Xii PB 2023 Ip 201123
Xii PB 2023 Ip 201123
Xii PB 2023 Ip 201123
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each.
7. Section E has 03 questions carrying 05 marks each.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
1 ATM network of an bank in a city is an example of : 1
a) PAN b) LAN c)WAN d)MAN
2 Which of the following is NOT a type of a cyber-crime? 1
a) Identity theft
b) Software privacy
c) Installing antivirus software
d) Hacking
3 To display first four elements of a Series S 1
a) S[:4]
b) S.head[4]
c) S[4:]
d) both a) and b)
4 Which of the following SQL function will display the current time and date? 1
a) NOW() b)DATE() c)YEAR() d) Both a) & b)
5 Which of the following devices can connect different sub networks? 1
a) Hub b) Switch c) Repeater d) Router
6 Which of the following SQL function does NOT belong to the Math function category? 1
a) POWER() b)ROUND() c)LENGTH() d)MOD()
7 IPR stands for ____ 1
a) Interactive Property Resources
b) Intellectual Property Rights
c) Interactive Property Rights
d) Intellectual Property Resources
8 For which of the command the output will be 69.77 1
a) Select round(69.7654,3)
b) Select truncate(69.7654,3)
c) Select round(69.7654,2)
d) Select truncate(69.7654,2)
9 Which library is to be imported for creating DataFrame? 1
a) DataFrame b)Python c)Random d)Pandas
10 Which of the following is not the attribute of DataFrame? 1
a)empty b)size c)type d)columns
11 The _____________ function is used in SQL to find one string into another. 1
a)substr() b)instr() c)mid() d)left()
12 Code of the software will be protected by ___________ 1
a) Copyright b) Patent c) registered trademark d) none of these
13 ______ clause is used with SELECT statement to display data in a sorted form with respect to a 1
specified column
14 What is an example of e-waste? 1
a) A ripened banana
b) An old computer
c) Old clothes
d) Empty soda cans
15 To remove the leading and trailing space from data values in a column of MySQL table, we use 1
a) Left() b) Right() c) Trim() d)Rtrim()
16 Which of the following is Net etiquette? 1
a) Be Ethical
b) Be Respectful
c) Be Responsible
d) All of the above
17 Assertion (A): Internet cookies are text files that contain small pieces of data like a username, 1
password while surfing the internet.
Reason (R): To make browsing the internet faster & easier, its required to store certain
information on the server’s computer.
a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b)Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
c) A is True but R is False
d)A is false but R is True
18 Assertion (A): To delete a column from Panda DataFrame, drop () method is used. 1
Reason (R) : Columns are deleted by dropping columns with index label.
a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b)Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
c) A is True but R is False
d)A is false but R is True
19 Differentiate between static and dynamic webpage. 2
Mention any four networking goals.
20 The python code written below has syntactical errors. Rewrite the correct code and underline the 2
corrections made.
import Pandas as pd
Import numpy as np
21 Consider the given SQL string: 2
“Informatics Practices Exam”
Write suitable SQL queries for the following:
i. Returns the position of the first occurrence of the substring “mat” in the given string.
ii. To extract last six characters from the string
22 What will be the output of the following code: 2
>>>import pandas as pd
23 What is identity theft? Give example 2
29 Mr, Ram who is a business man by profession faced following situations. Identify the type of 3
crime for each situation/incident happened to him?
i. He was constantly receiving abusive emails.
ii. He clicked on an unknown link received as a result his personal sensitive information
was acquired by someone
iii. His identity was used by someone to steal money.
What are some side effects of spending too much time on computers?
30 Consider the given DataFrame ‘ Stock’ 3
Name Price
0 BSE 250
1 NSE 150
2 INX 185
3 MCX 320
PID PName Category Qty Price
1 Keyboard IO 15 450
2 Mouse IO 10 350
3 Wifi-router NW 5 2600
4 Switch NW 3 3000
5 Monitor O 10 4500
6 Printer O 4 17000
i. To display the records in decreasing order of Price.
ii. To display category and category wise total quantities of products.
iii. To display the category and its average Price.
iv. To display category and category wise highest price of the products.
32 Ram designed the DataFrame df that contains the temperature of different cities as shown 4
City Maxtemp Mintemp Avgtemp Rainfall
0 Delhi 40 32 35 24.1
1 Mumbai 31 23 27 32.6
2 Chennai 29 21 25 26.2
Answer the following Questions:
i. Predict the output of the following python statement:
a. Print(df.size)
b. Print(df[1:3])
ii. Delete the last row from the DataFrame.
iii. Write python statement to add a new city named ‘Calcutta’ having Maxtemp 28,
Mintemp 19, Avgtemp 24, Rainfall 20.1
33 Write suitable SQL queries for the following: 5
i. Display name of the month from your date of birth.
ii. Convert email-id to lowercase
iii. Count the number of characters in your name
iv. To remove leading spaces from the ‘ VANDE BHARAT ‘.
v. Display the string ‘CHEST’ from the string ‘MANCHESTER UNITED’.
Sanya has created following table named exam:
34 Learn together classes, is setting up its new campus at Jabalpur for its web- based activities. The 5
campus has 4 compounds:
Center to center distance is as follows:
Number of computers:
DAY 1 50 80 70 80
DAY 2 40 20 20 20
DAY 3 70 20 60 20
DAY 4 80 50 40 50
DAY 5 20 60 60 60
Write a Python code to the following data for plotting the bar graph. Add the title, label for X-
axis, Y-axis.
English : 56,78,90,34
Science: 65,77,54,32
Maths: 45,67,43,41