Subject: Computer Networks 5th SEM / Computer Engg. / IT / GE
Subject: Computer Networks 5th SEM / Computer Engg. / IT / GE
Subject: Computer Networks 5th SEM / Computer Engg. / IT / GE
Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any
twelve questions out of fifteen questions. Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any two
(12x5=60) questions out of three questions. (2x10=20)
Q.21 Explain difference between bluetooth and Wifi.? Q.36 Explain different types of Networking Topologies
Q.22 Write a note on Hubs?
Q.37 Explain Ethernet and its various types in detail.
Q.23 What is Modem and its types.?
Q.38 Compare IPV4 and IPV6?
Q.24 Distinguish between LAN and WAN.
Q.25 Writea note on wireless security.
Q.26 What is computer network? Explain the uses of