Ahlborg (2015) - Incorporado
Ahlborg (2015) - Incorporado
Ahlborg (2015) - Incorporado
Energy Policy
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art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: How can differences in per capita household electricity consumption across African countries be un-
Received 17 April 2015 derstood? Based on theories that highlight the importance of democracy and institutional quality for
Received in revised form provision of public goods, the aim of the paper is to analyse the degree to which the level of per capita
1 September 2015
household electricity consumption in African countries can be attributed to the countries’ democratic
Accepted 1 September 2015
Available online 12 September 2015
status and their institutional quality. We rely on regression analysis employing a pooled data set for 44
African countries over the time period 1996–2009. The analysis shows that democracy and institutional
Keywords: quality both have significant positive effects on per capita household consumption of electricity. Our
Africa results have implications for how energy sector reforms are promoted in developing countries. At a more
Household electricity use
general level they illustrate that institution-building policy efforts are relevant also in areas where
contemporary debates have tended to primarily centre on economic development, financial prerequisites
Institutional quality
and ownership issues.
& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
0301-4215/& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
126 H. Ahlborg et al. / Energy Policy 87 (2015) 125–135
In many African countries, the demand for electricity generally investigating if this notion also applies to the case of electricity
exceeds supply (Eberhard et al., 2011). The continent is rich in provision to households in Africa.
unexploited energy resources, and increasing the generation and
availability of electricity is a political priority in most countries. In 1.2. Objectives and scope
the public debate, electricity is often portrayed as part of ‘mod-
ernity’ – the aspirations towards improved socioeconomic stan- Even if electricity is provided in one sense, i.e., through the
dards of living and political-economic equality (e.g., Ferguson, extension of the national grid, one also needs to assess whether
2006; Winther, 2008). Evidence shows that in areas where access the electricity actually becomes a “good” for the public in the sense
to electricity has been provided, there have been substantial so- that households can benefit from it. Therefore we go beyond
cietal benefits of long-term importance for social and economic previously studied issues, such as provision of infrastructure (as
development, including lightning, education, health, leisure and when measuring access to the grid), and even more closely, yet
security (e.g., Davis, 1998; Karekezi and Majoro, 2002; Kirubi et al., distant matters, such as residential share of electricity relative to
2009; Spalding-Fecher, 2005). industry (Brown and Mobarak, 2009). We do this by trying to
However, in spite of the above, especially sub-Saharan Africa is capture realized use of electricity.
lagging behind the rest of the world in regard to electricity pro- Thereby, our aim is to provide a statistical investigation of the
vision and use in the household sector. The countries in this region determinants of per capita household electricity consumption in
suffer both economically and socially from underdevelopment of African countries with a particular emphasis on the impacts of
the electric power sector, including insufficient generation capa- democratic government and high quality institutions (e.g., rule of
city, unreliability of existing power supplies, poor transmission law and control of corruption). As will be discussed in more detail
and distribution infrastructure and very low rates of access to the below, studying per capita household electricity consumption has
electricity grid (Eberhard et al., 2011; WB and IEA, 2015). In 2012, several advantages over alternative indicators of provision of
the access rate in sub-Saharan Africa was estimated at 35 per cent. electricity to households, including access rates (see Section 2.2).
During the period 2010–2012, the access expansion in this region This article contributes to a growing literature on electrification
only kept pace with population growth, and expansion mainly in developing countries (e.g., Min, 2008; Nanka-Bruce, 2010;
took place in urban areas whereas access rates actually fell in rural Onyeji et al., 2012). This research has pointed to a number of
areas (WB and IEA, 2015). Thus, even if the African continent is drivers and barriers to electrification, including oil production,
rich in energy sources, technical solutions exist and increased economic development, population density, as well as the risk of
electricity provision is much desired, this has not been enough to conflict and violence. These variables are therefore also included
result in a clear increase in electricity access and higher con- as controls in our regression analysis. While previous quantitative
sumption levels in the majority of African countries. There is a studies often have had to rely on cross-sectional data, the present
large literature that addresses the multitude of reasons – histor- analysis builds on data from 44 African countries over the time
ical, financial, political, social and technical – behind the energy period 1996–2009.
situation in various African countries (e.g., Eberhard et al., 2011;
Khennas, 2012; Sokona et al., 2012). Institutional aspects have
1.3. Household electrification and electricity consumption in Africa
received significant attention both in terms of country-specific and
regional institutional drivers and barriers to increased electricity
According to Eberhard et al. (2011:53), “(i)nstalled capacity will
access. The importance of “effective, accountable and inclusive
need to grow by more than 10 per cent annually (…) just to meet
institutions at all levels” is also emphasized in the SDGs Goal 16 on
Africa's suppressed demand, keep pace with projected economic
peaceful and inclusive societies (United Nations, 2015). We intend
growth, and provide additional capacity to support efforts to ex-
to complement the existing literature discussing institutional as-
pand electrification.” There are often barriers related to building
pects (e.g. Foley, 1992; Haanyika, 2006; Karekezi and Kimani,
and operating the infrastructure needed in both urban and rural
2002; WB, 2009) by approaching electrification in African coun-
areas, as well as barriers to electrification resulting in socio-eco-
tries as a case of public goods provision.
nomic development (for a review of these, see Ahlborg, 2012).
This implies that the benefits of providing access to affordable
Many African governments are constrained by the substantial
electricity via national grids are non-excludable and “non-riv-
costs involved in building large-scale electricity infrastructure and
alrous” (e.g., street lights, reliability, etc.) indicating a limited in-
contributions from official development assistance (ODA)1 to
centive for individuals or the private sector to contribute to their
public investment in the electric power sector have been far below
production (e.g., Abbott, 2001). The building of large-scale trans-
the levels needed to keep pace with economic growth and/or in
mission and distribution infrastructure is hugely expensive and a
order to expand public access (World Bank, 2009).
long-term investment, thus typically of little interest to commer-
Access rates reflect the degree to which the government makes
cial investors. Rural electrification is particularly expensive in
electricity infrastructure accessible to the public, but data on
places with difficult terrain, dispersed settlement and/or low po-
connection rates need to be complemented with aspects such as
pulation density. For these reasons, national electric utilities have
capacity, affordability, reliability, quality and safety (WB and IEA,
historically been reluctant to extend the electricity services to
2015: 30). In 2008, the entire generation capacity of sub-Saharan
rural areas. Affordable rural electrification has in most countries
countries amounted to 68 gigawatts (GW), which is no more than
been achieved through special national programmes and funding
that of Spain, and 60 per cent out of this was installed in South
arrangements, including the use of subsidies (Zomers, 2003).
Africa alone. Annual electricity generation is in turn comparatively
Hence, the undertaking of electrifying the entire population is
low for a number of reasons, including aging plants, lack of
primarily politically driven, posing high demands on both the
political and the administrative system. maintenance, and seasonal lack of water in dams. Many countries
Previous research suggests that democracy and institutional are also dependent on imported oil and diesel, a situation that
quality are key prerequisites for the active support of and the creates a vulnerability to high oil prices in the world market
provision of public goods (McGuire and Olson, 1996; Deacon, (World Bank, 2009).
2003; Lake and Baum, 2001; Acemoglu and Robinson, 2006; Boix
et al., 2003; Rothstein, 2011; Rothstein and Teorell, 2008; 1
ODA is a widely used indicator of international aid flow, coined by the Or-
Schmitter and Karl, 1991). In this article, we are interested in ganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
H. Ahlborg et al. / Energy Policy 87 (2015) 125–135 127
Fig. 1. Per capita household electricity consumption in African Countries, 1990 and Fig. 2. Per capita household electricity consumption (kWh): Selection of ten Afri-
2009. Source: United Nations (2013). can countries failing to provide increased household electricity access. Source:
United Nations (2013).
evaluation of political leaders, democracy can be hypothesized to rules facilitate economic and social interactions), and the presence
lead to more public good provision (McGuire and Olson, 1996; or absence of corruption, conventionally defined as the exercise of
Deacon, 2003; Lake and Baum, 2001). Moreover, generally de- public power for private gain (Gupta et al., 2000; Holmberg et al.,
mocracy can be expected to work in the interest of the majority 2009; Kaufmann and Kraay, 2002; Mauro, 1998; North, 1990; Nye,
(i.e., the rural population) since a larger portion of the citizenry is 1967).
included in the political process, whereas authoritarian regimes On the one hand, institutions can have direct effects on public
will frequently only see to a narrow elite (Bueno de Mequita et al., good provision (Barzel, 2002). On the other hand they can also
2003; Gandhi and Przeworski, 2006). Though primarily concerned have an indirect effect in that they influence the expectations that
with how the share of electricity consumption differs between the people have on the implementing agencies. In other words,
residential sector and the industry sector depending on regime trustworthy institutional systems, with a positive “history of play”
type, Brown and Mobarak (2009) nonetheless find certain support (Acemoglu and Robinson, 2006) can be expected to positively in-
for this argument. At least among the poorest countries in their fluence the ability of agencies to provide public goods, not least
data set (some of which are African), democratic governments through their impact on the ability to build consent regarding the
tend to increase the residential sector's share of electricity con- collection of taxes and other contributions.
sumption relative to industry's share, thus indicating a positive In line with this argument, the literature on rural electrification
relationship between democracy and provision of electricity to the in developing countries has identified poor organizational struc-
public. Following this line of literature, the first hypothesis to be tures and corruption as some of the barriers to successful elec-
tested is trification (e.g., Ahlborg and Hammar, 2014; Jones and Thompson,
1996; Karekezi and Majoro, 2002). In addition, earlier studies have
H1. : The more democratic a country is, the higher is per capita shown that political interference in public electric utilities impacts
household electricity consumption. negatively on their performance (Karekezi and Kimani, 2002; Zo-
Despite strong theoretical reasons to expect a positive effect of mers, 2003).
democratic institutions on public goods provision, some scholars What these findings suggest is that not only are investments
argue that democratic institutions are alone no guarantee for needed in improved generation capacity and expansion of large-
successful public good provision. The first reason is that elected scale grid infrastructure; investments in well-functioning and
leaders often work with short time horizons (Haggard, 1991; adequate institutional frameworks and organizations seem to be
Keefer, 2006) whereas public good provision – not least in the equally important prerequisites for effective electricity provision
form of investments in electric power infrastructure – is a long- at the household level. This is well in line with a growing literature
term undertaking (Min, 2008). Second, the discussion on the im- arguing that regardless of whether a country is democratic or not,
portance of democracy has a certain Western bias. The focus on the output-side of the governance system is crucial (Boix et al.,
accountability and incentive structures for political leaders tend to 2003; Rothstein, 2011; Rothstein and Teorell, 2008). Thus, ac-
cording to, for instance Rothstein (2011), the presence of corrup-
overlook situations where political leaders wish to provide public
tion and poor government effectiveness explains social perfor-
goods but are not able to do so. In African countries, democratic
mance rates, and thus not the level of democracy.
accountability may still be crucial for political leaders’ relative
Proceeding from the broad literature on the quality of institu-
interest in providing public goods, but it might not be all that
tions, the following hypothesis can be formulated:
relevant for their capacity to do so. This was highlighted by an
engineer working with rural electrification at the public utility in H2. : The higher institutional quality a country has, the higher is the
Tanzania (quote from interview by first author in 2010): “Political per capita household electricity consumption.
pressures you know. Like now in October it's the elections, so all
the politicians are running like hell [laughing]. They want elec- The strong focus on the potential roles of democracy and in-
tricity, there is no money but they want the people to hear that stitutional quality on the electrification of African countries re-
they are struggling and working.” This statement reflects that presents our main contribution to the existing empirical literature.
especially in times of elections, politicians may try to fulfil pro- Below we explain in more detail how these analytical concepts
mises to the electorate, even in cases when necessary financial have been operationalized in the quantitative analyses, along with
resources are not available. the other variables used.
Third, several studies also show how corruption and cliente-
listic practices (i.e., the exchange of goods and services for political 2.2. Statistical analysis: variable definitions and sources
support) can undermine governments’ performance also in cases
where democratic institutions are in place (Bratton and van de 2.2.1. Dependent variable
Walle, 1994, 1997; Chandra, 2004; Min, 2008). The importance of The dependent variable in our statistical analysis is annual
these types of factors should not be underestimated: “bad gov- household electricity consumption per capita (kWh per capita/
ernance” – characterized for example by corruption, patronage year). Data over household electricity consumption come from the
and favouritism – has been described as a “spectre haunting de- Energy Statistics Database provided by the United Nations Statis-
mocracy in the world today” (Diamond, 2007: 119). tics Division Database (United Nations, 2013). Using a per capita
Thus, the hypothesis on the importance of democracy must be measure – rather than measuring average consumption among the
complemented with other perspectives. In this paper we focus on electrified minority – has the advantage that we can compare
the importance of institutional quality for public goods provision. development patterns across countries of different population si-
With “institutions” we here refer to “the rules of the game” (e.g., zes. Moreover, we can also assess whether consumption levels
North, 1990), i.e., various external factors shaping and constraining have kept pace with population growth, a good indication of
human behaviour and learning including both legal rules and in- whether the government provides services of a certain quality,
formal codes of conduct (March and Olsen, 1989; Peters, 1999). reaches new parts of the population, and/or whether the popu-
Institutional characteristics that are expected to be important for lation with existing access increases its consumption over time.3
public service provision include everything from the quality of the
bureaucracy and the competence of civil servants, the extent to 3
It should also be noted that in our dependent variable will also account for
which there is effective “rule of law” (where fair and predictable any off-grid access to electricity using solar PV or other generation options in those
H. Ahlborg et al. / Energy Policy 87 (2015) 125–135 129
Bank's Worldwide Governance Indicators Rule of law and Control of that electrification is largely dependent on economic resources
corruption (Kaufmann et al., 2009). The Worldwide Governance (Zomers, 2001). We thus include an estimate of the countries’ GDP
Indicators are based on several hundred individual variables per capita. Data come from the World Bank's World Development
measuring perceptions of governance, and reflecting the views of a Indicators, and are also provided by the Quality of Government
diverse range of stakeholders. The individual measures are as- Institute (Teorell et al., 2011; World Bank, 2013a). Due to its
signed to categories capturing six dimensions of governance: skewed distribution, the natural logarithm of GDP per capita is
Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Vio- used in many other studies. However, in the African context,
lence/Terrorism, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, where the economies are very small in a global comparison, it is
Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption.6 The scores range from – not obvious that one should use the natural logarithm and by that
2.5 to 2.5, with higher scores corresponding to better outcomes.7 also expect a diminishing “utility” of GDP per capita. Because of
The dimensions that best fit with our theoretical notions about this, we do not employ the logarithm of GDP per capita in the
the role of good governance in provision of electricity are Rule of main model, but we run an additional model including this
Law and Control of Corruption. Rule of Law includes several in- variable.
dicators, which measure the extent to which fair and predictable Since it is, all else equal, more difficult to increase access to
rules form the basis for economic and social interactions as well as reliable and affordable energy when the population is spread over
the extent to which property rights are being protected. This in- vast areas, we include a variable measuring population density.
cludes the effectiveness and predictability of the judiciary, and the This measure – number of people per square kilometre of land
enforceability of contracts. Control of Corruption measures the area – is based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization
perceptions about corruption, conventionally defined as the ex- and World Bank population estimates included among the World
ercise of public power for private gain. The specific indicators Development Indicators (World Bank, 2013b).
range from perceptions of the frequency of “additional payments When political conflicts emerge, this usually means a great
to get things done”, effects of corruption on the business en- challenge for the goal of electrification. In countries that have
vironment, and “grand corruption” or “state capture” (Teorell et al., suffered from armed conflicts, the electricity infrastructure has
often been seriously damaged or is out of order due to a lack of
2011). Our index of “institutional quality” takes the average of
maintenance. Not only do conflicts imply a great obstacle to the
these two items.8 Observations are available from 1996, with some
normal functioning of the state. It is also common that the parties
gaps in the series during earlier years.
included in the conflict are trying to cut the electricity supplies of
The item Government Effectiveness – which among other in-
its enemies by destroying their infrastructure. We therefore in-
dicators includes the competence of civil servants and the in-
clude the World Bank Worldwide Governance indicator “political
dependence of the civil service from political pressures – is the-
stability” (as previously mentioned), which combines several in-
oretically also relevant as a measure of institutional quality. The
dicators that measure perceptions of the likelihood that the gov-
problem with this dimension of governance, however, is that it
ernment in power will be destabilized or overthrown through
also includes perceptions of the quality of public service provision.
unconstitutional and/or violent means, including domestic vio-
Since such perceptions could well include provision of reliable and
lence and terrorism (Kaufmann et al., 2009; Teorell et al., 2011).9
affordable electricity, this dimension conflates the independent
Finally, we also control for domestic oil production measured in
and the dependent variable.
metric tons per capita. Previous research has identified a statisti-
We have chosen not to include the dimension Voice and Ac-
cally significant and positive impact of oil production on the share
countability, which measures various aspects of the political pro-
of the population that lives in lit areas at the global level (Min,
cess, civil liberties and political rights. The reason for this omission
2008). This finding by Min (2008) contrasts with ideas put forward
is that in our theoretical framework these aspects represent de- in the “resource curse” literature, where the argument has been
mocratic qualities; they should thus be distinct from institutional made that in the absence of good democratic institutions (e.g., rule
quality and be measured separately (and they are included in our of law, lack of corruption, conflict management etc.) exploitation
measure of democracy). The dimension Political Stability, which of natural resources could provide meagre opportunities for public
measures perceptions of the risk for the government being over- benefits (Auty, 2001; Van der Ploeg, 2011). For our purposes this
thrown by unconstitutional or violent means (including domestic suggests that high oil production rates may hinder the develop-
violence and terrorism) (Teorell et al., 2011), is treated as a sepa- ment of competing energy sources such as electricity, including
rate control variable as it may be an important explanatory factor, not the least investments in the public infrastructure needed to
but it does not belong in our theoretical definition of good access new households. In order to address these contradictory
governance. perspectives, and the possibility that oil production could be an
alternative explanation driving our results, we include oil pro-
2.2.3. Control variables duction as a control variable. Data over crude petroleum produc-
As indicated in Section 1, the statistical analysis includes a tion (in metric tons per capita) come from the Energy Statistics
number of control variables. First, previous research has shown Database (United Nations, 2013).
An unobserved components model has been used to construct six aggregate
2.2.4. Description of data
governance indicators. The governance estimates are normally distributed with a The statistical analyses rely on yearly country-specific ob-
mean of zero and a standard deviation of one (1) each year of measurement. Al- servations from 44 African countries over the time period 1996–
though standardized estimates can be problematic for comparisons within coun- 2009. The selection of countries and time-period is primarily an
tries over time, Kaufmann et al. (2006) find no systematic time trends in a selection
outcome of data availability. Our focus on the role of institutional
of indicators, thus suggesting that the time-series information in the World Bank's
scores can be used. quality does not permit an analysis of the situation prior to 1996.
The fact that the indicators are exclusively based on subjective (perceptions- In addition, due to some reporting lags and frequent revisions of
based) data is a source of criticism. Still, in many instances there are no objective
measures available, and/or the objective measures tend to capture de jure gov-
ernance rather than de facto governance (see Kaufmann et al., 2009). Like the other governance indicators, this variable is normally distributed
In order to test whether the items are sufficiently inter-related to justify their with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one (1) each year of measurement,
combination in an index we calculated Cronbach's alpha. This test showed an alpha with scores normally ranging between –2.5 and 2.5. Higher scores correspond to
value of 0.92, thus providing a high credibility to our index. better outcomes.
H. Ahlborg et al. / Energy Policy 87 (2015) 125–135 131
Table 2
Descriptive statistics for dependent and independent variablesa.
Dependent variable
Household electricity consumption Annual household electricity consumption (kWh/capita) 109.009 165.795 0.830 896.128
Independent variables
Institutional quality Average scores of Rule of law and Control of corruption 0.599 0.565 2.053 0.959
Democracy Average of Freedom House and Polity IV scores (0–10) 4.591 2.508 0.5 10
Political stability Perceptions of risk for political instability/violence 0.461 0.874 2.986 1.188
Population density People per square kilometre of land area 97.810 163.039 1.936 1039.13
Oil production per capita Annual crude petrol production (metric tons per capita) 0.850 3.439 0 31.842
GDP per capita GDP per capita, PPP adjusted (constant International USD) 3013.263 4301.083 247.889 31,518.5
Mean estimates, standard deviations, max and min are calculated based on the countries included in the analysis over the period 1990–2009. Observations for the
Institutional Quality Index and Political Stability, however, are missing until the year 1996.
observations for more recent years, we do not employ data after Table 3
2009. The countries included are listed in Appendix A. Table 2 Estimated regression coefficients (standard errors in parentheses).
summarizes the variables used in the quantitative analysis, and
(1) (2) (3) (4)
displays how each variable is defined as well as some important
descriptive statistics. Institutional quality 42.67*** 23.29***
(10.22) (8.879)
Democracy 3.417*** 8.746*** 3.000** 2.963**
2.3. Statistical estimation issues (1.263) (1.674) (1.249) (1.244)
Political stability 10.81** 17.34*** 18.57*** 16.80***
The use of a “pooled” data set, or Time-Series Cross-Section (5.219) (5.323) (6.265) (6.062)
Population density 0.0166 0.0275 0.0330* 0.0313
data set, compared to a cross-sectional data set has the advantage
(0.0217) (0.0212) (0.0188) (0.0195)
of increasing the number of observations (and thus the degrees of Oil production 16.11*** 9.255*** 18.10*** 17.65***
freedom). Another advantage is that pooled data sets permit the (4.465) (2.336) (4.373) (4.241)
inclusion of country-specific effects (which can be assumed to be GDP per capita 0.0322*** 0.0337*** 0.0332***
(0.00265) (0.00243) (0.00245)
fixed over time), thus avoiding bias in the estimates due to un-
GDP per capita (log) 136.2***
observed heterogeneity across countries. Still, Baltagi and Griffin (10.73)
(1984) suggest that if the variation between countries greatly ex- Rule of law 47.76*** 48.27***
ceeds the within variation (i.e., the variation over time), then or- (10.64) (9.173)
dinary least squares regression (OLS) with common intercepts (i.e., Control of corruption 3.498
no country-specific fixed effects) as well as slope coefficients be- Constant 31.67*** 922.4*** 36.99*** 37.05***
comes the preferred estimator. (10.36) (76.16) (9.859) (10.19)
Finally, in reporting our results we primarily focus on the sign
and the statistical significance of the estimated regression coeffi- N 477 477 477 477
cients. An important reason for is that our key independent vari- R2 0.642 0.648 0.665 0.659
ables (e.g., institutional quality) are measured along an ordinal
p o0.10.
scale (i.e., data are shown simply in order of magnitude as there is **
p o 0.05.
no standard of measurement of differences). It is well-known that ***
p o0.01.
in such cases the estimated coefficients do not provide any
meaningful information about the magnitudes of the respective
impacts. robustness tests. In what follows, we first devote attention to the
base model results and then revert to the remaining model
The results in our base model are well in line with our theo-
3. Results
retical expectations; we find statistically significant positive im-
pacts of both institutional quality and democracy on per capita
The results from the panel data regression analyses are pre-
household electricity consumption. These results are thus con-
sented in Table 3, which displays the results from four different
sistent with the notion that where politicians are held accountable
model specifications.10 The first model is our base model, while
for their decisions and where they are also able to implement
the remaining models represent the outcomes of different types of
large infrastructure projects, these countries are more likely to
report relatively high levels of per capita household electricity
Preliminary analyses revealed that one country – Libya – clearly distorted consumption.
the overall relationships. This is especially true for the democracy variable: In the Regarding the control variables, the GDP per capita variable has
year 2000, Libya was the least democratic of all the countries in the sample, but
the expected positive effect on per capita household electricity
simultaneously had the highest per capita household consumption of electricity.
Libya has built extensive electricity infrastructure around the oil industry and is consumption, highlighting, for instance, the importance of funding
now one of the countries with the highest installed capacity on the continent and for the huge financial undertakings that investments in electricity
with the highest total electricity consumption in Northern Africa. In fact, Libya is an infrastructure and generation constitute.
outlier not only within the full set of countries but also within the group of oil- Population density does not have a statistically significant ef-
producing countries: when Libya is excluded, oil production is negatively correlated
with per capita household consumption of electricity; otherwise this is not the
fect on the per capita electricity consumption levels in the base
case. The Libyan case deserves further attention, but for the above reasons this model. This implies that it may not be population density per se,
country has been excluded from our analysis. but rather the distribution of people within a country of a given
132 H. Ahlborg et al. / Energy Policy 87 (2015) 125–135
density, which influences household electrification patterns. In availability of funding is a necessary condition for increased elec-
other words, future research should also address the potential tricity access, it is still not sufficient. Our analysis contributes to
impacts of urbanization rates, given that it is easier to reach the previous discussions of political and institutional issues (e.g.,
larger cities, but also how settlement patterns in rural areas affect Onyeji et al., 2012) by framing public electricity provision as a case
the conditions for, and in turn are affected by, rural electrification. of provision of public goods and by testing the relevance of in-
We find a negative correlation between oil production per ca- stitutional theories that highlight the importance of democracy
pita and per capita electricity consumption levels. This result is in and institutional quality for service delivery in the context of
opposition to previous research findings using satellite images and household electricity consumption in Africa.
reporting a positive effect of oil production on the provision of Contrary to, for instance, Rothstein (2011), we find that both
electric light (Min, 2008). Our result is however consistent with democracy and good governance matter for public good provision
the notion that, in general, the oil-producing countries in Africa and not only the latter, even though we control for per capita in-
have not invested their profits from oil into the provision of come (GDP) levels. The fact that both these factors have a positive
electricity infrastructure for the public domain (Libya being the effect on per capita household electricity consumption should not
exception). come as a surprise. They capture two important aspects or di-
Finally, and clearly in contradiction to our expectations, the mensions of policy-making: the input dimension, i.e., the proce-
results in the base model suggest a negative effect of political dures preceding decision-making and the throughput dimension,
stability, basically implying that the higher the perceived like- the latter referring to the governance structures through which
lihood that the government in power will be destabilized or official decisions are being implemented (Sharpf, 1997). The way
overthrown by possibly unconstitutional and/or violent means, we have conceptualized the causal link between democracy and
the higher is the per capita electricity consumption at the house- public electricity provision, operationalized and finally measured
hold level. It should however be mentioned that in the bivariate it, we should expect that democratic institutions – i.e., competing
case, this variable displays the expected positive relationship with opposition parties, free media and public participation in the re-
household electricity consumption. Excluding political stability cruiting of executives – lead politicians to respond to public de-
from the analysis yields somewhat lower coefficients for the mand for electricity services in order to be able to demonstrate
variables of interest, however the conclusions regarding statisti- results when facing future elections.
cally significant and positive effects of democracy and institutional The importance of well-performing implementing organizations in
quality remain (results not shown here). Future studies may want the case of providing electricity can be illustrated with an example
to consider measuring also actual outbreaks of conflict besides from the time period following decolonization in Africa. In many co-
perceptions of the risk for such outbreaks. lonized countries, the national systems for the generation, transmission
Overall the results from our base model suggest that neither of and distribution of electric power were built by the colonial powers in
our two hypotheses regarding the role of democracy and good order to supply important industries and cities with fuels and elec-
governance, respectively, on the provision of household electricity tricity. At time of independence, many countries were drained of staff
services can be falsified. Before this can be properly concluded, in government and public sector as the European colonial states left. In
however, we must test how robust these results are with respect some countries, various political conflicts damaged the infrastructure,
to the use of alternative model specifications. such as in Mozambique (Hultman, 2009). The drop in organizational
In model (2) we included per capita GDP in logarithmic form. capacity and the associated decrease in institutional quality that fol-
As has been noted above, this is a standard measure motivated by lowed from the sudden loss of human capital, as well as the time lag in
the argument that a modest absolute impact should be assumed rebuilding those, probably had long-lasting negative impacts on state-
for this variable for countries with relatively high-income levels. dominated energy sectors. Thus, even if countries are scoring high on
Table 3 shows that at a general level, our results are robust with democratic indexes, the present governments most probably fall short
respect to this alternative model specification; the coefficients in their ambitions and political promises unless they can be backed-up
representing both democracy and the institutional quality index by an administrative apparatus that can ensure that the democratically
remain statistically significant and positive coefficients. founded decisions are being implemented properly.
Finally on robustness tests, we also tested two different model Our results suggest that in pursuing, for instance, foreign aid
specifications (models (3) and (4)) in which the different in- policy and energy sector reform goals, an integrated approach
dicators of the institutional quality index were included separately towards household electrification is needed. Electricity access is
in the regression equation. Here a general-to-specific modelling part of broader institutional challenges in Africa requiring both
strategy (e.g., Hendry, 1995) was used, i.e., starting with both in- well-functioning input institutions and throughput institutions,
dicators and reducing the coefficients by removing the least sta- and these must be addressed and improved jointly.
tistically significant indicator from the model. Overall Table 3 As we see it, such issues have in part been neglected in the
shows that our results are overall robust with respect to these development of foreign aid as well as in the strategies employed
alternative model specifications. The Rule of Law indicator is the by, e.g., the World Bank. In the 1980s up until the 1990s, the World
only statistically significant institutional variable, but given the Bank's strategy on rural electrification shifted from financial sector
high correlation between the different indicators (see also Section support towards the promotion of energy sector reforms. These
2.2) this result should be expected. reforms have primarily targeted formal institutional frameworks,
Finally, in order to take into account the sometimes divergent de- economic efficiency and involvement of the private sector (Kar-
velopment trajectories of Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa, respec- ekezi and Kimani, 2002; Nawaal Gratwick and Eberhard, 2008;
tively, we also ran the analysis while excluding the Northern African Weisser, 2004; World Bank, 2008).
countries (i.e., Egypt, Libya Morocco and Tunisia) from the sample. The The emphasis on economic aspects in energy sector reform
results from this sensitivity test are reported in Appendix B, and dis- efforts has often come at the cost of social aspects (i.e., equity,
play that the central conclusions hold also in this specification. public services and ‘electricity for all’) (e.g., Zomers, 2003).11 But
4. Discussion 11
The poor management of some state-owned electric utilities in part moti-
vated private sector involvement. Many African public utilities have been char-
The existing literature on household electrification trends in acterized by poor financial and technical performance, as well as by political in-
low-income countries generally concludes that while the terference from governments and urban elites (Karekezi and Kimani, 2002).
H. Ahlborg et al. / Energy Policy 87 (2015) 125–135 133
also, the reforms have overlooked the contextual challenges and attention to important institutional constraints and capacity-
informal aspects of implementation. For example, previous work building efforts. These efforts are thus not only about bringing in
identifies the lack of human capital, top-down organizational the necessary economic resources in terms of financing.
structures, and low salaries for staff that lead them to take jobs on While our results are overall robust in terms of country sample,
the side, as well as corruption, as important barriers to effective variable specifications, imputed values etc., the findings also
implementation (Ahlborg and Hammar, 2014; Haanyika, 2006). generate several important questions for future research efforts.
Such informal and human aspects of organizational capacity and First, we have only been concerned with explaining the variation
culture have been left largely unaddressed by previous reforms,
found in data over household electricity consumption. Equally
which instead have, arguably, been driven by a top-down logic.
important to investigate is if our findings are valid also when it
Thus, rather than making any claims that the solution to suc-
comes to countries’ total provision of electricity, i.e., also for in-
cessful electrification in African countries solely lies in the pre-
dustry and public institutions but also studies of the role that
sence of democratic and institutional reform, we rather argue that
our findings contribute to the recognition that the provision of democracy and institutional quality play in enabling electricity
public goods is a complex task—electrification being no exception access to various groups in society (e.g., income groups, urban
—and that any success is most likely dependent upon multiple versus rural populations etc.). Another issue for future research is
factors, including political regime type and institutional quality. to analyse how per capita consumption is distributed across dif-
We are also aware that capturing the full complexity of the issue ferent groups of households within the same country. Second, to
clearly requires additional factors, data and research methods. assess whether our findings are unique for the African continent,
On a final note, although rural electrification has hitherto been studies of household consumption in low-income countries at
a responsibility of the state, due to the huge investments needed other continents would be required. Third, while we show that
for building large-scale grid infrastructure, there is now an in- both democracy and institutional quality appear to play significant
creased interest in decentralized development paths. A combina- roles in enabling household electrification Africa, it is also clear
tion of factors – e.g., technological innovation, environmental that these issues deserve further attention in future work.
concerns, change in political priorities and new forms of financing There are also limitations with respect to the statistical analy-
– has led many countries to consider an alternative, or at least a
sis, e.g., in this paper we have implicitly assumed that democracy
complementary, policy approach to rural electrification. Small-
and institutional quality are additive and unrelated, thus implying
scale decentralized generation and distribution, e.g., making use of
that a given improvement in the quality of institutions will have
locally available renewable energy sources, offers a range of so-
the same effect on household electrification regardless of the level
lutions that can meet household and community energy needs at
lower cost than an expansion of the national grid. If this trend of democracy. In practice, the institutional dynamics and linkages
continues it may well alter the role of government policy in between government, institutions and electrification are more
electricity service provision. Our understanding of the historical complex and it would be useful to study these dynamics from a
relationships between democratic government, institutional socio-technical systems perspective. Qualitative analysis would be
quality and public goods provision may therefore not be relevant helpful in order to grasp the importance of informal institutions
for future energy systems where actors presumably may take on and the ‘through-put’ dimension of governance. Finally, the role of
new roles, technical systems are configured differently and cen- states in electrifying the population is not necessarily going to
tralized governance is replaced by polycentric forms of governance remain the same in the coming decades. Entirely new forms of
(Goldthau, 2014). governance may be expected to develop with the necessary global
transition to environmentally sustainable energy systems. Under-
standing such development will require different kinds of analyses
5. Conclusion and policy implications
as well as data other than national statistics on large-scale elec-
tricity provision.
In this paper, we have addressed the overall question of what
explains popular access to and use of affordable and reliable
electricity in African households. Founded in theories that high-
light the importance of democracy and institutional quality for
public good provision, we hypothesize that these factors can help
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Centre for
us better understand the variance in average household con-
sumption of electricity across African countries over the time Environmental Political Studies (CEPS) conference at Tjärnö, 29–31
period 1996–2009. According to our findings, both qualitative in- May 2013. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the
put aspects (i.e., political and legal procedures) and throughput two institutions that have funded the research programme of
aspects of the state (regulating the behaviour of the implementing which this study is part: the Swedish International Development
bureaucracy) contribute to explaining the observed variation in Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the, providing grants of approx.
household electricity use. Specifically, the results from our statis- 359 000 Euro and 645 000 Euro respectively during the period
tical analyses cannot falsify our two hypotheses suggesting a po- 2012-2014. We also appreciate valuable comments from our Po-
sitive relationship between both the presence of democratic in- litical Science colleagues at Tjärnö and three anonymous re-
stitutions and institutional quality on the one hand and per capita viewers. Any remaining errors, however, reside solely with the
household electricity consumption on the other. authors.
This illustrates that institutional theories are relevant also in
areas where contemporary debates have tended to centre on
economic development, financial prerequisites and ownership is-
sues. An important policy implication is that energy sector reform Appendix A
efforts in general and efforts to promote household electrification
(e.g., as part of foreign aid) in particular should increasingly pay See Table A1.
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