine, published in the United States, awarded
him a prize for "The Garden of the Forking Paths." "I felt proud,"
he recalled, "above all that they would take me seriously, a mere
writer from the Rio de la Plata."

When discussing his career, Borges was often guilty of excessive

modesty. But the truth is that even as he began to produce his best
Teller of Tales 75

work during the 1940s, he was not well known outside a small group
of Aigentine writers and intellectuals who enthusiastically read
his stories and articles in various Buenos Aires newspapers and

magazines. His co-workers at the library were unaware of his lit-

erary reputation; when one of them found an entry for the writer
Jorge Luis Borges in a reference book, he was amazed that this man
had both the same name and the same birthdate as the Borges who
worked at the library.
Borges thecitizen, on the other hand, was compelled to be

Throughout the 1930s, political conditions both in

highly visible.
Argentina and throughout the world grew progressively more dan-
gerous. In Europe, economic depression and the fear of a workers'
revolution contributed to the rise of Fascist regimes in Italy and
Germany. Benito Mussolini had become the ruler of Italy in 1926;
in Germany, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party had taken over the
government in 1933. Both men indulged themselves in dreams of

Fascist dictators Adolf

Hitler of Germany (left)

and Benito Mussolini of

Italy confer in 1 935.

Hitler and Mussolini

had many supporters in
Argentina, but Borges
was one of their fiercest
opponents. In his mag-
azine articles, he con-
demned and ridiculed

Fascist myths of racial

76 Jorge Luis Borges

national glory, despised democracy, and crushed their opponents

with ruthless brutality. Due to the violent nature of Argentine
politics and the large number of Italian immigrants in the country,
Mussolini in particular had a large following in Argentina. There
were also many German sympathizers in the army, which had been
trained by German officers in past years. The situation was further
complicated in 1936, when a civil war broke out in Spain, pitting
the army and the Catholic church against the liberal government
and its left-wing supporters. Many of the Spanish immigrants to
Argentina were conservative and religious, and they strongly sup-
ported the rebellion led by General Francisco Franco.
Argentina's writers and artists were forced to take sides on the
issues that were driving the world toward another catastrophic war.
Many of Borges's friends, such as Victoria Ocampo, proclaimed
their opposition to fascism. Borges himself, after his ill-fated sup-
port of President Irigoyen in 1928, had tried to avoid political
meetings and public manifestos. However, in the and re-

views he published in the magazine El Hogar (The Home), he

expressed his disgust with the antijewish campaign being waged by
the German Nazis —a campaign that would eventually result in
concentration camps and mass extermination. He was especially
scornful of the books being published in Germany, both those that
portrayed Jews in a negative light and those that showed the "true"
German as tall, muscular, blond, and blue eyed.
When some Argentine Fascists suggested that Borges himself
was Jewish, he responded with a humorous article entitled "I, a
Jew." Unlike his old friend Rafael Cansinos-Assens, however, he did
not actually proclaim himself a Jew but rather —
^which was perhaps
Cansinos's real intent —
proceeded to make fun of the people who
took such questions seriously. Borges began the article by admitting
that a certain Argentine historian had once identified Acevedo,
Borges's mother's name, as being of Portuguese-Jewish origin.
However, he claimed, his own family had carefully investigated the
subject and found no Jewish roots. Borges sadly concluded that he
Teller of Tales 77

might never know the truth about his ancestry. But he wondered
aloud why people were always hunting for descendants of one
ancient people and not the others: "Our inquisitors are seeking
Hebrews, never Phoenicians, Numidians, Scythians, Babylonians,
Huns, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Ethiopians, lUyrians, Paphlagonians,
Sarmatians, Medes, Ottomans, Berbers, Britons, Lybians, Cyclops,
and Lapiths. The nights of Alexandria, Babylon, Carthage, and
Memphis have never succeeded in engendering one single grand-
father; only the tribes of the bituminous Black Sea had that power."
When World War II broke out in September 1939, Borges made
it clear that his sympathies were with Britain and France in their
struggle with the Fascist powers Germany and Italy. A good portion
of the Argentine people felt the same way, but the army was increas-
ingly pro-Fascist. In 1943, deciding that Aigentina's civilian govern-
ment was becoming too pro-BriUsh, the army took control of the
country. The military men clamped down on the press and the
labor movement and arrested leading members of opposition par-

By 1945, even though the victory of the Allies in Europe was

assured, fascism still reigned in Argentina. The leading member of
the Argentine government was Colonel Juan Domingo Peron, who
continued to repress all opposition while cleverly introducing so-
cial reforms to increase his popularity.
The government had allowed Borges to continue at the Miguel
Cane Library throughout the war. But when Peron was elected

president in 1946 despite his Fascist beliefs and his brutality, his
reforms won him wide support among the Argentine workers
Borges found himself a marked man. Before long, he was informed
that he had been "promoted" from the library to the post of
inspector of chickens and rabbits in a public market. This was a
calculated insult for a writer of his stature, and Borges immediately
resigned his new post, leaving himself completely unemployed. His
friends and admirers quickly organized a banquet for him, at which
his public response to Peron was read: "Dictatorships foment sub-
A pro-Peron demonstration
in Buenos Aires, 1953.
(The banner reads, "We
Want Perdu. ") During the
Peron years, the political
and cultural atmosphere

of Buenos Aires disgusted

Borges. "He was like a
man skinned alive, " a
friend recalled.

servience, dictatorships foment cruelty; even more abominable is

the fact that they foment stupidity. ... To fight against those sad
monotonies is one of the many duties of writers."
Borges, who had tried so hard to stay out of politics, now found
himself the symbol of resistance to Peron. Fortunately, he was able
to make a living by teaching English literature and lecturing on

an astonishing variety of subjects poetry, philosophy, religion,
Chinese and Persian thought, Jewish mysticism. Borges, who had
always been shy and tended to stammer when speaking in public,
was at first sick with fear about giving lectures. But once he began
his series of talks, he fotmd that he enjoyed it. "I went from town to
town," he recalled, "staying overnight in hotels I'd never see again.
Sometimes my mother or a friend accompanied me. Not only did I
end up making far more money than at the library but I enjoyed
the work and felt that it justified me."
Emir Rodriguez Monegal, who knew Borges well during this
period, recalled that the reality was more difficult than Borges's
happy memory. He approached each lecture with painstaking care,
taking pages of notes and rehearsing vuitil he knew the enure
lecture by heart. Monegal is careful to point out that all this took
place "in the context of Peron's Aigentina. Buenos .-Xires was
. . .

then literally wallpapered with enormous posters of Peron and his

Teller of Tales 79

blonde wife, and each poster was covered with aggressive slogans."
Borges continued to walk the but the city he
streets with his friends,

had rediscovered in 1921 and had come to love no longer existed.

It must have galled him to see the walls on which he had once put

up posters filled with poetry and art now covered by vulgar tributes
to a brutal dictator. "While he walked," Monegal remembered,
"Borges' pain was visible in the bitterness of his speech and the
brusqueness of his gestures, rather than in the actual words he
used. He was like a man skinned alive."

The Peron regime was not always content to let Borges suffer in
this private manner. In September 1948, for example, Borges's

mother and sister were arrested for taking part in a political protest
in downtown Buenos Aires. The women involved were all sen-
tenced to a month in prison. Because of her advanced age, Leonor
Borges was allowed to serve her sentence by staying in the house for
a month, with a police guard at the door. But Norah, who now had
a family of her own, was put into a jail usually reserved for pros-
titutes, a move designed to humiliate her and break her spirit. The
police told Norah that if she wrote a letter of apology to the
dictator's wife, Eva Peron —a former radio performer who might
Juan Peron (center) visits

the offices of La Prensa,

Argentina 's leading
newspaper, which his
government took over in
order to stifle dissent.

Borges detested not only

Peron 's policies but also the
dictator's thirst for per-

sonal glory, evidenced by

the huge portraits of him
and his wife.
80 Jorge Luis Borges

have stepped out of an early Borges story —she would be set free.

Norah preferred to remain in jail. With typical spirit, she even

transformed her ordeal into a positive experience, drawing pic-

tures of the jail and the other inmates, whom she portrayed as
Borges later recalled the courage his mother showed when
the government sent someone to threaten the family even more

The fellow came and my mother answered the

late at night,
door. "I am going you and your son," said a voice, ap-
to kill
propriately harsh and professionally malevolent. "Why?"
asked my mother. "Because I am a Peronist," added the un-
known man. Then my mother answered him: 'Well, if you
want to kill my son, it's very easy. He leaves home for his
office every morning you have to do is wait for
at eight; all
him. As for myself senor, I have turned eighty, and I advise
you to hurry up if you want to kill me, because I might very
well die on you beforehand."

The Borgeses were never bothered by this shady visitor again,

although a police agent often followed Borges around and took

notes at his lectures. (Borges eventually got to know this man, and
the agent admitted that he too detested Peron but wanted to keep
his job.) it all, Borges continued to write. One of his
best-known "The Aleph," dates from this period and could

be taken as a good summation of Borges's way of coping v\ith

the misery around him. In the story, a narrator named Borges
describes his relationship with an arrogant, second-rate poet
named Carlos Argentine Daneri. Borges was in love with Carlos
Argentino's cousin Beatriz, who has recendy died, and he \isits the
poet to keep in touch with her memory. Both Carlos Argendno and
his poetry depress the Borges of the storv, much the way Argentina
itself (and the cherished things that had died in it) depressed
Borges the author. The poet, however, needs to confide in Borges.
Teller of Tales 81

The owners of his house want to tear it down to put up a fancy shop,
and he is trying to fight them in court. He must keep the house,
he explains, because on the cellar stairs there is an Aleph, the point
at which all points converge and everything is revealed. Without
the knowledge that he draws from the Aleph, Carlos Argentino will
not be able to finish the great poem he is working on. He convinces
Borges to lie on the cellar floor in the dark and watch the stairs.
Borges agrees, and just as Carlos Argentino predicted, there is the
Aleph, a glowing spot in which Borges sees everything that has ever
existed, from all the mirrors in the world to the circulation of his
own blood. "I felt infinite veneration," the narrator declares, "in-
finite compassion." But when he goes upstairs, he takes his revenge
on Carlos Argentino by acting as though he has seen nothing. Take
my advice, he tells the poet, let them tear down the house, spend
some time in the country, it will be good for your nerves. After
Carlos Argentino has left Buenos Aires, Borges reads some scholar-
ly books and convinces himself that the Aleph in Carlos Argentino's

house was not even the real Aleph, which resides in a stone column
in a mosque in Egypt: "Did I see it when I saw all things, and have
I forgotten it? Our minds are porous with forgetfulness; I myself

am falsifying and losing, through the tragic erosion of the years,

the features of Beatriz."
"The Aleph" can be understood on many levels, and undoub-
tedly Borges did not intend it as a political statement. But it is

difficult not to see in it a vivid portrait of Borges during the Peron

years, surrounded by things he cannot tolerate, yet finding in the
midst of it all remarkable visions — and best of all, never giving those
he despises the satisfaction of knowing what he thinks and feels.

The story is a good illustration of the attitude toward life and

politics that Borges expressed to an interviewer in later years: "I

think I am physically a coward, but not mentally. I have never

pandered to power or to the mob. I think that I am a brave man in
the serious sense of the word."
Barges speaking to an audience in Madrid, Spain, in 1 963. After win-
ning the International Publishers Prize in 1961, Borges began to travel

for the first time since the 1920s. During his 1963 visit to Europe, he
was reunited with many of his old friends.

800,000 Books and


B,y 1955, Argentina had had enough ofjuan Peron. In September,

the army and navy rose up in revolt, and Peron had no choice but
to resign and flee the country. In his "Autobiographical Essay,"

Borges recalled the joyous occasion:

After a sleepless, anxious night, nearly the whole population

[ofBuenos Aires] came out into the streets, cheering the
revolution and shouting the name of Cordoba, where most
of the fighting had taken place. We were so carried away
that for some time we were quite unaware of the rain that
was soaking us to the bone. We were so happy that not a
single word was even uttered against the fallen dictator.

Argendna's new rulers were also military men, but they were
anxious to show the world that they were not abotit to follow in the

footsteps of Peron. One of their major concerns was to revitalize

84 Jorge Luis Borges

the cultural life of the nation. In accordance with this policy, they
named Borges director of the National Library.
Borges himself could have wished for nothing better than this

appointment, which erased all his humiliations during the previous

decade. He cherished the memory of visiting the library with his
father, noting that it was located in the only part of Buenos Aires
that had remained unchanged since the days of his childhood.
Whereas the elder Borges used to request books on philosophy,
young Georgie, too timid to approach the librarians, would simply
look through the encyclopedia. Now the books were, in a sense, all
his. There was only one thing to temper his joy: Borges could no
longer read the books. He was blind.
In keeping with his subtle approach to the world, Borges
referred to his affliction as a "modest" blindness. He pointed out,
in a 1977 lecture, that he was only completely blind in one eye. With
the other, he perceived a bluish green mist and was able to distin-
guish the color yellow, "the color of the tiger." He lamented the loss

Although Borges ivas

completely blind in one

eye, he could still make

out certain colors unth
the other To his delight,

he could still see yellow,

"the color of the tiger, an
animal he had loved ever
since his childhood visits

to the zoo.
800,000 Books and Darkness 85

of the color red

— "that color which shines in poetry, and which has
so many beautiful names in many languages" — but otherwise took
a wry and philosophical view of his situation. He noted that two of
the library's previous directors, Jose Marmol and Paul Groussac,
had also been blind, and he felt that there was a certain destiny in
the number 3: "I speak of God's splendid irony in granting me at
one time 800,000 books and darkness."
Despite his blindness, Borges tackled his new job with en-
thusiasm. He was determined to make the library a center of
culture again, just as it had been during his youth, when Groussac
was director. He made plans to reissue the library's official journal
and also organized a series of lectures. Emir Rodriguez Monegal,
invited to give one of the lectures, was amazed by Borges 's vitality

during a tour of the "He roams long corridors lined with


books; he quickly turns corners and gets into passages which are
truly invisible, mere cracks in the walls of books; he rushes down
winding staircases which abruptly end in the dark. There is almost
no light in the library's corridors and staircases. I try to follow him,
tripping, blinder and more handicapped than Borges because my
only guides are my eyes, hi the dark of the library Borges finds his
way with the precarious precision of a tightrope walker."
Borges was determined to make of his blindness a new ex-
perience rather than a misfortune. As he later told an interviewer,

Roberto Alifano, "A writer and, I believe, generally all persons
must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All
things have been given to us for a purpose." One of his first projects
was to recapture the English side of his heritage through the study
of Anglo-Saxon, the language spoken in England before the Nor-
man conquest in 1066. With the aid of his students at the Associa-
tion of English Culture, he delved into Anglo-Saxon literature:

And then we began to read, and we fell in love with two

words. And those two words were the Saxon words for Lon-
don and for Rome. London was called Lundenburgh. . . .

Rome was called, by the Anglo-Saxons, Romaburgh. We fell

86 Jorge Luis

Borges in the National

Library of Argentina, of
which he was appointed
director in 1935. Borges

tackled the job with great

enthusiasm; the library

had suffered during the

Peron years, and he was

determined to make it a
force in the cultural life

of Argentina.

in love with those two words, and we found a beautiful sen-

tence in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It said: Julius Caesar, or
Julius the Caesar, was the first Roman to seek out Britain.
Gaius lulius se Casere cerest Romana Brytenland gesohte. And
then we ran along a street called Peru in Buenos Aires,
shouting "lulius se Casere. ." And people stared at us.

We did not mind. We had found beauty!

As a writer, however, Borges was severely hampered b\' his

blindness. His immediate solution was to return to poetry. He

found that he could keep several lines of poetry in his head and
refine them mentally without having to see them on paper. Wlien
he was ready to set the words down, he could dictate them to an
assistant. Borges took courage from the knowledge that two of the

Ihe English poet John Millun

(1608-74) was already blind
when he wrote his epic poem
Paradise Lost. Milton 's example
encouraged Barges to return to

poetry after losing his own sight.

"All things have been given to us

for a purpose, said Borges.

world's greatest poets —

had been blind Homer, the ancient Greek,
and John Milton, the author of the 17th-century epic Paradise Lost.
"It is obviously easier to remember verse than prose," he wrote,

"and to remember regular verse forms rather than free ones. Reg-
ular verse is, so to speak, portable. One can walk down the street or
be riding the subway while composing or polishing a sonnet, for
rhyme and meter have mnemonic [memory-aiding] virtues."
Fortunately, he also had many people around him eager to
help. Borges was now a heroic figure to the young people of
Argentina, and he attracted a group of students and followers,
mostly women, who were always available to take dictation or read
to him. For his everyday activities, he was now completely reliant on
his mother, with whom he had lived since 1944 in a pleasant

apartment on Maipu Street in downtown Buenos Aires. Leonor

Borges was still a vibrant and energetic woman who looked a good
20 years younger than her age — people frequently took her to be
Borges's sister rather than his mother. Since the death of her
88 Jorge Luis Borges

husband, she had emerged more and more as a personaUty in her

own right and had begun to earn money by translating English
authors into Spanish. In addition to looking after Borges's basic
needs, she was always there to read to him and take dictation. She
had, whether she liked it or not, become so immersed in her son's
imaginary world that she even gave him the last line of one of his
"The Intruder," a rather grisly tale of two brothers who love

the same woman and resolve their rivalry by killing her. "Then
she asked me not to write any more of those blood-and-thunder
stories," Borges recalled. "She was sick and tired of them. But she
gave me and at that moment she became, in a sense, one
the words,
of the characters in the story, and she actually believed in it. She

said 'I know what he said' as though the thing had actually oc-
Borges began he himself was becoming a character
to feel that

in a Borges and he tried to describe this odd sensation in


"Borges and I." Accustomed to being known within a fairly tight

circle of writers and artists, he now found himself a national figure.

Between 1955 and 1960, five books appeared in Argentina on the

subject of Borges's work, and two of his stories were turned into
films. In 1956, he was granted an honorary doctorate by the Univer-

sity of Cuyo and was appointed professor of English and American

literature at the University of Buenos Aires. In the same year, he

won the National Prize of Literature. But who was getting all this
attention? Was it the Borges who had spent all those years living in
Buenos Aires or the Borges who had written the books? Borges the
writer was, of course, only one facet of Borges the man — but with
his gift for irony, Borges understood that for many people Borges
the writer, the pure mental force, was far more real than Borges the
man of flesh and blood.
At the time of "Borges and I," however, even Borges the writer
was litde known outside Latin America. That situation changed
dramatically in 1961 when Borges and Samuel Beckett, the Irish
novelist and pla)'wright, were joindy awarded the International
800,000 Books and Darkness 89

Publishers Prize (also known as the Formentor Prize). The prize

had been established in 1960 by a group of European and
American publishers who specialized in modern literature. The
recipients were entitled to a cash award of $10,000, which in
this case was split between Beckett and Borges. Emir Rodriguez

Monegal points out that Borges did not complain about getting
only $5,000: "For an obscure Argentine writer to be cited as one of
the indisputable masters of twentieth-century literature was distinc-
tion enough. At long last, after a career that covered almost four
decades, Borges had the fame he deserved."
Borges gave credit for his sudden fame to Nestor Ibarra and
Roger Callois, who had translated some of his stories into French
during the 1940s and had thus given European readers the chance
to discover Borges. Before then, he claimed, he was "practically
invisible." With the award of the International Publishers Prize,

Borges was visible everywhere. Ficciones, the 1944 collection that

included some of his best stories, appeared in six countries and was

Samuel Beckett, the Irish play-

wright and novelist, already

enjoyed a large folloiving when he

shared the 1961 International
Publishers Prize with Borges. By
contrast, Borges was almost un-
knoion outside Latin America; but
the prize brought him worldwide
recognition as a master of modern

90 Jorge Luis Borges

greeted with praise by readers and critics. It was a great moment not
only for Borges but for all of Latin America; no previous Latin
American writer had ever achieved such worldwide recognition.
Borges's reception in the United States was especially en-
thusiastic. In September 1961, the University of Texas invited
Borges to spend a semester in Austin as a visiting professor. He
accepted eagerly and traveled abroad for the first time since the
family trip to Geneva in 1923. The trip was a delightful experience
for Borges.

America . . . had taken on such mythic proportions in my

mind that I was sincerely amazed to find there such com-
monplace things as weeds, mud puddles, dirt roads, flies,
and stray dogs. Though at times we fell into homesickness,
I know now that my mother —
who accompanied me and —
I grew to love Texas. She, who always loathed football, even

rejoiced over our victory when the Longhorns defeated the

neighboring [Baylor University] Bears.

In 1963, Borges returned to Europe, visiting Spain, France,

Great Britain, and Switzerland. In a sense, he was reliving his past.

His old hero, Rafael Cansinos-Assens, was still living in Madrid; in

Geneva, he was reunited with his schoolmates Simon Jichlinski and
Maurice Abramowicz and resumed the had
literary discussions they
enjoyed during the dark days of the First World War. Once he
began traveling again, he found it difficult to stop. After visiting

several countries in Latin America, he returned to the United

States in 1967, Harvard University as a \isiting
spending a year at

professor of poetry. Emir Rodriguez Monegal caught up with Bor-

ges at a conference in Oklahoma and observed his effect on the
students and faculty to whom he spoke: "They were literally spaced
out by his words, by the incantatory way in which he delivered
them, by his blindness and almost uncanny face. It was difficult for

me to reconcile my many images of Borges — all based on an in-

timacy with his texts and a friendly, relaxed relationship with the
man —with this new Borges."
800,000 Books and Darkness 91

Monegal had a glimpse of yet another Borges in 1971, when

Columbia University invited Borges to New York to receive an
honorary degree and take part in a conference. At the time, a
group of Puerto Rican students were displeased with the univer-
sity's role as a landlord in the city's disadvantaged neighborhoods.
They chose the conference as an opportunity to stage a political
protest, and in the course of a heated discussion, one of the
students made some brash and insulting remarks to Borges. Ac-
cording to Monegal, Borges "became furious and, banging on the
table, challenged the student to settle matters outside. The student
must have been barely twenty. Borges (at seventy-two) was frail,

holding his cane in trembling hands. But he meant every word of

his chivalrous invitation."
Clearly, Borges was as deeply imbued as ever with the code
of bravery that had inspired his earliest stories. When he began
to produce more stories in collaboration with other writers
principally Norman Thomas di Giovanni, whom he had met during
his stay at Harvard, and his old friend Adolfo Bioy Casares —he
often returned to what his mother had called his blood-and-
thunder style. "The Meeting," written in 1969, is a chilling story of
two men who have an argument over cards at a classy Buenos Aires
party.They go outside to fight, using a pair of antique knives that
their hosthad preserved in a glass case. Although neither man has
ever been in a duel, they fight skillfully until one of them is killed,
whereupon the winner bursts into tears and begs for forgiveness.
Years later, the narrator tells this story to a retired police captain,
who recognizes the knives from their description: They once be-
longed to two famous knife fighters, long since dead. The narrator
is left with a chilling puzzle:

I beganto wonder whether it was Maneco Uriarte who

killed Duncan or whether in some uncanny way it could
have been the weapons, not the men, which fought. I still
remember how Uriarte's hand shook when he first gripped
his knife, and the same with Duncan, as though the knives
92 Jorge Luis Borges

were coming awake after a long sleep in the cabinet. Even

after their gauchos were dust, the knives —
the knives, not
their tools, the men —knew how to fight. And that night
they fought well.
Things longer than people; who knows whether these

knives will meet again, who knows whether the story ends

In "Pedro Salvadores," also written in 1969, Borges goes back to

1842, the time of the dictator Rosas. Salvadores, a Buenos Aires
gentleman, hides in his cellar to escape Rosas's thugs, who come to
the house looking for him. He stays in the cellar for nine years, until
the overthrow of the dictator. "Flabby, overweight, Salvadores was
the color of wax and could not speak above a low voice. He never
got back his confiscated lands; I think he died in povert)'. ... As with

so many things, the fate of Pedro Salvadores strikes us as a symbol

of something we are about to understand, but never quite do."

Adolfo Bioy Casares, a published

author at the age of 1 7, had been
a friend and admirer of Borges'
since the 1920s. After Borges'

blindness took hold, he and Bioy

began to collaborate on stories and
film scripts.
800,000 Books and Darkness 93

Borges was still trying to understand Aigentina, still hoping

that the past could be put to rest. He even wrote a sequel to his first

short story, "Stieetcorner Man." In the sequel, "Rosendo's Tale,"

Rosendo Juarez explains why he backed away from the Butcher's
challenge that night in Julia's dance hall: "In that big loudmouth I

saw myself, the same as in a mirror, and it made me feel ashamed.

I wasn't scared; maybe if I'd been scared I'd have fought with him.

... To make a clean break with that life, I took off for Uruguay,
where I foimd myself work as a teamster. Since coming back to
Buenos Aires I've settled around here. San Telmo always was a
respectable neighborhood."
As it turned out, Argentina's agony was not yet Nor were

the challenges Borges had to face in his search for meaning and
final peace.
receives an honorary degree from the University of Puerto Rico in

1981. After achieving his long-awaited recognition in 1961, Borges

garnered many additional honors and lectured at universities

throughout the world.


The Master

O,'n July 8, 1975, Leonor Acevedo de Borges died at the age of 99.
Upon reaching the age of 95, she had complained to her son,
"Goodness me, Georgie, I think I overdid it." After that, she had
prayed every night not to wake up in the morning. Now she was
free, and Borges was on his own.
Borges was to carry on in the apartment under the care of a
maid, but this was not the first time he had to get along without his
mother's company. In 1967, he married Elsa Astete Millan, whom
he had unsuccessfully pursued back in 1927. Her husband had died
in 1964, and Borges found that he still admired her after 40 years
of separation. Leonor Borges was not in favor of the match. Pre-
viously, she had discouraged Borges from getting too close to
another woman, Maria Esther Vazquez, who helped him with his
writing and often traveled with him when his mother did not feel
up to it. Leonor Borges felt that Vazquez was too young for her son,
that he needed an older woman who would be more patient about
looking after him in his old age, which was rapidly approaching.

96 Jorge Luis Borges

Millan was more suitable that respect— she was 57

in Borges's to
67 — but Leonor did not consider her suitable Borges had

apparently resented his mother's interference with his friendship

for Vazquez, and this time he decided to follow his own inclina-


Borges and his new wife rented a comfortable apartment near

the National Library, and for a time everything went smoothly.
Borges's mother eventually accepted the marriage, and he con-
tinued to visit her regularly. But in 1970, Borges and Millan filed for
divorce. Neither of them chose to discuss their differences, but
friends, such as Emir Rodriguez Monegal, believed that Millan's
inability to speak English was a major problem. Borges's English
was not merely flawless; because he had grown up speaking the
language and had also studied it with the diligence of a foreigner,
many of those he met on his trips to England and the United States
felt that he knew English even better than they did. Millan, on the

other hand, was unable to share Borges's passion for English and
was completely out of her element during visits to English-speaking
countries. A person who was keenly interested in the world

around must have found it very difficult to be left out when

her, she
Borges conversed for long hours with his British and American
friends. In more general terms, Millan and Borges had also lived
very different lives. She had grown accustomed to the give-and-take
of married life, whereas Borges had never really had to accom-
modate himself to living with another person as an equal partner.
According to Monegal, Borges later revealed that he had been
dismayed to learn that Millan never had dreams. Dreams were
extremely important to Borges. In a 1977 lecture, he admitted to
having constant nightmares about labyrinths and mirrors and dis-

cussed with obvious approval the idea that dreams are the source of
poetic inspiration. It would have been very difficult for him to share

his inner life with someone whose mind did not summon up vivid
images during the night.
The Master 97

Borges and his mother at

the University of Texas in

1961. This was Borges'

first trip to the United
States, which he con-
sidered "the fiiendliesl,

most forgiving, and most

generous nation I had
ever visited. "
He and his
mother even attended a
football game and
cheered for the Texas


Whatever the specific reasons, in 1970, Borges found himself

back in his familiar, simply furnished room in the Maipu Street
apartment. After his mother's death, he adjusted to a solitary life by
organizing study groups at his home, giving lectures, talking with
interviewers from all over the world, and taking part in literary
From 1967 through 1972, he had worked closely
events. with Nor-
man Thomas di Giovanni to edit and collect many of his stories; di

Giovanni had also acted as his agent in negotiations with publishers

in various countries. As a result of these efforts, Borges enjoyed a
comfortable income from the sale of his books and was able to live

exactly as he pleased. In his case, this meant the ability to travel the
world in spite of his blindness.
In 1976, Borges visited Japan as a guest of the Ministry of
Education. The Far East had long fascinated him; during the 1930s,
he had written a haunting story of loyalty and revenge entitled "The
98 Jorge Luis Borges

Insulting Master of Etiquette Kotsuke no Suke." In the story, he had

evoked the atmosphere of 18th-century Japan solely through the
power of his imagination. During his trip, he was able to under-
stand the character of the country through his sense of hearing:

Well, I attended a Kabuki play. It was a presentation of

traditional Japanese music and dance. At the beginning,
I confess, it seemed to me unbearable, especially the music,
in which one cannot make out any melody. But soon I . . .

started to get used to it, and finally I ended up attending

the complete festival, which lasted, I believe, six or seven
hours. During that time in the theater, one couldn't even
hear a fly. ... I am blind, and I remember that as I went in,
I exclaimed, "Goodness, we are the only ones here." "No,"

my companion answered, "the room is full, Senor Borges."

Nobody speaks loudly there. There may be a crowd, but
if one doesn't see, as in my case, he may think that he is

alone. Unquestionably, Japan is a civilized country; the

most civilized I've ever known.

It was no coincidence that Borges chose to visit Japan at this time

of his life. Among the students who attended the seminars at his

sits in his mother's

room, 9 years after her
death at the age of 99.
Borges had moved out of
the apartment when he got
married in 1967 but
returned after his 1970
divorce. Following his
mother's death, he relieved
his solitude by organizing

discussions and seminars

at home.
The Master 99

home was Maria Kodama, an Argentine of Japanese ancestry.

Having ended his association with Norman Thomas di Giovanni,
Borges was in need of someone to handle his correspondence, and
Kodama agreed to work part-time as his secretary. Before long, she
began to help him care for himself and soon became his com-
panion whenever he traveled.
In addition to being a pleasure in itself, travel also allowed
Borges to escape from the continual stress of Argentine politics. In

1972, Juan Peron had retvirned from a 17-year exile in Spain.

Peronism was still alive in Argentina, and Peron recaptured the
presidency in 1973. This time, Peron had no power to harm Borges,
who had become a folk hero in Argentina; his appearance in the
street caused people to stop and stare and and exclaim to one
another, "It's Borges!" According to Monegal, Borges's popularity
with the Argentine masses was second only to that of Carlos Gardel,
the legendary tango singer of the 1920s, whose recordings are like
the national anthem to many Argentines. Nevertheless, Borges
refused to serve a government headed by Peron and resigned as
director of the National Library. As it turned out, Peron's second
presidency was short-lived; he died in 1974, leaving the government
in the hands of his third wife, Isabel, who was overthrown by
another military coup in 1976.

Borges was severely tired of politics and resigned himself to

tolerating the generals. "I suppose they are a necessary evil for the
next 50 years or so," he was quoted as saying. He also remarked that
the new president, General Jorge Rafael Videla, was basically a
decent person. The government, eager to polish up its image,
wanted Borges on its side and played up his tolerant attitude.
However, Borges was certainly repelled whenit became clear that

the policeand government-sponsored death squads had killed

thousands of Argentines suspected of being Communists or ter-
rorists. Borges supported the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who
demanded the exposure and punishment of these crimes, and he
broke completely with the government over the disastrous Falk-
100 Jorge Luis Borges

Maria Kodama helped Borges

with his correspondence after his
mother's death and eventually
became his traveling companion.
Here she accompanies Borges in

Mexico City, which he visited in

1 981 to receive Mexico 's highest

literary prize from President Jose

Lopez Porlillo.

lands War of 1982. Nevertheless, his early association with the

generals upset many liberals and leftists. It is easy to see why he
frequently had the urge to leave Buenos Aires.
hi a lavishly illustrated book entided Atlas, published in 1984,
Borges recounted with the help of Maria Kodama their travels
throughout the world. There is an almost mythical element to the
text and photos: The man who, as the writer Borges, encompassed
the myths and literatures of all cultures now visits them as Borges
the everyday person. It is as though he has found a magic carpet to
take him to all the places he has summoned up in his dreams. He
visits Rome; the ancient Greek theater at Epidaurus; stone monu-

ments in Ireland; the great mosque of Istanbul; the canals of

Venice; the labyrinth of Crete; the pyramids of Eg\pt; a temple in
Japan. After dreaming of tigers all his life, he is finally able to touch
one (presumably tame): "This tiger is of flesh and blood, and I
The Master 101

arrived in its presence in a state of fearful felicity; its tongue licked

my face and its indifferent or loving claw lingered atop my head.
Unlike its precursors, this tiger was possessed of weight and odor."
In Napa Valley, California, he arises at dawn to fly in a balloon.

Space seemed unobstructed, and the unhurried wind,

which carried us along as on a slow river, caressed our
foreheads, our cheeks, the backs of our necks. I believe we
all felt the same felicity, a felicity almost physical. I say al-
most, for there is no happiness or pain which is solely physi-
cal; the past always interposes itself. . . . The excursion,
which must have lasted an hour and a half, was also a voyage
through the lost paradise that is the nineteenth century.

Searching the past, he visits the Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires.

He finds the graves of his military ancestors, the graves of his

Among the many travel adventures

Barges enjoyed during the 1 980s

was a balloon trip over the Napa
Valley wine region in California.
Although he could not enjoy the

scenery, Borges delighted in the feel

of the luind against his face and

the sensation of traveling back

through time.
1 02 Jorge Luis Borges

parents, but concludes that they are not really there any more than
he will be there. Like them, he will be "part of oblivion, the tenuous
substance of which the universe is made."
On October 28, 1986, Jorge Luis Borges died of liver cancer in
Geneva. After work had become celebrated throughout the

world, he had told an interviewer: "Through the years, a man

peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains,
bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, tools, stars, horses, and people.
Shortly before his death, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of
lines traces theimage of his own face."
Those who have entered the labyrinth in search of Borges are
unlikely ever to forget the image of his face.

Aug. 24, 1899 Born Jorge Luis Borges in Buenos Aires,


1908 Translates Oscar Wilde's short story "The

Happy Prince"

1914 Travels to Europe with his family; stranded in

Switzerland due to the outbreak of World War
I; attends high school at the College Calvin in

1920 Joins ultraist movement while in Spain

1921 Returns to Buenos Aires; introduces ultraism

to Argentina

1921-30 Begins an intense period of writing,

producing seven books; wins the Second
Municipal Prize for Cuaderno San Martin

1935 First short story collection, A Universal History

of Infamy, is published

1936 Borges translates Virginia Woolf s Room of

One's Ozun

1938 Father dies in February; Borges involved in a

Christmas Eve accident, resulting in a

104 Jorge Luis Borges

near-fatal illness; after recovery in 1939,

writes "Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote,"
which marks a breakthrough in his literary


1944 Publishes Ficciones, perhaps his best-known

collection of stories

1946 Juan Peron elected president of Argentina;

after criticizing government, Borges loses job
and is threatened with death; supports himself
by teaching and lecturing

1948 Mother and sister arrested for participation in

public demonstration against Peron regime

1955 Peron 's regime is ousted; Borges named

director of National Library

1956 Becomes blind; appointed professor of

English and American literature at the
University of Buenos Aires; receives the
National Prize of Literature

1961 Shares International Publishers Prize with

Samuel Beckett; accepts position as visiting
professor at the University of Texas

1962 Work appears in English translation for first


1963 Borges travels through Europe

1967 Spends a year at Harvard University as visiting

professor of poetry; marries Elsa Astete Millan

1970 Borges and Millan divorce

Chronology 1 05

1975 Borges's mother dies at the age of 99

1976 Borges visits Japan as a guest of the Ministry of


1982 Breaks with Argentine government over

Falklands War against Great Britain

1986 Dies of liver cancer in Geneva

Further Reading

Agheana, Ian T. The Meaning of Experience in the Prose ofJorge Luis Borges.
New York: Peter Lang, 1988.

Alazraki, Jaime. /org-fLM?5 Borges. New York: Columbia University Press,


Bell-Villada, Gene H. Borges and His Fiction: A Guide to His Mind and Art.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981.

Bloom, Harold, ed. Jorge Luis Borges. New York: Chelsea House, 1986.

Borges, Jorge Luis. The Aleph and Other Stories, 1933-1969. Edited and
translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni in collaboration with the
author. New York: Button, 1970.

. The Book of Sand. Translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni.

New York: Button, 1977.

. Borges: A Reader. Edited by Emir Rodriguez Monegal and

Alastair Read. New York: Button, 1981.

Further Reading 1 07

. Doctor Brodie's Report. Translated by Norman Thomas di

Giovanni. New York: Button, 1971.

-. Dreamtigers. Translated by Mildred Boyer and Harold Morland.

Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964.

. Ficciones. Edited by Anthony Kerrigan. New York: Grove Press,


. Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings. Edited by Donald A.

Yates and James E. Irby. New York: New Directions, 1964.

. Other Inquisitions, 1937-1952. Translated by Ruth L. C. Simms.

Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964.

. A Personal Anthology. Various translators. New York: Grove Press,


. Selected Poems, 1923-1967. Edited by Norman Thomas di

Giovanni. New York: Delacorte Press, 1972.

Burgin, Richard. Conversations ivith Jorge Luis Borges. New York: Holt,
Rinehart 8c Winston, 1969.

Cheselka, Paul. The Poetry and Poetics ofJorge Luis Borges. New York: Peter
Lang, 1987.

Cortinez, Carlos, ed. Borges the Poet. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas

Press, 1986.
1 08 Further Reading

DeGaravalde, Giovanna. /org-^ Luis Borges: Sources and Illumination.

London: Octagonal Press, 1978.

Dunham, Lowell, and Ivar Ivask. The Cardinal Points of Borges. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1971.

McMurray, George R.Jorge Luis Borges. New York: Ungar, 1980.

Monegal, Emir Rodriguez. /wg-^ Luis Borges: A Literary Biography. New

York: Paragon House, 1978.

Sorrentino, Fernando. Seven Conversations luith Jorge Luis Borges. Troy,

NYWhitson, 1981.

Sturrock, John. Paper Tigers: The Ideal Fictions ofJorge Luis Borges. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1978.

Abramowicz, Maurice, 39, 90 moves to Geneva with family,

Acevedo, Leonor Suarez de 33
(grandmother), 34, 40 moves to Madrid, 42
"Aleph, The,"80, 81 publishes first book of stories,
Allende, Isabel, 16 63
Allies, 77 returns to Buenos Aires, 45
Alonso, Amado, 60 wins first literary award, 52
Anglo-Saxon, 85 Borges, Leonor Acevedo de
Association of English Culture, 85 (mother),52, 79, 80, 87, 95
Atlantic Ocean, 16, 36 Borges, Norah (sister), 27, 28, 34,

Atlas, 100 37, 46, 54, 79, 80

Austria-Hungary, 34 "Borges and I," 17, 88
"Autobiographical Essay," 25, 34, Buenos Aires, University of, 88
49, 66, 83 Bulnes Street, 45
Barcelona, Spain, 40 Cabrera y Garay, Jeronimo Luis de,
Barnstone, Willis, 18, 63 22
Beckett, Samuel, 88 Cafe Colonial, 42
Boedo literary group, 51 Callois, Roger, 89
Bolsheviks, 43 Cansinos-Assens, Rafael, 41, 42, 43,
Borges, Fanny Haslam de 45, 54, 76, 90
(grandmother),22, 24, 36 Carlyle, Thomas, 39, 40
Borges, Francisco (grandfather) Carriego, Evaristo, 51, 52
23 Casares, Adolfo Bioy, 59, 91
Borges, Jorge Guillermo (father), Chaplin, Charlie, 59
24-26, 33, 52 Cien Anos de Soledad (Garcia
Borges, Jorge Luis Marquez), 15
becomes director of National "Circular Ruins, The," 73
Library, 84 Citizen Kane, 59
childhood, 22-31 College Calvin, 37, 38
joins ultraist movement, 42 Columbia University, 91

110 Jorge Luis Borges

Committee of Young Intellectuals, Hacdo, Francisco, 27

58 Harvard University, 90, 91
Congress of Tucuman, 22 Hebrew, 41
Conquistadores, 22 Hernandez, Jose, 49
Coiia/ar, Julio, 16, 64 Hitler, Adolf, 75
Cntiai, 60 Hogar, El, 76
Cuademo San Martin, 52 Homer, 87
Cuyo, University of, 88 "I, ajew," 76
"Death and the Compass," 74 Ibarra, Nestor, 89
Desaparecidos, los (the Disap- Indiana University, 18
peared Ones), 16 Indians, 21
Discusion,58 "Insulting Master of Etiquette
Divine Comedy (Dante), 65 Kotsuke no Suke, The," 98
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 25, 72 International Publishers Prize
"Dread Redeemer Lazarus Morell, (Formen tor Prize), 16, 89
The," 63 "Intruder, The," 88
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), 16 Irigoyen, Hipolito, 55, 57, 58, 76
Fascists, 75 Italy, 21,75, 77
Faulkner, William, 66 Japan, 97, 98
Fernandez, Macedonio, 45, 46, 54 Jichlinski, Simon, 39, 90
Fervor de Buenos Aires, 48, 49 Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography
Ficciones, 89 (Monegal), 33
Florida literary group, 51 Jurado, Alicia, 27
France, 34, 77, 90 Kodama, Maria, 99, 100
Franco, Francisco, 76 Laprida, Francisco Narciso de, 22
Franco-Prussian War, 34 Laprida, Isidoro de Acevedo, 22
Fray Bentos, Uruguay, 28 "Library of Babel, The," 72
Fuentes, Carlos, 16, 64 Lugano, Switzerland, 40
Garay,Juan de, 22 Lunfardo, 51
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, 15, 16, 64 Madrid, Spain, 41, 42, 90
Gardel, Carlos, 99 Maipix Street, 87, 97
"Garden of Forking Paths, The," 74 Majorca, Spain, 40
Gauchos, 49, 69 Mallarme, Stephane, 39
Geneva, Switzerland, 34, 36, 39, 40, Marmol,Jose, 85
49, 90, 102 Martin Fierro, 49-51
Germany, 34, 36, 75-77 "Meeting, The," (Borges), 91
Giovanni, Norman Thomas di, 91, Megdfono, 60
97,99 Mestizos, 21
Great Britain, 16, 34, 77, 85, 90, 96 Miguel Cane Library, 65, 77
Grma, 41,43 Millan, Elsa Astete, 54, 95, 96
Grimm's Fairy Tales, 25 Milton, John, 87
Groussac, Paul, 85 Monegal, Emir Rodriguez, 33, 34,
Haedo, Esther, 28, 63 54, 58, 78, 79, 85, 89-91, 96, 99
Index 111

Montevideo, Uruguay, 27 Serna, Ramon Gomez de la, 49

Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, 99 Seville, Spain, 41
Mussolini, Benito, 75, 76 Sicily, Italy, 21
Mystery Magazine, 74 "South, The," 69, 70
Napa Valley, California, 101 Spain, 21, 22, 40, 49, 76, 90, 99
National Library, 84, 96, 99 Staffordshire, England, 22
National Prize of Literature, 88 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 25
Nazis, 75, 76 Stockholm, Sweden, 15
Nobel 15,17
Prize, "Story of the Warrior and the
Normal School for Modern Lan- Captive, The," 29
guages, 24 "Streetcorner Man," 60, 62, 63, 93
Northside, 51, 61 Suarez, Isidoro, 22
Ocampo, Victoria, 54, 59, 76 Suarez, Jorge, 23
October Revolution, 43 Sur, 54
Oklahoma, 90 Swedish Academy, 15, 17
Ortega y Gasset, Jose, 49 Symbolist poets, 39, 43
Pais, El, 27 Tango, 51
Palermo, Argentina, 21, 45 Texas, Universityof, 90

Pampas, 29 Theroux, Paul, 19

Paradise Lost (Milton), 87 Thousand and One Nights, The, 25
Paso Molino, Uruguay, 27 Truco, 39
"Pedro Salvadores," 92 Twain, Mark, 25
Peron, Eva, 79 Ultra, 43
Peron.Juan, 16, 77-81, 83, 99 Ultraists, 42, 46, 49
"Pierre Menard, Author oi: Don United States, 57, 90, 96
Quixote," 72 Universal History of Infamy, A, 63, 64
Poe, Edgar Allan, 25 Uruguay, 27
Portugal, 22 Vargas Llosa, Mario, 16
Prisma,46 Vasquez, Maria Esther, 95
Proa,49 Verlaine, Paul, 39
Recoleta Cemetery, 101 Videla, Jorge Rafael, 99
Revista de Occidente,49 Villa Santa Rita, Argentina, 61
Rimbaud, Arthur, 39 Welles, Orson, 59
Rio de la Plata, 22, 28, 34 Wells, H. G., 25
Rosas, Juan Manuel de, 22, 57, 58 Wilde, Oscar, 27
"Rosendo's Tale," 93 Woolf, Virginia, 66
Russia, 34, 43 World War I, 34, 55, 90
Saavedra, Hernando Arias de, 22 World War II, 77
Second Municipal Prize, 52 Xul-Solar, Alejandro, 54
Septicemia, 69 Zenoof Elea, 24
ADRIAN LENNON first studied Spanish at age five and was introduced to
the works of Borges when he was nine. A hfelong resident of New York's
Greenwich and the author of several
Village, a rabid sports enthusiast,
published mysteries, he is a devotee of Hispanic culture and history and
has previously written a biography of Hernan Cortes.

RODOLFO CARDONA is professor of Spanish and comparative literature

atBoston University. A renowned scholar, he has written many works of
criticism, including Ramon, a Study of Gomez de la Serna and His Works and
Vision del esperpento: Teoria y prdctica del esperpento en Valle-Incldn. Born in San
Jose, Costa Rica, he earned his B.A. and M.A. from Louisiana State
University and received a Ph.D. from the University of Washington. He has
taught at Case Western Reserve University, the University of Pittsburgh,
the University of Texas at Austin, the University of New Mexico, and
Harvard University.

JAMES COCKCROFT is currently a visiting professor of Latin American

and Caribbean studies at the State University of New York at Albany. A
three-time Fulbright scholar, he earned a Ph.D. from Stanford University
and has taught at the University of Massachusetts, the Universit)' of
Vermont, and the University of Connecticut. He is the author or coauthor
of numerous books on Latin American subjects, including Neighbors
in Turmoil: Latin America, The Hispanic Experience in the United States:
Contemporary Issues and Perspectives, and Outlaws in the Promised Land:
Mexican Immigrant Workers and America's Future.

AP/Wide World Photos: pp. 49, 74, 88; Frank Armstrong/University of
Texas at Austin: p. 13; The Bettmann Archive: pp. 28, 35, 37, 52, 58, 6L
63, 65, 70, 73, 86; Courtesy of the Jorge Luis Borges estate: p. 23, 24, 25,

27, 31, 34, 39, 46, 85, 9L 96; Theodore de Bry, America, L590, courtesy of
the Library of Congress: p. 19; Etienne Car vat, courtesy of the Library of
Congress: p. 41; Reuters/Bettmann Newsphotos: p. 16; UPI/Bettmann
Newsphotos: pp. 17, 43, 55, 67, 77, 78, 81, 83, 93, 97, 99, 100

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Hispanics of Achievement

Jorge Luis Borges

When an Argentine writer won the International Publishers Prize in
1961 , he became the first author from Latin America to achieve worldwide
fame. Since then, a whole generation of Latin American writers have
followed in his footsteps, and his influence has spread throughout the
Western world. Today no list of modern masters would be complete
without the name Jorge Luis Borges.
Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1899.
Deeply influenced by his father's love of books, he decided to be a writer
at the age of six. Borges attended high school in Switzerland during World
War I, studying poetry and absorbing European culture. When he
returned to Buenos Aires at the age of 21, he was ready to be a leader of
Argentina's young writers and artists.

Borges first made his name as a poet and critic but turned his talents
to fiction during the 1930s. In 1939, after a near-fatal illness, he began to

write short stories in a style that was all his own. Collected in 1944 under
the title Ficciones (Fictions), these stories achieved a literary breakthrough
with their magical blending of fact, fantasy, and philosophy. Borges's work
was so daring that almost 20 more years had to pass before his genius was
fully recognized.
Despite the loss of his eyesight during the 1950s, Borges served for 18
years as director of Argentina's National Library, and he went on writing,
teaching, and traveling the world until his death in 1986. The work he left
behind will endure as a tribute to the power of the human imagination.

HisPANic;s OF Ac.HiKVF.MF.NTj^ a tribute to, the richness and vitality of

Spanish and Latin A,mencan culture. Focusing on the lives and
achievements of prominent Hispanic men and women who througllout
history have made significant contributions to fields as diverse as art,

politics, literature, music, religion, theater, philosophy, and sports, the

series underscores t^e important role that Hispanic people have played in
the evolution of vy^rld culture. As Professor Rodolfo Cardona of Boston
University notes in his introduction to the series, each volume reveals, in
text and pictures, the importance of the Hispanic influence on civilized
society. The result is a fascinadng and inspiring collection of biographies
suited not only for young adults but for readers of all ages.

Chelsea House Publishers


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