Comparing Gardner-Knopoff Gruenthal and Uhrhammer
Comparing Gardner-Knopoff Gruenthal and Uhrhammer
Comparing Gardner-Knopoff Gruenthal and Uhrhammer
Abstracts. The sudden release of energy from inside the earth, which generates seismic waves,
causes earthquakes on the earth's surface. Foreshock, mainshock, and aftershock are terms
commonly used in this subject. These phrases refer to the three stages of an earthquake event—
before the main event, the primary event, and after the main event. The earthquake data
catalogue, however, typically does not distinguish between mainshock data and
foreshocks/aftershocks. For seismic-related studies, justifying the mainshock is very crucial.
There are several methods for separating the mainshock of earthquake data from the
foreshocks/aftershocks. This study employs three declustering techniques, including Gardner-
Knopoff (1974), Gruenthal, and Uhrhammer (1986). The present study collected and analyzed
3543 earthquake events from 1971 to 2021 for Aceh region. In order to determine which method
provides the highest a-value and b-value outcomes for Aceh's seismicity conditions, this study
compares the aforementioned three approaches. The Uhrhammer method (1986) has an a-value
of 5.82, a b-value of 1.05, 1893 main shock events, 305 clusters, and 3.3 percent of the total
seismic moment generated at that location are the findings from this study. According to the
Gruenthal method, the results had an a-value of 4.53, a b-value of 0.823, 776 mainshock events,
304 clusters, and released 1.3 percent of the total seismic moment at that location. a-value of 5.1,
b-value of 0.929, 1097 main shock events, 319 clusters, and a release of 1.08 percent of the total
seismic moment at that location were the results of the Gardner-Knopoff method (1974). For
seismic hazard evaluation with the highest level of risk, the Uhrhammer (1986) technique is
appropriate. The Gruenthal approach is suggested for more conservative cases.
Keywords: Aceh, earthquake, mainshock, foreshock, declustering.
1. Introduction
The first step in performing a seismic hazard analysis is to justify the mainshock of the earthquakes.
Many declustering techniques, including the Gardner-Knopoff [1], Reasenberg [2], Zhuang [3],
Uhrhammer method [4], and others, have been proposed by earlier scholars. Each technique for
segregating seismic data has benefits and drawbacks. Stiphout [5] used earthquake data from southern
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The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012010
California and Japan with a time range of 1932–2010 to compare the declustering methods of
Reasenberg [2], Zhuang [3], and Gardner–Knopoff [1]. According to this study, using Reasenberg [2]
and Zhuang [3], declustering causes a slowdown for long events and a quick drop in time for brief
events. Furthermore, Stiphout [5] also suggested that estimations become redundant at close distances;
the Gardner-Knopoff technique [1] only eliminates occurrences that are close in space and time and is
not possible long-distance estimation. Using earthquake catalogue data from Turkey, Azak [6] attempted
to compare the approaches of Gardner-Knopoff [1], Reasenberg [2], and Zaliapin [7]. This study
indicated that none of the used approaches accurately identified events from the catalogue. The number
of clusters found using the Reasenberg [2] and Gardner-Knopoff [1] approaches differs significantly.
The Gardner-Knopoff [1] approach and the Zaliapin [7] method both produced results that were pretty
close [6]The present study attempted to compare the declustering approach, which has the same
principle as the windows method, as this is the simplest method for figuring out mainshock and
foreshocks/aftershocks. The largest earthquakes in a specific window of time and space are known as
the main earthquakes or main shocks, whereas the earthquakes that precede the main earthquake are
known as foreshocks [8]The aftershocks are earthquakes that follow the main earthquake. The Gardner-
Knopoff [1], the Gruenthal [9], and the Uhrhammer [4] methods are a few declustering techniques that
take advantage of this fundamental idea [10]
Gruenthal method[9]
𝑡 = |𝑒 −3.95+(0.62+17.32𝑀) | 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑀 ≥ 6.5 (4)
𝑡 = 102.8+0.024𝑀 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑀 < 6.5 (5)
𝑑 = 𝑒 1.77+(0.037+1.02𝑀) (6)
Uhrhammer method[4]
𝑡 = 𝑒 −2.87+1.235𝑀 (7)
𝑑 = 𝑒 −1.024+0.804𝑀 (8)
where M is the earthquake magnitude (Mw), t is the time (days), and d is the distance (km).
The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012010
Figure 1. The research location incorporated 3543 earthquake events recorded from 1971 to 2021
The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012010
3.1. Result
This study separates earthquake data using three techniques: Gruenthal [9], Uhrhammer [4], and
Gardner-Knopoff [1]. Table 1 below compares the number of earthquake events falling within a
particular scale range. The findings are then modeled with the maximum likelihood model to produce
the a-values and b-values, as shown in Table 2. The outcomes of maximum likelihood modeling for the
three approaches are shown in Figure 2. The outcomes of the three declustering techniques are shown
in Figure 3. The comparison of magnitude-to-time and magnitude-to-distance in each approach is shown
in Figure 4.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Maximum likelihood recurrence model (a) Gardner-Knopoff method, (b) Gruenthal method,
(c) Uhrhammer method.
The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012010
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Declustering earthquake data (a) Gardner-Knopoff method, (b) Gruenthal method, (c)
Uhrhammer method.
The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012010
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Comparison of magnitude-to-distance and magnitude-to-time (a) Gardner-Knopoff method
[1], (b) Gruenthal method[2], (c) Uhrhammer method[3], (d) combined graph of the three methods [1],
[4], [9].
The Second International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology (ISEST-2023) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1245 (2023) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1245/1/012010
3.2. Discussion
The outcomes revealed some variations among the three techniques. The first comparison of how many
main shocks each method produced (see Table 1). The Uhrhammer technique [4], which included 1892
earthquake events, identified the highest number of main shocks after the declustering process. The
Gardner-Knopoff approach [1], which includes 1097 earthquake events, comes in second. Lastly,
Gruenthal approach [9] suggested 776 earthquake events. The outcomes of recurrence modeling using
the Gutenberg-Richter [1] approach provide the basis for the second comparison (see Table 2).
According to the results of the present study, as shown in Table 2, the Uhrhammer [4] method get the
highest a-value 5.82. It is followed by Gardner-Knopoff [1] approach with an a-value of 5.1. The
Gruenthal method [9]is the last one with a-value of 4.53. The level of seismic activity in a zone increases
with increasing a-value.
Additionally, the b-values for each technique are as follows: 0.929 for the Gardner-Knopoff [1],
0.823 for the Gruenthal method [9], and 1.05 for the Uhrhammer [4]. However, the more brittle the
rocks there are, the greater the b-value in a zone denotes a smaller shear stress experienced. Thus, using
the Gruenthal approach [9], it may be concluded that there is significant shear stress in the zone. Utilizing
the Uhrhammer method [4], the zone exhibits the highest level of rock fragility.
The Gardner-Knopoff method of declustering [1] produced 319 clusters, of which 2446 events (or
69.04 percent) were eliminated from 3543 earthquake occurrences (Figure 4a). As can be observed in
Table 1, the total mainshock contained by this method is 1097 occurrences, distributed throughout each
magnitude interval. This technique released 1.08 percent of the total seismic moment in the zone as
seismic energy. Gruenthal's approach [9] of declustering produced 304 clusters, of which 2767 events
(78.1%) were left out of the total of 3543 earthquake occurrences (Figure 4b). The distribution of the
776 total mainshock occurrences included in this manner for each magnitude interval is shown in table
1. The seismic moment that was released using this technique makes up 1.3% of the total seismic
moment in the zone. Following that, the Uhrhammer method [4] of declustering produced 305 clusters,
of which 1650 occurrences (or 46.57 percent of the total events) were eliminated from the 3543
earthquake events (Figure 4c). This technique contains 1893 mainshock events in total. 3.3 percent of
the total seismic moment was discharged using this way.
4. Conclusion
The present study suggests that the Uhrhammer [4] technique produces data with an a-value of 5.82, b-
value of 1.05, 1893 mainshock events, 305 clusters, and 3.3% of the total seismic moment released at
that location. With an a-value of 4.53, a b-value of 0.823, a total of 776 mainshock events, 304 clusters,
and 1.3 percent of the total seismic moment released at that location, the results of the Gruenthal [9]
method are presented. With an a-value of 5.1, a b-value of 0.929, 1097 main shock events, 319 clusters,
and a release of 1.08 percent of the total seismic moment at that location, the Gardner-Knopoff [1]
method produced findings. The Uhrhammer [4] approach is appropriate for assessing seismic hazards
with the highest level of risk. The Gruenthal[9] approach is advised in the meanwhile for outcomes that
are more conservative.
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