1 s2.0 S0959652620355141 Main
1 s2.0 S0959652620355141 Main
1 s2.0 S0959652620355141 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Biogas production from animal manure can address many negative impacts of traditional energy gen-
Received 5 May 2020 eration and also improve living conditions in rural communities in Egypt, the case study herein, and
Received in revised form further afield. Even though techno-economical aspects of the household biogas digester technology have
16 November 2020
been thoroughly studied, its environmental sustainability, especially under Egypt’s conditions, remains
Accepted 7 December 2020
largely unknown. To this end, life cycle inventory data were collected from typical fixed-dome digesters
Available online 9 December 2020
operating in Egypt. Environmental modelling was based on the life cycle assessment methodology using
Handling editor: Bin Chen SimaPro. It was identified that the 100-year global warming potential for producing 1 m3 of biogas under
Egypt’s conditions amounts to 2.72 kg CO2eq., while its total environmental footprint was 160.1 mPt. The
Keywords: main contributor was the operational phase (89.1%), while the construction phase had a much smaller
Biogas contribution (10.9%). The main environmental hotspots were identified as the manure required to drive
Fixed-dome digester the process, closely followed by biogas leakages and intentional releases. By minimizing biogas losses,
Life cycle assessment/analysis (LCA) the system’s environmental sustainability largely improves (~60% reduction) and could be on the same
Environmental impact assessment
level with the one of larger biogas units operating in developing countries. Furthermore, it was identified
that the digester volume plays an overall small role in the system’s environmental performance; how-
Sensitivity analysis
ever, oversized digesters grossly affect the environmental sustainability, due to the large amounts of
biogas intentional releases. Finally, the use of digestate as a biofertilizer appears to be environmentally
sustainable (~38% reduction of total environmental footprint). Taken together, the results obtained in this
study provide substantial information for policy- and decision-making on renewable energy develop-
ment in rural Egypt and beyond.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1. Introduction carbon dioxide (CO2) are emitted from the traditional cooking
stoves used in rural areas, contributing to the global warming and
Nowadays, about 1.6 billion people, i.e. one fourth of the world’s climate change. The incomplete combustion of biomass occurred in
population, do not have access to electricity, mostly in rural areas these stoves also release toxic and hazardous emissions, such as
(Garfi et al., 2016). Furthermore, worldwide, approximately 2.4 carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), poly-
billion people still depend on traditional biomass, such as firewood, cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other organic compounds
agricultural residues and dried dung for their cooking and heating (Bhattacharya et al., 2000). These are responsible for serious im-
needs (Kanagawa and Nakata, 2008). As a result, large quantities of pacts, both on the environment and human health (Miah et al.,
Therefore, biogas production has enjoyed support in developing
* Corresponding author. Nireas-International Water Research Center, University countries, by both local authorities and international organizations
of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, CY 1678, Nicosia, Cypru. (Thu et al., 2012), on account of being a renewable energy
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Fatta-Kassinos).
0959-6526/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
technology that can mitigate many of the impacts (e.g. climate production in developing countries, including Ethiopia (Lansche
change, deforestation, and air pollution) of traditional energy and Müller, 2017; Gabisa and Gheewala, 2019), Kenya (Nzila et al.,
generation (Blenkinsopp et al., 2013). In remote rural communities, 2012), Brazil (Mendes et al., 2004), Bangladesh (Rahman et al.,
where energy infrastructure may be weak or non-existing, house- 2017), Colombia (Garfi et al., 2019), Latin America (Pe rez et al.,
hold biogas digesters are considered a simple and effective tech- 2014), India (Bruun et al., 2014; Sfez et al., 2017), Vietnam (Vu
nology to meet daily energy needs (cooking, lighting and heating), et al., 2015), Pakistan (Yasar et al., 2017), Mexico (Ramírez-Arpide
thus substantially improving living conditions (Bond and et al., 2018) and China (Han et al., 2010; Wang and Zhang, 2012;
Templeton, 2011; Garfi et al., 2016; Hijazi et al., 2019). Further- Chen and Chen, 2013; Zhang et al., 2013; Hou et al., 2017; Wang
more, biogas technology could address handling problems of in- et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018).
dustrial, agricultural, and domestic wastes, and at the same time Specifically, Gabisa and Gheewala (2019) estimated that manure
produce renewable electricity, heat, and fertilizer (Essential biogas produced by 4500 household digesters operated in Ethiopia
Consulting OregonDairy, 2009; Lijo et al., 2014). More impor- can lead to huge reductions in total GHG and indoor pollutants (i.e.
tantly, biomass can be considered as a relatively secure source of the annual reduction was as follows: 1984 ton of CO2eq, 1516 ton of
domestically produced energy, which is not affected by fluctuations CO, 108 tn of NMOC and 41 ton of PM10). Garfi et al. (2019) findings
in fuel prices (e.g. petroleum, natural gas) (Demirbas, 2008) and can shown that low-cost digesters can reduced up to 80% the envi-
largely cover the energy needs of developing countries (Muench ronmental impacts associated with manure handling, as well as
and Guenther, 2013). fuel and fertilizer use in Colombian farms. The main environmental
In rural areas, cellulosic biomasses, such as manure and agri- hotspots of the household biogas plants operated in northwest
cultural residues, are abundant, which suggest their importance as China were found to be the emissions through poor air tightness
an energy source, particularly in the domestic sector of developing and the lack of technical biogas purification, according to the LCA
countries (Sreekrishnan et al., 2004). As a result, in countries like study of Wang et al. (2018). Moreover, approximately 1.34 104 tons
Egypt household biogas digesters are gaining popularity (Samer, of CO2eq can be saved annually by the operation of 8000 biogas
2012; Thu et al., 2012). However, even though biomass waste can plants installed in Ethiopia (Lansche and Müller, 2017). According
contribute ~151 PJ of primary energy in Egypt, it is not appropri- to the studies of Hou et al. (2017) and Bruun et al. (2014), it was
ately managed and practically energy is not produced (NREGA, found that small-scale biogas digesters can be a very useful manure
2002; Said et al., 2013). Therefore, biogas production can help management tool, reducing significantly global warming impacts
Egypt to sustainably manage biomass waste and produce renew- when the digesters are used and managed appropriately. However,
able energy, in order to enact positive change both locally and poorly designed and not well managed biogas systems can increase
globally. To this end, household digesters can play an important role GHG emissions, having greater environmental impacts than the
and be a useful manure management tool, provided that they are impacts avoided by the replacement of fossil fuels used in devel-
well-designed and operate appropriately (Hou et al., 2017). Biogas oping countries (i.e. China and India) (Hou et al., 2017; Bruun et al.,
plant designs largely vary, depending on cost, structure, substrate 2014). Vu et al. (2015) found that biogas digesters in Vietnam
availability and energy demand (Nzila et al., 2012). Worldwide, the reduced CO2 emissions up to 27%. According to Zhang et al. (2013),
most popular design is the Chinese fixed-dome household digester, the annual CO2 emission reduction was found to be 1.25 tons by
followed by the Indian floating drum and the Taiwanese plastic using an 8 m3 household digester in rural China, while Wang and
tubular type (Pe rez et al., 2014). However, emphasis should be Zhang (2012) found an emission reduction up to 2878.30 kg CO2.
placed to the design of household biogas systems, since poorly However, most of them solely focused on GHG emissions, while
designed systems could constitute a virtual climate bomb (Bruun to the best of authors’ knowledge a comprehensive study dealing
et al., 2014). Therefore, focus should be placed to the local condi- with the Egyptian case-study scenario is missing from the litera-
tions (e.g. insulated in cold climates, etc.) and farmers’ needs with ture. For this reason, actual life cycle inventory (LCI) data for typical
respect to manure management and local energy requirements household biogas digesters were collected from systems already in
(Hou et al., 2017). In rural Egypt the Chinese type is popular, with operation in rural areas in Egypt and their environmental sustain-
more than one thousand units already (co)funded by the United ability was examined by means of the LCA methodology (SimaPro
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and built by the Egyp- 9). Sensitivity analyses, which are grossly missing from the litera-
tian Ministry of Environment (MoE). However, their environmental ture, were carried out to identify avenues to improve the envi-
sustainability, along with their main environmental hotspots under ronmental sustainability of this technology and provide decision-
rural Egypt’s conditions remain largely unknown and hence were and policy-makers with tools for promoting sustainable develop-
comprehensively studied herein using the life cycle assessment ment strategies in rural Egypt and beyond.
(LCA) methodology (Zhang et al., 2013).
LCA attributes environmental impacts/damages by quantifying 2. Methodology
raw materials, energy use and emissions/wastes associated with a
process/system (Ioannou-Ttofa et al., 2016). It also identifies envi- 2.1. Goal and scope
ronmental hotspots, i.e. the by-processes that largely affect the
environmental impacts of the process, enabling thus the identifi- In this study, the main goal was to examine, identify, and assess
cation of more environmentally sustainable alternatives the environmental performance and main environmental hotspots
(Evangelisti et al., 2014; Abdelsalam et al., 2019). Since the mid- of typical Chinese-type (fixed-dome) household digesters oper-
2000s, LCA has gained popularity as a tool for assessing the envi- ating in rural Egypt. Specifically, in the framework of the UNDP’s
ronmental sustainability of biogas production and use (Muench “Bioenergy for rural development” project, more than one thou-
and Guenther, 2013). However, in the existing literature most sand such units were constructed in rural communities, to promote
works deal with biogas production systems based in Europe and Egypt’s sustainable rural development, reduce environmental im-
using different feedstocks, with focus given on GHG emissions and pacts associated with the use of fossil fuels, and improve the
fossil fuel depletion impact categories (Lijo et al., 2014; Vega et al., environmentally unsound management practices of agricultural
2014; Evangelisti et al., 2014; Fuchsz and Kohlheb, 2015; Ertem and solid waste (Egyptian Ministry of Environment, 2013). To
et al., 2016). In recent years, only few LCA studies have dealt with further expand the project, in Egypt and beyond, quantitative data
animal and agricultural waste management towards biogas on the environmental performance of these biogas household units
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
should exist, which is carried out here. Finally, the attributional LCA The construction process is not simple (Perez et al., 2014), since
(aLCA) approach was followed, which, by definition, determines the the digester should be gas-tight and waterproof (Rajendran et al.,
impact of the functional unit chosen to characterize a production 2012). Regarding their operation, household digesters are fed on a
system, and in which allocations are based on average data and the daily basis, mainly with manure diluted with water (Garfi et al.,
relative value of the products and co-products (Rehl et al., 2012; 2016). However, if the volume of the compensation tank is suffi-
Weidema et al., 2018). cient, substrate that correspond to many days of operation can be
inserted (Nzila et al., 2012). Also, the digestate (i.e. the anaerobic
2.2. Functional unit digestion residue), should be appropriately managed and disposed
of, while it could also be reused in agriculture as a biofertilizer, i.e.
The functional unit (FU) quantifies the performance of a product/ act as a process by/co-product rather than as a waste (Garfi et al.,
system, in this case the fixed-dome household digester, and provides 2011). Annual maintenance typically includes biogas leakages
a reference to which all input and output LCI data are normalized checks and sludge removal, however, sludge can also be removed
(Foteinis et al., 2018). Here, the FU is production of 1 m3 biogas, by gravity force of input waste, which pushes out the sludge mixed
which is typically used for cooking purposes and to a lesser extent for with the digestate, as is the case here. In general, fixed-dome di-
heating and/or lighting. Cattle manure was the raw material for gesters are characterized by relatively low construction-costs and
biogas production, while the digester volume was 4 m3. As advised long lifespans, since no moving or rusting parts are used (Ocwieja,
during field investigations a useful lifetime of 25 years was consid- 2010).
ered (assuming it operates 360 days annually to account for short
stoppages from faults or during maintenance), which is in line with 2.4. System boundary
the literature (Ocwieja, 2010; Nzila et al., 2012; Garfi et al., 2016).
The system boundary defines the parts, associated processes,
2.3. Description of the fixed-dome digester unit and activities of the product/system life cycle that are included in or
excluded from the analysis (FAO, 2014). Herein, a typical, for the
A typical Chinese-type digester consists of a closed cylindrical Egyptian case-study scenario, Chinese-type biogas household unit
chamber with an immovable gas space (gas holder), a feedstock is examined, with all main inputs and outputs, land use, trans-
inlet, and a digestate outlet, which also serves as a compensation portation, and the relevant emissions to soil, water and air, being
tank (popularly known as displacement pit) (Nzila et al., 2012). In included in the analysis (Fig. 2 and Table 1). End of life impacts,
Egypt, digesters are constructed by easily accessible and low-cost including unit demolition, waste processing and recycling, are also
materials (e.g. bricks and cement) and are fully buried under- inside the system boundary. Along with biogas, digestate is also
ground (Fig. 1), which results in very low day/night fermentation generated, which can be treated as a waste or as a system by/co-
temperature fluctuations (±2 C) (Samer, 2010). The biogas is stored product (biofertilizer), since it is nutrient-rich. Due to its high-
at the upper- and the waste is decomposed at the lower-part of the water content, its transport to agricultural fields that are not in
chamber (Rajendran et al., 2012). Gas pressure is created due to the close proximity with the biogas unit is costly and logistically diffi-
difference in the level between the slurry inside the digester and cult and therefore in these cases it is typically discharged to the
the expansion chamber (Garfi et al., 2016). After biogas production environment (directly into the aquatic environment or via lagoons)
begins, the slurry is moved to the digestate outlet (Pe rez et al., (Vu et al., 2015). Here, digestate is treated as a residue (outside the
2014). The biogas can be directly used or shortly stored and system boundaries), however through system expansion its use as
therefore the digester volume varies depending on local conditions, biofertilizer is examined in the sensitivity analyses.
the amount of organic waste available, and biogas requirements To model the input and output data shown in Fig. 2, i.e. the unit
(Rajendran et al., 2012). processes included in the system boundary, the ecoinvent database
Fig. 1. A typical fixed-dome digester unit, constructed and operating in the Research Station of the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University, Giza Governorate, Egypt.
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
Fig. 2. System boundary (with dash lines) of the typical household biogas unit under the Egyptian case study scenario. The use of digestate is examined in the sensitivity analyses
was the prefer option, with the system model that best fit the goal assuming local transport and that electricity is provided by Egypt’s
and scope of this LCA study being “Allocation at the point of sub- power grid. Sand and gravel were assumed to be extracted locally,
stitution” (APOS), previously known as “Allocation, ecoinvent while the water required for the unit construction and operation
default”. APOS is, in practice, an allocation approach that employs was assumed to be pumped from nearby streams/rivers, typically
system expansion to avoid allocating within treatment systems. It the Nile river, or wells/boreholes. Hence, for water pumping, only
finds application in recycled materials, where environmental bur- the petrol consumed by a typical 4.1 kW (i.e. 5.5 hp) pump was
dens from their previous life cycles are proportionally attributed, at considered, since the infrastructure for water pumping in these
the point where these are used, to selected processes. Finally, the areas is already in place. Furthermore, the biogas unit has a very
intended audience of this work comprise researchers and decision- small impact on land use (25 m2 for 25 years), while no land-use
and policy-makers alike. The temporal (time-related) coverage of change was considered. After the end of its lifespan and its
this study spans from 2010 to present (2020). The geographical dismantling, the unit was assumed to be disposed of as inert waste
coverage is primarily Egypt and rural areas in Middle East and for landfilling, while the recyclable parts (i.e. PVC pipes), were
North Africa (MENA), however, results provide insight in Europe, assumed to be recycled. Furthermore, the biogas unit is maintained
and further afield. twice annually and for each visit a transportation distance of 55 km
was ascribed, by means of a diesel-powered small-passenger car.
2.5. Life cycle inventory analysis Regarding the animal waste produced in Egypt, the total amount
of manure (including cows, buffaloes, horses, mules, camels, sheep,
In the LCI stage the resources, energy flows, and relevant goats, chickens, ducks and turkeys) is 13.58 million tons annually,
emissions associated with the life cycle of the product/system un- with cattle manure having the largest contribution (~10.5 million
der study are quantitatively defined (Ertem et al., 2016). Here, tons/year) (Said et al., 2013). As such, here cattle manure was
primary LCI data for the digester’s construction and operational assumed to be the sole feedstock, diluted with water in a ratio of
phase were collected from field investigations and by consulting 1:1. Specifically, in the digester under study (4 m3 volume) 35 kg of
with MoE (Table 1). In cases where data were not readily available, liquid fresh dung are diluted with 35 L of water, producing 1.3 m3 of
they were obtained from the literature. The software programme biogas which is assume to consist of 60% CH4, 35% CO2 (assumed to
SimaPro 9.0 was employed for the environmental modelling, with be of biogenic origin) and 5% other gases (taken as nitrogen here)
Ecoinvent 3.5 being the preferred option. In cases where LCI data (Vu et al., 2015). Furthermore, manure was considered to be a
were not identified in SimaPro’s databases, literature data were process co-product of the livestock supply chain and therefore
used as proxy. emissions and resources from the livestock industry were allocated
Specifically, for the mud-bricks required for the construction of to manure production and storage. Manure could also be consid-
the unit, ecoinvent’s data for light clay bricks (i.e. clay, straw and ered as a waste, i.e. emissions and resource use of manure pro-
water are mixed and then dried using a natural gas heater) were duction and storage would be solely allocated to the animal farm
considered, assuming that they are produced in Egypt, i.e. elec- and only its transport from the animal farm to the biogas unit
tricity inputs were assumed to be solely covered by Egypt’s energy would be allocated to the biogas unit. However, this assumption
mix (i.e. ~8.6% hydro, ~78.4% natural gas, ~12.2% oil and ~0.8% wind, does not fit the goal and scope of this work, while, in general,
according to ecoinvent database). Local transportation (55 km by manure is not considered as a waste, since its main function, apart
means of a EURO 3 emissions standard small truck) was also from biogas production, is as a biofertilizer.
considered. This is also the case for cement, where ecoinvent’s data Finally, biogas losses are attributed to leakages from nooks and
for Portland cement (maximum of 5% other materials) was used, cracks in the pipping and the digester unit or to intentional releases
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
Table 1
The life cycle inventory (LCI) of a typical 4 m3 fixed-dome biogas digester constructed and operating in rural Egypt.
Burnt solid mud bricks (22 10 7 cm) 1800 bricks/3420 kg [1]
Cement 1250 kg [1]
Water 663 L [1]
Sand 5 m3 [1]
Gravel 2.5 m3 [1]
Metal (screws, nails, etc.) 1.7 kg [1]
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes e 0.5 inch 5 m/0.35 kg [1]
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes e 15 cm diameter 1.7 m/2.4 kg [1]
Sealants 0.8 kg [1]
Local transportation (delivery of raw materials) 55 km [1]
Land area required 25 m2 [1]
Biogas digester 1 unit [1]
Water 35 L per HRT day [1]
Feedstock/substrate (cattle manure) 35 kg per HRT day [1]
Manure transportation 5 km
Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 40 days [1]
Temperature 38.5 C [1]
Transportation (maintenance) 55 km twice annually [1]
Total biogas 1.3 m3 per HRT day [1]
Available biogas after losses and fugitive emissions 1.105 m3 per HRT day [1]
Digestate 66.5 m3 per HRT day [1]
Airborne emissions
CO2 (fugitive emissions) 0.039 m3 [1], [2], [3], [4]
CO2 (intentional releases) 0.0195 m3 [1], [2], [3], [4]
CH4 (fugitive emissions) 0.078 m3 [1], [2], [3], [4]
CH4 (intentional releases) 0.039 m3 [1], [2], [3], [4]
Other gasses (fugitive emissions) 0.013 m3 [1], [2], [3], [4]
Other gasses (intentional releases) 0.0065 m3 [1], [2], [3], [4]
Waterborne emissions (digestate leakages)
Ammonium 3.81 mg [1], [5]
Potassium 1.12 mg [1], [5]
Phosphorus 0.52 mg [1], [5]
Emissions to soil (digestate leakages)
Ammonium 2.54 mg [1], [5]
Potassium 0.74 mg [1], [5]
Phosphorus 0.35 mg [1], [5]
LCI data references: [1]: Egypt’s Ministry of Environment (MoE) [2]: Vu et al. (2015) [3]: Garfí et al. (2019) [4]: Lansche and Müller (2017) [5]: Mukhuba et al. (2018).
to the atmosphere, in cases where biogas production is greater than categories, to help understand and interpret the environmental
consumption and biogas pressure builds up in the digester (Bruun impacts and damages and also identify possible avoided environ-
et al., 2014; Vu et al., 2015). Here, after consulting with MoE, biogas mental impacts (ISO 14040, 2006; ISO 14044, 2017). Several LCIA
leakages and intentional releases were considered at 10% and 5% of methods are available, each one having a different approach to
the produced biogas respectively, which is in line with the litera- modelling environmental impacts/damages. Here, a robust,
ture (Vu et al., 2015; Lansche and Müller 2017; Garfi et al., 2019). harmonized, multi-issue LCIA method was used, i.e. ReCiPe 2008
Apart from biogas, digestate is also produced, which can be used as (version 1.13), which comprises both midpoint and endpoint in-
a biofertilizer or discharged to the environment. Here, digestate dicators. The midpoint, or problem-oriented, and the endpoint, or
was assumed to be a residue of the process, i.e. outside of the damage-oriented, approach examine different stages of the cause-
system boundary, but its effect is examined in the sensitivity ana- effect chain to calculate environmental impacts, with the first
lyses section. Furthermore, 5% of the produced digestate is assumed examining the impact earlier and the latter considering the impact
to be lost, due to leakages through cracks in the pipping or during at the end of the cause-effect chain, i.e. after midpoint is reached.
its transport from the compensation tank. Half of this loss (i.e. 2.5% Specifically, at midpoint level, environmental impacts are
of the produced digestate) is treated as a waterborne emission and translated into environmental themes, such as climate change and
the other half as emission to the soil. Following Mukhuba et al. human toxicity, whereas at endpoint level impacts are translated
(2018), digestate’s ammonium, potassium and phosphorus con- into issues of concern, such as damage on human health, natural
tent was assumed to be 1.91, 0.56, and 0.26 ppm, respectively, environment and natural resources. The midpoint approach was
assuming ~14% dry matter content. used to provide a robust understanding of the environmental im-
pacts of the biogas system. The endpoint approach is associated
2.6. Life cycle impact assessment with higher levels of statistical uncertainty, due to data gaps and
assumptions stacking up along the cause-effect chain, however, it
The LCIA is a vital stage in LCA studies since the collected LCI was also used since endpoint results are easier to communicate to
data are modelled and transformed into selected impact/damage decision- and policy-makers and the public (Chatzisymeon et al.,
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
2017; Foteinis et al., 2018). At midpoint level ReCiPe use 18 impact 2.7.1. Assumptions and limitations
categories, which at endpoint level, can be aggregated into 3 The main assumptions/hypotheses and limitations are summa-
endpoint damage categories, namely ‘ecosystems’, ‘resources’ and rized below:
‘human health’. Finally, the Hierarchist (H) perspective was adop-
ted in ReCiPe, since it provides a consensus model based on com- A 70% recycling of the plastic and metal materials was consid-
mon policy principles and uses the medium time frame (i.e. a 100- ered, with the remaining 30% assumed to be discarded as inert
year timeframe GWP is used) (Chatzisymeon et al., 2017). waste to landfill.
Irrigation water was assumed to be used both in the construc-
2.7. Sensitivity analysis tion and operational stage of the unit, assuming ~40% pumping
from wells and ~60% river water.
Sensitivity analyses were carried out to evaluate the effect of: (i) Manure is typically generated in the close proximity of the
the digester volume, (ii) biogas leakages and intentional releases, biogas unit, and hence a transportation distance of 5 km was
and (iii) using the produced digestate as a substitute for chemical ascribed to manure, by means of a EURO 3 diesel-powered light
fertilizers in agriculture. Specifically, in Egypt the volume of commercial truck.
household digesters varies. In this study, a base scenario dealing Manure storage at the biogas digester facilities are not included
with a 4 m3 household digester volume was first considered. in the analysis, and thus manure storage emissions were not
Thereafter, three additional geometric scales, i.e. 2, 3, and 6 m3 considered since it is assumed that the liquid manure is directly
were considered in the sensitivity analyses section, along with an fed into the digester.
oversized system (i.e. biogas production is greater than consump-
tion). Furthermore, a common problem in household digesters 3. Results and discussion
operating in developing countries is oversizing, which can grossly
affect their environmental sustainability. Therefore, an additional 3.1. ReCiPe at midpoint level
scenario was considered, where a 6 m3 volume has been con-
structed in an area in which a 4 m3 volume would suffice, and in First, ReCiPe results at midpoint level are presented. To
this case the additional biogas generated is intentionally released to accommodate an easier analysis/discussion, the system was divided
the atmosphere. The LCI data for each digester are presented in into its two main sub-systems: (a) the construction phase, which
Table 2. also includes the unit’s disposal/recycling after the end of its useful
Furthermore, in contrast to developed countries, where biogas life, and (b) the operational phase, which also includes biogas/
losses are ~1%, in developing countries they can be as high as 60% of digestate leakages. In Fig. 3, the influence of each of the two main
the total production (Lansche and Müller, 2017). Household biogas sub-systems into ReCiPe’s midpoint impact categories is shown
digesters in the developing world are not well maintained, mainly (Characterisation). The main contributor across categories is the
due to lack of skilled labour in rural regions, thus facing, among operational phase, while the construction phase has a much
others, persistent leakage and seepage problems from cracks in the smaller contribution. This was expected since: (i) in general the raw
walls caused by temperature variations. Biogas intentional releases materials required for the construction of the biogas digester are
could also be a problem, suggesting the importance of the energy not suspected to be carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduc-
supply reliability Brunn et al. (2014). Flaring (i.e. biogas burning) tion (EC, 2006; NTP, 2016), and (ii) the biogas unit exhibit an overall
could be a promising strategy to reduce the environmental impact high lifespan (25 years) and hence only an insignificant amount of
of biogas intentional releases. This practice is relatively simple to its total environmental footprint is allocated per FU. It should be
perform, but, for health and safety, it requires some training (Vu mentioned that the recycling of plastics and metals, after the end of
et al., 2015). In the sensitivity analysis both biogas leakages and the unit’s life span, was also considered. However, due to their
intentional releases were considered, the latter including flaring. To overall low mass, it was identified that they had a very small
this end, data from the literature regarding the GHG gas emissions contribution across ReCiPe’s midpoint impact categories.
of biogas combustion (flaring) were collected, i.e. the emissions per The total GWP for the construction phase was found to be
MJ of biogas flared are 81.5 g CO2, 57 mg CH4, 0.11 g CO and 5.4 mg 1945 kg CO2eq (4 m3 digester). This is lower than Rahman et al.
N2O (Vu et al., 2015). Airborne emissions were assumed to take (2017) estimation (2838 kg CO2eq.) for a 3.2 m3 fixed-dome
place in rural areas, i.e. low-density population areas. biogas plant in Bangladesh, as well as Wang and Zhang (2012)
Finally, through system expansion the use the produced diges- estimation for the construction of an 8 m3 biogas digester in
tate as a biofertilizer was examined. Similarly to chemical fertil- China (2357 kg CO2eq). On the other hand, it was higher than the
izers/manure, digestate field application leads to airborne estimation of Hou et al. (2017), where the annualized GHG emis-
emissions (NH3 and N2O) and nitrogen and phosphorous leaching sions from the construction of an 8 m3 typical Chinese rural
to soil/water, among others. However, the amount of the airborne household biogas unit was found to be up to 305 kg CO2eq. How-
emissions during storage, the digestate’s final fertilizing potential ever, different assumptions/limitations and LCIA methods were
and the airborne/waterborne emissions during field application used, while in our case study we assumed that the main raw ma-
depend on various factors, such as the type (open/close tanks or terials (bricks, cements), were produced locally using Egypt’s en-
lagoon) and duration of storage. Moreover, field emissions from ergy mix which grossly depends on natural gas (~78.4%), having
fertilizer application would take place regardless of the type of thus significantly lower emissions compared to other fossil fuels,
fertilizer used. Therefore, including the emissions of the specific such as coal or oil.
storage type and duration, as well as emissions from field appli- Regarding the operational phase, the much higher contribution
cation, are outside the scope of this study. Hence, only the substi- across midpoint impact categories, compared to the construction
tution factors of synthetic fertilizers were considered, examining phase, can be mainly attributed to: (i) the feedstock that is daily fed
two popular storage types in Egypt, i.e. lagoon and open container to the digester (primarily to manure and to a much lesser extent to
storage. When the digestate is stored in open containers the mean water) and (ii) the airborne emissions, i.e. biogas leakages and
avoided mass of N, P, K fertilizer would amount to 0.88, 0.030 and intentional releases. For example, the GWP of the operational phase
0.64 kg, while for lagoon storage is much lower, at 0.29, 0.015, and was found to be 2.52 kg CO2 eq. instead of 0.19 kg CO2 eq. produced
0.32 kg per m3 of liquid digestate, respectively (Styles et al., 2018). during the construction of the Egyptian household digesters.
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
Table 2
LCI data for the 2, 3, and 6 m3 digesters, as well as for the oversized digester, used to identify the influence of the digester volume on the environmental sustainability of the
Egyptian household biogas production unit.
Construction phase
Burnt solid mud bricks (22 10 7 cm) 1000 bricks 1200 bricks 2600 bricks 2600 bricks
Cement (kg) 850 950 1750 1750
Water (L) 451 504 928 928
Sand (m3) 3 4 8 8
Gravel (m3) 1 1.5 3.5 3.5
Metal (screws, nails, etc.) (kg) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
HDPE pipes (0.5 inch) (m) 5 5 5 5
PVC pipes (15 cm diameter) (m) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
Sealants (kg) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Local transportation (km) 55 55 55 55
Land area required (m2) 16 20 35 35
Biogas digester 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit
Operational phase
Water 17 L/HRT day 25 L/HRT day 50 L/HRT day 50 L/HRT day
Feedstock/substrate (cattle manure) 17 kg/HRT day 25 kg/HRT day 50 kg/HRT day 50 kg/HRT day
Manure transportation (km) 5 5 5 5
Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) (days) 40 40 40 40
Temperature (oC) 38.5 38.5 38.5 38.5
Transportation (maintenance) 55 km twice annually 55 km twice annually 55 km twice annually 55 km twice annually
Total biogas production 0.7 m3/HRT day 1 m3/HRT day 2 m3/HRT day 2 m3/HRT day
Available biogas (after losses and fugitive emissions) 0.595 m3/HRT day 0.85 m3/HRT day 1.7 m3/HRT day 1.7 m3/HRT day
Digestate 32.3 L/HRT day 47.5 L/HRT day 95 L/HRT day 95 L/HRT day
Airborne emissions
CO2 (fugitive emissions) (m3) 0.021 0.03 0.06 0.06
CO2 (intentional releases) (m3) 0.0105 0.015 0.03 0.21
CH4 (fugitive emissions) (m3) 0.042 0.06 0.12 0.12
CH4 (intentional releases) (m3) 0.021 0.03 0.06 0.42
Other gasses (fugitive emissions) (m3) 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.02
Other gasses (intentional releases) (m3) 0.0035 0.005 0.01 0.07
Waterborne emissions (digestate leakages)
Ammonium (mg) 61.693 90.725 181.45 181.45
Potassium (mg) 18.088 26.6 53.2 53.2
Phosphorus (mg) 8.398 12.35 24.7 24.7
Emissions to soil (digestate leakages)
Ammonium (mg) 1.85079 2.72175 5.4435 5.4435
Potassium (mg) 0.54264 0.798 1.596 1.596
Phosphorus (mg) 0.25194 0.3705 0.741 0.741
6 m3 digester installed in an area where a 4 m3 digester would be sufficient.
ReCiPe’s 18 midpoint impact categories, along with the score for which biogas leakages were the main contributor. In the study of
the construction and operational phase and the total score, are Wang et al. (2018), the GWP of the 8 m3 household biogas digesters
shown in Table 3. In terms of carbon emissions, it was found that was found to be 366.87 kg CO2eq. Finally, according to Gabisa and
the GWP for producing 1 m3 of biogas under Egypt’s conditions Gheewala (2019), the operation of 4500 fixed-dome biogas di-
amounts to 2.72 kg CO2eq. The GWP of the Egyptian digester under gesters in Ethiopia was found to have a potential of emitting 1.5 Gg
study is in agreement with the results of the study of Vu et al. CO2 per year, and accordingly each household unit annually emits
(2015), in which the GWP of the overall handling of pig manure 0.33 tonnes of CO2eq. As shown from the results above, and as
in small-scale Vietnamese digesters was 3.2 kg CO2eq. Almost twice already highlighted, the comparison of the results of different LCA
higher GWP values were reported by Garfi et al. (2019) for small- studies cannot be direct, since the goal and scope, the functional
scale digesters (tubular plastic) located in Colombia. According to unit, the size and the characteristics of the digesters under study, as
rez et al. (2014), the GWP of the fixed-dome digesters (0.12 m3
Pe well as the impact assessment methods, the assumptions, the en-
biogas/m3 digester day) in Latin America was found to be 0.24 kg ergy mix and the geographical conditions could significantly differ.
CO2eq./m3 biogas. Significant lower (0.02 kg CO2/MJ or ~0.68 Overall, this study focuses on the environmental sustainability of
CO2eq./m3 biogas when assuming a conversion factor of 34 MJ/m3 the household biogas units operated in Egypt (Table 3) and is suf-
biogas (IRENA, 2016)) were also the CO2 emissions of a family-size ficient to draw recommendations to the decision makers from an
Chinese-type digester in rural China (Zhang et al., 2013). Singh et al. environmental point of view, while more research is required on
(2014) estimated that up to 0.0105 kg CO2eq./MJ or ~0.68 CO2eq./m3 the socio-economic and policy perspective of the biogas sector.
biogas, are produced by a household fixed-dome digester in India In order to gain a deeper understanding of the relative magni-
(2 m3). Hou et al. (2017) found that the overall GHG emissions from tude of the scores shown in Table 2, results were normalized using
the construction and operation of an 8 m3 Chinese household ReCiPe’s Hierarchist version and applying the normalization values
biogas unit were in the range of 706e2794 kg CO2 per year, from of the world. Even though normalization, where results are
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
Fig. 3. The influence of the construction and operational phase of the household biogas digester to ReCiPe’s 18 midpoint impact categories. FU: 1 m3 of biogas production.
Table 3
ReCiPe midpoint scores (Characterisation) per FU, i.e. production of 1 m3 biogas from a 4 m3 household digester under rural Egypt’s conditions.
transformed by dividing impact categories with corresponding cement apart from requiring a relatively large energy input are also
reference values (Masindi et al., 2018), is not a compulsory step of responsible for air pollution (e.g. particulate matter emissions),
the LCIA it was employed to identify the impact categories that are while cement production is an energy-intensive process by nature.
mainly affected and identify their relative magnitude. As shown in The human toxicity (HT) impact category is also affected by
Fig. 4 the midpoint impact category, MEC, closely followed by FEC, airborne emissions from sand and cement mining and processing.
FE, and then TE, ME, and HT are mainly affected. The remaining Furthermore, raw material transportation is achieved by diesel-
categories are affected to a lesser extent, at least an order of powered trucks, thus consuming fossil fuels. Although the com-
magnitude lower compared to MEC. parison among LCA studies cannot be direct, as mentioned before, it
Regarding the construction phase, the contribution to the (eco) is noted that the environmental impacts for the construction of the
toxicity (MEC, FEC and HT) and eutrophication (FE and to a much household digesters in Egypt were found to be comparable than
lower degree ME) impact categories is mainly attributed to raw those of others available in the scientific literature. Specifically, the
material mining and processing. The material with the biggest HT impact potential in the study of Lansche and Müller (2017) for
contribution is burnt solid bricks, closely followed by cement, and the construction of an 8 m3 fixed-dome biogas digester in Ethiopia,
to a lesser extent to sand and gravel mining. For brick production, was 0.9 kg FCB eq. and the terrestrial ecotoxicity (TEC) potential
clay needs to be extracted and transported, which requires fossil was 0.15 g DCB eq. per MJ of cooking heat energy, which are
fuels, typically diesel, while the brick drying process is energy comparable, however quite higher than the results of our study.
intensive. Here, drying by heat was considered, which was achieved Specifically, in this LCA study for the construction of a 4 m3 fixed-
by burning natural gas. Sand and gravel mining, and particularly dome digester in Egypt, HT was 0.0289 kg FCB eq. and TEC was
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
Fig. 4. Normalized scores for the construction and operation phase of the biogas unit. Functional unit 1 m3 biogas, using ReCiPe’s Hierarchist version with the normalization values
of the world.
0.0343 g 1.4 DCB eq. per m3 of produced biogas, respectively. Lastly, the scores of the less affected categories, such as CC, TA, NLT,
Concerning the operational phase, the much larger contribution MRD, and FD, can be similarly traced back to the abovementioned
on the (eco)toxicity impact categories (Fig. 4) is mainly attributed to reasons, but yield a much smaller degree when using the normal-
manure production and transportation. Manure is a co-product of ization values of the world.
the livestock supply chain and as such its production requires an- Regarding the overall environmental impacts of the construc-
imal feed (i.e. maize, soybean and grass), which requires pesticides tion and operation of a household biogas unit in developing
and fertilizers that lead to emissions directly affecting the (eco) countries, it was shown that the Egyptian units under study have
toxicity and eutrophication impact categories, respectively. Their lower, similar or higher impacts to other units examined in the
production as well as the feed cultivation process are also energy- literature. Specifically, the marine eutrophication (ME) and fresh-
intensive, while the infrastructure used for manure production water eutrophication (FE) potential for the operation of the Viet-
requires energy and metal input (e.g. metals to build the housing namese biogas digesters, was 0.82 kg N eq. and 0.551 kg P eq. per FU
system for the cattle and electricity to run it). This is also the case (i.e. FU: treatment of 100 kg of solid pig manure and 1000 kg of
for the tractors used for the feed cultivation and the truck for liquid pig manure), respectively (Vu et al., 2015). In our case study,
manure transportation, which both require large metals input for ME and FE potentials were equal to 5.44E-03 g N eq. and 4.55E-
their production and therefore exhibit an overall high contribution 04 kg P eq. per m3 biogas (i.e. per less than 35 kg of liquid manure),
to these categories. Furthermore, biogas losses and intentional re- respectively. However, the main contribution to the eutrophication
leases directly affected the (eco)toxicity impact categories. impact categories in the study of Vu et al. (2015) was the discharge
It should be noted that fossil fuel extraction, refining, trans- of the digestate. Furthermore, FE for fixed-dome digesters oper-
portation and burning release heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic ating in Pakistan was 0.023 kg P eq. per FU (4 tonnes/day) (Yasar
hydrocarbons and other toxic compounds to the environment et al., 2017), and for the 8 m3 household digesters operating in
(Ioannou-Ttofa et al., 2017), affecting directly the (eco)toxicity China was 1.92 kg P eq. per FU (2136 tonne/yr of manure) (Wang
impact categories. The relatively high score on the eutrophication et al., 2018), while in our case study FE potential was 0.455
impact categories can be traced back to fossil fuel mining activities, 103 kg P eq per m3 of biogas. The human toxicity (HT) potential,
where phosphorus and sulphate emissions, among others, cause according to Wang et al. (2018) for the household digesters oper-
eutrophication (Masindi et al., 2018). Furthermore, fossil fuel ated in China, was 0.06e0.15 kg 1.4-DCB per tonne manure, while in
burning emits NOx, which directly affect ME, while phosphate this work was 0.133 kg 1.4-DCB eq. per FU. On the other hand, the
emissions from fossil fuel mining directly affect FE (Ioannou-Ttofa photochemical oxidation formation (POF) potential, was 1.16 kg
et al., 2017). This is also the case with the digestate emissions to NMVOC for the digesters in China (Wang et al., 2018), while here it
soil and water, which directly affect FE and ME. Furthermore, dur- was 2.95 103 kg NMVOC per FU, with VOC emissions largely
ing the fertilizing the crops used as the animal feed, excess phos- contributing to this score, followed by CH4 emitted during the unit
phorus and nitrogen from can end up to receiving waterbodies, operation. The differences between LCA studies and the results of
thus polluting freshwater, including groundwater, and marine this study (Table 3) were expected since different FUs, system
ecosystems leading to eutrophication. The lower score of ME (ni- boundary, and LCIA methods are used. Furthermore, in our study
trogen enrichment of seawater), compared to FE (phosphorus the electricity input required for raw material extraction/process-
enrichment of freshwater) impact category, can be attributed to the ing, such as for cement production, were solely covered by Egypt’s
fact that freshwater ecosystems are less resilient than marine energy mix, which is based on natural gas and not coal/oil that
ecosystems to eutrophication stresses (Chatzisymeon et al., 2016). significantly increase environmental impacts.
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
3.2. ReCiPe at endpoint level and comparison with biogas traced back to bricks and cement. The underlying reason for this
production in Europe contribution is raw material extraction and processing, which are
both energy-intensive processes and are responsible for airborne
In Fig. 5, the total environmental footprint for the production of emissions.
1 m3 of biogas under Egypt’s conditions (i.e. 160.1 mPt) is given, Finally, when comparing the biogas produced in Egypt with
along with a comparison with a typical large biogas plant in Europe biogas produced in Europe (Switzerland), large differences were
(i.e. Switzerland), which also uses cattle manure as feedstock and observed (Fig. 5), as was expected. Specifically, the process of biogas
has the same FU with the Egyptian scenario. It should be noted that production in Europe is included in ecoinvent database, having
the comparison with a large biogas plant in Europe is only provided time coverage 2009e2016, with LCI data collected from 18
for context, since the comparison cannot be direct; but it can pro- centralized and decentralized agricultural biogas plants in
vide insight to decision- and policy-makers. Switzerland and complemented with literature data. Mean values
From the 160.1 mPt per m3 biogas (Fig. 5), the main contributor are used for the European biogas plant, considering as input live-
was the operational phase (~89.1%), while the construction phase stock manure (cattle and pig slurry and cattle manure), while the
had a much smaller contribution (~10.9%). Regarding the opera- treatment process includes manure storage and 10% of relevant
tional phase 38.8% of this score is attributed to manure, 36.9% to emissions. It was found that for the production of 1 m3 of biogas,
biogas leakages, 18.4% to biogas intentional releases (i.e. biogas the total environmental footprint of the typical biogas plant oper-
losses amount to 55.3% of the total environmental footprint of the ating in Europe is about 53% lower compared to biogas produced
operational phase), 4.84% to the personnel transportation required from a household biogas digester under Egypt’s conditions (i.e. 77
for the maintenance of the biogas unit, and 1.01% to irrigation water mPt in Europe instead of 160.1 mPt in Egypt) (Fig. 5). Even though
used to dilute the manure. As regards the construction phase, 31.9% the comparison cannot be direct, it provides context and gives a fair
of this score is attributed to the bricks, 43.5% to cement, 7.73% to estimate of the environmental sustainability of the system under
sand, 5.47% to gravel, while pipping, adhesives and metals has each study compared to typical biogas plants in Europe and in the
less than 1% contribution. Finally, 10% of the construction phase is developed world, in general. This can be of particular importance to
attributed to the disposal of the biogas unit, after the end of its decision- and policy-makers, since it suggests the large possibilities
useful lifespan. of this technology to provide green and renewable energy locally.
Concerning the large contribution of ‘human health’ damage
category (Fig. 5), this is mainly attributed to biogas losses and
3.3. Sensitivity analyses
intentional releases. To a lesser extent, emissions arising from
manure production and transportation (e.g. emissions arising from
First the effect of the digester volume on the system’s envi-
diesel combustion in the tractor and truck) and emissions from
ronmental sustainability was examined (as presented in Table 2).
water pumping, also contribute to this damage category. Also, fossil
Fig. 6 suggests that the digester volume has little effect on the
fuel burning lead to its depletion, thus directly affecting the damage
system’s environmental performance, provided that the digester
category ‘resources availability’. The category ‘damage to ecosys-
sizing is fit for purpose. The 2, 3 and 4 m3 digester volume have
tems’ is mainly affected by the midpoint impact categories of (eco)
almost identical environmental footprints (<2% differences), while
toxicity and eutrophication, which can be traced back to manure
only when scaling up the process to a 6 m3 digester the effect of the
production (for the reasons described above), and fossil fuel
digester volume is somewhat noticeable (up to 6% reduction). On
burning. Regarding the construction phase, its main contribution is
the other hand, oversizing grossly affects the system’s environ-
in ‘human health’ and ‘resources’ damage categories, which can be
mental sustainability (~91 increase), since it leads to large biogas
Fig. 5. Comparison of the environmental performance of a household biogas unit in Egypt with a large biogas plant operating in Europe per functional unit (1 m3 biogas), when
using ReCiPe Hierarchist version with world normalization and average weighting set.
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
Fig. 6. e Sensitivity analysis dealing with the biogas digester total volume.
Table 4
Best- and worst-case scenarios with regard to biogas leakages, intentional releases and flaring.
Fig. 7. Sensitivity analyses dealing with: (a) biogas leakages; (b) intentional releases; (c) flaring; and (d) best scenario compared to the base scenario.
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
intentional releases (Table 4). This suggest the importance of the system’s environmental sustainability. At midpoint level, the
properly sizing biogas units before installation. 100-year GWP for producing 1 m3 of biogas under Egypt’s condi-
For biogas leakages and intentional releases/flaring, the best- and tions was 2.72 kg CO2eq/m3, while at endpoint level its total
worst-case scenarios shown in Table 4 were examined. For biogas environmental footprint was 160.1 mPt/m3. As with all LCA studies,
leakages results suggest that the best-case scenario achieves ~36% our study also includes several limitations associated with the
reduction and the worst-case scenario a six-fold increase (1030 mPt geographical and the time related coverage, the technology under
instead of 160.1 mPt) in the total environmental footprint (Fig. 7a). consideration, the LCIA method, and the functional unit, among
This very large increase is mainly attributed to two reasons: firstly, to others. Therefore, even though the comparison with other studies
the large amounts of the biogas emitted directly to the atmosphere cannot be direct, the identified environmental impacts of the
(mainly to CH4 and to a smaller degree to CO airborne emissions), Egyptian household digesters were found comparable with the
and, secondly, to the fact that a much lower amount of biogas is results already included in the existing body of knowledge. The
available in the worst-case scenario, compared to the base scenario, total environmental footprint was also twice as high as that of
since most of the produced biogas is lost to the atmosphere. biogas produced by large biogas plants operating in Europe.
In the intentional releases best-case scenario (i.e. no intentional Through sensitivity analyses it was identified that the digester
releases) (Table 4) the system’s environmental footprint is reduced volume plays a small role on the system’s environmental sustain-
by ~19% (132.8 mPt), while in the worst-case scenario (i.e. 60% of ability, however, the system was found to be very sensitive to
biogas being directly released to the atmosphere) a seven-fold in- biogas leakages and intentional releases, the latter commonly
crease (~1120 mPt instead of 160.1 mPt) is observed (Fig. 7b). When encountered in oversized digesters. This suggests the need to
flaring is examined a 19% reduction in the base scenario (133.9 mPt properly sizing digesters according to local needs, while flaring the
instead of 160.1 mPt in the base scenario) and a 74% reduction in the excess biogas, instead of releasing it, can largely reduce environ-
worst-case intentional releases scenario is observed (Fig. 7c). The mental impacts and improve the system’s environmental profile.
results of our study are in line with those of the available literature, Properly build digesters and important aspects, such as regular
where flaring, instead of intentionally releasing it, significantly cleaning and proper maintenance of the unit (i.e. check for cracks),
improves the environmental profile of the biogas systems (Bruun which are often neglected by the farmers, affect not only the di-
et al., 2014; Vu et al., 2015). gester’s productivity but also increasing its overall environmental
As expected, the environmental sustainability is optimised footprint. Finally, it appears that digestate use as biofertilizer could
when the two best-case scenarios are combined (Table 4) (i.e. 1% be a promising strategy to improve the environmental sustain-
biogas leakages and no intentional releases), since the system’s ability of the system, but more research is needed to gain a better
total environmental footprint reduces by ~60% compared to the understanding about the potential application of the digestate, as
base scenario (Fig. 7d). Although this scenario is hypothetical, it well as of the co-digestion of manure with other agricultural waste
highlights the many possibilities of this technology, since results towards minimizing the system’s environmental sustainability and
suggest that the household biogas digester technology operating in also maximizing biogas production.
rural Egypt could be on the same environmental level with larger From the above, it is concluded that government support for the
units operating in Europe. deployment of appropriately sized and maintained household
Overall, it was identified that biogas leakages and intentional biogas units, could significantly improve operating efficiency and
releases grossly affect the system’s environmental sustainability, economic viability and also reduce the environmental impacts of
with leakages having a larger influence due to the potentially larger biogas units. Furthermore, widespread adoption of more precise
volume of biogas escaping to the environment in the respective nutrient management planning would ensure that digestate is
worst-case scenario. However, it appears that flaring can largely utilized efficiently, contributing thus significantly to system’s
reduce the environmental impact of biogas intentional releases, by environmental sustainability. Finally, it is quite crucial that local
more than three-fold in the worst-case scenario. decision- and policy-makers should create incentives for the con-
Finally, regarding the use of digestate as biofertilizer, it was struction and installation of additional household digesters in the
found that when applying lagoon stored digestate the system’s rural Egypt and introduce legislation about their proper installation
environmental footprint would be reduced by ~14% (138 mPt and operation and maintenance.
instead of 160.1 mPt on the base scenario). Due to its significantly
larger fertilizing potential, the open container stored digestate CRediT authorship contribution statement
leads to a larger reduction (~38%) (98 mPt). Even though more
research is required on the potential of digestate as a biofertilizer, Lida Ioannou-Ttofa: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi-
these preliminary results are suggestive of its potential to drasti- gation, Validation, Writing - original draft, Project administration.
cally reduce the environmental impacts of household biogas tech- Spyros Foteinis: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
nology operating in rural Egypt. Investigation, Validation, Writing - original draft. Amira Seifelnasr
Moustafa: Investigation. Essam Abdelsalam: Investigation.
4. Conclusions and recommendations Mohamed Samer: Investigation, Supervision. Despo Fatta-Kassi-
nos: Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition.
Results show that the majority of the environmental impacts of
the household biogas technology operating under rural Egypt’s Declaration of competing interest
conditions are mainly attributed to the system’s operational phase,
and to a lesser extent to its construction phase. The underlying The authors declare that they have no known competing
reason for the overall low contribution of the construction phase financial interests or personal relationships that could have
lies in its high lifespan and relatively low environmental footprint. appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The first original feature of this work is that the environmental
impacts of the operation of the Egyptian household digesters are Acknowledgments
mainly attributed to the feedstock used (i.e. manure) and to the
system’s airborne emissions. Waterborne emissions and emissions This work was prepared in the framework of the BIOGASMENA
to soil, from digestate’s leakages, had an overall low contribution on project (KOINA/ERANETMED/0316/01), financed by the Cyprus
L. Ioannou-Ttofa, S. Foteinis, A. Seifelnasr Moustafa et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 286 (2021) 125468
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