Sri Krishnadevi Tara Mahakalpa Navaksara Maha Mantra

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Sri Krishnadevi Tara Mahakalpa

Navaksara Maha Mantra

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Śrī Kṛṣṇadevī Tārā Mahākalpa Navākṣara Mahāmantraḥ (श्री कृष्णदे वी

तारा महाकल्प नवाक्षर महामन्त्रः) :-

Source:- Mantra Maharṇava.

Purpose:- To obtain immense protection, removal of all types of misery, obtain favors

from higher authorities, victory in all competitions, gambling, wealth, status etc. as well

as self-realization and liberation.

Special Note:- No mantra suitability check is required. Also, no strenuous puraścaraṇa

with concentrated mind is required. The Divine Mother is easy to please and grants all

magical powers to the sincere devotees. It is however, very important to recite the

additional nyāsās on a daily basis, which by itself could take 30 to 45 minutes. It is

suggested that one should dedicate at least 2 hours of their time towards the mantra

japa, in order to complete the 400,000 mantra japa in the prescribed manner.

This mantra bestows higher knowledge, excellence in education, removes all types of

stubborn karma and grants all the mystical siddhis.

Initiation:- Required.

1.Viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) :-

asya mantrasya ।

śakti ṛṣiḥ ।

vṛhatī chandaḥ ।

tāriṇī devatā ।

hrīm̐ bījaṃ ।

aim̐ śaktiḥ ।

sarvābhīṣṭa siddhaye jape viniyogaḥ ॥

अस्य मन्त्रस्य ।

शक्ति ऋषिः ।

ृ ती छन्दः ।

तारिणी दे वता ।

ह्रीँ बीजं ।
ऐँ शक्तिः ।

सर्वाभीष्ट सिद्धये जपे विनियोगः ॥

Meaning:- This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Kṛṣṇadevītārā and perform Her

mantra japa to obtain Her complete grace in all aspects, and to obtain the four

puruṣārtha-s: dharma (justice, law), artha (wealth), kāma (desires) and mokṣa

(liberation), as well as victory over opponents, gain immense protection and happiness

in life. The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is Śakti, the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Vṛhatī and the

deity (devatā) is Śrī Tāriṇī. The seed (bīja) is hrīm̐. The power (śakti) is aim̐.

2.Ṛṣyādi nyāsa ( ऋष्यादि न्यास ) :-

IAST Devanāgari Procedure

om̐ Śakti ṛṣaye namaḥ ॐ शक्ति ऋषये नमः Open the right palm and
śirasi शिरसि touch the top of the
1 forehead with the ring and
thumb fingers joined at
the top.
om̐ Vṛhatī chandase ॐ वह ृ ती छन्दसे नमः Now touch the lips of the
namaḥ mukhe मख
ु े mouth with the above
2 mudrā.

om̐ Tāriṇī devatāyai ॐ तारिणी दे वतायै नमः Touch the heart with the
namaḥ hṛdi हृदि right palm.

om̐ hrīm̐ bījāya namaḥ ॐ ह्रीँ बीजाय नमः गुह्ये Touch the genitalia with
guhye the right ring finger and
4 thumb joined together.

om̐ aim̐ śaktaye namaḥ ॐ ऐँ शक्तये नमः Touch the feet with the
pādayoḥ पादयोः right ring finger and thumb
5 joined together.

om̐ sarvābhīṣṭa siddhaye ॐ सर्वाभीष्ट सिद्धये Run both the palms all
jape viniyogāya namaḥ जपे विनियोगाय नमः over the body.
6 sarvāṅge सर्वाङ्गे
iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः

3.Karanyāsaḥ (करन्यासः) :-

IAST Procedure

om̐ hrām̐ Use both the index fingers and

aṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ ॐ ह्राँ run them on both the thumbs.
1 अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः

om̐ hrīm̐ tarjanībhyāṃ Use both the thumbs and run

namaḥ ॐ ह्रीँ तर्जनीभ्यां them on both the index fingers.
2 नमः
om̐ hrūm̐ Use both the thumbs on the
madhyamābhyāṃ ॐ ह्रूँ मध्यमाभ्यां middle fingers.
3 namaḥ नमः

om̐ hraim̐ Use both the thumbs on the ring

anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ ॐ ह्रैँ fingers.
4 अनामिकाभ्यां

om̐ hraum̐ Use both the thumbs on the little

kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ ॐ ह्रौँ fingers.
5 namaḥ कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां

om̐ hraḥ Open both the palms; run the

karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyā ॐ ह्रः opened palms of the right hand
6 ṃ namaḥ करतलकरपष्ृ ठा on the front and back sides of the
भ्यां नमः left palm and repeat the same for
the other palm.

iti kara nyāsaḥ

इति कर न्यासः
4.Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः) :-

IAST Procedure

om̐ hrām̐ hṛdayāya Open index, middle and ring fingers

namaḥ ॐ ह्राँ हृदयाय of the right hand and place them on
1 नमः the heart chakra.

om̐ hrīm̐ śirase svāhā Open middle and ring fingers of the
ॐ ह्राँ शिरसे right hand and touch the top of the
2 स्वाहा forehead.

om̐ hrūm̐ śikhāyai Open the right thumb and touch the
vaṣaṭ ॐ ह्रूँ शिखायै back of the head. This is the point
3 वषट् where the tuft of hair, is kept.
om̐ hraim̐ kavacāya Cross both the hands and run the
hum̐ ॐ ह्रैँ कवचाय हुँ fully opened palms from shoulders to
4 finger tips.

om̐ hraum̐ Touch the eyes with the right index

netratrayāya vauṣaṭ ॐ ह्रौँ नेत्रत्रयाय and ring fingers, with the middle
5 वौषट् finger touching the ājñā cakra.

om̐ hraḥ astrāya phaṭ Open up the left palm and strike it
ॐ ह्रः अस्त्राय three times with index and middle
6 फट् fingers of the right hand.

iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग
7 न्यासः

bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digbandhaḥ ॥

ू वस्सव
ु रोमिति दिग्बन्धः॥
5.Varṇa nyāsaḥ (वर्ण न्यासः) :-

IAST Procedure

am̐ ām̐ im̐ īm̐ um̐ ūm̐ ṛm̐ ṝm̐ Join the thumb, middle
ḷm̐ ḹm̐ namaḥ hṛdi अँ आँ इँ ईँ उँ ऊँ ऋँ ॠँ and ring fingers of the
1 ऌँ ॡँ नमः हृदि right hand and touch the
heart region.

em̐ aim̐ om̐ aum̐ am̐ aḥ Join the thumb, middle

kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ एँ ऐँ ओँ औँ अँ अः कँ खँ and ring fingers of the
2 namaḥ dakṣa-bāhau गँ घँ नमः दक्ष-बाहौ right hand and touch the
right shoulders.

ṅam̐ cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ Join the thumb, middle

ñam̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍam̐ ḍham̐ ङँ चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ टँ ठँ डँ and ring fingers of the
3 namaḥ vāmabāhau ढँ नमः वामबाहौ right hand and touch the
left shoulders.

ṇam̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ Join the thumb, middle

nam̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ णँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ पँ फँ बँ and ring fingers of the
4 namaḥ dakṣapāde भँ नमः दक्षपादे
right hand and touch the
right feet.

mam̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ Join the thumb, middle

śam̐ ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ kṣam̐ मँ यँ रँ लँ वँ शँ षँ सँ हँ and ring fingers of the
5 namaḥ vāmapāde क्षँ नमः वामपादे right hand and touch the
left feet.

Iti varṇa nyāsaḥ

इति वर्ण न्यासः

6.Varṇa nyāsaḥ kālītantre (वर्ण न्यासः कालीतन्त्रे ) :-

IAST Procedure

a ā i ī u ū ṛ ṝ ḷ ḹ namaḥ hṛdi Join the thumb, middle

अआइईउऊऋॠ and ring fingers of the
1 ऌ ॡ नमः हृदि right hand and touch the
heart region.
e ai o au aṃ aḥ ka kha ga Join the thumb, middle
gha namaḥ dakṣa-bāhau ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः क ख and ring fingers of the
2 ग घ नमः दक्ष-बाहौ right hand and touch the
right shoulders.

ṅa ca cha ja jha ña ṭa ṭha Join the thumb, middle

ḍa ḍha namaḥ vāmabāhau ङचछजझञटठड and ring fingers of the
3 ढ नमः वामबाहौ right hand and touch the
left shoulders.

ṇa ta tha da dha na pa pha Join the thumb, middle

ba bha namaḥ dakṣapāde णतथदधनपफब and ring fingers of the
4 भ नमः दक्षपादे right hand and touch the
right feet.

ma ya ra la va śa ṣa sa ha Join the thumb, middle

kṣa namaḥ vāmapāde मयरलवशषसह and ring fingers of the
5 क्ष नमः वामपादे right hand and touch the
left feet.

Iti varṇa nyāsaḥ

इति वर्ण न्यासः
7.Ṣoḍhā nyāsaḥ (षोढा न्यासः) :-

Additional nyāsas such as the Ṣoḍhā nyāsa have been recommended by various

tantras and they are available in this link. These should also be performed on a daily


8.Vyāpaka nyāsaḥ (व्यापक न्यासः) :- [Perform this nyāsa seven times.]

IAST Procedure

S.n Devanāgari

krīm̐ klīm̐ kṛṣṇadevī Join both hands at the top of the head
hrīm̐ krīm̐ aim̐ । and move the hands from the head to
1 क्रीँ क्लीँ the toes without touching the body
कृष्णदे वी ह्रीँ from the sides. It is like running the
क्रीँ ऐँ । hands over the astral body surrounding
(iti mūrdādi the physical body. This can also be
pādaparyantaṃ/head to done by stretching the hands from the
toes) top of the body making a circle and
reaching down to the feet, without
touching the body.
(इति मर्दा
ू दि
iti vyāpaka nyāsaḥ

2 इति व्यापक

9.Dik nyāsaḥ (दिक्न्यासः) :- [Meditate upon the four cardinal directions with the devi

mantras below.]

IAST Devanāgari

om̐ kalpavṛkṣāya namaḥ ॐ कल्पवक्ष

ृ ाय नमः (पर्वे
ू )
pūrve East

om̐ maṇipīṭhāya namaḥ uttare ॐ मणिपीठाय नमः

(उत्तरे ) North
om̐ śivāya namaḥ paścime ॐ शिवाय नमः (पश्चिमे)

om̐ kṛpālāya namaḥ dakṣiṇe ॐ कृपालाय नमः

(दक्षिणे) South

iti dik nyāsaḥ इति दिक्न्यासः

10. Cakra nyāsaḥ (चक्र न्यासः) :- [Meditate upon the eight petals of the heart Hṛt

(just below the Anāhata) cakra in a clockwise manner, reciting each mantra upon

every individual petal.]

IAST Devanāgari

om̐ durgāyai namaḥ ॐ दर्गा

ु यै नमः

om̐ jayāyai namaḥ ॐ जयायै नमः

om̐ medhāyai namaḥ ॐ मेधायै नमः

om̐ vijayāyai namaḥ ॐ विजयायै नमः

om̐ suprabhāyai ॐ सप्र
ु भायै नमः

om̐ kālyai namaḥ ॐ काल्यै नमः

om̐ gauryai namaḥ ॐ गौर्यै नमः

om̐ śivāyai namaḥ ॐ शिवायै नमः

iti cakra nyāsaḥ इति चक्र न्यासः

11.Yoni nyāsaḥ (योनि न्यासः) :- [Mediate upon the womb of the Divine Mother and

recite the names of the deities in the prescribed order and imagine the placement

of the womb upon various parts of our body. Consider the body to be the seat of

the Divine Mother after the recitation of this nyāsa.]

IAST Procedure

oṃ yonibījāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

(keśānte dakṣiṇe bhāge( ॐ योनिबीजायै नमः touch the tip of the hair on
1 (केशान्ते दक्षिणे भागे) the right side of the head.

oṃ yoniviśvāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

(keśānte vāmabhāge) ॐ योनिविश्वायै नमः touch the tip of the hair on
2 (केशान्ते वामभागे) the left side of the head.
oṃ yonirūpāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and
(nāsikamūle) ॐ योनिरूपायै नमः touch the tip of the tip of the
3 (नासिकमलू े) nose.

oṃ yonikāmāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

dakṣiṇanetre ॐ योनिकामायै नमः touch the right eye.
4 दक्षिणनेत्रे

oṃ yonihārāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

vāmanetre ॐ योनिहारायै नमः touch the left eye.
5 वामनेत्रे

oṃ yonirūpāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

oṣṭhayoḥ ॐ योनिरूपायै नमः touch the lips.
6 ओष्ठयोः

oṃ yonicchāyāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

dakṣiṇamukhakoṇe ॐ योनिच्छायायै नमः touch the right side of the
7 दक्षिणमख
ु कोणे mouth.
oṃ yonikāmāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and
vāmamukhakoṇe ॐ योनिकामायै नमः touch the left side of the
8 वाममख
ु कोणे mouth.

oṃ yonirūpāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

cibuke ॐ योनिरूपायै नमः touch the chin.
9 चिबक
ु े

oṃ yonicintāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

dakṣabāhumūle ॐ योनिचिन्तायै नमः touch the right shoulder.
10 दक्षबाहुमल
ू े

oṃ yoninityāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

vāmabāhumūle ॐ योनिनित्यायै नमः touch the left shoulder.
11 वामबाहुमल
ू े

oṃ yonirūpāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

hṛdaye touch the heart.
12 ॐ योनिरूपायै नमः

oṃ yonisiddhāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

dakṣiṇastane ॐ योनिसिद्धायै नमः touch the right breast.
13 दक्षिणस्तने

oṃ yonibuddhāyai namaḥ Form the tattva mudra and

vāmastane ॐ योनिबद्ु धायै नमः touch the left breast.
14 वामस्तने

iti vyāpaka nyāsaḥ

इति योनि न्यासः

12.Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) :-

kṛṣṇāṃ laṃbodarīṃ bhīmāṃ nāgakuṇḍala śobhitāṃ raktamukhīṃ lalajjihvāṃ

raktāṃbaradharāṃ kaṭau ।
pīnonnata-stanīm-ugrāṃ mahā-nāgena veṣṭitāṃ śavasyopari deveśi tasyopari

kapālike ॥ 1 ॥

nāsāgra-dhyāna-niratāṃ mahāghorāṃ varapradāṃ catur-bhujāṃ dīrgha-keśīṃ

dakṣiṇasyordhva bāhunā ।

bibhratīṃ nalinīm-ekāṃ vāmorddhve pāna-pātrakaṃ varābhaya-dharāṃ devīṃ

madhyastāṃ dakṣa-vāmayoḥ ॥ 2 ॥

pibantīṃ raudhirīṃ dhārāṃ pānapātre sadāśive sarva-siddhi-pradāṃ devīṃ

nityāṃ giri-nivāsinīm ।

locanatraya saṃyuktāṃ nāga-yajñopavitinīṃ dīrgha-nāsāṃ dīrgha-jaṅghāṃ

dīrghāṅgīṃ dīrgha-jihvikām ॥ 3 ॥

candra-sūryāgni-bhedena trilocana samanvitāṃ śatru-nāśa-karīṃ devīṃ

mahā-bhīmāṃ varapradām ।

vyāghra-carma śiro-baddhāṃ jagat-traya vibhāvitāṃ sādhakānāṃ sukha-kartrīṃ

sarva-lokābhayaṅkarīm ॥

evam bhūtā mahādevīṃ tāriṇīṃ praṇamāmyaham ॥ 4 ॥

कृष्णां लंबोदरीं भीमां नागकुण्डल शोभितां रक्तमख

ु ीं ललज्जिह्वां रक्तांबरधरां कटौ ।
ु ां महानागेन वेष्टितां शवस्योपरि दे वेशि तस्योपरि कपालिके ॥ १ ॥

नासाग्रध्याननिरतां महाघोरां वरप्रदां चतर्भु

ु जां दीर्घकेशीं दक्षिणस्योर्ध्व बाहुना ।

बिभ्रतीं नलिनीमेकां वामोर्द्ध्वे पानपात्रकं वराभयधरां दे वीं मध्यस्तांदक्षवामयोः ॥ २ ॥

पिबन्तीं रौधिरीं धारां पानपात्रे सदाशिवे सर्वसिद्धिप्रदां दे वीं नित्यां गिरिनिवासिनीम ् ।

लोचनत्रय संयक्
ु तां नागयज्ञोपवितिनीं दीर्घनासां दीर्घजङ्घां दीर्घाङ्गीं दीर्घजिह्विकाम ् ॥ ३ ॥

ू ग्निभेदेन त्रिलोचन समन्वितां शत्रन
ु ाशकरीं दे वीं महाभीमां वरप्रदाम ् ।

व्याघ्रचर्म शिरोबद्धां जगत्त्रय विभावितां साधकानां सख

ु कर्त्रीं सर्वलोकाभयङ्करीम ् ॥

एवम ् भत
ू ा महादे वीं तारिणीं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥ ४ ॥

Meaning: Salutations to the Divine Mother and the Supreme eternal singular reality

Tārā, who is dark in complexion, voluptuous, terrifying in appearance and adorned with

serpents as earrings. Her mouth appears blood red with a lolling tongue and She is

decked up in red garments and ornaments also enwrapping Her waist. She appears as

heavy breasted and terrific. She is fully adorned with serpents and is standing upon a

corpse close to the head. She appears to be extremely engrossed and focused on the

tip of Her nose. She is very terrifying in Her appearance and is four armed. She is

displaying the wish granting vara mudra with Her upper right arm and a lotus in Her

lower right arm. On Her left upper arm, She is displaying the fear dispelling abhaya
mudra and holding a water vessel on the lower left arm. She appears to be drinking

blood gushing forth from the vessel. She is the supreme and the eternal Divine Mother,

who bestows all wishes and accomplishes all our tasks. She also bestows the mystical

siddhis, manifesting immense power. She resides high up on the mountainous cliffs.

She is three-eyed, adorned with serpents along Her upper body from waist to the

shoulder, like a sacred thread. She has an elongated nose, large thighs and organs, as

well as a very large tongue. Her eyes are dazzling with the combined energies of the

Sun and Moon. She destroys all types of enemies and negativity surrounding us and is

magnanimous with Her blessings and manifestation of Her grace. She wears tiger skin

upon Her body and has tied up hair. She rules over all the three realms and all triads.

She never fails in fulfilling the wishes of Her devotees and making them happy. She

removes all types of fears that can manifest in the entire Creation. May we bow and

offer our obeisance to the Divine Mother, the ruler of the entire Creation Tāriṇī Devī.

Her posture on the corpse represents that She is Śakti, the dynamic

super-consciousness and consort of Śiva, who is the static super-consciousness. The

lolling tongue represents Her appetite to consume the karma that is seen as blood. She

is also removing all our thoughts and doubts and assuring us of Her supremacy and the

oneness of the consciousness with the super-consciousness. Her heavy breasts

indicate Her role as the Sustainer of the entire Creation that She Herself has

manifested. The red garments and the tiger skin display Her passion and active power,

indicating Rājasic guṇa. The focus on the tip of the nose, is the most recommended

meditative technique to activate the third-eye ājñā cakra, as well as all other cakras.
The lotus on Her arms represents the evolution of consciousness. Her residence in the

cliffs signifies Her presence in the crown sahasrāra cakra. The serpents represent the

various energy centers, cakras and stimulation points (nāḍis) throughout our body, as

well as the activation of the Kuṇḍalini energy in our body. The tied-up hair signifies Her

resolve to aid in the complete evolution of consciousness merging into the


13.Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपज
ू ा) :-

IAST Procedure

lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

gandhaṁ samarpayāmi लँ - पथि
ृ व्यात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the little
1 गन्धं समर्पयामि fingers of both hands with
the upper tip of the thumbs,
with the back of the hand
facing us.

ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi bottom phalange of the
2 thumbs of both hands with
the upper tip/nails of the
हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै
index fingers, with the back
पष्ु पैः पज
ू यामि
of the hand facing us.

yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

dhūpamāghrāpayāmi यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
3 धपू माघ्रापयामि index fingers of both hands
with the upper tip of the
thumbs, with the back of the
hand facing us.

ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

dīpaṁ darśayāmi रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
4 दीपं दर्शयामि middle fingers of both hands
with the upper tip of the
thumbs, with the back of the
hand facing us.

vam̐ - amṛtātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ bottom phalange of the ring
5 nivedayāmi fingers of both hands with
the upper tip of the thumbs,
वँ - अमत ृ ात्मिकायै
with the back of the hand
अमत ृ ं महानैवेद्यं
facing us.

sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai Hold the fingers of each

sarvopacāra pūjām सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै palm in a folded manner with
6 samarpayāmi सर्वोपचार पज ू ाम ् the tips of each fingers of
समर्पयामि both hands touching each
other and the thumbs facing
the heart, in a Namaste

14.Japamālā mantraṃ (जपमाला मन्त्रं) :- Recite the below mantra once, to pray to the

japa māla and invoke the blessings for a fruitful japa.

om̐ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi ।

caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava ॥

ॐ मां माले महामाये सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपिणि ।

ु र्ग स्त्वयिन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये सिद्धिदा भव॥
15.Guru Mantra (गरु
ु मन्त्र) :- Recite the following guru mantra once, to seek the

blessings of all gurus and the Guru.

om̐ hrīm̐ siddhaguro prasīda hrīm̐ om̐ ।

ॐ ह्रीं सिद्धगुरो प्रसीद ह्रीं ॐ ।

16.Utkīlana mantra (उत्कीलन मन्त्र) :- Recite the following unpinning mantra ten times –

strīm̐ krīm̐ klīm̐ kṛṣṇadevī hrīm̐ krīm̐ aim̐ om̐ ।

स्त्रीँ क्रीँ क्लीँ कृष्णदे वी ह्रीँ क्रीँ ऐँ ॐ ।

17.Sañjīvana mantra (सञ्जीवन मन्त्र) :- Recite the following life-infusing mantra ten

times –

krīm̐ klīm̐ kṛṣṇadevī hrīm̐ krīm̐ aim̐ aim̐ ।

क्रीँ क्लीँ कृष्णदे वी ह्रीँ क्रीँ ऐँ ऐँ ।

18. Śāpavimocana mantra (शापविमोचन मन्त्र) :- Recite the following curse removing

mantra ten times –

om̐ strīm̐ hrīm̐ brahmaśāpaṃ vimocaya vimocaya ।

ॐ स्त्रीँ ह्रीँ ब्रह्मशापं विमोचय विमोचय ।

19.Sampuṭīkaraṇa mantra (सम्पट
ु ीकरण मन्त्र) :- Recite the following mantra ten times

to realize the full benefits of the mantra, ONLY after completing the Puraścaraṇa of the

main mantra described in the following section 17. The sampuṭīkaraṇa, helps in

realizing the fruits of the mantra –

phaṭ krīm̐ klīm̐ kṛṣṇadevī hrīm̐ krīm̐ aim̐ ।

फट् क्रीँ क्लीँ कृष्णदे वी ह्रीँ क्रीँ ऐँ ।

20. Atha Śrī Kṛṣṇadevī Tārā Mahākalpa Navākṣara Mantraḥ (अथ श्री कृष्णदे वी तारा

महाकल्प नवाक्षर मन्त्रः)

Recite the following mantra at least 108 times –

krīm̐ klīm̐ kṛṣṇadevī hrīm̐ krīm̐ aim̐ ।

क्रीँ क्लीँ कृष्णदे वी ह्रीँ क्रीँ ऐँ ।


krīm̐ (क्रीँ) consists of – ka is kālī = one who heralds deep inner transformation, ra

is brahma = fire and drive within us, ī denotes mahāmāyā = the cosmic illusion

that separates our true identity and confers the ego. She is also the energy and
the source of all power that helps us ascend, nāda is viśvamātā and vindu (m̐) is

duḥkhaharaṇa = removes misery.

klīm̐ (क्लीँ) consists of - ka is for Kāmadeva or Kṛṣṇa = indicating all our wishes,

aspirations and desires, la for indra = victory in all undertakings, ī for tuṣṭi =

fulfillment and contentment, m̐ for sukha = enjoyment as well as removal of all

miseries and facilitator of self-realization and ultimate liberation.

kṛṣṇadevī (कृष्णदे वी) – An epithet of the Divine Mother Tāriṇī, denoting Her

position as the One who provides the Supreme knowledge that can lead us

towards self-realization and liberation.

aim̐ (ऐँ ) consists of - ai stands for sarasvatī = complete knowledge to understand,

analyze and seek out the means to fulfill all our innermost desires, vindu (m̐) for

duḥkhaharaṇa = removes misery.

21.Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः)

IAST Procedure
om̐ hrām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ Open index, middle and
ॐ ह्राँ हृदयाय नमः ring fingers of the right
1 hand and place them on
the heart chakra.

om̐ hrīm̐ śirase svāhā Open middle and ring

ॐ ह्राँ शिरसे स्वाहा fingers of the right hand
2 and touch the top of the

om̐ hrūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ Open the right thumb and

ॐ ह्रूँ शिखायै वषट् touch the back of the
3 head. This is the point
where the tuft of hair, is

om̐ hraim̐ kavacāya hum̐ Cross both the hands and

ॐ ह्रैँ कवचाय हुँ run the fully opened palms
4 from shoulders to finger

om̐ hraum̐ netratrayāya Touch the eyes with the

vauṣaṭ ॐ ह्रौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् right index and ring
5 fingers, with the middle
finger touching the ājña
om̐ hraḥ astrāya phaṭ Open up the left palm and
ॐ ह्रः अस्त्राय फट् strike it three times with
6 index and middle fingers
of the right hand.

iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग न्यासः

bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digvimokaḥ ॥

ू वस्सव
ु रोमिति दिग्विमोकः॥

22.Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) :-

kṛṣṇāṃ laṃbodarīṃ bhīmāṃ nāgakuṇḍala śobhitāṃ raktamukhīṃ lalajjihvāṃ

raktāṃbaradharāṃ kaṭau ।

pīnonnata-stanīm-ugrāṃ mahā-nāgena veṣṭitāṃ śavasyopari deveśi tasyopari

kapālike ॥ 1 ॥
nāsāgra-dhyāna-niratāṃ mahāghorāṃ varapradāṃ catur-bhujāṃ dīrgha-keśīṃ

dakṣiṇasyordhva bāhunā ।

bibhratīṃ nalinīm-ekāṃ vāmorddhve pāna-pātrakaṃ varābhaya-dharāṃ devīṃ

madhyastāṃ dakṣa-vāmayoḥ ॥ 2 ॥

pibantīṃ raudhirīṃ dhārāṃ pānapātre sadāśive sarva-siddhi-pradāṃ devīṃ

nityāṃ giri-nivāsinīm ।

locanatraya saṃyuktāṃ nāga-yajñopavitinīṃ dīrgha-nāsāṃ dīrgha-jaṅghāṃ

dīrghāṅgīṃ dīrgha-jihvikām ॥ 3 ॥

candra-sūryāgni-bhedena trilocana samanvitāṃ śatru-nāśa-karīṃ devīṃ

mahā-bhīmāṃ varapradām ।

vyāghra-carma śiro-baddhāṃ jagat-traya vibhāvitāṃ sādhakānāṃ sukha-kartrīṃ

sarva-lokābhayaṅkarīm ॥

evam bhūtā mahādevīṃ tāriṇīṃ praṇamāmyaham ॥ 4 ॥

कृष्णां लंबोदरीं भीमां नागकुण्डल शोभितां रक्तमख

ु ीं ललज्जिह्वां रक्तांबरधरां कटौ ।

ु ां महानागेन वेष्टितां शवस्योपरि दे वेशि तस्योपरि कपालिके ॥ १ ॥

नासाग्रध्याननिरतां महाघोरां वरप्रदां चतर्भु

ु जां दीर्घकेशीं दक्षिणस्योर्ध्व बाहुना ।
बिभ्रतीं नलिनीमेकां वामोर्द्ध्वे पानपात्रकं वराभयधरां दे वीं मध्यस्तांदक्षवामयोः ॥ २ ॥

पिबन्तीं रौधिरीं धारां पानपात्रे सदाशिवे सर्वसिद्धिप्रदां दे वीं नित्यां गिरिनिवासिनीम ् ।

लोचनत्रय संयक्
ु तां नागयज्ञोपवितिनीं दीर्घनासां दीर्घजङ्घां दीर्घाङ्गीं दीर्घजिह्विकाम ् ॥ ३ ॥

ू ग्निभेदेन त्रिलोचन समन्वितां शत्रन
ु ाशकरीं दे वीं महाभीमां वरप्रदाम ् ।

व्याघ्रचर्म शिरोबद्धां जगत्त्रय विभावितां साधकानां सख

ु कर्त्रीं सर्वलोकाभयङ्करीम ् ॥

एवम ् भत
ू ा महादे वीं तारिणीं प्रणमाम्यहम ् ॥ ४ ॥

23.Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपज
ू ा) :-

IAST Procedure

lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

gandhaṁ samarpayāmi लँ - पथि
ृ व्यात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
1 गन्धं समर्पयामि little fingers of both hands
with the upper tip of the
thumbs, with the back of
the hand facing us.
ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the
puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
2 पष्ु पैः पज
ू यामि thumbs of both hands with
the upper tip/nails of the
index fingers, with the
back of the hand facing

yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the

dhūpamāghrāpayāmi यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
3 धपू माघ्रापयामि index fingers of both
hands with the upper tip of
the thumbs, with the back
of the hand facing us.

ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ Hold the lower tip of the

darśayāmi रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
4 दीपं दर्शयामि middle fingers of both
hands with the upper tip of
the thumbs, with the back
of the hand facing us.
vam̐ - amṛtātmikāyai Hold the lower tip of the
amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ वँ - अमत ृ ात्मिकायै bottom phalange of the
5 nivedayāmi | अमत ृ ं महानैवेद्यं ring fingers of both hands
निवेदयामि। with the upper tip of the
thumbs, with the back of
the hand facing us.

sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai Hold the fingers of each

sarvopacāra pūjām सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै palm in a folded manner
6 samarpayāmi सर्वोपचार पज ू ाम ् with the tips of each
समर्पयामि fingers of both hands
touching each other and
the thumbs facing the
heart, in a Namaste

24.Samarpaṇam (समर्पणम ्) :- Take water in uttaraṇi (spoon) and by reciting the

following śloka, offer the water to the earth.

guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam।

siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sthirā ॥

गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गह
ृ ाणास्मात्कृतं जपम ्।

सिद्धिर्भवतु मे दे वि त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्तिरा॥

25.japānaṃtaraṃ mālāmantraṃ (जपानंतरं मालामन्त्रं) :- Recite the below śloka and

mantra, followed by placing the māla upon the top of the head and then place it back in

the māla bag and conceal it. It should NOT be worn.

śloka॥ om̐ tvaṃ māle sarvadevānāṃ prītidā śubhadā bhava।

śubhaṃ kuruṣya me bhadre yaśo vīryaṃ ca dehime॥

श्लोक॥ ॐ त्वं माले सर्वदे वानां प्रीतिदा शभ

ु दा भव।

ु ं कुरुष्य मे भद्रे यशो वीर्यं च दे हिमे॥

mantra॥ om̐ hrīm̐ siddhyai namaḥ॥

मन्त्र॥ ॐ ह्रीं सिद्ध्यै नमः॥

26.Puraścaraṇa (परु श्चरण) :-

Japa 40
Homa 40,

Tarpaṇa 4,0

Mārjana 40

Bhojana 40
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at

[email protected]

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(2) Comments

● rajneesh
November 25, 2022 03:11 PM

In chakra nyaas, there are 8 mantras and you've said to concentrate on anahat chakra
petals in clockwise manner, but in anahat chakra there are 12 petals, how can we do
nyaas with 8 mantras in 12 petals? Is there some error in typing?



November 26, 2022 02:11 AM
It is the minor Hṛt cakra, also called the Hṛdaya (heart) cakra, situated just below the major
Anāhata cakra. This eight petalled lotus (Aṣṭadala padma) is also referred to as the Surya
cakra energizing the body and the other cakras in the body from the Sun's rays and it also
represents a section within it dedicated to the moon and an inner section where the divine
wish fulfilling Kalpavṛkṣa tree is said to reside. In other words, all our energies, mind can be
focused on this cakra with this particular nyāsa to obtain the blessings of the Divine Mother
Tārā and manifest our cherished wishes and desires.

I have made the correction in the article to refer to the Hṛt cakra.


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