Element Masters - 1st Edition Draft 1.2 (1982)

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Player's Manual

First Edition
Draft 1.2

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September 1982

Kenneth D. Burritl&e
'Robert Finkbeine -c:::-======�
Edited by
Edward W Smyter
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Game design : Kenneth D. Burridge

Illustrations: Robert Finkbeiner
Editor : Edward W Sznyter

With the assistance of: Mike Bruno

Terry M. Burridge
Robert Finkbeiner
John Mclaurin
Kevin Nelson
Thomas J. Riley

Play testers : Patty Burridge Brian Ray

Sean Brennan Nancy Ringhausen
Pam Domanski Mark Ritter
Ron Galonsky Jody Romero
Paul Gingras John Salerili
Amy Heinbockel George Schmidt
Kevin Kattwinkel Keith Shiver
Helen Knutson James Sokolowski
Chris Mollner Doug Streit ·

Bill Parker Laura Sznyter

James Parrie
and of course : Mom

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without prior written permission.

Patents Pending

Copyright © 1982 Kenneth D. Burridge

Cover art and all iltustrations

Copyright© 1982 Robert Finkbeiner

Table of Contents
1. Hi story and Background 1
2. Char acter Creation 3
2.1 . Race 3
2.2. Prime Requisites 5
2.2. 1. Natural Bonuses 13
2.3. Previous Experience 14
2.3. 1 . Character Death in the Militia 14
2.3.2. Knowl�ge 15
2.3.3. Artistic Ability 16
2.3.4. Perception/Deception 17
2.3.5. Manipulation 18
2.3.6. Sneaking 19
2.4. Increasing skills 19
2.5. ESP Spells 20

3. Basic Com bat 21

3.1 . Attack Categories (AC) 21
3.2. Weapons 21
3.3. Weapon Training 24
3.4. Critical Hit 24
3.5. Impaling Blow 24
3.6. Fumble 25
3.7. Movemi;nt 25
3.8. Time 25
3.9. Combat 26
3.9.1. Bash 26
3.9.2. Combat Situations 27
3.10. Mis.sile Weapons 27
3 1 0.1. Damage and Healing 28
3.1 1 . Additional Combat 28
3. 1 1 . 1 . Night Flghting 28
3.1 1 .2. Falling Damage 28
4. Common Vinyan Magic 29
4.1 . Casting Spells 29
4.2. Regaining Magic Points 30
4.3. Spell Packing 30
4.4. Offensive Spells 30
4.5. Defensive Spells 32
4.8. Miscellaneous Spells 34

5. Ele ment Magic 37

5.1 . Elemc.nt Binds 37
5.2. Air Spells 38
5.3. Water Spells 39
5.4. Fire Spells 40
5.5. Earth Spells 41
6. Equ ipment 43

6.1 . Money System 43

6.2. Damage Absorption (DA) 44
6.3. Magic Items 45
6.3.1. Spell Spheres 45
6.3.2. Gems of Power 46
6.3.3. Communication Crystals 46

6.3. 4. Golden Hero Armor and Weapons 46

6.3.5. Dragon Scale Shields 46
7. Monsters 47

7. 1 . Treasure Factor 80

8. Miscell a neous Game 81

8. 1. Gambling 81
8.2. Cheating 81
8.3. Divine Intervention 81
8. 4. Character Death and Henchman Replacements 82
8.5. Poison 82
8.6. Transporters 83

Appendix I. The Big Example as

Appendix II. Suggested Order to Create an Adventurer 89

Appendix Ill. Division Tables 91


1. His to ry and Backg round

In the beginning, before the worlds were made, there was a Finally, after sixty years of terror, the aid promised by the
time when distance was measured by the flight of the gods and gods finally arrives. A handful of special children are born to
time by the lives of stars. As the gods matured they began each race, each with an odd birthmark in the sign of one of the
following their natural tendencies of Law and Chaos, creating a four elements· earth, water, fire, and air.
schism in the heaven�. To avoid conflict, the gods formed the
Last Agreement, which entailed the right of each individual god Element Masters is set in this time period. It is the destiny of
to create his own W()(lds, and to populate them with beings of the characters to regain the powers of Element Magic, and to
his own design. use them to close the gates of Chaos.

The gods of Chaos created creatures with a frenzy and soon

overran their worlds. They made more and more worlds, but the
beasts were so numerous and of such diverse character that
they soon were overcrowded again. The creatures were so
driven with greedy desires that the gods gave them a free hand
in governing their habitat and went about other business. The
Lawful gods, however, created very ordered and structured
worlds with several civilizations all governed by a central

On the lawful world of Vinya, technology . and magic

flourished. The great magicians of the Council of Twelve built
civilization that rivaled the gods in beauty and knowledge. A
teleportation network linked all the centers of learning. In their
quest for knowledge, the council created the Gateway of the
Worlds. Located at the base of the Tallest Mountain in the east;
the gateway was intended to allow them access to other worlds.
However, it also it also opened the way to a vast influx of chaotic

Hordes of monsters poured through the gate, a wave of

destruction moving steadily westward. The gods of Law,
witnessing the wanton destruction of their worlCI by the forces of
Chaos, declared the Last Agreement broken.

The Council of Twelve realized that they were una le to close
the gate without help. They combined all their magic and power
to request aid from their gods. The power put into the request
drained the council of their powers, and upset the balance they
had worked into their city. The magic capitol collapsed, and
with it the entire government. The council scoured the land for
someone who still had the powers of Element Magic, but to no

The gods, for reasons of their own, �re unable or unwilling

to respond directly to the plea for help. Instead, they sent one
thousand Golden Heroes, who were able to halt Chaos at the
Great River. However, every last Hero was killed in that battle,
and Chaos eventually re-grouped.

Vinya, its network of transporters unreliable, broke up into

individual regions. Each major city formed militias for its own
protection against the raids from across the Great River, with
little co-operation among different areas. Raids from across the
river became more frequent, the monsters emboldened by the
relative lack of resistance. One by one, these cities fell to the
hordes of Chaos, until only a few were left.

Riverheart Pass

2. Cha racte r C rea tion

The gods have selected those who will quest to close the Elves Before Play Bonuaes
gate. These individuals, each with a birth-mark representing the +30% night vision
element he will eventually control, will regain· the lost arts of +20% move quietly
Element Magic. + 10% missile weapons
+1 DEX
+1 CON
+1 APP
2.1 . Race

There will be one representative from each race, the balance

Elves love beauty above all other things, and normally live out
being made up of humans. It is best if each player chooses the
their lives in the seclusion of their forests. For the first time, they
race of his character in accord with his own desires and
have joined the other races in the battle against the evil which
abilities, but the ratios are important and should be maiAtained.
threatens to destroy all which they hold dear.
The particular skills of each will be necessary for successful
completion of the quest.
Half-Elves Before Play Bonuaes

Adventuring Life +1 5% night vision

Race Age Span +1 0% move quietly

+5% missile weapons

Human 21 90 +1 DEX

Elf 100 800

Half-Elf 40 250 Since the Elves have begun to take a greater part in the affairs
Hobbit 30 150 of the world, the cross between humans and elves has become
Dwarf 50 350 more frequent. Half-Elves are still exceptionally rare, but the
Half-Tron 30 120 most common hybrid on Vinya. They are usually smaller than
their human parent, but quicker and longer lived. They are
Humans accepted by society, often filling high positions in the
Of all the races, humans have adapted best to the changes
since the opening of the gate, and now compose approximately
half of the population on Vinya. They have a balance of strength
and intelligence. Great rifts exist between different factions, as
many have been won over to the side of Chaos.

Hobbits Before Play Bonuses

+ 20% night vision
+10% move quietly
+15% missile�
+10% hk:le
+2 LUK
+1 DEX
+1 CON
-1 STR

Hobbits are often mistaken for human children, as they are

obviously an offshoot of that race. While of small stature, they
are known for their great endurance. Their extraordinary luck
has led to many amazing tales.

Dwarves Before Play Bonuses

+40% night vision
+25% evaluate treasure
-10% move quietly
+25% hide underground
+2 CON
+1 STR
-1 AP9

Dwarves are stocky warriors and craftsmen, whose only real

loves in life are distilled spirits, battle, and precious gems. They
are by instinct skilled miners and can determine direction and
depth underground at 90%.

Half-Trans Before Play Bonuses

-20% move quietly
+2 CON
+1 STR
-1 MPT
-2 APP

Half-trons are extremely rare, the only known hybrid between

any race of Vinya and chaotic creatures. The smaller they are,
the better their chances of being accepted by the other races of
Vinya, as, on the surface, they tend to resemble men more than
trons. They are noted for great size and strength.

2.2. P rime Req u i s ites

Most character abilities are determined b y rolling five four-sided dice (5d4). Th is will produce a more average character
which may be develo� according to the player's desires.

Strength (STR)

Strength reflects the character's ability to carry heavy loads, use heavy weapons, and do damage above and beyond that
normally inflicted with a particular weapon.

STR CON Doors1

STR Description factor minimum regular secret bend metat2

5 Invalid 0.2 5 25% 2% 0%

6 Wimp '0.5 5 30% 4% 0%
7 Unfit 0.6 5 35% 6% 0%
8 Weak 0.8 5 40% 8% 0%
9 Frail 0.9 5 45% 10% 0%
10 Non-Athletic 1.0 5 50% 15% 2%
11 Below Average 1.1 5 55% 18% 5%
12 Average 1.2 6 60% 20% 8%
13 Above Average 1.6 7 70% 25% 14%
14 Strong 1.7 8 75% 30% 17%
15 Athletic 1.8 9 80% 35% 20%
16 Mighty 2.0 10 85% 40% 25%
17 Brute 2.2 11 90% 50% 30%
18 Incontestable 2.4 12 95% 55% 35%
19 Formidable 2.7 12 97% 60% 40%
20 Invincible 3.0 13 1 00% 65% 45%

Maximum Weight Capacity

The maximum weight capacity (STR factor + CON factor) X character's weight determines the amount of weight a
character can carry without being encumbered.

1 Can attempt once for every two pcints of strength

20n1y one attempt per character


Size (SIZ)

SIZ height(in) weight(lb)

1 0-12 0-9
2 13-23 10-19
3 24-29 20-29
4 30-35 30-39
5 36-42 40-49
6 43-48 50-59
Size is the actual height and weight of a character. It 7 49-51 60-69
determines the amount of damage a character can. absorb, and 8 52-54 70-79
the weight he can carry without being encumbered. Unlike the 9 55-57 80-99
other prime requisites, SIZ is obtained by rolling the appropriate 10 58-60 100- 1 1 9
variance for a race, then adding or subtracting from the average 11 61-62 120-139
size. 12 63-64 140-159
13 65-66 160-179
Race Average Variation
14 67-68 180-199
15 69-70 200- 219
16 71-72 220-239
Dwarves 7 ±1
17 73-74 240-259
Hobblts 6 ±1
18 75-76 260-279
Bves 13 n-78
±1 280-299
16 300-319
Humans ±2
Haff-Elves 14 ±2
81-:82 320-339
Haff-Trons 22 ±3
22 83-84
23 85-86 360-379
24 87-88 380-399
25 89-90 400- 419
91 -92 420-439
( 1 d4) ±1 (1d6) ±2 (1d8) ±3 26
27 93-94 440-459

1 -1 1 -2 1
28 95-96 460-479
97-98 480-499
2 avg 2 -1 2 -2 29
30 99-100 500- 519
3 avg 3 avg 3 -1
4 +1 4 avg 4 avg
5 +1 5 avg
6 +2 6 +1
7 +2
8 +3

Constitution (CON)

Constitution is the character's physical health, and is one of

the major factors that influences the amount of d.amage that he
can withstand, his actual strength, and the probability of being
raised from the dead.

constitution resurrection 1
CON Description factor survival

5 Lifeless -0.3 40%

6 Foot in the Grave -0.2 45%
7 Sickly -0.2 50%
8 Ailing -0.1 55%
9 Delicate 0.1 60%
10 Not Well 0.0 65%
11 Below Average 0.0 70%
12 Average 0.0 75%
13 Average 0.0 80%
14 Above Average 0.1 85%
15 Healthy 0.2 90%
16 Flt 0.3 92%
17 Sturdy 0.5 94%
18 Strapping 0.7 96%
19 Robust 0.8 96%
20 Rugged 0.9 100%

Dexterity (DEX)
Dexterity is the characteristic that reflects the ability of the
character to handle weapons and tools with speed and
accuracy. This ability is important in battle because the quicker
combatant will be more likely to land the first blow.

DEX Description


6 Maladroit I '

7 Inept
8 Uncoordinated
9 Clumsy
10 Awkward
11 Below Average
12 Average
13 Average
14 Above Average
15 Limber
16 Agile
17 Nimble
18 Dextrous
19 Spry
20 Adroit

extremely adroit

1 resurrection can be accomplished only with �e aid of certain magical items or divine intervention H the percentage is made, and a magical item was used, the
character loses 5 points of constitution permanently. H the percentage 1s not made, the character is dead and gone forever.

Intelligence (INT)

The intelligence score measures the power of the mind to think, to reason, and to understand and retain new material. It is
useful to analyze and learn new combat techniques.

detect secret ability to read additional

INT Description passages own language languages2

5 Vegetable °"' -25% 0

6 Foolish 5% -15% 0
7 Stupid 5% -15% 0
8 Dumb 10% °"' 0
9 Ignorant 1 5% 0% 0
10 Inational 1 5% 20% 0
11 Below Average 20% 40% 1
12 Average 20% 50% 1
13 Average 25% 55% 1
14 Above Average 30% 70% 2
15 aearheaded 35% 85% 2
16 Sharp 40% 90% 3
17 Quick 45% 95% 4
18 Ingenious 50'JI. 97% 5
19 Brilliant EIO'JI. 98% 6
20 Genius 70'JI. 99% 7

Wisdom (WIS)
Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions based on accumulated facts and experience (i.e. good common 98N8).

understand intelligence
WIS Description detect illusion mechanism minimums

5 Brainless °"' °"' 5

6 Half-Witted °"' 0% 5
7 Foolish °"' °"' 5
8 Absurd °"' °"' 5
9 Short-Sighted °"' °"' 5
10 Simple-Minded 5% 0% 5
11 Below Average 10% 5% 6
12 Average 20% 10% 6
13 Average 25% 1 5% 6
14 Above Average 30% 20% 7
15 Sensible 35% 25% 8
16 Calculating 40% 30% 9
17 aear-Sighted 45% 40% 10
18 Sagacious 55% 50% 11
19 Wise 65% 6°"' 12
20 Visionary 75% 70% 13

1 tt actively searching for a secret passage

21he number the character may learn, not wtiat Is already known

Magic Points (MPT)

Magic Points measure the power of the mind to warp reality.

This ability is used to cast spells and to defend against them.
Creatures that can not cast spells will have Magic Point
Resistance (MPR) which resists against spells cast upon them.

MPT Description

5 Non-Existent
6 Insignificant
7 Minute
8 Meager
9 Insufficient
10 Lacking
11 Below Average
12 Average
13 Average
14 Above Average
15 Satisfactory
16 Sufficient
17 More Than Adequate
18 Ample
19 Plentiful
20 Abundant

Appearance (APP)
The appearance of a character influences the reactions of
others and determines the number of followers or henchmen he
may have.

APP Description of henchmen

1 Circus Freak · +1
2 Grotesque -1
3 Hideous 0
4 Repulsive 0
5 Frightful 1
6 Unsightly 1
7 Ugly 2
8 Homely 2
9 Drab 3
10 Plain 3
11 Ordinary 4
12 Average 5
13 Average 5
14 Fair 8
15 Good-Looking 7
16 Attractive 8
17 Handsome 9
18 Gorgeous 10 grotesque
19 Striking 15
20 Stunning 25

Luck (LUK)

A character's good or bad fortune is influenced by his luck

rating. For example, the character with bad luck will be the one
to step on a dry twig when passing a sleeping dragon.

LUK Description

5 Walking Curse
6 Unfortunate
7 Unlucky
8 Unfavored
9 Ill-Starred
10 Inauspicious
11 Below Average
12 Average
13 Average
14 Above Average
15 Auspicious
16 Born Under a Lucky Star
17 Favored
18 Lucky
19 Fortunate
20 Blessed lucky

(3d4) Morals (3d4) Bravery (3d4) Materialism

3 Virtuous 3 Paralytic 3 Uncaring

4 Righteous 4 Knock-Kneed 4 Generous
5 Normal 5 Foolhardy 5 Normal
6 Normal 6 Normal 6 Normal
7 Normal 7 Brave 7 Normal
8 Lusty 8 Courageous 8 Acquisitive
9 Lusty 9 Valiant 9 Covetous
10 Lustful 10 Fearless 10 Greedy
11 Perverted 11 Lionhearted 11 Avaricious
12 Sadistic 12 Intrepid 12 Rapacious

luaty knock-kneed greedy

A lignment (1d10) Background (1d100)

lawful chaotic Extra

(Characters) (NPC only) (1d100) Station Starting Money

1 Saintly 1 Corrupted 01-09 Slave 1d20

2 Devout 2 Dishonest 10-15 Peasant 4d20
3 Good 3 Unscrupulous 16-30 Serf 5d20
4 Virtuous 4 Immoral 31·45 Yeoman 1d100
5 Righteous 5 Sinful 46-75 Townsman 2d100
6 T rustworth� 6 Wicked 76-85 Guildsman 3d100
7 Honorable 7 Cruel 86-95 Noble 4d100
8 Honest 8 Villainous 96-98 ·Rich Noble 10d100
9 Proper 9 Depraved 99 Royalty 20d100
10 Law Abiding 10 Diabolical 00 Rich Royalty 50d100

Mental Health (1d100) HandecJness (1d100)

01-30 No Phobias A character will perform at a 50% disadvantage when using

31 -70 One Minor Phobia Check his off-hand. If a character is ambidextrous, he will be able to
71 -95 Two Minor Phobia Check fight with any weapon at the same percentage with either hand.
96-00 One Major Phobia Check
01 -05 Ambidextrous
Minor Phobias The character will function normally when 06·25 Left or Right (player's choice)
confronted with ttle object of the phobia, but 26-00 Right
only if encouraged. Minor phobias have the
same effect as major phobias if the Element Bind.
character is alone (this particularly effective
in cases of autophobia). This is the element the character can control when he has
earned it from the gods, usually after he has mastered (1001100)
Major Phobia The character will run in a random direction, attack and parry with two weapons and five non-fighting skllls,
or remain paralyzed. and has 20 MPT or more.

01 -10 no phobias 1 earth

11 -16 acrophobia fear of heights 2 water
17-22 xenophobia fear of strangers 3 fire
23-28 neophobia fear of new things 4 air
29.34 astrophobia fear of thunder and lightning
35.40 ophidiophobia fear of snakes The GM should arrange it so there Is as little duplication of theae
41 -46 mu sophobia fear of mice element among the characters as possible.
47-52 ailurophobia fear of cats
53-58 cynophobia fear of dogs
59.64 acniphobia fear of spiders
65 -70 hemophobia fear of one's own blood
71 -76 claustrophobia fear of closed spaces
77-82 autophobia fear of being alone
83-88 dromophobia fear of crossing a road
89-94 toxicophobia fear of poison
95-00 genophobia fear of sex

'··re·::sts (1d20. roll twice) Collector Items (1d10)

1 none 11 legends swords
2 foods 12 wines 2 shields
3 gambling 13 distilled spirits 3 armor parts
4 smoking 14 handycratts 4 daggers
5 politics 15 collector 5 gems
6 hunting 16 collector 6 jewelry
7 fishing 17 collector 7 furs
8 exotic animals 18 collector 8 coins
9 nature 19 collector 9 books
10 history 20 collector 10 artwork

Professional Skills (1d 100)

01 accountant 26-27 executioner 51-52 leather craftsman 76-77 sailor

02-03 alchemist 28-29 farmer 53-54 mason 78-79 sage
04-05 architect :1>-31 fletcher 55-56 miner 80-81 smithy
06-07 armorer 32-33 forester 57-58 metal worker 82-83 shipbui lder
08 astrologer 34-35 gambler 59-60 navigator 84-85 slaver
09 astronomer 36 geologist 61 perfumerIdyer 86-87 scribe
10 author 37-38 glass-blower 62 pitchmaker 88-89 tailor
11-12 boatmaker 39-40 goldsmith 63-64 poet/bard 90-91 tanner
13-14 bootmaker 41 hat maker 65-66 potter 92-93 trader
15-16 bowyer 42-43 hunter 67-68 roofer 94.95 trapper
17-18 bricklayer 44 ink maker 69-70 ropemaker 96 weaver
19-20 carpenter 45-46 interpreter 71 saddlemaker 97 wigmaker
21 carpetmaker 47-48 jeweler 72-73 sail maker 98 winemaker
22-23 cook 49 juggler 74.75 sculptor 99-00 no skill
24-25 engineer 50 lamp maker

Proficiency ( 1 d100)

0-40 poor Doesn't have any id ea what he is doing

41-60 below average Has a slight idea
61-85 average Apprentice skill
86-99 above average Journeyman skill
00 excellent Could make a handsome income

are you su re you k n o w w hat you' redoi ng?


2.2.1. Natu ral Bonuses

The prime requisites of each character will affect his abilities. Before play begins, each ability listed in the section should be
adjusted according to the statistics of the character.. For example,.if a player has a STR of 19, he would add 5% to both his
natural ATT and PARRY percentage.

A ttack & Parry Bonus

These percentages Are added or subtracted from the basic (30/30) ATT and PARRY in the weapons learned in the militia, as
well as affecting the basic chances for all other weapons.

STR, INT, DEX, or LUK (cumulatively)

05-07 08-09 10-13 14-17 18-21 Each +4 add

STR -5 +5 +5
INT -10 -5 +5 +10 +5
D�X -10 -5 +5 +10 +5
LUK -5 +5 +5

SIZ Bonus
This does not affect the character's physical �ize, but is used in the following charts to alter the damage withstood and the

damage bonus.

05-07 08-13 14-17 18-21

CON -1 +1 +2
LUK -1 +1 +2

Hit Points

01·04 05-11 12-14 15-17 18-20 21·23 Each +3add

Chest 3 4 5 6 7 8 +1
Legs 2 3 4 5 6 7 +1
·Abdomen 2 3 4 5 6 7 +1
Head 2 3 4 5 6 7 +1
Arms 2 3 4 5 6 +1

Damage Bonus

The average of SIZ and STR determine the amount of bonus damage a character adds to the basic weapon damage (add
1/2 for missile weapons)

Average of SIZ and STR

01·03 04.09 10-14 15-18 19-22 Each +6add

-1d4 -1d2 +1d4 +1d6 +1d6


2 .3 . P revious Experience 2 . 3 . 1. C h a racte r Death in the Militia

Because of the constant state of war, youths on Vinya begin Even though training in the militia is usually safe, accidents
serving in their home town militias at a very early age. There, do happen. A recruit could become maimed or even killed on
they become proficient with weapons and basic magic. guard duty or KP. If a character dies or is maimed, a new one
Although they rarely see combat, they are well able to protect must be rolled up.
their homes from attack, being well rounded in their fighting and
)l�n-fighting skills. As part of their training, they have acquired (1d100) Result
the following skills and equipment.
01-10 Killed
•Two weapons at (30/30)_ ATT and PARRY plus 11-20 Maimed
natural bonuses. All other weapons at basic 21-00 Survives
percentage (15/15) plu s natural bonuses.
The character with the better skills will· be more likely to avoid
misfortune, so the roll (1d100) is modified by each prime
• 2d4 points of Basic Magic Spells (player's choice)
requisite (cumulatively).
3 point leather armor (complete set)
Stat Modify by
3 weapons or 2 weapons and shield
1 backpack with necessities
5 -15%
6 ·-10%
• 2d100 CR spending money
7 -5%
8-17 0
•25% chance to have experience on hor.ieback at
18 +5%
30% riding ability plus natural bonus
19 +10%
20 +15%
•The player can attempt an increase In two of the
following prime requisites: STR, INT, WIS, CON , Exa mple : A character (hobbit) has a SIZ 7( -5%),

DEX, MPT, or the same characteristic twice. LUK 18( + 5%), CON
= = 18( + 5%), MPT 11 ( + 0%)

Example: Mendar could be unsatisfied with the

rest1lts of the weight lifting program eo he takes it
He adds -5% + 5% + 5% = 5% to his d100

(1d100) increase

01-05 +4
06·15 +3
16-35 +2
36-65 +1
66-00 +O

•The character learns the given amount in each

category. Players may specialize in any skill within
a particular category as long as they do not add
more than 50 points to any one skill.

Non-Fighting Skills Increase

Knowledge 140
Perception/Deception 120
Artistic Ability 120
Manipulation 140
Sneaking 80

2.3.2. Knowledge
The character will probably have less information than the player, who has read the manual. These skills determine what the
character knows, basic facts or skills. Initially, he has 20 points to add in each skill, although he may specialize at his own

Natu ral Kno wledge Bon u$

5-7 8-9 10-13 14-17 18·21 each +4 mid

INT -10 -05 +05 +10 +05

WIS -10 -05 +05 +10 +05
LUK -05 +05 +05

ev aluate t reasure (5)1

This is the ability to approximate tho value of any particular item. If the percentage is missed , the guess la
off by the percentage missed.

ingenious idea (0)

This is the ability to come up with a perfect solution to any given problem. A character can not train or g8ln
experience in this category; it is determined only by natural knowledge Bonus.

know common language (25)

The common language of Vinya is a combination of all the races, but heavily relies upon the human
language. While all the characters will be able to use common, it is with varying degrees of competence.
The following example should be used as an guide to express the vocabulary and the syntax used by
different language abilities.


05-15 Can convey only simple phrases . ..

" Me hungry ... Have food?

16-40 can understand only main ideas in conversations

" The healer is around the corner. "

41-60 can take part and understand any normal conversation

" Are you sure it was a one-legged half-elf?"

61-80 Can talk like any native

" I dare say you havE: no idea what you are talking about."

81-00 can speak like a politician or lawyer

" Presently , I believe the situation is copesetlc."

When determining if successful communication has been established (thought being conveyed is identical
to what the receiver understands) at the lowest level add the percentages together and roll that % on a

know other languages (5)

A character with a high INT may speak a number of additional languages. However, this ability is not
automatic. A player need not choose all his languages at the beginning of the game, but may acquire them
as the need arises. Once a new language is chosen, a week of informal training must pass before it Is
spoken at the basic 5% plus natural bonuses. If the player wishes to abandon the study of a language, it
must be forgotten at 5% per week, until the ability is at 0%, when a new language may be learned In its

1 Numoer in parenthesis is lhe basic chance al success


k now c u stoms (15)

The many races and cultures found on Vinya have each developed their own social protocol. When
interacting with such a group, it is often extremely important to act in the manner expected, else grave
offense be given. It is assumed that a character will know his own cdstoms at (75).

k now legends ( 1 0)
Each character has grown up with tales of the world outside his village. While some of this is false, the
greater portion is at least based in fact. Knowing some childhood fairy-tale may help a character determine
what to do in a situation.

ident ify (20) This is the ability to identify any type of rock, compound or animal. To be successful, one must have a
language ability equal to his identify. This can come in handy when determining which types of stones are
valuable when cut and polished, or to identify the hungry-looking monster. 1.f an object is broken or
changed , this skill also allows the character to know what its use was.

2.3 . 3. A rtistic A bility

The skill to manipulate and evaluate items

Natu ral A rt istic A bil ity Bon u s

- 8-9 10-13 14-17 18-21 each +4 add
DEX -05 +05
INT -10 -05 +05 +10 +05
WIS -10 -05 +05 +10 +05
LUK -05 +05 +05

describe unk nown ( 1 0)

The ability to tell about something in words or writing that has never been identified before.

map making (1 O) The talent to make a map which can be used to navigate through the same area again without getting lost.

s ing song (10) The expertise of an adventurer to sing on key any known tune or song.

s ketch (5 ) The adeptness at making a recognizable drawing o f something.

tell joke ( 1 0) The knack of delivering a good punch line to any joke or humorous tale. H percentage is not made, the
character will only receive confused looks and polite smiles from listeners.

tell sto ry (15) The flair to keep listeners interested in even the most boring, drawn-out tale ever heard .

"There were these two elves walking down the street, see ... "

2 . 3 . 4 . Pe rception/Deception
These abilities allow the character to detect and disguise by the use of the senses and knowledge of human nature.

Natu ral Pe rception/Deception Bonu s

5-7 8-9 10-13 14-17 18-21 each +4 add

INT -10 -05 +05 +10 +05

W IS -05 +05 +05
LUK -05 +05 +05

detect lie/lie (1 O)
This is the ability of a character to lie well and also to detect a lie being told to him by understanding human
nature. The base chance to lie is 50%, modified by the difference between the listener and the liar.

Exa m ple : Lautrec the Liar (80%) is telling an outlandish lie to Gorgo the Gullible (30%)

Lautrec has a 50% + (80%-30%) = 100% chance of making·Gorgo believe him. Gorgo,
conversely, has a 50% + (30%-80%) = 00% chance of lying to Lautrec, and will be successful only

on a roll of (01).

detect cheating/cheat (5)

Same as detect lie

detect impe rsonation/disguise (10)

The ability of a character to assume a role and impersonate a person.

listen (30) The ability to hear through doors, eavesdropping, or determine the direction and distance of a sound.

night vision (special)

The ability to scan the darkness and pick out moving shades of gray up to the distance of normal vision.
One can not add any points from militia training experience to this ability (see character creation: Races).

find hidden item/hide item (10)

The skill to find objects, compartments or anything else that is hidden, even traps that are concealed. It
can not, however, tell the contents of anything that is concealed.

t racking ( 5) The skill to follow the movement of a group or individual over normal terrain. The chance of success Is
reduced by more rugged terrain_

Immediate Per
Terrain Reduction Hour

rock 60% 5%
marsh 80% 20%
jungle 25% 10%
sand 0% 20%
snow 20% 10%
town 50% °"'

....: z. :
Q ..c� ,.

It' '

2.3.5. M ani p ul ation

These skills are used to manipulate objects.

Natu ral Manipu lation Bonus

5-7 8-9 10-13 14-17 18-21 each + 4 add

STR -05 + 05 + 05
DEX -10 -05 + 05 + 10 + 05
INT -10 -05 + 05 + 10 + 05
WIS -10 -05 + 05 + 10 + 05
LUK -05 + 05 + 05

balance (70) The gift of keeping a sure footing when pushed, such as when the sneaky little hobbit helps you off the

c l i m bing (20 ) The ability to scale embankments, steep slopes, ropes, etc, but not smooth vertical surfaces.

jumping (15) The ability to jump up to a maximum vertical distance of 1.5 X the character's height. Note: The
character will not jump to a ledge 1.5 X his height and land_ on his feet. Rather, he will just be able to grab
onto the ledge with his arms. Round Down.

riding (10) This is the skill to be able to fight using any weapon while riding on a horse or other mount. If a character
is just riding and concentrating on maintaining balance and control of the mount, percentage to ride is
doubled. Note: While riding, a character's chance to attack or parry will never be higher than his riding

pick locks (5 ) The ability to open locks without having the key. A successful roll means that the attempt was successful.
A character can only make one attempt to open any lock, but may try again once he has gained more

s w imming (15) The ability to move through water in a desired direction. This does not allow a character to swim with
armor on, unless it is magical. A person can swim with only 10% of his weight in extra baggage. Note: Roll
LUK X 5 for removal of armor, or sink.

To attefTlpt swimming, the character must roll a number equal to or less than his swimming percentage on a
percentile die. Drowning occurs in one turn after swimming percentage is not made. It is not necessary to
roll percentage again if character is wearing no armor and is carrying less than 25% of carrying capacity. If
wearing up to three pieces of metal armor and/or more than 25% but less than 50% of carrying capacity,
roll again after every turn. If wearing more than three pieces of metal armor, or carrying 50% or more of
carrying capacity, character will sink without chance of swimming.

manipula t e t raps (10)

The ability to make, set, or disarm traps.

6. Equipment

6 . 1. Money Sy stem

commonly called conversion weight

copper 10 = 1 CR 20 = 1 lb
silver crown (CR) 10 = 1 RC 20 = 1 lb
gold royal crown (RC) 10 = 1 lb

Each coin has a different design and is itself a work of art. All the coinage was produ ced by element magic, so no money
has been minted since the collapse of the capitol.

U n d e rg ro u n d Adventu re Eq u i pment List

Item Weight Price

backpack 2 4 CR Allows free movement of both arms

scroll case 1 1 S CR Is waterproof to a depth of 20'
lock picking tools 1 100 CR 10% chance of not working on particular lock
tinder box 1 10 CR Must still have fuel
50' rope 3 SCA 1% change of breaking (cumulative)
10 iron spikes 3 3 CR 10% change of not holding
water/wine skin 1 SCA Holds one gallon
Starches 5 1 CR Lasts for 1 hour, 2 S' radius
lantern 3 7CR Lasts for 2 hours, 35•· radius
oil flasks 1 1 CR Refills lantern twice
small sack 0.5 1 CR Holds 50 lbs
large sack 1 2 CR Holds 100 lbs
scabbard 3 2 SCR Holds one standard long sword
food (trailmix) 5 2 CR Enough for one day travelling

A rm o r We i g hts

% of character's weight
head arms abdomen legs chest full suit
leather 01 02 03 04 05 15
hard leath er 03 05 06 07 09 30
chain 06 11 12 16 20 65
plate 08 13 14 18 22 75

6 . 2 . D a m a g e A b so rption ( D A )
The amount of damage the protective device can absorb before passing through to hurt the character

armor type damage absorption

leather 1
hard leather 3
chain 5
plate 6

• If leather armor is worn under metal armor for extra protection, the leather armor weight is tripled due to enc u mbrance, and
movement is cut by 25%.

• Characters can sell used armor for 1 /2 the price of new - if damaged, considerably less .

cost (CR) days to make q•Jiet movement

h ea d
leather 15
hard leather 35 2
chain 60 10 - 5%
plate 150 12 - 5%

a rms
leather 15 1
hard leather 35 3
chain 80 11 - 1 5%
plate 200 15 - 10%

leather 15 1
hard leather 35 2
chain 80 8 - 1 5%
plate 250 12 - 10%

leather 25
hard leather 50 4
chain 120 15 - 20%
plate 300 20 - 15%

leather 20
hard leather 40 4
chain 150 25 - 1 5%
plate 375 30 - 10%

f u l l suit
leather 1 00 10
hard leather 250 20
chain 600 90 - 70%
plate 1500 1 20 - 50%

size days Weight


minimum DA cost to make quiet

small shield 4 10 35 3 15
- 23
medium shield 9 15 50 5
large shield 18 20 1 00 10 - 5% 30

• When wearing metal armor one's percentage to move q uietly is red uced by each piece worn. Effects are cumulative. This
will affect surprise %! Also. armor must fit exactly to be worn.

3 . Basic C o m ba t

3 . 1 . Atta c k C atego ries ( AC )

A character can use any weapon on the table, but there is a
5% penalty to attack and parry for every point the player is
lacking in the stat minimums for that weapon. STR/DEX/SIZ
effects are cumulittive.

The attack category of a weapon is determined by the length

of the weapon and the average character qualified to wield it
properly. The attack category gives the order of striking.

Mik the H o b b i t with his g reat s word

Example : Semas the Sickly with his Battle Axe (V) versus Amar the Ardent with a Great Hammer (Ill).

Amar gets to attack first since his attack category is the lower. He swings a critical hit (02); Semas makes a wild attempt
to parry the blow (80), and takes 1 1 points to the head (19). He has 1 point leather armor, and takes only 2 points in his
head , so he is knocked unconscious ( - 8), and will die from internal bleeding in a few rounds unless healed.

If a weapon is not in the hand, add 2 to the attack category to allow for preparation (e.g. To ready a great sword (Ill) will make
an effective attack category of (V) ).

It is suggested that for simplicity, the AC's are disregarded except in certain instances. First the characters attack, then
monsters, unless one surprised the other. If a character or monster has been wounded enough to cause a limb to become
useless, then the AC should be considered to determine which blow was landed first (after the fact). Thus the victim may have
a chance to change the outcome by defeating his attacker.

3.2. Weapons

t ron· ki ller

The tron-killer is a weapon designed by the dwarves specifically to kill trons. It is an extra-heavy crossbow, which requires a
STA of 15 and a DEX of 1 3 to operate. Damage is 5d4. with a fire-rate of 1 /5 rounds. The weapon is extremely rare and
training by a master can only be acquired in the dwarf territories. The cost of such a weapon, if found for sale, should be no
less than 500 CR, and the special bolts required cost twice as much as ordinary bolts. It weighs 25 lbs.


halberd pole axe great axe battle axe


war hammer morning star



,\ ;\

· . ;t

I •

spear light mace heavy mace flail quarterstaff

' 1·



AC (fire rate/round) days

weapon damage stat minimums weight to make cost HP

all spells
• composite bow 2/1 1d8 13 12 5 12 175 10
* light bow • 2/1 1 d6 11 11 3 10 100 8
• light crossbow 1 12 2d6 9 10 10 8 100 10
• hi:!avy cr9ssbow 1 /4 2d8 13 11 20 15 250 15
• Iron-killer 1 /5 5d4 15 13 25 23 500 25
• javelin 1/1 1d10 11 11 6 1 30 15
sling 2/1 1d6 12 1 1 12 5
rock 2/1 1d4 1

(20) arrows 5 1 20
(30) bolts 6 2 30

flai l 2H 2d6 10 11 11 -1 8 5 1 50 20
• halberd 2H 1d12 13 9 13 15 5 50 20
• 1ance 1H 1d10 12 9 7 20 1 40 25
quarterstaff 2H 1d8 11 11 11 7 1 10 20
• spear 2H 1d10 11 9 11 7 30 20

great hammer 2H 1d12 11 11 7 18 5 1 25 20
great sword 1H 2d8 17 16 19 25 9 225 25
great sword 2H 2d8 15 15 17 25 9 225 25
pole axe 2H 2d6 12 11 7 20 3 175 15

• bastard sword 1H 1d10 13 10 11 15 5 175 20
bastard sword 2H 1d10 10 10 10 15 5 175 20
great axe 2H 2d6 13 11 7 18 2 100 20
* long sword 1H 1d8 11 9 9 10 3 75 20
morning star 1H 1d10 13 9 7 15 5 1 25 20

battle axe 1H 1d10 13 9 5 15 2 100 20
battle axe 2H 1d10 9 9 5 15 2 100 20
flail 1H 1d8 t3 10 5 15 4 1 25 15
heavy mace 1H 1d10 13 9 6 15 3 75 15
heavy mace 2H 1d10 10 7 6 15 3 75 15
light mace 1H 1d8 9 9 5 10 2 60 20
• short sword 1H 1 d6 5 5 2 60 20
war hammer 1H 1 d8 13 11 6 15 5 1 25 25

* dagger 1 d4 2 40 15
fist 1d3
kick 1 d6
torch 1 d4 1/2

• can impale

if firing missiles at 2/round, the first is at attack category (I), the second at (VI)

one can parry with a bow, but it will probably break with the first blow.

M i s s i l e We apon Ranges

short - 0% medium - 25% long - 50%

light bow 100' 200' 300'

composite bow 1 50' 250' 400 '
light crossbow 200' 300' 450'
heavy crossbow 250' 350' 500'
tron killer 350' 450' 600'
javelin 40' 60' 80'
sling 50' 75 90'
rock 20' 30' 50'

3 . 3 . Weapon Tra ining

A player has a basic ATT and PARRY of (15/15) p l u s natural bonuses with all weapons except his fists and feet, which are
at (25/25) p l u s natural bonuses. Until he has attained a s�ill level of (25/25), he must pay a master (someone with 100/100)
for training. Those with a 10% bonus will be exempt from this requirement, as they already use the weapon at 25%, while those
with a negative bonus will have to get someone to teach them how to fight without punching themselves in the nose.

Characters then have the choice of advancing through �xperience or paying for further training. Once a character has
reached (25/25) in a weapon, he may further increasP. his ability by learning from experience. If he lands a blow on an
opponent or parries successfully in a combat situation, he is then entitled to make one INT roll (1d100), as with MPT, to see if
he will gain a 5% increase to attack or parry with that weapon. One may try to gain from experience once per day ·in every skill
that was used successfully.

When_ reaching (100/100) attack and parry, one is a mai;ter, and acquires the following abilities:

• Attacks and parries may be split to engage two opponents in the same round , with ATT and PARRY percents cut in
• Instead of rolling random hit locations, the master may, by reducing his ATT percentage by 50%, hit any desired
location on his opponents body.

3 . 4 . C rit ical Hit atta c k c h a rt

If an attack roll is 5% of the chance to land a successful blow,
a critical hit has been scored. A critical hit ignores the fact that successful critical impale fumble

armor is worn; damage is passed directly to the body with no ATT% 5% 15% 5%
absorption. However, magical protection such as an armor spell
will still subtract from the damage. 05 01 02 95-00
10 01 02 96-00
A critical hit can only be parried by rolling the same or lower 15 01 02-03 96-00
number as the attacker. Monster claw and bite attacks can 20 01 02-03 96-00
critically hit. 25 01 02·04 96-00
30 01 02-05 ·97-00
35 01 02-06 97-00
40 01 -02 03-06 97·00
3 . 5 . I m paling Blow 45 01 -02 03-06 97-00
An impale is 15% of the character' s chance to land a blow. 50 01 -02 03-08 98-00
Damage received is standard damage for the weapon rolled 55 01 -02 03-09 98-00
twice p l u s any bonus damage. 60 01 -03 04-09 98-00
65 01-03 04-10 98-00
An impale may be parried normally, but the double damage is 70 01-03 04-1 1 99-00
apt to go through a shield or break a weapon. Monsters (such 75 01-03 04-1 2 99-00
as dragons) with a SIZ of 50 + can impale with a claw or bite 80 01 -04 05-1 2 99-00
attack. 85 01 -04 05-13 99-00
90 01 -04 05·1 4 99-00
95 01 -04 05· 15 99-00
00 01 -05 06- 15 00

3 . 6 . Fum ble
Best described as a lapse of muscular control attributed to the natural clumsiness that is inherent in all creatures.

fum ble t a b le

1 lose next parry 11 sprain arm, lost 1 / 2 ATI/PARRY

2 lose next attack 12 sprain arm and trip
3 lose next ATT/PARRY d4 rounds to get up

4 lose next d2 ATI/PARRY 13 hit self or friend (normal damage)

5 lose next d4 ATT/PARRY 14 hit sell o r friend (max damage)

6 lose shield ( 1 d4 rounds) 15 hit self or friend (critical damage)
7 fall ( 1 d 2 rounds) 16 hit self (normal damage)
8 vision partially blocked 17 hit self (maximum damage)
ATT at 3/4 ( 1 d4 rounds) 18 hit self (critical)
9 distracted, foe attacks + 1 /4 19 roll twice
10 lose weapon d 4 rounds 20 knock self out 2d4 rounds

if within same 10 ft. hex

note: monsters will fumble only on a (00) if they do not use weapons

3. 7 . Movement

Walking heavy burden 15 miles weight over 50% of carrying capacity

light burden 20 miles weight under 50% of carrying capacity
Riding horse heavy burden 40 miles
light burden 50 miles
Warhorse heavy burden 60 miles
light burden 75 miles

Terrain adjustments

rugged reduce by 1 /3 light woods, snow, steep hills.

severe reduce by 1 13 dense woods, deep snow, marsh, cliffs

large rivers at least a day without water crafts

movement in melee (humans and demi-humans)

no armor 12"
leather 9"
metal 6" if 3 or more separate pieces are being wom.

3.8. Time

Vinyan nme

20 combat rounds = 1 tum

10 turns = 1 hour
25 hours = 1 day
5 d ays = 1 week
5 weeks = 1 month
15 months = 1 year

3.9. Combat
A character in melee may do three actions per round in any logical sequence. Only one parry may be attempted, and only
one attack or spell per round. This attack may consist of a weapon attack or one offensive spell.


• ready weapon
• change weapons
• shoot one arrow (2/rd maximum)
• parry
• attack with hand-held weapon (1 /rd against actively defending opponent)
• cast spell (1 /rd maximum)
• move 1 13
• mount a riding beast
• search
• blow horn, etc.
• non-fighting skills

3 .9 . 1 . Bash
An attacker may attempt to knock his opponent to the ground instead of hitting with a weapon, thus giving him the
advantage in future rounds. The base chance for a successful bash is

25% ± 5% per SO lbs weight difference.

H a bash has occurred, the creature attacked must roll his balance percentage less the attackers bash percentage to remain on
his feet.

Warhorses bash only on rear and plunge, but some large monsters, such as dragons, have a percent to bash on every
attack. H there is a 300 lb difference (SIZ difference of 1 5), first roll to see if a bash has occurred, then roll on the following
table to determine the outcome.

{1 d 1 0) Bash Result

keeps balance, retreat 5 ft

2 lose balance, lose next attack
3 lose balance, lose next parry
4 lose balance, lose next attack & parry
5 lose balance, lose next 2 attacks & parries
6 knocked to knees, lose 2 att&parry, attacker attacks at { + 1 0)
7 knocked to knees, lose 2 attacks & parries, attacker attacks at { + 20)
8 knocked down, lose 2 attacks & parries, attacker attacks at ( + 30)
9 knocked down, lose 2 attacks & parries, attacker attacks at ( + 40)
10 stunned, lose 2 attacks & parries, attacker attacks at ( + 50)

3 . 9 . 2 . Com bat Situ ations

Standing Versus Downed

attacker defend•
standing + 1 /4 att normal pMy
on ground -.1 12 att normal pany

Mounted Versu:; Foot

A mounted attacker has a 10% ATT and PARRY advantage against an opponent on foot, as well as a - 1 to his attack
category. The attacker on foot has normal percentages. If the creature on the ground is within 5 points of the mount's size, the
rider gets no advantage.

Dismounted Rider

When a rider is dismounted, he rolls his LUK on the following table :

(1d100) outcome damage

LUK X 1 rider unscathed

LUK X 2 rider thrown 10' 1d6 damage, random location
LUK X 3 rider thrown 20' 2d6 damage, random location
LUK X 4 rider pinned damage bonus of mount, 1 random location
LUK X 5 rider pinned damage bonus of mount. 2 random locations


If a rider does not succeed in rolling his LUK X 5 then he is pinned and crushed. The damage bonus of mount goes to two
locations and he is knocked out for 1d4 rounds. Note thsi armor reduces damage by cushioning the fall.

Exa m p le : Bumpkin the Hobbit (LUK 1 5) rolls a135

Since 135 is between 2 andl 3 times his LUK he is th;own 20' and breaks a leg .

3 . 1 0 . M issile We a pons
To shoot over the head of another creature on level ground, the archer must be at least 3 points larger, unless the creature is

Accuracy is reduced by 1/2 if the target is weaving and dodging to avoid being hit (the target's effective movement is also

Arrows and thrown bolts( spears and javelins) can only be parried by a shield.

A creature can parry all missile weapons, including ghost arrows, fired at it from a single individual . each bolt must be rolled
for separately. If a weapon is being used one-handed, one can still parry missiles with a shield.

3 . 1 0 . 1 . Damage and Healing

I f a creature loses more hit points than h i s body has, h e i s cumed, and dead. I f any limb reaches - 1 0, i t i s maimed (cut off if
an edged weapon was used) and the creature is in shock, unable to heal himself. If healing spell lowers damage to less than
10, the limb is still maimed but the creature gains consciousness. Stiff limb can save a maimed limb for a period of time until a
Heal X can be used to restofe the limb.

- 10 in the head,ctiest or abdomen is instant death. Below 0, but not below - 10, has the following effects.

arm anything held in hand will drop. can fight with other limb

leg fall down, but can fight.

abdomen fall, legs useless. Will bleed to death in 10 rounds if not stopped. Can heal self, but can't fight until bleeding
is stopped and HP's are raised above zero.

chest fall bleed to death in 10 rounds, in shock can not heal self

head unconscious must stop bleeding in 10 rounds or die.

The character will heal at one point per day in each damaged location.

3 . 1 1 . Additional Com bat

To throw someihing, the percentage used is best weapon attack percentage, but maximum range is 6".

If a weapon parries more points of damage than it takes itself, it breaks. Shields d o not break in this manner.

If a weapon is learned 2-handed and it is used 1 -handed (e.g. if one arm is brought to 0 HP, or a shield is used) ATT and
PARRY is reduced by 50%. If a weapon is used off-handed, attack and parry are reduced by 50%.

3 humans can attack abreast using short weapons of attack category (V) or more in a 10' corridor.

3 . 1 1 . 1 . Night Fighting
I f a creature i s trying to attack or parry at night o r i n the dark, all percentages to attack and parry should b£- reduced b y 50%.
This disadvantage will be reduced for demi-humans by their night vision percent. A Night Sight spell will totally cancel out this

If combat is taking place within 20 ft. of a light source (e.g. campfire, torches, etc.) this d isadvantage can be ignored.

3 : 1 1 . 2 . Fall ing Dam age

Damage received from falling i s 1d6 pe r 10 feet fallen, up t o 100 feet. Any distance over 100 feet i s 10d6, because that la
approximately how far it takes to reach terminal velocity.

4 . Co mmon Viny a n M a g i c

Magic is a flexible source of energy that exists in varying intensity everywhere i n the u niverse. Magic is taught to everyone,
and a teacher can be found in every major city.

Whenever magic is cast or is in effect it causes the area to glow with a faint light and to radiate a small amount of heat.

4 . 1 Casting Spel l s

Common Magic spells are cast simultaneously with missile fire (Attack Category I), and will always be completed before any
weapon hits.

There is a 50% base chance that an offensive spell will overcome the defenses of an opponent, modified by 5% per point of
difference in MPT between the attacking and defending character.

Exa mple : Hugo the mystic (MPT = 18) versus Wirt the Worthless (MPT 9). =

If Hugo casts a Cell Blast Ill at Wirt he has a 50% + ( 1 8-9)x5% 95% chance of success, but if Wirt tries to target any

spell on Hugo he only. has a 50%·(1 8·9)x5% 05% chance of the spell working.

It is possible to have a 100% chance of success, but a roll of (00) is always a failure. Conversely, a roll of (01) always means
success if within range of the spell. If the roll is more .than the success percentage, the spell does not work, although the
caster still loses the magic points. Spells backfire on a roll of (00), and they may be reflected by Spell Repel.

spell s u ccess c h a rt

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 + 10

01 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 . 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Compare the MPT score of the two opponents. Subtract the smaller from the larger.

Even when a creature is unconscious, his magic will still ward off magic attacks.

In Element Masters, no one has a corner on the magic market. Some races have spells that the others do not, sometimes
giving them great advantages. These spells will be explained in the appropriate playing modules to keep curious players from
obtaining advanced knowledge.

When a variable point spell is being cast, the caster does not have to cast it at his maximum ability.

Exa mple : If a Healing X is known but the wound only needs 3 points, a Healing Ill can be used instead, which only uses
3 MPT points.

4 . 2 . Regain ing M agic Points

Regain With S leep

Beginning MPT Score

Hours 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
3 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9
4 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13
5 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16
6 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19
7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22
8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

4 . 3 . Spell Packing
The technique used t o get through a Magic Shield Spell i s called spell packing. I t can be used by a n individual o r b y a group .

I f an individual knows that h i s target has a Magic Shield Spell protecting him, to get through the protection spell h e must add
additional points of MPT. The additional points do not add extra damage.

Example : The Avenger from the Distant Mountains of the Rising Sun versus Waggart the Supreme Elder with his Magic
Shield activated.

The Avenger sees his comrades being decimated by the stronger Dragonkind leader, their spells having no effect, and
their weapons bouncing of his thick hide. He decides to use desperate measures to defeat the beast. The Avenger
elects to use a Fumble spell which costs him 4 magic points plus an extra 3 points to ensure that his spell will get
through even the toughest Magic Shield, which is 6 points. The Avenger's Fumble spell gets through; the Eider's magic
points do not defend successfully against the attacl<. The Supreme Elder ends up hitting himself for maximum damage
in the head which instantly kills him, and turns the tide of the battle. Incredible, is it not?

Group Spell Packing is accomplished by the use of a special spell called Magic I nterlock (see spell list).

Spells (unless otherwise noted) can not be cast through obstructions. As a rule of thumb, if a breeze can pass through (e.g.
bushes, fences, etc.), so will a spell.

4 . 4. Offen sive Spells

Cell Blast Dum bfound

Range = 100 ft. Range = 100 ft.

Duration = One combat round Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One hit location on creature Area = One creature
MPT Cost = 1 or 3 MPT Cost = 1

This spell causes thousands of cells in a random hit location to The creature affected will not know where he is, what is
explode causing 1d3 points of damage for a 1 point spell or 2d3 happening, or who are his friends or enemies. But he wil l
points for a 3 point spell. defend himself, and once he has been attacked h e will assume
that this is an enemy and so are that person's allies.

Flame A r row Hopelessness

Range = Touch Range 1 00 ft.

Duration = One Combat round Duration = Twenty Combat Rounds
Area = One arrow or crossbow bolt Area = One Creature
MPT Cost = 1 I arrow MPT Cost = 1

This spell makes any wooden bolt burn and continue to burn This invocation causes the recipient to feel that he is in a futile
until it is totally consumed. Damage is normal for the bolt. plus situation which he can not possibly win. All attacks will be at
an additional d6 for flame. 1 / 2 normal, but all parries will be full percentage.

Fumble Magic Inte rloc k

Range = 100 ft. Range = Touch

Duration = One Combat round Duration = One combat round
Area = One Creature Area = Variable
MPT Cost = 4 MPT Cost = 2/creature

If the defender's power is overcome, he experiences a lapse of This spell .allows many creatures to combine their magic power
muscular control, and must then roll on the Fumble Table. to cast a single spell, usually to break through a Magic Shield
spell. Only one creature actually casts the targeted spell;
Ghost A r row everyone else is basically passing him power. Everyone except
the caster casts a Magic Interlock ; each contributing 2 points of
power. 1 point is used to pass the power to the caster; the other
1 point is added to the caster's spell. A spell of this type was
used by the Council of Twelve to build the gates. The only
drawback of the spell is that Element Magic can not be
overcome by this means.

M u s c le Spasm

Range 100 ft.

Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One creature's hit location
MPT Cost = 5

This spell causes muscles in a random part of the body to knot

and become functionally incapacitated. The target must roll on
his random location chart to determine where it hit.

Range = Touch HEAD Head can't move, decrease ATT and PARRY 50%
Duration = One Combat Round CHEST Movement cut 25%, decrease ATT and PARRY 50%
Area = All creatures in the same 10 ft. ABDOMEN Movement cut 50%, decrease ATT and PARRY 50%
MPT Cost = Variable (1 -4) 1 point/arrow LEG Movement cut 75%, decrease ATT and PARRY 25%
ARM ATT and PARRY decreased by 75%
This spell creates a energy force in the shape of arrows or bolts, depending on handed ness and weapons used.
which follow directly behind the normal arrow. This has the
same effect as several arrows being tired in a single round . Pow e r A r row
Each Ghost Arrow must be rolled separately to see if it hits. The
target can try to parry every Ghost Arrow fired from a single Range = Touch
individual, but each must be rolled for separately. The caster Duration = Twenty combat rounds
can target the Ghost Arrows on anything that occupies the same Area = (1 - 4) arrow or bolt
10 ft. All Ghost Arrows are treated as if they were normal, which MPT Cost = Variable ( 1 -4) 1 /arrow or bolt
means they can critical or impale.
This spell increases the percent to hit by 10% and also causes 2
extra points of damage.

Pow e r Physique 4 . 5 . Defen s ive Spells

Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds A rmor
Area = One creature
MPT Cost = Variable (1 -4) Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds
This spell increases the chance of success to land a blow in Area = One creature
hand to hand combat (hands. feet, and head butt). This spell will MPT Cost = Variable (1 -4) 1 /point of protection
increase the attack percentage by 05% per point invested , u p to
a maximum of 20%. This spell creates a force that surrounds the creature and
protects partly even from critical hits. Each point increases the
Sha rpness armor by one point.

Range = To uch Defense

Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One bladed weapon Range = Touch
MPT Cost = Variable (1 -4) Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One creature
This spell temporarily enchants a bladed weapon; each point MPT Cost = Variable ( 1 -5) 1 /point of 05% defense
increases the percent to attack by 05% and causes an extra
point of damage. The maximum allowed for an individual This spell makes the caster harder to hit by an opponent,
weapon is + 20% attack and + 4 damage. because the caster appears blurred. For every point that is
invested , the attacker's chance to land a successful blow is
reduced by 05%, u p to a maximum of 25%. This spell also
enables the caster to divide· his defense percentage among
multiple opponents.

Dispel Magic

Range = 100 ft.

Duration = Permanent
Area = One item or creature
MPT Cost = Variable

� This spell causes any magic already in effect to be dispelled.

--, There is a 50% basic chance modified by 05% per point over the

s I
previously cast spell, and a 10% reducing modifier for every
point below the original spell.

L Example : To remove a 5 point spell

:::::> . l,i
If a 3 point Dispel magic was used, there would be a
� 50% - (5 - 3) X 10% 30% chance of success. If a 7

_:J ; ., , point Dispel Magic were used there would be a

� �j i 50% + (7 -5) X 5% 60% chance of success.

Fi re Shield

Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds or when attacked
Area = One item or creature
MPT Cost = Variable (1 -5)

This spell creates a force that will protect the recipient partially
from heat based attacks. Each point invested protects the
individ ual from one die of damage (d6), but each die of damage
reduces the shield by one point.

Heal Mag i c Shield

Range = Touch Range = Touch

Duration = Permanent Du ration = Twenty combat rounds/special
Area = One hit location Area = One creature
MPT Cost = Variable ( 1 -10) MPT Cost = Variable ( 1 -6)

A Heal I will stop bleeding, A Heal X will mend a severed limb A magic shield protects the caster from spells targeted at him,
providing all parts are available, up to the time limit stated in the including Heal. The protected individual can not cast spells
Stiff Limb Spell. A Heal spell is instantaneous. throug h the shield.

Hold Door • If incoming spell is within 1 point of Magic Shield,

both the spell and shield are cancelled.
Range = 100 ft.
Duration = Twenty combat rounds • If incoming spell is 2 points more than shield, the
Area = Any door or portal shield is destroyed and spell has a normal chance
MPT Cost = 1 of being successful.

This spell creates a force that makes doors and other portals • If.incoming spell is 2 points less than the shield, the
stick as if they were securely locked; creatures must make their spell is destroyed and shield remains.
open stuck door percentage.
M ultiple Images
Range = 100 ft.
Range = 100 ft. Duration = Twenty combat rounds/special
Duration = Twenty combat rounds Area = 10 ft. radius around caster
Area = One creature MPT Cost = Variable (1 -6)
MPT Cost = 1
When this spell is cast, duplicates of the caster appear. When
This spell creates a force that will hinder the movements of a they are struc�. that particular image will disappear. If the
creature by 50% (effective movement cut to �).
Holding will not, caster is struck, damage is rolled normally; but on the following
however, reduce the attack and parry of the target. attacks his opponent will not know which one is the caster. A
random die roll is made to see which image of the caster is
lnvisi bility actually attacked.

Range = Touch Pseudo Sound

Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One creature or object Range = 100 ft.
MPT Cost = 4 Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = 10 ft.
This spell works by creating a force that displaces the form of MPT Cost = Variable (1 -6)
the caster with what is in the background. The spell will be
negated if the caster makes any sudden movements, such as This spell causes a moving force to compress air and make
attacking or casting element magic spells. various sounds. Each point invested will make the sound of one
man-sized creature walking.


Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One creature
MPT Cost = 1

This spell creates a barrier for sound waves around a creature

or object. It will not stop the movement of air or anything else,
such as dust, fire, water, etc.

Speed 4.6. M isce l l aneo u s Spells

Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds Berserk
Area = One creature
MPT Cost = 1 Range = 100 ft.
Duration = Twenty combat rounds
This spell allows the recipient to move twice his normal Area = One creature
movement rate. It does not allow him to attack or parry twice; MPT Cost = 2
this spell is normally used for eluding faster opponents.
This spell causes the target to go into a fighting rage, which will
Spell A bsorption cause him to attack twice per combat round at his normal attack
percentage, but he will not parry. All damage that is
Range = Touch accumulated against him is not calculated until the end of the
Duration = Twenty combat rounds round after he attacks.
Area = One creature
MPT Cost = 5 Cover Magic

This spell enables the caster to absorb magic points of spells Riinge = Touch
that are targeted at him that fail to overcome his MPT score, up Duration = Twenty combat rounds
to his maximum MPT score. The spell of absorption will remain Area = One object
even if a spell does work on him. MPT Cost = 1

Spell Repel When this spell is invoked the light radiated from magic devices
or spells will be masked so that they will appear normal.
Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds Detect Spella
Area = One creature
MPT Cost = 5 Range = 100 ft.
Duration = One combat round
If a spell targeted on the caster does not overcome his MPT, Area = Beam 10 ft. wide
then the spell is reflected back at the attacker at full force. MPT Cost = 1

A detect spell will enable the caster to help locate certain items;
each type of Detect spell must be learned individually. The
specific type or number will not be known

1 . Gems
2. Hidden Passage
3. Invisible Object or Creature
4. Life
5. Magic
6. Metals
7. Poison
8. Surveillance
9. Trap
10. True North

The caster will know if he is getting closer or farther away from

the desired object; one combat round is plenty of time to make a
complete 360 degree scan of the entire area within range.

Dexterity Mend

Range = Touch Range = Touch

Duration = Twenty combat rounds Duration = Permanent
Area = One creature Area = One object
MPT Cost = Variable (1 -3) 1 point/1 point MPT Cost = 2

This spell will temporarily increase the creature's d exterity score This spell can repair broken items (swords, armor, etc.). It will
by one point for each point that is invested , possible giving not, however, bring back the magic that might have been lost
bonuses in attack, parry, artistic. ability, manipulation, and when the object was broken.
sneaking . .
M i n d Message
Energ y Light
Range = 100 ft.
Range = 100 ft. Duration = Special
Duration = 60 combat rounds or 3 turns Area = One creature
Area = 25 ft. radius MPT Cost = 1
MPT Cost = 2
This spell causes the targeted creature to hear a silent message
This spell creates a spherical light source as bright as a lantern, from the caster; the length of the message is the longest
which can move as fast as the caster's movement rate out to the sentence that can be said in a single breath. Communication is
maximum range of the spell. only one way and the message must be in a language that the
receiver can understand .
Night Sight
Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds . Range = Touch
Area = One creature Duration = Twenty combat rounds

MPT Cost = 1 Area = One creature

MPT Cost = 1
This spell increases range and clarity of normal vision three­
fold. It will not improve night vision, but may be used This spell enables the recipient to see even during the d arkest
concurrently with Night Sight. night as if were only dusk. The vision provided will be of normal
range with a slight lose of clarity. ftlis spell also lets the caster
Health fight with his normal attack and parry at night.

Range = Touch Sp ring

Duration = Twenty combat rounds
Area = One creature Range = Touch
MPT Cost = Variable (1 -3) 1 point/1 point Duration = One Jump
Area = One creature
This spell temporarily increases the constitution of an individual, MPT Cost = Variable (1 -6)
possibly increasing the hit-point bonus.
This spell creates a springing force that will propel the caster
. Mana Search vertically 10 feet per point, or horizontally 15 feet per point. The
weight limit is the maximum carrying capacity of the ca�ter.
Range = 100 ft.
Duration = One combat round St rength
Area = Beam 10 ft. wide
MPT Cost = 1 Range = Touch
Duration = Twenty combat rounds
This spell will allow the caster to ·scan a 360 degree area and Area = One creature
pick out the creature with the highest MPT or MPR score. This MPT Cost = Variable (1 -3) 1 point/point
spell allows viewing only of visible creatures.
This spell temporarily increases the strength of an individual,
possibly giving him bonuses to attack , parry, extra damage, and


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Tron Woods

5 . Element M a g i c

Element Magic is the magic of the gods. It enables the user to manipulate the elements that compose the world; earth , fire,
air, and water. The character's Element Magic falls considerably short of the gods' powers, for the character can manipulate
only a small amount of one particular element; but even a small amount of Element Magic properly controlled is sufficient to
devastate a small army.

Element Magic is a gift from the gods and must be earned . The characters, through their continued struggle versus the evil
that has ta�en control over most of their world will have started to earn this trust and faith. But they must also be able to use it;
the test is their abilities in both combat and non-fighting skills. Before a character can even attempt to learn Element Magic he
must have:

• Mastered at least two weapons ( 1 00/1 00) in attack and parry.

• Mastered at least five nonfighting skills (100% ability)
• Have a MPT score of at -least 20

To learn how to use Element Magic, one must spend one week in solitude on on the twin-peaks getting in touch with the
element. The spell learned is of the player's choice; players must spend one week for each volume to be manipulated. The 6
different actions below are learned in one week total. Each specialty spell is learned individually and takes or>e week (e.g.,
Make Waves.)

5 . 1 . Element Binds

Activate When an element is activated, a small sphere of the concentrated element appears in front of the caster.
This sphere has two purposes.

• While the caster is concentrating, the sphere serves as a shield. It will parry one blow per
combat round at 99% by placing itself between the caster and the weapon, and always choses
the blow that would have hit and done the most damage. The sphert> ;,viii be disapated if it
absorbs more than 15 points of damage in one blow.

• The sphere acts as a focus for his element magic, and all spells will form around it. The caster
can move the sphere in any direction out to his maximum range.

Create Matter for use in a spell appears around the focus. While it is not actually created from nothing, no one
has found where the element is taken from.

Hold Once the matter has been created, Hold allows the caster to shape it into any form he desires, then h ave it
keep that shape.

Separate This enables the caster to break up existing matter into a form suitable for removal.

Remove Once matter has been separated, it can be removed. As in Create, it just disappears, and no one knows
where it goes. Note that if a fluid (i.e. air or water) is Removed , any remaining will flow into the space

Move Matter that has been Held may be moved at 500 ft/combat round. This matter has a 99% chance of hitting
the desired target.

Element Magic spells are created from combinations of these actions. As an example, after Activating, large quantities of
earth can be Created , Held into a large sphere, then Moved over the Dwarf and dropped on his head.

Round 1 Activate costs 1 MPT.

Round 2 Create costs 4 MPT's. The character is now being protected by focus, and 1400 pounds of earth are
forming around focus.

Round 3 Hold costs 6 MPT's. The 1400 pounds o f earth i s now in the shape o f a sphere 4 feet i n diameter.

Round 4 Move costs 8 MPT. The sphere hits the Dwarf in the head and gives him a 10cl6head-ache, as well as a
crushed chest and a broken leg.

The total cost for the spell was 19 MPT.

When element magic is used against targets of a size of 50 + , damage is never in more than one location. Also, when large
volumes of earth or water are being used there is a good chance that the target will be bashed.

in combat, if someone uses full element magic or destruction as in the above example all friendly troops gain an extra (05)
ATT for one turn thereafter (20 rounds). Enemies will be unaffected except for a feeling of inadequacy.

5 . 2 . A i r Spells

Spell small medium large This spell causes the area affected to become almost
u nbreath a ble, because of a high carbon dioxide content. All
Activate 1 creatures in the area will feel as if they are being smothered.
Create 2 � Which will reduce all % by 25%. Creatures with claustrophobia
Separate 2 3 will pass out.
Hold 2 3
Remove 2 3 Ext i n g u i s h Fi re
Move 2 3
Range = 60 ft
Duration = One combat round
Sphe re Area = Special
MPT cost = Variable (3,6,9)
Siz.e 3 ft diam 4 ft diam 5 ft diam
Weight N/A N/A N/A This spell causes the air around intense heat to become trapped
Damage 2d6 3d6 4d6 which smothers the flame almost immediately.
# locations 2 3
Area affected MPT

Wall 2
1 1 2 ft 3 Humans and Demihumans
270 ft 6 Humans only
2 2 2
Area 1 1 2 ft 270 ft 1 x700 tt2 700 ft 9 Humans only
W9ight N/A N/A N/A
Feathe r Float
Wall of Air One action segment to go through one foot.
Also missile range will be reduced 10% per Range = 60 ft
foot traveled through. Duration = 20 combat rounds
Area = One creature or object
Sphere of Air Damage is caused by mini wind vortexes MPT cost = 3
and pressure changes.
This spell increases the air density, which lowers the terminal
Bad A i r velocity of a falling person to a harmless rate. Creatures will
float down any vertical height at a rate of 100 ft/minute. The
Range = 60 ft
spell terminates after 20 combat rounds (500 ft) and the creature
Duration = 20 combat rounds
3 starts to fall (See falling).
Area = 100 x 60 x 1 0 ft
MPT cost = 3 points

Fog 5 . 3 . Wate r Spells

Range = 60 ft Spell small medium large
Duration = 20 combat rounds
Area = 100 x 60 x 10 ft3 Activate 1 1
MPT cost = 3 Create 2 3
Separate 1 2 4
This spell causes a dense mist to appear within the stated Hold 2 4
volume, which will block vision to 10 ft. Remove 1 2 4
Move 2 4 6
Wate r Breathing

Range = 60 ft S p h e re
Duration = Special
Area = Special Diameter 2.5 ft. 3 ft 3.5 ft
MPT cost = Variable (3,6,9) Weight 650 900 1 1 50
Damage 4d6 6d6 8d6
This spell causes a certain volume of air to become trapped # Locations 1 2 3
under the water which is suitable for breathi ng. The area and
duration depends upon the volume used and the number of
creatures using it.

Number of Volume /minute Area 65 tt2 1 1 2 tt2 180 tt2

Activity Creatures Small Medium Large Weight 650 900 1 1 50

Resting 515 1335 1 combat round/foot to get through. Missiles effective range
Brisk Walk 70 175 450 is red uced 25%/foot; ghost arrows won't go through at all.
Fighting 55 130 330 Arrows after 1 00% will pass through but just drop uselessly.

Resting 3 70 170 445 Cal m o r Make Waves

Brisk Walk 3 25 60 150
Fighting 3 20 45 110
-_.,_ ,..·,

Resting 5 45 100 VO
Brisk Walk 5 15 35 90
Fighting 5 10 30 65

MPT Cost 3 6 9


Range = 60 ft
Duration = 20 combat rounds
Area = 100 X 60 X 10 tt3
MPT Cost = 3

This spell causes a wind to blow in any direction by changing

the air pressure from high to low. The wind created is
approximately 20 mph, which will stir up fine dust into a cloud
and move sand, and will causes torches to go out 50%.

Range = 60 ft
Duration = 1 turn
Area = 60 ft radius
MPT = 2

This spell will either make or reduce the size of waves by 6 ft.

Flotation Every foot of lire causes 1d6 damage. One loot of lire causes
missiles to be flaming arrows; and more incinerates them. Ghost
Range = 60 ft arrows are unaffected.
Duration = 1 turn
Area = one creature, or 10 ft2 object Flame Spheres
MPT = 2

This spell works by increasing the density of the water so that

there is a 90% chance that the creature or object will float on the
suriace, even with armor on.

Pa rt Water

Range = 60 ft
Duration = 1 turn
Area = 60 x 10 ft2
MPT = .1

This spell will remove the water from a 10 ft high corridor 60 ft

long. If the water is deeper than the height of the corridor, it will
flow in over the edges and quickly fill up.
Range = 60 1t
Rain Making ·
. ., Duration = 1 combat round
Area = NIA
Range =: Sight ! MPT = 1
Duration = 1 turn
Area = 200 tt2 This spell causes two small spheres of flame emanating from the
MPT = 2 caster's palm to shoot forth and strike any desired target at 75%.
There is a 50% to ignite any combustibles, plus a d6 damage.
This spell will cause a small, localized rainshower which will
thoroughly saturate everything in the given area. Heat Metal

Range = 60 ft
Duration = 1 turn
5 . 4 . Fi re Spells Area = one creature
MPT = 3
small medium large
The caster can cause the temperature to rise very rapidly in any
Activate 1 1
single metal object on a creature. The object will become
Create 2 3
unbearable at the end of 3 rounds. Alter that time the creature
Separate 1 2 3
will become functionally incapacitated ii the metal is not
Hold 2 3
removed . This is normally used on weapons as armor is
Remove 1 2 3
unaffected because padding and large pieces of metal transfer
Move 1 2 3
heat easily. Armor will be very uncomfortable but bearable in
combat situations, while weapons will be too hot to handle.
Ig n i t e
Diameter 3 ft 4 ft 5.5 ft
Range 60 ft

Duration = 1 tum
Damage 3d6 4d6 6d6
Area = 1 creature
# Locations 1 2 3
MPT = 3

Wall The caster can cause any combustible 1tems to burst into
flames, including arrows, bone, hair, and clothing. The creature
�rea 1 1 2 lt2 270 ft2 700 tt2 would become functionally incapacitated iR 3 rounds. Damage
Weight NIA NIA NIA is 1d31rd for 3 rounds.

I nf ravision However, if a creature is touched or moves, the spell is broken.

Range = touch Cover Tracks

Duration = 1 turn
Area = one creature Range = 60 ft
MPT = 3 Duration = permanent
Area = 10 x 60 ft
This spell gives the recipient the ability to distinguish between MPT = 1
different intensities of heat. This spell enables them to see
invisible creatures whose body temperature is different from This spell will replace the disturbed soil so that it appears as
their surroundings. before the party moved over it. The caster can cover tracks in
an area 10 ft wide by 60 ft long. This will reduce the tracking
Smoke percentage of a pursuer by 75%. Note, however, that the scent
is not removed.
Range = 60 ft
Duration = 1 turn Dig
Area = 100 x 60 x 1 0
MPT = 3 Range = 60 ft
Duration = permanent
This spell causes a smoke cloud to appear, which reduces Area = 1 0 tt2
visibility to 25% and each individual has a 50% to choke (effect MPT = 1
same as bad air)
This spell enables the caster to dig through any earth element
(sand, stone, clay, etc) and make a 1 ft X 10 tt2 corridor in just
4 combat rounds.
5 . 5 . Ea rth Spells

small medium large Earth A rmor

Activate 1
Create 2 4
Separate 1 2 4
Hold 2 4 6
Remove 1 3 5
Move 3 5 8


Diameter 2.5 ft 3 ft 4 ft
Weight 800 1bs 1000 1bs 1400 lbs
Damage 5d6 7d6 10d6
# Locations 2 3


Area 65 ft2 1 1 2 ft2 270 ft2

Weight 800 1bs 1000 1bs 1400 lbs

2 combat rounds/foot to dig through Range = touch

Duration = 20 combat rounds
Camouflage Area = one creature
MPT = 1
Range = 60 ft
Duration = 20 combat rounds This spell creates a layer of earth that surrounds the creature
Area = 10 tt2 and will absorb an additional 2 points of damage. It v.oeighs an
MPT = 1 additional 50 lbs. Breathing is normal.

This spell reduces the chance of finding hidden items by 75%.

All creatures and objects within a 10 ft2 area can be affected.

Soft Earth

Range = 60 ft
Duration = permanent
Area = 10 x 60 ft2
MPT = 1

This spell makes the ground v�ry soft, and all creatures that
weigh over 100 lbs will sink sli.Qhtly, slowing their movement by
50%. This spell is normally used to slow charging opponents to
allow time for escape, or to bl)y time.

6 . Eq u i p m e n t

6 . 1 . Money Sy stem

commonly called conversion weight

copper 10 = 1 CR 20 = 1 lb
silver crown (CR) 10 = 1 RC 20 = 1 lb
gold royal crown (RC) 10 = 1 lb

Each coin has a different design and is itself a work of art. All the. coinage was produced by element magic, so no money
has been minted since the collapse of the capitol.

Und e rg round Adventu re Eq u i p ment List

Item Weight Price

backpack 2 4 CR Allows free movement of both arms

scroll case 1 15 CR Is waterproof to a depth of 20'
lock picking tools 1 100 CR 10% chance of not working on particular lock
tinder box 1 10 CR Must still have fuel
so· rope 3 5 CR 1 % change of breaking (cumulative)
10 iron spikes 3 3 CR 10% change of not holding
water/wine skin 1 S CR Holds one gallon
S torches 5 1 CR Lasts for 1 hour, 25' radius
lantern 3 7 CR Lasts for 2 hours, 35,. radius
oil flasks 1 1 CR Refills lantern twice
small sack 0.5 1 CR Holds SO lbs
large sack 1 2 CR Holds 100 lbs
scabbard 3 2S CR Holds one standard long sword
food (trailmix) 5 2 CR Enough for one day travelling

A rm o r Weights

% of character's weight
head arms abdomen legs chest full suit
leather 01 02 03 04 05 15
hard leather 03 05 06 07 . 09 30
chain 06 11 12 16 20 65
plate 08 13 14 18 22 75

6 . 2 . D a m a g e A b s o rption ( D A )
The amount of damage the protective device can absorb before passing through to hurt the character

armor type damage absorption

leather 1
hard leather 3
chain 5
plate 6

• If leather armor is worn under metal armor for extra protection, the leather armor weight is tripled due to encumbrance, and
movement is cut by 25%.

• Characters can sell used armor for 1 /2 the price of new - if damaged, considerably less.

cost (CR) days to make q11iet movement

leather 15 1
hard leather 35 2
chain 60 10 - 5%
plate 150 12 - 5%

a rms
leather 15 1
hard leather 35 3
chain 80 11 - 15%
plate 200 15 - 1 0%

leather 15 1
hard leather 35 2
chain 80 8 - 1 5%
plate 250 12 - 10%

leather 25
hard leather 50 4
chain 1 20 15 - 20%
plate 300 20 - 1 5%

leather 20
hard leather 40 4
chain 150 25 - 1 5%
plate 375 30 - 10%

f u l l suit
leather 1 00 10
hard leather 250 20
chain 600 90 - 70%
plate 1500 1 20 - 50%

size days Weight


minimum DA cost to make quiet

small shield 4 10 35 3 15
medium shield 9 15 50 5 .23
large shield 18 20 1 00 10 - 5% 30

• When wearing metal armor one's percentage to move quietly is red uced by each piece worn. Effects are cumulative. This
will affect surprise %! Also, armor must fit exactly to be worn.

6 . 3 . Magic Ite m s
Magic items on Vinya are very rare, s o it is doubtful that each character will possess even one. Cursed items do exist and the
intelligent adventurer should always keep this in mind . These items will be explained more fully in the playing modules.

6 . 3 . 1 . Spell Sp h e re s

Spells are encased i n these small glass-like spheres. They hook together and are a symbol of status and power and are
worth no less than 500 SP eac h . They were made for generations during the time of powerful magic, and were used when a
person's MPT's were low, or by someone who didn't know the particular spell. They emit a faint light; colors vary to whatever
color smoke is inside. There were thousands in the magic treasury when the capitol collapsed, but most were stolen. The
spells vary greatly; they may be identified only by matching colors and power intensity. Any sphere can be used only once, as it
must be shattered to invoke the spell, which operates for 20 combat rounds.

Types of Spell S p h e res

Heal Invisibility Curse

Stoning Enlarge Teleport
Translation Reduce Weapon Enchantment
Food Dissolve Intoxicate
Water Poison Gas Poison Antidote
Wind Death Mend
Fire Fly Paralyze
Firewo rks Gas Form Fumble
Insects Blindness Fear
Freezing Infravision Deafness
Forget Dispel Magic Blindness
Darkness Smoke Laughter
Light Animals Unconscious
Fog Explosion Transformation
Illusion An egg

and all modern Basic Magic spells


6 . 3 . 2 . Ge m s of Pow e r
These large gemstones or crystals are found in igneous rock, usually deep in the dwarven mines. They seem to come from
the very source of magic. Their magic is very potent, and of a permanent nature. Their powers differ greatly, and may combine
more than one power in one gem.

Types of Pow e r Gems

Magic Shield STR Night Sight

Suspended Animation CON Life Trapping
Light DEX Teleport
Armor INT Exploding
Blindness WIS Warmth
Ignore MPT Numbness
Accuracy APP Fire Starter
Youth LUK Smoker
Stealth Communication Beacon Flasher
Life (limited number of uses) Permenancy

This list is only to give the gamemaster an idea of the relative powers and assorted types that exist. Power gems have a •.

unlimited power. Some, such as an Armor gem, operate continuously

6 . 3 . 3 . Com m u n ic at i o n C ry st a ls
These crystals when broken allow either audio or visual communication all)ong the parts. The size of the pieces determines
the maximum distance.

1 " diam 1 00 miles

2" diam 200 miles
4" diam 400 miles

6 . 3 . 4 . Golden He ro A rm or a n d Weapons
During the battle at Heroes Plunge, 1 000 Golden Warriors died. Their remains and equipment simply vanishes, but in recent
years some golden weapons have been found on the banks of the Great River. They are very rare and prized possessions
worth at least 1 000 CR each.

weapons + 20% attack + parry + 2 damage

shields + 20% parry absorbs + 2 points damage
armor absorbs + 2 points damage

6 . 3 . 5 . D ragon Scale S h ields

These shields were constructed by the dragonkind, only three of which are known . to be in existence. The dragonkind
collected the scales. but paid a high price in lives. The shields are sacred to them and all three are possessed by Supreme
Elders. The shields will stop the breath of a dragon , and absorb 15 points of damage.

7 . Mons te r s

The monsters of Vinya are many and varied . While early A q u aloi d s (chaotic)
Vinya had been relatively safe, the opening of the gate brought a
diverse influx of hungry and malevolent creatures.

These are but a few of the more common ones. Each monster
is presented in the following format, which represents the norms
for an average adult creature.

statistics These are . the statistics to roll for each .

monster. The number following the dice to
roll is an average, which may be used to
speed up play.

aitributes This is what the monster can do. First, each

weapon or attacl< is listed, followed by the
attack percentage over the parry percentage
(ATT /PARRY), followed by the damage of
the attack.

hit locations When a monster. (or character) is struck, a

d20 is rolled to determine where on the body
STR 7d4 + 4 21
he was hit. The location is followed by the
SIZ 7d4 + 4 21
(average} number of points in that place; any
CON 5d4 12
armor is contained in parenthesis
DEX 5d4 12
(i.e., (armor) hits ).
INT 5d4 12
WIS 4d4 10
MO VE This is how fast the monster can move, and MPT 4d4 10
is expressed in tens of feet per round. Some APP 3d4 8
monsters have different ways of getting LUK 3d4 8
around, such as flying and walking, and will
have two movement factors. A TTACK claw (45) 2d4 + 1d6
bite (50) 1d8 + 1d6
TF The treasure factor may be used to balance harpoon (60/50) 2d6 + 1d3
scenarios, as monsters with similar factors ARMOR 2 point scales
will be an equal match for players. TF 17
MO VE 6"

19-20 Head (2) 7
17-18 Chest (2) 8
1 5-16 Abdomen (2) 7
1 2-14 Right Arm (2) 6
09-1 1 Left Arm (2) 6
05-08 Right Leg (2) 7
01 -04 Left Leg (2) 7

These amphibian creatures can live in or out of water, but

they prefer to stay u nderwater. When they go on land it is to
hunt, and they will attack any animal just for the fun of it.

Avata r (chaotic)


19-20 Head (10) 7
17-18 Chest (10) 8
15-16 Abdomen (10) 7
12-14 Right Arm (10) 6
09-1 1 Left Arm (10) 6
05-08 Right Leg (10) 7
01 -04 Left Leg (10) 7

Avatar and Edsel! grew u p together in the Magic Capitol.

They were the star pupils of the Elders, who taught them any
Basic Magic they wanted to know. While they were capable of
attaining Element Magic, the Magic Capitol was destroyed
before this could happen.

After the collapse, the paths of the two prodigies diverged.

Edsel! continued with his study of Element Magic, knowing that
it would be needed to restore his world to its former glory.
Avatar chose instead to use his incredible skills in Basic Magic
to forge an empire from the ruins of civilization.

Over the next 50 years, Avatar consolidated his forces. He

STR built an i{ll penetrable fortress on the East Bank of the Great
SIZ River, and enlisted hordes of Tron and Dragonkind mercenaries.
CON These were led by his Dark Warriors, one of the most brutal and
DEX sadistic command forces ever assembled.
WIS In the confusion following the collapse, Avatar was able to
MPT make off with much of the contents of the various treasuries in
APP 16 the Magic Capitol. Among the loot was a great number of spell
LUK 18 spheres and magic gems, and he is never carrying less than
three of these. One particularly large power sphere has been
AGE 90 placed in his helm, which, among other properties, gives him the
TF 56 ability to teleport away from danger. Chips of this stone have
ATTACK sword (1 20/120) been placed in the helmets of each of his Dark Warriors, which
1d1 2 + 1d6 + strong death poison gives them the same powers in a weaker form. If he
composite bow (95) 1d8 + 1 d3 concentrates, Avatar can see through the stones of his warriors,
large shield (95) and his network of spies makes for very few secrets in Vinya.

SPELLS Avatar also has limited powers of divination, and knows that
Edsel! is destined to teach the characters Element Magic. This
Offensive Defensive Miscellaneous would threaten his hold on power, and he will stop at nothing to
defeat their goals. Luckily, his many attem pts on Edself's life
Dumbfound Dexterity Energy Light have failed, but Edsel! is growing old and feeble, and Avatar may
Holding Magic Shield Spring try again soon.
Sharpness Pseudo Sound Night Sight
Fumble Multiple Image Mana Search
Spell Absorption Fire Shield Detect
Muscle Spasm Stiff Limb Mend
Ghost Arrow Spell Repel Cover Magic
Power Arrow Invisibility Heal
Dispel Magic

Avatar's Helmet

Health Ill
Teleport 2/day
MPT Store 1 2 points

Dark Warrior helmets

Armor II
Strength I Avatar
Health I
Teleportation (sight only, once per day)

A v a t a r ' s da rk w a rrio rs

SIZ 18
STR 18
TF 35
A TT 80

ARMOR 8 points N i ve k
MO VE 6' or teleport
SPELLS 15 points

Each one of the Dark Warriors has been chosen by Avatar

because of superb fighting ability and other skills. Each Dark
Warrior commands a squad, which performs various tasks such
as raiding, messengers, torture, and abducting enemies of their
master. Each wears a black plate helmet with a power gem in
the front. Brunton
Nivek was a captain in the famous Tennek militia but
became corrupted with wealth.

Vatec from an alien world , he does nasty things to females

and wields a strange weapon

Brunton is notorious for disembowling his victims; screams

maniacally in combat.

Maltez enjoys severing the appendages of his victims and

hangs the ears from his waist. Bon ndor

Bon ndor never takes prisoners unless under direct order,

and then reluctantly. Maltez

Cerned is totally unknown.

Ramled always kills the mount of an opponent and always

goes for the best warhorse first before killing the rider.

Cerned Ram led


Ba rba rians (neutral) B i l c aves (neutral)

STR 1d4 2
SIZ 1d4 2
CON 2d4 5
1'F 4
STR 5d4 12
SIZ 5d4 12 A TTACK bite (30) 1 point
CON 5d4 12 ARMOR none
DEX 5d4 12 MO VE crawl 2"
INT 4d4 10
MPT 5d4 12 15·20 Head 2
LUK 5d4 12 01 -14 Body 6
TF 17
These creatures, resembling over-sized maggots with beaks,
SPELLS 2d4 points are found mostly in swampy areas. They are scavengers, living
on carrion, but will eat anything slow enough for them to catch.
ATTACK any weapon (65/65)
MO VE 12"


By type

Pre-gate Vinya was universally civilized. There were no primitive

societies, since everyone had been assimilated into the main

Barbarians are outcasts from society, unwilling to take orders

in their home town militia. They are fiercely independent,
hunting and trappillfl for sustenance, and traveling far to find
new game. They will do anything for a crown, and are eager and
able mercenaries for either side. They come to town only to sell
the spoils of their victories; armor, weapons, and horses that
they have no use for.

They are predominantly human males, with a few demi·

humans. Females are rare, and barbarians will try to capture
any they can. Barbarian armor is made up of collections of
random items; often an individual will be wearing a piece of
platti, chain and heavy leather at the same time. A few may have
spell spheres, and may even know how to use them.

Bi rd men (lawful) Black Saps (chaotic)

STR 5d4 12
SIZ 5d4 + 4 16
CON 5d4 12
DEX 5d4 12
INT 5d4 12
WIS 5d4 12
MPT 5d4 12
APP 5d4 12
L UK 5d4 12
TF 10

A TTACK sword or bow (50/50)

ARMOR any leather or light metal
wings - 2 point feathers
MO VE 1 2"/24"

19-20 Head 5
17-18 Chest 6
15-16 Abdomen 5

12-14 Right Wing (2) 8

09-1 1 Left Wing (2) 8
07-08 Right Arm 4
05 -06 Left Arm 4
03-04 Right Leg 5 SIZ 7d4 17
01 -02 Left Leg 5 CON 4d4 + 1 11
MPR 4d4 + 4 14
This race of winged humanoids has come through the gate to TF 15
help the people of Vinya. They hope to close the gate at its
source, because their world is also becoming a battle-ground MO VE 3"
between good and evil. A TTACK 1d3 lashes (90) 3d 4

The Birdmen will return money and sacred items to the Black saps are actually large colonies of microscopic
nearest Vinyan town, keeping only a small portion for organisms. The communal intelligence of the combined nuclei
themselves. In battle they ·will generally use sword and allows simple activities such as moving and attacking but falls
composite bows, and keep fighting until they receive a wound short of actual reasoning ability. The creature attacks by
they can not heal totally in a single round. If they can not heal lashing out with snake-like pseudopods. The appendage then
their wound they will fly away, leaving their companions to adheres to its victim and the acidic digestive juices take effect.
continue the fight. They have a healing ointment that can heal 5 Bare skin is immediately damaged but cloth or armor is
points immediately and then 1 point per hour for 5 hours. They destroyed or seeped through in one round .
carry enough for 3 applications.
Black saps usually inhabit trees, against which they do not ·

Birdmen do not enjoy fighting on the ground. They are great use their digestive juices.· Their best attack is to drop upon their
scouts, and have fantastic eyesight (treat as permanent victims. They can only be harmed by intense heat; torches do
hawksight). minimal damage.

Bow m en of Zod (neutral) treated as a flame arrow + 1d6. At close range, they will use the
bow as a heavy mace doing 1 d 1 0 + 1 d6 shock plus bonus
damage, but they try to avoid situations where they can be hit.
The shield is generally used to parry although the bow will take
20 points of damage before it is broken.

STR 4d4 + 4 14
SIZ 5d4 12
CON 5d4 12 The Zod bow will also help to ward off magic attacks against
DEX 4d4 + 4 14 the owner, adding 5 points to bowman's MPR. The bow can
INT 5d4 12 also cure the owner at 2 points per round, but will not put lost
WIS 5d4 12 limbs back.
MPR 5d4 + 5 17
APP 5d4 12
LUK 5d4 12
TF 15

ATTACK arrows (75) 1d8 + 1 d6

bow as club (60) 1d10 + 1d6
shield (60) by size
MOVE 1 2"



The Bowmen of Zod are totally neutral in the struggle

between Law and Chaos on Vinya, desiring only to return to
their world after they have become wealthy. They will happily
fight for whichever side offers more, and will attack any wealthy­
looking party - human, elf, tron, or dragonkind - that they think
they can defeat.

Tfieir only weapons are the Zod bow and shield. The bow is
magical and can only be handled by the maker; anyone else who
touches it will receive an energy discharge doing 1d6 damage.
The Zod bow has a range equal to the Vinyan light crossbow,
but can be fired as a composite bow twice per round. Arrows
shot from the bow also have the energy blast, and should be

B r a in Sh rive rs (chaotic) D a rt Plants (chaotic)

STR 12d4 30
SIZ 1 2d4 30
CON 5d4 + 1 14
INT special
MPR special
TF '26

A TTACK (55 +) 2 claws/rd 2d8 + 3d6

ARMOR 3 point skin

19-20 Head (3) 10
16· 1 8 Forequarters (3) 11 SIZ 2d4 5
13- 1 5 Hindquarters (3) 10 TF 6
10· 1 2 Right Claw (3) 10
07·09 Left Claw (3) 10 A TTACK 4d4 darts (50) 1d3
05·06 Right Leg (3) 9
03.04 Left Leg (3) 9 HIT LOCATIONS
01-02 Tail (3) 9 01 ·20 Body 15

These creatures, a true marvel of natural selection, are able to The unobtrusive little plants have a deadly defense
utilize the INT and MPT of their prey. They uses their mandibles mechanism. Unfamiliar vibrations will trigger hundreds of tiny
to decapitate their victims, then eat the head. A specialized poisoned darts, which can .cause sickness, sleep, or even
stomach sorts out the vital material of the brain , which is instant death. Small patches are usually found growing wild in
absorbed into a hollow above the spine. The monsters use each woodland areas, but the more deadly varieties are cultivated for
INT point of their victims to te�porarily increase their attack defensive purposes. One very rare type produces a pleasant
( + 5), and each point of MPT to increase their MPR by one point. form of false euphoria, and is often grown illegally by wayward
The brain case is actually covered by a hard membrane which
can be penetrated, but doesn't seem to affect the brain shriver's Dart plants are usually not much of a threat to armored
abilities. individuals, as the darts will not penetrate even thin leather
armor, but there is always a chance that a critical hit or impale
could find its mark.

Death D i s k s (chaotic) The D ragons o f Vin y a (lawful)

Dragons are the single most powerful creatu res in the known
u niverse, and have been on Vinya since the beginning of history.
Attacking a dragon without the use of high-powered magic and
a large army is a very effective way to commit suicide.

The d ragons of Vinya are terribly old . They while away the
years, collecting treasure and knowledge. They are so eager to
learn new facts that they will often spare the life of an individual
if he can give the dragon some new information.

The only reason to seek out a dragon (besides insanity) is to

learn something from it. A person must have a bravery score of
at least 7 to even converse face-to-face with a dragon, else flee
in panic.

Th �y are territorial creatures, each staying within

approximately 30 miles of its lair. There are only three dragons
on Vinya, located at Natural Bridge (east side), the base of the
STR 5d4 + 4 17
Limtil Mountain, and the Great Beach. They will not fight each
SIZ 1d4 + 1 3
other. They will not get involved with human affairs. They
CON 4d4 + 4 14
normally eat grazing animals which have been herded in great
DEX 5d4 12
numbers around their dens for centuries, or an occasional
INT 3d4 7
Vinyan who'happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
MPR 1d4 2
They only eat once each month. But they will not normally
TF 8
attack Vinyans or chaotic creatures because they know that
they will amass armies and become a terrible nuisance (attack
ATTACK special (50) 1 d4/11d4
only if provoked).
ARMOR none
MO VE crawl 1 " /fly 20"
Dragons can emit a flame 1 0' wide X 100' long 3 times/day.
HIT LOCA TIONS 2 claws + bite or breath weapon
01 -20 Body 20
The only conceivable reasons to meet a d ragon would be to
These creatures, all identical, are part of giant beast covering gain some information on history or by complete accident. To
hundreds of miles. although each is capable of acting on · its gain any information from a d ragon one must be wil ling to pay a
own . They propel themselves through the air by expelling air high price; an extremely valuable item or even one's own life.
out of small holes. Their flesh is made of a thick; dense They have been known to settle for some new information about
membrane which is very hard to cut. The death disk flies the world they live in.
through the air, and latches onto its victim with its pseudopods
and suction-cup like body. They are equipped with a beak-like The breath weapon of a dragon is produced by methane gas
protrusion on the underside of its body, which it can move with from the creature's stomach, poor d igestion from eating those
lightning speed. who disagreed with him.

If it flies for 20 " , it may then not fly for 1 round u ntil it fills back Vinyan dragons despise the Dragonkind race because the
up with air. If attack is successful, it has attached itself, and all Dragonkind claim to be related to them .
further attacks are at (95). Damage will be in the same location.
To pull it off, one must roll to bend bars. These creatures must They are also known t o act quite childish and silly i f presented
be cumed before they are killed. with a challenging riddle.
Death disks have u ncanny ability to hit the head, hitting the
chest or abdomen 25% of the time.


Fangwhistle Radbif Crag

STR 57 52 48
SIZ 57 52 48
CON 18 19 19
DEX 17 17 18
INT 22 24 21
WIS 19 21 22
MPT 23 24 22
APP 13 14 16
LUK 15 17 17

A TTACK bite (85) 6d4 + 7d6 (95) 6d4 + 6d6 (1 20) 6d4 + 6d6
claw (75) 5d4 + 7d6 (70) 5d4 + 6d6 (90) 5d4 + 6d6
ARMOR 15 points 15 points 15 points
MOVE run 15" /fly 30" run 15" /fly 30" ru n 15" /fly 30"
TF 870 750 550
Hopelessness Fumble Cell Blast
Power Search Detect Magic Detect Life
LOCATION Natural Bridge Limtil Mt. The Beach

20 Head (15) 19 (15) 17 (15) 16

18-19 Chest (15) 20 (15) 18 (15) 17
16-17 Abdomen (15) 19 (15) 17 (15) 16
13-15 Right Wing (15) 24 (15) 22 (15) 21
10-12 Left Wing (15) 24 (15) 22 (15) 21
8·9 Right Hind Leg (15) 18 (15) 16 (15) 15
6-7 Left Hind Leg (15) 18 (15) 16 (15) 1 5
4-5 Right Front Leg (15) 17 (15) 15 (15) 14
2-3 Left Front Leg (1 5) 17 (15) 15 (15) 1 4
Tail ( 1 5) 17 (15) 1 5 (15) 1 4

D rag onkind (chaotic) Adolescent

The Dragonkind appear to be related to dragons. They

worship the dragons of Vinya, but the dragons of Vinya hate the
chaotic race. Every time the dragonkind go to pay homage to
the dragons, a good many are flamed.

The Dragonkind have a fairly organized society. Their rank is

determined by a combination of AGE, SIZ, MPT, and weapon
mastery. The ranks are adolescent, adult, elder, and supreme

They seem to be greedy just like their counterp•:irts. They will

show no mercy to anyone who gets in their way of collecting
wealth, unless they are of some value to the dragonkind. They
can see in the dark, and are adversely affected by cold

Their green blood is based on copper, and as they get older, STR 3d4 7
their skin gets as hard as plate. Since their body temperature is SIZ 3d4 7
almost the same as the air temperature, they are very hard to CON 5d4 12
see with infravision. They do not wear armor, but they will carry DEX 5d 4 12
shields. Their life-span is well over 200 years. Only the weft. INT 5d4 12
seasoned males of the species seem to be coming through the WIS 4d4 10
gate to invade Vinya. They have trained slave-beasts, flying and MPT 4d4 10
running , which do seem to resemble themselves. LUK 5d4 12
TF 11
They are very adept in common magic. They even have some
spells not known to the Vinyans. ATTACK any weapon (35/35) - 1d2
ARMOR 2 point skin
MO VE 8"
AGE 50
SPELLS any 6 points

A d u lt Elde r

S TR 6d4 15 STR 7d4 + 1 19

SIZ 6d4 15 SIZ 7d4 + 1 19
CON 6d4 + 1 16 CON 4d4 + 4 14
DEX 4d4 + 4 14 DEX 5d4 12
INT 5d4 12 INT 5d4 12
WIS 5d4 12 WIS 5d4 + 2 14
MPT 4d4 + 4 14 MPT 6d4 + 1 16
L UK 5d4 12 L UK 5d4 12
TF 20 TF 28

ATTACK any weapon (60/60) + 1 d4 A TTACK any weapon (75175) + 1d8

ARMOR 4 point skin ARMOR 6 point skin
MO VE 10" MO VE 12"
AGE 100 AGE 1 50
SPELLS any 10 pointS SPELLS any 15 points

· S u p reme Eld e r D ragonkind Pack Beasts

STR 6d4 + 1 2 27
SIZ 6d4 + 1 2 27
CON 5d4 12
OEX 5d4 12
MPR 5d4 12
TF 21

ATTACK bite (50) 2d6 + 2d6

claw {40) 1d8 + 2d6
ARMOR 2 point skin
MO V{ 8"


19-20 Head (2) 9
1 7- 1 8 Forequarters (2) 10
15-16 Hindquarters (2) 9
1 3 - 1 4 Right Front Leg (2) 9
1 1 - 1 2 Right Leg (2) 9
9- 1 0 Right Hind Leg (2) 9
7-8 Left Front Leg (2) 9
5-6 Left Leg (2) 9
3-4 Left Hind Leg (2) 9
1 -2 Tail (2) 8

Pack beasts are strong and efficient, but make terrible pets.
They will tolerate only the dragonkind , and then only to a point.
They are unreliable in battle, attacking only at whim. If in the
STR 8d4 + 4 24 midst of a melee, they will join in the fight (75%) and attack
SIZ 8d4 + 4 24 anything that gets in its way.
CON '1ld4 + 1 16
DEX 4d4 + 4 14
INT 5d4 12
WIS 5d4 + 4 16
MPT 7d4 18
LUK 5d4 12
TF 38

ATTACK any weapon (90/90) + 2d6

ARMOR 8 point skin
MO VE 15 "
AGE 200 +
SPELLS any 20 points

D ragon kind Rid i ng Bea sts (chaotic) D ragonkind Flying Mou nts (chaotic)

STR 6d4 + 9 24
SIZ 6d4 + 9 24
CON 5cl4 12
DEX 5cl4 12
INT 3d4 7
MPR 5cl4 12 STR 6d4 + 1 2 27
SIZ 6d4 + 1 2 27
TF 21
CON 5cl4 12
DEX 5cl4 12
A TTACK 2 claws{45) 1 d 1 0 + 2d6
INT 3d4 7
bite (50) 1d8 + 2d6
MPR 5cl4 12
ARMOR 2 point skin
TF 21
MOVE 10"

HIT LOCA TIONS ATTACK bite (50) 1d 10 + 2d6

19-20 Head (2) 8 2 claws (30) 1 d8 + 2d6
17-18 Chest (2) 9 ARMOR 2 point skin
15- 1 6 Abdomen (2) 8 MO VE fly 18"
1 2 - 1 4 Right Hind Leg (2) 8
09-1 1 Left Hind Leg 8 HIT LOCA TIONS
06-08 Right Fore Leg (2) ,,
19-20 Head (2) 9
03-05 Left Fore Leg 7 17-18 Chest (2) 10
01 -02 Tail (2) 7 16 Abdomen (2) 9
1 3 - 1 5 Right Wing (2) 13
1 0 - 1 2 Left Wing (2) 13
Riding beasts have been bred for strength and agility. During
08-09 Right Hind Leg (2) 9
battle they can fight individually or with their master. Their
06-07 Left Hind Leg (2) 9
acute sense of smell makes them excellent trackers, and they
04-05 Right Fore Leg (2) 8
can follow a trail over almost any terrain .
02-03 Left Fore Leg (2) 8
01 Tail (2) 8

Flying mounts can carry one dragonkind. When shot down

they are trained to glide down to the surface and land without
h u rting their rider. If a wing is { - 1 0), they will drop like a maimed
flying mount.

D ragon Liza rds (lawful) D razzi (neutral)

STR 3d4 8
SIZ 1d4 2
CON 5cl3 12
DEX 4d4 + 4 14 STR 4d4 10
INT 3d4 7 SIZ 5cl4 12
MPR 5cl4 12 CON 5cl4 12
LUK 5cl4 + 4 16 DEX 5cl4 + 1 13
TF 5 INT 5cl4 + 1 13
WIS 5cl4 + 1 13
ATTACK bite (50) 1d4 - 1 MPT 10d4 25
claw (30) 1d2 - 1 LUK 5cl4 12
ARMOR 1 point scales
MO VE run 6" /fly 24" ATTACK magic only
ARMOR 1 point robes
20 Head 2 TF 25
18-19 Chest 3 SPELL fOINTS 15
1 6 - 1 7 Abdomen 2
13-15 Right Wing 6 HIT LOCA TIONS
1 0 - 1 2 Left Wing 6 19-20 Head (1 ) 4
08-09 Right Hind Leg 2 1 7 - 18 Chest (1 ) 5
06-07 Left Hind Leg 2 15- 1 6 Abdomen (1 ) 4
04-05 Right Fore Leg 1 2- 1 4 Right Arm (1 ) 3
02-03 Right Hind Leg 09- 1 1 Left Arm (1 ) 3
01 Tail 05-08 Right Leg (1 ) 4
01 -04 Left Leg (1 ) 4

This native rfice of Vinya is descended from humans, but

Dragon lizards are extremely hard to hit with weapons of any many generations of selection has given them powers divergent
kind. One must subtract 1 /2 of his ability to land a direct hit to from others of their race. Their lives are devotei;j to their religion
strike one. They are also extremely strong for their size and very and its own brand of magic; they scorn others who use cruder
aggressive fighters.One Attacker must subtract 1 /4 of ways. Likewise, the other Vinyans mistrust them, usually for
(ATT /PARRY) because of the squawking and general nuisance good reason. When the Drazzi are seen, wearing robes which
caused by dragon lizard buzzing around him. cover their faces, they are usually looking for sacrifices.

Dragon lizards are very friendly with hobbits and vice versa. The Drazzi are sworn to silence, communicating only by
The dragon lizard will be his companion for life if he raises it telepathy. They use no weapons or armor, relying instead on
from its hatching. They are very intelligent and understand magic. Since they have direct ties to the Time Keeper, they get
common tongue at 30%. full MPT's back every hour. They can can cast both an offensive
and a defensive spell in the same round .

They are always doing research on new spells, and any quest
they place on another person will involve a spell sphere or
power gem, or some esoteric bit of knowledge useful to their
magic. Only a full-blooded Drazzi can learn and use improved

D razzi Magic Edse lf (lawful)

Imp roved C e l l Blast

range = 15'
duration = 1 combat round
area = 1 creature STR 15
MPT = 2 SIZ 15
DAM = 2d4 in a random location CON 14
DEX 14
The Drazzi have been able to increase the range and damage of INT 19
this spell. WIS 19
MPT 25
Imp roved A rmor Spell APP 13
LUK 18
range = touch AGE 75
duration = 20 combat rounds SPELLS all basic magic
area = 1 creature MAGIC ITEMS two 2.5" communication crystals
MPT = variable (1 -5)
ATTACK quarterstaff {75) 1d8 + 1d4
This spell has demonstrated that the Drazzi are masters of composite bow (75) 1d8 + 1d2
magic and puts them almost in the same league as Element ARMOR 1 point robes
Magic. This spell has some randomness but is still an incredible MO VE 1 2"
MPT's used DAM Absorbed 19-20 Head (1) 5
1 7- 1 8 Chest (1) 6
1 1d4 + 1 15-16 Abdomen (1) 5
2 1d6 + 2 1 2-14 Right Arm (1) 4
3 1d8 + 3 09- 1 1 Lett Arm (1) 4
4 1d10 + 4 05-08 Right Leg (1) 5
5 1d12 + 5 01 -04 Lett Leg (1) 5

Imp roved Heal Edself i s the son of Traykor, most powerful o f the Council of
Twelve. When Edself was very young, he showed great
Range = touch promise, and it was believed that he would be able to control the
duration = permanent elements. As Edself grew up he was taught every known Basic
area = one hit location Magic spell by his father, and he understood Element Magic as
MPT = variable (1 -5) well as any member of the council. But it seems that the gods
had another destiny for Edself; he is only able to use Basic
Each point will heal 2 points of damage; an Improved Heal V will Magic, He will guide the new leaders of Vinya in the restoration
re-attach limbs of the half-destroyed world, as only he can teach them Element

He was an accomplished archer at a very young age, and took

part in the great battle at Riverheart Pass. His childhood
competitor was Avatar. Edself lives in the sanctuary of the
White Tower now that he has slipped into old .age, and spends
most of his time reading the works of the Elders stored there.

Gatekeeper (chaotic)

body left head center head right head

STR 60 INT 17 INT 20 INT 18

SIZ 60 WIS 18 WIS 17 WIS 17
DEX 16
LUK 17
MPR 61
TF 90

rash demanding cautious

egotist aloof vengeful
hot tempered scheming secretive
anti-intellectual humorous diplomatic

ATTACK bite (80) 6d4 + 8d6 + probable bash

claw (60) 5d4 + 8d6 + probable bash
MOVE run 10" /fly 24"
ARMOR 1 0 point scales

HIT LOCATIONS G u dds (chaotic)

20 Center Head (10) 20
19 Right Head (10) 20
18 Left Head (10) 20
16- 1 7 Chest (10) 20
14- 1 5 Abdomen (10) 20
12-13 Right Wing (10) 25
10- 1 1 Left Wing (10) 25
08-09 Right Hind Leg (10) 19
06-07 Left Hind L..eg (10) 19
04-05 Righi Front Leg (10) 19
02-03 Left Front Leg (10) 19
01 Tail (10) 18

The gatekeeper i s hideous three-headed dragon, which has

come through the gate and has made the opening its home.
Because of the tremendous food supply, it has not strayed. The
beast seems to have an instinct to sort evil from good, and
harbors an intense hatred for all good things. The creature is
very intelligent, and each head has a unique personality. The
heads have been known to bicker and fight among themselves.
but they will always fight united versus a common foe. If it gets
into an argument with itself, a vote is usually taken.
STR 4d4 + 1 11
The dragon can produce a jet of flame 10' wide by 100' long SIZ 4d4 + 1 11
six times per day. The flame causes 8d6 damage. It has 5d4 12
infravision, so even invisible creatures can be seen . DEX 4d4 10
INT 4d4 10
range # of locations damage
WIS 4d4 10
MPT 4d4 10
01 -25 4
APP 4d4 10
26-50 3
LUK 4d4 10
51 -75 2
TF 13
76-00 1
A TTACK any weapon
A creature that uses a springspell or rolls 1 /2 his jump has
jumped out of the direct line of fire, and receives 1 12 damage in
MO VE 6"
1 /2 the locations.
SPELLS 1d4 points

1 9-20 Head 3
17-18 Chest 4
15-16 Abdomen 3
10-14 Right Leg 3
05.09 Left Leg 3
03.04 Right Arm 2
01 -02 Left Arm 2

Gudds ere the dregs of the human-kind disgusting, vile, and


despicable. They despise all beauty and will go out of their way
to defile it. They do not get along with any other race, even
different factions of their own kind. They are inferior to the
other races of Vinya, but are still a dangerous adversary, for
what they lack in physical attributes they make up in sheer battle
lust. Their weapons and armor are crudely made, and often
poisoned . The Gudds introduced the use of poison to Vinya.

Giant Spiders (neutral) Horne rs (neutral)

STR 6d4 + 15 30
STR 10d4 + 2 27 SIZ 6d4 + 15 30
27 CON 5d4 12
Sil 10d4 + 2
INT 2d4 5
CON 5d4 12
MPR 2d4 5
MPR 5d4 12
TF 21
TF none
ATTACK horn (35) 1 d 1 0 + 3d6
ATTACK bite (65) 2d4 + 2d6 + paralyze
ARMOR none
ARMOR 2 point fur
MO VE 8"
MO VE 7"
19-20 Head 10
20 Head (2) 8
1 5 - 1 8 Forequarters 11
1 7-19 Abdomen (2) 1 0
1 1 - 1 4 Hindquarters 10
1 5 - 1 6 Left Leg (2) 6
08- 10 Right Front Leg 9
13-16 Left Leg (2) 6
05-07 Left Front Leg 9
1 1 - 1 2 Left Leg (2) 6
03-04 Right Hind Leg 9
09- 10 Left Leg (2) 6
01 -02 Left Hind Leg 9
07-08 Right Leg (2) 6
05-06 Right Leg (2) 6
Homers are semi-intelligent creatures that have the capacity of
03-04 Right Leg (2) 6
speech. They are mostly used for pulling heavy loads even ·

01 -02 Right Leg (2) 6

though they complain bitterly. Sometimes they must be bribed
or threatened to do a good day's work. To work with a horner
Giant spiders live in the northern part of the chaotic forest. one must have i ncredible patience, as they have the mentality of
These giant arachinids are always hunting. They do not use a 3-year old child and are very inquisitive. They are known to
their web casting ability to attack, but they do make webs in ask the same q uestion 5 times within 15 minutes. If they do not
trees and drop on their victims. They can also jump a vertical like someone they will say so Without hesitation, which can lead
distance of 1 /2 their movement factor. They normally web their to some u npleasant situations.
victims and paralyze them with a bite - and then hang them from
the tree to suck the life juices out of them at their leisure.
Questions commonly asked

There is a base 50% chance for the poison to paralyze the • I don't like him; can I horn him?
victim. The percentage is altered in 5% increments for every • When do we eat?
point of d ifference between the spider's CON and the victim's • Time for a nap?
CON. • You think I can do that?
• How come?
• Why is there air?
• What is that?
• Why do elves have funny eyes?
• I think you're making it upl

H o rse (neutral)

STR 1 1 d4 27
SIZ 1 1d4 27
CON 5d4 13
DEX 4d4 10
INT 3d4 8
MPR 4d4 10
LUK 5d4 12
TF 18
ARMOR 1 point skin
A TTACK bite + kick
rear + plunge

19-20 Head {1) 9
17- 1 8 Forequarters (1) 10
15-16 Hindquarters (1) 9
On Vinya, a character's best friend is his mount. The 1 1 - 1 4 Right Front Leg (1) 8
differences between an average horse and a fine mount can 07- 1 0 Left Front Leg (1 ) 8
decide the outcome of many battle situations. Horses have 04-06 Right Hind Leg (1) 8
been bred for many different purposes. Warhorses are fairly 01 -03 Left Hind Leg (1) 8
rare and worth at least their weight in silver. They are indeed
prized possessions.

riding or pack light warhorse med warhorse heavy warhorse

cost SOO CR 1 500 CR 2000 CR 3000 CR

carry 1200 lbs · 1 300 1bs 1500 lbs 2000 1bs
road movement 1 2" 15" 12" 10"
max/day 50 miles 75 miles 75 miles 75 miles

bite {15) 1 d 1 0 + 2d6 (25) 1 d 1 0 + 2d6 (25) 1 d 1 2 + 2d6 {25) 1d1 2 + 3d6
kick (15) 1d8 + 2d6 (25) 1 d 8 + 2d6 (25) 1 d 1 0 + 2d6 (25) 1d 1 0 + 3d6
trample 1 (15) 4d8 (25) 4d8 (25) 4d 1 0 (25) 4d 1 0 + 4
rear + plunge (1 0) 2d8 + 2d6 (25) 2d8 + 2d6 (25) 2d 1 0 + 2d6 (25) 2d 1 0 + 2 + 3d6

The quality of a horse determines how well he can perform in Warhorses have been trained for battle, and are not spooked by
various situations. old nags are totally worthless in battle, and the noise. They can increase their attack by experience rolls in
must be forced to even carry a rider. riding horses are just that; the same manner as character's. They will maneuver so that
they run away from battle noise 75% of the time. their rider may strike better. The attack bonus listed applies
o n l y to warhorses, and is in addition to the + 1 0 (att) of a
mounted versus non-mounted opponent.
(1d1 00) rider speed travel horse quality
attack bonus bonus mount characteristics (1d10)
01 old nag
02-05 fairly good riding horse 1 stubborn 6 lazy
06-89 average dependable mount 2 dull 7 self-centered
90-95 + 1" + 1 0 mi. above average 3 show-off 8 hates strangers
96-97 + 05 + 2" + 20 mi. fine mount 4 friendly 9 has a sense of humor
98-99 + 10 + 3" + 30 mi. excellent mount 5 good-natured 10 valiant
()() + 20 + 5" + 50 mi. exceptional mount

1 an opponent must be on the ground to be trampled


Lugnigs (neutral) Mlps (neutral)

str 3d4 7
siz 4d4 + 1 11
con 4d4 + 1 11
dex 4d4 10
int 4d4 + 1 11
wis 4d4 10
STR 3d4 7
mpr 4d4 + 1 11
SIZ 1d4 3
tf 0
CON 5d4 12
DEX 5d4 12
attack 2 claws (30) 1d6 INT 5
arm or 1 point skin MPR 1d 4 2
mo ve 8" TF 4
ATTACK bite (45) 1d3
ARMOR none
MO VE 12"
Despite their appearance, and their fondness for grubs and
insects, the lugnigs are an intelligent race. They have a well­ HIT LOCA TIONS
developed sense of smell, and have been enslaved by the trons, 19-20 Head 2
who use them as trackers. They walk upright and use their long 1 7-18 Chest 2
snouts to pick up the scent. They will be grateful to anyone who 1 5- 1 6 Abdomen 2
can release them, then serving the rescuers. 1 0- 1 4 Right Leg 4
05.09 Left Leg 4
Metaloid S po r es (chaotic) 03-04 Right Arm
01 -02 Left Arm
This chaotic plant is not directly harmful to its ,victim, but it
can cause a substantial amount of damage to v.:eapons and Mips are small vegetarians that live in the forest and
armor. The minute pale amber spores travel aimle5sly about on grasslands. They are quite tasty and are considered a delicacy.
air currents until they land on some metallic object. They then Mips are also very curious and like to collect shiny objects.
release an adhesive fluid which bonds it to the object. Once Their nests sometimes contain valuable items. They will try to
attached , the spore rapidly produces a small mushroom, which run away from any encounter, but will bite if cornered.
in turn produces more spores, the entire process taking only a
few hours. If left alone overnight, the spores can take over an
entire suit of armor and all nearby equipment. If there are any
other metallic objects within 20' during the spore phase, there is
a 20% chance that a spore will land on it. A weapon loses 1
HP/day; armor loses 1 DA/week

It takes an entire hour to scrape the mushrooms off of a suit of

armor, but they always seem to come back (80%). The only sure
way to get rid of the spores is to dunk the entire affected area
into acid. As this also weakens the equipment, it is usually
better to discard the object. Equipment attacked by metaloid
spores can not be sold. The spores are normally found on river
banks and forests.

Mo rt rone (neutral) Nequ ita r Wa r riors (neutral)

STR 28
SIZ 18
CON 17
DEX 15
WIS 20
MPT 48
L UK 10
TF 60

ATTACK special
ARMOR none
MO VE 15"



"The Dead One" travels throughout the world animating

zombies. He uses a sickle as a staff, which when touched to the
ground causes the remains of the dead to claw out of the earth
to do his bidding. He can command up to 200 zombies
simultaneously. He does not want to get involved in the fight STR 6d4 15
between the people of Vinya and the chaotic creatures, because SIZ 6d4 + 2 17
it keeps him in a fresh supply of bodies, so he can be considered CON 6d4 15
an enemy of both. DEX 6d4 15
INT 5d4 12
WIS 5d4 12
MPT 5d4 12
APP 6d4 15
LUK 5d4 12
TF 25

ATTACK sword or bow (60/60)

ARMOR special, usually 6 points
DAMAGE by weapon type + 4
with bows + 2
MO VE 12"
SPELLS 8 points


The Nequitar warriors are the fighting force of a female

dominated race which despises all males. . They are extremely
attractive, but P.xceptionally deadly. If the APP of a captured
male is 15 �r better, there is a 40% chance that his life will be
spared in the interest of the Nequitarian race, although he is
doomed to a life of slavery. The Nequitarians have a weakness
for precious gems and metals. In addition to the ability to use
common magic spells, they have magic armor. They are also
q uite proficient with the bow.

Each Nequitarian bracelet provides 2 points of protection as a

permanent armor spell. This magic works only on the individual
for whom the bracelet is tuned , but each is still worth
approximately 50 RC on the open market.

Night Beasts (neutral) Night Hawks (neutral)

STR 4d4 10
SIZ 4d4 10
CON 5d4 12
DEX 5d4 12
INT 3d4 7
MPR 3d4 7
TF 10

ATTACK bite (50) 1d6

STR 4d4 10 2 claws (60) 1 d 4
SIZ 4d4 10 ARMOR 1 point feathers
CON 5d4 12 MO VE run 3" /fly 15"

DEX 12 carry 100 lbs

INT 2d4 5
MPR 2d4 5
18-20 Head (1) 3
TF 9
14-17 Chest (1) 4
1 2- 1 3 Abdomen (1) 3
ATTACK bite (70) 1d8
09-1 1 Right Wing (1) 7
ARMOR none
06-08 Left Wing (1) 7
MO VE 9"
04-05 Right Leg (1) 2
HIT LOCA TIONS 02-03 Left Leg (1) 2
1 9-20 Head 3 01 Tail (1) 2
1 7-18 Chest 4
1 5-16 Abdomen 3 Night hawks are vicious night predators. They sleep d u ring

1 2: 1 4 Right Hind Leg 3 the day in hollow trees or nests built out of rocks in mountainous

09- 1 1 Right Fore Leg 3 terrain. They have great adaptability and move freq uently to find

06-08 Left Hind Leg 3 a better food supply. They will attack anything that seems

03-05 Left Fore Leg 3 edible, even creatures larger than themselves. They attack in

01 -02 Tail 2 groups of as many 15. When attacking, they usually single out
an individual and then dive down again and again until he d rops.
They are large enough to carry a person away if more than one
They stay underground d u ring the day and come out to feed
helps. Their lifting capacity is equal to their own weight. They
at night. For their size, they are very aggressive, and when
will usually try to carry at least one victim back to eat at their
attacking in n umbers, can be very dangerous. Night beasts
travel in groups of 3d6, and they attack by surrounding their leisure.
prey and then charging simu ltaneously. The meat of the night
beast is actually quite tasty when roasted.

6 . 3 . Magic Ite m s
Magic items on Vinya are very rare, so it is doubtful that each character will possess even one. Cursed items do exist and the
intelligent adventurer should always keep this in mind . These items will be explained more fully in the playing modules.

6 . 3 . 1 . Spell S p h e re s

Spells are encased i n these small g lass-like spheres. They hook together and are a symbol of status and power and are
worth no less than 500 SP each. They were made for generations during the time of powerful magic, and were used when a
person's MPT's were low, or by someone who didn't know the particular spell. They emit a faint light; colors vary to whatever
color smoke is inside. There were thousands in the magic treasury when the capitol collapsed, but most were stolen. The
spells vary greatly; they may be identified only by matching colors and power intensity. Any sphere can be used only once, as it
must be shattered to invoke the spell, which operates for 20 combat rounds.

Types of Spell S p h e res

Heal Invisibility Curse

Stoning Enlarge Teleport
Translation Reduce Weapon Enchantment
Food Dissolve Intoxicate
Water Poison Gas Poison Antidote
Wind Death Mend
Fire Fly Paralyze
Fireworks Gas Form Fumble
Insects Blindness Fear
Freezing lnf ravision Deafness
Forget Dispel Magic Blindness
Darkness Smoke Laughter
Light Animals Unconscious
Fog Explosion Transformation
Illusion An egg

and all modern Basic Magic spells


6 . 3 . 2 . Gems of Pow e r
These large gemstones or crystals are found in igneous rock, usually deep in the dwarven mines. They seem to come from
the very source of magic. Their magic is very potent, and of a permanent nature. Their powers differ greatly, and may combine
more than one power in one gem.

Types of Powe r Gem s

Magic Shield STR Night Sight

Suspended Animation CON Life Trapping
Light DEX Teleport
Armor INT Exploding
Blind ness WIS Warmth
Ignore MPT Numbness
Accuracy APP Fire Starter
Youth LUK Smoker
Stealth Communication Beacon Flasher
Life (limited number of uses) Permenancy

This list is only to give the gamemaster an idea of the relative powers and as!'.lorted types that exist. Power gems have a ..

unlimited power. Some, such as an Armor gem, operate continuously

6 . 3 . 3 . Com m u n i c at i o n C ry stals
These crystals when broken allow either audio o r visual communication among t h e parts. The size o f the pieces determines
the maximum distance.

1 " diam 100 miles

2" diam 200 miles
4" diam 400 miles

6 . 3 .4 . Golden H e ro A rm or a n d Weapons
During the battle at Heroes Plunge, 1000 Golden Warriors died. Their remains and equipment simply vanishes, but in recent
years some golden weapons have been found on the banks of the Great River. They are very rare and prized possessions
worth at least 1 000 CR each .

weapons + 20% attack + parry + 2 damage

shields + 20% parry absorbs + 2 points damage
armor absorbs + 2 points damage

6 . 3 . 5 . D ragon Scale S h ields

These shields were constructed by the d ragonkind, only three of which are known . to be in existence. The dragon kind
collected the scales. but paid a high price in lives. The shields are sacred to them and all three are possessed by Supreme
Elders. The shields will stop the breath of a dragon, and absorb 15 points of damage.

Pit Wo rms (neutral) Pond Chomps (neutral)

STR 4d4 + 1 14
SIZ 4d4 + 1 14
CON 5d4 12
DEX 4d4 10
INT 2d4 5
STR 8d4 + 4 24 MPR 2d4 5
SIZ 8d4 + 4 24 TF 9
INT 2d4 5
CON 6d4 15 ATTACK bite (60) 1d10
MPR 5d4 + 1 14 bash % when d'i\ting to attack
TF 19 ARMOR none
MO VE swim 12"/fly 9"
A TTACK bite (70) 1d1 2 + 2d6
ARMOR head & legs 3 points, body none HIT LOCA TIONS
MO VE 5" 18-20 Head 9
hide 90% 14-17 Chest 10
1 2-13 Abdomen 9
HIT LOCATIONS 09-1 1 Left Wing 13
19-20 Head (3) 8 06-08 Right Wing 13
13- 1 8 Body 12 04-05 Left Leg 9
1 1 - 1 2 Right Front Leg (3) 4 02-02 Right Leg 9
09-10 Right Leg (3) 4 Q1 Tall 8
07-08 Right Hind Leg (3) 4
05-06 Left Front Leg (3) 4
These creatures live in any body of water. They will jt8t
03-04 Left Leg (3) 4
almost anything_. Once the food supply starts to get low, they
01 -02 Left Hind Leg (3) 4
simply fly to_.a new location, and can survive up to 1 hour out of
water .. They have been known to migrate in large packs.
Pit worms make deep pits leading to their chambers. When
the vibrations of prey draw near, the creature lunges out and
pulls its victim into the pit, using sheer strength and weight. The
pit is at least 50' deep. Creatures do not take damage from
being pulled down into the pit.

P rotectors (lawful) Pse udo- S c o rpions (neutral)

STR 8d4 20
SIZ 8d4 20
STR 10d4 +4 29 CON 5d4 12
SIZ 10d4 +4 29 DEX 5d4 12
CON 5d4 12 INT 2d4 5
DEX 5d4 12 MPR 2d4 5
INT 3d4 7 TF 19
MPR 5d4 12
TF 0 ATTACK 2 claws(SO) 1d10 + 1d6
bite (30) 1d8 + 1d6
ATTACK 2 claws (55) 1d8 + 2d8 ARMOR 5 points
peck (60) 1 d 10 + 2d8 MOVE 10"
ARMOR 2 point feathers
MO VE run 5" /fly 50" HIT LOCATIONS
19-20 Head (5) 5
HIT LOCATIONS 17-18 Thorax (5) 5
18-20 Head (2) 9 15-16 Abdomen (5) 5
14-17 Chest (2) 10 1 2-14 Right Pincer (5) 5
1 2-13 Abdomen (2) 9 09-1 1 Left Pincer (5) 5
09-1 1 Left Wing (2) 13 08 Right Leg (5) 3
06-08 Right Wing (2) 13 07 Right Leg (5) 3
04-05 Left Leg (2) 9 06 Right Leg (5) 3
02-02 Right Leg (2) 9 05 Right Leg (5) 3
01 Tail (2) 8 04 Left Leg (5) 3
03 Left Leg (5) 3
02 Left Leg (5) 3
01 Left Leg (5) 3
Protectors appeared on Vinya shortly after large numbers of
chaotic creatures started coming through the gate. It is thought These giant insects look like scorpions but lack the poisonous
that the lawful gods sent them to help protect the people of tail. They are large and formidable foes; territorial creatures
Vinya. Presently, there is one in every major city. They do not which protect their domain to the death. They are mostly found
speak but somehow understand the meaning of any thought in the salty lake region, but are seen as far east as the chaotic
being conveyed to them. During . the day their eyes are black, forest. They are carnivorous and very fond of horse meat.
but at night they glow bright amber and cast a bright light up to
50'. H a pseudo-scorpion is successf ul with its claw attack, the
monster has captured its victim. On the following rounds the
bite is automatic, or it will squeeze the victim for double
damage. The only way to get a pseudo-scorpion to release its
grip is to cut the claw off or to kill the monster. Escape is
possible; roll percentage to open secret door.

Rock Beasts (neutral) Samots (neutral)

...__ �� ':· - . �

STR 8d4 + 1 21
SIZ 8d4 + 1 21
CON 4d4 + 1 11
MPR 4d4 + 1 11
TF 15

ATTACK bite (70) 1d 1 0 + 1d6

possible bash
digestive acid 12 points/turn
ARMOR none STR 10d4 25
MO VE hop 4" SIZ 8d4 20
hide 80%
CON 5d4 12
DEX 4d4 10
1 9-20 Head 7 MPR 3d4 7
1 5- 1 8 Forequarters 7 APP 1d4 2
1 1 -1 4 Hindquarters 8 TF 15
08-10 Right Hind Leg 7
05-07 Left Hind Leg 7 ATTACK tongue lash (75) 1d1
03-04 Right Front Leg 6 ARMOR none
01 -02 Left Front Leg 6 MO VE 10"

Rock beasts are usually found by mountain trails, where they
19-20 Head 6
wait, perfectly motionless, for some unsuspecting animal to pass
17-18 Forequarters 7
by. They have the ability to change color and loo� like rocks,
1 5-16 Hindquarters 6
and are almost impossible to see. They must swallow their prey
12-14 Right Fore Leg 6
whole, and will have done so if they make their bash percent,
09- 1 1 Left Fore Leg 6
although they can not swallow anything over their own SIZ. To
05-08 Right Hind Leg 6
escape, one must roll 5 X DEX.
01 -04 Left Hind Leg 6

The appearance of these creatures is enough to send the

most strong-hearted warrior running for his life. But the sarnot,
while it looks as if it could destroy anything in its path, is a
danger only to the small insects it feeds upon. In fact, they are

quite harmless, and one would not even attempt to attack

anything larger than its smallest claw. He will run away from
anything larger than his normal meal. If cornered, the samot will
not even defend himself, but will cower in fear. About the only
way a character could get himself hurt by a samot would be to
bury himself and make sounds like insects.

Lost Scout Ro bot (neutral) Shadow Wolves (chaotic)

STR 60
SIZ 40


ARMOR 25 STR 6d4 15

MO VE 15" SIZ 6d4 15

CON 5d4 12
DEX 5d4 12
Range (ATT) damage INT 4d4 10
4f per rd[ MPR 5d4 12
o· -20· (99) 15 TF 12
2 1 '·60' (75) 15
61'·140' (50) 15 ATTACK bite (45) 1d8 + 1d4
141'·200' (25) 15 ARMOR 2 point fur
+ MOVE 15"
200 (05) 15
if target is not affected after 2 hits, it will fire a beam
doing 30 points of damage. A normal pulse does 15 points HIT LOCATIONS

of damage. 19-20 Head (2) 5

15-18 Forequarters (2) 6
(2d4 ) b reak down cha rt 1 1 ·14 Hindquarters (2) 5
2 explodes (see shrapnel hit chart) 09-10 Right Fore Leg (2) 5

3 humming _07-08 Right Hind Leg (2) 5

4 target computers damaged; 05-06 Left Fore Leg (2) 5

all attacks reduced by 1 12 03-04 Left Hind Leg (2) 5

5 laser stops 01 ·02 Tail (2) 2

6 laser stops
7 flood lights tum on/off Shadow wolves exist primarily on another plane, and appear
8 berserk rampage . fires a beam at anything as shadows to anyone on Vinya. They can harm, or be harmed
that doesn't fit into the contour of the by, only things on their plane. Each wolf has a 30% chance of
land for 1 d4 rds. bringing a creature , to his plane, Where it will remain for 10
combat rounds. They hunt in packs of 5d6, and up to three
Area Hits On Random Shrapnel Hits wolves will combine their percentages to attack one creature
(90% to bring to their plane). 1f the creature kills all the wolves
10'·30' (75) d6 hits summoning him, he returns to his original plane.
40'·100' (50) d4 hits
1 10'-150' (25) d2 hits
160'-200' (05) 1 hit

This device, a product of a highly advanced war-like civilization,

has wandered through the gate on to Vinya. It is hoped that the
probe is too far away to send back any information. The robot
has only attacked creatures that have .weapons or that look
large enough to cause it harm; mostly it wanders aimlessly. If
bothered, it will attack the nearest life-form. For every point of
internal damage over 25 it takes there is a . cumulative 1%
chance o f a break-down each round. If this occurs, it will
become inoperative for 1d10 turns while it repairs itself; there is
a 10% chance that repairs will be impossible. A Cell Blast spell
has a 50% chance of damaging circuitry and doing normal

Sp ring Snakes (neutral) Su blems (neutral)

STR 5d4 12
SIZ 3d4 7
CON 5d4 12
DEX 5d4 12
INT 7d4 18
STR 1d4 + 1 4 WIS 7d4 18
SIZ 1d4 + 1 4 MPT 4d4 + 4 14
CON APP 2d4 6
4d4 + 1 11
LUK 5d4 12
MPR 3d4 7
TF TF 25

ATTACK claw(45) 1d4-d2

ATTACK bash (35) 1d8·1d2
ARMOR none
ARMOR head 1 point
SPELLS special
15-20 Head (1) 3
01 -14 Body 17

The spring snake is a dangerous creature. It attacks by possible attacks (save each versus Illusion)
coiling up and then springing at its target. Its head is extremely
hard and pointed, much like a crossbow bolt. Once the snake • each member of a party thinks that all the other
pierces the skin of its victim (either normal.impale, or critical) members are monsters.
the snake then twists while withdrawing to cause more bleeding. • The sublem appears as a hurt member of the
party to get healed.
• One member of the party looks like the sublem,
while he assumes the character's appearance

Sublems pose a threat to everyone on Vinya, elf and tron

alike. They possess very powerful illusionary magic. Their
favorite trick is to make a party fight among themselves, then
capture . the survivors. It is rumored that their captives are
placed in a type of zoo or trair1ed to fight for the sublems'
entertainment. Each sublem can try to affect up to 4 creatures.

Tho rn w rappe r (chaotic) Tige r Beetle s (neutral)

STR 1 1 d4 28
SIZ 1 1 d4 28
CON 5d4 12
DEX 4d4 10
INT 2d4 5
STR 6d4 + 4 24
WIS 1d4 2
SIZ 6d4 + 4 24
MPR 2d4 5
CON 5d4 12
TF 22
DEX 4d4 10
INT 2d4-1 4
ATTACK tendrils (70) 1d10 + 2d6
MPR 2d4 5
mouth (90) 3d6 + 2d6
ARMOR stalk 4 points, tendrils 2 poin1s
TF 24

HIT LOCA TIONS A TTACK bite (60) 2d8 + 2d6 + special

Stalk (4) 35 ARMOR 5 point skin
Tendrils (2) 20 . MOVE crawl 10" /fly 15"


The thomwrapper has several (2d8) large tendrils, which
18-20 Head (5) 8
reach out to 15'. It is a fairly intelligent plant form, and attacks
13-17 Abdomen (5) 1 7
by lashing out with its tendrils and drawin g its victim into a
1 1 -12 Right Leg (5) 6
pit-like mouth beneath Its stalk. The plant has·grabbed a victim
09-10 Right Leg (5) 6
if 20% of its ATT has been rolled; the creature will be drawn into
07-08 Right Leg (5) 6
its mouth at the end of the following round. Even if a creature is
05-06 Left Leg (5) 6
not drawn into its mouth, the ripping action of its thorny tendrils
03-04 Left Leg (5) 6
are lethal enough. The thomwrapper can put up a hard
01-02 Left Leg (5) 6
protective membrane around its vulnerable head and stalk.
Characters can choose what part of. the plant they wish to hit if
they are within striking distance.
Tiger beetles are very large and aggressive insects. They
come from the same world as the pseudo-scorpions and other
giant insects. They will attack anything if they are hungry, but
If a tendril hits a character in the head, there is a 15% chance
usually chose a solitary traveler as easy prey. They can fly great
he will be strangled, and dies in 1d4 rounds. Normal fire will not
distances. In battle, they uses their mandibles to rend their
bother the wrapper but burning oil and magical fire will cause it
helpless victim. They have an extremely hard shell which is
to retreat.
almost equal to plate, absorbing up to 5 points damage.

If the tiger beetle hits with its mandibles once, damage is

automatic henceforth.

T rans (chaotic) Tunnel l e rs (neutral)

STR 8d4 + 4 24
SIZ 8d4 + 4 24
CON 5d4 12
INT 2d4 5
MPR 2d4 5
TF 23

ATTACK bite (90) 2d8 + 2d8

ARMOR 3 point skin
MO VE tunnel 1 "/crawl 12"

19-20 Head (3) 8
15-18 Body (3) 17
STR 6d4 + 1 2 Zl
13-14 Right Front Leg (3) 8
SIZ 6d4 + 1 2 Zl
1 1 -1 2 Left Front Leg (3) 8
CON 6d4 + 2 17
08-09 Right Hind Leg (3) 8
DEX 5d4 12
05;07 Left Hind Leg (3) 8
INT 5d4 12
01-05 Tail (3) 8
WIS 5d4 12
MPR 5d4 + 4 16 Tunnellers are not native to Vinya. It is believed that they came
L UK 5d4 12 from the same world as the pseudo-scorpions, tiger beetles, and
TF 21 other large insects. They spend 75% of their time tunnelling;
they are capable of going through rock even dwarves can't
A TTACK any weapon (60 + 160 + ) + 2d6 penetrate. When provoked, tunnellers can become quite a
ARMOR 2 point skin lethal weapon. A captured tunneller can be worth 50Q. CR on
MOVE 9" the open market, while a tamed tunneller is worth 10 times that.

The trons are aggressive, strong, and intelligent, with double

spines and two opposible thumbs. While they can not cast
spells, they can use magic items, and have a high mag ic
resistance. They believe that they are the perfect life-form, and
everyone else is inferior and should either be slaves or killed.
They have 3rlslaved every other race on their own world, and
take many prisoners from Vinya back to their own world.

They wear armor and can use any weapon . Just the mention
of a tron encounter makes the character feel the same as all the
other tron-conquered races - helpless.

We b be r P lants (chaotic) Win ged Audiax (chaotic)

STR 9d4 (23)

# of pods 8d4 (20)
TF 25

ATTACK web (75)

Suffocation Web STR 5d4 13

Time Thickness SIZ 5d4 13
CON 4d4 + 1 11
20 rounds 112' DEX 5d4 13
10 rounds 1' INT 6d4 14
5 rounds 1.5' WIS 2d4 5
3 rounds 'Z MPR 7d4 + 1 19
APP 2d4 5
ARMOR 20 points ground protection LUK 3d4 7
TF 8
This plant uses its dead hosts as fertilizer. To actually kill a
new webber plant the entire area must be tilleij to a depth of 4 " ATTACK bite (40) 1 d 1 0
feet, then all parts of the plant must be burned. These plants are ARMOR none
almost completely undetectable (hide 90%), being entirely MO VE crawl 1 "/fly 10"
underground except for the tips of pods that spew forth great
quantities of a web-like substance. The pods are connected HIT LOCA TIONS
underground by a network of runners, each having sensitivity to 15-20 Head 4
weight. After several have been triggered, the pods will break 08-14 Left Ear 8
open, trapping their victim. Sometimes the runners start entire 01 -07 Right Ear 8
new plants, so large colonies have been a serious problem.
This chaotic race cQmes from a gaseous planet, where it
2 pods can create a web 1 /2 foot deep over a 10' area. The survives by feeding off of each other. They find that humans are
sticky strands are extremely strong; a creature with a STR less much easier prey. They also possess great intelligence and
than 15 is hopelessly stuck. Creatures with STR of 16- 1 9 can spell resistance. Their eyes emit a beam of light with which they
break through at a rate of 1 /2' per round. STR 20 + can break search for prey at night.
through at 1 ' per combat round. The major danger with webber
attacks is suffocation.

Zorn bi es (dead)

STR var
SIZ var
CON 1d4 2
DEX 2d4 5
INT 1d4 2
WIS 1d4 2
APP 1d4 2
TF var

A TTACK any weapon (50/50) + STR

MO VE 8"


By creature type

The followers of Mortrone can be any kind, but mostly

humankind. They are mindless; nothing more than decayed
remains which are controlled by Mortrone. They may W8lr

7 . 1. Treasu re Facto r
The wealth carried or owned by an individual or monster can be determined as follows : Monsters will not have treasures on
them; only in their lairs. The exception to this rule is any of the major races (gudds, nords, etc.), who may carry their wealth
with them.

Average Of Siz .And Str 01 -03 04.09 10-14 15-18 19-22 23-28 29.3 35.40
Treasure Factor 2 4 6 8 12 16 20 30

Add To The Treasure Factor :

1 point for every point of offensive and defensive spells
1 point for every 25% of best attack
1 point for each point of armor that covers whole body ·.

1 point for each stat (other than SIZ and STR) that is over 18

90% Of Having 50% Of Having

.-... .....
,. \ , "
Treasure Coppers Crowns Royal Ornamental Semi-Precious Precious
Factor Crowns {1d20 RC) {1d100 RC) (1d300 RC)

01 -1 0 5d10 1d10 1d2 1

1 1 -20 1d100 5d10 1d4 1
21 -30 2d100 5d20 1d6 2
31 -40 4d 1 00 2d 1 00 1d8 2 1
4 1 -50 5d100 3d 1 00 1d10 3 1
51 -60 6d100 4d100 1d12 3 1
61 -70 7d 100 . 5d 1 00 1d20 4 2
71 -80 8d100 6d100 2d 20 4 2
81 ·90 9d100 7d 1 00 3d20 5' 3
91 -100 10d100 8d100 4d20 5 3
101 -1 1 0 15d100 10d100 5d20 6 .4
1 1 1 -1 20 20d100 1 2d 1 00 2d 100 7 4
1 2 1 - 1 30 25d100 15d100 3d100 8 5
1 3 1 -1 40 30d 1 00 20d 1 00 4d 1 00 9 5
1 4 1 - 1 50 35d 1 00 25d1 00 5d 1 00 10 6
1 5 1 - 1 60 40d 1 00 30d 1 00 6d100 12 6 1
161 -1 70 45d 100 35d100 7d 100 14 8 2
1 7 1 - 1 80 50d 1 00 40d100 8d100 16 8 3
1 8 1 - 1 90 55d1 00 45d 1 00 9d 1 00 20 10 4
1 9 1 -200 60d100 50d 1 00 1 0d 1 00 25 15 5

Note: There is only a 25% chance that non-Intelligent creatures (or of animal Intelligence 5 INT points or less) will have any


8. Mis cel l a n eo u s G a m e

8 .1 Garn bling

Tryad is a popular Vinyan dice game. It is played in almost any bar or caaino.

Each player has an identical pyramid and a four-sided die.

All players cover the numbers on their pyramids with coins of the same denomination. The object of the game is to remove
all the coins from the pyramid. Simultaneously, they roll their dice, and each removes the coins from numbers that add up to
the roll of his die. If he can not do so , he must d rop out of the game, leaving the remaining coins on the table. The last
remaining player collects all the coins left on all the tryads.

If a player clears his tryad, all other players must pay double what is on their cards. If all the players miss their roll, the
winner is the one with the fewest covered triangles. In case of a tie, the stake goes to the one with the smaller numbers
covered, or to a roll-off, where the first person to roll a '4' is declared the winner.

8 . 2 . Cheating
During any game a person can try to cheat or detect cheating, but not both.

cheat detect cheat outcome

makes % makes % Cheater successful, but is suspected

makes % misses % Cheater successful
misses % makes % caught red-handed
misses % misses % cheater unsuccessful, but is suspected

Some example of cheating are picking up coins in tryad off of numbers not rolled, or adding 10% to the d100 in high roll.

8 . 3 . Divine In te rvention
Since the characters are the chosen ones, the gods have given them the right to ask one favor each. Each favor or miracle
can be used to bring one person back from the dead or to get the party out of s0me hopeless situation. The miracle can not be
used to strike down an opponent or to change history or to see into the future. Divine intervention may not be granted for
various reasons; the gods may want a particular event to happen.

Example : the party is surrounded and outnumbered.

Half of the party is severely wounded, and a request is made 'Oh, god, please get us out of here and back home.' To the
astonishment of the party they are still facing this very serious situation. The gods may want the party to be captured as
it is the only way they will find the mystic stone of the ancients, or whatever their quest may be.

Divine intervention can:

1. place the entire party in a different location; as is (dead or wounded or burnt to ashes)

2. Bring one creature or character back from the dead. He will be totally healed with full MPT and HP. Also all
fighting and nonfighting skills will be at twice normal for 20 combat rounds.

8 .4 . C h a ra cte r Death and Henchman Replacements

If any one of the original ten characters is killed, a replacement henchman can be brought into the game, although he will
not have an element tie.

If all the element magic characters die, Edself will put himself into suspended animation for 50 years, and a new generation
of characters will be born.

• The first time this happens, evil will spread past Great River and Tennek and Twin City East will fall.

• The second time, the humans will be cut off from the other races by evil spreading to the capitol river. Trebor will

• There is no third time. Edself will unleash a doomsday device that will destroy all of Vinya and the gate with it.
t ,000 ,000 years later, on a similar planet in another galaxy, far, far, away, the situation is repeated - well, it wouldn't
be much fun if the game just ended would it?

race lawful neutral chaotic

01 -50 human 01 -95 96-99 00

51-60 hobbit 01-90 91-99 00
61 -70 dwarf 01 -90 91 -99 00
71-80 half-elf 01 -90 91-99 00
81·90 elf 01-90 91-99 00
91·00 half-tron 01 ·30 31 -75 76-00
NPC's 01 -30 30.75 76-00

8.5. Polson constitution score as a % on a d 100, and he can attempt as

Poison wa.s introduced to Vi11ya by the Gudds; there are three many times as his constitution score, but he will temporarily lose
types: sleep, paralytic, and death. The poisons also come in one point of constitution for each unsuccessful roll (Down to a 5
three different intensities: weall, normal, and strong. · Tp see if point constitution minimum).
the poison has worked compare the intensity with the
character's constitution. (See Poison Success Table) Example : Syke· Nature's Wonder has a healthy
constitution of 15. He .has been affected by a Strong
sleep poison If this type of poison works the victim will fall Death Poison. He can attempt to roll a total of 1 0 times
into a comatose slumber. before being killed.

Roll # 1 = � CON = 1 4
paralytic poison This type of poison causes the victim to
Roll # 2 = 52 CON = 13
become unable to move any voluntary
Roll # 3 = 18 aose but not quite, CON = 12
muscles. He will still be aware of any actions
Roll # 4 = 86 CON = 1 1
that can be seen from the position he was in
Roll # 5 = 63 CON = 10
when he became functionally incapacitated.
Roll # 6 = 42 CON = IS
Basic magic can still be used by someone in
Roll # 7 = 92 CON = 08 Slipping fast
this state because it only requires
Roll # 8 = 11 MADE IT I

But he now has a Constitution score of 08 which will

death poison This poison gives the victim the chance to
most likely reduce his hit points. He will, however, get
pass on to a different world to seek new
back one Constitution point back per Vinyan week .

There is a chance that a character will survive a normally

lethal dose of poison. The affected creature must roll his

Antidotes 8 . 6 . Transpo rters

Antidotes are very rare and must be made to counteract a
specific type of poison, and must be of equal or greater
intensity. Sometimes the person using the poison will have the
antidotes in case of an accident.

Poison Sqccess Chart

Victim's Con Weak Normal Strong

05 50 75 100
06 45 70 95
07 40 65 90
08 35 60 85
09 30 55 Bl
10 25 50 75
11 20 45 70
12 15 40 65
13 10 35 60
14 05 30 55

15 25 50

16 20 45

17 15 40

18 10 35 Before the gate of the wor1d was created, the elders

19 05 30 fabricated a vast network of mini-gates which connected all the
• •
20 25 major cities, to help further trade and commerce, and connect
all the people of Vinya to the capitol. But unfortunately the fall of
Note : (00) Always failure � magic capitol caused the transportation system to become
(01) Always iwccess almost totally inoperative. Presently less than half are fully
Time To Take Affect Chart
It is strongly recommended that the characters uae the
Intensity Time To Take Affect Duration system to save time and to help alleviate boring travel through
(Combat Rounds) (Tums) friendly territory. But there is some element of risk Involved; the
transporters will work as shown of the map only 96% of the time
Weak 5d4 1d4 •· All other times the characters will arrive at a random
Normal 3d4 3d4 destination determined by rolling of the Random Destination
Strong 1d4 5d4 Chart. There is one exception the capitol transporter which
• •

will transport randomly 96% of the time. Characters should U9e

Duration for Sleep or Paralytic poison only. the capitol transporter only in emergencies or they could find
themselves in very hostile company. All creatures that are
touching when passing through the transporter will be
transported to the same location.

e Fully operational can transport to and from

t) can transport to only one location

0 can only receive creatures and objects, can

not transport

@ Random, can receive but always transports

to a random location


1 The Void
2 Temek
3 Birchwood
4 Dwarves
5 Old Capitol
6 Chaotic Forest
7 Ostland
8 Salty lake
9 Hobbits
10 Dragonkind
11 Bves
12 Avatar's Domain
13 Trebor
14 Tron Woods
15 Twin City West
16 The Beach
17 Faine
18 Northeast Ruins
19 Twin City East
20 Great River Station

The Void

The Void is believed to be somewhere between the capitol

and some other city. Anyone trapped in the void will stay there
until some other unfortunate cr�ature gets sent to the void,
which, in effect, knocks him out of the void and take his place.
When a creature is kicked out of the void it must roll again from
the random destination chart to determine where it comes o\lt.
The character would believe that he has just stepped into the
transporter, but time will have passed . Each creature must roU
to see just how much time was spent frapped ·in the void.


1 One combat round

2 One tum
3 One hour
4 One day
5 One week
6 One month

A p pen d i x I

The Bi g Ex a m p l e

STR · 16
Ghent Silverfoot SIZ · 14
MPT - 18
353 Bastard Sword (50/50) 1d10 + 1d4 bonus damage
4 Composite Bow (50) 1d8 + 1d2 bonus damage
44 Medium Shield (40)
Armor Chain (5pts)

Move - 6"

Armor II
Healing II
Sharpness II

leader archer 1 archer 2 support

3 3 3 3
242 242 242 242
3 3 3 3
33 33 33 33

STR 1 1
• STR 1 2
• STR 13 • STR 10

SIZ · 1 0 SIZ · B SIZE · 7 SIZ · 9

MPR 12
• MPR · B MPR : 10 MPR 13

Longsword 1 H (4574o) 1d8 Poleaxe 2H (35/35) 2d6 Great Axe 2H (35/35) 2d6 Light Mace 1 H (40/35) 1d8
Medium Shield (40) 10 Light Bow (35) 1d6 Light Crossbow (35) 2d6 Medium Shield (35)
Chain (4j Hard Leather (2) Hard Leather (2) Hard Leather (2)

Move 6 Move 9 Move 9 Move 9

Ghent Silverfoot first heard the noises as he wash� from his forehead the last of the dried blood from the battle two days
ago. Both Tron and human blood mingled in the formerly crystal-clear water that formed a tributary to the Great River. He had
realized yesterday that he alone had survived the ambush. He had survived because he could nm. As his companions had
fallen like so many insignificant flies, so would he have fallen had he not taken flight. He was being chased, however, because
the information he carried back to Tennek was vital to their defense. He could not see or hear his pursuer yet, but he knew
they were not far behind. He had not bothered to hide his trail , hoping instead to outdistance his Tron pursuers.

The noises he now heard became more clearly definect. It sounded 8S though someone were clearing an area for a
campsite. The crash of an axe told him that not only were the campers armed but that they planned to stay a while. As he
continued on, he realized that the intruders in the forest were definitely getting closer. Curiosity and intense hunger drove him
to seek the campsite.

The scene was not very welcoming; four Nords stood around a makeshift clearing. Immediately, Ghent's mind reeled in
disgust and indignation. Nords were the curse of every wood-loving people. Now reflex actions took control of Ghent, and
reason was thrown aside. His composite bow is notched with a flame-red arrow, ready to let fly, when the Nords spot him.

Round 1

His first arrows whistled through the air, but then, as Fate would have it, they fell short of their target. His tree-sense
screamed at him as three arrows slam into the forest behind him, narro1.YIY missing his feathered cap. A giant wooden shield
now hurtles at him with a Nord behind it, cowering in fear of the flame-red death arrows. Ghent quickly decides that he will
slowly back up to hold the charging Nords at bay. One of them weaves erratically.

surprise has not occurred

Combat A nalysis

Ghent : Fires two shots (84, 68) at archer 1. Both miss just in short range, he retreats 20 ft {1 /3 of 6")

Nord Leader : Moves 1 /3, moves 1 /3, and parries (not reali�ing he wasn't the target)

Support : Moves 1 /3, moves 1/3, moves 1 /3, weaving so his effective movement is cut in half (5"). rounding first up
then down. If Ghent had chosen him as his target, Ghent would have had only a 25% to hit.

Archer 1 : Fires two shots (60, 63) which both miss, and moves 1 /3. 150' is medium range for a light bow, so he needs
a 26 to hit instead of his base rate of 35 (see division table)

Archer 2: Fires light crossbow (70) which misses, and moves 213.

Round 2
Again Ghent's arrows fly, and this time the flame-red projectiles find their marks. A, Nord bow flies back, but only once, for
the bowman's right arm is pinned to his body only seconds before his heart is pierced . His spent arrow falls to the ground.
Undaunted, the charge continues, and there is still one Nord bowman left.

Combat A nalysis

Ghent : Fires two shots (33, 43) at archer 1 . The first arrow hits in the right arm (1 2) for 1d8 + 1 d 2 5 pts, of which

2 points are absorbed by the armor. The second arrow hits in the chest {17) for 8 points. Archer 1 is 4 in -

the chest, and is now in shoe�.

l.eader : Moves 2/3 and parries.

Archer 1 : Misses his first shot (92) and can't fire his second arrow since his arm became useless after the first arrow

Archer 2 : Readies his light crossbow, then moves 213.

Support : Moves 3/3, still weaving (4 )

" .

Round 3
Ghent loses two more arrows, but now the fatigue of his long run catches up to him, and his indecision of a definite target
causes him to miss. The Nord bowman is not tired and his arrow strikes Ghent squarely in the chest. Not for the first time, our
warrior feels the warm trickle of his own blood. The charge continues. Fear strikes Ghent as he sees the Nord bowman switch
to a great axe as he nears.

Combat A nalysis

Ghent : Fires two shots (67, 52) which both miss archer 2, then retreats 1 /3.

Leader : Moves 2/3 and parries (What a wimp)f

Archer 2 : Fires his cross-bow (35) and hits Ghent in the chest {18) for 2d6 6 points, of which 1 point passes

through the armor. Ghent thanks the gods that he spent his lunch money on chain mail, instead of wasting
it in Lustful Lotta's Hankey-Pankey Haberdashery and Adult Book Store. Archer 2 switches to his great axe
and moves 1 /3.

Support : Moves 3/3, still weaving (5").

Round 4

Ghent hastily shoots an arrow, which goes wild. But now caution takes over and the red Death digs itself into the Nord's
guts. The Nord's raspy voice cu� the luck of the elf. His last sensation is the crunch of his bones as one of his comrades
uses hims as a stepping stone. Ghent now feels that the odds are more to his liking, so he drops his bow and unsheathes his
sword. The charge continues. However, the weaving Nord is now charging with ruthless abandon, and Ghent must fight

Combat A nalysis

Ghent : Fires two shots (72, 44). The second hits archer two in the abdomen (15) for 7 points, which puts him down
to - 2. Archer two falls to the ground and Ghent switches to his bastard sword.

Leader : Moves 213 and parries flies.

Archer 2 : Moves 113 and falls on the ground with an arrow in his stomach.

Support : Moves 313, still weaving (4").

Round 5

Ghent's casts and armor spell, and now his superior swordsmanship immediately gains control of the battle as his sword
Ghinsu slices muscles and tendons in the Nord's left arm. His shield slips from his grasp and slides to the ground. THe Nord
somehow remains standing and swings his light mace at Ghent. It connects with his right arm only to glance harmlessly off the
warrior's now enchanted armor. Now, however Ghent was fighting two Nords as the second joined the battle. He already had
• .

an arrow in his chestplate. How many more wounds could he take?

Combat A nalysis

Ghent : Casts an Armor II spell on himself, increasing his armor's protection to 7 points, but reducing his MPT by 2.
He fails to parry (88), then attacks (42), hitting support in the left arm for 1 d 1 0 + 1 d4 6 points. His left arm

hangs useless by his side, but he can still parry with his mace.

Leader : Moves 3/3.

Support : Moves 1 /3, Hits (32) Ghent in the right arm (13) for 7 points, which just bounces off. He tries to parry
Ghent's crippling blow, but misses (67).

Round 6

Ghent swings at the newcomer to the battle but the combatant neatly steps aside. There are tw'o weapons against his one; a
mace and a long sword. He chooses to parry the long sword. Whatever fatigue he felt was quickly forgotten as his head
rocked with the force of the light mace.

Combat A nalysis

Ghent : Misses the leader (51), misses his parry (73), and casts a Heal I on his chest to stop the bleed ing and bring
himself back to normal. His MPT is now down to 13.

Leader : Misses his attack (46), and misses his parry (57). He forfeits his last action, having nothing better to do.

Support : Hits (21 ) Ghent in the head (19). The 6 points of damage bounce off but leave his head ringing.

Round 7

Ghent suddenly strives upward and is most awe-inspiring in his gleaming armor. He swings at the Nord with the long sword,
and neatly slices the leg almost in twain. The screech of pain could be heard for miles. The long sword bounces off Ghent's
sword. The mace-wielding Nord fumbles with his mace as he is blinded by the warriors gleaming armor.

Combat Analysis

Ghent : Swings at the leader and hits (38) him in the left leg (4) for 14 points. He successfully parries (40), and
forfeits his last action.

Leader : Hisparry misses, so his left leg is at - 7, and he is on the ground. His attack hits (38), but Ghent parries.
Note that he attacks simultaneously because the Attack Categories are the same for his and Ghent's

Support : Fumbles (98) so he must roll on the fumble chart. He rolls an 8, and his vision is blocked for 2 combat
rounds and is now attacking at 30% instead of 40%. He also forfeits his other actions this round:

Round B

Ghent merely ends the confusion by sliding the blade of his bastard sword through the mace-wielding Nord's skull. The thrill
of triumph is short for Ghent as the whistle of a longsword recalls him to the battle at hand.

Combat Analysis

Ghent : Swing at the support, a critical hit (02) in the head (20). Since armor is ignored in a critical hit, all 13 points
go to the support's head, which kills him instantly ( - 10).

Leader : His attack (30) would normally hit,- but since he is on the ground he now needs a 23. Luckily, he doesn't
need his parry, which he misses.

Support : Tries to parry (47), misses, and dies. He doesn't get a chance to attack since his attack category is not as
good as Ghent's.

Round 9

Ghent quickly swings at the fallen Nord, but mi8ses in his haste. The Nord swings back at Ghent and hits the arrow lodged in
Ghent's chest, causing more blood to seep beneath the warrior's armor.

Combat Analysis

Ghent : Swings at the downed Nord leader with a 25% advantage, but misses (78). His parry (52) also misses, and
he forfeits his last action.

Leader : His attack (20) hits Ghent in the chest (17) for 8 points. The armor absorbs 7 points, and Ghent is down 1 .

Rovnd 10

Ghent now speaks the sacred words taught to him so long ago to staunch the flow of blood and swings again at the fallen
Nord. This time his sword plunges deeply into the Nord's abdomen and stays there as Ghent Silverfoot falls to his knees from

Combat Analysis

Ghent : Casts Heal I, hits (06) the Nord with an impaling blow for 2d 10 + 1d4 = 19 points of damage in the abdomen
( 1 6).

Leader : Misses his parry, and goes to - 1 2 in his abdomen; instant death.

A p pend i x I I

S u g g e s t ed O rd e r to C re a te a n A d ven t u re r

race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 3
age. . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . • . .·. . • . • • . . . . . • • • . . . . . . 3
sex (your choice)
roll prime requisites (STR, SIZ, CON,DEX, INT, WIS, MPT, APP, LUK) . . . . 5-10
militia training (possible increase in prime requisites) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
character death in the militia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . .
. . . • . . . . 14
fill in prime req uisite descriptions
STR adjustments und�r misc. on second page. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • 5
SIZ adjustments to height and weight . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . . • • ·. . . . • 8
resurrection survival . . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . 7
maximum weight capacify • . • . • • • . . . . • . ; . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • 5
INT adjustments . • • . . • .
. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . •
. . . • • • . . · 7
WIS adjustments . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .
. . • . . . . 8
maximum number of henchmen when element magic is attained . . . . . . • 9
morals . . ,. . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
bravery . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. . . . . 10
materialism . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . • . • . • 10
alignment . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . . 11
phobia check . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . • • • . • . . . • . .. . • . . •
• . . . • 11
background . . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . . . . • .
· . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • 11
handedness . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . .
• . . . • 11
element bind . . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . ·• 11
interests . . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
. . . . . . . • • . • . 12
professional skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 12
proficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 12
attack and parry bonuses . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . ·. . . . • 13
hit points . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • • . . •
. • • . • . . 13
damage . • : . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . 13
weapon choices . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . • . . • 2.3
spell points known . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . � . . • . • 14
pick spells. . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 30 +
weight and absorption of armor . . • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
knowledge skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
artistic skills . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 18
perception and deception skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
manipulation skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . ·. . . . . 18
sneaking skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
divine intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
movement rate . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . 25
treasure factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 80

Avatar's Domain

A ppendix I l l

D i v i s i o n Ta b les

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

25 3 2§4 �

�2 2 1§4 1 !2 1 !2 1 §4 l

33 4 3&3 3 �3 2 1 i3 1 !3 i l
�3 � 3 3

50 6 �2 5 4!2 4 �2 3 2i 2 1 2! 1 l

7! 4i3 4 3i 2 1l i
66 8
3 � 8 s; � 3

75 9 �2 71 5§4 8 �2 412 3§
3 �2 1 12 I

10U 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Result is actual movement

Attack %
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 80 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

25 1 !2 �2 � 5 �2 7!
2 � 10 1 1 !2 1 �2 1314 15 1�2 1 112 1e>l4 20 21 12 �2 �
33 1i �3 5 �3 �3 10 1 1 i3 13i 15 1s&3 1 al 20 21 i3 �3 25 25i 29! 30 31 &3
3 3 3 3

50 �2 5 721 10 1 �2 15 1 721 20 �2 25 27!2 30 3�2 35 3721 40 4�2 45 4712

66 �3 �3 10 131 1�3 20 231

30 3313 36i
40 43!
50 53!

75 71 1 1 !2 15 1a>l4 251 371 41 12 49§4 5�2 57! 71 1

� 2 �2 2
30 33�
4 2
45 �2 80 � 2 2

100 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Result is actual attack percentage

Note: round fractions at game-master's discressio n.

pcrmirrion to photocopy

name weapon current HP

attack parry
STR impale critical
SIZ fumble damage ___

CON attack category

WIS weapon
APP attack parry
LUK impale . critical
fumble damage ___

race attack category

.current MPT
max wt. capacity
max # of henchmen
moraL<1 attack parry
bravery impale critical 1 9-20 head . ( )
rnatP.riaiism fumble damage 1 7 - 1 8 chest ( )

alignment attack category 15-16 abdomen ( )

1 2- 1 4 rt arm ( )
09- 1 1 It arm ( )
weapon 05·08 rt leg ( )
element bind
01 -04 It leg ( )
interests attack parry
impale critical cume total
fumble damage ___

other skills attack category

divine intervention
movement rate equipment list WT
treasure factor
parry DA

carried wt
spells known MP
__ CR
__ c
__ gems
__ total (CR)
in bank

combat bon uses total weight carried

bash weight
attack & parry
hit point
2 P<',,ninion In photorop;v

knowledge manipulation mount

evaluate treasure balanC:e STR __ DEX __

ingenious idea -Climbing SIZ --- INT ---

know common Ieng jumping CON - MPR __

know olher lang riding

pick locks movement rate

swimming max weight capacity

know cuslOmS manipulate traps characteristic

combat bonuses
know legends
identify attack
sneaking damage
hit point adj
artistic ability
quiet movemont
describe unknbwn attack mode damage
pick pockets
map making
sing song bite
sketch kick
tel joke trample

tel story rear + plunge


. perception/deception open stuck doors DA HP WT .

open secret doors 19·20 head
detect lie
bend metal 15-18 fore qt
detect cheating
survive resurrection 1 1 - 1 4 hind qt
detect disguise
max # of languages 013-10 rt ft leg

night vision
read own language 05-07 It ft'leg
detect illusions 03.04 rt hd leg
find hidden item
detect secret passage 01-02 It hd leg
under8tand mecllanlsm

cume total

.. burden list WT

total weight carried

max weight capacity

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