App 4a NLR 13 2008 646
App 4a NLR 13 2008 646
App 4a NLR 13 2008 646
Executive summary
Report no.
Problem area different end states. Each path
The Netherlands Ministry of through the flowchart is a scenario. Author(s)
Transport has initiated a research Along each path, pivotal events are A.L.C. Roelen
effort to develop a causal model for identified as either occurring or not B.A. van Doorn
aviation safety. The objective of the occurring. The event sequence starts J.W. Smeltink
model is to represent the causes of with an initiating event such as a M.J. Verbeek
air transport accidents and the perturbation that requires some kind R. Wever
safeguards that are in place to of response from operators or pilots
Report classification
prevent them. The proposed risk or one or more systems. UNCLASSIFIED
model architecture introduces a Intentionally, the building blocks of
hybrid causal model of event the scenarios are kept broad and Date
sequence diagrams, fault trees and generic to cover many ‘similar’ October 2008
Bayesian belief networks. In a situations. The event sequence
previous study, generic accident diagram provides a qualitative Knowledge area(s)
scenarios that form the upper layer description of the scenarios. It is Safety & Security
of the two integrated risk models quantified by assessing the Flight Operations
have been developed. Event probability of occurrence of each of
sequence diagrams are used to the different pathways. Probabilities
represent these accident scenarios. of occurrence initiating events, risk modelling
The combined set of accident pivotal events and end states are air transport
scenarios provides a similar estimated from historical data. The
‘backbone’ for the model data sample was limited to
development efforts. The current commercial air transport with
study is aimed at quantifying these ‘western built’ aircraft heavier than
previously developed event 5,700 kg maximum take-off weight.
sequence diagrams by expressing Only fixed wing aircraft are
the probability of occurrence of the considered. The NLR Air Safety
various accident scenarios as a Database was used as a primary
function of the probability of source of data, details of the data
occurrence of the initiating events. sources are provided in the
appendix. The general approach
Description of work was to quantify the probability of
An event sequence diagram is a occurrence of the end states from
flowchart with paths leading to accident data, where the probability
UNCLASSIFIED Quantification of Event Sequence Diagrams for a causal risk model of
commercial air transport
A.L.C. Roelen, B.A. van Doorn, J.W. Smeltink, M.J. Verbeek and
R. Wever
No part of this report may be reproduced and/or disclosed, in any form or by any means without the prior
written permission of the owner.
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Background 11
1.2 Objective 11
1.3 Research approach 11
1.4 Acknowledgements 12
1.5 Contents of this report 12
22 ESD 21 – Aircraft weight and balance outside limits during approach 118
22.1 Definitions 118
22.2 Quantification 119
25 ESD26 - Aircraft handling by flight crew during landing roll inappropriate 136
25.1 Definitions 136
25.2 Quantification 137
26 ESD27 - Aircraft directional control related system failure during landing 139
26.1 Definitions 139
26.2 Quantification 140
References 179
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The Netherlands Ministry of Transport has initiated a research effort to develop a causal model
for aviation safety [Ale et al 2005]. The purpose of the model is to describe the air traffic system
and its safety functions in such a way that it is possible to analyze risk reduction alternatives and
that it will serve as a means of communication between experts and managers within the
industry. The model being developed in the Netherlands combines Event Sequence Diagrams,
Fault Trees and Bayesian Belief Nets into a single structure.
The causal model uses a backbone structure of generic accident scenarios. In a previous study
[Roelen and Wever 2005] those generic accident scenarios that form the upper layer of the
integrated risk model have been developed. Main accident types have been defined based on the
ICAO definition of an accident, in order to systematically develop accident scenarios: abrupt
manoeuvre, cabin environment, uncontrolled collision with ground, controlled flight into
terrain, forced landing, mid-air collision, collision on ground, structure overload and
fire/explosion. The accident scenarios are grouped by accident type and different flight phases.
The Event Sequence Diagram (ESD) methodology is used for representing accident scenarios.
In [Roelen and Wever 2005] 35 generic accident scenarios have been developed based on a
combination of retrospective analyses and prospective analyses. These scenarios describe
qualitatively the sequence of events at a high level of abstraction. The high level of abstraction
is required to make the scenarios easy to understand for users and to keep the model transparent
and simple at the top layer of the integrated risk model.
The work presented in this report is an extension of the work described in [Roelen et al 2006].
Event Sequence Diagrams for ‘collision on taxiway/ apron’ and ‘wake vortex encounter’ were
1.2 Objective
The current study is aimed at quantification of the set of Event Sequence Diagrams that were
developed and described in [Roelen and Wever 2005].
occurrence of the initiating events was determined from ‘occurrence data’ such as an airline’s
occurrence reporting system. Some of this occurrence data is confidential. Conditional
probabilities of pivotal events where then calculated from the initial event and end state
Airclaims and ADREP were the primary accident data sources. The time period considered was
1990-2003. This period provided a dataset that is large enough for quantification and is
considered representative for ‘current’ air transport. When only Airclaims was used the time
period was slightly expanded to 1985 - 2005 to provide a larger data sample. Because of the size
of most databases involved, much of the initial analysis was done by running queries, e.g.
looking for particular key words. Each incident in the resulting dataset was then individually
analyzed to verify whether it ‘fitted’ the particular ESD under consideration.
The primary source of data for quantification of the probability of occurrence of the initiating
event are the databases of Service Difficulty Reports and Air Safety Reports (see App. A) but
sometimes other sources of data were used if these were considered to be more accurate.
1.4 Acknowledgements
The authors are indebted to jennelle Derrickson (FAA – William J. Hughes Technical Centre)
and Rob van der Boom (Netherlands Ministry of Transport) for overall monitoring and co-
ordination. Many thanks also to Ali Mosleh (University of Maryland) and Linda Bellamy
(White Queen) who provided comments and ideas for this research. Fred Leonelli, Tommy
McFall, Richard C. Berg and Harold Donner (all of FJLeonelli Group) provided a much
appreciated review of the first set of ESDs.
Conditional operators can be included to represent different outcomes depending on whether the
condition is met or not. Figure 2 and figure 3 show types of events and conditions in an ESD
and their iconic representation.
Intentionally, the building blocks of the scenarios are kept broad and generic to cover many
‘similar’ situations. The detailed specific or possible causes or contributing factors of these
events are not directly of interest at the scenario level. They are added, when such details are
necessary, through other layers of the model, such as Fault Trees of Bayesian Belief Nets. Event
Sequence Diagrams are often combined with fault trees. In practice, Event Sequence Diagrams
are typically used to portray progression of events over time, while fault trees best represent the
logic corresponding to failure of complex systems [Stamatelatos et al. 2002]. Fault trees are
used to model initial and pivotal events in Event Sequence Diagrams in sufficient detail. The
initiating and pivotal events in the Event Sequence Diagram are the top events in the fault trees.
Only active events are put in the accident sequence. Latent events are dealt with in the Fault
Trees and Bayesian Belief Nets. This is done to limit the size of the accident scenarios and to
make them easier to understand. Furthermore, latent failures are often ‘common mode’ and/or
‘soft’ causal relations, which can be better expressed in influence diagrams rather than ESDs.
2.2 Quantification
The objectives of the risk model require that the model can be used for probabilistic risk
assessments. The probability of occurrence of the various accident scenarios must be expressed
as a function of the initiating events. The event sequence diagram provides the qualitative
description of the scenarios. It is quantified by assessing the probability of occurrence of each of
the different pathways.
An event sequence diagram is comparable to a river that starts big and then braches off into
smaller arms, eventually ending up in the sea. The total amount of water that passes through at
the beginning is equal to the amount that eventually flows into the sea. The difference between
the ESD and the river is that instead of water, probabilities flow through the ESD.
There are basically three different ways of describing how big the river and its individual
branches are.
1) We can describe the total amount of water in absolute terms for each part of the river. In the
ESD this means that all probabilities are expressed as absolute probabilities (see Fig. 4).
2) We can normalize each branch of the river by the size of the river at the beginning. The
quantities at the end all add up to one (see Fig. 5).
3) For each individual branch point, we can describe the relative distribution of the flow among
the different braches. The quantities at each individual pivotal point add up to one. In the ESD
this means that all probabilities are expressed as probability of occurrence conditional to the
preceding pivotal event (see Fig. 6).
From the point of view of accuracy and completeness, the three different ways are equal. There
are practical reasons why it could be more appropriate to use one way instead of another. Three
different criteria are important for determining the most practical representation:
• Communication with experts and non- experts
• Retrieving numbers from existing datasets
• Configuration control of the ESD
Option 1 is a good option if the numbers in itself make sense. It provides an immediate picture
on the overall size of the ‘river’ (or ESD) and can be compared to other ‘rivers’ (ESDs), for
instance for comparing probabilities of end states. Option 2 is suitable to assess the individual
ESD at a glance. Because all numbers are normalised to the size of the river (or the probability
of the initiating event) the probabilities will usually not be very small, and this way of
expressing provides a good overall picture and allows easy comparison of the sizes of the
different branches. Absolute probabilities can be calculated by multiplying with the probability
of occurrence of the initiating event. Option 3 has big advantages for configuration control of
the ESDs. If changes are made upstream or downstream, the relative distribution for each
branch point is unaffected. Calculation is also straightforward; the probability of occurrence is
calculated by multiplying the probability of occurrence of the initiation events with the
conditional probabilities along its respective branch points.
In retrieving numbers from datasets, in practice we often use combinations of options 1, 2 and 3,
so from that point of view there is no real preference. Absolute probabilities are calculated by
multiplying with the probability of the initiating event and all relative probabilities of all
preceding branches.
In this report, all probabilities are calculated according to the system in figure 6. The numbers at
the pivotal events represent conditional probabilities. Numbers at the initiating event and the
end states are absolute probabilities. The sum of the probabilities of the end states is equal to the
probability of the initiating event. At each pivotal event, the conditional probabilities add up to
0.8 0.5
0.2 8.80·10-5
no F
In comparison with the set of ESDs described in [Roelen and Wever 2005] the following
changes have been made:
accretion on aircraft’ these problems were solved. The remainder of the ESD is similar to the
original ESD.
ESD 17 Aircraft encounters adverse weather, ESD 34 Aircraft encounters unexpected wind and
ESD 36 Aircraft encounters turbulence.
These three ESDs have been integrated into a single ESD 17 ‘aircraft encounters adverse
weather’. The reason for integration is that the original three ESDs describe occurrences that are
very similar and are easily represented in a single ESD. By folding the three ESDs into a single
Event Sequence Diagram, a lot of potential confusion on which occurrence should be classified
to which ESD has been removed. The logic has not been changed.
ESD 19 Unstable approach, ESD 20 Flight crew fails to execute missed approach according to
missed approach procedures, and ESD 24 Unstable approach.
These ESDs have been integrated into a single new ESD 19 ‘Unstable approach’. Although the
three separate ESDs describe distinctly different scenarios, these are easily combined into a
single ESD. The single ESD is more compact and easier to understand than the 3 original ESDs.
The logic has not been changed.
2.5 Assumptions
During the qualitative and quantitative development of the event sequence diagrams several
assumptions have been adopted. These assumptions are necessary in order to restrict the
complexity of the model or because of limitations on available data. It is important to recognise
these assumptions and to determine the impact of the assumptions on the model results.
• It is assumed that during analysis of the data sample no mistakes have been made by the
analysts, i.e. that all relevant cases in the data sample have been included in the
• It is assumed that each occurrence in the data samples can be uniquely and
unambiguously assigned to a particular ESD.
• It is assumed that the data bases which are being used in the analysis are complete, i.e.
that there is no over reporting, underreporting or any other bias in the data bases.
• In cases where no examples of specific accident scenarios are found in the data sample,
it is assumed that the probability of occurrence of that scenario is 0.
• It is assumed that events in the ESDs cannot occur ‘partially’, i.e. initiating events and
pivotal events have only ‘yes’ or ‘no’ output pathways.
3.1 Definitions
operators and aircraft manufactures have defined a speed up to which a take-off should be
rejected for all observed failures. At speeds between this speed and the take-off decision speed
V1, the take-off should be rejected only in case of an engine failure and conditions affecting the
safe handling of the aircraft. Different policies exist among the operators regarding these take-
off rejection criteria. The speed up to which a take-off should be rejected for all observed
failures varies between 70-100 knots with a typical value in the order of 80 knots.
V > V1
The event V > V1 describes a situation where the rejected take-off is initiated at a speed higher
than the decision speed V1. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off
can be safely aborted and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining
runway. At a speed below V1 the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off
should be continued. Typical V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160
knots. The actual V1 depends on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature,
and runway gradient.
3.2 Quantification
A data sample of Service Difficulty Reports (see App. A for a description of this sample) was
used to determine the probability of a system failure during take-off and the likelihood of a
rejected take-off in the event of a system failure. The analysis was limited to air carrier
operations from 1985 through 2003. Overall exposure is 216 million flights. Failures of systems
with ATA codes 2710-2722 (aileron and rudder), 3244-3245 (tyre) and 3250-3251 (nose wheel
steering) are not included here, these are dealt with in ESD 4. The results are presented in table
The table lists both the number of occurrences of the initial event as well as the conditional
probability of the pivotal event ‘flight crew rejects take-off’ for the various aircraft systems that
are considered. Based on these results, the probability of a system failure during the take-off roll
is estimated at 6225 / 216 milli8on = 2.92·10-5 per flight. Obviously, the conditional probability
of a rejected take-off in the event of a system failure depends on which system fails and ranges
from 0.2 up to 0.9. The average value, taken across all system failures, is 0.59.
To estimate the frequency of occurrence of the end states, a data sample of accidents and
incidents from the Airclaims database was analysed. The sample was restricted to accidents and
incidents involving western-built aircraft heavier than 5,700 kg MTOW in commercial
operations. Data from 1985 through 2005 was used, representing a total of 399 million flights
The data sample contains 4 take-off overrun accidents resulting from system failures and
subsequent take-off rejection. In 3 cases the take-off was aborted at a speed above V1, in 1 case
the take-off was aborted at a speed below V1. There were no veer-off accidents in the data
sample. Based on this data, the probability of an overrun after a system failure and a take-off
abort above V1 is estimated to be 7.50·10-9. The probability of an overrun after a system failure
and a take-off abort below V1 is estimated to be 2.50·10-9.
Engine related failures, as well as directional control and pitch control failures are not taken into account. For associated
ATA chapters, see the description of ESD 4 and ESD 9.
The conditional probability that the speed is above V1 when a take-off is rejected because of a
system failure is 7.50·10-9 / (2.92·10-5 × 0.59) = 4.35·10-4.
The conditional probability of ‘failure to achieve maximum braking’ in the event of a system
failure and take-off rejection at a speed below V1 is 2.50·10-9 / (2.92·10-5 × 0.59 ×
(1 - 4.35·10-5)) = 1.45·10-4.
yes Failure to
achieve Runway
maximum overrun
stops on
4.1 Definitions
ATC event
For the purpose of this ESD, an ATC event is defined as any ATC related occurrence which
could result in a decision to reject a take-off, with the exception of runway incursions. Possible
separation infringements with other traffic on the departure runway (runway incursions) are
excluded from this ATC event and are treated separately in ESD 32. Examples of ‘ATC events’
are possible separation infringements with another departure or with a missed approach on
another runway. The problem situation could be caused by the aircraft in take-off (it did not
have a take-off clearance yet) or by ATC (a take-off clearance is given while other traffic
nearby). ATC can give an instruction to abort the take-off or the crew can independently decide
to perform a rejected take-off (RTO). An instruction by ATC to abort the take-off because of the
presence of birds in the vicinity of the runway is also included in this initiating event.
aircraft to a complete stop. For this reason a decision speed V1 is calculated before each take-
off. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off can be safely aborted
and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining runway. At a speed below V1
the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off should be continued. Typical
V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160 knots. The actual V1 depends
on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature, and runway gradient. Some
operators and aircraft manufactures have defined a speed up to which a take-off should be
rejected for all observed failures. At speeds between this speed and the take-off decision speed
V1, the take-off should be rejected only in case of an engine failure and conditions affecting the
safe handling of the aircraft. Different policies exist among the operators regarding these take-
off rejection criteria. The speed up to which a take-off should be rejected for all observed
failures varies between 70-100 knots with a typical value in the order of 80 knots.
V > V1
The event V > V1 describes a situation where the rejected take-off is initiated at a speed higher
than the decision speed V1. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off
can be safely aborted and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining
runway. At a speed below V1 the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off
should be continued. Typical V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160
knots. The actual V1 depends on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature,
and runway gradient.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
4.2 Quantification
Given the fact that there are as many ATC events as runway incursions, it is assumed that the 60
unclear causes can be equally divided over the ATC events and the runway incursions. This
means that for the incidents that are in scope of the “air traffic situation” definition, 50% can be
related to an ATC event and 50% to runway incursions.
Based on this sample, the probability of a RTO, given an ATC event according to the definition
of ESD 2 is 45% of 416 incidents in 10.5 million flights is 1.78·10-5 per flight.
A second sample of the airlines reported incidents focused on those situations during take-off
where no RTO had taken place but the incident was ATC related. Analysis of the first 300
incidents out of a set of 627 showed one incident in which ATC requested a RTO because of a
runway incursion but the crew decided not to abort because of the high take-off speed at that
time. Many of the 627 incidents were related to separation infringements in mixed mode 2
runway operations and wake turbulence problems with a preceding take-off. Again, the set
represented 10.5 million flights.
This data suggests that a small percentage (0.5 %) of the ATC events will not result in a rejected
take-off. Therefore it is assumed that the probability of the ATC event equals
1.78·10-5 / 9.95·10-1 = 1.79·10-5 per take-off.
Table 2 Probability of a take-off overrun per flight for the different aircraft generations
Take-off overrun
Aircraft generation Probability per flight
1 3.77·10-7
2 1.09·10-7
3 6.20·10-8
The traffic mix for 2001 at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is considered: 6% generation 2 and
94% generation 3 aircraft [Roelen & Wever, 2004]. This leads to a probability of a runway
overrun of 6.48·10-8 per flight, considering all possible causes for an RTO.
An analysis of the RTO overrun accidents/incidents [FAA, 1992] showed that in 58% of the
cases the RTO initiation speed was greater than V1. In 23% of the cases it was less than V1. For
the other 19% the initiation speed was unknown. Hence, in 72% of the overruns in which the
initiation speed was known, the initiation speed was greater than V1. According to this
information the probability of an overrun with an RTO initiation speed greater than V1 is
0.72×6.48·10-8 = 4.67·10-8 per flight and the probability of an overrun with an RTO initiation
speed smaller than V1 is 0.28×6.48·10-8 = 1.81·10-8.
The generic probability of an overrun given an RTO speed above V1 considers all possible
causes of a RTO. According to [Roelen & Wever, 2004], the distribution of RTO causes for
different speeds is as follows:
Mixed mode means that a runway is simultaneously used for take-offs as well as landings
Table 3 Distribution of the RTO speed for the different causes of the RTO
Cause VRTO ≤ 80 kts 80 kts < VRTO ≤ 120 kts VRTO > 120 kts
Aircraft configuration 26 % 15 % 10 %
Engine 20 % 25 % 30 %
Aircraft system 29 % 25 % 20 %
Air traffic situation 15 % 10 % 5%
Wheel/tyre 2% 10 % 12 %
Bird strike 3% 10 % 15 %
Flight crew 5% 5% 8%
According to the table, the air traffic situation causes 5 % of all RTO at speeds above 120 kts. It
is assumed here that the distribution for speeds above 120 knots is similar to the distribution for
speeds greater than V1. Assuming that 58.8% of the air traffic situations are the ATC events that
are considered in ESD 2, this means that 2.9% of the RTOs given a speed larger than V1 are
related to an ATC event. With this, the probabilities of the end states “runway overrun” can be
• Probability of runway overrun, given an ATC event and a RTO with a speed larger than V1
is 2.9% × 4.67·10-8 = 1.35·10-9 per flight; and
• Probability of runway overrun, given an ATC event and a RTO with a speed smaller than
V1 is 2.9% × 1.81·10-8 = 5.25·10-10 per flight.
Using these probabilities of a runway overrun and the probability that a flight crew rejects the
take-off given an ATC event, the conditional probability of ‘V > V1’ at the time of rejection is
1.35·10-9 / 1.78·10-5 = 7.58·10-5.
Pivotal event “Failure to achieve maximum braking” and end state “Aircraft stops on runway”
The probabilities of this pivotal event and end state can be determined by using the probabilities
that are estimated so far.
The probability of the flight crew rejecting a take-off because of an ATC event with a speed
lower than V1 is (1-7.58·10-5) × 1.78·10-5 = 1.78·10-5 per flight. This is input to the event “failure
to achieve maximum braking”. The conditional probability of ‘failure to achieve maximum
braking’ in the event of a take-off rejection below V1 is 5.25·10-10 / 1.78·10-5 = 2.95·10-5.
It appears to be very difficult to quantify this end state. Of the first situation (crew does not
reject the take-off after receiving an instruction from ATC to do so) no incidents have been
found in the NLR Air Safety Database. The second situation is related to separation
infringements. In the NLR Air Safety Database no clear incidents of this type have been found
although there are a few cases where TCAS alerts were received during climb or ATC
instructions are received soon after take-off to make a turn because of other traffic. Also there
are a few cases where the flight crews decide not to start the take-off roll because of conflicting
traffic without ATC noticing it.
To get an idea of the order of magnitude of this event, the focus is on the first situation: the crew
does not reject the take-off although they have received an instruction from ATC to abort.
Reasons for this could be that the aircraft already has a speed close to V1 or that the
communication is down. When looking at the data in [Roelen & Wever, 2004], the probability
of a RTO because of an air traffic situation with a speed lower than 120 knots is more than 200
times higher than the probability of a RTO with a speed more than 120 knots. This means that
RTO instructions because of an ATC event are given mainly during low speeds, so that it is not
likely that the crew does not follow this instruction. In fact, in the analysed set of incidents from
NLR Air Safety Database only one incident was reported where the crew did not follow a RTO
instruction (in this case because of a runway incursion). Considering that only half of the set has
been analysed and that 50% of the air traffic situations are assumed to relate to the ATC event
of ESD 2, we assume that only one incident in 10.5 million flights relates to this particular end
state, which would result in a frequency of 9.52·10-8 per flight.
yes Failure to
2.95·10-5 Runway
maximum overrun
Aircraft 1.78·10-5
stops on
continues 9.52·10-8
5.1 Definitions
aircraft to a complete stop. For this reason a decision speed V1 is calculated before each take-
off. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off can be safely aborted
and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining runway. At a speed below V1
the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off should be continued. Typical
V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160 knots. The actual V1 depends
on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature, and runway gradient. Some
operators and aircraft manufactures have defined a speed up to which a take-off should be
rejected for all observed failures. At speeds between this speed and the take-off decision speed
V1, the take-off should be rejected only in case of an engine failure and conditions affecting the
safe handling of the aircraft. Different policies exist among the operators regarding these take-
off rejection criteria. The speed up to which a take-off should be rejected for all observed
failures varies between 70-100 knots with a typical value in the order of 80 knots.
V > V1
The event V > V1 describes a situation where the rejected take-off is initiated at a speed higher
than the decision speed V1. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off
can be safely aborted and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining
runway. At a speed below V1 the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off
should be continued. Typical V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160
knots. The actual V1 depends on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature,
and runway gradient.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
5.2 Quantification
Initiating event
Safety reports from several airlines were examined to determine the frequency of occurrence of
the initiating event of this ESD. The safety reports are from Western airlines and cover mainly
flights in the period of 1993 to 2004. The occurrences relate to a total of 10.5 million flights
Using keywords as directional control, veer off, steering, flight control and flight phase take-off,
a set of 617 safety reports has been retrieved. Of these 617, 48 occurrences were considered
applicable to the initiating event of ESD 3. Sometimes the narratives of the occurrences
provided very little information. In case of doubt, an occurrence is considered applicable to keep
the estimate on the conservative side. In 36 of these 48 occurrences, the crew decided to reject
the take-off. Based on these results the estimated probability of the initiating event is 4.57·10-6
per flight.
End states
Analysis of the Airclaims database showed 26 accidents or incidents that were initiated as a
result of inappropriate aircraft handling by the flight crew during the take-off roll. The data
sample was limited to Western-built aircraft heavier than 5,700 kg MTOW in commercial
operations between 1990 and 2005. These occurrences are divided as follows:
• Veer-off without RTO: 17
• Veer-off after RTO: 7
• Overrun after RTO: 2 (in both cases take-off was rejected at a speed > V1)
A search in the ADREP database for the same period and flights in scope (Western-built aircraft
heavier than 5,700 kg in commercial operations) showed some additional occurrences to those
already identified:
• Veer-off without RTO: 4
• Veer-off after RTO: 2.
Overall exposure for the data sample is 453 million flights (1990-2005). This results in the
following probabilities:
• Veer-off without RTO: 4.64·10-8 per flight
• Veer-off after RTO: 1.99·10-8 per flight
• Overrun after RTO: 4.42·10-9 per flight
Pivotal event ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ (take-off not rejected)
The conditional probability that the ’flight crew fails to maintain control’ if the take-off is not
rejected and the aircraft handling by the flight crew is inappropriate is 4.64·10-8 / (4.57·10-6 ×
(1-7.50·10-1)) = 4.06·10-2.
Failure to 0 0
achieve Runway
maximum overrun
stops on
4.06·10-2 4.64·10-8
Flight crew fails
Unrecovered Runway
to maintain
loss of control veer-off
Loss of
Aircraft directional
traction and Flight crew Runway
control related V > V1
steering rejects take-off overrun
system failure
Failure to
achieve Runway
maximum overrun
stops on
6.1 Definitions
and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining runway. At a speed below V1
the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off should be continued. Typical
V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160 knots. The actual V1 depends
on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature, and runway gradient. Some
operators and aircraft manufactures have defined a speed up to which a take-off should be
rejected for all observed failures. At speeds between this speed and the take-off decision speed
V1, the take-off should be rejected only in case of an engine failure and conditions affecting the
safe handling of the aircraft. Different policies exist among the operators regarding these take-
off rejection criteria. The speed up to which a take-off should be rejected for all observed
failures varies between 70-100 knots with a typical value in the order of 80 knots.
V > V1
The event V > V1 describes a situation where the rejected take-off is initiated at a speed higher
than the decision speed V1. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off
can be safely aborted and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining
runway. At a speed below V1 the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off
should be continued. Typical V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160
knots. The actual V1 depends on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature,
and runway gradient.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
6.2 Quantification
According to the definition used for this ESD, directional control related systems are those
reported under ATA codes 2710-2722 (aileron and rudder), 3244-3245 (tyre) and 3250-3251
(nose wheel steering). A data sample of Service Difficulty Reports (see App. A for a description
of this sample) was used to determine the probability of a directional control related system
failure during take-off and the likelihood of a rejected take-off in the event of a system failure.
The analysis was limited to air carrier operations from 1985 through 2003. Overall exposure is
216 million flights.
According to the SDR database, there were 14,254 directional control related system failures,
i.e. a frequency of 6.60·10-5 per flight. In 7,475 cases this resulted in a rejected take-off. The
conditional probability of a rejected take-off in the event of a directional control related system
failure is 0.52.
To estimate the frequency of occurrence of the end states, a data sample of accidents and
incidents from the Airclaims database was analysed. The sample was restricted to accidents and
incidents involving western-built aircraft heavier than 5,700 kg MTOW in commercial
operations. Data from 1985 through 2005 was used, representing a total of 399 million flights.
The data sample contains 9 take-off overrun accidents resulting from directional control system
failures and subsequent take-off rejection. In 2 cases the take-off was aborted at a speed below
V1, in 7 cases the take off was aborted at a speed above V1. The data sample contains 4 veer-off
accidents resulting from directional control system failures during the take-off roll. For these
veer-off accidents the available data was insufficient to determine whether the decision to reject
the take-off was taken before or after the aircraft ran off the side of the runway. For the purpose
of this ESD, it is assumed that all veer-offs occurred after the crew had decided to reject the
take-off. The estimated probabilities for the end states are the following:
• Runway overrun (V > V1): 1.75·10-8
• Runway veer-off: 1.00·10-8
• Runway overrun (V < V1): 5.01·10-9.
The conditional probability of V > V1 in the event of a directional control related system failure
and decision to reject the take-off is 1.75·10-8 / (6.60·10-5 × 0.52) = 5.10·10-4.
The conditional probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ in the event of a directional
control related system failure and the decision to reject the take-off at a speed below V1 is
1.00·10-8 / (6.60·10-5 × 0.52 × (1-5.10·10-4)) = 2.92·10-4.
The conditional probability of ‘aircraft stops on runway’ in the event of a directional control
related system failure and the decision to reject the take-off at a speed below V1 is 6.60·10-5 ×
0.52 × (1-5.10·10-4) × (1-2.92·10-4) × (1-1.46·10-4) = 3.43·10-5.
The conditional probability of ‘aircraft continues take-off’ in the event of a directional control
related system failure and a decision to continue the take-off is 6.60·10-5 × (1-0.52) = 3.17·10-5.
Incorrect Flight crew Runway
configuration V > V1
configuration rejects take-off overrun
yes Failure to
achieve Runway
no maximum overrun
stops on
7.1 Definitions
Incorrect configuration
The initiating event is defined as an occurrence where the flight crew commences the take-off
while the aircraft is not properly configured for take-off. The cause of an incorrect configuration
can be either a system failure or the crew has not set the correct configuration. Setting the
required aircraft configuration for take-off includes several systems. An incorrect setting of
either one of those systems will generate a take-off configuration warning, unless the warning is
inhibited. Aircraft manufacturers sometimes choose to inhibit take-off configuration warnings at
speeds above 80 kts (typically) in order to avoid the risk of high speed rejected take-offs.
Incorrect configuration includes the following:
• Thrust not set to take-off thrust
• Thrust reverser not stowed
• Parking brake not released
• Flaps not in take-off position
V > V1
The event V > V1 describes a situation where the rejected take-off is initiated at a speed higher
than the decision speed V1. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off
can be safely aborted and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining
runway. At a speed below V1 the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off
should be continued. Typical V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160
knots. The actual V1 depends on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature,
and runway gradient.
From the database of air safety reports (see App. A) it appears that flight crews sometimes do
not reject the take-off if they receive a take-off configuration warning. If a warning occurs after
V1, the standard operating procedures require the flight crew to continue the take-off. A
momentary warning is sometimes considered irrelevant by the flight crew. Sometimes warnings
are considered nuisance, e.g. warning related to centring of the main landing gear when the
aircraft is lined-up with too much engine power. There are also cases where the flight crew
corrects the situation on the spot without rejecting the take-off, e.g. if the parking brake is still
We assume for modelling purpose that the events in which the flight crew continues take-off
with incorrect configuration (flaps) is covered by the sequence through pivotal event ‘aircraft
stalls after rotation’. We assume that the sequence of events, following a ‘no’-outcome of the
pivotal event ‘flight crew rejects take-off’ is covering situations where the crew continues take-
off after having corrected the configuration problem or if the warning occurs after V1 or
momentarily. As a result of this assumption, the end state ‘aircraft continues take-off’ represents
the situation that the aircraft is able to safely complete the take-off phase and climb out (i.e.
incorrect configuration does not result in loss of control).
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
7.2 Quantification
7.2.2 Results
According to ADREP and Airclaims, there have been 24 accidents and incidents that are related
to loss of control after take-off with incorrect configuration.
• In 16 of these 24 occurrences the flight crew rejected the take-off. In 6 occurrences this
happened at a late stage in the take-off and resulted in a runway overrun. In 10 occurrences
the flight crew rejected the take-off and stopped on the runway.
• In 3 events the flight crew did not receive a take-off configuration warning and were
subsequently unable to rotate or lift-off at rotation speed. In all 3 cases the crew then failed
to maintain control and collided with the ground (crash landed at the end of the runway).
• In 3 events the flight crew did not respond to the take-off configuration warning, and were
subsequently unable to rotate or lift-off at rotation speed. In all 3 events the crew then failed
to maintain control and collided with the ground (crash landed at the end of the runway).
• In 2 occurrences the crew took off with an incorrect take-off configuration, but were able to
continue flight tot destination.
We have analysed the databases for occurrences involving a take-off configuration warning
and/or incorrect take-off configuration in the years 2000 and 2001. The corresponding number
of flights for these two years is 2.44 million. A total of 550 occurrences were identified. Table 4
shows the number of occurrences of a take-off configuration warning per associated system, the
percentage of take-off configuration warnings across the different systems that were incorrectly
configured, and the corresponding frequency of occurrence per flight.
In 494 of the 550 reported take-off configuration warnings (89.82 %), the take-off was rejected.
This corresponds to a frequency of 2.02·10-4 per flight.
Incorrect configuration
According to table 4, the frequency of occurrence of incorrect aircraft configuration during the
take-off roll is 2.25·10-4 per flight.
V > V1
According to ADREP and Airclaims data, in a total sample of 452 million flights there have
been 6 high speed (V > V1) rejected take-offs as a result of a take-off configuration warning. All
these occurrences led to a runway overrun. The probability of a runway overrun after a high-
speed rejected take-off after is configuration warning is 1.33·10-8 per flight. The conditional
probability of V>V1 in the event of a rejected take off is 1.33·10-8 / (2.25·10-4 × (1- 5.90·10-5) ×
0.898) = 6.57·10-5.
yes Failure to 0 0
achieve Runway
no maximum overrun
stops on
Aircraft stalls 1 Flight crew fails
Unrecovered Collision
to regain
after rotation loss of control with ground
8.1 Definitions
Take-off is defined as: from the application of take-off power, through rotation and to an
altitude of 35 ft above the runway elevation.
In the ESD the initiating event, pivotal events and end states are defined as follows.
higher angles of attack will produce a rapid decay in lift. Even a small amount of snow or ice on
the wing surface influences the smooth flow of air over the surface contour. Changes in the
contour shape and roughness of the surface will cause the airflow to begin to separate from the
wing at a lower angle of attack than normal and cause a reduction in the lift which will normally
be developed by a wing at a given angle of attack and a given airspeed. Both the maximum lift
which can be developed and the angle of attack at which it will be developed will be reduced
significantly. The extent and way that performance will be affected depends on the position of
the contaminant on the wing as well as on the nature of the contaminant.
8.2 Quantification
The NLR Air Safety Database contains 5 accidents and 3 incidents related to a take-off with
contaminated wing. In 3 occurrences engine problems occurred in take-off or during initial
climb as a result of ice or snow ingestion from the contaminated wing. In all events de-icing
was not effective: in 3 cases de-icing was not done, in 4 cases de-icing was not properly done
(e.g. missing parts of aircraft surface), and in one occurrence the hold-over time was exceeded.
As a result of the take-off with contaminated wing 4 flights ended in a collision with terrain, in
one occurrence a rejected take-off was initiated above rotation speed (Vr), in one event a forced
landing was made after a double engine flame-out. Two of the 8 flights continued and landed
safely (they returned to the airport).
This data cannot be used for quantification of the initiating event because it does not include
occurrences where a take-off was made with a contaminated wing but without further
Table 5 summarises the results of the accident and incident data analysis.
Nine occurrences of aircraft taking off with contaminated wing were found in the ASR
databases. In one of these occurrences the hold-over time was exceeded, in 3 events the aircraft
was not de-iced and in 5 events the de-icing of the aircraft was not done properly, i.e. parts of
the aircraft remained covered with snow or ice. As a consequence one of the 9 flights
experienced engine problems in take-off due to snow ingestion, after which the crew aborted the
take-off. In one event the crew experienced pitch control problems in flight and diverted. In one
event the aircraft was damaged by ice from the wing that struck the tail structure. In the other 6
occurrences the flight crew did not report any effects of the contaminated wing. In all 9 events
the flight crew maintained control of the aircraft and landed safely. Table 6 shows the results of
the ASR databases analysis of take-offs with contaminated wing.
The ASR database was queried for reports on de-icing problems. Many reported problems with
respect to de-icing were not relevant for ESD 6 because it concerned for instance
communication problems with the de-icing crew or collision between the de-icing vehicle and
the aircraft. We found 108 reports about events in which de-icing was not performed or in
which it was detected that ice or snow was still present on the aircraft structure after de-icing
was performed and aircraft was cleared for flight. In 98 of these cases the flight crew reported
that they requested a new de-icing to remove the remaining snow or ice deposits, while in 11
cases no further information was available. In the ASR databases we found 5 occurrences in
which the hold-over time was exceeded. In 3 cases the aircraft returned to the gate for de-icing,
while in 2 cases the aircraft took off, although it was not reported whether the aircraft structure
or wings were actually contaminated with snow/ice. It is assumed that in these cases the
aircraft’s wing was not contaminated.
8.2.2 Discussion
Accident databases do not contain a representative sample of incidents to reliably estimate the
frequency of a take-off with contaminated wing, which did not result in a loss of control. On the
other hand, the database contains a representative sample of loss of control accidents as a result
of a contaminated wing. The probability of an unrecoverable loss of control and collision with
ground after take-off with contaminated wing can therefore be reliably estimated with accident
databases. For the frequency estimation of the Initiating Event we will use the ASR database,
because these data are a more representative collection of incidents than accident databases. The
ASR databases represent a selection of airlines, which means that the ASR database does not
present the whole picture of de-icing problems and take-offs with contaminated wing. We
assume that all events in which the flight crew reported incorrect or improper de-icing were
followed up by a second de-icing as is mentioned in the vast majority of the reports.
9.1 Definitions
The initiating event does not include situations in which the aircraft is ‘extremely nose heavy on
rotation’ or where ‘extra nose up trim is required on take-off’ because these are not likely to
result in an aircraft stall. These events are included in the initiating event of ESD 10.
9.2 Quantification
Initiating event
Using the classification of the source data it appears that 390 of the 1179 occurrences are related
to the take-off flight phase. Analysis of these 390 occurrences shows that 285 are possibly
relevant for ESD 7. These 285 can be classified as follows:
• 89 in which it is explicitly mentioned that the aircraft felt nose heavy on rotation;
• 45 in which it is explicitly mentioned that the aircraft felt tail heavy on rotation;
• 20 with an overweight take-off;
• 93 with incorrect load sheet information;
• 22 load shifts; and
• 16 of which the context is not exactly clear.
With this, 45+22+109/3 = 103 occurrences are applicable. With 9.5 million flights this leads to
a probability of the initiating event of 1.08·10-5 per flight.
CAP 701
In the first 11 months in 1998, CAA-UK’s Safety Data Department received 52 aircraft loading
error Mandatory Occurrence Reports (MORs) [CAA, 2000]. Analysis indicated the following
five main causal factors as follows:
Note that the total of 70 factors exceeds the 52 MORs. This means that some of the MORs
included more that one causal factor.
The number of flights in this period related to the MORs is determined as follows:
From the total for 1998 it is estimated that the number of flights in the period January-
November 1998 amounts to 867,075.
For the 52 occurrences in the period January – November 1998, this corresponds with a
frequency of 5.99·10-5 per flight for the initiating event. [CAA, 2000] does not specify the flight
phase during which the events occurred.
IATA STEADES data shows that from July 2004 to June 2005, there were 118 High-Medium
Risk Air Safety Reports (ASRs) relating to hold loading [IATA, 2005] and 293 Low-Minimal
Risk ASRs Of the 118 high-medium risk occurrences, 52% was related to incorrect loading and
27% to unrestrained items in the hold. The incorrect loading occurrences are divided as follows:
incorrect positioning of cargo (50%), excess loading (24%) and other (26%).
The corresponding exposure for the STEADES data totals 2.7·106 flights, resulting in a
frequency of 4.37·10-5 per flight when considering the 118 high/medium risk ASRs and 1.7·10-4
when considering all 457 ASRs.
Note that in [IATA, 2005] it is not explicitly mentioned if the ASRs were encountered during
take-off or during approach.
Combining information
Further analysis of load and balance events shows a fair consistency between CAP 701,
STEADES and Air Safety Database data:
Although the CAA data and STEADES do not specify the flight phase, it is expected that the
majority of weight and balance problems will manifest itself during or immediately after take-
For the purpose of this model, a frequency of 1.08·10-5 will be assumed for the initiating event
‘aircraft weight and balance outside limits’.
In the Air Safety Database, 10 weight and balance related take-off accidents have been found on
387 million flights. Scope of the search is as follows:
• Western built aircraft;
• Maximum Take-Off Weight above 5,700 kg;
• Jets and turbo prop aircraft (excluding piston engines);
• Commercial operations;
• 1990-2003.
In the Air Safety Database, 10 accidents have been found caused by weight and balance
problems during take-off. In 5 of these accidents, the aircraft crashed because it was too heavy
or because the centre of gravity was too far aft. The other 5 accidents resulted in an overrun off
the runway because of a forward centre of gravity or because of too much weight. These latter 5
accidents are subject of ESD 10. Given that the 5 applicable accidents relate to 387 million
flights this means an accident frequency of 1.29·10-8 per flight.
Pivotal events
No occurrences have been found of stalling aircraft during take-off (because of weight and
balance problems) that could be controlled by the crew such that continuation of the flight was
possible. Because of the close proximity to the ground, it is highly unlikely that such a recovery
is possible. Therefore it is assumed that if an aircraft stalls, the flight crew is not able to regain
control. The pivotal event “flight crew fails to regain control” is estimated to be 1.
Given the result of the pivotal event “flight crew fails to regain control”, quantification of the
pivotal event “aircraft stalls after rotation” can be achieved by dividing the accident frequency
by the frequency of the initiating event. The result is 1.19·10-3.
Aircraft encounters a
Flight crew fails Flight crew fails
performance decreasing Unrecovered Collision
to detect wind- to maintain
windshear after rotation loss of control with ground
shear control
no Flight crew fails continues
to perform flight
(1) Windshear is an abrupt change in wind direction and velocity. This ESD represents a
situation where the aircraft encounters a performance decreasing windshear (decreasing
headwind, increasing tailwind or a downdraft), e.g. as a result of a microburst.
10.1 Definitions
This event includes situations where the aircraft encounters an increase in tailwind or a decrease
in headwind after rotation (performance decreasing wind shear), but turbulence, e.g. due to
wake vortex is not included. The qualification “after rotation” is taken in a wide sense - it
includes also the (initial) climb.
shear encounter. With autopilot and auto thrust engaged pitch deviations and unusual thrust
settings are the primary cues for early wind shear onset as airspeed deviations are effectively
compensated for. Alternative detection means can be other pilots’ reports, ground-based wind
shear alert systems using ground-based radar or lidar, and on-board wind shear detection
systems. Most, but not all, large commercial aircraft are equipped with an on-board wind-shear
detection system. In the case of ground-based systems the crew will be alerted by ATC. For the
purpose of this ESD, flight crew fails to detect wind shear is defined as a situation where the
aircraft encounters wind shear but this goes undetected by the flight crew.
On ground:
• When the decision is made to continue the take-off:
• Set emergency thrust (disregard engine over limit alerts).
At VR,
• Rotate initially to 15 degrees nose-up.
• Increase pitch attitude to lift off within the remaining distance, if necessary even to an
attitude at which a tail strike will occur.
• When airborne, do not change aircraft configuration.
• If the resulting flight path is still unacceptable, increase pitch until speed is just above the
stick shaker actuation.
• Pull take-off/go-around (TOGA) triggers
• Disengage autopilot and auto thrust
• Set emergency thrust
• Increase pitch to 15 degrees nose up (immediately after take-off it is not necessary to
decrease pitch to 15 degrees unless the stick shaker becomes active)
• Maintain wings level unless absolutely required for obstacle clearance
For the purpose of this ESD, ‘flight crew fails to perform wind shear escape manoeuvre’ is
defined as a failure of the flight crew to perform the prescribed escape manoeuvre, either by
mistake or on purpose when the crew decides that it is not necessary because control can be
maintained without following the procedure.
10.2 Quantification
Airclaims and ADREP data are used to quantify the end states of this ESD, whereas airlines
safety reports are used to quantify the initiating event.
A query was run to search for accidents and incidents related to wind shear during take-off. The
time span was set to 1990-2005. Aircraft types include jet, turbofan and turboprop aircraft with
a Maximum Take-off Weight of more than 5700 kg, operated in commercial operations
(passenger and cargo flights). Aircraft manufacturers include ‘Western’ airframe manufacturers
such as Airbus, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed, Fokker, and Embraer. Aircraft
manufacturers from former USSR or Eastern-block countries (e.g. Tupolev, Let, Antonov) are
excluded from the query. All operators of aforementioned aircraft types, irrespective of country
of origin, are included. Military operators and accidents/incidents during test flights and training
flights were excluded. The number of flights associated with this query is 452 million flights for
the ADREP and Airclaims databases and 9 million flights for the airlines safety reports.
Analysis is sometimes difficult because the narratives of the occurrences do not always provide
sufficient information to draw any conclusions, and sometimes no additional information is
given at all. For this analysis, the following is considered:
• If the wind shear warning was false, the occurrence is considered to be “not applicable”;
• In some occurrences, wind shear was detected before take-off, leading to a rejected take-off
or to no take-off roll at all. These occurrences are also “not applicable”.
• The analysis distinguishes between cases with and without explicit wind shear warning. If
there is no wind shear warning, a wind shear encounter can be detected as rapid changes in
airspeed or rate of climb.
• The crew can react on wind shear (warnings) in various ways. The analysis identifies wind
shear encounters in which the crew performs any recovery action and occurrences in which
it is explicitly stated that standard operating procedures are followed, including e.g.
applying maximum or firewall thrust and pushing the TO/GA switch, which is a subset of
“any recovery action”.
Initiating event
Using the results of the analysis of airlines safety reports, the frequency of the initiating event
can be determined as follows:
• 318 applicable occurrences;
• With an exposure of 9 million flights, this leads to a frequency of 3.53·10-5 per take-off.
In total, the probability that the crew gets into a situation in which they have to maintain control
is 1.79·10-5 per take-off.
The outcome is either a collision with the ground or the aircraft continues flight. The probability
that the crew indeed fails to maintain control resulting in a collision with the ground already is
estimated as 2.21·10-9 per take-off. This means that the conditional probability that the crew
fails to maintain control in the event of a wind shear encounter after rotation is 2.21·10-9 /
1.79·10-5 = 1.23·10-4.
no Flight crew fails continues
to perform flight
escape 4.97·10-1
manoeuvre 1.73·10-5
11.1 Definitions
V1, the take-off should be rejected only in case of an engine failure and conditions affecting the
safe handling of the aircraft. Different policies exist among the operators regarding these take-
off rejection criteria. The speed up to which a take-off should be rejected for all observed
failures varies between 70-100 knots with a typical value in the order of 80 knots.
11.2 Quantification
Initiating event
The database of Service Difficulty Report (SDR) (see App. A) was used to estimate the
probability of occurrence of the initiating event. It is assumed that an engine failure can consist
of failures that correspond with the ATA codes between 6100 and 6197 or between 7100 and
8097. According to the data sample there were 8,745 engine related failures during take-off on a
total of 216 million flights. The estimated probability of occurrence is 4.05·10-5 per flight.
End states
To estimate the probability of runway overruns and veer-offs that are caused by engine failures
during take-off, the Airclaims accident and incident database was analysed. Only large Western-
built jets and turboprops in commercial operations between 1985 and 2005 were considered.
Business jets were excluded from the data sample. In the time frame under consideration, this
group conducted a total of 399 million flights. Results of the analysis are presented in table 12.
Pivotal events
The conditional probability of an abort speed above V1 in the event of an engine failure during
take off is estimated to be 3.76·10-8 / (4.05·10-5 × 8.00·10-1) = 1.16·10-3.
The conditional probability of failure to maintain control in the event of a rejected take-off due
to an engine failure is 7.52·10-9 / (4.05·10-5 × 8.00·10-1 × (1-1.16·10-3)) = 2.32·10-4.
The conditional probability of ‘failure to achieve maximum braking’ in case of a rejected take-
off below V1 as a result of an engine failure is 1.00·10-8 / (4.05·10-5 × 8.00·10-1 × (1-1.16·10-3) ×
(1- 2.32·10-4) = 3.09·10-4.
The conditional probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ in case the take-off is
continued with an engine failure is 5.01·10-9 / (4.05·10-5 × (1-8.00·10-1)) = 6.19·10-4.
12.1 Definitions
off. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off can be safely aborted
and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining runway. At a speed below V1
the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off should be continued. Typical
V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160 knots. The actual V1 depends
on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature, and runway gradient. Some
operators and aircraft manufactures have defined a speed up to which a take-off should be
rejected for all observed failures. At speeds between this speed and the take-off decision speed
V1, the take-off should be rejected only in case of an engine failure and conditions affecting the
safe handling of the aircraft. Different policies exist among the operators regarding these take-
off rejection criteria. The speed up to which a take-off should be rejected for all observed
failures varies between 70-100 knots with a typical value in the order of 80 knots.
V> V1
The event V > V1 describes a situation where the rejected take-off is initiated at a speed higher
than the decision speed V1. The decision speed V1 is the maximum speed at which the take-off
can be safely aborted and the aircraft can be brought to a complete stop at the remaining
runway. At a speed below V1 the take-off can be safely rejected, at speeds above V1 the take-off
should be continued. Typical V1 values for large commercial jet aircraft vary from 125 to 160
knots. The actual V1 depends on aircraft type, aircraft weight, wind, air density, temperature,
and runway gradient.
or automatically), and reverse thrust or propeller reverse is selected (if available). These actions
must be conducted without delay and according to the standard operating procedures (SOP).
Braking performance is strongly influenced by the runway conditions, if the runway is wet or
flooded, or if it is covered with snow, slush or ice, tyre-to-ground friction is significantly
reduced resulting in longer stopping distances.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
12.2 Quantification
Initiating event
The Service Difficulty Report (SDR) database (see App. A) has been used to determine the
contribution of pitch control system failures to the initiating event. According to the SDR
database, there have been 389 failures of ATA series 2730 (elevator) and 2740 (stabilizer)
during take-off, in a total of 216 million flights. This results in a frequency of 1.80·10-6 per
To determine the contribution of weight and balance problems to the initiating event, the Air
safety database was analysed. See also ESD 7. Initial search in the database resulted in 1179
occurrences related to the initiating event “aircraft weight and balance outside limits” in 9.5
million flights. This search included keywords like load, load sheet, weight, gravity, balance,
and considered all flight phases other than parked or cruise.
Using the classification of the source data it appears that 390 of the 1179 occurrences are related
to the take-off flight phase. Analysis of these 390 occurrences shows that 285 are possibly
applicable to ESD 10. These 285 can be classified as follows:
• 89 in which it is explicitly mentioned that the aircraft felt nose heavy on rotation;
• 45 in which it is explicitly mentioned that the aircraft felt tail heavy on rotation;
• 20 with an overweight take-off;
• 93 with incorrect load sheet information;
• 22 load shifts; and
• 16 of which the context is not exactly clear.
With this, 89 +20+109×2/3 = 182 occurrences are applicable. With 9.5 million flights this leads
to a contribution to the probability of the initiating event of 1.91·10-5 per flight.
The total probability of the initiation event is estimated to be 1.80·10-6 + 1.91·10-5 = 2.09·10-5
per flight.
Analysis of all 182 weight and balance related pitch control problems that are reported in the
Air Safety Database shows that none of those resulted in a rejected take-off.
The conditional probability of a rejected take-off in the event of a pitch control problem can
now be calculated. In one million flights, there will be an expected number of 1.80 pitch control
related system failures, which will result in 1.80 × (313/389) = 1.45 rejected take offs. In those
same one million flights, there will be an expected number of 19.1 weight and balance related
pitch control problems, resulting in no rejected take off.
In total, for the one million flights under consideration, there are 20.90 pitch control problems
and 0.869 rejected take-offs. The conditional probability of a rejected take-off in the event of a
pitch control problem is 1.45/20.90 = 6.93·10-2 per flight.
Runway overruns
A query in the ADREP and Airclaims databases has been performed to find runway overruns
that are caused by weight and balance problems (centre of gravity too much forward) or by pitch
control system failure (stabilizer or elevator). The scope of the query was flights from 1990 to
2005, Western-built aircraft with a MTOW of over 5700 kg in commercial operations. This set
has an exposure of 452 million flights. The following accidents could be identified:
Most of these accidents are related to weight and balance problems, either too much weight or a
centre of gravity that is more forward than calculated. In one additional accident, the aircraft
had pitch control problems (overweight), lifted off, and hit a building at the extended runway
centreline. This is considered outside the scope of this ESD.
Pitch control problems are often only discovered if the aircraft is already at rotation speed, i.e. at
a late stage of the take-off. If the crew decides to reject the take-off, this will be with a speed
close to V1. In the narratives of 3 accidents it is not explicitly stated whether the RTO speed is
above or below V1. Considering the division of the accidents with known RTO speeds (3 higher
and 1 lower than V1) it is decided to divide the 3 accidents as follows: 2 with an RTO speed
higher than V1 and 1 lower than V1. With 452 million flights, this gives the following results:
Runway veer-off
One of the possible outcomes of pitch control problems is a runway veer-off, which is the result
of the crew not maintaining control after a rejected take-off. In the list of accidents that has been
analysed, two runway veer-offs are found. However, in these 2 situations, the crew did maintain
control and steered the aircraft after the RTO on purpose to the side of the runway. Therefore,
these two situations are counted as runway overruns, not as runway veer-offs (see also the
definition of a runway overrun). Considering also that pitch control problems are not necessarily
leading to directional control problems, it is assumed here that the probability of a runway veer-
off after pitch control problems and a RTO is 0. With this, the conditional probability of the
pivotal event ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ is 0.
The conditional probability that V>V1 in the event of pitch control problems and a continued
take off is 1.11·10-8 / (2.09·10-5 × 6.93·10-2) = 7.66·10-3 per flight.
stops on
1.14·10-4 2.21·10-9
Aircraft fails to
rotate and lift-
Flight crew Aircraft
fails to continues
extinguish fire flight
13.1 Definitions
Apart from these extinguishers there may be indirect ways in which the flight crew can
extinguish fires, such as shutting off the fuel lines to a burning engine.
This pivotal event refers to any situation where the fire is extinguished, either directly or
indirectly, through actions of the flight crew.
Fire propagates
The pivot event “Fire propagates” is defined as the situation in which the fire propagates to such
an extent that the flight is hampered by the fire. This could either be a failure of the flight
control system, a structural failure of the aircraft, or incapacitation of the crew.
13.2 Quantification
For quantification of this Event Sequence Diagram the Accident and Incident Database System
(AIDS) of the FAA was used. For this ESD, incidents and accidents from Part 121 flights in the
period 1990 to 2000 are selected. This selection corresponds to 100,860,778 departures.
Initiating event
The data sample from the FAA AIDS database contains 370 cases of genuine fires, which
corresponds with a frequency of 3.67·10-6 fires per flight. Details are presented in table 15. Only
‘genuine’ fires were considered, cases where meals were overheated causing a burning smell in
the cabin were not considered to be ‘genuine’ fires.
The most frequent type of fire is an engine fire: about 50 % of the occurrences are engine fires.
Electrical fires are the next most frequent type of fire. Other types of fire are less frequent. In
only 3 cases (0.81 %) the fire was not detected during the flight. In 216 (58.4 %) cases in the
data sample, the crew were able to extinguish the fire.
Table 16 and table 17 provide an overview of all fatal loss of control accidents that were caused
by fire on-board the aircraft. Only ‘western-built’ aircraft heavier than 5,700 kg MTOW in
commercial operations between 1985 and 2005 were considered. A distinction is made between
large jet aircraft (more than 19 passengers) and small jet aircraft and turboprops. There have
been 7 cases of loss of control accidents due to fire for large jet aircraft. In the time-frame under
consideration, this group conducted a total of 309 million flights. The corresponding accident
frequency is 2.26·10-8 per flight. There have been 4 cases of loss of control for small jet aircraft
and turboprops. In the time frame under consideration this group conducted a total of 107
million flights. The corresponding accident frequency is 3.74·10-8 per flight. If no distinction is
made between large jet aircraft and small jet aircraft and turboprops, the accident frequency is
Table 16 Fatal accidents of western-built jet aircraft in commercial operations in the period
1985-2003, more than 19 seats, loss of control caused by fire
Date Aircraft type Operator Location Cause of loss of control
31/03/86 Boeing 727 Mexicana Mexico Structural failure
28/11/87 Boeing 747 SAA Mauritius Exact cause unknown
11/07/91 DC-8 Nationair Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia Structural failure
11/05/96 DC-9 Valujet Miami. USA Flight control system
17/07/96 Boeing 747 TWA New York, USA Structural failure
02/09/98 MD-11 Swissair Nova Scotia, Canada Crew incapacitation
25/07/00 Concorde Air France Paris, France Structural failure
Table 17 Fatal accidents of western-built jet- and turboprop aircraft in commercial operations in
the period 1985-2003, 19 seats or less, loss of control caused by fire
Date Aircraft type Operator Location Cause of loss of control
10/06/85 Learjet 24 Euralair France (en route) Flight crew incapacitation
20/01/95 Dassault Unijet Paris, France Structural failure
Falcon 20
12/07/95 DHC-6 Twin Airlines of PNG Papua New Exact cause unknown
Otter Guinea
18/06/96 Fairchild Propair Montreal, Canada Structural failure
Metro II
Analysis of FAA’s AIDS database failed to find any cases of structural failure, flight control
system failure or flight crew incapacitation where the flight crew managed to maintain control.
It is therefore assumed that in the event of a fire which causes a structural failure, a flight
control system failure or flight crew incapacitation, the probability for the flight crew to
maintain control of the aircraft is 0.
yes Aircraft
no flight
14.1 Definitions
Spatial orientation refers to a person’s ability to perceive motion, position and attitude in
relation to the surrounding environment. This capability depends upon the reception, integration
and interpretation of sensory inputs from visual, vestibular, muscular and skin receptors.
[Antuñano & Mohler, 1992].
Spatial disorientation occurs when a pilot has inadequate visual information or fails to attend to
or properly interpret available information regarding the airplane’s pitch and bank. Instead, a
disoriented pilot relies on cues that are often misleading. The most hazardous illusions that lead
to spatial disorientation result from ambiguous information received from motion sensing
organs located in each inner ear. The sensory organs of the inner ear detect angular accelerations
in the pitch, yaw, and roll axes and gravity and linear accelerations. During flight, the inner ear
organs may be stimulated by motion of the aircraft alone or along with head and body
movement [NTSB, 2003].
awareness regarding the aircraft position and altitude are relevant in the context of a potential
collision with terrain and are covered in ESD 35. Events where the flight crew lost situational
awareness and landed on a wrong runway, taxied along the wrong route, lined-up the wrong
runway etc., are covered by ESD 32.
It is often difficult to prove with certainty that spatial disorientation affected the pilot. However,
in many accidents, weather conditions in combination with the aircraft trajectory (e.g.
‘graveyard spin’) are strong indications that the flight crew was spatially disoriented.
In the ESD the initiating event, pivotal events and end states are defined as follows.
14.2 Quantification
The data sample was further analysed to determine causal factors. The data sample was not
suitable to estimate the frequency of occurrence of spatial disorientation events as it includes
only accidents. Minor occurrences and incidents involving spatial disorientation without further
consequences are not captured in the data sample.
Results of the accident data analysis are summarised in table 18. In 24 of 28 accidents the
aircraft collided with the ground, in 4 cases the aircraft made a hard landing. 23 accidents were
fatal. In all 28 accidents the flight crew failed to maintain control, although in at least three
cases it is known or suspected that the crew detected the condition of spatial disorientation, but
failed to correct the situation or take-over control from the disoriented pilot.
The weather conditions at the time of the accident are often not detailed. About a third of the
accidents occurred at night. In 7 occurrences visual reference with the horizon and terrain was
obscured or lost due to (heavy) rain showers. In 8 occurrences visual reference was not available
because aircraft was flying in(to) clouds at the time of spatial disorientation. In 2 cases fog was
present during the accident.
Table 18 also shows the distribution of spatial disorientation accidents across different flight
phases. About 90% of the spatial disorientation accidents occur in the approach, landing, missed
approach and climb flight phase, which is understandable given that these flight phases are
typically the flight phases during which pilots manually fly the aircraft part of the flight. These
flight phases include also manoeuvring, which means accelerations, turns, descents, climbs)
which can be conducive to spatial disorientation.
Collision with ground 24 86 % 3.20·10-8
Hard landing 4 14 % 5.3310-9
Weather conditions
Rain 7
Night 10
Clouds 8
Fog 2
Flight phase
Climb 8 28 %
En route 3 11 %
Missed approach 5 18 %
Approach 9 32 %
Landing 3 11 %
Aircraft from manufacturers located in Eastern Europe (such as Let, Antonov, Tupolev and
Ilyushin) and China are excluded. The time span was selected as 1990 to 2004. The number of
flights corresponding to this time span and Part 121 operations is 143.5 million [NTSB, 2005].
The ASRS query resulted in 12 pilot reports of in-flight spatial disorientation. All occurrences
were classified as incidents and none of them resulted in a collision with terrain. Table 19 shows
the results of the analysis of these occurrences. In 9 of the 12 events the flight crew reported that
they were manually flying the aircraft, in 3 cases information on whether the crew was manually
flying or flying on autopilot was not available. In the majority of the occurrences the pilot(s)
recognised the spatial disorientation, but did not hand over control. In all cases the flight crew
was able to maintain control, relaying on their instruments. In one case the aircraft developed a
high bank angle before the flight crew recognised the spatial disorientation and unusual attitude,
after which they regained control. The consequences of the loss of spatial orientation are listed
in table 19. Most events of spatial disorientation occurred in the approach phase (7), followed
by climb phase (3). This result matches the distribution across flight phases that we found in the
NLR Air Safety Database query.
In addition to the NLR Air Safety Database and ASRS database a query was run in the NTSB
database to search for incidents related to spatial disorientation, vertigo or illusions. The query
was limited to Part 121 commercial operations between 1990 and 2004. Of the data sample
returned by the NTSB database query one incident was relevant for this study and has been
included in the results in table 19.
Weather conditions
Rain 1
Night 7
Clouds 5
Fog 0
Aircraft systems
Instrument failure 1
14.2.2 Summary
Quantification Initiating Event
The best estimate that we currently can derive from accident and incident data yields a
frequency of in-flight spatial disorientation of 8.36·10-8 per flight. This number is based on
ASRS data, which is a voluntary reporting system. The data reliability is poor and a degree of
underreporting is suspected.
All events were classified as incidents
The small sample size does not allow conclusions that are statistically significant.
8.36·10-8 3.83·10-1
Flight crew fails
Flight crew member Unrecovered Collision with
to maintain
spatially disoriented loss of control ground
yes Aircraft
no flight
yes Aircraft
no flight
15.1 Definitions
15.2 Quantification
The database of Service Difficulty Reports (SDR) (see App. A) has been used to determine the
number of flight control system failures. A failure of any of the following systems was
considered to be a ‘flight control system’ failure:
The data sample contained a total number of 7,789 flight control system failures during the
flight phases (initial) climb, en-route, descent, approach and landing. The corresponding number
of flights is 215,800,000. The results are presented in table 20. The estimated probability of a
flight control system failure is 3.61·10-5 per flight.
Table 20 Flight control system failure ATA codes, SDRs and failure rates
Number of Number of failures
System ATA code
SDRs per flight
Aileron 2710 – 2719 454 2.10·10-6
Rudder 2720 – 2729 512 2.37·10-6
Elevator 2730 – 2739 545 2.53·10-6
Stabilizer 2740 – 2749 510 2.36·10-6
Other 2700 – 2709 & 2750 – 2797 5768 2.67·10-5
Total 2700 – 2797 7789 3.61·10-5
Airclaims database
The number of collisions with the ground due to flight control system failures has been
determined from the Airclaims database. The time span was set to 1985-2005. Aircraft types
include jet, turbofan and turboprop aircraft with a Maximum Take-off Weight of more than
5700 kg, operated in commercial operations (passenger and cargo flights). Aircraft
manufacturers include ‘Western’ airframe manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, McDonnell
Douglas, Lockheed, Fokker, Embraer. Airframe manufacturers from former USSR or Eastern-
block countries (e.g. Tupolev, Let, Antonov) are excluded from the query. All operators of
aforementioned aircraft types, irrespective of country of origin, are included. Military operators,
and accidents/incidents during test flights and training flights were excluded. The number of
flights associated with this query is 309 million flights. (1985-2005).
The analysis identified 11 loss-of-control accidents that were initiated by flight control system
failures. The estimated frequency of occurrence is 3.56·10-8 per flight.
The estimated conditional probability of occurrence of a failure of the flight crew to maintain
control in the event of a flight control system failure is 3.56·10-8 / 3.61·10-5 = 9.86·10-4 .
16.1 Definitions
In the ESD the initiating event, pivotal events and end states are defined as follows.
In general, flight crew incapacitation can be health related, hypoxia or caused by asphyxiation.
ESD 14 covers flight crew incapacitation due to a health related factor or hypoxia. Flight crew
incapacitation due to asphyxiation is covered in ESD 11 (in-flight fire). Accordingly, the
frequency of occurrence of flight crew incapacitation in this ESD pertains to flight crew
incapacitations as a result of health related problems or hypoxia.
In some occurrences in which a flight crew member became incapacitated or impaired the other
pilot took over control of the aircraft or the incapacitated/impaired pilot was replaced by a relief
pilot. This situation is classified as ‘aircraft continues flight’.
16.2 Quantification
16.2.2 Results
There have been relatively few recent studies on-flight crew incapacitation. Some studies in this
area are relatively old (1970s and 1980s), which may not represent the situation today with
respect to current medical knowledge, medical examinations, medical regulations etc. A
relevant data source providing quantitative data is a study conducted into in-flight medical
incapacitation of U.S. airline pilots (1993-1998) [DeJohn, et al., 2004]. The study deals with
medical related incapacitation and impairments, including incapacitation as a result of hypoxia,
and excludes incapacitation as a result of asphyxiation. For quantification of the frequency of
flight crew incapacitation events, operator data is the most reliable source. Other sources,
including [DeJohn et al, 2004] and [Martin-Saint-Laurent et al., 1990] admittedly suffer from
underreporting and therefore cannot be used for quantification of the initiating and pivotal
Two important studies on flight crew incapacitation are [DeJohn et al., 2004] and [Martin-Saint-
Laurent et al., 1990]. [DeJohn et al., 2004] estimates the probability of an accident related to
flight crew incapacitation. Two of 217 accidents in the study’s data sample are related to
medical incapacitation, which yields 3.7·10-8 as probability of an accident per flight as result of
medical incapacitation. No passenger fatality occurred in the accidents as a result of flight crew
incapacitation in the data sample, however there were some occurrences with passenger injuries
as a result. An in-flight crew incapacitation was considered an accident when the affected pilot
died in-flight. In 5 of 7 cases where flight safety was considered severely impaired, the
unaffected pilot took over the controls. In 2 cases the affected pilot remained in control, which
resulted in an accident.
Different categories of medical incapacitation are distinguished (see Tab. 21). Loss of
consciousness, gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiac and urological are the most frequent
categories. Consequences of in-flight incapacitations are listed in table 22. Continuation of
flight and diversion were the most frequently observed ‘consequence’ of a flight crew
incapacitation event in [DeJohn et al., 2004].
Table 21 Categories of health related flight crew incapacitation [DeJohn et al., 2004]
Number of events in Percentage of events in
data sample data sample
Loss of consciousness 9 23 %
Gastrointestinal 6 15 %
Neurological 6 15 %
Cardiac 5 13 %
Urological 3 8%
Hypoxia 2 5%
Miscellaneous 8 21 %
Total health related 39 100 %
The data itself is confidential. The airline conducts world wide commercial operations with large (> 5,700 kg MTOW )
Western-built jet aircraft.
The NLR data sample is not representative to estimate the conditional probability of an accident
given flight crew incapacitation, because the data sample is skewed towards accidents. Operator
data provides better quality information to estimate the frequency of in-flight incapacitation.
The query in the NLR Air Safety Database yields 118 incidents and accidents related to pilot
incapacitation. In the majority of the 118 accidents and incidents no information was available
to be able to make a distinction between incapacitation and impairment. Therefore all
occurrences were classified as a flight crew incapacitation event.
In 14 of the 118 incidents and accidents related to pilot incapacitation only crew fatalities
occurred. In 4 of these 118 occurrences both crew and passenger fatalities occurred, while in
one occurrence only passenger fatalities occurred.
Taking into account the number of flights corresponding to the data sample, the following rates
are derived:
• Pilot incapacitation occurrence (accident or incident) is 1.6·10-7 per flight.
• Pilot incapacitation occurrence with fatalities amongst passengers or crew is 2.5·10-8 per
• Pilot incapacitation occurrence with fatalities amongst passengers is 6.7·10-9 per flight.
Table 23 and figure 7 show the distribution of the flight crew incapacitation by flight phase, as
found in the NLR Air Safety Database.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of events
The consequences of the incapacitation occurrences found in the NLR Air Safety Database are
listed in table 24. Data in table 24 on diversion and continuation of flight are not reliable due to
the fact that the NLR Air Safety Database has a bias towards accidents. It therefore does not
contain a representative sample of incidents to estimate frequency of diversion.
In the NLR Air Safety database relatively more accidents than incidents involving flight crew
incapacitation are found compared to [DeJohn et al., 2004]. In the NLR data sample 18 of 118
occurrences involve fatalities (i.e. the event is classified as an accident), while according to
[DeJohn et al., 2004] 2 of 47 flights in which incapacitation or impairment occurred resulted in
an accident. We have calculated the accident probability as result of flight crew incapacitation
with the NLR Air Safety Database data sample, in combination with the frequency of flight
crew incapacitation from operator data.
The NLR Air Safety Database contains a representative, reliable, set of accidents with which the
probability of collision with ground given flight crew incapacitation is estimated as follows.
Seven cases of collision with ground after pilot incapacitation occurred in 750 million flights,
which is a frequency 9.33·10-9 per flight. Taking into account the probability of flight crew
incapacitation (4.67·10-5) from operator data, the probability of collision with ground given pilot
incapacitation then becomes: (9.33·10-9)/4.67·10-5 = 2.00·10-4. This result yields a probability of
1-2.00·10-4 = 0.9998 for a diversion or continuation of flight after pilot incapacitation.
Simulator studies have been conducted in which a subtle incapacitation was simulated
[Chapman, 1984]. In 8 of 500 simulator flights it resulted in an accident when incapacitation
occurred in critical stage of flight, occasionally together with system failure. When subtle
incapacitation occurred without system failures 2 out of 800 simulator flights resulted in
accident. In other words one accident occurred in 400 simulated incapacitations (2.50·10-3 per
incapacitation). This result is one order of magnitude higher than our estimate, but our estimate
includes flight crew impairment and is not limited to complete incapacitation.
17.1 Definitions
This ESD describes a loss of control due to ice accretion on the aircraft’s outside structure
and/or control surfaces. Such ice accretion can occur if the aircraft’s anti-icing or de-icing
system is not operating while the aircraft flies in icing conditions or if the icing conditions are
so severe that they exceed the certification envelope of the aircraft. Icing of the pitot-static
system is not covered in this ESD. If the pitot-heat is for example not turned on, ice build-up
may cause erratic airspeed indications. This type of event is covered by ESD 16 ‘Flight
instrument failure’. Excluded from this ESD are control problems due to ice inside the aircraft’s
structure. This can occur if trapped water (e.g. resulting from a blocked drain) or other fluids
freezes and jams the flight control system. These types of occurrences are covered by ESD 13
‘Flight control system failure’.
In the ESD the Initiating Event, Pivotal Events and End States are defined as follows.
crew response. Appropriate response is to avoid or exit icing conditions and to operate the anti-
ice/de-ice systems.
In some occurrences ice accretion causes a temporary loss of control which is then restored by
the flight crew. In this ESD such occurrences are classified ‘flight crew maintains control’
leading to end state ‘aircraft continues flight’ as opposed to an unrecovered loss of control.
If ice accretion on the aircraft structure leads to ice or snow ingestion in the engine and
subsequently causes an engine failure and potentially controllability or performance problems,
the occurrence is regarded as leading to end state ‘aircraft continues flight’. In the Master Logic
Diagram that combines all ESDs this occurrence will then link to ESD 9 which describes a
(potential) loss of control after an engine failure.
17.2 Quantification
more than 5,700 kg in commercial operations (passenger and cargo flights). Aircraft
manufacturers include ‘Western’ airframe manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, McDonnell
Douglas, Lockheed, Fokker, Embraer. Airframe manufacturers from former USSR or Eastern-
block countries (e.g. Tupolev, Let, Antonov) are excluded from the query. All operators of
aforementioned aircraft types, irrespective of country of origin, are included. Military operators,
and accidents/incidents during test flights and training flights are excluded.
In a number of investigation reports on loss of control accidents due to in-flight ice accretion,
reference was made to previous, related, accidents and incidents. Several of these referenced
accidents and incidents complemented the NLR Air Safety Database query results. The reports
are listed in the reference section of this report.
The number of flights associated with this query is 387 million flights. The dataset contains 45
accidents and incidents related to a (temporary) loss of control in flight as result of ice accretion
on the aircraft. The distribution of occurrences across flight phases is shown in figure 8.
unknown 2
climb 11
enroute 11
descent 4
approach 14
landing 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of occurrences
inoperative. In 14 occurrences it is not known whether the crew had activated the system. In 12
occurrences the crew operated the anti-ice/de-ice system, but still a (temporary) loss of control
occurred. In 2 occurrences the ice accretion was so severe that the de-ice/anti-ice systems could
not cope with the icing conditions.
The ability of the flight crew to maintain control of the aircraft following ice accretion is
summarised in table 25.
17.3 Results
Initiating event ‘ice accretion on aircraft in flight’
Based on the analysis of ASR data, the estimated probability of occurrence of in-flight ice
accretion is 1.97·10-5 per flight.
End state ‘aircraft continues flight’ when crew has failed to respond appropriately
According to the analysis of the Air Safety Database there have 17 occurrences in 387 million
flights where the flight crew failed to respond appropriately respond to in-flight ice accretion,
but control of the aircraft was not lost. The estimated probability of this end state is 4.39·10-8 per
yes Aircraft
no flight
18.1 Definitions
18.2 Quantification
The probability of occurrence of the initiating events is estimated by analysing the Service
Difficulty Report (SDR) database (see App. A). Query 1 below has been used to count the flight
instrument failures during initial climb, en route, approach and landing. Instrument failures
during take-offs without a rejected take-off are included as well. It is assumed that flight
instrument failures can consist of failures that correspond with the ATA codes described in table
26 and Query 1. This data corresponds to a total of 216 million flights.
Query 1:
c15 Year Between “1985” And “2003”
c35 Air Carrier or General Aviation “A”
c40 ATA code 3414 Or 3416 Or 3417 Or 3420 Or 3421
c314a 1st occurrence Not Like “aborted takeoff”
c330 Stage of operation code Not Like "in" And Not Like "nr" And
Not Like "tx" And Not Like "uk"
c604 Aircraft wing type code Not Like “g”
A query was run in the ADREP and Airclaims databases to search for accidents and incidents
related to flight instrument failures. The time span was set to 1990-2005. Aircraft types include
jet, turbofan and turboprop aircraft with a Maximum Take-off Weight of more than 5700 kg,
operated in commercial operations (passenger and cargo flights). Aircraft manufacturers include
‘Western’ airframe manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed,
Fokker, Embraer. Airframe manufacturers from former USSR or Eastern-block countries (e.g.
Tupolev, Let, Antonov) are excluded from the query. All operators of aforementioned aircraft
types, irrespective of country of origin, are included. Military operators, and accidents/incidents
during test flights and training flights are excluded. The number of flights associated with this
query is 452 million flights (1990-2005). Six accidents were identified (Tab. 27) resulting in an
estimated probability of occurrence of 1.33·10-8 per flight.
Table 27 World-wide flight instrument failure accidents between 1990 and 2003
Date A/C type Airline Location Failure
06/06/92 B737-204 COPA Panama Attitude
The conditional probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ in the event of a flight
instrument failure is estimated to be 1.33·10-8 / 6.56·10-6 = 2.02·10-3.
6.56·10-6 2.02·10-3
Flight crew fails
Flight instrument Unrecovered Collision
to maintain
failure loss of control with ground
yes Aircraft
no flight
Aircraft encounters In flight
design load
adverse weather break-up
19.1 Definitions
Aircraft encounters adverse weather
For the purpose of this ESD, an adverse weather encounter is defined as an encounter with
severe turbulence that results in occupant injuries, an aircraft upset or structural damage to the
aircraft as a result of overstress of the aircraft’s structure.
Personal injury
One or more occupants receive minor, serious or fatal injuries as a direct result of the aircraft’s
encounter with adverse weather. An encounter with adverse weather may result in injuries to
passengers or crew when people fall to the ground, hit the aircraft’s ceiling or are hit by loose
objects such as service trolleys.
19.2 Quantification
A query was run in the ADREP and Airclaims databases to search for accidents and incidents
related to adverse weather. The time span was set to 1990-2005. Aircraft types include jet,
turbofan and turboprop aircraft with a Maximum Take-off Weight of more than 5700 kg,
operated in commercial operations (passenger and cargo flights). Aircraft manufacturers include
‘Western’ airframe manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed,
Fokker, Embraer. Airframe manufacturers from former USSR or Eastern-block countries (e.g.
Tupolev, Let, Antonov) are excluded from the query. All operators of aforementioned aircraft
types, irrespective of country of origin, are included. Military operators and accidents/incidents
during test flights and training flights are excluded. The number of flights associated with this
query is 452 million flights (1990-2005).
Initiating event
According to the dataset, there have been 324 accidents and incidents involving encounters with
adverse weather. The corresponding probability of occurrence of an adverse weather encounter
is 324 / 4.52·108 = 7.16·10-7 per flight.
End states
Table 28 shows the resulting number of occurrences for the various events and end states of the
ESD. The dataset contained no accidents in which the ultimate design load was exceeded
resulting in an in flight break-up. In 2 occurrences the flight crew failed to maintain control and
the aircraft subsequently collided with the ground. The remaining 322 adverse weather
encounters resulted in personal injury.
Pivotal event
Based on the results of this analysis, the conditional probability that the ultimate design load is
exceeded when an aircraft encounters adverse weather is 0.
Based on the results of this analysis, the conditional probability that the flight crew fails to
maintain control if adverse weather is encountered is 4.42·10-9 / 7.16·10-7 = 6.17·10-3.
20.1 Definitions
20.2 Quantification
To derive the probability of a single engine failure, operational data from a large western
European airline has been used. This airline operates western-built jet aircraft in worldwide
commercial operations. The data set consists of 286,753 flights from the year 2001. This set
contains 79 occurrences of an engine failure. There were no dual engine failures. The set did not
include cases where the flight crew was able to restore engine power. The corresponding engine
failure probability is estimated to be 79/286,753 = 2.75·10-4 per flight.
To estimate the frequency of accidents/incidents due to engine failures the Airclaims accident
and incident databases was analysed. The data sample included large western-built jets and
turboprops in commercial operations between 1985 and 2005, representing 399 million flights.
Business jets were excluded. The data set contains 151 relevant occurrences of engine failures.
The distribution of these events over the different end states is given in the table below.
Table 29 Engine failure related probabilities per flight for different end states
End state Number of Probability per
occurrences flight
Total power loss, collision with ground 8 2.01·10-8
Total power loss, aircraft lands off runway 27 6.77·10-8
Total power loss, aircraft continues landing 4 1.00·10-7
Single engine failure, collision with ground 69 1.73·10-7
Single engine failure, aircraft continues landing 43 1.08·10-7
Based on these results, the probability of a total power loss is 39/3.99·108 = 9.77·10-8 per flight.
The 39 occurrences of total power loss include one case in which the flight crew secured the
wrong engine. The corresponding conditional probability of a ‘dual engine failure’ given a
single engine failure is (38 / 3.99·108) / 2.75·10-4 = 3.46·10-4.
Since there were no cases observed in which the flight crew restored power, the conditional
probability that the flight crew fails to restore power in the event of a single engine failure is
The conditional probability that the flight crew shuts down the wrong engine in the event of a
single engine failure is ((1/3.99·108) / (2.75·10-4 × (1-3.46·10-4)) = 9.10·10-6.
The conditional probability that the flight crew fails to maintain control given a total power loss
is 8 / 39 = 2.05·10-1.
The conditional probability that the aircraft is unable to reach an airport in the event of a total
power loss where the flight crew is able to maintain control is 27 / (39 – 8) = 8.71·10-1.
In the event of a single engine failure resulting into asymmetric thrust, the conditional
probability that the flight crew fails to maintain control is (69 / 3.99·108) / (2.75·10-4 - 9.77·10-8)
= 6.29·10-4.
yes Aircraft
touchdown fast
no overrun
or long
Flight crew fails
touchdown with Hard Structural Unrecovered Runway
to maintain
excessive sink landing failure loss of control veer-off
landing roll
landing roll
landing roll
Insufficient fuel
Landing off
available for
next approach
Aircraft enters
21.1 Definitions
Unstable approach
An approach is considered unstable if any of the following criteria is not met:
• Correct glide path;
• Only small changes in heading/pitch;
• Speed between Vref and Vref +20 knots;
• Correct landing configuration;
• Sink rate is no greater than 1000 feet per minute;
• Power setting appropriate for the aircraft configuration;
• All briefings and checklists have been conducted;
• Approach type specific:
o ILS approaches: within one dot of the glide slope and localizer;
o Cat. II or III ILS approach: within the expanded localizer band;
o Circling approach: wings should be level on final at 300 feet.
A fast touchdown occurs if the aircraft lands with a speed that is significantly higher than the
reference touchdown speed. A fast touchdown itself is not always hazardous. Particularly if
small aircraft land on a long runway, a fast touchdown does not create a risk. However, a long
touchdown is more hazardous if the runway is relatively short and /or slippery.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
21.2 Quantification
Initiating event
To estimate the probability of occurrence of an unstable approach, an analysis was made of all
landings between 1998 and 2001 of a large European airline that operates globally. Out of a
total of 312,044 flights, 1642 approaches did not meet the stabilised approach criteria. The
estimated probability of the initiating event is 5.26·10-3 per flight.
End states
The probability of occurrence of the end states was estimated from the Airclaims accident and
incident database. Only large Western-built jets and turboprops in commercial operations
between 1985 and 2005 were considered. Business jets were excluded from the data sample. In
the time frame under consideration, this group conducted a total of 399 million flights.
Pivotal events
According to [Roelen et al., 2002], the conditional probability of ‘failure to execute a missed
approach’ in the event of an unstable approach is 2.18·10-2. This estimate is based on expert
judgement. A total of 4 experts were interviewed. The results of the experts were averaged by
assigning equal weights to all of them. The experts were informed that all questions concerned a
“Schiphol class airport”.
The conditional probability that ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ if the approach is unstable
and a missed approach is not executed is 3.21·10-7 / (5.26·10-3 × 2.18·10-2) = 2.80·10-3.
The conditional probability that the ‘aircraft lands long or fast’ if the approach in not stable and
a missed approach is not executed is 1.98·10-7 / (5.26·10-3 × 2.18·10-2 × (1-2.80·10-3)) =
The conditional probability of a ‘touchdown with excessive sink rate’ if the approach is not
stable and a missed approach is not executed is (3.76·10-8+6.52·10-8+1.25·10-8) / (5.26·10-3 ×
2.18·10-2 × (1-2.80·10-3) × (1-1.73·10-3)) = 1.01·10-3.
The conditional probability that a hard landing after an unsterilized approach results in a
structural failure is (3.76·10-8 + 6.52·10-8) / (5.26·10-3 × 2.18·10-2 × (1-2.80·10-3) × (1-1.73·10-3)
× 1.01·10-3) = 8.91·10-1.
The conditional probability that a hard landing after an unsterilized approach results in a
structural failure and the ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ is 3.76·10-8 / (5.26·10-3 ×
2.18·10-2 × (1-2.80·10-3) × (1-1.73·10-3) × 1.01·10-3 × 8.91·10-1) = 3.66·10-1.
The conditional probability that the ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ if a missed approach
is executed is 5.01·10-8 / (5.26·10-3 × (1-2.18·10-2)) = 9.74·10-6.
The conditional probability that there is ‘insufficient fuel available for the next approach’ when
a missed approach is executed is 7.52·10-9 / (5.26·10-3 × (1-2.18·10-2) × (1-9.74·10-6)) =
22.1 Definitions
If the aircraft’s weight and balance are outside limits, there is a possibility that, although the
aircraft was controllable during the preceding part of the flight, controllability becomes difficult
during the approach phase. The change in aircraft configuration that is required for the
approach, particularly the selecting of landing flaps, causes a redistribution of the airflow and
associated changes in the aerodynamic moment.
This event sequence diagram deals with a similar problem as ESD 7, in which also “aircraft
weight and balance outside limits” is the initiating event. However, in ESD 21, the approach
phase is considered and the “aircraft stall” pivotal event is combined with the “flight crew fails
to maintain control” pivotal event.
This means that also situations are accounted for where weight and balance is not strictly
“outside limits”, but it is different than the crew expected.
Not considered for this event are overweighed landings, problems with lateral fuel balance and
jettison of fuel during descent.
22.2 Quantification
Initiating event
The initiating event “Aircraft weight and balance outside limits” in ESD 21 is similar to the
initiating event of ESD 7, except for the difference in flight phase. Some occurrences that are
counted for ESD 7 are also relevant for ESD 21:
• Some weight and balance occurrences are noticed during take-off and are not corrected
during the flight, e.g. shifted cargo that cannot be corrected during flight; The flight
continues, so that the problem still exists during approach;
• Some weight and balance problems are noticed during take-off and are corrected during the
flight, e.g. new loading information is retrieved after take-off and this is accounted for in the
remaining flight phases, including approach, or overweight during take-off is solved by
means of burning fuel during the flight;
• Weight and balance occurrences did not originate during take-off but during approach, e.g.
cargo that starts shifting during descent or approach, or a centre of gravity problem that is
notified when extending the flaps during approach.
The sources [IATA, 2005] and [CAA, 2000] do not distinguish between weight and balance
problems in the various flight phases. The information in the NLR Air Safety Database includes
the flight phase in which the problem occurred. When considering the classification “approach”
used in the database, 18 occurrences can be related to relevant weight and balance problems,
like loose or shifted cargo and wrong information regarding the load of the aircraft. These 18
occurrences are assumed to be new occurrences that did not appear during take-off but only
during approach. For example, it is often explicitly mentioned that cargo shifted during
approach. Considering 9.5 million flights, these 18 occurrences result in a frequency of 1.89·10-6
per approach for the initiating event of ESD 21. This is approximately a factor 20 lower than the
frequency of the initiating event of ESD 7 (i.e. 3.70·10-5 per take-off). The reason for the
difference could be that problems that occur during take-off can be solved during the flight such
that there are no problems during approach anymore. For example, in often happens that new
(and better) load sheet information is received after take-off and problems with weight can be
solved by burning more fuel (or dumping it).
In the NLR Air Safety Database, 2 accidents that were caused by weight and balance problems
in the approach phase have been found on 387 million flights. These flights include:
• Western built aircraft;
• Weight above 5700 kg; and
• Jets and turbo prop aircraft (excluding piston engines).
• Commercial operations
• Time frame 1990-2003
This means an accident frequency of 5.16·10-9 per flight.
Pivotal event
Quantification of the pivotal event “flight crew fails to regain control” can be achieved by
dividing the accident frequency (5.16·10-9 per flight) with the frequency of the initiating event
(1.89·10-6 per flight), resulting in:
• Yes: 2.73·10-3
• No: 0.99727
23.1 Definitions
systems. Most, but not all, large commercial aircraft are equipped with an on-board wind shear
detection system. In the case of ground-based systems the crew will be alerted by ATC. For the
purpose of this ESD, flight crew fails to detect wind shear is defined as a situation where the
aircraft encounters wind shear but this goes undetected by the flight crew.
For the purpose of this ESD, ‘flight crew fails to perform wind shear escape manoeuvre’ is
defined as a failure of the flight crew to perform the prescribed escape manoeuvre, either by
mistake or on purpose if the crew decides that it is not necessary because control can be
maintained without following the procedure.
Sometimes a go-around manoeuvre is initiated by the flight crew if a wind shear is encountered
during the approach. Strictly speaking a go-around manoeuvre differs from the wind shear
escape manoeuvre. Configuration changes (such as reducing flap setting) that are normally
made during the go-around are not recommended during the wind shear escape manoeuvre and
the go-around is conducted with go-around thrust rather than emergency thrust. For the purpose
of this ESD however, a go-around manoeuvre which helps the aircraft to successfully escape
wind shear is regarded as a ‘successful escape manoeuvre’.
Depending on the strength of the wind shear/downdraft, the altitude of encounter, the response
of the flight crew and aircraft performance, the aircraft may hit the ground during the wind
shear escape manoeuvre. If the flight crew initiates a wind shear escape manoeuvre during
which they hit the ground (e.g. tree tops or the runway), but maintain control and continue safe
flight, the event is classified as a successful wind shear escape manoeuvre.
vertical deceleration exceeds 1.9 g will usually be considered as a touchdown with excessive
sink rate.
In some accidents the wind shear caused the aircraft to develop an excessive sink rate resulting
in the aircraft touching down short of the runway. These events are also considered to be
included in this pivotal event.
Structural failure
Structural failure refers to the situation that the aircraft suffers a mechanical (overstress)
structural failure after touching down with excessive sink rate (a hard landing). A structural
failure can be any failure of the aircraft structure and components. In these circumstances a
structural failure often includes:
• failure of landing gear (collapse, torn off);
• damage to wing (tip) damage after contact with ground (runway, approach lights, trees etc);
• damage of tail section (over-rotation, if pilots try to arrest sink rate and pitch up).
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. The degree of damage is
determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle, and the
possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the
runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to
prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway
A fast touchdown occurs if the aircraft lands with a speed that is significantly higher than the
reference touchdown speed. A fast touchdown itself is not always hazardous. Particularly if
small aircraft land on a long runway, a fast touchdown does not create a risk. However, a fast
touchdown is more hazardous if the runway is relatively short and /or slippery.
For the purpose of this ESD, ‘aircraft touchdown fast or long’ is defined as a situation where the
combination of touchdown speed and touchdown point is such that the aircraft cannot be
brought to a full stop before reaching the end of the runway, even when making full use of all
available deceleration devises such as wheel brakes, lift dumpers and thrust reversers.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
23.2 Quantification
23.2.2 Results
2005. Aircraft types include jet, turbofan and turboprop aircraft with a Maximum Take-off
Weight of more than 5700 kg, operated in commercial operations (passenger and cargo flights).
Aircraft manufacturers include ‘Western’ airframe manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing,
McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed, Fokker, Embraer. Airframe manufacturers from former USSR
or Eastern-block countries (e.g. Tupolev, Let, Antonov) are excluded from the query. All
operators of aforementioned aircraft types, irrespective of country of origin, are included.
Military operators, and accidents/incidents during test flights and training flights are excluded.
The number of flights associated with this query is 452 million flights (1990-2005).
A total of 42 accidents and incidents related to wind shear encounters in the approach-landing
flight phase were found. Table 31 shows the results of the analysis of this data sample. Figure 9
shows a mapping of these 42 accidents to the different scenarios in ESD 23. The figure shows
the absolute number of occurrences observed of each pivotal event and end state, based on this
accident data sample.
In 26 of 42 occurrences the flight crew detected wind shear. In 11 of these 26 cases the flight
crew successfully executed a wind shear escape manoeuvre. In 15 occurrences the flight crew
detected wind shear but failed to execute a wind shear escape manoeuvre successfully.
In 31 of 42 occurrences the flight crew did not detect the wind shear or did not escape the wind
shear successfully: There were 15 unsuccessful wind shear escape manoeuvres, 9 events in
which the wind shear encounter was not detected and 7 events in which it was not clear whether
the crew detected wind shear. Out of those 31 events, there were 28 events in which the aircraft
touched down with excessive sink rate (i.e. a hard landing) and 3 events in which the aircraft
touched fast or long.
Table 31 Results of analysis of wind shear related accidents NLR Air Safety Database
(1990-2005, 452 million flights)
Event Number of Rate per
occurrences flight
Aircraft encounters wind shear during approach/landing 42 9.29·10-8
Flight crew fails to detect wind shear 16 0.386
Flight crew fails to execute wind shear escape manoeuvre 15 0.581
Aircraft touchdown excessive sink rate 28 0.901
Aircraft touchdown fast or long 3 1.001
Structural failure 21 0.751
Failure to maintain control (followed by runway veer off) 7 0.331
Failure to apply maximum braking (followed by overrun) 3 1.001
End states Number of Rate per
occurrences flight
Runway veer-off 7 1.55·10-8
Aircraft continues landing roll damaged 14 3.10·10-8
Aircraft continues landing roll 7 1.55·10-8
Runway overrun 3 6.64·10-9
Aircraft continues flight 11 2.43·10-8
In 21 of 28 hard landings a structural failure occurred. The flight crew failed to maintain control
of the aircraft and veered off the runway after a structural failure in 7 occurrences. In 14 cases
the flight crew maintained control after structural failure and the aircraft continued the landing
roll with structural damage. In 7 hard landings no structural failure occurred and the aircraft
continued the landing roll.
In the 3 occurrences where the aircraft touched down fast or long the flight crew failed to apply
maximum braking and overran the runway.
Conditional probability.
31 28 21
42 28 7 7
Aircraft encounters Aircraft
Flight crew fails Flight crew fails
windshear during touchdown with Hard Structural Unrecovered Runway
to detect to maintain
approach/landing excessive sink landing failure loss of control veer-off
windshear control
(1) rate
yes 3 7 Aircraft 14
no 26 landing roll
15 damaged
0 0 Aircraft 0
Aircraft 0
landing roll
Aircraft 11
(1) Windshear is an abrupt change in wind direction and velocity. This ESD represents a situation where the aircraft
encounters a performance decreasing windshear (decreasing headwind, increasing tailwind or a downdraft) or a
performance increasing windshear (decreasing tailwind, increasing headwind).
Fig. 9 ESD quantified with NLR Air Safety Database (accidents and incidents, 1990-2005)
ASR database
Air Safety Reports (ASR) databases were analysed for events involving a wind shear encounter
in the approach and landing flight phase. The ASR databases come from different airlines and
cover 9 million flights between 1998 and 2004. The databases were queried for occurrences
involving wind shear, a downdraft, or a microburst in the years 2000 and 2001. Only air safety
reports involving Western-built aircraft heavier than 5700 kg MTOW in commercial operations
were considered. The corresponding number of flights for these two years is 2.44 million.
Analysis of the data shows the following results:
• The data sample contains 578 occurrences of a wind shear encounter in the approach and
landing phase. This corresponds to an estimated frequency of 2.37·10-4 per flight. Because
air safety reports are filed by flight crews, obviously in all of the 578 occurrences the wind
shear encounter was detected by the flight crew.
• In 427 of 578 wind shear encounters the flight crew initiated a go-around or a wind shear
recovery manoeuvre 7.
• Some of the wind shear warnings were considered false warnings. In 25 of 578 occurrences
the wind shear warning was considered a false, spurious or nuisance alert. In 7 of these
In most ASRs a go-around was reported rather than a wind-shear escape manoeuvre.
events a go-around was initiated nevertheless. In the remaining cases the aircraft continued
the landing. This set of 7 events is part of the 427 reported occurrences involving a wind
shear encounter followed by a go-around.
• In a number of events the aircraft encountered wind shear in the approach or landing, but
the flight crew was able to maintain control and decided to continue the flight. In 151 of 578
reported wind shear encounters the flight crew decided to continue the approach. In 27 of
these cases (17.9 %) the wind shear resulted in a flap over speed warning. In 13 of 151
events (8.6 %) a hard landing was made. In one event the aircraft landed long but this did
not result in a runway overrun.
Examples of instances in which the flight crew continued the approach or landing after a wind
shear encounter, and landed uneventfully are:
• Aircraft was again stabilised before reaching 500 feet altitude (unstable approach criterion).
• Speed was adjusted by use of power and speed brakes.
• Wind shear was briefed and anticipated by the flight crew. Therefore the approach was
continued with a stable flight path or after a stable approach was regained. This mostly
refers to wind shear generated by obstacles on the ground and ‘normal’ wind shear close to
the ground rather than wind shear associated with a microburst and thunderstorm cells.
• Wind shear alert during flare manoeuvre.
• Momentary wind shear alert.
23.2.3 Discussion
The ADREP and Airclaims data do not contain a representative sample of incidents to reliably
estimate the frequency of a wind shear encounter, which did not result in a loss of control
accident. On the other hand, ADREP and Airclaims data do contain a representative sample of
loss of control accidents as a result of a wind shear encounter. The probability of the end states
and conditional probabilities of pivotal events can therefore be reliably estimated with ADREP
and Airclaims data. For the frequency estimation of the Initiating Event we will use the ASR
database. The pivotal events ‘flight crew fails to detect wind shear’ and ‘flight crew fails to
execute wind shear escape manoeuvre successfully’ will be quantified by using a combination
of ASR and ADREP and Airclaims data.
Flight crew fails to detect wind shear and Flight crew fails to execute escape manoeuvre
The conditional probabilities of these events are estimated as follows:
• In 16 of 42 (38%) wind shear encounter related accidents the flight crew did not detect the
wind shear, while in 15 of these 42 occurrences the flight crew failed to execute a wind
shear escape manoeuvre (ADREP and Airclaims data).
• It is assumed that the relative contribution to the pivotal event ‘aircraft touchdown with
excessive sink rate’ from both input events ‘flight crew fails to detect wind shear’ and
‘flight crew fails to execute wind shear escape manoeuvre successfully’ as found in
accidents and incidents (ADREP and Airclaims data) is representative for all wind shear
• ASR data indicate that 151 of 578 (26%) wind shear encounters do not result in a successful
wind shear escape manoeuvre.
• Combining this information results in the conclusion that, in the event of a wind shear
encounter during approach and landing, the conditional probability that the flight crew fails
to detect wind shear is 0.144 whereas the conditional probability that the event ‘flight crew
fails to execute wind shear escape manoeuvre successfully’ is 0.135.
Runway veer-off
According to ADREP and Airclaims data, out of a total sample of 452 million flights, there
have been 7 runway veer-off accidents as result of a wind shear encounter and hard landing
followed by structural damage and a failure of the flight crew to maintain control. The
corresponding probability is 1.55·10-8 per approach and landing.
Structural failure
The conditional probability of a structural failure is derived from the following equation:
2.37·10-4 × 0.26 × 0.086 (excessive sink rate) × structural failure × 0.33 (failure to maintain
control) = 1.54·10-8 (veer-off). Hence, given the event that the aircraft touches down with an
excessive sink rate, the conditional probability of a structural failure is 8.81·10-3.
Runway overrun
According to ADREP and Airclaims data, out of a total sample of 452 flights, there have been
three cases of a runway overrun following a long and fast touchdown after a wind shear
encounter. The estimated probability that the aircraft overruns the runway following a wind
shear encounter and subsequent long/fast touchdown is 6.63·10-9 per flight.
yes Aircraft
no landing roll
landing roll
touchdown with Hard Structural Aircraft
excessive sink landing failure damaged
landing roll
landing roll
24.1 Definitions
Structural failure
The aircraft is damaged as a direct result of the hard landing. This includes failures of the
landing gear and failures of the aircraft structure such as wing spars, fuselage frames and skin
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
24.2 Quantification
To determine the frequency of inappropriate aircraft handling during the flare, a study of
landing performances during ILS approaches conducted by NLR in 2006 was used [van Es &
van der Geest, 2006]. This study analysed in-flight recorded data of 40,764 landings. The data
was limited to two types of aircraft: Boeing 737-400 and Airbus A319/A320/A321. All data was
obtained from a European airline. The flight data were obtained from the airline’s flight data
monitoring program. The recording effort lasted for more than 7 months and covered winter,
spring and summer time operations.
The point of crossing of the runway threshold is not directly captured by the flight data recorder
but needs to be calculated from other parameters. To perform this calculation it was assumed
that all approaches in the data sample were according to a 3-degree glide slope and that for all
approaches the ILS Reference Datum Height that marks the height of the intersection of the
glide slope beam with the runway threshold was 50 ft.
The aircraft touchdown point was calculated from the flight data by differentiation of the normal
acceleration signal. The peak value in this differentiated normal acceleration was considered to
indicate the point of touchdown. The longitudinal distance of the touchdown point relative to
the runway threshold was calculated by integrating the recorded ground speed of the aircraft
from the point of runway threshold crossing until touchdown.
The set contains 3 hard landings and 946 long landings that occurred in spite of a stabilised
condition at the runway threshold (see definitions). There were no occurrences where the
aircraft landed both hard and long after a stabilised condition at the runway threshold. The
corresponding probability of inappropriate aircraft handling during the flare is estimated to be
949 / 40,764 = 2.33·10-2 per flight.
To estimate the accident rates due to inappropriate aircraft handling during the flare, the
Airclaims accident and incident database was analysed. Only large Western-built jets and
turboprops in commercial operations between 1985 and 2005 were considered. Business jets
were excluded from the data sample. In the time frame under consideration, this group
conducted a total of 399 million flights.
The data sample contained 47 hard landings which can be contributed to inappropriate aircraft
handling during the flare and in which the aircraft remained on the runway. In 45 occurrences
the hard landing resulted in a structural failure, in 2 cases there was no damage to the aircraft.
The data sample contained 12 cases of runway veer-off accidents that were the result of a
structural failure following a hard landing that was caused by an inappropriate flare. In addition,
the database contained 13 cases where a hard landing resulting from an inappropriate flare did
not cause a structural failure but led to a loss off control and subsequent veer-off.
The data sample contained 9 overruns where the aircraft touched down long or fast due to an
inappropriate flare. The results of the analysis are summarised in table 32.
The conditional probability of a fast or long touchdown given inappropriate aircraft handling
during the flare is 2.26·10-8 / 2.33·10-2 = 9.69·10-7 per flight.
The probability of a touchdown with excessive sink rate following an inappropriate flare is
3 / 40,764 = 7.36·10-5 per flight. The corresponding conditional probability that the aircraft
touches down with an excessive sink rate given an inappropriate flare is 7.36·10-5 / (2.33·10-2 ×
(1- 9.69·10-7)) = 3.16·10-3 per flight.
The conditional probability of a structural failure in the event of a touchdown with excessive
sink rate due to an inappropriate flare is 1.43·10-7 / 7.36·10-5 = 1.94·10-3.
The conditional probability that the flight crew fails to maintain control when the aircraft
touches down with an excessive sink rate as a result of an inappropriate flare is 3.26·10-8 /
(7.36·10-5 × (1 - 1.94·10-3)) = 4.44·10-4.
The probability of end state “Aircraft continues landing roll” becomes: 2.33·10-2 × (1 - 9.69·10-7)
× (1- 3.16·10-3)×1 = 2.32 10-2.
25.1 Definitions
maximum braking power and all available deceleration devices: the lift-dumpers (if available)
are raised (manually or automatically), the brakes are applied (manually or automatically), and
reverse thrust or propeller reverse is selected (if available). These actions must be conducted
without delay and according to the standard operating procedures (SOP). Braking performance
is strongly influenced by the runway conditions, if the runway is wet or flooded, or if it is
covered with snow, slush or ice, tyre-to-ground friction is significantly reduced resulting in
longer stopping distances.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
25.2 Quantification
Initiating event
To estimate the probability of an inappropriate aircraft handling during the landing roll,
operational data from a large western European airline has been used. The data set consists of
286,753 flights from the year 2001. This set contains 61 reports of inappropriate pilot handling
during the landing phase without technical or environmental reasons. In 58 cases, the report
only reports an “exceedance” due to pilot handling. It is assumed that these 61 cases are due to
inappropriate aircraft handling during the landing roll. The corresponding probability is
estimated to be 61/286,753 = 2.13·10-4 per flight.
End states
The Airclaims accident and incident database was analysed to estimate the probability of
occurrence of the end states. Only large Western-built jets and turboprops in commercial
operations between 1985 and 2005 were considered. Business jets were excluded from the data
sample. In the time frame under consideration, this group conducted a total of 399 million
The data sample contains 62 veer-off accidents that are attributed to inappropriate aircraft
handling during landing or off-centreline touchdowns. The corresponding probability is
62 / 3.99 108 = 1.55·10-7 per flight.
The data sample contains 59 runway overrun accidents that are attributed to inappropriate
aircraft handling during the landing roll and/ or the occurrence of aquaplaning. The
corresponding probability is 59 / 3.99·108 = 1.48·10-7 per flight.
Pivotal events
The conditional probabilities of the pivotal events can be estimated from the probability of
occurrence of the initiating event and the end states.
The conditional probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ if aircraft handling during
the landing roll is inappropriate is 1.55·10-7 / 2.13·10-4 = 7.28·10-4 per flight.
The conditional probability of ‘failure to achieve maximum braking’ if aircraft handling during
the landing roll is inappropriate and the crew is able to maintain control is 1.48·10-7 / (2.13·10-4
× (1-7.28·10-4)) = 6.95·10-4 per flight
26.1 Definitions
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
26.2 Quantification
The main source of information was the database of Service Difficulty Reports (SDRs), see also
appendix A. The time period 1985-2003 was selected as representative of current aviation. The
analysis was limited to air carrier operations, thereby excluding general aviation. Only events
which resulted in precautionary procedures were included in the data sample. Finally, events
which were the result of a false warning were excluded.
The probability of a directional control related system failure is estimated as 6.79·10-6 per flight.
To estimate the probability of runway veer-offs that are caused by directional control related
system failures, the Airclaims accident and incident database was analysed. Only large Western-
built jets and turboprops in commercial operations between 1985 and 2005 were considered.
Business jets were excluded from the data sample. In the time frame under consideration, this
group conducted a total of 399 million flights. A total number of 44 veer-offs were identified.
The probability of a veer-off due to a directional control related system failure is estimated to be
1.10·10-7 per flight.
The conditional probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ in the event of a directional
control related system failure is estimated to be 1.10·10-7 / 6.79·10-6 = 1.62·10-2 per flight.
1.62·10-2 1.10·10-7
Aircraft directional Loss of traction Flight crew fails
Unrecovered Runway
control related or steering to maintain
loss of control veer-off
system failure capability control
yes 6.68·10-6
no Aircraft
landing roll
Loss of traction
Flight crew fails to Unrecovered Runway
Single engine failure or steering
maintain control loss of control veer-off
Failure to achieve Runway
no maximum braking overrun
landing roll
27.1 Definitions
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
ground logic, which will automatically deploy lift dumpers (if available and armed) and will
ensure a proper functioning of the auto brake system. Braking must start immediately using
maximum braking power and all available deceleration devices: the lift-dumpers (if available)
are raised (manually or automatically), the brakes are applied (manually or automatically), and
reverse thrust or propeller reverse is selected (if available). These actions must be conducted
without delay and according to the standard operating procedures (SOP). Braking performance
is strongly influenced by the runway conditions, if the runway is wet or flooded, or if it is
covered with snow, slush or ice, tyre-to-ground friction is significantly reduced resulting in
longer stopping distances.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
27.2 Quantification
Initiating event
The database of service difficulty reports (see App. A) has been used to estimate the probability
of occurrence of landing roll-outs with an engine failure. All engine failures that occurred
between an take-off (not rejected) and landing roll were considered. According to the SDR
database, out of a total of 215,800,000 flights there have been 10,562 occurrences of landings
with a single engine failure. The corresponding probability of occurrence is 4.89·10-5 per flight.
End states
To estimate the probability of runway overruns and veer-offs that are caused by landings with
one-engine inoperable, the Airclaims accident and incident database was analysed. Only large
Western-built jets and turboprops in commercial operations between 1985 and 2005 were
considered. Business jets were excluded from the data sample. In the time frame under
consideration, this group conducted a total of 399 million flights.
According to the Airclaims database, there have been 3 veer-off accidents that were contributed
to landing with one engine inoperable, and 2 overrun accidents. The corresponding probabilities
are 7.52·10-9 per flight for veer-off and 5.01·10-9 for overrun.
Pivotal events
The probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ in the event of a landing with one
engine inoperable is 7.52·10-9 / 4.89 10-5 = 1.54·10-4.
The conditional probability of ‘failure to achieve maximum braking’ in the event of a landing
with one engine inoperable is 5.01·10-9 / (4.89·10-5 × (1-1.54·10-4)) = 1.02·10-4.
28.1 Definitions
are raised (manually or automatically), the brakes are applied (manually or automatically), and
reverse thrust or propeller reverse is selected (if available). These actions must be conducted
without delay and according to the standard operating procedures (SOP). Braking performance
is strongly influenced by the runway conditions, if the runway is wet or flooded, or if it is
covered with snow, slush or ice, tyre-to-ground friction is significantly reduced resulting in
longer stopping distances.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
28.2 Quantification
Thrust reverser failure frequencies were determined from the database of Service Difficulty
Reports (SDRs), see appendix A. The time period 1985-2003 was selected as representative of
current aviation. The analysis was limited to commercial operations of large (> 5700 kg
MTOW) aircraft. Only events which resulted in precautionary procedures were included in the
data sample. Finally, events which were the result of a false warning were excluded. According
to the SDR database there have been 92 failures of the thrust reverser system (ATA 7830)
during the approach and landing phase in 2.05·108 corresponding flights. Only exposure data for
aircraft equipped with thrust reversers is taken into account. This results in a frequency of
4.49·10-7 thrust reverser failures per approach and landing for aircraft with jet engines.
According to the SDR database there have been 170 failures of the propeller control system
(ATA 6120) during the approach and landing phase in 5.52·107 corresponding flights. Only
exposure data for aircraft equipped with propellers is taken into account. This results in a
frequency of 3.08·10-6 propeller control system failures per approach and landing.
For the overall aircraft fleet that is represented in the SDR database, the frequency of thrust
reverser or propeller control system failures is 1.01·10-6 per approach and landing.
When selecting on “reverse”, Airclaims data show 100 accidents. Of these accidents, the
following can be related to thrust reversers:
• 19 runway veer-offs;
• 6 runway overruns; and
• 4 veer-offs and overruns where the crew made a mistake in using the thrust reversers.
This latter category, however, is considered outside the scope of this ESD, but is considered to
be part of ESD 26.
Since the Airclaims database does not necessarily cover all accidents that have occurred in the
period 1990-2005, also ADREP data has been analysed.
As a result of a similar query, using the keyword “reverse” ADREP shows 232 occurrences.
Note that this selection partly overlaps with the Airclaims selection. Analysis of these
occurrences results in the following additional occurrences:
• 5 runway veer-offs; and
• 1 runway overrun.
• 7 runway overruns.
This number of accidents can be related to 452 million flights. Although not all of these flights
are equipped with thrust reversers and, if available, thrust reversers are not always used, it is
assumed here that all of the 452 million flights are applicable. This leads to the following
• Runway veer-off, due to a thrust reverser failure: 5.31·10-8 per flight
• Runway overrun, due to a thrust reverser failure: 1.55·10-8 per flight
The conditional probability of a failure to maintain control in the event of a thrust reverser
failure is estimated to be 5.32·10-8 / 1.01·10-6 = 5.26·10-2.
The conditional probability of failure to achieve maximum braking in the event of a thrust
reverser failure and the flight crew maintains control is estimated to be 1.11·10-8 / (1.01·10-6 ×
(1-5.26·10-2)) = 1.62·10-2.
Failure to achieve Runway
no maximum braking overrun
landing roll
29.1 Definitions
are raised (manually or automatically), the brakes are applied (manually or automatically), and
reverse thrust or propeller reverse is selected (if available). These actions must be conducted
without delay and according to the standard operating procedures (SOP). Braking performance
is strongly influenced by the runway conditions, if the runway is wet or flooded, or if it is
covered with snow, slush or ice, tyre-to-ground friction is significantly reduced resulting in
longer stopping distances.
Runway overrun
A runway overrun is a situation where the aircraft is not able to come to a full stop before
reaching the end of the runway. Occurrences where the aircraft cannot be brought to a halt
before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew deliberately steer the aircraft off the
side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with obstacles located in line with the runway
are also considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of damage is determined by the speed
at which the aircraft leaves the runway and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches,
fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
Runway veer-off
A runway veer-off is a situation where the flight crew is not able to maintain directional control
and the aircraft deviates to the side of the runway and veers off it. Occurrences where the
aircraft cannot be brought to a halt before reaching the end of the runway but where flight crew
deliberately steer the aircraft off the side of the runway in order to prevent a collision with
obstacles located in line with the runway are considered to be ‘runway overruns’. The degree of
damage is determined by the speed at which the aircraft leaves the runway, the veer-off angle,
and the possible presence of obstacles such as ditches, fences, approach lights, buildings, etc.
29.2 Quantification
For the purpose of quantification, it is assumed that “unexpected cross wind” is defined as a
situation where the cross wind speed encountered during landing is more than 15 knots and
deviates more than 10 kts from the reported cross wind speed. According to [van Es et al.,
2001], the probability that the encountered cross wind speed deviates more than 10 knots from
the reported crosswind speed is 0.06 per flight. According to the same reference, the probability
that the mean actual cross wind speed exceeds 15 knots is 0.02 per flight. Based on these
numbers, the probability of an unexpected cross wind is estimated at 0.06 × 0.02 = 1.20·10-3 per
To estimate the probability of encountering turbulence during the approach and landing,
operational data from a large western European airline has been used. The data set consists of
286,753 flights from the year 2001. This set contains 3 turbulence encounters during the landing
phase. Wake vortex encounters due to insufficient separation by ATC were not taken into
account. As a result, the probability is estimated to be 3/286753 = 1.05·10-5 per flight.
On total, the probability of encountering unexpected wind is estimated to be 1.21·10-3 per flight.
To estimate the probability of runway overruns and veeroffs that are caused by unexpected
wind, the Airclaims accident and incident database was analysed. Only large Western-built jets
and turboprops in commercial operations between 1985 and 2005 were considered. Business
jets were excluded from the data sample. In the time frame under consideration, this group
represented a total of 399 million flights. A total number of 23 veer-offs were identified, and 9
overruns. The probability of a veer-off due to unexpected wind in the landing is estimated to be
5.76·10-8 per flight. The probability of an overrun due to unexpected wind in the landing is
estimated to be 2.26·10-8 per flight.
The conditional probability of flight crew fails to maintain control in the event of a unexpected
wind encounter is estimated to be 5.76·10-8 / 1.21·10-3 = 4.76·10-5.
yes -5
Failure to achieve 1.86·10 Runway
no maximum braking overrun
landing roll
30.1 Definitions
30.2 Quantification
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
By taking the average over the period 2000-2004, the frequency is estimated to be 9.20·10-6
airproxes per flight. The average was taken by summation of all airproxes, summation of all
accompanying movement data and then dividing the two numbers.
Exposure data from the period 1985-2004 gives in total 416,360,000 flights in that period. It
involves western-built aircraft, >5700 kg MTOW in commercial operations. Hence, the mid-air
collision rate is 3.36·10-8 per flight.
The UK Airprox Board (UKAB) investigates all proximities in UK airspace. To determine the
probability of occurrence of ‘ATC fails to detect and resolve the conflicts’, a set of 414 UK
Airproxes in the period 1999-2003 was analysed. The data set needed to be limited to cases
where STCA was available. For cases where STCA was not available, the information was
insufficient for quantification of the pivotal event. When we only consider class A or B
airproxes and only those situations where STCA was available, 22 incidents remain. The results
are presented in table 36.
In 2 cases the traffic controller resolved the potential conflict before an STCA alert was given.
In 35% of the remaining cases, no warning was given by the STCA. In 5% of the cases an alert
was given, but the controller did not respond properly.
In 8 cases (36.4 %), the controller did not resolve the conflict (with or without the help of
STCA). Hence, the conditional probability that the controller fails to resolve the conflict is
3.63·10-1. This conditional probability only represents situations where STCA is available. .
Table 37 Summary of the probabilities for the initiating and pivotal events
Event Probability (per flight)
Aircraft are positioned on a collision course 9.20·10-6
ATC fails to detect and resolve conflict 3.63·10-1
Flight crew fails to detect and resolve conflict 1.02·10-2
Collision in mid-air 3.38·10-8
no continues
Flight crew or
Incorrect presence of ATC fails to
Runway vehicle driver Collision on
aircraft/vehicle resolve the
incursion fails to resolve runway
on runway in use conflict
the conflict
no continues
31.1 Definitions
31.2 Quantification
According to Eurocontrol’s mandatory incident reporting scheme, there have been 350 runway
incursions reported in the ECAC area in 2002. This corresponds to 15,300,000 movements or
7,650,000 flights (one flight involves two movements) [EUROCONTROL, 2004]. Since the
definition of a runway incursion includes any occurrence involving the incorrect presence of an
aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of the runway, not all runway incursions are
taken into account for this scenario. In the mandatory reporting scheme, runway incursions are
classified A through D based on their severity. Of the above mentioned incursions, 5% were
classified as class A (“Very serious”) and 30% as class B (“Significant risk”). For this ESD only
class A and B runway incursions are taken into account denoting incursions with a significant
potential for a collision. Hence, the probability of a runway incursion with a significant
potential for a collision (class A and B) is estimated to be 1.60·10-5 per flight. Such a runway
incursion could involve two aircraft or an aircraft and a vehicle.
In 2001, the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR conducted a study to collect and analyse a
selected number of air traffic management related accidents, which occurred in the period 1980
through 1999 and involved civil transport aircraft [van Es, 2001]. The accidents involved
aircraft operated by commercial operators, including and limited to:
• Western-built aircraft,
• Freight operators and air carriers involved in public transport,
• Scheduled and non-scheduled flights,
• Freight, passenger, training and positioning flights,
• International and domestic flights,
• Turbojet, turboprop and piston-engine fixed-wing aircraft,
• Aircraft in the takeoff weight category of 5,700 kg or higher.
But excluding:
• Experimental/test flights;
• Accidents with helicopters; and
• Accidents caused by sabotage, terrorism and military actions.
According to this study, there were 25 runway incursion accidents in 70 million flights. The
corresponding accident rate is 3.57·10-7 per flight. This implies that 2.23% of all runway
incursions with significant risk lead to an accident.
To analyse the causes and effects, a set of runway incursions on airports controlled by ATC
from a western-European country in the period 1995-2001 has been studied. The set involved
259 runway incursions. From this set only incursions are considered where there was a possible
collision. For example, unauthorised entries of a runway with no other traffic were excluded
from the data sample. In total 170 runway incursion remained. It is assumed that this set is
representative for class A and B runway incursions in the ECAC area.
In the analysis the two parties involved in the incursion and their flight phases are determined:
landing aircraft, aircraft in take-off, taxiing aircraft (e.g. crossing the runway) or a vehicle
(including a tow truck). The take-off phase is considered to start when the aircraft enters the
runway to line-up for departure (authorised or not). The landing phase ends when the aircraft
has left the runway. If it was not clear from the incident description if an aircraft entered the
runway to take-off or to cross, it is assumed that the aircraft was crossing the runway, i.e. that
the aircraft was taxiing.
Furthermore, it was determined who resolved the conflict: ATC or the flight crew. If ATC is
notified by the crew or if ATC did not take any evasive action, but no collision occurred, the
resolution of the conflict is contributed to the flight crew or vehicle driver.
Table 38 The number of runway incursions resolved by ATC or the flight crew per conflict type
ATC resolved Flight crew (or driver)
Type of conflict Total
conflict resolved conflict
Landing - Landing 2 8 10
Landing - Take-off 39 10 49
Landing - Vehicle 30 12 42
Landing - Crossing 24 5 29
Take-off - Take-off 3 5 8
Take-off - Vehicle 13 13 26
Take-off - Crossing 1 5 6
Total 112 58 170
In this ESD, the risk is calculated from an aircraft perspective. Therefore, the above results are
transformed into the number of times (per flight phase) an aircraft was involved in a runway
incursion. In 102 cases (60%), the runway incursion involved two aircraft. In 68 (40%) runway
incursions a vehicle and an aircraft were involved. In total, 272 aircraft were involved in 170
runway incursion situations. The probability of a class A or B runway incursion for a particular
aircraft is: 272/170 × 1.60·10-5 = 2.58·10-5 per flight. Similarly, the probability of an aircraft
experiencing a collision due to a runway incursion is 272/170 × 3.57·10-7 = 5.71·10-7 per flight.
Table 39 The number of runway incursions resolved by ATC or flight crew per flight phase
Flight phase ATC resolved Flight crew (or driver) Total
conflict resolved conflict
Taxi 25 10 35
Take-off 59 38 97
Landing 97 43 140
Total 181 91 272
By distinguishing between the different flight phases, using the ratios as given in table 39, the
following probabilities are derived.
It was computed before that 97.78% of all incidents are resolved by ATC or the flight crew.
From the ratio between the number of conflicts resolved by ATC and by the flight crew as given
in table 39, the conditional probabilities are derived. For an aircraft in landing, 97/140 = 69.3%
of all conflicts are resolved by ATC. So, the probability that ATC resolves the conflict is
97.78% × 69.3% = 0.677. The corresponding probability that ATC fails to resolve the conflict is
3.23·10-1. The probability that the flight crew or the vehicle driver fails to resolve the conflict
given that ATC does not resolve the conflict becomes 0.0223 / (1-0.677) = 6.92·10-2. The other
flight phases are calculated in a similar way. The results are given in the table below.
Table 41 Summary of conditional probabilities of the pivotal events per flight phase
Flight phase Probability that ATC fails Probability that flight crew
to resolve conflict fails to resolve conflict
Taxi 3.02·10-1 7.39·10-2
Take-off 4.05·10-1 5.50·10-2
Landing 3.23·10-1 6.91·10-2
no Aircraft
no Aircraft
32.1 Definitions
The various events (initiating and pivotal) and end states are defined as follows:
32.2 Quantification
In [van Es & Post 2006] ‘outcome ratios’ have been calculated for a number of unsafe
conditions. These outcome ratios express the conditional probability that given the occurrence
being assessed, a particular aircraft level unsafe outcome will result. Among the unsafe
conditions studied, the following two are useful for the quantification of ESD 33:
• Cracks in the pressure boundary;
• Cabin decompression or failure to pressurize.
The frequency of occurrence of these two unsafe conditions and the unsafe outcomes of these
conditions have been assessed by means of a combination of statistical data from the NLR Air
Safety Database and background technical knowledge. The selection criteria for data analysis
that were used by [van Es & Post, 2006] are the following:
• Fixed wing aircraft with a take-off mass of 5,700 kg or higher;
• Western-built aircraft;
• No business jet aircraft;
• No occurrences due to unlawful actions; and
• Timeframe from 1980 to 2003.
The dataset contains at total of 3050 occurrences of “cracks in aircraft pressure boundary” and
covers a total of 153.5 million flights. The associated frequency is 1.99·10-5 per flight.
In-flight break-up
According to the NLR Air Safety database, there have been 4 accidents that where initiated by
‘cracks in the aircraft pressure cabin’ and meeting the data inclusion criteria listed in the
previous section. The corresponding number of flights is 438.2 million, which results in a
frequency of 9.12·10-9.
Explosive decompression
The conditional probability of an explosive decompression if there are cracks in the aircraft
pressure boundary is 9.12·10-9 / 1.99·10-5 = 4.58·10-4.
yes 1.99·10-5
no damage
33.1 Definitions
This event sequence diagram describes Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents. CFIT
accidents are those in which an aircraft, under the control of the crew, is flown into terrain,
obstacles or water, with no prior awareness on the part of the crew of the impending disaster
[Khatwa and Roelen 1997].
GPWS failure
This event describes an occurrence where a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) or
Terrain Avoidance Warning System (TAWS) is not installed, or the GPWS/TAWS is switched
off, or he GPWS/TAWS is not functioning properly.
33.2 Quantification
Initiating event
The initiating event has been estimated from the fourth CATS interim report [CATS, 2006].
According to that report, analysis of controlled flight towards terrain incidents recorded in the
British Airways BASIS system during 1997-2001 shows that the probability of occurrence of
‘flight towards terrain commanded’ is 6.10·10-5 per flight. The same probability is used here as
probability of the initiating event ‘flight crew decision error / operation of equipment error’.
The conditional probability of ‘CRM failure’ in the event of a ‘flight crew decision error /
operation of equipment error’ is 3.14·10-5 / 6.10·10-5 = 0.515.
From the 11 accidents in which a terrain warning was given, 4 warnings were generated 6
seconds or less before impact. As a typical response time to a GPWS warning is 6 seconds
[Bateman 2003], these warnings are regarded as too late because the pilot did not have sufficient
time to respond. This corresponds to 36%. In the other 64% of the accidents in which a terrain
warning was given more than 6 seconds before the impact and the flight crew responded too late
or even did not respond at all.
Aircraft fleet size
Fig. 11 Annual distribution of GPWS and EGPWS equipped aircraft of the western built large
commercial jet fleet Source: [Bateman 2003]
Table 44 and figure 11 show the number of aircraft with equipped with EGWPS and GPWS
[Bateman 2003]. On total there are 227.6 million flights in that period performed by western-
built large commercial jet aircraft. It is estimated that 4.9 million flights are performed by non-
GPWS equipped aircraft, 164.9 million flights by GPWS equipped aircraft and 57.7 million
flights by EGPWS equipped aircraft.
Table 45 Accident probability for non-GPWS, GPWS and EGPWS equipped aircraft
Accidents Flights Probability per flight
Non-GPWS equipped aircraft 2 4.9 million 4.04·10-7
GPWS equipped aircraft 32 164.9 million 1.94·10-7
EGPWS equipped aircraft 0 57.7 million <1.70·10-8 8
For the purpose of this model, it is assumed that all aircraft are equipped with EGPWS, i.e. the
CFIT accident probability is estimated at 1.70·10-8 per flight.
The probability of a (E)GPWS system malfunction is estimated by using the database of service
difficulty reports (SDR), see appendix A. According to the SDR database, there are 92 reported
GPWS failures (ATA 3444) for a total exposure of 2.16·108 flights, a failure frequency of
4.26·10-7 per flight.
The probability that the flight crew fails to properly execute a GPWS manoeuvre can be
calculated from the probabilities for ‘flight crew loss of situational awareness’ (3.14·10-5),
‘GPWS failure’ (4.26·10-7) and ‘collision with ground’ (1.70·10-8). The probability that the
flight crew fails to successfully execute the GPWS manoeuvre becomes 5.41·10-4.
In Bateman 2003 the probability of a CFIT accident by an EGPWS equipped aircraft is estimated at 1.1·10-8 per flight.
yes Aircraft
no continues
34.1 Definitions
Ground collision imminent
This initiating event refers to a situation where a taxiing aircraft moves towards an object (other
aircraft, vehicle, either stationary or moving, or a stationary object like a blast fence, lamp post,
etc) or a vehicle moves towards a taxiing aircraft (either moving or temporarily stationary) such
that a collision will result unless avoidance acting is taken by flight crew or ground crew. This
initiating event only refers to situations in which the subject aircraft is in the process of taxiing
from the gate to the runway of departure (including the pushback process) or taxiing from the
arrival runway to the gate, including the process of docking at the gate.
Aircraft damaged
Aircraft damaged is defined as a situation where the aircraft is damaged as a direct result of a
collision with another aircraft, vehicle or stationary object.
34.2 Quantification
According to the ICAO definition, occurrences where the aircraft damage is limited to the
engine, its cowlings or accessories, or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas,
tires, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin, are not considered to be
accidents. These occurrences are therefore not subject to the ICAO rules regarding accident
reporting and investigation and reliable information on the frequency of occurrence such
damage events cannot be obtained from accident and incident databases like ADREP.
To obtain more recent information, one year of ASR reports from a large European airline was
analysed. The time span was from 16 April 1997 to 15 April 1998. Flight phases ‘parked’,
‘push-back’, ‘taxi-in’ and ‘taxi-out’ were included in the analysis. The data file remains
confidential. The data sample included a total of 44 occurrences of aircraft damage as a result of
a collision on the taxiway or apron. 42 of those occurred while the aircraft was ‘parked’, 1
occurred while the aircraft was ‘taxiing in’ and 1 occurred while the aircraft was ‘taxiing out’.
The corresponding number of flights is 107,000, resulting in a frequency of 4.11x10-4 per flight.
Note that if we only look at damage to ‘parked’ aircraft the frequency is 3.92 x10-4 per flight,
which corresponds well with the SAE result of 4.12x10-4 per flight for aircraft at the gate.
Based on the results of the analysis of the SDR data sample, we assume a frequency of
4.11x10-4 per flight for the end state ‘aircraft damaged’.
there had been a collision risk. Events such as ‘aircraft proximity’, ‘obstacles on apron’ and
‘collision risk’ were interpreted as genuine cases of ‘ground collision imminent’. The data
sample included a total of 29 of such cases in addition to the 44 collisions that are mentioned in
the previous paragraph. The corresponding number of flights is 107,000, resulting in a
frequency of 6.82x10-4 per flight. All but one of the reported near collisions occurred during
push-back and taxi.
Table 47 shows the distribution of near collisions and damage occurrences for the data sample.
The ASR system is a reporting system for flight crew. Occurrences where a ground crew
member just narrowly manages to avoid a collision of his vehicle with an aircraft that is
standing at the gate will not show up in the ASR database. This is also evident from table 1. For
these cases we need an alternative way of estimating the probability of occurrence.
We therefore looked at one year of data from Schiphol’s OASIS database (1998 data). This data
sample contains occurrence reports from airlines but also ground servicing companies. The
sample included 95 occurrences of aircraft damage and 44 occurrences of near collisions
(aircraft – aircraft or vehicle – aircraft), see table 48. The data file remains confidential.
No exposure data is available, so this information can only be used to estimate the relative
frequency of occurrence. Based on these results we assume that of all near collisions, in 50% of
the cases the flight crew prevents a collisions (taxi-in and taxi out), and in 50% of the cases the
ground crew prevents a collision (parked and push-back). Furthermore we assume that Air
Traffic Control plays no role in the prevention of collisions on the apron or taxiway.
Aircraft 1.36x10-4
no continues
Aircraft 0
35.1 Definitions
An aircraft encountering the wake vortex of a preceding aircraft may undergo considerable
variations in pitching, rolling and yawing moments and lift. The effect of a wake vortex
encounter depends on:
To avoid wake vortex encounters, ATC regulations prescribe longitudinal separation minima
between aircraft, expressed as either time or distance. These minima are a function of the weight
category of the leading and following aircraft.
For the purpose of this ESD, a wake vortex encounter is defined as an occurrence where an
aircraft encounters the wake vortex of a preceding aircraft such that noticeable deviations from
the aircraft’s initially intended flight path or attitude occur.
Personal injury
This pivotal event is defined as an occurrence where one or more of the aircraft’s occupants are
injured as a result of unusual aircraft attitude and/or accelerations caused by a wake vortex
encounter. Injuries may result from falls (people standing in the aisle) or people being struck by
loose objects.
On November 12, 2001, American Airlines flight 587, an Airbus Industrie A300-605R, crashed
into a residential area of Belle Harbor, New York, shortly after takeoff from John F. Kennedy
International Airport, New York. All 260 people aboard the aircraft and 5 people on the ground
were killed. The NTSB concluded “that the probable cause of this accident was the in-flight
separation of the vertical stabilizer as a result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were
created by the first officer’s unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs” [NTSB 2004] The
first officer’s rudder pedal inputs were a reaction to an encounter with the wake vortex of a
Japan Airlines Boeing 747 which departed immediately before flight 587. The local air traffic
controller complied with FAA wake turbulence spacing requirements when handling flight 587
and Japan Air Lines flight 47 9, and the wake encounter itself was considered to be “nothing
extraordinary” or mild wake turbulence. The safety board concluded that the wake encounter
did not place flight 587 in an upset condition 10, and the airplane’s response to the wake did not
indicate that an upset was imminent. The first officer had a tendency to overreact to wake
turbulence by taking unnecessary actions, including making excessive control inputs. The first
officer’s initial control wheel input in response to the wake turbulence encounter was too
aggressive, and his initial rudder pedal input response was unnecessary to control the airplane.
The wake encountered by AA flight 587 was not very strong, all separation criteria were met
and the aircraft’s change in flight path and attitude were in itself not hazardous, and formally
(i.e. according to the NTSB) the wake vortex encounter is not considered to be a cause of the
accident. Nevertheless, for the purpose of the causal risk model this accident is classified as an
‘ESD 37 occurrence’, because, regardless of discussions on the cause, the sequence of events of
this accident fits ESD 37.
35.2 Quantification
When quantifying wake vortex occurrences it must be kept in mind that neither the flight crew
nor accident/incident investigators have the means to determine incontrovertibly if a disturbance
is caused by a wake vortex or by atmospheric turbulence.
In the 1990-2003 timeframe, wake vortex encounters initiated 7 accidents involving large
commercial aircraft, Western-built (Tab. 49). The corresponding number of flights is 387
Japan Air Lines flight 47 and American Airlines flight 587 were separated at all times by at least 4.3 nautical miles (nm)
horizontally and 3,800 feet vertically, the minimum separation for a heavy airplane behind another heavy airplane is 2 minutes or
4 nm.
The Airbus A300-600 FCOM and the joint industry Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid defined
upsets to include unintentional bank angles of greater than 45°.
Three accidents correspond with the end-‘state ‘collision with ground’, and accidents
correspond with the end-state ‘personal injury’. The associated probabilities are 7.75 x 10-9 for
collision with ground and 1.03 x 10-8 for personal injury.
Wake vortex encounter incidents occur more frequently than accidents. Most reported wake
vortex encounters occur in the approach phase, which can be explained by the fact that nearly
all approaches follow the same approach path, thereby increasing the probability of intercepting
the wake vortex of the preceding aircraft. In contrast, on take-off aircraft become airborne at
different points along the runway and climb at different angles.
An estimate of the frequency of occurrence of wake vortex encounters is available from the EU
sponsored CREDOS project [Balk 2007]. The estimate was based on a sample of Air Safety
Reports from airlines operating western built large (>5,700 kg MTOW) aircraft in commercial
operations from 1992-2005. This sample represents a total of 13,876,086 flights. The sample
represents European and non-European airlines. The data itself in confidential and resides in
NLR’s Air Safety database.
The data sample contains a total of 1906 wake-vortex encounters, distributed among flights
phases as indicated in table 50.
Based on these result the overall (all phases of flight) frequency of occurrence of the initiating
event ‘wake vortex encounter’ is estimated at 1.30x10-4 per flight.
Combination of the probability of occurrence of the initiating event and the end states results in
the conditional probabilities of the pivotal events.
The conditional probability of ‘flight crew fails to maintain control’ if a wake vortex is
encountered is 7.75 x 10-9 / 1.30 x 10-4 = 5.96x10-5.
The conditional probability of ‘personal injury’ if a wake vortex is encountered and the flight
crew maintains control is 1.03 x 10-8 / (1.30x10-4 x (1-5.96x10-5)) = 7.92 x10-5.
-4 -9
1.30 x 10 Flight crew fails to 5.96x10-5 7.75 x 10
Wake vortex Collision
maintain control
encounter with
-5 1.03x10
Personal injury 7.92x10 Personal
1. Ale, B.J.M., Bellamy, L.J., Cooke, R.M., Goossens, L.H.J., Hale, A.R., Kurowicka, D.,
Roelen, A.L.C., Smith, E. 2005. Development of a causal model for air transport safety,
Proceedings of IMECE2005, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005, Orlando, Florida USA, IMEC2005-
2. Antuñano and Mohler. 1992. In-flight Spatial Disorientation, Human Factors and
Aviation Medicine, Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), January/February 1992.
3. Balk, A. 2007. Credos report, working draft, NLR Amsterdam.
4. Bateman, D. 2000. CFIT Accident Statistics, August 31, 2000.
5. Bateman, D. 2003. How to Terrain-proof the World’s Civil Aircraft Fleet-Revisiting an
Old Problem, 56th annual IASS conference, November 2003.
6. Bellamy, L.J. Roelen, A.L.C. 2006. Integrated Event Sequence Diagrams. White Queen
report. Ref: Integrated ESD model_SB30_REV1, 13 June 2006.
7. CATS. 2006. Fourth interim report, TU Delft Risk Centre, May 2006.
8. Chapman, P.J.C. 1984. The consequences of in-flight incapacitation in civil aviation,
Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 55, Nr. 6, pp 497-500.
9. Civil Aviation Authority. 1997. Aviation Safety Review, CAA Publication CAP 673.
10. Civil Aviation Authority. 2000. Aviation Safety Review 1990-1999, CAA Publication
CAP 701.
11. Civil Aviation Authority. 2002. Aviation Safety Review 1992-2001, CAA Publication
CAP 735.
12. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung. 2006.
13. DeJohn, C.A., Wolbrink A.M., Larcher J.G. 2004. In-Flight Medical Impairment of U.S.
Airline Pilots: 1993 to 1998. Civil Aeromedical Institute, Federal Aviation
Administration. DOT/FAA/AM-04/16.
14. Van Es, G.W.H. 2001. A review of civil aviation accidents – Air Traffic Management
related accidents: 1980-1999, NLR report NLR-CR-2001-056, NLR Amsterdam.
15. Van Es, G.W.H., Van der Geest, P.J. and Nieuwpoort, T.M.H. 2001. Safety aspects of
aircraft operations in crosswind, NLR report NLR-TP-2001-217, NLR Amsterdam.
16. Van Es, G.W.H and. Post, J.A. 2006. Risk assessment of potential unsafe conditions,
NLR report NLR-CR-2006-047, NLR Amsterdam.
17. Van Es, G.W.H. and Van der Geest, P.J. 2006. A Study of Normal Operational Landing
Performances on Subsonic Civil Narrow Body Jet Aircraft during ILS Approaches, NLR
report NLR-CR-2006-049, NLR Amsterdam.
18. EUROCONTROL. 2004. European SSAP Regional Workshop, Tallinn, 29-30 June 2004.
See also:
36. Salamanca, H.E., Quiroz, L.L. 2005. A simple method of estimating the maintenance cost
of airframes, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal,
77/2, pp 148-151.
37. Simmons, D.A. 1998. Boeing 757 CFIT accident at Cali, Colombia becomes focus of
lessons learned, Flight Safety Digest, Vol. 17, No. 5/6.
38. Skyguide. 2004. Safety Bulletin #5, Apr/May/June 2004.
39. Stamatelatos, M. et. al , 2002. Probabilistic risk assessment procedures guide for NASA
managers and practitioners, Version 1.1.
For many years NLR maintains a large database with data related to aviation safety, called the
NLR Air Safety Database. Air safety data are all data that characterise activities of the air
transport system. The NLR Air Safety Database is basically a collection of databases containing
different types of data. It contains detailed information on accidents and incidents of fixed wing
aircraft from 1960 onward. Currently, it contains information on more than 34,000 accidents
and serious incidents that occurred worldwide. The NLR Air Safety Database includes the
databases described in sections A.1 through A.7. Besides the data described here, the NLR Air
Safety Database also contains a large collection of non-accident related data. These data
include: airport databases, flight exposure data (hours and flights at the level of airlines, aircraft
type, and airports), weather data, and fleet data.
The FAA SDR program has been criticised in the past [GAO, 1991]. Some of the criticism is
irrelevant for the purpose of this study. However, one of the points of criticism considers
underreporting, and this is an important issue. The number of SDRs submitted by airlines
operating similar aircraft varies significantly among airlines. Airline officials attribute reporting
differences to vague reporting requirements, leading to varying interpretations of what should
be reported and to airlines’ concerns over the public’s access to malfunction reports in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Concerned about public disclosure of SDR
data, some airlines are reluctant to submit malfunction reports to FAA. Differences among
airlines’ reporting practices would diminish the quality of the data because they would not
reflect the actual occurrence of mechanical malfunctions.
SDR data is limited to US airlines only. Because the level of safety of US airlines is similar to
that of EASA operators [IVW, 2004], it is assumed that SDR data is also representative for
European air carriers.
Research approach
Aircraft systems were selected on ATA chapter. The main source of information was the
database of Service Difficulty Reports (SDRs). The time period 1985-2003 was selected as
representative of current aviation. This dataset was large enough to provide a statistically robust
sample, even on subsystem level. Information on the failed system and the flight phase during
which the failure took place were obtained unaltered from the SRD database.
Search criteria
The analysis was limited to air carrier operations, thereby excluding general aviation. Data from
1985 through 2003 was considered. Only events which resulted in precautionary procedures
were included in the data sample. Finally, events which were the result of a false warning were
excluded. The total data sample included 123.278 reports. The associated number of flights is
224 million.
By limiting the data sample to occurrences that resulted in precautionary procedures, the
analysis is restricted to significant occurrences. This has two advantages: a) the reliability of the
data is better, and b) only events that really have a potentially adverse effect on safety are
accident details have been drawn from many sources both official and unofficial (including
press reports). Therefore, they may be incomplete or otherwise incorrect.
others involved in air traffic operations can submit reports to the ASRS if they are involved in,
or observe, an incident or a situation in which aviation safety was compromised. All
submissions are voluntary. The ASRS is operated by NASA. This ensures that the identity of
the reporter and parties involved will not be released to the authorities, and consequently
increases the willingness to report. To further stimulate the reporting process, the system is non-
punitive. ASRS information is not used against reporters in enforcement actions. Unintentional
violations of federal aviation regulations that are reported are waived of fines and penalties. The
ASRS contains reports from 1975 to present, primarily from US reporters, not restricted to a
specific class of operations or aircraft.