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A Laboratory Manual


Microcontroller and

(22426 )


(EJ, DE, ET, EN, EX, EQ, IE, IS, IC)

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
(Printed on November 2018)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms …………………………………….
Roll No……………………….of ………… Semester of Diploma
in ……………………………………………………. of Institute
…………………………………………. (Code………………..)
has attained pre-defined practical outcomes(PROs) satisfactorily
in course Microcontroller and Applications (22426) for the
academic year 20…….to 20…..... as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place ………………. Enrollment No……………………

Date:…..................... Exam Seat No. ………………......

Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of the
Microcontroller & Application (22426)

The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/ field work in the technical education
system is to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in
view, MSBTE embarked on this innovative ‘I’ Scheme curricula for engineering diploma
programmes with outcome-base education as the focus and accordingly, relatively large amount
of time is allotted for the practical work. This displays the great importance of laboratory work
making each teacher; instructor and student to realize that every minute of the laboratory time
need to be effectively utilized to develop these outcomes, rather than doing other mundane
activities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of this outcome-based curriculum, every
practical has been designed to serve as a ‘vehicle’ to develop this industry identified competency
in every student. The practical skills are difficult to develop through ‘chalk and duster’ activity in
the classroom situation. Accordingly, the ‘I’ scheme laboratory manual development team
designed the practicals to focus on the outcomes, rather than the traditional age old practice of
conducting practicals to ‘verify the theory’ (which may become a byproduct along the way).

This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students,
teachers and instructors to develop in the student the pre-determined outcomes. It is expected
from each student that at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read through the
concerned practical procedure that they will do the next day and understand the minimum
theoretical background associated with the practical. Every practical in this manual begins by
identifying the competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes and practical outcomes
which serve as a key focal point for doing the practical. The students will then become aware
about the skills they will achieve through procedure shown there and necessary precautions to be
taken, which will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in their professional life.

This manual also provides guidelines to teachers and instructors to effectively facilitate
student-centered lab activities through each practical exercise by arranging and managing
necessary resources in order that the students follow the procedures and precautions
systematically ensuring the achievement of outcomes in the students.

Microcontroller is used in almost all the domestic, industrial, consumer goods and other
high end products. Automation is used in every field of engineering and microcontroller is
inbuilt element of these systems and devices. Diploma engineers have to deal with various
microcontroller based systems and maintain them. This course is intended to develop the skills to
maintain and solve the application problems related to microcontrollers.

Although all care has been taken to check for mistakes in this laboratory manual, yet it is
impossible to claim perfection especially as this is the first edition. Any such errors and
suggestions for improvement can be brought to our notice and are highly welcome.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Programme Outcomes (POs) to be achieved through Practical of this Course

Following programme outcomes are expected to be achieved through the practical of the course

PO1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic engineering
to solve the broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering problems.

PO2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering knowledge

to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering related problems.

PO3. Experiments and practice: Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and
practices to use the results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering

PO4. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications technologies and
tools with an understanding of the limitations

PO5. The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Electronics and Telecommunication

PO6. Environment and sustainability: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering

solutions also for sustainable development practices in societal and environmental contexts.

PO7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics, responsibilities and
norms of the practice also in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering.

PO8. Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in diverse/
multidisciplinary teams.

PO9. Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.

PO10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the context
of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication engineering and allied

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):-.

PSO1. Electronics and Telecommunication Systems: Maintain various types of Electronics

and Telecommunication systems.

PSO2. EDA Tools Usage: Use EDA tools to develop simple Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering related circuits.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

List of Industry Relevant Skills

 The following industry relevant skills of the competency ‘Maintain microcontroller
based systems’ are expected to be developed in students by undertaking the practicals of
this laboratory manual.

1. Identify the relevant microcontroller.

2. Interface various I/O devices with microcontroller.
3. Interpret the program.
4. Maintain microcontroller based systems.
5. Use features available with given microcontroller.
6. Test the circuit for the given application.
7. Find faults and trouble shoot the given system.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical- Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs)
a. Analyze architecture of microcontroller ICs.
b. Interpret the program for 8051in assembly language for the given operations.
c. Interpret the program by using timer, interrupt and serial ports /parallel ports.
d. Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.
e. Maintain microcontroller used in different application
Practical Outcomes (PrO) a. b. c. d. e.
1. Identify various blocks of 8051 microcontroller
√ - - - -
development board.

2. Write sample assembly language program using

- √ - - -
various addressing modes and assembler directives.
3. Write an assembly language program (ALP) to
perform arithmetic operations : addition, - √ - - -
subtraction, multiplication and division.
4. Write an ALP to transfer data from source to
destination location of internal/external data - √ - - -
5. Write an ALP to find smallest/largest number from
the given data bytes stored in internal/external data - √ - - -
memory locations.
6. Write an ALP for arranging numbers in ascending
/descending order stored in external memory - √ - - -
7. Write an ALP to generate delay using register. - - √ - -

8. Write an ALP to transfer 8 bit data serially on serial - √ - -

9. Interface LED with microcontroller and turn it ON
- - √ - -
with microcontroller interrupt.
10. Develop an ALP to generate pulse and square wave
- - √ - -
by using Timer delay.
11. Interface 4 X 4 LED matrix with 8051 to display
- - - √ -
various pattern.
12. Interface 7-segment display to display the decimal
- - - √ -
number from 0 to 9.
13. Interface relay with microcontroller and turn it ON
- - - √ -
and OFF.
14. Interface LCD with 8051 microcontroller to display - - √ -
the characters and decimal numbers. -

15. Interface the given keyboard with 8051 and display

- - -- √ -
the key pressed.
16. Interface ADC with 8051 microcontroller and
- - - - √
verify input/output.

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Practical Outcomes (PrO)
No. a. b. c. d. e.

17. Interface DAC with 8051 microcontroller and

observe following waveforms: square wave, - - - - √
triangular wave, saw-tooth wave .
18. Interface stepper motor to microcontroller and
rotate in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction at - - - - √
the given angles.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Guidelines to Teachers
1. Teacher is expected to refer complete curriculum document and follow guidelines for
2. Teacher should provide the guideline with demonstration of practical to the students
with all features.
3. Teacher shall explain prior concepts to the students before starting of each practical
4. Involve students in performance of each practical.
5. Teacher should ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the
students after the completion of the practical exercise.
6. Teachers should give opportunity to students for hands on experience after the
7. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the
8. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though not
covered in the manual but are expected the students by the industry.
9. Give practical assignment and assess the performance of students based on task
assigned to check whether it is as per the instructions.
10. Assess the skill achievement of the students and COs of each unit.
11. At the beginning Teacher should make the students acquainted with any of the
simulation software environment as few experiments are based on simulation.
12. It is desirable to paste the photo of actual experimental setup or draw block diagram of
experimental setup.
13. Practical No.1 should not be consider for Practical (ESE-End Semester Exam).

Instructions for Students

1. Listen carefully the lecture given by teacher about course, curriculum, learning structure,
skills to be developed.
2. Before performing the practical student shall read lab manual of related practical to be
3. For incidental writing on the day of each practical session every student should maintain
a dated log book for the whole semester, apart from this laboratory manual which s/he
has to submit for assessment to the teacher.
4. Organize the work in the group and make record of all observations.
5. Students shall develop maintenance skill as expected by industries.
6. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and gain confidence.
7. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc. those
included in scope of manual
8. Student shall refer technical magazines, IS codes and data books.
9. Student should develop habit to submit the practical on date and time.
10. Student should well prepare while submitting write-up of exercise.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Content Page
List of Practicals and Progressive Assessment Sheet
Sr Date of Date of Dated Remar
Page Assessment
No Title of the practical perfor submiss sign. of ks (if
No. marks(25)
mance ion teacher any)

Identify various blocks of 8051

1* microcontroller development board.

Write sample assembly language program

2 using various addressing modes and
assembler directives.

Write an assembly language program

(ALP) to perform arithmetic operations :
addition, subtraction, multiplication and

Write an ALP to transfer data from source

4* to destination location of internal/external
data memory.

Write an ALP to find smallest/largest

5 number from the given data bytes stored in
internal/external data memory locations.

Write an ALP for arranging numbers in

6 ascending /descending order stored in
external memory locations.

Write an ALP to generate delay using


Write an ALP to transfer 8 bit data serially

on serial port.

Interface LED with microcontroller and

turn it ON with microcontroller interrupt.

Develop an ALP to generate pulse and

square wave by using Timer delay.

Interface 4 X 4 LED matrix with 8051 to

display various pattern.

Interface 7-segment display to display the

decimal number from 0 to 9.

Interface relay with microcontroller and

turn it ON and OFF.

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Interface LCD with 8051 microcontroller

14* to display the alphabets and decimal

Interface the given keyboard with 8051and

display the key pressed.

Interface ADC with 8051 microcontroller

and verify input/output.

Interface DAC with 8051 microcontroller

17* and observe following waveforms: square
wave, triangular wave, saw-tooth wave.

Interface stepper motor to microcontroller

18* and rotate in clockwise and anti-clockwise
direction at the given angles.

Total Marks

 The practical marked as ‘*’ are compulsory,

 Column 6th marks to be transferred to Performa of CIAAN-2017.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education viii

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No.1: Identify various blocks of 8051 microcontroller

development board.
I Practical Significance
Microcontroller has wide application in electronic system needing real time
processing/control, starting from domestic application such as washing machine, TV and
air conditioners. Microcontrollers are also used in automobiles, process control
industries, cell phones, robotics and in space application. This practical will help the
students to develop skills to Identify various blocks of 8051 development board.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications technologies
and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
 Individual and team work: Function effectively as leader and team member in
diverse/multidisciplinary teams.
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry.

III Competency and Practical skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller-based systems’:
 Identify the components on microcontroller development board and understand their
 Use integrate development environment (IDE).

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Analyze architecture of microcontroller ICs

V Practical Outcome
 Identify various blocks of 8051 microcontroller development board.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
 Maintain tools and equipment.
 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Microcontroller is a single chip microcomputer made through VLSI fabrication. 8051 is
the microcontroller of the MCS-51 family introduced by Intel Corporation. It has inbuilt
components such as CPU, internal RAM and ROM, timers/counters, serial ports,
interrupts and I/O ports.

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Fig 1.1 Block diagram of 8051

Specification of microcontroller 8051

 It is an 8-bit microcontroller.
 It has 128 bytes of Internal RAM.
 It has 4kilo bytes of Internal ROM.
 It has two 16 bit internal
 It has 4 eight-bit parallel ports.
 Programmable full duplex serial
 It has three internal and two external

Fig 1.2 System On Chip - 8051

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Pin diagram of 8051: 8051 is a 40 pin IC and operates on +5 volts DC supply.

Fig. 1.3 Pin diagram of 8051

Keil IDE:
Keil is 8051 development tool which includes a text Editor, Assembler Debugger, linker,
Simulator, C-complier, hex converter, locator and some in-built features like logic
analyzer to observe various waveforms. It also includes terminal emulator. Keil supports
all 8051 derivatives and valuable tool for embedded software development.

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The Development board:

Fig. 1.4 8051 Development Board

The development board has the 89S51 microcontroller along with some necessary
component like MAX 232, resistor network etc. It is a devise used to develop and design
a prototype embedded system. Port pins are taken out for interfacing various peripherals.
It has a provision to download the hex file of user program which is generated by Keil or
any other IDE. FLASH MAGIC software is used to download the hex file into the code
memory of microcontroller.

Fig. 1.5 8051 Programming through serial cable

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VIII Resources required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Single board system with 8K RAM,ROM memory
with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD display, PC
1. keyboard interfacing facility, Hex keypad facility, 1 No.
single user cross c-compiler,RS-232,USB, interfacing
facility with built in power supply.
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and program
1 No.
downloading software.

IX Precautions to be Followed
Do not power up development board when identifying blocks.

X Procedure
Steps for creating a project using Keil software:
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon. (Keil automatically opens the last project
which was opened previously, when Keil was closed).

To create new project, Click on Project and select new project.

Select appropriate location for new project and type project name, click on save button.

“Select device for Target Target-1” window will open. It displays a list of manufacturers of
Double click on ATMEL or INTEL, list of supported microcontrollers gets displayed.
Select 80C51AH from INTEL or AT89C51 (or as per the target board) for ATMEL then
click ok.

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Click file pull down menu. Select new, a text editor window will open. Save this file in a
same folder where project was stored. Give extension as .ASM or. A51.

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On left hand project work space window will display Target1 and Source group1.
Right click on source group; Add files to source group 1.

Select file type as asm source file. Now all .asm file Name will be displayed. Select appropriate
file, click ADD and close.

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Project work space window will display ‘Target 1’ and ‘Source group 1’ with added file name.

Type assembly language program. End with END directive. Save the file periodically.
Right click on source group, click on Build target or press F7.

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Output window will display the errors if any. If there are some errors, then remove the errors
and repeat from step number 12 until no errors.

To create a hex file, follow this procedure

a. Right click on target in project window.
b. Click on options for target ‘target 1’.
c. Set target frequency 11.0592 MHz
d. Click on output tab and checkmark the option “create hex file”.
e. Click ok
f. Repeat step 12 again.
Observe output window. Hex file is created.

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This step is optional for the experiments which need only simulation method to observe
the results.

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To start the simulation. Click on Debug pull down. Then select start/Stop debug session

On start of debug session, project window will display all internal registers of 8051 and their
contents. To execute the program step by step, go no clicking on “step over” button.
Observe the logic levels of port pins, timers, interrupt etc, by clicking on Peripherals and select
Execute the program step by step and observe the logic levels on port pins.

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Observe the serial communication by clicking VIEW pull down and select serial window-1

Observe the contents of internal, external and code memory contents.

a. Click on memory window button
b. Memory window will get displayed near output window with address bar.
c. Type “i: address 8-bit H” for internal memory.” X: address16 bit H” for external
memory for code memory type “C: address”.
d. To modify the contents of memory, right click on contents of any memory
location and enter new valued to be loaded in that memory location

Please note that the features of Sr. no.16 to 18 are available only in debug mode.

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XI Resources used

Sr. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity



XII Actual procedure followed (use blank sheet provided if space is not sufficient)

XIII Precautions followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Observations (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Observe development board and list various components and write their functions.

Sr. No. Component Function

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XV Result (Identification of various block of 8051 development board )


XVI Interpretation of Results (Hardware and software features of 8051 development board
and Keil)

XVII Conclusions and Recommendations


XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.

1. List internal and external interrupts available to 8051 microcontroller?

2. List any four features of Keil IDE.
3. List MCS51 family members and write their specifications.
4. Explain the selection criteria for selecting a microcontroller device.
5. List I/O ports available in 8051 microcontroller.
[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further Reading

1. http://www.keil.com
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_MCS-51
3. http://www.circuitstoday.com/getting-started-with-keil-uvision
4. https://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/uma/~wel/wel12/.../ATMEL%2089C51.pdf

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Identifying components on developer kit 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Observations and recording 20%
5 Answer to sample questions. 15%
6 Timely Submission of report. 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %

Name of Team Members

1. …………………………………..
2. …………………………………..
3. …………………………………..
4. …………………………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Total
(15) Related (10) (25)

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Practical No. 2: Write sample assembly language program using various

addressing modes and assembler directives

I Practical Significance
The addressing modes specifies the way data can be moved or copied from source to
destination location thus providing various options and flexibility for data transfer. This
practical will help the students to develop skills to allow the programmer to write
structured program which is essential to code maintainability.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller-based systems’:
 Use of addressing modes and how it provides flexibility in software development.
 Use of directives to instruct the assembler.
 Develop assembly programs for microcontroller.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program for 8051 in assembly language for the given operations.

V Practical Outcome
 Write sample assembly language program using various addressing modes and
assembler directives.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

1. Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Addressing Modes: A microcontroller provides various methods for accessing data
needed in the execution of an instruction. The various methods of accessing the data are
called addressing modes.

1. Immediate addressing mode: The data is provided in instruction itself. The data is
identified by #before the numerical value
Ex: MOV A, #05H (The immediate date 05h provided in instruction is moved into A

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2. Register addressing mode: The registers hold the data. The permitted registers are
A, R7-R0 of each register bank.
Ex: MOV A, R0 content of R0 register is copied into Accumulator.

3. Direct addressing mode: The data is in the RAM memory location and this address
is given as part of instruction.
Ex: MOV A, 30H Content of RAM address 30H is copied into Accumulator.

4. Register Indirect addressing mode: Here the address of memory location is

indirectly provided by a register.
The '@' sign indicates that the register holds the address of memory location
Ex: MOV A, @R0 Copy the content of memory location whose address is given in
R0 register to register A.

5. Register specific mode: The operand is specified by certain specific registers such as
accumulator or DPTR
Ex: RRA Rotate the contents of accumulator to the right

6. Indexed Addressing mode: This addressing mode is basically used for accessing
data from look up table. Here the address of memory is indexed.
Ex: MOVC A, @A+DPTR. The content of A register is added with content of DPTR
and the resultant is the address of memory location from where the data is copied to A

Assembler Directives:
The assembler directives are instructions to the assembler to carry out certain activity
during the assembly process. The common assembler directives are:
ORG indicates the beginning of the address
DB used to define 8-bit data in decimal, binary, hexadecimal, ASCII formats
EQU used to define a constant without occupying a memory location
END indicates end of the source file

VIII Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components

Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and

1. 1 No.
program downloading software

IX Precautions to be Followed
1. Check rules / syntax of assembly programming.

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X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL or INTEL and select 80c51AH 0r AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as .asm or .a51.
Compile the Program
6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.
Run, Debug the Program
8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window. It will display all internal registers of 8051
and their contents.
11. Note the contents of the registers in observation table.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to move data from accumulator to memory

location 30h using immediate and indirect addressing mode.

Step 1-Algorithm
1. Start
2. Move the immediate data 23H into accumulator
3. Initialize R1 with memory location 30H
4. Move the content of the accumulator to the memory location pointer by R1.
5. Stop

Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 2.1 Flowchart to move data from accumulator to memory location 30h

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Step 3- Assembly Language Sample Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 7423 MOV A, #23H ;Move the data 23h into accumulator
C:0x0002 7930 MOV R1, #30H ;Move the address 30 h into register R1
C:0x0004 ;Move the contents of accumulator in
F7 MOV @R1, A
30h memory location
END ;Stop

Fig 2.2 : Output window

SAMPLE PROGRAM 2: Write a program using ORG, DB and END directives

Step 1-Algorithm
 Start.
 Use ORG directive to set memory location at 0000H.
 Use data directive to write data 27h at memory location 0000H.
 Initialize data pointer to memory location 0000H.
 Clear contents of Accumulator.
 Move into accumulator a byte of data located at address pointed by DPTR.
 Initialize Data pointer to new memory location 2000H.
 Move the contents of Accumulator to address pointed by DPTR.
 Stop

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Step 2-Flowchart

Fig 2.3 Flowchart for ORG, DB and END directives program

Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
;Use ORG directive to set
ORG 0000H
memory location at 0000H
C:0x0000 27 DATA1: DB 27H ;8 bit data is Hexadecimal value
C:0x0001 900000 MOV DPTR, #0000H ;Initialize data pointer to 0000H
C:0x0004 E4 CLR A ; Clear Accumulator
;Move code byte at ACC+DPTR
C:0x0005 93 MOVC A, @A+DPTR
to ACC
;Initialize data pointer to new
C:0x0006 902000 MOV DPTR, #2000H
memory location 2000H
;Move the contents of
C:0x0009 F0 MOVX @DPTR, A accumulator to address pointed
END ;Stop

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Fig 2.4 Output window

Problem statement #1 for student: Write a program to transfer the data 25h into register R2 of
Bank 0 and register R2 of Bank 1 using immediate and register addressing mode.

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments


Problem statement #2 for student: Write a program using EQU directive.

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

XI Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity

XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

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XIV Observations
After execution of sample program 1 After execution of sample program 2

Accumulator Accumulator


30H memory 2000H memory

location location

XV Results (Output of the Program)


XVI Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVII Conclusions and Recommendation


XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. State significance of the symbols @ used in addressing mode.
2. Develop a program to copy the value 55H into RAM memory locations 40H to 41H
using (a) direct addressing mode, (b) register indirect addressing mode without a
loop, and (c) with a loop.
3. State the contents of each ROM location for the following data
ORG 2000H
DATA1: DB “Earth”
DATA2: DB “987-65”
4. Copy the byte in Accumulator to register R2 using at least three different addressing

[Space for Answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2526

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2627

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XIX References / Suggestions for further reading
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson
/Prentice Hall, , 2nd edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IISc-
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-

XX Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Marks Obtained Dated signature

of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2728

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 3: Write an assembly language program (ALP) to perform

arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
I Practical Significance
8051 microcontroller has single instruction arithmetic operations. Applications such as
BCD and ASCII conversions and checksum byte testing require arithmetic operations.
This practical will help the students to develop skills to write assembly program for
arithmetic operations.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Develop the code for the given problem.
 Debug the code and rectify the errors.
 Run the code.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program for 8051 in assembly language for the given operations.

V Practical Outcome
 Write an assembly language program (ALP) to perform arithmetic operations:
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Accumulator is an 8 bit register and is used for all arithmetic and logic operations. To
perform arithmetic operations, it is necessary that one of the two operands should be in
accumulator. Register B is used for multiplication and division purpose. There are four
register banks available in 8051; each register bank consists of 8 registers (R0 to R7).

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2829

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Fig 3.1 Register Banks

8051 uses DPTR, a 16 bit register to access the 16-bit data from external memory. It is used in
MOVX, MOVC command
Arithmetic operations affect flags in PSW register of 8051

Fig 3.2 Program Status Word Register

Basic arithmetic operations are –

For addition ADD/ADDC Destination, Source

For subtraction SUBB Destination, Source
For multiplication MUL AB
For division DIV AB

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2930

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

VIII Resources Required

Instrument /Components Specification Quantity
1 Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation 1 No.
and program downloading software

IX Precautions to be Followed
1. Check rules / syntax of assembly programming.

X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL and select AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as filename.asm extension.
Compile the Program
6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.
Run, Debug the Program
8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window.
11. Note the values of the result of various operations in the observation table.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: To perform following: arithmetic operations: addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division.

Step 1-Algorithm
1. Move value 02 H in accumulator.
2. Add 03 H to the number stored in accumulator (02 H).
3. Move contents of accumulator to R0 register.
4. Clear accumulator.
5. Move number 05 H in accumulator.
6. Subtract value stored in accumulator (05 H) with 02 H.
7. Move contents of accumulator to register R1.
8. Clear accumulator and carry flag.
9. Move 03H in accumulator, 02H in register B.
10. Multiply the two numbers.
11. Store product in R2 and R3.
12. Clear accumulator.
13. Move 95 H and 10 H in registers A and B.
14. Divide the two numbers.
15. Move result in R4 and R5
16. Stop

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Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 3.3 Flowchart for arithmetic operations

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Step 3- Assembly Language Sample Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 7402 MOV A, #02H ;Move the data 02h in accumulator
;Add the contents of accumulator
C:0x0002 2403 ADD A, #03H
with 03h
C:0x0004 F8 MOV R0, A ;Store the result in R0 register
C:0x0005 E4 CLR A ;Clear the contents of accumulator
C:0x0006 C3 CLR C ;Clear the carry flag
C:0x0007 7405 MOV A, #05H ;Move the data 05h in accumulator
;Subtract the contents of
C:0x0009 9402 SUBB A, #02H
accumulator and 02h
C:0x000B F9 MOV R1, A ;Store the result in R1 register
C:0x000C E4 CLR A ;Clear the contents of accumulator
C:0x000D 7403 MOV A, #03H ;Move the data 03h in accumulator
C:0x000F 75F0 MOV B, #04H ;Move the data 04h in accumulator
C:0x0011 A4 MUL AB ;Multiply the contents of A and B
C:0x0012 FA MOV R2, A ;Store the result (LSB) in R0
C:0x0013 ABF0 MOV R3, B ;Store the result (MSB) in R1
C:0x0015 E4 CLR A ;Clear the contents of accumulator
C:0x0016 7495 MOV A, #95H ;Move the data 95h in accumulator
C:0x0018 75F010 MOV B, #10H ;Move the data 10h in accumulator
C:0x001B 84 DIV AB ;Divide the contents of A and B
C:0x001C FC MOV R4, A ;Store the quotient in R4 register
C:0x001D ADF0 MOV R5, B ;Store the Remainder in R5 register
END ;Stop

Fig 3.4 Output window

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3233

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Problem statement 1 for student: Write a program to perform series addition of ten bytes and
store the lower byte of result in 30h and higher byte of result in 31h

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3334

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XI Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Sr. No. Register used in the Operation Result after
code execution
1 R0 Addition
2 R1 Subtraction
3 R2 Multiplication (LSB)
4 R3 Multiplication (MSB)
5 R4 Division (Quotient)
6 R5 Division (Remainder)

XIX Results (Output of the Program)


XX Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3435

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. http://what-when-how.com/8051-microcontroller/arithmetic-instructions/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLsN7_6FsPs
3. https://www.pantechsolutions.net/...tutorials/subtraction-of-two-numbers-using-8051
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLsN7_6FsPs

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Related Total
Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3637

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 4: Write an ALP to transfer data from source to destination

location of internal/external data memory
I Practical Significance
8051 microcontroller is used in embedded system. Understanding its memory
organization helps in making optimal use of internal RAM and ROM and for applications
which require additional memory, the external memory can be accessed. This practical
will help the students to develop skills to transfer data from source to destination

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 To use different instructions to transfer, exchange contents of blocks.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program for 8051 in assembly language for the given operations.

V Practical Outcome
 Write an ALP to transfer data from source to destination location of internal/external
data memory.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow ethical practices

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Block Transfer: In block transfer the content of source memory location are transferred
to destination memory location. Block transfer is done from internal RAM memory
location internal RAM memory location or from internal RAM memory location to
external RAM memory location.
External Memory: 8051 microcontroller has 128 bytes of internal RAM memory (data
memory) and 4 Kbytes of internal ROM memory (program memory).In addition to
internal memory 64 Kbytes of data memory and 64 Kbytes of program can be interfaced
with 8051 microcontroller
To interface external memory to 8051 EA’ pin should be connected to ground.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3738

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Fig. 4.1 Interfacing of 8051 with external memory

VIII Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Loaded with open source IDE,
Desktop PC
1. simulation and program downloading 1 No.

IX Precautions to be Followed
1. Check rules/syntax of assembly programming.

X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL or INTEL and select 80c51AH 0r AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as .asm or .a51.
Compile the Program
6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.
Run, Debug the Program
8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window. It will display all internal registers of 8051
and their contents.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to transfer a block of data from internal

memory location 20H to internal memory location 40H.

Step 1: Algorithm
1. Set program starting address.
2. Initialize memory pointer as source.
3. Initialize memory pointer as destination

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3839

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

4. Initialize iteration counter .

5. Move content of first location into accumulator.
6. Move the content of accumulator to first destination location.
7. Increment source location.
8. Increment destination location.
9. Decrement iteration count, and jump to step 5, if not zero.
10. Stop

Step 2: Flowchart

Fig. 4.2 Flowchart to transfer a block of data

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
C:0x0000 ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 7820 MOV R0,#20H ;Initialize source pointer R0 to 20H
C:0x0002 7940 MOV R1, #40H ;Initialize destination pointer R1 to
C:0x0004 7F05 MOV R7, #05H ;Initialize byte counter
C:0x0006 E6 UP: MOV A, @R0 ;Move the contents of first source
location to Accumulator
C:0x0007 F7 MOV @R1,A ;Move the contents of Accumulator
to first destination location
C:0x0008 08 INC R0 ;Increment the contents of R0
C:0x0009 09 INC R1 ;Increment the contents of R1
C:0x000A DFFA DJNZ R7, UP ; Decrement counter by one Is it
zero? No ,jump to UP

Fig 4.3 Output window

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4041

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Problem statement 1 for student: Write a program to transfer a block of five bytes from
internal memory location 40H to external memory location 2000H

Step 1: Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4142

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3- Assembly Language Program Code

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

XI Resources Used

Sr. No. Name of Resource. Specification Quantity


XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4243

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XIV Observations for problem statement 1 (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Before execution After execution

Data Memory location Data

Memory location
40H 2000H
41H 2001H
42H 2002H
43H 2003H
44H 2004H

XV Results (Output of the Program)


XVI Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVII Conclusions and Recommendation


XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more such
questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Give syntax of two instructions used in program to exchange data.
2. Write a program to exchange higher nibble and lower nibble of data 48H.
3. Write the contents of register A after execution of the following instructions
MOV A, #28H.
[Space for Answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4344

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4445

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. www.circuitstoday.com/8051-programming-tutorial-chapter-1.
2. https://thinkelectronics.org › Electronics Projects › 8051 Programs.
3. http://www.polyengineeringtutor.com/Introduction%20to%208051.pdf

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %
Name of Team Members
1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Related Total
Related (15) (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4546

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 5: Write ALP to find smallest / largest number from the given
data bytes stored in internal/external data memory locations
I Practical Significance
CJNE and DJNZ instructions of 8051 microcontroller perform two tasks in a single
instruction. The application of these instructions can be demonstrated in finding the
smallest and largest numbers from a block of numbers. This practical will help the
students to develop skills to use the compare and loop instructions.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency: ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Develop the code for the given problem.
 Debug the code and rectify the errors.
 Run the code
 Use of application of compare and loop instructions.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program for 8051 in assembly language for the given operations.

V Practical Outcome
 Write ALP to find smallest/largest number from the given data bytes stored in
internal/external data memory locations

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow ethical practices

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Largest number or smallest number can be found from a block of data using the compare
and loop instructions. 8051 microcontroller is an example of CISC machine which has
few complex instructions like CJNE and DJNZ.
CJNE destination, source, relative address.
In 8051, the actions of comparing and jumping are combined into a single instruction
called CJNE. It compares two operands and jump to relative address if they are not equal.
In addition, it changes the CY flag to indicate if the destination operand is larger or
smaller. This instruction is used to find the largest/smallest number.
DJNZ Rn, relative
These instruction decrements the contents of register and jump to the relative address if
not zero.
Both of these instructions are used to find the largest/smallest number.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4647

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

VIII Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Loaded with open source IDE,
Desktop PC
1. simulation and program downloading 1 No.

IX Precautions to be Followed
1. Check rules / syntax of assembly programming.

X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL or INTEL and select 80c51AH 0r AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as .asm or .a51.
Compile the Program
6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.
Run, Debug the Program
8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window. It will display all internal registers of 8051
and their contents.
11. Note down the readings in observation table

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write ALP to find smallest number from the given five bytes stored
in internal memory locations 40H onwards and store the result in location 50H.

Step 1: Algorithm
1. Initialize source pointer R0 to 40H.
2. Initialize byte counter.
3. Load Accumulator with largest one byte number.
4. Move the contents of source location to B register.
5. Compare the two numbers.
6. If number is less then next number then go to step 8.
7. Replace number with next number which is largest.
8. Increment memory pointer to read next number in the array.
9. Decrement byte counter by 1.
10. If byte counter is not zero go to step 4.
11. Store the result.
12. Stop

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 2: Flowchart

Fig 5.1 Flowchart to find smallest number

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 7840 MOV R0,#40H ;Initialize source pointer R0 to 40H
C:0x0002 7905 MOV R1, #05H ;Initialize byte counter
C:0x0004 74FF MOV A, #0FFH
C:0x0006 86F0 UP: MOV B,@R0 ;read first byte to B register
C:0x0008 B5F000 CJNE A,B, ;compare first byte to max value
C:0x000B 4002 DOWN: JC A_SMALL ;check carry
C:0x000D E5F0 MOV A,B ;move small value to A
C:0x000F 08 A_SMALL: INC R0 ;Increment the contents of R0
C:0x0010 D9F4 DJNZ R1, UP ; Decrement counter by one Is it
zero? No ,jump to UP
C:0x0012 F550 MOV 50H, A ;store smallest number to 50H
C:0x0014 80FE SJMP $ ;Halt after the smallest value is

Fig 5.2 Output window

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4950

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Problem statement for student: Write ALP to find largest number from the given five bytes
stored in memory locations 20H onwards and store the result in location 60H

Step 1: Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5051

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3- Assembly Language Program Code

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

XI Resources Used
Name of Resource. Specification Quantity

XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Before execution After execution
Memory location Data Memory location Data

42H 50H

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5152

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XV Results (Output of the Program)


XVI Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVII Conclusions and Recommendation


XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. State the need of counter in finding the largest or smallest number.
2. List any four instructions to exchange data and give their syntax.
3. Write and execute an ALP to count zero’s in a data 64H
4. Write and execute an ALP to find the average of five numbers

[Space for Answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5253

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5354

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-
2. https://www.elprocus.com/8051-assembly-language-programming/
3. https://thinkelectronics.org/8051-program-to-find-smallest-number-in-
4. https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/product/Mazidi-8051-Microcontroller-

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Marks Obtained Dated signature

of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5455

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 6: Write ALP for arranging numbers in ascending /

descending order stored in external memory locations.
I Practical Significance
Sorting is any process of arranging information systematically in ascending or
descending order. This allows us to write better programs like indexing to fetch the
information faster, allows faster search techniques, removes duplicate information and
has many uses in statistical applications. This practical will help the students to develop
skills to understand how to access data from external memory and use of branch

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Develop the code for the given problem.
 Debug the code and rectify the errors.
 Run the code
 Use of application of instructions related to external memory.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program for 8051 in assembly language for the given operations.

V Practical Outcome
 Write ALP for arranging numbers in ascending /descending order stored in external
memory locations

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Ascending order/Descending order
The block of data consists of numbers in random order, to arrange these numbers in
ascending or descending order bubble sort method is used.
If the given block of data has to be sorted in ascending order, then bubble sort will start
by comparing the first element of the block with the second element, if the first element
is greater than the second element, it will swap both the elements, and then move on to
compare the second and the third element, and so on.
Byte counter –to access data from block of data
Pass counter –to repeat this comparison are required to arrange the numbers in
ascending or descending order.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5556

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Branch instructions like JNC—jump if no carry and CJNE—compare and jump if not
equal to are used to sort the numbers.
External data memory is read/write. Since external data memory is indirectly accessed
through a data pointer register (which must be loaded with an address), it is slower than
access to internal data memory.
DPTR, as the name suggests, is used to point to data. It is used by a number of commands
which allow the 8051 to access external memory. When the 8051 accesses external
memory it will access external memory at the address indicated by DPTR.
MOVX instruction
MOVX is a widely used instruction allowing access to external data memory space. To
bring externally stored data into the CPU, we use the instruction “MOVX A, @DPTR”.
This instruction will read the byte of data pointed to by register DPTR and store it in the

VIII Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and
1 1 No.
program downloading software

IX Precautions to be Followed
1. Check rules / syntax of assembly programming.

X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL or INTEL and select 80c51AH 0r AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as .asm or .a51.

Compile the Program

6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.

Run, Debug the Program

8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window. It will display all internal registers of 8051
and their contents.
11. Note down the values of external memory location 3000H in the observation table.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5657

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write ALP for arranging five numbers in ascending order stored in
external memory location 3000H.
Step 1-Algorithm
1. Initialize comparison or pass counter
2. Initialize memory pointer to read number from array
3. Initialize byte counter
4. Read numbers from the array
5. Compare two numbers.
6. If number <=next number, then go to step 9.
7. Interchange or swap numbers.
8. Increment memory pointer to read next number from array.
9. Decrement byte counter by one.
10. If word counter is not equal to zero, then go to step 2.
11. Stop

Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 6.2 Flowchart to arrange numbers in ascending order

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5758

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3- Assembly Language Sample Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

ORG 0000h
C:0x0000 7805 UP1: MOV R0, #05H ;Initialize pass counter
MOV DPTR, ;Initialize memory pointer
903000 #3000H
C:0x0005 7904 UP: MOV R1, #04H ;Initialize byte counter
C:0x0007 AA82 MOV R2, DPL ;Save the lower byte address
C:0x0009 E0 MOVX A, @DPTR ;Read number from array
C:0x000A ;Transfer the number to B
F5F0 MOV 0F0H, A register
C:0x000C A3 INC DPTR ;Increment memory pointer
C:0x000D E0 MOVX A, @DPTR ;Read next number from array
C:0x000E ;Compare number with next
B5F002 CJNE A, 0F0H, DN number
C:0x0011 011C AJMP SKIP
C:0x0013 ;If number>next number then
5007 DN: JNC SKIP go to SKIP
C:0x0015 ;Else exchange the number with
8A82 MOV DPL, R2 next number
C:0x0017 F0 MOVX @DPTR, A
C:0x0018 A3 INC DPTR
C:0x0019 E5F0 MOV A, 0F0H
C:0x001B F0 MOVX @DPTR, A
C:0x001C ;Decrement byte and if count
D9E7 SKIP: DJNZ R1, UP byte is not zero go to Up
C:0x001E ;Decrement pass counter and if
D8E0 DJNZ R0, UP1 not zero go to UP1

Fig 6.2 Output window

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

1) Problem statement for student: Write ALP for arranging five numbers in descending order
stored in external memory location 2000H.
Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6061

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XI Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Before execution After execution

Memory location Data Memory location Data

3000H 3000H
3001H 3001H
3002H 3002H
3003H 3003H
3004H 3004H
3005H 3005H

XV Results (Output of the Program)


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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XVI Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVII Conclusions and Recommendation (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the

interpretation of results).

XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. Write a program to (a) load the accumulator with the value 55H, and (b) complement the
ACC 7 times.
2. Discuss the program ROM space allocation for each of the following cases. (a) EA’ = 0
for the 8751 (89C51) chip. (b) EA’ = Vcc with both on-chip and off-chip ROM for
the 8751. (c) EA’ = Vcc with both on-chip and off-chip ROM for the 8752.

[Space for Answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6263

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6364

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XIV References / Suggestions for further reading
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOx8X8U4AXE
3. https://thinkelectronics.org/8051-program-arrange-numbers-ascending-order/
4. https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/product/Mazidi-8051-Microcontroller-

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions 05%
Total (25 Marks) 100 %
Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6465

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 7: Write an ALP to generate delay using register.

I Practical Significance
Creating a delay is most important and widely used function in almost all
microcontroller-based programming. Its use varies from creating a pause to allow
microcontroller to interact with real world, like blinking of LED, monitoring a switch or
input at regular interval. In signal processing, a “delay” is used to monitor signal at a
predetermined sampling rate. This practical will help the students to develop skills to
create the time delay by using instruction machine cycles and microcontroller crystal

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Develop the code for given problem.
 Debug the code and rectify the errors.
 Run the code
 To generate delays by appropriate delay calculations.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program by using timer, interrupt and serial ports/parallel ports.

V Practical Outcome
 Write an ALP to generate delay using register.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

The delay length in 8051 microcontroller depends on two factors:
1. The crystal frequency.
2. The number of clock per machine.
Machine cycle for the 8051
The CPU takes a certain number of clock cycles to execute an instruction. In the 8051
family, these clock cycles are referred to as machine cycles. In the 8051 family, the
length of the machine cycle depends on the frequency of the crystal oscillator connected
to the 8051 systems. The crystal oscillator, along with on-chip circuitry, provides the
clock source for the 8051 CPU. The frequency of the crystal connected to the 8051
family can vary from 4 MHz to 30 MHz, depending on the chip rating and manufacturer.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6566
Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Very often the 11.0592 MHz crystal oscillator is used to make the 8051 -based system
compatible with the serial port of the IBM PC. In the original 8051, one machine cycle
lasts 12 oscillator periods. Therefore, to calculate the machine cycle for the 8051, we take
1/12 of the crystal frequency, then take its inverse, as shown below:
For 11.0592MHz/12 = 921.6KHz; machine cycle is 1/921.6KHz=1.085microsecond
Various 8051 versions and its clocks per machine cycle are as shown below:

Chip / manufacturer Clocks per

machine cycle
AT89C51 Atmel 12
P89C54X2 Philips 6
DS85000Dalias Semi 4
DS 89C420/30/40/50 Dalias Semi 1

There are two methods for delay calculations which are:

1. LOOP Technique.
2. Using Timer

1. LOOP TECHNIQUE: This is very simple software-based delay technique. In this

method we load a number in a RAM location and decrement it till it becomes Zero.
LOOP WITHIN A LOOP: For longer delays we use this technique. In previous case
only a single RAM location was used, here the number depends on the number of
LOOPS used

2. USING TIMER: Many times, we require precise internal time delays between two
actions this can be accomplished using software techniques like Loop Technique, but
these delays keep the processor occupied because of which other important functions
cannot be done. To relieve the processor of this burden we can use TIMERS provided by
the controller. 8051 has two internal timers T0 and T1 (8052 has 3 timers T0, T1 and T2)
these timers can be controlled individually.

The following example explains how to calculate time delay for Loop method:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6667

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

The time delay inside the HERE loop is [250(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2)] x 1.085 µsec=1500 x
1.085 µsec = 1627.5 µsec. Adding the two instructions outside the loop we have 1627.5
µsec + 3 x l.085 µsec = 1630.755 µsec

VIII Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1 Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software

IX Precautions to be Followed
1. Check rules / syntax of assembly programming.

X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL or INTEL and select 80c51AH 0r AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as .asm or .a51.
Compile the Program
6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.
Run, Debug the Program
8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window. It will display all internal registers of 8051
and their contents.
11. Observe the waveform on logic analyzer and sketch the same in observations

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to toggle all the bits of port 1 every 200 ms.
Crystal frequency is 11.0592 MHz

Step- Algorithm
1. Move the contents 55H into accumulator.
2. Send the contents of Accumulator to port P1.
3. Call delay routine
4. Complement the contents of accumulator.
5. Jump back to repeat the steps.
6. Write a delay routine for 200 msec.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig7.1 Flowchart to toggle all the bits of port 1

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Step 3-Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 800D SJMP START

C:0x0002 7D02 DELAY: MOV R5, #2 ;DELAY routine for 200 msec
C:0x0004 7CB4 HERE1: MOV R4, #180
C:0X0006 7BFF HERE2: MOV R3, #255
C:0x000C DDF6 DJNZ R5, HERE1
C:0x000E 22 RET
;Load the data 55h into
C:0x000F 7455 START: MOV A, #55H accumulator
C:0X0011 F590 AGAIN: MOV P1, A ;Send the contents of A to P1
C:0x0013 1102 ACALL DELAY ;Call Delay routine
C:0x0015 F4 CPL A ;Complement the contents of A
C:0x0016 80F9 SJMP AGAIN ;Branch to Again
END ;Stop.

Sample Calculation of delay:

DELAY: MOV R5, #2 2 machine cycles
HERE1: MOV R4, #180 2 machine cycles
HERE2: MOV R3, #255 2 machine cycles
HERE3: DJNZ R3, HERE3 2 machine cycles
DJNZ R4, HERE2 2 machine cycles
DJNZ R5, HERE1 2 machine cycles
RET 1 machine cycle
Machine cycles in HERE3 loop = 255 x 2 = 510 machine cycles
Machine cycles in HERE2 loop = 4 + 180 x (machine cycles for HERE3) = 4 + 180 x 510
= 91,804 machine cycles
Machine cycles in HERE1 loop = 4 + 2 x (machine cycles for HERE2) = 4 + 2 x 91804 =
183,608 machine cycles
Machine cycle including RET = 1 + 183,608 = 183,609
Therefore, the total delay by subroutine DELAY = 183,608 x 1.0852 msec = 199.2158
msec = approx. 200 msec

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Fig7.2 Output Window

1. Problem statement for student: Write a subroutine to generate a delay of 10ms

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Address Label Mnemonics Comments

XI Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XIV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Draw the waveform and mention the delay

XV Results (Output of the Program)


XVI Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVII Conclusions and Recommendation


XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. For an 8051 microcontroller how long will it take to execute the following
instruction. The crystal frequency is 11.0592 MHz i) MOV R3,55H ii) DEC R2.
2. On what factors does delay length depend upon?
3. For three different 8051 versions, what will be the machine cycle for the following
crystal frequencies:
i)11.0592MHz ii) 16MHZ iii) 20MHz .Find period of machine cycle in each case

[Space for Answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 7273

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XIX References / Suggestions for further reading
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C- Muhammad
Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson /Prentice Hall, , 2nd
edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWMai3oirnM

XX Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related: 15 Marks 60%
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions 05%
Total (Marks) 100 %
Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 7374

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 8: Write an ALP to transfer 8-bit data serially on serial port.

I Practical Significance
Many applications require microcontrollers to either accept the data in serial form or
output the data in serial form. Serial communication is commonly used in applications
such as industrial automation systems, scientific analysis and certain consumer products.
This practical will help the students to develop skills to understand the concepts of serial
port and how they are interfaced with microcontroller.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Develop the code for the given problem
 Debug the code and rectify the errors.
 Run the code
 Select appropriate value of TH1 register needed for the corresponding baud rate

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program by using timer, interrupt and serial ports /parallel ports

V Practical Outcome(PROs)
 Write an ALP to transfer 8 bit data serially on serial port

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

In serial communication two formats of data transfer are used 1) Asynchronous 2)
One of the major differences is that in Synchronous Transmission, the sender and
receiver should have synchronized clocks before data transmission. Whereas
Asynchronous Transmission does not require a clock, but it adds a parity bit to the data
before transmission.

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

1. Asynchronous data transfer.

Fig. 8.1 Asynchronous data transfer

2. Synchronous data transfer.

Fig. 8.2 Synchronous data transfer

For serial communication SCON SFR is used. It controls the serial bits.


Fig. 8.3 SCON register format

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Baud Rate
In serial communication the rate at which data bits are transmitted generates a term baud rate, the
baud rate is defined as bits/seconds or the changes in voltage levels/second.
Table No: 8.1 Values of Timer 1 Register for various Baud Rates
Baud Rate TH1(Decimal) TH1(Hex)
9600 -3 FD
4800 -6 FA
2400 -12 F4
1200 -24 E8
Note: XTAL = 11.0592 MHz.

SBUF Register
Serial buffer SFR is used for selection of baud rate in serial communication.

SBUF is a 8 bit register used in serial communication of 8051.Serial data is send by writing to
the register SBUF while data i s received by reading the same register. The SBUF is as
shown below:
Bit 7 Bit 0

SBUF has physically two registers, one write only and other is read only. Both registers use
one address 99H

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Fig 8.4 Interfacing of 8051 microcontroller to PC with serial communication

A line driver such as the MAX232 chip is required to convert RS232 voltage levels to TTL
levels, and vice versa. 8051 has two pins that are used specifically for transferring and receiving
data serially. These two pins are called TXD and RXD and are part of the port 3 group (P3.0 and
P3.1) these pins are TTL compatible; therefore, they require a line driver to make them RS232

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

VIII Resources required

Sr. Instrument/
Specification Quantity
No. Components

Single board systems with 8K RAM, ROM memory

with battery back up,16X4,16 X2, LCD display, PC
1 keyboard interfacing facility, Hex keypad facility, single 1 No.
user cross c-compiler,RS-232,USB, interfacing facility
with built in power supply.
2 Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and program 1 No.
downloading software.

IX Precaution
 Check rules / syntax of assembly programming.

X Procedure
Write Program
1. Start Keil by double clicking on Keil icon.
2. Create a new project.
3. Select device for Target.
4. Double click on ATMEL or INTEL and select 80c51AH 0r AT89C51.
5. Type the program in text editor and save as .asm or .a51.
Compile the Program
6. Right click on source group and build the target.
7. Check for any errors in the output window and remove if any.
Run, Debug the Program
8. Click on Debug and start simulation and start/stop debug session.
9. Run the program step by step.
10. Observe the output on the project window. It will display all internal registers of 8051
and their contents. The output can be observed in UART1 window.
11. Hyper Terminal, a Windows XP application, can be used to receive or transmit serial
data through RS232. To open Hyper Terminal, go to Start Menu, select all programs,
go to Accessories, click on Communications and select Hyper Terminal.
12. To start a new connection, go to File menu and click on new connection. The
connection window opens up. Give a name to your connection and select 1st icon and
click on OK. Connection property window opens here. Select Bit rate as 9600bps,
Data bits 8, Parity as none, stop bit 1, Flow control none and click OK. Now the serial
data can be read on hyper terminal.
13. In program, Timer1 is used with auto reload setting. The baud rate is fixed to 9600bps
by loading TH1 to 0xFD. The value 0x50 is loaded in the SCON register. This will
initialize the serial port in Mode1. The program continuously receives a character (say
‘a’) from the serial port of the computer and transmits it back

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write an ALP to transfer 8 bit data serially on serial port.

Step 1: Algorithm

1) Initialize timer 1 and set it in mode 2.

2) Set the baud rate to 4800.
3) Move 50H in SCON register.
4) Start timer 1.
5) Move letter ‘A’ to SBUF register.
6) Wait till the last bit is transmitted.
7) Clear TI flag for the next character.
8) Keep sending ‘A’.
9) Stop

Step 2: Flowchart

Fig. 8.5 Flowchart to transfer 8 bit data serially on serial port

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

C:0x0000 758920 MOV TMOD, #20H ;Timer 1,mode 2
C:0x0003 758DFA MOV TH1, #-6 ;4800 baud rate
C:0x0006 759850 MOV SCON, #50H ;8 bit,1 stop, REN enabled
C:0x0009 D28E SETB TR1 ;Start timer 1
C:0x000B 759941 MOV SBUF,#"A" ;Letter “A” to be transferred
C:0x000E 3099FD HERE: JNB TI, HERE ;Wait for the last bit
C:0x0011 C299 CLR TI ;Clear T1 for next character
C:0x0013 80FE SJMP $ ;Wait

Fig 8.6 Output window

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Problem statement 1 for student: Write a program to transfer to send letter “YES” at baud rate
9600 continuously.

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program Code

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

XI Resources Used

Sr. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity



XII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

XIII Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
(UART window)

XV Result (Output of the Program)


XVI Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVII Conclusions and Recommendation


XVIII Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. State the SFR used to transfer character by serial communication.
2. With XTAL = 11.0592 MHz, find the TH1 value needed to have the following baud
rates. (a) 9600 (b) 2400 (c) 1200
3. Name the timer of 8051 used to set the baud rate.

[Space for Answers]


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 8384

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 8485

Microcontroller & Application (22426)


XIX References / Suggestions for further Reading

1 http://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-
2 https://techdifferences.com/difference-between-synchronous-and-asynchronous-
3 https://www.engineersgarage.com/microcontroller/8051projects/interface-serialport-R

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage

Process related: 15 Marks 60%(15)
1 Use of IDE tools for programming 20%
2 Coding and Debugging ability 30%
3 Follow ethical practices. 10%
Product related: 10 Marks 40%(10)
4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%
5 Relevance of output of the problem definition 15%
6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions 05%
Total 100 %(25)

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 8586

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 9: Interface LED with microcontroller and turn it ON with

microcontroller interrupt.
I Practical Significance
LED is most common semiconductor device used in many electronic system as visual
indicator or signal transmission / power indication purposes. The LEDs are also used for
design message display boards and traffic control signal lights etc. Interrupts are most
important feature of Microcontroller. This practical will help the students to develop
skills to understand the fundamental interfacing concept for 8051 microcontrollers and
significance of Interrupts.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Interface LED and switch to microcontroller.
 Use of key to provide external interrupt on pin P3.2.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program by using timer, interrupt and serial ports /parallel ports.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface LED with microcontroller and turn it ON with microcontroller interrupt.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices.
 Maintain tools and equipment.
 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

As its name suggests, Interrupt is a subroutine call that interrupts microcontrollers main
operations or work and causes it to execute any other program, which is more important
at the time of operation. The feature of Interrupt is very useful as it helps in case of
emergency operations. An Interrupts gives us a mechanism to put on hold the ongoing
operations, execute a subroutine and then again resume its original task.
Generally five interrupt sources are there in 8051 Microcontroller. Out of these, and
are external interrupts that could be negative edge triggered or low level triggered.
They are located on pins P3.2 and P3.3of port 3 respectively. They are enabled or

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 8687

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

disabled using the IE register when the external interrupt flag is edge triggered, the CPU
clears interrupt flag in response to the interrupt call. When it is level triggered then the
interrupt flag is cleared at high level of the interrupt signal.

The table shows the vector addresses for the interrupts:

Interrupt Flag Vector

System reset RST 0000H
External interrupt 0 IE0 0003H
Timer 0 TF0 000BH
External interrupt 1 IE1 0013H
Timer 1 TF1 001BH
Serial port RI or TI 0023H

Fig 9.1 IE and IP register format

Light emitting diodes: LEDs are the most commonly used components in many
applications. It has two terminals positive and negative as shown in the figure:

Fig 9.2 LED diagram

Commonly used LEDs will have voltage drop of 1.9v to 2.1v and current of 15mA
(Typically) or 20mA(high brightness) to glow at full intensity. This is applied through the
output pin of the microcontroller

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample Circuit diagram

Fig 9.3 8051 connection to LED and switch

b) Practical setup

Fig 9.4
Practical Setup

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c) Simulation diagram

Fig 9.5 Simulation diagram

d) Actual circuit used in Laboratory

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

e) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Microcontroller Single board system with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
kit memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-compiler,RS-
232,USB, interfacing facility with built in power
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software.

X Precautions to be followed
1. Use always current limiting resistor before LED connected to microcontroller

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (Keil IDE) or
any other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller.
8. Interface LED to microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown in fig.
9. Observe the LED to glow when external interrupt occurs on P3.2.

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SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: : Interface LED with microcontroller and turn it ON with

microcontroller interrupt.

Step 1: Algorithm
Main Program
1. Initialize port P1 as output.
2. Initialize port P3 as input.
3. Clear pin P1.1
4. Enable interrupt INT0.
5. Wait for Interrupt.
1. Set pin P1.1
2. Return from ISR

Step 2: Flowchart

Fig 9.6 Flowchart to turn LED ON with microcontroller interrupt.

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Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 020006 LJMP START
ORG 0003H ;Interrupt service routine for INT0
C:0x0003 D291 SETB P1.1
C:0x0005 32 RETI
C:0x0006 759000 START: MOV P1,#00H ;Main program for initialization
C:0x0009 75B0FF MOV P3,#0FFH
C:0x000C 75A881 MOV IE,#81H ;Enable hardware interrupt INT0

Problem statement for student Interface two LEDs with microcontroller and turn them ON
with microcontroller interrupts.
Step 1: Algorithm Step 2: Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity



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XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

LED will become _______ (ON/OFF) after occurrence of________ (INT0/INT1)

XVI Result (Output of the Program)


XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation


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XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more such
questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. With a single instruction, show how to disable all the interrupts.
2. List the interrupts of 8051 with vector address, port pin, flag affecting, priority

[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. https://www.electronicshub.org › Free Project Circuits › Mini Projects
2. https://www.elprocus.com/led-interfacing-with-8051-microcontroller/
3. https://www.engineersgarage.com/microcontroller/.../interface-leds-AT89C51-circuit

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage

Process related(15 Marks) 60% (15)
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%(10)

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

TOTAL 100% (25)

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Total
(15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 9697

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 10: Develop an ALP to generate pulse and square wave by using
Timer delay.
I Practical Significance
In 8051 timers are used to generate delays or as counters to count events happening
outside the microcontroller. In time required applications two available 16 bit timers are
operated in different modes to generate specific delay. This practical will help the
students to develop skills to program timers and generate delays.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate mode of timer for application.
 Program two 16 bit timers/counters independently.
 Generate required time delay.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interpret the program by using timer, interrupt and serial ports /parallel ports.

V Practical Outcome
 Develop an ALP to generate pulse and square wave by using Timer delay.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Practice good housekeeping
 Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Four special function registers are connected with TIMER/COUNTER operation.
TMOD - Timer Mode Register
TCON - Timer Control Register
TH0, TL0 - Timer/Counter – 0
TH1, TL1 - Timer/Counter – 1

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Timer0: 16 bit

Fig 10.1 Timer 0

Timer1: 16 bit

Fig 10.2 Timer 1

TMOD (timer mode) Register

Fig 10.3 TMOD Register

Gate: If bit is set Timer/counter is enable only while the INTx pin is high and the TRx control
pin is set when cleared the timer is enabled whenever the TRx control bit is set
C/T’: Timer or counter selected. Cleared for timer operation( input from internal system clock)
Set for counter operation(input from Tx input pin)
M1 Mo:
0 0 – Mode 0 -13 bit timer mode
0 1 – Mode 1 -16 bit timer mode
1 0 – Mode 2 -8 bit auto reload
11 – Mode 3 –Split timer mode
Clock source for timer
Timer needs a clock pulse to tick. For the 8051 timers if C/T’ = 0, the crystal frequency is
attached to the 8051 is the source of the clock for timer. Timer’s use 1/12 of XTAL frequency,
regardless of machine cycle time
Find the timer’s clock frequency and its period for 8051; If XTAL frequency = 11.0592 MHz
1/12 x 11.0592 MHz = 921.6 kHz;
T = 1/921.6 KHz = 1.085μs

TCON (timer control) Register: The timers are started by using instructions to set timer
Start bits TR0 and TR1, which are called timer run control bits. When timer counts to its
maximum value, it sets a flag TF0 or TF1

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Fig 10.4 TCON Register

Timer Mode 1:

Fig 10.5 Timer mode 1 diagram

Timer delay calculation for mode 1 assuming XTAL = 11.0592 MHz
(FFFF – YYXX +1) x 1.085μs
Where YYXX are TH, TL initial values respectively. Notice that values YYXX are in
Example: The number of counts for the rollover is FFFFH-FFF2H = 0DH (13 decimal).
However, we add one to 13 because of the extra clock needed when it rolls over from
FFFF to 0 and raises the TF flag. this gives 14x1.085μs = 30.38 μs gives us the time
delay generated by the timer

VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample Circuit diagram

Fig 10.6 8051 connection to CRO

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b) Simulation diagram

Fig 10.7 Simulation diagram

c) Actual circuit used in laboratory

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IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Microcontroller Single board system with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
kit memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-compiler,RS-
232,USB, interfacing facility with built in power
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software.
3. CRO Bandwidth AC 10Hz ~ 20MHz (-3dB). DC ~ 1 No.
20MHz (-3dB), X10 Probe

X Precautions to be followed
1. Check rules/syntax of assembly programming.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (Keil IDE) or
any other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller.
8. Connect CRO probe to port pin and observe waveform.
9. Measure ON time and OFF time on CRO and draw the same in observation Table.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: To generate square wave by using Timer delay for count value
Step 1: Algorithm
1. Load the TMOD value register indicating which timer (Timer 0 or Timer 1) is to be
used and which timer mode(0 or 1) is selected.
2. Load registers TL and TH with initial count values.
3. Start the timer.
4. Keep monitoring the timer flag (TF) with the “JNB TFx, target” instruction to see if it
is raised. Get out of the loop when TF becomes high.
5. Stop the timer.
6. Clear the TF flag for the next round.
7. Go back to Step 2 to load TH and TL again.

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Step 2: Flowchart

Fig 10.8 Flowchart for square wave

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Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
ORG 0000h
C:0x0000 758901 MOV TMOD ,#01H ;Timer 0, mode 1
C:0x0003 758AF2 HERE: MOV TL0,#0F2H ;TL0=F2H
C:0x0006 758CFF MOV TH0,#0FFH ;TH0=FFH
C:0x0009 B295 CPL P1.5 ;toggle P1.5
C:0x000D 80F4 SJMP HERE ;load TH, TL again
C:0x000F D28C DELAY: SETB TR0 ;start Timer 0
;monitor Timer 0 overflow
flag until it rolls over
C:0x0014 C28C CLR TR0 ;stop Timer 0
C:0x0016 C28D CLR TF0 ;clear Timer 0 flag
C:0x0018 22 RET

Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program to generate pulse width of 5ms on
P2.3 using timer 0 mode1. Assume XTAL = 11.0592MHz

Step 1: Algorithm Step 2: Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Address Label Mnemonics Comments

XII Resources Used

Instrument /Components Specification Quantity



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XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Draw Square wave and show TON and TOFF time

XVI Result (Output of the Program)


XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


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XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more such
questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. Calculate the number to be loaded into TH, TL to generate square wave of ON time =
3ms and OFF time = 10ms use mode 1. Assume XTAL of 22MHz.
2. To get a 2 ms delay, what number should be loaded into TH, TL using mode 1. Assume
XTAL= 11.0592MHz.

[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-
2. http://www.circuitstoday.com/8051-timers-counters.
3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson
/Prentice Hall, , 2nd edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030.

XX Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Related Product Total
(15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 107

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 11: Interface 4 X 4 LED matrix with 8051 to display

various pattern.

I Practical Significance
LED matrix displays are used as stadium displays, decorative displays and as visual
signals to human eye, to convey a message or meaning .LED matrix displays are
interfaced with microcontroller I/O port to display characters and different patterns. This
practical will help the students to develop skills to interface 4 X 4 LED matrix display to
microcontroller and display various pattern.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of LED grid for given application.
 Interface 4x4 LED matrix display to the microcontroller.
 Generate different patterns on LED matrix.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s).

 Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface 4 X 4 LED matrix with 8051 to display various pattern.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Practice good housekeeping.
 Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

In LED dot matrix display the LEDs are connected at the column and row intersections of
the matrix. LEDs in the same row are connected together and LEDs in the column are
connected together. Transistors are act as switches and used to control LEDs in the

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LED (Light Emitting Diode)

 Specifications: LED
1. Current: 20 mA
2. Voltage drop: 1.9 to 2.1 V
3. Power dissipation: 40 mW
4. Color: RED

 Operation: Voltage +5V to anode with

respect to cathode ground LED will turn ON.

Fig 11.1 LED symbol and construction

Accessing individual LEDs: You turn on an individual LED by setting its row and column pins
to the proper logic 1. For example, referring to figure 11.2 LED matrix the switch in column 2 is
closed which ties the anodes of all of the LEDs in that column to positive voltage and on the left
the switch in row 1 is closed causing a ground level to be applied to the cathode of all of the
LEDs in that row. The LED at the intersection of column 2 and row 1 is forward biased and turns

Fig 11.2 Addressing individual LED: 2nd column and 1st row

Fig 11.3 LED ON logic through transistor

Fig 11.4 LED OFF logic through transistor

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VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample circuit diagram

Fig 11.5 8051 connection to 4x4 LED matrix display

b) Simulation diagram

Fig 11.6 Simulation diagram

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c) Actual circuit used in laboratory

IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1 Microcontroller Single board system with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
kit memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-
compiler,RS-232,USB, interfacing facility with
built in power supply.
2 Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software.
3 4 X4 LED Suitable to interface with 8051 trainer kit 1 No

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X Precautions to be Followed
1. Always use driver circuit to interface LED matrix to microcontroller.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (Keil IDE) or
any other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Simulate program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of the microcontroller.
8. Interface4 X 4 LED matrix to 8051.
9. Observe different patterns on 4x4 LED matrix

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write program to display various patterns on 4x4 LED matrix.
Step 1: Algorithm
1. Make port P2 used to interface 4x4 LED matrix as an output port.
2. Send F1H value to the port to turn ON first column all LED.
3. Add delay.
4. Send 1FH value to the port to display first row all LED.
5. Add delay.
6. Send 11H value to the port to display first column first row LED.
7. Add delay.
8. Send 88H value to the port to display fourth column fourth row LED.
9. Add delay.
10. For repeat operation go to step 2.

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Step 2: Flowchart

Fig . 11.2 Flowchart for 4x4 LED matrix

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Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 75A000 MOV P2,#00H ;make port as output
C:0x0003 75A0F1 MOV P2,#0F1H ;send value to LED matrix
C:0x0006 1119 RPT: ACALL DELAY ;add delay
C:0x0008 75A01F MOV P2,#1FH ;send value to LED matrix
C:0x000B 1119 ACALL DELAY ;add delay
C:0x000D 75A011 MOV P2,#11H ;send value to LED matrix
C:0x0010 1119 ACALL DELAY ;add delay
C:0x0012 75A088 MOV P2,#88H ;send value to LED matrix
C:0x0015 1119 ACALL DELAY ;add delay
C:0x0017 80EA SJMP RPT
C:0x0019 7A0A MOV R2,#10 ;delay subroutine
C:0x001B 7B64 DELAY: MOV R3,#100
C:0x001D 7CC8 HERE2: MOV R4,#200
C:0x0023 DAF6 DJNZ R2,HERE2
C:0x0025 22 RET

Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program to turn ON and OFF all LEDs
connected to port 1 with some delay.

Step 1: Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program Code

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

XII Resources Used

Sr. No. Name of Resource. Specification Quantity


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
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XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

LED status (ON/OFF)

HEX Value
Column Row

XVI Results (Output of the Program)


XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the

interpretation of results).

XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
1. Give syntax of two instructions used in program to exchange data.
2. Write and execute a program to glow the second line display on 4x4 LED matrix
display continuously.
[Space for Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further reading
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1UPPHjR0vk
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmCGDJ90Qt4
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZyc6ulpkyM

XXI Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage
Process related(15 Marks) 60% (15)
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%(10)

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

TOTAL 100% (25)

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related (15) Related (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 118

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 12: Interface 7-segment display to display the decimal number
from 0 to 9.
I Practical Significance
In electronic displays like pricing menu at petrol pump, in metros, digital clocks and in
many electronics appliances most commonly used display device is a 7-segment display
(SSD). Seven segment displays are used to display decimal numbers from 0 to 9 and in
some cases, basic characters also. This practical will help the students to develop skills to
interface 7-segment display to microcontroller and display number from 0 to 9.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of 7- segment display for given application.
 Interface 7-segment display to the microcontroller in static or multiplexed mode.
 Display numbers and characters on 7 segment display.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface 7-segment display to display the decimal number from 0 to 9.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices
 Maintain tools and equipment.
 Follow ethical practices

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

7-segment display may use a light-emitting diode (LED) for each segment, or other light-
generating or controlling techniques such as cold cathode gas discharge, vacuum
fluorescent, incandescent filaments, and other. Types of LED based 7-segment display
are i) Common Cathode Display ii) Common Anode. Display

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Specifications: 7-
segment display

 Part No:

 Digit/Alpha:
Size:0.56" RED
 Voltage drop across
per LED:2.2V
 Max current per
LED: 10mA~20mA
Fig 12.1 Seven segment display Fig 12.2 CA 7-segment  Peak wavelength
and pin configuration display constructional :660nm

LED segment is ON for logic ‘0’ (Ground) and OFF for logic ‘1’ (+5V).

Table 12.1 CA type SSD Operation

P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 P1.4 P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.0

Digit DP G F E D C B A Hex code
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0C0 H
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0F9 H
2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0A4 H
3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0B0 H
4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 99 H
5 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 92 H
6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 82 H
7 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0F8 H
8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 H
9 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 90 H

Fig 12.3 Seven segment display number patterns

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VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample Circuit diagram

Fig 12.4 8051 connection to CA seven segment display

b) Practical Setup

Fig 12.5 Practical setup

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c) Simulation diagram

Fig 12.6 Simulation diagram

d) Actual circuit used in Laboratory

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e) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Microcontroller
Single board system with 8K RAM,ROM memory with 1 No.
kit battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD display, PC keyboard
interfacing facility, Hex keypad facility, single user
cross c-compiler,RS-232,USB, interfacing facility with
built in power supply.
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and program 1 No.
downloading software.
3. 7-segment LED 0.56 in 1-digit Red, common anode/common cathode 1No.
Display display.

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X Precautions to be followed
1. Use always current limiting resistor before interfacing 7-segment display to
2. For safe operation use seven segment displays at 25° temperature.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (Keil IDE) or
any other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller.
8. Interface CA type 7 segment display to microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown
in fig 12.4.
9. Observe and draw the display of numbers on 7-seven segment display.
10. Record the hex value in observation table.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to display decimal no 0 to 9.

Step 1: Algorithm
1. Make the Port P1 used to Interface 7-segment display as an output port.
2. Set counter register R2 =10 for 0 to 9 digits.
3. Load DPTR with memory address where table is stored.
4. Clear Accumulator.
5. Read stored hex code of decimal digit from memory into Accumulator.
6. Send code to output port where 7-segment display is connected.
7. Increment memory pointer i.e. DPTR.
8. Decrement the counter register R2 and compare with 0 is counter =0? NO- go to step
4 to send next digit code.
9. For repeat operation go to step 2.
10. Stop

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Step 2: Flowchart

Fig 12.7 Flowchart to display decimal no 0 to 9

Step 3: Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 759000 MOV P1,#00H ;Make port as output port
C:0x0003 ;Set register as counter of 10
C:0x0005 ;Load address of memory into
Data pointer
C:0x0008 E4 UP: CLR A ;Clear accumulator
C:0x0009 ;Read hex code from memory
into accumulator
C:0x000A F590 MOV P1,A ;Send hex code to port

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C:0x000C 1113 ACALL DELAY

C:0x000E ;Increment memory pointer to
read next digit hex code
C:0x000F ; Decrement counter & jump if
not equal to zero to label UP.
C:0x0011 80F0 SJMP REPEAT ;Repeat loop
C:0x0013 7B19 DELAY: MOV R3,#25 ;Delay Subroutine
C:0x0015 7C64 L3: MOV R4,#100
C:0x0017 7D64 L2: MOV R5,#100
C:0x0019 DDFE L1: DJNZ R5,L1
C:0x001B DCFA DJNZ R4,L2
C:0x001D DBF6 DJNZ R3,L3
C:0x001F 22 RET
ORG 0200H
;Decimal 0 to 9 hex code stored at
0A4H, 0B0H, 99H,
code memory starting at location
92H, 82H, 0F8H, 80H,
0200H onward

Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program to display Alphabets A, B, C, D, E

and F on Common Anode 7-segment display
Step 1: Algorithm Step 2: Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

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XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity



XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Sr. NO. Memory Location Hex Value
1 C:0x0200
2 C:0x0201
3 C:0x0202
4 C:0x0203
5 C:0x0204
6 C:0x0205
7 C:0x0206
8 C:0x0207
9 C:0x0208
10 C:0x0209

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XVI Result (Output of the Program)


XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. List the numbers for CC type display in which segment ‘a’ is activated.
2. Write Steps for testing seven segment displays.
3. Write and execute a program to display continuously ‘0 to 9’ if switch is pressed else ‘9
to 0’ on 7 segment display

[Space for Answers]

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XX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven-segment_display
2. https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/162375/ETC1/LDS-A516RI.html.
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1elRGva9bNg.

XXI Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 13: Interface relay with microcontroller and turn it ON and OFF

I Practical Significance
In Industrial applications low power devices microcontrollers drive relays are use to
control electrical loads beyond their direct drive capability. Relays are used wherever it is
necessary to control a high power or high voltage circuit with a low power circuit,
especially when galvanic isolation is desirable. Electromechanical protective relays are
used to detect overload and other faults on electrical lines by opening and closing circuit
breakers. This practical will help the students to develop skills to interface relay to
microcontroller and turn it ON and OFF.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of relay for given application.
 Interface relay to the microcontroller.
 Use relay to switch on and off electrical loads.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface relay with microcontroller and turn it ON and OFF.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices.
 Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member
 Maintain tools and equipment..

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

When an electric current is passed through the coil it generates a magnetic field that
activates the armature and the consequent movement of the movable contact either makes
or breaks (depending upon construction) a connection with a fixed contact.

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Specifications: SPDT Relay

 Voltage: 12V to 15V

 Coil resistance: 400 ohm
 Current: 30mA

Fig 13.1 Simple electromechanical relay

Fig 13.2 Contact forms Fig 13.3 Form C SPDT Relay

VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample circuit diagram

Fig 13.4 8051 connection to Relay

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b) Practical setup

Fig 13.5 Practical Setup

c) Simulation diagram

Fig 13.6 Simulation diagram

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d) Actual circuit used in Laboratory

e) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

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XI Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Microcontroller kit Single board systems with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-
compiler,RS-232,USB, interfacing facility
with built in power supply.
Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation & 1 No.
2. program downloading software

3. Relay trainer board Suitable to interface with 8051 trainer kit 1 No.

X Precautions to be Followed
1. Use always driver circuit before interfacing relay to the microcontroller.
2. Use fly back diode to avoid voltage spikes.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or any
other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the above program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller.
8. Interface relay to the microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown in Fig 13.4.
9. Observe the relay operation by connecting electrical load and note it in observation
Table 13.3

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to turn ON/OFF relay.

Step 1-Algorithm
1. Make the Port pin P2.0 used to Interface relay as an output pin.
2. Turn on relay by setting port bit.
3. Add delay
4. Turn off relay by clearing bit
5. Add delay
6. For repeat operation go to step 2
7. Stop

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Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 13.7 Flowchart to turn ON and OFF relay

Step 3- Assembly Language Sample Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 D2A0 MAIN: SETB P2.0 ;relay on
C:0x0002 110A ACALL DELAY
C:0x0004 C2A0 CLR P2.0 ;relay off
C:0x0006 110A ACALL DELAY
C:0x0008 80F6 SJMP MAIN
C:0x000A 7B64 DELAY: MOV R3,#100 ;Delay Subroutine
C:0x000C 7CFF L3: MOV R4,#255
C:0x000E 7DFF L2: MOV R5,#255
C:0x0010 DDFE L1: DJNZ R5,L1
C:0x0012 DCFA DJNZ R4,L2
C:0x0014 DBF6 DJNZ R3,L3
C:0x0016 22 RET

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Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program to turn ON and OFF relay for 10

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

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XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Logic 1 (+5V) / Logic 0 Relay Status

Sr. NO. Step Port Pin Status
1 Step 1 P2.0
2 Step 2 P2.0

XVI Results (Output of the Program)


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XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. Explain what will happen if driver circuit is not connected between microcontrollers
and relay.
2. Draw the Interfacing diagram of microcontroller with relay using ULN 2003A IC.
3. Write Steps for testing a relay.

[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relay
2. http://www.circuitstoday.com/how-to-test-a-relay
3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson
/Prentice Hall, , 2nd edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030

XX Assessment Scheme
Performance Indicators Weightage
Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature
Marks Obtained
of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related Related (10) (25)

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Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 14: Interface LCD with 8051 microcontroller to display the
characters and decimal numbers
I Practical Significance
LCDs are used in a wide range of applications including Computers,
televisions, instrument panels, calculator’s displays. They are common in consumer
devices and have replaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in most applications. LCDs
are interfaced with microcontrollers to display the given integer and character.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of LCD for given application.
 Interface LCD display to microcontroller in 4 bit and 8 bit mode.
 Display given integer and character on LCD.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface LCD with 8051 microcontroller to display the characters and decimal

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow good housekeeping.
 Maintain tools and equipment.
 Follow ethical practices.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display that uses the light modulating
properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly. An LCD is of two
types depending upon how they made with either a passive matrix or an active matrix
display grid.

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x2 LCD display

 Part No:
 Char Dots:5 x 8
 Number of data
line: 8 bit parallel
 Driving
duty,1/5 bias
 Available Types:
Fig. 14.1 Block Diagram of LCD display TN, STN
(Yellow, Green,
Grey, B/W)

Table 14.1 Operating parameters – Pin description of LCD module

Pin Pin
Function Name Function Name
No No

1 Ground (0V) Ground 9 8-bit data pins DB2

2 Supply voltage; 5V (4.7V – 5.3V) Vcc 10 8-bit data pins DB3

3 Contrast adjustment; through POT VEE 11 8-bit data pins DB4

4 Selects command register Register 12 8-bit data pins DB5


5 Selects data register Read/write(RW) 13 8-bit data pins DB6

6 Sends data to data pins when a Enable(E) 14 8-bit data pins DB7
high to low pulse is given

7 8-bit data pins DB0 15 Backlight VCC (5V) LED+

8 8-bit data pins DB1 16 Backlight Ground (0V) LED-(GND)

Fig. 14.2 Types of LCD

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Basic unit of display is pixel and PIXEL= picture + element.

Fig 14.3 shows that each LCD have its own pixel rows and columns like 1×16 has single row
and sixteen columns i.e. 16 pixel and each pixel size is of 5×8 as shown but we can see only
5×7 cause last raw is used by cursor. Each character is display according to these pixels size
Table 14.2 LCD control lines and function
Rs -> Register select RW -> Read/Write EN -> Enable

Rs=1 -data register RW=1 -reading from LCD. EN= high to low (Logic ‘1’ delay
Rs=0 -command RW=0 -writing to LCD. Logic ‘0’) for use LCD module.

Table 14.3 LCD commands

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a) Practical Circuit diagram : Sample circuit diagram

Fig 14.4 8051 connection to 16x2 LCD display

a) Practical setup

Fig 14.5 Practical Setup

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b) Simulation diagram

Fig 14.6 Simulation diagram

c) Actual circuit used in Laboratory

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d) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

XI Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
Microcontroller kit Single board systems with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
memory with battery
backup,16X4,16X2LCD display, PC
1. keyboard interfacing facility, Hex keypad
facility, single user cross c-compiler,RS-
232,USB, interfacing facility with built in
power supply.
Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation & 1 No.
program downloading software
3. LCD Trainer board Suitable to interface with 8051 trainer kit 1

X Precautions to be Followed
1. LCD panel is made up of glass avoid applying strong pressure on to the surface of
display area.
2. Ensure proper connection then only give electric supply to circuit.

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XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or any
other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the above program.
7. Interface LCD display to microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown in Fig 14.4
8. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller
9. Observe output on LCD display and note it in observation Table 14.3

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to display “uC AT89c51” on LCD.

Step 1-Algorithm
1. Define control signals RS, RW and EN for LCD
2. Make LCD connected port as an output port.
3. Initialize LCD by sending commands.
4. Load DPTR with program memory address.
5. Set register as counter R2 =10 (decimal) for to display “uC AT89c51"
6. Clear Accumulator
7. Read ASCII from code memory into Accumulator.
8. Send code to output port where LCD is connected.
9. Increment memory pointer.
10. Decrement R2 counter. Is count =0? NO- go to step 6.
11. For repeat operation go to step 4.
12. Stop

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Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 14.7 Flowchart to display alphabets and decimal numbers on LCD

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Step 3- Assembly Language Sample Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
;Replace a bit address by a
ORG 0000H
;Set P1 as o/p port where
C:0x0000 759000 MOV P1, #00H
LCD is connected
;Call LCD initialize
C:0x0003 120015 LCALL LCD_INIT
; Load program memory
C:0x0006 900050 MOV DPTR, #MSG
address into DPTR
C:0x0009 7A0A MOV R2, #10 ;Set counter of 10
;Read data from memory
C:0x000C 93 MOVC A,@A+DPTR
into A register
C:0x000D 120037 LCALL LCDDATA
;Increment pointer to next
C:0x0010 A3 INC DPTR
C:0x0011 DFF8 DJNZ R7, DISP_MSG ;Repeat loop for 10 times
C:0x0013 80FE SJMP $
; 2 lines and 5×7 matrix (8-
C:0x0015 7438 LCD_INIT: MOV A, #38h
bit mode)
C:0x0017 112A ACALL LCDCMD
C:0x0019 740E MOV A, #0eh ; Display on, cursor on
; Increment cursor (shift
C:0x001D 7406 MOV A, #06h
cursor to right)
C:0x0021 7401 MOV A, #01h ; Clear display screen
C:0x0023 112A ACALL LCDCMD
; Force cursor to beginning
C:0x0025 7480 MOV A, #80H
to 1st line
C:0x0027 112A ACALL LCDCMD
C:0x0029 22 RET
C:0x002A F590 LCDCMD: MOV P1,A ;Send command to lcd
C:0x002C C2B3 CLR RS ;Select command register
C:0x002E C2 B4 CLR RW ;Select write operation
C:0x0030 D2B5 SETB EN
C:0x0032 C2B5 CLR EN ;Latch command to lcd

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C:0x0034 1144 ACALL DELAY ;Wait for sometime

C:0x0036 22 RET
C:0x0037 F590 LCDDATA: MOV P1,A ;Send data to lcd
C:0x0039 D2 B3 SETB RS ;Select data register
C:0x003B C2 B4 CLR RW ;Select write operation
C:0x003D D2B5 SETB EN
C:0x003F C2B5 CLR EN ;Latch data to lcd
C:0x0041 1144 ACALL DELAY ;Wait for sometime
C:0x0043 22 RET
C:0x0044 7B32 DELAY: MOV R3,#50 ;Delay subroutine
C:0x0046 7CFF LOOP2: MOV R4,#255
C:0x004C 22 RET
ORG 0050H
;Define data byte to code
MSG: DB “uC AT89c51"

Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program to display data “Wel” on 1st line
and “Come” on 2nd line of LCD

Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments

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XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. LCD Memory Observed Alphabet

Location and decimal number


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XVI Results (Output of the Program)


XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. Write down cost of LCD module for at least 3 different Manufacturer with
2. State possible reasons of 16x2 LCD display not working.
3. Write assembly program for checking busy flag in LCD display.
4. Write appropriate command to shift entire data to right.

[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid-crystal_display.
2. https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/127934/ETC1/JHD162A.html
3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson
/Prentice Hall, , 2nd edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage

Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Marks Obtained signature of
Process Related Product Total
(15) Related (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 159

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 15: Interface the given keyboard with 8051 and display
the key pressed.
I Practical Significance
The predominant interface between humans and hardware is the keyboard in almost in all
electronic applications. The matrix keypad allows a designer to implement a large
number of inputs with a small number of microcontroller port pins. These keypads were
evolved originally for telephonic applications involving touch tone signaling. This
practical will help the students to develop skills to interface given keyboard to the
microcontroller and display key pressed.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of matrix keypad for application.
 Interface matrix keypad to the microcontroller.
 Provide input data through keypad to the system.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Interface the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface the given keyboard with 8051 and display the key pressed.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices.
 Follow ethical practices.
 Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member

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VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Fig 15.1 Keypad Types

4 x 4 matrix keypad connected to a single port of microcontroller. The keypad columns and rows are
connected to the port pins. The keypad can be decoded to find out which key was pressed. When a
key is pressed on the keypad, a row and column make a contact; otherwise, there is no

Specifications: Keypad
 Maximum voltage across each key: 24V
 Maximum Current through each key: 30mA
 Maximum operating temperature: 0°C to + 50°C
 Easy interface
 Long life

Table 15.1 4x4 Keypad: - Rows (R1, R2, R3, R4) Columns (C1, C2, C3, C4)
(Refer Fig.15.2)

Step1:- Make R1- 0 Checks C1, C2, C3,C4 Step3:- Make R3- 0 Checks C1, C2, C3,C4
If C1=0 – ‘0’ is pressed If C1=0 – ‘8’ is pressed
If C2=0 – ‘1’ is pressed If C2=0 – ‘9’ is pressed
If C3=0 – ‘2’ is pressed If C3=0 – ‘A’ is pressed
If C3=0 – ‘3’ is pressed If C3=0 – ‘B’ is pressed

Step2:- Make R2- 0 Checks C1, C2, C3,C4 Step4:- Make R4- 0 Checks C1, C2, C3,C4
If C1=0 – ‘4’ is pressed If C1=0 – ‘C’ is pressed
If C2=0 – ‘5’ is pressed If C2=0 – ‘D’ is pressed
If C3=0 – ‘6’ is pressed If C3=0 – ‘E’ is pressed
If C3=0 – ‘7’ is pressed If C3=0 – ‘F’ is pressed


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VIII Practical Circuit diagram :

a) Sample circuit diagram

Fig 15.2 8051 connection to 4x4 matrix keypad

b) Practical setup

Fig 15.3 Practical Setup

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c) Simulation diagram

Fig 15.4 Simulation diagram

d) Actual circuit used in laboratory

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e) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Microcontroller Single board systems with 8K RAM,ROM memory 1 No.
kit with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD display, PC
keyboard interfacing facility, Hex keypad facility,
single user cross c-compiler,RS-232,USB,
interfacing facility with built in power supply.
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software

3. Keyboard Suitable to interface with 8051 trainer kit 1No.

4x4 trainer

X Precautions to be Followed
1. LCD panel is made up of glass avoid applying strong pressure on to the surface of
display area.
2. Ensure proper connection then only give electric supply to circuit.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
4. Debug and simulate program on IDE.
5. Create hex file.
6. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller.
7. Interface 4x4 keypad and 16x2 LCD to microcontroller.
8. Observe output status of key and note it in observation Table

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SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to display key pressed on LCD.

Step1- Algorithm
1. Define LCD control pins RS, RW, EN.
2. Make LCD Port P0 as an output port.
3. Make the keypad Port P1 pins as an input port.
4. Initialize LCD by sending commands.
5. Make R1 low& read columns C1, C2, C3 and C4
If C1=0 display ‘0’, If C2=0 display ‘1’, If C3=0 display ‘2’, If C4=0 display ‘3’
6. Make R2 low& read columns C1, C2, C3 and C4.
If C1=0 display ‘4’, If C2=0 display ‘5’, If C3=0 display ‘6’, If C4=0 display ‘7’.
7. Make R3 low& read columns C1, C2, C3 and C4.
If C1=0 display ‘8’, If C2=0 display ‘9’, If C3=0 display ‘A’, If C4=0 display ‘B’
8. Make R4 low& read columns C1, C2, C3 and C4.
If C1=0 display ‘C’, If C2=0 display ‘D’, If C3=0 display ‘E’, If C4=0 display ‘F’
9. Go to step 5 to scan keypad.
10. Stop

Step 2-Flow Chart

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Fig 15.5 Flowchart to display the key pressed on LCD

Step 3-Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
ROW1 BIT P1.0 ;keypad row pins
COL1 BIT P1.4 ;keypad column pins
RS BIT P2.5 ;LCD control pins
ORG 0000H
;make LCD port as
C:0x0000 758000 MOV P0,#00H
;step 1 make port as
C:0x0005 7590FF KEYSCAN: MOV P1,#0FFH
C:0x0008 C290 CLR ROW1 ;make row1=0

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C:0x000A 30943E JNB COL1,K0 ;check col1

C:0x000D 309441 JNB COL2,K1 ;check col2
C:0x0010 309444 JNB COL3,K2 ;check col3
C:0x0013 309447 JNB COL4,K3 ;check col4
C:0x0016 7590FF MOV P1,#0FFH ;step 2
C:0x0019 C291 CLR ROW2 ;make row2=0
C:0x001B 309445 JNB COL1,K4
C:0x001E 309548 JNB COL2,K5
C:0x0021 30964B JNB COL3,K6
C:0x0024 30974E JNB COL4,K7
C:0x0027 7590FF MOV P1,#0FFH ;step 3
C:0x002A C292 CLR ROW3 ;make row3=0
C:0x002C 30954C JNB COL1,K8
C:0x002F 30954F JNB COL2,K9
C:0x0032 309652 JNB COL3,KA
C:0x0035 309755 JNB COL4,KB
C:0x0038 7590FF MOV P1,#0FFH ;step 4
C:0x003B C293 CLR ROW4 ;make row4=0
C:0x003D 309453 JNB COL1,KC
C:0x0040 309556 JNB COL2,KD
C:0x0043 309659 JNB COL3,KE
C:0x0046 30975C JNB COL4,KF
C:0x0049 80BA SJMP KEYSCAN ;repeat scanning
C:0x004B 7430 K0: MOV A,#”0” ;key 0 detected
C:0x004F 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0051 7431 K1: MOV A,#”1” ;key 1 detected
C:0x0055 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0057 7432 K2: MOV A,#”2” ;key 2 detected
C:0x005B 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x005D 7433 K3: MOV A,#”3” ;key 3 detected
C:0x0061 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0063 7434 K4: MOV A,#”4” ;key 4 detected

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C:0x0067 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN

C:0x0069 7435 K5: MOV A,#”5” ;key 5 detected
C:0x006D 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x006F 7436 K6: MOV A,#”6” ;key 6 detected
C:0x0073 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0075 7437 K7: MOV A,#”7” ;key 7 detected
C:0x0079 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x007B 7438 K8: MOV A,#”8” ;key 8 detected
C:0x007F 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0081 7439 K9: MOV A,#”9” ;key 9 detected
C:0x0085 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0087 7441 KA: MOV A,#”A” ;key A detected
C:0x008B 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x008D 7442 KB: MOV A,#”B” ;key B detected
C:0x0091 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0093 7443 KC: MOV A,#”C” ;key C detected
C:0x0097 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x0099 7444 KD: MOV A,#”D” ;key D detected
C:0x009D 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x009F 7445 KE: MOV A,#”E” ;key E detected
C:0x00A3 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
C:0x00A5 7446 KF: MOV A,#”F” ;key F detected
C:0x00A9 0105 AJMP KEYSCAN
;init LCD 2 lines, 5x7
C:0x00AB 7438 LCDINIT: MOV A,#38H

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C:0x00AF 740E MOV A,#0EH ;LCD on cursor on

C:0x00B3 7406 MOV A,#06H ;clear LCD command
C:0x00B7 7401 CLEAR: MOV A,#01H ;shift cursor right
;Force cursor to
C:0x00BB 7480 MOV A,#80H
beginning of 1st line
C:0x00BF 22 RET
C:0x00C0 F580 MOV P0,A ;issue command code
C:0x00C2 C2A5 CLR RS
C:0x00C4 C2A6 CLR RW
C:0x00C6 D2A7 SETB EN
C:0x00CA C2A7 CLR EN
C:0x00CC 22 RET
C:0x00CD F580 DISPLAY: MOV P0,A ;issue data
C:0x00D1 C2A6 CLR RW
C:0x00C3 D2A7 SETB EN
C:0x00D7 C2A7 CLR EN
C:0x00D9 11DE ACALL DELAY ;add delay
C:0x00DB 11B7 ACALL CLEAR ;LCD clear
C:0x00DD 22 RET
C:0x00DE 7B32 MOV R3,#50
C:0x00E0 7CFF MOV R4,#255
C:0x00E6 22 LOOP1: RET

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XII Resources Used

Sr. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Key Pressed Output on LCD

1 2
2 5
3 9
4 B
5 E

XVI Results (Output of the program)


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XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)

XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation

XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. If the switch 3 is pressed which column & row show logic 0 at respective port pin?.
2. Write specifications of 4x4 keypad in terms of.
a) Maximum voltage across each key.
b) Maximum Current through each key.
c) Maximum operating temperature.
3. Explain debounce effect.
4. Write down following requirement of port pins and number of switches.
No of switches Rows Port Columns Port
Matrix Keypad
Pins Pins
1x4 Matrix Keypad
3x4 Matrix Keypad
4x4 Matrix Keypad
8x8 Matrix Keypad

[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keypad.
2. https://components101.com/misc/4x4-keypad-module-pinout-configuration-features-
3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson /Prentice Hall, , 2nd
edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030.

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related(15 Marks) 60% (15)
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%(10)

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100% (25)

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Marks Obtained Dated signature

of Teacher
Process Product Total
Related Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 172

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 16: Interface ADC with 8051 microcontroller and verify
input / output.
I Practical Significance
In the real world most of the signals sensed and processed by humans are analog signals.
Analog-to-digital conversion is the primary means by which analog signals are converted
into digital data that can be processed by computers for various purposes. This practical
will help the students to develop skills to interface LCD to the microcontroller and verify

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of ADC for given application.
 Interface ADC to the microcontroller.
 Verify input and output.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Maintain microcontroller used in different application.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface ADC with 8051 microcontroller and verify input/output.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices.
 Practice good housekeeping.
 Practice energy conservation
 Maintain tools and equipment

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

An analog-to-digital converter, or simply ADC, is a semiconductor device that is used to
convert an analog signal into a digital code. An analog signal is a signal that may assume any
value within a continuous range. Examples of analog signals commonly encountered every
day are sound, light, temperature, and pressure, all of which may be represented electrically
by an analog voltage or current.

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Types of ADC:
Serial ADC: Serial ADC’s consisting of just one output pin that delivers the output code one bit at a
Parallel ADC: Parallel ADC’s consisting of several output pins that deliver all the bits of the output
code at the same time.

Specifications ADC0808 Chip ADC0808 Analog signal selection:

 ADC0808 IC - analog to digital Analog Channel CBA

 Resolution -8 Bits IN0 0 0 0
 Input Channels- 8 IN1 0 0 1
 Single Supply- 5VDC IN2 0 1 0
IN3 0 1 1
 Low Power- 15mW
IN4 1 0 0
 Conversion Time -100μs IN5 1 1 1
 Output’s meets TTL voltage level. IN6 1 1 0
 The clock frequency range of ADC is 10 KHz to 1280 KHz. IN7 1 1 1
 Typically 680 kHz used.
 Low power consumption

Fig 16.1 Functional block diagram of ADC 0808 chip

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VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample circuit diagram

Fig 16.2 8051 connection to ADC 0808

b) Practical Setup

Fig 16.3 Practical Setup

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c) Actual circuit used in laboratory

d) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

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IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Microcontroller Single board systems with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
kit memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-compiler,RS-
232,USB, interfacing facility with built in power
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software

3. ADC (0808) Suitable to interface 8051 board. 1 No.

trainer board

X Precautions to be Followed
1. Refer datasheet for to provide clock frequency to ADC 0808 chip.
2. Care must be taken while taking observations during power up.
3. Use current limiting resistors for LED’s.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or any
other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the above program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of the microcontroller.
8. Interface ADC 0808 IC to the microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown in fig
9. To make changes in input refer observation Table and note hex output observed on

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to read the data from ADC and display on 8
LEDs connected to port 2.

STEP1- Algorithm
1. Select an analog channel by providing bits to A, B, and C addresses according to the
analog signal selection table.
2. Activate the ALE (address latch enable) pin.
3. Activate SC (start conversion) to initiate conversion.
4. Monitor EOC (end of conversion) to see whether conversion is finished. H-to L
output indicates that the data is converted and is ready to be picked up. If we do not
use EOC, we can read the converted digital data after a brief time delay. The delay
size depends on the speed of the external clock we connect to the CLK pin.
5. Activate OE (output enable) to read data out of the ADC chip.

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Note: In ADC0808 that there is no self-clocking and the clock must be provided from an
external source to the CLK pin. Although the speed of conversion depends on the
frequency of the clock connected to the CLK pin, it cannot be faster than 100

Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 16.4 Flowchart for ADC

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Step 3-Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code








ORG 0000H

C:0x0000 7590FF ;make P1 as input

C:0x0003 D2B2 SETB EOC ;make EOC an input

C:0x0005 C2B0 CLR ALE ;clear ALE

C:0x0007 C2B1 CLR SC ;clear WR

C:0x0009 C2B3 CLR OE ;clear RD

C:0x000B C2B6 BACK: CLR ADDR_C ;C=0

C:0x000D C2B5 CLR ADDR_B ;B=0

C:0x000F D2B4 SETB ADDR_A ;A=1(select channel 1)

C:0x0011 1131 ACALL DELAY

C:0x0013 D2B0 SETB ALE ;latch address

C:0x0015 1131 ACALL DELAY

C:0x0017 D2B1 SETB SC ;start conversion

C:0x0019 1131 ACALL DELAY

C:0x001B C2B0 CLR ALE

C:0x001D C2B1 CLR SC

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C:0x001F 20B2FD HERE: JB EOC,HERE ;wait

C:0x0022 30B3FD HERE1: JNB EOC,HERE1

C:0x0025 D2B3 SETB OE

C:0x0027 1131 ACALL DELAY

C:0x0029 E590 MOV A,MY_DATA

C:0x002B F590 MOV P2,A

C:0x002D C2B3 CLR OE


C:0x0031 7B19 DELAY: MOV R3,#25 ;Delay Subroutine

C:0x0033 7C64 L3: MOV R4,#100

C:0x0035 7D64 L2: MOV R5,#100

C:0x0037 DDFE L1: DJNZ R5,L1

C:0x0039 DCFA DJNZ R4,L2

C:0x003B DBF6 DJNZ R3,L3

C:0x003D 22 RET


XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet if space not sufficient)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 180

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XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet if space not sufficient)


XV Observations (use blank sheet if space not sufficient)

Input Voltage Output HEX Value observed on LED’s






XVI Results (Output of the Program)


XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the

interpretation of results).
XIX Practical Related Questions
Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. If Vref pin is connected to 2.56V then what will be the step size of ADC0808?
2. List two applications where serial ADC and parallel ADC chips are used.
3. Draw timing diagram for selecting a channel and read data for ADC 0808.
4. Distinguish ADC 0804, ADC 0808 and ADC 0848.

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[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog-to-digital converter.
2. https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/155397/TI/ADC0808.html
3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson
/Prentice Hall, , 2nd edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030.

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Marks Obtained signature of
Process Related Product Total
(15) Related (10) (25)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 183

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 17: Interface DAC with 8051 microcontroller and observe
following waveforms: square wave, triangular wave, sawtooth wave
I Practical Significance
The digital to analog converter (DAC) is a device widely used to convert digital pulses to
analog signals. This practical will help the students to develop skills to interface DAC
with 8051 and generate different analog waveforms.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
 Lifelong learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering and allied industry

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type DAC for given application.
 Interface DAC with microcontroller.
 Generate different analog signals.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Maintain microcontroller used in different application.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface DAC with 8051 microcontroller and observe following waveforms: square
wave, triangular wave, sawtooth wave.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices.
 Practice good housekeeping.
 Practice energy conservation
 Maintain tools and equipment

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

In DAC the number of data bit input decides the resolution since the number of analog output
levels is equal to 2n, where n is the number of data bit inputs. An 8 input DAC provides 256
discrete voltage (or current). The most commonly used, 8 bit, R/2R method followed DAC is
DAC 0808

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Two methods adopted for designing a DAC

1. Binary weighted 2. R/2R Ladder

Specifications DAC 0808 Chip

 DAC 0808 - 8-bit monolithic digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
 Full scale output current settling time of 150 ns
 Power dissipation 33 mW with ±5V supplies.
 Relative accuracy: ±0.19% error maximum
 No inverting digital inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible
 High speed multiplying input slew rate: 8 mA/μs
 Power supply voltage range: ±4.5V to ±18V

Where D0 is the LSB, D7 is the MSB for the inputs, and Iref is the input current. The
Iref current is generally set to 2.0mA.

Fig 17.1 Functional block diagram of DAC 0808 chip

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VIII Practical Circuit diagram:

a) Sample circuit diagram

Fig 17.2 8051 connection to DAC 0808

b) Practical setup

Fig 17.3 Practical Setup

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c) Actual circuit used in laboratory

d) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

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IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1 Microcontroller Single board systems with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
kit memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-compiler,RS-
232,USB, interfacing facility with built in power
2 Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software
3 DAC (0808) Suitable to interface 8051 board. 1 No
trainer board

X Precautions to be Followed
1. Operate DAC chip as per specifications given in the datasheet otherwise damage may
occur to the device.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or any
other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the above program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of microcontroller.
8. Interface DAC 0808 IC to the microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown in fig
9. Observe Triangular waveform on CRO and draw the same pattern in observation
mentioning Ton and Toff time.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to generate triangular waveform using DAC.

STEP1- Algorithm
1. Make the Port used to Interface DAC as an output port.
2. Clear Accumulator.
3. Send 00H value to DAC
4. Increment value.
5. Compare current value with highest value 0FFh and send it to DAC till it reaches.
6. Decrement value.
7. Compare current value with lowest value 00H and send it to DAC till it reaches.
8. For repeat operation go to step3.
9. Stop.

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Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 17.4 Flowchart to generate triangular waveform

Step 3-Assembly Language Program

Hex Code Label Mnemonics Comments
ORG 0000h
C:0x0000 7400 REPEAT: MOV A,#00h ;clear A
C:0x0002 F590 INCR: MOV P1,A ;send value to P1
C:0x0004 04 INC A ;increment value
;compare with highest
C:0x0008 F590 DECR: MOV P1,A
C:0x000A 14 DEC A ;decrement value
;compare with lowest
C:0x000B B400FA CJNE A,#00h,DECR
C:0x000E 80F0 SJMP REPEAT ;repeat

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Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program to generate sawtooth waveform
using DAC 0808
Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program:-

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity


XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

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XX Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XXI Results (Output of the Program)


XXII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XXIII Conclusions and Recommendation


XXIV Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. If Iref = 2mA and all the inputs to the DAC are high then find maximum current of
DAC 0808 IC.
2. To generate a sine wave using DAC 0808 find decimal values representing magnitude
of the sine of angles between 0 and 360 degrees.
Refer Vout = 5V+ (5xsinθ).
3. If a switch SW is connected to port pin P0.0. Write a program to do the following.
a) When SW=0 the DAC output gives a triangular waveform.
b) When SW=1 the DAC output gives a staircase waveform.
[Space for Answers]


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XIX References / Suggestions for further reading
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital-to-analog_converter.
2 https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/512341/TI1/DAC0808.html
3 The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C-
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson /
Prentice Hall, , 2nd edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030.

XX Assessment Scheme

Performance indicators Weightage

Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 …………………………..

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Total
Related Related (25)
(15) (10)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 194

Microcontroller & Application (22426)

Practical No. 18: Interface stepper motor to microcontroller and rotate in

clockwise and anti-clockwise direction at the given angles.
I Practical Significance
Different field applications require precise positioning, repeatability of movement in
clockwise and anticlockwise direction with good accuracy. Stepper motors are controlled
by microcontrollers in such areas like in computer peripherals, Business machines,
process control and for making robots. This practical will help the students to develop
skills to interface stepper motor to 8051 and rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.
 Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

III Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry identified
competency ‘Maintain microcontroller based systems’:
 Select appropriate type of stepper motor for given application.
 Interface stepper motor with microcontroller.
 Apply full step or half step sequence as per requirement of movement.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

 Maintain microcontroller used in different application.

V Practical Outcome
 Interface stepper motor to microcontroller and rotate in clockwise and anti-clockwise
direction at the given angles.

VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)

 Follow safe practices.
 Maintain tools and equipment.
 Follow ethical practices.

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VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Fig 18.1 Basic Stepper motor system

Stepper motors convert electrical energy into precise mechanical motion. These motors rotate a
specific incremental distance per each step. The number of steps executed controls the degree of
rotation of the motor’s shaft

Table 18.1 Stepper Motor Step Angles Stepping Modes:

Step Angle Steps per 1) Wave Drive (1 phase on)

revolution 2) Full Step Drive (2 phases on)
0.72 500 3) Half Step Drive (1 & 2 phases on)
4) Micro stepping (Continuously varying
1.8 200 motor currents)
2.0 180
2.5 144
5 72

Table 18.2 Two Coil Excitation full Step

Specifications: Permanent Magnet
Stepper Motor
Port Part No-42BYG228-R
P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0
Drive system- Unipolar
Stator Windings of Step angle-1.8° ±5%
Stepper Motor
Voltage & Current-12V DC at 400 mA
Hex No of steps per revolution-200
A B C D Direction
code Holding Torque-2000 g-cm
1 0 0 1 09 H CW Ambient temperature--10°C to +55°C
1 1 0 0 0C H
0 1 1 0 06 H
0 0 1 1 03 H CCW

Table 18.3 Stepper motor working

Frame 1: The top electromagnet (1) is turned on, Frame 2: The top electromagnet (1) is turned

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attracting the nearest teeth of the gear-shaped off, and the right electromagnet (2) is
iron rotor. With the teeth aligned to energized, pulling the teeth into alignment
electromagnet 1, they will be slightly offset from with it. This results in a rotation of 1.8° in this
right electromagnet (2). example.

Frame 3: The bottom electromagnet (3) is Frame 4: The left electromagnet (4) is
energized; another 1.8° rotation occurs. energized, rotating again by 1.8°. When the
top electromagnet (1) is again enabled, the
rotor will have rotated by one tooth position;
since there are 50 teeth, it will take 200 steps
to make a full rotation in this example.

VIII Practical Circuit diagram :

a) Sample circuit diagram

Fig 18.2 8051 connection to stepper motor

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b) Practical setup

Fig 18.3 Practical Setup

c) Simulation diagram

Fig 18.4 Simulation diagram

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d) Actual circuit used in laboratory

e) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory

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IX Resources Required

Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Microcontroller
Single board systems with 8K RAM,ROM 1 No.
kit memory with battery backup,16X4,16X2LCD
display, PC keyboard interfacing facility, Hex
keypad facility, single user cross c-compiler,RS-
232,USB, interfacing facility with built in power
2. Desktop PC Loaded with open source IDE, simulation and 1 No.
program downloading software
3. Stepper Motor 1.8° Step angle, 50/100 RPM Stepper motor with 1 No.
Trainer ULN 2003 Driver.

X Precautions to be Followed
1. Use always driver circuit while interfacing stepper motor to microcontroller.

XI Procedure
1. Write algorithm for given problem.
2. Draw flowchart for the same.
3. Develop assembly program using Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or any
other relevant software tool.
4. Debug program on IDE.
5. Execute program on IDE.
6. Create hex file for the above program.
7. Download hex code in EPROM/Flash memory of the microcontroller.
8. Interface stepper motor to microcontroller as per circuit diagram shown in fig 18.5
9. Observe rotation of stepper motor and record in observation Table.

SAMPLE PROGRAM 1: Write a program to rotate stepper motor in clockwise direction by


Step 1- Algorithm
1. Make the Port used to Interface stepper motor as an output port.
2. Set register as counter R2 =25 for 100 steps i.e.180° rotation.
3. Set register as counter R3= 4 for full step code
4. Initialize pointer to table which is in code memory i.e. DPTR.
5. Clear accumulator.
6. Read data from code memory.
7. Send code to stepper motor.
8. Increment DPTR to access next memory location code.
9. Decrement R3 and check for zero. Is counter R3=0? NO- go to step 5 else go to next.
10. Decrement R2 and check for zero. Is counter R2=0? NO- go to step 3 else go to next.
11. Stop.

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Step 2-Flow Chart

Fig 18.5 Flowchart for stepper motor to rotate in clockwise 100 steps

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Step 3-Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code
ORG 0000H
C:0x0000 759000 MOV P1,#00H ;Define port as output port
;Set register as counter of 25 for
C:0x0003 7A19 MOV R2,#25
180 rotation
;set counter of 4 for full step code
C:0x0005 7B04 UP1: MOV R3,#4
;load address of program memory
C:0x0007 900200 MOV DPTR,#TABLE
into Data pointer
C:0x000A E4 UP: CLR A ;clear accumulator
;read step code from memory into
C:0x000B 93 MOVC A,@A+DPTR
C:0x000C F590 MOV P1,A ;send step code to port
C:0x000E 1117 ACALL DELAY ;add delay
;increment memory pointer to read
C:0x0010 A3 INC DPTR
next step code
; decrement counter & jump to
C:0x0011 DBF7 DJNZ R3,UP memory location labeled as UP if
not equal to zero.
; decrement counter & jump to
C:0x0013 DAF0 DJNZ R2,UP1 memory location labeled as UP1 if
not equal to zero.
C:0x0015 80FE SJMP $ ;wait
C:0x0017 7C19 DELAY: MOV R4,#25 ;delay Subroutine
C:0x0019 7D64 L3: MOV R5,#100
C:0x001B 7E64 L2: MOV R6,#100
C:0x001D DEFE L1: DJNZ R6,L1
C:0x001F DDFA DJNZ R5,L2
C:0x0021 DCF6 DJNZ R4,L3
C:0x0023 22 RET
ORG 0050H
DB 09H, 0CH, 06H, ; Step code stored at code memory
C:0x0050 TABLE:
03H starting at location 0050H onward.

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Problem statement for student: Develop assembly program for stepper motor to rotate 90° in
anticlockwise direction using rotate instruction. Assume step angle 1.8°
Step 1-Algorithm Step 2-Flowchart

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Step 3- Assembly Language Program

Memory Hex
Label Mnemonics Comments
Address Code

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XII Resources Used

S. No. Instrument /Components Specification Quantity





XIII Actual Procedure Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIV Precautions Followed (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XV Observations for sample program (use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Step Code Port Pin Status - logic 1 (+5V) / logic 0 (0V)

9H P2.4 - P2.0
CH P2.4 - P2.0
6H P2.4 - P2.0
3H P2.4 - P2.0

XVI Results (Output of the Program)


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XVII Interpretation of Results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions and Recommendation


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more
such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO
1. Write specifications of 4 different stepper motors available in the market.
2. Calculate no of steps to move stepper motor 64 degree in clockwise direction if step
angle is 2 degree, steps per revolution 180 & no of rotor teeth 45.
3. If a motor takes 90 steps to make one complete revolution, what is the step angle for
this motor?.
[Space for Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further reading
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepper_motor.
2. https://www.jameco.com/Jameco/Products/ProdDS/155433.pdf
3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system Using Assembly and C- Muhammad
Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay- Pearson /Prentice Hall, , 2nd
edition, Delhi,2008, ISBN 978-8177589030
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWMai3oirnM

XXI Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage

Process related(15 Marks) 60%
1 Coding and Debugging ability 30%

2 Making connections of hardware 20%

3 Follow ethical practices. 10%

Product related (10 Marks) 40%

4 Correctness of algorithm/ Flow chart 20%

5 Relevance of output of the problem definition. 15%

6 Timely Submission of report, Answer to sample questions. 05%

Total (25 Marks) 100%

Name of Team Members

1 ………………………......
2 ……………………….......
3 …………………………..
4 ………………………….

Dated signature of
Marks Obtained
Process Product Related Total
Related (15) (10) (25)

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