Hema Finals
Hema Finals
Hema Finals
- Reduction of red cell mass - Small and pale red cells because hemoglobin is
- Decreased concentration of hemoglobin not enough
- There is a decreased ability of RBCs to transport - Any deficiency problem with hemoglobin
out oxygen components may result in decrease production
- Hemoglobin level is the first one to check to of hemoglobin
evaluate anemia - Causes:
o Male: < 12 g/dL o Iron deficiency anemia
o Female: < 11 g/dL o Chronic disease
- Relative anemia: normal RBC mass, low volume o Sideroblastic anemia
o Transient or temporary o Thalassemia
o normal retics
o Example: dehydrated IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (IDA)
- Absolute anemia: low RBC mass, normal volume - Most common cause of anemia
o low RBC delivery to circulation (bone
- Usually smaller in size
marrow is not producing enough RBCs) - Due to dietary inadequacy, malabsorption,
o there is an impaired production of RBCs
increase iron loss, & increased iron requirement
o loss of RBC from circulation
- Do not diagnose IDA by measuring iron alone
▪ destruction of RBCs because of - Low ferritin confirms IDA
antibodies or certain external
factors such as malaria
Lab Findings
▪ bleeding because of accidents,
acute or chronic bleeding, etc. ✓ CBC: decreased hemoglobin
✓ Retics: low to normal
✓ OFT: decreased
Signs and Symptoms
✓ Bone marrow: erythroid hyperplasia
• easy fatigability ✓ Others:
• dyspnea on exertion o Decreased: serum iron, % saturation,
• bounding pulse serum ferritin (stored iron)
• palpitations o Increased: Total Iron Binding Capacity
• systolic murmur (TIBC – ability of the iron to be stored as
• headache, faintness, and vertigo ferritin) and Free Erythrocyte
• pallor Protoporphyrin (FEP)
• low BP
- Due to chronic infections, inflammatory process,
Evaluation of Anemia and malignant neoplasms
• red cell count - Blockage in deliver of iron to the developing red
• red cell indices cells
• hemoglobin and hematocrit - Low serum iron and TIBC; high serum ferritin
• red cell distribution width (RDW)
• Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS): to evaluate the SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA
morphological features of RBCs - Abnormalities in heme metabolism
• Reticulocyte count: index of normal - Adequate iron stores but unable to incorporate it
erythropoiesis into hemoglobin because there is lack of
o Especially in cases of hemolytic anemia protoporphyrin IX
to determine whether the bone marrow - Presence of nucleated RBC with iron granules
is responding or not - Primary: idiopathic (cause is unknown)
• Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT): evaluates the - Secondary: side effect (other diseases that
relationship of RBCs surface area to its volume results to sideroblastic anemia such as B12
ratio deficiency, porphyria, and leukemia)
o Especially in cases of spherocytosis - RDW increased
• Bone marrow examination - Hypercellular BM
- Normal retics
CLASSIFICATION OF ANEMIA - High serum iron, serum ferritin, and LDH
Physical Characteristics - (+) stain: Prussian blue (Perl’s stain)
- Pappenheimer bodies on Giemsa
• Degree of hemoglobinization: diameter of
central pallor
Evaluation of Anemia
• Size of red cells
Serum Serum
Iron Ferritin
Pathogenesis IDA Low High Low High High
• Disorders of red cell formation Chronic
Low Low High High Normal
• Excessive loss of red cell
Sideroblastic High Normal High Low High
• Abnormal distribution of red cells
2. Beta Thalassemia
➢ Hemochromatosis - Production of B chain will occur only at 3-6
o Increased GIT absorption and systemic months after birth
iron overload - Homozygous beta thalassemia: (major, cooley’s
o iron deposits in liver anemia, Mediterranean anemia) severe lifelong
➢ Hemosiderosis anemia
o secondary iron accumulation. - Heterozygous beta thalassemia: one normal and
o Iron deposits in parenchymal cells and one abnormal beta chain (minor)
Kupffer cells in the portal tract Other Names Description
Minor • Heterozygous - results when one of the 2
• Cooley’s trait genes that produce beta
• Rietti-Greppi- globin is defective
Micheli disease - usually presents a mild,
- characterized by decreased rate of production or asymptomatic anemia
total absence of globin chains Intermediate • Thalassemia - more severe but do not
Intermedia require regular transfusion
- less globin = less hemoglobin produced = less - occasional transfusions
delivery of oxygen to tissues Major • Homozygous - decrease or complete lack
- 2 important chromosomes for the production of • Cooley’s Anemia of beta chains
• Mediterranean - most severe form
globins: Anemia - TRANSFUSION dependent
o Chromosome 16: responsible for the • Target Cell Anemia anemia
synthesis or generation of alpha and
zeta globins 3. Hereditary Persistence of Hb F (HPHF)
o Chromosome 11: responsible for the - thalassemia with increased levels of fetal
synthesis or generation of beta, delta, hemoglobin
epsilon, and gamma globins - partial or total suppression of beta and delta
- gene for synthesis is located in chromosome 16 chains and Hb F increased to compensate
and chromosome 11 - less delivery of oxygen to tissues
o Alpha Thalassemia – decreased - test for Hb F:
production of alpha chains o alkali denaturation test
o Beta Thalassemia – decreased ▪ Singer test
production of beta chains ▪ Betke test
- demographics: o Acid elution test: citric acid phosphate
o Southeast Asia and Mediterranean buffer is used (high amount of Hb F
region yields to pinkish to reddish solution)
- Clinical presentation:
o Minor: mild anemia (confused with IDA)
4. Hemoglobin Lepore
o Intermedia: moderate anemia
- a rare class of thalassemia caused by crossing
o Major: severe anemia (Hydrops Fetalis)
over of beta and delta genes
- Accumulation of blasts due to:
o clonal expansion of transformed stem
o failure of maturation
- there is a prolonged generation time
- depression of the hematopoietic cycle
➢ M6
o Also known as Erythroleukemia or Di
➢ M2 – Acute myeloblastic leukemia with
Guglielmo syndrome
o 30 % blasts
o > 30% blast in the bone marrow
o > 50% erythroblastic precursors
o > 10% granulocytic cells
o It affects the RBC precursors
- Predominance of mature cells in the peripheral
- Two types:
o Lymphoproliferative
➢ M4 – Acute myelomonocytic leukemia o Myeloproliferative
o 30% blasts in the bone marrow - Laboratory Findings:
o 20 to < 80% monocytic cells o WBC count: high
o Also known as Naegeli o Platelet count: normal to increase
o M4e: M4 accompanied by eosinophilia o Anemia: normal to mild
megakaryocytic fragments
➢ Polycythemia Vera Leukemoid reaction
o Exact opposite of aplastic anemia - Not related to leukemia
o All cell counts are high - Not a disease (only a description)
o Characterized by an absolute increase in - Excessive leukocytic response in the blood
red blood cells, white blood cells, and - WBC count > 50x109/L
platelets - Exaggerated response to infection