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U ESWARAIAH Program - Book - Semester-Term - Internship - As - On - 18-10-2022-1

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Government Degree college Rajampet


2 months August october

Government Degree college


Yogi vemana University

An Internship Report on
(Title of the Semester Internship Program)

Submitted in accordance with the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of commerce(CA)

Under the Faculty Guideship of

M.Manoj Kumar
Departmentof COMMERCE

(Name of the Faculty Guide)

Department of COMMERCE


(Name of the College)

Submitted by:

(Name of the Student)

Reg.No: 204030066055
Department of commerce


(Name of the College)

Instructions to Students

Please read the detailed Guidelines on Internship hosted on the website of AP State
Council of Higher Education https://apsche.ap.gov.in

1. It is mandatory for all the students to complete Semester internship either in V

Semester or in VI Semester.
2. Every student should identify the organization for internship in consultation
with the College Principal/the authorized person nominated by the Principal.
3. Report to the intern organization as per the schedule given by the College. You
must make your own arrangements for transportation to reach the
4. You should maintain punctuality in attending the internship. Daily attendance
is compulsory.
5. You are expected to learn about the organization, policies, procedures, and
processes by interacting with the people working in the organization and by
consulting the supervisor attached to the interns.
6. While you are attending the internship, follow the rules and regulations of the
intern organization.
7. While in the intern organization, always wear your College Identity Card.
8. If your College has a prescribed dress as uniform, wear the uniform daily, as
you attend to your assigned duties.
9. You will be assigned a Faculty Guide from your College. He/She will be
creating a WhatsApp group with your fellow interns. Post your daily activity
done and/or any difficulty you encounter during the internship.
10. Identify five or more learning objectives in consultation with your Faculty
Guide. These learning objectives can address:
a. Data and Information you are expected to collect about the
organization and/or industry.
b. Job Skills you are expected to acquire.
c. Development of professional competencies that lead to future career
11. Practice professional communication skills with team members, co-interns,
and your supervisor. This includes expressing thoughts and ideas effectively
through oral, written, and non-verbal communication, and utilizing listening
12. Be aware of the communication culture in your work environment. Follow up
and communicate regularly with your supervisor to provide updates on your
progress with work assignments.

Page No
13. Never be hesitant to ask questions to make sure you fully understand what
you need to do your work and to contribute to the organization.
14. Be regular in filling up your Program Book. It shall be filled up in your own
handwriting. Add additional sheets wherever necessary.
15. At the end of internship, you shall be evaluated by your Supervisor of the
intern organization.
16. There shall also be evaluation at the end of the internship by the Faculty
Guide and the Principal.
17. Do not meddle with the instruments/equipment you work with.
18. Ensure that you do not cause any disturbance to the regular activities of the
intern organization.
19. Be cordial but not too intimate with the employees of the intern organization
and your fellow interns.
20. You should understand that during the internship programme, you are the
ambassador of your College, and your behavior during the internship
programme is of utmost importance.
21. If you are involved in any discipline related issues, you will be withdrawn
from the internship programme immediately and disciplinary action shall be
22. Do not forget to keep up your family pride and prestige of your College.


Page No
Student’s Declaration
I, U ESWARAIAH a student of Internship
Program, Reg. No. 204030066055 of the Department of commerce
College do hereby declare that I have completed the mandatory internship
from AUGUST to OCTOBER in Government Degree college
Rajampet (Name of the intern organization) under the Faculty
Guideship of
M.Manoj Kumar (Name of the Faculty Guide), Department of
commerce ,Government Degree college Rajampet
(Name of the College)

(Signature and Date)

Page No
Official Certification
This is to certify that U ESWARAIAH (Name of
the student) Reg. No.204030066055 has completed his/her Internship in
Government Degree college Rajampet (Nameof the Intern
Organization) on
Salesforce(Developer) (Title of the Internship) under my
supervision as a part of partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Degree of Bachelor of commerce in the Department of
Commerce, Govt.Degree college Rajampeta
(Name of the College).

This is accepted for evaluation.

(Signatory with Date and Seal)


Faculty Guide

Head of the Department


Page No
Certificate from Intern Organization

This is to certify that Government Degree college Rajampeta (Name of the

Reg. No 204030066055 ofGovernment Degree college Rajampeta
(Name of the college)
underwent internship in Government Degree college Rajampeta (Name of
theIntern Organization) fromAugust to October

The overall performance of the intern during his/her internship is found to be

_ (Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory).

Authorized Signatory with Date and Seal

Page No

Firstly, I would like to express my indebtedness appreciation to my

Internship Mentor Udhay kumar sir. His constant guidance and advice
played a vital role in making the execution of the report. He always gave
me his suggestions that were crucial in making this report as flawless as
At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my
principal DR.Purushottham sir for giving me the strength and the
composure to complete my internship courses and prepare this report
within the scheduled time.
During the period of my internship work, I have received generous help
from my internship co-ordinator M.Manoj kumar sir, which I like to put
on record here with deep gratitude and great pleasure.
Finally I would like to express my deep gratitude towards my friends and
family for their wonderful support in carrying out this work successfully

Page No
Developer Trailmix
This Trailmix is setup as part of Salesforce Supported Virtual Internship
Program by SmartBridge
Salesforce: Quick look
Learn how Salesforce helps your business build stronger relationships with your
 Trailhead:quick look
 Learn what Trailhead is and how to use it to gain new skills
 Trailblazer:community look
 Connect with other Trailblazers by exploring the Trailblazer
 Salesforce credentials:Quick look
 Learn about the resume-worthy Salesforce Credentials on Trailhead
 Set up:Quick look
 Find your way around Setup and use the Object Manager to create
and edit objects.
 Trailhead navigation :Quick look
 Discover the best way to navigate Trailhead mobile and desktop
 Quck start :lightening App builder
 Build an app for sales reps in the field. No code required.
 Quick start:Build a salesforce App
 Create a simple app to track visits to your local park.
 Trailhead playground management
Create hands-on orgs, practice your Salesforce skills, and complete
Trailhead challenges.
 Formulas and validations
Tailor your apps without writing code by using point-and-click logic.
Approve records with Approval process
Ensure that critical records are reviewed by the right people at the right time.
 Leads and opportunities for lightening experience
Learn to power your sales process with leads and opportunities in
 Apex triggers
 Write Apex triggers to perform custom database actions.
 Apex Testing
 Write robust code by executing Apex unit tests.
 Asynchronous Apex
 Write more efficient Apex code with asynchronous processing.
 Apex Integration service
Integrate with external apps using Apex REST and SOAP services.
 Apex specialist superbadge
Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the
 Process automation specialist superbadge
 Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Process Automation
Specialist Superbadge.
 Developer Superset
 Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Developer Super Set


The internship report shall have a brief executive summary. It shall include five or
more Learning Objectives and Outcomes achieved, a brief description of the sector of
business and intern organization and summary of all the activities done by the intern
during the period.


Suggestive contents

A. Introduction of the Organization

B. Vision, Mission, and Values of the Organization
C. Policy of the Organization, in relation to the intern role
D. Organizational Structure
E. Roles and responsibilities of the employees in which the intern is placed.
F. Performance of the Organization in terms of turnover, profits, market
reach and market value.
G. Future Plans of the Organization.


Description of the Activities/Responsibilities in the Intern Organization during Internship,

which shall include - details of working conditions, weekly work schedule, equipment used,
and tasks performed. This part could end by reflecting on what kind of skills the intern


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Enroll for the program Login process.

And it is a good
Day – 1 Click on - experience for
https://smartinternz.com/sfvi me.Beacuse I
p-apsche understand the rules
and procedure of a
After successful registration.I I check my G mail
am waiting for mail from many times.it increase
Day - 2 salesforce virtual internship my enthusiasm.

I received a mail from I create my own

smartinternz. And I login with password.abd I know
Day – 3 with my Username and the importance of
password. password
nowdays.because of
security purpose.
Join Telegram. I.posted my queries in
the telegram regarding
Day – 4 Click on - internship program.i
https://telegram.me/+O4_m1v saw various doubts
jrrSRkMDM9 and join the from many students
telegram group to get all
updated from our team related
the virtual internship program.
Create Trailhead Account. It is skill up for up for
URL: the future .it helps to
Day – 5 https://trailhead.salesforce.co learn new skills from
m anywhere
Click on Sign Up and login
through your Google account.

Complete my profile by I learn How to create a
filling the given options. Our own profile.
Day –6
 First name
 Last name
 profile URL
 Public profile

WEEK – 1 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

Enroll for the program

Click on - https://smartinternz.com/sfvip-apsche
After successful registration.I am waiting for mail from salesforce virtual
internship program.
I received a mail from smartinternz. And I login with with my Username and
Join Telegram.

Click on - https://telegram.me/+O4_m1vjrrSRkMDM9 and join the telegram

group to get all updated from our team related the virtial internship
Create Trailhead Account.
URL: https://trailhead.salesforce.com
Click on Sign Up and login through your Google account .
Complete my profile by filling the given options.
 First name
 Last name
 profile URL
 Public profile


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Login to your Smartinternz I learn the rules and

Platform regulations of
Day – 1 smartinternz
open the Successfully Enrolled Platform for login
Mail which was sent to our process.
registered mail id during the
enrollment in step 1.
Step 5 : • Enter our login In a login process the
credentials which you have smartinternz provides a
Day - 2 received in your respective temporary password to
mail • Check the I’m not a our e-mail.so that we
robot • Then click on login can create
Our own password for
to log into
platform.or we click
on forgot password
after that
smartinternz send a
password to our
After login it direct to the I learn how the
dashboard user interface looks
Day – 3
once we log into
Step 6: Now click on the I know the
Externship from the left panel
Day – 4 options
difference of
Then after click on the salesforce
Access Resources of the Developer and
“Salesforce virtual Salesforce
internship administrator Administrator
/developer ” which you
have chosen as your track.
Step 7: Click on courses I know the
and click on Add Trailhead importance of URL
Day – 5
Profile URL button to add because the entire
your trailblazer profile url modules perfomed
which you have copied in by us was saved in
earlier as shown below our URL profile.
NOTE:You need to
copy the URL and
paste it in your
Start Learning Please click on I have enrolled for
the link to your respective Developer, so I
Day –6 track and start completing the learn the below
course. If you have enrolled
forDeveloper, Please use the
trailmix Developer:
below trailmix. https://trailhead.sa

WEEK – 2 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

Login to your Smartinternz Platform

open the Successfully Enrolled Mail which was sent to our registered mail id
during the enrollment in step 1.
Then Step 5 : • Enter our login credentials which you have received in your
respective mail • Check the I’m not a robot •click on login
After login it direct to the dashboard
Step 6: Now click on the Externship from the left panel options
Then after click on the Access Resources of the “Salesforce virtual
internship administrator /developer ” which you have chosen as
your track.
Step 7: Click on courses and click on Add Trailhead Profile URL
button to add your trailblazer profile url which you have copied in
earlier as shown below
Start Learning Please click on the link to your respective track and start
completing the course. If you have enrolled for Developer Please use the
below trailmix.


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

In Chrome we search for

Trailheadsalesforce.com.click on How to
Day – 1 Trailhead fun way to learn
Then it shows SIGNUP AND
Signup or
LOGIN OPTION.After click Login in
Then it asks for How do you Trailhead
want to signuplike:
I prefer with google.after click
on google it asks for Username
and password.we enter same
username and password that
we create on trailhead account.
Search for Developer I see the various
Day - 2
trailmix in Trailhead and modules in the
follow it . Developer
The click on Developer Trailmix.and I see
trailmix.there we can see the points to each
the modules that we modules.
Module 1: Learn how
Day – 3 Salesforce :Quick look Salesforce helps
 Learn about your business
salesforce and build stronger
relationships with
our values
our customers.
 Quiz question
and answers
Module2:  Learn what
Day – 4
Trailhead:quick look Trailhead is
 Get familiar with and how to
trailhead use it to gain
Quiz Question and new skills
Module3: Connect with
Day – 5
Trailblazer community other
:Quick Look
Trailblazers by
 Explore the
exploring the
community Trailblazer
Quiz question and Community

Module 4: Learn about the

Salesforce resume-worthy
Day –6
credentials:Quick look Salesforce Credentials
Get familiar with salesforce on Trailhead
credentialson trailhead
Quiz question and answers

WEEK – 3 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:
In Chrome we search for Trailheadsalesforce.com.click on Trailhead fun way to
Then it shows SIGNUP AND LOGIN OPTION.After click signup
Then it asks for How do you want to signuplike:
I prefer with google.after click on google it asks for Username and
password.we enter same username and password that we create on
trailhead account.
Search for Developer trailmix in Trailhead and follow it .
The click on Developer trailmix.there we can see the modules
that we perform.
Module 1:
Salesforce :Quick look
 Learn about salesforce and our values
 Quiz question and answers
Trailhead:quick look
 Get familiar with trailhead
Quiz Question and Answers
Trailblazer community :Quick Look
 Explore the Trailblazer community
Quiz question and Answers

Module 4:
Salesforce credentials:Quick look
Get familiar with salesforce credentialson trailhead
Quiz question and answers
In Developer trailmix we earn 33400 points.
For each module contains 100 poimts and 500 points or more
In QUIZ: For first chance we get 100 points
For second chance we get 50 points
For three or more chances we get 25 points
IF the module for 500 points
In QUIZ : For first chance we get 500 points
For two or more chances we get 250 points


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

MODULE 5: Find our way

Day – 1
Set up :Quick look around Setup and
 Learn to use setup use the Object
and the object Manager to create
manager and edit objects.
Quiz question and
Module 6: Discover the
Day - 2
Trailhead navigation best way to
:Quick look
 Learn to navigate
Trailhead mobile
Quiz question and and desktop.
Module 7: Lightning App Builder lets
developers and business
Day – 3
Quick start:lightning app users build beautiful
builder custom user interfaces that
are designed to work
 Create your first
perfectly on your desktop
page and mobile devices, all
without writing a single line
 It includes verify
of code. In this Quick Start,
step. you'll build a geolocation
 The process of app for sales reps in the
field using the Lightning
create your first App Builder. You'll use a
page. pre-built Lightning
Component and the drag-
1. If you haven’t already, log in and-drop interface of
Lightning App Builder to
to Trailhead, then launch
create this app.
your Trailhead Playground
by clicking Launch at the
bottom of this page. This
opens your Trailhead
Playground in a new tab.

 If you're not already on the

Setup home page, click

and select Setup to launch
Setup in a new tab
 Enter Lightning App Builder in
Quick Find and
select Lightning App
 Under Lightning Pages,
click New.
 Select App Page then
click Next.
 In the Label field, type Field
Sales App and click Next.
 In Create a New Lightning
Page, select Two Regions.
 Click Finish.

Now that we have a page, you can

add components. For your first
component, drag a Filter List
component onto the page.

1. In the Desktop drop-down

list, click Tablet - Portrait.
The canvas's preview layout
changes from the standard
single column to two
2. From the Standard
Components menu on the
left, drag the List View to
the left column.
3. Set the properties of this
component using the
Properties list in the right
o In the Object drop-
down list,
select Account.
o In the Filter drop-
down list, select My

 In the Number of Records to

Display field, enter 7
 Click Save and then click Not
Yet in the popup window. We
will activate this page in a later
 After completion of this steps
we click on verify step. If we
done correct process we get
100 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the


Day – 4 Components ADD MORE
Add Components to COMPONENT
the Page S TO OUR
WE'll add a Recent PAGE
Items component,
which you configure
to display recent
opportunities and

1. From the Standard

Components menu on the
left, drag the Recent
Items component to the
right column.
2. In the property inspector on
the right, type Opportunities
& Leads for the label.
3. Click Select under Objects,
and highlight API Anomaly
Event Store from the
Selected column on the
right to the Available
column on the left. Click the
left arrow to remove
4. Click Opportunity from
Available and click the right
arrow to add to Selected.
Repeat this for Lead object

5.click OK.

6.Click Save

Add Quick Actions Quick actions

allow users to
Day – 5 and Activate the
quickly create and
App modify records.
Add Quick Actions
After we add the
and Configure the
actions, we
activate the
Lightning Page as
1. In the right sidebar, an app, which
click Page to configure the
app properties. makes it available
2. At the bottom, to mobile users.
click Select under Actions.
3. Click Log a Call and use the
right arrow to add the quick
action to the Selected list.
Repeat for New Case, New
Lead, and New Task.
4. Click OK to add the actions to
your Lightning Page, and then
click Save.

The Actions property at the bottom

of the inspector now shows the
actions that you added.

Activate the app, which

automatically creates tabs and
adds them to the Salesforce mobile
app navigation.

1. Click Activation....
2. On the Page Settings tab,
type Field Sales App for the
App Name. It should already
be defaulted in for you. Leave
all other defaults as is.
3. On the Mobile Navigation tab,
click the Add page to
app button and then drag
the Field Sales App icon and
place it below the Today icon.
4. Click Save to activate.

Check Out our New

We can see message
like this.

Congratulations, you just built a

basic single-page Lightning App.
Let's check it out and see how it

1. Click Back in the upper

left to exit the Lightning App

2. Click and type Field

Sales into the text box.
Click Field Sales App.

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 100 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error.

Module 8: Create a
Quick start: Build a
Day –6 salesforce app simple app to
It includes: track visits to
 Create the trailblazer
app your local park
 Try out the app
 Add a quick action

WEEK – 4 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

Set up :Quick look
 Learn to use setup and the object manager
Quiz question and Answers
Module 6:
Trailhead navigation :Quick look
 Learn to navigate trailhead
Quiz question and answers.
Module 7:
Quick start:lightning app builder
 Create your first page
 It includes verify step.
 The process of create your first page.

2. If you haven’t already, log in to Trailhead, then launch your Trailhead

Playground by clicking Launch at the bottom of this page. This opens your
Trailhead Playground in a new tab.

 If you're not already on the Setup home page, click and select Setup to launch
Setup in a new tab
 Enter Lightning App Builder in Quick Find and select Lightning App Builder.
 Under Lightning Pages, click New.
 Select App Page then click Next.
 In the Label field, type Field Sales App and click Next.
 In Create a New Lightning Page, select Two Regions.
 Click Finish.

Now that we have a page, you can add components. For your first component, drag a
Filter List component onto the page.

4. In the Desktop drop-down list, click Tablet - Portrait. The canvas's preview
layout changes from the standard single column to two columns.
5. From the Standard Components menu on the left, drag the List View to the

left column.
6. Set the properties of this component using the Properties list in the right
o In the Object drop-down list, select Account.
o In the Filter drop-down list, select My Accounts.

 In the Number of Records to Display field, enter 7

 Click Save and then click Not Yet in the popup window. We will activate this page in a
later step.
 After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we done correct process we
get 100 points otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error.

Add More Components

Add Components to the Page
WE'll add a Recent Items component, which you configure to
display recent opportunities and leads.

5. From the Standard Components menu on the left, drag the Recent
Items component to the right column.
6. In the property inspector on the right, type Opportunities & Leads for the label.
7. Click Select under Objects, and highlight API Anomaly Event Store from the
Selected column on the right to the Available column on the left. Click the left
arrow to remove
8. Click Opportunity from Available and click the right arrow to add to Selected.
Repeat this for Lead object

5.click OK.

6.Click Save

Add Quick Actions and Activate the App

Add Quick Actions and Configure the Page

5. In the right sidebar, click Page to configure the app properties.

6. At the bottom, click Select under Actions.
7. Click Log a Call and use the right arrow to add the quick action to the Selected list.
Repeat for New Case, New Lead, and New Task.
8. Click OK to add the actions to your Lightning Page, and then click Save.

The Actions property at the bottom of the inspector now shows the actions that you

Activate the app, which automatically creates tabs and adds them to the Salesforce
mobile app navigation.

5. Click Activation....
6. On the Page Settings tab, type Field Sales App for the App Name. It should already
be defaulted in for you. Leave all other defaults as is.
7. On the Mobile Navigation tab, click the Add page to app button and then drag
the Field Sales App icon and place it below the Today icon.
8. Click Save to activate.

Check Out our New App.

We can see message like this.

Congratulations, you just built a basic single-page Lightning App. Let's check it out
and see how it looks.

3. Click Back in the upper left to exit the Lightning App Builder.

4. Click and type Field Sales into the text box. Click Field Sales App.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the error.
Module 8:
Quick start: Build a salesforce app
It includes:
 Create the trailblazer app
 Try out the app
 Add a quick action


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Create the
Day – 1 Trailblazer App
1. Click the setup gear
and select Setup. This
launches Setup in a new tab.
2. Click the Object
Manager tab next to Home.
3. Click Create and
select Custom Object.
4. Define the new custom
object as follows:
o Label: Waypoint
o Plural Label: Waypoints
o Object Name: Waypoint
5. Under Optional Features,
select Allow
Reports and Allow
6. Click Save.
7. In Setup, click Home.
8. Enter Tabs in Quick Find and
select Tabs.
9. Under Custom Object Tabs,
click New.
10. Create a new tab as follows:
o Object: Waypoint
o Tab Style: select any
11. Leave all defaults as is.
Click Next, Next, and Save.
12. In Setup, click Home.
13. Enter App Manager in Quick
Find and select App
14. Click New Lightning App.
15. Define the new Lightning
app as follows:
o App
Name: Trailblazer
o Developer
Name: Trailblazer
16. Click Next.
17. On the App Options screen,
leave the defaults as is and
click Next.
18. On the Utility Items screen,
leave the defaults as is and
click Next.
19. On the Navigation Items
screen, select Home,
Chatter, Waypoints,
and Dashboards and move
them to the Selected Items
box. Then click Next.
20. On the Assign to User
Profiles screen,
select System
Administrator and move it
to Selected Profiles. Then
click Save & Finish.

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 100 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error.

Try Out the App
Day - 2 Steps:
1. Click the App

Launcher and
select Trailblazer.
2. Click the Waypoints tab.
3. Click New to create a new
4. Call it Half Dome and
click Save & New.
5. Create another waypoint
called Glacier Point and
click Save & New.
6. Create one more called El
Capitan and click Save

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 100 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error.

Add a Quick Action

Day – 3 Steps:
1. Click the setup gear
and select Setup.
2. Enter Global Actions in the
Quick Find and
select Global Actions.
3. Click New Action.
4. Leave the Action Type
as Create a Record. In the
Target Object field,

choose Waypoint.
5. In the Label field,
enter Waypoint. This
automatically populates the
Name field
with Waypoint as well.
6. Click Save.
7. In the next Action Layout
screen, leave Waypoint
Name as the only field in
the layout. Click Save.

Now we need to add that Quick

Action to the Publisher. The Publisher
Layout determines which Quick
Actions you see in the Action bar.

1. In Setup, click Home.

2. Enter Publisher Layouts in the
Quick Find and
select Publisher Layouts.
3. Next to Global Layout,
click Edit.
4. Salesforce puts several
Quick Actions in the
Publisher by default. Let’s
start by removing a few that
you might not need.
Remove File by clicking it in
the Global Publisher and
dragging it up to the Global
Layout area.

1. Similarly, remove New

Case and New Lead (if
2. Now add
your Waypoint action by
dragging it from the Global
Layout and dropping it into
the Global Publisher below.

1. Click Save in the Global


After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 100 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error.

Module 9:

Day – 4
 It include verify
 Create a
 Get Your
Username and
 Install Apps and
Packages in
Your Trailhead

 Create a
Day – 5 Trailhead
To create a new
Playground, click the
name of your org
and click Create
Playground. Give
your playground a
name, click Create,
and that’s it! Now
you have an org that
you can use to
complete hands-on
challenges and
projects, and test
new features and
code. In every hands-
on challenge and
project step
verification, we'll see
the name of a
hands-on org and a
Launch button.
chooses your most
recently used org or,
if we've tried the
challenge before, the
org we last used for
that particular
challenge. If we've
never used a hands-
on org before,
Trailhead defaults to
our most recently
created playground.
we can always select
the org we want to
work in by clicking
the name of our org
and choosing a
different one from
the list.
Get Your Trailhead
Day –6 Playground
Username and
If our playground has the
Playground Starter app, follow

these steps to reset our password.

Click the Get Your

Credentials tab
1. Click Reset My Password.
This sends an email to the
address associated with
your username.
2. Click the link in the email.

Enter a new password, confirm it,

and click Change Password.

If our Playground
Doesn’t Have the
Playground Starter

If our playground doesn’t have the

Playground Starter app, we can
find our Trailhead Playground
username and reset our password
in Setup.

1. Launch our Trailhead

Playground by
clicking Launch from any
hands-on challenge.

2. Click and select Setup.

3. Enter Users in Quick Find and
select Users.
4. Locate our name on the list
of users. Check the box next
to your name. Take note of
the username. This is the
username for our Trailhead
5. Click Reset
Password(s) and OK. This
sends an email to the email
address associated with our
username. Be sure to check
our spam folder if we don't
see the email.

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 100 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error.

WEEK – 5 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

Create the Trailblazer App

21. Click the setup gear and select Setup. This launches Setup in a new tab.
22. Click the Object Manager tab next to Home.
23. Click Create and select Custom Object.
24. Define the new custom object as follows:
o Label: Waypoint
o Plural Label: Waypoints
o Object Name: Waypoint
25. Under Optional Features, select Allow Reports and Allow Activities.
26. Click Save.
27. In Setup, click Home.
28. Enter Tabs in Quick Find and select Tabs.
29. Under Custom Object Tabs, click New.
30. Create a new tab as follows:
o Object: Waypoint
o Tab Style: select any icon
31. Leave all defaults as is. Click Next, Next, and Save.
32. In Setup, click Home.
33. Enter App Manager in Quick Find and select App Manager.
34. Click New Lightning App.
35. Define the new Lightning app as follows:
o App Name: Trailblazer
o Developer Name: Trailblazer
36. Click Next.
37. On the App Options screen, leave the defaults as is and click Next.
38. On the Utility Items screen, leave the defaults as is and click Next.
39. On the Navigation Items screen, select Home, Chatter, Waypoints, Reports,
and Dashboards and move them to the Selected Items box. Then click Next.
40. On the Assign to User Profiles screen, select System Administrator and move
it to Selected Profiles. Then click Save & Finish.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows

error until we we rectify the error.

Try Out the App


7. Click the App Launcher and select Trailblazer.

8. Click the Waypoints tab.
9. Click New to create a new waypoint.
10. Call it Half Dome and click Save & New.
11. Create another waypoint called Glacier Point and click Save & New.
12. Create one more called El Capitan and click Save

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the error.

Add a Quick Action

8. Click the setup gear and select Setup.
9. Enter Global Actions in the Quick Find and select Global Actions.
10. Click New Action.
11. Leave the Action Type as Create a Record. In the Target Object field,
choose Waypoint.
12. In the Label field, enter Waypoint. This automatically populates the Name field
with Waypoint as well.
13. Click Save.
14. In the next Action Layout screen, leave Waypoint Name as the only field in
the layout. Click Save.

Now we need to add that Quick Action to the Publisher. The Publisher Layout determines
which Quick Actions you see in the Action bar.

5. In Setup, click Home.

6. Enter Publisher Layouts in the Quick Find and select Publisher Layouts.
7. Next to Global Layout, click Edit.
8. Salesforce puts several Quick Actions in the Publisher by default. Let’s start by
removing a few that you might not need. Remove File by clicking it in the

Global Publisher and dragging it up to the Global Layout area.

3. Similarly, remove New Case and New Lead (if present).

4. Now add your Waypoint action by dragging it from the Global Layout and
dropping it into the Global Publisher below.

2. Click Save in the Global Layout.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the error.

Module 9:

Trailhead Playground Management

 It include verify steps
 Create a Trailhead Playground
 Get Your Trailhead Playground Username and
 Install Apps and Packages in Your Trailhead

 Create a Trailhead Playground

To create a new Trailhead Playground, click the
name of your org and click Create Playground.
Give your playground a name, click Create, and
that’s it! Now you have an org that you can use to
complete hands-on challenges and projects, and
test new features and code. In every hands-on
challenge and project step verification, we'll see the
name of a hands-on org and a Launch button.
Trailhead automatically chooses your most recently
used org or, if we've tried the challenge before, the
org we last used for that particular challenge. If
we've never used a hands-on org before, Trailhead
defaults to our most recently created playground.
we can always select the org we want to work in by
clicking the name of our org and choosing a
different one from the list.
Get Your Trailhead Playground Username and
If our playground has the Playground Starter app, follow these steps to reset our

Click the Get Your Login Credentials tab

3. Click Reset My Password. This sends an email to the address associated with
your username.
4. Click the link in the email.

Enter a new password, confirm it, and click Change Password.

If our Playground Doesn’t Have the Playground Starter App

If our playground doesn’t have the Playground Starter app, we can find our Trailhead
Playground username and reset our password in Setup.

6. Launch our Trailhead Playground by clicking Launch from any hands-on


7. Click and select Setup.

8. Enter Users in Quick Find and select Users.
9. Locate our name on the list of users. Check the box next to your name. Take
note of the username. This is the username for our Trailhead Playground.
10. Click Reset Password(s) and OK. This sends an email to the email address
associated with our username. Be sure to check our spam folder if we don't see

the email.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the error.


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

 Install Apps and

Day – 1 Packages in
Your Trailhead
Steps to follow:
1. Find the package ID starting
with 04t and copy it to your
2. Click the Install a
Package tab.
3. Paste the package ID into
the field.
4. Click Install

Select Install for Admins Only, then

click Install

1. If you see a pop-up asking

you to approve third-party
access, select Yes, grant
access to these third-party
websites and
click Continue.

When our package or app is

finished installing, we see a
confirmation page and get an
email to the address associated
with our playground.

After completion of this

steps we click on verify

step. If we done correct
process we get 100 points
otherwise it shows error
until we we rectify the
Module 10:
Day - 2 Formulas and
It contains verify
 Use formula
 Implement roll
up summary
Create validation
 Use Formula
Day – 3 Fields
Steps to follow:
We can create custom formula fields
on any standard or custom object. To
start, we’ll create a formula on the
Opportunity object. Follow these steps
to navigate to the formula editor.

1. From Setup, open the Object

Manager and
click Opportunity.
2. In the left sidebar, click Fields
& Relationships.
3. Click New.
4. Select Formula and
click Next.
5. In Field Label, type My
Formula Field. Notice
that Field Name populates
6. Select the type of data you
expect your formula to return.
For example, if you want to
write a formula that calculates
the commission a salesperson
receives on a sale, you select
Currency. For now, pick Text.
7. Click Next. You’ve arrived at
the formula editor! Time for
our tour.

Display an Account
Field on the Contact
Detail Page

1. First create a Contact. If you’ve

never created a Contact
before, click the App

Launcher and
select Contacts. Then go to
the Contacts tab and
click New. Enter any value for
Last Name. For Account Name,
enter an existing account such
as United Oil & Gas Corp.
Click Save. Next we create a
formula to display the account
number on the Contact page
From Setup, open the
Object Manager and
click Contact.
2. In the left sidebar
click Fields &
3. Click New.
4. For the field type,
select Formula and
click Next.
5. Call your field Account
Number and select Text for
the formula return type.

Click Next.
6. In the Advanced Formula
Editor, click Insert Field.
Select Contact | Account |
Account Number and then
click Insert. Click Check
Syntax. If there are no
syntax errors, click Next. It’s
unlikely that you’ll find a
syntax error in a simple
formula like this one, but it's
a good idea to get in the
habit of checking syntax for
every formula.

7. Click Next to accept the

field-level security settings,
then click Save

Display the Number

of Days Until an
Opportunity Closes
on a Report

1. If we’ve never created an

Opportunity before, click
and select Opportunities. go
to the Opportunities tab and
click New. Fill in any value for
the Opportunity Name, select
any Stage, and set a close date
that’s at least 3 days in the
future. Click Save. From
Setup, open the Object
Manager and
click Opportunity.
2. In the left sidebar
click Fields &
3. Click New.
4. Select Formula and then

click Next.
5. In the Field Label text area,
type Days to Close.
6. Select the Number radio
7. Click Next to open the
formula editor.
8. To find the difference
between the opportunity
close date and today’s date
subtract one from the
o Click Insert Field and
select Opportunity |
Close Date and
click Insert.
o From the Insert
Operator menu,
select - Subtract.
9. But how do we tell our
formula that we need
today’s date? Luckily, there’s
a function called TODAY()
that updates to match the
current date.
o In
the Functions menu
on the right side of
the editor,
select TODAY.
o Click Insert Selected
10. Click Check Syntax. If there
are no syntax errors,
click Next.

11. Click Next to accept the

field-level security settings,
then click Save.

Now it's time to put your new

formula field in a report.

1. From , open
the Reports tab and
click New Report.
2. Enter Opportunities in the
Search Report Types... field.
Select Opportunities and
click Continue. Your
opportunity appears in the
Report Preview panel.
3. Make sure Update Preview
Automatically is enabled.
4. In the Add column... field on
the left side of the page,
enter Days to Close. This field
is the formula field you just
created. A column with the
field containing the
calculated value is
automatically added to the

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 500 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error.

 Implement Roll-
Day – 4 Up Summary
Steps to follow:
Creating the
Summary Field
1. From Setup, open Object
Manager and click Account.
2. On the left sidebar, click Fields
& Relationships.
3. Click New.
4. Choose the Roll-Up Summary
field type, and click Next.
5. For Field Label, enter Sum of
Opportunities and click Next.
6. The Summarized Object is the
detail object that you want to
summarize. Choose
7. Choose the SUM summary
type and choose Amount as
the Field to Aggregate.
8. Click Next, Next, and Save.

After completion of this

steps we click on verify
step. If we done correct
process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error
until we we rectify the
 Create
Day – 5 Validation Rule
Steps to follow:

Creating a Validation

1. From Setup, go to Object

Manager and click Account.
2. In the left sidebar,
click Validation Rules.
3. Click New.
4. Enter the following properties
for your validation rule:
a. Rule Name:
b. Error Condition Formula:

LEN( AccountNumber) != 8


5. Error Message: Account

number must be 8 characters
6. To check your formula for
errors, click Check Syntax.
7. Click Save to finish.

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 500 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error

Module 10:

Day –6
Approve Records
with Approval
It includes verify steps:
 Customize How
Records Get
 Build an

WEEK – 6 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

 Install Apps and Packages in Your Trailhead

Steps to follow:
5. Find the package ID starting with 04t and copy it to your clipboard.
6. Click the Install a Package tab.
7. Paste the package ID into the field.
8. Click Install

Select Install for Admins Only, then click Install

2. If you see a pop-up asking you to approve third-party access, select Yes, grant
access to these third-party websites and click Continue.

When our package or app is finished installing, we see a confirmation page and get
an email to the address associated with our playground.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we done

correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows error until
we we rectify the error.
Module 10:
Formulas and Validations
It contains verify steps:
 Use formula fields
 Implement roll up summary fields
Create validation rules

 Use Formula Fields

Steps to follow:
We can create custom formula fields on any standard or custom object. To start, we’ll create a
formula on the Opportunity object. Follow these steps to navigate to the formula editor.

8. From Setup, open the Object Manager and click Opportunity.

9. In the left sidebar, click Fields & Relationships.
10. Click New.
11. Select Formula and click Next.
12. In Field Label, type My Formula Field. Notice that Field Name populates
13. Select the type of data you expect your formula to return. For example, if you want to
write a formula that calculates the commission a salesperson receives on a sale, you
select Currency. For now, pick Text.
14. Click Next. You’ve arrived at the formula editor! Time for our tour.

Display an Account Field on the Contact Detail Page

8. First create a Contact. If you’ve never created a Contact before, click the App
Launcher and select Contacts. Then go to the Contacts tab and click New. Enter
any value for Last Name. For Account Name, enter an existing account such as United
Oil & Gas Corp. Click Save. Next we create a formula to display the account number
on the Contact page From Setup, open the Object Manager and click Contact.
9. In the left sidebar click Fields & Relationships.
10. Click New.
11. For the field type, select Formula and click Next.
12. Call your field Account Number and select Text for the formula return type.
Click Next.
13. In the Advanced Formula Editor, click Insert Field.
Select Contact | Account | Account Number and then click Insert.
Click Check Syntax. If there are no syntax errors, click Next. It’s unlikely that
you’ll find a syntax error in a simple formula like this one, but it's a good idea
to get in the habit of checking syntax for every formula.

14. Click Next to accept the field-level security settings, then click Save

Display the Number of Days Until an Opportunity Closes on a


12. If we’ve never created an Opportunity before, click and select Opportunities. go
to the Opportunities tab and click New. Fill in any value for the Opportunity Name,
select any Stage, and set a close date that’s at least 3 days in the future. Click Save.
From Setup, open the Object Manager and click Opportunity.
13. In the left sidebar click Fields & Relationships.
14. Click New.
15. Select Formula and then click Next.
16. In the Field Label text area, type Days to Close.
17. Select the Number radio button.
18. Click Next to open the formula editor.
19. To find the difference between the opportunity close date and today’s date
subtract one from the other.
o Click Insert Field and select Opportunity | Close Date and click Insert.
o From the Insert Operator menu, select - Subtract.
20. But how do we tell our formula that we need today’s date? Luckily, there’s a
function called TODAY() that updates to match the current date.
o In the Functions menu on the right side of the editor, select TODAY.
o Click Insert Selected Function.
21. Click Check Syntax. If there are no syntax errors, click Next.

22. Click Next to accept the field-level security settings, then click Save.

Now it's time to put your new formula field in a report.

5. From , open the Reports tab and click New Report.

6. Enter Opportunities in the Search Report Types... field.
Select Opportunities and click Continue. Your opportunity appears in the
Report Preview panel.
7. Make sure Update Preview Automatically is enabled.
8. In the Add column... field on the left side of the page, enter Days to Close. This
field is the formula field you just created. A column with the field containing
the calculated value is automatically added to the report.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 500 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the error.

 Implement Roll-Up Summary Fields

Steps to follow:
Creating the Summary Field

9. From Setup, open Object Manager and click Account.

10. On the left sidebar, click Fields & Relationships.

11. Click New.
12. Choose the Roll-Up Summary field type, and click Next.
13. For Field Label, enter Sum of Opportunities and click Next.
14. The Summarized Object is the detail object that you want to summarize. Choose
15. Choose the SUM summary type and choose Amount as the Field to Aggregate.
16. Click Next, Next, and Save.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we done

correct process we get 500 points otherwise it shows error until
we we rectify the error
 Create Validation Rule
Steps to follow:

Creating a Validation Rule

8. From Setup, go to Object Manager and click Account.

9. In the left sidebar, click Validation Rules.
10. Click New.
11. Enter the following properties for your validation rule:
a. Rule Name: Account_Number_8_Characters
b. Error Condition Formula:

LEN( AccountNumber) != 8


12. Error Message: Account number must be 8 characters long.

13. To check your formula for errors, click Check Syntax.
14. Click Save to finish.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 500 points otherwise it shows
error until we we rectify the error

Module 10:

Approve Records with Approval Processes

It includes verify steps:
 Customize How Records Get Approved
 Build an Approval Process


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

 Customize How
Records Get Approved
Day – 1 Quiz question and answers

 Build an Approval
Day - 2
Steps to follow:

Create an Email

First create our email

template to notify the record
owner’s manager that an
opportunity has been
discounted more than 40%.

1. From Setup, enter

Templates in the Quick
Find box, and then
select Classic Email
2. Click New Template.
3. Select Text as the
template type, and
click Next.
4. Configure the email

5.Including the merge

helps the approver by
providing a link to the
opportunity record. This
allows them to review
the record before
responding to the

6.Click Save.

Add Custom Fields

Now let’s create custom fields

so that we can track the
discount percentage and
approval status for each

1. From Setup, enter

Object Manager in the
Quick Find box, and
then select Object
2. Click Opportunity.
3. Select Fields &
Relationships and
click New.
4. In the Data Type
select Percent and then
click Next.
5. Add a Percent field with
these values

1. Click Next.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Save & New.
4. In the Data Type
select Picklist and then
click Next.

Add a Picklist field

with these values

1. Click Next.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Save.

Create an Approval

Now that our org is ready,

let’s create the approval

1. From Setup, enter

Approval in the Quick
Find box, and then
select Approval
2. In Manage Approval
Processes For,
select Opportunity.
3. Click Create New
Approval Process | Use
Jump Start Wizard. The
Jump Start Wizard helps
you create a simple
approval process by
making some decisions
for you.
4. Configure the approval

1. Save the approval

2. Click View Approval
Process Detail Page.
3. Under Final Approval
Actions, click Add
New | Field Update,
and configure it with
these values.

1. Click Save.

Under Final Rejection

Actions, click Add
New | Field Update,
and configure it with
these values

1. Click Save.

After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we
done correct process
we get 100 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error
Leads & Opportunities for
Day – 3
Lightning Experience
It includes verify steps:
 Create and Convert
Leads as Potential
 Work Your
 Sell as a Team and Split
the Credit
 Visualize Success with
Path and Kanban

 Create and Convert
Leads as Potential
Day – 4
Steps to follow
 Click on launch.
 And click on setup
 In play ground starter
search for sales and the
icons will display click on
leads option
 Click on new after that
name option will display.
Type Mr.and click on
 In details tab click on
new tab
 Fill the subject and due
date option
 Means copy the details
from the modules hands
on challenge.and paste
into the fields.

After completion of this

steps we click on verify step. If
we done correct process we
get 100 points otherwise it
shows error until we we rectify
the error
 Work Your
Day – 5 Steps to follow:

1. On the Opportunities
tab, click New.
2. If your org has more
than one record type for
opportunities, select the
type that best
represents this
3. Give the opportunity a
name: Get Cloudy - 50
Custom Sneakers.
4. Select the account that
the opportunity is
related to.
5. Select a close date for
the opportunity.
6. Select the opportunity’s
current stage. For now,
let’s use Needs
Analysis. Salesforce
adds a probability based
on the stage selected. If
the probability isn’t
accurate, you can
change it.

7.Click Save.

Contact Roles on

1. In the Contact Roles

related list of an
opportunity, select Edit
Contact Roles.
2. Enter a contact.
3. Choose a role. If you
don’t select a role or the
role is set to None,
changes you make to
this role aren’t saved.

1. If you like, select a

primary contact for this
2. Click Save.

After completion of this
steps we click on verify
step. If we done correct
process we get 100
points otherwise it
shows error until we we
rectify the error

 Sell as a Team
Day –6 and Split the
Quiz Question
and Answers

WEEK – 7 (From Dt………..….. to Dt.................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

 Customize How Records Get Approved

Quiz question and answers
 Build an Approval Process
Steps to follow:

Create an Email Template

First create our email template to notify the record owner’s manager that an
opportunity has been discounted more than 40%.

5. From Setup, enter Templates in the Quick Find box, and then select Classic Email
6. Click New Template.
7. Select Text as the template type, and click Next.
8. Configure the email template

5.Including the merge field {!Opportunity.Name} helps the approver by

providing a link to the opportunity record. This allows them to review the
record before responding to the request.

6.Click Save.

Add Custom Fields

Now let’s create custom fields so that we can track the discount percentage and
approval status for each opportunity.

6. From Setup, enter Object Manager in the Quick Find box, and then select Object
7. Click Opportunity.
8. Select Fields & Relationships and click New.
9. In the Data Type column, select Percent and then click Next.
10. Add a Percent field with these values

5. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Save & New.
8. In the Data Type column, select Picklist and then click Next.

Add a Picklist field with these values

4. Click Next.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Save.

Create an Approval Process

Now that our org is ready, let’s create the approval process.

5. From Setup, enter Approval in the Quick Find box, and then select Approval
6. In Manage Approval Processes For, select Opportunity.
7. Click Create New Approval Process | Use Jump Start Wizard. The Jump Start
Wizard helps you create a simple approval process by making some decisions for you.
8. Configure the approval process.

4. Save the approval process.

5. Click View Approval Process Detail Page.
6. Under Final Approval Actions, click Add New | Field Update, and configure it
with these values.

2. Click Save.

Under Final Rejection Actions, click Add New | Field Update,

and configure it with these values

2. Click Save.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 100 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error
Leads & Opportunities for Lightning Experience
It includes verify steps:
 Create and Convert Leads as Potential
 Work Your Opportunities
 Sell as a Team and Split the Credit
 Visualize Success with Path and Kanban

 Create and Convert Leads as Potential

Steps to follow
 Click on launch.
 And click on setup
 In play ground starter search for sales and the
icons will display click on leads option
 Click on new after that name option will display.
Type Mr.and click on save
 In details tab click on new tab
 Fill the subject and due date option
 Means copy the details from the modules hands
on challenge.and paste into the fields.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we

done correct process we get 100 points otherwise it shows error
until we we rectify the error
 Work Your Opportunities
Steps to follow:
7. On the Opportunities tab, click New.
8. If your org has more than one record type for
opportunities, select the type that best represents
this opportunity.
9. Give the opportunity a name: Get Cloudy - 50
Custom Sneakers.
10. Select the account that the opportunity is
related to.
11. Select a close date for the opportunity.
12. Select the opportunity’s current stage. For now,
let’s use Needs Analysis. Salesforce adds a
probability based on the stage selected. If the
probability isn’t accurate, you can change it.

7.Click Save.

Contact Roles on Opportunities

4. In the Contact Roles related list of an opportunity,

select Edit Contact Roles.
5. Enter a contact.
6. Choose a role. If you don’t select a role or the role is
set to None, changes you make to this role aren’t

3. If you like, select a primary contact for this

4. Click Save.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 100 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

 Sell as a Team and Split the Credit

Quiz Question and Answers


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

 Visualize Success with

Path and Kanban
Day – 1 Quiz Question and Answers

Module 13:
Apex Triggers
Day - 2
It includes verify steps:
 Get Started with Apex
 Bulk Apex Triggers

 Get Started with Apex

Day – 3
Trigger Syntax
To execute a trigger before or
after insert, update, delete,
and undelete operations,
specify multiple trigger events
in a comma-separated list.
The events you can specify

 before insert
 before update
 before delete
 after insert
 after update
 after delete
 after undelete

Trigger Example
This simple trigger fires before
you insert an account and writes
a message to the debug log.

1. In the Developer
click File | New | Apex
2. Enter HelloWorld
Trigger for the trigger
name, and then select
Account for the sObject.
Click Submit.

1. Replace the default

code with the following.

2. trigger
on Account (before
insert) {
3. System.debug('He
llo World!');

1. To save, press Ctrl+S.

2. To test the trigger,
create an account.
a. Click Debug | Ope
n Execute
b. In the new
window, add the
following and
click Execute.

c. Account a =

insert a;


3. In the debug log, find

the Hello
World! statement. The
log also shows that the
trigger has been

1. In the Developer
click File | New | Apex
2. Enter ExampleTrigger f
or the trigger name, and
then select Contact for
the sObject.
Click Submit.
3. Replace the default
code with the following,
and then modify the
email address
placeholder text
in sendMail()to your
email address.
4. trigger
ExampleTrigger on
Contact (after
insert, after
delete) {

5. if

6. Integer
recordCount =
7. // Call a
utility method
from another class

ail('Your email
'Trailhead Trigger
recordCount + '
contact(s) were

10. }

11. else if
12. //
Process after
13. }


14. To save,
press Ctrl+S.
15. To test the trigger,
create a contact.
a. Click Debug | Ope
n Execute

b. In the new
window, add the
following and
click Execute.
c. Contact c =

insert c;


16. In the debug log,

check that the trigger
was fired. Toward the
end of the log, find the
debug message that
was written by the utility
method: DEBUG|Email
sent successfully
17. Now check that
you received an email
with the body text 1
contact(s) were

After completion of this

steps we click on verify
step. If we done correct
process we get 500
points otherwise it
shows error until we we
rectify the error

 Bulk Apex Triggers
Steps to follow:
Day – 4  Click on launch
 Click on setup and select a
developer console option
 Clicl on file and new apex
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of the
 And write the code to each
trigger and save it and
execute it.
 Click on test option and
click on Run all.
 After success of challenge
we can check the

After completion of this

steps we click on verify
step. If we done correct
process we get 500
points otherwise it
shows error until we we
rectify the error

Module 14:
 Apex Testing
Day – 5
It includes verify steps:
 Get Started with Apex
Unit Tests
 Test Apex Triggers
 Create Test Data for
Apex Tests

 Get Started with Apex
Unit Tests
Day –6
Add a Test Utility
 Click on launch
Click on setup and select
developer console
 Click on file and Apex
new class triggers
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of the
 And write the code to each
trigger and save it and
execute it.
 Click on test option and
click on Run all.
After success of challenge we
can check the assessment

After completion of this

steps we click on verify
step. If we done correct
process we get 500
points otherwise it
shows error until we we
rectify the error

WEEK – 8 (From Dt………..….. to Dt : Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

 Visualize Success with Path and Kanban

Quiz Question and Answers
Module 13:

Apex Triggers
It includes verify steps:

 Get Started with Apex Triggers

 Bulk Apex Triggers

 Get Started with Apex Triggers

Trigger Syntax
To execute a trigger before or after insert, update, delete, and undelete operations,
specify multiple trigger events in a comma-separated list. The events you can specify

 before insert
 before update
 before delete
 after insert
 after update
 after delete
 after undelete

Trigger Example
This simple trigger fires before you insert an account and writes a message to the debug log.

3. In the Developer Console, click File | New | Apex Trigger.

4. Enter HelloWorldTrigger for the trigger name, and then select Account for
the sObject. Click Submit.

4. Replace the default code with the following.

5. trigger HelloWorldTrigger on Account (before insert) {

6. System.debug('Hello World!');

4. To save, press Ctrl+S.

5. To test the trigger, create an account.
a. Click Debug | Open Execute Anonymous Window.
b. In the new window, add the following and then click Execute.

c. Account a = new Account(Name='Test Trigger');

insert a;


6. In the debug log, find the Hello World! statement. The log also shows that the
trigger has been executed

18. In the Developer Console, click File | New | Apex Trigger.

19. Enter ExampleTrigger for the trigger name, and then select Contact for the
sObject. Click Submit.
20. Replace the default code with the following, and then modify the email
address placeholder text in sendMail()to your email address.
21. trigger ExampleTrigger on Contact (after insert, after delete) {

22. if (Trigger.isInsert) {

23. Integer recordCount = Trigger.new.size();

24. // Call a utility method from another class

25. EmailManager.sendMail('Your email address', 'Trailhead

Trigger Tutorial',

26. recordCount + ' contact(s) were inserted.');

27. }

28. else if (Trigger.isDelete) {

29. // Process after delete

30. }


31. To save, press Ctrl+S.

32. To test the trigger, create a contact.
a. Click Debug | Open Execute Anonymous Window.
b. In the new window, add the following and then click Execute.

c. Contact c = new Contact(LastName='Test Contact');

insert c;


33. In the debug log, check that the trigger was fired. Toward the end of the log,
find the debug message that was written by the utility method: DEBUG|Email sent
34. Now check that you received an email with the body text 1 contact(s) were

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

 Bulk Apex Triggers

Steps to follow:
 Click on launch
 Click on setup and select a developer console option
 Clicl on file and new apex triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
 After success of challenge we can check the assessment.

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

Module 14:

 Apex Testing
It includes verify steps:

 Get Started with Apex Unit Tests

 Test Apex Triggers

 Create Test Data for Apex Tests

 Get Started with Apex Unit Tests
Add a Test Utility Class
 Click on launch
Click on setup and select developer console
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Describe the key

 Get Started with 
benefits of Apex
Day – 1 Apex Unit Tests unit tests.
Steps to follow:  Define a class with
Unit Test Example: test methods.
 Execute all test
Test the
methods in a class
TemperatureConverte and inspect
r Class failures.
 Create and
1. In the Developer Console, execute a suite of
click File | New | Apex test classes.
Class, and
enter TemperatureConverter for
the class name, and then
click OK.
2. Replace the default class
body with the following.
3. public class
TemperatureConverter {

4. // Takes a Fahrenheit
temperature and returns
the Celsius equivalent.

5. public static Decimal

al fh) {

6. Decimal cs = (fh
- 32) * 5/9;

7. return

8. }

1. Press Ctrl+S to save your

2. Repeat the previous steps to
the TemperatureConverterTestcl

1. In the Developer Console,

click Test | New Run.
2. Under Test Classes,
click TemperatureConverte
3. To add all the test methods
the TemperatureConverterTest cl
ass to the test run, click Add
4. Click Run.
5. In the Tests tab, you see the
status of your tests as
they’re running. Expand the
test run, and expand again
until you see the list of
individual tests that were
run. They all have green

After you run tests, code

coverage is automatically
generated for the Apex classes
and triggers in the org. You
can check the code coverage
percentage in the Tests tab of
the Developer Console. In this
example, the class you’ve
the TemperatureConverter class,
has 100% coverage

 Click on file and Apex

new class triggers
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of
the modules.
 And write the code to
each trigger and save it
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment

After completion
of this steps we
click on verify step.
If we done correct
process we get
500 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error

 Test Apex  Write a test

for a trigger
Day - 2 Triggers
 Click on file and Apex that fires on a
new class triggers single record
 Add the details in the operation.
hands on challenges of  Execute all
the modules. test methods
 And write the code to
in a class.
each trigger and save it
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment

After completion
of this steps we
click on verify step.
If we done correct
process we get
500 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error

Module 15:
Write more
Day – 3
Asynchronous efficient Apex
Apex code with
It includes verify steps: asynchronous
 Asynchronous processing
 Use Future

 Use Bach Apex

 Control

Processes with
Queueable Apex
 Schedule Jobs

Using the Apex

 Monitor


 Asynchronous  How to
Day – 4 Processing monitor the
Basics different
types of
Quiz question and jobs.
Answers.  How to use
 Use Future the flex
Methods queue.
Click and launch
 Click on file and Apex  When to
new class triggers use future
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of methods.
the modules.
 And write the code to
 The
each trigger and save it limitation
and execute it.
 Click on test option s of using
and click on Run all. future
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment methods.
After completion  How to
of this steps we use future
click on verify step. methods
If we done correct for
process we get
500 points
otherwise it shows  Future
error until we we method
rectify the error best
Monitor practices.
Asynchronous Apex
Quiz Question
AND Answers.

Where to use
Use Batch Apex

Batch Apex.
Day – 5 Click and launch  The higher Apex
 Click on file and Apex limits when using
new class triggers batch.
 Batch Apex syntax.
 Add the details in the
 Batch Apex best
hands on challenges of practices
the modules.
 And write the code to
each trigger and save it
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment

After completion
of this steps we
click on verify step.
If we done correct
process we get
500 points
otherwise it shows
error until we we
rectify the error

When to use
Control Processes 
the Queueable interf
Day –6 with Queueable ace.
 The differences
Apex between
queueable and
Click and launch
future methods.
 Click on file and Apex  Queueable Apex
new class triggers syntax.
 Queueable
 Add the details in the
method best
hands on challenges of practices.
the modules.
 And write the code to
each trigger and save it
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment
After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we done
correct process we get
500 points otherwise it
shows error until we we
rectify the error  When to use
Schedule Jobs Using scheduled
the Apex Scheduler
 How to
Click and launch monitor
 Click on file and Apex
new class triggers
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of  Scheduled
the modules. Apex syntax.
 And write the code to  Scheduled
each trigger and save it method best
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment
After completion of
this steps we click on
 How to
verify step. If we done
monitor the
correct process we get different
500 points types of jobs.
Monitor  How to use
Asynchronous Apex the flex
Quiz Question
AND Answers.

WEEK – 9 (From Dt………..….. to Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

 Get Started with Apex Unit Tests

Steps to follow:
Unit Test Example: Test the TemperatureConverter Class

9. In the Developer Console, click File | New | Apex Class, and

enter TemperatureConverter for the class name, and then click OK.
10. Replace the default class body with the following.
11. public class TemperatureConverter {

12. // Takes a Fahrenheit temperature and returns the Celsius


13. public static Decimal FahrenheitToCelsius(Decimal fh) {

14. Decimal cs = (fh - 32) * 5/9;

15. return cs.setScale(2);

16. }

3. Press Ctrl+S to save your class.

4. Repeat the previous steps to create the TemperatureConverterTestclass

6. In the Developer Console, click Test | New Run.

7. Under Test Classes, click TemperatureConverterTest.
8. To add all the test methods in the TemperatureConverterTest class to the test run,
click Add Selected.
9. Click Run.
10. In the Tests tab, you see the status of your tests as they’re running. Expand the
test run, and expand again until you see the list of individual tests that were
run. They all have green checkmarks

After you run tests, code coverage is automatically generated for the Apex classes and
triggers in the org. You can check the code coverage percentage in the Tests tab of
the Developer Console. In this example, the class you’ve tested,
the TemperatureConverter class, has 100% coverage

 Click on file and Apex new class triggers

 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

 Test Apex Triggers

 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

Module 15:

Asynchronous Apex
It includes verify steps:
 Asynchronous Processing Basics
 Use Future Methods

 Use Bach Apex

 Control Processes with Queueable Apex

 Schedule Jobs Using the Apex Scheduler
 Monitor Asynchronous Apex

 Asynchronous Processing Basics

Quiz question and Answers.
 Use Future Methods
Click and launch
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

Monitor Asynchronous Apex

Quiz Question AND Answers.

 Use Batch Apex

Click and launch
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment

After completion of this steps we click on verify step.

If we done correct process we get 500 points
otherwise it shows error until we we rectify the error

Control Processes with Queueable Apex

Click and launch
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment
After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If
we done correct process we get 500 points otherwise it
shows error until we we rectify the error
Schedule Jobs Using the Apex Scheduler
Click and launch
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment
After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If
we done correct process we get 500 points
Monitor Asynchronous Apex
Quiz Question AND Answers.


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Module 16:
Integrate with
Day – 1
Apex Integration external apps
Services using Apex
It includes Quiz REST and
SOAP services.
and verify steps:
 Apex Integration

 Apex REST

 Apex SOAP

 Apex Web


Describe the
 Apex Integration 
Day - 2 Overview between web
Quiz Question And Answers service and HTTP
 Authorize an
external site with
remote site

Perform a callout
Apex REST Callouts 
to receive data
Steps follow:
Day – 3 Click and launch from an external
1. Open the Developer  Perform a callout
Console from the Setup to send data to an
external service.
gear ( ).  Test callouts by
2. In the Developer Console, using mock
select Debug | Open callouts.
Execute Anonymous

 Click on file and Apex

new class triggers
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of
the modules.
 And write the code to
each trigger and save it
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment
After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we done
correct process we get
500 points

Generate Apex
 Apex SOAP 
classes using
Day – 4 Callouts WSDL2Apex.
Steps to follow:  Perform a callout
Generate a class using this using WSDL to send data to an
file external service
Name :park service(Tip after you click on
using SOAP.
the parse WSDL button change the class  Test callouts by
service from PARK SERVICE from park
using mock
 Click on file and Apex
new class triggers
 Add the details in the
hands on challenges of
the modules.
 And write the code to
each trigger and save it
and execute it.
 Click on test option
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge
we can check the assessment
After completion of
this steps we click on
verify step. If we done
correct process we get
500 points

Describe the two

Apex Web Services 
types of Apex web
Day – 5 Click on launch services and
 Click on file and Apex provide a high-
new class triggers level overview of
these services.
 Add the details in the
 Create an Apex
hands on challenges of REST class that
the modules. contains methods
 And write the code to for each HTTP
each trigger and save it method.
and execute it.  Invoke a custom
 Click on test option Apex REST
method with an
and click on Run all.
After success of challenge  Pass data to a
we can check the assessment custom Apex REST
method by
After completion of sending a request
this steps we click on body in JSON
verify step. If we done  Write a test
correct process we get method for an
500 points method and set
properties in a test
REST request.
 Write a test
method for an
method by calling
the method with
parameter values.

After completion of Use integration

Day –6 these modules the and business logic
superbadges unlock to push your Apex
will be opened. coding skills to the
It includes: limit.
Apex specialist Use integration
Process Automation and business
Specialist Superbadge logic to push
your Apex
coding skills to
the limit.

WEEK – 10 (From Dt………..….. to Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

Module 16:
Apex Integration Services
It includes Quiz and verify steps:
 Apex Integration Overview
 Apex REST Callouts
 Apex SOAP Callouts
 Apex Web Services

 Apex Integration Overview

Quiz Question And Answers
Apex REST Callouts
Steps follow:
Click and launch

3. Open the Developer Console from the Setup gear ( ).

4. In the Developer Console, select Debug | Open Execute
Anonymous Window.

 Click on file and Apex new class triggers

 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment
After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we done correct
process we get 500 points

 Apex SOAP Callouts

Steps to follow:
Generate a class using this using WSDL file
Name :park service(Tip after you click on the parse WSDL button change the class service
from PARK SERVICE from park service)
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment
After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we done correct process we
get 500 points

Apex Web Services

Click on launch
 Click on file and Apex new class triggers
 Add the details in the hands on challenges of the modules.
 And write the code to each trigger and save it and execute it.
 Click on test option and click on Run all.
After success of challenge we can check the assessment
After completion of this steps we click on verify step. If we done correct process we
get 500 points

After completion of these modules the superbadges unlock will be opened.

It includes:
Apex specialist
Process Automation Specialist Superbadge


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Superbadges is interrelated with other
Day – 1 modules when we perform the other
modules then only the unlock of
superbadges will be open.

Apex Triggers

Apex Testing

Asynchronous Apex

Apex Integration Services

Apex Specialist
we'll Be
to Earn

1. Automate record creation

using Apex triggers
2. Synchronize Salesforce data
with an external system using
asynchronous REST callouts
3. Schedule synchronization
using Apex code
4. Test automation logic to
confirm Apex trigger side
5. Test integration logic using
callout mocks
6. Test scheduling logic to
confirm action gets queued

s Tested
in This

 Apex Triggers
 Asynchronous Apex
 Apex Integration
 Apex Testing

For every superbadge we have to perform

a prework and notes like:
 Grab a pen and paper. You
Day - 2 may want to jot down notes as
you read the requirements.
 Refer to the Apex Specialist
Superbadge: Trailhead
Challenge Help document for
detailed resources and
 Use the naming conventions
specified in the requirements
document to ensure a
successful deployment.
 Review the data schema in
your modified Salesforce org
as you read the detailed
requirements below
Set Up Development Org
1. Create a new Trailhead
Playground or Developer
Edition Org for this
superbadge. Using this org for
any other reason might create
problems when validating the
challenge. If you choose to use
a development org, make sure
you deploy My Domain to all
the users. The package you will
install has some custom
lightning components that
only show when My Domain is
2. Install this unlocked
package (package ID:
04t6g000008av9iAAA). This
package contains metadata
you'll use to complete this
challenge. If you have trouble
installing this package, follow
the steps in the Install a
Package or App to Complete a
Trailhead Challenge help
3. Add picklist
values Repair and Routine
Maintenance to
the Type field on the Case
4. Update the Case page layout
assignment to use the Case
(HowWeRoll) Layout for your
5. Rename the tab/label for the
Case tab to Maintenance
Request .
6. Update the Product page
layout assignment to use
the Product (HowWeRoll)
Layout for your profile.
7. Rename the tab/label for the
Product object to Equipment .
8. Use App Launcher to navigate
to the Create Default
Data tab of the How We Roll
Maintenance app.
Click Create Data to generate
sample data for the
9. Review the newly created
records to get acquainted with
the data model.

 Apex Specialist
 It includes tasks
Day – 3
 It is inter related to one task
to another task
When we perform one task
correct it is direct to the direct
to the another task. If it shows
any error the other task will not
be opened.
It includes task like:
1.Quiz credential security
2.Automate record creation
3. Synchronize salesforce data
with an external system.
4.Schduled synchronization
5. Test automation logic
6. Test call out logic
7.Test scheduling logic

1.Quiz credential security

Quiz Question And Answers
Day – 4 2.Automate record creation
Install the unlocked package
and configure the development
Use the included package
content to automatically create
a routine maintenance request
everytime a maintenance of
type Repair or Routine
maintenance is updated to
closed .Follow the specifications
and naming conventions
outlined in the Business
After completion of task we can
check the challenge .if the
process is correct mean we get
500 points. And direct to
another task.

Synchronize salesforce data with an

external system.
Click on launch
Day – 5 And go to setup
And select Developer console
And again go to the setup in quick find
search for remote site settings and select
new remote settings
In remote site name :warehouse
In warehouse url:https://th-superbadge-
And click on save.
Go to developer console and go to file
click on open search for
And write a code and go to test option and
click on run all
After saving the code open execute
anonymous window ( CTRl+E ) and
run this method , ----------------------------
--------------- System.enqueueJob(new
After completion of task we can
check the challenge .if the
process is correct mean we get
500 points. And direct to
another task.

Schduled synchronization
Click on launch
And go to setup
Day –6 And select Developer console
Go to developer console and go to file
click on open search for
And write the code
global with sharing class
WarehouseSyncSchedule implements
Schedulable{ global void
execute(SchedulableContext ctx){
WarehouseCalloutService()); } }
and go to test option and click on run
all.in test option warehousesyncschedule
should be shown 100% otherwise it shows
And again go to the setup in quick find
search for apex classes.and click on
scheduled apex
Job name:warehousesync schedule
Apex class:select warehousesync schedule
class and click on save.
After completion of task we can
check the challenge .if the
process is correct mean we get
500 points. And direct to
another task.

WEEK – 11 (From Dt………..….. to Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:
Superbadges is interrelated with other modules when we perform the other modules then only the
unlock of superbadges will be open.
Apex Specialist
What we'll Be Doing to Earn This Superbadge

7. Automate record creation using Apex triggers

8. Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts
9. Schedule synchronization using Apex code
10. Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects
11. Test integration logic using callout mocks
12. Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued

Concepts Tested in This Superbadge

 Apex Triggers
 Asynchronous Apex
 Apex Integration
 Apex Testing

For every superbadge we have to perform a prework and notes like:

 Grab a pen and paper. You may want to jot down notes as you read the requirements.
 Refer to the Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help document for detailed
resources and documentation.
 Use the naming conventions specified in the requirements document to ensure a successful
 Review the data schema in your modified Salesforce org as you read the detailed requirements
Set Up Development Org
10. Create a new Trailhead Playground or Developer Edition Org for this superbadge. Using this
org for any other reason might create problems when validating the challenge. If you choose
to use a development org, make sure you deploy My Domain to all the users. The package
you will install has some custom lightning components that only show when My Domain is
11. Install this unlocked package (package ID: 04t6g000008av9iAAA). This package contains
metadata you'll use to complete this challenge. If you have trouble installing this package,
follow the steps in the Install a Package or App to Complete a Trailhead Challenge help article.
12. Add picklist values Repair and Routine Maintenance to the Type field on the Case object.
13. Update the Case page layout assignment to use the Case (HowWeRoll) Layout for your
14. Rename the tab/label for the Case tab to Maintenance Request .
15. Update the Product page layout assignment to use the Product (HowWeRoll) Layout for
16. your profile.
17. Rename the tab/label for the Product object to Equipment .
18. Use App Launcher to navigate to the Create Default Data tab of the How We Roll
Maintenance app. Click Create Data to generate sample data for the application.
19. Review the newly created records to get acquainted with the data model.


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome Charge
Date Signature

Test automation In this it

Day – 1 logic doesnot
Click on launch
And go to setup shows any
And select Developer error.but in
console this task the
Go to developer console
and go to file click on test option
open search for should be
and go
and type the code.
to test option and 100%percent
click on run all.and age
again search for
MaintenanceRequest and go
to test option and
click on run all.in the
test option
MaintenanceRequest and
should be shown
100% otherwise it
shows error. After
completion of
task we can
check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And
direct to another

Test callout logic In this it

Click on launch
Day - 2
And go to setup
And select Developer shows any
console error.but in
Go to developer console
and go to file click on
this task the
open search for test option
WarehouseCalloutService and write the
code. should be
and go to test option and shown
click on run all.and also
search for 100%percent
WarehouseCalloutServiceTest and type
the code
and go to test option
and click on run all.
in the test option
WarehouseCalloutService and
should be shown
100% otherwise it
shows error. After
completion of
task we can
check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And
direct to another
Test scheduling In this it
Day – 3 logic doesnot
Click on launch
And go to setup shows any
And select Developer error.but in
console this task the
Go to developer console
and go to file click on test option
open search for should be
WarehouseSyncSchedule and go
to test option and click on
run all.and also search for 100%percent
and go to test option and
click on run all. in the test

should be shown
100% otherwise it
shows error. After
completion of
task we can
check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And
direct to another

Superbadge 2: It helps to
Day – 4 Process know the pre
Automation work of
Specialist superbadge
Superbadge .and I know
Superbadge how to create
Superbadges is
interrelated with other a my own
modules when we playground
perform the other and how to
modules then only the
unlock of superbadges
set up
will be open. development

1. Demonstrate your knowledge

of automation, enhancement,
and troubleshooting for
approval processes.
2. Identify Flow elements and the
best practices for scalability
and improved performance.
3. Demonstrate your knowledge
of screen flows and screen flow


 Approval processes
 Flow elements and resources
 Screen flow

For every superbadge we

have to perform a
prework and notes like:
 Grab a pen and paper. You
may want to jot down notes
as you read the
 Refer to the Apex Specialist
Superbadge: Trailhead
Challenge Help
document for detailed
resources and
 Use the naming conventions
specified in the
requirements document to
ensure a successful
 Review the data schema in
your modified Salesforce
org as you read the detailed
requirements below
Set Up Development Org
20. Create a new Trailhead
Playground or Developer
Edition Org for this
superbadge. Using this org
for any other reason might
create problems when
validating the challenge. If
you choose to use a
development org, make sure
you deploy My Domain to
all the users. The package
you will install has some
custom lightning
components that only show
when My Domain is
21. Install this unlocked
package (package ID:
04t6g000008av9iAAA). This
package contains metadata
you'll use to complete this
challenge. If you have
trouble installing this
package, follow the steps in
the Install a Package or App
to Complete a Trailhead
Challenge help article.
22. Add picklist
values Repair and Routine
Maintenance to
the Type field on the Case
23. Update the Case page
layout assignment to use
the Case (HowWeRoll)
Layout for your profile.
24. Rename the tab/label for
the Case tab to Maintenance
Request .
25. Update the Product page
layout assignment to use
the Product (HowWeRoll)
Layout for your profile.
26. Rename the tab/label for
the Product object
to Equipment .
27. Use App Launcher to
navigate to the Create
Default Data tab of
the How We Roll
Maintenance app.
Click Create Data to
generate sample data for
the application.
28. Review the newly created
records to get acquainted
with the data model.

Process Complete the

Day – 5 Automation capstone
Specialist assessment
Superbadge. to earn the
It includes tasks Process
like: Automation
 Quiz credential Specialist
security Superbadge.
 Automate leads
 Automate
 Create Robot
setup object
 Create sales
process and
 Automate
 Create flow for
 Automate

 Quiz credential Answer

Day –6 security question about
Quiz Question
credentials and
And Answers
the trailhead
 Automate leads credentials and

WEEK – 12 (From Dt………..….. to Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:
Test automation logic
Click on launch
And go to setup
And select Developer console
Go to developer console and go to file click on open search for
MaintenanceRequestHelperTest and type the code. and go to test option and
click on run all.and again search for MaintenanceRequest and go to test option
and click on run all.in the test option MaintenanceRequest and
MaintenanceRequestHelperTest should be shown 100% otherwise it shows error.
After completion of task we can check the challenge .if the process is correct
mean we get 500 points. And direct to another task.

Test callout logic

Click on launch
And go to setup
And select Developer console
Go to developer console and go to file click on open search for
WarehouseCalloutService and write the code.
and go to test option and click on run all.and also search for
WarehouseCalloutServiceTest and type the code
and go to test option and click on run all. in the test option
WarehouseCalloutService and WarehouseCalloutServiceTest should be
shown 100% otherwise it shows error. After completion of task we can check
the challenge .if the process is correct mean we get 500 points. And direct to
another task.

Test scheduling logic

Click on launch
And go to setup
And select Developer console
Go to developer console and go to file click on open search for WarehouseSyncSchedule
and go to test option and click on run all.and also search for WarehouseSyncSchedule
and go to test option and click on run all. in the test option
WarehouseSyncScheduleand WarehouseSyncSchedule
should be shown 100% otherwise it shows error. After completion of task we can
check the challenge .if the process is correct mean we get 500 points. And
direct to another task.

Superbadge 2:
Process Automation Specialist Superbadge
Superbadges is interrelated with other modules when we perform the other modules
then only the unlock of superbadges will be open.

What we'll Be Doing to Earn This Superbadge

4. Demonstrate your knowledge of automation, enhancement, and

troubleshooting for approval processes.
5. Identify Flow elements and the best practices for scalability and improved
6. Demonstrate your knowledge of screen flows and screen flow distribution.

Concepts Tested in This Superbadge

 Approval processes
 Flow elements and resources
 Screen flow

For every superbadge we have to perform a prework and notes like:

 Grab a pen and paper. You may want to jot down notes as you read the
 Refer to the Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help
document for detailed resources and documentation.
 Use the naming conventions specified in the requirements document to ensure
a successful deployment.
 Review the data schema in your modified Salesforce org as you read the
detailed requirements below
Set Up Development Org
29. Create a new Trailhead Playground or Developer Edition Org for this
superbadge. Using this org for any other reason might create problems when
validating the challenge. If you choose to use a development org, make sure
you deploy My Domain to all the users. The package you will install has some
custom lightning components that only show when My Domain is deployed.
30. Install this unlocked package (package ID: 04t6g000008av9iAAA). This package
contains metadata you'll use to complete this challenge. If you have trouble
installing this package, follow the steps in the Install a Package or App to
Complete a Trailhead Challenge help article.
31. Add picklist values Repair and Routine Maintenance to the Type field on
the Case object.
32. Update the Case page layout assignment to use the Case (HowWeRoll)
Layout for your profile.
33. Rename the tab/label for the Case tab to Maintenance Request .
34. Update the Product page layout assignment to use the Product (HowWeRoll)
Layout for your profile.
35. Rename the tab/label for the Product object to Equipment .
36. Use App Launcher to navigate to the Create Default Data tab of the How We
Roll Maintenance app. Click Create Data to generate sample data for the
37. Review the newly created records to get acquainted with the data model.

Process Automation Specialist Superbadge.

It includes tasks like:
 Quiz credential security
 Automate leads
 Automate Accounts
 Create Robot setup object
 Create sales process and validate opportunities
 Automate opportunities
 Create flow for opportunities
 Automate setup

 Quiz credential security

Quiz Question And Answers
 Automate leads


Day Person
Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome In-Charge
Date Signature

 Automate leads Create a validation

rules,two queues for leads
 Click on launch and a lead assignment rule
Day – 1
 And go to setup as specified as the business
 Go to object manager tab
 In Quick find search for
lead and select lead
 And select validation rule
and click on new.
 Enter the rule name check
if usor not
 Complete the error
condition formula and
error message tab.
 Click on save.
 In Quick find search for
 And click on new
 Enter the label name and
queue name.
 Click on save.
 In quick find search for
lead assignment rules
 Click on rainbow sales .
 In the rule entries click on
 And complete the fields
with suitable options.
And click on save.
completion of task we can
check the challenge .if the
process is correct mean we
get 500 points. And direct to
another task.

Create validation rule and

 Automate account formula fields as
specified in the business
Day - 2 Accounts requirements

 Click on launch
 And go to
Click on object manager
Select Account option
And select fields and
Click on new and select
roll up summary
And click next enter
Number of deals in the
fieldname and field label
and select to summarize
and select roll up type.
click on next and again
click on save and new.
And select Roll up
And select Number of
Won deals. and select to
summarize and select roll
up type add filter criteria
complete the fields with
suitable option
And click on next and
click on save and
new.click on Roll up
summary.and select last
won deal date and select
to summarize and select
roll up type add filter
criteria complete the
fields with suitable option
And click on next and
click on save and
new.and select formula
enter field name and field
label Deal win percent
and select percent option
Click on next and write
the formula.and click on
next and click on save
and new.and click on
formula and enter field
name and field label
amount of won deals.type
the text formula.and
check the syntax.click on
next and click on save
and new. click on
formula and enter field
name and field label call
for sevice check the
syntax.click on next and
click on save. Click on
object manager tab
Select Account option
And select validation
rules and click on new
and validation for billing
and validation for type
rules and click on save.
completion of task
we can check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And direct to
another task
It helps to create a custom
 Create Robot robot setup object with a
Day – 3 setup object master detail relationship to
the opportunity
Click on launch
Click on object manager
Click on create select
custom object
Enter field label Robot
Object name Robot setup
Data type Auto number
Display format
Click on object manager
Click on new select date
Field label Date
Field name Date
Click on save.
Click on new select text
Field label notes field
name notes length 100
Click on next and
save.click on formula
field label Day of the
Field name Day of the
Length 100and save it.
Click on new Select
master detailed
Select field name
Field label
opportunityand click
completion of task
we can check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And direct to
another task
Create a sales process with
 Create sales the required stages and
name it.create arecord types
Day – 4 process and and create a validation rules

Click on launch
Click on object manager
Search for opportunity
Select Record types.click
on new select sales
process name
PROCESS add and
remove values from
available and selected
Again click on
Search for stage click on
Type stage name
awaiting approval click
Search for sales process
select record type Record
type label RB Robotics
sales process
Record type name RB
Robotics sales process
Sales process RB
Robotics sales process
click on next and save
and new.select field and
And select check box.
Field label Approved
Field name
Approved.clicl on save.
Click on validation rule
and click on new
Give a rule name
Validation for high value.
Type the error message
click on save.
Create a process to alert the
Automate finance group and create
Day – 5 Opportunities tasks for account owners at
appropriate times during
Click on launch the sales process
Click on object manager
Search for opportunity
 Stage click new
stage name
Awaiting approval
 Probability 100%
 Select sales
process and RB
robotics sales
process click save.
 Click on home
,sales process
select RB robotics
 Add and remove
the available and
selected values
click save. Click
on object
ty, record types
and click on new.
 Record type label
RB robotics sales
 Record type name
RB robotics sales
 sales process RB
robotics sales
 click on next and
click on save.
 Click on field
relationship click
on new select
checkbox,and next
field label
 Field name
 Clicl on add action
type create a
record action
name set record
record type Robot
 Approval process
name opportunity
 Create new use
name jump
 Name prospect
 E.template need
 Complete the
er than
egotiation review
click save.
 Search for user
 Select opportunity
owner user name
nushi davoud
 Xxxx
 Click on save.
 Create a process
 Click on new
 Select continue in
process builder
 Name opportunity
 Select at record
 Click save.
 Add a object
 Select opportunity
 Select when
record is created
or edited
 Click save.
 Add criteria
 Criteria name is
 Add action
 Type email alerts
 Name email alerts
 API name
finance account
 Add action
 Create a record
 Create a task
 Assign to ID
+field reference
ID+Owner id
 Priority+ picklist
+high value
 Related to id+field
nity id
 Subject+string+s
end marketing
 Due date
 Click save.
 Add criteria
 Negotiation
 Stage+equals+
 Amount
 Click next ,next
 Goto the object
manager tab and
select the
 And click the
validation rules
 And deactivate
the validation
completion of task
we can check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And direct to
another task

Create Flow for Create a flow
Day –6 Opportunities and distribute
Click on launch that flow with
And go to set up a flow
In home search for
component in
flows and select new
flow the lighting
Select screen flow and page described
click on create. the business
Add a element requirement.
Label name-product
quick search
API name –product-
quick –search
Search for components
–Radio buttons
Click new choice
Click new choice
resource-cloudy bot
Click new choice
Click done.
Add a element
Label name search
API name search
Field name-operator
Contains value-product
Click done.
Click new resource
API name filter
Data type Record
Object product
Click on done
Add elements
Get product
API name Get-product
New assignment
Label-assign API name
API name loop
And click save.

WEEK – 13 (From Dt………..….. to Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

 Automate leads
 Click on launch
 And go to setup
 Go to object manager tab
 In Quick find search for lead and select lead
 And select validation rule and click on new.
 Enter the rule name check if usor not
 Complete the error condition formula and
error message tab.
 Click on save.
 In Quick find search for queues
 And click on new
 Enter the label name and queue name.
 Click on save.
 In quick find search for lead assignment
 Click on rainbow sales .
 In the rule entries click on new
 And complete the fields with suitable
And click on save.
completion of task we can check the
challenge .if the process is correct mean we
get 500 points. And direct to another task.

 Automate Accounts
 Click on launch
 And go to setup
Click on object manager tab
Select Account option
And select fields and relationship.
Click on new and select roll up summary
And click next enter Number of deals in the fieldname and
field label and select to summarize and select roll up type.
click on next and again click on save and new.
And select Roll up summary
And select Number of Won deals. and select to summarize and
select roll up type add filter criteria complete the fields with
suitable option
And click on next and click on save and new.click on Roll up
summary.and select last won deal date and select to
summarize and select roll up type add filter criteria complete
the fields with suitable option
And click on next and click on save and new.and select
formula enter field name and field label Deal win percent and
select percent option
Click on next and write the formula.and click on next and
click on save and new.and click on formula and enter field
name and field label amount of won deals.type the text
formula.and check the syntax.click on next and click on save
and new. click on formula and enter field name and field label
call for sevice check the syntax.click on next and click on
save. Click on object manager tab
Select Account option
And select validation rules and click on new and validation for
billing and validation for type rules and click on save.
completion of task we can check the challenge .if
the process is correct mean we get 500 points. And
direct to another task

 Create Robot setup object

Click on launch
Click on object manager tab
Click on create select custom object
Enter field label Robot setup
Object name Robot setup
Data type Auto number
Display format ROBOTSETUP(0000)
Click on object manager tab
Click on new select date
Field label Date
Field name Date
Click on save.
Click on new select text
Field label notes field name notes length 100
Click on next and save.click on formula field label Day of the
Field name Day of the week
Length 100and save it.
Click on new Select master detailed relationship.click
Select field name opportunity
Field label opportunityand click save.
completion of task we can check the challenge .if
the process is correct mean we get 500 points. And
direct to another task

 Create sales process and validate

Click on launch
Click on object manager tab
Search for opportunity
Select Record types.click on new select sales process name
RB ROBOTICS SALES PROCESS add and remove values
from available and selected values.
Again click on opportunity
Search for stage click on new
Type stage name awaiting approval click save.
Search for sales process select record type Record type label
RB Robotics sales process
Record type name RB Robotics sales process
Sales process RB Robotics sales process click on next and
save and new.select field and relationship.
And select check box.
Field label Approved
Field name Approved.clicl on save.
Click on validation rule and click on new
Give a rule name Validation for high value.
Type the error message click on save.
Automate Opportunities
Click on launch
Click on object manager tab
Search for opportunity
 Stage click new stage name Awaiting approval
 Probability 100%
 Select sales process and RB robotics sales process
click save.
 Click on home ,sales process select RB robotics
 Add and remove the available and selected values
click save. Click on object manager,opportunity,
record types and click on new.
 Record type label RB robotics sales process
 Record type name RB robotics sales process
 sales process RB robotics sales process
 click on next and click on save.
 Click on field relationship click on new select
checkbox,and next field label approved
 Field name approved.
 Clicl on add action type create a record action name
set record record type Robot setup
 Approval process name opportunity
 Create new use name jump steward
 Name prospect
 E.template need approval
 Complete the fields opportunity+greater than
equals+100000+negotiation review click save.
 Search for user
 Select opportunity owner user name nushi davoud
 Xxxx
 Click on save.
 Create a process builder
 Click on new
 Select continue in process builder
 Name opportunity
 Select at record change
 Click save.
 Add a object
 Select opportunity
 Select when record is created or edited
 Click save.
 Add criteria
 Criteria name is customer
 Add action
 Type email alerts
 Name email alerts
 API name finance account creation
 Add action
 Create a record
 Create a task
 Assign to ID +field reference +account ID+Owner
 Priority+ picklist +high value
 Related to id+field reference+opportunity id
 Subject+string+send marketing materials
 Due date only+formula=(today()+7)
 Click save.
 Add criteria
 Negotiation
 Stage+equals+ picklist+negotiation/review
 Amount +greaterthan+currency=100000.
 Click next ,next save.
 Goto the object manager tab and select the
 And click the validation rules
 And deactivate the validation rules.
completion of task we can check the challenge .if
the process is correct mean we get 500 points. And
direct to another task

Create Flow for Opportunities

Click on launch
And go to set up
In home search for flows and select new flow
Select screen flow and click on create.
Add a element
Label name-product quick search
API name –product- quick –search
Search for components –Radio buttons
Click new choice resource-Rainbot
Click new choice resource-cloudy bot
Click new choice resource-Assembly system
Click done.
Add a element
Label name search
API name search
Field name-operator
Contains value-product
Click done.
Click new resource
API name filter product
Data type Record
Object product
Click on done
Add elements
Get product
API name Get-product
New assignment
Label-assign API name –Assign
API name loop records
And click save.


Day Person
Brief description of the daily
& Learning Outcome In-Charge
Date Signature

Automate Setups Create a process

Day – 1 Click on launch to evaluate and
adjust the robot
Go to set up setup date as
In home search described in the
for approval business
process select
process builder
Click on
process select
clone and save.
Go to the close
option change the
formula and click
save and activate
and click confirm.
completion of task
we can check the
challenge .if the
process is correct
mean we get 500
points. And direct to
another task
Developer Super Complete the
Day - 2 Set - Salesforce capstone
assessment to
It is inter related
with superbadges. earn the
It includes : Developer
 APEX Super Set.

 APEX Answer
Day – 3 SPECIALIST questions about
Quiz questions and the apex
answers specialist
Day – 4 AUTOMATION questions about
Quiz questions and PROCESS
completion of task N SPECIALIST
we can check the
challenge .if the
process is correct

mean we get 1500

After completion of
Day – 5 Developer trailmix we
are entitled for
salesforce certificate.

We can send a request

Day –6 for certificate using
below link
Students who ever has
completed all the
modules, Please fill
this form to get
certificate -

WEEK – 14 (From Dt………..….. to Dt ................... )

Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:
Automate Setups
Click on launch
Go to set up
In home search for approval process select process builder
Click on opportunity process select clone and save.
Go to the close option change the formula and click save and activate and click confirm. completion
of task we can check the challenge .if the process is correct mean we get 500 points. And
direct to another task

Developer Super Set - Salesforce Trailhead

It is inter related with superbadges.
It includes :
Quiz questions and answers


Quiz questions and answers
completion of task we can check the challenge .if the process is correct mean we get 1500
After completion of Developer trailmix we are entitled for salesforce certificate.

We can send a request for certificate using below link

Students who ever has completed all the modules, Please fill this form to get certificate -


Describe the work environment you have experienced (in terms of people interactions,
facilities available and maintenance, clarity of job roles, protocols, procedures, processes,
discipline, time management, harmonious relationships, socialization, mutual support and
teamwork, motivation, space and ventilation, etc.)
Describe the real time technical skills you have acquired (in terms of the job- related
Describe the managerial skills you have acquired (in terms of planning, leadership,
team work, behaviour, workmanship, productive use of time, weekly improvement in
competencies, goal setting, decision making, performance analysis, etc.
Describe the managerial skills you have acquired (in terms of planning, leadership,
team work, behaviour, workmanship, productive use of time, weekly improvement in
competencies, goal setting, decision making, performance analysis, etc.
Describe how could you could enhance your abilities in group discussions, participation
in teams, contribution as a team member, leading a team/activity.
Describe the technological developments you have observed and relevant to the
subject area of training (focus on digital technologies relevant to your job role)

Student Self Evaluation of the Short-Term Internship

Student Name: U Registration No:


Term of From:August To :October

Internship:2 months
Date of Evaluation:
Organization Name & Address:Government Degree college Rajampeta

Please rate your performance in the following areas:

Rating Scale: Letter grade of CGPA calculation to be provided

1 Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5
2 Written communication 1 2 3 4 5
3 Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5
4 Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5
5 Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5
6 Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5
7 Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5
8 Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5
9 Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
10 Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
11 Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5
12 Time Management 1 2 3 4 5
13 Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5
14 Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5

Date: Signature of the Student

Evaluation by the Supervisor of the Intern Organization

Student Name: U Registration No:

Term of Internship:2 From:August To :October
Date of
Organization Name & Address:Government Degree college Rajampeta
Name & Address of the Supervisor
with Mobile Number Udhay kumar sir
Govt Degree college Rajampeta

Please rate the student’s performance in the following areas:

Please note that your evaluation shall be done independent of the Student’s self-

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

1 Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5
2 Written communication 1 2 3 4 5
3 Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5
4 Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5
5 Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5
6 Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5
7 Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5
8 Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5
9 Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
10 Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
11 Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5
12 Time Management 1 2 3 4 5
13 Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5
14 Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5

Date: Signature of the Supervisor

Page No
Internal & External Evaluation for Semester Internship
 Explore career alternatives prior to graduation.
 To assess interests and abilities in the field of study.
 To develop communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the
future job.
 To acquire additional skills required for the world of work.
 To acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following
graduation from college.

Assessment Model:
 There shall be both internal evaluation and external evaluation
 The Faculty Guide assigned is in-charge of the learning activities of the
students and for the comprehensive and continuous assessment of the
 The assessment is to be conducted for 200 marks. Internal Evaluation for 50
marks and External Evaluation for 150 marks
 The number of credits assigned is 12. Later the marks shall be converted into
grades and grade points to include finally in the SGPA and CGPA.
 The weightings for Internal Evaluation shall be:
o Activity Log 10 marks
o Internship Evaluation 30 marks
o Oral Presentation 10 marks
 The weightings for External Evaluation shall be:
o Internship Evaluation 100 marks
o Viva-Voce 50 marks
 The External Evaluation shall be conducted by an Evaluation Committee
comprising of the Principal, Faculty Guide, Internal Expert and External
Expert nominated by the affiliating University. The Evaluation Committee
shall also consider the grading given by the Supervisor of the Intern
 Activity Log is the record of the day-to-day activities. The Activity Log is
assessed on an individual basis, thus allowing for individual members within
groups to be assessed this way. The assessment will take into consideration

Page No
the individual student’s involvement in the assigned work.
 While evaluating the student’s Activity Log, the following shall be
considered -
a. The individual student’s effort and commitment.
b. The originality and quality of the work produced by the individual
c. The student’s integration and co-operation with the work assigned.
d. The completeness of the Activity Log.
 The Internship Evaluation shall include the following components and based
on Weekly Reports and Outcomes Description
a. Description of the Work Environment.
b. Real Time Technical Skills acquired.
c. Managerial Skills acquired.
d. Improvement of Communication Skills.
e. Team Dynamics
f. Technological Developments recorded

Page No
(To be used by the Examiners)

Page No
Name Of the Student:
rogramme of Study:
YearofStudy:3rd year
Register No/H.T. No:
Name of the College:
Government Degree
college Rajampeta
Yogi vemana

Sl.No Evaluation Criterion Maximum Marks

Marks Awarded
1. Activity Log 10
2. Internship Evaluation 30
3. Oral Presentation 10

Date: Signature of the Faculty Guide

Page No

Name Of the Student:

rogramme of Study:
Year of Study:
3rd year
Register No/H.T. No:
Name of the College:
Government Degree
College Rajampet
Yogi vemana

Maximum Marks
Sl.No Evaluation Criterion
Marks Awarded
1. Internship Evaluation 80
For the grading giving by the Supervisor of
2. 20
the Intern Organization
3. Viva-Voce 50
GRAND TOTAL (EXT. 50 M + INT. 100M) 200

Signature of the Faculty Guide

Signature of the Internal Expert

Signature of the External Expert

Signature of the Principal with Seal


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