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Subject Code : MC300ES

Regulations : R16 - JNTUH
Class : II Year B.Tech EEE I Semester

Department of Electrical and Electronics and Engineering

Ibrahimpatnam - 501 510, Hyderabad



This course is recommended for undergraduate students of engineering program who are
interested in gaining the awareness in various aspects of the Environment.

Page 1
1. Basic fundamental knowledge at undergraduate level on following subjects is
2. About Natural recourses and their conservation.
3. Various chemical and physical reactions in the environment.
4. Knowledge of various extinct species.
5. Waste management strategies.
1 Understanding the importance of ecological balance for sustainable development.

2 Understanding the impacts of developmental activities and mitigation measures

Understanding the environmental policies and regulations
1 Based on this course, the Engineering graduate will Knowledge,
understand /evaluate / develop technologies on the basis Understand(Level1,
of ecological principles and environmental regulations Level2)
which in turn helps in sustainable development

2 Design of pollution control structures. Apply, Create(Level 3,

Level 6)
3 Various schemes for the protection of species Evaluate

4 Implement various Environmental policies, regulations Analyze (Level 4)

and schemes
5 Students can apply the knowledge, techniques, skills and Apply (Level 3)
modern tools to become successful professionals in
communication and media industries
PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of basics science,
engineering fundamentals to the solution of complex engineering
3 Assignments
problems related to environment concern.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature,
and analyze environmental problems and reaching substantiated Assignments
conclusions using first principles of natural sciences
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for
environmental related and design the processes that meet the
specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health 2 Assignments
and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use
research-based knowledge and research methods 2 Assignments
including design of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information
toprovide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply
appropriate techniques, resources, and modern -- --
engineering tools for the prediction and modeling of
complex environmental issues with an understanding of
the limitations.
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by
the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, 1 Assignments
safety, legal and cultural issues and
the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
environment with an engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the
impact of the professional engineering solutions in - --
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to
professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of - --
the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an --
individual, and -
as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in
multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex --
engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as, being able to -
comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of the engineering and - --
management principles and apply
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have Research
the preparation and ability to engage in independent and 2
life-long learning in the
broadest context of environmental changes.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) Level Proficiency

assessed by
PSO1: Talented to analyze the environmental issues and Lectures,
3 Assignments
design the needful ideas for environmental conservation
PSO2 PSO2: Skillful to use the control techniques for research and Lectures,
2 Assignments
advanced studies in. environmental pollution problems
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) - : None


Page 3
Ecosystems: Definition, Scope, and Importance of ecosystem. Classification, structure, and
function of an ecosystem, Food chains, food webs, and ecological pyramids. Flow of energy,
Biogeochemical cycles, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, ecosystem value, services and
carrying capacity, Field visits.
Natural Resources: Classification of Resources: Living and Non-Living resources, water
resources: use and over utilization of surface and ground water, floods and droughts, Dams:
benefits and problems. Mineral resources: use and exploitation, environmental effects of
extracting and using mineral resources, Land resources: Forest resources, Energy resources:
growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy
source, case studies.
Biodiversity And Biotic Resources: Introduction, Definition, genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity. Value of biodiversity; consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic
and optional values. India as a mega diversity nation, Hot spots of biodiversity. Field visit.
Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts;
conservation of biodiversity: In-Situ and Ex-situ conservation. National Biodiversity act.
Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies: Environmental Pollution: Classification
of pollution, Air Pollution: Primary and secondary pollutants, Automobile and Industrial
pollution, Ambient air quality standards. Water pollution: Sources and types of pollution,
drinking water quality standards. Soil Pollution: Sources and types, Impacts of modern
agriculture, degradation of soil. Noise Pollution: Sources and Health hazards, standards, Solid
waste: Municipal Solid Waste management, composition and characteristics of e-Waste and
its management. Pollution control technologies: Wastewater Treatment methods: Primary,
secondary and Tertiary. Overview of air pollution control technologies, Concepts of
bioremediation. Global Environmental Issues and Global Efforts: Climate change and
impacts on human environment. Ozone depletion and Ozone depleting substances (ODS).
Deforestation and desertification. International conventions / Protocols: Earth summit, Kyoto
protocol, and Montréal Protocol. NAPCC-GoI Initiatives.
Environmental Policy, Legislation & EIA: Environmental Protection act, Legal aspects Air
Act- 1981, Water Act, Forest Act, Wild life Act, Municipal solid waste management and
handling rules, biomedical waste management and handling rules, hazardous waste
management and handling rules. EIA: EIA structure, methods of baseline data acquisition.
Overview on Impacts of air, water, biological and Socio-economical aspects. Strategies for
risk assessment, Concepts of Environmental Management Plan (EMP). Towards Sustainable
Future: Concept of Sustainable Development Goals, Population and its explosion, Crazy
Consumerism, Environmental Education, Urban Sprawl, Human health, Environmental
Ethics, Concept of Green Building, Ecological Foot Print, Life Cycle assessment (LCA), Low
carbon life style.

1.Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha for
University Grants Commission.
2.Environmental Studies by R. Rajagopalan, Oxford University Press
1. Environmental Science: towards a sustainable future by Richard T. Wright. 2008 PHL
Learning Private Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Environmental Engineering and science by Gilbert M. Masters and Wendell P. Ela.
2008 PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Environmental Science by Daniel B. Botkin & Edward A. Keller, Wiley INDIA edition.
4. Environmental Studies by Anubha Kaushik, 4th Edition, New age international
5. Text book of Environmental Science and Technology - Dr. M. Anji Reddy 2007, BS
6. Introduction to Environmental Science by Y. Anjaneyulu, BS.Publications.










1 1 Introduction to ecosystem Discuss the overview on the T1, R1
surrounding environment
2 Ecosystem-Definition, scope, Describe the scope, T1, R1
importance importance of the ecosystem
3 Classification,Structural Describe the Structural T1, R1
components,Functions of an components, Functions of an
1 ecosystem
4 Food chain, Food web, flow of Describe about various existed chain T1, R1
energy systems in the nature
5 Ecological pyramids Demonstration about flow of energy T1, R1
in the ecosystem
6 2 Biogeochemical cycles Discuss various important cycles in T1, R1
7 Bioaccumulation Discribe about the awareness of T1, R1
bioaccumulation and its effects
8 Biomagnefication, Ecosystem Demonstration on various values of T1, R1
values surrounding environment
9 Ecosystem services and carrying Analyze the relation between T1, R1
capacity ecosystem with carrying capacity
10 Field Visit Demonstration on various aspects by T1, R1
field visits
11 Revision Analyze the students awareness T1, R1
3 about nature by asking questions
12 MOCK TEST-1 Examine the performance T1, R1
13 Classification of Resources- Discuss the difference between T1, R1
Living Non-living resources various natural resources
14 Water resources: Use and over Express the concepts of various T1, R1
utilization of surface and ground water sources and importance
water, floods, drought
15 Dams: benefits and problems Express the benefits and problems T1, R1
2 aasociated with dams construction
16 Mineral resources: use and Illustrate the kinds of Mineral T1, R1
exploitation resources: use and exploitation
17 5 Environmental effects of Illustrate the methods of extractions T1, R1
extracting and using mineral and problems
resources case - studies
18 Land resources: Forest Resources Discuss the land and forest sources T1, R1

Page 5
and importance
19 Energy resources: Growing Illustrate Energy resources and their T1, R1
energy needs value in the modern society
20 Renewable and non-renewable Describe the difference between T1, R1
energy sources natural sources
21 6 Use of alternate energy sources - Discuss the use and importance of T1, R1
case studies alternate energy sources
23 Genetic, species and ecosystem Discuss the concepts in various types T1, R1
diversity of bio diversity
24 Value of biodiversity Illustrate different values of bio T1, R1
25 7 Consumptive use, productive use Analyze the uses of consume goods T1, R1
and various industrial products.
26 Social, ethical, aesthetic and Describe various values T1, R1
option values
27 India a mega diversity nation, Analyze the various available T1, R1
Hotspots of biodiversity biodiversity in india and world
28 Field Visit Demonstration on the various T1, R1
diversities by visiting
29 8 Threats to biodiversity Examine the problems for T1, R1
30 Habitat loss Describe the loosing of diversity T1, R1

31 Poaching of wild life Examine wild life degradation T1, R1

32 Man-wildlife conflicts Analyze Man-wildlife conflicts and T1, R1
I Mid Examinations (Week 9)

33 9 Man-wildlife conflicts Analyze Man-wildlife conflicts and T1, R1

34 Conservation of biodiviersity:in- Describe the various types of T1, R1
situ and ex-situ conservation processes
35 National Biodiversity act Describe the various acts for T1, R1
protection of biodiversity
36 9 4 Environmental Pollution: Understand the various types of T1, R1
Classification of Pollution environment pollutions

37 10 Air pollution: primary and Demonstration the concept of T1, R1

secondrary pollutions, pollutants
38 Automobile and industrial Understand the various sources of R5
pollution, Ambient air quality pollutants
39 Water Pollution: Sources and type Understand the water pollution and R5
of pollution, drinking water its properties
quality Standards.
40 Soil Pollution: Sources and type, Understand the soil degradation and R5
Impacts of modem agriculture impacts
degrandation of soil
41 Noise Pollution: Sources and Understand the concept of Noise R5
Health hazards, standards pollution and effects
42 Solid Waste: Municipal solid Understand the concept of waste R5
waste management, composition management
43 Characteristics of e-waste and its Understand the concept of e-waste R5

11 management.
44 Pollution Control technologies: Understand and Analyze the R5
Wastewater treatment methods- methods of techniques to pollution
Primary, secondary and tertiary control

45 12 Overview of air control Understand the bioremediation R5

technologies: Primary, secondary
of bioremediation.
46 Global Environmental problems Understand the concept of global R5
and global efforts: Climate challenges
change and impacts on human
47 Ozone depletion and Ozone Understand the ozone deplection R5
depleting substances(ODS). problems from different pollutants,
48 Deforestation and desertification. Analyze the concept of Deforestation R5
and desertification and its
49 13 International Understand the concept of various R5
conventions/protocols: Earth protocols for environment
summit conservation
50 Kyoto protocol and Montreal Understand the importance of R5
protocol. specific protocols
51 MOCK TEST – II Examine the performance R5

52 13 5 Environmental protection act. Understand the concept of, R5

legal aspects Air Act-1981, Water Environmental protection act
Act, forest Act, wild life Act,
53 14 Municipal solid waste Understand the concept of various R5
management, composition, and methods used for waste management
handling rules, biomedical waste
management and handling rules,
54 EIA: EIA structure, methods of Understand the concept of EIA R5
baseline data acquisition.
55 Overview on impacts of air, Understand the concept of various R5
water, biological aspects in EMP
56 Socio-economical aspects, Understand the concept of various R5

Page 7
Strategies for risk assessment, aspects in EMP
Concepts of Environmental
management plan (EMP)
57 15 Towards sustainable future: Understand the concept of R5
Concept of Sustainable Sustainable Development
Development, Population and its
58 Crazy Consumerism, Analyze the environmental R5
Environmental Education, educational importance in various
stages of life
59 Urban sprawl Understand the problems in R5
60 Human health Understand the health issues R5
associated with urbanization
61 16 Environmental Ethics, Understand the concept of ethical R5
values of environment conservation
62 Concept of Green Building Understand the needs to develop R5
greenery world
63 Ecological footprint Understand the concept of R5
Ecological footprint
64 Life cycle assement(LCA), Low Understand the concept of life cycle R5
carbon life style importance
II Mid Examinations (Week
Program Outcomes Program
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 - - 2 - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -
CO2 2 - - - - - - - - - - 2
CO3 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - 2 -
CO4 2 - 1 3 1 - - - - - - - -
CO5 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - 1 -
AVG 1.6 - 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.2 - - - - - - 0.8 0.4
Long Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
1 Explain any three types of ecosystem with suitable Understand 2
2 What do you understand by the term biogeochemical Knowledge 2
cycles? Explain with example
3 What are the factors that determine the homeostasis of a Understand 1
4 Food chain Understand 1
5 Food web Understand 2
6 Flow of energy Understand 2
7 Analyze 2
Biogeochemical cycles
8 Apply 5
9 Make a note on food chain concentration Understand 5
Explain the structure of ecosystem with suitable
10 Apply 3
What do you understand by the term
11 Apply 3
biogeochemical cycles? Explain with examples
Write a note on carbon cycle and water cycle with a
12 neat labeled diagram Apply 3
Make a note on Bio-magnification and Bio-
13 Understand 3
Define ecological pyramid. Explain all the three
14 types with examples Understand 3

Short Answer Questions-

Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
1 Food chain Knowledge 1
2 Food web Understand 2
3 Flow of energy Knowledge 1
4 Pyramid of number Knowledge 1
5 Pyramid of energy Knowledge 1
Long Answer Questions-
Blooms Course
S.No Question
Taxonomy Outcome
Describe some of the case studies which explain the
1 Understand 4
EEE IV Yr II Sem Page 9
effect of over exploitation of natural resources
Make a note on benefits and problems associated
2 Apply 4
with dams
3 What is surface water? Give some example of over Analyze
utilization of surface and ground water.
4 Explain any three methods of using land as a Knowledge 5
5 Describe the role of individual in conservation of Knowledge 5
natural resources.
Explain how agricultural practices implemented to
6 Analyze 4
increase the field from the land lead to formation of
unproductive land.
7 Explain the difference in consumption of resources by Knowledge 4
the countries of the developing and developed world.
8 Write a brief note on: a) Non-renewable resources b) 4
Renewable resources c) Floods as a series
environmental hazard.
9 What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as 4
part of the environmental policy?
10 Give an account of non-renewable energy resources. Knowledge 5
11 Write a brief note on: a) Non-renewable resources b) Knowledge 5
Renewable resources c) Floods as a series
environmental hazard.
12 What is the necessity for a rational land use policy as Apply 4
part of the environmental policy?
Short Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
1 Floods Understanding 4
2 drought Understanding 4
3 Soil erosion Understanding 4
4 Renewable & non renewable natural resources Understanding 4
5 Renewable Energy resources Understanding 4
Long Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
Explain biodiversity and its types.
1 Apply 5
2 Make a note on hot spots of biodiversity Apply 5

EEE IInd Yr ISem Page 10

Explain In-situ and Ex-situ conservation Knowledge
3 5
4 Write a note on biogeographical classification of Knowledge 5
5 Discuss in detail about value of biodiversity. Understand 5
Justify India as a mega diversity nation. Understand
6 5
7 Explain the various threats to and measures Understand 5
recommended for conservation of biodiversity.
What is mean by endangered species? Give types of Knowledge
9 4
endangered species with example.
10 Explain factors affecting endangered species. Understand 4
Short Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
1 Species bio-diversity Understand 5
2 genetic bio-diversity Understand 5
3 ecosystem bio-diversity Analysis 5
4 poaching Analysis 5
5 list of examples for in-situ & ex-situ conservation of Analysis 5
Long Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outco
1 List the major gaseous air pollutants of Apply 5
anthropogenic origin and explain their
2 Make a note on the following: ETP; STP; ODS; Knowledge 5
and e-WASTE
What are Ozone depleting substances? How they Knowledge
3 5
are involved in depletion of Ozone layer?
4 Make a note on green house effect Knowledge 5
Discuss earth summit in detail Knowledge
5 5
6 Make a note on the legal acts taken to protect Knowledge 5
water resources
7 Make a note on forest conservation act Knowledge 5
8 What are the biomedical waste management and Apply 5
handling rules?
9 What are the hazardous waste management rules? Apply 5
10 Make a note on municipal solid waste Apply 5

EEE IInd Yr I Sem Page 11

management and handling rules
Short Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
1 automobile air pollution Understand 5
2 industrial air pollution Understand 5
3 e-WASTE Understand 5
Green house effect. Knowledge
4 5
5 Ozone depleting substances Knowledge 5

Long Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
What is environmental impact assessment?
1 Understand 5
Explain EIS
2 Knowledge 5
3 Make a note on EMP Understand 5
4 Discuss the strategies for achieving sustainable Understand 5
Make a note on the legal acts taken to protect
5 Knowledge 5
water resources
Make a note on forest conservation act
6 Understand 5
What are the biomedical waste management
7 Knowledge 5
and handling rules?
What are the hazardous waste management
rules? Understand 5
Make a note on municipal solid waste Understand 5
management and handling rules
What is environmental ethics?
10 Knowledge 5
Short Answer Questions-
Blooms Taxonomy Course
S.No Question
Level Outcome
1 environmental impact assessment Understand 2
2 population growth Understand 3
3 population growth rate Understand 4
4 population explosion Understand 2
green buildings
5 Analysis 5

EEE IInd Yr ISem Page 12

Unit wise Objective-Type Questions

Multiple choice questions:
1. The term “detritivore” includes
a)Decomposers b)Primary consumers c)Secondary consumers d)autotrophs
2. The accumulation of herbivore biomass in an ecosystem is an example of
a )Biogeochemical cycles b)Transpiration c) secondary productivity d) Gross primary
3. Pre requisite of human life.
a) water b)wood c)minerals d) forest
4. The type of ecosystem with the highest mean plant productivity is
a) Tropical rain forest b) Temperate grassland c)Desert d)Tundra
5. Identify the possible link "A" in the following food chain: Plant → insect → frog → "A"
→ Eagle
a) Cobra b) Parrot c) Rabbit d)Wolf
Fill in the blanks:
1. The living community of plants and animals in any area together with the non living
components of the environment constitute the ecosystem.
2. Pyramid of energy is always upright.
3. No. of individuals that a system can sustain is known as its carrying capacity.
4. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called a Food Chain
5. Organisms who feed directly on producers are called herbivores
6. Movement of nutrients in ecosystem is cyclic while flow of energy is unidirectional
Unit 2
Multiple choice questions:
1.Which one of the following is an example non renewable resources?
a )wind b)water c)vegetation d) coal and mineral
2. The concentration of which gas in highest in our environment
a)oxygen b)Hydrogen c)Nitrogen d)Carbondioxide
3. Biomass generation is mainly based on the principle of
a)Fermentation b)Degradation c)Purification d)both a and b
4.The major reservoir for phosphorous is
a) aquifers b)soil and rocks c) The atmosphere d) The sun
5. A renewable inexhaustible natural resource is
a)Forest b)Coal c)Petroleum d)Minerals
6. minimum disturbance is caused to soil during
a) contour farming b) no-till farming c) terrace farming d) alley cropping
Fill in the blanks:
1.A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains water is called an aquifer.
2. Renewable resources are inexhaustible resources which can be generated within a given
span of time.

EEE IInd Yr I Sem Page 13

3. Nuclear power is the power released by atom splitting is fission.
4. 95% of natural gas is methane
5. Inadequate drainage and poor quality irrigation of water often leads to salinity and water
logging of soils
Unit 3
Multiple choice questions:
1. A biosphere reserve conserves and preserves
a)wild animals b)wild land c)Natural vegetation d) all of the above
2. ____ Values related to biodiversity conservation are based on the importance of protecting
all forms of life.
a) Ethical b) Consumptive c) Productive d) none of the above.
3. The biodiversity contained in the ecosystem provides forest dwellers with
a) Food b) Building material c) medicines d) all of the above.
4. The conservation of species is best done by protecting its habitat along with all the other
species that live in it in nature. This is known as ____
a) Ex-situ conservation b) In- situ conservation c) both a and b d)none of the above
5. Which one of the following is not used for ex situ plant conservation?
a) Field gene banks b)Seed banks c)Shifting cultivation d)Botanical Gardens
Fill in the blanks:
1. Biodiversity deals with the degree of nature’s variety in the biosphere.
2. Nandha Devi, Manon and Sunder bans are examples of biosphere reserves.
3. 1.8 million species have been identified and named till now.
4. Quinine is obtained from the bark of cinchina tree
Unit 4
Multiple choice questions:
1.Ozone layer is depleted by using
a)CO2 b)Cfc’s c)NO2 d)SO2
2. Examples of non-degradable pollutants are
a)Toxic elements b)lead c)nuclear wastes d)all of the above
3. Erosion is a natural process often caused by
a)wind b)flowing water c) both a and b d) none of the above
Fill in the blanks:
1.Biomagnification of the pesticides DDT in the food chain resulted in the thinning of shells
in birds eggs.
2. Pollutants that are emitted directly from identifiable sources are produced both by natural
events and human activities are called as primary pollutants
3. Montreal protocol called for a freeze in the use of CFC’s
Unit 5
Multiple choice questions:
1. Which of the year has been declared as the international year of biodiversity
a) 2009 b) 2008 c) 2010 d) 2011
2. Environmental protection act was passed in the year
a)1976 b)1986 c) 1996 d) 2006
EEE IInd Yr ISem Page 14
Fill in the blanks:
1. EIA stands for Environmental Impact Assessment.
2. EMP stands for Environmental Management Plan
a. www.ugc.ac.in/oldpdf/modelcurriculum/env.pdf
b. www.springer.com
Mr. Anji Reddy,Professor of environmental studies,JNTU
Dr.Shashi Chawla,Professor Dept.of Applied Science,AMITY School of Engineering
New Delhi
a) Journal of Environmental Engineering—published by the American Society of Civil
b) Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy—published by the American Institute
of Physics
c) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews—published by Elsevier
d) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health—published by
MDPI in Switzerland
e) Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews –
published by Taylor & Francis


a) Sustainable development
b) Effect of anthropogenic activities on marine ecosystem
a) Explain EIA-with reference to Pharmaceutical company
b) Biodiversity-Importance and preservation

EEE IInd Yr I Sem Page 15

The institute not only aspires for good academics but also cares for the safety, comfort &
convenience of the students; which are the prerequisites for their good academic
Hence for the students’ convenience along with many other facilities, college offers
transportation to all the students with its fleet of new, neat & clean buses. The college
transport facility offers many advantages to the students such as
1. Reaching on time to college and hence punctual in attending the classes.
2. Comfortable journey with an assured seat in the bus.
3. Less strain during the journey, hence better performance in academic activities.
4. Safety of their belongings.
5. Presence of at least 2 faculty incharges in the bus ensures discipline & risk free travel
(Especially for girl students).
6. Returning home promptly after the completion of the college.
7. No scope of ragging due to the presence of faculty incharges in the bus.
8. Fleet of 40 buses covering all possible route in twin cities.
Note: We are ready to add few more routes to our coverage if at least 10
students from new areas are registering for the transport facility

EEE IInd Yr ISem Page 16

Starting Point Areas Covered
1 Dilsukhnagar (foot-over bridge and Opp. To Sai baba temple Arch)
(Women’s Special)
2 Dilsukhnagar (foot-over bridge and Opp. To Sai baba temple Arch)
(Women’s Special)
3 Chaitanyapuri, White house, RR Court
(Women’s Special)
4 Kothapet, Asta Lakshmi Temple Kamaan
(Women’s Special)
Shilparamam, Kothaguda Chowrasta, Gachibowli Y Junction,
Shaikpet (Darga and Naryanamma College), Tolichowki,
5 Shilparamam Tolichowki X Roads, Attapur Bus Stop, Rajendra Nagar PS,
Shivrampally X Roads, Katedhan ,Bandlaguda, CRPF Camp Office Opp
to Gate, Barkas X Road, Pahadi Shareef, Tukkuguda
6 Nagole Nagole, Snehapuri Colony, Alkapuri, Kamineni Hospital
Hayathnagar, Bhagyalatha Hospital, Hanuman Temple,
7 Hayathnagar Kamala Nagar - Bus Stop, More Super Market,
Jyoti Chicken Center, Red tank, Govt. Hospital, NGO's Colony
Block No. 1, Nallakunta - Vegetable Market, SVES Petrol Bunk ,
O.U. Circle , Shivam Road - Bakers Q, Tilak Nagar - Signal,
8 Block 1
6 No. Signal Amberpet, Sri Ramana - Near Temple,
Amberpet - Darga, Ramanthpur (TV Studio & HPS)
Indira Park -,Himayath nagar (Liberty, Stanza & Minerva Hotel),
9 Himayathnagar Barkatpura X Road, Tilaknagar Bus Stop,
Moosrambagh (More Super Market)
VST, Ramnagar x Roads, Ramnagar Gundu,
10 VST
Vidyanagar Spencers (Adikmet), Amberpet (Police Line)
Zoo Park Bus stop, Bahadurpura, Puranapool, City College,
11 Zoo Park High Court, Afzalgunj, Darushaf, Saidabad Bus stop,
Champapet Triveni School
Shaadan College, Lungerhouse, Mehdipatnam Military Gate, NMDC,
12 Shaadan college Masabtank, Lakdikapool, Nampally (Public gardens, Care hospital),
Monza Market, Chadharghat Naigara Hotel
RTC x Road, Chilkalguda, Kachiguda Tourist Hotel, Kumar Theater,
13 RTC X Road
Nimboliadda, SN Reddy Gardens, Green Park Colony
Moula – Ali Moulali, HB colony (E-seva, NTR Statue), Mallapur (Bus Stop),
(Andhra Bank) Nacharam (Bus Stop, PS), HMT Nagar
Bolarum, Alwal, Tirumalgiri X Roads, Monda Market, Diamond Point,
15 Bolarum
JBS, Patny-YMCA, Sangeet Theater towards Police Nilayam Road

EEE IInd Yr I Sem Page 17

Neredment x Road, Krupa Complex, Vinayak Nagar,
16 Neredmet X Road
East Anandbagh, ZTC, Tarnaka St 'Anns
Moosapet Moosapet Y Junction, Erragada Bus Stop, ESI Hosp. Bus Stop,
Y Junction SR Nagar Bus stop, Ameerpet (Mythri Vanam, RS Brother bus stop)
Miyapur, JNTU, Moosapet Y Junction, Balanagar X roads,
19 Miyapur
Bowenpally X Roads (Gulf Bakers), Tadbund, Paradise
Shalibanda, Laldarwaza, Falaknuma, Chandraynagutta,
21 Shalibanda Signal
Balapur X Road
Malakpet Yashoda Hospital, Super bazar, TV Tower ,
22 Malakpet
Moosarambagh X Roads, Shiva Ganga Theater, Saroornagar Lake
Jubilee Hills checkpost, NTR Bhavan (KBR park, Banjara Hills (City
Jubilee hills Check
23 Center,Taj Krishna), Khairatabad, Abids (Chermas & Big Bazar),
Koti, Bharat Gardens
Sainikpuri X Road Sainikpuri X Roads, Officers Colony, AS Rao Nagar, Radhika x Roads,
Officer’s Colony ECIL X Roads, SP Nagar Petrol Pump, Lalapet Bridge
Sahara Estates, Chintalkunta, Panama Gowdowns, Sushma Theater,
25 SAHARA Rythu Bazar, Gowthami Nagar, Siva Sindhu, Sri Indu college bus stop,
DPS Circle
Golconda X Road, Raja deluxe Opp, Musheerabad X Roads , Bhoiguda,
27 Golconda X Road
Padmarao Nagar, Chilkalaguda X Roads, Mylargadda, Seethaphalmandi
28 Dilsukhnagar (Footover bridge and Opp. To Saibaba temple Arch)
Block No.1, Nallakunta - Vegetable Market ,SVES Petrol Bunk,
Block 1
30 O.U. Circle, Shivam Road (Bakers Q), Tilaknagar - Signal,
(Women’s Special)
6 No. Signal Amberpet , Sri Ramana - Near Temple
Naryanaguda, YMCA, Kachiguda X Roads, Koti Women’s College,
32 Narayanaguda
Govt. Press, Saidabad Colony, Karmanghat
33 Uppal Depot Uppal Depot, Uppal Bus Stop
LB Nagar, Sagar X Road,Omkar Nagar, Hasthinapuram (Central, South),
34 LB Nagar
BN Reddy Nagar, Sagar Complex, Injapur, Yamjal
Mandamalla, Jellaguda, Meerpet, Prashanthi Hills,
35 LB Nagar
BD Reddy Gardens, BN Reddy Nagar
Habsiguda Habsiguda St.8 (ICICI Bank ATM, Swathi Tiffins), NGRI,
Street No. 8 Survey of India
Chaitanyapuri (Geetha Hospital),Ramalayam 2nd Bus stop,
37 Maruthi Nagar Old Maruthinagar, Jain Mandir, Mohan Nagar, Andhra Bank ATM,
RK Puram Saibaba Temple
Safilguda X Road, Anandbagh X Road, Malkajgiri Anutex ,
38 Safilguda Tukaramgate, Mettuguda, Tarnaka Sudharshan Sweets,
Habsiguda X Roads
IS Sadan,Yadagiri Theater, OSI Circle, Mandamallam Function Hall,
39 I S Sadan
GayAthri Nagar, TKR Arch

EEE IInd Yr ISem Page 18

40 Amberpet-Darga, Ramanthapur (TV studio & HPS), Uppal X Roads
(Women’s Special)

EEE IInd Yr I Sem Page 19

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