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Information Technology



Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Perform all the 1. Practice of safety while lifting · Safety of working personal
Skill 275 Hrs; functions with and shifting fragile and heavy and equipment.
Electrical and equipments. (5 hrs) · Safety while lifting and
Electronic 2. Check earthing and identify shifting of fragile and heavy
Components the type of earthing. (5 hrs) equipments.
77 Hrs
related to 3. Practice electrical safety · Safety precautions.
Computer and while connecting, switching- · Earthing, need and
Networking system on and switching-off of heavy importance of Earthing,
following safety electrical outlet points. (5 Types of earthing, Electrical
precautions. hrs) safety.
4. Practice first aid in case of · Electrical safety
physical injury. (5 hrs) precautions. First aid in
5. Practice first aid in case of case of physical injury.
electrical hazard. (5 hrs) · First aid in case of Electrical
hazard (07 hrs)
6. Identify AC & DC voltmeters/ · Electricity, Potential
Multi meters. (2 hrs) difference, AC &DC voltage,
7. Measure DC voltage of a Current, Waveform.
given battery-pack. (2 hrs) · Measuring devices (meter).
8. Measure mains AC voltage. (2 · Conductors, Insulators and
hrs) semiconductors, examples
9. Identify different types of and applications.
wires used for · Domestic electrical wiring –
interconnections (Sing lest requirements.
and multi strand, twisted · Testing continuity of wires.
pair) (2 hrs) Skinning and tinning of
10. Test wires and cables. (3 hrs) wires and cable ends. (07
11. Wiring harness. And Skin wire hrs)
ends and tinning. (3 hrs)
12. Terminate wire ends with

Information Technology

lugs and connectors.(3 hrs)

13. Crimping practice with RJ
connectors. (4 hrs)
14. Practice Domestic wiring
using different components
of wiring. (4 hrs)
15. Identify different types of · Resistors, types,
resistors. (2 hrs) specifications, applications,
16. Find value of resistors and its identification using colour
tolerance using colour code. code, Resistors in series,
(2 hrs) parallel and series parallel.
17. Measure resistance-using · Ohms law and its
multi meter. (2 hrs) application.
18. Measure effective value of · KCL & KVL Solder joint.
resistors in series, parallel · Soldering requirement
and series-parallel. (2 hrs) &practice, Common
19. Measure branch currents and soldering defects.
node voltages of a series- · De soldering - Precautions
parallel circuit (Kirchoff's & practice.
law). (2 hrs) · Application of PCB's. Types
20. Solder single strand wires on of PCBs, specifications. List
to Lug board.(2 hrs) some Connectors used with
21. Solder single and multiple PCB.(07 hrs)
solder joints. (2 hrs)
22. Solder Resistors on to a lug
board. Solder Semiconductor
device on to a lug board.(2
23. Solder a given circuit
(consisting of resistors and
semiconductor diodes on a
lug board. (4 hrs)
24. Solder a resistor, a
semiconductor device and an
IC on lug board.(3 hrs)
25. Practice de-soldering of
above soldered components.
(2 hrs)
26. Capacitor – measuring the · Capacitor, types,

Information Technology

value, colour code. (3 hrs) specification, capacitors in

27. Measure capacitance using series and parallel –
LCR meter.(3 hrs) applications
28. Identify of different types of · Magnetism. Faradays Laws.
inductors.(3 hrs) · Inductance, Inductor-types,
29. Measure inductance using specifications, applications.
LCR meter. (3 hrs) · Measurement of
30. Test a step-up transformer inductance, Inductance in
and finding transformation series and parallel.
ratio.(4 hrs) Inductive reactance. Self &
31. Testing a step-down mutual Inductance -
transformer and finding properties, applications.
transformation ratio.(4 hrs) · Transformer, principle,
32. Construct Electro-magnetic construction, types, rating
effect using Electric Bell, and applications.
Solenoid. (5 hrs) · Testing a given transformer.
(07 hrs)
33. Identify different types of · Semiconductor device.
rectifiers and terminals. (3 Rectifier diodes, types,
hrs) specifications and
34. Refer to Diode handbook to applications.
get a diode for a given · Half wave rectifier,
application and rating. (3 hrs) construction, working,
35. Testing a given diode. (3 hrs) output voltage, current
36. Construct and test a Half rating and output ripple.
wave rectifier. (3 hrs) Efficiency, limitations,
37. Construct and test a Full applications.
wave rectifier. (4 hrs) · Full wave rectifier,
38. Construct and test a Bridge construction, working,
rectifier. (4 hrs) output voltage, current
39. Test LED's. Use LED as output rating and output ripple.
indicator in DC power Efficiency, limitations,
supplies. (5 hrs) applications.
· Bridge rectifier,
construction, working,
output voltage, current
rating, output ripple.
Efficiency, limitations,

Information Technology

· LED's, types, specification
and applications. Using LED
as indicator lamps. (07 hrs)
40. Identify different types and · Principle of working of a
packages of transistors. (3 transistor. PNP and NPN
hrs) transistors. Specification of
41. Identify transistors leads/ transistors.
terminals. (3 hrs) · Identification of transistors,
42. Testing of transistors.(4 hrs) terminals. Referring to Data
43. Find a required transistor book for selecting a
referring to Transistor data transistor. Biasing of
book. (5 hrs) transistors -types,
44. Testing amplification of advantages, and
different configurations using applications.
pre wired kits. (5 hrs) · Types of amplifiers, working
45. Test cascaded amplifiers and applications. Cascaded
using pre wired kits. (5 hrs) amplifiers, types and
applications. (07 hrs)
46. Familiarization and using CRO · Oscillators, types,
& function generator. (10 Harmonic-LC, RC, Crystal
hrs) and relaxation-UJT.
47. Test harmonic oscillators · Pulse, pulse parameters,
using pre wired circuits. (5 implications. Pulse circuits,
hrs) multi vibrators,
48. Construct and test relaxation applications. (07 hrs)
oscillators using pre wired
circuit. (5 hrs)
49. Measure parameters of
Pulses using oscilloscope. (5
50. Construct and test a Thyristor · DIAC, SCR, TRIAC-principle
based power supply. (3 hrs) of working, specifications,
51. Testing op-amp, testing and circuits and application.
analyzing results of an OP- · Differential amplifiers, OP-
Amp. (3 hrs) Amps, principle,
52. Wire and test a Multistage IC characteristics, advantages,
amplifier. (3 hrs) applications. List a few
53. Construct and test a 3-pin

Information Technology

Voltage regulator. (3 hrs) commonly used op-amps,

54. Construct and test an IC Amplifiers in integrated
variable output Voltage circuit forms.
regulator. (3 hrs) · IC oscillators -IC 555Other
55. Trace circuit of PC SMPS. types of linear IC's and
Fault finding of SMPS used in applications.
PC. (3 hrs) · Voltage regulator -zener
56. Troubleshoot SMPS used in diode, principle,
PC's. Trace circuit, Fault application, limitations.
finding and troubleshoot Shunt and series regulators,
Power supplies used in PC I/O applications, limitation.
devices. (7 hrs) · IC voltage regulators-
specifications, testing.
Multiple output regulators,
package details of
somecommon IC regulator.
· Comparison of linear and
Switch mode power
· Working of SMPS. Types,
specifications and
applications. Circuit tracing
of SMPS.
· Fault finding and
Troubleshooting approach
of SMPS with emphasis on
power supplies used in
PC'sand its I/O devices. (07
57. Test Dry cells. Identify of · Primary and secondary
different types and sizes of batteries. Dry cells,
button cells. Test button specification. Button cells,
cells. (3 hrs) types and applications -
58. Check the specific gravity of testing.
electrolyte. (4 hrs) · Secondary battery types,
59. Checking battery using specification, construction,
discharge tester. Top-up Routine maintenance,
secondary batteries.(4 hrs)

Information Technology

60. Connecting secondary Electrolyte- specific gravity,

batteries in series/series charging batteries.
parallel. (4 hrs) · Maintenance free batteries.
61. Identify a dead/ defective Use of batteries with UPS.
battery in a chain of Safety precautions. (07 hrs)
batteries.(4 hrs)
62. Charge batteries. Connect
batteries with UPS and test.
(6 hrs)
63. Convert Decimal to Binary · Comparing Analog and
and reverse. Convert of Digital signal. Application of
Binary to octal and reverse. Digital electronics.
Convert of Binary to · Number system, Binary,
Hexadecimal and reverse. (4 octal and hexadecimal.
hrs) · Boolean algebra,
64. Identify given IC's using D'Morgans theorem.
digital IC handbook. (4 hrs) Simplification of logic
65. Verify the truth table of NOT, circuit.
AND, OR, NAND and NOR · Identification of Digital IC's,
gates. (6 hrs) Types of packages,
66. Construct a logic circuit using applications. Basic digital
basic gates for a given output gates and truth tables.
logic. (4 hrs) · 1's & 2's compliment Flip-
67. Construct a 1's compliment flop, register & counter.
&2’s compliment circuit and · Making a logic circuit for
verify. (6 hrs) any custom requirement.
68. Construct and verify the truth (14 hrs)
table of flip-flop. (6 hrs)
69. Construct and test a serial
and parallel shift register.
(10 hrs)
70. Construct and test a 4-bit
binary counter. (10 hrs)
Professional Installation and 71. Identify the external I/O and · Basic blocks of a digital
Skill 50 Hrs; practice with memory devices connected computer. Function of each
Operating System and to the PC. (3 hrs) block. Personal computer
all other application 72. Identify the controls of each organization. Introduction
software. of these devices including the to various generations of
14 Hrs
system (CPU) unit. (5 hrs) PC's.

Information Technology

73. Disconnect the external I/O · Brief working and usage of

and memory devices I/O and memory devices
connected to the PC. (7 hrs) used in a PC. (07 hrs)
74. Re-connect external I/O and
memory devices connected
to the PC. (10 hrs)
75. Practice windows operating · Working with computer
system. (5 hrs) using windows operating
76. Practice using notepad and system. Obtaining system
paint. (5 hrs) information. Ports on a PC
77. Identify system and its specifications.
specifications. Use device · Hardware interface and
manager to check status of driver. IRQ and DMA.
installed devices. Identify Making startup/emergency
and record IRQ. Make a diskette.
start-up/emergency diskette. · Installing and setting
(5 hrs) keyboard, mouse, Display,
78. Uninstall, Reinstall and Printer, multimedia,
make settings for the Modem, web camera and
following devices using other devices. (07 hrs)
Device manager: Keyboard,
Mouse, Display, Multimedia,
Printer, Modem, Web camera
and other such external
devices. (10 hrs)
Professional Assembling and 79. Remove SMPS from cabinet, · Memory Types and uses.
Skill 75 Hrs; servicing of Desktop test SMPS for good working Computer main memory,
Computer with all its condition and refit to specifications,
hardware cabinet. (2 hrs) compatibility,
21 Hrs components. 80. Identify the internal parts of expandability, types,
a PC. (2 hrs) manufacturers.
81. Identify cable connections · SMPS used in PC,
inside a PC. (2 hrs) Specifications, types of
82. Identify the specifications of connectors, testing.
motherboard. (1 hr) · Mother board, types,
83. Identify the components of a specifications, components
motherboard. (1 hr) on the motherboard and its
84. Remove, identify and refit functions.
add-in cards. (2 hrs) · BIOS, CMOS setup. FDD/

Information Technology

85. Remove, identify and refit HDD, principle of working,

RAM, Processor. (1 hr) types, capacity,
86. Practice CMOS setting. (2 hrs) manufacturers, connecting
87. Remove and refit FDD/HDD. to motherboard.
(2 hrs) · Jumper setting.
88. Remove and refit CD/DVD Partitioning, formatting.
ROM drive. (2 hrs) Non DOS partitions.
89. Partition HDD, Format HDD, · Loading operating system.
Load operating system. (3 Loading multiple OS.
hrs) · Loading application
90. Load multiple Operating packages. (07 hrs)
system (Windows & Linux).
Test working. (5 hrs)
91. Assemble PC given all · CDROM drive, principle of
components. Check for working, types,
working. (10 hrs) specifications,
92. Identify defect manufacturers, connecting,
(Hardware/software). Rectify jumper setting. COMBO
defect. (5 hrs) drives.
93. Identify possibility of · Identifying and Troubles
upgrading a given PC to given hooting software related
specification. Collect and problems. (07 hrs)
upgrade PC. Check working
of upgraded PC. (10 hrs)
94. Load maintenance utilities to· Identifying and Troubles
check system performance. hooting hardware related
(10 hrs) problems.
95. Test and report system · Disassembling precautions
performance. (15 hrs) and procedure.
· Assembling of PC for a
given requirement.
· Upgrading of PC in respect
of main memory, HDD,
ZIP, DAT and other special
devices. (07 hrs)
Professional Setting up and 96. Identify components of a · Serial data communication,
Skill 100 Hrs; configuring simple LAN environment. (5 principle, standards/
Networking System hrs) protocols and devices
using various network 97. Identify different types of

Information Technology

Knowledge devices. cables used for networking. /applications.

28 Hrs (5 hrs) · Parallel data
98. Identify the protocols communication, principle,
installed in an existing LAN standards/protocols and
setup. (5 hrs) devices/ applications.
99. Draw LAN diagram. (10 hrs) · Features of Networked
computers. (07 hrs)
100. Identify the NIC installed & · Components required for
MAC address (5 hrs) networking.
101. Install of NIC card. (5 hrs) · Network Topologies.
102. Make UTP cross cable and Comparison.
testing using continuity · Network Protocols,
tester. (5 hrs) applications.
103. Establish connection · Physical components
between two computers planning for a small LAN.
using a cross cable. (10 hrs) · Network operating systems
and features. (07 hrs)
104. Make a UTP straight patch · Network cables, types,
cord and testing using specifications, standards,
continuity tester. (10 hrs) application.
105. Connect and test a · Peer - to peer
straight cable using a N- connection.
port switch and · Client server connection,
computers. Establish a comparison, applications
peer-to-peer connection. (07 hrs)
(15 hrs)
106. Configure a router Add/ · What is router, its
Delete entry in function, configuration
configuration task. (5 hrs) table?
107. Create work groups. (5 hrs) · Concept of work groups and
108. Set IP address and subnet uses.
mask. Establish connection. · UTP Cross cable for testing
(5 hrs) connection between two
109. Use of Ping command. (5 computers.
hrs) · UTP straight cable and
110. Establish sub networks connecting through N-port
using subnet mask. (5 hrs) Switch.
· Allocation of IP address and

Information Technology

Subnet (07 hrs)

Professional Sharing and 111. Share resources in LAN. (2 · Cabling procedures and
Skill 50Hrs; Controlling resource hrs) introduction to structured
and connection 112. Fault find and troubleshoot cabling.
through network. network problems. (5 hrs) · Creating users in Widows
14 Hrs 113. Trace a network route. (3 server. Resource sharing
hrs) and Security.
114. Create users, allocate rights · Sharing a single internet
and testing. Implement connection in LAN, with or
security in LAN. (15 hrs) without the use of Proxy.
115. Use Linux commands. (10 hrs)
Install and uninstall devices · Multi user OS. Linux
using Linux command. (10 Operating system, OS
hrs) commands.
116. Set-up LAN under Linux. · Installing devices. Setting up
(15 hrs) LAN in Linux environment.
Professional Perform the Microsoft WORD Microsoft WORD
Skill 100Hrs; operations of MS 117. Open, resize and close MS · Text editing software's.
Office package (word, Word. (1 hr) · Introduction to MSOffice.
excel, power point, 118. Opening, edit and save/ Features and application of
28Hrs outlook). "save as" documents. (1 hr) Microsoft word.
119. Use all menu bar features. (2 · Concept of word processing.
hrs) Menu bar features. Standard
120. Use all Standard tool bar toolbar features. Editing the
features. (2 hrs) text, use of different tools,
121. Create Document, non- formatting the text.
documents files. (2 hrs) · Creating, Document, non-
122. Create templates. (2 hrs) documents files. Creating
123. Create tables. (1 hr) templates.
124. Insert pictures and videos. (2 · Creating tables.
hrs) · Inserting pictures and
125. Mail merge documents. (1 videos.
hr) · Mail merge.
126. Creating Bookmarks. (1 hr) · Book marks.
127. Add Bullets and numbering. · Bullets and numbering.
(1 hr)
· Hyperlinks. Creating
128. Create Hyperlinks. (3 hrs)
broachers. Creating
129. Create broachers. (3 hrs)

Information Technology

130. Create bookwork. (3 hrs) bookwork (07 hrs)

Microsoft EXCEL Microsoft EXCEL
131. Work with Microsoft Excel · Use of Microsoft Excel
for creating worksheets with features for creating
Graphs and Visuals. (25 hrs) worksheets with
mathematical formulae and
graphs. (07 hrs)
132. Work with Microsoft Power · Use of Microsoft Power
point in for creating point features for creating
multimedia presentations. multimedia presentations.
(15 hrs) (07 hrs)
133. Work with custom animation
and effects. (10 hrs)
Microsoft OUTLOOK Microsoft OUTLOOK
134. Customize quick e-mail, · Customizable quick e-mail,
calendar, and tasks. (3 hrs) calendar, and tasks.
135. Create a shortcut in the · Create a short cut in the
Outlook Bar to any file, Outlook Bar to any file,
folder or Web page. (3 hrs) folder or Webpage.
136. Send and receive e-mail in · Send and receive-mail in
HTML format. (3 hrs) HTML format.
137. Use ‘Find’ tool to quickly find · Find tool to quickly find
messages, appointments or messages, appointments or
tasks using a Web-style tasks using a Web-style
search to specify the desired search to specify the desired
information. (3 hrs) information.
138. Set up rules and even filter · Publish personal or team
out junk e-mail. (3 hrs) calendar as a Web page
139. Publish personal or team using a single command.
calendar as a Web page · Create and store personal
using a single command. (3 distribution lists along with
hrs) contacts in your Contacts
140. Create and store personal folder.
distribution lists along with · Manage mass mailings with
contacts in your Contacts Mail Merge for e-mail, fax or
folder. (3 hrs) print distribution to select or
141. Manage mass mailings with all contacts based on any set
Mail Merge for e-mail, fax or

Information Technology

print distribution to select or of contact fields.

all contacts based on any set · Use the Activities tab on a
of contact fields. (4 hrs) contact item to dynamically
track and view all activity
related to a contact such as
e-mail, appointments and
tasks. (07 hrs)
Professional Create Graphic design Adobe PageMaker Adobe PageMaker
Skill 50Hrs; and work with Adobe 142. Work with PageMaker. · Use of Page Maker features
Page maker, Corel (5hrs) for creating Pamphlets,
draw and Adobe 143. Create Pamphlets. (4hrs) broachers, reports,
14 Hrs Photoshop. 144. Create broachers. (5hrs) illustrative works and long
145. Work with reports. (3hrs) book works. (07 hrs)
146. Create illustrative works.
147. Create long book works.
Corel Draw Corel draw
148. Work with Corel draw. (10 · Use of features of Corel draw
hrs) · Create artistic characters and
149. Create artistic characters shapes for use with page
and shapes for use with maker. (07 hrs)
page maker. (15 hrs)
Professional Create email account, Internet Internet
Skill 50Hrs; chat and browse 150. Open web pages using URL · Networking of Computers.
through internet and and domain name. (1 hr) LAN, MAN, WAN. Intranet.
Microsoft Outlook 151. Save web pages. (1 hr) Interconnected computers.
Express. 152. Store web pages as · LAN, MAN, WAN.
14 Hrs
favorites. (2 hrs) · Intranet. Internet, Websites,
153. Use search engines to find WWW, URL.
sites offering free Email · Internet protocols, HTTP,
services. (2 hrs) FTP,
154. Create Email account. (1 hr) · Client end software -
155. Send Email. (1 hr) Browsers.
156. Copy received Email. · Requirements for Internet
Copy/Print received mail. (1 access, browser, modem,
hr) ISP.
157. Send Email with attachment. · Getting internet count and
(1 hr)

Information Technology

158. Open/Download settings.

attachments. (2 hrs) · Types of browsers, basic
159. Set-up for Chat. (1 hr) principle, features. Setting of
160. Practice chatting. (1 hr) browser features, security
161. Practice chatting with Video. levels.
(1 hr) · Getting connected to a
162. Join Newsgroup. (2 hrs) website- site name & its URL,
163. Getting connected using Domain name server. Saving
FTP. (2 hrs) websites, favorites, printing
164. Downloading software's. web pages/sites.
(2hrs) · Meaning and use of Search
165. Upgrading Browser versions. engines. Searching tips.
(2 hrs) Webmail account, Email,
166. Use Telnet to get connected providers- free and paid.
to remote computer. (2 hrs) Creating free Email ID,
sending and receiving Email.
Sending and receiving
attachments using Email.
· Chatting over Web. News
· Down loading of software’s –
· Getting connected to a
distant computer and Telnet.
(07 hrs)
MS Outlook Express MS Outlook Express
167. Using features of OUTLOOK · Setting-up outlook express
Express for sending and for sending and receiving
receiving Emails. (3 hrs) mails using multiple ID's.
168. Setting multi plea counts in · Features provided by
outlook express to Outlook express. (07 hrs)
send/receive mails. (3 hrs)
169. Maintaining Address book.
(10 hrs)
Connecting to Internet
170. Installing modem in
computer. And Installing
Web Browsers. (5 hrs)
171. Setup internet connection

Information Technology

using ISP. (2 hrs)

172. Setup browser settings. (2
Professional Design and develop HTML HTML
Skill 25 Hrs; web pages using 173. Working with HTML tags. (1 · Source code of Web pages,
HTML. hr) meaning of HTML, its
174. Working with Fonts, colors. features and advantages.
07 Hrs (1 hr) · Programming using HTML.
175. Working with Hyper text Using Scripts for active web
Links. (1 hr) pages.
176. Develop Unordered Lists. (1 · Use of Java scripts.(Simple
hr) scripts only)
177. Develop Ordered Lists. (1 hr) · Use of VB script for
178. Develop Definition Lists. (1 interactive pages.(Simple
hr) scripts only)
179. Practice with different types · Picture formats, animated
of Marquee effects. (1 hr) files and its usage in web
180. Develop HTML Pages using pages.
Tables. (1 hr) · Web page design using Front
181. Develop User registration page.
forms. (1 hr) · Procedure for Hosting of
182. Develop Web pages using web sites.(07hrs)
Forms(2 pages, 3pages,
Multi pages). (1 hr)
183. Open pages in parent
windows. Use Embed tag to
insert Media. (1 hr)
184. Insert flash file safe mode.
(1 hr)
185. Auto plays Videos and Audio
files. (1 hr)
186. Play Audio and Video files
from specific time. (1 hr)
187. Hide controls on web page.
(1 hr)
188. Set different colors to
different Headings. Change
paragraph font size and
color using styles. (1 hr)

Information Technology

189. Print "Hello World" on web

page using Jscript. (1 hr)
190. Validate Password given by
the user. (1 hr)
191. Validate User input date. (2
192. Validate E-Mail Address. (2
193. Register free website and
upload pages. (2 hrs)
194. Setting up the work area. (1
Professional Create Graphic design Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
Skill 50 Hrs; and work with Adobe 195. Practice use of Photoshop · Different composition of
Page maker, Corel tools. (2hrs) colors. The colors of the
draw and Adobe 196. Practice use of palettes. visual spectrum. Evidence of
Photoshop. Draw &edit with the pencil color theory implementation
14 Hrs
tools. (2hrs) from existing graphics found
197. Smoothen the path with in print media.
smooth tool. Draw with the · Picture formats, Color use
Paint tool. (3hrs) and implementation on the
198. Draw curve segments. Use web.
reshape tool. (3hrs) · Introduction to some of the
199. Draw & edit brushed paths. most common graphics and
Practice managing brushes. image file formats, and its
(3hrs) restrictions to particular
200. Create brushes. Create a hardware/operating system
pattern brush. Practice using platforms.
the brush libraries. (3hrs) · Image formats and
201. Use rulers, guides & grids. incorporation of
(3hrs) compression technique for
202. Practice use of selection large storage size of Image
tools. (2hrs) files.
203. Practice moving, copying · Creating Vector Graphics.
and deleting objects. (2hrs) Using tools for publishing
204. Practice grouping artwork on the Web & in
&ungrouping objects. (2hrs) print.
205. Practice transforming · Exploring new creative
selected objects. (3hrs) options and producinghigh

Information Technology

206. Practice distorting with free quality images for print

transform tool. (3hrs) &web.
207. Practice Punking & Bloating. · Creating exceptional imagery
Create blends. (3hrs) with easier access to file.
208. Practice using the pathfinder Streamlined web design.
palette. (3hrs) · Photo re-touching, colorful
209. Practice working with image collages, (14hrs)
clipping masks. (3hrs)
210. Practice changing vector
Graphics into Bitmap
images. (5 hrs)
211. Practice linking objects to
URLS for Internet packages.
(5 hrs)
Professional Create and record MULTIMEDIA -Audio MULTIMEDIA -Audio
Skill 75 Hrs; various formats of 212. Practice sound Recording in · Sound recording basics,
multimedia audio and different channels - Mono- various formats of sound
video files using stereo. (5 hrs) files,
21 Hrs digital audio and 213. Practice sound editing and · Converting analog audio to
video editor tools. giving special effects. Use digital audio.
various formats of sound · Digital audio editors that
files. (5 hrs) include powerful audio
214. Carryout conversion of processing tools, effects for
analog audio to digital audio. recording and manipulating
(5 hrs) audio.
215. Practice Frequency · Edit files nondestructively
management. (5 hrs) down to the sample level
216. Practice distorting recorded with extreme speed and
audio using Effects. (5 hrs) accuracy. (07 hrs)
Multimedia -Video Multimedia -Video
217. Get acquainted with the · Introduction to the concept
arrangement of different of 3D.Orthographic and
Tool Bars, Panels, Tools and Perspective views.
View Ports. (4 hrs) · Creating basic objects in 3D.
218. Draw and visualize simple · Introduction to command
objects in terms of Top View, panel. Working with
Front View and Side View. "Properties" of 3Dobjects.
Create simple objects. (4 hrs) · Editing 3D objects using
219. Practice Moving, Rotating

Information Technology

and Scaling objects. (6 hrs) modifiers.

220. Practice changing · Elements of View Port
dimensions of objects using controller.
modifiers. (6hrs) · Creating objects with
221. Create different objects, Standard Primitives and
using Standard Primitives Extended Primitives.
and Extended Primitives. (6 Creating objects using
hrs) "Shapes" panel. Re-shaping
222. Make shapes render able of objects using Compound
and create splines, Practice Objects like Boolean, Terrain
manipulation of the shape of and Loft.
the model using Compound · Creating symmetrical objects
Objects. (6 hrs) using Lathe option.
223. Practice application of Lathe · Simple Animation of basic
Option for creating objects. Introduction to
symmetrical objects. (6 hrs) Particle Systems.
224. Apply animation to the · Low Polygon Modelling. (14
models created so far. (6 hrs)
225. Practice modelling of real
world objects through LPM
using Editable Mesh and
Editable Poly. Convert a
model to an editable mesh
and working with Extrude
and bevel options. (6 hrs)
Professional Create customized 226. Opening an existing and · Database concepts -data,
Skill 100 Hrs; database files using creating a new database object and properties:
Microsoft Access and with MS-ACCESS. (15 hrs) Definition.
Visual Basic. 227. Identifying the objects · Elements of database in
28 Hrs supported MS-ACCESS (10 Access: table, form, query,
hrs) report.
228. Creating table in Data sheet · Creating tables in
and design view. (5 hrs) Datasheet and design view,
229. Enter data and edit data. setting field properties.
(10 hrs) · Editing data in table (14 hrs)
230. Data validation and
verification in Access. (10

Information Technology

231. Develop customized form for · Developing customized form

data entry. (07 hrs) for data entry and editing.
232. Develop queries. (03hrs) · Data validation and
233. Generate reports for verification.
required output. (02 hrs) · Developing and generate
234. Generate customized queries.
reports. (07 hrs) · Developing and generating
235. Setting relationship between reports.
tables. (03 hrs) · Relational Database systems.
236. Setting relationship between Its advantages and
tables and queries or both. applications Using Multiple
(03 hrs) table, data entry, and
generating reports (07 hrs)
237. Practice use of Visual basic · Concept of Front end for
with MS Access as front end. database.
(10 hrs) · Software’s used as Front-
238. Create a simple end.
application using Access and · Use of Visual basic as front
VB for a given specification. end with access.
(08 hrs) · Development cycle.
239. Database back up and · Steps for developing simple
retrieval in Access. (07 hrs) software using Access and
VB for a given application.
· Database back up and
retrieval. (07 hrs)
Industrial Visit/ Project Work
Broad Areas:
a) Graphics designing project using Adobe PageMaker and Corel Draw.
b) Image editing project using Adobe Photoshop.
c) Create a simple web site using HTML of at least 5 web pages which will include Images, tables,
charts, lists and hyperlink on any topic like Student Information System, Book Store, and
organizations etc.
d) Create a customized database using MS Access for an organization.


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