07-01 Quotation For Wi-Fi Access Point-3621

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Invitation of quotation

Supply of Wi-Fi Access Point
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur

Inquiry No.: : Admin/Gen/07-01(ii)/2021-AIIMS.JDH

Inquiry Issue Date : 02nd June, 2021

Last Date of Submission : 08th June, 2021 at 03:00 PM.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur

Basni Phase - II, Jodhpur – 342005, Rajasthan
Telefax: 0291- 2740741, email: [email protected]
INQUIRY NO. Admin/Gen/07-01(ii)/2021-AIIMS.JDH

Invitation of quotation for Supply of Wi-Fi Access Point at AIIMS

Sealed Quotations are hereby invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Director, AIIMS
Jodhpur for Supply of Wi-Fi Access Point for the Institute as per terms & conditions
mentioned below. The filled quotations along with all the required document must reach in
the office of the undersigned on or before 08.06.2021 03:00 PM. The Envelope containing the
quotation would please be sealed and super scribed as under:-


08.06.2021 03:00 PM”

1. Terms & Conditions:

A) The quotations received after this deadline & unsealed shall not be entertained under any
circumstances whatsoever. In case of postal delay this Institute will not be responsible.
The offer Submitted Fax/Email shall not be considered and no correspondence will
be entertained in this matter.

B) Quotations must be in the enclosed prescribed Performa on the letter head of the firm
duly signed by the Proprietor/ Partner/ Director or their authorized representative, In case
of signing of quotation by the authorized representative letter of authorization must be
attached with the quotation. Quotation must be dropped in “Quotation Box” located in
Administration Block of AIIMS, Jodhpur.

C) Rates must be quoted in Indian rupees and as per the format specified taxes extra if any
must be written separately.

D) Rates must be quoted FOR basis (including Freight charges, Insurance, installation etc.)

E) No overwriting or cutting is permitted in the rate. If found, the quotation shall be

summarily rejected.
F) The rates quoted must be valid for 60 days minimum from the date of opening of the
quotation and silence of any tendered on this issue shall be treated as agreed with this
G) Becoming L1 will not be the criteria for awarding of purchase order unless the rates are
reasonable & justified.
H) RTGS/NEFT details need to be furnished by the supplier with the quotation on the letter
head of supplier/firm/agency.

I) The firm/agency may satisfy the following conditions and attach self-attested copy of the
same with the quotation:
- Firm shall be registered with the Government of Rajasthan / Central
- The firm shall have valid GST No.
- The firm should not be black listed by any Govt. Agency/Dept.

J) Quotations qualified by such vague and indefinite expressions such as “subject to prior
INQUIRY NO. Admin/Gen/07-01(ii)/2021-AIIMS.JDH

confirmation”, “subject to immediate acceptance” etc. will be treated as vague offers and
rejected accordingly. Any conditional quotation shall be rejected summarily.

K) Delivery Period – within 30 days from Purchase order.

L) Liquidated Damage: - If the supplier fails to deliver the material on or before the
stipulated date, then a penalty at the rate of 0.5 % per week of the total order value shall
be levied subject to maximum of 10% of the total order value.

M) Payment Terms: Payment will be only after satisfactorily delivery / commissioning of

material and after inspection by the AIIMS Jodhpur.

N) Disputes: -In the event of any dispute or disagreement arising between the contractors
and any other department of AIIMS Jodhpur with regards to the interpretation of “Terms
& Conditions” of this inquiry, the same shall be referred to the Director, AIIMS Jodhpur
whose decision will be final and binding upon the contractor.

O) AIIMS, Jodhpur reserves the right to increase or decrease quantity and / or amount of
work. Decision of Quantity of material in the AIIMS, Jodhpur will be final in this regard.

P) AIIMS, Jodhpur reserves the right to reject any quotation or part or the whole of inviting
quotation process without assigning any reason. Decision of the AIIMS, Jodhpur will be
final in this regard.

2. Special Terms & Conditions:

A) Bidder must quote the product as per specification provided in Annexure 1.

B) Catalog must be attached with quotation for technical evaluation.

C) The supplier may be asked to arranging demonstration of their equipment for

which rates have been quoted, to the AIIMS Jodhpur, if required. The expenditure
incurred for demonstrating the items will be borne by the supplier.

Administrative Officer
Encl.: Annexure 1 (Specification)
Annexure 2 (Format of price bid)
INQUIRY NO. Admin/Gen/07-01(ii)/2021-AIIMS.JDH

Annexure 1
S. No. Particular Specification Qty. Remarks
Catalog/ Brochure
1. Wi-Fi Access Point UBNT 20 Nos. must be attached for
Technical Evaluation
Note: -
 The supplier may be asked to arranging demonstration of their equipment for which
rates have been quoted, to the AIIMS Jodhpur, if required. The expenditure incurred
for demonstrating the items will be borne by the supplier.
INQUIRY NO. Admin/Gen/07-01(ii)/2021-AIIMS.JDH

[On the letterhead of firm]

Administrative Officer,
AIIMS, Jodhpur.
Dear Sir,

1. I/We ….................................. Submitted the quotation for Enquiry No. “QUOTATION FOR
Admn/Gen/07-01(ii)/2021-AIIMS.JDH” DUE ON 08.06.2021 03:00 PM for Supply of Wi-Fi
Access Point at AIIMS Jodhpur”.
2. I/We thoroughly examined, understood and accepted terms & conditions given in the enquiry
document, failing which my quotation will be rejected out rightly.
3. I/We hereby offer to supply at the following rates.
Price/ Unit Total Cost
Price/Unit GST/
S. Quoted Inclusive Inclusive
Particular Qty. Exclusive of Other MRP
No Make of GST of GST
GST (INR) Taxes
Wi-Fi Access Point 20
Specification:- As per Annexure–1 Nos.
1. The Bidder must quote only single Make & Model.
2. The bidder must quoted their quotation only in above said format on the letter of firm otherwise
quotation will be REJECTED.
3. Catalog must be attached with quotation for technical evaluation.
4. The supplier may be asked to arranging demonstration of their equipment for which rates have been
quoted, to the AIIMS Jodhpur, if required. The expenditure incurred for demonstrating the items will
be borne by the supplier.
Date__________ (Name)_______________________________________
Place __________ Name of Firm/Company/Agency_________________
GSTIN No.: __________________________________
Bank Name:- _________________________________
Bank Account No.: ____________________________
IFSC Code:- _________________________________
Branch Name: ________________________________
Phone No.____________________________________
(Signature of Authorized Person) ________________

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