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ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)

Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)


Dewi Citra Larasati, Ya'taufiq Kurrahman
Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University
Email: [email protected]

Abstract : This research aims to determine the role of the Village Government in managing
pine forest tourism in increasing Village Original Income (PAD) in Bendosari Village, Pujon
District, Malang Regency and identify the problems faced by the Bendosari Village
Government. The research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques using
triangulation, a combination of interviews, observation and documentation. With a sampling
technique using Puporsive Sampling . From this research, the results obtained are that the role
of the Bendosari Village government, Pujon District, Malang Regency is to carry out
socialization and planning for the development of the pine forest tourist area, forming
POKDARWIS, promoting tourism on social media, and conducting comparative studies to
other tourist villages. Meanwhile, the factors that influence the implementation of the Village
Government's role in managing pine forest tourism are the natural condition which is affected
during the rainy season and the condition of human resources, namely the lack of awareness
and ability of the community regarding the management of Pine Forest Tourism. So there is a
need for intensive training and assistance from the Bendosari Village Government.

Keywords: Village Government; Development; Tourism Village Management

Development can actually open up very wide employment opportunities so that job
opportunities emerge for the community. The development of the tourism sector is one of the
developments that is actively carried out by the government aimed at developing tourism as a
leading sector so that it can become a foreign exchange earner, encourage the economy,
increase regional income, empower the people's economy, expand employment opportunities
and business opportunities and improve people's welfare by maintaining national personality,
religious values and preserving the function and quality of the environment. One of the
tourism principles contained in Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning tourism is empowering
local communities where the community has the right to play a role in the tourism
development process, and is obliged to maintain the environmental sustainability of tourism
The tourism sector is the prima donna for efforts to empower the people's economy
and has very broad effects. Because businesses in the tourism sector influence many other

ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)
Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)

sectors. So it has an impact on the economic life of the community. Local government policies
in developing tourism are very important in supporting the success of national tourism
development. The development of tourist attraction development will be able to make a huge
contribution if it is managed professionally, because with the participation of the area
concerned, tourism can spur growth in the area around the tourist attraction. Regulations
regarding regional autonomy give local governments the freedom to manage their tourism.
This is stated in Law Number 23 of 2015 concerning regional government, article 12
paragraph 3 explains that tourism is one of the optional government affairs. So planning for the
development of tourist areas can begin by identifying the potential of the area that will be used
as a location for tourism development.
Tourism development in Indonesia is increasingly advanced, this is shown by the
increasing number of tourist villages emerging in each region that are well organized and have
carried out regeneration. Many of these tourist villages use the internet and websites to inform
about the uniqueness of their villages. In fact, in the last five years, the phenomenon of selfies
at tourist attractions has accelerated the recognition of a tourist attraction by the wider public.
Such as: Sungai Nyalo Village in Painan, Madobak Village in Mentawai, Taman Sari Village in
Banyuwangi, Pujon Kidul Tourism Village in Malang, Seigentung Village in Gunungkidul,
Ubud Village in Bali, Waturaka Village in Ende, Ponggok Village in Klaten, Teluk Meranti
Village in Riau and Bontagula Village in Bontang.
The Malang Regency Government is one of the regional governments in East Java
Province which focuses on developing the Tourism Village concept. The development of the
Tourism Village concept is carried out through the Malang Regency Tourism Awareness Group
(Pokdarwis), which continues to increase.
Based on records from the Malang Regency Culture and Tourism Office, the number of
registered Pokdarwis has increased quite significantly in the last five years from 2013 to 2018.
Pokdarwis, which initially only numbered 5 (five) Pokdarwis, became 85 (eighty five)
Pokdarwis. Some examples of tourist villages that have begun to develop and stimulate the
Malang Regency tourism sector are the Ngadas Tourism Village. The village is included in the
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area, and is the highest village on the island of Java.
Poncokusumo Village is located at the foot of Mount Semeru and there is also a Pine Forest
Tourism Village in Bendosari Village, Pujon District.
Bendosari Village, Pujon District, has very beautiful natural potential but is not
supported by the educational level of the people there. Based on data on the official website of
Bendosari Village, it is stated that of the 4179 village residents, around 75.42% of the
population's education level is still very low, consisting of 47.86% of the population having
graduated from elementary school/equivalent, 17.8% of the population has not yet gone to
school and 9.76% not finished elementary school. This problem exists so that this research
aims to 1) To determine the role of the village government in managing pine forest tourism to
increase PAD in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, and 2) to identify factors
that influence the implementation of the village government's role in managing pine forest
tourism. to increase PAD in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency.
According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014 concerning
Villages, it is explained in Article 1 that what is meant by Village Government is the
administration of government affairs and the interests of local communities in the government
system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In Article 1 paragraph 3, Article 23 to
Article 25 it is explained that the Village Government is carried out by the Village Government

ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)
Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)

where the Village Government is a Village Head or other designation according to the
characteristics of each region. The Village Head is assisted by Village officials as an
organizing element of the Village Government. The implementation of Village Government is
based on the principles of: legal certainty, orderly government administration, orderly public
interests, openness, proportionality, professionalism, accountability, effectiveness and
efficiency, local wisdom, diversity and participativeness.
According to Soekanto in Buga and Larasati (2018) role is "a dynamic process of
position (status). So if someone carries out the rights and obligations in accordance with their
position, it means they are carrying out a role. According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, Article 26 paragraph 1 states that the Village Head is
tasked with organizing Village Government, carrying out Village Development, developing
Village society, and empowering Village communities. In carrying out these duties, article 26
paragraph 2 explains several Village Head authorities as follows: a. lead the implementation of
Village Government; b. appoint and dismiss Village officials; c. holds the power to manage
Village Finance and Assets; d. establish Village Regulations; e. determine the Village Revenue
and Expenditure Budget; f. fostering village community life; g. fostering peace and order in
the Village community; h fostering and improving the Village economy and integrating it to
achieve a productive scale economy for the greatest prosperity of the Village community; i.
developing Village income sources; j. propose and accept the transfer of a portion of state
assets to improve the welfare of the Village community; k. developing the social and cultural
life of the Village community; l. utilize appropriate technology; m. coordinating Village
Development in a participatory manner; n. represent the Village inside and outside the court or
appoint a legal representative to represent it in accordance with the provisions of the laws and
regulations; and o. carry out other authorities in accordance with the provisions of statutory
According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014 concerning
Villages, Article 26 paragraph 3 describes the obligations of the Village Head as follows: a)
uphold and practice Pancasila, implement the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia,
and defend and maintain the integrity of the State The Unity of the Republic of Indonesia, and
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, b) improving the welfare of the Village community, c) maintaining
peace and order in the Village community, d) obeying and enforcing statutory regulations, e)
implementing democratic life and gender justice, f) implementing the principles of Village
Governance accountable, transparent, professional, effective and efficient, clean, and free from
collusion, corruption and nepotism, g). establishing cooperation and coordination with all
stakeholders in the Village, h) carrying out good Village Government administration, i)
managing Village Finances and Assets, j) carrying out government affairs which are the
authority of the Village, k) resolving community disputes in the Village, l) developing
economy of the Village community, m) fostering and preserving the socio-cultural values of
the Village community, n) empowering the community and community institutions in the
Village, o) developing the potential of natural resources and preserving the environment, and
p) providing information to the Village community.
In connection with tourism development that involves the community, there are several
things in community empowerment that need to be considered regarding the division of roles
between government officials, researchers, academics, the private sector and the community as
well as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as follows:

ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)
Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)

Table 1. Distribution of Roles of Community Empowerment Beneficiaries

Variety Government Research
Academics Private Public NGO
activity Officials er
Idea v v v v v v
v - - - - -
v - - v - -
- - - v v -
Results v - - v v -
and v v v v v v
Source : Mardikanto and Soebianto (2017:177)

In carrying out its role as in the table above, the Village Government as a government
apparatus is faced with several factors that influence Community Empowerment-based tourism
development, namely as follows: 1) The state of natural resources, 2) The state of human
resources, 3) institutions for development, 4) facilities and infrastructure for development, 5)
development policies, 6) organization and administration of community empowerment
(Mardikanto and Soebianto, 2017:188)

This research departs from phenomena that exist in society so it uses a qualitative
approach. The research location for collecting data was Bendosari Village, Pujon District,
Jalan M. Said Kretes Bendosari Pujon, Malang Regency. Determining informants in this
research used a purposive sampling method , with informants namely the Village Head, Village
Secretary, Head of Tourism Management, Head of Pokdarwis, and Head of RW. Data
collection techniques through triangulation combine observation, interviews and
documentation. The research instruments used were the researchers themselves, interview
guides and field notes. Data analysis techniques use data reduction , data display (data
presentation), and conclusion drawing/verification as well as data validity using source


The role of the Village Government in Pine Forest Tourism Management to increase PAD
in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency.
Based on the Law governing Villages, Village Governments have an obligation to
advance their regions by optimizing all the potential and local wisdom they possess. One of
the efforts of the Bendosari Village Government through the Village Head and his apparatus is
to manage pine forest tourism. The following are several roles carried out by the Bendosari
Village Government, as follows:

ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)
Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)

1) Village Government Conducts Outreach to the Community About Tourism Village

Development Planning
The low level of education of the population influences the level of understanding of the
population regarding tourism potential development planning. Therefore, the Head of
Bendosari Village is trying various ways to support the accelerated development of the pine
forest tourism village area. The Village Head and other village officials held outreach to the
community. This socialization aims to provide direction and understanding to the
community regarding the tourism potential in Bendosari Village. This tourism potential
aims to improve the community's economy, community welfare is guaranteed. If the
community's economy improves, this will have an impact on increasing the village's
original income. Therefore, after the outreach is carried out, it is hoped that the public will
know about the tourism potential in Bendosari Village. The community must take an active
role in its management. Starting from planning, budgeting, development, management to
2) The Village Government is Proactive in Planning the Development of the Pine Forest
Village Tourism Area .
After carrying out outreach activities and getting support from the community to develop
the tourist village area, the Village Government then makes plans by considering the
potential that exists in managing pine forest tourism. The Village Government is obliged to
ensure that tourism is carried out to provide benefits for the welfare of the people, justice,
equality and proportionality in maintaining the preservation of nature and the environment.
The Village Government has also included several activities in the discussions of the
Village Development Planning Conference (MusrenbangDes) in Bendosari Village. The
community is invited to take part in joint deliberations with the Village government to
explore the village's existing potential. By including the development of pine forest tourism
areas in the Musrenbang discussion, the development of this village tourism area becomes
integrated, such as the development of facilities and infrastructure, management, and
community empowerment through fostering tourism awareness groups (POKDARWIS).
3) Forming a Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS)
This POKDARWIS was formed so that people are aware of the management of natural
tourism in their area. By collaborating with the village government and the community, it
will be easier to accelerate development and integrate the management of pine forest
tourism areas. Such as building facilities and infrastructure at tourist village locations
(roads to tourist locations, creating resting places, building instagrammable selfie spots,
promoting pine forest coffee with management that has been attractively packaged, and
many others). Apart from that, the existence of POKDARWIS plays a very important role
in helping to promote pine forest tourism. This is because POKDARWIS is a facilitator
between visiting tourists and the farming community, livestock breeders, homestay owners
which are tourist destinations.
4) Promoting Tourism Villages in Collaboration with the Tourism Village Association (
In promoting tourism in Bendosari Village, the Village Government makes banners,
pamphlets, and makes directions to get to tourist attractions, the government also
collaborates with the tourist village association (ASIDEWI) in promoting tourism also
through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and through blogs.

ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)
Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)

5) Conduct comparative studies to other tourist villages

The Village Government also carries out comparative studies to other tourist villages to
increase knowledge in management in terms of promoting tourist villages and then be able
to replicate the strategy if it suits the situation and conditions of the tourist village.

Based on the five things that have been done, the Bendosari Village Government has
carried out its duties in accordance with those mandated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The Village Government plays a direct role in
initiating the idea by paying attention to its beautiful natural advantages so that tourism
potential can be well developed in this village. The role of decision maker is also carried out,
this is by carrying out planning which is directly included in the Village Musrenbang
discussions. The role of Input Provider is also demonstrated by the Village Government by
facilitating the formation of Pokdarwis, building supporting facilities and infrastructure in Pine
Tourism Forests such as roads to tourist sites, creating resting places, building instagrammable
selfie spots, as well as promoting pine forest coffee with management that has been packaged
well. attract and promote with various media. So that in its management, it is the community
directly through the Pokdarwis that has been formed previously. The Bendosari Village
Government also plays a role in maintaining activity results, monitoring and evaluating. This
is intended so that the management of the Pine Forest Tourism Village can continue and be
sustainable so that people's income is better and the PAD of Bendosari Village increases.

Factors that Influence the Implementation of the Village Government's Role in

Managing Pine Forest Tourism to Increase PAD in Bendosari Village, Pujon District,
Malang Regency.
In carrying out its role, the Bendosari Village Government faces several factors that
influence the management of the Pine Forest Tourist Attraction as follows: 1) The state of
natural resources, weather is very influential in the management of this pine forest tourism.
When the rainy season enters, this will be an inhibiting factor, but with this the government
quickly takes action such as building rest facilities for shelter. Apart from that, because the
geography of Bendosari Village is hills, this area is very prone to natural disasters. 2) The
condition of human resources, lack of awareness and ability of the community regarding the
management of Pine Forest Tourism, this is because the education level of the residents is still
low, so the Village Government must always play an active role in assisting and providing
advice to POKDARWIS so that the management of this pine forest tourism area continues and
innovations emerge so that they become more famous. There is a need for intensive training
and mentoring considering that the population's education level is still relatively low and
POKDARWIS experience is still very minimal.

The role of the government of Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency is to
carry out socialization and planning for the development of the pine forest tourist area,
forming POKDARWIS, promoting tourism on social media, and conducting comparative
studies to other tourist villages. Meanwhile, the factors that influence the implementation of
the Village Government's role in managing pine forest tourism are the natural condition which
is affected during the rainy season and the condition of human resources, namely the lack of

ISSN 2088-7469 (Paper) ISSN 2407-6864 (Online)
Volume 9 Number 2 (2019)

awareness and ability of the community regarding the management of Pine Forest Tourism. So
there is a need for intensive training and assistance from the Bendosari Village Government.

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Larasati, D. (2019). Community Participation in Developing Taman Posyandu Sri
Fortune in Kotalama Village, Kedungkandang District. REFORM, 9 (1), 55-
65. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.33366/rfr.v9i1.1323
Mardikanto, Totok and Poerwoko Subianto. 2017. Community Empowerment from a Public
Policy Perspective. Bandung: Alphabeta.
Moleong, J. Lexi. 2014. Qualitative Research Methods. Bandung: PT. Rostadarya teenager.
Regional Regulation (PERDA) Number 1 of 2013 concerning the Implementation of Tourism.
Solekhan, 2014, Implementation of Community-Based Village Government, Malang: Stara
Press Sugiyono. 2016. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods. Bandung: Alphabeta.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2009 concerning Villages
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism with a Master Plan
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