GAD Plan 2021
GAD Plan 2021
GAD Plan 2021
FY 2021
Gender Cause GAD Relevant GAD Performance Actual Total Actual Cost/ Variation/
Issue of the Results Agency Activity Indicators Result Agency Expenditures Remarks
and/ or Gender Statement/ MFO/PAP and Target (Outputs/ Approved
GAD Issue GAD Outcomes) Budget
Mandate Objective
Ensure K to 10 To provide MFO2 To Constructed Constructed 3 20,000.00 35,000.00 Php15,000 was
security, classroo individual provide three concrete concrete and donated by the
safe ms have handwashing handwas and nine (9) nine (9) PTA
mobility, no facilities for hing portable handwashing
comfort of individual learners, facilities handwashing facilities
male and handwas teachers, and for facilities
female hing employees learners,
teachers facility teachers
and and
employees employee
and other s
clients on
the use of
materials in
the school
To provide To have 20 sets of 20 sets of 9,700.00 9,700.00
sanitation and healthy sanitation and sanitation and
disinfectant teachers disinfectant disinfectant
materials for and materials materials
classrooms/ employee
school office s
To provide To make 1 teambuilding/ 20 teachers -0- 5,0000 Donated by
teambuilding have energizing and staff stakeholders
and energizing teachers activity participated in
activities and staff the
through GAD stronger December,
Training and and make 2021 school-
Rewards & them based R&R
Recognition resilient in activities
activities for life conducted
teachers and challenge during the
staff s Christmas
program in the
TOTAL Php49,700.00
Prepared by: