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Communication Methods and Measures

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Applying LDA topic modeling in communication

research: Toward a valid and reliable methodology

Daniel Maier, A Waldherr, P Miltner, G Wiedemann, A Niekler, A Keinert, B

Pfetsch, G Heyer, U Reber, T Häussler, H Schmid-Petri & S Adam

To cite this article: Daniel Maier, A Waldherr, P Miltner, G Wiedemann, A Niekler, A Keinert, B
Pfetsch, G Heyer, U Reber, T Häussler, H Schmid-Petri & S Adam (2018): Applying LDA topic
modeling in communication research: Toward a valid and reliable methodology, Communication
Methods and Measures, DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1430754

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Published online: 16 Feb 2018.

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Applying LDA topic modeling in communication research: Toward

a valid and reliable methodology
Daniel Maiera, A Waldherrb, P Miltnera, G Wiedemannc, A Nieklerc, A Keinerta, B Pfetscha,
G Heyerc, U Reberd, T Häusslerd, H Schmid-Petrie, and S Adamd
Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany; bDepartment of
Communication, University of Münster, Münster, Germany; cComputer Science Institute, University of Leipzig,
Leipzig, Germany; dInstitute of Communication and Media Studies, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; eUniversity
of Passau, Passau, Germany

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic models are increasingly being used in
communication research. Yet, questions regarding reliability and validity of
the approach have received little attention thus far. In applying LDA to
textual data, researchers need to tackle at least four major challenges that
affect these criteria: (a) appropriate pre-processing of the text collection; (b)
adequate selection of model parameters, including the number of topics to
be generated; (c) evaluation of the model’s reliability; and (d) the process of
validly interpreting the resulting topics. We review the research literature
dealing with these questions and propose a methodology that approaches
these challenges. Our overall goal is to make LDA topic modeling more
accessible to communication researchers and to ensure compliance with
disciplinary standards. Consequently, we develop a brief hands-on user
guide for applying LDA topic modeling. We demonstrate the value of our
approach with empirical data from an ongoing research project.

Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a computational content-analysis technique
that can be used to investigate the “hidden” thematic structure of a given collection of texts. The
data-driven and computational nature of LDA makes it attractive for communication research
because it allows for quickly and efficiently deriving the thematic structure of large amounts of
text documents. It combines an inductive approach with quantitative measurements, making it
particularly suitable for exploratory and descriptive analyses (Elgesem, Steskal, & Diakopoulos,
2015; Koltsova & Shcherbak, 2015).
Consequently, LDA topic models are increasingly being used in communication research.
However, communication scholars have not yet developed good-practice guidance for the many
challenges a user faces when applying LDA topic modeling. Important methodological decisions
must be made that are rarely explained at length in application-focused studies. These decisions
relate to at least four challenging questions: (a) How does one pre-process unstructured text data
appropriately? (b) How does one select algorithm parameters appropriately, e.g., the number of
topics to be generated? (c) How can one evaluate and, if necessary, improve reliability and inter-
pretability of the model solution? (d) How can one validate the resulting topics?
These challenges particularly affect the approach’s reliability and validity, both of which are core
criteria for content analysis in communication research (Neuendorf, 2017), but they have, never-
theless, received little attention thus far. This article’s aim is to provide a thorough review and

CONTACT Daniel Maier [email protected] Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin, Germany

© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

discussion of these challenges and to propose methods to ensure the validity and reliability of topic
models. Such scrutiny is necessary to make LDA-based topic modeling more accessible and applic-
able for communication researchers.
This article is organized as follows. First, we briefly introduce the statistical background of LDA.
Second, we review how the aforementioned questions are addressed in studies that have applied LDA
in communication research. Third, drawing on knowledge from these studies and our experiences
from an ongoing research project, we propose a good-practice approach that we apply to an
empirical collection of 186,557 web documents. Our proposal comprises detailed explanations and
novel solutions for the aforementioned questions, including a practical guide for users in commu-
nication research. In the concluding section, we briefly summarize how the core challenges of LDA
topic modeling can be practically addressed by communication scholars in future research.

Statistical background of LDA topic modeling

LDA can be used to identify and describe latent thematic structures within collections of text
documents (Blei, 2012). LDA is but one of several statistical algorithms that can be used for topic
modeling; however, we are concentrating on LDA here as a general and widely used model. Blei, Ng,
and Jordan (2003) introduced LDA as the first approach that allows for modeling of topic semantics
entirely within the Bayesian statistical paradigm.
The application of LDA is based on three nested concepts: the text collection to be modelled is
referred to as the corpus; one item within the corpus is a document, with words within a document
called terms. Thus, documents are nested within the corpus, with terms nested within documents
(see Figure 1, left side).
The aim of the LDA algorithm is to model a comprehensive representation of the corpus by
inferring latent content variables, called topics. Regarding the level of analysis, topics are heuristically
located on an intermediate level between the corpus and the documents and can be imagined as
content-related categories, or clusters. A major advantage is that topics are inferred from a given
collection without input from any prior knowledge. Since topics are hidden in the first place, no
information about them is directly observable in the data. The LDA algorithm solves this problem by
inferring topics from recurring patterns of word occurrence in documents.
In their seminal paper, Blei et al. (2003, p. 996) propose that documents can be “represented as
random mixtures over latent topics, where each topic is characterized by a distribution over words.”
Speaking in statistical terms, the document collection (corpus) can equally be described as a distribution
over the latent topics, in which each topic is a distribution over words. In linguistic theories, topics can be

Figure 1. Application of LDA to a Corpus. Note. LDA = latent Dirichlet allocation.


seen as factors that consist of sets of words, and documents incorporate such factors with different
weights (Lötscher, 1987). Topic models draw on the notion of distributional semantics (Turney & Pantel,
2010) and particularly make use of the so-called bag of words assumption, i.e., the ordering of words
within each document is ignored. To grasp the thematic structure of a document, it is sufficient to
describe its distribution of words (Grimmer & Stewart, 2013).
Although it appears fairly obvious what a topic is at first glance, there exists no clear-cut established
definition of topics in communication research (Günther & Domahidi, 2017, p. 3057). Following
Brown and Yule (1983, p. 73), Günther and Domahidi (2017, p. 3057) conclude that a “topic” can only
vaguely be described as “what is being talked/written about”. In the context of LDA topic modeling, the
concept of a topic also takes on an intuitive and rather “abstract notion” of a topic (Blei et al., 2003, p.
995). However, what topic actually means in theoretical terms remains unclear. The meaning of a topic
in an LDA topic model must be assessed empirically instead (Jacobi, Van Atteveldt, & Welbers, 2015,
p. 91) and defined against the background of substantive theoretical concepts, such as “political issues”
or “frames” (Maier, Waldherr, Miltner, Jähnichen, & Pfetsch, 2017).

LDA’s core: the data-generating process

LDA relies on two matrices to define the latent topical structure: the word-topic assignment matrix ϕ
and the document-topic assignment matrix θ (see Figure 1, right side). The word-topic assignment
matrix ϕ has two dimensions, K and V, in which K is a numerical value defining the number of
proposed topics in the model (which must be determined by the researcher), and V is the total
number of words in the vocabulary of the corpus. Thus, any value of ϕw,k signifies the conditional
probability with which the word w = 1, . . ., V is likely to occur in topic k = 1, . . ., K. Analogously, θ
has two dimensions, K and D, in which K, again, describes the number of proposed topics, and D is
the number of documents in the corpus. Each value of θd,k discloses the conditional probability with
which a topic k is likely to occur in a given document d = 1, . . ., D (see Figure 1, right side). In
practice, the two resulting matrices are guiding the research process and enabling interpretation
regarding content. For instance, from ϕ, researchers can identify the most salient, and thereby most
characteristic, terms defining a topic, which facilitates the labeling and interpretation of topics. From
θ, researchers can read the probability of the topics’ appearance in specific documents; thus,
documents may be coded for the presenceby Blei et al. (2003) of salient topics.
The computational core challenge is to estimate the two matrices, ϕ and θ. To master this
challenge, Blei et al. (2003) designed a hypothetical statistical generative process within the
Bayesian framework that tells us how documents are created and how words from unobserved
topics find their way into certain places within a document.
Before we explicate this process, it is important to know that in Bayesian statistics, theoretically
reasonable distributions are assigned to unknown variables, such as ϕ and θ. These distributions are
called prior distributions, as they are assigned prior to data analysis and define their initial state.
Here, two prior distributions are needed, one for ϕ and one for θ. LDA models use probability
distributions from the Dirichlet family of distributions.1 Each of the two Dirichlet priors is governed
by the number of its dimensions K (the number of topics, which is equal for ϕ and θ) and an abstract
(prior) parameter. As there are two prior distributions, there are also two prior parameters, which
are sometimes also referred to as hyperparameters, i.e., α for θ and β for ϕ. In essence, α and β
influence the shape and specificity of the word-topic and topic-document distributions. While the
assignment of the prior parameters is included in the first two steps of the data-generating process,
the remainder represents the stochastic core of the model.
What does the data-generating process by Blei et al. (2003) look like?

(1) We assume that each document, d, in a corpus can be described as a probability distribution
over topics. This distribution, called θd (the topic distribution of document d), is drawn from a
Dirichlet distribution with prior parameter α (which must be chosen by the researcher).

(2) Thus, each topic can be defined as a probability distribution over the entire corpus
vocabulary, i.e., all the different words that appear in the documents. More technically,
for each topic k, we draw ϕk, a distribution over the V words of the vocabulary from a
Dirichlet distribution with prior parameter β (which must be chosen by the researcher).
(3) Within each document (d = 1, . . ., D) and for every word in that document (i = 1, . . ., Nd), in
which i is the index count for each word in document d and Nd is the total length of d, we
(a) a topic (zd,i) from the respective topic distribution in the document (θd), and
(b) a word (wd,i) from the respective topic’s word distribution ϕk, in which k is zd,i, the topic
we sampled in the previous step.

The core concept of the model implies a statistical creation of a document as a process of randomly
drawing topics (3a), then randomly drawing words associated with these topics (3b). This process
has a crucial function: It explicates the dependency relationship between the observed variables
(words in documents wd,i) and the unobserved variables (word-topic distribution ϕ and document-
topic distribution θ), thereby paving the way for the application of statistical inference (Griffiths &
Steyvers, 2004).
Although the inference procedures cannot be addressed here in detail, it is essential to understand
that the statistical theory sketches a joint-probability distribution of the observed and latent variables
altogether (see Blei, 2012, pp. 79–80). From this joint-probability distribution, defined by the
generative process, the conditional probability distribution of the latent variables ϕ and θ can be
estimated (see Blei, 2012, pp. 79–80) using variational inference (Blei et al., 2013) or Gibbs sampling
(see Griffiths & Steyvers, 2004). Therefore, for application on an empirical corpus, the algorithm
makes use of the generative process and inverts the aforementioned steps. LDA starts with a random
initialization, i.e., it randomly assigns term probabilities to topics (i.e., the initial state of ϕ) and topic
probabilities to documents (i.e., the initial state of θ). The algorithm then aims to maximize joint
likelihood of the model by iteratively adapting values of the word-topic distribution matrix ϕ and
document-topic distribution matrix θ.

Advantages, limitations, and challenges of applying LDA

In summary, LDA models draw on an abstract hypothetical probabilistic process that implies
different assumptions. It has proved to be a powerful approach to quickly identify major thematic
clusters in large text corpora and model topics as latent structures in a text corpus. Compared with
simple co-occurrence analysis, a topic model can reveal a latent semantic connection between words,
even if they never actually occurred in a document together. Compared with other topic-clustering
methods, a further advantage of LDA topic modeling is its mixed membership approach (Grimmer &
Stewart, 2013, p. 18), i.e., one document can contain several topics, which is a useful assumption.
Another condition is the aforementioned bag-of-words assumption. In the context of topic
modeling, it proves useful and efficient to explore global and general topic clusters in document
collections, which is a frequent task in communication research. However, by discarding word order,
specific local context information on semantic relations between words is lost, which otherwise
might help interpret deeper meanings and solve ambiguities (Lenci, 2008, p. 21). Therefore, some
researchers developed variations on topic modeling that consider word order (Wallach, 2006).
Another limitation is that LDA assumes topics are independent of each other; thus, correlations
between topics or hierarchical structures in terms of meta-topics and sub-topics are not part of the
analysis. For this purpose, Blei and Lafferty (2007) developed the Correlated Topic Model (CTM),
which also models relations between topics.
When applying LDA, it is important to keep in mind that the model results are not deterministic.
Instead, the results are affected by the researcher’s choices about the input parameters and the built-

in stochastic processes. Reliability and validity cannot be taken for granted. In the remainder of this
article, we highlight four challenges with LDA topic modeling and propose guidelines as to how to
deal with them.

(1) Before a topic model can even be estimated for an empirical corpus, the text collection must
be sanitized of undesirable components and further pre-processed. Cleaning and pre-
processing affect the input vocabulary and the documents included in the modeling process.
Until now, little is known about the impact of preprocessing on reliability, interpretability,
and validity of topic models. However, recent studies (e.g., Denny & Spirling, 2017) suggest
that preprocessing strongly affects all these criteria. We provide suggestions on how text
data can be cleaned, which pre-processing steps are reasonable to include, and in which
order these steps should be applied.
(2) Three model parameters must be selected (K, α, and β), which affect the dimensions and a
priori defined distribution of the target variables, ϕ and θ. All three parameters (i.e., K, α,
and β) are of substantial importance for the resulting topic model. Thus, the selection of
appropriate prior parameters and the number of topics is crucial to retrieve models that
adequately reflect the data and can be meaningfully interpreted. Thus far, there is no
statistical standard procedure to guide this selection; thus, this remains one of the most
complicated tasks in the application of LDA topic modeling. Our proposal suggests a two-
step approach: In the first step, the prior parameters are calibrated along the mean intrinsic
coherence of the model, i.e., a metric focused on the interpretability (Mimno, Wallach,
Talley, Leenders, & McCallum, 2011) to find appropriate candidate models with different
numbers for the K proposed topics. In the second step, a qualitative investigation of these
candidates follows, which aims to match the models’ results with the theoretical concept
under study.
(3) The random initialization of the model and the sequence of multiple random processes are
integral parts of LDA. The fact that topical contexts are manifested by combining certain
words throughout multiple documents will guide the inference mechanism to assign similar
topics to documents containing similar word distributions. Inference, itself, is also governed
by stochastic random processes to approach a maximum joint probability of the model
based on the evidence in the data. Due to both random initialization and stochastic
inference, the results from topic models are not entirely deterministic. This calls for
reliability checks that indicate the robustness of the topic solutions. We provide an easy-
to-calculate reliability metric (Niekler & Jähnichen, 2012) and show that random initializa-
tion is a weakness in the LDA architecture. It is clearly inferior to non-random initialization
methods, which, as we demonstrate, can improve the reliability of an LDA topic model.
(4) Most importantly, topics are latent variables composed of word distributions. We agree with
DiMaggio, Nag, and Blei (2013, p. 586), who write “[P]roducing an interpretable solution is
the beginning, not the end, of an analysis.” To draw adequate conclusions, the interpretation
of the latent variables must be substantially validated. We advise researchers to use system-
atically structured combinations of existing metrics and in-depth investigation to boost the
significance of the validation process.

The four challenges are not independent of each other. Having a clean text corpus and finding a
parameter setting that generates interpretable topics are important prerequisites for valid interpreta-
tion. Just as well, reliability of the topic solution is an essential precondition for validity.

Literature review
In this section, we systematically review how communication-related research has responded to these
challenges so far. We performed keyword searches in EBSCO Communication Source and Web of

Science (SSCI).2 The search yielded 61 unique results, which two authors classified as focusing on
communication research or other fields of study. Articles were considered further if they applied the
LDA algorithm and set out to answer a question of communication research, or used mass-
communication data (e.g., newspaper articles, public comments, tweets). Some studies have a
substantive thematic research focus, while many others referred to methodological issues. Of the
latter studies, only those that demonstrate the application of topic modeling with a sample corpus
were included in our review, while general descriptions and discussions of the method were ruled
out (e.g., Griffiths, Steyvers, & Tenenbaum, 2007; Günther & Quandt, 2016).
We completed our retrieval of relevant and recent studies by checking Google Scholar and also
revisiting basic literature on topic modeling (e.g., Blei, 2012; Blei et al., 2003). The final collection of
research articles contained 20 publications in communication research (listed in Appendix A), with
12 studies focusing on the method and only 8 studies dealing with thematic research questions. We
reviewed all 20 studies for solutions regarding their approach to (a) preprocessing, (b) parameter
selection, (c) reliability, and (d) validity.

Data cleaning and preprocessing of unstructured text data

All studies under review addressed the issue of data cleaning and preprocessing, but they differed in
the level of detail used to describe the process. The process of cleaning text data is contingent on the
research question and the type of data used. For instance, if a study’s focus is on one language only, a
language filter is used (e.g., Parra et al., 2016). In the case of web documents or tweets, boilerplate
content, such as uniform resource locators (URLs) or hypertext markup language (HTML) markups,
need to be removed prior to data analysis (e.g., Ghosh & Guha, 2013; Parra et al., 2016). Other
studies consider the aggregation of distinct text elements necessary to obtain larger documents.
These mergers are necessary, either because the text elements are too short for LDA to extract
substantive topics, as in the case of tweets (Guo, Vargo, Pan, Ding, & Ishwar, 2016, pp. 9–10), or to
facilitate analysis, e.g., when comparing topics on a monthly basis (Puschmann & Scheffler, 2016).
The standard procedures of language pre-processing include tokenization (breaking documents
down into term components), discarding punctuation and capitalization of words, filtering out stop-
words and highly frequent and infrequent terms (relative pruning), and stemming and/or lemmatiz-
ing. Stemming and lemmatizing are used to make inflected words comparable to each other. While
stemming reduces each word to its stem by stripping “its derivational and inflectional suffixes”
(Lovins, 1968, p. 22) (e.g., “contaminating” and “contamination” become “contamin”), lemmatizing
converts them to their lemma form/lexeme (e.g., “contaminating” and “contamination” become
“contaminate”) (Manning & Schütze, 2003, p. 132). Recent work suggests that not only the pre-
processing procedures as such, but also their ordering, significantly influence the results of subse-
quent (supervised and unsupervised) text-analysis techniques, including topic modeling (Denny &
Spirling, 2017). These findings are reasonable because the various pre-processing steps depend on
each other.

Choosing the number of topics and prior parameters

When specifying a topic model, several parameters, such as the number of topics, K, must be
defined. With this parameter, the granularity of the topic model can be adjusted. Generally, the more
topics we accept, the more specific and narrow the resulting topics are. However, accepting too many
topics might result in similar entities that cannot be distinguished in a meaningful way (e.g.,
Grimmer, 2010, pp. 12–13). At the same time, too few topics might lead to very broad entities
combining different aspects that should be separated (Evans, 2014, p. 2).
To determine an adequate number of topics, researchers usually run several candidate models
with varying numbers of topics. Subsequently, the resulting models are compared for significant
differences and interpretability (e.g., Biel & Gatica-Perez, 2014; Elgesem et al., 2015). Since the

objective is to find substantive topics, this approach also has been termed a substantive search
(Bonilla & Grimmer, 2013, p. 656). Because the overall goal is to generate a topic solution that can be
validly interpreted, some researchers also draw on further external and internal validation criteria
(discussed below) to choose between different candidate models (Baum, 2012; Evans, 2014).
There are also different metrics used to inform the process of model selection. The most widely
applied is the measure of perplexity (used by, e.g., Ghosh & Guha, 2013; Jacobi et al., 2015). The
perplexity metric is a measure used to determine the statistical goodness of fit of a topic model (Blei
et al., 2003). Generally, it estimates how well a model produced for the major part of the corpus
predicts a held-out smaller portion of the documents.
Another strategy is to run a non-parametric topic model, such as a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
(HDP) topic model (see Teh, Jordan, Beal, & Blei, 2006) in which K does not need to be defined in
advance. Instead, a statistically appropriate number of topics is estimated from the data (Bonilla &
Grimmer, 2013). However, for such a model, other even more abstract parameters must be defined
in advance, so that the problem about the model’s granularity is not solved, but merely shifted to yet
another parameter.
The choice of the prior parameters α and β is rarely discussed in current studies. Ghosh and Guha
(2013) apply default values that are set in the R topicmodels package by Grün and Hornik (2011). Biel
and Gatica-Perez (2014) refer to standard values proposed by Blei et al. (2003). Evans (2014) uses an
optimization procedure offered by the MALLET software package (McCallum, 2002) to iteratively
optimize the Dirichlet parameter for each topic at regular intervals.

Reliability of topic solution

While reliability is usually not regarded as a major concern with computer-based content-analysis
techniques, the random processes in the LDA algorithm make robustness in the sense of retest
reliability of a topic model an important issue. However, few researchers ensure that the obtained
topics are robust across multiple runs of the model, with the same parameter set (but different
random seeds) (DiMaggio et al., 2013; Levy & Franklin, 2014). More researchers are examining
whether the identified topics are reproducible across several runs of the topic model with different
parameters, most often varying the number of topics (e.g., Levy & Franklin, 2014; Van Atteveldt,
Welbers, Jacobi, & Vliegenthart, 2014). Biel and Gatica-Perez (2014) have checked whether they can
replicate the model’s topics with smaller samples of the dataset.

Topic interpretation and validity

The most straightforward approach of most studies regarding valid interpretation of the resulting
topics is to review the words with the highest probabilities for each topic (top words) and try to find
a label describing the substantive content of the topic. Often, researchers also read through a sample
of documents featuring high proportions of the respective topic (e.g., Elgesem, Feinerer, & Steskal,
2016; Jacobi et al., 2015; Koltsova & Shcherbak, 2015). These strategies are applied to ensure intra-
topic semantic validity of topics as the most crucial aspect of semantic validity (Quinn, Monroe,
Colaresi, Crespin, & Radev, 2010).
Additionally, some researchers use quantitative diagnostic metrics, such as topic coherence (e.g.,
Evans, 2014) or mutual information measures (e.g., DiMaggio et al., 2013). While (intrinsic) topic
coherence measures how frequently the top words of a topic co-occur (Mimno et al., 2011), mutual
information aims to identify which of the top words contributes the most significant information to
a given topic (e.g., Grimmer, 2010). To ascertain whether topics are sufficiently distinct from each
other (inter-topic validity) or to find patterns of semantics among topics, hierarchical clustering can
be applied (e.g., Marshall, 2013; Puschmann & Scheffler, 2016).
In various studies, we also noticed strategies for external validation. External criteria can include
expert evaluations (Levy & Franklin, 2014), manual codings, and code systems (e.g., Guo et al., 2016;

Jacobi et al., 2015). Some studies also checked whether the temporal patterns of topics corresponded
with events that occurred in the study’s time frame (e.g., Evans, 2014; Newman, Chemudugunta,
Smyth, & Steyvers, 2006).
Summarizing our review, we agree with Koltsova and Koltcov (2013, p. 214) that “the evaluation
of topic models is a new and still underdeveloped area of inquiry.” While in the past few years, a
range of strategies for testing the validity of topic models has been established, a standard metho-
dology for ensuring the reliability of the topics has yet to be developed in communication research.

Toward a Valid and reliable methodology for LDA topic modeling

In this section, we propose our methodological approach to topic modeling with respect to cleaning
and preprocessing, model selection, reliability, and valid interpretation of identified topics. We
illustrate the soundness of our approach by using empirical data from an ongoing research project
in which we investigate online communication of civil-society actors concerning the issue of food
safety. The theory we drew on originates from political agenda-building research (Cobb & Elder,
1983). Hence, we are interested in exploring the spectrum of “political issues” discussed by civil-
society organizations concerned about food safety on the Web. In political communication, the term
“issue” is used to denote a contentious matter of dispute, with the potential of “groups taking
opposing positions” (Miller & Riechert, 2001, p. 108).

Building and preprocessing the corpus

To identify websites on the Internet that are concerned with the issue of food safety, we collected
hyperlink networks, i.e., websites connected by hyperlinks, on a monthly basis from June 2012 to
November 2014 (30 months), starting with eight websites involving U.S.-based civil-society actors.3
The networks were collected using the web-based software Issue Crawler.4 Altogether, 575,849
webpage documents were identified in these networks, of which—for both technical and practical
reasons—we downloaded only those pages that included (a combination of) issue-specific search
terms (see Waldherr, Maier, Miltner, & Günther, 2017, p. 434), resulting in a collection of 344,456
The web-crawling procedure resulted in a heterogeneously structured set of webpages. Since we
were interested in analyzing substantive text only, the crawled webpages had to be further processed
to remove so-called boilerplate content, such as navigation bars, page markups, ads, teasers, and
other items regarded as irrelevant.
In the first step, we deleted the HTML-markups using the content-extraction library Apache Tika.
Second, the text files were passed through the openNLP toolkit for sentence separation. The text of
each page was separated into sentence candidates temporarily stored in separate lines. So far,
candidates included navigation elements, teasers, or copyright information. We filtered out the
boilerplate text and selected only valid sentences among all sentences on each page with a rule-
based approach using regular expressions (see Manning & Schütze, 2003, p. 121).
The resulting main texts from each webpage were classified further using a language-detection
algorithm to distinguish between documents written in English or German (the project languages),
and other languages. Language detection was necessary for subsequent pre-processing steps. Since
removal of boilerplate content from pages could reveal that an extracted document was not
thematically relevant for our analysis, we filtered again for relevant content by only including
those documents containing the (combination of) issue-specific key terms.These procedures resulted
in a massive reduction of content. The final corpus included 186,557 documents stored in a database
for further analysis.
In the final step, we ran a duplicate detection algorithm (Rajaraman & Ullman, 2011) on the
filtered document set to identify near-duplicates in very large datasets efficiently. Documents were
marked as duplicates if their similarity, defined by the Jaccard index on their word set, was above a

threshold of .95. For each duplicate, a reference to the first occurrence of that document was stored
to allow for queries, including or excluding duplicates in the resulting set. Altogether, 87,692
documents were marked as being unique.
Generally speaking, we deem rigorous data cleaning to be necessary and suggest that text
documents should be relieved of boilerplate content, such as ads, side bars, and links to related
content. If boilerplate content either is not randomly distributed across all the documents in the
corpus—which would be a naive assumption for most empirical corpora—or the documents are not
cleaned extensively enough, the LDA algorithm could be distorted and uninterpretable, as messy
topics could emerge.
Corpus cleaning is only the first step. Automated content-analysis procedures, such as topic
modeling, need further specific preprocessing of textual data. “Preprocessing text strips out informa-
tion, in addition to reducing complexity, but experience in this literature is that the trade-off is well
worth it” (Hopkins & King, 2010, p. 223). As we pointed out in the literature review, many LDA
studies have reported using a range of seemingly standard pre-processing rules. However, most
studies fail to emphasize that these consecutively applied rules depend on each other, which implies
that their ordering matters (see also Denny & Spirling, 2017). Although a single correct pre-
processing chain cannot be defined, the literature provides reasons for proceeding in a specific order.
Thus, we suggest that after data cleaning, the documents should be divided into units, usually
word units, called tokens. Hence, this step is called tokenization (Manning & Schütze, 2003, p. 124).
After tokenization, all capital letters should be converted to lowercase, which should be applied for
the purpose of term unification. After that, punctuation and special characters (e.g., periods,
commas, exclamation points, ampersands, white-space, etc.) should be deleted. While punctuation
may bear important semantic information for human readers of a text, it is usually regarded as
undesirable and uninformative in automatic text analyses based on the bag-of-words approach (e.g.,
Scott & Matwin, 1999, p. 379). However, following Denny and Spirling (2017, p. 6), some special
characters, such as the hashtag character, might be informative in specific contexts, e.g., modeling a
corpus of tweets, and should be kept in such cases. The next step is to remove stop-words, which are
usually functional words such as prepositions or articles. Their removal is reasonable because they
appear frequently and are “insufficiently specific to represent document content” (Salton, 1991, p.
976). While lowercasing and removal of punctuation and special characters can be done in any order
after tokenization, they should be done before the removal of stop-words to reduce the risk that
stop-word dictionaries may be unable to detect stop-words in the corpus vocabulary. Unification
procedures, such as lemmatization and stemming, should be used only after stop-word removal. As
mentioned above, both techniques are used for the purpose of reducing inflected forms and “some-
times derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form” (Manning, Raghavan, &
Schütze, 2009, p. 32). However, we prefer lemmatization over stemming because stemming “com-
monly collapses derivationally related words, whereas lemmatization commonly only collapses the
different inflectional forms of a lemma” (Manning et al., 2009, p. 32). Thus, interpreting word stems
correctly can be tough, or even impossible. For example, while the word organized is reduced to its
stem, organ, its lemma is organize.
In the very last step, relative pruning should be applied. Due to language-distribution character-
istics, we can expect a vast share of very infrequent words in the vocabulary of a collection. In fact,
roughly half of the terms of the vocabulary occur only once (Zipf’s Law, e.g., Manning & Schütze,
2003, pp. 23–29). Thus, relative pruning is recommended to strip very rare and extremely frequent
word occurrences from the observed data. Moreover, relative pruning reduces the size of the corpus
vocabulary, which will enhance the algorithm’s performance remarkably (Denny & Spirling, 2017)
and will stabilize LDA’s stochastic inference. In our empirical study, relative pruning was applied,
removing all terms that occurred in more than 99% or less than .5% of all documents (Denny &
Spirling, 2017; Grimmer, 2010; Grimmer & Stewart, 2013).
If the unification of inflected words is not applied before relative pruning, chances are high that
semantically similar terms such as genetic and genetically will be part of the vocabulary, i.e., if a user

complies with the suggested ordering, the corpus vocabulary will be reduced, while still maintaining
a great diversity of substantively different words. In our empirical case, we followed the proposed
ordering of the pre-processing steps.

Model selection: reliability issues and choosing appropriate parameters

Model selection is the process of determining a model’s parameters, i.e., the number of topics, K, and
the prior parameters, α and β. The objective of this process is to find the parameter configuration
that leads to the most appropriate model available for the data and the research interest alike.
Evaluating how well a model fits the data and whether it appropriately serves its purpose always
should be guided by a study’s research question and the theoretical concepts of interest. We note that
communication researchers working with content data generally aim to gain knowledge about the
content and its substantive meaning. A topic model provides information about both, but the quality
of the information depends on how well human researchers can interpret the model with respect to
theory. Thus, interpretability must be regarded as a necessary precondition for a model’s validity.
Hence, we argue that the interpretability of the modeled topics should be the prime criterion in the
model-selection phase. However, a parameter configuration that leads to interpretable solutions is
worthless if it cannot be replicated. From this perspective, interpretability and reliability are inter-
twined and directly related to a model’s validity.
In this section, we first introduce two metrics, reliability and intrinsic coherence, which enable
users to provide information about the quality of a topic model. To enhance both criteria right away,
the topic-modeling literature puts forth techniques that have been discussed under the term
regularization. We briefly discuss the findings of the regularization literature in the second part of
the section and provide an easy-to-implement regularization technique to boosting the reliability of
topic models. We confirm this approach by providing evidence from experiments we conducted. The
final part of the section concentrates on selecting the most appropriate model using what we call
substantive search in coherence-optimized candidates.

Measuring reliability and interpretability of topic models

Reliability of a topic model can be measured in different ways. We implemented an approach
following the intuition of comparing two models, i and j, for their similarities. For each topic
from model i, the probability values of the N topics’ top words were compared with the probabilities
of each of the N topics’ top words from all topics in model j. Two topics, one from each model, were
counted as a matched pair if the cosine similarity of their top-word probabilities was at a maximum
and above a defined threshold (t = .7). The proportion of topic matches from models i and j over all
K topics was defined as a reliability score (Niekler, 2016). Reliability between more than two models
can be computed as an average between all model pairs.
Regarding a model’s quality in terms of interpretability, multiple metrics are available. The most
frequently used statistical measures are held-out likelihood or perplexity (Blei et al., 2003). For their
application, a model needs to be computed on one (major) part of a collection, e.g., 90% of all
documents, then applied to the (smaller) 10% of collection documents not included in the modeling
process. The model’s goodness of fit (likelihood) is estimated by how well the model predicts the held-
out smaller portion of the documents. Higher likelihood corresponds to a lower perplexity measure.
A method of systematic manual evaluation has been proposed by Chang, Boyd-Graber, Gerrish,
Wang, and Blei (2009). For a tested topic, they used the list of the top N terms of a fitted model and
inserted a random term with high probability from another topic of that model. If human subjects
(users) can identify this false intruder, the topic may be considered coherent. Surprisingly, the study
demonstrated in a large user study that the widely used evaluation metrics based on perplexity do
not correspond well with human results of intrusion detection, and in some cases, they are even
negatively correlated. Also, LDA variants—such as correlated topic models (CTM) (Blei & Lafferty,
2006), which reportedly achieve a higher model likelihood—turned out to be less coherent.

In response to these findings, topic-coherence measures were proposed based on the assumption
that the more frequently top words of a single topic co-occur in documents, the more coherent the
topic. Studies have shown that coherence measured with respect to data that is external (Newman,
Lau, Grieser, & Baldwin, 2010) or internal to the corpus (Mimno et al., 2011) correlates with human
judgment on topic interpretability. The latter is also referred to as intrinsic coherence.5
For both interpretability and reliability, different regularization techniques have been tested. In
this regard, regularization of topic models describes a process that helps mitigate ill-posed mathe-
matical problems and guides them toward a more favorable solution.

Enhancing interpretability and reliability with regularization techniques

The seminal model proposed by Blei et al. (2003) is based on the idea that the clustering effect of the
algorithm works well, even if the initial assignments for θ and ϕ are set completely at random.
Although the generative model consists of successive random processes, in theory, many allocation
iterations will lead to similar models because the allocations depend on distributions dominated by
the data. However, experiments conducted by Lancichinetti et al. (2015), and Roberts, Stewart, and
Tingley (2016) point to serious issues of topic models regarding reliability.
While interpretability of topic models has been extensively studied, reliability has been a much less
discussed issue thus far. Hence, we distinguish between approaches that raise the interpretability of a
model and approaches that aim at higher topic reliability among repeated inferences on the same data.
For the issue of interpretability, two branches of research can be identified. The first branch
develops regularization techniques that alter the inference scheme of the original LDA model
(Newman, Bonilla, & Buntine, 2011; Sokolov & Bogolubsky, 2015). The second branch of regular-
ization techniques solely alters the initialization of the model to guide the inference process toward a
desired local optimum. For instance, word co-occurrence statistics are used in conjunction with
clustering techniques to assign words to semantic clusters for initializing the model (e.g., Newman
et al., 2011; Sokolov & Bogolubsky, 2015). Without exception, all these studies demonstrate a
positive effect from regularization strategy on topic interpretability.
Regarding reliability, only a few studies are available that propose improving strategies.
Reliability problems can emerge from two model settings: (a) random initialization of the two
result matrices and (b) successive random processes. For the latter, Koltcov, Nikolenko, Koltsova,
Filippov, and Bodrunova (2016) introduce a slight variation to the LDA Gibbs sampler as
originally proposed by Griffiths and Steyvers (2004). When drawing a topic for a word, they
force the neighboring words into the same topic. This results not only in better coherence, but
also in higher reliability. Unfortunately, there is no publicly available implementation for this
approach. Alternatively, Lancichinetti et al. (2015) extract K semantic term clusters based on
word co-occurrence statistics to initialize the LDA model’s K topics. They show that this
procedure leads to perfect reproducibility of the topic model when running the inference process
for one iteration after initialization.
In acknowledgement of this research, we aim for a solution that raises both interpretability and
reliability. Moreover, we prefer to rely on freely available, well-established implementations of the
original LDA model. Therefore, we opt for a regularization strategy that is compatible and relatively
easy to implement, namely an initialization strategy in which semantically pre-clustered terms are
provided as an input to the inference algorithm. In accordance with Roberts et al. (2016), who expect
“advances in areas such as optimal initialization strategies,” we decided to refine the Lancichinetti et al.
(2015) idea. The major drawbacks of their approach are that they use an artificial corpus and run Gibbs
sampling for only one single iteration after initialization. Although this leads to perfect reliability, the
effect on interpretability remained untested. We assume that not running multiple iterations of
sampling has a severe negative influence on topic quality in real-world applications. Therefore, we
conducted an experiment in which we evaluate the effects of different initialization strategies across a
varying number of inference iterations with respect to reliability and coherence as measures for model
quality. To examine whether our findings generalize across corpora and topic resolutions, we ran the

test for three different corpora (food-safety-related content from Germany, the U.K., and the U.S.,
which is the focal corpus of the empirical study), with different topic numbers K.6
As a baseline strategy, we tested the standard random initialization of LDA. As a second strategy,
we fixed the random initialization with a specific seed value, but afterward, we reset the random-
number generator. We ran this experiment to test the influence of random sampling during the
inference algorithm, independent of initialization. As our own third strategy, we proposed a
modification of clustered initialization from Lancichinetti et al. (2015). We also initialized the topics
based on term-co-occurrence networks. In contrast to the original approach, which was tested on
two highly artificial text collections, we observed that their proposed combination of significance
measure (Poisson) and clustering algorithm (Infomap) does not perform well on real-world data to
identify coherent semantic clusters. Thus, we selected alternatives to achieve a better pre-clustering
of terms. For determining co-occurrence significance, we relied on Dunning’s Log-Likelihood Ratio
Test (LL) (Bordag, 2008). Subsequent semantic community detection is performed by applying the
Partitioning-Around-Medoids (PAM) algorithm (see Kaufman & Rousseeuw, 1990).
Each experiment was repeated n = 10 times. Figure 2 displays the average reliability of the
experiments over the progress of Gibbs sampling iterations. Confidence intervals for reliability are
provided on the basis of nðn1 2
¼ 45 possible pairs for comparing models i and j. The results
indicate that our cluster-initialization strategy significantly improves the reliability of the inference
for all three corpora and leads to levels of reproducibility above 85% for the German and U.K.
corpus, and above 75% for the U.S. corpus. The seeded initialization also outperforms the random
standard initialization, but does not reach the performance of an initialization by semantic network
clustering. From this result, we conclude that the stability of the inference algorithm itself actually
can be quite high once it starts from the same position. We further conclude that providing semantic
clusters of terms as a starting position leads to even more stable results in the inference process,
thereby indicating why it is the preferred strategy to improve reliability.

Figure 2. Reliability of topic models for three corpora (DE = Germany; UK = United Kingdom; US = United States) according to
different initialization techniques (random = default random initialization; seed = fixed seed initialization; and cluster = semantic
co-occurrence network initialization) and varying number of inference iterations; K = number of topics.

Figure 3. Mean coherence of topic models for three corpora (DE = Germany, UK = United Kingdom, US = United States) according
to different initialization techniques (random = default random initialization; seed = fixed seed initialization; and
cluster = semantic co-occurrence network initialization) and varying number of inference iterations; K = number of topics.

Figure 3 displays the average topic-model coherences of the ten repeated runs of our experiment,
including their confidence intervals. Compared with the reliability check, the results are rather
mixed. Although the cluster initialization usually performs very well, differences between all the
strategies are not very pronounced. The most important finding from this part of the experiment is
that topic coherence is drastically lowered if sampling runs for only one iteration. Although it
guarantees perfect reliability, the results of such an early stopped process cannot be used in a
practical scenario. We conclude that to further improve interpretability, the process also needs to
run for some time until the topic composition stabilizes. We recommend at least 1,000 iterations.
Running only one iteration, as proposed in Lancichinetti et al. (2015), trades reliability for inter-
pretability and appears to be a bad choice in practical scenarios.

Selecting the model: substantive search in coherence-optimized candidate models

In general, finding the optimal parameter set is not an easy task in an unsupervised, data-driven
scenario. There is no gold standard to evaluate model results, as in a supervised scenario, and the best
solution cannot be ensured by a single criterion independent of the research interest. The literature on
natural language processing (NLP) provides various methods and evaluation metrics for topic models
that can be utilized to find the optimal parameters. But it is still highly likely that solutions optimized
along single metrics do not comply with the analytical requirements in communication research, such
as the desired topic granularity necessary to obtain meaningful results. For this reason, we suggest
avoiding the use of only one numerical optimization procedure for parameter selection, and instead
combine different measures with intersubjective qualitative human judgment.
Like the procedure described by Marshall (2013, p. 709), we applied a systematic approach for the
choice of the number of topics, K, and the prior parameters, α and β. Instead of using default
suggestions, which often do not yield optimal results, we systematically varied different combina-
tions for K (30, 50, and 70) and α (.01, .05, .1, .2, .5, 1). As the combinatorial set expands with the

number of parameters included, we fixed the value of β at 1/K, the default value as proposed by the
widely used topic model library gensim (Řehůřek & Sojka, 2010). The prior for the topic-document
matrix α was found to be of greater importance for the quality of the topic model (e.g., Wallach,
Mimno, & McCallum, 2009), which was the reason to fix β and let α vary. The model was run with
1,000 iterations. We calculated 6 different models (i.e., all possible combinations of α) for each of the
three values in K (resulting in 18 models, see Appendix B) and chose the single best model for each
K regarding the mean intrinsic topic coherence for further investigation. We refer to these three
models as our candidate models.
Instead of using the whole corpus for the model creation, in this phase, we took a random sample
of 10,000 non-duplicate documents (out of 87,692 unique documents) to calculate these models.
Whether a document sample is representative “depends on the extent to which it includes the range
of linguistic distributions in the population” (Biber, 1993, p. 243). Thus, for topic-modeling
purposes, a valid sample must catch the variety of word co-occurrence structures in the document
population. Random sampling can be regarded a valid procedure for topic modeling of very large
document collections. Due to the characteristic distribution of language data, we can expect a huge
share of very infrequent words in the vocabulary of a collection. This is also the reason why the
pruning of infrequent vocabulary is a recommended and valid pre-processing step. In other words,
applying relative pruning to the full corpus yields a very similar vocabulary, as would applying
relative pruning to a random sample of 10% of the corpus. In both cases, document content is
reduced to a very similar vocabulary. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that co-occurrence structures of
these terms in a large-enough random sample would be very similar to those in the entire corpus.
Still, the size of the sample must be big enough to draw valid conclusions about which parameter
configurations yielded solid models. Scholars from corpus linguistics (e.g., Hanks, 2012) argue that
sample size is the most important criterion to consider in covering the thematic diversity of the
corpus. As a rule of thumb for domain-specific corpora, we recommend using at least a two-digit
fraction (10% minimum) of the overall corpus size. In our empirical case, we drew a random sample
of 10,000 documents, or 11.4% (10,000/87,692) of the document total. However, it is important to
note that it cannot be guaranteed that this technique will work well for corpora containing
significantly smaller sized and/or more heterogeneous documents. In our view, the validity of this
technique crucially depends on whether the sample size is big enough to capture the heterogeneity of
the corpus vocabulary. In this regard, future research needs to figure out valid guidelines for
sampling strategies and sample sizes.
The 10,000 sampled documents are used only for purposes of model creation and selection.
Inference is conducted for the complete corpus. The separation of model creation and inference
enables us to directly use the model that we created on the basis of the random sample and
successively infer the topic composition of the remaining documents.
A group of four researchers discussed the three best topic models in terms of their mean
coherence metric, one for each value in K. For the collaborative investigation of the three models,
the LDA visualization software LDAvis was used (Sievert & Shirley, 2014). The question that was
guiding the qualitative investigation of the group was: Which topic model most suitably represents the
contentious matters of dispute, i.e., the “issues,” of the food-safety discourse in civil society on the Web?
The discussion and interpretation were based on the models’ ϕ matrices, i.e., word-topic distribu-
tions, and also considered varying orders of the top words using Sievert and Shirley (2014) relevance
metric (explained in the next section). The group discussion led to a consensus within the research
group. The model with K = 50 offered the most reasonable topic solution to interpret the theoretical
concept of “political issues,” which was the focus of our research. While setting K = 70 led to too
many topics that could easily be traced back to arguments put forth by single websites, minor events,
or remaining boilerplate, K = 30 obfuscated and blurred issues that would otherwise be treated
separately by the research group. We decided in favor of the model with the parameters K = 50,
α = .5, and β = 1/K = .02. This solution deserved further investigation in validity checks.

Topic validity and labeling

We regard interpretability as a necessary, but not a sufficient prerequisite for validity. With some
exceptions (e.g., DiMaggio et al., 2013), interpretation, validity, and successive labeling of topics
become blended and blurred in application-focused studies. We want to gain awareness that good
interpretability of a topic’s top-word list is not equivalent to its validity. Referring to Neuendorf
(2017, p. 122), “validity is the extent to which a measuring procedure represents the intended – and
only the intended – concept.” To uncover whether the modeled topics represent the concept under
study, such as the issue-concept, we developed a three-step procedure. First, we summarized the
most important quantitative information from the model. Second, all topic models created for non-
artificial text corpora will contain a fraction of uninterpretable topics, which cannot be valid by
definition and thus must be excluded. The third step is an in-depth investigation that includes a close
reading of documents and the labeling of the topics.

Summarizing topics
To summarize the topics, we used several auxiliary metrics to better understand the semantics of the
topics’ word distributions. Specifically, we used the following four metrics.

(1) Rank-1: The Rank-1 metric (see Evans, 2014) counts how many times a topic is the most
prevalent in a document. Thus, the metric can help identify so-called background topics,
which usually contribute much to the whole model, but their word distribution is not very
specific. In the case of a high topic share in the entire collection being accompanied by a low
Rank-1 value, we can make a reasonable guess that a topic occurs in many documents, but
rarely can be found as the dominant topic of a document. The empirical example presented
below contains several background topics, such as economy, politics, and health care, all of
which constitute the setting in which the food-safety debate among civil-society actors takes
(2) Coherence: This metric, developed by Mimno et al. (2011, p. 264), already was used for
model-selection purposes. However, applied to single topics, it also helps guide intuition and
may help identify true topics in which a researcher might not see a coherent concept at first
(3) Relevance: The word distributions within any topic of the model are based on the word
probabilities conditioned on topics. However, provided that a given word, e.g., food, occurs
frequently in many documents, it is likely to have a high conditional probability in many
topics and thereby occurs frequently as a top-word. In this case, such a word does not
contribute much to the specific semantics of a given topic. Sievert and Shirley (2014, pp.
66–67) developed the so-called relevance metric, which is used to reorder the top words of a
topic by considering their overall corpus frequency. The researchers can decide how much
weight should be ascribed to corpus frequencies of words by manipulating the weighting
parameter λ, which can have values ranging from 0 to 1. For λ = 1, the ordering of the top
words is equal to the ordering of the standard conditional word probabilities. For λ close to
zero, the most specific words of the topic will lead the list of top words. In their case study,
Sievert and Shirley (2014, p. 67) found the best interpretability of topics using a λ-value
close to .6, which we adopted for our own case.
(4) Sources and concentration: In our empirical dataset, we selected sources of topics by asking
which websites were promoting certain topics and how much a topic was concentrated in
the potential sources. Therefore, we assessed the average source distribution of topics by
computing the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index (HHI) as a concentration measure. The HHI
ranges from 1/number of sources to 1. An HHI = 1 signifies maximum concentration, i.e.,
the topic is pronounced by only one source. A very low HHI value, conversely, indicates that
a topic can be found in many sources.

For the interpretation of our topics, we summarized the aforementioned metrics on a single
overview sheet, one for each topic in the model (see Appendix C for an example topic).

Exclusion of topics
After summarizing the topics in this manner, two researchers reviewed all the topic sheets indepen-
dently from each other. By relying on both the metrics and their expert knowledge about food safety,
they (independently) judged whether the topics should still be included for further investigation or
not. More specifically, topics whose top-word lists were hard to interpret and which came with low
values in Rank-1 and coherence while showing low prevalence and high concentration were
excluded. If one author had judged that a topic deserved in-depth investigation, the topic was
kept. In the case that both authors came to the conclusion that a topic should be discarded it was
discarded. In other words, we kept a topic if there was at least one indication that it contained a
meaningful, coherent concept.
Another peculiarity of topic models are boilerplate topics. Although we extensively cleaned the
corpus (see the Building and preprocessing the corpus section), boilerplate content still showed up in
some topics. Boilerplate topics are common phenomena in topic models (Mimno & Blei, 2011). They
have no substantive meaning, but their emergence sharpens other meaningful topics “by segregating
boilerplate terms in a distinct location” (DiMaggio et al., 2013, p. 586). Most often, the identified
boilerplate topics coincide with the most unreliable and least-salient topics (see also Mimno et al.,
After discussing the results of the separate investigations we made a consensual decision using the
aforementioned criteria. The authors decided that 13 topics should be removed because they showed
no indication of being either meaningful or coherent. The remaining 37 topics were subject to the
final validation and labeling step.

In-depth validation of topics and topic labeling

We investigated two criteria for topic validity explained by Quinn et al. (2010), i.e., intra-topic
semantic validity and inter-topic semantic validity.
To evaluate intra-topic semantic validity, we reviewed the document-topic distributions from θ
for the remaining topics. Ten randomly sampled documents were read, all containing relatively large
proportions of the respective topic (θd,k > .5).7 For the sampled topics, brief summary descriptions of
their content were written, and suggestions about the topic labels were proposed. Subsequently, the
researchers deliberately decided in a discussion (a) whether a topic was semantically coherent and,
thus, a valid topic in theoretical terms and (b) what label should be given to the topic. For our
empirical case, the guiding question regarding (a) was: Do the topics depict a contentious matter of
discourse in the food-safety debate? Regarding (b) we asked: Which aspects of the sampled documents
describe the issue most comprehensively? Thus, the label is the product of determining what catches
the notion of the underlying concept, in our case the “issues,” most concisely.
In this phase of in-depth investigation, eight of the remaining 37 topics were further discarded
because they either did not reveal a coherent semantic meaning or solely represented contents from a
single website unconnected to aspects of the debate about food safety. Thus, 29 validated, manually
labeled “issues” in the food-safety debate remained.
In a second step, we also investigated inter-topic semantic validity, i.e., the relationship between
topics by using hierarchical cluster analysis (see Puschmann & Scheffler, 2016). More specifically, the
top 30 words of the validated “issues” (from the ϕk matrix) were clustered using the cosine-similarity
measure and the “complete” clustering method, as implemented in the “hclust” function in R. The
resulting dendrogram served as an auxiliary guideline for grouping topics that are similar, according
to their top words, into higher-order categories. However, clustering results need to be complemen-
ted with the results of the in-depth investigation. Relying on the clustering alone could lead to false
conclusions because two topics might be distinct according to their top words, although they are
semantically related.

Presentation and interpretation of the selected topic model

The valid topics of our empirical case are described in Table 1. For a more comprehensive presentation,
we grouped the topics into six categories. The topics in the categories Agriculture and Consumption
and Protection define core issues of food safety. The agricultural topics are especially concerned with
economization trends, such as the use and consequences of genetically modified food and the overuse
of antibiotics in industrial livestock farming. Consumer-protection topics deal with negative effects of
contaminated food. Contamination can be caused by toxic chemicals (e.g., in packaging), as well as
pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella, causing food-borne infections.
Another important topical aspect of food safety is visible in the category Science and Technology,
in which topics deal with new knowledge and innovative means for making food production more
efficient and safe. The Environment category demonstrates a dual capacity. On one hand, environ-
mental damage can endanger food and water safety, e.g., when chemicals utilized for fracking natural
gas out of the soil contaminate drinking water. On the other hand, food-production practices also
can have negative consequences for the environment, e.g., the impact of the use of pesticides on bee
populations. Another less-political, but still very important component of the food-safety debate
concerns the category Personal Health and Wellbeing. Topics within this category include diets,
which supposedly keep people healthy. Additionally, from the identified Background Topics category,
it clearly can be induced that food safety in our empirical text corpus is a political and contentious
issue, touching economic, legal, and health care issues alike.

Table 1. Validated topic model for the online text corpus about food safety in the U.S.
K Label Share % M (SD) HHI M (SD) Top-5 Words
25 GM Food 3.94 (0.90) 0.04 (0.01) food, label, genetically, monsanto, gmo
9 Organic Farming 2.58 (0.37) 0.02 (0.00) organic, food, farm, farmer, agriculture
20 Livestock 2.55 (0.18) 0.03 (0.00) meat, food, animal, beef, milk
10 Antibiotics 2.21 (0.46) 0.10 (0.02) antibiotic, animal, health, drug, human
Consumption and Protection
22 Foodborne Diseases 4.06 (1.34) 0.06 (0.02) food, outbreak, salmonella, illness, report
8 FS Regulation 3.48 (0.40) 0.04 (0.01) food, fda, safety, product, consumer
7 Contaminated Food 2.77 (0.63) 0.04 (0.01) safety, recall, produce, fda, outbreak
29 Food Consumption 2.26 (0.14) 0.03 (0.01) product, company, consumer, store, sell
27 Restaurant Inspection 2.14 (0.98) 0.09 (0.04) food, restaurant, safety, health, inspection
16 Tap Water 1.53 (1.03) 0.22 (0.23) water, food, public, protect, watch
39 BPA-packaging 1.50 (0.83) 0.15 (0.11) chemical, bpa, safe, toxic, health
Science and Technology
6 Health Reports 3.48 (0.25) 0.02 (0.00) health, report, public, risk, datum
19 Chemicals 2.28 (0.28) 0.02 (0.00) study, chemical, level, health, human
37 GM Technology 1.84 (0.12) 0.02 (0.00) research, test, science, article, study
44 Bees and Pesticides 3.14 (1.90) 0.41 (0.28) bee, pesticide, epa, food, center
43 Environment 1.41 (0.28) 0.05 (0.02) read, fish, salmon, environment, specie
50 Fracking 1.37 (0.30) 0.04 (0.02) energy, gas, oil, water, environmental
31 Climate Change 1.34 (0.22) 0.03 (0.01) climate, change, report, world, warm
Personal Health and Wellbeing
21 (Un)healthy Diet 2.32 (0.44) 0.04 (0.01) food, fat, sugar, diet, health
35 Health and Nutrition 2.31 (0.24) 0.01 (0.01) program, community, work, education, child
38 Recipes 2.26 (0.41) 0.03 (0.01) cook, eat, meat, make, recipe
1 School Food 2.00 (0.52) 0.17 (0.08) food, school, pew, safety, project
12 Dietary Therapy/Prevention 1.42 (0.18) 0.03 (0.01) cancer, disease, woman, blood, child
42 Medical Information 1.29 (0.39) 0.07 (0.08) doctor, medicine, take, day, skin
Background Topics
14 Politics 2.65 (0.28) 0.03 (0.01) bill, state, obama, law, house
11 Economy 2.50 (0.29) 0.02 (0.01) company, market, country, million, u.s.
24 Law and Order 2.20 (0.34) 0.02 (0.00) report, year, police, official, court
2 Infectious Diseases 2.03 (0.62) 0.06 (0.02) health, coli, pet, animal, case
48 Health Care 1.07 (0.46) 0.13 (0.11) drug, health, care, medical, patient
Note. HHI = Hirschman-Herfindahl-Index; GM = genetically modified; BPA = Bisphenol A; FS = food safety; K = index of the topic.

In our view, a comprehensive presentation of a topic model also should encompass some of the
most important measures, such as the salience of a topic and a fraction of the top-words (see
Table 1). Top-word presentation is important to give readers insight into topics.

Conclusion: a good practice guide for communication researchers

The goal of this article is to make LDA-based topic modeling more accessible and applicable for
communication researchers. Therefore, it focused on four challenging methodological questions: (a)
appropriate pre-processing of unstructured text collections; (b) selection of a parameter set that
ensures interpretability of the topic model; (c) evaluating and improving the reliability of a topic
model, while at the same time keeping interpretability high; and (d) validation of resulting topics.
The following paragraphs briefly recap our recommendations for communication scholars who want
to apply LDA-based topic modeling in their research.

LDA does not just work for “nice” and “easy” data. As our technically challenging case exemplifies,
elaborate data cleaning is necessary, especially for unstructured text collections. Additionally, researchers
may not only rely on a seemingly standard procedure for successively applied pre-processing steps.
Instead, it is important to consider the specifics of the text corpus, including theoretical implications, as
well as the proper ordering of pre-processing steps. For instance, the removal of some special characters,
such as hashtag-symbols, might be reasonable for the analysis of newspaper article-collections, but not
for tweet collections. Regarding proper ordering, we suggest proceeding in the following order: 1.
tokenization; 2. transforming all characters to lowercase; 3. removing punctuation and special characters;
4. Removing stop-words; 5. term unification (lemmatizing or stemming); and 6. relative pruning. We
prefer lemmatizing over stemming, because a word’s lemma is usually easier to interpret than its stem.

Model selection
Also, the proposed model-selection process can be costly and time-consuming, but it will yield more
reliable topic models with enhanced interpretability. We propose three considerations.
First, our approach suggests a two-step procedure for model selection that aims to optimize the
human interpretation of topic models. In our view, interpretability should be the prime criterion in
selecting candidate models. Communication researchers working with content data aim to gain knowl-
edge about content characteristics and the substantive meaning of the text collection. Thus, the success of
LDA applications for both objectives depends on how well the resulting model can be interpreted by
human researchers. Therefore, we suggest first calculating candidate models with varying granularity
levels (i.e., different values for K) and different combinations of prior parameters α and β. Then, choose
one model for each K, in which the parameter configuration yields the best results regarding the intrinsic
coherence metric. The chosen candidate models need to be further investigated in the second step with a
substantive search in coherence-optimized candidate models. The purpose of the substantive search
should be to select one of the candidates that matches the granularity level with the theoretical concept
under study, such as political issues or frames. Substantive searches also may include qualitative
techniques, such as group discussions, to ensure intersubjectivity. Software tools, such as LDAvis
(Sievert & Shirley, 2014), proved to be extremely helpful to accomplish this task.
Second, if the size of a corpus is very extensive (e.g., n > 50,000 documents), large-enough samples
(e.g., > 10% of the documents) can be used instead of the whole corpus to calculate the candidate models.
It is clearly an intricate process to test various combinations of parameter settings, but using a
significantly smaller random subset of the corpus turned out to be a viable approach for mastering
this challenge. Using random samples will boost the algorithm’s performance and enable researchers to
test various parameter settings much faster. The separation of model creation and inference enabled us to

directly use the model that we created on the basis of the random sample and successively infer the topic
composition of the remaining documents. However, the validity of the sampling technique crucially
depends on whether the sample size is big enough to capture the heterogeneity of the corpus vocabulary.
Thus, we cannot guarantee that a sample of roughly 10% of the documents will work equally well for
more heterogeneous corpora, and corpora containing significantly smaller sized documents (e.g., a
corpus of tweets). Future research needs to address the question of valid guidelines regardless of corpus
Third, a well-fitted model with meaningful interpretation is worthless if the results cannot be reproduced.
To tackle this issue, we advanced the regularization technique of Lancichinetti et al. (2015) using a semantic-
network initialization approach. The literature, as well as our experiments which included multiple corpora,
provided evidence that available regularization techniques, such as ours, significantly enhances the reliability
of topic models. However, because reliability cannot be guaranteed for topic models generally, we believe
that reliability reporting for LDA models should become a disciplinary standard in communication
research. We suggest using the metric proposed by Niekler (2016) for this purpose.

The sequential validation procedure approximates validity from different angles. The available
metrics, which have different interpretations, are not treated as objective indicators for how well
the model works or how good a topic is. Instead, our approach focuses on inter-individual inter-
pretability using the metrics as a basis. Each step in the process involves deliberation among several
researchers. Two criteria of validity were checked: intra-topic and inter-topic semantic validity
(Quinn et al., 2010). Our case study teaches us that intra-topic semantic validity cannot be derived
merely from a topic’s word distribution. Several easy-to-calculate metrics definitely should be
considered to sharpen the understanding of whether or not a topic refers to a coherent semantic
concept. The most time-consuming, but indispensable, step is the manual check of documents with a
high probability of containing a specific topic. This practice allows us to compare and check whether
the notion that we sketch from the ϕ distribution matches the interpretation of several information-
rich text documents. Labeling topics on the basis of broader context knowledge seems only fair.

Final thoughts
We emphasize that we do not propose a whole new method for topic modeling. Instead, we develop
an approach to dealing with the methodological decisions one has to make for applying LDA topic
modeling reliably and validly in communication research. With the exception of the regularization-
technique which we demonstrated to work significantly better for multiple corpora, we used only a
single corpus as a showcase for our explications. However, we deem our approach generalizable to
other cases because every single component of our approach is either based on substantial existent
studies and/or based on a theoretical rationale.
All in all, LDA topic modeling has proven to be a most promising method for communication
research. At the same time, it does not work well with non-deliberate, arbitrary choices in model
selection and validation. Our study proposes methods and measures to approximate and improve
validity and reliability when using LDA. After all, we aim to provide a “good practice” example,
bringing LDA into the spotlight as a method that advances innovation in communication research.

1. The Dirichlet distribution is a continuous multivariate probability distribution which is frequently used in
Bayesian statistics.
2. EBSCO communication source (search in title OR abstract OR keywords; apply related words): “topic model”,
“topic modeling”, “topic modelling”, “latent Dirichlet allocation”. Web of Science (only communication-related

categories: Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Linguistics, Language Linguistics, Telecommunications,

Communication, Social Science Interdisciplinary; search in Title, Abstract, Author Keywords, Keywords
Plus): “topic model*”, “latent Dirichlet allocation”. The searches were run on 10.05.2016.
3. The websites were identified using a combination of a literature review, expert evaluations and Google searches; the
starting URLs for the network collection were:,
ety/,,,, (until May 2013); (from June
4. For the gathering of the networks, we used the snowball procedure, with a crawling depth of 2 and a degree of
separation of 1 (for detailed information see Waldherr et al. (2017, p. 432); for further, general information on
the tool, please visit  
5. A topic’s intrinsic coherence C of a topic t over the topic’s M top-words (V ðtÞ ¼ vt1 ; . . . ; vtM is defined by
  P P
M m1 Dðv ; v Þþ 1
ðt Þ ðt Þ  
ðt Þ
Mimno et al. (2011, p. 265) as C t; V ðtÞ ¼ log m ðltÞ , where D vl is the document frequency
D ðl Þ
  m¼2 l¼2
ðt Þ ðt Þ ðtÞ ðtÞ ðtÞ
of word vl in the corpus and D vm ; vl is the co-document frequency of the words vm and vl .
6. For the U.K. corpus number of topics was set to K = 30, K = 50 for both the U.S. and Germany; we set α = .5
and β = .02 for all models in this experiment. The data as well as the scripts of our experiments can be retrieved
7. If no or not enough documents were available for θd,k > .5, we set the threshold to θd,k > .3.

The first author claims single authorship for subsection Topic validity and labeling and section Presentation and
interpretation of the selected topic model including Table 1 and Appendix C.

This publication was created in the context of the Research Unit “Political Communication in the Online World”
(1381), subproject 7, which was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research
Foundation). The subproject was also funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).

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Appendix A

Systematic review of studies in communication research, which uses LDA topic modeling

Type of Parameter
Reference Data Preprocessing Selection Interpretability & Validity Reliability
Studies with methodological focus
Baum (2012) Political Stemming K (chosen after Review top words __
speeches Removing stop words validation) Review top documents
No specific sequence Manual labeling
External validation
Biel and YouTube Removing punctuation and K (qualitative Review top words Split sample
Gatica- videos and repeated letters exploration), Manual labeling test
Perez comments Stemming prior Validation of topics via word
(2014) No specific sequence parameters intrusion tasks and topic intrusion
(standard tasks
DiMaggio Newspaper Removing stop words K (qualitative Review top words Replication
et al. articles No specific sequence exploration) Review top documents with
((2013) Categorizing topics variations of
Statistical validation with mutual corpus,
information (MI) criterion seeds and
Internal validation via hand parameters
coding of sample texts
External validation of topics with
news events
Evans (2014) Newspaper __ K (chosen after Review top words __
articles validation), prior Manual labeling
parameters Quantitative metrics (topic
(optimization) coherence, etc.)
External validation through
qualitative domain knowledge
Ghosh and Tweets 1. Removing URLs and K (quantitative Review top words __
Guha HTML entities metrics: Manual labeling
(2013) 2. Removing punctuation perplexity); prior External validation with political
and conversion to parameters events
lowercase (standard
3. Removing stop words values)
4. Stemming
5. Tokenization
Guo et al. Tweets Stemming K (trial and Review top words __
(2016) Removing punctuation, error) Manual labeling
stop words, etc. Comparison with manual coding
No specific sequence
Jacobi et al. News 1. Lemmatizing K (qualitative Review top words __
(2015) articles 2. Part of speech-tagging; exploration and Review top documents
Removing frequent and quantitative Review of co-occurrence of top
infrequent words; Removing metrics: words (topic coherence)
terms with numbers/non- perplexity) Manual labeling
alphanumeric letters Comparison with manual coding
Newman et al. News 1. Tokenization; Removing K (no Review top words and entities __
(2006) articles stop words explanation) Manual labeling
2. Removing infrequent External validation of topics with
terms news events
Puschmann Newspaper 1. Removing numbers and K (quantitative Review top words __
and articles punctuation, conversion in metrics: Quantitative metrics (Euclidean
Scheffler lower case perplexity and distance)
(2016) 2. Removing stop words Euclidean Manual evaluation
3. Removing infrequent distance) Inter-topic semantic validation
(Continued )

Type of Parameter
Reference Data Preprocessing Selection Interpretability & Validity Reliability
Tsur, Calacci, Press __ K (qualitative Review top words __
and Lazer releases exploration) Manual labeling
(2015) and External validation by domain
statements experts
Van Atteveldt News Lemmatizing K (high Review top words Replication
et al. (2014) articles Removing frequent and resolution) Quantitative metrics (topic with
infrequent words prevalence) different
No specific sequence Comparison with manual coding parameters
Zhao et al. Tweets and 1. Removing stop words K (qualitative Review top words __
(2011) newspaper 2. Removing frequent and exploration) Semi-automated topic
articles infrequent words categorization
3. Removing tweets with Manual labeling
less than three words/users Manual judgement of
with less than eight tweets interpretability
Studies with thematic research focus
Bonilla and Newspaper Stemming K (application of Review documents (random Replication
Grimmer articles and Removing punctuation and non-parametric sample) with varying
(2013) transcripts stop words topic model, Manual labeling number of
of No specific sequence qualitative Automated labeling (using mutual topics
newscasts exploration) information)
Elgesem et al. Blog posts __ K (qualitative Review top words __
(2016) exploration) Review top documents
Manual labeling
Elgesem et al. Blog posts __ K (qualitative Review top words __
(2015) exploration) Review documents
Manual labeling
Quantitative metrics (mutual
information, etc.)
Koltsova and Blog posts Removing HTML tags, K (quantitative Review top words __
Koltcov punctuation, etc. metrics: Review top documents
(2013) Lemmatization perplexity) Manual labeling
No specific sequence
Koltsova and Blog posts __ K (no Review documents __
Shcherbak explanation) Manual labeling and evaluation
Levy and Public 1. Stemming K (qualitative Review top words Replication
Franklin comments 2. Removing stop words exploration) External validation with expert with
(2014) 3. Removing terms with evaluation variations of
only single letters or corpus,
numbers seeds and
4. Removing infrequent parameters
Parra et al. Tweets Language filtering K (qualitative __ __
(2016) Removing stop words, exploration)
special characters, URLs,
words with less than three
No specific sequence
Rauchfleisch Research Removing stop words K (no Review top words __
(2017) articles Removing numbers, explanation); Manual classification
replacing hyphens with parameters set External validation
space characters, conversion according to
in lowercase Steyvers and
Stemming Griffiths (2007)
No specific sequence
Note. K = number of topics. The ordering of pre-processing steps is numbered if the ordering was explicitly mentioned in the

Appendix B

Choice of candidate models from topic models with varying parameter sets

Nr. K α β Likelihood Mean Coherence

1 30 0.01 0.033 −67464644.07 −399.49
2 30 0.05 0.033 −66324953.70 −399.60
3 30 0.10 0.033 −65740704.30 −401.30
4 30 0.20 0.033 −64822303.40 −393.80
5 30 0.50 0.033 −63435029.60 −396.90
6 30 1.00 0.033 −62317020.40 −393.30
7 50 0.01 0.020 −64835932.63 −423.18
8 50 0.05 0.020 −63182677.27 −421.18
9 50 0.10 0.020 −62079259.12 −421.67
10 50 0.20 0.020 −61058300.26 −427.59
11 50 0.50 0.020 −59290870.33 −404.24
12 50 1.00 0.020 −57956143.48 −405.92
13 70 0.01 0.014 −63164036.11 −438.95
14 70 0.05 0.014 −60895636.63 −426.21
15 70 0.10 0.014 −59579663.81 −422.07
16 70 0.20 0.014 −58399926.46 −423.43
17 70 0.50 0.014 −56628160.74 −404.67
18 70 1.00 0.014 −54896346.70 −411.50
Note. K = number of topics.

Appendix C

Summary statistics for the interpretation of a topic

Note. The figure depicts a divided table and two time-series plots. The left side of the table shows the average most prevalent
sources of the topic while the right side maps out the top-words according to two different relevance values (λ = 1 and λ = .6).
Below the table the ranks of the Rank-1 and the coherence metrics are given. The left time series shows the salience of the topic
over time, while the right plot gives a sense of how concentrated the topic was over the course of investigation.

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