Comm Skills I - Course Outline

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School of civil and Built Environment

Department of Architecture

Academic Year: 2022/2023
Year Group: II
Semester: I
Course Title: Communication Skills I (Sketching and Architectural Drawing Standards))
Course code: ARCH 2021
Instructors: Yared D, and TBA
Credit Hours 5ETCS (2L, 5Lab/W, 9HS)
Course Objective
This course aims at developing the skills needed for documenting designs using drawings and
for performing graphical analysis of two dimensional and three-dimensional problems.

The course has 3 components:
• Sketching: - Student will introduction to sketching and sketching media, sketching simple
of geometrical objects, plants, simple Compositions.
• Descriptive Geometry: - principles of projection, projection line, planes, solids, auxiliary
projections, orthographic projections, intersection of lines planes, solids and
development of surfaces.
• Architectural Drawing Standards: basic anthropometrics, ergonomics and introduction to
architectural symbols and drawing standards.
Semester Structure:
1. Course descriptions
2. Lectures series
3. Study and practice
4. Continuous assessments
5. Projects

Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System

• Sketching=30%, Descriptive geometry = 30%, Architectural drawings =40%

• Arch 101 - Andy Pressman Architectural techniques - Mike Lin
• Architects Sketches - Dialogue and Design, Kendra Schank, 2008
• Architectural Drafting: structure and environments.
• Architectural Graphics I- Solomon Kassa
• Architectural Graphics by Francis D. K. Ching
• Descriptive geometry by E. Kenison and H. C. Bradley (1920)
• Elements of descriptive geometry (1920)
• Engineering Graphics Fundamentals - Jenison.
• Engineering Design Graphics - James H Mearla.
• John Ruskin - The Elements of Drawing and Perspective, 1912
• Keith Styles - Working Drawings Handbook
• Perspective - basics - A Guide for Architects and Designers
• Rendering standards - Stephen Rich

Communication will be handled through the following meanness.

• Written paper instructions, guidelines, notices & verbal communications during class hours
• E-mails and telephone ([email protected], +251910887430)

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