Dr. M. H. GIT
✓ Conjugation of bilirubin.
✓ Synthesis of bile
✓ Share in activation of vit D
✓ Storage of iron & vit B12
✓ Synthesis of 15,4 erythropoietin hormone
1) Salivary secretions
➢ Function:
1. Lubrication helps (swallowing - speech)
2. Protection:
a. Against microorganisms as bacteria by the presence of
IgA and lysozymes.
b. against dental caries.
3. Excretion: of some toxic substances e.g., mercury and lead.
4. Water balance and temperature control specially in
panting animals as dogs
5. starts digestion of starch by salivary amylase.
Dr. M. H. GIT
Dr. M. H. GIT
➢ xerostomia
Decreased salivary secretion (dry mouth) which leads to bad odor
of mouth, dental caries, difficult chewing, swallowing and speech.
➢ Function: -
1- Grinding of food
2- Mixing food with saliva
3. Stimulate taste buds
➢ mechanism: -
▪ It may be voluntary but mostly it is rhythmic contraction
of muscles of mastication (reflex) through pressure of
food on oral tissues.
➢ Chewing reflex: -
Bolus of food causes reflex inhibition of jaw muscles --->
drop the mandible --> stretch of muscles of mastication
--> contraction of muscles of mastication --> compression
of bolus of food in mouth --> reflex inhibition of jaw
muscles again and the cycle will be repeated.
Deglutition = Swallowing
➢ Process of moving bolus of food from mouth to stomach.
➢ Center: - it is controlled by deglutition center in brain stem
(medulla oblangata).
➢ Phases: -
o Buccal
o Pharyngeal
o Esophageal
1) Buccal phase
o It is voluntary phase
Dr. M. H. GIT
o Mouth pharynx
o Mechanism: Tongue pushes the bolus into pharynx by
moving upward and backward.
o Duration: less than one second.
2) Pharyngeal phase
o It is involuntary phase induced by contact of the bolus of
food with the pharyngeal mucosa.
o It leads to passage of food from pharynx to upper esophagus.
o The passage of bolus into esophagus and inhibited to
direct in false passages as follows
o Nose (posterior nasal opening) closed by elevation of soft palate.
o Mouth: closed by continuous elevation of tongue
against the hard palate
o Larynx (glottis): closed by:
1. Upward elevation of the glottis and downward
movement of the epiglottis
2. Approximation of the vocal cords.
3. Temporary inhibition of respiration (apnea) by
inhibition of respiratory center
o Bolus is then pushed into the esophagus by peristaltic
movement of pharyngeal muscles with relaxation of
upper esophageal sphincter.
o This action is mediated by pharyngeal reflex
- Stimulus --> contact of food with pharyngeal mucosa
- Receptor --> touch and pressure receptors
- Afferent --> 9th and 10th crania nerves.
- Center --> deglutition center in medulla oblongata |
- Efferent --> 9th and 10th nerves.
Dr. M. H. GIT
3) Esophageal phase
o It is involuntary phase induced by contact of bolus of
food with esophageal mucosa.
o Aim: bolus from esophagus stomach
Peristaltic movement
o travelling of bolus along esophagus is mediated by
peristaltic movement (2-4 cm/sec) and helped by
gravity. This is accompanied by relaxation of lower
esophageal sphincter (LES).
Dr. M. H. GIT
lower esophageal sphincter (LES): -
✓ Relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter is controlled by
vagus nerve (which is chemically mediates) by the release
of VIP and nitric oxide (NO) as neurotransmitter.
✓ LES is always closed (except during swallowing) to prevent
reflux of acidic contents of stomach into esophagus.
In cases of vagotomy, deglution is impossible in upper ½ of
esophagus which depends completely on vagal reflexes.
Therefore, food should be intubated to lower 1/2 of
esophagus which may work by local enteric plexus of nerves
(independent on vagus).
Abnormalities of swallowing: -
1) Achalasia = failure of LES relaxation:
- Due to lack of parasympathetic ganglia or receptors at the LES.
- It may lead to distension of esophagus followed by food
putrefaction —> esophageal rupture —> mediastinitis —>
Dr. M. H. GIT
Dr. M. H. GIT
❖ Causes of vomiting:
1. Irritation of dorsum of tongue and throat.
2. Irritation of gastric wall e.g. (high salt) or gastritis.
3. ↑↑ intracranial tension.
4. Severe pain as in renal colic.
5. Psychic vomiting (e.g., sight of blood —bad odor).
6. Chemoreceptor trigger zone CTZ stimulation. E.g. by drugs,
chemotherapy, accumulation of toxins as in renal failure
(uremia) and increased HCG hormone in pregnancy.
▪ Stimulated CTZ then send impulses to vomiting center
(VC) → vomiting
▪ Such chemicals cannot affect VC directly (because they
can’t pass BBB).
7. Motion sickness: sudden rotation of head —> stimulate
labyrinth -→ +++ VC -→ vomiting.
❖ Complication of vomiting:
1. Dehydration.
2. Loss of weight.
3. Alkalosis due to loss of HCL.
4, Electrolyte disturbance.
Peptic ulcer
❖ Occur due to increase the rate of mucosal cell damage and
death (by HCl) more than the rate of their renewal.
❖ Protective measures against peptic ulcer
1. Thick mucosal barrier (chemical — mechanical protection).
Dr. M. H. GIT
Pancreatic secretion
Pancreas acts as both endocrine and exocrine (mixed) gland.
❖ Regarding the exocrine functions:
❖ The exocrine pancreatic secretions = 1-2 L/day
Dr. M. H. GIT
Dr. M. H. GIT
N.B: -
▪ Steatorrhea is failure of fat digestion & absorption and
characterized by:
- Offensive fatty stool.
- Deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins as vit, K (bleeding tendency)
and vit. D (Rickets and osteoporosis)
▪ It may be due to
- Acute pancreatitis or pancreatic failure due to lack of
pancreatic lipase
- Obstruction of common bile duct due to lack of bile salts
Dr. M. H. GIT
▪ Released from: stomach mainly
▪ Actions:
o Stimulation of gastric motility and secretions (HCL - pepsin)
o Stimulation of intestinal motility
o Trophic on the pancreatic (endocrine, ↑ insulin secretin
and exocrine secretion)
▪ Cholecystokinin is released from upper small intestine in
response to increased fat content of duodenum.
Dr. M. H. GIT