CATEGORY Traditional
The traditional methods of conducting laboratory activities (assigned as Level
0) will not be able to provide the avenue for students to enhance independent
learning activities and inculcate creativity and innovation. The traditional
method is fully prescriptive where the three elements namely problem, ways &
means and answers are provided/fully given to the students.
In this laboratory activity, students are required to conduct a spot speed study
by recording the speeds of sample of vehicle at the specific location in order
to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles. Student is provided with the
methodology and guidelines for result and analysis to be presented in their
I. To determine the speed distribution of a traffic stream at the specific
site or called as basic speed data
II. To determine vehicle speed percentiles via speed trend analysis,
PREAMBLE which are useful in speed related decision making
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the laboratory activities, students would be able to:
I. Determine speed trends of vehicles by systematic continuous speed
studies using radar gun.
II. Analyze and assess speed as causal factor to crashes, investigate
speed parameter in respect to traffic operation and control like speed
limit, speed zones and the limits of no passing zone
Theoretical Background
Spot speeds are the vehicle speed taken at the specific points along the road
way and the average of such speeds is referred to as time mean speed. A
spot speed study is carried out by recording the speed sample of vehicles at
the specific location in order to estimate the distribution of speed of vehicles.
Spot speed data have a number of safety applications, including determine
Problem Statement
Few cases of accidents have been reported occur along Kuching-Samarahan
PROBLEM highway. Local authority believe that over speeding are the main causes of
(Guided) this accident. To determine whether the drivers of vehicles comply with the
speed limit, speed spot studies need to be carried out to determine the speed
of vehicles operating on the road. The location of the study should be selected
randomly along Kuching-Samarahan Highway.
• Radar Speed Meter
• Paper Clipboard & Field Data Survey Form
The procedure for spot speed study using radar gun are as follows:
a) Select a location where the selected location should be straight road
section and recorded speed reflect how vehicle typically travel along
the road section.
WAYS & MEANS b) Enumerators should fill in the general information of the spot speed
(Guided) data recording forms that comprise the observer’s name, time and
date of study, name of site, posted speed limit and weather condition
and begin at the planned time.
c) Sketch the layout of the study area with the description of the chosen
reference points, position of observation, number of lanes and road
d) The enumerators, the radar unit and the station for speed data
collection should be inconspicuous where possible so that vehicular
speeds are significantly not affected by the data collection activities.
e) Randomly select the sample samples of vehicle’s speed using radar
f) All the data need to be tabulated in the table.
Data Acquisition
Result of Spot Speed Survey
Analysis of Result
1. Construct a frequency histogram (%) against speed class.
2. Construct a cumulative frequency curve (%) against an average speed.
3. From the graph determine the percentage speed of 15th, 50th and
4. Recommendation based on the result.
Discussion and Conclusion
Write a discussion and conclusion based on the objectives of the study.
The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results
highlighting the apparatus used, the procedures undertaken for the test, data
acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out
output to address the given problem. The format of the technical report is left
to the creativity discretion of the group.
The report must be submitted 7 days after the completion of the test.