Dynamic Modeling of A VSC-HVDC Converter: Markus Imhof, Student Member, IEEE, G Oran Andersson, Fellow, IEEE
Dynamic Modeling of A VSC-HVDC Converter: Markus Imhof, Student Member, IEEE, G Oran Andersson, Fellow, IEEE
Dynamic Modeling of A VSC-HVDC Converter: Markus Imhof, Student Member, IEEE, G Oran Andersson, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The aim of this paper is to present a nonlinear studies. A VSC-HVDC two-level converter is modeled in the
dynamic model for Voltage Source Converter-based HVDC dq0 frame representation which is compliant with existing
(VSC-HVDC) links that can be used for dynamic studies. It dynamic AC models such as generators and FACTS devices.
includes the main physical elements and is controlled by PI
controllers with antiwindup. A linear control model is derived The VSC-HVDC model includes the dynamics of the physical
for efficient tuning of the controllers of the nonlinear dynamic elements such as the AC phase reactor, the DC converter
model. The nonlinear dynamic model is then tuned according to capacitance and the DC cable dynamics as well as the dy-
the performance of an ABB HVDC Light model. namics of the underlying converter control. Not only is the
Index Terms—Converters, HVDC transmission, Power system physical system modeled, also the tuning of the cascaded PI-
dynamics, Power system modeling, Pulse width modulation con-
verters, Reactive power control, Voltage control, VSC-HVDC, controllers is presented, using a linearized control model. This
works very well for the active power. However for the reactive
power, the linearized control model has its limit. We should
investigate in future work how with nonlinear controller tuning
In the previous decade, the infeed of Renewable Energy the performance of the controller model can be improved. The
Sources (RES) such as wind and photovoltaic has increased model is then compared with the performance of an ABB
[1]. A further increase is expected; this increase will put VSC-HVDC light model [9].
additional stress on the already heavily loaded power systems. This paper is structured as follows: Section II introduces the
Power electronic controlled devices such as Flexible AC Trans- physical modeling of the VSC-HVDC link. Section III presents
mission Systems (FACTS) and High Voltage DC (HVDC) the control structure of the rectifier and inverter and Section
links can play an important role in controlling and stabilizing IV the tuning of the rectifier and inverter controller with
the power system. With a higher penetration of RES it is a linearized control model. Section V shows the validation
assumed that power oscillations will increase as conventional results of the proposed VSC-HVDC model with the ABB
power plants are decommissioned, leading to a reduction of HVDC light model and Section VI concludes the paper.
inertia. Power electronic devices may be able to mitigate this
issue, as they have the ability to react on electromechanical II. VSC-HVDC P HYSICAL M ODEL
transients. One option is to install HVDC links for power The variable representation used for this model is a complex
system control, for instance, for transient stability control or Phasor representation in the dq0 frame and are denoted by un-
for power oscillation damping as in [2]. The main purpose derlined variables, e.g. i1 = id1 + jiq1 . The dq0 Transformation,
of HVDC links still is power transfer over long distances or or Park’s Transformation, is manly used in the derivation of
across seas. models of electrical machines [10]. The dq0 frame rotates with
Voltage Source Converter-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) tech- the system frequency and is also known as a rotating reference
nology has several advantages over Current Source Converter- frame. It is well suited for electro-mechanical transient studies
based HVDC (CSC-HVDC) technology including independent and gives a well representation of the converter averaged
control of active and reactive power. Further VSC-HVDC model [10], [11].
can be connected to weak networks, and the direction of The VSC-HVDC system consists of a physical part as well
power flow can be reversed much faster [3], [4]. This makes as controllers for the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) con-
VSC-HVDC transmission an attractive solution for connecting verters. The physical model components are depicted in Fig. 1.
more RES to the network, as the controllability is increased The VSC-HVDC link is separated into three main subsystems:
and the system operating costs decreased [5]. Two AC systems, two VSC converters and one DC system. A
For dynamic studies it is important to have a suitable step down transformer connects the VSC-HVDC link to the
VSC-HVDC model. Detailed models where all switching AC grid. It converts the AC grid voltage to the needed voltage
actions are modeled have a high computational effort and for the VSC converter. A phase reactor connects the rectifier
are not well-suited for large power systems studies. When (VSC 1) with the transformer. The rectifier converts the AC to
reducing the complexity of the model we should be careful the DC voltage. A bipolar DC cable transports the power to the
not to neglect the physical behavior of the VSC-HVDC link. inverter (VSC 2). The inverter converts the DC voltage back
Dynamic models of VSC-HVDC converters are developed to AC. The phase reactor filters the high switching harmonics
in [6], [7] and [8]. These models differ in complexity and and a step up transformer adjusts the AC voltage from the
accuracy. However, how the tuning for the controllers of the inverter to the AC grid voltage.
converters was done has not been addressed. Most VSC based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converters
This paper presents a modified dynamic VSC-HVDC model have a cascaded control structure, consisting of an inner and
of [6] and [7] which can be used for dynamic power systems an outer control loop [12]. The inner control loop controls
978-1-4799-3254-2/13/$31.00 2013
Ldc Rdc
Pac = Pdc Pac = Pdc
Idc,1 Icable Idc,2
Udc,1 Udc,2
u s,1 u t,1 u c,1 Cdc u c,2 u t,2 u s,2
i1 Cdc i2
(Rectifier) (Inverter)
Xt Xr Rr Rr Xr Xt
Cdc Icable Cdc
M1d M1 Ldc Rdc M2d Idc,2
the currents and the outer control loop the powers. The outer all other transformers in the AC grid the dynamics are not
control loop calculates the current references for the inner modelled. The voltage equations are
control loop. The current controllers will thereafter calculate
udt,l = Xt iql (4)
the modulation index needed for the VSC converters to keep
the desired power setpoints. Fig. 2 shows the control scheme uqs,l − uqt,l = Xt idl . (5)
of the entire VSC-HVDC link. The VSC-HVDC link can
be controlled by four external control signals. The rectifier We solved (4) and (5) for udt,l and respectively and uqt,l
controls the active power flowing over the VSC-HVDC link substituted into (2) and (3) will give us the dynamic AC
and the reactive power at the AC terminal. The inverter equations
controls the reactive power at its AC terminal and regulates Xr didl
the DC voltage. The DC voltage controller only consists of a = (Xr + Xt ) iql − Rr idl − udc,l (6)
ω dt
single control loop. Xr dil q
= − (Xr + Xt ) idl − Rr iql − uqc,l + uqs,l . (7)
ω dt
P1,ref iq1,ref Udc,2,ref
P iq1 Udc B. DC Model
controller controller controller
The DC circuit of the VSC-HVDC link consists of the
iq1 M1q Udc,2 Idc,2
P1 converter capacitance Cconverter and a bipolar DC cable. The
Rectifier Inverter cable is modeled as a π-equivalent with the elements Rdc , Ldc
Q1 Q2 and Ccable . The equivalent DC capacitance Cdc , as depicted in
1 M1d id
2 M2d Fig. 1, we calculate as
Q1,ref id id Q2,ref
Q1 1,ref id
1 id
2,ref Q2 1
controller controller controller controller Cdc = Cconverter + Ccable . (8)
Fig. 2. Control scheme of the VSC-HVDC link: Controller blocks with
The dynamic circuit equations of the DC side are
saturated PI controllers (white boxes), physical converter models (grey boxes), dUdc,1
measurement signals (dashed arrows) and reference values (solid arrows). Cdc = Idc,1 − Icable (9)
A. AC Model Cdc = Idc,2 + Icable (10)
The AC part of the VSC-HVDC link consists of an ideal dIcable
step down transformer represented with the inductance Xt Ldc = Udc,1 − Udc,2 − Rdc Icable . (11)
which connects the VSC-HVDC link to the AC grid. A phase
C. Converter Model
reactor, represented by Xr and Rr connects the VSC converter
with the transformer as depicted in Fig. 1. The q-axis of the The VSC converter used for this model is assumed to be a
rotating dq0 reference frame for each converter is aligned with lossless two level PWM converter. It is modelled as an aver-
the AC system voltage us,l , hence uds,l = 0. This leads to aged switched converter model. The higher harmonics of the
switching of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs)
us,l = juqs,l , (1) are neglected. In this paper, the 0 component is neglected and
thus only symmetric AC systems can be simulated [11]. This
where l = 1 represents the rectifier and l = 2 the inverter. We is consistent as the AC grid is as well represented in the dq
chose that the AC current il is to be directed into the converter. reference frame. The relationship between the AC and DC side
The dynamics of the current are calculated as follows: is given as
uc,l = K0 M l 2 · Udc,l , (12)
Xr didl
− Xr iql = −Rr idl − udc,l + udt,l (2) where M l = Mld + jMlq represents the modulation index of
ω dt the converter and is the control signal to control the setpoints
Xr diql of the converter. K0 is the modulation
+ Xr idl = −Rr iql − uqc,l + uqt,l , (3) √ constant and in case
ω dt of rectangular modulation is K0 = π6 [13]. We assumed that
where udc,l and uqc,l represents the voltage at the converters and the converters are lossless. Thus the power balance of the AC
and the DC side has to be fulfilled.
udt,l and uqt,l the voltage after the step down transformer. We
neglected the current dynamics of the transformer because for udc,l idl + uqc,l iq = Pac,l = Pdc,l = 2 · Idc,l Udc,l (13)
Each converter has two control inputs. The rectifier is con- id
l Δud
l 2Udc,l
trolled by M1d and M1q and the inverter by M2q and Idc2 . -
id + Mld
Unlike in [7], there is no q-current controller at the inverter l,ref PI ud 1
Σ int,l
Σ K0 × limit
side, as shown in Fig. 2. This would overdetermine the system. + Controller -
Therefore the q-part of current i2 is calculated using the power d
equality (13). q
expressions in dq frame,
Fig. 3. Scheme of d-current controller (upper) and q-controller (lower)
Pl = uqs,l · iql , (14) illustration.
2Ki,P,1τiq uqs,1,0Ki,P,1 With the same approach as in Section IV-C, the parameters
α= , ωn2 = (38) Kp,dc and Ki,dc can be calculated to meet a desired second-
Kp,P,1 uqs,1,0 + 1 Kp,P,1 τiq order response.
uq Kp,P,1 + 1
2ζωn = s,1,0 . (39) V. R ESULTS
The parameters calculated with the method described in
Standard quantities like the peak time tp or the overshoot Mp Section IV are simulated in the dynamic model from Section
express the transfer function and can be defined. Ref. [14] II and compared to the performance of the ABB HVDC light
gives a formula for both quantities in relation to ζ and ωn . M1 link. The ABB model is a black box model simulated with
They can be solved for ζ and ωn leading to: the original controllers. The data of the converter are shown in
Table I [15]. For tuning the current controllers, τ = 50ms for
1 π both controllers is chosen. The calculated parameters for the
ζ = − ln(Mp ) , ωn = (40)
ln(Mp )2 + π 2 tp 1 − ζ 2 current controllers are found in Table II. For all PI controllers
in the nonlinear dynamic models, the same antiwindup gain
and substituted into (37) to solve for the PI-parameters: KA = 10 is chosen.
2ζωn τiq − 1 ωn2 τiq A. Active Power Controller
Kp,P,1 = , Ki,P,1 = . (41)
uqs,1,0 uqs,1,0 The active power controller is tuned according to the step
response of the ABB Model. The peak time of the power is
If α is large, the zero will be far removed from the poles tp = 100ms and the overshoot is Mp = 0.14. With the method
and thus the zero will have little effect on the response. The described in Section IV-C, the parameters for the controller are
effect of the zero is to increase the overshoot Mp . Ref. [14] calculated. They are shown in Table II. The zero of equation
shows that the zero has little effect if α ≥ 3. If the desired (36) has little effect because α ≥ 3. Fig. 5 shows the different
design parameters fulfill this constraint then Kp,P,1 and Ki,P,1 step responses of the ABB HVDC Light model (red solid
can be chosen according to (41). Otherwise a numeric pole curve), the dynamic nonlinear model with saturation of the
zero placement has to be performed to achieve the design controllers (solid green curve), and linearized control model
requirements. (dotted blue curve). The ABB Light model was simulated
For the reactive power controller, the same design procedure using Power Factory and the nonlinear dynamic model in
can be used with the assumption that the disturbance ûqs,l (s) MATLAB using the simulation environment developed in [16].
is zero. It is seen that the nonlinear dynamic model and the linearized
control model are very similar. The nonlinear dynamic model
D. Linearized DC Voltage Controller represents the dynamic response of the Power Factory model
The fourth control loop is comprised of the DC voltage well and the new steady state is reached after about 270 ms.
controller. The open-loop transfer function with the controller
B. Reactive Power Controller
from Section III-C and the DC plant (27) is
The reactive power controller could not be tuned analyti-
Kp,dc s + Ki,dc cally. The response of the reactive power in the ABB Power
ldc (s) = kUdc (s) · GUdc (s) = . (42)
s(sCdc − 1) Factory model does not have a second-order response (red
80 fast response, because the limits of the controllers reach
70 saturation. For a more efficient tuning method, a nonlinear
controller tuning should be applied. This would assure us that
active power (MW)
the stability of the converter is guaranteed.
50 This method allows us to tune a VSC-HVDC link to a
40 desired step response. This is not only valid for two level
30 PWM converters. The switching harmonics are neglected and,
HVDC Light Model with the appropriate parameters, the behavior of a modular
Dynamic Model multilevel converter can be reproduced.
Control Model
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
time (s)
We acknowledge the support of swisselectric research and
ABB for the project Power System Performance Enhancement
Fig. 5. Active power step response of different VSC-HVDC models. The red by Use of Voltage Source Converter Based HVDC in the
solid curve is the response of the ABB HVDC Light model in power factory,
the green solid curve is the response of the introduced nonlinear VSC-HVDC ENTSO-E RG Continental Europe System.
model and the blue dotted line is the response of the linearized control model.
[1] REN21, “Renewables 2012 Global Status Report,” 2012. [Online].
50 Available: www.ren21.net
45 [2] A. Fuchs, M. Imhof, T. Demiray, and M. Morari, “Stabilization of large
power systems using VSC-HVDC and model predictive control,” to be
reactive power (Mvar)