Compare and Contrast Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Compare and Contrast Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Compare and Contrast Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Many different animals share our planet with us. Many are alike, and many are different. Scientists
classify animals based on their similarities. One way scientists group animals is whether or not those
animals have a backbone.
Vertebrates Invertebrates
Animals that have a unique backbone fit into the Most of the animal kingdom fits into the
category of vertebrates. They make up a small category of invertebrates. These are the animals
part of the animal kingdom. that do not have a backbone.
Some animals, like dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, Animals, such as squid, worms, bugs, and clams
and humans have backbones. These are do not have backbones. These are examples of
examples of vertebrates. invertebrates.
These animals have a skeleton inside their Invertebrates are usually smaller and slow-
bodies that is made of bone. Their brain is moving. Without bones, their bodies are not as
covered by a skull. These animals are usually big strong. They do not move as easily.
in size. They are usually able to move fast.
Invertebrates live in a variety of habitats. They
Vertebrates live in a variety of habitats. Their can be found anywhere from caves and deserts,
bodies allow them to adapt to different to forests and oceans.
Vertebrates Invertebrates
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