Module 1-dbms
Module 1-dbms
Module 1-dbms
Module 1
Data means raw facts that can be recorded and have fixed meaning. We need
to store the data somewhere. Thus database is used
Definition of DBMS:
Advantages of DBMS
1. Controlling redundancy
2. Restricting unauthorized access
3. Providing persistent storage for program objects
4. Providing storage structure and search techniques for efficient query
5. Providing backup and recovery
6. Providing multiple user interfaces
7. Representing complex relationship among data
8. Enforcing integrity constraints
9. Permitting inferencing and action using rules
1. Controlling redundancy
Redundancy means storing the data multiple times in different location.
This leads to several problems
a. Duplication of effort
b. Storage space is wasted
c. Data may become inconsistent
Database users
There are 3 types of users
1. Database administrators
In a database environment, the primary resource is the database itself and
the secondary resource is the DBMS and related software’s. Administrating
these resources is the responsibility of the database administrator (DBA).
The DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database, co-
coordinating and monitoring it’s use, and acquiring software and
hardware resources etc
2. Database designers
Database designers are responsible for identifying the data to be stored in
the database. They are also responsible for choosing appropriate
structures to represent and store this data.
Database designers interact with the users and develop the requirements
to create and design the database
3. End users
End users are the people, whose jobs require access to the database for
querying, updating and generating reports. The database primarily exists
for their use.
Several types of end users
❖ Casual end users: They are occasionally access the database, but
they may need different information each time
❖ Native or parametric end users: They make up a sizable portion of
the database. Their job is to constantly querying and updating the
database. Their transactions are called canned transactions.
❖ Sophisticated end users: They include engineers, scientists, and
business analysts.They are using the DBMs in ordertoimplementtheir
own applications to meet their complex requirements
❖ Standalone end users: this category maintain personal databases by
using ready-made program packages
Data models
We can categorize the data model according to the types of concepts they used
to describe the datastructure
➢ It provides concepts that are close to the way many users perceive data.
➢ Conceptual data models use concepts such as entities,attributes and
• An entity represent a real world objects or concepts such as student,
employee etc
• An attribute represent some property that describe the entity such
as student-id, student name, age etc
• Relationship represents the association among two or more entities.
Example :study relationship between student and a department
Low level or physical data model
➢ It provides the concepts that describe the details of how data is stored on
the computer storage media such as magnetic disks.
➢ The concepts provide by this model are generally meant for computer
specialists not for end users
➢ It also specify the access path for the data
• An access path is a structure that makes the search for particular
database more efficient. Index file is an example of access path
The schema is sometime called the intension and a database state is called an
extension of the database
Schema Evolution
It is the ability of the database systems to respond to the changes in the real
Valid state
2. Conceptual Level
The conceptual level has a conceptual schema, which describes the
structure of the whole database for a community of users.
Data Independence
• The three schema architecture can be used to explain the concept of
data independence.
We may change the conceptual schema to expand the database [by adding
data item], to change constraints or to reduce the database [by removing the
data items]
Database Languages
It include
High level DML such as SQL can specify and retrieve many records in a single
DML statement. Therefore, they are called set-at-a-time or set-oriented DML’s
• Top part refers to the various users of database environment and their
• Lower part shows the storage of data and processing of transactions
➢ The DBA staff works on defining the database and making changes to its
definition using DDL. The DDL compiler process schema definitions
specified in the DDL and stores it in DBMS catalog
➢ Casual users occasionally need information from the database and they
are interacting with the database using interactive query interface. It is
a menu based or form based interaction.
The queries specified by the casual users are validated for correctness
of the query syntax, the name of the files and data elements and so on by
a query compiler. It compiles them into internal form. It is then used by
the query optimizer for possible re-arrangement and re-ordering of
operations, elimination of redundancies etc
From the stored database. It is also work with stored data manager which
uses basic operating system services for carrying out read/write operations
from the database. It also has concurrency control subsystem, backup and
recovery subsystem to co-ordinate the functions of DBMS