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1 author:
Aditi Goenka
Anand Engineering College
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This study helps to explore the involvement of architecture in healing, and to provide spaces
where healing can take place. Every human being has an inner connection with the
environment in physical, mental, and emotional aspects. A healing space is a space of one’s
own peace created through all our senses. It can be a physical place that incorporates
calming elements to create a peaceful tranquility in the environment. So that our bodies can
feel relaxed and start to rejuvenate and give us a positive energy to work well. This concept
does not propose that architecture itself has the ability to heal. But it can provide a platform
for other natural factors like sound, light, colour, privacy, and views, to promote a healing
environment that affects the physical and psychological healing of patients. This idea is
concerned about how physical healthcare environment can make a difference in rapid
recovery of the patients. The study includes different techniques through which healing
environments can be achieved inside and outside the healthcare buildings through planning,
orientation, mass, site, interior and exterior, views, and social spaces.
In many instances, the entrance situation feel unworthy of neatness and a decent
has been a neglected point in the design of reception.
healing spaces. Descriptions from the
world of psychiatry testify to obscure, In Architect Sirish Beri’sMuktangan de-
shabby entrances next to loading bays and addiction centre, Pune, he disposed
waste bin rooms. This has the effect of transparent entrance to have controlled
degrading the patient, making him / her flow of traffic and the easy supervision.
The recessed entrance with the integrated From this precedent, the coherence
landscape and the flight of steps give the between the entrance and the good first
sense of welcoming entrance. He also impression is interpreted the basic intent to
housed kitchen and other services at the make it as simple as possible for the
rear side of the site to allow service access, patient to seek care.
without any chaos in the main entrance.
One of the very foremost challenges the intensively researched at present the
architect has to face is that of “creating a possibility of moving about, feeling space
free and open atmosphere” – which again and breathing one’s fill of fresh air or
is a proposal to achieve something which having a smoke alleviates the sense of
will feel normal. The design for healthcare confinement and increases the possibility
unit can be such that it does not create of physical activity. Views from individual
discomfort to the users. Compact and rooms and social areas, but also from
clumsy spaces create a negative impact corridors, help to achieve healing.
and so such spaces can be created that may Windows which can be opened give us
be used as social experiences and allows a birdsong and natural fresh air.
patient to choose, for example, between
seclusion and sociability. Dead ends PUBLIC SPHERE ENVELOPES THE
should if possible be avoided. PERSONAL SPHERE
Giving the possible privacy with some
DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE GREEN social spaces are necessary and are stated
Nature has a rehabilitating effect on all of as a basic qualification of rapid recovery.
us, included the people with mental illness. But constant withdrawal and always
This insight appears to have grown of late, keeping oneself to oneself so as to be
among other things because rehabilitation spared social contacts and confrontations
in a natural setting has proved highly is often one of the symptoms of mental
successful in connection with fatigue illness, and so care is concerned with
depressions. The subject is being developing the patient’s social capacity.
The social element also has to be gradually also in Mukthangan rehabilitation centre
stepped up, but of course depending on with the help of well lit amphitheatre space
individual circumstances. The design of in the centre enclosed by rough wall to
the physical environment, accordingly, give those agitated people a sense of
must underpin the individual patient’s protection.
gradual enlargement of his / her personal
sphere. From the patient’s own bed to the ELEMENTS OF HEALING
open door, to dropping in on the person in COLOUR
the next room and sitting down in the Scientifically, colour is defined as “a
social corner to talk. Joining meals and specific visual sensation produced by
communal activities, having talks with a visible radiation, or colour stimulus that
social worker or doctor. occurs when light from a natural or
artificial source is interrupted by an object
Seclusion is a concept which can also be or a dust particle” (Meervein, Rodeck,
used when we architects talk of the &Mahnke, 2007, p. 4) There is power in
communal spaces. There we should shape colour. Each colour has ability to affect
the rooms, or shape “rooms within the architectural planes which allows it the
room”, make small niches or seating areas power to accentuate shapes and forms.
of varied character where people can “take Also it can contradict the true form and
a pew”. Normally speaking, mentally ill expression the building wants to be.
persons have a larger bubble of personal Colour can imply proud architecture or
territory. But the places created must still display the building as abstract art. With
make people feel encompassed and secure. the many applications of colour, it has the
In NIMHANS, Bengaluru I observed that power to change our environment to make
patient rooms are zoned near open spaces a connection with our environment, body,
with the natural elements like trees, mind, and spirit. Leonardo da Vinci
sunlight and gentle wind to heal their believed that the power of meditation
agitation. The language of making public increases 10 times when done in a purple
activity inside the private spaces are done light, as in the purple light of stained glass.
Colour psychology has also been identified to evoke and stimulate certain emotional
as a tool capable of improving human responses and use it as a tool to control the
behaviour, moods and emotions. Dalke has experience of space as desired. Colours
discovered that both architecture and have the ability to invoke in us a variety of
colour have the ability to visually moods. Although not everybody will have
stimulate patients and the surrounding the same feelings seeing a certain colour
society; this can provoke and elevate the psychological effects are shared by the
positive or negative emotions. majority. While perceptions of colour are
somewhat subjective; there are some
Architecture should integrate the power of colour effects that have universal meaning.
colour into modern healing environments
Colours in the red area of the colour colours are often described as calm, but
spectrum are known as warm colours can also call to mind feelings of sadness
and include red, orange and yellow. or indifference.
These warm colours evoke emotions These cool colours are typically
ranging from feelings of warmth and considered restful. There is actually a
comfort to feelings of anger and bit of scientific logic applied to this –
hostility. because the eye focuses the colour
Colours on the blue side of the green directly on the retina, it is said to
spectrum are known as cool colours and be less strainful on your eye muscles.
include blue, purple and green. These
where emotions are located (Jin et al., stabilize the heart, muscles and
2009). In their study, Jin et al. (2009) bloodstream; used to treat burns, skin
reported that the red colour appeared to diseases, glaucoma, measles and chicken
have the most effect on emotional changes pox, and throat problems; Green:
and directly affected subjects’ Strengthens bones and muscles, disinfects
parasympathetic nerve system activity bacteria and virus, and relieves tension;
which adjusted the blood pressure, the used to treat malaria, back problems,
heart rate and the respiratory rates below cancer, nervous disorders, and ulcers, and
the normal level. The effect of colours on to manage heart problems and blood
physiological functions of the body has pressure. (O’Connor, 2011)
been effectively used as colour therapy in
various medical fields such as depression Colour psychology is concerned with the
and cancer. effects of colour on mood, emotion,
behaviour. Certain colours can raise blood
Red: Activates the circulation system and pressure, increase metabolism, or cause
benefits the five senses; used to treat colds, eye strain. Research has shown that when
paralysis, anemia, ailments of the our eyes connect with a colour, our brains
bloodstream and ailments of the lung; release different chemicals that impact us
Blue: Raises metabolism; is used to on a physical and emotional level.
Fig13: Bright Yellow In Combination With White Looks Bright And Clean.
Activates the circulation system and major impact on human’s feelings, and the
benefits the five senses; used to treat colds, control of light is considered essential in
paralysis, anemia, ailments of the order to promote a healthy environment.
bloodstream and ailments of the lung. (Ibid, 201)
Yellow: brings happiness and mental
creativity. It can help with issues related to The built environment needs to utilize
depression, tension, mental and nervous natural lighting by providing architectural
exhaustion. Yellow can be beneficial at elements that bring light into the interior,
libraries and study areas. such as skylights, courtyards, and atriums,
Blue: brings stillness, serenity and faith. It in order to maximize interaction between
reduces blood pressure, heart beat and building users and sunlight. Moreover,
brain waves. Blue can be used in calming daylight, when approached correctly,
environments such as meditation, but it brings energy and joy into buildings,
isn’t useful in social and communal areas. keeping in mind that the amount of light
Raises metabolism; is used to stabilize the varies from activity to another. (Carol
heart, muscles and bloodstream; used to Venolia, Healing Environments: Your
treat burns, skin diseases, and glaucoma, Guide to Indoor Well-Being (Berkeley:
measles and chicken pox, and throat Celestial Arts, 1988), 54) For instance,
problems. social and gathering spaces can accept a
White: brings purity, positivity and higher amount of daylight than a library
innocence. It is believed that white has the space.
power of enhancing the spiritual
characteristics when added to any colour. Daylight, as known, is time dependent; it
White suggests coolness and cleanliness changes over the day and over the seasons.
Green: Strengthens bones and muscles, Buildings should be aware of the direction
disinfects bacteria and virus, and relieves and the angles of sun in order to control its
tension; used to treat malaria, back orientation. For example, North orientation
problems, cancer, nervous disorders, and should be utilized when building in the
ulcers, and to manage heart problems and southern hemisphere to allow for direct
blood pressure. (O’Connor, 2011, p. 231) sun exposure, stating that south facing
rooms will not be exposed to direct sun
LIGHT AND THERAPY light and their interior environment might
“The more living the light the more feel dull and cold.( Christopher Day, Spirit
appealing the places” (Ibid, 202).It is and Place: Healing our Environment
commonly known that sunlight is highly (Oxford: Architectural Press, 2002), 201)
beneficial to human’s health. The majority
of people nowadays experience low It is worth mentioning that daylight when
exposure to sunlight, as most professions entering the building is exposed to other
require workers to stay indoors. (Ibid, 193) factors that may change its perception,
such as colours and textures of surfaces.
Organs responsible for hormonal The way we perceive daylight is
regulation also benefit from daylight and dependent on these elements which
when it lacks, depression and other contribute in enhancing moods and senses.
physical and social issues start to develop. (Ibid, 204)
Natural light and interior lighting have a
reason than the inability to touch the inner Visual: Appeals to our perception,
parts of framed artwork. what a texture might feel like.
Tactile: Actual alterations in a plane
Reflective Surfaces which may be felt when touched are
Colours can look brighter, stronger and tactile textures.
possibly even lighter when seen on
reflective surfaces such as glass, mirror SMOOTH, SOFT, SHINY, FLAT
and metals. Our perception of a colour’s EMOTIONAL EFFECTS
temperature can also alter under different Sophisticated and sleek.
lighting, at different times of day and Smooth and soft are cool, friendly,
when seen in relation to other colours: inviting, tranquil and precise.
Often unnoticeable and undemanding
Light-Reflective Textures Smooth textured surfaces reflect light.
A variety of textures is important when They make an object feel lighter and
working with intense colours as they move more modern textures such as silk,
light around and can bring darker shades to paints with sheen, glazed, or glossy
life. finish mirrors and metals bounce light
Textures in design can be of two different around the room.
Colours on these surfaces tend to look from cool and contemporary to warm
brighter, stronger, and possibly even and cozy or vice versa.
The way light reflects off the surface ROUGH HARD MATTE COARSE
can drastically change the colour. For BUMPY UNEVEN
example, in a small, dark room, EMOTIONAL EFFECTS
furnishings with smooth, shiny finishes Rough textures will attract attention,
will impart a reflective quality and activate eye movement but can
give the space a sense of natural light a overshadow the use of form.
blue wall could warm up by applying Textures that are hard, rough,
texture to it, or cool down a red inconsistent are less formal livelier and
Cabinet by applying a glossy varnish outgoing.
over it. Polished marble cladding will A hard texture will evoke emotional
appear lighter than timber reactions of strong, vigorous feeling
Paneling, despite the reverse being true often masculine in nature they add
Combined with the use of colour, the weight to the room creating closed and
overall atmosphere can be transformed cozy feel.
It creates intimacy.
The effect of this type of visual angle, creates a different visual effect
partitioning makes a room feel smaller. forming highlights and shadows. They
reflect light differently from one angle
EFFECTS OF LIGHT in a room than from another,
Never reflect light, so they often have a This can give the room discrete
warming effect by adding weight. vantage points that may differ greatly
Rough textures will help balance the from one another. The roughness is
excess of natural light. emphasized when the surface is viewed
Gives light variations without the need up close and grazed with light which
of more colours. highlights the texture through shadows
Changing the angle from which light and light spots.
hits the textured surface, and the view
responses in order to stimulate the mind day sooner than those with views of a
and its perceptual visioning of a space. brick wall. Not only had that, but the
patients with nature views required fewer
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were located beside windows with views medications. The results were dramatic
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