8612 Quiz

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8612 Quiz Aiou B.ed 1.5 years.

By Majid Baloch

1.Any professional enterprise is deeply implemented in concerns and

a. Ethical (Right Answer)
b. Chronological
c. Historical
d. Philosophical

2.The model TPACK consists of three mains components for planning

classroom teaching
a. Pedagogy and technology
b. Content, pedagogy and technology )Right Answer)
c. Content and technology
d. Content, technology and practices

3.Instructional communication in the distance education mode is

a. Unstructured
b. Self-regulatory
c. Iinformal
d. Structured and interactive )Right Answer)

4.Which point is in favor of the professional status of teachers

a. Low regard
b. In-service education
c. Low interest
d. Low salaries

5.Effective Principals are ones who make a positive political climate across
the ____
a. School )Right Answer)
b. Classroom
c. Outside school
d. None of these
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of social media
a. Mass media decreases prejudice and discrimination )Right Answer)
b. Mass media enriches the educational programs
c. Mass media increases student’s exposure to diversity
d. Mass media helps provoke discussion of current issues

6.Professionalism and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of

every_________ program
a. Teacher education )Right Answer)
b. Teacher learning
c. Teacher improvement
d. Teacher coaching

7. Teachers are only supposed to transmit _____but they are responsible to

develop students into good human beings
a. Knowledge )Right Answer)
b. Skill
c. Attitude
d. Ethics

8. There are _____ basic steps of career development

a. Three
b. Five )Right Answer)
c. Seven
d. Nine

9. Schools and _____can play significant role in fostering socialization

skills in youth for better citizenship
a. Teachers )Right Answer)
b. Society
c. Parents
d. Peers
10.The following standards show the unpredictability and different variety
of teaching and to serve professional judgment and practice______
a. Integrity and conduct
b. Righteousness and professional development
c. Collegiality and teamwork
d. All of these )Right Answer)

11. Institutions and policies are implemented____where they are aligned

with underlying political settlement
a. Effectively )Right Answer)
b. Ineffectively
c. Partially
d. None of these

12.Virtues are a person’s disposition to act in a certain way and are

cultivated by
a. Deep thinking
b. Critical thinking
c. Practice )Right Answer)
d. Piety

13.A_______ has special knowledge and skills due to their wide and special
training in a particular field
a. Occupation
b. service
c. profession )Right Answer)
d. sale man

14. The _______educationist of teaching reflects a certain wavering

between professional and vocational conceptions
a. Modern
b. idealistic
c. traditional )Right Answer)
d. formal
15.Who said “the development of habits is a simply mechanical thing
unless habits are likewise tastes habitual modes of preference and regard a
powerful feeling of greatness
a. Gardener
b. John Dewey )Right Answer)
c. Smith
d. Skinner

16. -------------are considered to be the rule or code of conduct provided by

external sources in the workplace or governing bodies.
a. Morals
b. Ethics )Right Answer)
c. Behavior
d. Attitude

17.The________ reported that “mobile learning is ideally suited to allow

reflection-in-action and to capture the spontaneity of learning moments
a. Aubusson et al.(2009) )Right Answer)
b. Fung (2005)
c. Perraton (2003)
d. Robinson and Latchem (2003)

18.Professional dispositions are characterized as the______

a. Value
b. Duties
c. Professional
d. All of these )Right Answer)

19.Professional teachers _________to develop into Experts of their field,

which sets them apart from the rest of the pack
a. Exertion
b. Passivity
c. Struggle
d. Endeavour )Right Answer)
20. What is the distance education
a. When the teacher posts his lecture notes on the Internet
b. When a teacher uses closed circuit
c . television to deliver instruction Planned learning that typically occurs in
a geographical location different from the source of the instruction )Right

d . When a teacher uses the e-mail or the class web site to prepare
instruction for the student

21. In writing, the energizing qualities that count are passion, sensuality,
truthfulness, compassion, curiosity, insight, creativity, spontaneity,
artistry and delight
a. Essay writing
b. Journal writing )Right Answer)
C. Article writing

d. Thesis writing

22. Planning is defined as the process of

a. Organizing
b. Management )Right Answer)
c. Forecasting future problems
d. Objective

23. What is the implication and globalization to the practice and

experience of education
a. Increase of state and government support and subsidy for
b. Commodification and the corporate takeover of education
)Right Answer)

C. Greater autonomy of national educational systems

d. Delocalization of technologies andorientations in

24. A profession should laid down

a. Morals
b. Standards

C. Values
d. All of these )Right Answer)
25. Dick usher reformulated combs which areas of dispositions of
effective teachers.

a. Empathy and authenticity

b. Positive perspective of self as well as other

c. Meaningful purpose and vision

d. All of these )Right Answer)

26. Teaching is
a. A process of changing the behavior of students in desired directions

b. A process of changing the behavior of people

C. It is a process of transmission of knowledge )Right Answer)

d. A process of changing views

27. The way with which a teacher recognizes and acknowledges his students is called_

a. prizing )Right Answer)

b. teaching

c. Schooling

d. None of these

28. A ------------- is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards are
accepted by, the public as possessing special knowledge and skills

a. Profession )Right Answer)

b. Occupation

C. Service

d. Skill

29. Postmodern doubt framed education as a modern project in need of

a. Simplifying

b. Questioning )Right Answer)

c. Accepting

d. Following

30. Autonomy is one of the main focuses featured in _characteristics

a. Supervision

b. counseling

c. mentoring

d. Professionalism )Right Answer)

31. What change in Education is necessitated by Globalization

a. Equality of Educational Opportunities )Right Answer)

b. Modernization of Education

C. Vertical Mobility

d. Cultural Diffusion

32. Centralized education system may bring uniformity in

a. Educational institutions )Right Answer)

b. Culture

C. Industries

d. Economics

33. Teaching is way of transmitting_ to others through careful planning in order to

achieve set objectives

a. Information )Right Answer)

b. Data

c. Knowledge

d. Skills
34. The critique perspective emphasizes decision makers' recognizing inequities in

a. School

b. Society

C. Culture

d. Both a and b )Right Answer)

36. Utilitarianism perspective is concerned with

a. Commodities

b. Human needs

C. Outcomes )Right Answer)

d. Inputs

37. Teachers behavior should be whether he is interacting with students, superior or co-worker

a. Casual

b. Polite )Right Answer)

C. Rude

d. Unrespectable

38. ............. is a facilitator and guide, instead of sage on the stage

a. Student

b. Observer

C. Evaluator

d. Teacher )Right Answer)

39. Teaching is --------

a. A process of changing the behavior of students in desired directions

b. A process of changing the behavior of people

C. It is a process of transmission of knowledge )Right Answer)

d. A process of changing views

40. TPACK model stands for

a. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge )Right Answer)

b. Technical Practices Content Knowledge

c. Teacher Professional Content Knowledge

d. None of these

41. Good teaching basically requires_

a. Command of the subject

b. Clarity of expression

c. Good communication skills

d. All of the above )Right Answer)

42. Professionalism was identified as an

a. Occupational values

b. Opportunities

C. Skills

d. Abilities and expertise )Right Answer)

43. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "Getting knowledge is to every Muslim man and woman
a. Optional
b. Right
c. Obligatory )Right Answer)
d. Useful
44. Who found that school working as professional learning communities share five attributes
a. Hord )Right Answer)

b. Smith

C. Hold

d. Could

45. The terms "profession" and "professor" have their etymological roots in the. profess

a. Greek

b. Latin

c. English

d. Persian

46. Participating in lead which in opposition to a code of professional conduct settled by the
council under section_

a. 7(2)(c)

b. 7(2)(d)

c. 7(2)(b) )Right Answer)

d. 7(2)(F)

47. Who said "do gooddeeds propely sincerely and moderately".

a. Allah taallaa

b. Prophet (P.B.U.H) )Right Answer)

c. Abu baker
d. Shah waliullah

48. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of globalization

a. Stretching a social, political andeconomic activities across political frontiers, regions and

b. The growing magnitude of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment and migration

c. A speeding up of global interactions and processes through worldwide systems of

transportation and communication

d. The expansion of economic protectionism and isolation of poor countries )Right Answer)

49. Which authority claim the quality of basic education in Pakistan

a. RTE

b. EFA


d. ASER )Right Answer)

50. ADDIE model first appeared in

a. 1970

b. 1975 )Right Answer)

C. 1980

d. 1985

51. Professional teacher is in look

a. Neat )Right Answer)

b. Disordered

C. Clarified

d. Mixed
52. The word vacation drived from the word vacate which belongs to.

a. French

b. Latin

C. Greek

d. English
53. Composition of Professional Standard are

a. Knowledge, dispositions and skills )Right Answer)

b. Knowledge and professional development

C. Skills and dispositions

d. Knowledge, skills and comprehension

54. After the adaptation of the Universal Education on Rights in education has been considered
as a basic human right

a. 1947

b. 1948 )Right Answer)

C. 1949

d. 1950

55. According to Hoyle, (2001) the nature of professionalism is improvement of service

a. Quality )Right Answer)

b. Quantity

c. time

d. delivery

56. How many levels of professional disposition assessment_

a. 4 )Right Answer)

b. 5

C. 2

d. 3
57. Good teaching basically requires___

a. Command of the subject

b. Clarity of expression

C. Good communication skills

d. All of the above )Right Answer)

58. Sustainable development is in the absence of a political scenario of any country

a. Possible

b. Impossible )Right Answer)

C. sure

d. None of these

59. The all positive and negative aspects of teacher's personality is being part of student's:
a. Thinking
b. Critique
c. Personality )Right Answer)
d. Career

60. Although other professions provide transitional assistance for new members,
historically the profession has ignored the support needs of its new recruits and has been
described as "the profession that eats its young
a. Residents in medicine
b. Interns in architecture
C. Associates in law
d. Education )Right Answer)

61. The teaching council sets out the following standards that apply to all teachers.
a. Professional values and relationship
b. Professional integrity and professional conduct
c. Professional development
d. All of these )Right Answer)

62. The teaching is called a of Carr (1990)" in words

a. Professional activity
b. Supervision activity
c. Observation activity
d. Mentoring activity )Right Answer)

63. Professional ethics include standards of conduct expected by professionals in an

a. Personal
b. Managerial
c. Community
d. All of these )Right Answer)

64. Aims of ________________can be achieved only when quality education will be ensured
in schools
a. Education )Right Answer)
b. Schooling
c. Teaching
d. Parenting
65. Who defined standards concaving the self renewing person
a. Gardener )Right Answer)
b. Hord
c. Western
d. White ford

66. There are development basic steps of career

a. Three

b. Five )Right Answer)

c. Seven

d. Nine

67. The process of implementing the objective into actual practice becomes
the executive

a. Function of workers

b. Function of management )Right Answer)

C. Function of unions

d. Labours

68. Professional teacher workplace should be tidy and his materials

should contain only what is needed for his presentation

a. Cleaned

b. Disciplined

C. Ordered )Right Answer)

a. Irregular
69. Feedback is the central theme of

a. Communication theory )Right Answer)

b. Action Research

c. Teaching learning process

a. None of these

70. Steps of Successful Career Development are

a. Planning and development

b. Planning, self-awareness and professional opportunities )Right
c. A and B
d. None of these

71. Postmodern doubt framed education as a modern project in need of

a. Simplifying
b. Questioning )Right Answer)
c. Accepting
d. Following

72. The process of professionalization generates a hierarchical split

between the knowledge- authorities in profession and a people group of

a. Dutiful
b. Egotistical
C. Deferential )Right Answer)
d. Uncivil

73. Good teachers contacts between students and faculty

a. Encourages )Right Answer)

b. Discourages
c. Develop
d. None of these

74. The process of making good decision is a skill which needs powers
a. Reasoning )Right Answer)
b. Information
C. Logical
d. Ethical

75. Who wrote the famous book "self-renewal❞

a. Ayers
b. White ford
C. Gredener )Right Answer)
d. Hord
76. The trait approach is based on the view that values of education should
comprise predetermined that can be taught

a. Lesson
b. Trait )Right Answer)
C. Tests
d. Tricks

77. Which elements of teacher education have been described by Schlechty

and white ford

a. The setting and white ford

b. The upgrade function
c. The maintenance function
d. All of these )Right Answer)

78. ............is defined as one's professional self- concept based on attributes,

beliefs, values, motives and experiences

a. Teacher identity
C. Professional identity )Right Answer)
d. Professionalism

79. Utilitarianism perspective is concerned with

a. Commodities.
b. Human need
C. Outcomes )Right Answer)
d. Inputs

80. One disadvantage of observation is its:

a. Subjective )Right Answer)

b. Likely to be both valid and reliable
c. Objective
d. Not affected by memory problems

81. The purpose of formative assessment is:

a. Promotion to next grade
b. Monthly progress of student )Right Answer
C. Check final status
d. Selecting students

82. Analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involves in

a. Operational planning
b. Tactical planning
c. Strategic planning )Right Answer)
d. Project and programme planning

83. The code of professional conduct for teachers should be applied to all
teachers. Its purpose is

a. Threefold )Right Answer)

b. Twofold
c. Fourfold
d. Fivefold
84. ____is about knowing what one stands for

b. Profession
C. Professional identity )Right Answer)
d. None of these

85. Stickiness with and following the promises are great and noble
characteristics of a role model

a. Commitments )Right Answer)

b. Connection
C. Goal
d. Jobs

86. The teachers' main role is to guide the group

for the group and

a. Give lecture

b. Demonstrate

C. Facilitate to set tasks )Right Answer)

d. None of these

87. Ethics are the fundamental ways of human

a. Thinking
b. Ideology
c.Behaviours )Right Answer)
d. Reactions

88. Effective teacher is the person who knows how to contribute in the
overall development of
students during classroom teaching

a. Positively )Right Answer)

b. Ethically
c. Emotionally
d. Socially

89. How the knowledge should be applied when providing the service to
public, can be well thought-out a moral issue and is termed professional

a. Responsibilit
b. Achievements
C. Principle
d. Ethics )Right Answer)

90. in written Communication, keep your correspondence ............... and

a. Brief )Right Answer)
b. Large
c. Detailed
d. wordy

91. Which one of the following is not the process of 'Management by


a. Selection of critical incident Method )Right Answer)

b. Comparison of actual goals with the goals achieved by the
C. Performance Evaluation
d. Establishment of goals for each subordinate

92. The standards distinguish educators professional responsibilities and are

defined the assertions headings

a. 7
b. 6 )Right Answer)
c. 9
d. 8

93. Supportive environment and controlling the native expression and

emotions were identified in ____ politics

a. Negative
b. Positive )Right Answer)
C. Government
d. None of these

94. Nowadays, the renowned philosophy of education leads towards the

relationships of student teacher

a. Equal
b. Masterly
c. Friendship )Right Answer)
d. Respectful

95. Which is considered a political impact of globalization

a. Changing role of education in terms of preparing students for

the world of work
b. The threat to the autonomy of national educational systems by
globalization )Right Answer)
c. Reforms in education as lifelong education
d. Branding, globalization and learning to be consumers

96. Which of the following may be considered an economic impact of

globalization on education

a. Weakening of the notion of the "citizen" as a unified and

unifying concept

b. New technologies of information and communication creates

new approaches to learning
C. Increasing commercialization of education and the corporate
takeover of education

d. Reduction of state and govemment support and subsidy for

education )Right Answer)

97. Which of the following features represents the new paradigm shift in

a. Traditional pedagogies

b. Lifelong education for all )Right Answer)

c. Rigid subject matter boundaries

d. Knowledge as the only learning outcome

98. Professional identities can also be seen as a social identity of a person

within the group of the professionals who share a common approach to a
particular type of work was defined by

a. Van Maanen and Barley )Right Answer)

b. Caza & Creary

c. Ibarra

d. Gecas

99. An ongoing process of examining and refining practice variously focused

on the personal, pedagogical, curricular, intellectual, societal, and/or ethical
contexts associated with professional work

a. Teaching
b. Professionalism
c. Reflection )Right Answer)
d. all of these
100. The perspective emphasizes a person's moral character

a. Virtue )Right Answer)

b. Intellect
C. Value
d. Behavior

101. Teachers must adhere to a firm code of

a. Belief

b. Convention

C. Ethics) Right Answer)

d. Corruption

102. An action is considered to be right when all people treating

a. Intellectually

b. Differently

c. Emotionally

d. Fairly )Right Answer)

103. Good teaching requires proper------------ however it is not necessary as it

depends upon what happened in the classroom

a. Planning )Right Answer)

b. Teaching

c. Discipline
d. Organization

104. Professionalism and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of

every.................. program

a. Teacher education )Right Answer)

b. Teacher learning

c. Teacher improvement

d. Teacher coaching

105. Professions emphasize on the of the relationship the professionals have

with their clients

a. Fiduciary nature )Right Answer)

b. friendly nature

c. causal nature

d. only client nature

106. Business dictionary defines jobs that held and work accomplished over
a long period of time which is continuous and systematic is known as

a. Professionalism

b. Experience

c. Career )Right Answer)

d. Business

107. ...........refers to teachers' independence to make autonomous decisions

about what they teach to students and how they teach it
a. Professional Competence

b. Professional dignity

c. Professional autonomy )Right Answer)

d. Professional need

108. According to Boyt, Lusch ve Naylor, (2001) one of the best characteristic
of effective teaching is "achievement of the highest

a. Qualifications

b. Trainings

c. Standards )Right Answer)

d. pedagogical skills

109. From an ecological standpoint, in order to provide adequate services for

children with emotional/behavioral disorders, which of the following must be

a.Limited outpatient services and long-term residential


b. Elimination of overlapping services and one agency

responsible for all treatment of a particular case

c. Interagency coordination and a continuum of community-

based services )Right Answer)

d. Short-term hospitalization and residential treatment

110. With the growing competition brought about by globalization, what is

preferred by most employers in hiring their employees
a. Flexible )Right Answer)

b. Selective

c. Quick

d. None of these

111. An instructional strategy in which students work in a small group to

achieve the common goals is called

a. cognitive learning )Right Answer)

b. Cooperative learning

C.Practical learning

d. All of these

112. Professional educators are accountable for their actions at

a. All the times )Right Answer)

b. Most of the times

c. Sometimes

d. None of these

113. Management encompasses three elements

a. Planning, demolishing, developing

b. Demolishing, executiving, reviewing

C. Panning, executiving, reviewing )Right Answer)

d. Planning, demolishing, constructing

114. Professional teacher must continue his good even when facing a hard

a .Stance

b. Attitude )Right Answer)

C. Mood

d. Reverence

115. Relational work skill is the term used to describe the ways in which
professionals.......... with each other.

a. Interact )Right Answer)

b. Compete

c. Follow

d. React

116. Teachers are the true exchangers of values to new

a. Teachers

b. Professionals

c. Social reformers

d. Generation )Right Answer)

117. Children learn attitudes and values, which are

a. Emotional development

b. Covert process

C. Over act process

d. Both B &C )Right Answer)

118. The study of child development focuses on the:

a. changes that occur in larger groups of children

b. growth, change, and stability )Right Answer)

c. biological changes

d. changes from adolescence to adulthood

119. The three major domains of child development include:

a. prenatal, cognitive and physical

b. early childhood, adolescence and cognitive
c. cognitive, socio-emotional and physical )Right Answer)
d. personality, physical and prenatal

120. Besides domains, child development is organized around certain

stages. These stages are based on:

a. biological events

b. subjective changes

c. maturation

d. universal age periods )Right Answer)

121. A course which covers infant and toddler development will focus on
which of the following age range:

a. 12 to 20 years

b. 06 to 12 years

c. 03 to 06 years

d. birth to 02 years )Right Answer)

122. Ayesha, a third-grade teacher, finds it interesting to observe how

children's attention span and problem-solving abilities increase over the
course of the school year. She is observing

a. physical development

b. social development

c. cognitive development )Right Answer)

d. personality development

123. Analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involves in

a. Operational planning

b. Tactical planning

c. Strategic planning )Right Answer)

d. Project and programme planning

124. Hoyle (2001) states is related to the improvement in the quality of

service rather than the enhancement of status

a. Skilled work
b. training

c. Management

d. professionalism )Right Answer)

125. Those strategies and rhetorics employed by members of an occupation

in seeking to improve status, salary and conditions" is called.....
a. Profession
b. services
C. skilled work
d. professionalism )Right Answer)

126. Social interactions between student and teachers contribute to create


a. sport competition

b. learning process )Right Answer)

c. Running competition

d. None of these

127. To be a professional or a professor was to profess to be ............................

income skill or field of knowledge
a. Formal educated
b. Trained
c. Just skilful
d. An expert )Right Answer)

128. The care perspective emphasizes empathy and caring as well as the
network of

a. Relationships )Right Answer)

b. Social customs

c. Digital approaches

d. Values

129. Good teachers contacts between students and faculty

a. Encourages )Right Answer)

b. Discourages
c. Develop
d. None of these

130. ..................... stands for outward-oriented policies which are supposed to

benefit all the countries of the world and also create certain problems in that

a. Civilization

b. Globalization )Right Answer)

c. organization

d. Multilaterals

131. Definitions of teacher professionalism focuses on teachers' qualifications

such as "being good at his/her job

a. Professional )Right Answer)

b. Academic

c. Vocational

d. Formal

132. . The most critical standard of Islam are

a) Good work
b) Perfection in work
c) Both A & B (Right Answer)
d) None of these

133. The word vacation dived from the te which belongs to

a) French
b) Latin (Right Answer)
c) Greek
d) English

134. There are_____ basic step of career development.

a) Three (Right Answer)
b) Five
c) Seven
d) Nine

135. Teaching profession demand specialized skills related to of

a) Learning
b) Pedagogy (Right Answer)
c) Coaching
d) Science

136. Virtues are a person’s disposition to act in a certain way and are
cultivated by
a) Deep thinking
b) Critical thinking
c) Practice (Right Answer)
d) Piety

137. Professions emphasize on the of the relationship the professionals have

with their clients.
a) Fiduciary nature (Right Answer)
b) Friendly nature
c) Casual nature
d) Only client nature
138. states that quality basic education enables children to have literacy
skills of life and for continuous learners
a) 1988
b) 1989 (Right Answer)
c) 1990
d) 1991

139. Nowadays, the renowned philosophy of education leads

towards the relationships of student teacher.
a) Equal -
b) Masterly
c) Friendship (Right Answer)
d) Respectful

140. Professional identities can also be seen as a social identity of a person

within the group other professionals who share a common approach to a
particular type of work was defined by
a) Van Maanen and Barley (Right Answer)
b) Caza &Creary
c) Lbarra
d) Gecas

141. Teaching is way of transmitting to others through careful planning in

order to achieved set objectives.

a) Information (Right ‘Answer)

b) Data
c) Knowledge
d) Skills

142. The all positive and negative aspect of teacher personality is being part
of student’s.
a) Thinking
b) Critique
c) Personality (Right Answer)
d) Career
143. In developing national political cohesion played a vital role.
a) Education (Right Answer)
b) Factories
c) Agriculture
d) Economics

144. School is considered as a great place of where students interact with

a) Social learning (Right Answer)
b) Ethical learning
c) Qualification
d) Counselling

145. Schlechty and whit ford gave how many elements of teacher education
a) 2
b) 3 (Right Answer)
c) 4
d) 5

146. The ministry of education has developed.................. national

professional standards for teachers in 2009
a) Six
b) Nine
c) Ten (Right Answer)
d) Sixteen

147. Teacher should adopt relational qualities to enhance ...........

environment in schools.
a) Competitive
b) Positive (Right Answer)
c) Intriguing
d) Self-beneficial

148. Political interaction affect in school based leadership.

a) Positively
b) Adversely (Right Answer)
c) Negatively
d) None of these

149. The............. focus on the duty to serve the good of the

community as a whole and not just one’s own good or that of one’s clients.
a) Professions (Right Answer)
b) Occupation
c) Skilled workers
d) Trainers

150. .................... refers to teachers’ independence to make autonomous

decisions about what they teach to students and how they teach it
a) Professional competence
b) Professional dignity
c) Professional autonomy )Right Answer)
d) Professional need

151. New theories of learning have shifted the attention to from teacher and
teaching to
a) Curriculum
b) Evaluation
c) Objectives
d) Students (Right Answer)

152. All professionals are restricted to follow ethics for the benefit of their

a. Stakeholders )Right Answer)

b. Colleague

c. Organization

d. Human beings

153. The teachers' main role ........................... is to group and guide the group

a. Give lecture
b. Demonstrate

c. Facilitate to set tasks )Right Answer)

d. None of these

154. When ............. are well prepared, teachers use maximum of

instructional time in teaching

a. Lesson )Right Answer)

b. Teachers

C. Classrooms

d. Students

155. A code of ethics is basically a

a. Guidepost left to individual discretion

b. Set of the standard of professional conduct )Right Answer)

C. Statement of principles imposed by govt

d. All of the above

156. Effective teachers know how to use their

personalities to inspire and stimulate connection between students'
previous experiences and the ...................

a. Physical environment

b. Subject matter )Right Answer)

C. Curriculum
d. Vocabulary

157. If you wish your pupils to show harmony, be helpful and

a. Energetic

b. Sensitive

c. Sympathetic )Right Answer)

d. Supportive

158. According to Garner, (2004) a ..................... is a vocation requiring

advanced education and Training

a. Occupation

b. Skill

C. Profession )Right Answer)

d. Service

159. Who said that "Professions impose restrictions in two ways in terms of
entry requirements and in terms of operation of the profession

a. Danniel Bell )Right Answer)

b. Juma and Tom

C. Garner

d. Chris and Schon

160. Professionalism requires a theoretically as well as practically

a. Mindset

b. Expertise )Right Answer)

c. Different approach

d. Research

161. The opportunity to explore through spontaneous improvisation typical

group problem situations in which individuals are helped to become
sensitive to the feelings of the people involved is called ........

a. Role play )Right Answer)

b. Discussion

C. Drama

d.None of them

162. Professionalization is a process by which any trade or occupation

transforms itself into a true profession of the highest integrity and

a. Social )Right Answer)

b. Psychological

c. Emotional

d. Rational

163. Which part of teaching council act 2001 dealing with fitness to teacher

a. Part 2
b. Part 3

C. Part 5 )Right Answer)

d. Part 4

164. Fulfilling of promise on time is ............... this shows reliability as

a. Voluntary

b. Imperative )Right Answer)

C. Critical

d. Optional

165. The teacher student relationship can have ................. effects on student's

a. Positive )Right Answer)

b. Negative

C. Bad

d. None of these

166. Culture includes the behaviors, ideas and ..................... shared by

individuals within a particular group of people

a. Beliefs )Right Answer)

b. Dress

C. Talks

d. Work

167. A process in which individuals take the initiative without the help of
others in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating goals, identifying
human and material resources and evaluating learning outcomes is called
a. Self instructio

b. Self education

C. Self directed learning )Right Answer)

d. All of these

168. The countries which are politically .................. and underdeveloped

receive aid from World Bank

a. Stable

b. Unstable )Right Answer)

c. Developed

d. All of these.

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