Nursing Documentation, Record Keepings and Written Communication
Nursing Documentation, Record Keepings and Written Communication
Nursing Documentation, Record Keepings and Written Communication
• Every nurse
• With every patient that she carries on
• Every time... And at least once for shift
And ... How?
• You will see lots of different charts, forms and documentation. All of
them complete the Medical Patient History
• Nursing Assessment Sheet: contains
• − identification of patient: Patients biographical details (name, age,
sex), weight and height, number of clinical history, medical history
(precedents, diseases, treatments, possibility of pregnancy...),
allergies, diagnosis (reason for admission), surgery procedure, ward
and bed’s number, nurse and doctor responsible, date
Nursing Assessment Sheet
‒ To identify factors of risk and possible complications.
‒ To maintain the safety of the patient along all its surgical
‒ Preparing the patient for surgery.
– Identification of patient
– Surgical Check list
– Personal precedents
– Premedication
– Preparation of the surgical field
Preoperative Nurse Functions
• Neurological observations charts, are using for
recording other specific observations such the:
–Glasgow Coma Scale score for level of
– pupil size and reaction to ligth
– Limb movement
Nursing Records in ICU