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Physics: DPP - Daily Practice Problems

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DPP - Daily Practice Problems

Chapter-wise Sheets
Date : Start Time : End Time :

SYLLABUS : Mechanical Properties of Solids

Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : (+4) for correct & (–1) for incorrect answer Time : 60 min.

INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQs. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.

1. Two wires A and B are of the same material. Their lengths (Y1Y2 ) A (Y1Y2 ) A
(a) (b)
are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the diameter are in the ratio 2 : 1. If 2(Y1 L2 + Y2 L1 ) ( L1 L2 )1/2
they are pulled by the same force, then increase in length
(Y1Y2 ) A (Y1Y2 )1/2 A
will be in the ratio (c) (d)
Y1L2 + Y2 L1 ( L2 L1 )1/2
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 1 : 8 (d) 8 : 1
2. The load versus elongation graphs for four wires of same 5. The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700 m. The
length and made of the same material are shown in the figure. compressibility of water is 45.4 × 10–11 Pa–1 and density of
The thinnest wire is represented by the line water is 103 kg/m3.What fractional compression of water
will be obtained at the bottom of the ocean ?
Load D
(a) OA C (a) 1.0 × 10–2 (b) 1.2 × 10–2
(c) 1.4 × 10 –2 (d) 0.8 × 10–2
(b) OC 6. The Young's modulus of steel is twice that of brass. Two
wires of same length and of same area of cross section, one
(c) OD of steel and another of brass are suspended from the same
O Elongation roof. If we want the lower ends of the wires to be at the same
(d) OB
level, then the weights added to the steel and brass wires
3. A spring of force constant 800 N/m has an extension of 5 must be in the ratio of :
cm. The work done in extending it from 5 cm to 15 cm is (a) 2 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 2
(a) 16 J (b) 8 J (c) 32 J (d) 24 J 7. Choose the wrong statement.
4. A metal wire of length L1 and area of cross-section A is (a) The bulk modulus for solids is much larger than for
attached to a rigid support. Another metal wire of length L2 liquids.
and of the same cross-sectional area is attached to the free (b) Gases are least compressible.
end of the first wire. A body of mass M is then suspended (c) The incompressibility of the solids is due to the tight
from the free end of the second wire. If Y1 and Y2 are the coupling between neighbouring atoms.
Young’s moduli of the wires respectively, the effective force (d) The reciprocal of the bulk modulus is called
constant of the system of two wires is compressibility.

RESPONSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
GRID 6. 7.
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P-30 DPP/ CP08
8. A copper wire of length 1.0 m and a steel wire of length (a) 1.4 × 104 N (b) 2.7 × 104 N
(c) 3.3 × 10 N 4 (d) 1.1 × 104 N
0.5 m having equal cross-sectional areas are joined end to
end. The composite wire is stretched by a certain load which 14. A ball falling in a lake of depth 400 m has a decrease of 0.2%
stretches the copper wire by 1 mm. If the Young’s modulii of in its volume at the bottom. The bulk modulus of the material
copper and steel are respectively 1.0 × 1011 Nm–2 and 2.0 × of the ball is (in N m–2)
1011 Nm–2, the total extension of the composite wire is : (a) 9.8 × 109 (b) 9.8 × 1010
(c) 1.96 × 1010 (d) 1.96 × 109
(a) 1.75 mm (b) 2.0 mm (c) 1.50 mm (d) 1.25 mm
15. A circular tube of mean radius 8 cm and thickness 0.04 cm is
9. A cube at temperature 0ºC is compressed equally from all melted up and recast into a solid rod of the same length. The
sides by an external pressure P. By what amount should its ratio of the torsional rigidities of the circular tube and the
temperature be raised to bring it back to the size it had before solid rod is
the external pressure was applied. The bulk modulus of the
material of the cube is B and the coefficient of linear (8.02) 4 - (7.98) 4 (8.02) 2 - ( 7.98) 2
(a) (b)
expansion is a. (0.8) 4 (0.8) 2
(a) P/B a (b) P/3 B a (c) 3 p a/B (d) 3 B/P
(0.8) 2 (0.8) 2
10. The diagram below shows the change in the length X of a (c) (d)
thin uniform wire caused by the application of stress F at (8.02) 4 - (7.98) 4 (8.02) 3 - (7.98) 2
two different temperatures T1 and T2. The variation shown 16. Two wires are made of the same material and have the same
suggests that volume. However wire 1 has cross-sectional area A and wire
2 has cross-sectional area 3A. If the length of wire 1 increases
(a) T1 > T2 T2
F by Dx on applying force F, how much force is needed to
(b) T1 < T2 T1 stretch wire 2 by the same amount?
(a) 4 F (b) 6 F (c) 9 F (d) F
(c) T2 > T1 17. In materials like aluminium and copper, the correct order of
magnitude of various elastic modului is:
(d) T1 ³ T2 X
(a) Young’s modulus < shear modulus < bulk modulus.
11. If the ratio of lengths, radii and Young's moduli of steel and
brass wires in the figure are a, b and c respectively, then the (b) Bulk modulus < shear modulus < Young’s modulus
corresponding ratio of increase in their lengths is : (c) Shear modulus < Young’s modulus < bulk modulus.
3c (d) Bulk modulus < Young’s modulus < shear modulus.
(a) Steel 18. What per cent of length of wire increases by applying a
2ab2 stress of 1 kg weight/mm2 on it?
2a 2 c M (Y = 1 × 1011 N/m2 and 1 kg weight = 9.8 newton)
(b) (a) 0.0067% (b) 0.0098%
b Brass
(c) 0.0088% (d) 0.0078%
3a 19. An elastic string of unstretched length L and force constant
(c) 2 2M
2b c k is stretched by a small length x. It is further stretched by
another small length y. The work done in the second
(d) stretching is :
1 2 1
12. The Young’s modulus of brass and steel are respectively (a) ky (b) k ( x2 + y 2 )
2 2
1010 N/m2. and 2 × 1010 N/m2. A brass wire and a steel wire
of the same length are extended by 1 mm under the same 1 1
(c) k ( x + y)2 (d) ky (2 x + y )
force, the radii of brass and steel wires are RB and RS 2 2
respectively. Then 20. Two, spring P and Q of force constants k p and
(a) RS = 2 R B (b) RS = R B / 2 æ kp ö
kQ ç kQ =
(c) R S = 4R B (d) R S = R B / 4 è 2 ÷ø are stretched by applying forces of equal
13. Steel ruptures when a shear of 3.5 × 108 N m–2 is applied. magnitude. If the energy stored in Q is E, then the energy
The force needed to punch a 1 cm diameter hole in a steel stored in P is
sheet 0.3 cm thick is nearly: (a) E (b) 2 E (c) E/2 (d) E/4

RESPONSE 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
18. 19. 20.
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DPP/ CP08 P-31

21. The pressure that has to be applied to the ends of a steel 29. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a light spring that
wire of length 10 cm to keep its length constant when its obeys Hooke’s law, the spring stretches by 2 cms. The work
temperature is raised by 100ºC is: required to be done by an external agent in stretching this
spring by 5 cms will be (g = 9.8 m/sec2)
(For steel Young’s modulus is 2 ´ 1011 Nm -2 and coefficient (a) 4.900 joule (b) 2.450 joule
of thermal expansion is 1.1 ´ 10-5 K -1 ) (c) 0.495 joule (d) 0.245 joule
30. The length of a metal is l1 when the tension in it is T1 and is
(a) 2.2 ´ 108 Pa (b) 2.2 ´ 10 9 Pa l2 when the tension is T2. The original length of the wire is
(c) 2.2 ´ 10 7 Pa (d) 2.2 ´ 10 6 Pa l1 + l 2 l 1T2 + l 2 T1
(a) (b)
22. A steel ring of radius r and cross sectional area A is fitted 2 T1 + T2
onto a wooden disc of radius R (R > r). If the Young’s modulus
of steel is Y, then the force with which the steel ring is l 1T2 - l 2 T1
T2 - T1
(d) T1T2 l 1l 2
expanded is
(a) A Y (R/r) (b) A Y (R – r)/r 31. For the same cross-sectional area and for a given load, the
(c) (Y/A)[(R – r)/r] (d) Y r/A R ratio of depressions for the beam of a square cross-section
23. Two wires A and B of same material and of equal length with and circular cross-section is
the radii in the ratio 1 : 2 are subjected to identical loads. If (a) 3 : p (b) p : 3 (c) 1 : p (d) p : 1
the length of A increases by 8 mm, then the increase in 32. The bulk moduli of ethanol, mercury and water are given as
length of B is 0.9, 25 and 2.2 respectively in units of 109 Nm–2. For a given
(a) 2 mm (b) 4 mm (c) 8 mm (d) 16 mm value of pressure, the fractional compression in volume is
24. A material has poisson’s ratio 0.50. If a uniform rod of it DV DV
suffers a longitudinal strain of 2 × 10–3, then the percentage . Which of the following statements about for
change in volume is these three liquids is correct ?
(a) 0.6 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.2 (d) Zero (a) Ethanol > Water > Mercury
25. The upper end of a wire of diameter 12mm and length 1m is (b) Water > Ethanol > Mercury
clamped and its other end is twisted through an angle of (c) Mercury > Ethanol > Water
30°. The angle of shear is (d) Ethanol > Mercury > Water
(a) 18° (b) 0.18° (c) 36° (d) 0.36° 33. The graph given is a stress-strain curve for
26. The pressure on an object of bulk modulus B undergoing
hydraulic compression due to a stress exerted by
2 1.0
æ DV ö
Stress (N/ m2)

surrounding fluid having volume strain ç

è V ÷ø

2 0.5
æ DV ö æ DV ö
B2 ç
è V ÷ø (b) B ç
è V ÷ø
1 æ DV ö æ DV ö 0.5 1.0
(c) Bçè V ÷ø (d) B ç
è V ÷ø Strain
27. A structural steel rod has a radius of 10 mm and length of (a) elastic objects (b) plastics
1.0 m. A 100 kN force stretches it along its length. Young’s
(c) elastomers (d) None of these
modulus of structural steel is 2 × 1011 Nm–2. The percentage
strain is about 34. A metal rod of Young's modulus 2 × 1010 N m–2 undergoes
(a) 0.16% (b) 0.32% (c) 0.08% (d) 0.24% an elastic strain of 0.06%. The energy per unit volume stored
28. A beam of metal supported at the two edges is loaded at the in J m–3 is
centre. The depression at the centre is proportional to (a) 3600 (b) 7200 (c) 10800 (d) 14400
35. Two wires of the same material and same length but diameters
d in the ratio 1 : 2 are stretched by the same force. The potential
energy per unit volume of the two wires will be in the ratio
(a) Y 2 (b) Y (c) 1/Y (d) 1/Y 2 (a) 1 : 2 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 16 : 1
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
GRID 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
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P-32 DPP/ CP08
36. The length of an elastic string is a metre when the 41. A ball is falling in a lake of depth 200 m creates a decrease
longitudinal tension is 4 N and b metre when the longitudinal 0.1 % in its volume at the bottom. The bulk modulus of the
tension is 5 N. The length of the string in metre when the material of the ball will be
longitudinal tension is 9 N is
1 (a) 19.6 ´ 10 -8 N / m 2 (b) 19.6 ´ 1010 N / m 2
(a) a – b (b) 5b – 4a (c) 2b – a (d) 4a – 3b
4 (c) 19.6 ´10 -10 N / m 2 (d) 19.6 ´108 N / m 2
37. A force of 103 newton, stretches the length of a hanging
42. The diagram shows a force-
wire by 1 millimetre. The force required to stretch a wire of
extension graph for a rubber
same material and length but having four times the diameter
band. Consider the following

by 1 millimetre is
(a) 4 × 103 N (b) 16 × 103 N statements :
1 1 I. It will be easier to compress
(c) ´ 103 N (d) ´ 103 N
4 16 this rubber than expand it Force
38. A steel wire of length l and cross sectional area A is stretched II.Rubber does not return to its original length after it is
by 1 cm under a given load. When the same load is applied stretched
to another steel wire of double its length and half of its III. The rubber band will get heated if it is stretched and
cross section area, the amount of stretching (extension) is released
(a) 0.5 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 1.5 cm Which of these can be deduced from the graph:
39. The adjacent graph shows the extension (D l) of a wire of (a) III only (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I only
length 1 m suspended from the top of a roof at one end with 43. The Poisson’s ratio of a material is 0.5. If a force is applied to a
a load W connected to the other end. If the cross-sectional wire of this material, there is a decrease in the cross-sectional
area of the wire is 10–6 m2, calculate the Young’s modulus area by 4%. The percentage increase in the length is:
of the material of the wire : (a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 2.5% (d) 4%
Dl(x10 )m 44. Copper of fixed volume ‘V; is drawn into wire of length ‘l’.

When this wire is subjected to a constant force ‘F’, the

4 extension produced in the wire is ‘Dl’. Which of the following
3 graphs is a straight line?
(a) Dl versus (b) Dl versus l2
20 40 60 80 W(N)
(a) 2 × 1011 N/m2 (b) 2 × 10–11 N/m2 (c) Dl versus 2 (d) Dl versus l
(c) 3 × 10–12 N/m2 (d) 2 × 10–13 N/m2 45. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a light spring that
40. If a rubber ball is taken at the depth of 200 m in a pool, its obeys Hooke’s law, the spring stretches by 2 cms. The work
volume decreases by 0.1%. If the density of the water is required to be done by an external agent in stretching this
1 × 103 kg/m3 and g = 10m/s2, then the volume elasticity in spring by 5 cm will be (g = 9.8 m/sec2)
N/m2 will be (a) 4.900 joule (b) 2.450 joule
(a) 108 (b) 2 × 108 (c) 109 (d) 2 × 109 (c) 0.495 joule (d) 0.245 joule

RESPONSE 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

GRID 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Total Questions 45
Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 50 Qualifying Score 70
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)
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DPP/ CP08 S-35


1. (c) We know that Young's modulus W l
6. (a) Young's modulus Y = .
F L A Dl
Y= ´ W1 W2
pr2 l =
Since Y, F are same for both the wires, we have, Y1 Y2
1 L1 1 L 2 [Q A, l, Dl same for both brass and steel]
r12 l 1 r22 l 2
l 1 r22 ´ L1 (D 2 / 2) 2 ´ L1
or, = 2 =
l 2 r1 ´ L 2 (D1 / 2) 2 ´ L 2 A, l, Dl l, A, Dl
Y2 Y1
l 1 D 22 ´ L1 D 22 L 1 Brass Steel
or, = = ´ 2 =
l 2 D1 ´ L 2 (2 D 2 ) 2 2 L 2 8

So, l1 : l2 = 1 : 8
2. (a) From the graph, it is clear that for the same value of
W1 Y1 [Ysteel/Ybrass = 2 given]
load, elongation is maximum for wire OA. Hence OA is = =2
the thinnest wire among the four wires. W2 Y2
3. (b) Small amount of work done in extending the spring by 7. (b) Solids are least compressible whereas gases are highly
dx is compressible.
dW = k x dx 8. (d) Yc ´ ( DLc / Lc ) = Ys ´ (DLs / Ls )
0.15 æ 1´ 10-3 ö æ DL ö
Þ 1´1011 ´ ç ÷ = 2 ´1011 ´ ç s ÷
\W= k
ò x dx ç 1 ÷
è ø è 0.5 ø
0.5 ´10-3
800 é \ DLs = = 0.25 mm
= (0.15)2 - (0.05)2 ù 2
2 ë û
= 400 [(0.15 + 0.05)(0.15 – 0.05)] Therefore, total extension of the composite wire =
= 400 × 0.2 × 0.1 = 8 J DLc + DLs
4. (c) Using the usual expression for the Young’s modulus, = 1 mm + 0.25 mm = 1.25 mm
the force constant for the wire can be written as -P -PV
F YA 9. (b) Bulk modulus B = = ....(1)
k= = where the symbols have their usual (DV / V) DV
Dl L
meanings. Now the two wires together will have an -V 1
and DV = g V DT = 3 a.V.T or = ...(2)
é k1k2 ù DV 3a. T.
effective force constant ê k + k ú . Substituting the
ë 1 2û From eqs. (1) and (2), B = P /(3a.T ) or T = P
corresponding lengths and the Young’s moduli we get 3aB
the answer. 10. (a) When same str ess is applied at two different
5. (b) Compressibility of water, temperatures, the increase in length is more at higher
K = 45.4 × 10–11 Pa–1 temperature. Thus T1 > T2.
density of water P = 103 kg/m3 11. (c) According to questions,
depth of ocean, h = 2700 m
ls r y Dls
DV = a, s = b, s = c, =?
We have to find =? lb rb yb Dl b
As we know, compressibility,
Fl Fl
1 (DV / V) As, y = Þ Dl =
K= = (P = rgh) ADl Ay
So, (DV/V) = Krgh 3mgl s
= 45.4 × 10–11 × 103 × 10 × 2700 Dl s = [Q Fs = (M + 2M)g]
prs2 .ys
= 1.2258 × 10–2
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S-36 DPP/ CP08
2Mgl b 400 ´103 ´ 9.8
Dl b = [Q Fb = 2Mg] \ k= = 196 × 107 N m–2
prb2 .y b 0.2 /100
k = 1.96 × 109 N m–2.
3Mgl s
Dl s pr 2 .y 3a ph(r24 - r14 ) phr 4
= s s = 2 15. (a) C1 = , C2 =
\ Dl b 2Mg.l b 2b c 2l 2l
prb2 .y b Initial volume = Final volume

12. (b) We know that Y = F L/p r2 l or r2 = F L/(Y p l) \ p[r22 - r12 ]lr = pr 2 lr

\ R 2B = F L /(YB p l) and R S2 = F L /(YS p l) Þ r 2 = r22 - r12 Þ r 2 = (r2 + r1 )(r2 - r1 )

Þ r2 = (8.02 + 7.98)(8.02 – 7.98)
R 2B YS 2 ´ 1010
or = = =2 Þ r2 = 16 × 0.04 = 0.64 cm Þ r = 0.8 cm
R S2 YB 1010
C1 r24 - r14 [8.02]4 - [7.98]4
\ = =
or R 2B = 2 R S2 or R B = 2 R S C2 r4 [0.8]4
\ RS = R B / 2
16. (c) l
13. (c)
F Wire (1)

h 3A Y

Shearing strain is created along the side surface of the l/3

Wire (2)
punched disk. Note that the forces exerted on the disk are
exerted along the circumference of the disk, and the total
force exerted on its center only. As shown in the figure, the wires will have the same
Let us assume that the shearing stress along the side surface Young’s modulus (same material) and the length of the
of the disk is uniform, then wire of area of cross-section 3A will be l/3 (same volume
as wire 1).
F= ò dFmax = ò smax dA = smax ò dA For wire 1,
surface surface surface F/A
Y= ...(i)
D x/l
= ò s max .A = smax .2p ç ÷ h For wire 2 ,
F '/ 3 A
Y= ...(ii)
Dx /( l / 3)
= 3.5 ´10 ´ æç ´ 10-2 ö÷ ´ 0.3 ´10-2 ´ 2p
8 1
è2 ø F l F' l
From (i) and (ii) , ´ = ´ Þ F ' = 9F
A Dx 3 A 3Dx
= 3.297 ´ 104 ; 3.3 ´ 10 4 N
lateral strain (b )
F/A 17. (c) Poisson’s ratio, s =
14. (d) Bulk modulus is given by, k = longitudinal strain ( a )
DV / V
For material like copper, s = 0.33
mg hrg æ ö And, y = 3k (1 – 2 s)
= = ,
çQ r = , V = A ´ h ÷
æ DV ö æ DV ö è V ø
Aç ÷ ç ÷ 9 1 3
è V ø è V ø Also, = +
y k n
DV 0.2 y = 2n (1+ s)
Given, h = 400 m, =
V 100 Hence, n < y < k
and r = 1× 103 kg/m3
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DPP/ CP08 S-37

18. (b) Stress = 1 kg wt/mm2
= 9.8 N/mm2 A1 : A2 = 1 : 4
= 9.8 × 106 N/m2. Now, Stress1 : Stress2 = 4 : 1
Dl So, Strain1 : Strain2 = 4 : 1
Y = 1 ´ 1011 N / m 2 , ´100 = ?
l l1 4
Stress Stress \ l = Þ 4l2 = l1 = 8
Y= = 1
Strain Dl / l 2

Dl Stress 9.8 ´ 106 \ l2 = 2 mm

\ = = Increase in length of B is 2 mm.
l Y 1 ´ 1011
dV dL
Dl 24. (b) = (1 + 2s)
´100 = 9.8 ´ 10 -11 ´ 100 ´ 106 V L
= 9.8 × 10–3 = 0.0098 % dV
= 2 ´ 2 ´ 10 -3 = 4 ´ 10 -3
1 2
19. (d) W1 = kx
é 1ù
W2 = k ( x + y )2 êëQ s = 0.5 = 2 úû
1 1 \ Percentage change in volume = 4 × 10 –1 = 0.4%
\ W= W2 - W1 = k ( x + y ) 2 - kx 2
2 2 rq 6mm ´ 30°
1 25. (b) rq = lf Þ f = = = 0.18°
= ky (2 x + y ) l 1m
kp -dp
20. (c) Here, kQ = 26. (d) Bulk modulus B =
2 æ dV ö
çè ÷
According to Hooke's law V ø
\ Fp = –kp xp
æ DV ö
\ Pressure, dp = B çè ÷
Fp k p xp V ø
FQ = –kQxQ Þ F = k x 27. (a) Given: F = 100 kN = 105 N
Y = 2 × 1011 Nm–2
Fp = FQ [Given]
l0 = 1.0 m
xp kQ radius r = 10 mm = 10– 2 m
\ = ...(i)
xQ kp Stress
From formula, Y =
1 2
Energy stored in a spring is U = kx Stress F
2 Þ Strain = =
Up k p x 2p kp kQ2 1 é kp ù
\ = = ´ = êQ kQ = ú 105 105
UQ kQ xQ 2 kQ k 2p 2 ë 2û = =
pr 2Y 3.14 ´ 10-4 ´ 2 ´ 1011
UQ E 1
Þ Up = = [\ U Q = E ] =
2 2 628
stress 1
21. (a) Young's modulus Y = Therefore % strain = ´ 100 = 0.16%
strain 628
stress = Y ´ strain
Stress in steel wire = Applied pressure d
Pressure = stress = Y × strain 28. (c)
DL For a beam, the depression at the centre is given by,
Strain = = α D T (As length is constant)
= 2 × 10 × 1.1 × 10–5 × 100 = 2.2 × 108 Pa
11 æ fL ö
d= ç ÷
22. (b) Let T be the tension in the ring, then è 4Ybd3 ø
T.2 p r Tr Y A (R - r ) [f, L, b, d are constants for a particular beam]
Y= = \ T=
A. 2p ( R - r ) A ( R - r ) r 1
i.e. d µ
23. (a) Ratio of radii r1:r2 = 1:2 Y
Ratio of area, A1:A2 = pr12 : pr22
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S-38 DPP/ CP08
F 4 ´ 9.8 35. (d) Potential energy per unit volume of the wire is given
29. (b) K = = = 19.6 ´ 102 by :
x 2 ´ 10 -2
1 (Stress)2 1 S2
1 2 2 u= =
Work done = ´19.6´ 10 ´ (0.05) = 2.45 J 2 Young 's modulus 2 Y
30. (c) If l is the original length of wire, then change in length As stress, S =
of first wire, Dl 1 = (l 1 - l)
change in length of second wire, Dl 2 = (l 2 - l) S1 æ F1 ö æ A 2 ö
\ =
S2 çè F2 ÷ø çè A1 ÷ø
T1 l T l
Now, Y = ´ = 2´ As F1 = F2 (Given)
A Dl 1 A Dl 2
T1 T T1 T2 S1 æ F1 ö æ A 2 ö æ A2 ö
or = 2 or = \ = ÷ = ç A ÷ ..(i)
Dl 1 Dl 2 l1 - l l 2 - l S2 çè F2 ÷ø çè A1 ø è 1ø
T2 l 1 - T1l 2 The two wires are of the same material, therefore their
or T1 l 2 – T1 l = T2 l 1 – l T2 or l =
T2 - T1 Young's moduli will be same i.e., Y1 = Y2

Wl 3
2 2
u1 æ S1 ö æA ö
31. (a) d= , where W = load, l = length of beam and I is \ =ç ÷ =ç 2÷
3 YI u 2 è S2 ø è A1 ø
geometrical moment of inertia for rectangular beam,

b d3 æ æ d ö2ö
Ι= where b = breadth and d = depth 2
ç p èç ø÷ ÷ éæ d ö 2 ù
12 =ç 2 2
÷ = êç ÷ ú
For square beam b = d ç æ d1 ö ÷ ëêè d1 ø ûú
çè çè ÷ø ÷ø
\ Ι1 =
12 4 4
æd ö æ 2ö 16 æ d1 1 ö
æ πr4 ö
For a beam of circular cross-section, Ι2 = ç
= ç 2÷ = ç ÷ =
è 1ø çQ d = 2 (Given)÷
÷ è d1 ø 1 è 2 ø
è 4 ø
3 3
\ d1 = W l ´12 = 4 W l (for sq. cross section)
36. (b) Using Hooke’s law, F = kx we can write
4 = k(a – l0) … (i)
3 Y b4 Y b4
and 5 = k(b – l0) … (ii)
W l3 4 W l3 If l be the length under tension 9N, then
and d 2 = =
3 Y(p r / 4) 3Y (p r 4 )
4 9 = k(l – l0) … (iii)
(for circular cross-section) After solving above equations, we get
l = (5b – 4a).
d1 3 p r 4 3pr4 3 l
Now = = = 2
37. (b) F = Y ´ A ´ Þ F µ r (Y, l and and L are constant)
d2 b 4
(p r 2 ) 2 p L
(Q b2 = p r2 i.e., they have same cross-sectional area) If diameter is made four times then force required will be
16 times, i.e., 16 × 103 N
1 38. (c) Young’s modulus of elasticity is
32. (a) Compressibility =
Bulk modulus
As bulk modulus is least for ethanol (0.9) and maximum F/A
for mercury (25) among ehtanol, mercury and water. DL / L
Hence compression in volume
V \ DL =
Ethanol > Water > Mercury
33. (c) The given graph does not obey Hooke's law. and there L
is no well defined plastic region. So the graph represents So, D L µ
D L 2 L 2 A1 2 2
1 2
\ = ´ = ´ =4
34. (a) U / volume = Y ´ strain = 3600 J m–3 D L1 L1 A 2 1 1
DL2 = 4 × DL1 = 4 × 1 = 4 cm
[Strain = 0.06 × 10–2]
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DPP/ CP08 S-39

Dr / r 1 Dr 1 Dl
F/A F l 43. (d) = 0.5 = , =
39. (a) y= = . Dl / l 2 r 2 l
Dl / l A Dl
20 ´ 1 F
= = 2 ´ 1011 Nm -2
10 ´ 10 -4 A Þ Dl = Fl
44. (b) As Y = Dl
DP hrg 200 ´103 ´ 10 l
40. (d) K = = = = 2 ´109 V
DV / V DV / V 0.1/100 But V = Al so A =
dp Fl 2
41. (d) Bulk Modulus = Therefore Dl = µ l2
dp = h r g = 200 × 103 × 9.8 Hence graph of Dl versus l2 will give a straight line.
F 4 ´ 9.8
dv 0.1
= 45. (b) K= = = 19.6 ´ 102
v 100 x 2 ´ 10 -2

200 ´103 ´ 9.8 1

Bulk modulus = = 19.6´108 N/ m2 Work done = ´19.6 ´102 ´ (0.05)2 = 2.45 J
0.1/100 2

42. (c) x

Fcom Fext

From the figure, it is clear that

Fcom < Fext.

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