ZoomIt offers various shortcuts to extend its functionality. The document lists shortcuts for zooming, drawing, erasing drawings, copying screenshots, saving screenshots and recordings, typing text, and using different colored pens. Key shortcuts include Ctrl/Cmd + numbers for zoom and drawing modes, Ctrl/Cmd + letter for colored pens, and Ctrl/Cmd + standard keyboard shortcuts for common functions like copy, save, erase, and exit.
ZoomIt offers various shortcuts to extend its functionality. The document lists shortcuts for zooming, drawing, erasing drawings, copying screenshots, saving screenshots and recordings, typing text, and using different colored pens. Key shortcuts include Ctrl/Cmd + numbers for zoom and drawing modes, Ctrl/Cmd + letter for colored pens, and Ctrl/Cmd + standard keyboard shortcuts for common functions like copy, save, erase, and exit.
ZoomIt offers various shortcuts to extend its functionality. The document lists shortcuts for zooming, drawing, erasing drawings, copying screenshots, saving screenshots and recordings, typing text, and using different colored pens. Key shortcuts include Ctrl/Cmd + numbers for zoom and drawing modes, Ctrl/Cmd + letter for colored pens, and Ctrl/Cmd + standard keyboard shortcuts for common functions like copy, save, erase, and exit.
ZoomIt offers various shortcuts to extend its functionality. The document lists shortcuts for zooming, drawing, erasing drawings, copying screenshots, saving screenshots and recordings, typing text, and using different colored pens. Key shortcuts include Ctrl/Cmd + numbers for zoom and drawing modes, Ctrl/Cmd + letter for colored pens, and Ctrl/Cmd + standard keyboard shortcuts for common functions like copy, save, erase, and exit.
ZoomIt offers a number of shortcuts which can extend its usage greatly.
Function Shortcut Function Shortcut
Zoom Mode Ctrl + 1 Draw an Ellipse Hold Tab Zoom In Mouse Scroll Up or Up Arrow Draw an Arrow Hold Ctrl + Shift Zoom Out Mouse Scroll Down or Down Erase Last Drawing Ctrl + Z Arrow Start Drawing (While In Zoom Mode) Left-Click Erase All Drawings E Stop Drawing (While In Zoom Mode) Right-Click Copy Screenshot to Clipboard Ctrl + C Start Drawing (While Not In Zoom Ctrl + 2 Crop Screenshot to Clipboard Ctrl + Shift + C Mode) Increase/Decrease Line And Cursor Size Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up/Down or Save Screenshot as PNG Ctrl + S (Drawing Mode) Arrow Keys Center The Cursor (Drawing Mode) Space Bar Save Cropped Screenshot to a File Ctrl + Shift + S Whiteboard (Drawing Mode) W Copy a Region of The Screen To Clipboard Ctrl + 6 Blackboard (Drawing Mode) K Save a Region of The Screen To a File Ctrl + Shift + 6 Type in Text (Left Aligned) T Start/Stop Full Screen Recording Saved as MP4 Ctrl + 5 (Windows 10 May 2019 Update And Higher) Type in Text (Right Aligned) Shift + T Crop Screen Recording Saved as MP4 (Windows Ctrl + Shift + 5 10 May 2019 Update And Higher) Increase/Decrease Font Size (Typing Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up/Down or Screen Record Only The Window That The Ctrl + Alt + 5 Mode) Arrow Keys Mouse Cursor is Positioned Over Saved as MP4 (Windows 10 May 2019 Update And Higher) Red Pen R Show Countdown Timer Ctrl + 3 Green Pen G Increase/Decrease Time Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up/Down or Arrow Keys Blue Pen B Minimize Timer (Without Pausing It) Alt + Tab Yellow Pen Y Show Timer When Minimized Left-Click On The ZoomIt Icon Orange Pen O Live Zoom Mode Ctrl + 4 Pink Pen P Exit Esc or Right-Click Draw a Straight Line Hold Shift Draw a Rectangle Hold Ctrl