Tuffstar ManualV2.0
Tuffstar ManualV2.0
Tuffstar ManualV2.0
Building Tools:
Ÿ 4-6 Channel Programmable Radio (Tx-Rx)
Ÿ 2200-3300mah 3S Lipo Ÿ Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
Ÿ 20-30Amp Brushless ESC Ÿ Cyanoacrylate Glue ( FeviKwik etc )
Ÿ 2 Nos 9gms Servo Ÿ Screwdrivers & Allen Key
Ÿ Brushless Motor 22XX or 28XX series. Ÿ Paper Tape & Clear Packing Tape
Ÿ 7-8inch propellor Ÿ An Iron ( If Laminating )
Ÿ Soldering Iron and Solder Wire
Ÿ Ruler , Pen and a Flat Working Table
The Wing is Completed !
3 Ver 1.0 25 Dec 2017
Tuff Birds
Super Tough Wings & Planes
1500MM EPP 3 Channel Trainer Airplane
11.Install servos
12. Install coro side doubler
To make the wing more secure, we have
provided rubber band method for wing
attachment. Glue the 3MM Ply reinforcement
ply discs in place and use the 4MM Carbon rods
and rubber bands to secure the wing.
15 Wiring Diagram
FPV Gear
CH 3
CH 2
Rudder CH 1
16 Final Checks
Check the throws. Check the neutral. Check the
throw direction. Reverse channels if needed.
Adjust battery position to get the CG on the
CG Location
Have fun and Enjoy. But fly responsibly. Find out a large open field, free from trees, buildings, obstructions
and people. Ensure you comply with local regulation laws.
Before flying your model, it is recommended you have an experienced flier from your region test fly the
model and trim it out for you . In case you have no such help, do not despair.
We suggest you go and do some computer simulation practice ( Realflight G4.5 , Phoenix etc ) afterwards this
airplane should be easy enough for you to fly.
Follow all of the Preflight checks mentioned below. Double check the control surfaces. They should all be
neutral and check again for control reversing. Check for wind direction. The airplane is always launched and
landed against the wind. So move to a location in your field from where you have a clear area ahead against
the wind to launch.
Always keep the model within sight and within the confines of your flying field.
Common Problems:
1. CG too far back. Airplane will not fly tail heavy. A good sign you are tail heavy is you can’t control the plane
or the plane won’t stay trimmed. When you try to loop the plane will roll over. Add weight to the nose to see if
the problems resolve. It is not uncommon to need an extra oz or two of lead depending on how light you build.
2. Too much movement in the elevons so the plane stalls on launch as you pull up on the elevator. This is a
very common problem!!!! May be combined or confused with tail heavy airplane symptoms.
3.Loose servos in the foam, linkages and push rods that flex, and poor leverage with push rods not installed per
plans, elevons are too soft and twisting.
The TuffBirds Tuffstar has been Designed, prototyped, tested and manufactured in India by Vortex-RC. All
Contents are copyright , and no part may be copied, or duplicated in anyf orm without the written permission
from Team Vortex-RC.
Visit us at www.Vortex-RC.com and www.TuffBirds.in