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Highbush Blueberry Cultivation Protection Breeding

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Highbush Blueberry: Cultivation, Protection, Breeding and Biotechnology

Article · January 2007


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7 authors, including:

Ilaria Pertot Lara Giongo

Fondazione Edmund Mach - Istituto Agrario San Michele All'Adige Fondazione Edmund Mach - Istituto Agrario San Michele All'Adige


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The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology ©2007 Global Science Books

Highbush Blueberry:
Cultivation, Protection, Breeding and Biotechnology

Daniele Prodorutti1* • Ilaria Pertot2 • Lara Giongo3 • Cesare Gessler2

1 Plant Protection Department, IASMA Research Centre, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy
2 Safecrop Centre, IASMA Research Centre, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy
3 Agrifood Quality Department, IASMA Research Centre, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy

Corresponding author: * [email protected]

Highbush blueberry is one of the most commercially significant berry crops. It is mainly cultivated in the United States and Canada, but
also in Europe, Australia, Chile and New Zealand. Production of this crop is likely to increase in response to increased consumer demand
for healthy foods, including the antioxidant-rich blueberry. This review describes several issues and developments in sustainable
blueberry farming, including agronomical and cultural techniques (mulching, irrigation, the beneficial effects of mycorrhizae and
fertilization), disease management (biology and control of common and emerging diseases), pest management, pollinators (effects on fruit
set and production), conventional breeding and molecular techniques for examining and engineering blueberry germplasm. This paper
describes past problems and current challenges associated with the commercial production of highbush blueberry, as well as new
approaches and techniques for improving crop quality and future perspectives for innovative research.

Keywords: diseases, germplasm, pests, production, Vaccinium


INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
AGRONOMY AND CULTIVATION........................................................................................................................................................... 46
POLLINATION AND POLLINATORS....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Honeybees, bumblebees and solitary bees............................................................................................................................................... 47
A BRIEF REVIEW OF RECENT HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY DISEASE RESEARCH............................................................................ 47
Blossom and fruit diseases....................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Leaf and stem diseases ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Root diseases ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Diseases caused by viruses or phytoplasma............................................................................................................................................. 49
Outlook on current and future studies of blueberry pathology ................................................................................................................ 49
RELEVANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY PESTS......................................................................................... 50
What is eating my fruit? Insects which damage berries........................................................................................................................... 50
Bud pests and disease vectors in highbush blueberry in North America.................................................................................................. 51
Insect pests in new areas of highbush blueberry cultivation .................................................................................................................... 51
AVAILABILITY OF A WIDE VARIETY OF VACCINIUM GERMPLASM .............................................................................................. 51
HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY BREEDING .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Breeding for adaptation to non-traditional soils and water stress tolerance ............................................................................................. 52
Genotypes with reduced chilling requirements........................................................................................................................................ 52
Cold hardiness and de-acclimation .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Breeding for disease resistance................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Breeding for fruit quality......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
BIOTECHNOLOGICAL TOOLS AVAILABLE FOR USE IN BLUEBERRY ........................................................................................... 53
Use of biotechnology in the development of new blueberry cultivars ..................................................................................................... 53
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 54
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54

INTRODUCTION the cultivated species and hybrids in the genus Vaccinium,

highbush blueberry is notable for its ability to provide satis-
Blueberry is currently cultivated on a relatively small scale factory productivity levels with minimal inputs. To date,
and, therefore, is considered a minor crop. The high con- few research efforts have been dedicated to highbush blue-
centrations of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds berry in Europe, even though some highly innovative ap-
in blueberries suggest that the demand for this crop among proaches have been explored and tested with success in
health-conscious consumers may increase in the near future. North America.
If demand does increase as predicted, the amount of area European cultivation of highbush blueberry began after
under cultivation will most likely increase, as well. Of all 1920, in the Netherlands. In the following years, cultivation

Received: 27 February, 2007. Accepted: 12 April, 2007.

Invited Review
The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 44-56 ©2007 Global Science Books

A B Fig. 1 (A) Highbush blueberry

flowers. (B) Bumble bee visi-
ting blueberry flowers. (C)
Highbush blueberry cultivation
in spring. (D) Blueberry cluster
before ripening. (E) Ripe ber-
ries. (F) Highbush blueberry cul-
tivation in autumn. (G) Armilla-
ria root rot on blueberry crown:
mycelium and rhizomorphs. (H)
Berries infected by Colletotri-
chum spp.




spread to Poland and Germany, where the first European cies together (named generally “blueberries”) or the sum of
blueberry breeding products, crosses of North American cranberries and blueberries.
genotypes, were introduced (Pliszka 1997). However, high- In 2004, the world production of “blueberries” reached
bush blueberry cultivation did not expand into southwestern 240,786 tons with a harvested area of 51,756 ha: the most
Europe until the 1980s (Strik and Yarborough 2005). Today, important countries were Canada (26,058 ha) and USA
European highbush blueberry production is mainly concen- (17,980 ha) while in the European Union (25 member
trated in Germany, Poland, France, the Netherlands, Lithu- states) the harvested area was approximately 5,800 ha
ania, Romania, Italy and Spain. (FAOSTAT 2004).
It is difficult to estimate worldwide production and con- Strik (2006) reported that in 2003 the highbush and
sumption of highbush blueberry: some papers describe spe- rabbiteye blueberry planted area in the USA was about
cific productions in North America (Strik 2006), South 22,390 ha with an increase of 13% from 1992 to 2003. In
America (Bañados 2006), Europe (Pliszka 1997) or other Canada, in the same period, the planted area to highbush
minor countries. Worldwide updated reports on blueberry blueberries increased 102%, reaching almost 4,400 ha (Strik
production and cultivation are available on-line on the FAO 2006).
database (FAOSTAT 2006, URL: http://faostat.fao.org), Chile and Argentina are the most important blueberry
but they provide information regarding all blueberry spe- producers in South America. In 2004, blueberry surface area

Highbush blueberry protection, breeding and biotechnology. Prodorutti et al.

(both highbush and rabbiteye) was estimated in 2,500 ha in found in association with Ericales (Goulart et al. 1993).
Chile and about 1,200 ha in Argentina (Bañados 2006). Highbush blueberry has a root system devoid of root hairs,
Most of their production is for the export as fresh product but the role of root hairs is often taken over by mycorrhizae
to the USA and Europe (Bañados 2006). (Eck et al. 1990). The extensive hyphae of these fungi in-
Few data are available on blueberry production and crease the volume of soil that can be accessed by the plant
cultivation for each European country, therefore informa- and improve nutrient uptake. Moreover, ericoid mycorrhizal
tion must be gathered from different sources such as grower fungi protect roots against infection by pathogens, such as
associations and extension services. To our knowledge, the Phytophthora spp., increase the plants’ tolerance for stress-
estimated blueberry surface area is currently about 1,800 ha ful environmental conditions and influence plant growth and
in Germany and 1,900 ha in Poland with a production of yield (Goulart et al. 1993; Koron and Gogala 2005). Inten-
8,000 and 4,000 tons respectively. In France, in the Nether- sive use of chemicals and intensive mineral fertilization and
lands and Spain blueberry cultivated area is more than 200 soil compaction prevent the development and the establish-
ha while in Italy the total area is about 200 ha. ment of populations of mycorrhizal fungi in blueberry plan-
Blueberries are also cultivated in Oceania (New Zea- tings (Koron and Gogala 2005).
land and Australia) and Asia (Japan and China). The development of commercial mycorrhizal fungi for
the nursery industry is an innovative aspect of blueberry
AGRONOMY AND CULTIVATION cultivation. Inoculation with ericoid mycorrhizal fungi has
been shown to improve the productivity and quality of nur-
Blueberry requires acidic, well-drained soils, with optimum sery plants, and also reduce the need for supplemental ferti-
acidity ranging from pH 4.5 to 4.8 (Eck et al. 1990). Blue- lizer (Scagel 2005). The choice of method of plant inocula-
berry has a shallow root system (located mainly at depths tion is critical for the successful application of mycorrhizae.
smaller than 60 cm) and, especially on clay soils, should be Micropropagated blueberry plantlets can be inoculated by
mulched with a deep layer (at least 10 cm) of organic placing the rooting shoots in agar medium containing my-
mulch, such as bark, sawdust or leaves. Mulching increases corrhizal fungi and a superimposed layer of sterilized peat
the amount of organic matter in the soil, keeps moisture in (Eccher and Noè 2002). Koron and Gogala (2005) success-
the soil, protects roots from heat and helps to control weeds. fully inoculated one-year-old plants with mycorrhizal fungi
Where available and economically feasible, traditional grown in a mixture of vermiculite and peat (at a 1:3 ratio)
organic mulches, such as pine bark can be used (Magee and that had been soaked with a liquid nutrient medium. Scagel
Spiers 1995). Where pine bark is unavailable or expensive, (2005) reported the use of a method in which potted blue-
lower cost organic and inorganic materials can be used, and berry plantlets were inoculated with an aqueous suspension
several alternatives have been explored. White-over-black of different ericoid fungi. Wide-scale use of mycorrhizae-
plastic mulch was found to be as good as pine bark in terms amended plants may reduce the use of fertilizers and che-
of plant growth and fruit yield (Magee and Spiers 1995), mical products, but the high costs and technical hitches as-
and a combination of coal ash, composted sewage and leaf sociated with inoculated plant production and the small mar-
compost also gave good results (Black and Zimmerman ket for these inoculated plants, have prevented the extensive
2002). Tire chips could be a potential mulch and substrate use of this technique (Koron and Gogala 2005).
component (they reduce high soil temperatures and weed Most blueberry plantings require nitrogen applications
growth and are not phytotoxic to blueberry plants), but each year, while other nutrients are generally applied only
more information is needed before recommending their use as needed. Ammonium sulfate is the preferred nitrogen
in commercial fields (Krewer et al. 1997). Derivates from source for blueberry, especially if the soil pH is relatively
industrial processes, such as fresh pine telephone pole pee- high (above 5.0), because it tends to decrease soil pH levels.
lings (25% bark, 75% elongated fibers of cambial wood) Nitrogen is usually split in multiple soil applications during
and pine fence post peelings (75% bark, 25% fibers), may the spring, using granular formulation on the surface of the
be excellent, low cost substitutes for milled pine bark (Kre- mulch, in order to increase nitrogen efficiency: this is parti-
wer et al. 2002). cularly important on sandy soils (Eck et al. 1990). The ap-
Organic mulch can be a source of root rot pathogen ino- plication method strongly influences the effects of nitrogen
culum, or promote the growth of these pathogens. For on yield and plant growth. Fertigation through drip irriga-
example, Armillaria spp. has been found on coniferous bark tion has been shown to provide superior results, as com-
used as mulch in highbush blueberry plantings (Prodorutti pared to surface applications of nitrogen, probably because
et al. 2005). of the easy availability of nitrogen placed in the root zone
The blueberry root system is not only shallow, but also (Finn and Warmund 1997).
has a limited water uptake capacity (Holzapfel et al. 2004). Foliar fertilization can effectively supply mineral nutri-
Therefore, the amount of water applied and irrigation sche- ents during periods of maximum demand by the crop and
duling and distribution will significantly impact production. low availability in the soil (Widders and Hancock 1994).
Economic and technical parameters, such as the type of soil, Nitrogen sprays can benefit nitrogen-deficient blueberry
plant spacing, availability and quality of water, available plants, but bushes receiving appropriate soil applications of
labor resources and the costs of all of these inputs must be nitrogen did not show any significant yield response to
considered for the selection of the most appropriate irriga- sprays (Widders and Hancock 1994).
tion system for a particular blueberry field (Holzapfel et al.
2004). Microjet and drip irrigation systems are currently the POLLINATION AND POLLINATORS
most commonly used in blueberry plantings, while sprink-
ler irrigation is used mainly for frost protection and cooling A large amount of data is available on pollination of the nu-
(Caruso and Ramsdell 1995; Holzapfel et al. 2004). The merous Vaccinium species and their hybrids, but as flower
use of overhead sprinkler systems is not recommended in structure and size varies within the genus, generalizations
regions with severe fungal disease problems, because high must be applied cautiously.
levels of relative humidity in the foliage promote infections Highbush blueberry flowers are 6-10 mm long, with ca-
by several pathogens. Drip irrigation is recommended in lyxes made up of five elements. The white petals unite to
soils with high water-holding capacities; emitters should be form a tubular or bell-shaped corolla that hangs with its
placed at least 40 cm away from the crown in order to avoid open end downward before pollination (McGregor 1976;
overwatering the shallow blueberry roots (Holzapfel et al. Fig. 1A). The nectar is secreted at the base of the style, so
2004). insects have to push their tongues between the filaments of
Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic associations the anthers in order to reach it (Free 1970). Flowers are self-
with the roots of blueberry and other ericaceous species. fertile, with the degree of self-fertility varying among culti-
Hymenoscyphus ericae (Read) [Korf & Kernan] and Oidio- vars, but highbush blueberry greatly benefits from cross-
dendron griseum Robak are the most common species pollination. Cross-pollinated plants set more fruit, and these

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 44-56 ©2007 Global Science Books

fruits are bigger than those of self-pollinated flowers (Free blueberry diseases. Blueberry is of recent interest for agri-
1970; McGregor 1976). Insect pollination is, therefore, es- culture, and, in many regions, can still be considered a
sential (McGregor 1976). minor crop. Therefore, monoculture is limited to relatively
In some specific situations, honeybees and other polli- small areas. Blueberry plantings are often scattered and
nators can be highly detrimental to the crop. They may somewhat isolated. The low intensity of blueberry mono-
transport conidia of mummy berry to the floral stigmas culture may limit the spread of airborne and soilborne pa-
(Dedej et al. 2004) or transmit pollen-borne viruses (BlShV thogens. Most of the commercial plantings outside the US
and BBLMV) from infected to healthy plants (Childress are very young (up to 15- to 20-years-old) and pathogen
and Ramsdell 1987; Bristow and Martin 1999). populations have not had much time to establish themselves.
In addition, it seems that most highbush blueberry patho-
Honeybees, bumblebees and solitary bees gens are specific to species of the genus Vaccinium. The
lack of wild relatives of blueberry in several areas of recent
Bumblebees, with their long tongues, can easily reach the cultivation provides these crops with a degree of isolation
base of blueberry flowers, as compared to honeybees that from some of the more damaging diseases. The currently
cannot reach the nectar of varieties with long flowers (Fig. cultivated varieties are not the output of intense breeding
1B). Bumblebees are the most frequent and active polli- programs and, therefore, are relatively robust and not high-
nators in several blueberry cultivation areas (MacKenzie ly susceptible to diseases. In contrast to the situation in
and Eickwort 1996). In other regions, honeybees result the many other horticultural crops, disease control in blueberry
most numerous and efficient pollinators (Goodman and is relatively simple. However, if diseases like phomopsis
Clayton-Greene 1988; Dedej et al. 2004). In some areas, twig blight and canker, mummy berry and anthracnose, are
such as Maryland (USA), native solitary bees, such as An- introduced into the growing area, they can be very destruct-
drena spp. and Colletes spp., are among the insects that fre- tive.
quently visit blueberry flowers (Batra 1997). Breeding for resistance or tolerance to fungal and bac-
Differences among the prevalent pollinators in different terial pathogens can have clear advantages, but resistant
areas may be related to one or more of the following fac- varieties have not yet been developed for some diseases.
tors: local environmental conditions, the presence or ab- Little information is available on biocontrol of highbush
sence of domestic honeybees, number and species of wild blueberry diseases. Bacillus subtilis QRD137 was success-
pollinators, composition of the competitive flora and dif- fully applied against mummy berry (Scherm et al. 2004)
ferences in the flowers of different blueberry cultivars and Gliocladium virens increased leaf area and number, as
(quantity, timing and composition of nectar and corolla well shoot and root dry weights (de Silva et al. 2000).
length). Diagnosis of fungal pathogens is mainly based on mor-
Honeybees have been used to ensure adequate pollina- phological identification, while viruses are generally detec-
tion in situations where native bee activity is insufficient, ted with serological methods (ELISA). Molecular based
but, since honeybees are not particularly attracted to blue- diagnosis has not been developed yet for most of highbush
berry, they may prefer visiting other competing flowers in blueberry pathogens.
the area surrounding the field (Batra 1997). For this reason,
other more manageable bees (bumblebees and solitary Blossom and fruit diseases
bees) were evaluated for use as alternative commercial pol-
linators of highbush blueberry. Bombus impatiens Cresson Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr. (Botrytis blossom blight) and Mo-
was found to be an efficient pollinator, improving fruit pro- nilinia vaccinii-corymbosi (Reade) Honey (Mummy berry
duction and quality, especially on blueberry grown in plas- disease) are the two most important pathogens that attack
tic tunnels where bees are usually less suitable (Sampson highbush blueberry fruits.
and Spiers 2002). Solitary bees [i.e. Osmia ribifloris Cock- Outbreaks of botrytis blossom blight occur occasionally,
erell, O. cornifrons Radoszkowski, Megachile rotundata but they can be very destructive. Symptoms of this disease
Fabr., Anthophora pilipes Smith and Habropoda laboriosa are sometimes confused with those of frost injury, since B.
(Fabr.)] are also promising commercial pollinators of blue- cinerea can invade injured tissue following a spring frost.
berry, because they are easy to manage, forage even in un- The fungus also attacks uninjured blossoms, tender, green
suitable weather and prefer Vaccinium spp. flowers to those twigs, and leaves in early spring, causing infected flowers
of other species (Batra 1997; MacKenzie et al. 1997; Samp- and twigs to quickly turn brown or black and die. Often the
son and Cane 2000). fungus advances from infected flower clusters into the stem,
To maximize cross-pollination, two or more cultivars girdling it and killing all of the flowers above the infection
with similar bloom periods are planted in alternating pairs point. It can also occasionally cause preharvest fruit rot and,
of rows or, ideally, mixed throughout the field (Pritts 1997). more frequently, postharvest decay during cold storage.
Pesticide applications in and around the planting, type of M. vaccinii-corymbosi is a major problem for North
groundcover and nutrient and water management can affect American blueberry production. The fungus overwinters in
pollination in blueberry crops (Pritts 1997). The availability fruit mummies (pseudosclerotia) that drop to the soil at har-
of suitable nesting sites, abundant food sources and clean vest. In the spring, the only source of M. vaccinii-corym-
water, indirectly influences pollination by supporting large bosi primary inoculum is the apothecia, which are produced
wild bee populations (Pritts 1997). on the pseudosclerotia. The released ascospores cause leaf
and shoot blights. From these infections, conidia responsi-
A BRIEF REVIEW OF RECENT HIGHBUSH ble for the infection of open flowers (secondary infection)
BLUEBERRY DISEASE RESEARCH are produced. Later, a subsequent infection of the deve-
loping fruit occurs and, as infected fruit matures, the fungal
As a comprehensive treatise of blueberry diseases is be- mycelia forms melanized entostroma, which leads to the
yond the scope of this paper, interested readers are referred formation of the pseudosclerotium (Cox and Scherm
to the review by Caruso and Ramsdell (1995). In this dis- 2001a).
cussion of important blueberry pathogens, we highlight as- There are major differences between the two pathogens
pects of the most innovative approaches for the diagnosis B. cinerea and M. vaccinii-corymbosi. B. cinerea inoculum
and control of diseases, and for understanding the biology is almost always present in the field, as conidia are ubiqui-
and epidemiology of the different pathogens. In contrast to tously produced on several substrates, while M. vaccinii-
other horticultural crops (i.e. apple, pears, peaches, etc.), corymbosi primary inoculum is only produced by apothecia
there are few widespread highbush blueberry diseases. on infected fruits from the previous year. In the case of B.
Most diseases of this crop are linked to specific environ- cinerea, it is crucial to protect the susceptible flowers when
ments, or occur only occasionally. Several hypotheses can weather conditions are favorable for infection, because
be suggested to explain the fortunate lack of widespread once inoculum is present in a field, it is very difficult to

Highbush blueberry protection, breeding and biotechnology. Prodorutti et al.

control the disease. Since rain increases the rate of infec- Older leaves are more likely to die prematurely, as com-
tion, it may be advisable to cover the crop with plastic tun- pared with younger leaves, and, by staying on the plant for
nels or some other material. On the other hand, M. vac- a longer period of time, also to accumulate higher levels of
cinii-corymbosi infections can be prevented by elimination disease, which increases the risk of defoliation. The risks
of the mummified berries, which are the source of primary posed by these pathogens must not be underestimated and
inoculum. Based on the assumption that reducing M. vac- maintaining disease-free foliage is important for maximi-
cinii-corymbosi overwintering inoculum (apothecia) can zing the quality and quantity of yields in the following
result in a reduction of the risk of primary infections in the growing season (Ojiambo and Scherm 2005).
spring and evidence that most ascospores are deposited The causal agent of powdery mildew, Microsphaera
close to the apothecia in which they were produced (Cox vaccinii (Schwein.) Cooke & Peck, is present at economi-
and Scherm 2001b), different approaches for disease con- cally insignificant levels, in most blueberry orchards in the
trol can be tested. Treatment of pseudosclerotia of M. vac- US, but has not yet been reported in other countries. As
cinii-corymbosi with desiccants and herbicides negatively powdery mildew infections are generally promoted by dry
affected multiple aspects of apothecia germination, sug- and warm conditions, the use of plastic tunnels to prevent B.
gesting that these chemicals may have positive, antifungal cinerea infections could possibly increase the future risks
side effects in the field (Cox and Scherm 2001a). The com- posed by this currently unimportant disease.
bined use of soil cultivation implements that result in deep Upright dieback, caused by Phomopsis vaccinii Shear
burial of pseudosclerotia with those that reach the pseudo- (teleomorph Diaporthe vaccinii Shear in Shear, N. Stevens,
sclerotia located near the plants may also reduce the risk of & H. Bain), is only present in North America and Chile.
disease (Ngugi et al. 2002). Due to the risk of its spread into Europe, it has been added
It is difficult to protect flowers against B. cinerea and to the A1 list of quarantine diseases of the European and
M. vaccinii-corymbosi with sprayed pesticides. During the Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (www.eppo.
flowering period, new flowers open almost every day and org). For quarantine pathogens, prompt and precise identi-
the target area for fungicide applications is tiny and unex- fication of infected plant material is crucial. However,
posed. Most systemic pesticides do not accumulate to suf- diagnosis of P. vaccinii using traditional phytopathological
ficient concentrations in the susceptible part of the flowers methods is quite difficult because there is a long latency
(Ngugi and Scherm 2006). Two innovative approaches period between infection and the appearance of symptoms,
have been applied to these problems. In the first approach, which are often undistinguishable from damage caused by
bees or other pollinators were used as carriers of the con- other factors. The isolation of P. vaccinii is also tricky be-
trol agent, allowing for the effective use of fungicidal ma- cause it is easily overrun by other fungi and, once it has
terials that persist for only a short time period, such as bio- been isolated, seldom produces the pycnidia necessary for
control agents (Dedej et al. 2004). Pollinators can cons- morphological identification. The use of serological and
tantly visit new flowers, providing them with protection as DNA-based techniques can improve diagnosis success rates.
soon as they open. Electrostatic treatments, which incorpo- Immunoassays, including direct tissue blot immunoassays
rate electrostatic force to increase the mass transfer of the and plate-trapped antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent
viable bacterial biocontrol agent B. subtilis onto stigmatic assays, have been successfully used to detect the pathogen
surfaces of blueberry flowers, have also been studied. The in plant tissues (Gabler et al. 2004).
population density of biocontrol agent electrostatically de- Sequence analysis of the ITS rDNA of Phomopsis iso-
posited using charged sprays on the stigma exceeded by lates has been used successfully in a number of studies to
4.5-fold that deposited by conventional hydraulic spraying identify unknown isolates from both diseased and asympto-
(Law and Scherm 2005). matic hosts and can be useful for the identification of iso-
Blueberry anthracnose (caused by Colletotrichum acu- lates that no longer produce pycnidia. Analyses including
tatum Simmonds) can affect the postharvest fruit quality of all available alignment positions can be used to separate
highbush blueberries. Plants are susceptible to infection not isolates of P. vaccinii from those of other taxa, including
only during the blooming period, but at all stages of fruit closely related strains, but alignment of the ITS regions
development (bloom to ripe berry). Once the pathogen has across the whole genus Phomopsis is problematic. This is
become established in a new growing area, it can be highly due to the large number of insertion and deletion events,
destructive. Infections are visible as masses of orange which makes the number of ambiguously aligned positions
spores on the surfaces of affected fruit (Fig. 1H). quite large. Removing ambiguously aligned positions from
Several cultivars of blueberry show relatively low sus- the analysis may obscure the relationships between closely
ceptibility to foliar and/or fruit infections. Even though leaf related taxa, due to the large number of significant posi-
infections do not cause significant economic losses and lit- tions that would be discarded. After analysis of the first
tle correlation has been observed between foliar and fruit grouping of taxa using all available alignment, closely
responses to anthracnose infection, breeding new cultivars related taxa should be analyzed separately for the accurate
with resistance to foliar infections may assist in the reduc- determination of relationships (Farr et al. 2002).
tion of inoculum levels in the field. This is particularly im- Botryosphaeria corticis (Demaree & M.S. Wilcox) Arx
portant because C. acutatum overwinters primarily in vege- & E. Mueller, Fusicoccum putrefaciens Shear (teleomorph
tative tissue. An estimation of narrow-sense heritability Godronia cassandrae Peck f. sp. vaccinii), Pseudomonas
suggested the additive inheritance of blueberry resistance syringae van Hall and B. dothidea (Moug.:Fr.) Ces. & de
to anthracnose (Polashock et al. 2005; Ehlenfeldt et al. Not. cause cankers and stem blights. To date, none of the
2006). tested blueberry cultivars have been found to be completely
Other fruits pathogens, such as Alternaria tenuissima resistant, but there are great differences in their respective
(Kunze:Fr.), Phyllosticta vaccinii Earle and P. elongata susceptibilities (Storming and Stensvand 2001; Smith
Weidemann, are occasionally reported in blueberry, but are 2004). The use of tolerant cultivars is an important tool for
not significant sources of field losses. managing these diseases. The inoculum of these pathogens
is present on infected twigs or branches, and any practice
Leaf and stem diseases that reduces the amount of infected material in the field is
beneficial. Winter pruning and the removal of infected
This group includes fungi that cause leaf spots, twig blights twigs and branches during the growing season can be criti-
and cankers. cal for control of Phomopsis twig blight and Fusicoccum
Leaf pathogens primarily reduce photosynthesis in the canker.
infected tissues but, when they induce premature defolia- The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens can cause
tion (i.e. Septoria albopunctata Cooke, Gloeosporium pea-sized to large, round galls on low branches and at the
minus Shear and Dothichiza caroliniana Demaree & M.S. base of canes, but since blueberries are grown on acidic
Wilcoxis), they affect subsequent flower bud formation. soils and the crown gall bacterium does not grow well in

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 44-56 ©2007 Global Science Books

acidic environments, A. tumefaciens infections of blueberry mercial antibodies are available for most blueberry viruses.
are uncommon. Blueberry scorch virus (BlScV), also known as sheep
pen hill disease, is the causal agent of a blighting disease of
Root diseases highbush blueberry. Symptoms caused by BlScV range
from complete blighting of flowers and young leaves and
Root rot diseases caused by Armillaria mellea (Vahl:Fr.) P. twig dieback in the most sensitive cultivars to no visible da-
Kumm., A. ostoyae (Romagnesi) Herink and Phytophthora mage in the most tolerant cultivars. The complete genome
cinnamomi Rands affect blueberry crops when these fungi sequence of an isolate from New Jersey has been published
are present in the soil and environmental conditions are (Cavileer et al. 1994). Thorough molecular characterization
favorable for disease development. Symptoms are first and phylogenetic analyses have demonstrated a considera-
seen on the above-ground portions of the plant (chlorosis ble divergence of strains from western Canada from strains
and reddening of the leaves, small leaves, defoliation, from the eastern United States. A reverse transcription
branch dieback, death of entire canes, stunting, and death polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay, enabling the
of the entire bush), but are always subsequent to root da- detection of RNA viruses, has been developed for the de-
mage. In the case of P. cinnamomi, the very fine, absorbing tection of one strain of BlScV (Halpern and Hillman 1996),
roots turn brown and black and larger diameter roots may opening the door to the wide use of PCR-based methods in
also be discolored. Armillaria spp. mycelia and rhizo- routine diagnoses of blueberry viruses.
morphs are mainly found under the bark of old roots (Fig. DNA sequencing of blueberry red ringspot virus
1G). (BRRV) demonstrated that this virus is more similar to
Avoiding the establishment of pathogen populations in members of the genus provisionally named "Soybean chlo-
the soil and careful site selection are key factors for the rotic mottle-like viruses", rather than members of the genus
prevention of these diseases. Particular care must be taken Caulimovirus, in which it had been placed previously
if a new crop is planted on ground previously covered by (Glasheen et al. 2002).
forest, where additional pathogen species, other than the Blueberry shock ilarvirus (BlShV) causes symptoms
very common A. mellea, may be present (Prodorutti et al. similar to those caused by BlScv, but, after a few years of
2006). When these diseases are already present in the field, symptoms, the infected plants usually recover (Bristow et
growing non-host crops for few years before blueberry can al. 2002). These non-symptomatic plants may act as reser-
dramatically reduce the amounts of long-lasting inoculum voirs of inoculum. Like other ilarviruses, BlShV is present
present in the environment. Since Armillaria species are in pollen, therefore wind and pollinators can play signify-
not specific pathogens of V. corymbosum, they infect more cant roles in the spread of the disease (Bristow and Martin
than 200 plant species, the presence of infected roots (of 1999).
various plant species) is an important and likely source of Blueberry shoestring sobemovirus (BBSSV) is the most
inoculum. P. cinnamomi also attacks a number of additio- widespread virus disease of highbush blueberry. It is trans-
nal plants from the family Ericaceae. mitted in a persistent and circular manner by the aphid Illi-
P. cinnamomi is common in the United States, but it is noia pepperi (MacGillivray). The long latent period makes
also present in New Zealand (Cheah and Hunt 1988) and roguing of infected plant unfeasible for commercial produc-
has recently been reported in Europe (Tamietti 2003). Ar- tion, and very few cultivars shows resistance. Therefore,
millaria species are widespread around the world. whenever possible, efforts are focused on controlling the
Phytophthora root rot is usually associated with poorly- aphids.
drained soils and the highest disease incidences are corre- Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV), tomato ringspot virus
lated with frequent waterlogging (de Silva et al. 1999). (TmRSV), peach rosette mosaic virus (PRMV), and blue-
Mulching, that could theoretically increase the availability berry leaf mottle virus (BBLMV) all occasionally cause
of Armillaria spp. inoculum, does not significantly affect damage to highbush blueberry (Caruso and Ramsdell 1995).
the risk posed by phytophthora root rot (de Silva et al. Blueberry stunt it is caused by a phytoplasma. The only
1999). Most cultivars are susceptible to this disease, al- known carrier of this phytoplasma is the sharp-nosed leaf-
though some cultivars may tolerate some degree of infec- hopper (Scaphytopius spp.; Maeso Tozzi et al. 1993),
tion better than others. though other vectors probably exist. Affected plants are
Resistance to P. cinnamomi has been shown to be par- dwarfed with shortened internodes and excessively bran-
tially recessive and quantitatively inherited (Clark et al. ched. They are not vigorous and produce small, hard, fruits
1986). To the best of our knowledge, there have been no lacking flavor. Diseased plants produce small, downward
reports of resistance or tolerance to Armillaria spp. cupped leaves with mottled areas (yellow along the margins
and between the lateral veins) that turn prematurely red in
Diseases caused by viruses or phytoplasma late summer.

Plants infected with viruses or phytoplasma cannot be Outlook on current and future studies of blueberry
cured with pesticides, therefore planting healthy, virus-in- pathology
dexed plants obtained from a trustworthy nursery is essen-
tial. Resistance to viruses or phytoplasma is desirable, but Research on highbush blueberry diseases has mainly
sometimes only tolerant cultivars are available. These cul- focused on problems present in North America, where the
tivars do not show symptoms and produce normal fruits, species originated and has been extensively cropped for
but they are still capable of hosting the pathogen and cons- several decades. In other regions, such as Europe, South
titute a reservoir of inoculum that, in the presence of an America and Japan, where it has only recently been intro-
active vector, can be spread to nearby susceptible varieties, duced, there have been few reports of pathogens or severe
producing heavy damages. When virus- or phytoplasma-in- disease outbreaks and, consequently, research has been
fected plants and their vectors are present in the cropping limited.
area, efforts should be focused on reducing the risk of dis- In conclusion, it seems that disease management in
ease transmission by direct control of vectors and prompt highbush blueberry crops in new cultivation areas should
elimination of both symptomatic plants and alternative require only limited use of pesticides. A high level of care
hosts of the pathogen. However, the quick removal of in- must be taken to avoid the introduction or establishment of
fected plants can be difficult due to the long incubation of new diseases, applying strict phytosanitary measures to
some blueberry viruses (i.e. blueberry shoestring virus and plant material coming from infected areas and using dis-
blueberry scorch virus). ease-free planting stocks. Before starting cultivation in a
The most advanced techniques of serology and mole- new region, it may be worthwhile to survey the area for al-
cular biology have been applied to the detection and cha- ternative hosts and potential vectors of V. corymbosum dis-
racterization of blueberry viruses and phytoplasma. Com- eases. Considering disease resistance or tolerance as an im-

Highbush blueberry protection, breeding and biotechnology. Prodorutti et al.

portant aspect in breeding programs and the development cranberries, from which they can move to nearby comer-
of commercial biocontrol agents can help in areas where cial fields, causing serious problems. One cranberry fruit-
diseases are already established. worm larva will feed on five to eight berries to complete its
development and produce silk webbing which will make
RELEVANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHBUSH the entire cluster unmarketable (Sarzynski and Liburd
To meet quality standards, several applications of
Similar to research on blueberry diseases, most research on broad-spectrum insecticides (organophosphate and carba-
insect pests of highbush blueberry has been carried out in mate) are applied before harvest (O’Neal et al. 2005b).
North America and there are few publications dealing with Public concerns about health and environmental risks asso-
insect pests in Europe and other production regions. Few ciated with pesticides, increasing costs and the recent with-
indigenous insects attack highbush blueberry in new culti- drawal of several inexpensive insecticides from the market
vation areas. The absence of the most economically signi- (Cappaert and Smitley 2002) have boosted interest in inte-
ficant insect pests, which attack blueberry in its native grated pest management, including the use of cultural prac-
country, in these areas or insufficient study may explain tices and biological control (Szendrei et al. 2005).
this lack of information. Among the examined cultural practices, tillage was
Some native North American Vaccinium pests mig- found to have a strong negative effect on Japanese beetle
rated from patches of wild blueberries to commercial fields populations, because mechanical manipulation of their
(Eck et al. 1990), while other pests were introduced into habitat affects the survival and development of larvae,
North America from other continents, such as the Japanese which feed on grass roots, and adults, which prefer to lay
beetle (Popillia japonica Newman), which is native to Asia. eggs in grassy areas. Tilling the row middles of commercial
It was introduced into North America in 1911, where it blueberry fields has been shown to lead to a reduction (up
became a more serious pest than in its own area of origin to 72%) in the concentrations of P. japonica larvae, as
(www.eppo.org). compared with fields with untilled row middles (Szendrei
The key insect pests of highbush blueberry in North et al. 2005). These results were the same regardless of
America, other then the Japanese beetle, are the blueberry whether the ground was tilled in spring or autumn. Cover
maggot (Rhagoletis mendax Curran) and the cranberry crops can also be a valid alternative to tillage for manage-
fruitworm (Acrobasis vaccinii Riley) (O’Neal et al. 2005a). ment of P. japonica. Acid-tolerant cover crops that are not
Chemical insecticides are also applied against blueberry attractive to beetles can also provide additional benefits by
gall midge (Dasineura oxycoccana Johnson), plum curcu- mitigating the soil compaction caused by field machinery,
lio (Conotrachelus nenuphar Herbst.) and blueberry bud and reducing erosion and pesticide runoff. Different cover
mite (Acalitus vaccinii Keifer). Infestations of Putnam crop species will have different effects on insect popula-
scale (Aspidiotus ancylus Putnam), blossom weevil (An- tions. For example, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum
thonomus spp.) and the sharp-nosed leafhopper (Scaphy- Moench) followed by Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum
topius magdalensis Prov.) may occasionally require treat- L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), grown for
ments (Eck et al. 1990). three years in row middles, consistently and significantly
The blueberry maggot and the cranberry fruitworm reduced adult beetle populations, even though to a lesser
have not been reported in Europe, while P. japonica was extent compare to bare ground plots where they were gene-
identified in the Azores (Portugal). The blueberry maggot rally absent (Szendrei and Isaacs 2006).
and Japanese beetle are classified as quarantine pests by Classical biological control could represent a powerful
the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organi- method for reducing the spread and the growth of popula-
zation (www.eppo.org). tions of imported highbush blueberry pests. For example,
The blueberry gall midge has recently become more Japanese beetle is considered an insignificant pest in its
important in the southern United States. This midge, native place of origin (Asia) where several natural enemies are
to North America, was recently introduced into Europe present (Cappaert and Smitley 2002). Importation of these
(Bosio et al. 1998). enemies may help to control the beetle in countries where it
has no native enemies, like the US. Recently, in the US,
What is eating my fruit? Insects which damage mushy P. japonica grubs and grubs that were turning yel-
berries low or red were found. These larvae, probably infected with
nematodes, viruses or bacteria, may represent the beginning
Adult Japanese beetles, blueberry maggot larvae and cran- of natural biocontrol.
berry fruitworms feed on ripening berries, as well as har- Restrictions on the availability of broad-spectrum in-
vested fruits, making them unmarketable. In the US, there secticides have spurred the development of new, low toxi-
are stringent quality standards for fresh and processed city compounds, some of which are also certified as organic
blueberries, including zero tolerance for contamination by insecticides (Barry et al. 2005). Several of these com-
these insects (O’Neal et al. 2005b). pounds (spinosad, pyrethrum and azadirachtin) have been
The Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is an shown to control blueberry maggot, making them excellent
univoltine insect. Larvae feed on roots of turf and over- candidates for incorporation into IPM and organic manage-
winter in the soil. They pupate in June and adults emerge ment programs (Barry et al. 2005).
and start feeding on fruits about two weeks later, with po- In addition to more environmentally-friendly pesticides,
pulation levels peaking in July and August (Szendrei et al. several other innovative methods for the control of blue-
2005). berry maggot have been developed recently. Biodegradable,
The blueberry maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae) is also baited spheres (9 cm diameter) treated with 2% imidaclo-
univoltine. It overwinters as pupa in the soil and adults prid successfully controlled R. mendax in highbush blue-
emerge over a prolonged period, from late June to early berry field trials. Results showed that the deployment of
August. About 10 days after emergence, female flies start imidacloprid-treated spheres provided pest control similar
to lay eggs under the fruit skin. Maggots feed for about to that provided by conventional organophosphate sprays,
three weeks inside ripening and harvested fruits. but without contaminating fruits with the insecticides (Ste-
In blueberry fields, damage from uncontrolled feeding linski and Liburd 2001). The “attract-and-kill” approach,
by cranberry fruitworm, A. vaccinii (Lepidoptera: Pyra- using plastic and biodegradable traps coated with the insec-
lidae), may exceed 50% (Sarzynski and Liburd 2004). As ticides fipronil and imidacloprid, was also found to be ef-
in the case of the blueberry maggot, berries infested with fective (Barry et al. 2004).
this insect may be harvested and packaged without the Prophylactic insecticide applications for the control of
detection of the larvae, which are later found by consumers. cranberry fruitworm can be optimized if based on the num-
Larvae of A. vaccinii also feed on wild blueberries and bers of adult moths captured in pheromone-baited traps,

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 44-56 ©2007 Global Science Books

paying attention to the fact that appropriate placement of of otiorhynchid weevils (Otiorhynchus spp., Coleoptera:
the pheromone traps (height and location within a planting) Curculionidae) that damage roots, noctuid moths [e.g.
are crucial for accurate monitoring of male moth popula- Operophtera brumata (L.), Conistra vaccinii (L.) and Eu-
tions (Sarzynski and Liburd 2004). psilia transversa (Hufnagel)] which feed on foliage and
flower clusters and some species of scale insects and aphids
Bud pests and disease vectors in highbush (Grassi and Forno 2004). All of these pests were introduced
blueberry in North America into blueberry fields from nearby crops and plants. In the
1990s, a new gall midge (Jaapiella vacciniorum Kieffer),
Pests that develop specifically inside buds cause significant known to develop in galls in the shoot tips of bilberry (Vac-
damage to North American highbush blueberry crops. The cinium myrtillus L.) in the Alps, was detected in highbush
most relevant are the blueberry gall midge, Dasineura oxy- blueberry orchards in northeastern Italy (Grassi and Forno
coccana (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and the blueberry bud 2004).
mite, Acalitus vaccinii (Acari: Eriophyidae). Blueberry gall Following the recent report of blueberry scorch virus in
midge larvae feed exclusively on Vaccinium spp. bud tis- Europe (northern Italy) (Ciuffo et al. 2005), it will be ne-
sue, inducing necrosis and bud abortion. The blueberry bud cessary to evaluate the abilities of native species of aphids
mite lives and feeds inside the fruit buds of both highbush to transmit this disease.
and lowbush blueberry, causing poor plant growth and fruit Advanced biological techniques are currently applied in
set, particularly in the tops of plants (Isaacs and Gajek commercial fields against weevil larvae. Nematodes (Hete-
2003). rorhabditis spp.), which are applied to the field through the
Biological control of these bud pests, based on encou- irrigation system, infect and kill otiorhynchid weevils in the
raging native natural enemies by limiting the use of broad- soil. At the present time, this is the only effective method
spectrum insecticides, can be quite successful in commer- available, as chemical control has proven unsuccessful,
cial fields. The main natural enemies of the gall midge, in against Otiorhynchus weevils in highbush blueberry.
the US, are eulophid wasps (parasitoids) and the predatory
larvae of the hoverfly [Toxomerus geminatus (Say) Mets] AVAILABILITY OF A WIDE VARIETY OF
(Sampson et al. 2002). A fungal parasite, Hirsutella VACCINIUM GERMPLASM
thompsonii Fisher, and several species of predatory mites
(tydeid and phytoseiid) have been found in association Blueberries are common worldwide and the genus Vacci-
with the blueberry bud mite (Isaacs and Gajek 2003). nium includes about 400 species, on all continents except
Chemical control of blueberry gall midge can be based Australia and Antarctica, which exhibit a high degree of
on pre-bloom applications of malathion (up to 94% larva morphological diversity (Luby et al. 1991). The sections of
mortality). But, biopesticides, like spinosad, are also ef- the genus Vaccinium that have made the most significant
fective and help in the preservation of natural enemies contributions to today’s commercial cultivars are Cyano-
(Sampson et al. 2002). Chemical control of A. vaccinii is coccus, Vitis-idaea, Myrtillus, Vaccinium and Oxycoccus.
based on postharvest applications of products such as en- Blueberry germplasm resources have been divided into
dosulfan, as an improved management program that retains three main groups (Lyrene and Ballington 1986; Ballington
the activity of biological control agents has not yet been 2001). These are i) cultivated species of Vaccinium section
developed (Isaacs and Gajek 2003). Cyanococcus, including 10-26 species, according to dif-
Insects are not only responsible for direct crop damage, ferent taxonomic classifications; ii) non-cultivated species
but can also act as disease vectors. Several species of of Vaccinium section Cyanococcus and iii) species from
aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) colonize blueberry bushes, other sections. Like other members of the Ericaceae family,
but the most serious aphid pests are those capable of trans- they are mostly long-living, woody shrubs or vines.
mitting viruses. Blueberry aphid [Illinoia pepperi (MacGil- The cultivated and semi-cultivated blueberries in the
livray)] is the vector of blueberry shoestring virus. It is also first group, derived from Cyanococcus, are related to a few
a vector of blueberry scorch virus, which is also transmit- main species: V. corymbosum L., V. angustifolium Ait., V.
ted by Ericaphis spp. aphids (Terhune et al. 1991; Raworth virgatum Ait., V. elliottii Chapm. and V. darrowii Camp. V.
2004). In Canada, several species of aphids that act as vec- corymbosum is tetraploid (2n=4x=48) and has a very narrow
tors for blueberry scorch virus have been identified. genetic base. V. angustifolium is tetraploid, native to the
Among these, the most important are Ericaphis fimbriata northeast of the US and Canada and commercially signifi-
(Richards), Aphis fabae Scopoli, Brachycaudus helichrysi cant. It is grown on rocky and dry uplands and typically har-
(Kaltenbach), Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy), Hyperomyzus vested from managed, perennial fields (Burgher-MacLellan
lactucae (L.), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Rhopalosiphoninus and MacKenzie 2004). V. virgatum is a hexaploid species
staphyleae (Koch), and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Raworth that is commercially known as rabbiteye. It can be grown in
2004; Raworth et al. 2006). The “sharp-nosed leafhopper”, different habitats and is better adapted to open fields than
Scaphytopius spp. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), is the only the highbush varieties, due to its high tolerance of drought,
known vector of blueberry stunt disease (Maeso Tozzi et al. high temperatures and a wide range of soil pH levels, as
1993). Direct control of these insect vectors is an indirect compared with other Vaccinium species. V. elliottii is dip-
way of protecting plants from these viruses and phyto- loid, very suitable to low chill areas, with a crown-forming,
plasma. usually upright, growth habit and habitat preferences similar
to those of V. virgatum. There are two races of V. darrowii,
Insect pests in new areas of highbush blueberry both of which are evergreen (Lyrene 1986) and, unlike other
cultivation species, have no chilling requirements.
The second group includes several non-cultivated spe-
In Europe, as in other regions where highbush blueberry cies of the section Cyanococcus, such as V. amoenum Ait.,
was introduced only recently, there are generally few in- V. constablaei Gray, V. tenellum Ait., V. hirsutum Buckley
festations of insect pests that seriously affect the crop. For and others, that have been particularly important in interspe-
example, in Andalusia (southwestern Spain), several insect cific hybrids. The third group includes the Vaccinium sec-
pests of highbush blueberry have been reported, including tions Oxycoccus, Vitis-idaea, Myrtillus, Pyxothamnus, Ba-
aphids, leaf rollers, an identified gall midge and hairy ceto- thodendron, Polycodium and Hemimyrtillus (Ballington
niid beetles, but control measures have usually not been re- 2001). Cross-breeding of species from the section Oxycoc-
quired (Barrau et al. 2003). The potential pests include na- cus with Cyanococcus has produced interesting results (Ly-
tive species that have adapted to highbush blueberry or rene and Ballington 1986) that might be valuable for gene
non-indigenous ones imported from North America. In resources.
Italy, where highbush blueberry cultivation has increased The Vitis-idaea section includes lingonberries and cow-
significantly over recent years, the major pests are species berries, which have been gathered for many years in Europe,

Highbush blueberry protection, breeding and biotechnology. Prodorutti et al.

especially in the northern forests. These are perennial, ever- most vigorous growth (Korcak 1986) on upland soil condi-
green, dwarf shrubs, which produce small berries that are tions, while V. ashei Reade, V. atrococcum (Gray) and V.
still gathered from the wild. Domesticated varieties have darrowii have been identified as potential germplasm sour-
been developed; however, they are still inconsistent in ces for adaptability to upland soils (Galletta 1975).
terms of production (Gustavsson 2001). There is a high degree of genetic diversity among Vacci-
The section Oxycoccus is represented in northern and nium species also for resistance to water deficit. A screening
central Europe by V. oxycoccus L.; these small cranberry of interspecific seedlings conducted by Erb et al. (1988)
plants grow on ombrotrophic sphagnum bogs and minero- showed that the southern species V. darrowii, V. elliottii and
trophic fens in moist forests. The section Myrtillus, also V. ashei were more drought resistant than V. corymbosum, V.
found in Europe, includes the species V. myrtillus L. that vacillans Torr. and V. myrtilloides. This study also found
may have received genetic material from globe huckleberry that drought resistance appears to be highly heritable when
(V. globulare Rydb.), dwarf huckleberry (V. caespitosum crossing northern and southern species and that clones with
Michx.) and blue huckleberry (V. membranaceum Dougl.). half their germplasm from southern were usually drought
Another common plant in Europe belonging to the section resistant, in addition to being better adapted to milder win-
Vaccinium is bog whortleberry (V. uliginosum L.), a long- ters.
living species with a mixed breeding system that has been
incorporated into the Finnish blueberry cultivar ‘Aron’ Genotypes with reduced chilling requirements
(Lehmushovi 1982).
The expansion of the areas of highbush blueberry produc-
HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY BREEDING tion has required the development of commercially-viable
cultivars that can thrive in regions where winters are mild
Cultivar selection is one of the most important decisions for (low chilling requirement). The hybrid V. darrowii x V. co-
berry producers. Germplasm collection and conservation, rymbosum, called ‘US75’, played a critical role in the deve-
and the incorporation of this germplasm into breeding pro- lopment of southern highbush cultivars with low chilling re-
grams, are strategic assets for successful crop production. quirements, like ‘Cooper’, ‘Georgiagem’, ‘Gulfcoast’,
Breeding of improved cultivars of highbush blueberry ‘O'Neal’ and ‘Sierra’, which includes genes from five spe-
began after 1900 (Eck et al. 1990), when market demand cies (Hancock et al. 1995). ‘US75’ has proved to be parti-
increased and could no longer be satisfied by the quantities cularly able to increase or maintain the water use efficiency
of available wild berries. The first highbush blueberry cul- (Erb et al. 1991). V. darrowii and V. elliottii have been ex-
tivar was named ‘Brooks’ and was selected by ‘Coville’ in tensively used as sources for low chilling requirement germ-
New Hampshire (USA). This was followed by the intro- plasm and V. darrowii-tenellum hybrids were shown to be
duction of ‘Russel’, a lowbush blueberry cultivar. Inter- five times as productive when V. darrowii was the seed
specific hybridization between homoploids has been crucial parent. ‘Florida 4B’ is a low chilling selection of the diploid
for the development of commercial blueberry cultivars. At V. darrowii that has also played a key role in the breeding of
the beginning of the 20th century, crosses were made highbush blueberries. In addition to being a source of a
between V. stamineum L. and V. myrtilloides Michx., V. number of desirable plant and fruit characteristics, it has
melanocarpum Mohr. and V. myrtilloides, and V. corym- also been used as a bridge to bring germplasm from other
bosum and V. australe Small. The genetic diversity of culti- diploid species, which do not have unreduced gametes, into
vated blueberry has been partially maintained over years of the highbush cultivars (Draper and Hancock 2003).
interspecific and intersectional hybridization, but inbreed-
ing is a distinct risk in the current commercial cultivar land- Cold hardiness and de-acclimation
scape. Over the years, many efforts have been made to
overcome crossing barriers in Vaccinium. These efforts There is an effort to find the optimal balance between cold
have included field studies of native hybrids, ploidy mani- hardiness and a low chilling requirement. Lack of cold har-
pulation, the use of mentor pollen (Wenslaff and Lyrene diness and susceptibility to spring frosts significantly limit
2000), embryo culture, ovule culture and in vitro pollina- the current cultivars (Moore 1993), so that developing cold-
tion (Lyrene 1986). hardy cultivars is a general priority. Arora et al. (1998) sug-
Certain species have been particularly valuable as gested that cold hardiness in blueberry may be controlled by
breeding stock. V. corymbosum has been extremely useful a relatively small number of genes that have been previ-
source of germplasm for cold hardiness, fruit size and early ously identified with the dehydrin gene family, which is
ripening. V. darrowii and V. elliottii have been extensively closely associated with adaptation to low temperature envi-
used for the development of cultivars with reduced chilling ronments. Data suggest that the southern germplasm com-
requirements (i.e. cultivars that can be grown in regions ponent in some breeding programs, V. ashei, may be the
characterized by mild winters), as well as adaptation to less source of genes responsible for faster de-acclimation,
acidic soils and light blue fruit color. V. elliottii has also whereas both southern species, V. darrowii and V. ashei,
been used as a source of resistance to stem blight. may contribute genes for cold sensitivity (Arora et al. 2004).
The development of new blueberry cultivars has fo- V. constablaei Gray may also be useful in breeding pro-
cused on the improvement of characteristics desired by both grams, as a source of genes for late de-acclimation, which
growers and consumers. Blueberry breeding programs, like should translate into greater tolerance for spring frost and
those of other crops, have aimed for improved yield, im- mid-winter hardiness (Rowland et al. 2005). In a paper pub-
proved fruit quality, improved resistance to biotic and abi- lished in 2007, Dhanaraj et al. reported many differences in
otic stresses, adaptation to different soils and variations in the types of gene products induced under cold room condi-
flowering and fruiting periods. tions and those induced in the field, suggesting that cold ac-
climation under natural conditions could differ from the
Breeding for adaptation to non-traditional soils cold acclimation observed in the many studies that have
and water stress tolerance been performed in artificial environments.

Blueberry production on high pH substrates is difficult. Breeding for disease resistance

Some genetic variability for soil pH tolerance has been re-
ported and genetic improvement appears to be the only way For many years, wild V. corymbosum has been an important
to increase production on more alkaline soils (Korcak 1986). source of resistance to blueberry stem canker. ‘Echota’ is the
Hybrid plants with V. angustifolium in their ancestry first highbush blueberry cultivar with genes for stem canker
have been shown to be capable of absorbing and tolerating resistance. The selection ‘US41’, a colchiploid V. corymbo-
relatively high levels of magnesium. However, the hybrids sum, has been used as source of resistance to Phytophthora
with the least V. corymbosum germplasm produced the cinnamomi. In different studies, individual cultivars have

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 44-56 ©2007 Global Science Books

shown resistance to one of these pathogens, but not neces- Giongo et al. 2006a) and to discriminate between the three
sarily the other; although, overall, the resistances were cor- related species, cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), low-
related. bush blueberry (V. angustifolium) and lingonberry (V. vitis-
A high level of resistance to mummy berry fruit rot was idaea) (Debnath 2005). Already in 1994 a linkage map
observed in all accessions of V. boreale Hall & Aalders, V. based on RAPD markers was published that covered 950
myrtilloides, V. pallidum Ait. and V. tenellum, and most ac- cM in 12 linkage groups corresponding to the haploid ge-
cessions of V. darrowi (Stretch et al. 2001). Species screen- nome of 12 chromosomes of wild diploid Vaccinium species
ings have identified excellent sources of resistance to mum- (Rowland and Levi 1994). RAPD markers have the ad-
my berry fruit rot, with V. boreale and V. myrtilloides vantage of being extremely easy to detect with only a set of
showing excellent resistance to both phases of the disease commercial primers, a PCR thermocycler and gel electro-
(Ehlenfeldt et al. 2002). phoresis apparatus. However, these markers are dominant,
V. angustifolium has proven to be a valuable source of and the results of RAPD analyses are often difficult to re-
genes for resistance to Botryosphaeria spp., while V. ashei produce. For these reasons, in identification and mapping
has been used as a source of resistance to Scaphytopius studies in other woody perennial species, the use of RAPDs
magdalensis Prov., the vector of the blueberry stunt phyto- has mostly been replaced by the use of codominant micro-
plasma. satellites (Short Sequence Repeats). These markers are mul-
tiallelic and transposable across cultivars or even closely re-
Breeding for fruit quality lated species. However, they require a relevant input to be
developed. For this reason, no frame of a consensus Vac-
The blueberry fruit traits which have been targeted by com- cinium map is currently available. Such a framework would
mercial breeding programs are related to what the con- greatly facilitate mapping of relevant phenotypic traits.
sumers demand in terms of aroma, texture, postharvest qua- Recombinant DNA technology has been explored as an
lity and, particularly in the last eight to ten years, nutritional alternative to classical breeding for introducing desired
benefits, which we will discuss here only briefly. traits. Cao et al. (2003) have published detailed transforma-
Ballington et al. (1984) characterized 11 species and tion protocols. Song and Sink (2004) developed an efficient
found that, although there is a significant amount of vari- transformation protocol, which they used to transform four
ability both among and within species, V. stamineum was relevant highbush blueberry cultivars. According to their
the best of the examined species in terms of soluble solids, published results, southern blotting confirmed that 15% of
large fruit size and firmness. V. elliottii was easily harves- the produced explants were successfully transformed.
ted and V. corymbosum had a favorable balance between Classical biotechnological tools are used for micropro-
soluble solids and acids. The negative characteristics of wet pagation. For over 20 years, highbush blueberry has been
stem scars and the appearance of blue color before sweet- propagated in vitro, and new selections can be rapidly intro-
ening vary widely among blueberry cultivars (Pritts and duced without any somoclonal aberration (Serres et al.
Hancock 1992). 1997; Gajdosova et al. 2006).
Compounds present in blueberry have been shown to Published protocols are based on the woody plant me-
protect the nervous system (Sweeney et al. 2002; Joseph et dium (Lloyd and McCown 1980), supplemented with vari-
al. 2003) and blueberry extracts have been found to have ous quantities of cytokinins (2iP or/and zeatin) (Chandler
some ability to reverse declines in neural and cognitive and Draper 1986). The reported range goes from 0.018 mM
functioning (Youdim et al. 2000). In particular, the antho- up 2 mg/l zeatin (Gonzalez et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 2006).
cyanins found in blueberry have been found to effectively Usually sugar levels had to be reduced compared to other
penetrate cell membranes and provide antioxidant protec- woody plants and range from 15 to 60 mM depending on
tion (Galli et al. 2006). However, it has been suggested that the cultivar. Zhang et al. (2006) report substitution of suc-
the levels of polyphenols in berries are negatively correla- rose with sugar for economical reasons. Shoot rooting for
ted with desirable horticultural traits (Vorsa et al. 2002). On commercial purpose is achieved by planting shoots in moss
the other hand, Kalt (2001) found no correlation between or a similar substrate under reduced light conditions after
fruit size and anthocyanin content. This same study also dipping or soaking them briefly in IBA (or NAA). Rooting
found that lowbush cultivars had higher concentrations of and early stages of growth can be enhanced by addition of
anthocyanins and total phenolics, as compared to highbush ericoid endomycorrhizae (Eccher and Noè 2002).
cultivars. In a screening project conducted in Italy (Giongo However the various protocols on the techniques and
et al. 2006b) on 38 currently grown cultivars, the highest conditions of micropropagation depend not only on the cul-
levels of total polyphenols were found in V. angustifolium, tivar but also on the specific use (Lopes da Fonseca and Ro-
while the lowest concentrations were found in V. corymbo- mero Muñoz 2006), therefore a generalization on cannot be
sum. Anthocyanins represented the class of major quanti- stated.
tative relevancy and the second was represented by the hy-
droxycinnamic acids, primarily trans-chlorogenic acid. Ge- Use of biotechnology in the development of new
notypes with smaller berries had higher Oxygen Radical blueberry cultivars
Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) values, as well as higher
overall levels of phenolics (TPH), anthocyanins (ACY), hy- Blueberry breeding is done on a relatively small scale with
droxycinnamic acids (HCA) and flavonols (FLA) than relatively few resources. In light of this, few efforts have
large-berried genotypes (Howard et al. 2003). been directed toward the development of breeding aides,
such as molecular markers for relevant traits. Most of the re-
BIOTECHNOLOGICAL TOOLS AVAILABLE FOR search that has been conducted in this area has been done by
USE IN BLUEBERRY the Rowland group at the USDA/ARS fruit laboratory in
Beltsville, Maryland (USA). This group has identified and
The development of DNA-based markers has facilitated isolated genes associated with cold hardiness in blueberry,
species distinction and cultivar identification. Cultivated including several members of the dehydrin gene family.
blueberries contain germplasm from several wild species Their publicly available EST data base can serve as starting
and are grown around the world, mostly in temperate to tro- point for the development of markers for genes of interest,
pical climates. Sequencing of the chloroplast matK gene map construction, fingerprinting, assessments of genetic di-
and the nrITS (Kron et al. 2002) has allowed researchers to versity and marker-assisted breeding.
study the phylogenetic relationships between closely related Highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum) is tetraploid,
species and clarify our overall understanding of the taxo- which means that an extremely large population is necessary
nomy of the Vaccinieae. RAPD (random amplified poly- for mapping any trait. Traits of interest for breeding pro-
morphic DNA sequence) markers have been used to distin- grams include cold tolerance and low chilling requirements.
guish cultivars and wild accessions (Burgher et al. 2002; Enhanced flexibility in both of these traits would allow the

Highbush blueberry protection, breeding and biotechnology. Prodorutti et al.

expansion of production areas. The traditional approach of phic DNA analysis. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
mapping traits based on their segregation patterns in a 127, 98-103
progeny population was followed by Rowland et al. (2003). Cao X, Fordham I, Douglass L, Hammerschlag F (2003) Sucrose level influ-
ences micropropagation and gene delivery into leaves from in vitro propa-
They combined this approach with the identification and
gated highbush blueberry shoots. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 75,
characterization of genes and gene products which respond 255-259
to cold stress. In this way, they were able to identify a fa- Cappaert D, Smitley DR (2002) Parasitoids and pathogens of Japanese beetle
mily of genes whose expression is induced by dehydration (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in southern Michigan. Environmental Entomology
stress (freezing and drought). These ‘dehydrins’ are the 3, 573-580
most abundant proteins in cold-sensitive flower buds during Caruso FL, Ramsdell DC (1995) Compendium of Blueberry and Cranberry
the winter. They are present in all organs and their levels Diseases, American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minn., USA,
could be correlated to cold hardiness in three genotypes 87 pp
(Panta et al. 2001). A particular 14 kDa dehydrin was more Cavileer TD, Halpern BT, Lawrence DM, Podleckis EV, Martin RR, Hill-
abundant in cv. ‘Bluecrop’ than in the less cold-hardy and man BI (1994) Nucleotide sequence of the carlavirus associated with blue-
berry scorch and similar diseases. Journal of General Virology 75, 711-720
drought-tolerant cv. ‘Premier’ (Dhanaraj et al. 2005). Chandler CK, Draper AD (1986) Effect of zeatin and 2iP on shoot prolifera-
Levels of blueberry dehydrins were shown to increase with tion of three highbush blueberry clones in vitro. HortScience 21, 1065-1066
cold acclimation and decrease with deacclimation and re- Cheah LH, Hunt AW (1988) Phytophthora root rot of blueberry. Orchardist of
sumption of growth. However, the mapping of a marker New Zealand 61, 60-61
derived from a clone of one of the three dehydrin genes, in Childress AM, Ramsdell DC (1987) Bee-mediated transmission of blueberry
a diploid V. caesariense Mack. population, did not suggest leaf mottle virus via infected pollen in highbush blueberry. Phytopathology 77,
the co-segregation of these genes with the cold hardiness 167-172
trait (Panta et al. 2004). Ciuffo M, Pettiti D, Gallo S, Masenga V, Turina M (2005) First report of
Marker-assisted breeding and DNA recombinant tech- Blueberry scorch virus in Europe. Plant Pathology 54, 565
Clark JR, Moore JN, Draper AD (1986) Inheritance of resistance to Phytoph-
nology have not yet been applied to the development of thora root rot in highbush blueberry. Journal of the American Society for Hor-
new blueberry cultivars. However, the basic tools are avai- ticultural Science 111, 106-109
lable. Micropropagation, on the other hand, is routinely Cox KD, Scherm H (2001a) Effect of desiccants and herbicides on germination
used for the production of high quality plant material. of pseudosclerotia and development of apothecia of Monilinia vaccinii-
corymbosi. Plant Disease 85, 436-441
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cox KD, Scherm H (2001b) Gradients of primary and secondary infection by
Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi from point sources of ascospores and conidia.
The review was supported by Safecrop Centre and Interberry Plant Disease 85, 955-959
de Silva A, Patterson K, Rothrock C, McNew R (1999) Phytophthora root rot
Project, funded by Fondo per la ricerca, Autonomous Province of
of blueberry increases with frequency of flooding. HortScience 34, 693-695
Trento. de Silva A, Patterson K, Rothrock C, Moore J (2000) Growth promotion of
highbush blueberry by fungal and bacterial inoculants. HortScience 35, 1228-
Debnath SC (2005) Differentiation of Vaccinium cultivars and wild clones
Arora R, Rowland LJ, Panta G, Lim CC, Lehman JS, Vorsa N (1998) using RAPD markers. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 14,
Genetic control of cold hardiness in blueberry. In: Li PH, Chen THH (Eds) 173-177
Plant Cold Hardiness: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Physiology, Dedej S, Delaplane KS, Scherm H (2004) Effectiveness of honey bees in deli-
Plenum Press, NY, USA, pp 99-106 vering the biocontrol agent Bacillus subtilis to blueberry flowers to suppress
Arora R, Rowland LJ, Ogden EL, Dhanaraj AL, Marian CO, Ehlenfeldt mummy berry disease. Biological Control 31, 422-427
MK, Vinyard B (2004) Rate of dehardening, stage of bud opening, and Dhanaraj AL, Alfharouf NW, Beard HS, Chouikha IB, Matthews BF, Wei H,
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