Cse - Iot IV Years Cs & Syllabus Ug r20
Cse - Iot IV Years Cs & Syllabus Ug r20
Cse - Iot IV Years Cs & Syllabus Ug r20
Common to
(i) CSE (INTERNET OF THINGS) – Branch Code:49
(ii) INTERNET of THINGS - Branch Code:60
(Applicable for batches admitted from 2020-2021)
S. No Subjects L T P Credits
1 BS1101 Mathematics - I 3 0 0 3
2 BS1104 Applied Physics 3 0 0 3
3 HS1101 Communicative English 3 0 0 3
4 ES1101 Computer Engineering Workshop 1 0 4 3
5 ES1102 Programming for Problem Solving Using C 3 0 0 3
6 HS1102 English Communication skills Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5
7 BS1105 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8 ES1103 Programming for Problem Solving Using C Lab 0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits 19.5
S. No Subjects L T P Credits
1 BS1202 Mathematics – II 3 0 0 3
2 BS1206 Applied Chemistry 3 0 0 3
3 ES1204 Problem Solving Using Python 3 0 0 3
4 ES1205 Basic Electrical& Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3
5 ES1206 Digital Logic Design 3 0 0 3
6 ES1207 Problem Solving Using Python Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 BS1207 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8 ES1208 Digital Logic Design Lab 0 0 3 1.5
9 MC1203 Constitution of India 2 0 0 0
Total Credits 19.5
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
S. No Course Title L T P C
1. BSC2101 Mathematics – III 3 0 0 3
2. PCC2101 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 3 0 0 3
3. PCC2102 Data Structures 3 0 0 3
4. PCC2103 Operating Systems 3 0 0 3
5. PCC2104 Java Programming 3 0 0 3
6. PCC2105 Data Structures Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7. PCC2106 OS&UNIX Programming Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8. PCC2107 Java Programming Lab 0 0 3 1.5
9. SC2101 Free and Open Source Software 0 0 4 2
10. MC2101 Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge 2 0 0 0
TOTAL 21.5
S. No Course Title L T P C
1. ESC2201 Computer Organization& Architecture 3 0 0 3
2. BSC2201 Probability and Statistics 3 0 0 3
3. PCC2201 Formal Languages & Automata Theory 3 0 0 3
4. PCC2202 Database Management Systems 3 0 0 3
Managerial Economics and Financial
5. HSMC2201 3 0 0 3
6. ESC2202 Computer Organization& Architecture Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7. PCC2203 R Programming Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8. PCC2204 Database Management Systems Lab 0 0 3 1.5
9. SC2201 Android Application Development 0 0 4 2
TOTAL 21.5
Minor courses
4 0 0 4
(The hours distribution can be 3-0-2 or 3-1-0 also)
Internship 2 Months (Mandatory) during summer vacation
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
S.No. Course Title L T P C
1 PCC3101 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 0 3
2 PCC3102 IoT Architecture and its Protocols 3 0 0 3
3. PCC3103 Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
Open Elective-I
4. Open Electives offered by other departments/ 3 0 0 3
Natural Language Processing (Job oriented course)
Professional Elective Courses – I
1. Compiler Design
2. Principles of Programming Languages
5. PEC3101 3 0 0 3
3. Software Engineering
4. Computer Graphics
5. Advanced Computer Architecture
6. PCC3104 Network Programming lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 PCC3105 Internet of Things Lab 0 0 3 1.5
Web Application Development Using Full Stack –
8 SC3101 0 0 4 2
Frontend Development –Module -I
9. MC3101 Environmental Science 2 0 0 0
Summer Internship 2 Months (Mandatory) after second year
0 0 0 1.5
(to be evaluated during V semester
Total 21.5
Minor courses 4 0 0 4
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
S.No. Course Title L T P C
1 PCC3201 Embedded System Design 3 1 0 3
Minor courses 4 0 0 4
S.No. Course Title L T P C
Professional Elective courses – III
1 Mobile Computing
2. Data Science
1 PEC4101 3. No SQL Databases 3 0 0 3
4. Privacy and Security in IOT
5. Programming and Interfacing with
Professional Elective courses – IV
1. Fog Computing
2. Cloud Computing
2. PEC4102 3 0 0 3
3. Mean Stack Technologies
4. Big Data Analytics for IoT
5. Cyber Security & Forensics
Professional Elective courses – V
1. Deep Learning
2. Wearable Computing
3. PEC4103 3 0 0 3
3. Dev Ops
4. Block chain Technologies
5. Software Testing Methodologies
Open Elective-III
4. OEC4101 Open Electives offered by other departments/ 3 0 0 3
Middleware Technologies (Job Oriented Course)
Open Elective-IV
Open Electives offered by other departments/
5. OEC4102 3 0 0 3
Multimedia And Rich Internet Applications
(Job Oriented Course)
Humanities and Social Science Elective
1.Universal Human Values
2. Human Resources Development
6. HSMC4101 3 0 0 3
3. Business Intelligence
4. Management And Organisational Behaviour
5. Strategic Management
7. SC4101 Multimedia Application Development 0 0 4 2
Industrial/Research Internship 2 Months (Mandatory) after
8 0 0 0 3
third year (to be evaluated during VII semester)
Total credits 23
Minor courses 4 0 0 4
Minor courses through SWAYAM 0 0 0 2
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
Note: Out of the 20 Credits, 16 credits shall be earned by specified courses listed above.In addition to
the 16 credits, students must pursue at least 2 courses throughMOOCs. The courses must be of minimum
8 weeks in duration.Student can register at any time after the completion of II B.Tech. I Sem.
**Choose 02 MOOCS courses @ 2credits each from SWAYAM/NPTEL.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
I Year - I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Sequences and Series: Convergences and divergence – Ratio test – Comparison tests – Integral test
– Cauchy’s root test – Alternate series – Leibnitz’s rule.
Mean Value Theorems (without proofs): Rolle’s Theorem – Lagrange’s mean value theorem –
Cauchy’s mean value theorem – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with remainders.
UNIT II: Differential equations of first order and first degree: (10 hrs)
Linear differential equations – Bernoulli’s equations – Exact equations and equations reducible to
exact form.
Applications: Newton’s Law of cooling – Law of natural growth and decay – Orthogonal
trajectories – Electrical circuits.
Introduction – Homogeneous function – Euler’s theorem – Total derivative – Chain rule – Jacobian
– Functional dependence – Taylor’s and Mc Laurent’s series expansion of functions of two
variables. Applications: Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables without constraints and
Lagrange’s method (with constraints).
Text Books:
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publishers.
2. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2007 Edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, Wiley-India.
2. Joel Hass, Christopher Heil and Maurice D. Weir, Thomas calculus, 14th Edition,
3. Lawrence Turyn, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, CRC Press, 2013.
4. Srimantha Pal, S C Bhunia, Engineering Mathematics, Oxford University Press.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
I Year - I Semester
3 0 0 3
Unit Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Explain the need of coherent sources and the conditions for sustained interference(L2)
Identify engineering applications of interference(L3)
Analyze the differences between interference and diffraction with applications(L4)
Illustrate the concept of polarization of light and its applications(L2)
Classify ordinary polarized light and extraordinary polarized light(L2)
Fiber optics: Introduction –Principle of optical fiber- Acceptance Angle - Numerical Aperture -
Classification of optical fibers based on refractive index profile and modes –
Propagation of electromagnetic wave through optical fibers - Applications.
Unit Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of LASER light Sources(L2)
Apply the concepts to learn the types of lasers(L3)
Identifies the Engineering applications of lasers(L2)
Explain the working principle of optical fibers(L2)
Classify optical fibers based on refractive index profile and mode of propagation(L2)
Identify the applications of optical fibers in various fields(L2)
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-21
Unit III: Quantum Mechanics, Free Electron Theory andBand theory 10hrs
Quantum Mechanics: Dual nature of matter – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle –
Significance and properties of wave function – Schrodinger’s time independent and dependent
wave equations– Particle in a one-dimensional infinite potential well.
Free Electron Theory: Classical free electron theory (Qualitative with discussion of merits
and demerits) – Quantum free electron theory– Equation for electrical conductivity based on
quantum free electron theory- Fermi-Dirac distribution- Density of states (3D) - Fermi
Band theory of Solids: Bloch’s Theorem (Qualitative) - Kronig - Penney model
(Qualitative)- E vs K diagram - V vs K diagram - effective mass of electron –
Classification of crystalline solids–concept of hole.
Unit Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Explain the concept of dual nature of matter(L2)
Understand the significance of wave function(L2)
Interpret the concepts of classical and quantum free electron theories(L2)
Explain the importance of K-Pmodel
Classify the materials based on band theory(L2)
Apply the concept of effective mass of electron(L3)
Unit Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Explain the concept of dielectric constant and polarization in dielectric materials(L2)
Summarize various types of polarization of dielectrics(L2)
Interpret Lorentz field and Claussius- Mosotti relation indielectrics(L2)
Classify the magnetic materials based on susceptibility and their temperature
dependence (L2)
Explain the applications of dielectric and magnetic materials(L2)
Apply the concept of magnetism to magnetic data storage devices(L3)
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Text books:
1. M. N. Avadhanulu, P.G.Kshirsagar & TVS Arun Murthy” A Text book ofEngineering
Physics”- S.Chand Publications, 11thEdition2019.
2. Engineering Physics” by D.K.Bhattacharya and Poonam Tandon, 1st edition, Oxford press, 2015.
3. Applied Physics by P.K.Palanisamy 3rd edition, SciTechpublications, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Physics – Halliday, Resnick and Walker,10th edition, John Wiley&Sons, 2013.
2. Engineering Physics by M.R.Srinivasan, New Age international publishers, 2009.
3. Shatendra Sharma, Jyotsna Sharma, “ Engineering Physics”, 1 st edition, Pearson Education,2018.
4. Engineering Physics - Sanjay D. Jain, D. Sahasrabudhe and Girish, 1st edition, UniversityPress,
5. Semiconductor physics and devices- Basic principle – Donald A, Neamen, 3rd edition, Mc
GrawHill, 2003.
6. B.K. Pandey and S. Chaturvedi, Engineering Physics, 1 st edition, CengageLearning, 2013.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - I Semester
3 0 0 3
The course is designed to train students in receptive (listening and reading) as well as productive and
interactive (speaking and writing) skills by incorporating a comprehensive, coherent and integrated
approach that improves the learners’ ability to effectively use English language in academic/ workplace
contexts. The shift is from learning about the language to using the language. On successful completion of
the compulsory English language course/s in B.Tech., learners would be confident of appearing for
international language qualification/proficiency tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, or BEC, besides being able to
express themselves clearly in speech and competently handle the writing tasks and verbal ability component
of campus placement tests. Activity based teaching-learning methods would be adopted to ensure that
learners would engage in actual use of language both in the classroom and laboratory sessions.
Course Objectives
➢ Facilitate effective listening skills for better comprehension of academic lectures and English spoken
by native speakers
➢ Focus on appropriate reading strategies for comprehension of various academic texts and authentic
➢ Help improve speaking skills through participation in activities such as role plays, discussions and
structured talks/oral presentations
➢ Impart effective strategies for good writing and demonstrate the same in summarizing, writing well
organized essays, record and report useful information
➢ Provide knowledge of grammatical structures and vocabulary and encourage their appropriate use in
speech and writing
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to
understand social or transactional dialogues spoken by native speakers of English and identify the
context, topic, and pieces of specific information
ask and answer general questions on familiar topics and introduce oneself/others
employ suitable strategies for skimming and scanning to get the general idea of a text and locate
specific information
recognize paragraph structure and be able to match beginnings/endings/headings with paragraphs
form sentences using proper grammatical structures and correct word forms
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Unit 1:
Lesson-1: A Drawer full of happiness from “Infotech English”, Maruthi Publications
Lesson-2: Deliverance by Premchand from “The Individual Society”,Pearson Publications. (Non-
Listening: Listening to short audio texts and identifying the topic. Listening to prose, prose and
Speaking: Asking and answering general questions on familiar topics such as home, family, work, studies
and interests. Self introductions and introducing others.
Reading: Skimming text to get the main idea. Scanning to look for specific pieces of information.
Reading for Writing: Paragraph writing (specific topics) using suitable cohesive devices; linkers, sign
posts and transition signals; mechanics of writing - punctuation, capital letters.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20) GRE Vocabulary (20) (Antonyms
and Synonyms, Word applications) Verbal reasoning and sequencing of words.
Grammar: Content words and function words; word forms: verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs; nouns:
countables and uncountables; singular and plural basic sentence structures; simple question form - wh-
questions; word order in sentences.
Pronunciation: Vowels, Consonants, Plural markers and their realizations
Unit 2:
Lesson-1: Nehru’s letter to his daughter Indira on her birthday from “Infotech English”, Maruthi
Lesson-2: Bosom Friend by Hira Bansode from “The Individual Society”, Pearson Publications.(Non-
Listening: Answering a series of questions about main idea and supporting ideas after listening to audio
texts, both in speaking and writing.
Speaking: Discussion in pairs/ small groups on specific topics followed by short structured talks. Functional
English: Greetings and leave takings.Reading: Identifying sequence of ideas; recognizing verbal techniques
that help to link the ideas in a paragraph together.
Reading for Writing: Summarizing - identifying main idea/s and rephrasing what is read; avoiding
redundancies and repetitions.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words). GRE Vocabulary Analogies
(20 words) (Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications)
Unit 3:
Lesson-1: Stephen Hawking-Positivity ‘Benchmark’ from “Infotech English”, Maruthi Publications
Lesson-2: Shakespeare’s Sister by Virginia Woolf from “The Individual Society”, Pearson
Listening:Listening for global comprehension and summarizing what is listened to, both in speaking and
Speaking: Discussing specific topics in pairs or small groups and reporting what is discussed.Functional
English:Complaining and Apologizing.
Reading: Reading a text in detail by making basic inferences - recognizing and interpreting specific context
clues; strategies to use text clues for comprehension.Critical reading.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Reading for Writing: Summarizing - identifying main idea/s and rephrasing what is read; avoiding
redundancies and repetitions. Letter writing-types, format and principles of letter writing.E-mail etiquette,
Writing CV’s.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words). GRE Vocabulary (20 words)
(Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications) Association, sequencing of words
Grammar: Verbs - tenses; subject-verb agreement; direct and indirect speech, reporting verbs for academic
Pronunciation: word stress-poly-syllabic words.
Unit 4:
Lesson-1: Liking a Tree, Unbowed: Wangari Maathai-biography from “Infotech English”, Maruthi
Lesson-2: Telephone Conversation-Wole Soyinka from “The Individual Society”, Pearson
Listening: Making predictions while listening to conversations/ transactional dialogues without video (only
audio); listening to audio-visual texts.
Speaking: Role plays for practice of conversational English in academic contexts (formal and informal) -
asking for and giving information/directions.Functional English: Permissions, Requesting, Inviting.
Reading: Studying the use of graphic elements in texts to convey information, reveal
trends/patterns/relationships, communicative process or display complicated data.
Reading for Writing: Information transfer; describe, compare, contrast, identify significance/trends based
on information provided in figures/charts/graphs/tables.Writing SOP, writing for media.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words) GRE Vocabulary (20 words)
(Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications) Cloze Encounters.
Grammar: Quantifying expressions - adjectives and adverbs; comparing and contrasting; degrees of
comparison; use of antonyms
Pronunciation: Contrastive Stress
Unit 5:
Lesson-1: Stay Hungry-Stay foolish from “Infotech English”, Maruthi Publications
Lesson-2: Still I Rise by Maya Angelou from “The Individual Society”, Pearson Publications.(Non-
Listening: Identifying key terms, understanding concepts and interpreting the concepts both in speaking and
Speaking: Formal oral presentations on topics from academic contexts - without the use of PPT
slides.Functional English: Suggesting/Opinion giving.
Reading: Reading for comprehension. RAP StrategyIntensive reading and Extensive reading techniques.
Reading for Writing: Writing academic proposals- writing research articles: format and style.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words) GRE Vocabulary (20 words)
(Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications) Coherence, matching emotions.
Grammar: Editing short texts – identifying and correcting common errors in grammar and usage (articles,
prepositions, tenses, subject verb agreement)
Pronunciation: Stress in compound words
Prescribed text books for theory for Semester-I:
1. “Infotech English”, Maruthi Publications. (Detailed)
2.“The Individual Society”, Pearson Publications.(Non-detailed)
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Reference Books:
Bailey, Stephen. Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Routledge, 2014.
Chase, Becky Tarver. Pathways: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking. Heinley ELT;
2nd Edition, 2018.
Skillful Level 2 Reading & Writing Student's Book Pack (B1) Macmillan Educational.
Hewings, Martin. Cambridge Academic English (B2). CUP, 2012.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - I Semester
1 0 4 3
Course Objectives:
To make the students aware of the basic hardware components of a computer and installation of
operating system.
To introduce Raptor Tool for flowchart creation.
To introduce programming through Visual Programming tool using scratch.
To get knowledge in awareness of cyber hygiene that is protecting the personal computer from
getting infected with the viruses, worms and other cyber-attacks.
To introduce the usage of Productivity tools in crafting professional word documents, excel
spreadsheets and power point presentations using open office tools.
Simple Computer System: Central processing unit, the further need of secondary storage, Types of memory,
Hardware, Software and people. Peripheral Devices: Input, Output and storage, Data Preparation, Factors
affecting input, Input devices, Output devices, Secondary devices, Communication between the CPU and
Input/ Output devices.
TASK 1: PC Hardware: PC Hardware introduces the students to a personal computer and its basic
peripherals, the process of assembling a personal computer, installation of system software like MS
Windows, Linux and the required device drivers. In addition hardware and software level
troubleshooting process, tips and tricks would be covered.
Every student should identify the peripherals of a computer, components in a CPU and its functions.
Draw the block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each peripheral and submit to your
instructor. Every student should disassemble and assemble the PC back to working condition.
TASK 2: Hardware Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a PC which does not boot due to
improper assembly or defective peripherals. They should identify the problem and fix it to get the
computer back to working condition.
Software Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a malfunctioning CPU due to system software
problems. They should identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to working condition.
Problem Solving and Programming: Algorithm development, Flowcharts, Looping, some programming
features, Pseudo code, the one-zero game, some structured programming concepts, documents.
Programming Languages: Machine Language and assembly language, high -level and low level languages,
Assemblers, Compilers, and Interpreters
TASK 4: Productivity tool:LaTeX and Microsoft (MS) office: Importance of MS office, Details of the
three tasks and features that should be covered in each, MS word, Power Point, Excel.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Operating systems: Introduction, Evolution of operating systems, , Command Interpreter, Popular operating
systems- Microsoft DOS, Microsoft Windows, UNIX and Linux.
Introduction to Unix Shell Commands, directory management commands, file operations, users commands,
Time and Date commands.
TASK 5: Operating System Installation: Every student should individually install operating system
like Linux or MS windows on the personal computer. The system should be configured as dual boot with
both windows and Linux.
TASK 6: Basic Commands:Unix Shell Commands, directory management commands, file operations,
users commands, Time and Date commands.
Computer Networks: Introduction to computer Networks, Network topologies-Bus topology, star topology,
Ring topology, Mesh topology, Hybrid topology, Types of Networks: Local area Network, Wide Area
Networks, Metropolitan Networks, Campus/ Corporate Area Network, Personal Area Network, Network
Devices- Hub, Repeater, Switch, Bridge, Router, Gateway, Network interface Card, Basic Networking
TASK 7: Orientation & Connectivity Boot Camp: Students should get connected to their Local Area
Network and access the Internet. In the process they configure the TCP/IP setting. Finally students
should demonstrate how to access the websites and email.
TASK 8: Networking Commands:
ping, ssh, ifconfig, scp, netstat, ipstat, nslookup, traceroute, telnet, host, ftp, arp, wget,route
Introduction to HTML : Basics in Web Design, Brief History of Internet ,World Wide Web Why create a
web site ,Web Standards, HTML Documents ,Basic structure of an HTML document Creating an HTML
document ,Mark up Tags ,Heading-Paragraphs ,Line Breaks ,HTML Tags.
Elements of HTML: Introduction to elements of HTML, Working with Text, Working with Lists, Tables
and Frames, Working with Hyperlinks, Images and Multimedia ,Working with Forms and controls.
TASK 10: Web Browsers, Surfing the Web: Students customize their web browsers with the LAN proxy
settings, bookmarks, search toolbars and pop up blockers. Also, plug-ins like Macromedia Flash and JRE for
applets should be configured. Search Engines & Netiquette: Students should know what search engines are
and how to use the search engines. Usage of search engines like Google, Yahoo, ask.com and others should
be demonstrated by student.
TASK 11: Cyber Hygiene: Students should learn about viruses on the internet and install antivirus
software. Student should learn to customize the browsers to block pop ups, block active x downloads to
avoid viruses and/or worms.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Computers –ReemaThareja-Oxford higher education
2. Computer Fundamentals, Anita Goel, Pearson Education, 2017
3. PC Hardware Trouble Shooting Made Easy, TMH
4. Programming the World Wide Web, 7th Edition, Robet W Sebesta, Pearson, 2013.
Reference Books:
1) An Introduction to Web Design, Programming, 1st Edition, Paul S Wang, Sanda S Katila, Cengage
Learning, 2003.
2) An Introduction to Computer studies –Noel Kalicharan-Cambridge
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
The objectives of Programming for Problem Solving Using C are
1) To learn about the computer systems, computing environments, developing of a computer program
and Structure of a C Program
2) To gain knowledge of the operators, selection, control statements and repetition in C
3) To learn about the design concepts of arrays, strings, enumerated structure and union types. To
learn about their usage.
4) To assimilate about pointers, dynamic memory allocation and know the significance of
5) To assimilate about File I/O and significance of functions
Introduction to Computers: Creating and running Programs, Computer Numbering System, Storing
Integers, Storing Real Numbers
Introduction to the C Language: Background, C Programs, Identifiers, Types, Variable, Constants,
Input/output, Programming Examples, Scope, Storage Classes and Type Qualifiers.
Structure of a C Program: Expressions Precedence and Associativity, Side Effects, Evaluating
Expressions, Type Conversion Statements, Simple Programs, Command Line Arguments.
Bitwise Operators: Exact Size Integer Types, Logical Bitwise Operators, Shift Operators.
Selection & Making Decisions: Logical Data and Operators, Two Way Selection, Multiway Selection,
More Standard Functions
Repetition: Concept of Loop, Pretest and Post-test Loops, Initialization and Updating, Event and Counter
Controlled Loops, Loops in C, Other Statements Related to Looping, Looping Applications, Programming
Arrays: Concepts, Using Array in C, Array Application, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional
Arrays, Programming Example – Calculate Averages
Strings: String Concepts, C String, String Input / Output Functions, Arrays of Strings, String
Manipulation Functions String/ Data Conversion, A Programming Example – Morse Code Enumerated,
Structure, and Union: The Type Definition (Type def), Enumerated Types, Structure, Unions, and
Programming Application
Pointers: Introduction, Pointers to pointers, Compatibility, L value and R value
Pointer Applications: Arrays, and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Memory Allocation Function,
Array of Pointers, Programming Application
Processor Commands: Processor Commands
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Functions: Designing, Structured Programs, Function in C, User Defined Functions, Inter-Function
Communication, Standard Functions, Passing Array to Functions, Passing Pointers to Functions, Recursion
Text Input / Output: Files, Streams, Standard Library Input / Output Functions, Formatting Input / Output
Functions, Character Input / Output Functions
Binary Input / Output: Text versus Binary Streams, Standard Library, Functions for Files, Converting File
1. Programming for Problem Solving, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F.Gilberg, CENGAGE
2. The C Programming Language, Brian W.Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, 2e, Pearson
1. Computer Fundamentals and Programming, Sumithabha Das, Mc Graw Hill
2. Programming in C, Ashok N. Kamthane, Amit Kamthane, Pearson
3. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C, PradipDey, Manas Ghosh, OXFORD
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Vowels, Consonants, Pronunciation, Phonetic Transcription, Common Errors in Pronunciation,
Word stress-di-syllabic words, poly-syllabic words, weak and strong forms, contrastive stress
Stress in compound words,rhythm, intonation,accent neutralisation.
Listening to short audio texts and identifying the context and specific pieces of information toanswer a
series of questions in speaking.
Newspapers reading;Understanding and identifying key terms and structures useful for writing reports.
1. Exercises in Spoken English Part 1,2,3,4, OUP and CIEFL.
2. English Pronunciation in use- Mark Hancock, Cambridge University Press.
3. English Phonetics and Phonology-Peter Roach, Cambridge University Press.
4. English Pronunciation in use- Mark Hewings, Cambridge University Press.
5. English Pronunciation Dictionary- Daniel Jones, Cambridge University Press. .
6. English Phonetics for Indian Students- P. Bala Subramanian, Mac Millan Publications.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
I Year - I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
Apply the principles of C language in problem solving.
To design flowcharts, algorithms and knowing how to debug programs.
To design & develop of C programs using arrays, strings pointers & functions.
To review the file operations, preprocessor commands.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the Lab, the student
Gains Knowledge on various concepts of a C language.
Able to draw flowcharts and write algorithms.
Able design and development of C problem solving skills.
Able to design and develop modular programming skills.
Able to trace and debug a program
Exercise 1:
1. Write a C program to print a block F using hash (#), where the F has a height of six characters and
width of five and four characters.
2. Write a C program to compute the perimeter and area of a rectangle with a height of 7 inches and
width of 5 inches.
3. Write a C program to display multiple variables.
Exercise 2:
1. Write a C program to calculate the distance between the two points.
2. Write a C program that accepts 4 integers p, q, r, s from the user where r and s are positive and p is
even. If q is greater than r and s is greater than p and if the sum of r and s is greater than the sum of p
and q print "Correct values", otherwise print "Wrong values".
Exercise 3:
1. Write a C program to convert a string to a long integer.
2. Write a program in C which is a Menu-Driven Program to compute the area of the various
geometrical shape.
3. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
Exercise 4:
1. Write a program in C to display the n terms of even natural number and their sum.
2. Write a program in C to display the n terms of harmonic series and their sum.
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 ... 1/n terms.
3. Write a C program to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not.
Exercise 5:
1. Write a program in C to print all unique elements in an array.
2. Write a program in C to separate odd and even integers in separate arrays.
3. Write a program in C to sort elements of array in ascending order.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Exercise 6:
1. Write a program in C for multiplication of two square Matrices.
2. Write a program in C to find transpose of a given matrix.
Exercise 7:
1. Write a program in C to search an element in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix.
2. Write a program in C to print individual characters of string in reverse order.
Exercise 8:
1. Write a program in C to compare two strings without using string library functions.
2. Write a program in C to copy one string to another string.
Exercise 9:
1. Write a C Program to Store Information Using Structures with Dynamically Memory Allocation
2. Write a program in C to demonstrate how to handle the pointers in the program.
Exercise 10:
1. Write a program in C to demonstrate the use of & (address of) and *(value at address) operator.
2. Write a program in C to add two numbers using pointers.
Exercise 11:
1. Write a program in C to add numbers using call by reference.
2. Write a program in C to find the largest element using Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Exercise 12:
1. Write a program in C to swap elements using call by reference.
2. Write a program in C to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string using a pointer.
Exercise 13:
1. Write a program in C to show how a function returning pointer.
2. Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program, allocate
memory dynamically using malloc( ) function.
Exercise 14:
1. Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program, allocate
memory dynamically using calloc( ) function. Understand the difference between the above two
2. Write a program in C to convert decimal number to binary number using the function.
Exercise 15:
1. Write a program in C to check whether a number is a prime number or not using the function.
2. Write a program in C to get the largest element of an array using the function.
Exercise 16:
1. Write a program in C to append multiple lines at the end of a text file.
2. Write a program in C to copy a file in another name.
3. Write a program in C to remove a file from the disk.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Develop the use of matrix algebra techniques that is needed by engineers for practical
applications (L6)
Solve system of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination, Gauss Jordan, Gauss
Seidel (L3)
Evaluate approximating the roots of polynomial and transcendental equations by different
algorithms (L5)
Apply Newton’s forward & backward interpolation and Lagrange’s formulae for equal and
unequal intervals (L3)
Apply different algorithms for approximating the solutions of ordinary differential equations
to its analytical computations (L3)
Unit I: Solving systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors:(10 hrs)
Rank of a matrix by echelon form and normal form – Solving system of homogeneous and non-
homogeneous equations linear equations – Gauss Elimination for solving system of equations – Eigen
values and Eigen vectors and their properties.
UNIT V: Numerical integration and solution of ordinary differential equations: (10 hrs)
Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rule – Solution of ordinary differential equations by Taylor’s
rd th
series – Picard’s method of successive approximations – Euler’s method – Runge-Kutta method (second and
fourth order).
Text Books:
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publishers.
2. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2007 Edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education.
Reference Books:
1. David Poole, Linear Algebra- A modern introduction, 4th Edition, Cengage.
2. Steven C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineering and Science, Tata
Mc. Graw Hill Education.
3. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation, New Age International Publications.
4. Lawrence Turyn, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, CRC Press.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
Knowledge of basic concepts of Chemistry for Engineering students will help them as professional
engineers later in design and material selection, as well as utilizing the available resources.
Importance of usage of plastics in household appliances and composites (FRP) in aerospace and
automotive industries.
Outline the basics for the construction of electrochemical cells, batteries and fuel cells. Understand
the mechanism of corrosion and how it can be prevented.
Explain the preparation of semiconductors and nanomaterials, engineering applications of
nanomaterials, superconductors and liquid crystals.
Recall the increase in demand for power and hence alternative sources of power are studied due to
depleting sources of fossil fuels. Advanced instrumental techniques are introduced.
Outline the basics of computational chemistry and molecular switches
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to
Synthesize nanomaterials for modern advances of engineering technology.
Summarize the preparation of semiconductors; analyze the applications of liquid crystals and
Standard Books:
1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain “Engineering Chemistry”, 15/e, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, (Latest edition).
2. Shikha Agarwal, “Engineering Chemistry”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, (2019).
3. S.S. Dara, “A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry”, S.Chand & Co, (2010).
4. Shashi Chawla, “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publicating Co. (Latest edition).
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
1. K. Sesha Maheshwaramma and Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson India Edn.
2. O.G. Palana, “Engineering Chemistry”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, (2009).
3. CNR Rao and JM Honig (Eds) “Preparation and characterization of materials” Academic press,
New York (latest edition)
4. B. S. Murthy, P. Shankar and others, “Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, University
press (latest edition)
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The Objectives of Python Programming are
To learn about Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment
To be familiarized with universal computer programming concepts like data types, containers
To be familiarized with general computer programming concepts like conditional execution, loops &
To be familiarized with general coding techniques and object-oriented programming
Course Outcomes:
Develop essential programming skills in computer programming concepts like data types, containers
Apply the basics of programming in the Python language
Solve coding tasks related conditional execution, loops
Solve coding tasks related to the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented
Introduction: Introduction to Python, Program Development Cycle, Input, Processing, and Output,
Displaying Output with the Print Function, Comments, Variables, Reading Input from the Keyboard,
Performing Calculations, Operators. Type conversions, Expressions, More about Data Output.
Data Types, and Expression: Strings Assignment, and Comment, Numeric Data Types and Character Sets,
Using functions and Modules.
Decision Structures and Boolean Logic: if, if-else, if-elif-else Statements, Nested Decision Structures,
Comparing Strings, Logical Operators, Boolean Variables. Repetition Structures: Introduction, while loop,
for loop, Calculating a Running Total, Input Validation Loops, Nested Loops.
Control Statement: Definite iteration for Loop Formatting Text for output, Selection if and if else Statement
Conditional Iteration The While Loop
Strings and Text Files: Accessing Character and Substring in Strings, Data Encryption, Strings and Number
Systems, String Methods Text Files.
List and Dictionaries: Lists, Defining Simple Functions, Dictionaries
Design with Function: Functions as Abstraction Mechanisms, Problem Solving with Top Down Design,
Design with Recursive Functions, Case Study Gathering Information from a File System, Managing a
Program’s Namespace, Higher Order Function.
Modules: Modules, Standard Modules, Packages.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
File Operations: Reading config files in python, Writing log files in python, Understanding read functions,
read(), readline() and readlines(), Understanding write functions, write() and writelines(), Manipulating file
pointer using seek, Programming using file operations
Object Oriented Programming: Concept of class, object and instances, Constructor, class attributes and
destructors, Real time use of class in live projects, Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators,
Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes, Programming using Oops support
Design with Classes: Objects and Classes, Data modeling Examples, Case Study An ATM, Structuring
Classes with Inheritance and Polymorphism
Errors and Exceptions: Syntax Errors, Exceptions, Handling Exceptions, Raising Exceptions, User-defined
Exceptions, Defining Clean-up Actions, Redefined Clean-up Actions.
Graphical User Interfaces: The Behavior of Terminal Based Programs and GUI -Based, Programs, Coding
Simple GUI-Based Programs, Other Useful GUI Resources.
Programming: Introduction to Programming Concepts with Scratch.
Text Books
1) Fundamentals of Python First Programs, Kenneth. A. Lambert, Cengage.
2) Python Programming: A Modern Approach, VamsiKurama, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1) Introduction to Python Programming, Gowrishankar.S, Veena A, CRC Press.
2) Introduction to Programming Using Python, Y. Daniel Liang, Pearson.
1) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python3/python_tutorial.pdf
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
This course introduces the student, the fundamentals of electrical engineering concepts needed for
future courses to be learned. The first three units cover the electric circuit laws, theorems and electrical
machines. The next two units cover the principles of Electro static and electromechanical conversions,
measurement of electrical quantities, electrical safety and batteries.
Course Objectives:
Study the basic DC and AC networks used in electrical circuits.
Study the basic concepts of electrical engineering.
Demonstrate the concepts of electrical wiring and safety.
To understand the principle of operation and construction details of DC machines & Transformers.
To understand the principle of operation and construction details of alternator and 3-Phase
Introduction: Concept of Potential difference, voltage, current, Fundamental linear passive and active
elements to their functional current-voltage relation, voltage source and current sources, ideal and practical
sources, concept of dependent and independent sources, Kirchhoff-s laws and applications to network
solutions using mesh and nodal analysis, Concept of work, power and energy.
Series – Parallel Circuits – Inductive & Capacitive networks.
DC Circuits: Current-voltage relations of the electric network by mathematical equations to analyze the
network (Thevenin’s theorem, Norton's Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem), Superposition
theorem. Simplifications of networks using series-parallel, Star/Delta transformation.
AC Circuits: AC waveform definitions, form factor, peak factor, study of R-L, R-C, RLC series circuit,
phasor representation in polar and rectangular form, concept of impedance, admittance, active, reactive,
apparent and complex power, power factor.
Dc Machines:
Principle of operation of DC generator – EMF equation - Types of DC machine – Torque equation –
Principle of operation and construction of single phase transformers – EMF equation – Losses.
AC Rotating Machines:
Principle of operation and construction of alternators– Types of alternators – Principle of operation
ofsynchronous motor - Principle of operation of 3-Phase induction motor – Slip-torque characteristics -
Efficiency –Applications.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Unit V
Rectifiers & Linear ICs:
PN junction diodes - Diode applications(Half wave and bridge rectifiers).Characteristics of operation
amplifiers (OP-AMP) - application of OP-AMPs (inverting, non-inverting, integrator and differentiator).
Transistors:PNP and NPN junction transistor, transistor as an amplifier- Transistor amplifier - Frequency
response of CEamplifier - Concepts of feedback amplifier.
Text Book(s)
1. B. L. Theraja, A Textbook of Electrical Technology, (vol. I), 1/e, Chand and Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 2005.
2. V. K. Mehta, Basic Electrical Engineering, 6/e, S. Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
3. J. Nagrath and Kothari, Theory and problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, 2/e, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., 2017.
4. Electrical Technology by Surinder Pal Bali, Pearson Publications.
5. Electronic Devices and Circuits, R.L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, 9th edition, PEI/PHI, 2006.
1. T. K. Nagsarkar and M. S. Sukhija, Basic of Electrical Engineering, 2/e, Oxford University Press,
2. Smarjith Ghosh, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1/e, Prentice Hall (India)
Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
3. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology by John Bird, Routledge Taylor &Francis Group
4. Basic Electrical Engineering by M.S.Naidu and S.Kamakshiah,TMH Publications
5. Basic Electrical Engineering by Nagsarkar,Sukhija, Oxford Publications,2nd edition
6. Industrial Electronics by G.K. Mittal, PHI
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objective
To study the basic philosophy underlying the various number systems, negative number
representation, binary arithmetic, theory of Boolean algebra and map method for minimization
of switching functions.
To introduce the basic tools for design of combinational and sequential digital logic.
To learn simple digital circuits in preparation for computer engineering.
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
An ability to define different number systems, binary addition and subtraction, 2’s complement
representation and operations with this representation.
An ability to understand the different switching algebra theorems and apply them forlogic functions.
An ability to define the Karnaugh map for a few variables and perform an algorithmic reduction of
logic functions.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Students will be able to design various logic gates starting from simple ordinary gates to complex
programmable logic devices & arrays.
Students will be able to design various sequential circuits starting from flip-flop to registers and
1. Digital Design, 5/e, M.Morris Mano, Michael D Ciletti, PEA.
2. Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5/e, Roth, Cengage.
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design, M.Morris Mano, PEA.
2. Digital Logic Design, Leach, Malvino, Saha, TMH.
3. Modern Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain, TMH.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The aim of Python Programming Lab is
To acquire programming skills in core Python.
To acquire Object Oriented Skills in Python
To develop the skill of designing Graphical user Interfaces in Python
To develop the ability to write database applications in Python
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this lab, the student is able to
Write, Test and Debug Python Programs
Use Conditionals and Loops for Python Programs
Use functions and represent Compound data using Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
Use various applications using python
1) Write a program that asks the user for a weight in kilograms and converts it to pounds. There are 2.2
pounds in a kilogram.
2) Write a program that asks the user to enter three numbers (use three separate input statements).
Create variables called total and average that hold the sum and average of the three numbers and
print out the values of total and average.
3) Write a program that uses a for loop to print the numbers 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, . . . , 83, 86, 89.
4) Write a program that asks the user for their name and how many times to print it. The program
should print out the user’s name the specified number of times.
5) Use a for loop to print a triangle like the one below. Allow the user to specify how high the triangle
should be.
6) Generate a random number between 1 and 10. Ask the user to guess the number and print a message
based on whether they get it right or not.
7) Write a program that asks the user for two numbers and prints Close if the numbers are within .001
of each other and Not close otherwise.
8) Write a program that asks the user to enter a word and prints out whether that word contains any
9) Write a program that asks the user to enter two strings of the same length. The program should then
check to see if the strings are of the same length. If they are not, the program should print an
appropriate message and exit. If they are of the same length, the program should alternate the
characters of the two strings. For example, if the user enters abcde and ABCDE the program should
print out AaBbCcDdEe.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
10) Write a program that asks the user for a large integer and inserts commas into it according to the
standard American convention for commas in large numbers. For instance, if the user enters
1000000, the output should be 1,000,000.
11) In algebraic expressions, the symbol for multiplication is often left out, as in 3x+4y or 3(x+5).
Computers prefer those expressions to include the multiplication symbol, like 3*x+4*y or 3*(x+5).
Write a program that asks the user for an algebraic expression and then inserts multiplication
symbols where appropriate.
12) Write a program that generates a list of 20 random numbers between 1 and 100.
Print the list.
Print the average of the elements in the list.
Print the largest and smallest values in the list.
Print the second largest and second smallest entries in the list
Print how many even numbers are in the list.
13) Write a program that asks the user for an integer and creates a list that consists of the factors of that
14) Write a program that generates 100 random integers that are either 0 or 1. Then find the longest run
of zeros, the largest number of zeros in a row. For instance, the longest run of zeros in
[1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0] is 4.
15) Write a program that removes any repeated items from a list so that each item appears at most once.
For instance, the list [1,1,2,3,4,3,0,0] would become [1,2,3,4,0].
16) Write a program that asks the user to enter a length in feet. The program should then give the user
the option to convert from feet into inches, yards, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, or
kilometers. Say if the user enters a 1, then the program converts to inches, if they enter a 2, then the
program converts to yards, etc. While this can be done with if statements,it is much shorter with lists
and it is also easier to add new conversions if you use lists.
17) Write a function called sum_digits that is given an integer num and returns the sum of the digits of
18) Write a function called first_diff that is given two strings and returns the first location in which the
strings differ. If the strings are identical, it should return -1.
19) Write a function called number_of_factors that takes an integer and returns how many factors the
number has.
20) Write a function called is_sorted that is given a list and returns True if the list is sorted and False
21) Write a function called root that is given a number x and an integer n and returns x1/n. In the function
definition, set the default value of n to 2.
22) Write a function called primes that is given a number n and returns a list of the first n primes. Let the
default value of n be 100.
23) Write a function called merge that takes two already sorted lists of possibly different lengths, and
merges them into a single sorted list.
Do this using the sort method. (b) Do this without using the sort method.
24) Write a program that asks the user for a word and finds all the smaller words that can be made from
the letters of that word. The number of occurrences of a letter in a smaller word can’t exceed the
number of occurrences of the letter in the user’s word.
25) Write a program that reads a file consisting of email addresses, each on its own line. Your program
should print out a string consisting of those email addresses separated by semicolons.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
26) Write a program that reads a list of temperatures from a file called temps.txt, converts those
temperatures to Fahrenheit, and writes the results to a file called ftemps.txt.
27) Write a class called Product. The class should have fields called name, amount, and price, holding
the product’s name, the number of items of that product in stock, and the regular price of the
product. There should be a method get_price that receives the number of items to be bought and
returns a the cost of buying that many items, where the regular price is charged for orders of less
than 10 items, a 10% discount is applied for orders of between 10 and 99 items, and a 20% discount
is applied for orders of 100 or more items. There should also be a method called make_purchase that
receives the number of items to be bought and decreases amount by that much.
28) Write a class called Time whose only field is a time in seconds. It should have a method called
convert_to_minutes that returns a string of minutes and seconds formatted as in the following
example: if seconds is 230, the method should return '5:50'. It should also have a method called
convert_to_hours that returns a string of hours, minutes, and seconds formatted analogously to the
previous method.
29) Write a class called Converter. The user will pass a length and a unit when declaring an object from
the class—for example, c = Converter(9,'inches'). The possible units are inches, feet, yards, miles,
kilometers, meters, centimeters, and millimeters. For each of these units there should be a method
that returns the length converted into those units. For example, using the Converter object created
above, the user could call c.feet() and should get 0.75 as the result.
30) Write a Python class to implement pow(x, n).
31) Write a Python class to reverse a string word by word.
32) Write a program that opens a file dialog that allows you to select a text file. The program then
displays the contents of the file in a textbox.
33) Write a program to demonstrate Try/except/else.
34) Write a program to demonstrate try/finally and with/as.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objective
Outcomes: The students entering into the professional course have practically very little exposure to lab
classes. The experiments introduce volumetric analysis; redox titrations with different indicators; EDTA
titrations; then they are exposed to a few instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Thus at the end of the
lab course, the student is exposed to different methods of chemical analysis and use of some commonly
employed instruments. They thus acquire some experimental skills.
Reference Books
1. A Textbook of Quantitative Analysis, Arthur J. Vogel.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
A student who successfully fulfils the course requirements will have demonstrated:
CO1: To learn about the basics of gates.
CO2: To understand, analyse and design the basic digital circuits and any digital design in real
time applications.
CO3: Construct basic combinational circuits and verify their functionalities.
CO4: Apply the design procedures to design basic sequential circuits.
CO5: An ability to measure and record the experimental data, analyse the results, and prepare
a formal laboratory report.
List of Experiments:
1. Verification of Basic Logic Gates.
2. Implementing all individual gates with Universal Gates NAND & NOR.
3. Design a circuit for the given Canonical form, draw the circuit diagram and verify the De-
Morgan laws.
4. Design a Combinational Logic circuit for 8x1 MUX and verify the truth table.
5. Verify the data read and data write operations for the IC 74189.
6. Construct Half Adder and Full Adder using Half Adder and verify the truth table.
7. Design a 4-bit Adder/Subtractor.
8. Design and realization of 4-bit comparator.
9. Design and implement a 3 to 8 decoder using gates.
10. Design and realization of a 4-bit Gray to Binary and Binary to Gray converter.
11. Implementation of Master Slave Flip-Flop with J-K Flip- Flop and verify the truth table for race around
12. Design a Decade Counter and verify the truth table.
13. Design and implement a 4-bit shift register using Flip flops.
14. Design and Verify the 4-bit synchronous.
15. Design and verify 4-bit ripple counter (Asynchronous).
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
1. Digital Design ,4/e, M.Morris Mano, Michael D Ciletti, PEA.
2. Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5/e, Roth, Cengage.
3. Digital Logic Design, Leach, Malvino, Saha,TMH.
1. Switching and Finite Automata Theory,3/e,Kohavi, Jha, Cambridge.
2. Verilog HDL primer, Jaya Bhaskar, PEA.
3. Modern Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain, TMH.
4. Digital Fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyd, Pearson Education, ISBN:9788131734483.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
I Year - II Semester
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives:
To Enable the student to understand the importance of constitution
To understand the structure of executive, legislature and judiciary
To understand philosophy of fundamental rights and duties
To understand the autonomous nature of constitutional bodies like Supreme Court and high
Controller and auditor general of India and election commission of India.
To understand the central and state relation financial and administrative.
Introduction to Indian Constitution: Constitution meaning of the term, Indian Constitution - Sources
and constitutional history, Features - Citizenship, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties,
Directive Principles of State Policy.
Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the concept of Indian constitution
● Apply the knowledge on directive principle of state policy
● Analyze the History, features of Indian constitution
● Evaluate Preamble Fundamental Rights and Duties
Union Government and its Administration Structure of the Indian Union: Federalism, Centre- State
relationship, President: Role, power and position, PM and Council of ministers, Cabinet and Central
Secretariat, LokSabha, RajyaSabha, The Supreme Court and High Court: Powers and Functions;
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the structure of Indian government
● Differentiate between the state and central government
● Explain the role of President and Prime Minister
● Know the Structure of supreme court and High court
State Government and its Administration Governor - Role and Position - CM and Council of
ministers, State Secretariat: Organization, Structure and Functions
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the structure of state government
● Analyze the role Governor and Chief Minister
● Explain the role of state Secretariat
● Differentiate between structure and functions of state secretariat
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
A Local Administration - District’s Administration Head - Role and Importance, Municipalities - Mayor
and role of Elected Representative - CEO of Municipal Corporation PanchayatiRaj: Functions PRI:
ZilaPanchayat, Elected officials and their roles, CEO
ZilaPanchayat: Block level Organizational Hierarchy - (Different departments), Village level - Role
of Elected and Appointed officials - Importance of grass root democracy
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the local Administration
● Compare and contrast district administration role and importance
● Analyze the role of Myer and elected representatives of Municipalities
● Evaluate Zillapanchayat block level organization
Election Commission: Election Commission- Role of Chief Election Commissioner and Election
Commissionerate State Election Commission: Functions of Commissions for the welfare of SC/ST/OBC
and women
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Know the role of Election Commission apply knowledge
● Contrast and compare the role of Chief Election commissioner and Commissiononerate
● Analyze role of state election commission
● Evaluate various commissions of viz SC/ST/OBC and women
1. Durga Das Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi
2. SubashKashyap, Indian Constitution, National Book Trust
3. J.A. Siwach, Dynamics of Indian Government & Politics
4. D.C. Gupta, Indian Government and Politics
5. H.M.Sreevai, Constitutional Law of India, 4th edition in 3 volumes (Universal Law Publication)
6. J.C. Johari, Indian Government andPolitics Hans
7. J. Raj IndianGovernment and Politics
8. M.V. Pylee, Indian Constitution Durga Das Basu, Human Rights in Constitutional Law, Prentice –
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi
9. Noorani, A.G., (South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre), Challenges to Civil Right),
Challenges to Civil Rights Guarantees in India, Oxford University Press 2012
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year - I Semester 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To familiarize the techniques in partial differentialequations
To furnish the learners with basic concepts and techniques at plus two level to lead them
into advanced level by handling various real worldapplications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Interpret the physical meaning of different operators such as gradient, curl and divergence(L5)
Estimate the work done against a field, circulation and flux using vector calculus (L5)
Apply the Laplace transform for solving differential equations(L3)
Find or compute the Fourier series of periodic signals(L3)
Know and be able to apply integral expressions for the forwards and inverse Fourier
transform to a range of non-periodic waveforms(L3)
Identify solution methods for partial differential equations that model physical processes(L3)
UNIT I: Vectorcalculus:
Vector Differentiation: Gradient – Directional derivative – Divergence – Curl – Scalar Potential. Vector
Integration: Line integral – Work done – Area – Surface and volume integrals – Vector integral theorems:
Greens, Stokes and Gauss Divergence theorems (without proof).
Text Books:
1) B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, KhannaPublishers.
2) B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2007 Edition, Tata Mc. GrawHill
Reference Books:
1) Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition,Wiley-India.
2) Dean. G. Duffy, Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, 3rd Edition, CRC Press.
3) Peter O’ Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics,Cengage.
4) Srimantha Pal, S C Bhunia, Engineering Mathematics, Oxford UniversityPress.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I L T P C
Semester 3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
To introduce the students to the topics and techniques of discrete methods and
To introduce a wide variety of applications. The algorithmic approach to the solution of
problems is fundamental in discrete mathematics, and this approach reinforces the close
ties between this discipline and the area of computerscience
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
Demonstrate skills in solving mathematicalproblems
Comprehend mathematical principles andlogic
Demonstrate knowledge of mathematical modeling and proficiency in using mathematical
Manipulate and analyze data numerically and/or graphically using appropriateSoftware
Communicate effectively mathematical ideas/results verbally or inwriting
Mathematical Logic: Propositional Calculus: Statements and Notations, Connectives, Well
Formed Formulas, Truth Tables, Tautologies, Equivalence of Formulas, Duality Law,
Tautological Implications, Normal Forms, Theory of Inference for Statement Calculus,
Consistency of Premises, Indirect Method of Proof, Predicate Calculus: Predicates, Predicative
Logic, Statement Functions, Variables and Quantifiers, Free and Bound Variables, Inference
Theory for Predicate Calculus.
Set Theory: Sets: Operations on Sets, Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion, Relations: Properties,
Operations, Partition and Covering, Transitive Closure, Equivalence, Compatibility and Partial
Ordering, Hasse Diagrams, Functions: Bijective, Composition, Inverse, Permutation, and
Recursive Functions, Lattice and its Properties, Algebraic Structures: Algebraic Systems,
Properties, Semi Groups and Monoids, Group, Subgroup and Abelian Group, Homomorphism,
Combinatorics: Basis of Counting, Permutations, Permutations with Repetitions, Circular and
Restricted Permutations, Combinations, Restricted Combinations, Binomial and Multinomial
Coefficients and Theorems, Number Theory: Properties of Integers, Division Theorem, Greatest
Common Divisor, Euclidean Algorithm, Least Common Multiple, Testing for Prime Numbers,
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Modular Arithmetic, Fermat’s and Euler’sTheorems
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Recurrence Relations: Generating Functions, Function of Sequences, Partial Fractions,
Calculating Coefficient of Generating Functions, Recurrence Relations, Formulation as
Recurrence Relations, Solving Recurrence Relations by Substitution and Generating Functions,
Method of Characteristic Roots, Solving In homogeneous Recurrence Relations.
Graph Theory: Basic Concepts, Graph Theory and its Applications, Sub graphs, Graph
Representations: Adjacency and Incidence Matrices, Isomorphic Graphs, Paths and Circuits,
Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Multigraphs, Bipartite and Planar Graphs, Euler’s Theorem,
Graph Colouring and Covering, Chromatic Number, Spanning Trees, Prim’s and Kruskal’s
Algorithms, BFS and DFS Spanning Trees.
Text Books:
1) Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, J. P. Tremblay
and P. Manohar, Tata McGrawHill.
2) Elements of Discrete Mathematics-A Computer Oriented Approach, C. L. Liu and D. P.
Mohapatra, 3rd Edition, Tata McGrawHill.
Reference Books:
1) Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians, J. L. Mott, A. Kandel
and T. P. Baker, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall ofIndia.
2) Discrete Mathematical Structures, BernandKolman, Robert C. Busby and Sharon Cutler
3) Discrete Mathematics and its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph Theory, K. H.
Rosen, 7th Edition, Tata McGrawHill.
1) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106094/
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to
Introduce the fundamental concept of data structures and abstract datatypes
Emphasize the importance of data structures in developing and implementing efficient
Describe how arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are
represented in memory and used byalgorithms
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course a student will be able to:
Summarize the properties, interfaces, and behaviors of basic abstract datatypes
Discuss the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting &searching
Use arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and Graphs in writing
Demonstrate different methods for traversingtrees
Data Structures - Definition, Classification of Data Structures, Operations on Data Structures,
Abstract Data Type (ADT), Preliminaries of algorithms. Time and Space complexity.
Searching - Linear search, Binary search, Fibonacci search.
Sorting- Insertion sort, Selection sort, Exchange (Bubble sort, quick sort), distribution (radix sort),
merging (Merge sort) algorithms.
Linked List: Introduction, Single linked list, Representation of Linked list in memory, Operations
on Single Linked list-Insertion, Deletion, Search and Traversal ,Reversing Single Linked list,
Applications on Single Linked list- Polynomial Expression Representation ,Addition and
Multiplication, Sparse Matrix Representation using Linked List, Advantages and Disadvantages
of Single Linked list, Double Linked list-Insertion, Deletion, Circular Linked list-Insertion,
Queues: Introduction to Queues, Representation of Queues-using Arrays and using Linked list,
Implementation of Queues-using Arrays and using Linked list, Application of Queues-Circular
Queues, Deques, Priority Queues, Multiple Queues.
Stacks: Introduction to Stacks, Array Representation of Stacks, Operations on Stacks, Linked list
Representation of Stacks, Operations on Linked Stack, Applications-Reversing list, Factorial
Calculation, Infix to Postfix Conversion, Evaluating Postfix Expressions.
Trees: Basic Terminology in Trees, Binary Trees-Properties, Representation of Binary Trees
using Arrays and Linked lists. Binary Search Trees- Basic Concepts, BST Operations: Insertion,
Deletion, Tree Traversals, Applications-Expression Trees, Heap Sort, Balanced Binary Trees-
AVL Trees, Insertion, Deletion andRotations.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Graphs: Basic Concepts, Representations of Graphs-Adjacency Matrix and using Linked list,
Graph Traversals (BFT & DFT), Applications- Minimum Spanning Tree Using Prims &Kruskals
Algorithm, Dijkstra’s shortest path, Transitive closure, Warshall’s Algorithm.
Text Books:
1) Data Structures Using C. 2ndEdition.ReemaThareja,Oxford.
2) Data Structures and algorithm analysis in C, 2nded, Mark AllenWeiss.
Reference Books:
1) Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd Edition, Horowitz, Sahni, UniversitiesPress.
2) Data Structures: A PseudoCode Approach, 2/e, Richard F.Gilberg, BehrouzA. Forouzon,
3) Data Structures with C, Seymour LipschutzTMH
1) http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/home/
2) https://faculty.washington.edu/jstraub/dsa/Master_2_7a.pdf
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course is to
Introduce to the internal operation of modern OperatingSystems
Define, explain, processes and threads, mutual exclusion, CPU scheduling,deadlock,
memory management, and filesystems
Understand File Systems in Operating System like UNIX/Linux andWindows
Understand Input Output Management and use of Device Driver and Secondary Storage
Analyze Security and Protection Mechanism in OperatingSystem
Course Outcomes:
After learning, the course the students should be able to:
Describe various generations of Operating System and functions of OperatingSystem
Describe the concept of program, process and thread and analyze various CPU Scheduling
Algorithms and compare theirperformance
Solve Inter Process Communication problems using Mathematical Equations by various
Compare various Memory Management Schemes especially paging and Segmentation in
Operating System and apply various Page ReplacementTechniques
Outline File Systems in Operating System like UNIX/Linux andWindows
Operating Systems Overview: Operating system functions, Operating system structure, Operating
systems operations, Computing environments, Open-Source Operating Systems.
System Structures: Operating System Services, User and Operating-System Interface, systems
calls, Types of System Calls, system programs, operating system structure, operating system
debugging, System Boot.
Process Concept: Process scheduling, Operations on processes, Inter-process communication,
Communication in client server systems.
Multithreaded Programming: Multithreading models, thread libraries, threading issues.
Process Scheduling: Basic concepts, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, multiple
processor scheduling, thread scheduling.
Inter-process Communication: Race conditions, Critical Regions, Mutual exclusion with busy
waiting, Sleep and wakeup, Semaphores, Mutexes, Monitors, Message passing, Barriers, Classical
IPC Problems - Dining philosophers problem, Readers and writers problem.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Memory-Management Strategies: Introduction, Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation,
Virtual Memory Management: Introduction, Demand paging, Copy on-write, Page replacement,
Frame allocation, Thrashing, Memory-mapped files, Kernel memory allocation.
Deadlocks: Resources, Conditions for resource deadlocks, Ostrich algorithm, Deadlock detection
and recovery, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock prevention.
File Systems: Files, Directories, File system implementation, management and optimization.
Secondary-Storage Structure: Overview of disk structure, and attachment, Disk scheduling, RAID
structure, Stable storage implementation.
System Protection: Goals of protection, Principles and domain of protection, Access matrix,
Access control, Revocation of access rights.
System Security: Introduction, Program threats, System and network threats, Cryptography for
security, User authentication, implementing security defenses, firewalling to protect systems and
networks, Computer security classification.
Case Studies: Linux, Microsoft Windows.
Text Books:
1) SilberschatzA, Galvin P B, and Gagne G, Operating System Concepts, 9th edition, Wiley,
2) Tanenbaum A S, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
(forInterprocess Communication and Filesystems.)
Reference Books:
1) Dhamdhere D M, Operating Systems A Concept Based Approach, 3rd edition, Tata
2) Stallings W, Operating Systems -Internals and Design Principles, 6th edition, Pearson
3) Nutt G, Operating Systems, 3rd edition, Pearson Education,2004.
1) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105214/
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The learning objectives of this course are:
To identify Java language components and how they work together inapplications
To learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including defining
classes, invoking methods, using classlibraries.
To learn how to extend Java classes with inheritance and dynamic binding and how to use
exception handling in Javaapplications
To understand how to design applications with threads inJava
To understand how to use Java APIs for programdevelopment
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, the student will be
Able to realize the concept of Object Oriented Programming & Java Programming
Able to describe the basic concepts of Java such as operators, classes, objects, inheritance,
packages, Enumeration and variouskeywords
Apply the concept of exception handling and Input/ Outputoperations
Able to design the applications of Java & Javaapplet
Able to Analyze& Design the concept of Event Handling and Abstract Window Toolkit
Program Structure in Java: Introduction, Writing Simple Java Programs, Elements or Tokens in Java
Programs, Java Statements, Command Line Arguments, User Input to Programs, Escape Sequences
Comments, Programming Style.
Data Types, Variables, and Operators :Introduction, Data Types in Java, Declaration of Variables,
Data Types, Type Casting, Scope of Variable Identifier, Literal Constants, Symbolic Constants,
Formatted Output with printf() Method, Static Variables and Methods, Attribute Final, Introduction to
Operators, Precedence and Associativity of Operators, Assignment Operator ( = ), Basic Arithmetic
Operators, Increment (++) and Decrement (- -) Operators, Ternary Operator, Relational Operators,
Boolean Logical Operators, Bitwise Logical Operators.
Classes and Objects: Introduction, Class Declaration and Modifiers, Class Members, Declaration of
Class Objects, Assigning One Object to Another, Access Control for Class Members, Accessing
Private Members of Class, Constructor Methods for Class, Overloaded Constructor Methods, Nested
Classes, Final Class and Methods, Passing Arguments by Value andbyReference, Keyword this.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Arrays: Introduction, Declaration and Initialization of Arrays, Storage of Array in Computer Memory,
Accessing Elements of Arrays, Operations on Array Elements, Assigning Array to Another Array,
Dynamic Change of Array Size, Sorting of Arrays, Search for Values in Arrays, Class Arrays, Two-
dimensional Arrays, Arrays of Varying Lengths, Three-dimensional Arrays, Arrays as Vectors.
Packages and Java Library: Introduction, Defining Package, Importing Packages and Classes into
Programs, Path and Class Path, Access Control, Packages in Java SE, Java.lang Package and its
Classes, Class Object, Enumeration, class Math, Wrapper Classes, Auto-boxing and Auto- unboxing,
Java util Classes and Interfaces, Formatter Class, Random Class, Time Package, Class Instant
(java.time.Instant), Formatting for Date/Time in Java, Temporal Adjusters Class, Temporal
Exception Handling: Introduction, Hierarchy of Standard Exception Classes, Keywords throws and
throw, try, catch, and finally Blocks, Multiple Catch Clauses, Class Throwable, Unchecked
Exceptions, Checked Exceptions, try-with-resources, Catching Subclass Exception, Custom
Exceptions, Nested try and catch Blocks, Rethrowing Exception, Throws Clause.
String Handling in Java: Introduction, Interface Char Sequence, Class String, Methods for Extracting
Characters from Strings, Methods for Comparison of Strings, Methods for Modifying Strings,
Methods for Searching Strings, Data Conversion and Miscellaneous Methods, Class String Buffer,
Class StringBuilder.
Multithreaded Programming: Introduction, Need for Multiple Threads Multithreaded Programming
for Multi-core Processor, Thread Class, Main Thread- Creation of New Threads, Thread States,
Thread Priority-Synchronization, Deadlock and Race Situations, Inter-thread Communication -
Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping of Threads.
Java Database Connectivity: Introduction, JDBC Architecture, Installing MySQL and MySQL
Connector/J, JDBC Environment Setup, Establishing JDBC Database Connections, ResultSet
Interface, Creating JDBC Application, JDBC Batch Processing, JDBC Transaction Management
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Text Books:
1) JAVA one step ahead, Anitha Seth, B.L.Juneja,Oxford.
2) The complete Reference Java, 8th edition, Herbert Schildt,TMH.
3) JAVA Programming for Core and Advanced Learners, Sagayaraj, Denis, Karthik, Gajalakshmi,
Universities Press.
References Books:
1) Introduction to java programming, 7th edition by Y Daniel Liang,Pearson
2) Constructive JAVA Programming, Sagayaraj, Denis, Karthik, Gajalakshmi, Universities Press.
1) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105191/
2) https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_data_types.asp
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The objective of this lab is to
Demonstrate procedural and object oriented paradigm with concepts of streams, classes, functions,
data and objects.
Understand dynamic memory management techniques using pointers, constructors, destructors,etc
Demonstrate the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions and
Demonstrate the different data structuresimplementation.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this lab the student is able to
Use basic data structures such as arrays and linkedlist.
Programs to demonstrate fundamental algorithmic problems including Tree Traversals, Graph
traversals, and shortestpaths.
Use various searching and sortingalgorithms.
Write recursive program which computes the nthFibonacci number, for appropriate values of
n. Analyzebehavior of the program Obtain the frequency count of the statement for various
values of n.
Exercise 2:
Write recursive program for the following
a) Write recursive and non recursive C program for calculation of Factorial of aninteger
b) Write recursive and non recursive C program for calculation of GCD (n,m)
c) Write recursive and non recursive C program for Towers of Hanoi : N disks are to be transferred
from peg S to peg D with Peg I as the intermediatepeg.
Exercise 3:
a) Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform Linear search for a
Key value in a givenlist.
b) Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform Binary search for a
Key value in a givenlist.
c) Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform Fibonacci search
for a Key value in a givenlist.
Exercise 4:
a) Write C program that implement Bubble sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascendingorder
b) Write C program that implement Quick sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascendingorder
c) Write C program that implement Insertion sort,to sort a given list of integers in ascendingorder
Exercise 5:
a) Write C program that implement heap sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascendingorder
b) Write C program that implement radix sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascendingorder
c) Write C program that implement merge sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascendingorder
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Exercise 6:
a) Write C program that implement stack (its operations) usingarrays
b) Write C program that implement stack (its operations) using Linkedlist
Exercise 7:
a) Write a C program that uses Stack operations to Convert infix expression into postfix expression
a) Write C program that implement Queue (its operations) usingarrays.
b) Write C program that implement Queue (its operations) using linkedlists
Exercise 8:
a) Write a C program that uses functions to create a singly linkedlist
b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform insertion operation on a singly linkedlist
c) Write a C program that uses functions to perform deletion operation on a singly linkedlist
Exercise 9:
a) Adding two large integers which are represented in linked listfashion.
b) Write a C program to reverse elements of a single linkedlist.
c) Write a C program to store a polynomial expression in memory using linkedlist
d) Write a C program to representation the given Sparse matrix usingarrays.
e) Write a C program to representation the given Sparse matrix using linkedlist
a) Write a C program to Create a Binary Tree ofintegers
b) Write a recursive C program for Traversing a binary tree in preorder, inorder andpostorder.
c) Write a non recursive C program for Traversing a binary tree in preorder, inorder andpostorder.
d) Program to check balance property of atree.
Exercise 11:
a) Write a C program to Create a BST
b) Write a C program to insert a node into a BST.
c) Write a C program to delete a node from a BST.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
To understand the design aspects of operatingsystem
To study the process management concepts & Techniques
To study the storage managementconcepts
To familiarize students with the Linuxenvironment
To learn the fundamentals of shellscripting/programming
Course Outcomes:
To use Unix utilities and perform basic shell control of theutilities
To use the Unix file system and file accesscontrol
To use of an operating system to developsoftware
Students will be able to use Linux environmentefficiently
Solve problems using bash for shellscripting
1) a) Study of Unix/Linux general purpose utility command list: man,who,cat, cd, cp, ps, ls, mv,
mkdir, rmdir, echo, more, date, time, kill, history, chmod, chown, finger, pwd, cal,
b) Study of vieditor
c) Study of Bash shell, Bourne shell and C shell in Unix/Linux operatingsystem
d) Study of Unix/Linux file system (treestructure)
e) Study of .bashrc, /etc/bashrc and Environmentvariables.
2) Write a C program that makes a copy of a file using standard I/O, and systemcalls
3) Write a C program to emulate the UNIX ls–lcommand.
4) Write a C program that illustrates how to execute two commands concurrently with a command
pipe. Ex: - ls–l |sort
5) Simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms:
(a) Round Robin (b) SJF (c) FCFS (d) Priority
6) Multiprogramming - Memory management-Implementation of fork (), wait (), exec() and exit
(), Systemcalls
7) Simulate thefollowing:
a) Multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks (MFT)
b) Multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks(MVT)
8) Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead LockAvoidance
9) Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead LockPrevention.
10) Simulate the following page replacementalgorithms:
a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU
12) Write a C program that illustrates two processes communicating using shared memory
13) Write a C program to simulate producer and consumer problem using semaphores
14) Write C program to create a thread using pthreads library and let it run its function.
15) Write a C program to illustrate concurrent execution of threads using pthreads library.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The aim of this lab is to
Practice programming in the Java
Gain knowledge of object-oriented paradigm in the Java programming language
Learn use of Java in a variety of technologies and on different platforms
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course student will be able to write java program for
Evaluate default value of all primitive data type, Operations, Expressions, Control-flow,
Determine Class, Objects, Methods, Inheritance, Exception, Runtime Polymorphism, User
defined Exception handling mechanism
Illustrating simple inheritance, multi-level inheritance, Exception handling mechanism
Construct Threads, Event Handling, implement packages, developing applets
Exercise - 1 (Basics)
a) Write a JAVA program to display default value of all primitive data type of JAVA
b) Write a java program that display the roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx=0. Calculate the
discriminate D and basing on value of D, describe the nature of root.
c) Five Bikers Compete in a race such that they drive at a constant speed which may or may not
be the same as the other. To qualify the race, the speed of a racer must be more than the average
speed of all 5 racers. Take as input the speed of each racer and print back the speed of qualifying
Exercise - 2 (Operations, Expressions, Control-flow, Strings)
a) Write a JAVA program to search for an element in a given list of elements using binary search
b) Write a JAVA program to sort for an element in a given list of elements using bubble sort
c) Write a JAVA program to sort for an element in a given list of elements using merge sort.
d) Write a JAVA program using String Buffer to delete, remove character.
Exercise - 3 (Class, Objects)
a) Write a JAVA program to implement class mechanism. Create a class, methods and invoke
them inside main method.
b) Write a JAVA program to implement constructor.
Exercise - 4 (Methods)
a) Write a JAVA program to implement constructor overloading.
b) Write a JAVA program implement method overloading.
Exercise - 5 (Inheritance)
a) Write a JAVA program to implement Single Inheritance
b) Write a JAVA program to implement multi-level Inheritance
c) Write a java program for abstract class to find areas of different shapes
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Exercise - 7 (Exception)
a) Write a JAVA program that describes exception handling mechanism
b) Write a JAVA program Illustrating Multiple catch clauses
Exercise – 8 (Runtime Polymorphism)
a) Write a JAVA program that implements Runtime polymorphism
b) Write a Case study on run time polymorphism, inheritance that implements in above problem
Exercise – 9 (User defined Exception)
a) Write a JAVA program for creation of Illustrating throw
b) Write a JAVA program for creation of Illustrating finally
c) Write a JAVA program for creation of Java Built-in Exceptions
d) d)Write a JAVA program for creation of User Defined Exception
Exercise – 10 (Threads)
a) Write a JAVA program that creates threads by extending Thread class .First thread display
“Good Morning “every 1 sec, the second thread displays “Hello “every 2 seconds and the third
display “Welcome” every 3 seconds, (Repeat the same by implementing Runnable)
b) Write a program illustrating is Alive and join()
c) Write a Program illustrating Daemon Threads.
Exercise - 11 (Threads continuity)
a) Write a JAVA program Producer Consumer Problem
b) Write a case study on thread Synchronization after solving the above producer consumer
Exercise – 12 (Packages)
a) Write a JAVA program illustrate class path
b) Write a case study on including in class path in your os environment of your package.
c) Write a JAVA program that import and use the defined your package in the previous Problem
Exercise - 13 (Applet)
a) Write a JAVA program to paint like paint brush in applet.
b) Write a JAVA program to display analog clock using Applet.
c) Write a JAVA program to create different shapes and fill colors using Applet.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year - I Semester 0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
The student should be made to:
Be exposed to the context and operation of free and open source software (FOSS)
communities and associated software projects.
Be familiar with participating in a FOSS project
Learn scripting language like Python or Perl
Learn programming language like Ruby
Learn some important FOSS tools and techniques
1. Getting started with Linux basic commands and directory structure, execute file, directory operations.
2. Linux commands for redirection, pipes, filters, job control, file ownership, file permissions, links and
file system hierarchy.
3. Shell Programming : Write shell script to show various system configuration like
1 Currently logged user and his log name
2 Your current shell
3 Your home directory
4 Your operating system type
5 Your current path setting
6 Your current working directory
7 Show Currently logged number of users
4. Write shell script to show various system configuration like
1About your OS and version, release number, kernel version
2 Show all available shells
3 Show mouse settings
4 Show computer CPU information like processor type, speed etc
5 Show memory information
6 Show hard disk information like size of hard-disk, cache memory, modeletc
7 File system (Mounted)
5. Shell script program for scientific calculator.
6. Version Control System setup and usage using GIT.
1 Creating a repository
2 Checking out a repository
3 Adding content to the repository
4 Committing the data to a repository
7. Shell script to implement a script which kills every process which uses more than as pecified value of
memory or CPU and is run upon system start.
8. Running PHP : simple applications like login forms after
9. Advanced linux commands curl, wget, ftp, ssh and grep
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
10. Application deployment on a cloud-based LAMP stack/server with PHP eg: Open shift, Linode etc.
11. Virtualisation environment (e.g., xen, kqemu, virtualbox or lguest) to test anapplications, new
kernels and isolate applications. It could also be used to exposestudents to other alternate OSs like
12. Introduction to packet management system : Given a set of RPM or DEB, how to buildand maintain,
serve packages over http or ftp. and also how do you configure clientsystems to access the package
13. Installing various software packages. Either the package is yet to be installed or an older version is
existing. The student can practice installing the latest version. Of course,this might need Internet
1 Install samba and share files to windows
2 Install Common Unix Printing System(CUPS)
Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, “Linux in a Nutshell”, Sixth Edition,
OReilly Media, 2009.
Philosophy of GNU URL: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/.
Linux Administration URL: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lame/LAME/linux-admin-made-easy/.
The Python Tutorial available at http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year - I Semester
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives:
To facilitate the students with the concepts of Indian traditional knowledge and to make them
understand the Importance of roots of knowledge system
The course aim of the importing basic principle of third process reasoning and inference
sustainability is at the course of Indian traditional knowledge system
To understand the legal framework and traditional knowledge and biological diversity act
2002 and geographical indication act2003
The courses focus on traditional knowledge and intellectual property mechanism of traditional
knowledge and protection
To know the student traditional knowledge in different sector
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to:
Understand the concept of Traditional knowledge and itsimportance
Know the need and importance of protecting traditionalknowledge
Know the various enactments related to the protection of traditionalknowledge
Understand the concepts of Intellectual property to protect the traditionalknowledge
Introduction to traditional knowledge: Define traditional knowledge, nature and characteristics, scope
and importance, kinds of traditional knowledge, the physical and social contexts in which traditional
knowledge develop, the historical impact of social change on traditional knowledge systems.
Indigenous Knowledge (IK), characteristics, traditional knowledge vis-à-vis indigenous knowledge,
traditional knowledge Vs western knowledge traditional knowledge vis-à-vis formal knowledge
Protection of traditional knowledge: the need for protecting traditional knowledge Significance of TK
Protection, value of TK in global economy, Role of Government to harness TK.
Legal framework and TK: A: The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers Rights Act, 2001
(PPVFR Act);B:The Biological Diversity Act 2002 and Rules 2004, the protection of traditional
knowledge bill, 2016. Geographical indications act 2003.
Traditional knowledge and intellectual property: Systems of traditional knowledge protection, Legal
concepts for the protection of traditional knowledge, Certain non IPR mechanisms of traditional
knowledge protection, Patents and traditional knowledge, Strategies to increase protection of
traditional knowledge, global legal FORA for increasing protection of Indian Traditional Knowledge.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Traditional knowledge in different sectors: Traditional knowledge and engineering, Traditional
medicine system, TK and biotechnology, TK in agriculture, Traditional societies depend on it for their
food and healthcare needs, Importance of conservation and sustainable development of environment,
Management of biodiversity, Food security of the country and protection of TK.
Reference Books:
1) Traditional Knowledge System in India, by Amit Jha,2009.
2) Traditional Knowledge System and Technology in India by Basanta Kumar Mohanta and
Vipin Kumar Singh, PratibhaPrakashan2012.
3) Traditional Knowledge System in India by Amit Jha Atlantic publishers,2002
4) "Knowledge Traditions and Practices of India" Kapil Kapoor, MichelDanino
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZP1StpYEPM
2) http://nptel.ac.in/courses/121106003/
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The course objectives of Computer Organization are to discuss and make student familiar with the
Principles and the Implementation of ComputerArithmetic
Operation of CPUs including RTL, ALU, Instruction Cycle andBusses
FundamentalsofdifferentInstructionSetArchitecturesandtheirrelationshiptothe CPU Design
Memory System and I/OOrganization
Principles of Operation of Multiprocessor Systems andPipelining
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, the student will
Develop a detailed understanding of computersystems
Cite different number systems, binary addition and subtraction, standard, floating-point, and
Develop a detailed understanding of architecture and functionality ofcentral processing unit
Exemplify in a better way the I/O and memoryorganization
Illustrate concepts of parallel processing, pipelining and inter processor communication
Basic Structure of Computers: Basic Organization of Computers, Historical Perspective, Bus
Structures, Data Representation: Data types, Complements, Fixed Point Representation. Floating,
Point Representation. Other Binary Codes, Error Detection Codes.
Computer Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms.
Register Transfer Language and Micro operations: Register Transfer language. Register Transfer Bus
and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic Micro operations, Logic Micro Operations, Shift Micro
Operations, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Register, Computer
Instructions, Instruction Cycle, Memory – Reference Instructions. Input –Output and Interrupt,
Complete Computer Description.
Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization, STACK Organization. Instruction Formats,
Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control, Reduced Instruction Set
Micro programmed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro Program example, Design
of Control Unit.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory,
Cache Memory, Virtual Memory.
Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous data transfer,
Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupts, Direct Memory Access.
Multi Processors: Introduction, Characteristics of Multiprocessors, Interconnection Structures, Inter
Processor Arbitration.
Pipeline: Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Instruction Pipeline, RISC Pipeline, Array Processor.
Text Books:
1) Computer System Architecture, M. Morris Mano, Third Edition, Pearson,2008.
2) Computer Organization, Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic, SafwatZaky, 5/e, McGraw
Reference Books:
1) Computer Organization and Architecture, William Stallings, 6/e, Pearson,2006.
2) Structured Computer Organization, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4/e, Pearson,2005.
3) Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design, Sivarama P. Dandamudi, Springer,
1) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105163/
2) http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/CS1101/David%20Tarnoff.pdf
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To familiarize the students with the foundations of probability and statisticalmethods
To impart probability concepts and statistical methods in various applicationsEngineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to
● Classify the concepts of data science and its importance (L4) or(L2)
● Interpret the association of characteristics and through correlation and regression tools
● Make use of the concepts of probability and their applications(L3)
● Apply discrete and continuous probability distributions(L3)
● Design the components of a classical hypothesis test(L6)
● Infer the statistical inferential methods based on small and large sampling tests(L4)
Descriptive statistics and methods for data science: Data science – Statistics Introduction – Population
vs Sample – Collection of data – primary and secondary data – Type of variable: dependent and
independent Categorical and Continuous variables – Data visualization – Measures of Central
tendency – Measures of Variability (spread or variance) – Skewness Kurtosis.
Correlation and Curve fitting: Correlation – correlation coefficient – rank correlation – regression
coefficients and properties – regression lines – Method of least squares – Straight line – parabola
– Exponential – Powercurves.
Probability and Distributions: Probability – Conditional probability and Baye’s theorem – Random
variables – Discrete and Continuous random variables – Distribution function – Mathematical
Expectation and Variance – Binomial, Poisson, Uniform and Normaldistributions.
Sampling Theory:Introduction – Population and samples – Sampling distribution of Means and
Variance (definition only) – Central limit theorem (without proof) – Introduction to t, 2 and F-
distributions – Point and Interval estimations – Maximum error of estimate.
Tests of Hypothesis: Introduction – Hypothesis – Null and Alternative Hypothesis – Type I and Type
II errors – Level of significance – One tail and two-tail tests – Tests concerning one mean and two
means (Large and Small samples) – Tests on proportions.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Text Books:
1) Miller and Freund’s, Probability and Statistics for Engineers,7/e, Pearson,2008.
2) S. C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11/e,Sultan Chand &
Sons Publications,2012.
Reference Books:
1) Shron L. Myers, Keying Ye, Ronald E Walpole, Probability and Statistics Engineersand the
Scientists,8th Edition, Pearson2007.
2) Jay l. Devore, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 8thEdition,
3) Sheldon M. Ross, Introduction to probability and statistics Engineers and the Scientists,4th
Edition, Academic Foundation, 2011.
4) Johannes Ledolter and Robert V. Hogg, Applied statistics for Engineers and Physical
Scientists, 3rd Edition, Pearson,2010.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To learn fundamentals of Regular and Context Free Grammars andLanguages
To understand the relation between Regular Language and Finite Automata andmachines
To learn how to design Automata’s and machines as Acceptors, Verifiers and Translators
To understand the relation between Contexts free Languages, PDA andTM
To learn how to design PDA as acceptor and TM asCalculators
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course students can
Classify machines by their power to recognize languages.
Summarize language classes & grammars relationship among them with the helpof
Employ finite state machines to solve problems incomputing
Illustrate deterministic and non-deterministicmachines
Quote the hierarchy of problems arising in the computerscience
Finite Automata: Need of Automata theory, Central Concepts of Automata Theory, Automation,
Finite Automation, Transition Systems, Acceptance of a String, DFA, Design of DFAs, NFA, Design
of NFA, Equivalence of DFA and NFA, Conversion of NFA into DFA, Finite Automata with Є-
Transitions, Minimization of Finite Automata, Finite Automata with output-Mealy and Moore
Machines, Applications and Limitation of Finite Automata.
Regular Expressions, Regular Sets, Identity Rules, Equivalence of two RE, Manipulations of REs,
Finite Automata and Regular Expressions, Inter Conversion, Equivalence between FA and RE,
Pumping Lemma of Regular Sets, Closure Properties of Regular Sets, Grammars, Classification of
Grammars, Chomsky Hierarchy Theorem, Right and Left Linear Regular Grammars, Equivalence
between RG and FA, InterConversion.
Formal Languages, Context Free Grammar, Leftmost and Rightmost Derivations, Parse Trees,
Ambiguous Grammars, Simplification of Context Free Grammars-Elimination of Useless Symbols,
Є-Productions and Unit Productions, Normal Forms-Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal
Form, Pumping Lemma, Closure Properties, Applications of Context Free Grammars.
Pushdown Automata, Definition, Model, Graphical Notation, Instantaneous Description, Language
Acceptance of Pushdown Automata, Design of Pushdown Automata, Deterministic and Non –
Deterministic Pushdown Automata, Equivalence of Pushdown Automata and Context Free
Grammars, Conversion, Two Stack Pushdown Automata, Application of PushdownAutomata.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Turning Machine: Definition, Model, Representation of TMs-Instantaneous Descriptions, Transition
Tables and Transition Diagrams, Language of a TM, Design of TMs, Types of TMs, Church’s Thesis,
Universal and Restricted TM, Decidable and Un-decidable Problems, Halting Problem of TMs, Post’s
Correspondence Problem, Modified PCP, Classes of P and NP, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems.
Text Books:
1) Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani
and J. D. Ullman, 3rd Edition, Pearson,2008
2) Theory of Computer Science-Automata, Languages and Computation, K. L. P. Mishraand
N. Chandrasekharan, 3rd Edition, PHI, 2007
Reference Books:
1) Elements of Theory of Computation, Lewis H.P. &Papadimition C.H., Pearson/PHI
2) Theory of Computation, V. Kulkarni, Oxford University Press,2013
3) Theory of Automata, Languages and Computation, Rajendra Kumar, McGraw Hill,2014
1) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/104/106104028/
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To introduce about database managementsystems
To give a good formal foundation on the relational model of data and usage of RelationalAlgebra
To introduce the concepts of basic SQL as a universal Databaselanguage
To demonstrate the principles behind systematic database design approaches
bycovering conceptual design, logical design throughnormalization
To provide an overview of physical design of a database system, by discussing
Databaseindexing techniques and storagetechniques
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, the student will be able to
Describe a relational database and object-orienteddatabase
Create, maintain and manipulate a relational database usingSQL
Describe ER model and normalization for databasedesign
Examine issues in data storage and query processing and can formulate appropriatesolutions
Outline the role and issues in management of data such as efficiency, privacy, security, ethical
responsibility, and strategic advantage
Introduction: Database system, Characteristics (Database Vs File System), Database Users(Actors
on Scene, Workers behind the scene), Advantages of Database systems, Database applications.
Brief introduction of different Data Models; Concepts of Schema, Instance and data
independence; Three tier schema architecture for data independence; Database system structure,
environment, Centralized and Client Server architecture for thedatabase.
Relational Model: Introduction to relational model, concepts of domain, attribute, tuple, relation,
importance of null values, constraints (Domain, Key constraints, integrity constraints) and their
importance BASIC SQL: Simple Database schema, data types, table definitions (create, alter),
different DML operations (insert, delete, update), basic SQL querying (select and project) using
where clause, arithmetic & logical operations, SQL functions(Date and Time, Numeric, String
Entity Relationship Model: Introduction, Representation of entities, attributes, entity set,
relationship, relationship set, constraints, sub classes, super class, inheritance, specialization,
generalization using ER Diagrams. SQL: Creating tables with relationship, implementation of key
and integrity constraints, nested queries, sub queries, grouping, aggregation, ordering,
implementation of different types of joins, view(updatable and non-updatable), relational set
Schema Refinement (Normalization): Purpose of Normalization or schema refinement, concept of
functional dependency, normal forms based on functional dependency(1NF, 2NF and 3 NF), concept of
surrogate key, Boyce- codd normal form(BCNF), Lossless join and dependency preserving
decomposition, Fourth normal form(4NF), Fifth Normal Form(5NF).
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Transaction Concept: Transaction State, Implementation of Atomicity and Durability, Concurrent
Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of Isolation, Testing for
Serializability, Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery algorithm.
Indexing Techniques: B+ Trees: Search, Insert, Delete algorithms, File Organization and
Indexing, Cluster Indexes, Primary and Secondary Indexes , Index data Structures, Hash Based
Indexing: Tree base Indexing, Comparison of File Organizations, Indexes and PerformanceTuning
Text Books:
1) Database Management Systems, 3/e, Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke,TMH
2) Database System Concepts,5/e, Silberschatz, Korth,TMH
Reference Books:
1) Introduction to Database Systems, 8/e C J Date,PEA.
2) Database Management System, 6/e RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe,PEA
3) Database Principles Fundamentals of Design Implementation and Management, Corlos
Coronel, Steven Morris, Peter Robb, CengageLearning.
1) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105175/
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The Learning objectives of this paper are to understand the concept and nature of Managerial
Economics and its relationship with other disciplines and also to understand the Concept of
Demand and Demand forecasting.
To familiarize about the Production function, Input Output relationship, Cost-Output
relationship and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
To understand the nature of markets, Methods of Pricing in the different market structures and
to know the different forms of Business organization and the concept of BusinessCycles.
To learn different Accounting Systems, preparation of Financial Statement and uses of
different tools for performance evaluation.
Finally, it is also to understand the concept of Capital, Capital Budgeting and the techniques
used to evaluate Capital Budgeting proposals.
Introduction to Managerial Economics and demand Analysis:
Definition of Managerial Economics –Scope of Managerial Economics and its relationship with other
subjects –Concept of Demand, Types of Demand, Determinants of Demand- Demand schedule,
Demand curve, Law of Demand and its limitations- Elasticity of Demand, Types of Elasticity of
Demand and Measurement- Demand forecasting and Methods of forecasting, Concept of Supply and
Law of Supply.
Theories of Production and Cost Analyses:
Theories of Production function- Law of Variable proportions-Isoquants and Isocosts and choice of
least cost factor combination-Concepts of Returns to scale and Economies of scale-Different cost
concepts: opportunity costs, explicit and implicit costs-Fixed costs, Variable Costs and Total costs –
Cost –Volume- Profit analysis-Determination of Breakeven point(problems)-Managerial significance
and limitations of Breakeven point.
Introduction to Markets, Theories of the Firm & Pricing Policies:
Market Structures: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly –
Features – Price and Output Determination – Managerial Theories of firm: Marris and Williamson’s
models – other Methods of Pricing: Average cost pricing, Limit Pricing, Market Skimming Pricing,
Internet Pricing: (Flat Rate Pricing, Usage sensitive pricing) and Priority Pricing, Business Cycles :
Meaning and Features – Phases of a Business Cycle. Features and Evaluation of Sole Trader,
Partnership, Joint Stock Company – State/Public Enterprises and their forms.
Introduction to Accounting & Financing Analysis:
Introduction to Double Entry System, Journal, Ledger, Trail Balance and Preparation of Final
Accounts with adjustments – Preparation of Financial Statements-Analysis and Interpretation of
Financial Statements-Ratio Analysis – Preparation of Funds flow and cash flow analysis (Problems)
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
Capital and Capital Budgeting: Capital Budgeting: Meaning of Capital-Capitalization-Meaning of
Capital Budgeting-Time value of money- Methods of appraising Project profitability: Traditional
Methods(payback period, accounting rate of return) and modern methods(Discounted cash flow
method, Net Present Value method, Internal Rate of Return Method and ProfitabilityIndex)
Course Outcomes:
The Learner is equipped with the knowledge of estimating the Demand and demand elasticities
for a product.
The knowledge of understanding of the Input-Output-Cost relationships and estimation of the
least cost combination ofinputs.
The pupil is also ready to understand the nature of different markets and Price Output
determination under various market conditions and also to have the knowledge of different
Business Units.
The Learner is able to prepare Financial Statements and the usage of various Accounting tools
for Analysis.
The Learner can able to evaluate various investment project proposals with the help of capital
budgeting techniques for decision making.
A R Aryasri, Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, The McGraw – Hill companies.
1. Varshney R.L, K.L Maheswari, Managerial Economics, S. Chand & CompanyLtd,
2. JL Pappas and EF Brigham, Managerial Economics, Holt, R & W; New editionedition
3. N.P Srinivasn and M. SakthivelMurugan, Accounting for Management, S. Chand & CompanyLtd,
4. MaheswariS.N,AnIntroduction to Accountancy, Vikas Publishing House PvtLtd
5. I.M Pandey, Financial Management , Vikas Publishing House PvtLtd
6. V. Maheswari, Managerial Economics, S. Chand & CompanyLtd,
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020-
II Year – II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the Course, the students will be able to:
Know the characteristics of various components.
Understand the utilization of components
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
Understand working of logic families and logic gates.
Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits.
Solve elementary problems by assembly language programming
Implement assembly language program for given task for 8086 microprocessor.
List of Experiments:
1. Realization of Boolean Expressions using Gates
2. Design and realization logic gates using universal gates
3. Design a JK Flip‐Flop, Edge triggered J‐K NAND Flip Flop and show its functionality Handle race
condition and clock gating in your circuit.
4. Design a 4 – bit Adder / Subtractor
5. Combinational logic circuits: Implementation of Boolean functions using logic gates
6. Arithmetic operations using logic gates; Implementation of Multiplexers, Demultiplexers,
Encoders, Decoders; Implementation of Boolean functions using Multiplexers/Decoders
7. Study of sequential logic circuits: Implementation of flip flops, Verify the excitation tables of
various FLIP-FLOPS.
8. Design and realization a Synchronous and Asynchronous counter using flip-flops
9. Design and realization of an 8-bit parallel load and serial out shift register using flipflops
10. Implementation of counters, Design and realization a Synchronous and Asynchronous counter
using flip-flops
11. Design and realization of 4x1 mux, 8x1mux using 2x1 mux
Write assembly language programs in 8086 for the following: (MASAM can also be used)
1. To add two 8 bit number (A+B=RESULT with a carry and without a carry).
2. To subtract one 8 bit number from another (A-B=RESULT with a borrow and without a borrow).
3. To find out AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR of two 8 bit number.
4. To find out addition of two 16 bit numbers.
5. To find out subtraction of two 16 bit numbers.
6. To evaluate the expression a = b + c –d * e
Considering 8-bit, 16 bit and 32-bit binary numbers as b, c, d, e.
Take the input in consecutive memory locations and results also Display the results by using “int
xx” of 8086. Validate program for the boundary conditions.
12. To take N numbers as input. Perform the following operations on them.
a. Arrange in ascending and descending order.
b. Find max and minimum
c. Find average
Considering 8-bit, 16-bit binary numbers and 2-digit, 4 digit and 8-digit BCD numbers. Display the
results by using “int xx” of 8086. Validate program for the boundary conditions.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
13. To implement the above operations as procedures and call from the main procedure.
14. To find the factorial of a given number as a Procedure and call from the main program which
display the result.
Note: Experiments can be done using Logic board, Easy CPU, RT Slim, Little Man Computer (LMC),
Assemblers for 8085 programming, 8086 based trainer kits, MIPS simulator PC Spim, Xilinx schematic
editor and simulation tools or any other choice
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
II Year – II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objective: In this course student will learn about the fundamentals of R programming,
standard R libraries,solid understanding of R functions,write programs using the R and gain skills
in R programming Language, get acquaintances with Arrays, Files, Strings, Packages, and
distributions using R.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Implement basic concepts of R programming, and its different module that includes
conditional, looping, lists, Strings, Functions, Frames, Arrays, and File programming.
2. Implement the concepts of R Script to extract the data from data frames and file operations.
3. Implement the various statistical techniques using R.
4. Extend the functionality of R by using add-on packages
5. Use R Graphics and Tables to visualize results of various statistical operations on data
Week 2:
a) Implement R script to show the usage of various operators available in R language.
b) Implement R script to read person‘s age from keyboard and display whether he is eligible for
voting or not.
c) Implement R script to find biggest number between two numbers.
d) Implement R script to check the given year is leap year or not.
Week 3:
a) Implement R Script to generate first N natural numbers.
b) Implement R Script to check given number is palindrome or not.
c) Implement R script to print factorial of a number.
d) Implement R Script to check given number is Armstrong or not.
Week 4:
a) Implement R Script to perform various operations on string using string libraries.
b) Implement R Script to check given string is palindrome or not.
c) Implement R script to accept line of text and find the number of characters, number of vowels and
number of blank spaces in it.
d) Implement R script for Call-by-value and Call-by-reference
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Week 5:
a) Implement R Script to create a list.
b) Implement R Script to access elements in the list.
c) Implement R Script to merge two or more lists. Implement R Script to perform matrix
Week 6:
Implement R script to perform following operations:
a) various operations on vectors
b) Finding the sum and average of given numbers using arrays.
c) To display elements of list in reverse order.
d) Finding the minimum and maximum elements in the array.
Week 7:
a) Implement R Script to perform various operations on matrices
b) Implement R Script to extract the data from data frames.
c) Write R script to display file contents.
d) Write R script to copy file contents from one file to another
Week 8:
a) Implement R Script to create a Pie chart, Bar Chart, scatter plot andHistogram.
b) Implement R Script to perform mean, median, mode, range, summary, variance, standard
deviation operations.
c) Introduction to ggplot2 graphics
Week 9:
a) Implement R Script to perform Normal, Binomial distributions.
b) Implement R Script to perform correlation, Linear and multiple regression.
Week 10:
Introduction to Non-Tabular Data Types: Time series, spatial data, Network data.
Data Transformations: Converting Numeric Variables into Factors, Date Operations, String
Parsing, Geocoding
Week 11:
Introduction Dirty data problems: Missing values, data manipulation, duplicates, forms of data
dates, outliers, spelling
Week 12:
Data sources: SQLite examples for relational databases, Loading SPSS and SAS files, Reading
from Excel and Google Spreadsheets, API and web scraping examples
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
1. R Cookbook Paperback – 2011 by Teetor Paul O Reilly Publications
2. Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language by Dr. Mark Gardener, Wiley Publications
3. R Programming For Dummies by JorisMeysAndrie de Vries, Wiley Publications
4. Hands-On Programming with R by Grolemund, O Reilly Publications
5. Statistical Programming in R by KG Srinivas G.M. Siddesh, Chetan Shetty &Sowmya B.J. - 2017
6. R Fundamentals and Programming Techniques, ThomasLumely.
7. R for Everyone Advanced Analytics and Graphics, Jared P. Lander- Addison WesleySeries
8. The Art of R Programming, Norman Matloff, CengageLearning
9. Maria DoloresUgarte,AnaF.Militino,AlanT.Arnholt―ProbabilityandStatisticswithR‖2nd Edition on,
CRC Press,2016.
10. R-programming for Data science, RogerD.Peng.
11. An Introduction to statistical learning-with applications in R, Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani.
Web Links
1. URL: https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-intro.pdf ( Online Resources)
2. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106104135/48
3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/110106064/
Software requirements:
1. The R statistical software program. Available from: https://www.r-project.org/
2. R Studio an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R. Available
from: https://www.rstudio.com/
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
II Year – II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
This Course will enable students to
Populate and query a database using SQL DDL/DMLCommands
Declare and enforce integrity constraints on adatabase
Writing Queries using advanced concepts ofSQL
Programming PL/SQL including procedures, functions, cursors andtriggers
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Utilize SQL to execute queries for creating database and performing data manipulation
Examine integrity constraints to build efficient databases
Apply Queries using Advanced Concepts of SQL Build PL/SQL programs including stored
procedures, functions, cursors and triggers.
List of Exercises:
1. Creation, altering and droping of tables and inserting rows into a table (use constraints while
creating tables) examples using SELECT command.
2. Queries (along with sub Queries) using ANY, ALL, IN, EXISTS, NOTEXISTS, UNION,
INTERSET, Constraints. Example:- Select the roll number and name of the student who
secured fourth rank in the class.
3. Queries using Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX and MIN), GROUP BY,
HAVING and Creation and dropping of Views.
4. Queries using Conversion functions (to_char, to_number and to_date), string functions
(Concatenation, lpad, rpad, ltrim, rtrim, lower, upper, initcap, length, substr and instr), date
functions (Sysdate, next_day, add_months, last_day, months_between, least, greatest, trunc,
round, to_char,to_date)
i. Create a simple PL/SQL program which includes declaration section, executable section
and exception –Handling section (Ex. Student marks can be selected from the table and
printed for those who secured first class and an exception can be raised if no records
ii. Insert data into student table and use COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT in
6. Develop a program that includes the features NESTED IF, CASE and CASE expression. The
program can be extended using the NULLIF and COALESCEfunctions.
7. Program development using WHILE LOOPS, numeric FOR LOOPS, nested loops using
ERROR Handling, BUILT –IN Exceptions, USE defined Exceptions, RAISE-
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
II Year – II Semester
0 0 4 2
Course Objectives:
To learn how to develop Applications in android environment.
To learn how to develop user interface applications.
To learn how to develop URL related applications.
1. (a) Create an Android application that shows Hello + name of the user and run it on an emulator.
(b) Create an application that takes the name from a text box and shows hello message along with the
name entered in text box, when the user clicks the OK button.
2. Create a screen that has input boxes for User Name, Password, Address, Gender (radio buttons for male
and female), Age (numeric), Date of Birth (Date Picket), State (Spinner) and a Submit button. On clicking
the submit button, print all the data below the Submit Button. Use
(a) Linear Layout , (b) Relative Layout and
(c) Grid Layout or Table Layout.
3. Develop an application that shows names as a list and on selecting a name it should show the details of
the candidate on the next screen with a “Back” button. If the screen is rotated to landscape mode (width
greater than height), then the screen should show list on left fragment and details on right fragment instead
of second screen with back button. Use Fragment transactions and Rotation event listener.
4. Develop an application that uses a menu with 3 options for dialing a number, opening a website and to
send an SMS. On selecting an option, the appropriate action should be invoked using intents.
5. Develop an application that inserts some notifications into Notification area and whenever a notification
is inserted, it should show a toast with details of the notification.
6. Create an application that uses a text file to store user names and passwords (tab separated fields and one
record per line). When the user submits a login name and password through a screen, the details should be
verified with the text file data and if they match, show a dialog saying that login is successful. Otherwise,
show the dialog with Login Failed message.
7. Create a user registration application that stores the user details in a database table.
8. Create a database and a user table where the details of login names and passwords are stored. Insert
some names and passwords initially. Now the login details entered by the user should be verified with the
database and an appropriate dialog should be shown to the user.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Android Application Development with MIT App Inventor:For the first one week, the student is advised to
go through the App Inventor from MIT which gives insight into the various properties of each component.
The student should pay attention to the properties of each components, which are used later in Android
programming. Following are useful links:
1. http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu
2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rTtW_91YclTWF4czdBMEpZcWs/view
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To provide an introduction to formalisms to understand, analyze and denote time complexities of
To introduce the different algorithmic approaches for problem solving through numerous example
To provide some theoretical grounding in terms of finding the lower bounds of algorithms and the
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Describe asymptotic notation used for denoting performance of algorithms
Analyse the performance of a given algorithm and denote its time complexity using the asymptotic
notation for recursive and non-recursive algorithms
List and describe various algorithmic approaches
Solve problems using divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming, backtracking and branch
and bound algorithmic approaches
Apply graph search algorithms to real world problems
Demonstrate an understanding of NP- Completeness theory and lower bound theory
Introduction: Algorithm Definition, Algorithm Specification, performance Analysis, Performance
measurement, Asymptotic notation, Randomized Algorithms. Sets & Disjoint set union: introduction,
union and find operations. Basic Traversal & Search Techniques: Techniques for Graphs, connected
components and Spanning Trees, Bi-connected components and DFS.
Divide and Conquer: General Method, Defective chessboard, Binary Search, finding the maximum and
minimum, Merge sort, Quick sort. The Greedy Method: The general Method, container loading, knapsack
problem, Job sequencing with deadlines, minimum-cost spanning Trees.
Dynamic Programming: The general method, multistage graphs, All pairs-shortest paths, single source
shortest paths: general weights, optimal Binary search trees, 0/1 knapsack, reliability Design, The
travelling salesperson problem, matrix chain multiplication.
Backtracking: The General Method, The 8-Queens problem, sum of subsets, Graph coloring, Hamiltonian
cycles, and knapsack problem. Branch and Bound: FIFO Branch-and-Bound, LC Branch-and-Bound, 0/1
Knapsack problem, Traveling salesperson problem.
NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems: Basic concepts, Cook’s Theorem. String Matching: Introduction,
String Matching-Meaning and Application, Naive String Matching Algorithm, Rabin-Karp Algorithm,
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Automata, Tries, Suffix Tree.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1) Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, “ Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, 2nd
Edition, Universities Press.
2) Harsh Bhasin, “ Algorithms Design & Analysis”, Oxford University Press.
Reference Books:
1) Horowitz E. Sahani S: “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, 2nd Edition, GalgotiaPiblicat ions,
2) S. Sridhar, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Oxford University Press
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes:
CLO1: Understand about IoT overview including requirements.
CLO2: Learn IoT related protocols and specifications.
CLO3: Develop a project of IoT mock-up application of their own.
Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) Overview of WSN, IoT, IoT Conceptual Framework, IoT
Architectural View, Technology Behind IoT, Sources of IoT, M2M Communication. IoT/M2M Systems
Layers and Design Standardization, Communication Technologies, Data Enrichment, Data Consolidation
and Device Management at Gateway. Examples of IoT, Ease of Designing and Affordability Use Case
Studies: Smart Home, Smart City, Precision Agriculture
IoT Sensors and Devices Sensing the Real-world using Analog and Digital Sensors, MEMS, LIDAR,
Depth, ultrasonic, etc. Industrial IoT, Automotive IoT, Actuator, RFID Technology. Cloud computing
Paradigm for Data Collection, Storage and Computing, Everything as a Service and Cloud Service Models
for IoT.
IoT Networks and Protocols Introduction, Web Communication Protocols: Constrained Applications
Protocol (CoAP), Lightweight Machine-to-Machine Communication; Message Queue Telemetry Transport
(MQTT). Introduction to Internet Connectivity Principles, Internet Connectivity, InternetBased
Communication, IP Addressing in the IoT, Media Access Control, LowPAN and LoRaWAN. Application
Layer Protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and Telnet.
Advance topics in IoTSecurity and Privacy Requirements, Threat Analysis, IoT Layered Attacker Model,
Access Control and Secure Message Communication, Security Models. IoT Hardware (development
Boards): Raspberry pi, Arduino, NodeMCU, etc
IoT Capstone Project Lab Experiments Network programming hands on guide. Hands-on exercises on IoT
hardware and software.
Text Books:
1) Raj Kamal, “Internet of Things: Architecture and Design Principles”. TMH Publications, 2017.
2) OvidiuVermesan& Peter Friess, “Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environments
and Integrated Ecosystems”, River Publishers Series in Communications, 2017.
Reference Books:
1) Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Study the basic taxonomy and terminology of the computer networking and enumerate the layers of
OSI model and TCP/IP model
Study data link layer concepts, design issues, and protocols
Gain core knowledge of Network layer routing protocols and IP addressing
Study Session layer design issues, Transport layer services, and protocols
Acquire knowledge of Application layer and Presentation layer paradigms and protocols
Course Outcomes:
Illustrate the OSI and TCP/IP reference model
Analyze MAC layer protocols and LAN technologies
Design applications using internet protocols
Implement routing and congestion control algorithms
Develop application layer protocols
Introduction: History and development of computer networks, Basic Network Architectures: OSI reference
model, TCP/IP reference model, and Networks topologies, types of networks (LAN, MAN, WAN, circuit
switched, packet switched, message switched, extranet, intranet, Internet, wired, wireless).
Physical layer: Line encoding, block encoding, scrambling, modulation demodulation (both analog and
digital), errors in transmission, multiplexing (FDM, TDM, WDM, OFDM, DSSS), Different types of
transmission media. Data Link Layer services: framing, error control, flow control, medium access control.
Error & Flow control mechanisms: stop and wait, Go back N and selective repeat. MAC protocols: Aloha,
slotted aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, polling, token passing, scheduling.
Local Area Network Technology: Token Ring. Error detection (Parity, CRC), Ethernet, Fast Ethernet,
Gigabit Ethernet, Personal Area Network: Bluetooth and Wireless Communications Standard: Wi-Fi
(802.11) and Wi-MAX.
Network layer: Internet Protocol, IPv6, ARP, DHCP, ICMP, Routing algorithms: Distance vector, Link
state, Metrics, Inter-domain routing. Sub netting, Super netting, Classless addressing, Network Address
Transport layer: UDP, TCP. Connection establishment and termination, sliding window, flow and
congestion control, timers, retransmission, TCP extensions, Queuing theory, Single and multiple server
queuing models, Little’s formula. Application Layer. Network Application services and protocols
including e-mail, www, DNS, SMTP, IMAP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, BOOTP, HTTP, IPSec, Firewalls.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1) Computer Networks , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Pearson Education India; 5 edition,
2) Data Communication and Networking , Behrouz A. Forouzan, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2012
Reference Books:
1) Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, LL Peterson, BS Davie, Morgan-Kauffman , 5th Edition,
2) Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach JF Kurose, KW Ross, Addison-Wesley, 5th Edition,
3) Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, Pearson, 8th Edition, 2007
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To study the various phases in the design of a compiler
To understand the design of top-down and bottom-up parsers
To understand syntax directed translation schemes
To introduce LEX and YACC tools
To learn to develop algorithms to generate code for a target machine
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Design, develop, and implement a compiler for any language
Use LEX and YACC tools for developing a scanner and a parser
Design and implement LL and LR parsers
Design algorithms to perform code optimization in order to improve the performance of a program
in terms of space and time complexity
Apply algorithms to generate machine code
Language Processors, the structure of a compiler, the science of building a compiler, programming
language basics. Lexical Analysis: The Role of the Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering, Recognition of
Tokens, The Lexical-Analyzer Generator Lex, Finite Automata, From Regular Expressions to Automata,
Design of a Lexical-Analyzer Generator, Optimization of DFA-Based Pattern Matchers.
Syntax Analysis: Introduction, Context-Free Grammars, Writing a Grammar, Top-Down Parsing,
Recursive and Non recursive top down parsers, Bottom-Up Parsing, Introduction to LR Parsing: Simple
LR, More Powerful LR Parsers, Using Ambiguous Grammars, Parser Generators.
Syntax-Directed Definitions, Evaluation Orders for SDD’s, Applications of Syntax-Directed Translation,
Syntax-Directed Translation Schemes, and Implementing L-Attributed SDD’s. Intermediate-Code
Generation: Variants of Syntax Trees, Three-Address Code, Types and Declarations, Type Checking,
Control Flow, Back patching, Switch-Statements, Intermediate Code for Procedures.
Run-Time Environments: Storage organization, Stack Allocation of Space, Access to Nonlocal Data on the
Stack, Heap Management, Introduction to Garbage Collection, Introduction to Trace Based Collection.
Machine-Independent Optimizations: The Principal Sources of Optimization, Introduction to Data-Flow
Analysis, Foundations of Data-Flow Analysis, Constant Propagation, Partial Redundancy Elimination,
Loops in Flow Graphs.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Code Generation: Issues in the Design of a Code Generator, The Target Language, Addresses in the Target
Code, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, A Simple Code Generator. Machine-
dependent Optimizations: Peephole Optimization, Register Allocation and Assignment, Dynamic
Programming Code-Generation.
Text Books:
1) Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Second Edition, Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi
Sethi, Jeffry D. Ullman, Pearson.
2) Compiler Construction-Principles and Practice, Kenneth C Louden, Cengage Learning.
Reference Books:
1) Modern compiler implementation in C, Andrew W Appel, Revised edition, Cambridge University Press.
2) The Theory and Practice of Compiler writing, J. P. Tremblay and P. G. Sorenson, TMH
3) Writing compilers and interpreters, R. Mak, 3rd edition, Wiley student edition.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To understand and describe syntax and semantics of programming languages
To understand data, data types, and basic statements
To understand call-return architecture and ways of implementing them
To understand object-orientation, concurrency, and event handling in programming languages
To develop programs in non-procedural programming paradigms
Course Outcomes:
Describe the syntax and semantics of programming languages and gain practical knowledge in
lexical analysis and parsing phases of a compiler
Make use of different constructs in programming languages with merits and demerits
Design and implement sub programs in various programming languages
Developing the knowledge on different programming language features like object- orientation,
concurrency, exception handling and event handling
Analyzing functional paradigm and ability to write small programs using Scheme and ML and
Develop programs logic paradigm and ability to write small programs using Prolog
Syntax and semantics: Evolution of programming languages, describing syntax, context, free grammars,
attribute grammars, describing semantics, lexical analysis, parsing, recursive - decent bottom - up parsing.
Data, data types, and basic statements: Names, variables, binding, type checking, scope, scope rules,
lifetime and garbage collection, primitive data types, strings, array types, associative arrays, record types,
union types, pointers and references, Arithmetic expressions, overloaded operators, type conversions,
relational and Boolean expressions, assignment statements, mixed mode assignments, control structures –
selection, iterations, branching, guarded Statements.
Subprograms and implementations: Subprograms, design issues, local referencing, parameter passing,
overloaded methods, generic methods, design issues for functions, semantics of call and return,
implementing simple subprograms, stack and dynamic local variables, nested subprograms, blocks,
dynamic scoping.
Object- orientation, concurrency, and event handling: Object – orientation, design issues for OOP
languages, implementation of object, oriented constructs, concurrency, semaphores, Monitors, message
passing, threads, statement level concurrency, exception handling, event handling.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Functional programming languages: Introduction to lambda calculus, fundamentals of functional
programming languages, Programming with Scheme, Programming with ML
Logic programming languages: Introduction to logic and logic programming, Programming with Prolog,
multi - paradigm languages.
Text Books:
1) Robert W. Sebesta, “Concepts of Programming Languages”, Tenth Edition, Addison Wesley, 2012.
2) Programming Languages, Principles & Paradigms, 2ed, Allen B Tucker, Robert E Noonan, TMH.
Reference Books:
1) R. Kent Dybvig, “The Scheme programming language”, Fourth Edition, MIT Press, 2009.
2) Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Elements of ML programming”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
3) Richard A. O'Keefe, “The craft of Prolog”, MIT Press, 2009.
4) W. F. Clocksin and C. S. Mellish, “Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO Standard”, Fifth Edition,
Springer, 2003.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Course Outcomes: Students taking this subject will gain software engineering skills in the following
Ability to transform an Object-Oriented Design into high quality, executable code
Skills to design, implement, and execute test cases at the Unit and Integration level
Compare conventional and agile software methods
The Nature of Software, The Unique Nature of WebApps, Software Engineering, The Software Process,
Software Engineering Practice, Software Myths. A Generic Process Model, Process Assessment and
Improvement, Prescriptive Process Models, Specialized Process Models, The Unified Process, Personal
and Team Process Models, Process Technology.
Agility, Agility and the Cost of Change, Agile Process, Extreme Programming (XP), Other Agile Process
Models, A Tool Set for the Agile Process, Software Engineering Knowledge, Core Principles, Principles
That Guide Each Framework Activity, Requirements Engineering, Establishing the Groundwork, Eliciting
Requirements, Developing Use Cases, Building the Requirements Model, Negotiating Requirements,
Validating Requirements.
Requirements Analysis, Scenario-Based Modeling, UML Models That Supplement the Use Case, Data
Modeling Concepts, Class-Based Modeling, Requirements Modeling Strategies, FlowOrientedModeling,
Creating a Behavioral Model, Patterns for Requirements Modelling, Requirements Modeling for
Design within the Context of Software Engineering, The Design Process, Design Concepts, The Design
Model, Software Architecture, Architectural Genres, Architectural Styles, Assessing Alternative
Architectural Designs, Architectural Mapping Using Data Flow, Components, Designing Class-Based
Components, Conducting Component-Level Design, Component-Level Design for Web Apps, Designing
Traditional Components, Component-Based Development.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
The Golden Rules, User Interface Analysis and Design, Interface Analysis, Interface Design Steps, Web
App Interface Design, Design Evaluation, Elements of Software Qualtiy Assurance, SQA Tasks, Goals &
Metrics, Statistical SQA, Software Reliability, A Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Strategic Issues,
Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Test Strategies for Object-Oriented Software, Test Strategies
for Web Apps, Validation Testing, System Testing, The Art of Debugging, Software Testing
Fundamentals, Internal and External Views of Testing, White-Box Testing, Basis Path Testing.
Text Books:
1) Software Engineering a practitioner’s approach, Roger S. Pressman, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill
Higher Education.
2) Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, Ninth Edition, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1) Software Engineering, A Precise Approach, Pankaj Jalote, Wiley India, 2010.
2) Software Engineering, Ugrasen Suman, Cengage.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Understand the fundamental concepts and theory of computer graphics
Understand modelling, and interactive control of 3D computer graphics applications
The underlying parametric surface concepts be understood
Learn multimedia authoring tools.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Use the principles and commonly used paradigms and techniques of computer graphics
Write basic graphics application programs including animation
Design programs to display graphic images to given specifications
INTRODUCTION: Application areas of computer graphics, overview of graphic system, video-display
devices, raster-scan systems, random scan systems, graphics monitors and work stations and input devices.
OUTPUT PRIMITIVES: Points and lines, line drawing algorithms, mid-point circle algorithm, Filled
area primitives: scan-line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithm. 2-D
GEOMETRICAL TRANSFORMATIONS: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear
transformation matrix representations and homogeneous co-ordinates, composite transformations,
transformations between coordinates
2-D VIEWING : The viewing pipe-line, viewing coordinat4 reference frame, window to view-port co-
ordinate transformations, viewing function, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithms,
Sutherland Hodge man polygon clipping algorithm.
3-D OBJECT REPRESENTATION: spline representation, Hermit curve, Bezier curve and B-spline
curve, Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces, , Solid modeling Schalars – wire frame, CSG, B-rep. Bezier and
B-spline surfaces, Basic illumination models, shading algorithms
3-D GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear
transformation and composite transformations. Visible surface detection methods: Classification, back-
face detection, depth buffer, scan-line, depth sorting
COMPUTER ANIMATION: Design of animation sequence, general computer animation functions,
raster animation, computer animation language, key frame system, motion specification
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. Computer Graphics C version/ Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker/Pearson/PHI
2. Computer Graphics Principles & practice-second edition in C/ Foley, Van Dam, Feiner and Hughes /
Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. Computer Graphics Second edition/ Zhigandxiang, Roy Plastock, Schaum’s outlines/Tata Mc-Graw hill
2. Procedural elements for Computer Graphics/David F Rogers/Tata Mc Graw hill, 2nd edition.
3. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics/ Neuman and Sproul/TMH.
4. Computer Graphics/ Steven Harrington/TMH
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Understand the Concept of Parallel Processing and its applications
Implement the Hardware for Arithmetic Operations
Analyze the performance of different scalar Computers
Develop the Pipelining Concept for a given set of Instructions
Distinguish the performance of pipelining and non pipelining environment in a processor
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, student will be able to
Illustrate the types of computers, and new trends and developments in computer architecture
Outline pipelining, instruction set architectures, memory addressing
Apply ILP using dynamic scheduling, multiple issue, and speculation
Illustrate the various techniques to enhance a processors ability to exploit Instruction-level
parallelism (ILP), and its challenges
Apply multithreading by using ILP and supporting thread-level parallelism (TLP)
Computer Abstractions and Technology: Introduction, Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture, Below
Your Program, Under the Covers, Technologies for Building Processors and Memory, Performance, The
Power Wall, The Sea Change: The Switch from Uni-processors to Multiprocessors, Benchmarking the
Intel Core i7, Fallacies and Pitfalls.
Instructions: Language of the Computer: Operations of the Computer Hardware, Operands of the
Computer Hardware, Signed and Unsigned Numbers, Representing Instructions in the Computer, Logical
Operations, Instructions for Making Decisions, Supporting Procedures in Computer Hardware,
Communicating with People, MIPS Addressing for 32-Bit Immediates and Addresses, Parallelism and
Instructions: Synchronization, Translating and Starting a Program, A C Sort Example to Put It All
Together, Arrays versus Pointers, ARMv7 (32-bit) Instructions, x86 Instructions, ARMv8 (64-bit)
Arithmetic for Computers: Introduction, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Floating
Point, Parallelism and Computer Arithmetic: Subword Parallelism, Streaming SIMD Extensions and
Advanced Vector Extensions in x86, Subword Parallelism and Matrix Multiply.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
The Processor: Introduction, Logic Design Conventions, Building a Data path, A Simple Implementation
Scheme, An Overview of Pipelining, Pipelined Datapath and Control, Data Hazards: Forwarding versus
Stalling, Control Hazards, Exceptions, Parallelism via Instructions, The ARM Cortex-A8 and Intel Core i7
Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy: Introduction, Memory Technologies, The Basics of
Caches, Measuring and Improving Cache Performance, Dependable Memory Hierarchy, Virtual Machines,
Virtual Memory, A Common Framework for Memory Hierarchy, Using a Finite-State Machine to Control
a Simple Cache, Parallelism and Memory Hierarchies: Cache Coherence, Parallelism and Memory
Hierarchy: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks, Advanced Material: Implementing Cache Controllers,
The ARM Cortex-A8 and Intel Core i7 Memory Hierarchies.
Text Books:
1) Computer Organization and Design: The hardware and Software Interface, David A Patterson, John L
Hennessy, 5th edition, MK.
2) Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing – Kai Hwang, Faye A.Brigs, Mc Graw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Super Scalar Processors, John P. Shen and Miikko H.
Lipasti, Mc Graw Hill.
2) Advanced Computer Architecture – A Design Space Approach – DezsoSima, Terence Fountain, Peter
Kacsuk , Pearson.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year–I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
Understand and apply different network commands
Implement different network protocols
Course Outcomes:
Apply the basics of Physical layer in real time applications
Apply data link layer concepts, design issues, and protocols
Apply Network layer routing protocols and IP addressing
Implement the functions of Application layer and Presentation layer paradigms and Protocols
1) Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character stuffing and bit stuffing.
2) Write a C program to develop a DNS client server to resolve the given hostname.
3) Implement on a data set of characters the three CRC polynomials – CRC-12, CRC-
4) Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the Shortest path in a graph.
5) Take an example subnet graph with weights indicating delay between nodes. Now obtain
Routing table at each node using distance vector routing algorithm
6) Take an example subnet of hosts. Obtain broadcast tree for it.
7) Write a client-server application for chat using UDP
8) Implement programs using raw sockets(like packet capturing and filtering)
9) Write a C program to perform sliding window protocol.
10) Get the MAC or Physical address of the system using Address Resolution Protocol.
11) Simulate the Implementing Routing Protocols using border gate way protocol(BGP)
12) Simulate the OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST routing protocol based on the cost assigned
to the path.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year–I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
To introduce the raspberry PI platform, that is widely used in IoT applications
To introduce the implementation of distance sensor on IoT devices
Course Outcomes:
Ability to introduce the concept of M2M (machine to machine) with necessary protocols and get
awareness in implementation of distance sensor
Get the skill to program using Python Scripting Language which is used in many IoT devices
1. Getting started with Raspberry Pi, Install Raspian on your SD card
2. Python-based IDE (integrated development environments) for the
Raspberry Pi and how to trace and debug Python code on the device
3. Using Raspberry pi
a. Calculate the distance using distance sensor.
b. Basic LED functionality.
4. Raspberry Pi interact with online services through the use of public APIs and SDKs
5. Using Arduino
a. Calculate the distance using distance sensor.
b. Basic LED functionality.
c. Calculate temperature using temperature sensor
6. Using Node MCU
a. Calculate the distance using distance sensor.
b. Basic LED functionality.
Text Books:
1. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities
Press, 2015, ISBN: 9788173719547
2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, O'Reilly (SPD), 2014,
ISBN: 978935023975
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
0 0 4 2
Web Application Development Using Full Stack -Frontend Development –Module -I
Course Objectives:
The objective of this lab is to provide understanding about the core concepts of front end
programming for web application
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this lab the student is able to
Analyze a webpage and identify its elements and attributes.
Demonstrate the important HTML tags for designing static pages and separate design from
content using Cascading Style sheet
Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone
Create web pages using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.
1) Introduction to HTML
2) Browsers and HTML
3) Editor’s Offline and Online
4) Tags, Attribute and Elements
5) Doctype Element
6) Comments
7) Headings, Paragraphs ,and Formatting Text
8) Lists and Links
9) Images and Tables
1) Introduction CSS
2) Applying CSS to HTML
3) Selectors, Properties and Values
4) CSS Colours and Backgrounds
5) CSS Box Model
6) CSS Margins, Padding, and Borders
7) CSS Text and Font Properties
8) CSS General Topics
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – I Semester
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives: The aim of this course is
Overall understanding of the natural resources.
Basic understanding of the ecosystem and its diversity.
Acquaintance on various environmental challenges induced due to unplanned
anthropogenic activities.
An understanding of the environmental impact of developmental activities.
Awareness on the social issues, environmental legislation and global treaties.
Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, Scope and Importance – Sustainability:
Stockholm and Rio Summit–Global Environmental Challenges: Global warming and climate change,
acid rains, ozone layer depletion, population growth and explosion, effects. Role of information
technology in environment and human health.
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem. - Structure and function of an ecosystem; Producers, consumers
and decomposers. - Energy flow in the ecosystem - Ecological succession. - Food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids; Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of Forest
ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems.
Natural Resources: Natural resources and associated problems.
Forest resources: Use and over – exploitation, deforestation – Timber extraction – Mining, dams and
other effects on forest and tribal people.
Water resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water – Floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams – benefits and problems.
Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral
Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by non-agriculture activities-effects of modern
agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity.
Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources use of alternate
energy sources.
Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, Wasteland reclamation, man induced landslides,
soil erosion and desertification; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources; Equitable use
of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Biodiversity and its conservation: Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity- classification -
Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social-Biodiversity at national and local levels.
India as a mega-diversity nation - Hot-sports of biodiversity - Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, man-
wildlife conflicts. - Endangered and endemic species of India – Conservation of biodiversity:
conservation of biodiversity.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Environmental Pollution: Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water
pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, Nuclear hazards. Role of an individual in prevention of
pollution. - Pollution case studies, Sustainable Life Studies. Impact of Fire Crackers on Men and his
well being.
Solid Waste Management: Sources, Classification, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
solid wastes. Consumerism and waste products, Biomedical, Hazardous and e – waste management.
Social Issues and the Environment: Urban problems related to energy -Water conservation, rain water
harvesting-Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Environmental ethics:
Issues and possible solutions. Environmental Protection Act -Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act. –Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act - Wildlife Protection Act -Forest Conservation
Act-Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. -Public awareness.
Environmental Management: Impact Assessment and its significance various stages of EIA, preparation
of EMP and EIS, Environmental audit. Ecotourism, Green Campus – Green business and Green politics.
The student should Visit an Industry / Ecosystem and submit a report individually on any issues related
to Environmental Studies course and make a power point presentation.
Text Books:
1) Environmental Studies, K. V. S. G. Murali Krishna, VGS Publishers, Vijayawada
2) Environmental Studies, R. Rajagopalan, 2nd Edition, 2011, Oxford University Press.
3) Environmental Studies, P. N. Palanisamy, P. Manikandan, A. Geetha, and K. Manjula Rani;
Pearson Education, Chennai
Reference Books:
1) Text Book of Environmental Studies, Deeshita Dave & P. Udaya Bhaskar, CengageLearning.
2) A Textbook of Environmental Studies, Shaashi Chawla, TMH, New Delhi
3) Environmental Studies, Benny Joseph, Tata McGraw Hill Co, New Delhi
4) Perspectives in Environment Studies, Anubha Kaushik, C P Kaushik, New Age International
Publishers, 2014
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – II Semester
3 1 0 3
Course Outcomes:
Explain the functional blocks of an embedded system and its software development processes
Explain the theoretical background and practical experience in the design and development of
sophisticated embedded system
Familiarize the importance of safety and reliability in Contemporary Embedded system design
Describe the Embedded system design techniques for performance optimization
Enumerate the knowledge of Embedded system in the areas of Distributed Embedded System
FUNDAMENTALS OFEMBEDDEDSYSTEM - Introduction of embedded system – Processor-
Memory-Peripherals- Software Algorithms-Microcontroller-Microprocessor based – board based
.Compilation Process in Embedded System: Compiling code-pre processor- compilation-linking and
loading-Symbols, references and relocation-linker/loader. Debugging Techniques: High Level language
simulation – low level simulation – onboard debugger – task level debugging – symbolic debug-
HARDWARE SOFTWARE CO-DESIGN Introduction and Motivation, Co-design Process Overview,
Development Lifecycles - Specification, Modelling Tools and Languages, Techniques of Hardware
Software Co - design -Partitioning, Co Simulation, Co-Synthesis, Co-Verification.
SAFETYANDRELIABILITY Techniques, Proactive Approach - Software Solutions – Approaches,
Hardware Solutions– Approaches, Steps to a Safe Design, Extreme Reliability - Long Life Applications,
Critical Components, Dealing with Failure, Specification.
OPTIMIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Introduction, Basic Measures, Real time
Considerations – Hard, Soft, Firm , Time Loading – Simulation, Instrumentation, Response Time, Memory
Loading, Performance Evaluation, Performance Optimization, Hardware Accelerators, Hardware
Platforms - Microprocessors and FPGAS, Optimizing Power Consumption ,Trade-offs.
DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Introduction, Local and Remote Models, Intra and Inter System
Communication, Protocols, Error Management – Failure Detection, Reconfiguration, Recovery idempotent
Systems, Pipes, Streams, and Sockets, Remote Services and Procedures, Design Issues, Synchronous and
Asynchronous Procedures
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. Steve Heath “Embedded Systems Design” Second Edition ,Elsevier.
2. Frank Vahid& Tony Givargis ”Embedded System Design-A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction”
Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc.Reprint 2010.
3. Michael Barr & Anthony Massa ”Programming Embedded Systems-with C & GNU Development
tools” Second Edition, O’REILLY,Reprint-2007.
4. Arnold S.Berger ”Embedded Systems Design”, CMP Books
Reference Books:
1. David E.Simon ”An Embedded Software primer” Pearson Publication.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Gain knowledge about basic concepts of Machine Learning
Study about different learning algorithms
Learn about of evaluation of learning algorithms
Learn about Dimensionality reduction
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Identify machine learning techniques suitable for a given problem
Solve the problems using various machine learning techniques
Apply Dimensionality reduction techniques
Design application using machine learning techniques
UNIT I:Introduction
Definition of learning systems, Goals and applications of machine learning, Aspects of developing a
learning system: training data, concept representation, function approximation. Inductive Classification:
The concept learning task, Concept learning as search through a hypothesis space, General-to-specific
ordering of hypotheses, Finding maximally specific hypotheses, Version spaces and the candidate
elimination algorithm, Learning conjunctive concepts, The importance of inductive bias.
Reference Books:
1) EthernAlpaydin, “Introduction to Machine Learning”, MIT Press, 2004.
2) Stephen Marsland, “Machine Learning -An Algorithmic Perspective”, Second Edition, Chapman and
Hall/CRC Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Series, 2014.
3) Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido “Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data
Scientists”, Oreilly.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To introduce the terminology, technology and its applications
To introduce the concept of M2M (machine to machine) with necessary protocols
To introduce the Python Scripting Language which is used in many IoT devices
To introduce the Raspberry PI platform, that is widely used in IoT applications
To introduce the implementation of web-based services on IoT devices
Course Outcomes:
Understanding of IoT value chain structure (device, data cloud), application areas and technologies
Understand IoT sensors and technological challenges faced by IoT devices, with a focus on wireless,
energy, power, and sensing modules
Market forecast for IoT devices with a focus on sensors
Explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of preparing projects designed for
Raspberry Pi
Introduction to Internet of Things- Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Sensors, Actuators, Physical
Design of IoT – IoT Protocols, IoT communication models, IoT Communication APIs, IoT enabled
Technologies – Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Embedded Systems, IoT Levels and
Templates, Domain Specific IoTs – Home, City, Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Industry.
IoT and M2M- Software defined networks, network function virtualization, difference between SDN and
NFV for IoT, Basics of IoT System Management with NETCOZF, YANG- NETCONF, YANG, SNMP
IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints- Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi- Installation, Interfaces
(serial, SPI, I2C), Programming – Python program with Raspberry PI with focus on interfacing external
gadgets, controlling output, reading input from pins.
Controlling Hardware- Connecting LED, Buzzer, Switching High Power devices with transistors,
Controlling AC Power devices with Relays, Controlling servo motor, speed control of DC Motor, unipolar
and bipolar Stepper motors Sensors- Light sensor, temperature sensor with thermistor, voltage sensor,
ADC and DAC, Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11, Motion Detection Sensors, Wireless
Bluetooth Sensors, Level Sensors, USB Sensors, Embedded Sensors, Distance Measurement with
ultrasound sensor
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings– Introduction to Cloud Storage models and communication
APIs Web server – Web server for IoT, Cloud for IoT, Python web application framework Designing a
RESTful web API
Text Books:
1. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press,
2015, ISBN: 9788173719547
2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, O'Reilly (SPD), 2014, ISBN:
3. Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Software and Hardware Problems and solutions, Simon Monk, O'Reilly (SPD),
2016, ISBN 7989352133895
Reference Books:
1. Peter Waher, 'Learning Internet of Things', Packt Publishing, 2015 Editors OvidiuVermesan
2. Peter Friess,'Internet of Things – From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment', River
Publishers, 2014
3. N. Ida, Sensors, Actuators and Their Interfaces, Sci Tech Publishers, 2014.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year–II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Write programs in ARM for a specific Application
Interface memory, A/D and D/A convertors with ARM system
Analyze the performance of interrupt
Write program for interfacing keyboard, display, motor and sensor.
Formulate a mini project using embedded system
III Year– II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The objective of this lab is to get an overview of the various machine learning techniques and
Implement those using Python.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Understand complexity of Machine Learning algorithms and their limitations
Understand modern notions in data analysis-oriented computing
Perform experiments of Machine Learning Algorithms using real-world data
1. The probability that it is Friday and that a student is absent is 3 %. Since there are 5 school days in
a week, the probability that it is Friday is 20 %. What is theprobability that a student is absent
given that today is Friday? Apply Baye’s rule in python to get the result. (Ans: 15%)
2. Extract the data from database using python
3. Implement k-nearest neighbours classification using python
4. Given the following data, which specify classifications for nine combinations of VAR1 and VAR2
predict a classification for a case where VAR1=0.906 and VAR2=0.606, using the result of k-
means clustering with 3 means (i.e., 3 centroids)
1.713 1.586 0
0.180 1.786 1
0.353 1.240 1
0.940 1.566 0
1.486 0.759 1
1.266 1.106 0
1.540 0.419 1
0.459 1.799 1
0.773 0.186 1
5. The following training examples map descriptions of individuals onto high, medium and low credit-
medium skiing design single twenties no -> highRisk
high golf trading married forties yes -> lowRisk
low speedway transport married thirties yes -> medRisk
medium football banking single thirties yes -> lowRisk
high flying media married fifties yes -> highRisk
low football security single twenties no -> medRisk
medium golf media single thirties yes -> medRisk
medium golf transport married forties yes -> lowRisk
high skiing banking single thirties yes -> highRisk
low golf unemployed married forties yes -> highRisk
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Input attributes are (from left to right) income, recreation, job, status, age-group, home-owner.
Find the unconditional probability of `golf' and the conditional probability of `single' given
`med Risk' in the dataset
6. Implement linear regression using python.
7. Implement Naïve Bayes theorem to classify the English text
8. Implement an algorithm to demonstrate the significance of genetic algorithm
9. Implement the finite words classification system using Back-propagation algorithm
Text Books:
1. Machine Learning – Tom M. Mitchell, MGH
2. Fundamentals of Speech Recognition By Lawrence Rabiner and Biing – Hwang Juang.
Reference Book:
1. Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Stephen Marsland, Taylor & Francis
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year– II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
1. Learn how to execute Linux commands and Python programs on Raspberry Pi.
2. Learn how to interface and control different sensors and actuators on Raspberry Pi.
3. Develop simple IoT Applications.
Course Outcomes:
1. Able to execute different Linux commands on Raspberry Pi.
2. Write and execute Python programs on Raspberry Pi.
3. Interface LEDs and program them on Raspberry Pi.
4. Use various sensors like temperature, humidity, smoke, light, etc. and be able to control web
camera, network, and relays connected to the Raspberry Pi.
1. Execute various Linux commands in command terminal window on Raspberry Pi:
ls, cd, touch, mv, rm, man, mkdir, rmdir, tar, gzip, cat, more, less, ps, sudo,cron, chown,
chgrp, ping etc.
2. Run some Python programs on Raspberry Pi:
a. Read your name and print Hello message with name.
b. Read two numbers and print their sum, difference, product and division.
c. Word and character count of a given string.
d. Area of a given shape (rectangle, triangle and circle) reading shape and appropriate
e. values from standard input.
f. Print a name 'n' times, where name and n are read from standard input, using for and
g. while loops.
h. Handle Divided by Zero Exception.
i. Print current time for 10 times with an interval of 10 seconds.
j. Read a file line by line and print the word count of each line.
k. Light an LED through Python program.
l. Get input from two switches and switch on corresponding LEDs.
m. Flash an LED at a given on time and off time cycle, where the two times are taken from a
n. file.
o. Flash an LED based on cron output (acts as an alarm).
3. Switch on a relay at a given time using cron, where the relay's contact terminals are
connected to a load.
4. Access an image through a Raspberry Pi web cam.
5. Control a light source using web page.
6. Implement an intruder system that sends an alert to the given email.
7. Get the status of a bulb at a remote place (on the LAN) through web.
8. Get an alarm from a remote area (through LAN) if smoke is detected.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – II Semester
0 0 4 2
Web Application Development Using Full Stack -Frontend Development –Module -II
Course Objectives:
The objective of this lab is to build strong foundation of JavaScript which will help developer to apply
JavaScript concepts for responsive web frontend development
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this lab the student is able to
develop of the major Web application tier- Client side development
participate in the active development of cross-browser applications through JavaScript
Develop JavaScript applications that transition between states
Perform experiments related to the following concepts:
1) Introduction to JavaScript
2) Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
3) Understanding JS Syntax
4) Introduction to Document and Window Object
5) Variables and Operators
6) Data Types and Num Type Conversion
7) Math and String Manipulation
8) Objects and Arrays
9) Date and Time
10) Conditional Statements
11) Switch Case
12) Looping in JS
13) Functions
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year–II Semester
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives: The aim of this course is
To explore and practice basic communication skills
To learn skills for effective discussions & team work
To assess and improve personal grooming
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course the student
Establish effective communication with employers, supervisors ,and co-workers
Adapts positive attitude and appropriate body language
A list of vital employability skills from the standpoint of engineering students with discussion how to
potentially develop such skills through campus life.
1) Soft Skills: An Introduction–Definition and Significance of Soft Skills; Process, Importance and
Measurement of Soft Skill Development.
2) Self-Discovery: Discovering the Self; Setting Goals; Beliefs, Values, Attitude, Virtue.
3) Positivity and Motivation: Developing Positive Thinking and Attitude; Driving out Negativity;
Meaning and Theories of Motivation; Enhancing Motivation Levels.
4) Interpersonal Communication: Interpersonal relations; communication models, process and
barriers; team communication; developing interpersonal relationships through effective
communication; listening skills; essential formal writing skills;corporatecommunicationstyles–
5) Public Speaking: Skills, Methods, Strategies and Essential tips for effective public speaking.
6) Group Discussion: Importance, Planning, Elements, Skills assessed; Effectively disagreeing,
Initiating, Summarizing and Attaining the Objective.
7) Non-Verbal Communication: Importance and Elements ;Body Language.
8) Teamwork and Leadership Skills: Concept of Teams; Building effective teams; Concept of
Leadership and honing Leadership skills.
References Books:
1) BarunK.Mitra, Personality Development andSoftSkills,OxfordUniversityPress,2011.
2) S.P.Dhanavel,EnglishandSoftSkills,OrientBlackswan,2010.
3) R.S.Aggarwal,AModernApproachtoVerbal&Non-
4) Raman,Meenakshi&Sharma,Sangeeta,TechnicalCommunicationPrinciplesandPractice,OxfordUn
5) R.S.Aggarwal,AModernApproachtoVerbal&Non-
6) Raman,Meenakshi&Sharma,Sangeeta,TechnicalCommunicationPrinciplesandPractice,OxfordUn
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year–II Semester
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives:
The main of this course is
• To learn how to make effective presentations and impressive interviews
• To learn skills for discussing and resolving problems on the work site
• To assess and improve personal grooming
• To promote safety awareness including rules and procedures on the work site
• To develop and practice self-management skills for the work site
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this course, the student
• Recite the corporate etiquette.
• Make presentations effectively with appropriate body language
• Be composed with positive attitude
• Apply their core competencies to succeed in professional and personal life
A list of vital employability skills from the standpoint of engineering students with discussion how to
potentially develop such skills through campus life.
1) Interview Skills: Interviewer and Interviewee – in-depth perspectives. Before, During and After
the Interview. Tips for Success.
2) Presentation Skills: Types, Content, Audience Analysis, Essential Tips – Before, During and
After, Overcoming Nervousness.
3) Etiquette and Manners – Social and Business.
4) Time Management – Concept, Essentials, Tips.
5) Personality Development – Meaning, Nature, Features, Stages, Models; Learning Skills;
Adaptability Skills.
6) Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills: Meaning, Types and Models, Group and Ethical
Decision-Making, Problems and Dilemmas in application of these skills.
7) Conflict Management: Conflict - Definition, Nature, Types and Causes; Methods of Conflict
8) Stress Management: Stress - Definition, Nature, Types, Symptoms and Causes; Stress Analysis
Models and Impact of Stress; Measurement and Managemet of Stress
9) Leadership and Assertiveness Skills: A Good Leader; Leaders and Managers; Leadership
Theories; Types of Leaders; Leadership Behaviour; Assertivness Skills.
10) Emotional Intelligence: Meaning, History, Features, Components, Intrapersonal and
Management Excellence; Strategies to enhance Emotional Intelligence.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
References Books:
1. Barun K. Mitra, Personality Development and Soft Skills, Oxford University Press, 2011.
2. S.P. Dhanavel, English and Soft Skills, Orient Blackswan, 2010.
3. R.S.Aggarwal, A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning, S.Chand&
4. Company Ltd., 2018.
5. Raman, Meenakshi & Sharma, Sangeeta, Technical Communication Principles and
6. Oxford University Press, 2011.
7. Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development – edited by B.N.Ghosh, McGraw Hill
8. India, 2012.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To study the emerging technologies in the context of wireless networks
To understand the mobile computing environment
To learn about pervasive computing environment
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Interpret Wireless local area networks (WLAN): MAC design principles, 802.11 WIFI
Discuss fundamental challenges in mobile communications and potential Techniques in
Demonstrate Mobile IP in Network layer
Elaborate TCP/IP Protocols and database issues
Illustrate different data delivery methods and synchronization protocols
Develop applications that are mobile-device specific and demonstrate current Practice
in mobile computing contexts
Mobile Communications: An Overview- Mobile Communication-guided transmission, unguided
transmission- signal propagation frequencies, antennae, modulation, modulation methods and standards for
voice-oriented data communication standards, modulation methods and standards for data and voice
communication, mobile computing- novel applications and limitations, mobile computing architecture,
mobile system networks. Mobile devices and systems: Cellular networks and frequency reuse, Mobile
smart phones, Smart mobiles and systems, handheld pocket computers, Hand held devices, Smart systems,
Limitations of mobile devices.
GSM and other 2G Architectures: GSM-services and system architecture, Radio interfaces of GSM,
Protocols of GSM, Localization, Call handling, GPRS system architecture. Wireless medium access
control, CDMA, 3G, 4G and 5G Communication: Modulation, Multiplexing, Controlling the medium
access, Spread spectrum, Coding methods, IMT-20003G wireless communication standards, WCDMA 3G
communication standards, CDMA 3G communication standards, Broadband wireless access, 4G networks,
5G Networks.
Mobile IP Network layer: IP and Mobile IP network layers: OSI layer functions, TCP/IP and Internet
protocol, Mobile internet protocol; Packet delivery and Handover Management; Location Management:
Agent Discovery; Mobile TCP Introduction to Mobile Ad-hoc network: fixed infrastructure architecture,
MANET infrastructure architecture; MANET: properties, spectrum, applications; Security in Ad-hoc
network; Wireless sensor networks; sensor network applications.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Synchronization: Synchronization in mobile computing systems, Usage models for Synchronization in
mobile application, Domain-dependant specific rules for data synchronization, Personal information
manager, synchronization and conflict resolution strategies, synchronizer; Mobile agent: mobile agent
design, aglets; Application Server.
Mobile Wireless Short Range Networks and Mobile Internet: Wireless networking and wireless LAN,
Wireless LAN (WLAN) architecture, IEEE 802.11protocol layers, Wireless application protocol (WAP)-
WAP1.1 architecture, wireless datagram protocol (WDP), Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS),
wireless transaction and session layers, wireless application environment.
Text Books:
1) Mobile Computing, 2nd edition, Raj kamal, Oxford,2011
2) Mobile Computing, Technology Applications and Service Creation, 2nd Edition, Asoke K Talukder,
Hasanahmed, Roopa R Yavagal, McGraw Hill,2017
Reference Books:
1) “Principles of Mobile Computing,” 2nd Edition, UWE Hansmann, LotherMerk, Martin S. Nocklous,
Thomas Stober, Springer.2003
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Provide you with the knowledge and expertise to become a proficient data scientist
Demonstrate an understanding of statistics and machine learning concepts that are vital for data
Learn to statistically analyze a dataset
Explain the significance of exploratory data analysis (EDA) in data science
Critically evaluate data visualizations based on their design and use for communicating stories fro m
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Describe what Data Science is and the skill sets needed to be a data scientist
Illustrate in basic terms what Statistical Inference means. Identify probability distributions
commonly used as foundations for statistical modelling, Fit a model to data
Use R to carry out basic statistical modelling and analysis
Apply basic tools (plots, graphs, summary statistics) to carry out EDA
Describe the Data Science Process and how its components interact
Use APIs and other tools to scrap the Web and collect data
Apply EDA and the Data Science process in a case study
Introduction, The Ascendance of Data, Motivating Hypothetical: Data Sciencester, Finding Key
Connectors, The Zen of Python, Getting Python, Virtual Environments, Whitespace Formatting, Modules,
Functions, Strings, Exceptions, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries defaultdict, Counters, Sets, Control Flow,
Truthiness, Sorting, List Comprehensions, Automated Testing and assert, Object Oriented Programming,
Iterables and Generators, Randomness, Regular Expressions, Functional Programming, zip and Argument
Unpacking, args and kwargs, Type Annotations, How to Write Type Annotations.
Visualizing Data: matplotlib, Bar Charts, Line Charts, Scatterplots. Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices,
Statistics: Describing a Single Set of Data, Correlation, Simpson’s Paradox, Some Other Correlational
Caveats, Correlation and Causation. Gradient Descent: The Idea Behind Gradient Descent, Estimating the
Gradient, Using the Gradient, Choosing the Right Step Size, Using Gradient Descent to Fit Models,
Minibatch and Stochastic Gradient Descent.
Getting Data: stdin and stdout, Reading Files, Scraping the Web, Using APIs, Working with Data:
Exploring Your Data Using Named Tuples, Data classes, Cleaning and Munging, Manipulating Data,
Rescaling, Dimensionality Reduction. Probability: Dependence and Independence, Conditional
Probability, Bayes’s Theorem, Random Variables, Continuous Distributions, The Normal Distribution,
The Central Limit Theorem
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Machine Learning: Modeling, Over fitting and Under fitting, Correctness, The Bias-Variance Tradeoff,
Feature Extraction and Selection, k-Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple
Regression, Digression, Logistic Regression
Clustering: The Idea, The Model, Choosing k, Bottom-Up Hierarchical Clustering. Recommender
Systems: Manual Curation, Recommending What’s Popular, User-Based Collaborative Filtering, Item-
Based Collaborative Filtering, Matrix Factorization Data Ethics, Building Bad Data Products, Trading Off
Accuracy and Fairness, Collaboration, Interpretability, Recommendations, Biased Data, Data Protection
IPython, Mathematics, NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn, Visualization.
Text Books:
1) Joel Grus, “Data Science From Scratch”, OReilly.
2) Allen B.Downey, “Think Stats”, OReilly.
Reference Books:
1) Doing Data Science: Straight Talk From The Frontline, 1 st Edition, Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt,
O’Reilly, 2013
2) Mining of Massive Datasets, 2 nd Edition, Jure Leskovek, AnandRajaraman and Jeffrey Ullman, v2.1,
Cambridge University Press, 2014
3) “The Art of Data Science”, 1 st Edition, Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth matsui, Lean Publications, 2015
4) “Algorithms for Data Science”, 1 st Edition, Steele, Brian, Chandler, John, Reddy, Swarna, springers
Publications, 2016
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems. To master the basics of
SQL and construct queries using SQL
To understand the relational database design principles
To become familiar with the basic issues of transaction processing and concurrency control
To become familiar with database storage structures and access techniques
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Identify what type of NoSQL database to implement based on business requirements (key-value,
document, full text, graph, etc.)
Apply NoSQL data modeling from application specific queries
Use Atomic Aggregates and denormalization as data modelling techniques to optimize query
Introduction to NoSQL: Definition And Introduction, Sorted Ordered Column-Oriented Stores, Key/Value
Stores, Document Databases, Graph Databases, Examining Two Simple Examples, Location Preferences
Store, Car Make And Model Database, Working With Language Bindings.
Interacting with NoSQL: If NoSql Then What, Language Bindings For NoSQL Data Stores, Performing
Crud Operations, Creating Records, Accessing Data, Updating And Deleting Data.
NoSQL Storage Architecture: Working With Column-Oriented Databases, Hbase Distributed Storage
Architecture, Document Store Internals, Understanding Key/Value Stores In Memcached And Redis,
Eventually Consistent Non-Relational Databases.
NoSQL Stores: Similarities Between Sql And Mongodb Query Features, Accessing Data From Column-
Oriented Databases Like Hbase, Querying Redis Data Stores, Changing Document Databases, Schema
Evolution In Column-Oriented Databases, Hbase Data Import And Export, Data Evolution In Key/Value
Indexing and Ordering Data Sets : Essential Concepts Behind A Database Index, Indexing And Ordering
In Mongodb, Creating and Using Indexes In Mongodb, Indexing And Ordering In Couchdb, Indexing In
Apache Cassandra.
Text Books:
1) PramodSadalage and Martin Fowler, NoSQL Distilled, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012.
2) Dan McCreary and Ann Kelly, Making Sense of NoSQL, Manning Publications, 2013.
Reference Books:
1) Shashank Tiwari, Professional NoSQL, Wrox Press, Wiley, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470- 94224-6
2) Gaurav Vaish, Getting Started with NoSQL, Packt Publishing, 2013.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Ability to understand the Security requirements in IoT.
Understand the cryptographic fundamentals for IoT
Ability to understand the authentication credentials and access control
Understand the various types Trust models and Cloud Security.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Apply Security and privacy concepts in IoT devices
Gain knowledge on types of Vulnerabilities
Familiar with Encryption & Decryption algorithms
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Programming and Interfacing With Micro Controllers
Course Objectives:
Understand advanced and emerging networking technologies
Obtain skills to do advanced networking research and programming
Learn how to use software programs to perform varying and complex networking tasks
Expand upon the knowledge learned and apply it to solve real world problems
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Introduction – History - Creative Coding Platforms - Open Source Platforms – PIC -Arduino, Sketch,
Raspberry Pi, Iterative coding methodology – Python Programming -Mobile phones and similar devices -
Arm Devices - Getting used to Arduino – Sensor Characterization: Safety, Basic Electronics (circuit
theory, measurements, parts identification) Sensors and Software: Understanding Processing Code
Structure, variables and flow control, Interfacing to the Real World.
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To understand the basics of FOG Computing
To understand the architecture of FOG computing and challenges
The applications of FOG computing in different contexts.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to
Become familiar with the concepts of Fog
Understand the architecture and its components and working of components and its performance
Explore Fog on security , multimedia and smart data
Model the fog computing scenario
Working Procedure -Performance Evaluation Components- Software Systems – Architecture-Modelling
and Simulation –Challenges
Text Books:
1. Ivan Stojmenovic, Sheng Wen ,” The Fog Computing Paradigm: Scenarios and Security Issues”
Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems pp. 1–8
2. Fog Computing: Helping the Internet of Things Realize its Potential Amir Vahid Dastjerdi and
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Reference Books:
1. Multi-Dimensional payment Plan in Fog Computing with Moral Hazar, Yanru Zhang,Nguyen H.
Tran,DusitNiyato, and Zhu Han,IEEE,2016
2. Farhoud Hosseinpour, Juha Plosila,Hannu Tenhunen,“An Approach for Smart management of Big
Data in the Fog Computing Context”, IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing
Technology and Science, 2016
3. Hua-Jun Hong, Jo-Chi Chuang and Cheng-HsinHsu,”Animation Rendering on Multimedia Fog
computing Platforms”, IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and
Science, 2016.
4. Dongyoung Koo, Youngjoo Shin, Joobeom Yun, junbeomHur,”A Hybrid deduplicaton for secure and
Efficiet data Outsourcing n Fog Computing”, IEEE 8 th International Conference on Cloud Computing
Technology and Science,2016.
5. Fog Computing: A Platform for Internet of Things and Analytics, FlavioBonomi, Rodolfo Milito,
Preethi Natarajan and Jiang Zhu, Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart
Environments, Studies in Computational Intelligence 546, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05029-4_7, ©
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.
6. Fog Computing and Its Role in the Internet of Things,FlavioBonomi, Rodolfo Milito, Jiang Zhu,
SateeshAddepalli, MCC’12, August 17, 2012, Helsinki, Finland. Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-
1519-7/12/08... $15.00.
7. A Survey of Fog Computing: Concepts, Applications and Issues,Shanhe Yi, Cheng Li, Qun Li,
Mobidata’15, June 21, 2015, Hangzhou, China. Copyright c 015 ACM 978-1-4503-3524-9/15/06
...$15.00. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2757384.2757397.
8. Security and Privacy Issues of Fog Computing: A Survey,Shanhe Yi, Zhengrui Qin, and Qun Li
Difference-based Proximity Detection Protocol for Fog Computing Yan Huo∗ , Member, IEEE,
Chunqiang Hu†, Member, IEEE,, Xiaowei Qi∗ , Tao Jing∗ .
10. Fog Protocol and FogKit: A JSON-Based Protocol and Framework for Communication Between
Bluetooth-Enabled Wearable Internet of Things Devices Spencer Lewson,by Spencer Lewson June
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To implement Virtualization
To implement Task Scheduling algorithms
Apply Map-Reduce concept to applications
To build Private Cloud
Broadly educate to know the impact of engineering on legal and societal issues involved
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Interpret the key dimensions of the challenge of Cloud Computing
Examine the economics, financial, and technological implications for selecting cloud computing for
own organization
Assessing the financial, technological, and organizational capacity of employer’s for actively
initiating and installing cloud-based applications
Evaluate own organizations’ needs for capacity building and training in cloud computing related IT
Illustrate Virtualization for Data- Center Automation
Introduction: Network centric computing, Network centric content, peer-to –peer systems, cloud
computing delivery models and services, Ethical issues, Vulnerabilities, Major challenges for cloud
computing. Parallel and Distributed Systems: introduction, architecture, distributed systems,
communication protocols, logical clocks, message delivery rules, concurrency, and model concurrency
with Petri Nets.
Cloud Infrastructure: At Amazon, The Google Perspective, Microsoft Windows Azure, Open Source
Software Platforms, Cloud storage diversity, Inter cloud, energy use and ecological impact, responsibility
sharing, user experience, Software licensing, Cloud Computing : Applications and Paradigms: Challenges
for cloud, existing cloud applications and new opportunities, architectural styles, workflows, The
Zookeeper, HPC on cloud.
Cloud Resource virtualization: Virtualization, layering and virtualization, virtual machine monitors, virtual
machines, virtualization- full and para, performance and security isolation, hardware support for
virtualization, Case Study: Xen, vBlades, Cloud Resource Management and Scheduling: Policies and
Mechanisms, Applications of control theory to task scheduling, Stability of a two-level resource allocation
architecture, feedback control based on dynamic thresholds, coordination, resource bundling, scheduling
algorithms, fair queuing, start time fair queuing, cloud scheduling subject to deadlines, Scheduling Map
Reduce applications, Resource management and dynamic application scaling.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Storage Systems: Evolution of storage technology, storage models, file systems and database, distributed
file systems, general parallel file systems. Google file system. Apache Hadoop, Big Table, Megastore (text
book 1), Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) (Text book 2), Cloud
Security: Cloud security risks, security – a top concern for cloud users, privacy and privacy impact
assessment, trust, OS security, Virtual machine security, Security risks.
Cloud Application Development: Amazon Web Services : EC2 – instances, connecting clients, security
rules, launching, usage of S3 in Java, Cloud based simulation of a Distributed trust algorithm, Cloud
service for adaptive data streaming ( Text Book 1), Google: Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
(Text Book 2), Microsoft: Azure Services Platform, Windows live, Exchange Online, Share Point
Services, Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Text Book 2)
Text Books:
1) Cloud Computing, Theory and Practice,1st Edition, Dan C Marinescu, MK Elsevier publisher ,2013
2) Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach, 1st Edition, Anthony T Velte, Toby J Velte, Robert
Elsenpeter, TMH,2017
Reference Books:
1) Mastering Cloud Computing, Foundations and Application Programming,1st Edition, Raj Kumar
Buyya, Christen vecctiola, S Tammaraiselvi, TMH,2013
2) Essential of Cloud Computing, 1st Edition, K Chandrasekharan, CRC Press, 2014.
3) Cloud Computing, A Hands on Approach, ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press, 2014.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Translate user requirements into the overall architecture and implementation of new systems and
Manage Project and coordinate with the Client
Writing optimized front end code HTML and JavaScript
Monitor the performance of web applications & infrastructure and Troubleshooting web application
with a fast and accurate a resolution
Design and implementation of Robust and Scalable Front End Applications
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Enumerate the Basic Concepts of Web &Markup Languages
Develop web Applications using Scripting Languages & Frameworks
Make use of Express JS and Node JS frameworks
Illustrate the uses of web services concepts like restful, react js
Apply Deployment Techniques & Working with cloud platform
Introduction to Web: Internet and World Wide Web, Domain name service, Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP.
Html5 concepts, CSS3, Anatomy of a web page. XML: Document type Definition, XML schemas,
Document object model, XSLT, DOM and SAX Approaches.
JavaScript: The Basic of JavaScript: Objects, Primitives Operations and Expressions, Control Statements,
Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Pattern Matching using Regular Expressions. Angular Java Script
Angular JS Expressions: ARRAY, Objects, $eval, Strings, Angular JS Form Validation & Form
Submission, Single Page Application development using Angular JS.
Node.js: Introduction, Advantages, Node.js Process Model, Node JS Modules. Express.js: Introduction to
Express Framework, Introduction to Nodejs , What is Nodejs, Getting Started with Express, Your first
Express App, Express Routing, Implementing MVC in Express, Middleware, Using Template Engines,
Error Handling , API Handling , Debugging, Developing Template Engines, Using Process Managers,
Security & Deployment.
RESTful Web Services: Using the Uniform Interface, Designing URIs, Web Linking, Conditional
Requests. React Js: Welcome to React, Obstacles and Roadblocks, React’s Future, Keeping Up with the
Changes, Working with the Files, Pure React, Page Setup, The Virtual DOM, React Elements, ReactDOM,
Children, Constructing Elements with Data, React Components, DOM Rendering, Factories.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Mongo DB: Introduction, Architecture, Features, Examples, Database Creation & Collection in Mongo
DB. Deploying Applications: Web hosting & Domains, Deployment Using Cloud Platforms.
Text Books:
1) Programming the World Wide Web, Robet W Sebesta, 7ed, Pearson.
2) Web Technologies, Uttam K Roy, Oxford
3) Pro Mean Stack Development, ELadElrom, Apress
4) Restful Web Services Cookbook, SubbuAllamraju, O’Reilly
5) JavaScript & jQuery the missing manual, David sawyer mcfarland, O’Reilly
6) Web Hosting for Dummies, Peter Pollock, John Wiley Brand
Reference Books:
1) Ruby on Rails up and Running, Lightning fast Web development, Bruce Tate, Curt Hibbs, Oreilly
2) Programming Perl, 4ed, Tom Christiansen, Jonathan Orwant, Oreilly (2012).
3) Web Technologies, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP, XML and AJAX, Black book, Dream Tech.
4) An Introduction to Web Design, Programming, Paul S Wang, Sanda S Katila, Cengage Learning.
5) Express.JS Guide,The Comprehensive Book on Express.js, AzatMardan, Lean Publishing.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To learn the concepts of big data analytics
To learn the concepts about Internet of things
To understand and implement smart systems
Course Outcomes:
Understand the different types of Big Data platforms
Familiar with the fog computing concepts
Understanding the cloud computing concepts
Text Books:
1) Stackowiak, R., Licht, A., Mantha, V., Nagode, L.,” Big Data and The Internet of Things Enterprise
Information Architecture for A New Age”, Apress, 2015.
2. Dr. John Bates , “Thingalytics - Smart Big Data Analytics for the Internet of Things”, john Bates,
2015.6) Web Hosting for Dummies, Peter Pollock, John Wiley Brand
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Able to identify security risks and take preventive steps
To understand the forensics fundamentals
To understand the evidence capturing process
To understand the preservation of digital evidence
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Enumerate the computer forensics fundamentals
Describe the types of computer forensics technology
Analyze various computer forensics systems
Illustrate the methods for data recovery, evidence collection and data seizure
Identify the Role of CERT-In Security
Introduction to Cybercrime: Introduction, Cybercrime: Definition and Origins of the Word, Cybercrime
and Information Security, Cybercriminals, Classifications of Cybercrime, Cyberstalking, Cybercafe and
Cybercrimes, Botnets. Attack Vector, Proliferation of Mobile and Wireless Devices, Security Challenges
Posed by Mobile Devices, Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones, Network and Computer Attacks.
Tools and Methods : Proxy Servers and Anonymizers, Phishing, Password Cracking, Keyloggers and
Spywares,Virus and Worms, Trojan Horses and Backdoors, Steganography, Sniffers, Spoofing, Session
Hijacking Buffer over flow, DoS and DDoS Attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow, Attacks on Wireless
Networks, Identity Theft (ID Theft), Foot Printing and Social Engineering, Port Scanning, Enumeration.
Cyber Crime Investigation: Introduction, Investigation Tools, eDiscovery, Digital Evidence Collection,
Evidence Preservation, E-Mail Investigation, E-Mail Tracking, IP Tracking, E-Mail Recovery, Hands on
Case Studies. Encryption and Decryption Methods, Search and Seizure of Computers, Recovering Deleted
Evidences, Password Cracking.
Computer Forensics and Investigations: Understanding Computer Forensics, Preparing for Computer
Investigations. Current Computer Forensics Tools: Evaluating Computer Forensics Tools, Computer
Forensics Software Tools, Computer Forensics Hardware Tools, Validating and Testing Forensics
Software, Face, Iris and Fingerprint Recognition, Audio Video Analysis, Windows System Forensics,
Linux System Forensics, Graphics and Network Forensics, E-mail Investigations, Cell Phone and Mobile
Device Forensics.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Cyber Crime Legal Perspectives: Introduction, Cybercrime and the Legal Landscape around the World,
The Indian IT Act, Challenges to Indian Law and Cybercrime Scenario in India, Consequences of Not
Addressing the Weakness in Information Technology Act, DigitalSignatures and the Indian IT Act,
Amendments to the Indian IT Act, Cybercrime and Punishment, Cyberlaw, Technology and Students:
Indian Scenario.
Text Books:
1) SunitBelapure Nina Godbole “Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and
Legal Perspectives”, WILEY, 2011.
2) Nelson Phillips and EnfingerSteuart, “Computer Forensics and Investigations”, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2009.
Reference Books:
1) Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman and James E. Corley, “Hands on Ethical Hacking and Network
Defence”, Cengage, 2019.
2) Computer Forensics, Computer Crime Investigation by John R. Vacca, Firewall Media, New Delhi.
3) Alfred Basta, Nadine Basta,Mary Brown and Ravinder Kumar “Cyber Security and Cyber Laws” ,
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
Demonstrate the major technology trends driving Deep Learning
Build, train and apply fully connected deep neural networks
Implement efficient (vectorized) neural networks
Analyze the key parameters and hyper parameters in a neural network's architecture
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Demonstrate the mathematical foundation of neural network
Describe the machine learning basics
Differentiate architecture of deep neural network
Build a convolutional neural network
Build and train RNN and LSTMs
Linear Algebra: Scalars, Vectors, Matrices and Tensors, Matrix operations, types of matrices, Norms,
Eigen decomposition, Singular Value Decomposition, Principal Components Analysis. Probability and
Information Theory: Random Variables, Probability Distributions, Marginal Probability, Conditional
Probability, Expectation, Variance and Covariance, Bayes’ Rule, Information Theory. Numerical
Computation: Overflow and Underflow, Gradient-Based Optimization, Constrained Optimization, Linear
Least Squares.
Machine Learning: Basics and Underfitting, Hyper parameters and Validation Sets, Estimators, Bias and
Variance, Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian Statistics, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Stochastic
Gradient Descent, Challenges Motivating Deep Learning. Deep Feedforward Networks: Learning XOR,
Gradient-Based Learning, Hidden Units, Architecture Design, Back-Propagation and other Differentiation
Regularization for Deep Learning: Parameter Norm Penalties, Norm Penalties as Constrained
Optimization, Regularization and Under-Constrained Problems, Dataset Augmentation, Noise Robustness,
Semi-Supervised Learning, Multi-Task Learning, Early Stopping, Parameter Tying and Parameter Sharing,
Sparse Representations, Bagging and Other Ensemble Methods, Dropout, Adversarial Training, Tangent
Distance, Tangent Prop and Manifold Tangent Classifier. Optimization for Training Deep Models: Pure
Optimization, Challenges in Neural Network Optimization, Basic Algorithms, Parameter Initialization
Strategies, Algorithms with Adaptive Learning Rates, Approximate Second-Order Methods, Optimization
Strategies and Meta-Algorithms.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Convolutional Networks: The Convolution Operation, Pooling, Convolution, Basic Convolution
Functions, Structured Outputs, Data Types, Efficient Convolution Algorithms, Random or Unsupervised
Features, Basis for Convolutional Networks.
Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets: Unfolding Computational Graphs, Recurrent Neural
Networks, Bidirectional RNNs, Encoder-Decoder Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures, Deep Recurrent
Networks, Recursive Neural Networks, Echo State Networks, LSTM, Gated RNNs, Optimization for
Long-Term Dependencies, Auto encoders, Deep Generative Models.
Text Books:
1) Ian Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio, Aaron Courville, “Deep Learning”, MIT Press,2016.
2) Josh Patterson and Adam Gibson, “Deep learning: A practitioner's approach”, O'Reilly Media, First
Edition, 2017.
Reference Books:
1) Fundamentals of Deep Learning, Designing next-generation machine intelligence algorithms, Nikhil
Buduma, O’Reilly, Shroff Publishers, 2019.
2) Deep learning Cook Book, Practical recipes to get started Quickly, DouweOsinga, O’Reilly, Shroff
Publishers, 2019.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Wearable Computing
Course Objectives:
Understand advanced and emerging technologies
Obtain skills to do advanced research and programming
Learn how to use software programs to perform varying and complex tasks
Expand upon theknowledge learned and apply it to solve real world problems
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Introduction – History - Creative Coding Platforms - Open Source Platforms – PIC - Arduino, Sketch,
Raspberry Pi, Iterative coding methodology – Python Programming - Mobile phones and similar devices -
Arm Devices - Basic Electronics (circuit theory, measurements, parts identification) Sensors and Software:
Understanding ProcessingCode Structure, variables and flow control, Interfacing to the Real World
Text Books:
1.“Practical Electronics for Inventors, Third Edition,” by Paul Scherzand Simon Monk. 2016
2. Intel Galileo and Intel Galileo Gen 2API Features and Arduino Projects for Linux Programmers,
Ramon, Manoel 2014 (Open Access)
3. Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, Second Edition by Woodrow Bar field
4.Making Sense of Sensors: End-to-End Algorithms and Infrastructure Design By OmeshTickoo, Ravi
Iyer 2016
5. Programming Interactivity, Second Edition By Josha Noble, 2012
6. Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python 2E, 2016
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Dev Ops
Course Objectives:
Dev Ops improves collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure and workflows and
continuously measuring applications performance
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Enumerate the principles of continuous development and deployment, automation of configuration
management, inter-team collaboration, and IT service agility
Describe Dev Ops & Dev Sec Ops methodologies and their key concepts
Illustrate the types of version control systems, continuous integration tools, continuous monitoring
tools, and cloud models
Set up complete private infrastructure using version control systems and CI/CD tools
Phases of Software Development life cycle. Values and principles of agile software development.
Fundamentals of DevOps: Architecture, Deployments, Orchestration, Need, Instance of applications, Dev
Ops delivery pipeline, Dev Ops eco system.
Dev Ops adoption in projects: Technology aspects, Agiling capabilities, Tool stack implementation,
People aspect, processes.
CI/CD: Introduction to Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Deployment , Benefits of CI/CD,
Metrics to track CICD practices
Devops Maturity Model: Key factors of DevOps maturity model, stages of Devops maturity model,
DevOps maturity Assessment
Text Books:
1) The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology
Organizations, Gene Kim , John Willis , Patrick Debois , Jez Humb,1st Edition, O’Reilly publications,
2) What is Devops? Infrastructure as code, 1st Edition, Mike Loukides ,O’Reilly publications, 2012.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Reference Books:
1) Building a DevOps Culture, 1st Edition, Mandi Walls, O’Reilly publications, 2013.
2) The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit: Automating the Continuous Deployment Pipeline With Containerized
Microservices, 1st Edition, Viktor Farcic, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform publications,
3) Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation,
1st Edition, Jez Humble and David Farley, 2010.
4) Achieving DevOps: A Novel About Delivering the Best of Agile, DevOps, and microservices, 1st
Edition, Dave Harrison, Knox Lively, Apress publications, 2019
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Block Chain Technologies
Course Objectives:
Understand how block chain systems (mainly Bit coin and Ethereum) work and to securely interact
with them,
Design, build, and deploy smart contracts and distributed applications,
Integrate ideas from block chain technology into their own projects.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Demonstrate the foundation of the Block chain technology and understand the processes in payment
and funding.
Identify the risks involved in building Block chain applications.
Review of legal implications using smart contracts.
Choose the present landscape of Block chain implementations and Understand Crypto currency
Examine how to profit from trading crypto currencies.
Introduction, Scenarios, Challenges Articulated, Blockchain, Blockchain Characteristics, Opportunities
Using Blockchain, History of Block chain. Evolution of Block chain : Evolution of Computer
Applications, Centralized Applications, Decentralized Applications, Stages in Block chain Evolution,
Consortia, Forks, Public Block chain Environments, Type of Players in Block chain Ecosystem, Players in
Blockchain Concepts: Introduction, Changing of Blocks, Hashing, Merkle-Tree, Consensus, Mining and
Finalizing Blocks, Currency aka tokens, security on block chain, data storage on block chain, wallets,
coding on block chain: smart contracts, peer-to-peer network, types of block chain nodes, risk associated
with block chain solutions, life cycle of block chain transaction.
Architecting Block chain solutions: Introduction, Obstacles for Use of Block chain, Block chain Relevance
Evaluation Framework, Block chain Solutions Reference Architecture, Types of Block chain Applications.
Cryptographic Tokens, Typical Solution Architecture for Enterprise Use Cases, Types of Block chain
Solutions, Architecture Considerations, Architecture with Block chain Platforms, Approach for Designing
Block chain Applications.
Ethereum Block chain Implementation: Introduction, Tuna Fish Tracking Use Case, Ethereum Ecosystem,
Ethereum Development, Ethereum Tool Stack, Ethereum Virtual Machine, Smart Contract Programming,
Integrated Development Environment, Truffle Framework, Ganache, Unit Testing, Ethereum Accounts,
My Ether Wallet, Ethereum Networks/Environments, Infura, Etherscan, Ethereum Clients, Decentralized
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Application, Metamask, Tuna Fish Use Case Implementation, Open Zeppelin Contracts
Hyper ledger Block chain Implementation, Introduction, Use Case – Car Ownership Tracking, Hyper
ledger Fabric, Hyperledger Fabric Transaction Flow, FabCar Use Case Implementation, Invoking
Chaincode Functions Using Client Application.
Advanced Concepts in Block chain: Introduction, Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), Zero-Knowledge
Proofs, Oracles, Self-Sovereign Identity, Block chain with IoT and AI/ML Quantum Computing and Block
chain, Initial Coin Offering, Blockchain Cloud Offerings, Blockchain and its Future Potential.
Text Books:
1) Ambadas, Arshad Sarfarz Ariff, Sham “Block chain for Enterprise Application Developers”, Wiley
2) Andreas M. Antonpoulos, “Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Block chain” , O’Reilly
Reference Books:
1) Block chain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law, and Technology Solutions, Joseph
Bambara, Paul R. Allen, Mc Graw Hill.
2) Block chain: Blueprint for a New Economy, Melanie Swan, O’Reilly
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To study fundamental concepts in software testing and discuss various software testing issues and
solutions in software unit, integration, regression and system testing
To learn how to plan a test project, design test cases and data, conduct testing, manage software
problems and defects, generate a test report
To expose the advanced software testing concepts such as object-oriented software testing
methods, web-based and component-based software testing
To understand software test automation problems and solutions
To learn how to write software test documents and communicate with engineers in various forms
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Identify and understand various software testing problems, apply software testing knowledge and
engineering methods and solve these problems by designing and selecting software test models,
criteria, strategies, and methods
Design and conduct a software test process for a software project
Analyze the needs of software test automation
Use various communication methods and skills to communicate with their teammates to conduct
their practice-oriented software testing projects
Basic understanding and knowledge of contemporary issues in software testing, such as component-
based, web based and object oriented software testing problems
Write test cases for given software to test it before delivery to the customer and write test scripts for
both desktop and web based applications
Software Testing: Introduction, Evolution, Myths & Facts, Goals, Psychology, definition, Model for
testing, Effective Vs Exhaustive Software Testing. Software Testing Terminology and Methodology:
Software Testing Terminology, Software Testing Life Cycle, Software Testing Methodology. Verification
and Validation: Verification & Validation Activities, Verification, Verification of Requirements, High
level and low level designs, verifying code, Validation.
Dynamic Testing-Black Box testing techniques: Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence class Testing,
State Table based testing, Decision table based testing, Cause-Effect Graphing based testing, Error
guessing. White-Box Testing: need, Logic Coverage criteria, Basis Path testing, Graph matrices, Loop
testing, data flow testing, mutation testing.
Static Testing: Inspections, Structured Walkthroughs, Technical Reviews. Validation activities: Unit
testing, Integration Testing, Function testing, system testing, acceptance testing. Regression testing:
Progressives Vs regressive testing, Regression test ability, Objectives of regression testing, Regression
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Automation and Testing Tools: need for automation, categorization of testing tools, selection of testing
tools, Cost incurred, Guidelines for automated testing, overview of some commercial testing tools such as
Win Runner, Load Runner, Jmeter and JUnit . Test Automation using Selenium tool. Testing Object
Oriented Software: basics, Object oriented testing Testing Web based Systems: Challenges in testing for
web based software, quality aspects, web engineering, testing of web based systems, Testing mobile
Text Books:
1) Software Testing, Principles and Practices, Naresh Chauhan, Oxford
2) Software Testing, Yogesh Singh, CAMBRIDGE
Reference Books:
1) Foundations of Software testing, Aditya P Mathur, 2ed, Pearson
2) Software testing techniques – Baris Beizer, Dreamtech, second edition.
3) Software Testing, Principles, techniques and Tools, M G Limaye, TMH
4) Effective Methods for Software testing, Willian E Perry, 3ed, Wiley
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
To understand social responsibility of an engineer.
To appreciate ethical dilemma while discharging duties in professional life.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom and start applying them in their life and
Distinguish between values and skills, happiness and accumulation of physical facilities, the Self
and the Body, Intention and Competence of an individual, etc.
Understand the role of a human being in ensuring harmony in society and nature.
Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a
harmonious environment wherever they work.
UNIT III :Harmony in the Family and Society and Harmony in the Nature
1. Family as a basic unit of Human Interaction and Values in Relationships.
2. The Basics for Respect and today’s Crisis: Affection, e, Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude
and Love.
3. Comprehensive Human Goal: The Five Dimensions of Human Endeavour.
4. Harmony in Nature: The Four Orders in Nature.
5. The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. A.N Tripathy, New Age International Publishers, 2003.
2. Bajpai. B. L , , New Royal Book Co, Lucknow, Reprinted, 2004
3. Bertrand Russell Human Society in Ethics & Politics
Reference Books:
1.Corliss Lamont, Philosophy of Humanism
2.Gaur. R.R. ,Sangal. R, Bagaria. G.P, A Foundation Course in Value Education, Excel Books, 2009.
3.Gaur. R.R. ,Sangal. R ,Bagaria. G.P, Teachers Manual Excel Books, 2009.
4.I.C. Sharma . Ethical Philosophy of India Nagin & co Julundhar
5.Mortimer. J. Adler, – Whatman has made of man
6.William Lilly Introduction to Ethic Allied Publisher
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
To understand social responsibility of an engineer.
To appreciate ethical dilemma while discharging duties in professional life.
Macro Perspective: HRD Concept, Origin and Need, HRD as a Total System; Approaches to HRD;
Human Development and HRD; HRD at Macro and Micro Climate.
Micro Perspective: Areas of HRD; HRD Interventions Performance Appraisal, Potential Appraisal,
Feedback and Performance Coaching, Training, Career Planning, OD or Systems Development, Rewards,
Employee Welfare and Quality of Work Life and Human Resource Information; Staffing for HRD: Roles
of HR Developer; Physical and Financial Resources for HRD; HR Accounting; HRD Audit, Strategic
Instructional Technology for HRD : Learning and HRD; Models and Curriculum; Principles of Learning;
Group and Individual Learning; Transactional Analysis; Assessment Centre; Behaviour Modeling and Self
Directed Learning; Evaluating the HRD
Human Resource Training and Development : Concept and Importance; Assessing Training Needs;
Designing and Evaluating T&D Programmes; Role, Responsibilities and challenges to Training Managers.
Training Methods: Training with in Industry (TWI): On the Job & Off the Job Training; Management
Development: Lecture Method; Role Play; In-basket Exercise; Simulation; Vestibule Training;
Management Games; Case Study; Programmed Instruction; Team Development; Sensitivity Training;
Globalization challenges and Strategies of Training Program, Review on T&D Programmes in India.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. Nadler, Leonard :Corporat Human Resource Development, Van Nostrand Reinhold, ASTD, New York .
2. Rao, T.V and Pareek, Udai: Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Oxford IBH Pub.
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi , 2005.
Reference Books:
1) Rao, T.V: Readings in HRD, Oxford IBH Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi , 2004.
2) Viramani, B.R and Seth, Parmila: Evaluating Management Development, Vision Books, NewDelhi . 5.
Rao, T.V.(et.al): HRD in the New Economic Environment, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Pvt, Ltd., New
Delhi , 2003.
3) Rao, T.V: HRD Audit, Sage Publications, New Delhi .
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
To understand social responsibility of an engineer.
To appreciate ethical dilemma while discharging duties in professional life.
Introduction to Business Intelligence: The Business pressure-Responses and support modelDefinition of
BI- Architecture of BI- Styles of BI-vent-Driven alerts-A cyclic process of Intelligence Creation. The
value of Business intelligence-Value driven and Information usePerformance metrics and key performance
indicators-horizontal use cases for BI.
Data Ware Housing: Definitions and concepts-DW process an Innovation-Data Warehousing
Implementation-Data warehousing Administration-Security Issues and future trends. Business
Performance Management-Overview Strategic plan, monitor, performance measurement, BPM
methodologies-BPM Techniques-Performance dashboard and scorecards
Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Data mining concepts and definitions-Data mining applications -
Artificial neural Networks for data mining - Text and web mining-Natural language processing-Text
mining applications-Text mining process-tools-Web mining overviewWeb content overview-Web
structure mining-Web usage mining.
Business Rules: The Value Preposition of Business Rules - Business rules approach-Business rule system -
Sources of business rules and management approach.
Business Intelligence Implementation: Business Intelligence and integration - Implementation - connecting
in BI systems- Issues of legality- Privacy and ethics- Social networking and BI. Relevant cases have to be
discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. Amit Johri “Business Intelligence” Himalaya, 2012
2. Rajiv Sabherwal “Business Intelligence” Wiley Publications, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Carlo Vercellis “Business Intelligence” Wiley Publications, 2012
2. Nina Godbole&SunitBelapure“ Cyber Security” Wiley india 2012.
3. Jawadekar, MIS Text and Cases, TMH, 2012 6. Efraim Turban et al. “Business Intelligence” 2e, Pearson
Education, 2012
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
To understand social responsibility of an engineer.
To appreciate ethical dilemma while discharging duties in professional life.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom and start applying them in their life and
Distinguish between values and skills, happiness and accumulation of physical facilities, the Self
and the Body, Intention and Competence of an individual, etc.
Understand the role of a human being in ensuring harmony in society and nature.
Nature of Management - Social Responsibili Ties of Business - Manager and Environment Levels in
Management - Managerial Skills - Planning - Steps in Planning Process - Scope and Limitations - Short
Range and Long Range Planning - Flexibility in Planning ¬Characteristics of a sound Plan - Management
by Objectives (MBO) - Policies and Strategies - Scope and Formulation - Decision Making - Techniques
and Processes.
Organising - Organisation Structure and Design - Authority and Responsibility Relationships - Delegation
of Authority and Decentralisation - Interdepartmental Coordination - Emerging Trends in Corporate
Structure, Strategy and Culture - Impact of Technology on Organisational design - Mechanistic vs
Adoptive Structures - Formal and Informal Organisation.
Perception and Learning - Personality and Individual Differences - Motivation and Job Performance -
Values, Attitudes and Beliefs - Stress Management - Communication Types-Process - Barriers - Making
Communication Effective.
Group Dynamics - Leadership - Styles - Approaches - Power and Politics - Organisational Structure -
Organisational Climate and Culture - Organisational Change and Development.
Comparative Management Styles and approaches - Japanese Management Practices Organisational
Creativity and Innovation - Management of Innovation - Entrepreneurial Management - Benchmarking -
Best Management Practices across the world - Select cases of Domestic & International Corporations -
Management of Diversity.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Neharika Vohra, Organizational Behaviour, Pearson, 16e, 2017.
2. Richard L. Daft, New Era of Management, Cengage Learning, 11e, 2017.
3. AfsanehNahavandi, Robert B. Denhardt, Janet V. Denhardt, Maris P. Aristigueta, Organizational
Behaviour, Sage Publications, 2015.
4. Ricky W Griffin, Management Principles and Practices, Cengage Learning, 11e, 2017.
5. Laurie J. Mullins, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Pearson Publications, 9e, 2017
6. Ramesh B. Rudani, Management and Organizational Behaviour Tata McGraw hill, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, Organisational behavior, John Wiley, 9th Edition, 2008.
2. UdaiPareek, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, 2nd Edition, Oxford Higher Education, 2004.
3. Mc Shane & Von Glinov, Organisational Behaviour, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
To understand social responsibility of an engineer.
To appreciate ethical dilemma while discharging duties in professional life.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom and start applying them in their life and
Distinguish between values and skills, happiness and accumulation of physical facilities, the Self
and the Body, Intention and Competence of an individual, etc.
Understand the role of a human being in ensuring harmony in society and nature.
UNIT I:Introduction
Meaning,Scope and Importance of Strategic Management, Nature of Strategic Management,
Characteristics,Strategic Management Process,Strategic Management Model,Dimension and Levels of
Strategy, Role of strategists in business Policy.
Environmental Appraisal, External Analysis:Industry analysis,remote environmentanalysis,competitive
analysis,global environmental analysis, Internal Analysis:Resource-based view of the firm,Capabilities,
core competence,value chain analysis,VRHN analysis,distinctive competency,sustainable competitive
advantage and profitability, SWOT Analysis, Synergy.
Strategic Analysis and Choice, Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP);BCG, TOWS, GE
,Directional Policy Matrix-Organizational Capability Profile –Strategic Advantage Profile Corporate Level
strategies-growth, stability, renewal, corporate portfolio analysis, grand strategies,McKinsey’s7s
Framework. Business Level Strategies-Michael Porter’s Generic strategies, Functional level strategies.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Strategy Implementation and Evaluation, Strategy Implementation: Structure, Systems and People,issues
in implementation, Model of Strategic Implementation, Project implementation,
Procedural implementation, Resource Allocation, Budgets, Organization Structure, Strategy and
Organisation Structure, Different Types of Organisational Structure, Social responsibilities and Ethics-
Building a capable organization-Functional issues. Symptoms of malfunctioning of strategy-Operations
Control and Strategic Control, An overview of Strategic Evaluation and
Control-Measurement of performance-Analyzing variances-Role of organizational systems in evaluation.
Strategic Management for non-profit organizations.
Text Books:
1. Strategic Management, Fred R. David, Pearson Education
2. Strategic Management and Business Policy, Thomas L Wheelen, J. David Hunger and
KrishRangarajan, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. Strategic Management: An Integrated approach, Hill W.L. Charles & Jones R. Gareth
2. Business Policy and Strategic Management, AzharKazmi, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Strategic Management -The Indian Context, R.Srinivasan, Prentice Hall of India, 2012
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
0 0 4 2
01. Write a program to visualize a given image in different forms using features like brightness, contrast,
blur etc.
02. Write a program to design a visiting card containing at least one Graphic and Text information.
03. Write a program to prepare a cover page for any book in your subject area.
04. Write a program to use appropriate tools from the tool box to cut the objects from three files (F1.jpg,
F2.jpg, F3.jpg) ; Organize them in a single file and apply feather effects.
Course Objectives:
To introduce the terminology, technology and its applications
To introduce the concept of M2M (machine to machine) with necessary protocols
To introduce the Python Scripting Language which is used in many IoT devices
To introduce the Raspberry PI platform, that is widely used in IoT applications
To introduce the implementation of web-based services on IoT devices
Course Outcomes:
Understanding of IoT value chain structure (device, data cloud), application areas and technologies
Understand IoT sensors and technological challenges faced by IoT devices, with a focus on wireless,
energy, power, and sensing modules
Market forecast for IoT devices with a focus on sensors
Explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of preparing projects designed for
Raspberry Pi
Introduction to Internet of Things- Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Sensors, Actuators, Physical
Design of IoT – IoT Protocols, IoT communication models, IoT Communication APIs, IoT enabled
Technologies – Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Embedded Systems, IoT Levels and
Templates, Domain Specific IoTs – Home, City, Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Industry.
IoT and M2M- Software defined networks, network function virtualization, difference between SDN and
NFV for IoT, Basics of IoT System Management with NETCOZF, YANG- NETCONF, YANG, SNMP
IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints- Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi- Installation, Interfaces
(serial, SPI, I2C), Programming – Python program with Raspberry PI with focus on interfacing external
gadgets, controlling output, reading input from pins.
Controlling Hardware- Connecting LED, Buzzer, Switching High Power devices with transistors,
Controlling AC Power devices with Relays, Controlling servo motor, speed control of DC Motor, unipolar
and bipolar Stepper motors Sensors- Light sensor, temperature sensor with thermistor, voltage sensor,
ADC and DAC, Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11, Motion Detection Sensors, Wireless
Bluetooth Sensors, Level Sensors, USB Sensors, Embedded Sensors, Distance Measurement with
ultrasound sensor
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings– Introduction to Cloud Storage models and communication
APIs Webserver – Web server for IoT, Cloud for IoT, Python web application framework Designing a
REST ful web API
Text Books:
1. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press,
2015, ISBN: 9788173719547
2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, O'Reilly (SPD), 2014, ISBN:
3. Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Software and Hardware Problems and solutions, Simon Monk, O'Reilly (SPD),
2016, ISBN 7989352133895
Reference Books:
1. Peter Waher, 'Learning Internet of Things', Packt Publishing, 2015 EditorsOvidiuVermesan
2. Peter Friess,'Internet of Things – From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment', River
Publishers, 2014
3. N. Ida, Sensors, Actuators and Their Interfaces, SciTech Publishers, 2014.
1. Execute various Linux commands in command terminal window on Raspberry Pi: ls, cd, touch,
mv, rm, man, mkdir, rmdir, tar, gzip, cat, more, less, ps, sudo,cron, chown, chgrp, ping etc.
2. Run some Python programs on Raspberry Pi:
a. Read your name and print Hello message with name.
b. Read two numbers and print their sum, difference, product and division.
c. Word and character count of a given string.
d. Area of a given shape (rectangle, triangle and circle) reading shape and appropriate values from
standard input.
e. Print a name 'n' times, where name and n are read from standard input, using for and while
f. Handle Divided by Zero Exception.
g. Print current time for 10 times with an interval of 10 seconds.
h. Read a file line by line and print the word count of each line.
3. Light an LED through Python program.
4. Get input from two switches and switch on corresponding LEDs.
5. Flash an LED at a given on time and off time cycle, where the two times are taken from a file.
6. Flash an LED based on cron output (acts as an alarm).
7. Switch on a relay at a given time using cron, where the relay's contact terminals are connected to a
8. Access an image through a Raspberry Pi web cam.
9. Control a light source using web page.
10. Implement an intruder system that sends an alert to the given email.
11. Get the status of a bulb at a remote place (on the LAN) through web.
12. Get an alarm from a remote area (through LAN) if smoke is detected.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
III Year – II Semester
3 1 0 4
Course Objectives:
Ability to understand the Security requirements in IoT.
Understand the cryptographic fundamentals for IoT
Ability to understand the authentication credentials and access control
Understand the various types Trust models and Cloud Security.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Apply Security and privacy concepts in IoT devices
Gain knowledge on types of Vulnerabilities
Familiar with Encryption & Decryption algorithms
IV Year – I Semester
3 1 0 4
Course Objectives:
To implement Virtualization
To implement Task Scheduling algorithms
Apply Map-Reduce concept to applications
To build Private Cloud
Broadly educate to know the impact of engineering on legal and societal issues involved
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Interpret the key dimensions of the challenge of Cloud Computing
Examine the economics, financial, and technological implications for selecting cloud computing for
own organization
Assessing the financial, technological, and organizational capacity of employer’s for actively
initiating and installing cloud-based applications
Evaluate own organizations’ needs for capacity building and training in cloud computing related IT
Illustrate Virtualization for Data- Center Automation
Introduction: Network centric computing, Network centric content, peer-to –peer systems, cloud
computing delivery models and services, Ethical issues, Vulnerabilities, Major challenges for cloud
computing. Parallel and Distributed Systems: introduction, architecture, distributed systems,
communication protocols, logical clocks, message delivery rules, concurrency, and model concurrency
with Petri Nets.
Cloud Infrastructure: At Amazon, The Google Perspective, Microsoft Windows Azure, Open Source
Software Platforms, Cloud storage diversity, Inter cloud, energy use and ecological impact, responsibility
sharing, user experience, Software licensing, Cloud Computing : Applications and Paradigms: Challenges
for cloud, existing cloud applications and new opportunities, architectural styles, workflows, The
Zookeeper, HPC on cloud.
Cloud Resource virtualization: Virtualization, layering and virtualization, virtual machine monitors, virtual
machines, virtualization- full and para, performance and security isolation, hardware support for
virtualization, Case Study: Xen, vBlades, Cloud Resource Management and Scheduling: Policies and
Mechanisms, Applications of control theory to task scheduling, Stability of a two-level resource allocation
architecture, feedback control based on dynamic thresholds, coordination, resource bundling, scheduling
algorithms, fair queuing, start time fair queuing, cloud scheduling subject to deadlines, Scheduling Map
Reduce applications, Resource management and dynamic application scaling.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Storage Systems: Evolution of storage technology, storage models, file systems and database, distributed
file systems, general parallel file systems. Google file system. Apache Hadoop, Big Table, Megastore (text
book 1), Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) (Text book 2), Cloud
Security: Cloud security risks, security – a top concern for cloud users, privacy and privacy impact
assessment, trust, OS security, Virtual machine security, Security risks.
Cloud Application Development: Amazon Web Services : EC2 – instances, connecting clients, security
rules, launching, usage of S3 in Java, Cloud based simulation of a Distributed trust algorithm, Cloud
service for adaptive data streaming ( Text Book 1), Google: Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit
(Text Book 2), Microsoft: Azure Services Platform, Windows live, Exchange Online, Share Point
Services, Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Text Book 2)
Text Books:
1) Cloud Computing, Theory and Practice,1st Edition, Dan C Marinescu, MK Elsevier publisher ,2013
2) Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach, 1st Edition, Anthony T Velte, Toby J Velte, Robert
Elsenpeter, TMH,2017
Reference Books:
1) Mastering Cloud Computing, Foundations and Application Programming,1st Edition, Raj Kumar
Buyya, Christen vecctiola, S Tammaraiselvi, TMH,2013
2) Essential of Cloud Computing, 1st Edition, K Chandrasekharan, CRC Press, 2014.
3) Cloud Computing, A Hands on Approach, ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press, 2014.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to introduce students with no programming experience to the programming
languages and techniques associated with the World Wide Web.
Finding the Structure of Words:
Words and Their Components, Issues and Challenges, Morphological Models
Finding the Structure of Documents:
Introduction, Methods, Complexity of the Approaches, Performances of the Approaches
Predicate-Argument Structure, Meaning Representation Systems, Software.
Discourse Processing:Cohension, Reference Resolution, Discourse Cohension and Structure
Text Books:
1. Multilingual natural Language Processing Applications: From Theory to Practice – Daniel M. Bikel and
ImedZitouni, Pearson Publication
2. Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval: Tanvier Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary
Reference Books:
1. Speech and Natural Language Processing - Daniel Jurafsky& James H Martin, Pearson Publications
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Course Objectives:
Explain the fundamentals of Semantic Web technologies. Implementation of• semantic web applications
and the architectures of social networking Social network performance analysis
Web Intelligence Thinking and Intelligent Web Applications, The Information Age ,The World Wide
Web, Limitations of Today’s Web, The Next Generation Web, Machine Intelligence, Artificial
Intelligence, Ontology, Inference engines, Software Agents, Berners-Lee www, Semantic Road Map,
Logic on the semantic Web.
Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web Ontologies and their role in the semantic web,
Ontologies Languages for the Semantic Web – Resource Description Framework(RDF) / RDF Schema,
Ontology Web Language(OWL), UML, XML/XML Schema
Ontology Engineering, Ontology Engineering, Constructing Ontology, Ontology Development Tools,
Ontology Methods, Ontology Sharing and Merging, Ontology Libraries and Ontology Mapping, Logic,
Rule and Inference Engines.
Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology Semantic Web applications and services, Semantic
Search, e-learning, Semantic Bioinformatics, Knowledge Base, XML Based Web Services, Creating an
OWL-S Ontology for Web Services, Semantic Search Technology, Web Search Agents and Semantic
Social Network Analysis and semantic web What is social Networks analysis, development of the social
networks analysis, Electronic Sources for Network Analysis – Electronic Discussion networks, Blogs and
Online Communities, Web Based Networks. Building Semantic Web Applications with social network
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Text Books:
1. Thinking on the Web - Berners Lee, Godel and Turing, Wiley inter science, 2008.
1. Social Networks and the Semantic Web, Peter Mika, Springer, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Semantic Web Technologies, Trends and Research in Ontology Based Systems.
2. Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services -Liyang Lu Chapman and Hall/CRC Publishers, (Taylor &
Francis Group).
3. Programming the Semantic Web, T.Segaran, C.Evans, J.Taylor, O’Reilly.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
CLIENT / SERVER CONCEPTS Client server – File server – Database server – Group server – Object
server – Web server – Middleware – General middleware – Service specific middleware – Client / server
building blocks – RPC – Messaging – Peer-to-peer.
CORBA – Distributed systems – Purpose – Exploring CORBA alternatives – Architecture overview –
CORBA and networking model – CORBA object model – IDL – ORB – Building an application with
COM – Data types – Interfaces – Proxy and stub – Marshalling – Implementing server/ client – Interface
pointers – Object creation – Invocation – Destruction – Comparison COM and CORBA – Introduction to
.NET – Overview of .NET architecture – Marshalling – Remoting.
Text Books:
1. Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey and Jeri Edwards, “The Essential Client / Server Survival Guide”, Galgotia
Publications Pvt.Ltd,Third Edition, 2002.
2. Tom Valesky, ”Enterprise Java Beans”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Jason Pritchard, “COM and CORBA Side by Side”, Addison Wesley, 2000
4. Joel Murach,Anne Boehm “ C#”, Murach,2012.
Reference Books:
1. Mowbray, “Inside CORBA”, Pearson Education, 2002
2. Jeremy Rosenberger, “Teach Yourself CORBA in 14 days”, TEC Media, 2000.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
IV Year – I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
This course aims to further develop students’ competency in producingdynamic and creative graphic
solutions for multimedia productions. It provides students withthe basic concepts and techniques of
interactive authoring. Artistic visual style and layoutdesign are stressed, as well as the editing and
integration of graphic images, animation, videoand audio files. The course allows students to master
industry-wide software andtechnologies to create highly interactive, rich internet applications.
Fundamental concepts in Text and Image: Multimedia and hypermedia, World Wide Web, overview of
multimedia software tools. Graphics and image data representation graphics/image data types, file formats,
Color in image and video: color science, color models in images, color models in video.
Fundamental concepts in video and digital audio: Types of video signals, analog video, digital video,
digitization of sound, MIDI, quantization and transmission of audio.
Multimedia Data Compression: Lossless compression algorithms, Lossy compression algorithms, Image
compression standards.
Basic Video compression techniques, Case study: MPEG Video Coding I, Basic Audio compression
techniques, Case study: MPEG Audio compression.
Web 2.0
What is web 2.0, Search, Content Networks, User Generated Content, Blogging, Social Networking,
Social Media, Tagging, Social Marking, Rich Internet Applications, Web Services, Mashups, Location
Based Services, XML, RSS, Atom, JSON, and VoIP, Web 2.0Monetization and Business Models, Future
of the Web.
Rich Internet Applications(RIAs) with Adobe Flash : Adobe Flash- Introduction, Flash Movie
Development, Learning Flash with Hands-on Examples, Publish your flash movie, Creating special effects
with Flash, Creating a website splash screen, action script, web sources.
Rich Internet Applications(RIAs) with Flex 3 - Introduction, Developing with Flex 3,Working with
Components, Advanced Component Development, Visual Effects and Multimedia.
R-20 Syllabus for CSE-IoT, JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Ajax- Enabled Rich Internet Application : Introduction, Traditional Web Applications vsAjax
Applications, Rich Internet Application with Ajax, History of Ajax, Raw Ajax exampleusing xml http
request object, Using XML, Creating a full scale Ajax Enabled application,Dojo Tool Kit.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Multimedia by Ze-Nian Li and Mark S. Drew PHI Learning, 2004 UNITS 1,2,3
2. AJAX, Rich Internet Applications, and Web Development for Programmers, Paul J Deitel and Harvey
M Deitel, Deitel Developer Series, Pearson Education. UNITS 4,5
Reference Books:
1. Professional Adobe Flex 3, Joseph Balderson, Peter Ent, et al, Wrox Publications,Wiley India, 2009.
2. Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards, FredHalsall, Pearson
Education, 2001, rp 2005.
3. Multimedia Making it work, Tay Vaughan, 7th edition, TMH, 2008.
4. Introduction to multimedia communications and Applications, Middleware, Networks,K. R. Rao,
Zoran, Dragored, Wiley India, 2006, rp. 2009.
5. Multimedia Computing, Communications & Applications, Ralf Steinmetz and KlaraNahrstedt,
Pearson Education, 2004
6. Principles of Multimedia, Ranjan Parekh, TMH, 2006.
7. Multimedia in Action, James E. Shuman, Cengage Learning, 198, rp 2008.