Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA) For ICF
Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA) For ICF
Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA) For ICF
8. Setting the Founda- 1. Understands and exhibits in own behaviors the ICF
tion: Meeting Ethi- Code of Ethics (see Code, Part III of ICF Code of
cal Guidelines and Ethics).
Professional Stan- 2. Understands and follows all ICF Ethical Guidelines
dards (4 things) (see list).
3. Clearly communicates the distinctions between
coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other support
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Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA) for ICF
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4. Refers client to another support professional as need-
ed, knowing when this is needed and the available
10. Setting the Foun- 1. Understands and effectively discusses with the client
dation: Establish- the guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching
ing the Coach- relationship (e.g., logistics, fees, scheduling, inclusion
ing Agreement (3 of others if appropriate).
things) 2. Reaches agreement about what is appropriate in the
relationship and what is not, what is and is not being
offered, and about the client's and coach's responsibili-
3. Determines whether there is an effective match be-
tween his/her coaching method and the needs of the
prospective client.
11. Co-Creating the Re- Ability to create a safe, supportive environment that
lationship: Estab- produces ongoing mutual respect and trust.
lishing Trust and
Intimacy with the
Client (defined)
12. Co-Creating the Re- 1. Shows genuine concern for the client's welfare and
lationship: Estab- future.
lishing Trust and 2. Continuously demonstrates personal integrity, hon-
Intimacy with the esty and sincerity.
Client (6 things) 3. Establishes clear agreements and keeps promises.
4. Demonstrates respect for client's perceptions, learn-
ing style, personal being.
5. Provides ongoing support for and champions new be-
haviors and actions, including those involving risk-tak-
ing and fear of failure.
6. Asks permission to coach client in sensitive, new
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13. Co-Creating the Re- Ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous
lationship: Coach- relationship with the client, employing a style that is
ing Presence (de- open, flexible and confident.
14. Co-Creating the Re- 1. Is present and flexible during the coaching process,
lationship: Coach- dancing in the moment.
ing Presence (7 2. Accesses own intuition and trusts one's inner know-
things) ing—"goes with the gut."
3. Is open to not knowing and takes risks.
4. Sees many ways to work with the client and chooses
in the moment what is most effective.
5. Uses humor effectively to create lightness and ener-
6. Confidently shifts perspectives and experiments with
new possibilities for own action.
7. Demonstrates confidence in working with strong emo-
tions and can self-manage and not be overpowered or
enmeshed by client's emotions.
15. Communicating Ef- Ability to focus completely on what the client is saying
fectively: Active and is not saying, to understand the meaning of what is
Listening (defined) said in the context of the client's desires, and to support
client self-expression.
16. Communicating Ef- 1. Attends to the client and the client's agenda and not
fectively: Active to the coach's agenda for the client.
Listening (8 things) 2. Hears the client's concerns, goals, values and beliefs
about what is and is not possible.
3. Distinguishes between the words, the tone of voice,
and the body language.
4. Summarizes, paraphrases, reiterates, and mirrors
back what client has said to ensure clarity and under-
5. Encourages, accepts, explores and reinforces the
client's expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns,
beliefs, suggestions, etc.
6. Integrates and builds on client's ideas and sugges-
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Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA) for ICF
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7. "Bottom-lines" or understands the essence of the
client's communication and helps the client get there
rather than engaging in long, descriptive stories.
8. Allows the client to vent or "clear" the situation without
judgment or attachment in order to move on to next
17. Communicating Ef- Ability to ask questions that reveal the information need-
fectively: Powerful ed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and
Questioning (de- the client.
18. Communicating Ef- 1. Asks questions that reflect active listening and an
fectively: Power- understanding of the client's perspective.
ful Questioning (4 2. Asks questions that evoke discovery, insight, commit-
things) ment or action (e.g., those that challenge the client's
3. Asks open-ended questions that create greater clari-
ty, possibility or new learning.
4. Asks questions that move the client toward what they
desire, not questions that ask for the client to justify or
look backward.
20. Communicating Ef- 1. Is clear, articulate and direct in sharing and providing
fectively: Direct feedback.
Communication (5 2. Reframes and articulates to help the client under-
things) stand from another perspective what he/she wants or
is uncertain about.
3. Clearly states coaching objectives, meeting agenda,
and purpose of techniques or exercises.
4. Uses language appropriate and respectful to
the client (e.g., non-sexist, non-racist, non-technical,
5. Uses metaphor and analogy to help to illustrate a
point or paint a verbal picture.
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22. Facilitating Learn- 1. Goes beyond what is said in assessing client's con-
ing and Results: cerns, not getting hooked by the client's description.
Creating Aware- 2. Invokes inquiry for greater understanding, aware-
ness (9 things) ness, and clarity.
3. Identifies for the client his/her underlying concerns;
typical and fixed ways of perceiving himself/herself and
the world; differences between the facts and the inter-
pretation; and disparities between thoughts, feelings,
and action.
4. Helps clients to discover for themselves the new
thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, emotions, moods, etc.
that strengthen their ability to take action and achieve
what is important to them.
5. Communicates broader perspectives to clients and
inspires commitment to shift their viewpoints and find
new possibilities for action.
6. Helps clients to see the different, interrelated factors
that affect them and their behaviors (e.g., thoughts,
emotions, body, and background).
7. Expresses insights to clients in ways that are useful
and meaningful for the client.
8. Identifies major strengths vs. major areas for learning
and growth, and what is most important to address
during coaching.
9. Asks the client to distinguish between trivial and sig-
nificant issues, situational vs. recurring behaviors, when
detecting a separation between what is being stated
and what is being done.
23. Facilitating Learn- Ability to create with the client opportunities for ongoing
ing and Results: learning, during coaching and in work/life situations,
Designing Actions and for taking new actions that will most effectively lead
(defined) to agreed-upon coaching results.
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24. Facilitating Learn- 1. Brainstorms and assists the client to define actions
ing and Results: that will enable the client to demonstrate, practice, and
Designing Actions deepen new learning.
(9 things) 2. Helps the client to focus on and systematically explore
specific concerns and opportunities that are central to
agreed-upon coaching goals.
3. Engages the client to explore alternative ideas and
solutions, to evaluate options, and to make related de-
4. Promotes active experimentation and self-discov-
ery, where the client applies what has been discussed
and learned during sessions immediately afterward in
his/her work or life setting.
5. Celebrates client successes and capabilities for fu-
ture growth.
6. Challenges client's assumptions and perspectives to
provoke new ideas and find new possibilities for action.
7. Advocates or brings forward points of view that are
aligned with client goals and, without attachment, en-
gages the client to consider them.
8. Helps the client "Do It Now" during the coaching
session, providing immediate support.
9. Encourages stretches and challenges but also a com-
fortable pace of learning.
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Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA) for ICF
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sources for learning (e.g., books, other professionals).
5. Identifies and targets early successes that are impor-
tant to the client.
27. Facilitating Learn- Ability to hold attention on what is important for the
ing and Results: client, and to leave responsibility with the client to take
Managing Progress action.
and Accountability
28. Facilitating Learn- 1. Clearly requests of the client actions that will move
ing and Results: the client toward his/her stated goals.
Managing Progress 2. Demonstrates follow-through by asking the client
and Accountability about those actions that the client committed to during
(10 things) the previous session(s).
3. Acknowledges the client for what they have done, not
done, learned or become aware of since the previous
coaching session(s).
4. Effectively prepares, organizes, and reviews with
client information obtained during sessions.
5. Keeps the client on track between sessions by
holding attention on the coaching plan and outcomes,
agreed-upon courses of action, and topics for future
6. Focuses on the coaching plan but is also open to
adjusting behaviors and actions based on the coaching
process and shifts in direction during sessions.
7. Is able to move back and forth between the big picture
of where the client is heading, setting a context for what
is being discussed and where the client wishes to go.
8. Promotes client's self-discipline and holds the client
accountable for what they say they are going to do, for
the results of an intended action, or for a specific plan
with related time frames.
9. Develops the client's ability to make decisions, ad-
dress key concerns, and develop himself/herself (to get
feedback, to determine priorities and set the pace of
learning, to reflect on and learn from experiences).
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10. Positively confronts the client with the fact that
he/she did not take agreed-upon actions.
29. ICF Coach agrees An ICF coach agrees to practice the ICF Core Compe-
tencies and pledges accountability to the ICF code of
31. Roles in the coach- In order to clarify roles in the coaching relationship it is
ing relationship often necessary to distinguish between the client and
the sponsor. In most cases, the client and sponsor are
the same person and are therefore jointly referred to as
the client. For purposes of identification, however, the
ICF defines these as 2 different roles
39. Professional con- Conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code of
duct at large #1 Ethics in all interactions, including coach training, coach
mentoring, and coach supervisory activities.
40. Professional con- Commit to take the appropriate action with the coach,
duct at large #2 trainer, or coach mentor and/or will contact ICF to ad-
dress any ethics violation or possible breach as soon
as I become aware, whether it involves me or others.
43. Professional con- Make verbal and written statements that are true and
duct at large #5 accurate about what I offer as a coach, the coaching
profession or ICF.
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Professional con- Recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of
duct at large #7 others and only claim ownership of my own material. I
understand that violating this standard may leave me
subject to legal remedy by a third party.
46. Professional con- Strive at all times to recognize my personal issues that
duct at large #8 may impair, conflict with or interfere with my coaching
performance or my professional coaching relationships.
I will promptly seek the relevant professional assistance
and determine the action to be taken, including whether
it is appropriate to suspend or terminate my coaching
relationship(s) whenever the facts and circumstances
47. Professional con- Recognize that the Code of Ethics applies to my re-
duct at large #9 lationship with coaching clients, coachees, students,
mentees and supervisees.
48. Professional con- Conduct and report research with competence, honesty
duct at large #10 and within recognized scientific standards and applic-
able subject guidelines. My research will be carried
out with the necessary consent and approval of those
involved, and with an approach that will protect partici-
pants from any potential harm. All research efforts will
be performed in a manner that complies with all the
applicable laws of the country in which the research is
49. Professional con- Maintain, store and dispose of any records, including
duct at large #11 electronic files and communications, created during my
coaching engagements in a manner that promotes con-
fidentiality, security and privacy and complies with any
applicable laws and agreements.
50. Professional con- Use ICF Member contact information (email addresses,
duct at large #12 telephone numbers, and so on) only in the manner and
to the extent authorized by the ICF.
53. Conflicts of interest Clarify roles for internal coaches, set boundaries and
#14 review with stakeholders conflicts of interest that may
emerge between coaching and other role functions.
54. Conflicts of interest Disclose to my client and the sponsor(s) all anticipated
#15 compensation from third parties that I may receive for
referrals of clients or pay to receive clients.
58. Professional con- Carefully explain and strive to ensure that, prior to or at
duct with clients the initial meeting, my coaching client and sponsor(s)
#18 understand the nature of coaching, the nature and limits
of confidentiality, financial arrangements, and any other
terms of the coaching agreement.
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60. Professional con- Hold responsibility for being aware of and setting clear,
duct with clients appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that gov-
#20 ern interactions, physical or otherwise, I may have with
my clients or sponsor(s).
61. Professional con- Avoid any sexual or romantic relationship with current
duct with clients clients or sponsor(s) or students, mentees or super-
#21 visees. Further, I will be alert to the possibility of any
potential sexual intimacy among the parties including
my support staff and/or assistants and will take the
appropriate action to address the issue or cancel the
engagement in order to provide a safe environment
62. Professional con- Respect the client's right to terminate the coaching re-
duct with clients lationship at any point during the process, subject to
#22 the provisions of the agreement. I shall remain alert to
indications that there is a shift in the value received from
the coaching relationship.
65. Confidentiality #24 Maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all
client and sponsor information unless release is re-
quired by law.
66. Confidentiality #25 Have a clear agreement about how coaching informa-
tion will be exchanged among coach, client and spon-
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67. Confidentiality #26 Have a clear agreement when acting as a coach, coach
mentor, coaching supervisor or trainer, with both client
and sponsor, student, mentee, or supervisee about
the conditions under which confidentiality may not be
maintained (e.g., illegal activity, pursuant to valid court
order or subpoena; imminent or likely risk of danger to
self or to others; etc) and make sure both client and
sponsor, student, mentee, or supervisee voluntarily and
knowingly agree in writing to that limit of confidentiality.
Where I reasonably believe that because one of the
above circumstances is applicable, I may need to inform
appropriate authorities.
68. Confidentiality #27 Require all those who work with me in support of my
clients to adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics, Number 26,
Section 4, Confidentiality and Privacy Standards, and
any other sections of the Code of Ethics that might be
70. Continuing devel- Commit to the need for continued and ongoing develop-
opment #28 ment of my professional skills
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include sanctions, such as loss of my ICF Membership
and/or my ICF Credentials.
72. The client is a a- Ask the client about all of the potential positive out-
high-energy man- comes from this situation.
ager with a general- b- Remind the client that the agenda for this session was
ly positive outlook. set at the end of the last session.
Just before com- c- Explore the outcomes for the session and ensure that
ing to the coaching the client and coach are both clear on them. (*)
session, the client d- Point out to the client how extremely important it is to
was told that their be passionate about the work we do.
responsibilities are
about to drastically
change and will no
longer be doing the
work they are pas-
sionate about. The
client has come
to the session in
a particularly neg-
ative mood, and
has expressed the
desire to address
this situation dur-
ing today's ses-
sion. What is the
BEST way for the
coach to proceed?
73. A client is explain- a- Interrupt the client and ask for greater disclosure.
ing a situation to a b- Give the client the "bottom-line" read on the situation.
coach, who senses c- Ask the client's permission to probe a little deeper. (*)
that there is more d- Give the client feedback on the importance of honesty
that the in coaching.
client is not shar-
ing. How should
the coach ap-
proach the situa-
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74. When dealing with a- where the coach has the most expertise.
a client who brings b- of asking what the client would like to start with. (*)
many issues to the c- that looks most likely to be handled in the time avail-
table, it is best for able.
the coach to pick d- that the coach thinks can do the most good for the
the option client.
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