Blockchain From The Security Perspective: A Scoping Review

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ELS Publishing Blockchain

Review │ Received 26 July 2023; Accepted 16 October 2023; Published 20 October 2023

Blockchain from the security perspective: a scoping review

Nazanin Moosavi1,2 and Hamed Taherdoost3,*

Research and Development Department, Hamta Business Corporation, Vancouver, Canada
Q Minded | Quark Minded Technology Inc, Vancouver, Canada
Department of Arts, Communications, and Social Sciences, University Canada West,
Vancouver, Canada

* Correspondence author; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].

Abstract: Blockchain technology is a prominent that gained a lot of attention from both
industrial and research prospectives. Blockchain system is a decentralized and transparent
network, which provides a secure platform for transactions. This scoping review aimed to
investigate blockchain technology from a security perspective. The motivation for this review
stems from the technology's growing importance across industries and the imperative to
address security challenges for sustained adoption and success. This review proposes the
security analysis of blockchain with the solution for these security issues, besides the
blockchain adoption in various sectors as a solution to ensure security. The findings
underscore the imperative for further investigation to formulate solutions for security
challenges, whether within blockchain networks themselves or when integrating them into
other networks. Additionally, considering the existing research gaps in this field, potential
research directions for future exploration are recommended for scholars.

Keywords: Blockchain; security; cybersecurity; information security; security solutions;

internet of things

1. Introduction

Blockchain technology gained popularity in both academic circles and industries recently.
Blockchain is known as a distributed ledger technology that prepares a decentralized database
where all the tangible and intangible assets are encoded and encrypted. The most famous
blockchain network is Bitcoin which revolutionized the financial market [1]. Bitcoin is a first
blockchain technology network, which introduces financial solutions for the long-lived
problems in financial markets such as controlling the validation of transactional records
without any central authority.
Blockchain structure empowers with mechanisms such as smart contracts and consensus
mechanisms. Smart contracts are some predefined programmable rules in a blockchain

Copyright©2023 by the authors. Published by ELS Publishing. This work is licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.
Moosavi N, et al Blockchain 2023(2):0008
Blockchain Review

network that applies when some condition happens. With smart contracts, there is no need
for third-party organizations to guarantee the contracts between participants. A consensus
mechanism is used to append new data to the blockchain unanimously and securely which
then can solve the user’s ownership confirmation and the system integration [2]. Hence,
blockchain can prepare a transparent, irreversible, and immutable system by checking
multiple nodes in a network redundantly.
These unique features of blockchain make it highly secure compared to the centralized
database due to the asymmetrical cryptography process by the set of public and private keys.
These keys guarantee the ownership of the transactions and also ensure the non-tamper-
provability features of the network. Since the transactions are integrated, confidential, and
authorized, the blockchain network is secure [3].
Moreover, due to the transparency of the network, the data is available to all the users
not only to the central authority organization. This is an important aspect that eliminates the
single point of failure for data transactions since it is spreaded out in all the nodes and the
transaction are peer-to-peer and happens with consensus.
Due to the great features and strength of blockchain networks, they can be widely used
in diverse sectors and industries beyond financial markets such as the internet of things (IoT)
network, health systems, energy sectors, etc. It is also expected that blockchain applications
will expand in many areas [4–6].
Blockchain is mostly famous for its ability to revolutionize transactions and the financial
market, just like what the internet did for information and communication systems. Internet
development proposes a lot of exciting applications such as social media, game streaming,
etc [7]. Blockchain is also known to propose many new services in the future that may
encompass all aspects of our lives. Therefore, it is important to have a general overview of
blockchain to propose adequate and applicable solutions for academic and industrial purposes.
In this scoping review, we seek the security aspects of the blockchain ecosystem. We
categorized the security in blockchain into three main groups to discuss the security solutions
and challenges in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper in the
literature that discusses security in blockchain ecosystems with these considerations. Indeed,
this scoping review concentrates on preparing an extensive knowledge of current researches
and opening subjects regarding key security solutions and issues discussed in the researches.
Hence, it is proposing future open problems for researchers to work through it.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines blockchain structure
and features; Section 3 introduces the method of the scoping review, Section 4 investigates
the results and findings, Section 5 outlines a discussion on the results and finally, section 6
concludes the paper.

2. Background

2.1. Blockchain description

Blockchain technology, which is familiar as distributed ledger technology, was first

introduced in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto It provides a new paradigm called digital currency.

Blockchain Review

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency based on Blockchain network, which is the most famous
application of Blockchain technology in recent years.
Blockchain structure consists of a distributed database where all transactional records
are stored in a digital ledger. It contains a sequence of blocks and each block has some parts
that are outlined in Table 1 [8]. It should be noted that the procedure to append a new block
to the blockchain happened by a consensus mechanism. This mechanism replaces the need
for authority organizations or third parties to validate or verified transactions. There are many
algorithms to reach consensus, but the most widely used approaches are proof of work (PoW),
proof of stake (PoS), and proof of Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) [9].

Table 1. Block structure.

Sections Definitions
Block version- 4 bytes Ordinal number of a block
Merkle tree hash- 32 bytes Hashing algorithm to create a hash for block data
Previous block hash- 32 bytes The hash value of all the data in the former block
Timestamp- 4 bytes The time when the data is created
nBits- 4 bytes Current hashing target in a compact form
Nonce-4 bytes Individual hash for each block with random number
Data-32 bytes Transaction data

2.2. Blockchain generation

Blockchain technology is classified into four generations as follow [10–12].

A. Blockchain 1.0: This generation is mainly about the usage of digital cryptocurrencies in
the area of the financial market. Bitcoin is the most well-known Blockchain network in
this generation.
B. Blockchain 2.0: The second-generation proposes the idea behind the programmable
codes, which leads to the smart contract terms. Blockchain 2.0 introduces the use of
blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies such as cross border transactions, insurance, credits, etc.
C. Blockchain 3.0: The third generation aimed at introducing blockchain applications in
different aspects of people’s life such as government, health, art, and industry.
D. Blockchain 4.0: The fourth-generation main target is concentrating on real-time
applications with focusing on the integration between artificial intelligence (AI) and
Blockchain technology.

2.3. Blockchain classification

Blockchain network is classified into two models based on the permission for appending a
new block to the block sequence. If any user can append a new block, the blockchain is called
permissionless. The most famous permissionless public blockchain is the Bitcoin network.
Instead, if only some predefined users can append a new block to the sequence the blockchain
is called permissioned. Private and consortium networks belong to this category. Table 2
provides a comparison between different Blockchain categorization [4,13].

Blockchain Review

Table 2. Comparison between different blockchain classifications.

Category of blockchain Participant Consensus protocols Scalability Efficiency
Public Any user PoW/PoS High Low
Private Predefined PBFT Low High
Consortium Predefined PBFT Low High
Public blockchains are open to any user and often employ consensus protocols like
PoW/PoS, offering high scalability but lower efficiency due to resource-intensive processes.
Private blockchains restrict participation to predefined, trusted entities and commonly use
consensus protocols like PBFT, emphasizing efficiency and high throughput. Consortium
blockchains, also limited to predefined participants, share similar characteristics with private
blockchains, prioritizing control and efficiency. This comparison helps elucidate the
suitability of each blockchain category for specific use cases, with public blockchains being
more open but less efficient, while private and consortium blockchains prioritize control and
efficiency but have limited accessibility.

2.4. Blockchain feature

Blockchain technology has some incredible features that make it enjoyable and applicable in
various sectors. The description of some blockchain features is given [14].
 Decentralization: Blockchain provides a decentralized network, which omits the
necessity of central authority organizations’ presence to check the proof of
the transactions.
 Privacy: This feature provides a secure network where the real identities of users are
hidden even when they contact each other.
 Immutability: This feature guarantee that the information is tamper-proof in the network.
Hence, after the transaction happens no one can delete or edit them.
 Distributed ledger: Since all users in the blockchain network has one copy of all the
transactions, it is distributed.
 Irreversibility: When one transaction is stored, it cannot be retraced.
 Transparency: Blockchain enables all network participants to verify transactions.

3. Methods

3.1. Study design

A scoping review was performed with to goal of providing an overview of the blockchain
security instead of answering focused questions. The presented review method was carried
out by defining the following five-step activities.

Blockchain Review

Research questions

Search the literature

Selection process

Data Derivation

Data Analysis

Figure 1. Design of scoping review study.

3.2. Research questions

For this review, we consider some main questions to find a general overview of this topic
as follows:
 What are the main topics in blockchain security in the recent researches?
 What are opening problems and issues in blockchain security?
 What is the main area of blockchain usage as a security solution?

3.3. Search the literature

Two main databases, IEEE Xplore and Science Direct were searched and reviewed. Journal
publications from 2018 to 2022 are considered the main literature work. After some
discussion between the members, some keywords are selected. The final keywords are
“Blockchain Security”, “Blockchain Cybersecurity” and “Blockchain Information Security”.
The Boolean operators ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ are used in our search procedure. To retake related
research papers, we used the following search lines: (Blockchain) AND (Security OR
Cybersecurity OR Information Security). 6337 papers were initially considered.

3.4. Selection process

After initially finding the papers, we apply another selection process where the keywords
should only appear in the title, abstracts, or keywords on the papers. In this step, 1842 papers
were selected. Next, another criterion for inclusion was to have the keywords only in the title.
The investigation continued with a total of 170 papers. Then we go through the abstract
reading to find more relevant papers. Finally, at this step, 126 papers were selected.

3.5. Data derivation

Data were derived from research papers and categorized into the pre-development paper. The
data was mainly extracted by author 1 and then reviewed by author 2. The derived data were
grouped and summarized in the table and later exported into more detailed tables and charts.

Blockchain Review

3.6. Data analysis

Relevant extracted quantified data were summarized. Our main results and approaches is
described in the next section. Figure 2 below exhibit a big picture of our strategy used in
this paper.

Figure 2. Flow diagram of search method.

4. Results

4.1. Publication year

Papers considered in this scoping review were selected from research studies between 2018
and April 2022 to propose the recent development in the blockchain technology area. Since
blockchain technology is a new trend, it has attracted more and more interest in recent years.
To show the percentages exactly, 7% of the papers were published in 2018, 10% were
published in 2019, 27% were published in 2020, 35% were published in 2021 and 19% were
published in 2022. Figure 3 demonstrates the results.






0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of papers

Figure 3. Research papers from each year.

Blockchain Review

4.2. Paper categorization

By considering the papers, we figured out that papers are categorized into three main groups
as demonstrated in Figure 4. In the first category, there are papers that proposed a general
review of blockchain security challenges and issues, second category, there are papers that
proposed some solutions for blockchain security issues and the majority of papers belong to
the third category where blockchain technology application in security in different sectors is
proposed. Table 3 represents an overview of these findings, relating the literature references
within each category and some descriptions about each reference.


Solutions for
Blockchain 9%
in Security

Figure 4. Paper categorization.

Table 3. Categorization of blockchain security.

Ref Year Category Description
[15] 2018 Blockchain application in security Internet of Things (IoT)
[16] 2018 Blockchain application in security Smart transportation
Electric Vehicle and Charging Pile
[17] 2018 Blockchain application in security IoT
[18] 2018 Solutions for blockchain security problem General Blockchain
[19] 2018 Blockchain application in security IoT
[20] 2018 Blockchain application in security IoT
[21] 2018 Blockchain application in security IoT
[22] 2018 Blockchain application in security Smart transportation
[23] 2018 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[24] 2019 Blockchain application in security IoT

[25] 2019 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain

[26] 2019 Blockchain application in security Telecommunication
Wireless blockchain network
[27] 2019 Blockchain application in security IoT
[28] 2019 Blockchain application in security Unmanned aerial network (UAV)
[29] 2019 Solutions for blockchain security problem General Blockchain
[30] 2019 Blockchain application in security Smart Industry
[31] 2019 Blockchain application in security Smart Industry
[32] 2019 Blockchain application in security IoT

Blockchain Review

Table 3. Cont.
Ref Year Category Description
[33] 2019 Blockchain application in security IoT
[34] 2019 Blockchain application in security Smart Industry
Smart factory
[35] 2019 Blockchain application in security Smart health
Blockchain + Cloud Computing
[36] 2019 Blockchain application in security Smart Agriculture
[37] 2019 Blockchain application in security Smart Transportation
[38] 2020 Blockchain application in security Smart Home
[39] 2020 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
Cloud Computing + blockchain
[40] 2020 Blockchain application in security Telecommunication
Blockchain + Edge Computing + 5G
[41] 2020 Blockchain application in security Edge Computing + Blockchain
[42] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
[43] 2020 Blockchain application in security Industrial IoT
[44] 2020 Blockchain application in security Smart Transportation
Internet of Vehicles
[45] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
Smart Agriculture
[46] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General analysis for blockchain security
[47] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General analysis for blockchain security
[48] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
[49] 2020 Blockchain application in security Smart Industry
Industry 4.0
[50] 2020 Blockchain security analysis Smart Grid
[51] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[52] 2020 Blockchain application in security Telecommunication
6G networks
[53] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
Software Defined Networking (SDN) + Edge +
[54] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT

[55] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT

Machine Learning + Artificial Intelligence (AI)
[56] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
[57] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[58] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[59] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[60] 2020 Blockchain application in security Smart Industry
Deep learning +Edge Computing
[61] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT and Industrial IoT
[62] 2020 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[63] 2020 Solutions for blockchain security General Blockchain
[64] 2020 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[65] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[66] 2020 Solutions for blockchain security General Blockchain
[67] 2020 Blockchain application in security Public Sector

Blockchain Review

Table 3. Cont.
Ref Year Category Description
[68] 2020 Blockchain application in security Task Scheduling
Cloud Computing
[69] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
Secure authentication model with low latency
[6] 2020 Blockchain application in security IoT
[70] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[71] 2020 Blockchain application in security Smart Transportation
Traffic Light Systems
[72] 2020 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[73] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[74] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security IoT
[75] 2021 Blockchain security analysis Smart Mobility
[76] 2021 Blockchain application in security Database
Cloud Computing
[77] 2021 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[14] 2021 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[78] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
IoT Platforms
[79] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security Industrial IoT
[80] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[81] 2021 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[82] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[83] 2021 Blockchain application in security Smart Grid
[84] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security General Blockchain
[85] 2021 Blockchain security analysis Business
[86] 2021 Blockchain application in security Telecommunication
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
[87] 2021 Blockchain application in security Internet of Multimedia Things
[88] 2021 Blockchain application in security Smart grid
[89] 2021 Blockchain security analysis Decentralized identifiers services
[90] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[91] 2021 Blockchain application in security Telecommunication
Satellite Network
[92] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security IoT
[93] 2021 Blockchain application in security Smart Grid
[94] 2021 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
Virtual Reality (VR) + Learning
[95] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security General Blockchain
[96] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security General Blockchain
problem SDN

Blockchain Review

Table 3. Cont.
Ref Year Category Description
[97] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
Smart Industry
[98] 2021 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[99] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[100] 2021 Blockchain application in security Telecommunication
Deep Learning + 5G
[101] 2021 Blockchain application in security Healthcare IoT
SDN + Fog Computing
[102] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
Smart Agriculture
[103] 2021 Blockchain application in security Smart energy
Internet of Energy
[104] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[105] 2021 Blockchain application in security IoT
[106] 2021 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
Big data
[107] 2021 Blockchain security analysis IoT
[108] 2021 Blockchain application in security Healthcare

[109] 2021 Blockchain application in security Cloud server

[110] 2021 Blockchain security analysis IoT
[111] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security IoT
problem Cloud Computing
[112] 2021 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[113] 2021 Solutions for blockchain security Smart transportation
[114] 2022 Blockchain application in security IoT
[115] 2022 Blockchain application in security IoT
Cash Memory
[116] 2022 Blockchain application in security Fog Computing Security Solution
[117] 2022 Blockchain application in security IoT
Internet of medical things
[118] 2022 Blockchain application in security IoT Healthcare system
[119] 2022 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
Medical Big Data
[120] 2022 Blockchain application in security Smart Energy
[121] 2022 Blockchain application in security Smart energy
Smart Grid
[122] 2022 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[123] 2022 Blockchain application in security Smart Transportation
[124] 2022 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[125] 2022 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[126] 2022 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[127] 2022 Blockchain application in security Smart Agriculture
[128] 2022 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain

Blockchain Review

Table 3. Cont.
Ref Year Category Description
[129] 2022 Blockchain application in security IoT
[130] 2022 Blockchain application in security Healthcare
[131] 2022 Blockchain application in security Smart City
[132] 2022 Blockchain application in security Smart Industry
[133] 2022 Solutions for blockchain security General Blockchain
[134] 2022 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[135] 2022 Blockchain security analysis General Blockchain
[136] 2022 Solutions for blockchain security Cloud Security
[137] 2022 Blockchain application in security Industrial IoT
Industry 5.0
[138] 2022 Blockchain application in security Healthcare IoT

4.3. Blockchain security analysis

Most of the research studies in this category provide a review on blockchain security. As an
example, the authors in [128] and [59] provided a security analysis for Ethereum blockchain.
Ethereum is the second famous blockchain network after Bitcoin and since it is mostly used
in smart contract applications; its security analysis has gained attention. Besides ref [46]
proposed a survey on security analysis of smart contracts. Rest of the papers around 9%
provide a review on security issues of blockchain usage in different sectors and use cases.
Ref [107] and [43] worked on the blockchain security analysis in IoT networks. Also the
authors in [75], [26] and [50] provided security analysis in smart mobility, wireless
blockchain networks and smart grids, respectively. Figure 5 provides a chart to show
the results.
20 91%
8 9%
General analysis for blockchain security Analysis on blockchain security usage in sectors

Figure 5. Blockchain security analysis in various sectors.

4.4. Solutions for blockchain security issues

From Figure 6 it is shown that 54% of research studies provide solutions to solve security
issues of blockchain technology due to its features, consensus mechanism and its limitations.
Authors tried to propose new models to improve the security issues in blockchain systems.

Blockchain Review

Ref [66] and [18] pointed out a graph-based model to increase the security solutions. Besides
new consensus design and new mathematical model are discussed in [63] and [29]. In
addition, 46% of papers propose some solutions to solve blockchain security problems when
used in different sectors due to the requirements of each use case, the security solutions and
problems may vary. Since most of the applications of blockchain are in IoT networks, most
of the investigations and researches of providing solution for security problems fall into this
category as in ref [92], [79], and [102]. Figure 6 provides a chart to show these findings.







Solutions for Blockchain Security Solutions for Blockchain Security in Sectors

Figure 6. Solutions comparison for blockchain security.

4.5. Blockchain application in security

This group outlines papers whose main research works are proposing a security solution for
various sectors with blockchain technology adaptation and implementation. 35% of research
articles propose a solution for security problems in the internet of things networks, which can
be generally expanded to projects in different areas such as smart health, smart grid, etc.
Authors in [45] studied the privacy-oriented blockchain-based solutions in the field of smart
agriculture in green-based IoT networks plus consensus algorithms and how they are
applicable in agriculture systems.
The combination of IoT networks and healthcare systems with blockchain as a security
solution provided many use cases in healthcare systems. Blockchain is a hot topic in
healthcare and the number of papers considering blockchain in the health industry shows its
important effect on these sector security solutions with blockchain is so popular which is
16% of the papers in our literature review. Authors in [118] proposed a secure healthcare
system with IoT and Blockchain integration to support remote monitoring of patients with
chronic diseases. Ref [138] provided a solution based on fuzzy logic and blockchain
technology in Hyperledger blockchain platform to provide private and fast response systems
for IoT healthcare systems.
The next category is the blockchain security application in smart industry projects. Ref [49]
studied the blockchain solution for autonomous vehicle cyber attacks in industry 4.0 systems.
Authors in [137] pointed out solution for industry 5.0, where they propose a way to replace

Blockchain Review

Merkle tree hash algorithm in the block header, which decreases the proof size and
communication consumption. Totally, 8% of the papers propose solution for
industrial systems.
The next, energy, and transportation sections have been proposed which are 6% of the
papers respectively. Authors in [88] provided blockchain solution to provide privacy
assurance and power security in smart grid systems. Ref [103] proposed a solution for the
internet of energy by providing Hierarchical key generation as well as a Practical Byzantine
Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus algorithm with an additional smart contract for energy
transfer. In [113], a joint clustering and blockchain scheme for real-time information security
transmission is designed to prevent traffic at the crossroads in C-V2X networks.
Furthermore, the integration of blockchain with up-to-date technologies provided
interesting security solutions. 10% of the papers propose integration solutions with cloud,
fog, and edge computing and 4% with software-defined network (SDN) technology.
Researches in [136] proposed a secure sharing method with blockchain technology in a cloud
environment to prepare security and integrity of data from images in IoT networks. Authors
in [101] pointed out a solution for a wireless body area network with the integration of
blockchain, fog computing and SDN to ensure the security, resource limitations and low-
latency service challenges of the system. The integration of AI, SDN, and blockchain is
another interesting topic where authors in [129] exploited the potential benefits of this
integration to propose a new energy-efficient and secure routing protocol in the IoT network.
In addition, the application of blockchain technology with some telecommunication
networks such as 5G/6G networks, satellite networks and sensor networks can provide a
secure and private connection, which is needed in many use cases. 6% of the papers provide
security solutions with telecommunication networks. In [100] the emergence of IoT with 5G
network is considered and with the aid of deep learning and blockchain technology,
intelligent data analysis operation with security is proposed. 6G network is also considered
in [52], where blockchain is used to secure access control and privacy of the resources and
the users of the network.
Eventually, 4% of the papers provide blockchain security solutions with unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones that can be used in different applications from military
and safety services to agriculture and shipping. Figure 7 proposes the pictorial view of these
results and Table 4 introduces references for each category analysis.

Blockchain Review

Telecom 4%
10% Internet of

Other smart projects


6% Energy
6% Industry

Figure 7. Blockchain application in security.

Table 4. Blockchain as a security solution in different sectors.

Category analysis References

Internet of things (IoT) [6,15,17,19–21,24,27,32,33,45,48,53–56,61,69,73,78,80,82,

Healthcare [35,39,62,64,94,98,101,106,108,117–119,122,125,126,130,
Industry [30,31,34,49,60,61,97,132,137]
Energy [83,88,93,103,120,121,139]
Transportation [16,22,37,44,71,113,123]
Other Smart projects [36,38,67,69,127,131]
Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing [39–41,53,68,76,98,109,116,119,136]
Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) [28,42,69,101,114]
Telecommunication [26,40,52,86,91,100]
(5G/6G/satellite/sensor network)
Software Defined Networking (SDN) [6,53,96,129]

5. Discussion

The outcomes of this scoping review propose the current researches on blockchain security
topics. The study outlines that there should be more in-depth studies to be explored on
this subject.
Based on the above analysis most of the research papers belonging to the third category
which is providing security solutions for different sectors, are generally proposing solutions
and there is no extensive overview of each sector, for example, there are not enough papers
about blockchain security solutions for smart home, which is the most mature vertical of IoT
and besides its security issues is of high importance. Motivated by this, we suggest that
scholars to particularly study blockchain security solutions associated with each
industry sector.
Analysis shows that the integration of blockchain with other technologies such as cloud
computing or software define networking (SDN) can provide applicable security solutions in

Blockchain Review

different sectors. Although, since blockchain is a software-based technology, its integration

with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can be very applicable. However, there
is a lack of research in this area in the literature. Consequently, we encourage future works
to investigate on the integration between blockchain technology and artificial intelligence
(AI) technology in the security context.
Furthermore, since blockchain technology is new in both research and academia many
studies try to use this new trend in their work to address their security challenges. However,
blockchain security challenges themselves, which only 10% of research studies consider need
to be more investigated to find some strategies to address these issues.
Eventually, it is necessary for more work on suggesting solutions to security challenges
for both blockchain technology itself and its adoption in various industries. Indeed, some
researchers have explored security issues, but solutions for these security issues have not
been fully addressed. We suggest that studies in the field of security issues of blockchain
technology must continue to develop. Proposing solutions for these issues is an important
research topic in blockchain systems.
This scoping review tries to answer the research questions by providing an extensive
review on the newest works on the security aspects of blockchain systems. Besides, we have
considered a large number of research studies to help researchers with blockchain security
solution decisions. Our categorization and representations of the papers regarded to be useful
as reference study for scholars who are working on the blockchain networks in both academic
and business sectors.

6. Future directions

In the field of blockchain security, the trajectory of research spans multiple crucial domains.
The persistent challenges of scalability and efficacy appear large, particularly in public
blockchain networks. To chart future progress, academics can search for innovative solutions
aimed at enhancing scalability and transaction throughput while steadfastly preserving the
fundamental security attributes of blockchain technology. Simultaneously, the need for
privacy and secrecy continues to drive demand for cutting-edge cryptographic methods and
privacy-preserving protocols. These developments seek to strengthen the security of sensitive
data while preserving the inherent transparency and immutability of blockchain records.
In addition, the evolutionary trajectory of consensus mechanisms arises as an important
area of study. Existing proof-of-work and proof-of-stake systems have inherent limitations,
necessitating thorough research into novel consensus algorithms. These innovative strategies
aim to establish a balance between security, decentralization, and energy efficiency. As
decentralized applications (DApps) continue to rise in prominence, the field of smart contract
security has become an important focal point. As a result, it is necessary to strengthen the
foundations of security audit processes, refine formal verification methodologies, and bolster
the arsenal of vulnerability detection tools in order to prevent exploits and vulnerabilities that
could compromise the integrity of smart contracts. The emerging terrain of interoperability
and cross-chain security commands attention, which is accentuated by the expanding

Blockchain Review

diversity of blockchain networks. Researchers are tasked with defining the standards and
protocols that can enable secure cross-chain communication and seamless asset transfers,
thereby ensuring the harmonious and secure interaction between diverse blockchain
ecosystems. It is essential to maintain vigilance regarding the ever-changing dynamics of
blockchain security in order to guide future advances in this field.

7. Conclusion

This scoping review aims to determine a comprehensive review the latest security topic in
blockchain technology and its application to offer some insight into the blockchain adaptation
and application in a different environment. Our results reveal that the security subject in
blockchain literature is categorized into three main groups. The first one is generally
analyzing the blockchain security issues and challenges, the second one is proposing some
ideas and solutions to solve the security problems and the third group is blockchain as a
security solution adopted in business sectors.
The majority of the research papers are in the third group, which shows the importance
of blockchain technology as a security solution in business sectors. Besides, there is a lot of
paper that proposes blockchain security solutions integrated with other technologies such as
cloud computing, software-defined networking, and telecommunication technologies.
However, these research studies are not enough, especially in some popular sectors such as
smart homes which propose future implications on this topic. In addition, although
blockchain is a promising security solution, it still faces some security issues as well.
However, there is a lack of research on this topic.
This scoping review article paper is prepared to be used as a reference for research
intended to research on blockchain security and industry sectors to make a better decision on
adopting blockchain technology as security solutions. As a result, we encourage future
research works to address security subjects in this technology and suggest that research
scholars and business sectors work together to reveal better solutions in this area.
Furthermore, it proves beneficial to investigate the incorporation of blockchain into nascent
industries and emerging technologies such as quantum computing, agriculture, healthcare,
supply chain management, renewable energy, and digital identity to bolster security and
optimize operational efficiency.

Conflicts of Interests

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Authors’ Contribution

Nazanin Moosavi: Writing – Original Draft, Investigation. Hamed Taherdoost:

Conceptualization, Review & Editing, Supervision.

Blockchain Review


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