Course Outline BUA602 - Fall 2023 Sec - FF (CRN 72892)
Course Outline BUA602 - Fall 2023 Sec - FF (CRN 72892)
Course Outline BUA602 - Fall 2023 Sec - FF (CRN 72892)
Tobin College of Business/ Business Analytics & Information Systems Department
Dr. F. V. Lu
Email: [email protected]
e-mail communications: Send me an email and I will get back to you ASAP
Welcome to the BUA602 BUSINESS ANALYTICS class! I have had taught the course BUA602
multiple times in the past. I will continue to work hard to improve the delivery of the course. In
the meantime, let us work closely together to make sure that the course will reach a successful
conclusion by the end of the semester. Please refer to this course outline carefully and often since
it is a carefully designed roadmap for the implementation and learning of the course. It is
strongly suggested that you pay attention to the five (5) required components of the course work
(page 4) and the weekly course plan (Table 1; page 5) specified in this outline.
The course maintains a strong focus on presenting statistical and quantitative concepts as applied
in business. All statistical and analytical concepts and theories are illustrated with applied
examples immediately upon introduction. Emphasis is placed on applying data analysis using
modern statistical, analytical and spreadsheet software packages (Excel, Frontline SOLVERS,
MINITAB and SPSS) and understanding data interpretation for business decision-makings.
Especially, spreadsheet analysis using EXCEL and its add-ins (e.g. Solver and Data Analysis
toolpak) is heavily emphasized in class and this practice enables students to take full advantage
of Excel to develop and derive quantitative problem-solving skills.
Note: you are recommended to review the Video Tutorials given in Cengage Mindtap and SJU
Registered students must complete all the required class activities (see page 4 & 5) by the end of
the semester. This course provides MBA students with the needed statistical and analytics
knowledge for business applications.
Online Learning Web Tools to be used:
This course will use two online platforms: 1.) Cengage’s Mindtap and 2.) SJU Canvas to
administer the course work. Mostly, we are going to use Cengage Mindtap web tools to complete
online class activities including weekly homework assignments/ quizzes, midterm exam, and
final exam. On the other hand, announcements and notes are given in the SJU Canvas Course for
BUA602. In addition, the research paper is required to be submitted to SJU Canvas by the
deadline (See item 3, next page).
Course related documents, data files, Power Point lecture files and other files are made available
in the Mindtap’s Book Companion Site for you to download. If this course outline gets revised or
if I have uploaded any additional files to SJU Canvas during the semester, you will be notified.
TEXTBOOK and Cengage Mindtap information:
NOTE: You are required to purchase the Access Code to register to Cengage’s Mindtap to begin
your work. It is not required to purchase the hard copy of the textbook since the electronic
edition is available for you to use after you have registered to and signed into Cengage Mindtap.
It is beneficial to know that there is a less expensive option for you to buy Cengage Unlimited
subscription instead of the regular access code for MindTap. The materials required for this class
and any other courses using Cengage products in the same semester, are included in the same
Cengage Unlimited subscription. For $124.99 per semester with 4-month access, you get access
to your Cengage online textbooks, and access codes, in one place. $7.99 hardcopy textbook
rentals are also available for select titles. Please note that e-textbook is available for reading on
Cengage Mindtap once you have registered to it using a purchased Access code. You may ask
for Cengage Unlimited in the bookstore or visit
Note. You may download the free Cengage Mobile App to get your Cengage Unlimited online
textbooks and study tools on your smart phone.
REQUIRED Course Work:
You are required to complete all the five (5) listed components of the course work:
Note: In the subfolder of Helpful Information for research paper of the CONTENTS folder in SJU
Canvas course, I have provided, for your reference, a list of possible topics for the research paper as
well as three exemplary papers completed by three students in the past. However, your selected
research topic is not restricted to the provided suggested list.
Format: a total of 20 multiple choice/fill-in questions. Two attempts are allowed when taking the
exam and the higher score will be retained as the Part 2 final exam score.
Most, but not all, of the due days of the assignments, quizzes and exams will fall on Monday.
Please refer to the Tentative Course Plan (Table 1. below) or Cengage Mindtap Assignment List
for the exact due days of assignments and quizzes.
Assignments 40%
Research Paper 15%
A 93-100
A- 90-92.9
B+ 85-89.9
B 75-84.9
B- 70-74.9
C+ 67-69.9
C 60-66.9
F 0-60
• For each unit of the lesson plan, you should first read/practice the assigned chapter and its
Power Point lecture notes (downloadable from Cengage BUA602 course Student
Companion site or Canvas course – FILES folder), and then proceed to complete its
assignment or quiz by the specified deadline.
• In unit 1, you are suggested to review Appendix A. – Basics of Excel to polish your
knowledge if you are new to Excel.
• There are four groups of videos are available to help you study:
1. Webex classroom Lecture Vidoes: There are recorded videos that I lectured in the
recent semesters. The lecture links are listed in the Announcements section of
Canvas. Also, in an Excel file: List of the BUA602 Recorded Webex lecture by Lu.
2. MINDTAP Videos: On the Date Manager View of the Mindtap course, there are
three (3) videos in each chapter of the textbook. They are nice tutorials for you to
learn certain essential topics in each chapter and you are suggested to go over them
as often as you like.
3. YOUTUBE videos: For many of the course topics or Excel skills, you are
strongly suggested to view certain related videos in YOUTUBE. File name: Youtube
lecture videos for BUA602 Business Analytics.xlsx. You may also want to search helpful videos in
Youtube. For example, if you want to learn the creation and use of PIVOT table, you
can type the key words such as “Excel PIVOT table” in the search box of to come up with a list of related videos for to watch and learn.
Similarly, if you want to learn about running a regression analysis using EXCEL,
you can type in the key words such as “Excel Regression Analysis”, again, you are
going to see a list of the related videos for you to choose.
4. Hawkes Learning videos: A collection of Free Videos from Hawkes Learning for
learning the topics of Business Analytics.docx
• For assignment questions, you are strongly suggested to use Excel’s power for solving
computational problems instead of using hand calculation or a calculator. (Please see
Table 4. Above for some of the essential Excel skills which are related to chapter
Required software skills: EXCEL and its add-ins: Data Analysis and Solver, PowerPoint,
WORD, Access and an Internet Brower (e.g. Internet Explorer Chrome, or Firefox)
Recommended (but, not required) software packages: Frontline’s Analytics Solver Platform for
Education (ASPE), MINITAB, SPSS, and SAS.
ASPE is software offered by Frontline Systems, Inc. to solve a variety of quantitative and
statistical problems. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to make the use of
ASPE as an optional task for the course work, but not required. You are assured that
assignments, 3 quizzes, and exams will not include the direct application of ASPE. Instead, you
are strongly recommended to use Excel as a computing tool to solve assigned problems and
exams as much as you can.
Appendix 1. How to access/register your MindTap course
This course requires an online learning platform called MindTap. Follow the instructions below
to get started.
2. Follow the instructions on screen to create your Cengage account and register for this
MindTap course.
3. Begin your temporary access* period.
Need help? Visit the Cengage Start Strong Website ( for step-by-
step instructions.
*Temporary Access: You can access your MindTap course until 4:00 AM (UTC) on 9/8/2023 for
free. At the end of the temporary access period, you will be prompted to purchase access. Your
work will be saved and will be available to you again once you’ve completed your purchase.
NOTE: If the cost of your course materials is included in your tuition, you will not need to
purchase access.
Our US-based support team delivers answers and advice via 24/7 online chat, Twitter, live phone
support (1-800-354-9706) and through, which includes helpful articles, and
If you are having trouble loading MindTap, run the MindTap browser check
( to make sure your browser is
compatible or refer to the MindTap System Requirements
( If MindTap isn’t
loading, be sure to visit Techcheck ( to see if there is an outage.
It is expected that students alert themselves to the course schedule for assignment submissions.
The date to the left of the session number is the due date for the assignments listed for that
session. Falling behind a single session is unproblematic if occasional rather than regular.
Falling behind 2 sessions in assignment submission will be alarming to the instructor and should
be avoided.
NOTE: If you are still unable to access databases from off-campus after using these instructions,
contact library support at [email protected] .
Students will need Internet access and a PC computer or a Macintosh with the latest version of a
web browser. Students can access Canvas or Blackboard anywhere Internet access is available.
There are some guidelines to follow that will make the Canvas or Blackboard experience much
more productive. Below are some recommendations:
• Firefox Web or Google Chrome browser are the browsers that work best with Canvas or
• For Android phones, The Canvas mobile app can be downloaded at
• For Apple phones, The Canvas mobile app can be downloaded at
• If wireless connectivity problems are encountered, it is best to switch to a hardwired
• For more information on computer requirements you can visit our website here,
• Canvas online help can be found at:
Members of the St. John's University community strive to create an atmosphere that embodies
the University's Vincentian mission. As members of this community, students are expected to
maintain the principles of compassion and the values of honesty and academic integrity.
In accordance with this policy, students acknowledge their commitment to the values and
principles of the mission of St. John's University with the Academic Honor Pledge, adopted in
2003 by the University Community and Student Government. For more information, please
Ethical issues shall be stressed in this course. Students shall be reminded to avoid the
unintentional distortion and intentional manufacturing of data in the data collection stage, as well
as an unintentional and intentional misrepresentation and misinterpretation of data in the
descriptive and inferential stages of data analysis.
1. Avoid data selection processes that are inconsistent with transparent treatment of the issues
being studied.
2. Use only statistical methodology suitable to the data and to valid results.
3. Strive for valid practical significance, not just statistical significance.
4. Recognize that automated statistical computation alone does not constitute adequate statistical
analysis; it is also necessary to understand the theory, the data, and the methods used in each
statistical study.
5. Respect and acknowledge the contributions and the intellectual property of others.
6. Disclose conflicts of interest and resolve them through: divestiture of the conflicting personal
interest or refusal or withdrawal from the professional activity. Examples where conflict of
interest may be problematic include grant reviews, other peer reviews, and tensions between
scholarship and personal or family financial interests.
7. Provide only such expert testimony as you would be proud to have peer reviewed.
8 Data Analysis add-in : Regression Chapter 7
9 Data Analysis add-in : Regression Chapter 7
10 Data Analysis add-in : Regression Chapter 8
Data Analysis add-in : Exponential Smoothing
11 Solver add-in: SOLVER Chapter 11
12 Analytics Solver Platform – ASP (Optional) Chapter 4
13 Functions: = RAND(), =RANDBETWEEN, =NORMINV, =NORMDIST Chapter 14
Analytics Solver Platform – ASP (Optional)
14 Final examination
Appendix 1: Web Resources
Several helpful web tutorials, example models, and YouTube channel which could be useful to
About Forrester (from their site) – Forrester is a global research and advisory firm and serves
professionals in 19 key roles across three distinct client groups. Their clients face progressively complex
business and technology decisions every day. To help them understand, strategize, and act upon
opportunities brought by change, Forrester provides proprietary research, consumer and business data,
custom consulting, events and online communities, and peer-to-peer executive programs. Forrester guides
leaders in IT, marketing and strategy, and the technology industry through independent fact-based insight,
ensuring business success today and tomorrow.
2. Smarter Computing Big Data Blog Overview: A compilation of contributors blogging about Big
Data and Cloud topics. Each week the top reads in BigData is posted, which lists and links back to top
About Smarter Computing Blog (from their site) – The blog is intended to provide readers with thought-
provoking content and a place to talk about the issues raised within the content. Smarter Computing Blog
feels strongly that the blog is not going to deliver final answers to the issues raised, but will represent a
starting point for conversation around the issues.
3. GigaOm
Overview: GigaOm features news articles about Big Data, Analytics and Mobile. It’s a great place to read
recent tech news stories and updates on hot topics.
About GigaOm (from their site) – Founded in 2006, GigaOM is now the leading provider of online
media, events and research for global technology innovators. The company is one of the most credible
and insightful voices at the intersection of business and technology, with an online audience of more than
4.5 million monthly unique visitors; industry-leading events, including Structure, Mobilize, GigaOM
RoadMap, and Structure: Data; and a pioneering market research service and digital community, GigaOM
Pro, which provides expert analysis and research on emerging technology markets.
Overview: Greenplum provides a section within the site with aggregated blog posts and news focused on
Analytics, Big Data, Data Scientists, Data Warehousing and Hadoop. It pulls information directly from
Forbes, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Information Week.
About Greenplum (from their site) – Greenplum, a division of EMC (acquired by EMC in July 2010,
becoming the foundation of EMC’s Big Data Division), is driving the future of Big Data analytics with
breakthrough products that harness the skills of data science teams to help global organizations realize the
full promise of business agility and become data-driven, predictive enterprises.
5. Data Stories
Overview: A bi-weekly podcast on data visualization with with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner (two
Big Data industry influencers). Each podcast post provides a breakdown of the content by time and
relevant resource links.
7. ZDNet
Overview: This blog features Andrew Brust discussing Big Data, Hadoop, NoSQL and the mystical
discipline of data science.
9. Planet BigData
Overview: Planet BigData is an aggregator of worldwide blogs about Big Data, Hadoop, and related
10. Dataversity
Overview (from their site): DATAVERSITY™ provides resources for information technology (IT)
professionals, executives and business managers to learn about the uses and management of Big Data.
The worldwide community of practitioners, advisers and customers participates in, and benefits from,
DATAVERSITY’s educational conferences, discussions, articles, blogs, webinars, certification, news
feeds and more.
International statistics institute