Chapter 15 Waves

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CMAPTER 45 pe) wn a srrtduuirn ; pow _to_ oma, 2 INTRODUCTION Pagans an wo iztunbanss orm Ont The pov dauene D agg Baw yoo ba ai are Boren eho ane > None sargund lub ee ttew uo daeppel on te wigan oh al “sh crag, of Be atone an_tramafpad asap, — Taig dhomamitid ollong th AUifose anwar cee oll busca. ae 5 = 2 bight omngy i thu aun in Baamarmithd sm old inition son form ae aaaan ENGST TAEEN SEEREEEEEEREENEC A Whur so pose aptaks —smasgy, id stomited oy s_ptason __ Abas “op Iespniy 20d nce airy commun padidu. Due nano sa bomapmctied Sack fo tat cud Jutured Suy Ba wextnring —ankonan lly wate soe __— Jrscr sb Oo TV Api a ee “2 GAsyFcETON OF WAVES > Boned on Bu votalion of te dha nba Spy * Mpa on asp — | temas uses ! a itis 0 Jongbiuduinal ANANIED J, DY A wos om ahh bob ay AL wars ign usta ila veo mtd “Ulcer ayn Ay um _nudluwen wlbtadis along hk L= = daghk < ant ego __ attumadte_ agmpxialion | L\miveg _alteornale _ oun ond 1 > Depending - Oo the J - pe . men The dons ae _ rough. Tt a pel agupernteat of sretvucl o sedimn j wens 01 Garafird umko ao - —__, Hedhommak wanes Wen "mithamucall swans te Dd Batam ok dag 1. De Aware whi de me 4 ___ src roedusoen Shoo. | reajsteh oman mica _ -propexgatticm 4b pt tha pthgelion ah _mathonwcal swank. ae nds awa, Wome" ee Troms ot Augiur ped an _ 8 “Seals ak doue 20d | __xesdasen a seonaduaren 5 Muhosagal wane om Aw (3. tor Mudhomnnl surance ars ____ Forgfisdireol ot parevone clays bamanse | ro - _ | , * Pape - Co Phone of a pastas oy i i : uo tivnno of pation of, Hou birone te a phase ——— Wy ok AB,c DEE OM Oy Th | 34 T —__| panatiate , Asal Ha phaveoh ofall of amy argh —— | peat en te Hu phase 4, Bu parks I) ——— ee (>) Pate | 7 Page | = # . — | ak oA 7 | | Bic DCE aw 0, a, T, ary ¢ an Mab ediandy tf | 8 ("2) yee tena age Son — EP Sie ape ten pe fo a ADE an ge, | cenencteerstns OF progressive Weve - LTA. wan propo gata arm Jb -midannn oy npeabd ond Se a - i oe thud sam pobre || a shomafpud rom On to varntthy smn Ba I re gf, duatinkom sorties P coited Cada thud sreoerentrd oh, iw a hom vrnduuann , JNO -propogab wn _ Kuso Fort PM Be panhs kes Gn he omeduanen wore. uth some a 4 Question oF PROGRESSIVE WAVE Sapalioe af —freguanin. vent. sre “ia geailih (at in Ha sduuthinn ah bachngalm 8a ne By am tap _ \ Yb, +) . “Asinfka tot, wt +p) ts Bw oy AOD ~ (ee ut +e) an on se 1 . h Meg tam Ix supthn a0, ae ee eh BE . . YO) = R singe. 4 wt) —_—_— a fea - ; FREQUEN? £ WAVE LEN, 5, sk | RELATIow BETWEEN Wave VELOCITY, ei hw 0. powbih of Ba. smadluaen Tw about i cam _porttion 4m euseie brome , \ “ wane druandls a custo sno Asks gh A. (a ey = Balan oe - i A — ay Wane rtheaty = — hrapsncy x Warekemgdhe 2k none 5 7 oe fon dow Hu re pound bom owk vm uA, een - _— ap Fprquincy a66 Hs, vmakeen 64 wisalion. “deal - iL Adund um Ar = 330 ms! _ Z Ak: lena fi 256 He - _ os ed V= 320 mz _ - —=— — iA 3a0 = 4-a5y0 oe | ase Pacha rand Joy the wore ain cy vials an {| 7 125 x64 = Bom — {—— — =m ——____ ——______ te * | Pee oF TRANSVERSE twAvE 2), pad. thy Oo hamaninre wane on @ _atnthed ab . — The apy emarros sn — ag. — + 3 Tsay, — Dt estoy oie a a aa r ae / a facto fp > Abed oh pamyuose wont um 0 Déhi Ts fuer) - Me [Mon] _ Mc! i ve (Mure aa =} — a The Aped. Lah amare ron Hmough a Bees » htnnea 2 aalaly oh he oA modulus of, Augiduty 7) ot JB 5 ye —Domamauoe 4 Abad, v= [LT] = a _k, | Brfing ues m= 5x10 kg he op T= oon : : 3 we Nene 2 $1 r ° ome gag byw! a ie bo Hu wut 93 ms! 69x 169 Agr frre ayuation oh promi as > __gpaty = Renin QM oo e) = Asin er Mt vbw (® Hh ye) = “Boman % - 5 —@)_ RP ee ult) = Bom an = ab - a af - > easy anfy- ¥t) — (3) 80) tom Beanie on glare) = Asim of Kx - 4) ed yg 2 Asm oft) ye) ane a “Me, a= =A mal =f tel - . ¥ Hela be, oe Ape Fo Appin. I pinpunan aa along Ne 05 Hae te ou Auge surbids Sin Arcos te 4 & SOPEE Post tron of Waves 4 Staloment When am now 4 ih 2 REE Aur <§ cluplacumest that th amdinrdaad soars . aveda qe : 4 UY gy amd yp de UR cuaplaumert of particle gure ody 8 wave , 4 Youre. SYS oom _preducea tA draplaummemnt on Aarme ductor then te guaubbont scuplacemunt in equal te Aum ot BK taaploserment dae fe 2 anne - a | han vd aap ~ Ae fps ft Ie Bh Ae 2 de 4 yal. D ung um Aa Aer ~ 2 tha ce 2 tnd nan ‘ay ine Fieqpeiaa ven samen 3. Aaliewory svar + Sg rore ama tng on A ofp iin pa * | EXAMPLE eee 3. A Shome agit jie th sep 42 Saw fh Seg 3o0™m aye in ie opal fond ob ik Pep Girasa Hu thee. sof Anu, doo in. an_ Boome! [eda Ak” Gaon = = 300m _ te b= 340ms' ge aR me? : j uw=o0 _ | dct t2 Je de bens aiken Soy Ha stone bo yeah the ft Oro ee a ht, Se th Hires srbeyy Sy Bu Aoumd te “ated the Aap Ths ties oft, suchidy pound wo yyod te btt, _ Sips 22 yt hat” 32h = 300m + MAO | ag =g.ams? be” ay, Se Deumd ? by the rumarmulked sound 7 | Apes & boimd um gia us 340 mS! sn Jwaker. 1466 3) AeS- _ Gupyen ; | $2 Y= 1000 Khe ¥, 2 30 ms? Wa = 1436 es! ae — oH ve VA « dew, 340 8 34x10 tm - : « > Rilicion and ijeion — = “su lea shen Bee vig - eel ‘vet [ Ketel flue port ann 49 rr a amd oO eta ete Jou Akcornd Peeeduuren UTM antl aoe uo liel matador % STATIONARY WAVE oR STawpLNa wavi When 2 Programe sworn of anpol arephabuds _ Raqptey ond _opud onli eo mide alg Aart Sms soo _oppotbt. 0 dirschions Aubapme Be Ba | om cippeans to foe Jefe Ahalionany pableorn , Aus ha : MAS tng odin a Ok “ CHaeAcTeessTics pF STAWBIONARY WAVE 4. The “sane dats not advan Aough fe mudi . . 8 eau pov im Bu omadanien thu pars os _ — pormamivulfy of rust amd Bae seauilkort duplazumint { “[rcnimiee*becmed and ts salud _avetivesdes — os. a asp ii tonal te a a — (88 Aegyminh . The phane. Indus a a nighbeunug 6 + oa wT. or oe a auamunk, ned olimadyy _ tn Dupowk ay My a classmate, Ou?) a) OE | QHPAR Ion - “seen erry; $ sieve vanves a a feel a wan ne wu mre 7 fo a = ES th am tot tt _ 2: || These iy ham & Lenngy 4 Trew io no tram of ; _ _——} rw scluxdion of, propogalion | orgy a. |tadh Pen it ts btw sompbnns 9p Bu Aarne ab vpashie 10 ntnureive ab artimod _ | orn manmurnuses ot sneday 21 No spastle on de dunn Ae Pastis ob node cus er’) ot wat Jerse asrtrnthay ot mot 8 Paya panbole pang —_ 5. Fl_panacle sm a. Atay tt A reads Phan. cabins poribon ot : _amatamts Ju harman sTAMowArRy WAVES apes A sysece af tarnt sorrflccle paayptcnty | Yln4) = asin Hoc + wt) ¥ b&w) = 0.410 ( kx + wt) * | FORMETron OF | an Iu rwAttarnk warn 48 1 Mo Aaeapocilion— 2 » — garun by, - - a yan = bt Yast be 2 canbe e) | + “asm (at) __ ff ____* _ | =o [sinbor put] + sim(katwt) | ny hal ao mal - To Ly bt) = Ramat) — Re a galt) ts hodlag. ee 4 ‘habionany — momma ba fold sombmade - mt arkureadt Rp Tapuensnn Sinks = 4 - tee Pe Bo _ Hae gourd ee Ga) 2 a _ fo Sak an], Z }>— Ah teh ok | STEIN Waves “pun coLyins Mle ea ge a opr ah ot od rd eda ak othy [ene hin baled dev pie. - — 2 [open ube = Th Hu pube ia chen 4 cold an open pape * © By Feng wwlhaing Sanriong vk seat the red of pipe ar cn colureun sind are sh torn Bd ave Th Jongtinduinal usar howl. _Hnvough pipe dnd at Shale He endo. ik va _, AWpaey 4 ed vat olbr gm amd vows rotor. . The ti) ae Aupupore wits ths sadwome wan asd __ 2offuded WANK) / i Jergtudimal atahionary Jwraann oe up im cu _coluenen — at hott tyed , Huan _poatilaa aas_smot fue HR alas amd tusk mode is fovrad at Mrak_povet tw! ot Bu ehon em , ' —_ aSShate : Co Cao ES, By " - =e) IDE * ON F ATTo Nv z ae TP; ! D BRATI« OF ALR COLUM IN CLOSED P 1 oO v Nop) | Joe = - : : a as vmod of worabion (n=) { | Barghhy he * a Prugpsiy Aue i - as oo Ol) ate the tek mode of wdbralvoo (022) ify co), Droglh Ae pena «8 ea A be Su esyenty. Hay = Su 2 5, _— } = —— — Thad ay Su ° “Iannone a OO ew eq} a) (@ £B) yx Jnane _ - _ | Mi GV, = 1: 3:5 = Classmat, fonaucl. orn Oho fue 4 Iungth ee ity be, cadlouty pound wm air, Thatirnodo epee a open emda . UV ty Ihe Sumgth of fin Bourdany,— Aardition gam Se vost as lo oe wv, Nauumunk Lena ~Daaples mae v Soe eta kag “og I$ jong te oo 1 a ac ee (tl - _ — jp ae a OO 2 Tn the pod medi wns fa) th an ng - ae rae AAS A apt — Hun 2M W wwbrakion (nea) the cntrr doy bof aon 3. Atgratrnby Lk 9 RA papi BJ + + it 4 | MODES oF WBEATION Iw A STRING on —— Podacas Romvene vilalimawy swan due to “uperponer are erere omoc rer fad Ste go —|L 4 Be Ab wig Sle to a apne a Shea + Bo) In te “Fuad vbaalion (n=) ake odow Img ee I wimty , Pas . pequeny 2 aW .3Y, aL — The 34 ramon / —~ ao ey) (0.2) €.02) an hone a a 0. IV 7 423, ms Kain pink am She ich atbutthedk Abung” ‘ = _ DOPPLER “ERRELT - oe a oe Thebarton drome am Jen_pach er oh th, dead feord Soy J I aboron dae ts She pulabrx smatio, Abuse Bu Souda amd Bu obseoa. da callad Daphln pe tn fee Lenton “on at opproadkes am ol Bluowr en th Pao amd demon him du dora Brow - ‘rae Te Pppaclion or a 2 alee ae Cee emer eee) -a canner + tate indy it aa tS _ . = Baek jn we SEE apy a aa mee Se 7 T _—— — v= w&\9 Wy, 2 Tipens a 7 Lat Prquteny ashen the dbyerrnn smove — MY A0Uner _ [Sea 9 a __| Q fies }9 = — 1 ves ee - > ee = — oo — i Folens he. “nouns enbo8 "Heupel i aero. aaicech Fake “Reeve moves ancy pom Ce Ye few) en 2 : oO tt — 5. | B rcckek Lb_mevimg a oO apod oh, 200-3! Fouad _ oe - __| Ato tionary —Soreph 40 as _ernning _. heb 0. pain of wane sony 000 fn Ages {3s ie gil _oshduded. ae “tk pee ef he Aotnd. san von athe By sn _ at, te hs rodkd Ad - Gum > Y= 1000HZ __¥e = 200 m3" io 8 = 330 m3! ay, Why ae - A ar Pw, Ya_-mB0rg amd. a 4a dtulgnary = . 3F Vfw ye _lo00 (330 —_—______| ao eal -_[pa0- al | ie eee - t VF a6 eB be He fj = pe the _ tak —rodeut ap } Oy _ Appreaduy rypith tomet_ - : ee &> suades sod —1o-mé! a theif [Gun v= au0m8 a oe 4 Lohse rr _alndionsy ¢ foun da “0% Trad _ ds 9( ¥] _ goof 340) gaia. |v] [ 340-10] 7 %| Dhan Arvin in Akmbimany and dowra iy Gwerg | os Vf vy). wool ano 7 = 383-5% hz. Lol sor] 1 % [dor o towing Iroymonie woe _ |__ y= d-@ ws[lot - 0-0080% +0-36] = | au ty OA im tres, ttn AK. What Jn SY foduvten oiNabcy malign ob 2 pail aeprvalid. by a balanese |p Av uy O-6m wy Ma id fu — bel | Gorse _ - A= a Leo Q = 0°35 ws fet = | k = 0-008 = an X ne | Now | hom fu olvous sqysohion ee te Tye amg FRE ee 0-008 - Pe | A= 4 853. - 4. ety Ad A KX op: fn, Be - : x Pre ee = nh wd 44 = an wd a {Bp 20 som Jing ion gh eh finde. Wudh avo dk oh the Ppa eae wally batcitid Soy va Kl _— Aen Tull Japonam ani Hu own Aguree Le Raed jaf et Jred op Bh Pipe ur dregs 2 Tok oped @ Adwed fy Bont 4— sae —9Y 20, . —_ - t R850 zoo. - ee _ iets 4 now ry [Mapseay 4 -aKN2 er neonartly— ——— tate Hh Atwond hadron sof, Hs poe pe —— aes spd. pepe Vi = ay, = 3xQsS = B75He We Sv = 5xazs = 13t5H2 £ 40m NO Bnutenty of sored pale smotohay oi _nisonara sith - Aspens Bugysouy 4h ie | theo Gotten PL am open p gam pape Joey vedh | drw uct erro of Tio Orga pape woh a Joh — tae wap ane ted Be eg ___| ene eat : 1 {oct ato Ab oe i £" ovettou of - 2° quovlowof = dae I Oper pope Alar _prpe I d\n Blo Bue ail, | eal = “de bie tt in ' & Lp=_ 150 ~ 0-99, HE] = te ke Beers _. Ty hie ann ssn Auton 7 Beat or - yp Be aioe de Ba Povey Amend — worre Itiidn At 4 | eal Lesvorak “dy \ : Sa | Pralaaat pean 7 7 ; 2 hanes wars of v, £9, | : “pacgurty 3 {eed sash re emp tind id Pra Bing yn “ere diuaren an Sar Audion, Tha Asaph duc ty Ha 2 fava —_sermy Jou tonksd sao 4 Y= Asim ut = Abin an ot 4+—_Ya = Asmat = A Sim anvat y Pam Aupeponibion My JaiBbant poplotimtes ak gir pb ae fe ee at Ya ae A simany+ + Hsin anv, 7 t anesonts -V,}] Smanl(yry,]t a ss af ws fand, 4) sm (andyt) a 4 ge Ron fan Ya, t] |} Nowy - ee PSS Soe rnonismire ee dihsre OS IN Iyg t= te a 22 Vmod = bn - “RY¥,-0,) 42 DH, - a ee An 4 v,-9 } [coin pol baie ake WS aN a & = 6 on eh at oS (5-9) b= ants Se Cm t= ann) yt oo ey —— — Thos. ee > >t a ely lady «Sm mamssesscen inti ~ 2 The sims edaval Actua 2 ayassnmnn Sua cv Sook ——poved is + = 4 — ——lt V~0,, - Treen Route oo - Shak 2% prodund p prkond 4 gud. | a ; 9) PeReTae APPLICATION oF BEATS oe 4, Ddenmwnodion § —_wnemous oy 7 oO

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