Hydraulic Cleanliness Procedures: PART NO. 4075393 1900 SRM 1620

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PART NO. 4075393 1900 SRM 1620


• The Service Manuals are updated on a regular basis, but may not reflect recent design changes to the
product. Updated technical service information may be available from your local authorized Hyster®
dealer. Service Manuals provide general guidelines for maintenance and service and are intended for
use by trained and experienced technicians. Failure to properly maintain equipment or to follow in-
structions contained in the Service Manual could result in damage to the products, personal injury,
property damage or death.
• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity to
support the weight of the load.
• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.
• Wear safety glasses.
• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric lift
trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Use the correct tools for the job.
• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or ex-
ceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force to
remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the unit
needs repairs.
• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are flamma-
ble. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when working
on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the
area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents

Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs ................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................1
The Phases of Wear .............................................................................................................................................1
Causes of Hydraulic System Failure ................................................................................................................. 2
Progression of Contaminant Caused Hydraulic System Failure ..................................................................... 2
Hydraulic System Flushing Techniques ............................................................................................................2
Double Oil and Filter Change ........................................................................................................................ 3
Mechanical Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Cleaning of Components .................................................................................................................................3
How to Clean Tubes and Hoses ..........................................................................................................................3
Filter Caddy ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Start-Up Procedure for Cleaned System ........................................................................................................... 5
Contaminated Oil Coolers .................................................................................................................................. 5
Additional Filter Caddy Functions .................................................................................................................... 5
How to Handle Different Fluids .........................................................................................................................5
Water Removal Filters ........................................................................................................................................5
Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures .......................................................................................... 6
Operation of the Filter Caddy ............................................................................................................................ 6
Filter Caddy operation ................................................................................................................................... 6
Fluid Conditioning Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 7
Filter Caddy Start-Up .................................................................................................................................... 7
System Flushing Procedure ................................................................................................................................8
Component Cleaning Procedure .................................................................................................................... 8
Reservoir Cleaning Procedure ................................................................................................................... 8
Cylinder Cleaning Procedure .....................................................................................................................8
Hose and Tube Cleaning Procedure .......................................................................................................... 9
Valve Cleaning Procedure ..........................................................................................................................9
Front-End Attachment Cleaning Procedure ...........................................................................................10
System Flushing Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 10
Filter Caddy Start-Up .............................................................................................................................. 11
System Start-Up and Flushing .................................................................................................................... 11
Reservoir Fluid Cleaning Times .................................................................................................................. 12
Dealing With Different Fluid Types ................................................................................................................ 13
Cleaning Procedure After Switching Fluids (Cross Contamination Flushing) ......................................... 13
Filter Caddy Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 14
Servicing the Strainer .................................................................................................................................. 14
DC Motor .......................................................................................................................................................14
Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure ................................................................................................. 14
Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method ...................................................................................................................... 14
Objective ........................................................................................................................................................14
General Guidelines ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Synopsis .........................................................................................................................................................16
Hydraulic Oil Analysis Report Guidelines .................................................................................................. 17
Sampling Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 18
Equipment .....................................................................................................................................................18
Sampling Procedure ..........................................................................................................................................18
Hydraulic Oil Sampling ................................................................................................................................18
Sample Labeling ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Results Documentation ................................................................................................................................ 19


Table of Contents

This section is for the following models:

1900 SRM 1620 Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs

Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs


Hyster lift truck operators/owners sometimes Wear starts the day the lift truck is put into
blame component quality for failures of costly operation. See Table 1. Some wear can be detected
hydraulic pumps and control valves when in fact through condition-based maintenance practices and
these failures are cause by system contamination. some are undetectable. While lift trucks operate
There are several potential causes for the system normally as they get older, some wear becomes
contamination: visible during standard maintenance practices. Oil
• Improper fluid flushing after a repair is analysis provides the opportunity to determine
completed. potential areas of concern. At this point in the wear
phase, it is possible to keep the system operating
• In an effort to minimize downtime, a normally and allow the components to survive.
technician may not complete a thorough When the system reaches the point of no return, it
clean up procedure. means that too much wear has occurred and
• The technician may not have the ability to component replacement or an overhaul becomes the
remove contaminants from the hydraulic only solution. The service technician's task is to
system after completing repairs. monitor the systems and modify them when
• The technician may not have any visibility of contamination or wear is detected. This can be
the oil cleanliness level before or after accomplished with condition based maintenance
necessary repairs. practices and the use of conditioning units like the
filter caddy discussed below. A well-designed oil
With proper equipment, having instant visibility to analysis program should enable these common
oil cleanliness and the ability to remove fluid problems to be detected before a flush is required.
contaminants is feasible. Technicians will be able When successful, nothing more than an oil change
to accomplish successful repairs and thoroughly may be required. The effectiveness in catching
clean the system utilizing filter caddies combined common flush precursors depends on oil samples
with sponge launchers. Hydraulic pumps and being taken at the optimum frequency and the
control valves will operate as designed and reach proper use of laboratory screening tests.
their intended life expectancy.

Table 1. Phases of Wear

Some Symptoms Performance
Operating Normal Operating Normal Failure
Appear Issues
Some wear Point of no return ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒
detectable through Visible wear, Very visible Forensics
fluid analysis changes in behavior symptoms and wear
Non detectable wear
Objective is to increase the operating time with non detectable wear through
standard maintenance practices, including conditioning units (filter caddy) and an oil
analysis program.

Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs 1900 SRM 1620

CAUSES OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM lines, valves, coolers and crevices. The results are
FAILURE premature failure of the main component and even
greater levels of contamination.
Industry statistics show that 70-80% of hydraulic
failure are not caused by design flaws, but by PROGRESSION OF CONTAMINANT
contaminants, water, or lubricant degradation. CAUSED HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FAILURE

Contaminants are produced in different ways: High contaminant particle counts tend to erode soft
1. Introduced through poor maintenance and metals and increase wear on all moving parts. Also,
service procedures. chemical reactions between additives and water or
incompatible oils cause etching. Etching reduces
• Introduced when adding fluids. pump efficiency and increases internal leaks, which
• When replacing failed components. causes high temperatures. High temperatures
• Poor shop cleanliness, dirty spare reduce oil additive life and destroy further ability of
parts storage, dirty rags. the lubricant to separate parts in motion.

2. Ingression of contamination. Metallic particles act as catalysts that contribute to

• Leaky cylinder wiper seals. rapid oxidation of the lubricant. The destructive
• Reservoir vents with poorly pattern has begun and total failure of the most
maintained breather filters. active components is probable.

3. Generated internally due to wear and part After the failure of a major component (pump or
failure. cylinder) millions of metallic particles, as well as
4. Chemical reactions between the lubricant fibers and contaminated oil, settle in every corner
additives, water, air, heat, and metallic of the hydraulic system. Replacing the oil from
particles. the reservoir accomplishes only one-third of
the process required to restore the system.
Contaminants are not limited to solid particles. Air,
water and high temperatures are also HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FLUSHING
contaminants. Chemical reactions between TECHNIQUES
lubricant additives and water can produce chemical
sub-products that could be corrosive to vital Techniques for flushing hydraulic systems vary in
components inside the hydraulic system. These cost and complexity. Before discussing some of
same chemical reactions could also destroy oil film these methods, let's first distinguish between
strength where it is most needed. Flushing the Fluid and Flushing the System.
Hydraulic systems on Hyster lift trucks are • The objective of Flushing the Fluid,
designed to provide many years of trouble free commonly referred to as Fluid Conditioning,
service. However, there may be times when the is to eliminate contaminants such as
system's internal environment, in which the particles and water. This is usually
hydraulic components work, has been altered by accomplished using a filter caddy or by
some contaminant or contaminants that are not diverting system flow through an external
detected in time and the system's own filtration fluid-conditioning tool.
mechanism is unable to handle. Preventative • The objective of Flushing the System is to
maintenance programs that include scheduled oil eliminate sludge, varnish, debris and
analysis can detect these system changes. contaminated or degraded fluid from the
reservoir, conductor walls, other component
The second series of events occur when the internal surfaces and system dead spots.
technician, not aware of the micro-world on which
the hydraulic system is so dependent, limits The technique or combination of techniques
corrective actions to replacing the most affected selected will depend on the type of system and its
component and oil from the reservoir. This leaves size, your reliability objectives for the equipment
behind millions of destructive particles lodged in and the reason for the flush.

1900 SRM 1620 Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs

Double Oil and Filter Change Cleaning of Components

The question of how to deal with system

CAUTION components arises when considering a hydraulic
There is risk of secondary failures in steering system flush.
control units and control valves if residual
contaminants are not removed from the system. Plumbing should be cleaned in isolation from
pumps, valves and actuators. These can be cleaned
NOTE: This procedure should only be used for while still installed in the equipment as discussed
lightly contaminated systems or degraded fluid and in the following sections. The decision to
not for systems that have experienced major disassemble and mechanically clean components
component failures. will depend on the type of equipment, your
NOTE: The installation of large volumes of new oil reliability objectives and the reason for the flush.
and disposal of the contaminated oil can be costly. Once the conductors and components have been
If the oil is not degraded, this is a waste of oil since cleaned and clean oil is installed, valves and
it is contaminated but not degraded. The filter actuators can be gradually included in the flushing
caddy can be used to "condition the fluid" by circuit as the process proceeds.
removing the particles and water.
This technique involves an initial oil drain and
filter change, which removes a large percentage of The use of sponge projectiles is very effective in
contaminants and degraded fluid. The system is cleaning tubes and hoses. The hoses and tubes can
then filled with pre-filtered oil and the fluid be cleaned while installed in the truck after a major
circulated at low pressure until operating component failure. The sponge projectiles clean
temperature is reached, each hydraulic function hoses and tubes regardless of their length and
has been operated three full cycles, and the fluid angles. The sponge projectiles are shot with
has been turned over at least five times. compressed air and travel at high speed, pushing
residual oil and contaminants out. The hoses and
The oil is drained, system refilled with filtered oil tubes can be cleaned to levels unattainable by
and the filters changed a second time. After the conventional methods. See Figure 1. Without the
fluid has been circulated, each circuit operated sponge projectile, the hose could not have been
three full cycles, and the system warmed to cleaned. This tool can minimize replacement costs
operating temperature, an appropriate oil sample of additional components caused by secondary
should be taken to determine the success of the contamination failures.

Mechanical Cleaning

The use of mechanical cleaning after a major pump

or cylinder failure must be incorporated in the
flushing strategy. This involves the use of a
pneumatic projectile gun and sponge projectiles to
clean tubes and hoses. It also involves disassembly Figure 1. Sponge Projectile Tool
of other components for cleaning using brushes and
clean solvents. It is essential that the reservoir is
mechanically cleaned to remove residual
contamination particles.

Mechanical cleaning is labor intensive, but is the

most effective method for restoring the system to
reliable operation after major mechanical failure.

Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs 1900 SRM 1620


Flushing the system is the total cleaning of the

hydraulic system, which means actually removing
all the oil, components, and cleaning or repairing
them as required. Hoses and tubes are cleaned as
described in the previous section. It is essential
that the reservoir is mechanically cleaned to
remove residual contamination particles. The
reservoir suction screen and breather must be

Hydraulic cylinders must be cleaned and filled with

clean oil to eliminate as much air as possible.
Elimination of air avoids micro-dieseling. Micro-
dieseling is combustion just like a diesel engine and
occurs when hydraulic oil is compressed at high
pressure in the presence of air or air bubbles. Figure 2. Portable Filter Caddy
Micro-dieseling can burn the oil (turns oil blackish)
and damage hoses and cylinders internally.
Cylinders should not be extended to the end-stops
or system relief pressure until the air in the system
has been flushed.

Once the hydraulic system has been overhauled

and all components cleaned and installed, the
hydraulic reservoir needs to be refilled with filtered
oil. The filter caddy (Figure 2 or Figure 3) is then
used to clean the reservoir oil until a
predetermined level of oil cleanliness is achieved.
This operation is not possible without a filter
caddy. The caddy insures that the reservoir and
reservoir oil are clean before the pump is turned.

Next, the pump needs to be bled or the case filled

with filtered oil. Only then can the hydraulic
system be put into operation. The most critical part
of the start-up procedure is when the hydraulic
pump is turned for the first time. Figure 3. Hand Held Filter Caddy

Filter caddies are not capable of removing all

contaminants from the hydraulic system. As
previously explained, hidden particles in the most
secluded areas of the hydraulic system make it
impossible for any filter caddy to reach into all
areas of complex hydraulic systems. However, a
filter caddy is an essential tool once the system has
been completely disassembled, cleaned and

1900 SRM 1620 Proper Flushing after Major Hydraulic Repairs

START-UP PROCEDURE FOR CLEANED • Conditioning the hydraulic fluid (cleaning

SYSTEM the fluid already in the system).
• Certain hydraulic system
When the reservoir fluid in a hydraulic system has contaminations make it impractical to
been cleaned to the target cleanliness level, the clean and one needs to determine the
hydraulic system is ready for start-up. Initially, the benefits of using a caddy filter. For
system is operated at low speed and relief valves example, to clean oil that is heavily
are adjusted to the lowest possible pressure (see contaminated (to the level of ISO
the individual truck service procedures for specifics 24/23/20) makes no sense if the
of adjusting relief valves). In addition, individual condition of the additive package is
circuits are looped to isolate cylinders and sensitive already degraded. Therefore, before
valves during initial system start-up. Due to the conditioning fluid, check condition of
length of the auxiliary lines, the A and B port the additive package through oil
auxiliary hoses should be looped at the carriage end analysis.
to insure the full length gets flushed.
By activating the hydraulic pump to start pumping
oil slowly through the main valve the remaining Special care is needed when handling different
particles still in crevices, valves and fluid types of oil. Mixing oils of a different nature, such
conductors are brought back to the reservoir and as hydraulic oil and tractor hydraulic fluids, is not
the return filter. Once the cleanliness is assured, recommended.
the rest of the operating components on the
hydraulic system are progressively actuated with The additive concentrations and types are different.
loops eliminated. Progressively actuate each Tractor fluids have EP additives that are not fully
circuit, starting with the auxiliary circuit, tilt compatible with AW additives from hydraulic oils.
circuit, lift circuit, and lastly the steering circuit. Mixing oils brings changes of viscosity and the
To flush the individual cylinder circuits, they must possible loss of oil film strength. Oil additives tend
be operated stop-to-stop for at least five stroke to fight over polar surfaces, increasing production
cycles without load. of soft metals.

CONTAMINATED OIL COOLERS When using a filter caddy with different oils, it is a
recommended practice to have different sets of
In the case of major component failures, the metal hydraulic filters for use with different oil types. The
chips and debris collected in oil coolers make it filter caddy operator should switch to a different
impossible to clean them to a safe level. The cooler filter set matched to the oil type being filtered.
must be replaced. In contaminated units where a Store the alternate filters in properly identified
massive failure has NOT OCCURRED, the oil plastic bags that protect them from contamination.
coolers can be flushed, assuring a safe cleanliness
level. The filter caddy would be ideal for this fluid WATER REMOVAL FILTERS
conditioning task.
Some water removal filters are made of water
ADDITIONAL FILTER CADDY FUNCTIONS absorbent material. They can also act as particle
removal units, but their primary function is to
Filter caddying as described in the previous section, remove free water. Most oils have some level of
takes part in the final step of recuperating a water content, especially those containing calcium
hydraulic system after a major component failure. additives. Monitoring water content and having a
Filter caddies are useful for additional service water removal filter permanently installed is a
procedures: recommended practice. This keeps water content in
• Transferring and pre-filling new oil from the range considered acceptable.
storage when filling hydraulic reservoir.

Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures 1900 SRM 1620

Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures

The 1½ HP electric motor draws 12.6/6.3 amps at
WARNING 115/230 volts, 60 Hz at full load. Starting current is
Read the safety messages in the operating man- approximately 88/44 amps at 115/230 volts, 60 Hz.
ual of the filter caddy. Follow these warnings and A proper circuit breaker should be installed to
instructions carefully. Review them frequently. Be protect the motor and meet national and local
sure all operators of the filter caddy understand electric codes. Recommended size for an exten-
every safety message. Replace safety labels im- sion cable is 12-3 conductor with a maximum
mediately if missing or damaged. length of 25 feet.

The filter caddy is designed to remove particulate NOTE: Minimal repair service is generally re-
contamination in fluid powered systems. The filter quired on filter caddies. It is recommended that any
caddy is an oil filtering system that captures con- failed parts be replaced with new parts. See the
taminant particles using a high performance fil- unit manual for parts list.
ter(s). The filter caddy can also be equipped with an
optional water removal filter that can be used in NOTE: Below are summarized instructions for op-
place of one of the standard filters to remove free erating the filter caddy. See the filter caddy operat-
water. The filter caddy can also be used to transfer ing manual for full details.
fluid from an oil drum to the truck reservoir, or to NOTE: All safety procedures associated with the
condition the fluid (clean up fluid) already in the operation of electrical powered equipment must be
truck reservoir as part of a preventive maintenance observed.
1. On a new unit, prime the suction hose to insure
Filter Caddy operation the pump does not run dry. Pumps that are al-
lowed to run dry will not be covered by war-
The Mobile Filtration System is designed for the 2. Place the suction hose into the fluid to be fil-
transfer and filtering of hydraulic and lubrication tered or transferred. Place the discharge hose
oils only. It is not to be used for highly volatile flu- into the machinery reservoir or waste container
ids such as gasoline or paint thinners. Failure to depending on desired operation. Ensure that
follow this warning could lead to death or serious the wands are secured to avoid possible fluid
injury. loss.

3. Ensure selector switch is in OFF position.

CAUTION Check that the power source being utilized
Never start or run a dry pump. Allowing the pump complies with the requirements of the filtration
to run without fluid flowing through it will greatly cart motor before actual hook-up. To energize
reduce pump life. During fluid transfer operation it the unit, connect to appropriate electrical out-
is critical that the pump inlet stay submerged in let.
fluid. Failure to do so will cause galling, seizing or
destructive wear between the rotors, end plates 4. Switch on the Mobile Filtration System's motor.
and casting. Visually check that the fluid is actually being
pumped through the filter unit and out of the
outlet hose.
The maximum operating temperature for the filter
caddy is 65°C (150°F). Higher operating tempera-
tures could lead to hose damage.

1900 SRM 1620 Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures


Fluid Conditioning is used to eliminate contami-

nants such as particles and water as part of a pre-
ventive maintenance program. Fluid conditioning
can be accomplished using a filter caddy. It is usu-
ally done in response to a Fluid Analysis Report
that shows higher than normal contaminant parti-
cle counts or high water content and can be done as
long as the additives have not degraded. If the wa-
ter content is high, install a water removal filter on
the filter caddy. If the additives have degraded, the
system fluid needs to be drained and replaced with
new fluid. Fluid conditioning does not address sig-
nificant contamination that results from major A. CROSSED CONFIGURATION
component failures that have spread contamination B. OFFSET CONFIGURATION
throughout the system. See System Flushing Proce-
Figure 4. Filter Station Wand Configuration
dure below if there has been a major component
1. Run the reservoir cleaning process for the time
NOTE: Wand positioning is an important part of
outlined in Table 2. Different filter machines
maximizing the cleaning speed of the filter caddy.
have different flow rates, requiring different
In order to ensure the proper cleaning of the reser-
run times to achieve the required cleanliness. If
voir fluid, position the ends of both the inlet and
not utilizing one of the listed filter units, see
the outlet hose or tube as far apart as possible in-
the operating manual for the flow rate and fil-
side the reservoir.
ter Beta rating of your filter caddy to determine
1. Remove the filter housing cap, filter element, if the run time needs to be adjusted upward.
and element bowl to allow full access to the res- Reduced flow rates, lower filter Beta ratings,
ervoir interior. and fewer filters in series require longer flush-
ing times.
2. Position the filter wands inside the reservoir
per the following guideline: 2. After the run time has been completed, install
the filter element bowl, a new filter element,
• The best situation occurs when the reser-
and filter housing cap.
voir has a large but short opening. That
way the wands can be crossed and sepa- 3. The system is now ready to start.
rated to create turbulence throughout
the reservoir and filter the fluid faster. 4. Operate the individual hydraulic functions un-
When the reservoir opening is smaller til the system is up to operating temperature
and has a long or narrow opening, the (50°C (120°F)).
wands have to be offset at different
heights. See Figure 4. In this orientation, 5. Take an oil sample from designated test port
the flow and cleaning speed will be lower and send off for analysis.
than the widely separated tubes.
6. Return lift truck to service.
Filter Caddy Start-Up 7. Review oil analysis report to insure fluid has
been sufficiently cleaned. Repeat conditioning
After set up is complete, the filter caddy is now sequence if required.
ready for start-up and cleaning of the reservoir

Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures 1900 SRM 1620

SYSTEM FLUSHING PROCEDURE NOTE: It is an acceptable alternative to perform

Step 5 prior to Step 3.
System flushing is used to eliminate sludge, var-
3. Remove the filter housing cap, filter element,
nish, debris, contaminated or degraded fluid from
and element bowl to allow full access to the res-
conductor walls and other internal surfaces, and
ervoir interior.
system dead spots after a major component failure.
The use of mechanical cleaning after a major com-
ponent failure (pump or cylinder), must be incorpo- CAUTION
rated in the flushing strategy. This involves the use Dispose of fluids in accordance with local envi-
of a pneumatic gun and sponge projectiles to clean ronmental regulations.
tubes and hoses. It also involves disassembly of
other components for cleaning using brushes and 4. Utilize the filter caddy to pump fluid from the
clean solvents. reservoir to a storage container for disposal.

Mechanical cleaning is labor intensive but is the 5. Drain and remove all residual oil from reser-
most effective method for restoring the system to voir.
reliable operation in cases of major component fail-
ure. Reservoirs, hoses, tubes and cylinders 6. Remove and discard the suction strainer.
must be cleaned prior to filling the system 7. Remove and discard the reservoir breather.
with oil and flushing the system.
8. Clean the reservoir to ensure it is free of metal-
Before proceeding with the component cleaning lic debris and other containments.
procedure, drain all fluid from the system and then
proceed to clean the components as outlined below. 9. Clean all accumulated metallic particles from
Failure to do so may result in damage to the the magnetic plug and reinstall.
pump(s) or other components on start-up. On large
systems where it may be cost prohibitive to change 10. Install new reservoir breather.
the fluid, the fluid can be removed from the reser- 11. Install new suction strainer.
voir and pumped into a clean storage container
with the filter caddy. It can then be filtered to the 12. Cover the reservoir openings until ready to per-
target ISO cleanliness, then returned after the res- form flushing operation.
ervoir cleaning is complete (this assumes the fluid
is not already degraded). Cylinder Cleaning Procedure

Component Cleaning Procedure 1. Ensure absolute cleanliness in all work proce-

NOTE: The following steps outline the basic proce-
dures for cleaning a heavily contaminated system 2. Before loosening fittings and components, clean
after a major component failure. The technique or the external surfaces using industrial, residue
combination of techniques employed will depend on free wipes.
size and type of system, your reliability objectives
for the equipment and the reason for the flush. 3. Cover all connecting hose and cylinder openings
immediately with protective caps in order to
prevent dirt and debris from penetrating the
Reservoir Cleaning Procedure
1. Ensure absolute cleanliness in all work proce-
4. Disassemble the cylinder and wash all parts
with filtered petroleum based solvent to remove
2. Clean the top of the filter housing, cap, and sur- contamination particles. Pay particular atten-
rounding reservoir surface to avoid adding any tion to cleaning seal grooves, and gland nut and
additional contaminant to the hydraulic reser- port threads. See the Cylinder Repair manual
voir. for your specific lift truck.

1900 SRM 1620 Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures

5. Install new seal kits. See the Cylinder Repair 1. Closely inspect hoses and replace any that are
manual for your specific lift truck. suspect.

6. Fill the cylinder with filtered hydraulic fluid. 2. Disconnect each end of the hose and tube as-
This displaces the air and reduces the risk of sembly to be cleaned.
air compression inside the cylinder that can
cause dieseling during initial pressurization at 3. Place one end of the hose/tube assembly into
start-up. Dieseling will result in damage to the the catcher bucket.
cylinder and seals.
4. Install the appropriate sized nozzle on the
7. Plug all ports and reinstall in the truck. See the launcher and place the sponge projectile into
Cylinder Repair manual for your specific lift the launcher.
5. Place the projectile launcher at the opposite
end of the hose/tube assembly.
Hose and Tube Cleaning Procedure
6. Launch the sponge projectile through the hose/
tube assembly.
Compressed air can move particles so that they 7. The first projectile will remove the residual oil
cause injury to the user or to other personnel. from the hose/tube assembly.
Make sure that the path of the compressed air is
away from all personnel. Wear protective goggles 8. Launch additional sponge projectiles through
or a face shield to prevent injury to the eyes. the hose/tube assembly until all oil and contam-
inants are removed and the projectiles come out
clean. Generally, four to six projectiles should
CAUTION be enough. Wipe off the nozzle each time to
Disposal of contaminated sponge projectiles must eliminate potential contaminants.
meet local environmental regulations.
9. Check the catcher bucket each time to ensure
NOTE: A sponge projectile launcher cannot be use that the projectile has been discharged into the
to clean pump suction line hoses with spring wire bucket and has not been trapped inside the
inserts. These suction lines must be removed and hose/tube.
flushed with clean solvent.
10. Prior to launching the final projectile and re-
A handheld sponge projectile launcher can be used connecting the hose/tube assembly, wipe off
to quickly and efficiently remove contaminated oil each end of the assembly to remove any accu-
and contamination particles from hoses and tubes mulated oil or visible contaminants.
without removing them from the lift truck. The re-
quired air supply for the projectile launcher con- Valve Cleaning Procedure
sists of the following:
NOTE: This procedure is a general outline. The ex-
• 5.5 to 7.5 bar (80 to 110 psi) act procedure will depend on the valves in the sys-
• 1/2" ID air hose to ensure 55 SCFM (1.6 m3/ tem. More complex systems will require more
min) air flow valves to be cleaned.
• A 5 micron filter, pressure regulator, and 1. Ensure absolute cleanliness in all work proce-
pressure gage dures.
Dirty, moisture laden air will add contamination to NOTE: Make note of position and setting of valve
the hoses and tubes. prior to disassembly to help in resetting after flush-
ing is complete.
Consult the Ultra Clean Owner’s manual for de-
tailed recommendations for the required air pres-
sure and supply line size.

Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures 1900 SRM 1620

2. Primary Relief Valve: Disassemble the relief Next, the pump needs to be bled or the case filled
valve assembly, clean all parts, reassemble, and with filtered oil. Only then can the hydraulic sys-
leave setting at low pressure for initial flushing tem be put into operation. The most critical part of
operation. the start-up procedure is when the hydraulic pump
is turned for the first time.
3. Unloader and Spool Valve (if applicable) :
Remove and clean all parts. Some assemblies NOTE: Wand positioning is an important part of
may not contain these components. maximizing the cleaning speed of the filter caddy.
In order to ensure proper cleaning of the reservoir
NOTE: Make note of position and setting of valve
fluid, position the ends of both the inlet and the
prior to disassembly to help in resetting after flush-
outlet hose or tube as far apart as possible.
ing is complete.
1. Loop the steering, auxiliary, and tilt circuits to
4. Secondary Relief Valve: Disassemble the re-
exclude the cylinders during the initial flushing
lief valve assembly, clean all parts, reassemble,
operation. This will allow the fluid to flow
and leave setting at low pressure for initial
through continuously to clear the air from the
flushing operation.
system and keep from recontaminating the cyl-
5. Steering Priority Spool: Remove, clean all inders just cleaned. See Figure 5.
parts, ensure all orifices are clean and reinstall. • Steering lines should be looped at the
steer axle end.
6. Remove the screened fittings from the L (left)
and R (right) steering control unit ports and • Tilt lines should be looped at tilt cylinder
flush to remove any accumulated contamina- end.
tion particles. • Auxiliary lines should be looped at the
carriage end.
Front-End Attachment Cleaning Procedure
NOTE: The cleaning procedure below should also
be utilized when transferring a previously used at-
tachment to a new truck with a clean hydraulic sys-
tem to prevent contaminating the new system.

1. Ensure absolute cleanliness in all work proce-


2. Flush cylinders and refill with filtered oil. NOTE: THIS IMAGE IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT

Figure 5. Hydraulic Hose Looping

System Flushing Procedure

Once the hydraulic system has been overhauled 2. Clean the top of the filter housing, cap, and sur-
and all components cleaned and installed, the hy- rounding reservoir surface to avoid adding any
draulic reservoir needs to be refilled with filtered additional contaminants to the hydraulic reser-
oil. The filter caddy is then used to clean the reser- voir.
voir oil until a predetermined level of oil cleanliness
is achieved. This operation is not possible without a 3. Remove the filter housing cap, filter element,
filter caddy. The caddy insures that the reservoir and element basket to allow full access to the
and reservoir oil are clean before the pump is reservoir.

1900 SRM 1620 Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures

4. Fill the reservoir with filtered oil using the fil- System Start-Up and Flushing
ter caddy or a barrel pump to transfer oil from
the storage barrel. Once components are clean and the fluid in the res-
ervoir has been flushed clean the system is ready to
5. Position the filter station wands inside the res- start.
ervoir per the following guideline:
• The best situation occurs when the reser- 1. Install the filter element bowl, a new filter ele-
voir has a large but short opening. That ment, and filter housing cap.
way the wands can be crossed and sepa-
rated to create turbulence throughout 2. On pumps with a flooded inlet (pump inlet is
the reservoir and filter the fluid faster. below the reservoir fluid level) carefully loosen
When the reservoir opening is smaller the intake line to allow the trapped air to es-
and has a long or narrow opening, the cape. This ensures that the line is full of fluid
wands have to be offset at different so the pump will have immediate lubrication.
heights, see Figure 6. In this orientation,
3. On units fitted with variable displacement
the flow and cleaning speed will be
pumps with an external case drain line, fill the
slower than the widely separated tubes.
pump case with filtered hydraulic fluid through
the highest case drain port and reconnect the
case drain line. Failure to do so will result in
damage to the pump through inadequate lubri-
cation at start-up.

4. Confirm the reservoir is above the minimum


5. Ensure all hydraulic controls are in neutral so

there is no load on the system.

6. Start the system and run unloaded at lowest

possible speed.
• On lift trucks equipped with a fixed dis-
placement system, allow the system to
A. CROSSED CONFIGURATION run unloaded for 10 minutes to flush any
B. OFFSET CONFIGURATION remaining particles still in the main
valve circuit back to the filter. Inspect for
Figure 6. Filter Station Wand Configuration leaks and check reservoir level.

NOTE: Perform Step 7 on lift trucks equipped with

Filter Caddy Start-Up a variable displacement pump (VDP).

After setup is complete, the filter caddy is now

ready for start-up and cleaning of the reservoir
• Run the reservoir cleaning process for the
time outlined in Table 2. Different filter ma-
chines have different flow rates, requiring
different run times to achieve the required

Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures 1900 SRM 1620

7. Bleed the LS (load sensing) pilot line by care- speed setting to match auxiliary requirements.
fully loosening the pilot line fitting at the pump See the Capacities and Specifications Man-
to allow trapped air to escape. ual for your lift truck model.
• On lift trucks equipped with a VDP, the
12. Functionally test all circuits under load.
pump will not flow unless there is a de-
mand from the control levers. Fully ac- 13. Check reservoir fluid level, fill to correct level
tuate and hold the last auxiliary lever with filtered fluid.
(third or fourth lever). Allow the system
to run unloaded for ten minutes to flush 14. Take an oil sample from the designated test
any remaining particles still in the main port and send off for analysis.
valve circuit back to the filter. Inspect for
leaks and check reservoir level. 15. Return lift truck to service.

8. With the circuits still looped (cylinders not con- 16. After fifty hours of operation, take an oil sam-
nected), progressively operate each hydraulic ple from the designated test port and send off
function in the following order to flush out any for analysis to verify the system is operating at
remaining particles and majority of the air in the target cleanliness level.
each circuit. First at low speed (low pressure),
then at high speed (high flow). Reservoir Fluid Cleaning Times
• Auxiliary 3- Set auxiliary speed at ten
Cleaning times can be affected by various factors.
for highest flow rate on EH valves.
The reasons for this include:
• Auxiliary 4- Set auxiliary speed at ten
• The filter caddy is cavitating.
for highest flow rate on EH valves.
• The return wand is not submerged in fluid
• Tilt
and is generating air bubbles.
• Lift
• The filter tower has not been purged.
• Steering
• Too much fluid turbulence in reservoir.
9. Shut off system, remove circuit loops and con- • The oil is too cold.
nect cylinders. • The oil is heavily contaminated with water
10. With the cylinders now connected, operate the and particles.
individual hydraulic functions in the same se-
quence as above for at least five complete The following table has been developed to provide
stroke cycles each until all air is expelled and an estimate of the cleaning times required with the
all actuators operate smoothly. Stroke cylinders filter caddy.
slowly taking care not to develop high pressure
at the end of stroke which can cause dieseling. NOTE: See Hydraulic Cleanliness Service Gram for
further information on the filter caddies.
11. With system at operating temperature,
50°C (120°F), check and adjust all relief valve
settings to specification and set the auxiliary

1900 SRM 1620 Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures

Table 2. Reservoir Flushing Times

Reservoir Flushing Time - Minutes

Hydraulic Reservoir OF7 Hand Held Filter OFCD Portable Filter Target ISO Cleanliness
Capacity Caddy Caddy

15 liter/min (4 gal/min) 53 liter/min (14 gal/min)

Flow Capacity Flow Capacity

(See Figure 2) (See Figure 3)

Less than 42 liter (11 gal) 40 10 @ Start-Up after reservoir
42 to 80 liter (11 to 80 20 flush = ISO 18/15/12
21 gal)
@ Stabilization at 50
operating hours = ISO
20/17/14 10

DEALING WITH DIFFERENT FLUID TYPES 3. Replace existing particle filter with those of the
fluid in the machine (if the filter caddy has
HCE-102 Tractor Hydraulic Oil filters and ma-
WARNING chine uses HCE-140 Hydraulic Oil, then install
The filter caddy is designed for the transfer and filters used with HCE-140 oil).
filtering of hydraulic and lubrication oils only! It is
not to be used for highly volatile fluids such as 4. Run the filter caddy until the waste container
gasoline or paint thinners. Failure to follow this is filled with about four gallons of fluid.
warning may lead to death or serious injury.
5. Remove return wand from waste container,
wipe it clean, and insert into reservoir.
Cleaning Procedure After Switching Fluids 6. Position wands in the correct orientation and
(Cross Contamination Flushing) begin reservoir filtration until desired cleanli-
ness level has been achieved.
1. Prepare an empty waste oil container (five gal-
lon bucket), as well as a top-off container (five 7. Cycle machine hydraulic functions.
gallon container) for fluid removed from the hy-
draulic system. 8. Resume reservoir filtration.

2. Insert suction wand into reservoir and place re-

turn wand into the waste container.

Fluid Conditioning and System Flushing Procedures 1900 SRM 1620

Filter Caddy Maintenance Servicing the Strainer

See the filter caddy Operating Manual for de- Under normal operating conditions, the strainer
tailed instructions. should be removed from the line, cleaned and re-in-
stalled after every one hundred hours of operation.
No maintenance operations should be carried out The strainer should be cleaned more often however,
while the unit is running. Before starting any other if the fluid is heavily contaminated.
maintenance operations, ensure that the system is
shut down and disconnected from the electrical DC Motor
power source. System pressure can be contained in
the unit for some time after it has been disconnec- The motor should be inspected at regular intervals
ted. (every five hundred hours of operation or every
three months, whichever occurs first). Keep the mo-
tor clean and the ventilation openings clear.

Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure


Objective WARNING
The lift truck must be put on blocks for some
A. Document a structured oil sampling method
types of maintenance and repair.
for taking fluid samples from field vehicles.
B. Maximize Data Density in the sample. The surface must be solid, even, and level when
a. Determine level of wear particles. the lift truck is put on blocks. Make sure any
blocks used to support the lift truck are solid,
b. Understand status of additive dele- one-piece units.
c. Determine cleanliness and dryness of
When operating the lift truck with the hood open,
C. Establish physical and chemical properties of be aware of the hazard from the fan, pulleys and
oil, contamination, and mechanical wear. Oil belts. Failure to recognize these moving compo-
life and service intervals are determined by nents could lead to serious injury.
degradation due to oxidation and additive

1900 SRM 1620 Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure

5. Follow the described method for sampling in all

WARNING cases to avoid contamination of the sample.
At operating temperature, the hydraulic oil is HOT.
DO NOT permit the hot oil to touch the skin and 6. Minimize Data Variability.
cause a burn. • Consistent sampling process produces
uniform, consistent, and representative
Due to the extreme sensitivity to external contami- information.
nation of an oil sample, the utmost care and dili- • DO NOT allow contaminant to enter the
gence must be exercised while performing oil sam- sample from outside the oil.
pling. The measured cleanliness of a hydraulic fluid
sample depends on how and where (in the hy- • Use the same location for each sample.
draulic system) the sample is extracted. Follow the Not all sample locations will produce the
procedure carefully and consistently each time a same data.
sample is taken.
7. The recommended frequency for hydraulic fluid
samples is:
1. Refer to Hydraulic Cleanliness Service Gram
for kits specifically designated for Hydraulic Oil • Every 500 hours and just prior to all oil
Analysis. and filter changes. Once the effects of the
operating conditions have on the oil are
2. Use the same analysis laboratory for all similar understood, it may be possible to extend
fluid samples in order to maintain consistent the sampling frequency.
results for each sample program. There are dif- • High operating temperatures and severe
ferences in results from laboratory to labora- operating conditions shorten the life of
tory, no matter how reputable. oil. For machines operating in severe
3. Consistent use of the same laboratory will pro- duty applications with high hydraulic oil
vide a historical record of sample results. temperatures or operating in highly con-
Trending of these results provides the ability to taminated environments, we recommend
identify significant changes in oil condition. taking oil samples every 500 hours.
• Within one operational hour of major
4. Analysis Reports should include the following system service, then at 100 hours, and
information: every 500 hours thereafter.
• Spectrographic analysis - Wear Metals • Significant changes in the system fluid
• Viscosity condition reported by the analysis will
dictate a repeat sample to validate re-
• FT-IR spectroscopy - Additive condition,
sults prior to taking corrective actions.
oxidation, TAN, fluid mixing
• Particle counts per ISO 4406-1999 8. Document all hydraulic component failures or
• Water Content (% or PPM (parts per mil- hydraulic system service performed that might
lion)) have introduced contamination or new oil into
the system since the last oil sample was taken.

Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure 1900 SRM 1620

Synopsis • Molecular analysis of hydraulic

fluids by FT-IR spectroscopy pro-
1. Analysis Reports duces direct information on molec-
A. Spectrographic analysis ular species on interest, including
- is used to finely measure parts per mil- additives, fluid breakdown prod-
lion by weight (PPM) of various elements ucts and external contamination.
contained in sampled oil. The process The infrared spectrum of used oil
measures the concentration of wear met- is compared to a baseline spec-
als, contaminant metals and additive trum of new oil. Levels of oxida-
metals in a lubricant. tion, nitration and sulfate by-prod-
ucts are reported along with soot,
• It can identify the concentration of
water and glycol.
individual metal or alloy of a par-
ticle. Its size limit is about 8 mi- D. Particle Counts
crons or smaller, so it is blind to - Measures the size and quantity of parti-
the larger particles that can often cles in a lubricant. Use whenever Hyster
signal pending failure. provides recommended lubricant cleanli-
ness levels and for any system where oil
• Spectrographic limits are an in-
cleanliness is directly related to longer
strument limitation. The size limi-
lubricant life, decreased equipment wear
tation depends on the particle
or improved equipment performance.
types and instrumentation used.
• The analysis report will show the
• Spectrographic Analysis and Par-
actual number of particles by size
ticle Count Analysis form an effi-
category and by the ISO code per
cient partnership in identifying
ISO 4406-1999. The ISO code re-
the concentration of small and
ports 3 particle size categories: ≥ 4
large particles in the oil and the
microns / ≥ 6 microns / ≥ 14 mi-
total fluid contamination level.
B. Viscosity
• Use whenever Hyster provides rec-
- is the most important physical property
ommended lubricant cleanliness
of oil. Viscosity determination provides a
levels and for any system where
specific number to compare to the recom-
oil cleanliness is directly related to
mended oil in service. An abnormal vis-
longer lubricant life, decreased
cosity (± 15%) is usually indicative of a
equipment wear or improved
problem. Standard ISO VG 46 hydraulic
equipment performance.
oil should have a viscosity between 41
and 51. E. Water Content
- The Karl Fischer Test quantifies the
C. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR)
amount of water in lubricant.
- Measures the chemical composition of a • Results are reported as % water or
lubrcant. PPM (1% = 10,000 PPM).
• Every compound has a unique in- • Water seriously damages the lu-
frared signature. Using a FT-IR bricating properties of oil and pro-
Spectrometer, the key signature motes component corrosion, In-
points in a spectrum of a specific creased water concentrations indi-
lubricant are monitored. These cate possible condensation, coolant
signatures are usually common leaks, or leaks around the seals.
contaminants and degradation by-
products unique for a particular

1900 SRM 1620 Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure

2. All equipment or components of equipment re- the last two ISO particle counts need to be
quiring oil will vary in performance and wear monitored. As an example, 20/17/14 is stated as
rates from one application to another, depend- simply --/17/14. Unless otherwise stated in the
ing on the nature and extent of their use, their Periodic Maintenance Manual, target oil
exposure to adverse operating conditions, their cleanliness levels for field oil samples are ISO
age, how often the oil was changed, etc. Unless --/15/12 for initial fill oil, and ISO --/17/14 for oil
a sharp increase in an important element is de- in service.
tected, it is inadvisable to rely on a single test.
Repeated sampling on a regular schedule is re- As previously stated, the Particle Count test is
quired to establish trending which will enable used in partnership with the Spectrographic
the technician to identify significant changes in Analysis to monitor the total contamination lev-
the system. els in the oil. Trending the concentration of small
and large particles indicates the severity of sys-
3. It is important to know the target fluid cleanli- tem wear.
ness level specified for the system. Unless oth-
erwise stated, Hyster hydraulic systems have a Hydraulic Oil Analysis Report Guidelines
target cleanliness of ISO 20/17/14. See the Pe-
riodic Maintenance Manual for your specific Unless otherwise stated in the Periodic Mainte-
lift truck. nance Manual for your specific lift truck, see Ta-
ble 3 for the hydraulic oil cleanliness guidelines
4. Although the 3 code ISO system is used for all and Table 4 for the water content guidelines.
manufacturing cleanliness requirements, for
hydraulic oil samples taken in the field, only

Table 3. Hydraulic Oil Cleanliness Guidelines

Target Cleanliness for Maximum Particle

Oil Type Initial Fill Oil Hydraulic Oil in Counts for Oil in
Service Service
HCE-140, HCE-141, ISO --/15/12 ISO --/17/14 ISO --/18/15
HCE-102 ISO --/15/12 ISO --/17/14 ISO --/18/15

Table 4. Hydraulic Oil Water Content Guidelines

Water Content Status Recommended Action

≤ 0.05% (≤ 500 PPM) Normal None Required
> 0.05% to < 0.1% (>500 to <1000
Alert Use filter caddy to remove water.
Use filter caddy to remove water or
≥ 0.1% (≥ 1000 PPM) Immediate Action Required replace fluid. Determine and elimi-
nate source of water ingression.

Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure 1900 SRM 1620

Sampling Conditions B. Oil sampling directly from the reservoir

with a sampling pump is an alternative
1. All samples should be taken with the system at but results may be unreliable due to oil
normal operating temperature; the hydraulic flow stratification and inconsistent probe
fluid at 50°C (120°F) or greater. Operate all hy- location.
draulic functions repeatedly just prior to taking
a sample. 2. Utilize hydraulic sampling valve kit available
from NMHG Parts Distribution Center. It
2. The system must be running when taking a includes a connection line, fitting and a valve to
sample. open and close flow through the quick discon-
nect fittings.
3. Thoroughly flush sampling valves and sam-
pling devices. 3. Utilize hydraulic oil analysis kits available
from NMHG Parts Distribution Center.
4. Maintain sample bottles in a clean environ-
5. Sample at proper frequency.
Hydraulic Oil Sampling
6. Record operating hours on machine and oil
7. Record oil brand and type. Wear safety glasses when collecting oil samples.

8. Send samples immediately to laboratory. 1. Operate lift truck long enough to bring oil up to
operating temperature and evenly distribute
Equipment contaminants throughout the system. Operate
all hydraulic functions for a minimum of three
NOTE: Refer to Hydraulic Cleanliness Service cycles. Run the system at elevated speeds and
Gram for complete information regarding available steer lock to lock, lift to full height and lower
Hydraulic Cleanliness Service Kits. fully, tilt full forward and full back, and cycle
any attachment for at least one minute each.
1. A factory installed zero-leak quick-disconnect
Assure oil temperature in sump has reached at
fitting (Hyster P/N 2061646) is installed on the
least 50°C (120°F) prior to initiating the follow-
control valve of 1-8 ton capacity products at the
ing procedure.
recommended sampling location.
A. ICE Truck - run the engine at high idle
A. Sampling port conversion kits for other
units without factory installed sample
ports may be available from the NMHG B. Electric Truck - run the pump motor at
Parts Distribution Center. high lift speed.

1900 SRM 1620 Hydraulic Oil Sampling Method and Procedure

2. To avoid contaminating the sample: C. open the valve and flush the sampling
A. Clean your hands or wear clean nitrile line by following oil back into the sump
gloves. through the dipstick tube for at least one
B. Leave sample container closed until just
before you are ready to take sample. 4. To take the sample; open the sample bottle,
C. When cap is off bottle, hold bottle in your hold the nozzle over the sample bottle without
hand with opening facing down, and do touching the nozzle on the sample bottle
not set the cap or open bottle down on a and collect 50 to 100 ml (2 to 4 oz) of oil. Close
workbench, truck surface, or in your the valve and immediately seal the sample con-
pocket. tainer. Leave some head space in the bottle to
facilitate agitation at the analysis laboratory.
D. Do not touch sample bottle with sam-
pling line.
Sample Labeling
E. Try to sample in an enclosed area - doors
closed to reduce drafts that may carry Sample labels should include the following mini-
contaminants. Do not take a sample in mum information:
an area where someone is grinding, cut-
• Date and time of sample
ting, sweeping, or creating dust of any
kind. • System sampled, e.g. hydraulic system
F. Return fluid back into the system by run- • Equipment reference, e.g. truck serial num-
ning it into dipstick tube. Do not run ber
fluid into a waste pan when flushing the • Operating hours on machine and hours on oil
sample tube.
• Fluid manufacturer and type (example - Mo-
NOTE: Due to the design of manual control valve bile DTE 25)
on some trucks, the sample port flow at idle can be
quite low. It may be necessary to elevate engine Results Documentation
speeds in order to obtain a steady stream of oil. On
these units, run the engine at the minimum speed 1. Send samples immediately for analysis.
that provides a steady oil stream from the test port. 2. Send samples to the same laboratory for analy-
3. When taking oil sample: sis to maintain consistent results for trending
A. ICE Truck
- run engine at idle. 3. Laboratory analysis reports should be retained
B. Electric Truck in the Analysis Laboratories on-line database
- run pump motor at tilt speed. and vehicle service log for future reference.





1900 SRM 1620 9/15 (3/15)(6/15)(12/14)(4/13)

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