3rd - Exp - Kirchoff's - Law

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Third Experiment

Kirchhoff's Laws
Presented by
Abdurahman Alsarhan

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180


1- Verifying the first Kirchhoff's law by currents in parallel connection.

2- Verifying the second Kirchhoff's law by voltages in series connection.

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Kirchhoff's law demands on a current (I), and a voltage (V) due to passing through many resistances whether
connecting parallel and series. Kirchhoff's law contain two rules, which are a junction rule and a closed loop rule.

First Kirchhoff's law is called as junction rule for currents. Connecting resistances on the electric circuit for junction
rule is parallel connection as seen figure(3-1). The definition of electric current is flux of electrons through time, as
seen next equation (3-1).
I= !#
The first Kirchhoff's law for currents is defined as the summation currents inside and outside the electric circuit as
illustration next equation (3-2).
𝐼! + 𝐼" + … + 𝐼#
𝐼$%$ = 𝐼! + 𝐼" + … + 𝐼#
𝐼$%$ = 𝐼! + 𝐼"
𝐼$%$ = ∑&# 𝐼# 𝐼$%$ − (𝐼! + 𝐼" ) =0
𝐼$%$ − ∑&# 𝐼# = Zero (3-2) 𝐹𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 3 − 1 , 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑗𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒.

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Second Kirchhoff's law is called as closed loop rule for voltages. Connecting resistances on the electric circuit for
closed loop rule is series connection as seen figure(3-2). The definition electric voltage is pushing electrons from
negative pole to positive pole, as seen next equation (3-3).
∆𝑉 = 𝐸 𝑑𝑙 (3-3)
The second Kirchhoff's law for voltages is defined as the summation voltages inside a closed electric circuit as
illustration next equation (3-4).
𝑉$ + 𝑉%+ … + 𝑉&
𝑉#'# = 𝑉$ + 𝑉%+ … + 𝑉& 𝐹𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 3 − 2 , illustrating closed loop.

𝑉#'# = ∑(& 𝑉&

𝑉#'# − ∑(& 𝑉& = Zero (3-2)

𝑉# 𝑉$
𝑉!"! = 𝑉# + 𝑉$

𝑉!"! − (𝑉# + 𝑉$ )= 0

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180
- DC power supply.
- Two multimeters.
- Two resistors.
- Electric wires.

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Steps for First Law
1- Start right side for tools.
2- Connect from DC power supply and leave other side of wire.
2- Connect first resistor and leave other side of wire.
3- Connect second resistor and leave other side of wire.
4- Plug all other sides of wire together.
5- Do left side as right side.
6- To get the total current is connect wire from DC power supply to A input other wire plugging on (com) input.
7- To get the first current is connect wire from first resistor to A input other wires plugging on (com) input.
8- To get the second current is connect wire from second resistor to A input other wires plugging on (com) input.
9- Calculate the first Kirchhoff's law, which contains

𝐼,-, = 𝐼. + 𝐼/ 𝐼,-, − (𝐼. + 𝐼/ ) =0

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Steps for First Law

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Steps for Second Law
1- Connect a wire from DC power supply to first resistor.
2- Connect from first resistor to second resistor.
3- Connect from second resistor to DC power supply.
4- To get the total voltage is by connecting wire from multimeter by input (com), and input(V) to
connect two wires DC power supply on negative pole to positive pole.
5- To get the first voltage is by connecting wire from multimeter by input (com), and input(V) to
connect two wires on the first resistor on both sides.
6- To get the second voltage is by connecting wire from multimeter by input (com), and input(V) to
connect two wires on the second resistor on both sides.
7- Calculate the first Kirchhoff's law, which contains

𝑉,-, = 𝑉. + 𝑉/ 𝑉,-, − (𝑉. + 𝑉/ )= 0

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Steps for Second Law

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

Results & Analysis
1- First Kirchhoff's Law by Currents.
𝑰𝒕𝒐𝒕 (A) 𝑰𝟏 (A) 𝑰𝟐 (A)
𝑰𝒕𝒐𝒕 – ( 𝑰𝟏 + 𝑰𝟐 ) = 0
……. – (…...+……) = ….

2- Second Kirchhoff's Law by Voltages.

𝑽𝒕𝒐𝒕 (V) 𝑽𝟏 (V) 𝑽𝟐 (V) 𝑽𝒕𝒐𝒕 – ( 𝑽𝟏 + 𝑽𝟐 ) = 0
……. – (…...+……) = ….

Abdurahman Alsarhan 3rd Term 2023 Kirchhoff's Laws Phys 2190,1040,2310,2180

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