Features of English Collocations and Problems of Their Translation Into Uzbek

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Volume 4| January 2022 ISSN: 2795-739X

Features Of English Collocations and

Problems of Their Translation into

Khodjaeva Saodatkhan Senior teacher

Saidullaevna Uzbek State University of World Languages
(Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
This article deals with a detailed study of some issues related to the characteristics of
English collocations, phrases, phraseological units and the problems of translating them

into Uzbek. The interest in translating collocations comes from their great importance in
language. Translators and students face problems and difficulties in translating

Collocations, Translating Collocations, Face Problems And


Learning English is widespread in our and Uzbek phraseological units creates

country. Good knowledge of the language, difficulties in their translation.
including English, is impossible without Collocations are an important part in
knowledge of its phraseology. Knowledge of language and their transation seems to be more
phraseology makes it extremely easy to read important especially if they are unfamiliar to
both non-fiction literature and fiction literature. students and belong to another culture and
It is very important to teach students the ability language.
to understand and correctly translate the The phrase, which ranks fourth after the
phraseological units of the studied language. word, has its own characteristics. When
As you know, the structure of the English learning a foreign language, when translating
language differs from the structure of the Uzbek from a foreign language into Uzbek (that is, our
language, and from a genetic point of view, they native language), this linguistic unit creates a
belong to different language families. certain complexity. Typical word combinations
Consequently, the grammatical structure of that regularly occur in English speech and
these languages also differs from each other. For writing are called collocations. In other words,
example, in the Uzbek language there are many collocations are those word combinations and
affixes, a sentence begins with a noun and ends short phrases which your English teacher asked
with a verb, there are no prepositions, articles, you to memorize as examples of use when you
gender categories and in English, on the studied new words. The verb "to collocate" has
contrary, there are articles, prepositions, and the following meanings: to place together, to
affixes are not developed. Therefore, when arrange in proper order.
studying and translating words, phrases, Usually, the translation of an unfamiliar
sentences, and especially phraseological units, phrase is based on the criteria given in the
certain difficulties arise. In addition, the mutual dictionary:
difference in the form and meaning of English

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Volume 4| January 2022 ISSN: 2795-739X
1. It contains the original and expressed in three different forms. In the literature on
concept of the word; translation theory, it is argued that word and
2. The relevance of the word to the phraseological conformities look like words. [1]
subject under study; They are:
3. Value of information; 1. Complete conformities.
4. Richness of lexical-syntactic 2. Partial conformities.
combination; 3. Absence of conformities.
5. Educational-methodical expediency. Now let’s take a practical look at what the
[2] three types of conformities look like when
Unfortunately, monolingual and bilingual translating English phrases into Uzbek.
dictionaries of phrases based on English and It is well known that the free form of a
Uzbek materials have not been created yet. This phrase can be regarded as a manifestation of a
is the task of lexicographers. phrase logically free combination. From this
A bilingual dictionary of phrases is a special point of view, in a broad sense, a phrase is a part
dictionary and differs from other bilingual of phraseology, which can include proverbs and
(translation) dictionaries in the following ways: sayings, idioms. This is called a Paremia in
➢ the special meanings of the words are linguistics, although there is no consensus on it.
explained and the translation variant The concept of Paremia is used in a broad and
used in the situation is emphasized; narrow sense. In the narrow sense, free
➢ the possibility of forming a compound in expressions can be conditionally included in
the separate meanings of words is Paremia. In a broad sense, Paremies include free
revealed, the lexical-grammatical rules and stable combinations, phrases, idioms,
of their use in speech are offered; proverbs and sayings. When translating free
➢ The properties of compounding in the phrases, it is important to take into account the
separate meanings of words are valence of the formation of the main phrases in
presented as the same practical the two languages. As an example, we will
application of fixed constructions; consider collocations related to the three main
➢ Differences in the use of words included meanings of the verb to fail, which are
in the dictionary in two languages, taking considered problematic in translation in most
into account the characteristics of cases in English. It has the following common
combinations that lead to errors in the combinations:
speech of a foreign language speakers; 1. уддалай олмаслик,
➢ The dictionary main article contains муваффақиятсизликка учрамоқ
some of the most commonly used (потерпеть неудачу, не иметь успеха): to
articles; fail to do something inability to succeed, -
➢ There are indicators in the appendix, бирор нарса қилишни уддалай олмаслик, a
some of which can be used as a special plan fails-, an attempt fails -, don’t fail to let
independent study guide; me know -;
➢ Such dictionaries serve not only the 2. имтиҳондан ўтолмаслик,
development of reading and listening “йиқилмоқ”: to fail in an examination -
skills, but also the development of имтиҳондан йиқилмоқ- (провалиться на
writing and speaking skills, combining экзамене);
the functions of a dictionary and a 3. бировни ишончини оқламаслик:
textbook. words failed him - у сўз топa олмай қолди (он
In order to confirm the above points and не находит слов); time would fail me – ( я не
to reveal the features of the translation of успеваю, мне не позволит время); his health
phrases, we will focus on the translation of some failed him - унинг соғлиғи панд берди (его
phrases mentioned in the dictionary. It can be здоровье подвело его); courage fails him -
said before that phrases, like words, in унда жасорат етишмаяпти ( мужество
translation also imply the idea of an alternative оставило его). If you think logically, you can

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Volume 4| January 2022 ISSN: 2795-739X
find some similarity, associative options, but from each other. For example: “Cry over
when students hear English phraseological spilled milk” means in Uzbek “сўнгги
units for the first time, they take only their form, пушаймон ўзингга душман”, Give a ring —
completely without delving into their meaning means “сим қоқмоқ”. As you can see, they differ
and content. For example, “hot under the collar” mainly in shape, but are similar in meaning. The
literally translates into Uzbek as “ёқа остидаги literal translation of the "Cry over spilled milk"
иссиқлик” (hot under the collar), while the turnover into Uzbek is “тошиб кетган сут
equivalent of this phraseological unit in Uzbek is устида йиғламоқ” (плакать над убежавшим
“тепа сочи тикка бўлмоқ” (hair stood on end). молоком). This value is suitable for the
As you can see from the example, the difference turnover “сўнгги пушаймон ўзингга душман”
in form and meaning is a difficulty in mastering (последнее сожаление враг тебе же). “The last
phraseological units. U. Khoshimov and regret is your enemy. But they differ in shape, so
I.Yokubov [3] in the book "Methods of teaching students make mistakes in their application.
the English language” emphasized that the 4) The basis of the fourth group is
difficulties encountered in mastering words polysemantics, when a phraseological unit has
arise, first of all, in each word, based on its form, many meanings. For example: “All thumbs” -
classified the difficulties arising in the study of physically awkward, especially with respect
phraseological units of the English language into to the hands can be translated into Uzbek
4 groups: “ўнғайсизлик” (неудобство, неловкое
1) The first group includes international положение), inconvenience, awkward position;
combinations that do not cause difficulties in “омадсиз кун” (неудачный день), “чап ёндан
their study. They are familiar to the students or турмоқ” (встать с левой ноги). “Gift of gab”
meet in their native language. For example: сan mean “аравани қуруқ олиб қочмоқ”
Achilles' heel- a person is weak or vulnerable (убежать с пустой телегой), “гапни бошқа
point; flat broke means not having any money томонга бурмоқ” (повернуть разговор
at all; right now - this exact moment; as for me в другую сторону). These phraseological units
house — wife. cannot be defined by any one exact
2) A characteristic feature of the second combination; therefore, they give rise to
group is their belonging in their form and difficulties in assimilation. So that students do
semantics only to one or another language. For not make mistakes in the assimilation and
example: to leave school (дословно: translation of phraseological units of the English
оставить школу) — мактабни битирмоқ language, it is necessary to explain to them their
(окончить школу; beat the band (дословно: meaning and cases of application, to explain that
побейте полосу) — жон-жаҳди билан ишга the difference in form and meaning is the
киришмоқ (энергично браться за работу). If influence of the fact that these languages belong
we proceed from the form of turns, then it must to different language families and, under the
be said that phraseological units in English influence of this main factor, their
begin with a verb, and in Uzbek, they begin with phraseological layers in different situations and
a noun and end with a verb. Big fish (дословно contexts can express different concepts and
verbatim: большая рыба) — обрўли, катта images. In conclusion, it should be emphasized
лавозимдаги шахс (авторитетный, лицо that the translation of phraseological units from
большого чина). From a semantic point of view, English into others presents significant
this combination is found only in English difficulties. This is due to the fact, that many of
(compare with colloquial Russian: big shot). them are bright, imaginative, laconic, and
Combination “Big fish” does not occur in the ambiguous. When translating, it is necessary not
Uzbek language. It is applied in English to high only to convey the meaning of the
officials. phraseological unit, but also to reflect its
3) Phraseological units of the third group figurativeness, while not missing its stylistic
are found in both languages. On one side they function. When translating a phraseological
are similar, but on the other side they differ unit, the translator must convey its meaning and

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Volume 4| January 2022 ISSN: 2795-739X
reflect its imagery, finding a similar expression 2. Khidekl S.S., Kaul M.R., Ginzburg E.L.
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Using collocations will considerably http://www.rusnauka.com/8_NND_201
improve your ability to speak English. 0
Collocations are large building blocks for 6. Bakirova H.B. Formation of lexical skills
sentences; just adapt them a little in learning foreign language terminology
grammatically, and they are ready for use. in a non-language university/ Emergent:
Knowing collocations will also improve your journal of educational discoveries and
listening and comprehension skills: you will be lifelong learning (EJEDL) ISSN 2776-
able to expect the next word (words) of the 0995 Vol. 2, Issue 5, 2021, Indonesia.
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respond quicker. Besides, collocations are much lexical competence based on content-
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because the ties between words in a phrase Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological
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