The following section presents standard computations for membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems. The section outlines
important MBR-specific design considerations and calculations, although it is not a complete step-by-step guide to MBR
design. Therefore, the design example presented does not address all possible analyses, evaluations, safety factors, or design
considerations. Furthermore, the design example assumes the reader has a prior understanding of the design of biological
wastewater treatment systems and, therefore, does not address this aspect of MBR design. More information on the general
design of activated sludge systems can be found in Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (WEF et al., 2009). These
standard computations focus on understanding key parameters for MBR system design. Depending on the specific parameter
and the decision of the engineer and/or owner of the MBR system, these parameters may be specified by the engineer in
procurement documents or provided by membrane vendors.
Table A.1 Influent design flowrates and maximum monthly loading rates.
Influent flowrates
Design flux for peak-day flow based on influent flowrate 30.5 LMH*
Air scour rate for flows up to maximum monthly flowrate 10 seconds on/30 seconds off
Air scour rate for peak-day flowrate 10 seconds on/10 seconds off
Maximum allowable solids flux to the membrane surface at the net flux of the system 325 g/m 2 ·h
Membrane area A m2
In practice, the membrane surface area requirements for all flow conditions and operating scenarios would be assessed
against the net flux at those conditions to determine the scenario that drives design of the membrane system. For the current
example, the peak-flow condition drives the membrane system surface area requirements.
This number of large units requires 4.5 large membrane subunits per membrane tank. The membrane basin is sized to allow
installation of five large membrane subunits as a provision for further expansion. Thus, the actual spare membrane area
available is 22%.
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3.10. Membrane Permeability
Permeability is used as a measurement for determining when a cleaning cycle is needed. Permeability is measured as the
temperature-corrected flux divided by the transmembrane pressure (TMP) and, therefore, simultaneously provides information
about both membrane flux and TMP, which are critical operating parameters. The membrane manufacturer recommends a
maximum typical operating TMP of 0.4 bar. At a temperature-corrected instantaneous flux value of 41.1 LMH at peak-day flow,
the minimum allowable membrane permeability is 102.8 LMH/bar.
Water Environment Federation; American Society of Civil Engineers; Environmental and Water Resources Institute (2009)
Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, 5th ed.; WEF Manual of Practice No. 8; ASCE Manual of Practice and
Report on Engineering No. 76; McGraw-Hill: New York.
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