Cell-Aware Test
Cell-Aware Test
Cell-Aware Test
Cell-Aware Test
Article in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems · September 2014
DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2014.2323216
126 1,758
9 authors, including:
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Cell-Aware Test
Friedrich Hapke, Member, IEEE, Wilfried Redemund, Member, IEEE, Andreas Glowatz, Member, IEEE, Janusz
Rajski, Fellow, IEEE, Michael Reese, Member, IEEE, Marek Hustava, Martin Keim, Member, IEEE,
Juergen Schloeffel, Member, IEEE, and Anja Fast
Abstract—This paper describes the new cell-aware test (CAT) the past few years, and we found that many defects that
approach, which enables a transistor-level and defect-based escape testing are in fact defects within the standard library
ATPG on full CMOS-based designs to significantly reduce the cells. Many of those cell-internal defects remain undetected
defect rate of manufactured ICs, including FinFET technologies.
We present results from a defect-oriented CAT fault model gener- when using traditional ATPG tools and the above men-
ation for 1,940 standard library cells, as well as the application of tioned well-known fault models. Also, the pattern fault model,
CAT to several industrial designs. We present high volume pro- which was introduced about 10 years ago, addresses the
duction test results from a 32 nm notebook processor and from problem only partially. Successful attempts of fault mod-
a 350 nm automotive design, including the achieved defect rate eling approaches and analog simulations based on SPICE
reduction in defective-parts-per-million. We also present CAT
diagnosis and physical failure analysis results from one failing netlists containing just transistors and no parasitic objects,
part and give an outlook for using the functionality for quickly but already considering the physical layout [13], have been
ramping up the yield in advanced technology nodes. done using inductive fault or contamination analysis, also
Index Terms—Automatic test pattern generation, cell-aware for standard library cells [14], [15]. Basic approaches to
test, defect-based test, defective parts, design for testability, fail- model physical defects on transistor level by means of SPICE
ure analysis, FinFET test, logic testing, test data compression, simulations without considering parasitic objects [12], [16],
transistor-level test. or on logic level [17], have shown how low-level defect
information can be used to achieve better and high efficient
I. I NTRODUCTION fault models. Transistor-level ATPG solutions have been per-
formed [18], [19], but these quickly turn inept when applied to
HYSICAL defects like shorts, opens, and transistor
P defects may occur during the fabrication process of semi-
conductor devices. To detect such defects, fault models have
multimillion transistor designs. Our research over the past five
years resulted in the new cell-aware test (CAT) fault model.
This fault model is based on a post-layout transistor-level
been proposed and used for the generation of test patterns.
netlist including parasitic objects, resulting into a defect-based
The most well-known fault models include stuck-at (SA) [1],
ATPG approach, which can be applied to large, state-of-the-art
bridge [2]–[4], transition (TR), [5], [6], N-detect [7], gate-
designs. An introduction to the CAT methodology was pub-
exhaustive (GE) [8], and embedded-multi-detect (EMD) [9],
lished in [20]. We compared CAT and GE patterns in [21].
as well as timing-aware [10], and layout-aware [11] fault
CAT has proven to be effective in detecting cell-internal
models on interconnect lines. Furthermore, the fault models
defects, as demonstrated through high-volume production
stuck-short and stuck-open have been addressed by transis-
test results presented in [22]–[27]. In these cases, state-
tor switch level simulation [12]. Notwithstanding the great
of-the-art fault models were shown to be insufficient; only
successes of those fault models, customers report that they
CAT achieved the demanded low defective-parts-per-million
increasingly receive too many defective parts from their sup-
(DPPM) rates.
pliers. Hence, they demand higher quality tests during the
In this paper, we will give a complete overview of the CAT
production process. We have investigated this problem for
method in Section III. In Section IV, we present CAT view
Manuscript received October 24, 2013; revised February 12, 2014 and April generation results from a library with 1,940 cells. In Section V,
16, 2014; accepted April 23, 2014. Date of current version August 18, 2014. we outline the CAT application to various industrial designs
This paper was recommended by Associate Editor X. Wen. with detailed information about the pattern count, the overall
F. Hapke, W. Redemund, A. Glowatz, J. Schloeffel, and A.
Fast are with Mentor Graphics Development (Deutschland) GmbH, coverage gain, as well as which cell types from the standard
Hamburg 21079, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]; cell library contribute most to the defect rate reduction. In
[email protected]; [email protected]; Section VI, we present high-volume production test results
[email protected]; [email protected]).
J. Rajski and M. Keim are with Mentor Graphics Corporation, from a 32 nm notebook processor after testing 800,000 parts.
Wilsonville, OR 97070, USA (e-mail: [email protected]; Production test results from 1,000,000 parts of a 350 nm auto-
[email protected]). motive design are shown in Section VII. In Section VIII, we
M. Reese is with AMD Inc., Austin, TX 78735, USA (e-mail:
[email protected]). give an overview of the diagnosis flow based on the CAT
M. Hustava is with ON Semiconductor, 619 00 Brno, Czech Republic (e- method, including physical failure analysis (PFA) results from
mail: [email protected]). one selected 32 nm part. The advantages of the CAT method-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. ology over traditional fault models for FinFET technologies
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAD.2014.2323216 are described in Section IX.
0278-0070 c 2014. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/
redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information
IC manufacturers are required to deliver well-tested ICs to
their customers with a certain maximum defect rate. Customers
are performing incoming application-related acceptance tests, Fig. 3. Defect extraction from cell layout.
which often uncover a higher defect rate than permissible. A
detailed analysis published in [28] has shown that the majority
of test escapes have their root-cause in insufficiently detect- The flow as shown in Fig. 1 is a combination of traditional
ing cell-internal defects. For this analysis, over one million functions/tools and new functions and algorithms that were
parts were tested with traditional SA patterns, experimentally developed for this CAT methodology. The flow starts with
followed by EMD patterns. It was determined that numerous layout extraction, followed by an analog fault simulation, and
parts that were failing EMD patterns but not SA patterns were fault model synthesis to create the CAT library models.
failing due to one missing cell input condition at a simple mul- The second major part is the well-known design flow (see
tiplexer with two data inputs. The missing cell input condition Fig. 2) where we use our CAT ATPG instead of a traditional
was D0 = 0, D1 = 0, and S = 0, as shown in Table I. Knowing ATPG.
that traditional ATPG tools are using gate-level primitives, it Our CAT ATPG is a defect-based ATPG that uses the
became obvious that the ATPG was not required to generate technology-dependent and transistor-level-based CAT view to
the 000 condition, which was necessary to detect the identi- generate high-quality test patterns to significantly reduce the
fied silicon defect. Further, this pattern never occurred after defect level of delivered ICs. The CAT ATPG is able to gener-
random fill of the unspecified bits. ate patterns for very large multimillion gate designs. Current
Table I summarizes the required multiplexer cell input pat- results achieved by this new CAT methodology show a signif-
tern to detect all SA port faults, the actual applied pattern icant increase of the defect coverage and as such a significant
during the SA production test, as well as the experimental reduction of the defect rate measured in DPPM as presented
test pattern with the added test highlighted in the shaded table in Sections VI and VII.
cells. After performing an analog fault simulation for that mul-
tiplexer, we found that one bridging fault required exactly the
A. Layout Extraction
000 condition, and that no other cell input condition would test
that particular bridge defect. Similar situations also exist for The first part of the flow in Fig. 1 is the layout extraction
open defects that require sequential cell input conditions; this step, which reads the layout data (file F1) of the individual
was addressed in [28] as well. These findings motivated us to library cell and creates a SPICE transistor netlist in detailed
research and subsequently develop a new fault model which standard parasitic format (DSPF) including parasitic elements
is based on actual cell layouts that can be created fully auto- like resistors and capacitors which is stored in file F2. As
matically, and that forces the ATPG tool to deterministically an example, let’s consider a 3-to-1 multiplexer cell from a
generate a set of cell input combinations which detect all cell- 65 nm library. The corresponding layout with some defects
internal defects. This methodology is named cell-aware-test. highlighted is shown in Fig. 3.
cell-dependent defects file (file F3 in Fig. 1). The defects con- Fig. 5. Analog simulation environment.
sidered are single hard defects, not parametric variations from
IC processing, and they occur at sites where there are SPICE The next step is to perform an exhaustive analog simulation
netlist components, both intentional and parasitic. The CAT for each of the extracted defects to determine the complete set
methodology differentiates the following six defect types. of cell input combinations that detect the defect. The resulting
1) Open: Any cell-internal open defect, such as an open in defect matrix for the particular library cell, which summarizes
poly, metal, diffusion, or vias. In the extracted SPICE the detection results for each defect, is contained in file F4 as
netlist, these defects are matched to existing resistor ele- shown in Fig. 1.
ments by increasing their resistance values. Different The analog simulator environment that is used during the
open resistor values are considered as necessary. analog fault simulation step for a cell with three data inputs,
2) Bridge: Any cell-internal bridge defect such as bridges one cell output, and the two power pins VDD, and VSS is
between adjacent objects in the same layer or differ- shown in Fig. 5. Always one single defect is inserted at a
ent layers. In the extracted SPICE netlist, these defects time.
are matched to existing capacitor elements by inserting The performed simulations are analog transient analysis
resistors in parallel with them. Different bridge resistor simulations, which determine the voltage at the cell output
values are considered as necessary. at a calculated strobe time. Both a static (one time frame) and
3) Tleak: Any cell-internal transistor defect that will switch a delay (two time frame) analog simulation is performed.
a transistor partially on with a certain resistive value. A defect is considered detected if, for example, the cell’s
Different leakage resistor values are considered as nec- output voltage deviates from the defect-free voltage by more
essary. than 60% of the supply voltage for at least one input combina-
4) Tdrive: Any cell-internal defect that will switch a tran- tion. The deviation threshold, however, can be specified by the
sistor partially off with a certain resistive value. Different user. All analog simulations, including the creation of the stim-
drive strength resistor values are considered as neces- uli, are fully automated by the CAT library view generation
sary. tool.
5) PortBridge: A bridge between a port (e.g., D1) and VSS, For the static analysis, exhaustive one time frame stimuli
VDD, or any other port of the cell. Different bridge are analyzed. For the delay analysis, robust two time frame
resistor values are considered as necessary. stimuli are analyzed by default, but also exhaustive two time
6) PortOpen: A disconnected port (e.g., D1), to analyze the frame stimuli can be analyzed on user request.
effect of cell-external disconnects to cell ports. Different
open resistor values are considered as necessary. C. Cell-Aware Fault Model Synthesis
SA and TR faults at the cell ports are contained in the CAT The goal of this step is to identify and store the cell input
defect lists for each cell as well, and as such the defects that conditions that are useful in detecting the defects inside each
CAT considers are a superset of SA and TR fault sites, since cell. This third part of the CAT view generation flow as shown
both DC and transient analog simulations are performed. in Fig. 1 is called the CAT synthesis, which optimizes the
Also note that CAT covers all bridges between cell ports, newly created exhaustive defect matrix in order to generate
even when they occur external to the cell. But CAT does not the corresponding CAT library view that is stored in the CAT
consider cell-external bridges to other cell instances in the view file (file F5 in Fig. 1). For each detected cell-internal
design. This means, layout-aware bridges on interconnect lines defect, the CAT view file contains one or more alternative
should still be considered for high quality test as it is done in test conditions for detecting the corresponding defect. This
the experiment as presented in Section VII. ensures that the subsequent CAT ATPG still has the freedom
A schematic representation of how and where such defects to choose between all alternative test conditions for detecting a
are inserted into the DSPF SPICE netlist is shown partially in certain cell-internal defect, while maintaining a very compact
Fig. 4. test pattern set for a complete design.
Fig. 14. CAT delay defect coverage gain per cell type.
The simple logic gates (AND, NAND, OR, NOR gates from 2 Fig. 16. Layout of the AO cells.
to 4 inputs) are summarized as GATES cell type. The rela-
tive coverage gain of the MUX4 cell type of about 1.6% is
higher than the 1.2% from the SFF cell type, but the overall Fig. 15 shows that the OA cell type contributes most to the
impact of MUX4 is smaller, because there are fewer instances additional detected defects, with 1.08%. The MUX4 cell type
of MUX4 cells than SFF cells. Because of that, the SFF cells contributes 1.07% defects, the AO cell type also adds 1.07%
contribute most to the coverage gain for all 10 designs. The defects, and the simple logic GATES cell type contributes with
half-adder (HA), FA, and XOR3 cells contribute least to the 0.90% defects.
overall coverage gain because there are very few instances of
those cells in the selected designs. G. Cell-Aware Detections in AO Cells
E. CAT Delay Defect Coverage Gain Per Cell Type To further investigate the large CAT-only detected defects
within AO and OA cell types, we selected an AO cell with
An overview of the defect coverage gain by cell type for four inputs. The traditional (sum of SA + TR) test pattern
CAT delay patterns is given in Fig. 14. count for this cell is 10, but CAT requires 23 patterns. Fig. 16
The blue line shows the absolute CAT coverage gain in per- shows the layout of this AO cell and one of the defects (named
cent [%] for each cell type, and the red line shows the relative D30) that is not guaranteed to be detected with traditional test
coverage gain. The graph shows that the OA cell type achieves patterns.
the highest absolute coverage gain of 1%. The second most Fig. 16 shows the bridge defect D30 (irregular shaped red
contributing cell type, with also nearly 1% absolute coverage objects) on metal1 between the cell input “B” and a cell-
gain, is the AO cell type, the simple logic (GATES) are now internal net “3.” This bridge defect can occur in two different
third. The MUX4 cell type is now on the fourth position with physical locations.
about 0.8% absolute gain, although its relative gain is the high- Fig. 17 shows the same bridge defect D30 between the cell
est with about 10%. Again, the FA, HA, and XOR3 cell types input “B” and the cell-internal net “3,” mapped back to the
contribute least to the overall coverage gain because there are transistor schematic. There is only one test pattern in the total
very few instances of those cell types in the selected designs. of the 16 possible input patterns that guarantees the detection
of this bridge defect. This input pattern is A = 1, B = 0, C
F. Total CAT-Only Detected Defects Per Cell Type = 0, and D = 0. A traditional SA ATPG is not required to
The total percentage of CAT-only detected defects per cell generate this input combination. The CAT ATPG however, is
type from both the CAT static and CAT delay patterns is shown forced deterministically to generate this pattern that will detect
in Fig. 15. the bridge defect D30.
After testing 800,000 ICs, the fail and PPM reduction results
were summarized, as shown in Fig. 21. Fig. 22. ON semiconductor 350 nm automotive design.
This data shows that the CAT static patterns detect a total of
231 defects that state-of-the-art traditional SA patterns do not
detect. The CAT delay patterns detect a total of 609 defects
that state-of-the-art traditional TR patterns do not detect. These
fail counts can be easily transformed into PPM rates, i.e., the
CAT static patterns are reducing the defect rate by 292 PPM
and the CAT delay patterns by 771 PPM. The Venn diagram
also shows the overlap of 141 detected defects between the two
tests. In total, the CAT patterns are reducing the PPM rates
for this 32 nm design by 885 PPM. Later performed paramet-
ric tests and final tests including functional tests, carried out Fig. 23. Production test flow 350 nm automotive design.
at different voltage and temperature levels, confirmed 66% of
the CAT-only fails. Additional 16% have been confirmed by
expensive system level tests (SLT). That means a total of 82% responsible for processing of the ADC bit stream generated by
of the CAT-only failing parts have been confirmed to be defec- the analog front-end. The design also includes complex DFT
tive or too slow. Just 18% of those parts made it through the logic to achieve the top-class analog and digital testability.
SLT, and are to be further analyzed. This data confirms that To investigate the effectiveness of the CAT patterns in rela-
CATs performed at wafer test detect real defects that otherwise tion to the normal production test patterns, we added the
are only detected with very expensive SLTs. experimental CAT patterns to the test program and changed
The test costs related to the analyzed fault models have a the test flow to log unique fails of the CAT patterns as shown
direct relation to the number of patterns generated for the fault in Fig. 23.
models. The additional test costs for the CAT patterns for this The production test consists of an IddQ test, followed by
design are about 43% of the existing structural production tests a SA static and layout-aware interconnect bridge test, and a
costs. single detect TR test. The experimental patterns applied after
These production test results were collected during 2012, the normal production tests consist of a CAT static as well as
and since then AMD has tested other designs in 32 and 28 nm a CAT delay test. As before, the TR and CAT delay tests were
technology in production with CAT patterns. The defect rate applied at-speed, all other tests at slow-speed. All experimental
reduction is consistently high as shown in Fig. 21, at about patterns were in data-collection mode. The production patterns
900 PPM for the 32 nm products and even higher for the 28 have been executed in “stop on fail” mode. This means that
nm products at about 1500 PPM. any fail detected by the CAT patterns completely passed the
In addition, various CAT-only failing parts have been ana- normal production tests.
lyzed by PFA to prove that the CAT-only fails are real physical The additional test costs for the CAT test patterns were 59%
defects. For further details see Section VIII. in total, which was mainly consumed by the 1135 CAT delay
patterns, while the normal production test pattern had in total
VII. P RODUCTION T EST OF A 350 NM D ESIGN 2019 patterns.
For evaluating the effectiveness of CAT patterns on a 350 After enhancing the production test program as shown
nm technology, we worked with ON semiconductor to execute in Fig. 23, we applied the normal production patterns and
an experiment for an automotive design. experimental CAT patterns during wafer sort for the 350 nm
The design shown in Fig. 22 integrates high-performance, automotive designs. Fig. 24 summarizes the reject count and
power-efficient analog, and digital parts. The analog circuits their projection to the measured DPPM rate after testing
implement the LIN physical layer and analog front-end inter- 1,000,000 ICs.
face to the external sensor. The digital circuits implement the This data shows that the CAT patterns detected a total of
LIN data link layer, LIN application layer, and DSP logic 114 rejected parts that traditional SA, bridge, and TR patterns
do not detect, resulting in a measured defect rate reduction of Fig. 25. Cell-aware diagnosis experiment steps.
114 PPM.
The CAT static patterns detected a total of nine parts. These
reject counts can be directly correlated with measured PPM
rates i.e., the CAT static patterns resulted in a measured defect
rate reduction of 9 PPM.
The CAT delay patterns detect a total of 105 parts result-
ing in a measured defect rate reduction of 105 PPM. The
Venn diagram also shows the overlap between the two tests
which was zero in this experiment. The reason for this is
mainly related to the fact that defects that can be detected
by CAT static tests are not targeted again by CAT delay
The validation of the test results (retesting of the rejected
parts using the standard and CAT flow) confirmed that all 114
Fig. 26. SPICE schematic with layout properties.
rejects are permanent fails. The nine parts that failed the CAT
static patterns were confirmed to be hard defects failing under
all test conditions. The other 105 parts that failed the CAT
delay patterns proved to be parametric outliers.
For ON Semiconductor CAT provides a method to screen
delay defects in the digital circuits without relying on over-
constraining the design during synthesis and over-screening on
ATE. This will allow further optimization of power dissipation
and the digital area of the design. Based on this result, ON
Semiconductor concluded that the CAT method detects various Fig. 27. SPICE netlist with physical properties.
otherwise undetected defects (mainly parametrical defects) and
does improve overall test quality.
an exhaustive set of stimuli. For diagnosis, we only need to
VIII. C ELL -AWARE D IAGNOSIS simulate the subset of stimuli that was actually used in the
Based on the CAT method, we have also performed cell- test pattern set of the cell instance that was called out to be
aware (CA) diagnosis. One important component for achieving suspect.
CA diagnosis is a SPICE netlist that includes physical prop- Step 3 performs CA defect scoring. It calculates the prob-
erties like X, Y coordinates and layer information for each ability that a specific defect is the root cause of the faulty
cell-internal defect. The complete CA diagnosis experimental behavior.
flow is shown in Fig. 25. Step 4 creates a layout marker file such that a GDS viewer
Step 1 extracts a SPICE transistor-level netlist in DSPF, can be used to highlight the defects.
which includes all transistors, all parasitic elements (resis-
tors and capacitors), and all layout properties such as layer
information and X, Y coordinates. A. Step1: Layout Extraction With Physical Properties
Step 2 performs an analog diagnosis fault simulation for To enable a CA diagnosis, the layout in GDS format of a
all extracted defects. The stimuli used for this analog diagno- standard cell is used to extract a DSPF SPICE netlist, which
sis fault simulation are just the failing and passing cell input now includes process layer information and the X, Y coordi-
conditions that have been retrieved from the traditional gate- nates of each extracted resistor and transistor. A partial SPICE
level-based electrical diagnosis run. This step deviates from schematic is shown in Fig. 26.
the analog simulations as shown in Fig. 1; where we simulate A fraction of the related SPICE netlist is shown in Fig. 27.
Fig. 30. (a) FIB section for STEM analysis. (b) STEM picture of cross
section. Fig. 32. FinFET leakage and drive-strength defects.
F. Physical Failure Analysis transistors the analog fault simulation introduces transistor
To further prove the effectiveness and correct detection of defects per fin, so that transistor drive-strength and leakage
physical defects by CAT patterns and to prove the effectiveness defects can be analyzed accurately per fin.
of the CA diagnosis, the selected part was put through the PFA Because of the 3-D nature of a FinFET transistor as shown
process. As a consequence of the destructive nature of PFA, we in Fig. 31, each fin of the 3-D transistors can have defects
utilized a multistep approach. This process begins with a fault- on its own, which will result either in reduced drive strength
isolation technique known as laser voltage probing (LVP) [29]. because one or more fins are not operating as they should, or
In LVP, the silicon is exposed to an infra-red laser. The tool in leakage current within one or more fins of the transistor.
generates waveforms by studying the interaction of laser that The leakage defects are analyzed by CAT by inserting and
is modulated by the electric field in the space-charge regions simulating different leaking resistors from drain to source as
of the transistor. shown in Fig. 32, indicated by the red resistors.
Physical de-processing based on the fault isolation was con- Drive-strength defects are analyzed by simulating different
ducted and no physical anomaly was observed on any metal resistor values for the drain and source resistors as shown in
layers down to metal1. Nano probing [30] was then performed Fig. 32, indicated by the green resistors R1 and R2.
on each suspected transistor in the NAND4 cell which identi- The black falling edge in Fig. 32 represents a fault-free cell
fied the pMOS transistor receiving the C input signal as being output waveform. Depending on the severity of a leakage or
non-responsive to the gate voltage. drive strength defect, a larger delay will be observed at the
Finally, a focused ion beam (FIB) [31] cross section was cell output (see the green falling edges), and in addition the
performed to collect a lamella for scanning tunneling electron final settled state may not reach the required low or high state
microscopy (STEM) analysis [32]. The gate and the pMOS in case of a leakage defect (see the red falling edges).
source contact within the lamella is shown in Fig. 30(a). Simulating drive strength and leakage defects accurately per
The STEM analysis in Fig. 30(b) clearly indicated a bro- fin ensures that the CAT ATPG is forced to generate all needed
ken poly in the region between the nMOS and pMOS. The cell input conditions to fully test the drive-strength and leakage
physical gate contact lies closer to the active of the nMOS; defects for FinFET technologies.
so controlling the nMOS gate was still possible. However, the
connection to the pMOS poly gate was broken. This proves X. F UTURE W ORK
that CAT correctly detected a real physical cell-internal defect. In the past years, we concentrated our research and devel-
It confirms the correct prediction of CA diagnostics defect opment effort on methods and tools to ensure that CAT will
scoring which was the third-highest scoring candidate. detect otherwise undetected defects. We have now proven,
through high-volume production test results from over 50 mil-
IX. F IN FET T ECHNOLOGIES lion parts in 28, 32, and 350 nm automotive technologies, that
The CAT methodology fully supports FinFET technologies. CAT uniquely detects otherwise undetected defects; the defect
The CAT view generation process for FinFET technologies is rate measured in DPPM is reduced significantly. We will con-
in principle the same as for other technologies. For FinFET centrate our future research and development work on further
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[21] F. Hapke, J. Schloeffel, S. Eichenberger, and H. Hashempour, “Gate-
exhaustive and cell-aware pattern sets for industrial designs,” in Proc.
[22] F. Hapke, W. Redemund, J. Schloeffel, S. Eichenberger et al., “Defect-
The authors would like to thank J. Rivers, A. Over oriented cell-internal testing,” in Proc. ITC, Austin, TX, USA, 2010.
(AMD), W. Howell, M. Patyra (INTEL), R. Arnold, M. Baby, [23] F. Hapke, M. Reese et al., “Cell-aware analysis for small-delay effects
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M. Beck (INFINEON), Z. Susser (ON), C.P. Thomas, W. Ke ITC, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2011.
(CSR), T. Fryars (TI), L. Richter (BROADCOM), T. Latzke, [24] F. Hapke and J. Rivers, “Cell-aware library characterization for advanced
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T. Sorokin (FREESCALE), T. Herrmann (GF), F. Yan (LSI), [25] F. Hapke and J. Schloeffel, “Introduction to the defect-oriented cell-
S. Eichenberger, T. Waayers, R. Hinze, B. Kruseman (NXP), aware test methodology for significant reduction of DPPM rates,” in
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[3] P. Engelke, I. Polian, J. Schloeffel, and B. Becker, “Resistive bridging in microsystem technology,” J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 11, no. 4,
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[5] J. A. Waicukauski, E. Lindbloom, B. K. Rosen, and V. S. Iyengar, ure analysis for cell-internal defects through cell aware technology,” in
“Transition fault simulation,” IEEE Design Test Comput., vol. 4, no. 2, Proc. 39th ISTFA, 2013.
pp. 32–38, Apr. 1987.
[6] H. Cox and J. Rajski, “Stuck-open and transition fault testing in CMOS
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[7] I. Pomeranz and S. M. Reddy, “On N-detection test sets and variable
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[8] K. Y. Cho, S. Mitra, and E. J. McCluskey, “Gate exhaustive testing” in
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[9] J. Geuzebroek, E. J. Marinissen, A. Majhi, A. Glowatz, and F. Hapke,
“Embedded multi-detect ATPG and its effect on the detection of Friedrich Hapke (M’08) received the Diploma in
unmodeled defects,” in Proc. IEEE ITC, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2007. electrical engineering from the University of Applied
[10] L. Xijiang et al., “Timing-aware ATPG for high quality at-speed test- Sciences, Hamburg, Germany.
ing of small delay defects,” in Proc. 15th ATS, Fukuoka, Japan, 2006, He is the Director of Engineering Germany, at
pp. 139–146. Mentor Graphics Silicon Test Solution Division.
[11] S. K. Goel, K. Chakrabarty, M. Yilmaz, K. Peng, and M. Tehranipoor, His primary focus is in research and development
“Circuit topology-based test pattern generation for small-delay defects,” of new methods and tools for supporting defect-
in Proc. 19th ATS, Shanghai, China, 2010, pp. 307–312. oriented cell-aware testing, IEEE P1687, logic BIST,
[12] P. Dahlgren and P. Liden, “A fault model for switch-level simulation boundary-scan, and cell-internal failure diagnosis.
of gate-to-drain shorts,” in Proc. VLSI VTS, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1996, His interests also include electronic design automa-
pp. 414–421. tion in general for deep-submicron technologies.
[13] G. Spiegel and A. Stroele, “A unified approach to the extraction of Before joining Mentor Graphics, he held various research and development
realistic multiple bridging and break faults,” in Proc. EDAC, Brighton, management positions at NXP and Philips Semiconductors. He has authored
U.K., 1995, pp. 184–189. and co-authored several publications and holds over 20 patents in the area
[14] F. J. Ferguson and J. Shen, “Extraction and simulation of realistic CMOS of design for test. His recent publications have been on the topic of defect-
faults using inductive fault analysis,” in Proc. ITC, Washington, DC, oriented cell-aware testing at the International Symposium on VLSI Design
USA, 1998, pp. 475–484. Automation and Test, 2011, in Taiwan, at the Design Automation and Test in
[15] J. Khare, W. Maly, and N. Tiday, “Fault characterization of standard cell Europe, 2012, in Dresden, Germany, at the European Test Symposium, 2012
libraries using inductive contamination analysis (ICA),” in Proc. VLSI in Annecy, France, at the International Test Conference, 2012, in Anaheim,
VTS, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1996, pp. 405–413. CA, USA, at the European Test Symposium 2013, in Avignon, France, and at
[16] R. C. Aitken, “Finding defects with fault models,” in Proc. ITC, the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 2013, in San
Washington, DC, USA, 1995, pp. 498–505. Jose, CA, USA.
Wilfried Redemund (M’10) received the Diploma Marek Hustava received the Diploma in computer
in technical informatics from the University of science from the Slovak University of Technology
Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, in 1986. in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2002.
He is a Principal Engineer and a Software He is a Principal Digital Engineer and a Digital
Architect with Mentor Graphics Silicon Test prod- Group Leader with ON Semiconductor Design
ucts. Prior to joining Mentor Graphics, he was an Center, Brno, Czech Republic. He has researched for
independent consultant in the DFT and test area. several years in the design of complex automotive
He has co-authored several professional publications mix-signal ICs, and is responsible for digital design
about cell-aware test methods and holds the U.S. methodology including the DFT methodology.
patent in the same area.
Michael Reese (M’01) received the B.S. degree in Anja Fast initially completed an apprenticeship
chemical engineering from the University of Texas as a Hotel Manageress in Hamburg, Germany
at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, and the M.S. degree in 1992. She is now a Technical Assistant with
in electrical engineering from Walden University, Mentor Graphics Development, Hamburg, Germany.
Minneapolis, MN, USA. Before joining Mentor Graphics in 2012, she was
He is a Senior Member of Technical Staff with self-employed with Technical Documentation and
Advanced Micro Devices, Austin, TX, USA, with worked as an Independent Consultant for Mentor
over 25 years of industry experience, where he spent Graphics in the area of DFT. She has co-authored
half of his time in semiconductor manufacturing and several professional publications about cell-aware
the balance in semiconductor design focused on the test methods.
design for test. His current research interests include
scan compression hardware for AMDs CPU core team. He has also been
published several times on the emerging technology known as cell-aware