Bec Micro Project
Bec Micro Project
Bec Micro Project
Part A Plan
Title Of Micro-Project: - RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER
Aim Of Micro-Project: -
Action Plan: -
Plan End Name Of Team
Sr No Detail Of Activities Start
Date Members
Vedant Godse
Group formed according to roll no
Akash Dhangar
& group leaders were elected also
1 Manthan Gondhali
detailed information on micro
Harshita Gupta
project was given
Riya Ingole
Vedant Godse
Finalization of microproject as well
2 as detailed discussion regarding
Akash Dhangar
Planning of micro-project regarding,
resources, software used, submission Vedant Godse
date and completing part a plan of Akash Dhangar
micro – project Manthan Gondhali
Vedant Godse
Complete analysis of design part of
Akash Dhangar
micro-project & distribution of
4 Manthan Gondhali
module among group members
Harshita Gupta
Riya Ingole
Vedant Godse
Akash Dhangar
Manthan Gondhali
5 Getting it finalized by the guide
Harshita Gupta
Riya Ingole
Vedant Godse
Presentation of 1st part of micro-
Akash Dhangar
project Infront of guide by each
7 Manthan Gondhali
group member and Preparing of part
Harshita Gupta
b plan for micro-project
Riya Ingole
Vedant Godse
Akash Dhangar
8 Submission of micro-project Manthan Gondhali
Harshita Gupta
Riya Ingole
Resources used: -
Name Of Resources
Specification Quantity Remarks
Sr No Required
1 Hardware : 1
Computer System Computer i-5
RAM 12GB and
onwards, HDD free
space 512
2 Windows latest version 1
Brief Description:- RC Coupling is the most widely used method of
coupling in multistage amplifiers. It is an application of capacitive coupling. In
this case the resistance R is the resistor connected at the collector terminal and
the capacitor C is connected in between the amplifiers.
4.Module Distribution & Analysis Part: - Once the planning was over
regarding resources etc., we also finalized the module which we will be
designing. According to the members we distributed the module among them
and started the analysis.
5.Design Part: In this part: - we tested the each module and get the actual
result for our micro project. By doing this we were clearer of the project
6.Implementation: - In second week of March, we actually started the
technical phase. We technically applied the test cases & get the excepted result
for each module. The test for each module was done. Each member was writing
information according to module assigned to them. The testing of module was
done to achieve the requirement of project. Finally, the project was ready within
the schedule time.
7.Presentation: - In the third week of March, we have to present the micro
project in front of the guide. Each member of group presented their part with
confidence. She asked various queries regarding the topic. We presented the
detail of each concept we have used in project. She asked to do various changes
regarding the topic.
1 Hardware : 1
Computer Computer i-5
System RAM 12GB and
onwards, HDD free
space 512
2 Operating Windows latest 1
System version
Output Of The
Micro Project:
TITLE: RC coupled amplifier
Here the C is also called bypass capacitor which passes only AC while
restricting DC, which causes only DC voltage to drop across R while the entire
AC voltage will be coupled to the next stage. Further, the coupling capacitor C
also increases the stability of the network as it blocks the DC while offers a low
resistance path to the AC signals, thereby preventing the DC bias conditions of
one stage affecting the other. In addition, in this circuit, the voltage drop across
the collector-emitter terminal is chosen to be 50% of the supply voltage V in
order to ensure appropriate biasing point.
In this kind of amplifier, the input signal applied at the base of the transistor in
stage 1 (Q ) is amplified and appears at its collector terminal with a phase-shift
of 180 . The AC component of this signal is coupled to the second stage of the
RC coupled amplifier through the coupling capacitor C and thus appears as an
input at the base of the second transistor Q . This is further amplified and is
passed-on as an output of the second stage and is available at the collector
terminal of Q after being shift by 180 in its phase. This means that the output of
the second stage will be 360 out-of-phase with respect to the input, which inturn
indicates that the phase of the input signal and the phase of the output signal
obtained at stage II will be identical. Further it is to be noted that the cascading
of individual amplifier stages increases the gain of the overall circuit as the net
gain will be the product of the gain offered by the individual stages. However in
real scenario, the net gain will be slightly less than this, due to the loading
effect. In addition, it is important to note that by following the pattern exhibited by Figure 1,
one can cascade any number of common emitter amplifiers but by keeping in mind that when
the number of stages are even, the output will be in-phase with the input while if the number
of stages are odd, then the output and the input will be out-of-phase. The frequency response
of a RC coupled amplifier (a curve of amplifier’s gain v/s frequency), shown by Figure 2,
indicates that the gain of the amplifier is constant over a wide range of mid-frequencies while
it decreases considerably both at low and high frequencies. This is because, at low
frequencies, the reactance of coupling capacitor C is high which causes a small part of the
signal to couple from one stage to the other. Moreover for the same case, even the reactance
of the emitter capacitor C will be high due to which it fails to shunt the emitter resistor R
effectively which inturn reduces the voltage gain.
On the other hand, at high frequencies, the reactance of C will be low which causes it to
behave like a short circuit. This results in an increase in the loading effect of the next stage
and thus reduces the voltage gain. In addition to this, for this case, the capacitive reactance of
the base-emitter junction will be low. This results in a reduced voltage gain as it causes the
base current to increase which inturn decreases the current amplification factor β. However,
in mid-frequency range, as the frequency increases, the reactance of C goes on decreasing
which would lead to the increase in gain if not compensated by the fact that the reduction in
reactance leads to an increase in the loading effect. Due to this reason, the gain
of the amplifier remains uniform/constant throughout the midfrequency band.
Advantages of RC Coupled Amplifier
1. Cheap, economical and compact as it uses only
resistors and capacitors
2. Offers a constant gain over a wide frequency band.