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Forum Mathematicum

Exploring Spectrum-Based Descriptors in Pharmacological

Traits through Quantitative Structure Property (QSPR)

Journal: Forum Mathematicum

Manuscript ID Draft

Manuscript Type: Original Research Article

Date Submitted by the


Complete List of Authors: Raza, Ali; University of the Punjab, Mathematics; University of the
Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Munir, Muhammad Mobeen; University of the Punjab, Mathematics

MSC-Classification -- go to
www.ams.org/msc to find 05C92, 05C51

your classifications:

Regression Model, Graph Spectrum, Spectral Radius, Pharmacological


Traits, Correlation Coefficient


Page 1 of 21 Forum Mathematicum

Exploring Spectrum-Based Descriptors in Pharmacological Traits

through Quantitative Structure Property (QSPR) Analysis
Ali Raza 1,∗ Muhammad Mobeen Munir 1
Department of Mathematics, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
*Correspondance: [email protected]
Received: XXXX; Accepted: XXXX.

The study centered on Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) analysis with
a focus on various graph energies, investigating drugs like Mefloquinone, Sertraline, Niclosamide,
Tizoxanide, PHA-690509, Ribavirin, Emricasan, and Sofosbuvir. Employing computational

modeling techniques, the research aimed to uncover the correlations between the chemical
structures of these medications and their unique properties. The results illuminated the quan-
titative relationships between structural characteristics and pharmacological traits, advancing

our predictive capabilities. This research significantly contributes to medication discovery and
design by providing essential insights into the structure-property connections of these medici-
nal compounds. Notably, certain spectrum-based descriptors, such as positive inertia energy,

adjacency energy, arithmetic-geometric energy, first zegrab energy, and the harmonic index,
exhibited strong correlation coefficients above 0.999. In contrast, well-known descriptors like

the Extended adjacency, Laplacian & signless Laplacian spectral radii, and the first & second
Zagreb Estrada indices showed weaker performance. The article emphasizes the application
of graph energies and a linear regression model to predict pharmacological features effectively,
enhancing the drug discovery process and aiding in targeted drug design by elucidating the
relationship between molecular structure and pharmacological characteristics.

Keywords: Regression Model; Graph Spectrum; Spectral Radius; Pharmacological Traits;

Correlation Coefficient

1. Introduction
QSAR/QSPR techniques offer an efficient means to establish links between the physical and
chemical attributes of chemical compounds and their bioactivities [1]. Structure-based topologi-
cal parameters play a vital role in constructing robust predictive models [2]. Eigenvalues-based
topological features have demonstrated a strong association with quantum properties of or-
ganic structures. The groundwork for structure-based topological parameters commenced in
1947 with Harold Wiener’s introduction of the path number [3], which quantified the sum of
distances between all pairs of vertices in a graph.
Fundamentally, the process of converting a molecular graph into a numerical representation
relies on unchanging measures known as topological or structural indices. A chemical graph
depicts a hydrogen-depleted molecular structure, with bonds represented by edges and atoms
represented by vertices in organic compounds. This field is commonly known as chemical graph
theory. These structure descriptors, which remain consistent in terms of structure and topology,
enable the establishment of connections with various physical and chemical properties, such as
boiling point, enthalpy of vaporization, heat of formation, critical pressure, critical volume,
and critical temperature. They also facilitate the development of robust regression models [4].

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Particularly noteworthy are the topological descriptors based on spectra, which are highly re-
garded for their effectiveness in correlating the quantum properties of organic substances. In
our current research, our goal is to introduce advanced spectrum-based topological descriptors
rooted in graph theory to connect with the quantum properties of numerous substances. Simul-
taneously, we aim to identify descriptors that warrant the attention of researchers, effectively
refining the scope of this field. Our recent work describes the applications of some spectrum
descriptors in the field of computer sciences [5, 6].
In the field of chemical graph analysis, a wide array of topological descriptors have been well-
established, covering diverse categories such as distance-based descriptors [7], valency/degree-
based descriptors [8], eigenvalues-based descriptors [2], and counting-related topological poly-
nomials and descriptors [9]. Notably, spectrum-based topological descriptors stand out due to
their exceptional ability to generate highly efficient regression models for an extensive range of
physicochemical and quantum properties, including the π-electronic energy. These descriptors
are constructed based on eigenvalues derived from specific chemical matrices. The focus of this
study centers on a specific subset of spectrum-based topological descriptors, where the chemical
matrices in question are dictated by the valencies of vertices within a graph. These descriptors

have earned recognition for their outstanding effectiveness in establishing correlations with the
total π-electronic energy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
The computational complexity associated with the determination of numerous topological

descriptors, including the detor index [10], is nontrivial, often falling under the categories of
NP-complete or NP-hard problems. Consequently, the computation of these indices for spe-
cific sets of chemical or general graphs remains a challenging task of significant relevance. A

notable contribution to addressing this challenge was made by Hayat [11], who undertook the
task of computing various distance-based topological descriptors for specific infinite families of
fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. Additionally, Hayat and her colleagues [12, 13] conducted

comprehensive calculations for valency-based descriptors, including the Randic index and the
atom-bond connectivity (ABC) index, within specific chemical networks. Moreover, extensive
exploration of spectrum-based topological descriptors has been carried out by numerous re-
searchers. For instance, Bozkurt [14] and other researchers explored the Randic matrix and its

associated energy in the context of specific graph families. Chen [15] introduced and conducted
an in-depth analysis of the ABC matrix and its spectral descriptors, encompassing parameters
like the ABC energy and ABC Estrada index. Guo and Gao [16] made significant contributions
to the field by introducing and studying the arithmetic-geometric (AG) energy and spectral

radius of graphs. In a parallel vein, Jahanbani [17] tackled the computation of the harmonic
energy and harmonic Estrada index for specific graph families. For an extensive overview of
spectrum-based topological descriptors and their applications in chemistry, Consonni’s survey
[2] serves as a valuable resource.
In the realm of mathematical modeling, computational techniques wield a substantial influ-
ence, encompassing various aspects of graph theory and mathematics as a whole. Pioneering
the field, Ashrafi [18, 19] and her collaborative team introduced a computer-driven approach
for calculating indices like the Szeged index, PI index, and revised Szeged index within chemi-
cal graphs. Building upon Ashrafi’s foundational work, Hayat [11] expanded and adapted this
approach to encompass a broader range of distance-based indices, extending its application be-
yond chemical graphs to encompass general graphs. This avenue of research further evolved as
Hayat and her colleagues [20] delved into degree-distance-based topological descriptors, includ-
ing the Gutman index and the Schultz index. Diverging in approach, Darafsheh [21] introduced
an algebraic method that leverages the automorphism group of graphs to calculate the Wiener
index, Szeged index, and PI index. In a separate research strand, Arockiaraj [22] introduced a
computational technique grounded in vertex cuts to compute specific distance-based indices for
inorganic structures. Additionally, Ilić and Ilić [23] made significant contributions by provid-

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ing algorithms for computing specific distance-based topological descriptors. Notably, Ashrafi
[24] proposed a computer-based methodology for calculating the energy and Estrada index of
chemical graphs, a method that was subsequently extended to encompass general graphs by
Hayat and her research team [13]. In the present research work, we introduce a computational
approach that builds upon Ashrafi’s method [24] and extends it to encompass other spectrum-
based descriptors, including the ABC energy and ABC Estrada index. This approach offers the
advantage of relatively reduced computational complexity.

• Literature Review
• Preliminaries
• Significance
Graphs Spectrum



➢ Mefloquinone • Evaluated more than 30 spectrum-based descriptors for

➢ Sertraline mentioned medications
➢ Niclosamide
➢ Tizoxanide • Calculated correlation coefficient of these graph energies

➢ PHA-690509 with physio-chemical properties Graph Energies

➢ Ribavirin
➢ Emricasan • Analyzed the regression models to describe predictive
➢ Sofosbuvir Spectral Radius
efficiency of descriptors having R > 0.999
Estrada Energies

Algorithm Applications
MATLAB codes to evaluate a wide range ➢ Drug Design and Pharmacology
of spectrum descriptors by utilizing the ➢ Predicting Material Properties in
Adjacency matrix only. Furthermore, Nanotechnology
code is generated to analyze the ➢ Quality Control in Pharmaceuticals
regression models including numerous and Chemical Industry

statistical factors.

Conclusion & Discussion


Figure 1: Paper Structure Overview: Navigating the Research Hierarchy

Computational methods in mathematics, including variational iteration algorithms [25], [26],

[27], and [28], as well as the Riccatti transformation method [29] and the local meshless method
[30], play a pivotal role in addressing mathematical problems and models. These techniques
offer solutions for a wide range of differential equations and dynamical systems.
The total π-electronic energy, accessible through Huückel molecular orbital (HMO) calcu-
lations, provides crucial insights into conjugated molecules [31]. Additionally, the correlation
between adjacency energy and π-electronic energy in molecular structures has been highlighted
by Gutman [31], while Lucic and colleagues [32] have demonstrated strong correlations be-
tween product and sum-connectivity indices and the physiochemical properties of benzenoid

2. Graph Energies as Topological Descriptors

In mathematical terms, a graph G is represented as an ordered pair G = (V, E), where

V = V (G) is a set of vertices, and E(G) ⊆ 2 signifies the connections between pairs of vertices

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known as edges. In a chemical graph, vertices correspond to atoms, and edges represent bonds
within the chemical compound. Vertices are considered adjacent if there is an edge connecting
them. The degree or valency of a vertex ν ∈ V (G) is the count of adjacent vertices and is
denoted as dν . For organic chemical compounds, the maximum vertex degree is four, as carbon
atoms typically have a valency of four. For a more comprehensive understanding of notations
and terms related to chemical graph theory, we recommend referring to prior research [36, 37].
Actually, the topological descriptors T D are real valued functions that transform on different
types of graphs and covert them into a real number, finding extensive applications in the field of
chemistry [1]. Depending upon vertex valencies, valency- and degree-based topological descrip-
tors have distinctive structures , while distance-based descriptors rely on the distances between
vertices in graphs. Examples of valency-based descriptors include the ABC index, the Randić
connectivity index, the sum-connectivity index, and Zagreb indices [33, 34, 35]. In contrast,
the Szeged index, the Balaban index and the Wiener index are comprised by distance-based
descriptors among all other invariant [11, 12, 20, 38]. Spectrum-based structural descriptors,
on the other hand, base their defining structures on the eigenvalues of matrices generated by
graph-theoretic methodologies. These descriptors encompass a wide range of energies from the

laplacian and adjacency energy to the Estrada index and inertia energies. Our research paper’s
architecture is visualized in the Figure 1. In the following subsections, we introduce several well-
established eigenvalues-based topological descriptors, whose corresponding chemical matrices

are defined based on vertex valencies.

The adjacency energy


The adjacency matrix, denoted as A, is a fundamental matrix in graph theory. It is an

extensively studied graph-related matrix. The adjacency matrix of a connected graph with

n vertices, G, is an n × n symmetric matrix. In this matrix, the entry (A)u,v is defined

as 1 if there’s an edge between vertices u and v in G, and 0 otherwise. The eigenvalues
of A are denoted as β1a ≥ β2a ≥, . . . , ≥ βna . The largest adjacency eigenvalue of a graph
G, known as the A-spectral radius, is denoted by AS R which is written mathematically as
AS R (G) := β1a . Extensive literature is available on A-spectral radius, with comprehensive

coverage in the book by Stevanovic [39]. The Adjacency-energy is another extensively studied
spectrum-based descriptor, with strong correlations found with chemical compound’s Pphysio-
chemical properties [31]. The formula to evaluate the adjacency energy is AD(G) := ni=1 |βia |

where βia denotes the eigenvalues obtained by adjacency matrix. In existing literature, a well-
known book on graph Adjacency-energy is published by Li et al. [40]. Additionally, Gutman’s
survey provides insights into the results and applications related to graph energy [41].
Estrada introduced another graph parameter related to A-eigenvalues, known as the Estrada
index and afterwards, it appeared as a significant invarient as assessing the robustness of net-
works, describing the topological structure classes and measuring centrality of complex networks
including the protein’s degree folding [42, 43, 44, 45]. The count of positive, negative and zero
A-eigenvalues obtained from adjacency matrix of a graph are called the positive inertia index
AIP, negative inertia index AIN and the nullity AIO, respectively have some potential and
significant implimentations [46, 47, 48].

Laplacian and Signless Laplacian Matrices

Laplacian matrices are fundamental in graph theory. Given the adjacency matrix A(G) of
an n-vertex graph G and the diagonal matrix D(G) with diagonal entries du1 , du2 , . . . , dun , the
Laplacian matrix of the graph G is defined as:

L(G) = D(G) − A(G)

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The eigenvalues of L, denoted as β1l ≥ β2l ≥, . . . , ≥ βnl , are referred to as L-eigenvalues or

Laplacian eigenvalues for a graph G. The Laplacian spectral radius [49] of a graph is defined
as the largest L-eigenvalue, which is denoted as LS R = ρL (G) := β1l . Detailed mathematical
treatment of the Laplacian spectral radius can be found in Liu et al. [50].
The Laplacian energy [51] is an energy analogue of the Laplacian matrix. For a graph G, it
is defined as:
X 2m
LP = LP(G) := βil −
Zhou and Gutman [52] delved into mathematical properties of the spectral radius obtained
by the Laplacian matrix for graphs. Similarly, the Laplacian based Estrada index [53] is:
LPE = LPE(G) := eβi

Recent advancements in the mathematical behavior, properties and applications of mentioned


index can be found in previous studies [54, 55]. Furthermore, the signless laplacian matrix is:

SL(G) = D(G) + A(G)


while the eigenvalues of SL are denoted as β1q ≥ β2q ≥, . . . , ≥ βnq . and related largest SL-
eigenvalue is spectral radius [56] of a graph which can be written as:

SLR = SLR (G) := β1q


For in-depth exploration of SLR -spectral radius in graphs, Fan et al. [57] provide valuable
insights. The signless Laplacian energy, introduced by Abreua et al. [58] and denoted as SLP
for a graph G, is defined as:

SLP = SLP(G) := βiq −

A connection between the SLP-energy and A-energy for graph families was established by

Mojallal et. al. [59]. Similarly, signless Laplacian energy for some graph operations and their
line graphs was examined by Ganie et al. [60]. Moreover, the Estrada index of this invariant
was introduced by Ayyaswamy et al. [61].
X q
SLPE = SLPE(G) := eβi

The exploration of mentioned descriptor was done by Ellahi et al. [62] and Nasirie et al. [63]
as they evaluated the provided sharp bounds and explored the maximum and minimum values
of signless Laplacian Estrada index of graphs with given chromatic numbers.

The Randić Matrix

In 2005, Rodrı́guez [64] introduced the Randić descriptor whose matrix for a graph is obvi-
ously a symmetric matrix with order n × n, defined as follows:
√ 1 if uv ∈ E(G)
du dv ,
Ru,v =
0, otherwise

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Consider the eigenvalues of R are β1r ≥ β2r ≥, . . . , ≥ βnr , then randic spectral radius, explored
by Rodrı́guez [64], is defined as:

HARS R = HARS R (G) := β1r

Utilizing the above definition, Randić energy of graphs was inaugurated by Bozkurt et al.
[14] as
HAR = HAR(G) := |βir |

Gutman et al. [65] Sorgun et. al. [66] further contributed to explored the chemical significance
and mathematical related to the Randić energy.

The Sum-Connectivity Matrix

In 2010, Trinajstic [67] introduced the concept of sum-connectivity descriptor whose matrix
for a graph is obviously a symmetric matrix with order n × n, defined as follows:

√ 1 if uv ∈ E(G)
du +dv ,
SMC u,v =
0, otherwise

Utilizing the eigenvalues of S, denoted as β1s ≥ β2s ≥, . . . , ≥ βns , are known as S-eigenvalues
of the graph, the spectral radius and energies of SMC u,v are defined as:

SMCS R = SMCS R (G) := β1s


SMC = SMC(G) := |βis |

Recent research by Prakasha et al. [68] has further delved into the properties of the sum-
connectivity energy in graphs.

Zagreb (Z 1 ) and (Z 2 ) Matrices


Zagreb indices, pivotal in studying π-electronic energies of organic compounds, have led to
the development of two important matrices. Rad et al. [69] introduced the first Zagreb matrix
Z 1 based on the first Zagreb index. It is an n × n symmetric matrix, defined as:
du + dv , if uv ∈ E(G)
(ZG1 )u,v =
0, otherwise
1 1 1
The Z 1 -eigenvalues, denoted as β1z ≥ β2z ≥, . . . , ≥ βnz , correspond to this matrix. Rad et
al. [69] studied the spectral radius, energy, and Estrada index associated with the first Zagreb
matrix: 1
ZG1 SR = ZG1 SR (G) := β1z
ZG1 = ZG1 (G) := βiz
ZGE1 = ZGE1 (G) := eβi

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In parallel, the second Zagreb matrix Z 2 , introduced by Rad et al. [70] and Zhan et al. [71], is
based on the second Zagreb index. It is also an n × n symmetric matrix:
du dv , if uv ∈ E(G)
(ZG2 )u,v =
0, otherwise
2 2 2
The ZG2 -eigenvalues, β1z ≥ β2z ≥, . . . , ≥ βnz , are associated with this matrix. Zhan et al. [71]
introduced the spectral radius, energy, and Estrada index corresponding to the second Zagreb
ZG2 SR = ZG2 SR (G) := β1z
ZG2 = ZG2 (G) := βiz
ZGE2 = ZGE2 (G) := eβi

Both matrices have been subjects of in-depth mathematical studies, and Rad et al. [70] con-
tributed essential results on the second Zagreb spectral radius and energy.

The harmonic matrix

In the realm of graph theory, the harmonic matrix was first introduced by Hosamani et

al. in their work [72]. This matrix, denoted as H(G), corresponds to the harmonic index of a
graph with n vertices and is defined as an n × n symmetric matrix:

, when uv ∈ E(G)
(HAR)u,v = du +dv
0, otherwise

Now, let’s denote the eigenvalues of this harmonic matrix H for a graph G as β1h ≥ β2h ≥

. . . ≥ βnh , which we refer to as H-eigenvalues. Various topological descriptors are defined based
on these eigenvalues:
HARS R (G) := β1h

HAR(G) := βih
HARE(G) := e βi

In a separate study by Jahanbani et al. [17], some remarkable findings were obtained
concerning the harmonic energy and the harmonic Estrada index of graphs.

3. Assessing Various Physio-Chemical Properties Using Spectrum-Based Topolog-

ical Descriptors’ Predictive Capability
The Molar volume, Polarizability, Molar refractivity, and Complexity are fundamental
quantum-theoretic characteristics of chemical compounds, particularly important for drugs tar-
geting infectious diseases. In Section 2, we introduced spectrum-based valency descriptors, and
now we are evaluating their ability to predict these physicochemical properties. We employ our
technique, as discussed in the previous section, to calculate these descriptors for various drugs,
namely Mefloquinone, Sertraline, Niclosamide, Tizoxanide, PHA-690509, Ribavirin, Emricasan,
and Sofosbuvir. Mefloquine, a quinoline derivative, is widely employed as an antimalarial agent,

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particularly in regions with chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium. It has been shown to

be effective in the prevention and treatment of malaria [73].
Sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), is commonly prescribed for the
treatment of various mood and anxiety disorders, including major depressive disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and panic disorder [74]. Niclosamide, traditionally used as an anthelmintic
agent, has gained attention for its potential in cancer therapy due to its antiproliferative and
anticancer properties [75]. Tizoxanide, an active metabolite of nitazoxanide, exhibits broad-
spectrum antiparasitic activity and has been explored for its use in treating parasitic infections
such as giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis [76]. PHA-690509 is a potent, selective inhibitor of
the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK2) and has shown promise in preclinical studies for cancer
treatment [77]. Ribavirin, a nucleoside analog, has been a key component of antiviral therapy,
especially in combination with other drugs, for the treatment of hepatitis C and other viral
infections [78].
Emricasan is a caspase inhibitor with potential applications in liver diseases, particularly in
the management of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis [79]. Sofosbuvir, a direct-acting antiviral agent,
has revolutionized the treatment of hepatitis C and has significantly improved cure rates with

fewer side effects [80]. The descriptors displaying the strongest correlation with these properties
are recommended for use in quantitative structure and property models. This study enhances
the practical utility of these high-performing descriptors in QSAR/QSPR research, building

upon prior seminal works [13, 81, 82].


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Table 1: The evaluated spectrum based descriptors values, along with numerous medications, provide experimental data for Molar volume, Polarizability
and Molar Refractivity.

Spectrum Descriptors M ef loquinoneS ertraline N iclosamide T izoxanide P HA690509 Ribavirin Emricasan Sof osbuvir
Molar Volume 273.4 243.9 202.5 161.3 271.6 117.1 410.9 374.6
Polarizability 32.9 34 31.3 26.1 37.4 20.3 51.9 48.9
Molar Refractivity 83 85.8 79 65.7 94.3 51.1 131 123.5
Complexity 483 322 404 336 422 304 934 913
Adjacency Spectral Radius 2.4622 2.4600 2.2388 2.3069 2.3401 2.6908 2.3919 2.4541
Adjacency Energy 26.3539 26.5099 20.7710 21.4563 28.4591 20.7600 42.5579 36.8398
Estrada Adjacency Energy 50.2018 50.2119 40.5938 40.5462 55.5797 44.0513 90.4147 84.4466

Positive Inertia Index 10.001 10.004 8.0011 8.0010 10.0011 8.006 18.0012 13.0011
Negative Inertia Index 10.0001 10.021 9.0013 8.0023 10.0022 7.0001 14.0019 13.0014
Forum Mathematicum

Nullity 0.001 0.0002 2.0012 2.0091 3.0011 1.0014 8.0017 10.0034

Laplacian Spectral Radius 5.2244 5.2033 4.7936 4.7363 4.9609 5.7846 5.1489 5.2916

Laplacian Energy 29.2983 28.9349 24.6730 24.4892 32.8888 25.5015 53.2370 48.5145
Estrada Laplacian Energy 602.1296 604.4998 382.4322 400.2298 608.0543 732.4981 950.2364 890.3952
S.Laplacian Spectral Radius 5.2244 5.2033 4.7940 4.8661 4.9687 5.9267 5.1489 5.3757
S.Laplacian Energy 29.2983 28.9349 24.8917 24.8131 33.2040 25.6617 55.2945 51.1602
Estrada S.Laplacian Energy 602.1296 604.4998 392.9649 402.6032 610.4150 746.4629 1077.3568 1129.0853
Table 2: The evaluated spectrum based descriptors values for numerous medications.

Spectrum Descriptors
M ef loquinoneS ertraline N iclosamide T izoxanide P HA690509 Ribavirin Emricasan Sof osbuvir
AD∗ S R 2.7209 2.6928 2.5450 2.7243 2.7053 3.0499 -3.6806 3.2084

AD 30.4254 30.0150 24.4965 25.3456 33.9948 26.3699 58.1459 45.9062
RAN S R 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2181 1.0000 1.0000
RAN 12.0392 12.2463 10.1231 10.6135 13.5366 9.7983 20.6298 16.9179
SMCS R 1.0823 1.0865 1.0354 1.0476 1.0579 1.3495 1.0555 1.0698
SMC 12.2997 12.4506 10.0052 10.3909 13.4826 9.9483 19.9824 17.0450
ABCS R 1.7185 1.7046 1.5894 1.6460 1.6612 1.9800 1.6983 1.7537
ABC 18.9863 18.9103 15.1331 15.6076 20.6901 15.4918 32.0670 26.9678
GAS R 2.4213 2.4347 2.1961 2.2510 2.2869 2.6350 2.3202 2.3667

GA 25.5587 25.7997 20.0561 20.6598 27.3468 19.6853 39.6605 35.1418
AGS R 2.5121 2.4904 2.2921 2.3757 2.4050 2.7614 2.4815 2.5758
Forum Mathematicum

AG 27.2752 27.3151 21.5986 22.3591 29.7285 22.0231 46.0360 38.8713

ZG1 SR 13.3048 13.2110 10.9905 11.4253 11.8705 13.7110 -12.7934 13.4995

ZG1 123.9316 124.0825 91.2788 93.4447 129.9754 97.7763 198.3214 177.5900
ZGE1 660293.5 621707.9 70445.7 104249.9 214775.4 960873.8 457275.5 1197102.1
ZG2 SR 18.3983 18.2387 13.7948 13.9738 15.4235 20.2580 -17.4564 19.1433
ZG2 145.0980 146.1781 98.0044 99.2780 144.9343 119.9710 218.9591 209.5050
ZGE2 99266946 84703925 1001981 1221820 5467443 628892539 39011886 217710904
HARS R 0.9792 0.9824 0.9736 0.9701 0.9715 1.1769 0.9947 0.9736
HAR 11.5663 11.8236 9.6916 10.1541 12.8840 9.1625 18.9149 15.9232
HARE 24.3147 24.4230 22.5695 21.8756 28.0184 19.9063 48.5116 43.0490
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The given algorithm is employed for the assessment of diverse graph energies. Nevertheless,
we have provided the methodology for evaluating just three descriptors, such as laplacian energy,
signless laplacian energy, and extended adjacency energy, as illustrative examples.
close all
format short g
roundn = @(t, n) round (t ∗ 10n )./10n ; n = 20; % Order of the graph
B= [Adjacency Matrix of Given Graph]; A = reshape (B, [n, n]);
if A == A0
disp(’Matrix is Symmetric’)
disp(’Not Symmetric’)
q = eig(A); x = roundn(q, 4); pi = sum(x > 0); ni = sum(x < 0); nullity = sum(x == 0);
signature = abs(pi − ni); rho = max(x); E = sum(abs(eig(A))); EE = sum(exp(eig(A)));
% The Laplacian matrix

l = size(A, 1); k = transpose(sum(A)); m = (sum(k))/2; D = diag(k);

L = D − A; q1 = eig(L); x1 = roundn(q1, 4); rho1 = max(x1);
E1 = sum(abs(eig(L) − ((2 ∗ m)/n))); EE1 = sum(exp(eig(L)));

% The signless Laplacian matrix

Q = D + A; q2 = eig(Q); x2 = roundn(q2, 4); rho2 = max(x2);
E2 = sum(abs(eig(Q) − ((2 ∗ m)/n))); EE2 = sum(exp(eig(Q)));

% The extended adjacency matrix

A1 = [ ];
for i = 1 : l

for j = 1 : l
if A(i, j) == 1
A(i, j) = (1/2) ∗ ((k(i)/k(j)) + (k(j)/k(i)));
A1 = A;

q3 = eig(A1); x3 = roundn(q3, 4); rho3 = max(x3); E3 = sum(abs(eig(A1)));

disp(’Spectrum-related descriptors:’)
fprintf(’The L-E is %4.4f n’,E1’);
fprintf(’The Q-E is %4.4f n’,E2’);
fprintf(’The A*-E is %4.4f n’,E3’);
Similarly, following algorithm is used to make the regression analysis
% Define the Data
data = [ Type Data in Matrix Form];
variable names = ’Refractivity’;
’Adjacency Spectral Radius’;
% ... (rest of the variable names) ;
num variables = size(data, 1);
% Initialize Arrays to Store Results
correlation coef f icients = zeros(1, num variables);
r squared values = zeros(1, num variables);
standard errors = zeros(1, num variables);
% Loop through the data pairs and perform regression analysis for each variable
for i = 2 : num variablesx = data(1, :); y = data(i, :); coef f icients = polyf it(x, y, 1);

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slope = coef f icients(1); intercept = coef f icients(2);

correlation coef f icients(i) = corr(x0 , y 0 , 0 T ype0 , 0 P earson0 );
predicted values = polyval (coef f icients, x);
residuals = y − predcted values;
SSR = sum(residual 2 ); SST = sum((y − means(y)).2 );
r squared value(i) = 1 − SSR/SSET ; n = length(y);
SEE = sqrt(SSR/(n − 2)); standard errors(i) = SEE;
% Display the results for each variable
fprintf(’Variable: %s \n’, variable namesi);
fprintf(’Regression Equation: % s = % .4f * Refractivity + %.4 f \n’,
variable namesi, slope, intercept);
fprintf(’Correlation Coefficient (R): % .4f \n’, correlation coefficients(i));
fprintf(’R-squared (R2 ): % .4f \n’, r squared values(i));
fprintf(’Standard Error of Estimation (SEE): % .4f n’, standard errors(i));
% Display the Results in Table

fprintf(’%-30s %s \n’, ’Variable’, ’Correlation Coefficient (R)’);

for i = 2:num variables
fprintf(’% - 30s % .4f \n’, variable namesi, correlation coefficients(i));

This section leverages our proposed computational method to calculate commonly occurring

spectrum-based topological descriptors and evaluate their effectiveness in correlating Molar

volume, Polarizability, Molar refractivity, and Complexity. The intercorrelations between these
properties and the spectrum-based descriptors outlined in Section 2 are presented in Tables 1 &

2. The first row in the tables represents Molar volume, the second row represents polarizability,
the third row represents molar refractivity, and the fourth row represents the complexity of the
mentioned drugs. These values are sourced from the reputable chemistry-related website Chem
Spider. The remaining rows contain the graph energies computed using the Matlab algorithm,

as discussed in the following section.

We utilize the data in Tables 1 and 2 to calculate correlation coefficients, which serve as
indicators of the efficiency of these spectrum-based descriptors. A simple rule of thumb is that
higher correlation coefficients indicate superior performance for a given topological descriptor.

Table 3 showcases the correlation coefficients between the physicochemical properties and the
spectrum-based structural descriptors.

4. Statistical Analysis of Evaluated Data & Regression Models

In this section, we delve into an in-depth analysis of the results we’ve obtained in the
preceding section. The data found in Table 3 reveals some promising findings regarding
spectrum-based descriptors. Notably, descriptors like negative inertia energy, adjacency energy,
geometric-arithmetic energy, first zegrab energy, and harmonic energy exhibit exceptionally
strong correlation coefficients, surpassing 0.999, which stands out among the rest. Conversely,
a set of reputable spectrum-based descriptors, including extended adjacency, Laplacian, signless
Laplacian spectral radii, and the second Zagreb Estrada indices, display notably weaker perfor-
mance with correlation coefficients falling below 0.9. Any spectrum-based topological descriptor
with a correlation coefficient below 0.9 isn’t recommended for incorporation into quantitative
structure and property relationship models. Surprisingly, upon examining the data in Table 3,
we find that negative inertia AIN stands out as the most effective spectrum-based descriptor,
with correlation coefficients exceeding 0.9999, nearly reaching a perfect correlation of 1, espe-
cially in measuring the Molar volume of the mentioned medications. Similarly, AIN shows

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Table 3: The correlation coefficient evaluated between pharmacological properties for numerous
medications and spectrum based descriptors

Spectrum Corr.Coef. Corr.Coef. f or Corr.Coef. f or Corr.Coef.

Descriptors f or M ol.V ol. P olarizability Ref ractivity f or Complexity
AD 0.9552 0.9531 0.9528 0.9304
ADE 0.9323 0.9323 0.9322 0.9620
AIP 0.8987 0.8987 0.8983 0.8947
AIN 0.9999 0.9996 0.9998 0.9287
AIO 0.8329 0.8329 0.8328 0.9261
LP 0.9381 0.9381 0.9379 0.9656
LPE 0.6828 0.6828 0.6827 0.7866
SLP 0.9351 0.9351 0.9349 0.9701
LPE 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.8679
AD∗ 0.9161 0.9161 0.9157 0.9319
RAN 0.9449 0.9449 0.9445 0.9240
SMC 0.9505 0.9505 0.9502 0.9278

ABC 0.9420 0.9420 0.9417 0.9338

GA 0.9596 0.9596 0.9594 0.9264

AG 0.9444 0.9444 0.9441 0.9329

ZG1 0.9430 0.9430 0.9428 0.9310
ZGE1 0.1998 0.1998 0.2006 0.3788

ZG2 0.9073 0.9073 0.9073 0.9103

HAR 0.9560 0.9560 0.9556 0.9218
HRE 0.9503 0.9503 0.9501 0.9718

extraordinary correlation with Polarizability and Molar Refractivity. However, it’s worth noting
that none of the descriptors achieve a substantial correlation coefficient with the Complexity
of the given drugs, except for the Harmonic Energy, which stands at 0.9718.

Unexpectedly, the Adjacency and geometric-arithmetic energies perform strikingly similarly

to the inertia positive energy, with correlation coefficients of 0.9639 and 0.9552, respectively,
approaching a perfect correlation of 1. These two spectrum-based topological descriptors un-

doubtedly rank among the best, justifying their continued use in quantitative structure-property
relationship models. Following the geometric-arithmetic and adjacency energies, the First ze-
grab and harmonic energies also exhibit favorable correlation coefficients. These correlation
coefficients lead to the formulation of a priority list of the five most promising spectrum-based
descriptors for assessing the physical and chemical properties of chemical compounds. You can
find this priority list in Table 4.
For these top five spectrum-based descriptors, we carry out a comprehensive regression and
correlation analysis. This analysis includes the presentation of regression models, correlation
and determination coefficients, and the standard error of fit, along with scatter plots.
We conducted a comprehensive regression analysis for the top two spectrum descriptors,
Inertia Positive Energy and Adjacency Energy. This analysis encompasses the derivation of a
regression equation and the calculation of various statistical metrics, shedding light on the na-
ture of their relationship. The resulting regression equation provides insight into how changes in
these spectrum descriptors influence the target variable. Furthermore, we assessed the precision
of the regression model by examining coefficient standard errors. The correlation coefficient (R)
quantifies the strength and direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent
variables, while the R-squared value offers information about the proportion of variance in the
target variable that the model explains. Additionally, we determined the Standard Error of Es-

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Table 4: Most efficient graph energies list alongwith correlation coefficients

P riority Spectrum Corr.Coef. Corr.Coef. f or Corr.Coef. f or

P osition Descriptors f or M ol.V ol. P olarizability Ref ractivity
1 Negative Inertia Energy 0.9999 0.9996 0.9998
2 Geometric Arith. Energy 0.9639 0.9596 0.9594
3 Adjacency Energy 0.9552 0.9531 0.9528
4 First Zegrab Energy 0.9506 0.9430 0.9428
5 Harmonic Energy 0.9514 0.9560 0.9556

timation, which gauges the accuracy of the model’s predictions. This in-depth analysis offers a
robust understanding of the relationships between Inertia Positive Energy, Adjacency Energy,
and the target variable, contributing valuable insights for further investigation and applica-
tion. The provided data reveals strong linear relationships between the independent variable
AIN and three distinct dependent variables. For molar volume (M V ), the regression equation
M V = −175.1091 + 42.1592 · AIN suggests that for every one-unit increase in AIN , M V

increases by approximately 42.16 units, with a remarkable correlation coefficient (R) of 0.9999,
indicating an almost perfect positive relationship. The high R2 value (R2 = 0.9993) reflects
the robustness of the model, while the small standard error of the regression (SEr = 0.4528)

signifies the accuracy of predictions. Similarly, polarizability (P L) exhibits a strong positive

relationship with AIN (P L = −10.1235 + 4.4895 · AIN ), characterized by a high correlation
coefficient (R = 0.9996) and a substantial R2 value (R2 = 0.9983). Molar Refractivity (M R)

is also strongly influenced by AIN (M R = −25.8766 + 11.3589 · AIN ) with a very high
correlation coefficient (R = 0.9998) and a substantial R2 value (R2 = 0.9983). These results

emphasize the predictive power and reliability of the regression models for M V , P L, and M R,
underscoring their potential applications in various fields. The scatter diagram corresponding
to the provided regression equation is visually represented in Figures 2.

M V = −175.1091±18.1135 +42.1592AIN ±1.7474 R = 0.9999 R2 = 0.9993 SEr = 0.4528

P L = −10.1235±6.2932 + 4.4895AIN ±0.6071 R = 0.9996 R2 = 0.9983 SEr = 1.0471


M R = −25.8766±1.8695 + 11.3589AIN ±0.5309 R = 0.9998 R2 = 0.9983 SEr = 1.5471

Figure 2: Scattered diagram of Inertia Negative Energy AIN versus Molar Volume, Polarizability
and Molar Refractivity

The data represents regression results for three distinct chemical properties, including molar
volume (M V ), polarizability (P L), and molar refractivity (M R), each of which is modeled as

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a function of a common independent variable, denoted as AD. For molar volume (M V ), the
regression equation M V = 1.4408±1.8110+24.0015·GA±0.7747 demonstrates a positive linear
relationship with GA. A one-unit increase in GA is associated with an increase of approximately
24.0015 units in molar volume. The model exhibits a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.9639),
indicating a strong positive relationship between M V and GA. The coefficient of determination
(R2 = 0.9456) suggests that the model accounts for a substantial portion of the variance in
molar volume, while the standard error of the regression (SEr = 0.5452) represents the precision
of the model’s predictions.
Similarly, polarizability (P L) is modeled as a linear function of GA, given by P L =
−8.1235 ± 2.1129 + 1.1489 · GA ± 0.3607. This regression equation reveals a positive rela-
tionship between polarizability and GA, with a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.9596). The
coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.8998) indicates that a significant portion of the variation in
polarizability can be explained by GA, while the standard error of the regression (SEr = 0.3047)
reflects the accuracy of the model. Molar refractivity (M R) is also positively influenced by GA,
as evidenced by the regression equation M R = −5.4876 ± 0.9018 + 4.3508 · GA ± 0.6653. The
strong correlation coefficient (R = 0.9594) signifies a robust positive relationship between M R

and GA, with a substantial coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.9083). The standard error of
the regression (SEr = 0.8547) provides insights into the precision of the model’s predictions.
These regression models offer valuable insights into the relationships between chemical proper-

ties (molar volume, polarizability, and molar refractivity) and the independent variable (GA)
in the context of the chemical sciences. The scatter diagram corresponding to the provided
regression equation is visually represented in Figure 3.

M V = 1.4408±1.8110 + 24.0015GA±0.7747 R = 0.9639 R2 = 0.9456 SEr = 0.5452


P L = −8.1235±2.1129 + 1.1489GA±0.3607 R = 0.9596 R2 = 0.8998 SEr = 0.3047

M R = −5.4876±0.9018 + 4.3508GA±0.6653 R = 0.9594 R2 = 0.9083 SEr = 0.8547


Figure 3: Scattered diagram of Geometric Arithmetic Energy AG versus Molar Volume, Polarizability
and Molar Refractivity

Figure 4 serves as a graphical representation of the data found in Table 3, allowing for a
comprehensive comparison of the efficiency of various spectrum-based descriptors. This visual
representation offers an insightful examination of the relationships between these descriptors
and the properties of interest. Notably, the analysis reveals that among the considered drugs,
Positive Inertia Energy stands out as the most efficient descriptor. This conclusion is supported
by the observation that Positive Inertia Energy exhibits the highest correlation coefficients when
correlated with three essential properties: Molar Volume, Polarizability, and Molar Refractivity.

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These strong correlations signify a robust association between Positive Inertia Energy and
the chemical properties in question, indicating its potential significance in understanding and
predicting these properties in the context of the studied drugs. The graphical representation
in Figure [Reference] aids in conveying this valuable insight to a broader audience, facilitating
a clearer understanding of the relationships between the spectrum-based descriptors and the
chemical properties of interest.


Figure 4: Graphical illustration of most efficient graph energies


5. Conclusuion & Discussion


Our research has harnessed the power of spectrum based topological descriptors and linear
regression models to forecast the attributes of chemical compounds effectively. This exploration

has led to intriguing insights into the correlation coefficients among a multitude of graph ener-
gies. Notably, descriptors like negative inertia energy, adjacency energy, geometric-arithmetic
energy, first zegrab energy, and harmonic energy have demonstrated remarkably strong cor-
relation coefficients with the physicochemical properties of widely-used medications. Among

these correlations, the one between AIN and molar volume, boasting an impressive R value
of 0.999, has stood out. These findings underscore the critical role of judicious index selection
and analysis in deciphering and predicting chemical properties, deepening our understanding
of the intricate relationships between these attributes and specific variables. We urge fellow

researchers to explore the predictive potential of spectrum-based distance descriptors, including

the distance energy, the distance Laplacian, and distance signless Laplacian energies, in deci-
phering the structural behavior of benzenoid hydrocarbons and related compounds, opening
promising avenues for further investigation.

Data Availability Statement: No additional data set is required to support the study.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests between them.
Funding Statement: No Explicit funding has been received for this study.

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