Mechanics in Frictional Penetration With A Blind Rivet: Journal of Materials Processing Technology August 2015
Mechanics in Frictional Penetration With A Blind Rivet: Journal of Materials Processing Technology August 2015
Mechanics in Frictional Penetration With A Blind Rivet: Journal of Materials Processing Technology August 2015
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Article history: The mechanics of frictional penetration driven by a blind rivet to sheet metals is analyzed for a friction stir
Received 15 November 2014 blind riveting process. Analytic models are deduced to calculate the material removal rate, penetration
Received in revised form 5 February 2015 force and torque during the frictional penetration process. Frictional penetration tests with modified
Accepted 7 February 2015
rivets and an Al alloy sheet were carried out at various rotation speed–feed rate combinations, where the
Available online 18 March 2015
penetration force and torque were recorded with a data acquisition system. An analysis of the contact
condition between the rivet tip and the work material based upon the assumption of pure sliding contact
in the initial penetration to partial sticking contact beyond a critical penetration depth of the rivet is
Friction stir
completed, and the results are discussed based on the comparison of the analytically calculated and
Blind rivet experimentally measured torque–force ratios.
Material removal rate © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. Illustration of the FSBR process. (a) The rotating blind rivet is approaching the workpieces, (b) frictional penetration of the rivet, (c) pulling out the mandrel, and (d)
completion (Min et al., 2015).
Fig. 2. (a) A typical blind rivet with a hollow mandrel head, and (b) schematic illustration of the frictional penetration process.
similar to the machining (e.g. milling and drilling) process. The outer radius of the rivet in the case of Fig. 3b. Similarly, V1 (T + dT)
material removal rate (MRR), which is defined as the material vol- is deduced as
ume removed by the tool per unit time, has a significant effect on r1
FZ , as reported by Bayoumi et al. (1994). V1 (T + dT ) = 2 · [ − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1
As shown in Fig. 4, for a feed rate (f) and rotation speed (ω), the r1 −(Z+f ·dT )·tan ˛1
mandrel tip has a displacement of f · dT in the Z direction for an
− f · dT · tan ˛1 )] · cot ˛1 · d (4)
infinitesimal time, dT. The volume of work material (dV1 ) removed
by the rivet tip, indicated in the dotted red region, is the difference
between the removed volume V1 (T) at T and the removed volume
Then dV1 is calculated as
V1 (T + dT) at T + dT. Appendix A details the calculation of the V1 (T),
which is expressed by Eq. (3) dV1 = V1 (T + dT ) − V1 (T )
r1 1
V1 (T ) = 2 · [ − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )] · cot ˛1 · d (3) = f [r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2 + (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )
r1 −Z·tan ˛1
× (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 − f · dT · tan ˛1 )
where is the distance between the point on the rivet tip and the 2
rotational axis, Z is the penetration depth of the rivet tip, r1 is the + (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 − f · dT · tan ˛1 ) ] · dT (5)
J. Min et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 222 (2015) 268–279 271
Fig. 3. (a) Stresses acting on the mandrel tip. (b) and (c) are two simplified cases of the mandrel tip based upon their geometry.
By ignoring the second and higher order terms of dT in Eq. (5), expressed by Eq. (7) and Z is limited to the range from 0 to twork ,
dV1 becomes and MRR1 = 0 when Z > twork since the material beneath the rivet is
cut off when the rivet tip penetrates through the workpiece. When
dV1 = f [r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2 ] · dT (6) twork ≥ t1 · cot ˛1 , MRR1 is a piecewise function
At last, the material removal rate MRR1 is expressed by ⎪ f [r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2 ] 0 ≤ Z ≤ t1 · cot ˛1
MRR1 = f [r12 − (r1 − t1 )2 ] t1 · cot ˛1 ≤ Z ≤ twork (8)
MRR1 =
= f [r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2 ] (7) ⎪
dT 0 Z > twork
It is worth to note that MRR1 is dependent on the comparison The second expression on the right of Eq. (8) indicates that
between the depth of the mandrel tip with shear plane, t1 · cot˛1 MRR1 is a constant when the whole rivet tip with shear plane is
(here t1 is the wall thickness of the rivet in Fig. 3b), and the embedded in the middle of the workpiece thickness. Similarly, the
workpiece thickness (twork ), i.e., when twork < t1 · cot ˛1 , MRR1 is material removal rate (MRR2 ) for the case in Fig. 3c is deduced as
(see Appendix B):when twork < t2 · cot ˛2 ,
⎪ f [(r2 + Z · tan ˛2 )2 − r22 ] 0 ≤ Z ≤ twork
⎨ f [(r2 + Z · tan ˛2 )2 − (r2 + Z · tan ˛2 − t 2
work · tan ˛2 ) ] twork < Z ≤ t2 · cot ˛2
MRR2 = (9)
⎪ f [(r2 + t2 )2 − (r2 + Z · tan ˛2 − twork · tan ˛2 )2 ] t2 · cot ˛2 < Z ≤ twork + t2 · cot ˛2
0 Z > twork + t2 · cot ˛2
Fig. 6. Illustration of the contact between an element in the work material and a
rivet element.
where a1 and a2 are the areas of contacting shear planes “1” and
2.2. Force and torque calculations “2”, respectively, and are calculated as
Before establishing force equilibrium conditions for the rivet tip, r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2
the shear stresses on the shear plane are analyzed in detail first. a1 = (18)
sin ˛1
Fig. 5 is a view normal to the shear plane, which illustrates the
motion of the shear plane relative (v1 ) to the work material and the (r1 + Z · tan ˛2 )2 − r12
a2 = (19)
shear stress (S1 ). S1 has two components, Sp1 and St1 , which are also sin ˛2
shown in Fig. 3b and correspond to the components of the motion
When developing analytic models for the torque in the frictional
(v1 ), vp1 and vt1 , respectively. Sp1 , St1 , vp1 and vt1 are expressed by
penetration process of a rivet, the contact condition between the
Sp1 = S1 sin 1 (11) workpiece and the rotating rivet is the most critical (Schmidt et al.,
2004). According to Schmidt et al. (2004), the contact condition
St1 = S1 cos 1 (12) between the tool and the workpiece could be: (1) pure sliding, (2)
pure sticking or (3) mixed sliding and sticking in the friction stir
vp1 = v1 sin 1 = (13) welding process. As regards to Contact (1), the Coulomb’s law of
cos ˛1
friction can be applied to describe the shear stress between the
vt1 = v1 cos 1 = ω (14) rotating rivet and work material,
where is the distance from the point on the rivet shear plane to St1 |Slide ≈ S1 |Slide = · P1 (20)
the rotation axis; 1 is the angle between v1 and vt1 ,
St2 |Slide ≈ S2 |Slide = · P2 (21)
vp1 Sp1
1 = arctan = arctan (15) where is the friction coefficient between the rivet shear plane
vt1 St1
and the work material and is a function of temperature, velocity
vp1 is far less than vt1 in the actual friction penetration pro- and choice of workpiece materials.
cess, e.g. considering f = 780 mm/min, ˛1 = 30◦ , ω = 2 × 6000/min When the pressure between the rivet shear plane and the work
and = 2 mm (Min et al., 2015), then vp1 = 9.01 × 102 mm/min and material is sufficiently high and St |Slide calculated from Eqs. (20)
vt1 = 7.54 × 104 mm/min. As a result, 1 is a very small value close and (21) exceeds the yield shear stress ( work ) of the work material
to 0 based on Eq. (15). Hence, St1 ∼ S1 , and Sp1 is close to 0 and is contacting with rivet shear plane, the sticking contact condition,
ignored in the following analysis. i.e. Contact condition (2), is then satisfied. In this case, the work
As shown in Fig. 3b and c, the penetration forces acting on the material closest to the shear plane sticks to the rivet shear plane
two shear planes of the mandrel tip can be calculated from the and is accelerated by the rotating rivet until an equilibrium state is
achieved between the tangential shear stress and work ; finally, the
speed of the work material closest to the rivet shear plane (vt work ) is
equal to the speed on the rotating rivet shear plane (vt1 ) as shown
in Fig. 6. As a result, a sticking affected zone (SAZ) exists, where
the speed of work material decreases to zero as the distance (ϕ)
from the rivet shear plane increases. In the Contact condition (3)
(also the mixing or partial sticking condition), the material closest
to the rivet shear plane still rotates with the rivet, however vt work
is smaller than vt rivet . Therefore, relative sliding as well as sticking
exists between the rivet shear plane and the work material. The fol-
lowing analyses on the torque are based on the above three contact
In the pure sliding contact condition (Contact (1)), the torque is
essentially a result of the tangential shear stress in the tangential
Fig. 5. Shear stresses on the rivet shear plane (enlarged normal view from the direction (St1 |Slide and St2 |Slide ) on the contact surfaces of the rivet
axisymmetric axis of an infinitesimal section of the shear plane). shear planes and the work material, and St1 |Slide and St2 |Slide are
J. Min et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 222 (2015) 268–279 273
Table 1
Process parameters in the frictional penetration tests.
Replacing da1 from Eq. (22) into Eq. (27) and integrating dz from
0 to Z, then the torque (Mz1 |Stick ) can be deduced as
2work 3
Mz1 |Stick = [r − (r1 − z · tan ˛1 )3 ] (28)
3 sin ˛1 1
Similarly, the torque (Mz2 |Stick ) in the sticking contact condition
in Fig. 3c is expressed as
Mz2 |Stick = [(r2 + z · tan ˛2 )3 − r23 ] (29)
3 sin ˛2
A state parameter, , is introduced to describe the portion of
sticking in the mixed sliding/sticking contact between the work
material and the rotating rivet. The mixed contact is assumed to
be a linear combination of the sliding contact and sticking contact,
Fig. 7. Illustration for calculation of torque in the frictional penetration process. namely, the tangential shear stress (St |mix ) on the contact surface
between the work material and the rivet shear plane is
calculated based on Coulomb’s law as expressed in Eqs. (20) and St |mix = · St |stick + (1 − ) · St |Slide (30)
(21), respectively. Based on the previous deduction in Section 2.2, the following
Assume the rivet penetration depth is Z and the infinitesimal equation can also be obtained.
displacement of the rivet tip is dz. The distance from the rivet shear
plane to the rotation axis is calculated as r1 − Z · tan˛1 , refer to Fig. 7, |mix = · |stick + (1 − ) · |Slide (31)
and then the corresponding infinitesimal area on the rivet shear can be either of St1 , St2 , MZ1 and MZ2 .
plane, da1 , is computed as Eq. (22) by ignoring the higher order At last, for a general case where the rivet has a tip shown in
terms of dz Fig. 3a, the penetration force and torque are computed per Eqs.
(32) and (33), respectively.
(r1 − z · tan ˛1 )2 [r1 − (z + dz) · tan ˛1 ]2
da1 = −
sin ˛1 sin ˛1 FZ = FZ1 |mix + FZ2 |mix (32)
2 (r1 − z · tan ˛1 ) MZ = MZ1 |mix + MZ2 |mix (33)
= dz (22)
cos ˛1
It is easy to understand that the cases where = 0 and = 1 indi-
cate pure sliding contact and pure sticking contact, respectively.
The infinitesimal change in torque (dMz1 |Slide ) based on the
Consequently, Eqs. (31)–(33) cover all three contact conditions.
infinitesimal area (da1 ) and the tangential shear stress (St1 |Slide ) is
expressed as Eq. (23).
3. Details of frictional penetration tests
dMz1 |Slide = St1 |Slide · (r1 − z · tan ˛1 ) · da1 (23)
The work material used in the frictional penetration tests was
Replacing da1 from Eq. (22) into Eq. (23) and integrating dz from AA6022-T4 sheet with a gage thickness of 1.2 mm, and the dimen-
0 to Z, the torque (Mz1 |Slide ) in the frictional penetration process is sions of the workpieces were 38 mm in width by 127 mm in length.
obtained. Rivets with tips as shown in Fig. 3b and ˛1 = 30◦ were fabricated
by machining commercial blind rivets (Advel SSPV-08-06), which
2P1 3
Mz1 |Slide = [r − (r1 − z · tan ˛1 )3 ] (24) had a shank diameter of 6.4 mm. The detailed dimensions of the
3 sin ˛1 1 machined rivets are presented in Fig. 8a. The frictional penetration
tests were performed on a Makino A99 CNC machine. In the tests, a
Similarly, the torque in the case of Fig. 3c is deduced as
single workpiece was clamped on a backing plate with a Ф 10 mm
2P2 hole to allow for penetration of the rivet. Furthermore, the CNC
Mz2 |Slide = [(r2 + z · tan ˛2 )3 − r23 ] (25)
3 sin ˛2 machine was equipped with a dynamometer, as shown in Fig. 8b
and finally, the rivet mandrel was held by a spindle fixture. The
When the pure sticking condition is fulfilled, the tangential rotation speeds and feed rates are listed in Table 1. The displace-
shear stress, St1 |stick (or St2 |stick ), is equivalent to the yield shear ment of the rivet from the top surface of the workpiece was set to
stress of the work material, work , which is supposed to be Eq. (26) 5 mm in all tests, i.e. only part of the mandrel head penetrated the
as reported by Schmidt et al. (2004). AA6022 workpiece. Use of a dynamometer and a data acquisition
work system allowed for measurements of both the penetration force
work = √ (26) and torque during the frictional penetration tests.
where work is the yield tensile stress of the work material, and 4. Results
work is independent of the pressure. Then the infinitesimal torque
(dMz1 |Stick ) in the case of the sticking contact condition is expressed 4.1. Force and torque results
The force and torque curves in the frictional penetration tests
dMz1 |Stick = St1 |Stick · (r1 − z · tan ˛1 ) · da1 (27) are presented in Fig. 9a and b, respectively. FZ1 increased with rivet
274 J. Min et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 222 (2015) 268–279
Fig. 8. (a) Dimensions of the rivet modified from the blind rivet SSPV-08-06, and (b) the fixture used in the frictional penetration tests.
travel distance (Z) to the peak value (FZ1 max ) at ZF=max . The depth 4.2. Heat generation
at which the peak value was achieved is a function of the fric-
tional heat input thus, a slower feed rate provided greater heat The previous study by Min et al. (2015) on the FSBR of Al alloys
input for a given depth and resulted in both a lower peak force and showed that over 95% of the input energy was consumed by the
a shorter ZF=max . Once the peak force was achieved, FZ1 gradually torque, and that this proportion increased as rotation increases
decreased to 0 at ∼1.6 mm (ZF=0 ), where the rivet tip penetrated and/or feed rate decreased. Thus for this body of work, the heat
thorough the workpiece. Similar evolution of MZ1 with Z was also generated by the penetration force was neglected with respect
observed. It is noted that both ZF=0 and ZM=0 were larger than the to analyzing the frictional penetration process. Furthermore, it is
thickness of the workpiece, which was attributed to the material assumed that the work done by the rotation of the rivet was com-
crown at the bottom of the workpiece formed by the frictional pen- pletely converted into heat. Hence, the heat generation rate (H) is
etration of the rivet as reported by Min et al. (2014c). At a fixed expressed as Eq. (34).
feed rate of f = 120 mm/min and as the rotation speed increased
from 3000 to 9000 rpm, FZ1 max decreased from 0.38 to 0.18 kN,
H = MZ · ω (34)
and MZ1 max decreased from 1.72 to 0.90 N m. Again, this reduc-
tion was attributed to a greater amount of frictional heat input.
Likewise, at fixed ω = 9000 rpm, when the feed rate increased from Then the heat (Q) generated in the frictional penetration process
120 to 780 mm/min, FZ1 max increased from 0.18 to 0.45 kN, and is calculated as
MZ1 max increased from 0.90 to 1.47 N m. It is interesting to observe
that ZF=max increased as rotation speed decreased and feed rate T
increased; however, ZM=max showed little dependence on the pro-
Q (T ) = MZ (t) · ω dt (35)
cess parameters, which kept at ∼0.64 mm. 0
Fig. 9. (a) FZ1 vs. Z curves and (b) MZ1 vs. Z curves of the frictional penetration tests at various rotation speed-feed rate combinations.
J. Min et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 222 (2015) 268–279 275
Fig. 10. Heat generation (Q) and heat generation rate (H) in the frictional penetration
Fig. 11. Calculated material removal rates (MRR). To calculate MRR2 , twork and t2 in
where T is time and a function of the penetration depth (Z) and the Eq. (10) are assumed as 3 mm and 1 mm, respectively.
feed rate, namely,
Z MRR1 (refer to Fig. 3b) is always larger than MRR2 (refer to Fig. 3c),
T= (36) and that MRR1 increases faster and then slower than MRR2 as Z
increases until both reach the same maximum value, as shown by
Q is then rewritten as Eq. (37) by substituting Eq. (36) into Eq. the long-dashed lines in Fig. 11. With a larger rivet tip angle, MRR1
(35). increases much faster, and it requires a shorter penetration depth
Z/f to reach the maximum value.
MZ (t) · ω
Q (Z) = dt (37)
f 4.4. Contact conditions
The evolution of heat generation rate (dashed lines) and cumu-
lative heat generation (solid lines) in the frictional penetration It is difficult to determine the exact contact condition between
tests are shown in Fig. 10. Irrespective of the process parameters, the rotating rivet and the work material in the frictional penetration
the heat generation rate H increased as Z increased and reached a process. However, it is possible to estimate the contact condition
peak at ZH=max ∼0.64 mm, and then decreased as Z increased fur- by comparing the theoretically calculated and experimentally mea-
ther. In the three frictional penetration tests, H was the largest sured ratios of torque to penetration force (R).
when ω = 9000 rpm and f = 780 mm/min and it was the lowest when For pure sliding contact, the ratio of the torque to the penetra-
ω = 3000 rpm and f = 120 mm/min. As shown in Eq. (37), the heat tion force is obtained from Eqs. (16) and (24)
generation (Q) or the energy input to the frictional penetration 2 · [r13 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )3 ]
MZ1 |Slide
process, was affected positively by the rotation speed and nega- R|Slide = = (38)
tively by the feed rate. As a result, the test run at ω = 9000 rpm and
FZ1 3 sin ˛1 · [r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2 ]
f = 120 mm/min generated the most frictional heat, and the test run As regard to the pure sticking contact, the ratio of the torque to
at ω = 9000 rpm and f = 780 mm/min generated the least frictional the penetration force can be calculated from Eqs. (16) and (28)
heat, and the former is ∼3.7 times more than the latter.
MZ1 |Stick 2ı · [r13 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )3 ]
R|Stick = =
4.3. Material removal rates FZ1 3 sin ˛1 · [r12 − (r1 − Z · tan ˛1 )2 ]
Fig. 12. Comparison of experimental R-values and the theoretically calculated R|Slide .
Table 2 Fig. 13. Optical micrographs of frictionally penetrated AA6022 sheets by the modi-
Dependence of ZR–c on the process parameters. fied rivets with penetration depth of (a) Z = 0.6 mm, (b) Z = 0.8 mm and (c) Z = 1.0 mm
at ω = 9000 rpm and f = 120 mm/min.
Process parameters ZR–c [mm]
Fig. 15. (a) FZ1 vs. MRR1 curves and (b) MZ1 vs. MRR1 curves with various rotation speed–feed fate combinations.
Table 3 The fitted A and B values by the least squares method were listed
Dependences of A and B values on the process parameters.
in Table 3. According to Fig. 15 and Table 3, the rotation speed
Process parameters A B exhibits little influence on the FZ1 vs. MRR1 and MZ1 vs. MRR1 curves,
while the feed rate shows a significant effect. At a higher feed rate,
Rotation speed Feed rate (FZ1 = A·MRR1 ) (MZ1 = B·MRR1 )
[rpm] [mm/min] FZ1 and MZ1 increased with a lower rate as MRR1 increased.
3000 120 3.65 × 10−2 8.32 × 10−2
9000 120 3.58 × 10−2 7.95 × 10−2
6. Conclusions
9000 780 6.90 × 10−3 1.62 × 10−2
Fig. B2. Case (2): the rivet tip penetrates through the workpiece but the end of shear
plane has not penetrated into the workpiece yet, i.e. twork < Z ≤ t2 · cot ˛2 .
in Figs. B1–B3. For the Case (1) in Fig. B1, i.e., 0 ≤ Z ≤ twork , similar
For the case in Fig. 3c, the deduction of the material removal rate
as the deduction of dV1 , dV2 |(1) is expressed as
(MRR2 ) is more complicated and described as follows.When twork <
t2 · cot ˛2 , MRR2 is calculated based on the three cases illustrated dV2 |(1) = f [(r2 + Z · tan ˛2 )2 − r22 ] · dT (B1)
For the Case (2) in Fig. B2, i.e., twork < Z ≤ t2 · cot ˛2 , dV2 |(2) +
dV2 is expressed as
For the Case (3) in Fig. B3, i.e., t2 · cot ˛2 < Z ≤ twork + t2 · cot ˛2 ,
dV2 |(3) + dV2 + dV2 is expressed as
Fig. B1. Case (1): only the rivet tip penetrates into the workpiece, i.e. 0 ≤ Z ≤ twork . dV2 = f [(r2 + Z · tan ˛2 )2 − (r2 + t2 )2 ] · dT (B6)
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