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Cyber Security in Virtualized Communication Networks Open Challenges For NATO

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Cyber Security in Virtualized Communication

Networks: Open Challenges for NATO

2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS) | 978-1-6654-4586-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICMCIS52405.2021.9486421

Roberto Rigolin F. Lopes Caroline Bildsten Konrad Wrona

Communication Systems (KOM) Division of C4ISR NATO Cyber Security Centre /
Fraunhofer FKIE Swedish Defense Research Agency Military University of Technology
Bonn, Germany Linköping, Sweden The Hague, Netherlands / Warsaw, Poland
[email protected] [email protected] konrad.wrona@[ncia.nato.int,wat.edu.pl]

Simo Huopio Daniel Eidenskog Olwen L. Worthington

Information Technology Division Division of C4ISR Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
Finnish Defense Research Agency Swedish Defense Research Agency UK Ministry of Defence
Riihimäki, Finland Linköping, Sweden London, United Kingdom
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Modern multi-nation military communication and national systems, would be support for an automated validation
information systems demand rapid deployment and reconfigu- and deployment of security policies leading to more agile and
ration to enable secure information exchange between domains rapid response to cyber threats as well as to improve security
belonging to different nations. In order to support such a multi-
nation mission scenarios NATO has been developing the concept posture by increasing automation and thus reducing human
of a federated mission network (FMN). These networks are errors in low-level technical configuration tasks.
leveraging the advantages of software-defined networking (SDN) This article compiles the results of an investigation per-
and network function virtualization (NFV) to adapt to a wide formed by the exploratory team on cyber security in virtu-
range of security requirements using network security functions alized networks under the umbrella of NATO Science and
(NSF). The investigation reported in this paper discusses two
use cases, namely how to automate security policy evaluation, Technology Organization (STO) (IST-ET-114) [6]. The goal
and how to deploy a security guard (Information Exchange is to assess how the recent developments in commercial
Function) between network segments with different classification. technologies, particularly SDN, NFV and NSF, can facilitate
Both cases use network scenarios from protected core network the deployment of multi-nation military networks. The military
(PCN) because the goal is to compile open challenges to automate has several specific requirements that are different from the
the deployment and management of secure coalition networks.
Index Terms—Military Communication Networks, Software- civilian communication systems [7]–[9].
Defined Networking, Network Security Function, Network Func- Current surveys and literature reviews, e.g., [10], usually
tion Virtualization do not address those particular requirements from military
communication networks such as rapid cross-layer reconfig-
I. I NTRODUCTION uration and co-existence of multiple security domains. Thus,
Future military communication networks will increasingly the present study complements the state-of-the-art by listing
rely on Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network directions for possible solutions and identifying open research
Function Virtualization (NFV) to support complex and con- questions that are pertinent for modern military communica-
tinuously evolving multi-nation operations [1]–[4]. In such tion networks.
a softwarized environment, the services are hosted within Our investigation focuses on how SDN, NFV and NSF can
containers and virtual machines connected together by a hybrid be leveraged to enhance cyber security in mission federate
network, with physical and virtual components, managed by networks. We are particularly interested in dynamically plac-
software. The network will be programmable and will support ing NSF in multi-nation networks and in automating tests
virtualization of many network services, including some of to verify security policies. We have defined two network
Network Security Function (NSF). scenarios to guide the investigation inspired by NATO’s recent
This increasing softwarization of Communication and Infor- specifications on Protected Core Network (PCN) [11] and
mation Systems (CIS) would support the Federated Mission Tactical Edge [12]. The scenarios include core services like e-
Networks (FMN) concept [5] in providing a comprehensive mail, chat, intelligence sharing, Friendly Force Tracking (FFT)
support to future agile missions and thus demands a rapid and Video Tele-Conference (VTC).
reconfiguration and a decentralized control. Another benefit, The goal of this paper is to compile open challenges to
applicable to FMN as well as to the NATO Enterprise and automate the deployment and management of secure multi-
nation networks. The present study is part of a longer re-
NATO STO IST-ET-114: Cyber Security in Virtualized Networks search project that aims to (1) assess which cyber security

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Risk-aware routing Protecting data Confidentiality

1 Integrity
Software Defined Networking (SDN) Traffic-flow confidentiality

Automated security policy evaluation Regulatory compliance

Security guard
2 Information Exchange
Military Communication Networks Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Function (IEF)

Tactical Data protection
Prevent Guided
IAM Access
management Autonomous
Network Security Function (NSF)
Detect Real Time Detection
Recover Restore

Manage risk
Service Function Chaining
Sustain Implement

Inform Collect

Fig. 1. Three technologies supporting the implementation, configuration and management of military networks

functions that can be effectively virtualized; (2) evaluate the Parts of the network can rely on stable and reliable
benefits and risks of dynamic placement of cyber security communication technologies and computational power;
functions and service function chaining; and (3) investigate • Deployed: have mobile infrastructure (e.g. mobile com-
advantages and pitfalls of global view and global control of mand posts) deployed in the battlefield with network
the network. These overall goals of the main project will be capabilities to connect to both strategic and tactical
evaluated through network scenarios derived from Protected domains;
Core Network (PCN) and Tactical Edge, while taking the cyber • Tactical: be deployed in the battlefield, or in a contested
security effects of emerging approaches, such as Experiential region, using constraint radio links to connect mobile
Networked Intelligence (ENI) and Secure Access Service Edge nodes, such as vehicles, soldiers and sensors. The tactical
(SASE), into account. edge has more stringent requirements than the civilian
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section edge networks in respect to security and reliability, and
II discusses the fundamental concepts related to the present needs to be adaptable to ever-changing communication
investigation. Section III lists the network scenarios and use scenarios [13]–[18].
cases used to guide this study. Section IV describes open In this paper, we investigate how SDN, NFV and NSF can
challenges for coalition networks that can be addressed with support the deployment and validation of security policies in
support of new technologies. Finally, Section V concludes the multi-nation military networks. The concepts and how they
paper and lists future work. are interrelated is shown in Fig. 1. The goal is to discuss
how these technologies can improve the way we implement
cyber security in coalition networks by providing the means to
This section defines the fundamental concepts and tech- automate the detection, reaction, protection and recovery from
nologies supporting the present investigation. We have also cyber attacks. We discuss definitions and related investigations
reviewed recent literature proposing solutions to improve cyber in the following sections.
security in military coalition networks using SDN, NFV and
NSF. B. Software Defined Networking (SDN)
SDN is an approach for network programmability, in which
A. Military Communication Networks
the data forwarding plane is separated from the control plane
Modern military communications leverage recent technolo- through standardized interfaces [19]. The programmability is
gies, such as SDN, NFV and NSF, to create heterogeneous given by creating network policies, in which the SDN switches
networks connecting the strategic, deployed and tactical do- can be made to act like a router, switch, load balancer or a
mains. These domains need the following capabilities: firewall [10], [20]. Fig. 2 shows the Northbound, Southbound
• Strategic: have the infrastructure to access and utilise and East/West SDN controller interfaces in a multi-nation
information systems from any security classification. configuration, using a guard in the data plane.

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Nation A Nation B overview for decisions (e.g. sFlow) [24].
Application 1, …, n
Application 1, …, n 2 3) Related Works: The investigation reported in [26] dis-
Northbound Interface
Northbound Interface cuss the benefits of using SDN in coalition networks like
East/ East/ Controller PCN. Also discussing the benefits, challenges and risks of
1 West West
using unreliable wireless links in tactical networks to create
Southbound Interface
Control Plane
Southbound Interface the control plane. The authors argue that the use of radio links
Data Plane in the control plane creates a new vector for cyber attacks.
In [27], the authors leverage SDN to support distributed
SDN switch
3 clouds at the tactical edge for Command, Control, Commu-
Guard SDN‐capable devices and radios nications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Recon-
naissance (C4ISR). The goal is to improve network resource
Node UHF VHF SatCom allocation to reduce the end-to-end delay over radio links.
The solution creates a hierarchy of controllers collaborating
Fig. 2. Two controllers from different nations to manage the radios, the clouds at the tactical edge and
also relying on a centralized controller. The distributed clouds
share a trust anchor using the public key infrastructure through
There are two different approaches to SDN, one based digital certificates from a common certification authority.
on an imperative model and one on a declarative model. Recent literature has been introducing a hierarchical control
An imperative-based SDN, such as OpenFlow, means that plane for realizing 5G and beyond [28]. The goal is to study
the control unit describes in detail how each package is to interaction among the controllers while executing network
be handled by the data plane, which in practice means that slicing mechanisms and end-to-end paths at the edge of
decisions on packet forwarding are not taken in the data the network. They performed experiments and measured the
plane. In the declarative model, such as OpFlex, a certain latency overhead in the control plane.
degree of decision-making is left to the network components Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) is a security framework,
in the data plane, which makes the decision-making distributed aimed to protect infrastructure against network threats by hid-
to a certain extent [21]. In parallel of these two models, ing the application infrastructure and enforcing need-to-know
there is also concept called intent-based networking which connectivity [29], [30]. SDN and NFV can be combined with
can be viewed as an extension to SDN; While software- Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) to mitigate some network
defined networks are about coordination and automation of threats [31].
policies and configurations, intent-based networks supports an
increased autonomy of network administration. In addition, C. Network Security Function (NSF)
intent-based networking automate translation from intent to Military activities are sensitive therefore demanding strict
policy and evaluates network behavior [22]. cyber security measures in coalition networks. Network secu-
1) Security challenges: Care must be taken to protect a rity devices like gateways and firewalls usually had its own
SDN against the attack vectors caused by the centralisation dedicated hardware to be deployed in the network. With the
of control [23]. Since the controller is centralised in SDN, it increasing adoption of virtual networks, these devices have
is a single-point of failure and therefore a target for attack. been implemented in virtual machines or containers to be
An attacker gaining control over the controller will have easily deployed in network as Network Security Function
control over the network traffic, which can result in for (NSF). NSF is a software developed to enforce integrity,
example denial of service or manipulated traffic. Overtaken confidentiality and availability of user data flows in computer
SDN switches in the data plane may also result in manipulated networks. To do so, the security functions must prevent, detect,
traffic. Applications used for controlling the network in the block or mitigate cyber attacks [32].
application plane needs to be vetted to ensure they are not In this investigation, we are particularly interested in secu-
malicious [23]. For the central programmability and control rity functions that can be virtualized and dynamically placed
to work, a global topology mapping over network entities is in a coalition network. Fig. 1 depicts some of possible network
maintained [24]. A manipulated topology mapping may lead to security functions based on CIS security capability breakdown
traffic being misdirected or affect availability of the network, it introduced in [33]. In particular, these functions can be orches-
is therefore fundamental to protect it from manipulation [25]. trated (or chained) in order to support the use cases discussed
2) Global view: The built-in topology mapping has a in Section III. Therefore, in this section we review recent
positive side effect that it also can be used to learn about the investigations using SDN and NFV to support the development
network and monitor it for malicious changes [24]. A global and execution of network security functions.
topology mapping can also be obtained in traditional networks, There are investigations using the SDN infrastructure for
but in the case of SDN it is already provided by the controller. detection and mitigation of cyber attacks. In [34], the authors
Additional protocols can be used to monitor the data flow, both use SDN infrastructure to compile an accurate view of the
for traditional and SDN. There are protocols developed for network so to identify cyber attacks. As a result, the authors
SDN that integrate with the controller and gives an additional extended the controller functionalities adding a framework to

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detect and classify anomalies in user data flows. In [35], the [44] introduced a framework to support the deployment of
authors introduced a performance aware mechanism for the anomaly detection mechanisms. The goal is to keep SFC
detection and mitigation of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. protected against well-known attacks and be rapidly patched
The solution is part of an agile security frameworks that is for zero-day attacks. There are also investigations compiling
re-configurable to address a particular attack. the challenges and use cases to protect NFV Infrastructure
There are also investigations leveraging SDN to simulate (NFVI) against cyber attacks [45].
attacks and countermeasures in tactical networks [36], [37].
The goal is to automate security check for decision making III. U SE C ASES
and training addressing the particular challenges from tacti- We defined three use cases, depicted in Fig. 1, to illus-
cal operations. In [37], the authors introduce a platform to trate the potential benefits of NFV and SDN technologies
develop and test Machine Learning (ML) models to detect to improve cyber security measures in coalition networks.
cyber attacks using NFV and SDN. The authors leverage the The risk-aware routing in PCN has been already introduced
monitoring capabilities of software-defined networks to gather and analyzed in previous works [46]–[48]. The other two
features to build and test supervised ML models to detect use cases are introduced below. The first use case discusses
network anomalies related to cyber attacks. the automation of verification of the correct enforcement
The authors in [38], introduced a guard architecture to allow of security policies in the network. The second use case
e-mail exchange among nations in a coalition network. Their describes the deployment of an information exchange guard
solution is an e-mail guard with policies to allow the exchange fully implemented as a network function.
of emails with attachment among networks with different
A. Automated security policy evaluation
security classifications. In section III-B we discuss a use case
to deploy a guard in a virtualized coalition network. The goal is to investigate the new possibilities for automat-
The investigation in [39] is using SDN control and monitor- ing network policy verification and deployment, increasing
ing features to develop security applications. The authors argue operational agility and mitigating human errors. Ultimately,
that SDN centralized management and control can support continuous softwarization and virtualization of network and
applications enforcing security policies in the network. There- security functions could lead to fully automated network
fore, they introduced an architecture to orchestrate security management of FMN and Core Services.
functions in a SDN-capable network. This use case assumes the existence of a network between
two or more nations, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Protected core
D. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) network consist of the protected core segments that provide
NFV is a network architecture to decouple network func- connectivity for the user segments or colored clouds. Each pro-
tions from dedicate hardware, therefore, virtualizing network tected core segment can be built upon SDN and communicate
functions into building blocks that connect or chain together with other protected core segments, to route traffic securely
to create network segments [40], [41]. There is an on going between colored clouds. SDN can also be used within the
symbiosis between SDN and NFV creating the platform for colored clouds and for example be leveraged for better control
dynamic deployment of network functions [42]. The goal is to in traffic flows towards provisioned services and therein protect
develop a flexible, secure and low-cost architecture for service user nodes from malicious flows.
providers. The main driver for this technology is the telecom Since federated network partners each manage their own
industry with the advent and development of 5G network and network infrastructure, security policy verification is needed
its successors. to ensure that the connected national infrastructures meet the
The availability of virtual machines, hypervisors and cloud common security requirements.
platforms triggered the development of virtualized network In an SDN-enabled PCN (SD-PCN), a pre-configured set
devices, such as switches, routers, firewalls, Intrusion Detec- of information is gathered automatically from a target network
tion Systems (IDS) and Network Address Translation (NAT). segment. The gathered information is used to validate whether
Recent investigations are deploying network services as soft- the common security policies are met.
ware and proposing solutions to optimize resource allocation A basic management flow for an SD-PCN would consist of:
in virtualized networks [43]. NFV allows the fulfillment of • Setting up network route to the target network segment;
particular application requirements by dynamic deployment • Enumeration of all network resources;
of network services and new security policies. It also enable • Enumeration of services provided by each found network
management and control of network functions from a central resource;
controller, say using machine learning models. Control appli- • Interrogation of software versions providing each found
cations can isolate compromised network devices, slice the service;
network to create security zones and reroute traffic to mitigate • Executing functional test cases needed to validate that
cyber attacks. the core services are available and up with the basic
Complementing, recent investigations are developing mech- functionality and interoperability;
anisms to keep the integrity of Service Function Chaining • Verification if the gathered data is within the bounds of
(SFC) orchestrating NFV services [44]. The investigation in the security policy set to the target network in question.

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Controller B

P Provider B

Core B
Controller A PCN‐1 E E PCN‐1
E Controller C

Provider A P PCN‐2 E Core A Protected Core Core C E PCN‐2 P Provider C


Fig. 3. Data and Control plane for PCN

An outcome of an automated security policy evaluation SDN and SFC would enable a more dynamic and timely re-
could consist of: configuration of the guard capabilities in order to support
• Indication whether the target network has the core ser- evolving mission information exchange requirements. The
vices available; solution must be modular with open API-based interfaces
• Indication whether the target network adheres with the and employing open standard mechanisms for mediating and
security policy set to the network; securing the information flow.
• Base set of raw data gathered from the target network Feasibility analysis for an IEF requires several distinctive
to be used as a basis for further interactive analysis or steps:
decision making. • Identification of security policies applicable to the inter-
This use case could be easily executed using resources that connected network segments;
are virtualized within the SDN network NFV infrastructure. • Setting up network route to the target network segment
Locating the validation resources within the core SDN network passing through the IEF;
infrastructure is feasible especially when sought verification • Enumeration of types of data to be exchanged between
is done against security policies which are common to all the network segments;
networks that the core network connects. • Use a model to generate random sequences of messages
The above use case demonstrates opportunities of develop- or data streams [15] and functional test cases for exchang-
ing a generic network security tool-set which is implemented ing the different types of data through the IEF;
and offered as part of core network infrastructure. The tools • Verification that the exchanged data is within the bounds
would be available for interactive and automated use already of the security policy set to the target network in question;
within the network without the need of connecting any addi- • Quantification of both communication and computation
tional tools and audit workstations. Implementation as a NFV overhead added by the IEF to the data flows in order to
could relatively straightforward: the tools can be packaged in obtain an indication if the guard can handle data flows
a virtual machine or a container, and data gathering, tool usage using the total link capacity;
and the needed network connections can be configured using • Verification whether the IEF is sufficiently resilient to
Management and Orchestration (MANO). failures.
The IEF use case can be thought as an prototype of the
B. Information Exchange Function (IEF) generic NSF, some of them located between different security
The interconnection of network segments belonging to domains and having access to all or part of the traffic flowing
different security domain demands an Information Exchange between in order to make autonomous decisions on the data
Function (IEF) (commonly called a guard) mediating the flow mediation based on information exchange policy.
exchange of information, as depicted in Fig. 4. We assume When thinking about implementing the IEF as a virtualized
that the IEF is implemented as an NSF. network function, it is essential to establish first where in
The IEF could be implemented in a distributed form by logical an physical terms the NFV infrastructure is located
enabling dynamic orchestration of services implemented, in as the guard will terminate the protocols there. In case of
virtualized or physical form, at various location of the network PCN architecture, terminating and inspecting the connections
by means of SFC. Such a modular architecture relying on of user nodes would make the NFV implementation as part

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Fig. 4. Information Exchange Function between two security domains

of the user nodes itself. Depending on the security policy, this require human-in-the-loop that is inefficient, slow, expensive,
could force locating the NFV in the user node. In practice this error prone, and often results in complicated procedures.
would be the case also for other similar NSF, such as firewalls, Although implementation of at least partial network security
IDS/IPS, and other sensors gathering data to form a cyber functionality within military networks at the deployed and
situational awareness. There are already many commercial tactical domains constitutes and attractive solution, the control
examples of firewalls and other security controls which are plane in these systems must be implemented over unreliable
available in NFV format. links with both network topology and link quality changing.
One of important challenges is implementing IEF security In order to facilitate use of NFV concepts within NATO
controls that result in a residual risk that is acceptable for PCN and FMN, we need to define guidance and recom-
successful security accreditation of an operational IEF. A mendations regarding for using virtualization within military
sufficient level of assurance, required for accreditation of a networks without adversely affecting, but rather increasing,
solution supporting multiple security classification levels and security and performance of these systems. For example,
types of services, could be possibly achieved by implementing there is a need for the policy of terminating the through-
some of the security-critical functionality in secure enclaves, going connections on different physical and logical network
e.g. using Intel SGX or AMD SEV technologies [49]. Another locations. It is also important to identify some policy templates
potential accreditation issue is management of risk related to for access of security functionality by different participants.
dynamic reconfiguration of the security functions involved in On a technical level, we need a more detailed investigation
the IEF chain. Supporting accreditation of such agile systems of suitability of SDN and NFV for secure routing in and
is an open challenge that is critical for supporting increasingly between protected core segments. SDN and NSF could po-
software-intensive military systems and modern software de- tentially be used within a protected core segment, to securely
velopment and deployment paradigms, e.g., DevSecOps [50]. route traffic between user nodes depending on classification. In
An approach to applying a dynamic accreditation to military particular, using SDN, granular control on flows between user
CIS has been proposed in [51] and an example of working nodes can be achieved. The next subsections list the technical
implementation, applicable to DevSecOps and infrastructure challenges for creating a security control plane across different
as a code, has been presented in [52]. We believe that similar security domains in federated networks.
approach could be also applied in the context of NFV and
SFC. A. Cross-domain security controls
Within a multi-domain architecture, SDN controllers could
IV. O PEN CHALLENGES be used to implement cross-domain security boundary controls
Currently, there are still several challenges a wide de- within a coalition, providing integrated management control
ployment of the SDN, NFV and NSF can potentially ease of red and black security infrastructure, enabling full man-
the deployment and configuration of coalition networks. In agement from the high-side security domain. Provided that
particular, centralized management of the Alliance and mission the multi-domain architecture is under common organisational
networks is not yet possible. One of the reasons for this is control, so there is no need for negotiation across the security
existence of multiple network security domains in federated boundary, the red-side controller would be fully in charge.
networks where each of the partners manages their own The black side infrastructure is untrusted from an information
network devices. Moreover, coordination between different security perspective.
partner networks and security domains is hard. Different The SDN controller would still be considered logically
domains are separated by policy and management activities centralised, even though in some implementations it may be

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physically distributed each side of the security boundary, and based on PCN. Our results suggest that a symbioses among
various architectural options would include: SDN, NFV and NSF is going to allow automated detection,
• Placing the boundary on the southbound interface (so protection, reaction and recovery for cyber security measures.
there are no controllers on the black side, only switches); We have defined two use cases that will guide our feasibility
• Placing the boundary on the northbound interface (so the analysis of applicability of NFV and SDN to facilitate the
controller is on the black side but applications are on the deployment, re-configuration of secure multi-nation military
red side of the network); networks.
• Using a hierarchical controller structure. As a future work, we plan to define a three years research
The main challenges would be as follows: task to investigate the design and deploy of cyber security
functions in coalition networks composed by physical and
• Protocol requirements for running controller interfaces
virtualized network segments. Our goal is to setup a PCN
through a guard (e.g. reliability and flow control); among three or more nations to realize the use cases described
• Message sanitisation requirements, avoiding information
in this paper. The exploratory team concludes that a hands on
leakage from high to low, and avoiding malicious traffic experience with these technologies is fundamental to develop
from low to high security domains; and test intelligent and secure solutions for coalition networks
• Options for integration with control of the domain border
within NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO).
crypto (e.g. how traffic flows should be marked so they
can be appropriately controlled on the black side without ACKNOWLEDGMENT
compromising traffic flow confidentiality). This investigation was part of the Exploratory Team on
B. East/West interfaces for SDN controller federation Cyber Security in Virtualized Networks (IST-ET-114). The
authors thank the Ministry of Defense from their respective
Using SDN in federated environments, (e.g. where there nations for supporting this investigation, namely Finland,
may be multiple coalition partners, or use of third party Germany, Poland, Sweden and United Kingdom.
infrastructure to provide transport), the SDN interfaces may
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