Study of Salient Poles Synchronous Generator by Finite Elements Analysis
Study of Salient Poles Synchronous Generator by Finite Elements Analysis
Study of Salient Poles Synchronous Generator by Finite Elements Analysis
elements analysis
Abstract—This paper presents the finite elements analysis (FEA) II. THE SALIENT POLES GENERATOR PARAMETERS
of a salient poles synchronous generator. The goal of this analysis
is to determine the machine parameters in steady-state regime A. Steady-state Parameters
and in transient regime respectively. The used FEA techniques In steady-state regime, the salient poles generator
and obtained results for a case study will be presented as well. parameters are in accordance with equivalent electrical
Finally the FEA results will be compared to the experimental diagrams of the machine, fig.1.
ones and a 2D transient with motion analysis will be performed.
Thus the generator behavior is influenced by the stator
Keywords-synchronous; generator; parameters; transients; winding resistance, R, the direct axis synchronous reactance,
finite; elements. Xd=ωLd and the quadrature axis synchronous reactance,
Xq=ωLq. The direct axis synchronous reactance is the sum of
I. INTRODUCTION the leakage reactance of the stator winding, Xσ=ωLσ, and the
Nowadays most of electrical energy is supplied by direct axis reaction reactance, Xad=ωLad. Also, the quadrature
synchronous generators. These generators have two types of axis reactance is the sum of the stator winding leakage
rotors: round rotor in case of turbo-generators, usually with one reactance and the quadrature axis reaction reactance, Xaq=ωLaq.
or two pole pairs, and salient poles rotor, as in case of hydro- Ue0 is the field winding voltage and Z is the phase load
generators, when the pole pairs can reach two figure number. impedance.
The economic reasons impose a continuous growth of the B. Transients parameters
nominal power of these generators, thus the turbo-generators During the transient regime, the reactances change in terms
reach the values of 1200 MW and 700MW in case of hydro- of the transient currents that occur in field excitation winding
generators. These excessively high power values determine and in damper winding, respectively.
considerable prices, thus the design phase is very important.
The analytical relations used in design computation are quite Because the time constant of the dumper winding is smaller
accurate, but considering the importance of these machines, the than the time constant of field excitation winding, the dumper
design results have to be confirmed by numerical method. It winding currents extinguish before the excitation winding
is well known that, in design phase, one of the most powerful overcurrent. As long as the transient currents exist in the
instruments is finite elements analysis (FEA) because of its dumper winding, reactances are so called subtransient
accuracy. reactances, Xd”, Xq”. After the currents in the dumper winding
have extinguished and until the extinction of the overcurrent in
The main purpose of the present paper is to estimate the the field winding, reactance is so called direct axis transient
salient poles wound rotor synchronous generator parameters by reactance, Xd’. After that, reactances become the synchronous
FEA. Although many papers deal with the parameter reactances.
determination of salient poles synchronous generator by FEA,
[1]-[3], this paper presents several analysis techniques that C. The parameters determination by FEA
allow transient parameters determination as well. These In case of salient poles synchronous machine, the direct
parameters impose the transient currents in case of a three- axis reactance corresponds to the magnetic flux that closes
phase sudden short circuit regime. As the salient poles through rotor poles axis, Fig. 2.
generator has a variable air-gap, the direct axis parameters
differ from the quadrature axis parameters.
In order to shorten the analysis time, a 2D numerical
analysis will be performed, and end winding inductance and
resistance will be added in electrical circuits of the generator.
The above mentioned parameters can be obtained either by a. Direct axis parameters b. Quadrature axis parameters
3D FEA, or analytically. Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of salient poles generator in steady-state regime
Another possibility to compute this inductance, regardless There also is a possibility to determine these inductances
of the magnetic circuit linearity, is in terms of the linkage for a certain rotor position relative to stator winding magnetic
magnetic flux. In our case, the direct axis flux is quite the a field. Considering the angle between direct axis and the a phase
phase linkage flux, Φa , and the inductance is, axis to be α, the direct and quadrature axis (d,q) currents and
fluxes can be computed in terms of the three-phase (a,b,c)
currents and fluxes, with the following relations [4],
Ld −2D = Φa /I a . (3)
I d = (2/3)[I a cos α + I b cos(α − 2π / 3) + I c cos(α − 4π / 3)]
Of course, it could have been chosen the moment when
Ia=0, and Ib=-Ic, Ic=Imcos30, respectively, but in this case the I q = (-2/3)[I a sin α + I b sin(α − 2π / 3) + I c sin(α − 4π / 3)]
angle between magnetic field and direct axis is 90 electrical Φ d = (2/3)[Φ a cos α + Φ b cos(α − 2π / 3) + Φ c cos(α − 4π / 3)]
degrees. So the rotor has to be rotated with the same angle. In
Φ q = (-2/3)[Φ a sin α + Φ b sin(α − 2π / 3) + Φ c sin(α − 4π / 3)]
terms of the magnetic energy, the inductance is computed as in
(2). In terms of magnetic fluxes, this inductance is,
The two inductances are,
Ld − 2D = Φ b /I b = Φ c /I c . (4)
L d − 2D = Φ d /I d , L q − 2D = Φq /I q . (7)
Φ ad = 2A 1l . (10)
L ad = k w NΦ ad /I a , (11)
a. Direct axis subtransient inductance determination