Rachmaninoff's Subdominant
Rachmaninoff's Subdominant
Rachmaninoff's Subdominant
Presented at the virtual meeting of the
South Central Society for Music Theory
February 2021
A summary of
progressions that
accompany the
Part 2: Rachmaninoff’s chord and the pairing of relative keys
(Piano reduction
by Bakulina)
Old Man’s Story
Final phrase.
“Ghost pivot”
Part 3: Rachmaninoff’s subdominant and background plagalism
Rachmaninoff. “O Stay My Love,”
This corresponds to
the song’s overall
structures for
Suggested plagal background
progressions. An alternative to
Schenker’s authentic background
Free Composition, fig. 16
Bakulina, Ellen. 2020. “Tonal Pairing in Two of Rachmaninoff’s Songs.” In Analytical Approaches
to Twentieth-Century Russian Music, edited by Inessa Bazayev and Christopher Segall.
New York: Routledge.
Burns, Lori Anne. 1995. Bach’s Modal Chorales. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press.
Berkov, Viktor. 1960. “Rakhmaninovskaia garmoniia.” (Rachmaninoff’s Harmony.) Sovetskaia
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Cohn, Richard. 2012. Audacious Euphony: Chromatic Harmony and The Triad’s Second Nature.
Oxford University Press.
Dubovsky, Iosif, Sergei Evseev, Igor Sposobin, and Vladimir Sokolov. 1987 (Reprint of the Fourth
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Kinderman, William, and Harald Krebs. 1996. The Second Practice of Nineteenth-Century
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Schenker, Heinrich. Free Composition: Volume III of new musical theories and fantasies.
Pendragon Press, 2001.
Swinden, Kevin. 2005. "When functions collide: aspects of plural function in chromatic
music." Music Theory Spectrum 27/2: 249-282.