Pamela J. Moss (Ed.) - Feminist Geography in Practice - Research and Methods-Blackwell (2002)
Pamela J. Moss (Ed.) - Feminist Geography in Practice - Research and Methods-Blackwell (2002)
Pamela J. Moss (Ed.) - Feminist Geography in Practice - Research and Methods-Blackwell (2002)
The moral right of Pamela Moss to be identified as author of the editorial material
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Ali rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of
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Acknowledgements viii
Notes on Contributors X
References 245
Index 265
This project is the result of much effort by many people. 1 first want to thank
all the authors for being sensitive to the goals of the project while writing their
pieces and then taking my comments in the spirit in which they were given. 1
appreciate your patience and your writing skills! 1 enjoyed tremendously being
part of the Feminist Pedagogy Working Group. The vim and tenacity of all
these women provided me with endless hours of inspiration and learning. 1
thank them all individually for their work and effort - Amy Zidulka, Andrea
Lloyd, Denise Pritchard, Jenny Kerber, Kathleen Gabelmann, Cristal Scheer,
Erin Quigley, Joy Beauchamp, Kimberlee Chambers, Melissa Belfry, and
Tamara Koltermann-Hernandez.
Suggestions from anonymous reviewers at the proposal stage have enhanced
the quality of the project. Thank you for your insight and vision. Although 1
cannot name them, 1 also thank the feminists whom 1 asked to review material
for this book. Their labor permitted me to undertake a formal review process
for sorne of the authors' contributions. Blackwell has been wonderful through
out the whole process - from the proposal stage, through submission, to
publication. Sarah Falkus, Michelle O'Connell, Joanna Pyke, Katherine Warren
and Caroline Wilding have been particularly helpful! Thanks to Joan Sharpe
who provided editorial assistance in preparation of the manuscript.
Numerous colleagues have supported this project in intangible, indirect, and
unplanned ways: Margo Matwychuk, Margot Young, Martha McMahon,
Radhika Desai, David Butz, Janice Monk, J. P. Jones, Lawrence Berg, Robin
Roth, Shona Leybourne, Susan Ruddick, Sara McLafferty, Lynn Staeheli, Ellen
Hansen, Ruth Liepins, Katherine Teghtsoonian, Marie Campbell, Michael
Prince, Marge Reitsma-Street, and Anita Molzahn. 1 thank you ali. 1 also
acknowledge the Universities of Victoria and of Vienna from whom 1 received
support during the course of the project.
Finally, 1 thank Karl, Ann, Kath, Clarice, and Kathy for creating a respite
during undertaking this project. And 1 thank Karl for his enduring support of
me and all my endeavors.
Figures and Tables
F igures
management with research but also actively engaging with the "cultural
turn " in geography by studying urban festivals and cultural capital. In
addition she is researching women workers in the information technology
and service industries and on kitchens.
la b or markets, and theater (and facus groups ! ) as methodology and politi cs.
Maureen G. Reed tries to understand policy processes associated with
en vironmental management. She was a professor at the University of Britis h
Columbia far almost ten years befare accepting a position at the University
of Saskatchewan in July 2000. Her research interests have taken her across
most of Canada, where she has explored the social character and political
responses of rural communities that are facing changes in the non-human
environment and in government policy agendas.
Gill Valentine is professor of geography at the University of Sheffield, UK,
where she teaches social geography, approaches to human geography and
qualitative methods. She is author of Social Geographies, Consuming
Geographies, and ca-editor of Children's Geographies, Cool Places and
Mapping Desire.
Taking on, Thinking about, and Doing
Feminist Research in Geography
Pamela Moss
to be sure, these processes only make sense in the context of the history of
methodological work within feminist geography.
Even though developing a feminist analysis was an issue early on in the
radical movement in geography, methodological concerns began appearing
in print only in the 1990s (see for example McDowell, 1992a, 1993a,
1993b; Canadian Geographer, 1993). It wasn’t that feminists in geography
weren’t interested in doing feminist research; rather, feminists weren’t
publishing their thoughts on feminist methodologies. It soon became
important however to refine feminist concepts in geography, including
those concepts associated with doing feminist research – method, method-
ology, and epistemology (Moss, 1993, pp. 48–9). These early methodolog-
ical works were heavily influenced by feminist work done in the early and
mid-1980s (see for example Moraga and Anzaldúa, 1981; Roberts, 1981;
Bowles and Klein, 1983; Harding, 1986, 1987a; Hartsock, 1984). In fact,
Sandra Harding’s (1987b, pp. 2–3) definitions of method as techniques
used in gathering evidence, methodology as a theory and analysis of how
research should proceed, and epistemology as a theory of knowledge, are
still powerful beginning points in understanding processes involved in
undertaking feminist research. As debates unfolded within and outside
geography throughout the 1980s and 1990s, feminists worked out more
sophisticated definitions, especially as they related to racialized and sexual-
ized relations within feminist scholarship (see for example Sedgwick, 1990;
Mohanty, 1991; Collins, 1998). The crux of these concepts remained the
same – method has to do with doing research, methodology had to do with
approaching research, and epistemology had to do with knowledge associ-
ated with doing and approaching research.
Attention to methodological issues in feminist geography coincided with
the increased publication of debates in collections of works focusing on a
specific aspect of feminist methodology in women’s studies, sociology, and
anthropology (see for example Personal Narratives Group, 1989; Nielson,
1990; Fonow and Cook, 1991; Gluck and Patai, 1991) and of more
generalized handbooks or “how-to” books (see for example Eichler, 1988;
Kirby and McKenna, 1989; Smith, 1990a, 1990b; Reinharz, 1992). In
geography, these feminist debates manifested in collections of journal
articles (see Canadian Geographer, 1993; Professional Geographer, 1994,
1995; Antipode, 1995), sections of books on feminist geography (see Jones,
Nast and Roberts, 1997a; WGSG, 1997; McDowell, 1999), and single
articles appearing in wide variety of feminist and non-feminist geography
journals (see for example Pratt, 1993, 2000; Katz, 1996; Moss and
Matwychuk, 1996, 2000; Domosh, 1997; Rose, 1997; Nairn, 1999).
This interest in methodology among feminist geographers was not only
a part of how feminism shapes feminist research in geography but also, as
Susan Hanson (1997, p. 122) points out, part of how geography shapes
work – makes it easier to see where you are coming from and where you
see your work going.
Though perhaps tiresome to both ask and answer, being able to figure
out why a piece of research is feminist continues to be important. Feminism
has often been differentiated by distinguishing waves of political
approaches to explaining and understanding women’s lives. “First wave”
feminism is associated with social reform, suffrage, and temperance move-
ments; “second wave” with equitable pay, sexual liberation, and conscious-
ness-raising; and “third wave” with difference, speaking from the margins,
and positioning self and other within multiple oppressions. And, now, as
we are moving through the new decade of the twenty-first century, femi-
nism is being reconstituted into feminisms, ones that go beyond gender as
the central construct in defining any feminism (see for example Hekman,
1999; Oakley, 2000), beyond power conceived dichotomously as either
something to hold or something to be used (see for example Collins, 1998;
Sandoval, 2000), and beyond body as the home and/or conduit of being
and experience (see for example Kruks, 2000). With the increase in various
influences affecting the constitution of feminisms, it becomes more and
more difficult to differentiate pieces of work that use feminist frameworks,
feminist theories, or feminist constructs to provide critical or radical
readings, research, and analyses and those that are indeed feminist. At the
risk of being essentialist, that is promoting the idea that there is a feminist
essence that exists in all feminist research, I think that it is useful to unravel
explicitly the ties that bind a piece of research in geography to a particular
feminist politics, a particular feminism. Refusing to accept that there is one
singular feminist politics does not preclude identifying straightforwardly
how an author of a research text is engaging feminism in the sense of not
only abstract concepts, but also concrete actions.
Being able to scrutinize more closely the ways in which we take on
feminisms in research may be a way to open up debate with non-feminists
as well as among feminists themselves. With non-feminists, debates could
take up the issue of what advantages do feminisms offer researchers that
non-feminist research can’t and, perhaps, vice versa. Unfortunately, what
happens in this type of debate is that the potential overlap of views that is
the basis for exchanging ideas is quite limited and therefore falls flat as
many feminist geographers no doubt have experienced in classrooms,
conferences, and colloquia. “Opening up debate” among feminists has its
own set of problems. In an academic milieu that is masculinist in its
practices, how can feminists wholly resist reproducing these practices and
remain feminists and academic researchers? Much feminist research in
geography is masculinist in its practice, not out of intention, but moreso
out of training for being an academic and for survival in the field.
Throughout the research project, feminists are continually holding in
endures beyond the overt actions involving written or spoken words. More
subtle activities, such as the choice of authors in a reading list for a senior
undergraduate class, of a book to be reviewed in a journal, or of a cited
work as an exemplar of a point a scholar wants to make continue
(re)creating an authoritative knowledge that may or may not challenge the
dominant orthodoxy in feminism. Being able to read works critically under
the conditions within which one learns implies untangling the processes
constructing that specific contribution as a piece of knowledge as well as
part the process of creating knowledge that would include that specific
In addition to issues involving power and knowledge, thinking about
feminist research entails thinking about the context within which research
takes place. Because power is intimately tied up with the construction,
constitution, and production of knowledge through research, the context
within which research can take place also needs close inspection. Take, for
instance, funding and time, two of the most limiting and enabling aspects
of research. Ample time and money creates an environment where research
can actually take place. Yet having both does not necessarily entail an
unproblematic research process. Questions immediately arise as to whether
to accept money from, for example, a corporate entity, a philanthropic
foundation, or the state or to hire research assistants to increase research
time for the project. The latter of course further begs the question, what
sorts of employment relationships are part of feminist research? Designing
research projects sensitive to notions of power and knowledge takes a
considerable amount of planning. Issues for thought range from, for
example, “appropriate” attire to seat location while conducting interviews;
from etiquette for contacting potential research participants to remunera-
tion of actual participants; and from facilitating relationships among
research team members and participants to enabling a supportive environ-
ment for training research associates in the field. Dilemmas inevitably
emerge even with careful, thoughtful, and thorough planning and not all
quandaries can be resolved – immediately or in the long term. The context
of research also includes understanding issues beyond the immediacy of
undertaking a feminist research project. For example, in order to secure
funding, researchers need to figure out what types of research agendas are
being advanced by particular funding agencies so that applications for
funding are directed to appropriate institutions. Also, recognizing conven-
tional practices of the academy in specific places is important so that an
aspiring feminist researcher knows whether to engage in local struggles
over justifying feminist research as “legitimate.” Thinking about research
in the context of feminist research then includes understanding the specific-
ity of the spatialities of both the research process and the milieu of feminist
The authors in this book have given thought to and written about
specific aspects of power, knowledge, and context, either explicitly or
implicitly. Liz Bondi explores a paradoxical space within feminism. She
relates her experiences with the journal Gender, Place and Culture as an
example of a feminist politics in an uncertain space as part of the context
within which feminist geography contributes to creating knowledge. David
Butz and Lawrence Berg present some of their thoughts on being male and
trying to do feminist research while working through notions of masculine
dominance in the politics of knowledge production. They offer an innova-
tive conceptualization, a duppy (which refers to a variety of sly and
malevolent ghosts) feminist, that may describe more sincerely the power
dimensions among men engaging feminism. Karen Falconer Al-Hindi and
Hope Kawabata use Hope’s research project as a backdrop against which
Karen argues that feminist researchers do have the potential to be more
fully self-reflexive in the pursuit of understanding power relations in the
context of interviews. Unlike some of the prevailing understandings of
reflexivity in feminist geography, Karen claims that an equitable power
relationship between researchers and research participants is possible. Gill
Valentine recalls some of the situations in her research projects that call
into question assumptions about sameness and difference. She argues that
her performance of her gender and sexuality is context-specific – varying
from project to project, interview to interview precisely because nego-
tiations and readings of both are momentary and specific. From these
contributions, it becomes more feasible to think that sorting through issues
of power, knowledge, and context may pave the way for actually doing
feminist research.
I set the purpose of this book as threefold. First, I wanted to put together a
textbook with a wide variety of feminist perspectives on putting feminist
geography into practice, or how to approach research in geography as a
feminist and how to undertake feminist research in geography. Several
influences within feminism are represented in these chapters: environmen-
talism, Marxism, poststructuralism, postmodernism, and socialism. There
is also a noticeable difference between second and third wave feminisms as
well as between feminisms that deal primarily with discourses and those
that deal with materialities. What is profoundly attractive about all these
contributions is that they are all “feminist.” Although all may not echo
your particular feminism or feminist stance, my hope is that some of the
work at least resonates with your experience or piques your interest.
Second, I intended to capture a sample of leading feminist research from a
variety of feminist geographers. The contributors have various relationships
with the English-speaking academy with between three and over twenty
years of experience as feminist geographers – ranging from a complete
“outsider” to a well-ensconced “insider,” from undergraduate students to
full tenured professors, from the “margins” of Australia and New Zealand
in the English-speaking academy to the bi-nodal “center” of North America
and Britain. Locations of these contributors within the complexly spun
web of power relations and social divisions vary according to sex, age,
gender, class background, expressions of sexuality, race, ability, and ethnic-
ity. Access to such difference may or may not be easy for the reader unless
that difference is disclosed as part of the discussion about methodology.
Third, I aimed to create a collection that participated more fully in
demystifying the research process and making research accessible in various
ways. Rather than portraying research as something too important, too
complex, or too difficult for women and feminists to undertake (unfortu-
nately, a still too common belief!), I sought to unravel, in bits and pieces,
Part 1
Defining Feminism ?
Feminist Pedagogy Working Group
Short 1 Being Feminist in Geography
Feminist Geography in the German-Speaking Academy: History of a
Elisabeth Baschlin
2 Making Space for Personal Journeys
Mary Gilmartin
3 Feminist Epistemology in Geography
Meghan Cope
4 The Difference Feminism Makes: Researching Unemployed Women in
an Australian Region
Louise C. Johnson
Study Material for Taking on Feminist Research
Feminist Pedagogy Working Group
Defining Feminism?
Once "defined, " feminism immediately becomes like an " it," a "thing, "
something graspable, something tangible. Not a process, a manner of asking
questions, a way of looking at the world. Defining feminism is difficult
because it's not something I have to articulate day to day. Of course, the
question "How do you define feminism ?" has different meanings for different
women, different people. (A member of the Feminist Pedagogy Working
Group )
and truth claims: rather than being singular, fixed, exhaustible, and univer
sal, knowledge and truth claims were conceptualized as being multiplie,
fluid, incomplete, and contingent.
To me, feminism means accepting the notion that feminism may mean
different things in different contexts. With my union, I'm always pointing out
that there are issues that need to be addressed far women, by women. I'm
the only one that knows anything about feminism ! But when I'm with sorne
of my feminist co-activists, I'm able to say something about marginalized
groups within the city without having to be defensive or explain what 1 mean .
And j ust because 1 say something about women in the street community,
there is not the assumption that 1 think that they're the only marginalized
group. Feminism plays out differently in each place, and I'm the one trying
to figure out what feminism means and then trying to act on what 1 think is
the best course of action. Still, feminism to me is about women somehow,
while at the same time being about dismantling the inj ustices that systemic
and personal abuse of power creates. (A third member of the Feminist
Pedagogy Working Group)
This tension between a feminism that has as its primary starting point
being a woman and one that relies on the destabilization of the category
" woman" has been a catalyst for thinking through feminist research .
Experiential knowledge is a cornerstone for second wave feminists,
especially in a collective voice, j ust as understanding self, identity, and
subjectivity is a cornerstone for third wave feminism. Drawing on women's
experiences as a particular standpoint is a powerful way to demonstrate
D E F I N I N G F E M I N I SM? 23
Much of my motivation for going back to grad school was to figure out
where 1 stood as a feminist. 1 had first come to feminism when, in my teens,
it had helped me name and think through sorne of my own personal
experiences. 1 figured, as many others <lid, that feminism was based on the
premise that ali women are linked through a common experience of oppres
sion. By the time 1 was in my early twenties, my interest in feminism had
waned, because as much as 1 could recognise societal inequalities 1 didn't
really experience oppression in my <lay to <lay life. 1 had no conceptual tools
to understand my privilege. Clearly, if 1 wanted to keep feminism in my life,
1 needed a more complex model and one that wasn't premised on me, or my
"I", as a centre. (A fourth member of the Feminist Pedagogy Working Group )
As the writers in this section tell us, taking on feminist research is fraught
with irreconcilable dilemmas, unanswered questions, and contradictory
practices. Because there is no "one" way or " right" way to think or distinct
path to take, a prescription for " good " feminist research <loes not exist.
But at the same time, there are issues that can be addressed that assist in
thi nking through what it means to take up feminism in research in
geography. Drawing on their own experiences in undertaking feminist
res earch projects the authors in this section disclose their feminist research
paths, full of decisions they made over the course of their engagements
wit h feminism. Mary Gilmartin tries to make sense of her j ourney through
liter ature and geography as a way to go beyond the limits of knowledge set
for her by geography's colonial past. Meghan Cope details a set of
im p lications arising out of research based on any one of severa) feminist
ep iste mologies. Louise Johnson, in her work with unemployed women ,
Elisabeth Béischlin
In the early seventies, feminist social critics within the women's movement
began questioning the prevailing images and roles of women within the
family and society as well as the types of research and the dominating
discourse in science - first in sociology, then in subjects like linguistics,
history, psychology, anthropology and political science. They were pion
eers, which means that they had to face solitary fighting, loneliness, and
isolation from other women and men (Wagner 1 9 8 5 , pp. 2 1 5-25 ) . Feminist
geography pioneers in the German-speaking academy were very much the
It was only in 1 978, in Eva Buff's master's thesis about women's
migration out of mountain regions, that far the first time in German
speaking geography, women were treated as a social group separare from
men. But it was only in 1 9 82 that a geographical journal, Geographie
heute ( 1 9 8 2 ) , ( re )presented women as a distinct social group with special
activities and specific fields of action. Typical of the time, the tapie was not
about women or women's rights in Europe; rather, the focus was on
women in Africa, Asia and South America, situations seemingly far away
fro m Europe !
Even more groundbreaking, however, also in 1 9 82, a critica! article
appeared in a students' journal at the university of Zürich. Anne-Fran�oise
Gilbert and Mechtild Rossler ( 1 98 2 ) queried the absence of women in
geography. In arder to address this absence among a wider audience, the
two women organized a student workshop on feminist geography at the
official biennial national German conference, known as Deutscher Geogra
ph e n tag , or " German Geography Day, " in Münster, 1 9 8 3 . Also at the
co nfere nce, Monika Ostheider, assistant to a well-known professor,1 gave
26 E L I S A B E T H B AS C H L I N
• Archives
• Case studies
• Census tracts
• Consumer artifacts
• Diaries and journals
• Documents from societies, institutions, organizations, and
• Ethnographies
• Focus groups
• Folklore
• Genealogies
• Graffiti
• lcons
• lnterviews
• Landscapes (natural and built)
• Life experience
• Music
• Oral histories
• Photographs
• Place names
• Popular media
• Questionnaires
• Surveys
• Video
Last, but not least, be creative and innovative in the types of data you
use for your feminist analysis!
Mary Gilmartin
I want to draw a map, so to speak, of a critica! geography and use that map
to open as much space for discovery, intellectual adventure, and el ose
exploration as <lid the original charting of the New World - without che
mandate for conquest.
Morrison (1992, p. 3 )
These are the words o f writer Toni Morrison, and she uses them to open a
book of essays called Playing in the Dark . The essays are broadly concerned
with the themes of literature, race and national identity, and Morrison
shows the ways in which the language of literature is used to avoid or
evade the tapie of race in the American context. O nce 1 read this book
while an undergraduate in Ireland, it opened a new world for me. As a
young girl, 1 formed my vision of the United States from a strange mix of
The Waltons, John Steinbeck, and MTV. While 1 knew about slavery and
racism of the past, 1 had no sense of the ways in which racism had persisted
into the present. Morrison's prose and fiction writing showed me this
world. Her prose dealt with political issues as diverse as the absence of
black people from American history and the furore over Clarence Thomas'
appointment to the Supreme Court. Her novels dealt with issues that were
specific to black America, such as slavery, the Harlem Renaissance and
Civil Rights, but in a way that someone like me - a young white Irish
woman - could access and appreciate. Toni Morrison's work opened a
space for me to explore ali of these tapies, and showed me the different
w ays in which exploration can be used for the purposes of gaining
k no wledge without appropriation.
When 1 read this passage for the first time, 1 was an undergraduate
s tu dying Geography and English. In Geography, we took courses in a wide
ra nge of tapies: from geomorphology to urban geography; from cartogra-
phy to the history o f the discipline. 1 loved the scope o f the subject, but 1
struggled to find links between it and English. The two subjects seemed to
operare in very different arenas, with little interaction. The literature that
farmed the core of my studies in English - novels, plays and poetry - was
discounted as "not quite geography" by many of my lecturers. Morrison's
words helped me navigate out of the confusion. We learn through explo
ration and discovery. We explore by bringing the unfamiliar and the
familiar together, in the hope that something exciting will result. And, even
though disciplines build barriers and claim territory as their own, we don't
have to accept these definitions . We are free to discover; though we often
need support as we set out on this journey.
This chapter is the story of making space far my personal journey
through geography. Along the way, 1 have received support as well as
discouragement from a wide range of people and places and ideas . 1 wanted
to write about sorne of these interactions and the ways in which they have
influenced my thinking about geography. These influences are not j ust
academic, they are also personal and política!. 1 write as a PhD student, so
this journey is far from over. So far, though, it's been both interesting and
confusing, and 1 would like to share that excitement and uncertainty with
you. Rather than start at the beginning, though, 1 want to begin in the
present, with the story of a research proj ect that has been running far the
last two years.
second silence relates to the types of knowledge that are often not con
sidered " geographic " enough . Women's travel accounts were rarely scien
tific, and often made no claims to objectivity. As geography struggled to
establish itself as a useful science, there was no place for these more
subjective accounts of travel by women. By bringing these stories to a
broader audience, feminist geographers have opened a space for other, less
m ainstream geographic voices.
When 1 wrote my undergraduate dissertation in geography, 1 was
ins pired by these examples. 1 wrote about the travel accounts of an
American woman, Asenath Nicholson, who visited Ireland in the 1 840s,
befare and during the Great Famine ( Gilmartin, 1 99 9 ) . 1 like her travel
books - they are vibrant and observant and still interesting - even though
many ( male) critics dismissed her as eccentric and consequently disregarded
her work. By focusing on Nicholson's neglected travel accounts, 1 felt 1 was
playing my part in writing an anti-colonial geography. There is, however,
an obvious contradiction in describing early women travel writers as anti
colonial, though 1 didn't realize it until much later. Many of these women
were, either directly or indirectly, part of the colonial proj ect. They could
travel in distant places because they were white and relatively wealthy. By
virtue of being white, they were associated with the colonizers who, in
turn, were among the powerful elite of the places they visited. Their relative
wealth gave them the freedom to move around, to hire transport and
servants, to eat well and to find accommodation. While their writings
certainly provided a different perspective to that of their male contemporar
ies, 1 increasingly became uncomfortable with thinking about their work as
anti-colonial. 1 recognize their importance in broadening our sense of
geographic writing, but 1 also see the limitations in relying on these
accounts as a challenge to broader inequalities.
lt is important for us to question the history of geography, and to ask
about the stories we have neglected or the perspectives we have ignored.
As 1 underwent this process, the work of h umanistic and feminist geogra
phers was vitally important to me. Humanistic geography stressed the
importance of people as thinking, feeling beings, rather than mere numbers
or statistics. Feminist geographers insisted on a place for women within the
history and practice of geography, and argued for a broader, more inclusive
approach to geographic knowledge. 1 saw both as forms of anti-colonial
geographies, because they made previously hidden people and ideas visible
again. Yet 1 also realized that challenges to the conquests of the practice of
geography were not sufficient. If we are to practice an anti-colonial
geography, we need to look both within and beyond the boundaries of the
38 M A R Y G I L M A RT I N
Mak l ng Place
have drawn from many different disciplines and from many different people
in our quest to understand the economy of traditional medicine in South
Africa. Our research is not without problems. We work through transla
tors, so the words of the people we speak to are filtered through others.
We are both based at Western universities, which puts us in a privileged
position in terms of resources . At times, that privilege can create difficulties,
particularly in relation to intellectual property. And we work within a
context that is shaped by apartheid, which in turn shapes the ways in
which people respond to us and to our research. Despite these problems,
however, we have been governed by a curiosity about our research topic,
and a willingness to engage with any ideas or people that might help us
better understand the topic. By being open to new insights, our understand
ing has been enriched considerably, and we in turn have been able to
contribute ideas and information to the people who have helped us. By
being appreciative of dinnsheanchas in the South African context, we have
made a space for discovery that takes place through the stories of others.
Twenty, thirty years from now, he thought, ali sorts of people will claim
pivota!, controlling, defining positions in the rights movement. A few would
be j ustified. Most would be frauds . . . [What would remain invisible] were
the ordinary folk . . . Yes, twenty, thirty years from now, those peo ple will
be dead or forgotten, although they were the ones who formed the spine on
which the televised ones stood. (Morrison 1997, 212 )
Thanks to Vincent D e l Casino, Carole Gallaher, John Paul Jones, Dervila Layden,
Pamela Moss, Nancy O'Donnell, and Priya Rangan for their comments on earlier
drafts of this chapter.
Meghan Cope
rh e use of aspirin for preventing subsequent heart attacks ( the results were
widely circulated via television and magazine advertisements ) , the initial
study was done entirely on men. The researchers failed to consider the
application of this treatment for women and yet the results were published
as if they applied equally to everyone.
So what do we mean by " science" here? Science is perceived as system
atic , unbiased, neutral, rigorous, and ultimately, the best way to get to the
truth. Yet from the examples above, we know that these perceptions of
scie nce are open to question . Many of the roots of modern Western science
lie in the European Renaissance era when philosophers and researchers
attempted to use empiricism ( direct observation ) to throw off the veil of
mysticism prevalent prior to the Renaissance. The notion of truth devel
oped such that it was assumed to be pre-existing ( out there for us to
discover) if only we could gather enough evidence and measure phenomena
using enough variables. However, feminists and postmodern scholars have
critiqued the empiricist approach of " science," claiming it produces merely
one of many competing "truths. " The very term " science " has had a long
history of masculinism because it has represented a powerful force in
society that has consistently ignored or actively suppressed diverse forms of
knowledge production, the importance of gender and other sets of relation
ships on constructing multiple truths, and, finally, " science " has carried
with it the assumption that its complete and exhaustive authority over
knowledge cannot be challenged.
Co/lecting data
Gathering data for a research proj ect involves many steps as well, which,
again, are influenced by epistemology. First, the feminist researcher needs
to consider what kind of data would be appropriate to connect to her/his
theoretical framework. For example, someone doing a study of housing
issues for Hmong refugees in California would need to consider people's
own preferences, forms of discrimination in the housing market, loan
availability, job locations, transportation, cost of housing, citizenship
issues, language barriers, etc. The researcher would then need to determine
exactly how to measure or create indicators for each of these categories
and figure out where the data would come from - the census, a mail survey,
in-person interviews, participant observation, bank data, and so on. Epis
temological questions in data gathering come through the consideration of
what "counts " as data. In feminist research, data issues are influenced by
an explicit emphasis on legitimizing women's knowledge, exploring gender
as a set of power relations, valuing gender as a central variable in
quantitative studies, and considering ways in which social constructions of
gen der influence the production of knowledge (Professional Geographer,
1 99 4 ) . Indeed, in many ways feminist scholars have pushed the boundaries
of wh at "counts " as data, using diverse sources such as diaries, letters,
photographs, songs, and artwork to broaden our understanding of
women's lives and gender relations, particularly when few other sources
ar e av ailable for capturing their voices. For example, these have been
es p ecially helpful in historical work because women's history is less often
r ec or ded, and rarely in their own words because masculinist history/
Choosing methods
A feminist epistemology <loes not require the use of speáfic methods, but it
<loes require critica! reflection on the use of ali methods of analysis and
interpretation . The combination of a set of methods with a particular
epistemology is commonly referred to as the " methodology " of a project.
As with any research, the methods should be appropriate far the data and
far the research questions. Interviews and personal logs may be more
appropriate far learning about women 's experiences of gender discrimina
tion in employment while large-scale data bases and statistical analyses are
more suitable far demonstrating the broad effects of labor market biases
( Lawson, 1 995 ) . However, both qualitative and quantitative methods can
be imbued with a feminist epistemology that shapes the research questions,
sees gender as an important set of relations that has deep repercussions on
the lives of both men and women, and considers the ways that gender
influences the production of knowledge.
F E M I N I S T E P I S T E M O L O G Y I N G E O G RA P H Y 51
Similarly, the methods used for data analysis should b e appropriate for
th e purposes of the research. If the purpose of the research is to understand
th e social and economic implications of women as subsistence farmers then
ce rtain methods may be more appropriate than others - for example if
"official " data sources show very few women engaging in farming but
ca sual observation suggests that the practice is in fact very common, then
dependence on large, government information and statistical methods
would not be adequate. And this data mismatch might suggest a good
place to start a research project !
Analysis refers to more than merely the methods used to analyse the data,
whether statistical regression or qualitative text analysis. There is also a
component of interpretation, reflection, and re-evaluation that involves
thinking about the meanings and implications of the data rather than
merely the results. First, a feminist analysis is sensitive to gender differences
in social, political, and economic relations for both women and men. For
example, a feminist epistemology requires that we acknowledge that men
and women navigate labor markets, transir systems, health care, farming
practices, and cultural traditions differently and leads us to seek to under
stand the root of these differences and their impacts on daily life and
Second, feminist researchers are sensitive to using gender as a " problem
a tic " ; that is, seeing gender as the central h inge of the research on which
everything else pivots. This leve! of analysis involves considering differences
as part of a larger system of gender relations that are deeply embedded in
social, cultural, political, and economic processes and maintained through
everyday practices, beliefs, and expectations, as well as structural forces
such as laws and institutions.
Finally, analysis in feminist research is sensitive to how a gender
perspective influences the production of knowledge. Here, analysis becomes
a highly reflective process in which a researcher acknowledges her or his
own gendered perspective and how that shapes the interpretation of results.
This is akin to Haraway's concept of a "situated knowledge " where the
c on text of the researcher, the subj ects, and the place ( both social and
p hy sic al) are taken into account in the analysis to understand how gender
i nfluences the production of knowledge: who produces " legitimare " knowl
edge, how it is produced, whether and how that production is contested,
a n d in what broader context knowledge is created and re-created.
Representation of results
Feminist geographers have, in the past twenty years, dealt with ali of the
issues discussed above both by actually doing research and writing about
it, and by reflecting on the research process and writing about that. In
terms of actually doing geography from the position of a feminist episte
mology, 1 would like to provide two examples by reviewing two quite
different proj ects that use gender as a central problematic.
The first is Susan Hanson and Geraldine Pratt's multi-year proj ect
designed to examine the connections between work and home for women
and men in Worcester, Massachusetts, in the late 1 9 80s and early 1 990s
( Hanson and Pratt, 1 99 5 ) . In this project, gender is seen as a central
dynamic through which the social and the spatial are mutually constructed.
They argue that the gendered practices of the household division of labor
and the labor market's occupational segmentation are inherently dependent
o n each other - women's socially constructed duties in the home serve to
put both spatial and time limits on their job-search activities, and, simul
taneously, cultural gender expectations mean that employers are more
likely to hire women for particular jobs and under particular conditions
(e.g. clerical work at part-time for low pay and no benefits ) . In this case, a
fe minist epistemology made a difference to the research in so many
interlocking ways that it is nearly impossible to conceptualize what their
study would have been without it. Certainly we would not have such an
elegant exploration of the deeply embedded nature of gender in labor
markets, nor such a thorough demonstration that the links between home
and work are extremely important for constructing both women's and
men's lives. From the first moment of conceptualizing a research question
( " How are gender differences constructed spatially? " ) to the final writing
( " O ur argument is that social and economic geographies are the media
through which the segregation of large numbers of women into poorly paid
The a uthor thanks Pamela Moss for insightful comments, patience, a n d support
duri ng the writing of this chapter. Thanks too to Melissa Gilbert for giving me a
wi nd ow into her and Michele Masucci's Kensington proj ect, and to anonymous
re vie wers for helpful comments. In memory of Sara and Emily, who would have
been very good feminists.
Louise C. ]ohnson
For sorne years now 1 ha ve been researching the place of women in regional
labor markets, focused on the city of Geelong - a center of 1 60,000 people
70 kilometers west of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Most recently 1
have located this work within a postmodern framework that details the
role of ethnicity, age, physical and mental capacity, education and geo
graphical location in shaping women's entry into the labor force and
employment-related identity. The project began by correlating national to
regional trends in employment change. This overview confirmed the move
ment of the city's economy from manufacturing - car and truck building
and the making of textiles, clothing and footwear - to one based on
business, community, personal, recreational and tourism services. Such an
excursion into census tabulations was not particularly feminist beyond its
focus on the gendered patterns of these employment changes (a feminist
empiricism) ; though it was geographical in its concern with the regional
specificities of national trends. Having set the general economic context,
the project's main aim was to record through face-to-face interviews the
experience of a differentiated sample of women as they attempted to enter
or re-enter the expanding service sector. Here the objective was to docu
ment employment histories, record women's transition from unpaid to paid
work and uncover the many aspects of identity mobilized in such a move
for mature aged, young, non-English-speaking and disabled women . The
academic context was literature on regional restructuring and feminist
debates on identity formation and difference. A paid research assistant
conducted the main work of interviewing women.
competitive funding. Research proj ects are therefore driven less by intellec
rual curiosity than by the need to assemble a team that can secure a hefty
budget for travel, equipment, and paid staff, preferably from outside the
university. Not only <loes this system change the way research is conceptu
alized but it also builds into it a labor relation between employer and
em p loyee which for many women researchers is a major challenge. For
myse lf as socialist and feminist from a working-class background, this shift
produced a number of dilemmas . lt took sorne years to rethink the research
I had been doing into a forro that required funding but even longer to come
to terms with the politics of employing someone to do the research. And
this was primarily an issue of class - in that as a socialist 1 saw the
employee-employer relationship as essentially an exploitative one. The idea
of entering into an employment contraer as well as a collegial research
relationship was oxymoronic and a source of ongoing moral tension. lt
meant problems in recruiting people - in that 1 didn't really want to do it,
sa w it as a way to help " needy" others (with money, training or experience )
- and in giving direction - as 1 was often guilt stricken over the idea of
anyone doing the research 1 should be doing. And in this there was also a
sense of loss and of alienation from the research process. Far now someone
else was taking over a highly personal agenda and in the process inevitably
compromising a style that was highly intuitive, pleasure driven and one
which had benefited as much from random events as from systematic
enquiry. Employing someone to do my research work therefore appeared
to inevitably create an exploitative labor relation, produce research that
was not my own, that was not as " good " as 1 could do and robbed me of
the pleasures as well as the agonies of its doing.
These anxieties led to ongoing ambivalence in the relationships 1 devel
oped with a number of research assistants. They led to selecting the
" wrong" people to employ - driven by needy cases and friendships rather
than by rigorous appraisals of who was experienced in giving research
assistance - and to employees who floundered as a result of poor direction,
non-existent timelines and unclear outcomes. lt also produced large
amounts of data which have never been analyzed - good in quality but
created at a distance, without the immediacy or urgency of a project driven
b y personal passion which develops its own drive for analysis and a closure.
Th ere was also the pressure to move from one budget year to the next,
fr om one project to another, so that the time needed to amass information,
si ft it, think about it, and write about it <loes not exist, swallowed as it is
b y the need to do the next grant application and project. The financia!
i mper atives driving much research work in Australian universities have,
th er efo re, produced a whole series of dilemmas. lt has taken me sorne time
to le arn how to be a manager of research and of people - to be an employer
as w ell as an academic. Who to employ and under what conditions remains
60 LO U I S E C . J O H N S O N
The interview phase of the project proceeded in two stages - the first was
to elicit basic demographic information which would allow a structured
sampling process and the second was a longer in-depth semi-structured
interview. Before the research could proceed it had to be approved by the
Deakin University Ethics Committee. This group insisted on a " Plain
English Statement" of the proj ect which in turn formed the basis of an
informed consent form: a signed statement giving permission for the
interviews to occur, affirming the right of participants to withdraw at any
stage and to have their privacy protected in the storage and publication of
the results. The participants were recruited by gaining the permission of
employment service managers who specifically dealt with women from a
range of backgrounds (differentiated by age, location, ethnic background
and physical ability) and then by using posters and direct invitations from
workers in the agencies. Eventually 3 8 women agreed to fill in a preliminary
questionnaire about their background and indicated their willingness to be
interviewed for a longer period. A summary of the characteristics of those
women is provided in figure 4 . 1 .
While i n n o sense can this group o f women b e designated and discussed
as a representative sample of unemployed women in Geelong, the 38 who
agreed to participare in the first phase of this project give sorne insight into
female unemployment in this region . In particular, the profile in figure 4. 1
suggests that you are more likely to be an unemployed woman in Geelong
if you are:
What such dimensions meant for the women concerned was explored in
ten in-depth interviews . The schedule asked for the employment history of
each woman and probed the ways in which their ethnicity, age, gender,
class, location and physical capacity had influenced that history. As the
core question of the project was the perceived and actual effect of such
d imensions on employment, the sample was stratified on the basis of age,
ethnicity, location, education leve!, household income and physical ability
( see table 4. 1 ) .
Central to the project was the question of how the identity of these
women was constructed - by themselves, by the employment service
agencies, by partners, by the Department of Social Security, potential and
actual employers - and how these identities impacted on their job search.
This centrality was driven by recent feminist and postmodern literature
that posits identity as fluid, contested and contextual ( see far example
Butler, 1 990; Gibson , 1 996; Gibson-Graham, 1 99 6 ) . I proposed that such
a view could well contrast with what women experience when they report
to government bureaucracies, <leal with employment agencies, decide who
will do the housework and child care and negotiate the job market; in that
as a feminist I assumed that gender mattered above ali other dimensions of
social difference. The main research questions therefore became:
1 What <loes the experiences of ten women say about the nature of service
sector employment in an Australian regional center ?
2 How is identity constructed in the job search, by whom and with what
effects ?
3 How central to identity and workforce location are gender, age, class,
ethnicity and physical ability ?
Looking at how these women see themselves, Cathie and the jointly
developed interview schedule asked far a detailed employment history,
w hile a set of specific questions explored how being a woman, of a certain
ag e, ethnicity and physical ability affected the job search and employment.
The details of the research, its purpose and an informed consent form were
gi ve n to ali involved. While such a direct approach could be criticized far
not probing deeply into the many dimensions which shape work force
activity, the responses were revealing and can be read in a transparent as
w ell as a deconstructive way to come to similar conclusions.
What emerged most strongly from the interviews - done in two stages
Figure 4.1 Profi l es of u n emp loyed women p resenting to agencies in Geelong,
Austral ia, M arch 1 999
30 (a) Bi rthplace •
• Ethnicity was addressed i n a n u mber of ways: by birthplace (registered above), through main
language spoken al home (which produced only English), with primary culture identification
(which produced a difieren! pattern to "bi rthplace": Australian 30; English 2; G reek 1 ; Croatian 1 ;
ltalian 1 ; German 1 ; and Span ish 1 ) .
10 (b) Age
8 7
7 6 6
4 3
3 2
20- 24 25- 29 3 0- 34 3 5- 39 40- 44 45- 49 50- 54 5 5- 60 Unstated
15 (e) Education 14
Year 8 Year 9 Year 1 O Year 1 1 Year 1 2 Trade Assoc. Bus. Univ. Unknown
Dip. Cert.
20 (d) Household (A$/wk)
15 13
1 - 1 99 200- 399 400- 599 600 -799 800-1 000 > 1 000 Unstated
10 9
(h) Rural/urban 30
25 (g) No. of dependents 30
No. Age Birt.hplace Rura//Urban Disability Education Time unemployed lncome (A$/wk)
45-49 Australia Ru ral DSP• Bus. Cert. 6-1 2 months 200 -400
0ver the space of three months to track the success of their job search -
was the importance of being women to their understanding of that experi
e n ce. So for example, S notes of her second foil-time job as a bookkeeper
fo r a solicitar: "The job had originally been offered to a bloke who didn't
take it. So it was offered to me at much lower wages. 1 wasn't worried as 1
was happy to ha ve a job. Men always got more than women. " In answer
ro the question " How has being a woman affected your job search ? " S
co ntinues: " Fifty to sixty percent decrease in opportunity. Ninety-nine
pe rcent choose a male over a female . . . Females don't get a better
opp ortunity. A woman is expected to have word processing and typing
sk ills but a woman also has to pick up children or go home if they are sick.
You can pick that up in job interviews. 1 don't fit that stereotype. "
She comments o n the complexity of gender roles a few months later as
she reflects on her successfol bookkeeping business : " I am looking forward
to the foture. 1 think the way 1 live will be directly related to the amount of
work 1 put into my business . . . 1 think small businesses are growing . . . .
Pay is reasonable. More women are running these types of business . . . .
We have sold ourselves the wrong message. 1 would have liked to have
srayed home. 1 don't think it is fair on the child. Women want more in the
house, the two cars etc. Children should give yo u a sen se of self. Men j ust
expect women to have multiple roles. "
S also expected multiple roles o f herself - o f businesswoman, mother,
homemaker and woman of independent means. However, ali of these
dimensions are based on her sense of self as a woman who has been treated
in a particular way within the job market and at home because of her sex.
So too with V, who has done a range of jobs - including working at a
service station, for a security firm, as an accounts clerk, census collecting
and doing reception work and house cleaning - but who sees herself
primarily as a mother. It is with this role that she identified and around
which her paid work had to fit. She tells her story: "I left school when 1
was sixteen because 1 had a job . . . in an office doing accounts . . . . 1 had
that job for 1 1 years . . . then 1 got a part-time job with a security firm -
cash accounting, making up payrolls. 1 left this job after 1 8 months as 1
was pregnant . . . 1 worked in an office of the service station during the
sch ool holidays and then did a cleaning job . . . 1 wouldn't travel to
Melbourne and 1 don't want a foil-time job because of [my] kid's needs. "
Often when asked the direct question o n whether being a woman
matte red in their job search and experience, women replied " No," but then
fre que ntly went on to contradict their own j u dgments. For example R said:
" I do n't think being a woman has affected my job search . 1 don't know
w h et her it would be any different from a woman or a man. Because I've
b een in machining and now in admin . . . . lt's a woman's area . There has
b een no challenge to be against blokes . "
68 LO U I S E C . J O H N S O N
was at HC from 1970 to 1995 - 1 had junior primary and then 1 did work
as a remedia! support teacher from prep to grade six. 1 left because my
hearing had dropped. 1 then did remedia! work but the funding was cut . . .
lt's not that 1 can't each anymore. lt's that running a discussion group had
become difficult because of my hearing loss . . . . 1 don't really know how
being a woman has affected my job search. 1 don't really know that it has
had a lot of bearing. Probably because of the type of work I'm looking for is
within a women's field. My age has had a lot more bearing, because 1 think
that sorne employers are wondering why 1 am working at my age or if 1 was
going to leave . . . . Disability ? That has not actually been said to me at an
interview, but with sorne part-time work it has come up. They never ask me
in an interview - it is in my covering letter about the loss. Having the hearing
loss has made the interview situations more difficult.
[Three months later after an accident which signaled osteoporosis] 1 can
only do light duties. Looking for a job will now be much harder because of
my health . . . Many of my options have closed, but 1 would like to complete
the course and tie up what 1 am doing. My capacity to look for work has
So far B, while gender has clearly shaped her educational and employment
choices, it is now primarily issues concerned with her age and illness that
are shaping her employment history. lt is a postmodern story of multiple
identities and oppressions with gender not at its center ali of the time. But
yet ir is a particularly female story; one perhaps best apprehended by a
researcher with multiple identities as a socialist, postmodernist, and
B i n ary th i n k i n g
Colon ial i s m / postcolon ialism
E m p i ricism
E piste mology
F e m i n ism
F e m i n ist geography
G e nder re lations
H u manism
Legiti mation
Mascu l i n ism
N arrative
O bjectivity
O p pression
Second wave/th i rd wave fem i n ism
Situated kn owledges
Standpoint theory
Val idity
Create a table with a grid of five cells across and eight cells clown. Across
the top, beginning in column 2, list various orientations of research, as for
example, feminist, marxist, positivist, and poststructuralist. Or, perhaps list
various types of feminist research, as for example, socialist feminism,
postructurally informed feminism, second wave feminism, and empiricist
feminism. Down the side, beginning in row 2, list aspects of the research
process that are influenced in sorne way by the choice of research orienta
tion. For example, list truth claims, types of research methods favored,
sources of inspiration, types of research questions that are asked, research
employment and mentoring practices, types of political action, and any
other aspect that you find significant in the research process.
PART 1 : S T U DY MAT E R I A L 73
Fill in each cell according to the orientation of the research (across the
ro p ) and the aspect of the research process affected ( clown the side ) . With
a lea rning partner, discuss the inclusions, exclusions, absences, overlaps,
con tradictions, and paradoxes in the cells.
Delimiting Language ?
Feminist Pedagogy Working Group
Short 2 Putting Feminist Geography into Practice
Gender, Place and Culture: Paradoxical Spaces?
Liz Bondi
5 Paradoxical Space: Geography, Men, and D uppy Feminism
David Butz and Lawrence D. Berg
6 Toward a More Fully Reflexive Feminist Geography
Karen Falconer Al-Hindi and Hope Kawabata
7 People Like Us: Negotiating Sameness and Difference in the Research
Gil/ Va/entine
Study Material for Thinking about Feminist Research
Feminist Pedagogy Working Group
Delimiting Language?
Liz Bondi
Feminists and feminisms have always occupied uneasy spaces within the
academy. Far sorne, the very idea of a feminist academic is a contradiction
in terms because such academic necessities as taking up a position of
academic authority - one whose knowledge is valued and privileged in a
distinctive way - militare against the anti-hierarchical, anti-elitist egalitari
anism integral to many versions of feminism ( far critica! discussion see far
example Bondi, 1 997; Friedman, 1 9 8 5 ; Hawkesworth, 1 98 9 ; Margan,
1 992 ) . More generally, feminists have amply demonstrated that academic
knowledge and academic practices are riddled with ideas and assumptions
that depend upan and generare gender inequalities and biases ( far classic
statements about science, philosophy, and geography respectively see Har
ding, 1 9 8 6 ; Lloyd, 1 9 84; Women and Geography Study Group, 1 9 8 4 ) .
Consequently, far women and men to acquire academic knowledge a n d to
perform successfully within the conventions of academic practice, we are
required to participare actively in the enactment and reproduction of gender
inequalities and biases. A couple of examples will illustrate the impossibility
of doing otherwise. First, if 1 wish to advance a feminist perspective on any
academic debate you choose to name, conventions demand that 1 demon
strate my understanding of existing contributions, and that 1 give serious
attention to texts widely recognized as " important" and " weighty . " In other
words my contribution must be situated in relation to existing traditions,
however steeped in misogyny, androcentrism, or gender-blindness these may
be, and 1 must, in effect, restare the importance and weightiness of these
traditions if my attempt to question them is to be taken seriously. Second, if
1 attempted to challenge every instance of gender bias 1 observe in my
working life, 1 would never rest, !et alone get on with the work 1 am paid to
do. In other words, 1 have to compromise my commitment to feminism in
ali aspects of my work including the most and the least routinized.
The word "compromise" has acquired both positive and negative inflec
ti on s. Positively, "compromise" is understood to entail a willingness to
s ettle differences " by mutual concession " ( Chambers Dictionary); nega
ti vely, it is understood as a neglect leading to " risk of inj ury, suspicion,
ce n sure or scandal" ( Chambers Dictionary). This doubled quality may help
to explain why the position of feminist academics is so often described as
co ntradictory, that is as " inconsistent" or as encompassing " two prop
os itions that cannot both be true" ( Chambers Dictionary ) .
This account of the position o f the feminist academic prompts the
question of why any of us do it! Such a question could be approached in
rnany ways, but what 1 want to suggest is that the impact of these various
cornpromises and contradictions depends upan whether they operate as
binary (mutually exclusive) oppositions or as paradoxes, that is as " self
contradictory statement[s] " which may appear to be " absurd " but which
rnight nevertheless also be "true " ( Chambers Dictionary ) . Clearly if on the
one hand " feminism" and " the academy " always operate as mutually
exclusive oppositions those of us who attempt to straddle the two will
forever be pulled apart. If, on the other hand, " feminism " and " the
academy" operate within the framework of paradox, then their uneasy
relationship might contain possibilities for " absurd" surprises and associ
ated pleasures.
My argument draws directly on the practices of one feminist academic
journal, namely Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geog
raphy, which Mona Domosh and 1 founded and for severa! years edited.
Preparatory work for the journal began in 1 992 and we swiftly secured the
interest of publishers Carfax, now part of the Taylor and Francis Group.
The first issue was published in 1 994. Mona stepped clown as editor after
the first four volumes and 1 continued for another two years, by which
time a new pair of editors - Lynn Staeheli and Gill Valentine - had taken
over. In this chapter 1 discuss sorne of the compromises that influenced the
development and character of the journal, suggesting that these might be
vie wed as illustrations of feminist efforts to operate both "within and
a gainst" the academy. This inconsistent and contradictory positioning can
ma ke life difficult, and on many occasions the conflicting demands of
aca de mic conventions and feminist values deeply felt by a few individuals
leaves the academy completely untouched. But 1 suggest that if the conflict
between what it takes to operate within the academy and what it takes to
ar g ue against it can be held as a paradox, then efforts to work both within
and against the academy can be fruitful. Thus, 1 argue that at its best
Gender, Place and Culture can be understood as an embodiment of
" p ar ad oxical spaces" in which feminist geography is practiced creatively
a n d p ro ductively. But 1 will also suggest that the journal's capacity to
op e ra re in this way is always fleeting, uncertain, and contestable. Through
the strategy o f integration. One o f the broader issues to which this points
is that posing unanswerable questions may often be a useful methodological
strategy. This runs counter to influential conceptions of science which claim
that decisive testability is the hallmark of good research questions ( for the
classic statement see Popper, 1 95 9 ) . But if our aim is to influence the world
as well as to study it, questions that sustain critica) thinking in relation to
academic practices may turn out to be more effective.
Sorne decisions we made when we set up Gender, Place and Culture
were of an altogether " harder" variety ( and the phallic associations of the
adj ective are not irrelevant) in that they required us to choose between
mutually exclusive possibilities . For example, we had to set up a structure
within which to make editorial decisions. A key question we faced was
whether we should entrench feminist principies of collaborative working
by setting up an editorial collective or whether the journal should adopt
the " mainstream" practice of having one or two named editors together
with an editorial board. In choosing the latter we were well aware of the
pros and cons of both, for example the potential that collective working
would make for slower progress as against the risk of creating something
in which only a minority of feminist geographers consider themselves to be
involved. ( Contrast this decision with the collective approach adopted by
such journals as Feminist Review, Feminism and Psychology, and Fron
tiers . ) Severa) other decisions also led to the adoption of conventional
practices rather than alternatives, for example in setting up arrangements
for reviewing manuscripts, where we adopted a traditional double-blind
system (see Bondi, 1 99 8 ) .
l t might reasonably b e argued that the structures adopted by Gender,
Place and Culture conform very closely to " mainstream " academic practice:
beyond the subtitle of the journal there is little if anything to suggest any
significant departure from, or challenge to, the pre-existing norms of
refereed journals. Sorne might argue that this does not matter; ali that
matters is that the content of the journal fulfils its explicit commitment to
be a journal of feminist geography. But feminists have long insisted that
the means influence ends so that how people (authors, referees ) and
material ( written texts ) are treated in the production of the journal necess
arily affects the end result. Given the relatively small size and highly
interconnected nature of academic communities it is likely that the views
of prospective authors about how they are treated will be communicated
to potential authors and so influence the eventual content of the journal,
suggesting that the practices of the journal are of considerable significance.
So how should the adoption of conventional structures be understood ?
D i d w e compromise ( i n a neglectful sense) feminist principies i n pursu it
of academic acceptability ? There are sorne indications that we did. For
example, the j ournal has been criticized, informally if not in print, for
" beyond " the limits o f geography may risk removing feminist challenges
from the discipline as it is known and practiced. Both Rose and Desbiens
offer tools for thinking and therefore producing knowledge in ways that
subvert from within. My contribution here complements such efforts by
focusing on sorne of the " nitty-gritty" activities that make up academic
practices. Processes of j ournal publication are an integral part of these
We begin our discussion of meo and feminist geography with two stories
that we think help to highlight the contradictory positions that people find
themselves in when attempting to effect a feminist subjectivity within
The first story begins at a recent conference where we both participated
in two special sessions in which the topic of discussion was feminist
qualitative research. These sessions brought to the surface, once again,
many of our insecurities about participating in feminism. For example, we
were both uncomfortably aware of our own male bodies intruding onto
the scene - immediately calling into question our credentials as feminist
commentators. Our insecurities as " feminists " led us both to take much of
our respective presentation times to position ourselves within the various
discourses of feminism. Interestingly, of the eight other participants in these
sessions, only one other person took the time to explicitly position herself
in relation to feminist geography - and she did so in order to make it clear
that she "was not a feminist. " While these quite minor events might be
read in many ways, we both took them to mean that there was an implicit
assumption among at least sorne of the other participants that their female
bodies signified an automatic link between themselves, their comments, and
feminist geography.
The various epistemic spaces in which the people participating in these
sessions found themselves suggest a geographically specific and culturally
contingent juncture in the production of feminist geographies. In this sense,
G E O G RA P H Y , M E N , A N O D U PPY F E M I N I S M 89
I will have in an undergraduate class, let's say, a young, white male student,
politically correct, who will say: " I am only a bourgeois white male. I can't
speak . " In that situation - it's peculiar, beca use I am in the position of power
and their teacher and, on the other hand I am not a bourgeois white male - I
say to them, " why not develop a certain degree of rage against the history
that has written such an abject script for you that you are silenced ? " Then
you begin to investigate what it is that silences you, rather than take this very
determinist position - since my skin colour is this, since my sex is this, I
cannot speak. (Spivak, 19 90, p. 62)
The links between men and masculinity and women and femininity are
rhus neither automatic, nor essential. Instead, they are constituted in and
through the social relations of sex/gender systems, and they must be seen
as both relational (where identities are constituted in relation to other
identities ) and processual (where identity construction is a constant process
of change) . The following discussion, then, focuses on the hegemonic
construction of masculinity. Ir is important to remember that this hege
monic subject position is neither totalizing ( all-encompassing) nor mono
lithic ( unchallenged ) . Indeed, hegemony can never be absolute nor
uncontested, but is instead always partial and disputed. Further, as Gillian
Rose ( 1 9 9 3 ) argues, different men become masculine in different ways. Ir is
useful to keep the above in mind, then, as we outline duppy feminism, a
metaphorical way of thinking about and analyzing our contradictory and
paradoxical participation in feminist geography.
D u ppy Fem l n l s m
influential work " in the humanities and in the social sciences, including
geography. But as Kahane also indicates, the road to male feminism is
fraught with dangers, both for the personal and professional integrity of
would-be male feminists and - more importantly - for the larger feminist
project of developing structured analyses of patriarchy and practicing anti
patriarchal resistance and transformation. These dangers are partly about
knowing ( epistemology) and partly about doing ( stance/practice ) .
I n epistemological terms, how can men come to k now and fully under
stand structures of patriarchal oppression that have victimized mainly
women and benefited mainly men ? ( Or, to paraphrase Brian Pronger
( 1 99 8 ) , how can " bundles-of-desires-with-penises " experience " feminist
desire" ? ) In terms of practice, what sorts of stances can pro-feminist men
(who are always already embodied and socially positioned as male subjects )
develop vis-a-vis feminism in order to introduce their own analyses, and
perhaps their own subjectivities and experiences, into feminism without
also introducing material and discursive effects that are detrimental to pro
feminist struggle ?
In the essay "Male feminism as oxymoron , " David Kahane ( 1 99 8 )
describes four ideal-typical male feminist positions that d o not successfully
avoid these pitfalls of knowing and doing: the poseur, the insider, the
humanist, and the self-flagellator. Although we suspect these ideal-types
can be read in ways that imply an essentialist reading of men and male
ness, we feel if used cautiously and contingently, they provide useful
categories for thinking about how many men articulate with feminism.
Here we want to work from these types to describe sorne of the challenges
of researching as male feminist academics, or perhaps more pointedly, to
describe the range of epistemic violences available to pro-feminist male
researchers. We will then propose a fifth alternative - duppy feminism -
as a preferable, albeit an incomplete and partial way of imagining one's
(male) self in relation to pro-feminist struggle and the more specific task
of undertaking (male) feminist research. But first we have to take a detour
on the road to a feminist male feminism, into terrain not often associated
with feminism; a detour into the world of reggae, Rastafarianism, and
" duppy business . "
Rastafarians admonish one another to avoid " duppy business . " This
phrase can refer to a wide range of things, including Christian and revivalist
beliefs in the holy spirit and life after death; widespread Jamaican folk
preoccupations with evil spirits; and ali forms of this-worldly deceit and
duplicity - especially the neocolonial "politricks " employed against the
" sufferers " (as Rastafarians describe themselves and other poor Africans
living in Jamaica ) . Bob Marley and the Wailers draw upon the rich
discourse of the duppy throughout their oeuvre, but especially on Burnin '
( 1 973 ) , their second album with Island Records, and most particularly in
G E O G RA P H Y , M E N , A N D D U P P Y F E M I N I S M 93
rh e classic reggae anthem "Duppy Conqueror " ( see Dawes, 1 999; Johnson
Hill , 1 995 ) . The main words of the song's chorus - " l'm a duppy
co n queror, conqueror " - sung in dread, dirge-like cadence, sound initially
Jik e nothing more than a shallow rude boy boast/threat ( the term " rude
b oy " describes variously a category of underemployed, impoverished
Jamaican street youth, their characteristic personal style, and a type of
music that emerged in the mid- 1 960s to express their experiences ) . But the
Wailers are almost always subtler than that, and constantly aware of their
responsibilities as reggae's most visible social and political theorists. In that
context, these simple lyrics resolve quickly into a double play on words.
B ob Marley, lead singer of the Wailers, is simultaneously a duppy CON
Q UEROR and a D UPP Y conqueror.
Marley's claim to be a " conqueror " slips nicely into the category of rude
boy bravado (in one of the verses he sings " bars could not hold me; force
could not control me, now " ) . However, if we understand " duppy " as
describing the nature - rather than the object - of his conquering, we read
something else. He is occupying an ephemeral role; a conqueror, a fighter,
but in a ghostly, not quite visible, not quite tangible sense. He is a
conqueror in a guerilla non-war. Such a conception is entirely commensu
rate with the Wailers' sense of their mission as reggae musicians, and also
with a more general Rastafarian understanding of their resistance as being
simultaneously unrelenting, intangible, and often disguised; a resistance of
celebration, sufferation, remembrance, and selective non-participation
( what Scott, 1 990, calls everyday resistance and Foucault, 1 9 80, describes
as agonism; see also Thiele, 1 990; Laclau and Mouffe, 1 9 8 5 ) .
But " duppy" can also b e understood t o describe the object o f the
Wailers' conquering. They are fighting duppies, specifically the duppies of
a racist, colonialist past and present, the ghosts of slavery, hunger, political
repression, etc. that haunt contemporary Jamaica, and which provide the
themes far many Wailers' lyrics. In this sense " d uppy " is used as a subtle
and illuminating metaphor to characterize the ever-present, but often
ephemeral, slippery and duplicitous forms of oppression against which the
su fferers struggle.
The Wailers' deployment of the duppy discourse articulares a sophisti
cate d form of resistance and claiming. But it also expresses a certain respect
for the complexity of its obj ect, Babylon System ( one of the terms Rastafar
ia ns use as a catch-all far the range of discourses, institutions, agents, and
prac tic es of oppression operating against the sufferers ) as well as an
a wareness of the limits - the necessarily ghost-like quality - of resistance.
Bot h of these realizations relate to an awareness that the duppies against
wh ich the Wailers (and ali sufferers) are struggling operare within and not
i us t on the "conquerors. " The Wailers (especial/y the Wailers as wealthy
re ggae superstars ) are aware that they are constituted by and within the
94 D AV I D B U TZ A N D LAW R E N C E D . B E R G
field of domination they are resisting; they are engaged in a struggle against
Babylon System and for personal integrity.
For now, !et us say that both spins on "duppy conqueror" provide
lessons for pro-feminist men. First, perhaps a useful way to approach our
own search for feminist knowledge (an epistemological issue) is as D UPP Y
feminists: always starting from the realization that we are fighting a duppy
- patriarchy, male privilege - that is within us. This duppy helps constitute
our subj ectivities in duplicitous, often intangible but ever-present ways, and
it commands us to find ways to use the inevitability of ambivalence and
contradiction productively. That could be our standpoint. Second, maybe
a useful way to approach doing { stance/practice) feminism, and feminist
research is as duppy FEMINISTS: always there, unrelenting, insinuated
into the discourses and institutions of patriarchy. But, as duppy FEMI
NISTS we are also ephemeral, in the background (e.g. in the acknowledge
ments rather than the references, or learning to work towards less authority
rather than more ) and strategically duplicitous towards the institutions of
patriarchy (and not towards our feminist colleagues, as, for example, when
they get jobs they are qualified for, but which we had assumed should be
ours because of male privilege ) .
We realize that b y constructing our discussion around the metaphor of
duppy feminism we risk committing an act of cultural appropriation. This
may not seem to be a promising foundation for an essay concerned with
the problem of reducing the impact of certain types of structured privileges.
However, the Wailers' use of the duppy metaphor is autoethnographic:
that is, it is a deliberate effort by members of a subordinate group to
express their reality in a language and idiom that members of a dominant
group will understand, and that they will be able to relate to their own
reality in sorne way (M. L. Pratt, 1 992 ) . We try to use " d uppy conquering"
in that spirit, as a sanctioned and respectful ethnographic appropriation -
an evocation from and of a certain experience of marginality and ambiva
lence - which can help guide pro-feminist men through ( but not out of)
their own ambivalence and into a productive paradoxical space: a place
from which to practice. Indeed, we think of our appropriation of the duppy
metaphor (and its situation in Rastafarianism and reggae music) as a sort
of {parallel ) parable for what we mean by duppy feminism itself. We will
return to - and further develop - this duppy/feminist analogy after a brief
contextual discussion of Kahane's ideal types of the unsuccessful male
Kahane begins with a point similar to one we j ust made: " men have to
face the extent to which fighting patriarchy means fighting themselves "
( 1 99 8 , p. 2 1 3 ) . He engages with Sandra Harding's work on standpoint
epistemology to accept cautiously that it is possible for men to develop
productive and transformative feminist knowledge ( see Harding, 1 99 8 ) . He
G E O G RA P H Y , M E N , A N D D U PPY F E M I N I S M 95
ates its own existence in so far as it is in control of its space. Loss of control
of space is the death of masculinity. (Pronger, 199 8 , p. 72 )
Authorship is listed according to the alphabetical order of our first names in order
to highlight the "intimacy" of co-authorship, as well as to de-emphasize the
masculine cultural ritual of lineage by which men's last names denote ownership.
David would like to thank Kathryn Besio, Nancy Cook, Tania Dolphin, and Pamela
Moss for their tolerance of his individual acts of bad faith and self-deception, and
also Paul Berkowitz for suggesting the term "duppy feminist. " Lawrence would like
to thank many feminist colleagues - but especially Robyn Longhurst, Wanda Ollis,
Karen Morin, Pamela Moss, and Kathleen Gabelmann - who have helped him
learn about feminist theory and practices, ali the while recognizing and accepting
the contradictory spaces of feminism that he inhabits so uneasily. Although he is
not always gracious about it, Lawrence is nevertheless quite grateful when his
colleagues refuse to accept his acts of bad faith. We are both grateful to Pamela
Moss for her constructive cornrnents on earlier drafts of this essay.
sexism. Rath er than a static position such as that suggested by the notion
of a standpoint, the idea of situated knowledge views individuals as
multiply positioned within different frameworks of power, race, class and
gender, and calls for knowers to take responsibility for what they claim to
know with respect to their positions. Such understandings of where knowl
edge comes from inform the ways feminist researchers approach different
methods of research.
Increasing openness to qualitative research methods combined with
growing skepticism toward standardized data collection tools (and the
quantitative analyses these facilitate ) mean that interviews, especially semi
structured and open-ended ones, are gaining in popularity throughout the
social sciences. The important difference between this approach and the
more traditional, structured interview is that the path of the conversation
between researcher and participant is not predetermined, nor is the spon
taneity inherent in the flow of conversation truncated. Despite its popular
ity and increasingly sophisticated use, a problem continues to bedevil the
open-ended interview - expressed as " difference between interviewer and
interviewee " ( see for example Reay, 1 996; Song and Parker, 1 99 5 ) ; people
wish to learn from and about others because the latter are different from
the former, but the fact of difference itself may distance them from one
another, making such understanding difficult.
Mainstream social science research has always had difficulty with dissim
ilarities between interviewers or researchers and research participants or
interviewees. Specifically, differences between researchers and participants
in age, life stage, race and ethnicity, class, gender, ( dis)ability, and so on,
are believed to create barriers to rapport during the interview, in which the
interviewee (or, more often, " informant" ) , is the source of valuable data to
be disclosed to the interviewer ( see figure 6 . l ( a ) ) . Many mainstream
interviewers try to minimize the influence of the interviewer on the partici
pant: the interviewer is a " neutral medium through which questions and
answers are transmitted" ( Babbie, 1 973 , p. 1 72; emphasis in original ) .
Many feminist researchers a s well a s others, o f course, have disavowed this
purportedly neutral stance. Instead, the interviewer ( more often, the
researcher ) is certainly an instrument of research but is anything but a
neutral one ( England, 1 994 ) . Both power and difference, or rather identi
ties, are at play in the field of relations in which researcher and participant
are located.
Against the mainstream approach to interviews, the feminist researcher
engages her participants in open-ended, semi-structured, interactive inter
views or conversations in which the nature of the interaction itself produce s
new information or insight about a tapie ( see figure 6 . l ( b ) ) . Initially, man y
feminists assumed that because women interviewed women, they had so
much in common as women ( the experiences of childbirth, mothering, and
R E F L E X I V E F E M I N I S T G E O G RA P H Y 1 07
e research
Where the identities of the researcher and research participant are discor
da nt, reflexivity is advocated as an aid in pushing past this barrier ( Hertz,
1 9 9 7 ) . Thoughtful reflection on one's research practice, one's subjectivity
rel ative to that practice, and self-criticism and change where warranted
would certainly seem to improve the process and outcome of methodologies
in which the researcher herself is an instrument of the research ( see figure
6 . l ( d ) ) . The limits of this conception of reflexivity are demonstrated by the
presentation of reflexive practice in scholarly writing. Reflexive researchers
take one or both of two approaches when including their reflexive stance ( s )
i n research reports. O n e is t o share introspective notes from a personal or
field journal. For example, Diane Reay wrote of her anxiety about her
subjectivity and its limitations for her fieldwork in her diary ( Reay, 1 996,
p. 446 ) . This tack permits the author to reflect further about the intersub
jective nature of her work, as well as make clear to readers that her practice
has been reflexive. A second approach is simply to describe one's circum
stances so that readers may ostensibly decide for themselves what impact
the individual's life and self has had upon the study. Certainly both
representations of a (conventionally) reflexive approach are an improve
ment over the alternative, implicit assumption that the researcher is an
"objective " reporter of the research. Unfortunately, neither offers much in
the way of advancing a study. Instead, they may aid in the evaluation of a
study, or j ust help the ethnographer learn about her own life (Wasserfall,
1 993 ) . Such a researcher-focused use of reflexivity seems to truncate the
possibilities inherent in a powerful idea. That is, reflexivity here is limited
to a solitary consideration of oneself, as though one were gazing at a single
reflection in a mirror and ignoring the myriad reflections from the other
mirrors lining the walls of the room.
Kim England ( 1 994 ) and Rose ( 1 997), for example, have each written
of "a sense of failure" regarding their attempts to conduct interview-based
research consistent with feminist, post-positivist principies. England, for
instance, did not pursue a particular line of research inquiry because of
issues of racialized and sexualized identity, and power, concerning her
research assistant. And, although Rose completed her project, her inability
to interpret and understand an interviewee's joke about their respective
nationalities continues to trouble her. In each case, self-reflexive introspec
tion has been unable to resolve the troubling issues raised by the feminist
alt ernative to positivist inquiry.
Ethnographers, in particular, have begun to push the idea of reflexivity
beyond application to the researcher, by the researcher, to include research
participants' insights. In her participant observation of gender, hierarchy
1 10 K A R E N F A L C O N E R A L - H I N D I A N D H O P E KAWA B ATA
and space in West Africa, feminist geographer Heidi Nast extended the
idea of reflexivity to include " learning to recognize others' constructions of
us through their initiatives, spaces, bodies, judgment, prescriptions, pro
scriptions, and so on" ( Nast, 1 99 8 , p. 94; emphasis added ) . Nast had
severa! uncomfortable experiences during her fieldwork in Nigeria ( see
Nast, 1 99 8 , for a more complete discussion ) . Each concerned Nast's body:
its placement, dress, or movement. For example, shortly after her arrival in
the city of Kano, Nigeria, Nast decided to visit the royal palace. Her
preparation included donning an elaborate head covering and garments she
believed were appropriate for the visit. Her knowledge of Hausa language
was adequate; however, to understand the remark made by one concubine
to another as Nast entered the palace concerning the " i diot " passing by.
Later she learned that she had not covered her head properly for someone
of her social situation, and that this was the occasion for the concubine's
remarks. This as well as other incidents helped Nast to learn about the
person or people who placed her based on their interpretations of her:
" Feeling their surveillance and listening to their sexualized comments
helped me recognize them as much as they helped me recognize myself in
terms other than my own " (Nast, 1 99 8 , p. 1 0 9 ) . Similarly, anthropologist
Lila Abu-Lughod has described feeling utterly naked befare a Bedouin elder
because her head was uncovered, not because that is how her culture
defined nakedness, but because it was how his did so (Abu-Lughod, 1 9 8 8 ) .
This conceptualization o f reflexivity points toward an understanding o f the
constitution of difference, or identity, in the research process ( Rose, 1 997,
p. 3 1 3 ) .
Nast's and Abu-Lughod's operationalizations o f reflexivity extend the
meaning and utility of the concept much farther than usual. Instead of
reflexivity as reflectivity, or gazing at oneself, these scholars are centrally
interested in themselves only in the gaze of others ( see figure 6 . l ( e ) ) . And,
far from being satisfied to learn about themselves through others' eyes, they
return the look - now informed by the " others' " gaze - to the other in
arder to learn from her: how she {the participant) sees/places/interprets me
{ the researcher ) tell me about her, her worldview, her categories ? By
redefining the use of oneself as an instrument of research, these scholars
are positioned both to learn more about the phenomenon under study and
to share power with their research participants.
The more fully reflexive approach is readily employed in ethnography,
or participant observation, as we have seen. The sustained engagement
between researcher and subj ects required by the participant observation
method provides ample opportunity for encounters such as Nast and Abu
Lughod describe to occur, and for the researcher to reflect upon and learn
from them ( see also Nagar, 1 997). But in-depth, semi-structured interviews
can also be more fully reflexive. For instance, in their studies of cultural
R E F L EX I V E F E M I N I ST G E O G RA P H Y 111
Hope's l l l u stration
ity, and work : did performing regular paid work tasks from home using
telecommunications technology such as a computer modem rather than
physically commuting to the workplace reinforce or challenge these
women's ideas of themselves as members of specific ethnic groups, as paid
professionals, and as women/mothers/wives ?
When 1 ( 1 am Japanese ) asked Ou Johnson (pseudonym for an American
woman of Chinese descent) about how women's roles in Chinese culture
are different from American women's roles, Ou answered "I think they are
similar. 1 think in your culture, 1 can see it being very different. " 1 then
asked, " do you mean Japanese and American are different, but Chinese
and American are kind of similar ? " She answered "yes , " based on her
perception of her own mother, whom, Ou believed, acted like an Anglo
woman. She also based her answer on her mother's view of Japanese
women, whom Ou's mother viewed as totally different from Chinese
Ou perceived me positively, as an Asian, and as a foreigner. O u has
never been friends with Chinese Americans, Chinese people, or even other
Asians, in part because there was only one other Chinese family in the
midwestern city where she grew up. She mentioned to me the discrimina
tion she faced during a visir to California from Chinese Americans there.
She did not feel comfortable with Chinese Americans, but felt comfortable
with me. She told me that if 1 were part of the Asian group, she would be
willing to try to get to know them. So Ou saw me as a foreigner and as an
Asian, in contrast to herself, whom she viewed as an " American Asian . "
She roughly compared her identity with what she imagined mine to be: " 1
feel like I ' m American . . . with the Chinese background, versus you,
Japanese, j ust the opposite " ( Kawabata, 1 997, p. 5 6 ) .
Ou wanted t o know m y Japanese o r Asian point o f view o n certain
matters. This was why, following the conclusion of our " interview , " Ou
walked me out to the elevator of her office building, where our conver
sation continued for sorne minutes. 1 was taken aback when Ou asked me:
" How about you, Hope ? 1 bet you have been discriminated against with
your nationality in this country, haven't you ? " After 1 discussed this
interaction with Karen (and after 1 had dealt with my shock ) , 1 carne to an
interpretation of what Ou meant. 1 believe that 1 was surprised that an
Asian woman would ask another Asian woman this question. Karen
suggested that Ou, perhaps with a lingering Chinese prej udice against
Japanese people and with knowledge of the Japanese internment during
WWII in this country, assumed that 1 would face discrimination by Anglos.
Karen further suggested that Ou's question shocked me because of a
remnant of prej udice against the Chinese on my part. 1 do not agree with
this at ali. In any case, 1 understand with stark clarity how different from
myself and how like Anglo-Americans Ou perceived she ( O u ) was.
R E F L E X I V E F E M I N I S T G E O G RA P H Y 113
Karen's l nterpretatlon
Both physical and relational space are crucial in the process of the more
fu lly reflexive interview. Here, by walking together out of Ou's office and
to the elevator lobby of her building, Ou and Hope marked the end of the
formal interview and signaled a transition to their meeting's conclusion.
Having left the space of her office, Ou may have felt that the focus was no
longer on her, and perhaps felt more at liberty to remark on her interpre
tation of Hope's identity and situation as a foreigner in the US. Similarly,
Song and Parker ( 1 99 5 ) interviewed young Asian immigrants in their
families' places of business. Both researchers found themselves identified
and categorized in sometimes uncomfortable ways that revealed much
about their participants' views of the world and themselves. The research
ers' identities and selves may have been more " up for grabs " on the
interviewee's " turf. "
These examples highlight the power of a fuller reflexivity in feminist
interviewing. Through the view of herself in the eyes of the ( O )ther, Hope
formed an interpretation of herself (how she might be perceived by sorne
other Asians, especially those of Chinese heritage ) and, more important
from a research perspective, about Ou's placement of herself in relation to
Hope. This latter is the important contribution of the reflexive stance to
feminist research. Hope learned about how different from " Asians " and
" foreigners " Ou viewed herself, despite the fact that others (Anglos, say )
might see her as very different from themselves. Ou's relational " place
ment" of Hope, for example, told her a great <leal about Ou's understand
ing of her own position. Ou <loes not see herself as an outsider to an
American nationality; in fact, she claims such an identity as her own .
Regarding the research, this means that the fulfilment or avoidance of an
ethnidracialized minority role could not have motivated Ou to pursue a
telecommuting work arrangement. Drawing upon her interpretation of
Hope's identity permitted O u to communicate her view of herself more
clearly than she did at any other point in the interview.
Poss i b i l lties
What can a researcher do to ensure that her interviews are more fully
reflexive ? Most importantly, after Nast ( 1 99 8 ) , I recognize that true
reflexivity means letting go, allowing the possibility for being out of
control. Nast is interested in the out-of-controlness of situations where our
bodies are inscribed, prohibited, or disciplined according to others' world
views and interpretations of our bodies; I am more interested in the loss of
1 14 N
Hope would like t o thank Karen, who w a s her thesis advisor. Karen helped Hope
th ink critically on her j ourney to Christian feminism. Hope dedicates ali her
graduate work to her grandmother Kitazawa who passed away in 1996. Above ali,
sh e returns ali the glory to the One who created her. Karen would like to thank
Hope for her collaboration on this project. She is grateful for the insightful
suggestions and warmth of The Writing Group, whose members " aspire to wise . "
She dedicates this chapter t o her son Sean, whose gestation and first year coincided
with its writing.
People Like U s:
N egotiating Sameness and Difference
in th e Research Process
Gil/ Va/entine
Over the last two decades, positivist understandings of obj ective, impartial,
value-free knowledge, in which the researcher plays the role of omnipotent
expert extracting information from the passive subject, have been subject
to extensive feminist and postcolonial critiques.
In particular, " feminism has challenged traditional epistemologies of
what are considered valid forms of knowledge" (WGSG, 1 997, p. 8 7 ) . Far
example, in the 1 9 80s writers such as Dale Spender ( 1 9 8 1 ) and Liz Stanley
and Sue Wise ( 1 9 8 3 ) questioned the notion of universal knowledge,
highlighting the way that research done on men had been used to represent
ali human experiences and that as a consequence women's experiences had
been missed out at best and misrepresented at worst. In such critiques
feminists also drew attention to the hierarchical power relationships
implicit in research relationships, pointing out the ways in which the
researcher is positioned as the powerful expert and the respondent as the
passive subject ( Oakley, 1 9 8 1 ) .
A s a product of these feminist critiques o f research feminist epistemol
ogies have emerged ( Cope, chapter 3, this volume ) . These advance alterna
tive forms of knowledge ( such as personal experience ) , highlight the
non-neutrality of the researcher, and promote a sensitivity to the power
relations which are inherent in the research process ( Stanley and Wise,
1 9 8 3 ; WGSG, 1 997). In particular, feminists have drawn attention to the
fact that ali knowledge is produced in specific contexts or circumstances
and that these situated knowledges are marked by their origins ( Haraway,
1 99 1 ; Harding, 1 99 1 ) . This acknowledgement of the situatedness of
knowledge has led to a recognition of the importance of the " position" or
" positionality" of the researcher: that we see the world from specific
N E G O T I AT I N G S A M E N E S S A N D D I F F E R E N C E 117
Landscapes of Power?
For the remainder of this chapter I want to flesh out sorne of the issues I
have outlined so far by drawing on my own experiences - as an "out"
lesbian interviewing other lesbians as part of a research project on sexual
ity; and as a researcher interviewing parents about different aspects of their
children's lives where my sexuality was not disclosed. I also draw on the
experiences of other researchers to illustrate how identifications and dis
identifications are produced in specific performative moments.
As I outlined above, sorne of the discussion about the research process
has talked in terms of fixed identities which are conceptualized in terms of
clear and socially recognizable differences such as gender. In practice, the
way researchers and interviewees perform our identities and read those of
others are uncertain. The identifications and disidentifications we make are
complex, with many different notions of sameness and differences operat
ing at the same time. Both researchers and interviewees directly or indirectly
claim points of sameness or difference during interviews based not only on
N E G O T I AT I N G S AM E N E S S A N D D I F F E R E N C E 121
she simultaneously liked and disliked the same person. Indeed, not only did
she find her own views challenged, but sometimes she found herself in
broad agreement with them.
In a similar way, when interviewing parents about their children for
va rious research projects 1 too have found myself sharing a sense of
connection and warmth with sorne interviewees, despite the fact they have
articulated unpleasant homophobic views ( while it is difficult to be posi
tioned by interviewers in ways which are objectionable, Phoenix ( 1 994,
p. 57) argues that the articulation of such viewpoints is the whole point of
interviews since they are intended to "evoke respondents' " accounts rather
than to hear one's own discourses reflected back ) . In one case in particular,
1 established a good rapport with, and warmed to, a homophobic couple
who were extremely personable and welcoming and we spent a long time
after the interview chatting and having a drink. In contrast, 1 have struggled
to develop a rapport and make a connection with lesbians with whom 1
superficially appear to have much in common. These sorts of interactions
show how unstable and shifting interview encounters are and how mean
ingless static identities and labels are. As Luff ( 1 999) points out people are
far more complex than labels such as " moral right" or " homophobic," no
interview situation is entirely negative, there is always sorne moment of
connection or rapport.
Indeed, it is worth remembering that a sense of connectedness or
sameness does not always prompt the disclosure of thoughts and feelings
between the researcher and the interviewee. Rather, it can serve to clase
clown the expression of diverse views as both participants seek to
(re) produce the illusion of sameness. In contrast, these openly acknowl
edged differences in which the interviewee is forthright about their views
or challenges the researcher can facilitate more open conversations.
These few examples - of how interviewees have read interviewers and
then how as interviewers we might read the performances of our interview
ees - question the notion of self-disclosure in the research process. In
research encounters the interviewer and interviewee are not locked into
static positions described by the usual co-ordinates of class, race, gender,
etc. Rather, the way we are positioned in relation to each other is a shifting
product of our own fluid performances of the self and the ways that these
are read by each other. Although, as interviewers and informants we might
think that we choose what we disclose, our performances can always be
read against our intentions. As such the way we understand and are
understood by each other is always elusive and uncontrollable, and the
interview situation unstable and full of ambivalent feelings.
The examples 1 have outlined so far are fairly conventional examples of
conversations and appearances. Ester Newton ( 1 993 ) points out however
that a lot of discussion about research relationships focuses on what is said
1 24 G I L L VA L E N T I N E
rather than ali the other things that might be going on between the
researcher and informant. She then goes on to reflect on the erotics of
fieldwork, that when researchers write about ethnography in the first
person they talk about thoughts and sometimes feelings, but never desire
or lust. The assumption is that sex and emotion between researchers and
their informants is absent (the only exception to this being the writing of
sorne women anthropologists about unwanted sexual attention of men or
not having sex with men for fear of losing credibility, personal danger,
failure of field work, etc. ) . Newton then goes on to present an account of
the relationship she, as a lesbian anthropologist, developed with her best
informant. She describes how while carrying out an ethnohistory of a
lesbian and gay community in Cherry Grove, a resort on Fire Island near
New York City, she fell in love with a woman called Kay. Reflecting on
their first meeting she writes, "Was it because 1 liked her cottage which still
had the diminutive charm of an earlier Cherry Grove, because 1 found her
beautiful and her suffering poignant, or because her allusions to past vices
intrigued me ? Or was it because she called me 'dear' that 1 carne away
enchanted ? " ( Newton, 1 993, p. 1 2 ) .
She then describes how they saw each other daily ( over a course o f two
years ) when Newton was in the field, and how their meetings were
flirtatious and full of erotic by-play. Kay helped Newton to negotiate access
in the field and persuaded people who had initially refused to be inter
viewed to take part. Newton uses this example to make a broader point
about how these encounters shape the research process: " my informants
and sponsors have usually been more to me than an expedient way of
getting information and something different from 'just friends. ' Information
has always flowed to me in a medium of emotion - ranging from passionate
(although unconsummated) erotic attachment to profound affection to
lively interest - that empowers me in my projects and, when it is recipro
cated, helps motívate informants to put up with my questions and intru
sions" (Newton, 1 993, p. 1 1 ) .
Newton goes on to call for more acknowledgement about our desires
for and feelings of repulsion towards our subj ects. While in Newton's case
the erotics of fieldwork were evident to both researcher and informant, this
is not always the case. When 1 asked a lesbian called Kate whom 1 had
interviewed, and who had also been interviewed by another lesbian
researcher called Wendy for a different project, to reflect on her experiences
of participating in research, Kate recalled that she had been strongly
attracted to Wendy. As a consequence the way that she had presented
herself in the interview had been shaped by her self-consciousness about
this attraction, and her desire to impress Wendy. Likewise, her reading of
Wendy had been undercut by a search for sexual meanings.
It is not only sexual emotions which go unacknowledged in research
N E G O T I AT I N G S AM E N E S S A N D D I F F E R E N C E 1 25
A n d ro-centrism
Cartesian d ualism
C u ltu ral appropriation
Deconstru ct/ deconstruction
Differe nce
Essentialism/anti-esse ntial ism
l d e n tity politics
Paradoxical space
Political economy
Politics of knowledge
Positioning/ positio nality
Postmode rnism
Poststructu ralism
Racial ization
S u bjectivity
Contemporary theory is often criticized for using too much jargon. The
chapters in this book contain severa! examples of specialized terms such as
"paradoxical space " and "autoethnography. " What are the advantages
and disadvantages of using specialized terminology ?
1 28 F E M I N I ST P E D A G O G Y WO R K I N G G RO U P
Think about rhe ways i n which you perform your own identity. Are
there differences depending upon where you are and who you are with ?
How <loes one decide whether a performance is authentic ?
Severa! authors talk about assumptions being made about them as, for
example, women or men, as researchers, as sexual beings, and as members
of rhe same social economic class. To what extent do you challenge, play
along with, or accept underlying assumptions about difference ? About
knowledge ? About research ?
Severa! of the chapters so far have referred to the high personal and
professional costs sorne feminists pay to do feminist research. For example,
rhere may be less funding than for more traditional projects; there seems to
be more pressure to explain feminist research and justify projects; and there
may need to be more time for the research that produces fewer traditional
products, for example, publications. Would you conduct feminist research
in the climate where you study ? How public would you be about your
work ? What issues do you need to consider while making such decisions?
What is ar stake for feminists who undertake or don 't undertake feminist
research in geography ?
M assey, D . 1 994: Sp ace, Pla ce, and Gender. Minneapolis: University o f Minnesota
Press .
Rose, G . 1 993 : femin is m and Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge.
Minneapo lis : Un iver sity of Minnesota Press.
Bondi, L. 1 99 3 : Locating identity politics. In M. Keith and S. Pile (eds), Place and
the Politics of Identity. London and New York: Routledge, 8 4 -1 0 1 .
Jones, J . P . III, Nast, H . J . and Roberts, S. M. (eds) 1 997: 'Part One: Difference', in
Thresholds in Feminist Geography. Latham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield,
1-1 1 5 .
On racialization, see:
O n performativity, see:
Butler, J. 1 9 90: Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. London
and New York: Routledge.
Butler, J. 1 993: Bodies that Matter. London and New York: Routledge.
Gregson, N. and Rose , G. 2000: Taking Butler elsewhere: performativities, spatial
ities and subj ectivities, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1 8 ,
43 3 -552.
Nelson, L. 1 999: Bodies (and spaces) do matter: the limits of performativity,
Gender, Place and Culture, 6, 3 3 1- 5 3 .
On masculinism, see:
On embodiment, see:
Butler, R. and Parr, H. (eds) 1 999: Mind and Body Space: Geographies of Illness,
Impairment and Disability. London and New York: Routledge.
Moss, P. and Dyck, l. 1 996: lnquiry into environment and body: women, work
and chronic illness, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1 4 ,
Nast, H. J. and Pile, S. (eds) 1 99 8 : Places through the Body. London and New
York: Routledge.
Teather, E. K. (ed. ) 1 999: Embodied Geographies: Spaces, Bodies and Rites of
Passage. London and New York: Routledge.
On hegemony, see:
Decentering Authority!
Feminist Pedagogy Working Group
Short 3 Doing Geography as a Feminist
Reconsidering Success and Failure in Feminist Research
Maureen G. Reed
8 Doing Feminist Fieldwork about Geography Fieldwork
Karen Nairn
9 Quantitative Methods and Feminist Geographic Research
Mei-Po Kwan
10 Borderlands i n Feminist Ethnography
]oan Marshall
11 Negotiating Positionings: Exchanging Life Stories in Research
Deirdre McKay
12 lnterviewing Elites: Cautionary Tales about Researching Women
Managers in Canada's Banking Industry
Kim V. L. England
13 Studying Immigrants i n Focus Groups
Geraldine Pratt
Study Material for Doing Feminist Research
Feminist Pedagogy Working Group
Decentering Authority !
For many of us, our experiences in learning have led us to believe that the
content of the books we read are true, that the authors are knowledgeable,
and that somehow together they constitute authority. During our school
days we were required to read textbooks and then tested on our knowledge
of " facts. " If we remembered what was written by the author { ity ) , we were
rewarded with high marks; if we responded with something different,
something other that what the author{ ity ) decreed, we received low marks.
If our answers were wrong, then, as the authoritative logic goes, we were
wrong too !
Being "wrong " has its advantages . Like with any hegemony, the author
ity of doing research included, we give way to dominant ideas that are
written by authors with authority and both knowingly and unknowingly
assist in perpetuating such ideas. We get caught up in routine complacency,
failing to question authors and authority. We end up repeating things we
have learned through reading sorne book, citing sorne article, or repeating
sorne argument and implicitly reproducing the same configurations of
authority within a particular field ( feminist methodology in geography
i ncluded ) . Yet at the same time as we are entranced and seduced by this
dominance, we know that there is space to resist power, to challenge
hegemonic stability, to contest authoritative writing. We don't have to
believe that the only good research is research that is value-free, scientific,
and reproducible. We don't have to validare our standing as researchers by
conforming to the academic standards based on a set of values feminists
have shown not to be useful for research topics associated with power
relations that oppress and marginalize individuals and groups of people.
And we don't have to use the same research methods that have been
1 36 F E M I N I ST P E DA G O G Y WO R K I N G G R O U P
But, as you already know, we did seize this opportunity to write our bit
of the world as we saw it. We realized that we faced many of the same
dilemmas that the feminists writing for this text did. Our quandaries arase
from our experiences in classrooms and in our everyday lives and we
decided that we wanted to be among those involved in working toward
decentering authority, toward destabilizing dominant masculinism that
continues to permeate teaching and learning, toward feminist transforma
tions of the classroom. So, even though we have selected what to
(re)produce in the learning materials, we did so with the realization that
readers would approach these words, information, and ideas with caution
and scrutinize them with a healthy <lose of skepticism.
The authors of the chapters in this section are concerned primarily with
particular methods associated with the actual " doing" of feminist research.
None however professes to have absolute confidence in or knowledge
about the choices they have made while doing feminist research. Each
struggles, at least implicitly, with the authority of not only her own work,
but also the work of feminist researchers in geography collectively. Karen
Nairn recounts the choices she made about putting together a research
project about data collection methods and design. She makes the point that
accessing similar information can come in many forms j ust as one piece of
information can hold different types of information. Mei-Po Kwan links
the use of quantitative methods to feminist research. She shows through
hands-on examples that feminist uses of quantitative data and analysis are
not only possible, but also necessary for sorne research questions. Joan
Marshall discusses severa! dilemmas she encountered while engaging in
ethnographic research with a closely knit community where she was an
outsider. She <loes not place the choices she made as solutions to problems,
but rather as resolutions to situations. Deirdre Mackay offers an intimate
look at the process through which she carne to understand how efforts at
reciprocity were offered and (possibly) received. She prompts us to think
about research as a "work in progress. " Kim England provides a wonderful
account of " studying up" and points out how research is not a smooth
process. She argues that research is not about the perfect or complete
project, but rather about " the art of making do. " Geraldine Pratt writes
about focus groups as a way to " decenter " the authority/centrality of the
researchers and the practice of research . Although focus groups may offer
the potential for less hierarchical relationships, Pratt reminds us that they
never disappear. Together these chapters spell out only a fraction of
methods available to feminist geographers undertaking research and of the
dil emmas they have or will face in the field.
S h o rt 3 D o i n g G eography as a Feminist
Maure en G. Reed
lt didn't get anybody a full-time j ob, it didn't give a forest worker a job, it
didn't contribute to the renewal of our forests. ( " Brenda, " cited in the
Squamish Chie(, a local newspaper, about the outcomes of my research
proj ect in Squamish, Canada, 2000)
private sources. As part of being in this quandary 1 ask myself, " how might
research by feminist geographers be affected by these changes ? "
Notice how 1 j uxtapose the " needs" of scholarship with " demands " of
public policy. 1 could have easily reversed these descriptions. 1 could have
discussed the challenge of meeting the demands imposed by scholarship
with the needs of public policy. Why do 1 consider the public policy aspect
of research a demand imposed from outside my own research agenda? 1
think there is more to it than simply reasoning that 1 am situated within an
academic environment. Rather, my positioning reflects my biases about
what 1 believe are the central aims and limitations of both the academy and
policy environments, and 1 am situated within changes in feminist scholar
ship itself. If feminist scholarship is rooted in attempts to explain and to
change unj ust social relations, then feminism has a direct application to
public policy. Yet, feminist scholarship in geography has increasingly
moved towards more theoretically informed, academically approved stan
dards for j udging research results ( McDowell, 1 992a; Bondi, this volume) .
What does this say about how far we have become entrained within
academic conventions for j u dging our successes and failures ? Perhaps more
importantly, how can we be directly engaged in these messy, real-world
debates without compromising the intellectual integrity of scholarship?
Funding agencies require feminist geography research to be policy
relevant. This demand widens the range of adj udicators and shapes research
expectations for our projects. These interconnections exist at ali phases of
the research process, from the formulation of a problem through the
generation of research questions, from the selection of methods and entry
into the " field" through analysis of results and their articulation and
circulation in both academic and policy forums. 1 view this as something
of a Faustian bargain - by accepting funding from such agencies, what
compromises might 1 have to make with respect to my own scholarly
integrity and feminist intentions ? While feminist researchers have examined
their own positionings in relation to their research subj ects (e.g. related to
similarities or differences of gender, class, sexuality or ethnicity ) , they have
been less attentive to positionings in relation to dynamics of the context of
the research - the tensions that arise between different expectations of the
academy, funding agencies and how the relationships between the two are
played out in setting priorities for research and criteria for evaluating
New research priorities are beginning at the outset to shape our research
questions and methods. For example, the major publicly funded social
1 40 MAU R E E N G . R E E D
supersede their own needs for assistance during times of massive economic
restructuring. Although FRBC administered two separate programs - a
research program and a land management program (e.g. funding activities
such as tree planting and watershed restoration ) - in the minds of many
community residents, the objectives of the separate programs were blurred
by their pressing concerns about the survival of local livelihood, community
and culture within a re-forming forestry economy.
Notwithstanding these limits, there were sorne important benefits of
going this route. The research grant from FRBC was about three times
larger than what 1 could have secured through SSHRC. This funding,
therefore, was like receiving gold coins from heaven. It enhanced my own
status within the department and university. As Demeritt (2000) points
out, the amount of grant funding is an increasingly important currency in
measuring the value of an academic. My relatively large grant greatly
increased my average income to the department and university. While large
grants are valued, few individual feminist research projects can claim such
advantage. More importantly, the three-year award allowed me to pay
generous honoraria for women to take part in each workshop and to
conduct interviews . Thus, 1 provided " fair wages" for women to work on
the project, so that they would value their own contributions and know
that 1 did so as well. In addition, 1 was the first person at the university to
officially reimburse non-university women researchers for child-care
expenses incurred while they were occupied in the research project. In my
mind, these were small, but important successes. They were part of my
contribution to redistribute the wealth provided to me through this grant.
A movement into the realm of public policy research also expands the
networks of relevant actors who judge the research effort - from the point
of application, through its implementation, and ultimately upon its com
pletion . For example, usually only the most obscure research proposals
funded by the government get cited in the newspaper each year in public
jests about academic irrelevance. In contrast, the explicit pu blic policy
orientation of the FRBC proj ect expanded the range of interests, relevant
cr iteria, and potential critics pertinent to assessing its methods and results.
This research was set within a policy environment where forestry was a
majar provincial industry undergoing economic restructuring and govern
ment agencies were looking for research with policy relevance to help make
governmental decisions. For sorne community research participants,
accountability and research relevance meant the power of the academic to
generare positive change in their lives. Yet at the same time, expectations
1 42 MAU R E E N G . R E E D
and prospects for failure were undeservedly high. This was brought home
to me when 1 listened to one of the transcripts involving the trained women
Participant: Is that what's going to happen with this [research . . . that is,
to be put on a shelf and ignored] ? . . . l'm j ust curious.
Interviewer: 1 think Maureen has a personal interest, not a vested interest,
but a personal interest in the results. 1 believe, from meeting her, that she has
a real interest in this sort of thing and she has an incredible amount of
valuable knowledge and 1 do believe that she's got, in her position as being
professor at [The University of British Columbia] , she's probably got a high,
a tremendous amount of respect too . . . It's been my experience that people
who are in educational institutions have credibility and knowledge and
knowledge is power, so, you know. Hopefully, and as 1 say, she <loes have a
personal interest in it, from the heart, not from . . . (interrupted).
Participant: Perfect, that'll b e good.
And [another friend] was saying, well, ask why they're doing it too, because
she thought it was ali a bit peculiar that this was going on, and for so long,
and money going to this [research] when it's, it's been cut for the men
working who could maybe use the money . . . 1 guess, we j ust have trouble, a
lot of trouble with, 1 guess, government spending and what money will go to
and what it doesn't go to. lt j ust doesn't make a lot of sense sometimes.
a ware that mu t u a l u nder sta nding <loes not feed a family. And when
research <loes no t feed a fa mily in a public policy context where communi
ties believe rhey are threatened by actual or imminent ( nutritional or
political ) starvation, processes of trust-building erode. So, too, erodes the
perceived public value of the research proj ect.
While I have focused on a single proj ect and funding agency here, I use this
example because I believe it has wider application. Academics are now
encouraged by university administration to go to non-conventional funding
sources that may have strings attached to public policy objectives. Even
conventional sources such as SSHRC have new requirements for researchers
to express their relevance to society. Feminist scholars, who try to uncover
and undo real-world inequities, and who have focused scholarly attention
to power relations should be at the core of debates about funding. These
arrangements shape ali aspects of a research project - from its initial
conceptualization of the "problem " at hand, through the choice of meth
ods, analytical strategies, and interpretation of results. Importantly, in the
latter categories, our successes will be determined in very public and
uncontrolled arenas of policy debates and study locations. More fundamen
tally, these arenas shape the basic premises of the research itself. Sometimes
they do so overtly, such as in pre-establishing questions for research
programs. Sometimes these arenas shape research more subtly through
ongoing renegotiations of the research proj ect through its various stages.
As feminist scholars, we need to discuss the implications of this emergent
research context fully and openly among ourselves, policy makers, and
research subjects.
S U C C E S S A N D F A I L U R E I N F E M I N I ST R E S E A R C H 1 45
P re - i nterv i ew Preparat i o n
Karen Nairn
" Every method has its shortcomings " ( Gilbert, 1 9 94, p. 9 5 ) , so 1 used
multiple qualitative methods of data collection to compensare for sorne of
the shortcomings of each of the respective methods ( Denzin, 1 978; D .
Rose, 1 993 ) . The u s e of multiple methods also increased the likelihood of
uncovering any " facts" unfit to fit. 1 chose each method of data collection
for its appropriateness to the respective phases of the research process, in
particular to the leve! of empathy that could realistically be expected at key
points, as well as to the material conditions (classroom, lecture theatre or
fieldtrip location ) of each stage of the research. Far example, the beginnings
of trust and empathy from the participant observation phase (where 1 lived
and worked with participants ) facilitated the interview phase, when 1
expected to collect more in-depth data from selected participants.
There were four different data collection phases. 1 designed a pre
fieldtrip exercise, which included a drawing task, to record students'
expectations of the upcoming fieldtrip. 1 used participant observation
during the fieldtrips. At the end of each fieldtrip 1 asked students to
complete a written evaluation of the fieldtrip. Sorne months after the end
of the fieldtrip, 1 conducted in-depth interviews with selected fieldtrip
participants. Thus ways of asking included drawing, writing, listening,
observing and participating in fieldtrips. In the process of arguing for a
more diverse repertoire of ways for geographic knowing, 1 wanted to
mirror such theoretical contentions in the methodology. Or, put more
prosaically, 1 wanted to practice what 1 preached.
F E M I N I ST F I E L D W O R K A B O U T G E O G RA P H Y F I E L DW O R K 1 49
than wine ) , physica l ability (walking long distances ) and social ability
( staying up late in spite of early starts the next day ) .
Participan t observation enabled m e t o access embodied forms of know
i ng more readily than any other form of data collection. Participation
alongside students in the material conditions of each fieldtrip provided
access to embodied knowledge such as the taste of fieldtrip food, the
temperature and comfort of sleeping accommodation, the physical demands
of long days and the social demands of relating to large numbers of fieldtrip
participants. This meant that 1 collected data about my own as well as
about other participants' embodied experiences. These data 1 often gleaned
from comments 1 overheard at mealtimes, during fieldwork activities, and
in the bunkrooms that 1 shared with students and staff. It was important
to include myself as subject of data rather than collect data solely about
the " obj ect" of research because 1 was conscious of feminist critiques of
disembodied researchers who are absent from their research. Although
participant observation offered the most potential for embodied forms of
knowing via a greater sensory repertoire and for countering the privileging
of the visual via the participation component, it also felt the most intrusive.
As a researcher who lived and worked with the subjects of my research
1 had access to the privare dimensions of ( sorne ) fieldtrip participants' lives.
Could 1 ( or should 1) stop being a researcher in sorne contexts ? Where
would 1 or should 1 draw the boundary between the information that they
consciously told me as a researcher and the information that they might
( inadvertently) provide during a casual conversation in a social/informal
context ? At times, it was hard to go to bed during fieldtrips, knowing that
1 could miss out on research opportunities. 1 was interested in the socializ
ing aspects of geography residential fieldtrips, yet it seemed at odds to be
working (researching) during the social activities of fieldtrips. 1 developed
the art of making a can of beer last a long time so that 1 would have an
appropriate prop in a social situation on a university fieldtrip, and con
tinued my work. 1 felt like 1 was exploiting social situations for work
This sense of exploitation was complex. 1 was representing research
subjects who held more power as well as those who " held " similar or less
power than myself. 1 aim therefore to " not make public information or
strategies that may compromise the less powerfu l " ( McDowell, 1 992b,
p. 408; see also England, 1 994; Katz, 1 994) but 1 do not apply this same
criteria to those in positions of power. This point requires further qualifi
cation. 1 do not name those in power but information about the practices
and strategies of those who exercise disciplinary power are included in
written products because the purpose of my research was to explicare the
disciplinary culture of geography fieldtrips, a culture shaped by those with
the power to do so.
F E M I N I S T F I E L D WO R K A B O U T G E O G R A P H Y F I E L DW O R K 1 51
remembered the events. There was n o reason for them t o lie, although for
various reasons, certain information may have been deliberately left out"
(Middleton, 1 9 8 5 , p. 1 6 2 ) . This approach is an explicit challenge to forms
of knowledge that assume reality can be proved because it is observed and/
or there are a large number of instances. In addition, it constructs learners
as experts and memories as a significant source of knowledge.
I conducted two types of interviews as part of the study. The first type
comprised post-fieldtrip interviews in which I interviewed participants from
the seven fieldtrips sorne months after the fieldtrips had taken place. The
second type included interviews with key informants, people who were not
directly connected with the seven fieldtrips, because I also wanted to work
at the peripheries of the research tapie, to talk " to people no longer actively
involved [in fieldtrips] , to dissidents and renegades and eccentrics" ( Miles
and Huberman, 1 994, p. 3 4 ) . I asked particular individuals for an interview
because they were prepared to comment on politically sensitive issues
(Miles and Huberman, 1 994 ) . For example, I interviewed individuals about
issues such as the significance of fieldtrips for funding geography as a
science in the university context, performances of " alternative " masculini
ties and femininities, and controversia! decisions related to fieldtrip organ
ization. As Miles and Huberman ( 1 994) point out, there are benefits of
peripheral sampling in a research project concerned with contradictions
and alternative ways of collecting and analyzing data .
I offered research participants the opportunity to be interviewed one-to
one, in pairs, or in small groups of three, four or five. I included the small
group (a type of focus group) approach to interviewing because I was
interested in the group dynamics of the residential fieldtrip. I was concerned
with the interactions between participants as well as with what was said
because people's knowledge and attitudes are not entirely encapsulated in
reasoned responses to direct questions. Everyday forms of communication
such as anecdotes, jokes or loase word association may tell us as much, if
not more, about what people " know. " In this sense focus groups " 'reach
parts that other methods cannot reach' - revealing dimensions of under
standing that often remained untapped by the more one-to-one interview
or questionnaire " ( Kitzinger, 1 994, p. 1 0 9 ) .
The interview is a n arena o f performance - overt a n d covert - the small
group interviews emphasized these aspects of the interview as individual
participants performed for their peer group. At times, it seemed that these
interviews were not being taken as seriously as the one-to-one or pair
interviews were, although (1 reasoned ) the joking culture of the small group
interviews was recognizable as the j oking culture of the fieldtrips, recorded
in my fieldnotes. In other words, the forms of communication of the small
group interview mirrorred the forms of communication that I had wit
nessed on fieldtrips. Ironically, despite my stated interest in other ways of
F E M I N I ST F I E L D W O R K A B O U T G E O G RA P H Y F I E L DW O R K 1 53
knowing, transcribing and analysis of " irrational " forms of data such as
laughter and joking was more difficult. 1 subsequently favoured interviews
with one or two participants because they generated more manageable
( " rational " ) data. Indeed, the academic ritual of research depends on
rational rather than irrational data ( see Kobayashi and Peake, 1 994 ) .
1 discovered, however, that interviewing pairs was not always successful.
For example, 1 suggested a pair interview to two female university students
who agreed and the interview wenr ahead. One of the students left for
another commitment j u st before the interview ended. The other student
remained on for what turned out to be another quite different interview
during which she said things that she would not have said in front of any
other student. Similarly, a male student whom 1 interviewed one-to-one,
also acknowledged that he would not have talked about his friendships
with male students if he had been interviewed with one of those friends (if
that friend/participant had turned up as planned ) . In other words, pair
interviews offered the potential to explore the interactions between partici
pants but could also be constraining in terms of what participants felt able
to say. 1 utilized both approaches ( one-to-one and pair) to interviewing,
knowing that there were different advantages to be gained from both
Ways of asking were therefore informed by feminist theories and meth
odologies concerned with how to examine and represent diversity and
dilemmas in research. Such a multi-method qualitative approach premised
on reconsideration, represents an important challenge to positivist (geog
raphy) research practices premised on exploration and discovery.
Figure 8.1 Female student's d rawi ng of what she expects to do on a field tri p
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tems such as formal, informal (or both ) for activities, and indoors, outdoors
(or both ) for environments to test general ideas about students' expecta
tions of particular environments and activities on a forthcoming fieldtrip.
Second, a poststructuralist analysis in which I examined the implicit
binaries represented in the drawings such as outdoors/indoors, night/day,
student/staff, and work/fun. I then analyzed particular drawings where
such binaries were implicit and explicit, to find out if such " readings "
supported emerging themes or not, and selected exemplary drawings. In
the case of one drawing this binary was explicit; the page was divided
cl early between night-time and day-time activities ( see figure 8 . 1 ) .
The third mode o f analysis was t o consider the drawings a s representing
"an embodied social world" (Du Plessis and Fougere, 1 995, p. 1 32 ) .
Drawings in particular relied o n the use o f "objects imbued with symbolic
significance " (Du Plessis and Fougere, 1 995, p. 1 32 ) such as " the mortar
board" to indicate status, " the tree " to indicate the outdoors, " the beer
can " to indicate social activities, to tell a larger story (a picture is worth a
thousand words ! ) . I had asked students to draw pictures to undermine the
tive and/or as answers to ali the identified issues. In spite of these risks, it
is important to move beyond critical analysis to reconsideration of what
could be different if geography fieldtrips were not so central to the
geography discipline and/or were conducted in unconventional ways. In
turn, such interventions and alternatives must be continually subjected to
critical re-evaluation ( see Alton-Lee and Densem, 1 992 ) . Theoretical and
methodological maneuvers need to affect social and epistemological prac
tices, and be critically reconsidered, if the feminist project of disrupting
masculinist forms of knowledge is to benefit women and men.
Iwould like to thank the editor of this collection, Pamela Moss, and colleague
Ruth Liepins for their encouragement and helpful comments on earlier drafts.
• Tape recorder
• Tapes/back-up tapes
• Batteries
• Pens
• Elastic bands
• Tissues
• Pertinent information, e . g . address, phone number, map with
• Business card or equivalent
• Brief , jargon-free written project description
• Letter of informed consent
• Documentation of ethics approval
• lnterview guide
• Research journal
• Phone numbers for counseling (if appropriate)
• Gift (if appropriate)
Mei-Po Kwan
Quantitative methods not only involve the use of numbers such as official
statistics . They include the entire process in which data are collected,
assembled, turned into numbers (coded ) , and analyzed using mathematical
or statistical means. In research relying mainly on quantitative methods,
the focus of the data collection effort is to gather quantitative data or
qualitative information that can be quantified in sorne way ( as in attitudinal
studies ) . Once coded, these data are then explored using various methods,
ranging from simple measures such as frequency counts and percentages,
to complex techniques such as log-linear models. Results of quantitative
analysis can be presented in the form of summary statistics, test statistics,
statistical tables, and graphs. They can also be represented in complex
cartographic or three-dimensional forms with the assistance of GIS, or
Geographical Information Systems.
Since spatial data violate many assumptions of conventional statistical
methods, such as independence of each individual observation and constant
variance, quantitative analysis of geographic data calls for spatial statistical
methods that were developed to overcome the problems of applying
conventional statistical methods to geographic data . This is a specialized
collection of techniques required when dealing with data that describe the
spatial distribution of social or economic phenomena, many of which are
of interest to feminist geographers. Without applying the appropriate
geostatistical methods, analysis of geographical data may lead to erroneous
results and conclusions. There are other new developments in quantitative
geographical methods which are particularly relevant to feminist research.
The recent development of local statistics facilitates the analysis of the
relationships between the local context and women's everyday experiences.
Q U A N T I TAT I V E M E T H O D S 1 61
Epistemological considerations
odology are particularly helpful here. One is that using numbers and
quantitative methods is not the same as holding what sort of knowledge is
valid or privileging certain kinds of knowledge over the others ( Lawson,
1 995; McLafferty, 1 995 ) . The association between quantitative methods
and positivist/empiricist geographic research was more historical than
necessary or unchangeable. Feminist geographers need to move beyond the
kind of scientific objectivity and value-neutrality that characterize quanti
tative geography of earlier periods.
As feminists now hold, the kind of scientific objectivity that is based
upon the existence of a detached, transcendent observer is not only
unachievable but masculinist ( G. Rose, 1 99 3 ) . Feminist obj ectivity should
be understood in terms of the situated knowledges based on particular
" standpoints " or limited " positions " of women 's lived experiences in
particular social and geographical contexts ( Haraway, 1 99 1 ; Harding,
1 99 1 ) . Further, the use of quantitative methods by itself <loes not confer
the researcher any authority to make privileged knowledge claims as
compared to other forms of knowledge, especially those obtained through
qualitative methods. Rather, it helps to situare other forms of knowledge
in the context of the overarching social and economic relations ( Moss,
1 995a ) . Feminist geographers using quantitative methods should limit their
conclusions rather than making grand claims about the universal applica
bility of their results ( Rose, 1 99 7 ) .
Data problems
statistics. They concluded that women everywhere are worse off than men
- they have less autonomy, less power, less money, but more work and
responsibility. Severa! studies had already shown that women in general
have more spatially restricted lives than men - they work closer to home
and travel less - and are often employed in female-dominated occupations
and earn less than men ( see for example Tivers, 1 9 8 5 ; Hanson and Pratt,
1 995 ) . As Lawson ( 1 995 ) argued, descriptive data like these powerfully
present the unequal power and gender relations within the household and
the economy at large. In describing certain measurable aspects of women's
lives, descriptive data revea! the social and political processes that help to
perpetuate the inequality and oppression of women .
In light of this, quantitative data and methods may be a powerful
instrument for initiating progressive social and political change. They may
help reduce the marginalization or oppression of women . For example,
using a large survey data set, Rosenbloom and Burns ( 1 994 ) documented
that working mothers rely heavily on the car to balance their domestic and
child-care obligations. Travel demand management measures that aim at
reducing travel without taking their needs into account will have consider
able negative impacts on their lives. This result can be used to steer public
policies to better meet the need of working mothers. Another example,
cited in Jayarante ( 1 9 8 3 ) , is the court decision of a sex discrimination
lawsuit that began to make statistics acceptable as legal evidence.
Closely related to this is that the analysis of quantitative data may
stimulate questions about the process of oppression or gender relations that
generate the numbers. This may help revea! research areas that urgently
require attention and indicate directions for more in-depth and qualitatively
oriented research. For example, in a study by Tempalski and McLafferty
(reported in McLafferty, 1 99 5 ) , quantitative analysis helped identify the
lower-middle income neighborhoods in New York City where the problem
of low birthweight is serious. With these results, healthcare and social work
professionals can undertake in-depth qualitative research in these areas to
obtain a better understanding of the problem. Quantitative methods can
also be used to revea! and challenge the male bias in existing geographical
concepts and methods. For example, in my research on conventional
measures of accessibility, 1 found that ali conventional accessibility meas
u res failed to take women's needs to undertake multipurpose trips and
their space-time constraints into account and therefore suffered from a
serious male bias. This led me to formulare and implement space-time
measures of individual accessibility that can better reflect women's individ
ual access to urban opportunities ( Kwan, 1 99 8 , 1 999b ) .
1 68 M E l - P O KWAN
Research questíon
Befare setting out to collect the data, 1 had to resolve operational issues
about how to turn the notion of space-time constraints into something
measurable. Based upon previous work on this area, 1 decided to solicit
information about the space-time fixity of each activity a person performed
through an activity-travel diary survey. The diary recorded details of ali
activities and trips made by the respondent in two designated travel days. 1
included four specially designed questions in the diary to obtain infor
mation about the spatial and temporal fixity of each activity ( see Kwan,
2000b ) . Using answers to these four questions, 1 designated three types of
fixity: (a) spatially fixed activities; (b) temporally fixed activities; and ( c )
activities which are both spatially a n d temporally fixed.
Another operational issue involved identifying the purpose of each
activity performed by the respondent. A common approach in past studies
comprised categorizing activity purposes and then coding the written
description by the responden t. One majar difficulty of this approach is that
the primary purpose of an activity may not be reflected from the written
description of the activity given by the respondent. For example, an activity
can be performed for differenf purposes by the same person ( e.g. grocery
shopping may be undertaken for meeting household need or for social or
recreational purposes ) , and the same activity may be performed for differ
ent purposes by different individuals. To overcome this problem, 1 included
a question in the activity diary to record the primary and secondary
purpose of an activity according to the respondent's subjective evaluation.
Five activity purposes were initially provided to the respondent as guide
li nes, but they can also provide their own answers in an open-ended
q uestion.
1 70 M E l - P O KWAN
Data collection
Presentation of results
There are severa! qualifications applicable to these results. First, given the
specific subsample and context of the study, its results cannot be general
ized to other gender/ethnic subgroups or sociospatial contexts. For instance,
given the high socioeconomic status and travel mobility of the individuals
in the subsample, the results may seriously understate the fixity constraint
and mobility problems faced by individuals of other gender/ethnic sub
groups ( especially minority women ) . Further, the survey data used in the
study do not allow for the examination of other important factors such as
labor market processes and the negotiation between the female and male
heads of household. The interaction between these factors and women's
space-time constraint is an important issue for future research. In view of
these limitations, 1 realized that complementing the results with ethno
graphic data of the individuals could have led to a better understanding of
th e complex processes involves ( for example, women's fear of violent crime
may impose significant space-time constraint on their activity patterns ) .
1 72 M E l - P O KWA N
Computer S oftware
]oan Marshall
The men on this island are living in a time warp from the fifties. (Thirty
seven year-old woman on Grand Manan Island, June, 1999 )
Four years ago, during the early stages of my research on Grand Manan,
someone described the women there as " the strong women of Grand
Manan. " This description continues to haunt me, even as my own under
standings and interpretations have evolved. These " strong" women are
both complex reflections and creators of a society that is historically rooted
in notions of community, family, and the core myth of rurality. Grand
Manan women are survivors whose identities are embedded in a long
history of rural isolation and resource dependence, and who they are
cannot be separated from their historical, geographical and econom1c
In opting for a feminist ethnographic methodology as the means to
ensure the nuanced research that Chouinard ( 1 997) talks about that would
hopefully fill a gap in geographic research, I was guided by the belief that
an understanding of women's roles and relationships on Grand Manan
would be possible only by exploring their self-defined understandings,
meanings, and experiences. Their own words, stories, and self-described
patterns of behavior would be crucial to achieving my research objective,
that is, to understand the evolving processes of local-global interactions in
terms of impacts upon women and community. Yet in its intrinsically
personal interactive modus operandi and its philosophical underpinnings,
ethnography is more than a methodology. "The ethnographic stance is as
much an intellectual (and moral) positionality, a constructive and interpre
tive mode, as it is a bodily process in space and time " ( Ortner, 1 995 ,
p. 1 73 ) . Engaging feminist ethnography as a holistic process necessaril y
involves ambiguity and fluidity. The feeling of inhabiting borderlands
B O R D E R L A N D S A N D F E M I N I S T E T H N O G RA P H Y 1 75
For the community and for the researcher alike, Grand Manan is both a
nexus ( meeting place) and a borderland (unstable world of interpretation
and meaning) , existing between two cultures, informed by the past but
profoundly influenced by new technologies and the consumerism of
modernity. From the beginning of the project, it became clear that Donna
Haraway's "situated knowledges" ( 1 9 8 8 ) defined both methodology and
epistemology in ways that necessarily focused less on a sense of a concrete
" field" and more on interlocking, multiple sociopolitical sites and locations
(Gupta and Ferguson, 1 99 7 ) . As Haraway ( 1 9 8 8 , p. 590) points out,
" Situated knowledges are about communities, not about individuals. The
only way to find a larger vision is to be somewhere in particular. "
Even in my initial choice of field sites, there was a sense of inhabiting a
borderland in my experience of both the familiar and the strange. Border
lands were embedded in my unquestioned assumptions of difference
because 1 felt that " the edges of society " engaged my interest "as challenges
to the apparently overwhelming homogenization and hegemony of Western
modernity " ( Nadel-Klein, 1 997, p. 9 7 ) . Three especially relevant border
lands permeated the entire research process for me: the common ethno
graphic issue of insider-outsider status, the presence or absence of a
feminist perspective in understanding gender relations, and the space
b etween research and action.
The dilemma of determining insider-outsider status has many dimen
sio ns of concern. As part of a borderland, it defines both the methodology
of the research process and the communication of the resulting meanings,
stories, and interpretations. The notion of insider-outsider relates, for
example, to spatial practice, insofar as researchers move " i n " and "out" of
their field sites. Ethnography is more than just " passing through " ; it
B rlefly - T h e Settl ng
feelings of self-doubt. Where were the women ? How can 1 make contact?
Even the language was strange. New words, rhythms, accents and syntax
on Grand Manan, combined with uneasiness in my limited knowledge of
the fishery, made me distinctly uncomfortable. 1 had difficulty even formu
lating a sensible question because 1 did not have the vocabulary to describe
the " hook " on the "weir" to which the " drop " was attached. 1 soon
learned to become self-mocking about my ignorance and ineptitude around
the fishery. Making j okes about my inabilities seemed to smooth over the
bumpiness of engaging in conversations on the wharves. For the most part,
this was a successful strategy that acknowledged both my outsider status
and my willingness to cede any perceived outsider " expertise" to their
male-centered knowledge. The men were always happy to answer questions
that incorporated both genuine curiosity and respect with a sense of their
male superiority. The borderlands of insider--outsider, feminist perspective,
and research versus action would ali come to the fore in situations that
implicitly questioned the naturalness of the patriarchal structures.
The ferry trip itself, I have discovered, is inevitably an invaluable entrée
through casual meetings in the lounge or on the deck. On one trip 1 sat
with a young couple who, under normal circumstances 1 might never have
had a specific reason to interview. For an hour 1 listened as he described
how he made his career choice as a fisheries officer, and how in his spare
time he scavenges for discarded metal obj ects that he separares and sells to
various recyclers. While 1 had met them briefly befare, and they knew
about my research, the opportunity for an informal exchange when 1
shared my own interests and heard about theirs allowed me to establish an
unsolicited relationship that might be helpful in the future. In a small
community, being known is not necessarily the problem; being accepted is.
Such contacts help to build a foundation of goodwill and to creare the
possibility of future sources of information and understanding.
Even informal conversations may not be adequate groundwork for the
more formal interview, especially in the early stages of the research. During
my first year, someone told me about a fisherman who was converting his
lobster boat, Spiritwind, for the summer season to take out tourists for
" deep sea fishing. " Wandering about the wharves, 1 noticed someone
working on the Spiritwind. We started to chat, and our casual conversation
led to an invitation to accompany him and his son the next day when they
went out to pull their traps. lt was a wonderful day, full of stories and
information about the island and its people. Severa! days later 1 phoned his
home, spoke to his wife, and asked if 1 might come over for an " interview"
about changes on the island. She greeted me at the door, and led me into
the living room, where 1 encountered a stiff backed, neatly combed man
sitting, looking extremely uncomfortable. No j okes that evening, no long
rambling stories; this was to be an " interview " ; both the fisherman and his
wife, a teacher, were o n edge. B y the time I left a couple of hours later the
atmosphere was certainly more relaxed, but I was not happy with the
information I had been able to collect. Although phone calls to arrange
formal interviews are a useful introduction for sorne people, my experience
on Grand Manan has been that " dropping in," or asking to drop-in when
I happen to see them at church, for example, is far more likely to elicit a
rich source of information.
Meeting women
The fun or, depending upon your viewpoint, the frustration of ethno
graphic research is that it follows few rules. As Stacey ( 1 9 90, p. 27) points
out " serendipity in the process is a more common and valuable research
method than is often acknowledged. " Arriving on the island, I soon realized
that finding women to talk to would be more difficult than I had antici
pated. The casual meeting places for men were off-limits to women . For
the most part, the older women are at home or in the grocery stores or
churches. The younger women are either earning money outside the home,
or looking after children, only occasionally taking walks with baby car
riages. That there are no sidewalks, no central public parks or commons
for informal gatherings, and no leisure drop-in facilities for women has
significant implications for social relations on the island.
One strategy that proved effective with the younger women, which
seemed to encourage their willingness to meet with me, was to have group
discussions that were already part of their weekly schedule ( Davies, 1 99 9 ) .
" Ladies Night O u t " o r Bible study groups served as venues for my
inquiries. However, 1 soon learned that the apparent " efficiency" of these
gatherings held particular hazards. In one case, the group was evenly
divided between native islanders and those " from away " who had married
into the island. Questions about changes at the school, about the changing
nature of jobs available to women, and problems of youth, ali elicited
different sets of responses from each of the two groups. More importantly,
in later conversations I discovered that much was left unsaid because of
different perceptions, values, and concerns about island life that contained
implied negative criticism that would have further alienated the " from
aways" who struggle to be accepted. An " open " discussion it was not ! For
non-native islanders, there is an ever-present borderland of daily living that
is constantly being negotiated and represents a fragile reality of acceptance.
This borderland between insiders and outsiders on the island was further
illuminated in another group meeting that provided a contrasting interview
experience for me. In this very fruitful evening, four women in their early
forties, ali university-educated with teenage children, had arrived on the
B O R D E R L A N D S A N D F E M I N I ST E T H N O G RA P H Y 1 81
island twenty years earlier as new spouses of native islanders. Their lively
discussion over a period of three hours, revealed the depths of the insider
outsider cleavage in Grand Manan society, and, in particular, the difficult
ies faced by women who marry into the island culture. Group interviews
are different from individual meetings in that the number of variables that
can influence the nature and value of the information multiplies by the
number of women in the group! At the same time, it is important to take
into account the characteristics of the group that may or may not reflect
existing cleavages in the community.
Yet another group showed me the danger of unrecognized assumptions.
When 1 arranged to meet with a group of s i x native islanders, 1 assumed
they would reflect sorne common understandings and a leve! of trust that
would be helpful to me. 1 had not considered the, perhaps obvious,
possibility that these " common " understandings can be asserted as a
defensive wall, protecting island histories against the outsider. During
" Ladies Night Out, " we discussed issues such as women's roles in the
home, their experiences in new tourism opportunities, and changing expec
tations of teenagers. The hostess for one of the evenings, who appeared to
be lively, energetic, and even representative of the " strong women" of
Grand Manan, seemed relaxed and engaged with ali the questions 1 raised.
lt was only weeks later that 1 began to hear stories about the abuse she has
endured for many years at the hands of her husband. Unlike other
conversations and interviews 1 ha ve had with individual women, during the
entire evening there was no intimation of spousal abuse, despite the
apparently widespread public knowledge of her situation . This example
highlights the difficulties for the researcher of absorbing and adapting to
the pervasiveness of the insider--outsider cleavage.
Three different group situations; three different responses; each with a
different mix of people and perceptions focused on the intentions of the
outsider-researcher. While the group of women " from away " had less
invested in protecting island culture, and indeed seemed almost delighted
that their stories might be heard, for women caught up in systemic abuse
the group became a collective defense against the curious intruder. lt was,
in fact, the discovery of the underside of the " rural idyll" that was the
darkest moment for me. 1 felt that 1 had " lost my innocence " ! A comment
by Stacey ( 1 990, p. 2 72 ) echoes this feeling and more, when she describes
her "gradual loss of nalveté about the ethical character of ethnographic
re search methods, which 1 discovered to be far less benign or feminist than
1 had anticipated. "
Gendered responses
Gendered resistance
During many visits to the store for groceries, 1 would chat with a lively
young cashier. 1 knew a bit about her background, and one day asked for
Sorne Reflectlons
The subj ectivities of both researcher and researched, then, are strongly
implicated in the constructions and representations produced in texts. ( Rob
inson, 1 994, p. 2 1 7)
B O R D E R L A N D S A N D F E M I N I ST E T H N O G RA P H Y 1 85
At the l nterv i ew
• Ensure that both you and your subjects are positioned comfortably
and close to your tape recorder. lf you are not recording the
interview, be sure to have enough space to take notes.
• Reiterate the voluntary nature of participation .
• Make sure that your tape recorder is working properly.
• Demonstrate flexibility in interview timing, taking into account the
potential for interruptions.
• Acknowledge the need for breaks.
• Listen actively, e . g . smile and nod in response to your interviewee's
comments rather than merely uttering " uh h uh " .
• Be patient, being careful not to force the pace of the interview -
silences can be productive spaces .
• Be conscious of non-verbal cues and communication.
• Be respectful of the interviewee and their space.
• Promise only things that you can deliver.
• Express appreciation for the participant' s time and energy.
• lf appropriate, reiterate your openness to continued com
Deirdre McKay
Ruth and Marilyn (not their real names ) grew up together. Both worked
overseas in their twenties and early thirties and they chose to be interviewed
together. We did the interview at my house one evening over dinner, sitting
around the tape recorder. From this conversation, l've chosen excerpts
describing Ruth's experiences in Italy and her eventual return home. Her
story begins with her first job as a housemaid near Rome.
R: Her son would bring me along into class . . . because 1 could speak
English and that was . . . different - show and tell, you know. And they
would teach me ltalian, but after two months 1 was getting very frustrated.
I'm going. 1 don't know where I'm going, but I'm going! My friend Ida called
me from Rome and 1 said, how 'bout my off <lay! They were nice people,
protective and stuff like that, but 1 was j ust feeling that 1 was in jail. . . . So 1
didn't go back for a week . . . and then 1 realized "what would 1 be doing for
a job ? " So 1 stayed with Filipinos, women and men, in a pension - and hoy,
was there a lot of misdirected stuff, stealing, sex [laughs] going on in there.
"Oh my gosh, this is worse than what 1 left, I'm going back ! " 1 called my
employer: "l'm coming back ! ! " And after a few weeks, confusion again. My
pride was lame - you don't have your pride anymore, you know, you're
working as a helper and then ali this other stuff . . . and feeling so deprived
of everything, you know ? And 1 left again and went back to Rome . . . 1 was
really desperate for companionship and, umm, my friends and 1 were j ust on
the loose. Whoever speaks English, here we are - we want to speak English
with you guys. We met these African guys. They speak English, right ? "Wow,
they really speak English, let's go for it ! " And then we ended up kind of
staying with them in hotels and stuff like that . . . Another whole mess, you
know. lt's another whole mess. Gosh, it was devastating . . .
R: Yeah . . . Well, this guy had a salary [trails off] And so, what else do
you want to know?
D: Wow, that sounds really familiar, like my own time - when 1 was out in
Africa. 1 went there with my boyfriend and then 1 split up with him . . 1 was
working, as a barmaid in this hotel bar and sorne of the girls who were
working in the bar and we went out for drinks . . . One of the guys asked me
out the next day . . . And then, no money, only tips and it was kind of hard
to get away from him . . .
M: Yeah.
D: Yeah.
R: At least 1 had a hotel - these guys were training in the airport in Rome
. . . But, for me, later on, 1 felt like 1 was, used, you know? Finally we found
out how you could go to an agency and find employers for yourself. Y ou
don't need anybody there to find work for you. Because we learned the
language . . . And we also found jobs through other Filipina girls and the
employers - they had friends who were looking for girls and so it went, like
that . . . And 1 was able to get rid of this guy. 1 was like, never mind, 1 also
speak ltalian, 1 speak English . . . These guys were married. lt was the lowest
kind of life l've ever experienced . . . But 1 tried severa! employers . . . 1 stayed
depending how 1 was treated . . . if 1 was paid on time, like that. And 1 finally
found this family and stayed a year with them. 1 worked so hard with them.
They gave me ali the benefits and stuff like that. They wanted me. So they
processed ali my documents and stuff. So, you know, social security and
health insurance . . . they processed it and they were being honest about it.
The group 1 was with, 1 was the first to have my legal papers worked out!
After a year, 1 met my husband and got pregnant, so 1 left, but 1 had to
make sure there was another Filipina to take my place, you know ?
you speak English, you're educated . . . you know ? But for me, that's not the
case, the choices that I made - I was not able to send the money that they
were expecting. And that's shameful, you know, not to come home then, and
so I didn't have the money to come home and they died .
D: That's a really common thing for people who go abroad from here, isn't
it? Not being able to talk about how hard the circumstances . . .
M: Yeah, especially during that time, the 1 9 80s, when I was in
Singapore . . .
R : I realize there is freedom in the relationship with God. How dare you
j udge me! You know where you stand and who you are. That's enough
security to keep you going on with life. Now, my heart is heavy. At least,
now, I am able to talk to people going outside of the country, working
abroad. At least they have to get a glimpse, you know, of what they're going
to find out there. What people expect. What employers expect and stuff like
that, you know ? Because we carne out there and we weren't instructed on
what we were going to do, they threw us into a totally different environment.
And I was like: What's this? I'm going to have to do it on my own, nobody
told me. It was a total shock. That's my goal: to be able to help. To help
people prepare and inform them on what they're going to expect, going out
of the country.
D: What would you tell them?
R: Well, it's always agency, agency t o agency like that, when y o u c a n d o i t
on you're own. Well, if you speak English, like most Filipinos, English i s
spoken worldwide a n d you can d o i t , you don't have t o throw a large amount
of money to agencies . I'm really, really mad because of my experience with
agencies. If I could get one lady out of the devastation that's going on out
there, running from agency to agency, I would feel better. What's the worst
is the Filipinos ripping off Filipinos. Ummm. You know, it's j ust ridiculous.
We ali need money but you don't have to live off your fellow Filipino and
lead a luxurious life . . . When you know the law, you have to be educated
with the law, you can do anything if you have it in your hands. A lot of the
employers don't do what they should for the helpers. It's the same ali over
the world . . .
But it's hard, especially for Filipinos to speak out. We've been so sup
pressed through our culture. Mabain [shy, ashamed, embarrassed - DM] -
who's going to speak out? You know ? We cannot speak up for our own
rights because of the way we grew up . . .
D: I wouldn't fault Filipino culture too much . . . You're isolated, you're in
a different place and you don't go out, you don't know what your rights are.
I think it's anybody - you need to have the contact, the support, the
education . . .
M: But being mabain makes it worse . . .
R: Yeah, but then why cause problems . . . It's the colonial thing for us
1 92 D E I R D R E M C KAY
Filipinos - if they're white, they must be right. That's how we were taught.
That's how we grew up here, you know!
D: That's true in Vancouver, too, there's a racial thing. One thing the
research [gesture towards a draft of Pratt, 1 99 7, on floor] found is that the
expectations of people at home weigh much more heavily on the Filipinas
and the employers know this. The women who come from Europe, from
Britain, they're seen more as tourists - having a working holiday.
D: Yes, and because they're there for the experience, to improve their
English, not to send home one-third of their salary. So they're not as
R: They've got their money, their families, the girls are j ust earning for
themselves . . . They don't get a phone call saying that your sister needs an
operation, send money right away . . .
Analyz i ng o u r Exchange
Offering stories of your own experiences as a way of eliciting the same from
others is considered a feminine strategy. Participants in such exchanges can
identify overarching themes, as well as personal or group-identified differ
ences . This kind of talk can be therapeutic. By revealing previously hidden
experiences, women can explore the impact of cultural categories, social
processes and global economies in their lives. Sometimes these explorations
lead to expressions of resistance. In other contexts, women examine the
limits of their acquiescence to particular situations and attempt to create
shared understandings of the compromises they've negotiated. Female
respondents often bring expectations of therapeutic or political outcomes to
res earch conversations (Anderson and Jack, 1 99 1 ; Lather, 1 9 8 6 ; and Opie,
1 992 ) . Feminist scholars have, for the past two decades, called for method
ol ogies that anticipare female respondents' desires to find personal affirma
tion and social support within the research interview.
1 94 D E I R D R E M C KAY
Likewise, researchers are asked, and feel obliged to answer, sorne very
personal questions about their sexual and emotional biographies (Twyman
et al., 1 99 9 ) . Feminist researchers cannot exclude this kind of talk from
interactions with respondents. In conventional methodologies, exchange of
biographical information occurs, but is classified as " establishing rapport"
rather than data. The researcher's biography lies outside the research while
the respondent's is made available for analysis. Oakley ( 1 9 8 1 ) , in what is
now a classic paper, initiated the argument for interactive self-disclosure as
part of a dialogic and collaborative feminist research process.
Stacey ( 1 9 8 8 ) highlights the dangers inherent in self-disclosures made
during ethnographic interviews. She argues that these egalitarian interview
practices are problematic because they produce apparent truth about the
" subjects " of research, without making the researcher's own story equally
vulnerable to readers' interpretations. Feminist researchers are likely to
emphasize empathy and alliance with their respondents and neglect to
report women's resistance to the intrusion and exploitation of the research
itself. Stacey is concerned that focusing on reciprocity creares a false version
of solidarity and commonalities between women. By emphasizing trans
parent, mutual understanding, the researcher could obscure conflicting
class, ethnic and other interests and the power relations of the research
process itself.
Feminist geographers have begun to include autobiographical narratives
in their research reports. Personal information on the author, in the terms
shared with the respondents, enables the reader to examine the data
collected and the roles played by researchers and respondents ( see for
example Twyman et al., 1 99 9 ) . Just as no gesture towards reflexivity will
ever achieve complete transparency ( Rose, 1 997 ) , no autobiographical
narrative will revea! or address the foil interplay of power relations in the
research process.
However, identifying a researcher's autobiography as " data " produces
an account of the research that contextualizes research more broadly. Yet
where researchers offer autobiographical detail in their writing, but separ
are their stories from those of their respondents, the terms of the exchange
remain outside the analysis.
To resolve these tensions, 1 decided to focus on resistance to my presence
as researcher within the interview and to the politics of research itsel f.
Resistance highlights respondents' negotiation of the relations of exploita
tion that Stacey is concerned that feminist ethnographies may conceal.
By exploring resistance, 1 might be able to better describe both the
reciprocity and inequalities between researcher and respondent. To do so, 1
decided to approach the exchanges of autobiographical information as
E XC H A N G I N G L I F E STO R I E S I N R E S E A R C H I N T E RV I E W S 1 95
description of her participation in the show and tell exhibit in ltaly ( see
first line of narrative ) . Though the family was nice, she felt like she was " in
jail" and left the job. Her later comments ( page 1 92 ) on her education -
" i f they're white, they're right" - explain the social context in which she
understood her employer's request that she go to school with their son .
Anticipating that other women will want to go abroad, Ruth wants to
share her story as a way of opening a dialogue on Filipina identities,
experiences overseas, and colonial enculturation ( see page 1 9 1 ) .
Work In Progress
Kim V. L . England
Having read the types of questions and the leve! of detail you are asking for,
we are not in a position to participate at this time. Although we have done a
fair amount of work around the advancement of women at [name of the
bank] , the research and data is proprietary and not for externa! distribution.
So, we realized that we wouldn't be able to share much with you, and didn't
believe our participation would add much value.
These two guates are from responses I received to requests far interviews
with high-ranking managers in human resources at Canadian banks. In this
chapter I look at the process of interviewing " corporate elites" based on
self-conscious reflections on sorne of my research projects, especially my
current work on the gendered geographies of Canada 's banking industry.
In recent years, geographers have shown a growing interest in the study of
elites as elites, especially in economic geography ( see, far example, the
special issues in Environment and Planning A, Cochrane, 1 99 8 and Geo
forum, Herod, 1 99 9 ) . This is a departure from the more usual facus by
geographers on the politics, ethics and practicalities of studying relatively
less powerful, and even vulnerable groups. While sorne of the concerns are
the same in both cases, interviewing elites does raise different sorts of issues
than far researchers studying less powerful groups. In this chapter I offer
cautionary tales and what I hope is constructive advice regarding fieldwork
about elites.
I N T E RV I E W I N G E L I T E S : CA U T I O N A RY TA L E S 201
In feminist geography, the field of paid employment has been a fertile area
of research and one of its most enduring. In sorne of the more recent work
in this field the workplace itself has come under closer scrutiny. Severa!
feminist geographers identify organizations as gendered and workplaces as
sites where identities, power and knowledge are discursively (re)produced.
They argue that the everyday social and cultural practices of work are
gendered and embodied ( see far example Hanson and Pratt, 1 995; McDow
ell, 1 997a; Halford, Savage, and Witz, 1 99 7 ) . In my research about women
managers in the Canadian banking industry I adopt the framework of
gendered organizations and gendered and embodied work practices. Can
ada has a national system of banks and is dominated by what are known
as the " Big Six" banks ( Bank of Montreal, CIBC, National Bank, Royal
Bank, Scotiabank, and the Toronto-Dominion Bank ) . In 1 996, 93 percent
of ali bank employees in Canada worked far one of the " Big Six" banks.
The " Big Six" are either headquartered in Toronto, or have a significant
presence there. Thus, 35 percent of Canada's " Big Six " employees are
based in Toronto, but they make up only 1 5 percent of Canada's total
labor force. Banking is highly feminized ( 75 percent of workers are
wome n ) , compared with the labor force as a whole (45 percent) . Moreover,
Toronto has a high concentration of women managers relative to men in
banking and relative to women in other industries. 1 decided that ali of this
made Toronto a good place to explore whether, as Eleonore Kofman
recently put it " majar cities offer women more opportunities far social
mobility, including movement from professional to managerial sectors of
the service class " ( 1 99 8 , p. 290 ) .
1 knew, from an analysis o f newspapers and news releases, that since the
mid- 1 980s the " Big Six " banks had introduced various policies and pro
grams to encourage the promotion of women managers, and that the
numbers of women in managerial positions had increased over the same
time period. The mid- 1 980s were also significant because in 1 9 8 6 , the
Federal government introduced the Employment Equity Act covering fed
erally regulated employers like the " Big Six" banks. Specifically, the 1 9 8 6
Employment Equity Act covers crown corporations and federally regulated
employers in the banking, transportation and communications sectors (with
at least one hundred employees ) . The purpose of the Act is " to achieve
equality in the workplace far women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with
disabilities and members of visible minorities. In the fulfillment of that
goal, employers are asked to correct disadvantages in employment experi
enced by the designated groups by giving effect to the principie that
employment equity means not only that they must treat people the same
2 02 K I M V . L . E N G LA N D
way, but also that they must take special measures and accommodate
difference " ( H RDC, 1 99 8 , p. 1 ) . In 1 995, the Act was replaced by a new
Employment Equity Act, which clarifies existing employer obligations to
implement employment equity. (See .
-weeweb/lege.htm for more information about the Employment Equity
Acts. )
At the outset of my research proj ect on employment equity and Can
adian banking 1 set myself three broad research goals. First, 1 wanted to
document the increased presence of women in the managerial ranks the
" Big Six" banks. Then 1 planned to explore how and why the " Big Six"
introduced policies and programs to advance the promotion of women,
and find out the extent to which the decisions to develop these policies
were influenced by the introduction of the Employment Equity Act in 1 9 8 6 .
Finally, 1 wanted t o see whether the banks' policies a n d programs (that 1
presumed were developed in their headquarters, which in most cases are in
Toronto) had been portable "as is" to other locations across Canada, or
whether (and how) they had adapted them to different locations across
Cana da.
the current trend among feminist geographers towards flexibility about the
correspondence between certain philosophical orientations and particular
methods, rather than sorne sort of methodological orthodoxy (see for
example G. Rose, 1 99 3 ; England, 1 994; Lawson, 1 9 95; Moss, 1 995a ) .
1 find that a theoretically informed blending of qualitative and quantita
tive is the most effective way for me to approach empirical research. For
example, one of my previous projects dealt with the role of local clerical
labor markets in the location decisions of firms in Columbus, Ohio
employing large numbers of clerical workers. 1 tackled my research using a
variety of overlapping data sets and approaches. 1 " triangulated" census
tract data analysis with questionnaires and in-depth interviews with both
clerical workers and personnel managers ( see England, 1 993, 1 995 ) . At the
time 1 was planning that project 1 was greatly influenced by critica! realist
methodology, in particular the concept of extensive and intensive research
(Sayer, 1 9 8 5 ; Sayer and Margan, 1 9 8 5 ) . By uncovering general patterns
and common properties among a representative sample of the population,
extensive research aims to answer questions like " how many ? " " how
often ? " Intensive research focuses on the question of "why ? " and is
concerned with how causal properties are manifest in a particular set of
cases and provides explanatory power. The basis of my extensive research
was the census data analysis and analysis of sorne other secondary data
and 1 envisaged my intensive research as set of case studies of a number of
firms involving interviewing the personnel managers and a number of their
clerical workers. However, after entering the field, 1 soon realized 1 would
need to really take seriously my identity as a " shameless eclectic " and a
"methodological opportunist. " 1 approached a handful of firms who agreed
to let me interview their personnel manager, but refused to !et me interview
their clerical workers. In a couple of instances, that 1 wanted to interview
their clerical workers led the firm to decline to be involved in my project at
ali. They usually cited reasons revolved around employee privacy. Of
course, this might be the case, but 1 wondered whether it was because they
did not like sorne of my questions (1 showed them the list of questions 1
proposed to ask clerical workers) and were concerned that 1 might encour
age unionization ( only a couple of the twenty or so firms where 1 inter
viewed personnel managers were unionized ) . lt became very clear 1 was
going to have to make do with whatever 1 could get. So 1 began suggesting
an alternative - a short questionnaire - to be distributed to clerical workers
b y the personnel manager and each respondent returning the questionnaire
in a sealed envelope. This proved to be more satisfactory to firms. One
personnel manager offered to give me a print-out of the firm's clerical
workers by sex and the zip code of their home address (one of my research
questions was whether the firms draw on highly localized clerical labor
markets ) . 1 snapped up the offer. And a number of other firms were willing
2 04 K I M V . L . E N G LA N D
Kim: Yes.
In the past Canadian banks were notorious for being particularly inaccess
ible and very guarded. For instance, until relatively recently most did not
even have websites. Colleagues warned me that I should expect difficulties
gaining access. In addition, a rumor was circulating that in the past a
graduare student had been given extensive access to one bank, and wrote a
dissertation that portrayed the bank in a very negative light, and now the
banks were unreceptive to academic researchers. (I no longer recall from
whom I first heard this rumor. More recently I have been told that this
2 06 K I M V . L . E N G LA N D
" rum or" might have been circulating for decades and perhaps i s worthy of
promotion to urban myth status ! Nevertheless it continues to work to deter
ali but the most determined and stubborn of researchers. ) Ali of this served
to make me anxious about my research because the harsh reality is that
there is an extremely small number of people for me to approach for
interviews 1 am dealing with corporate elites employed at six banks. So
the scene" ( 1 995, p. 5 ) . In ali but one case where 1 was granted an interview
by a " Big Six" bank manager, 1 arrived and a receptionist - arguably a
"gatekeeper [keeping] an eye on the comings and goings of strangers " -
telephoned the manager with whom 1 had an appointment and 1 was asked
to wait in a reception area until the manager carne to collect me. In the
other case, 1 arrived at the office suite that contained the manager's office
and was confronted not by a receptionist, but a huge frosted glass <loor
and a telephone without a listing of telephone numbers. Scrambling
through my bag, 1 congratulated myself on actually having brought the
manager's business card and 1 phoned her number. She greeted me pleas
antly and then proceeded to make remarks that made it clear she thought
we were going to talk by telephone. Obviously 1 surprised her by physically
showing up for the interview. She buzzed me through the glass <loor, and
then severa! minutes later emerged from the labyrinth of offices, again
expressing her surprise that 1 had shown up in person. 1 felt deeply
embarrassed by this and worried that the interview would go badly. But,
thankfully it went well . She told me "we get several requests for interviews
every week, we don't agree to do them ali . " She then paused, smiled and
raised her eyebrows, and continued, " mostly they are journalists and
mostly they want to talk to me by phone. " 1 took this to mean that one
reason she agreed to talk to me was because 1 am not a journalist, whom, 1
am guessing, she views with a degree of skepticism.
My point is that gaining access to elites is hard work. It is about
continua! negotiation, bargaining and compromise. Hertz and Imber ( 1 995 )
suggest gaining access to business elites is notoriously difficult for social
scientists. However, many of the chapters in Hertz and Imber's book are
written by academics in business schools or in management studies or
business administration. These authors and pieces written by other similarly
employed academics, do stress the difficulties of gaining access, but 1
cannot help wondering whether it was a good <leal easier for them than it
was for me as a geographer (1 frequently had to field the " how is this
geography " question ) . Many of the authors suggest that researchers draw
on professional or personal contacts, or say that they intend to use their
interview material for teaching or training future managers, or Jet organi
zations know that the researcher or the researcher's institution is a source
of future employees and consultants. These potencial advantages do not
really apply to me. Indeed, in one bank 1 asked about circulating a
questionnaire among their managers and offered to include questions that
they might be interested in. 1 was told that they paid outside management
consultants to do that kind of thing and also had a long-standing relation
ship with a professor from a prestigious Canadian business school who
sp ecializes in the advancement of women .
1 worked incredibly hard t o gain access. 1 used any means at my disposal
very clear that 1 was not going to waste time by asking about material that
is available from other sources, and that 1 had customized my questions
based what 1 could not obtain from other sources. 1 now firmly believe that
it is simply not possible to over-prepare for an interview !
Eth lcs, Pos ltlonal lty and Power Relations I n the F leld
For sorne time now, feminist meditations about the research process have
confronted the impartiality and objectivist neutrality of quasi-positivist
empiricism. Along with severa! other feminist geographers, 1 reject the
notion of researcher as the omnipotent expert in control of both the passive
researched and the research process ( England, 1 994; Katz, 1 9 94; Rose,
1 99 7 ) . The strict dichotomy between researcher and researched is also
rejected, and there is a careful consideration of the consequences of the
researcher's interactions with those they research. Researchers are a visible
and integral part of the research encounter, and, as Liz Stanley and Sue
Wise ( 1 993, p. 1 5 7 ) put it, " researchers remain human beings complete
with ali the usual assembly of feelings, failings, and moods . " And, of
course, the same applies to the researched. Neither 1 nor the researched
have fixed subj ect positions.
Several feminist geographers, myself included, write in favor of pursuing
a supplicant relationship with the researched, and seeking reciprocal
relationships based on empathy, mutuality and respect. The appeal of
supplication lies in its potential for the researcher to cope with asymmetri
cal and potentially exploitative power relations in fieldwork. When 1 adopt
the researcher-as-supplicant role, 1 expose my reliance on the researched,
and emphasize that the knowledge of the researched is greater than that of
myself (at least regarding the particular questions being asked ) . 1 approach
fieldwork as a dialogical process constructed by myself and the researched;
the interview becomes an evolving co-authored conversation . The
researcher and the researched are capable of self-reflexivity and engaging
in the self-conscious, critica! scrutiny of their multiple subject positions.
Like many other feminist geographers, 1 am influenced by Donna Hara
way's ( 1 99 1 ) ideas about embodied, partial, situated knowledges. In the
context of planning and conducting fieldwork this means that 1 continually
remind myself that they, as the researched, j ust as 1, as the researcher, have
partial, embodied, situated knowledges, with the implication being that
that we cannot fully know each other.
As 1 wrote this chapter 1 mulled over the ideas described in the first two
paragraphs of this section in the context of my research about bank
managers. Severa! problems and concerns became clear. First, much of
human geography is done on the relatively powerless far the relatively
a member of an elite (albeit a less well paid and, perhaps less prestigious
elite than that of the managers 1 study ! ) . Second, the assumption is that the
balance of power lies with the researcher, with research strategies often
involving efforts to produce polyvocal text, "give voice " or even empower
the less powerful. But as Hertz and Imber rhetorically comment " whose
purpose does it serve to 'empower' the rich and powerful ? " ( 1 995, p. viii ) .
lnterviewing elites meaos dealing with people who, a s Linda McDowell
found, are " sometimes keen to demonstrate their relative power and
knowledge and your relative powerlessness and ignorance " ( 1 99 8 , p. 2 1 3 7;
see also Schoenberger, 1 99 1 , 1 992; McDowell, 1 992c; Herod, 1 99 9 ) . What
power do academics hold when interviewing people who are accustomed
to having a great deal of control and authority over others ? My reliance on
the managers was obvious; that the managers' knowledge of women
managers in banking is greater than mine was self-evident. And 1 usually
felt 1 had little control over whether to position myself as a supplicant or
not. If anything 1 was assigned that role by the managers. Indeed, like
McDowell ( 1 99 8 , p. 2 1 3 8 ) , "I did not have to try hard to present myself
as an ignoramus" a bout the world of banking. As with my Columbus
project, 1 was constantly reminded that fieldwork is a discursive process in
which the research encounter is structured by the researcher and the
Doing research about elites raises sorne different sorts of dilemmas,
difficulties and concerns than doing research a bout less powerful, and even
vulnerable groups. However, just as with less powerful groups, interviewing
elites does involve the purposeful disruption of their lives and can be
intrusive. And j ust as with less powerful people, 1 am ultimately accounta
ble for my research, for my intrusions into people's lives as well as my
representations of the managers in published accounts (Okely, 1 992;
Stanley and Wise, 1 993; Wasserfall, 1 99 3 ; McDowell, 1 99 8 ; Parry, 1 99 8 ) .
And there still needs t o b e careful consideration o f the consequences o f the
researcher's interactions with those they research. Subjectivities are contex
tual, meaning that 1 (and, of course, the managers ) present different
personas in accordance with the particular circumstances. So my presence
and the managers' response to my presence doubly mediare the interview
data 1 collected from them. Just as 1 moved between slightly different
subject positions with different managers, surely the managers 1 interviewed
similarly choose which version ( s ) of themselves they wished to present to
me ( for example, many of the managers referred to the corporate " we " ) .
I N T E RV I E W I N G E L I T E S : C A U T I O N A RY TA L E S 21 1
Moreover, it is entirely possible that they were not entirely truthful with
me ( why should they be ? ) , that they told me what they thought I wanted
to hear, or that they wished to project the right sort of image of themselves
as managers and the bank as an exemplary practitioner of employment
respondents are Canadian, so there were certain idioms and terms that she
did not understand, and had misinterpreted.
The second reason relates to representations of the data on the tapes. I
want the transcriptions to represent more than merely the utterances of the
respondents, I want to capture a sense of the way the words were spoken.
I add notations about ( sorne of) the interactions between the researched
and me (and in those cases where two people where interviewed, the
interaction between them ) . I want to add symbols for things like laughter,
coughs, intonation, pauses ( long or short) and interruptions. (I use sorne of
George Psathas's ( 1 99 5 ) scheme for conversation analysis. )
Finally, I consider the process o f transcription itself a s analysis since it
involves the interpretation of the original discussion, including decisions
about what to include and what to leave out, as well as where to begin and
end sentences. ( Customs of language and speaking, for example run-on
sentences, do not always translate easily into a written representation of
the conversation. ) There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the
tape recording and the transcription. In other words, the transcript is one
representation of the interview. In fact Mary's description of her job:
" transcribing is about placing a context on your best guess at what
someone is saying, as much as it is about getting the exact words" is also a
good description of my job of analyzing and interpreting the interview. I
listened carefully to the tapes, engaging in what George Psathas and
Timothy Anderson ( 1 990) refer to as " methodical listenings " which are an
important part of the analysis beca use " the status of the transcript remains
that of 'merely' being a representation of the actual interaction - i.e. it is
not the interaction and it is not the 'data' " ( 1 990, p. 77) .
Focus G ro u p Research
Geraldine Pratt
Male Service Provider (MSP) : Vancouver has more services for refugees.
MSP: Well, [the Vancouver agency] is close to us. They are similar to [his
agency] . . . . Possibly they are both big enough that people find it a little
difficult to get to where they want, where they need. It's a matter of them
learning about the system.
FSP: I would say that the community organizations over here [in Surrey]
. . . and I have seen yours and mine . . . I would say they are more flexible
because most of the staff members have gone through the same experience. If
somebody's late: five minutes, ten minutes, we say that the person has the
At first, MSP aligns his agency with the Vancouver one but, as the
conversation develops, he refines his position, agreeing that the two agen
cies in Surrey are more community based, flexible and accommodating.
They come to this common position through a process of repeating the
same words (community, extra mile ) and affirming each other's position.
The next transcript segment does not work in the same way but the
formation of opinion through the medium of the focus group is just as
evident. The transcript comes from a focus group of recent Indo-Canadian
immigrants, one that was in fact organized with the help of FSP and took
place at her service organization. The exchange involves two Indo
Canadian men, one ( M l ) is older and of higher status. I first interpreted
this heated exchange as an instance of the censoring that can go on at the
public occasion of a focus group. I understood M2 to be censoring the
issue of racism. I now think that the exchange is more complex, and that it
has little to do with diverting the conversation from the issue of racism in
Canada. The disagreement reflects and allows M2 to articulate his criticism
of multiculturalism as a mechanism for the classification and segregation
of individualism by ethnicity. I quote the transcript at length; this is
necessary to convey the movement within the discussion .
Ml: Depends o n. . . . No, not many. You don't have, er, you don't encoun
ter certain people.
MJ : Sometimes it happens.
Fl : Teenagers or something.
M l : At the same time, certain other people stopped by, and said "Not
worth it. He's drunk . " 1 have seen that consolation also. This is, 1 am telling
you my experience. You don't have to agree with it or not.
Ml : 1 have not told that ali people are like [this]. Certain people at certain
times do behave like 1 am an intruder.
M2: No. Like 1 would like to only say my . . . 1 am not saying that you
don't experience that. But my feeling is that these things may happen. But
there it is. 1 can tell you, you go to Delhi and you are from Punj ab . . .
Ml: 1 also say that 1 a m telling you a n experience. Please !et me go.
M2: Okay.
Ml : For example . . . 1 can give one more. Let's say immigrants come in
bundles. More people in one particular area. Immigrants have come. The
other people, let's say, 1'11 call, 1 don't normally call them whites . . . the, or
the . . .
Ml: Euroasian people. They move out because the Indians have come here.
So they don't feel like, not a homogenous group. They moved out. That's
S T U D Y I N G I M M I G RA N T S I N F O C U S G RO U P S 219
why most of the immigrants are here in Surrey. When an influx of immigrants
carne to this side, the white people moved out from the area.
Gerry: In Surrey ?
Ml : In Surrey, yes. People are moving. In an area where more Indians
come, the whites move out because they don't feel like staying in that area.
MJ : Maybe feeling segregated. [General laughter. ]
Ml : So this study's aim is to? Integration of . . . So you will be sending
proposals about segregation ? [Short discussion in which Ml remarks: "Good
thing this. Very good tapie. In need of this. " And then M2 draws us back to
earlier discussion.]
M2 : N o , I am . . . this . . . I am only asking y o u a question. I don't
understand that. 1 mean everywhere you see people treat ethnic groups . . .
group wise. Why don't they make it like respect the other individual. Forget
what his . . . . Suppose I respect you. I don't bother what your other personal
life is. Here I feel its more like a group-wide treatment. Like here immigrants.
That's also the group . . . . I mean, why is it group wise ? I mean I am asking
you that. Why . . . I mean in schools and anywhere. lt's mostly like they treat
as groups. Group as in, "Okay, tolerate this group. Tolerare that group. " I
mean, why not respect the individual ? . . .
Fl : In schools ?
M2 : I am not able to make myself clear.
Gerry: I am just wondering . . . is it something about the way that
multiculturalism . . .
M2: Ah, yeah, multiculturalism. I mean multicultural. What is it? Multicul
turalism is: you have made the groups one culture . . . . What my feeling is, it
becomes . . . then it is a group. So it gives in my mind: " Look at that group "
That group, right? Multiculturalism. Okay. Indo-Canadian. One group.
Rather than one man. That's it. I don't know to which one you [Pratt] belong
to. You are Canadian. That's it. [Ends.]
FSP: I think for policy issues, they have to make sorne categorizations.
M2: It's like in India. Also they have made categorizations. Like we have
sorne people in older times. Untouchable people and ali those things. When
you start treating them as untouchables, you bring them together. You made
a group. Then other groups oppose that group, rather than individuals. Then
the group becomes the target.
Ml : It's that particular groups have got different needs. That's why they
have to grade it.
FSP: Resources are different, you know.
M2 : That's okay. But when you say tolerate, the word tolerare. It's like,
" Okay, I tolerare you. Stand there. " [General laughter. ]
Gerry: Yes.
FSP: Now that we have given ali these frustrations to you, now you look
after them! [Laughter. ]
practica! use to them. The activist potential of the focus groups with
domestic workers at the Philippine Women Center was perhaps clearer.
Far example, sharing knowledge led one woman to discover that she was
not covered by a medica! insurance plan, a discovery that precipitated her
individual action to remedy this. In telling her story among peers, another
domestic worker realized that her employers had paid at least twice her
salary for the tasks she <loes (childcare and housecleaning) when she went
on holiday because they had hired two individuals to do them. It was
through the telling that this became evident to her. And beca use these focus
groups took place within an activist organization, the transcribed evidence
has been used in reports to governments. As a collective activity, the
possibility of collective action following from focus group discussions may
seem more obvious than in one-on-one interviews.
Chal lenges
Focus groups offer the possibility of collecting data that shows how ideas
are deployed in social interaction in ways that can be put to use for social
change; this is not to say that they are without their problems and
challenges. Though I have argued that they offer the potential for less
hierarchical relationships between researcher and researched, other hierar
chies are ever present. These must be carefully negotiated within the focus
group, and assessed when interpreting focus group evidence. If we return
to the transcript from the focus group with recent Indo-Canadian immi
grants, it is clear that Ml is exerting the privileges of age and status. He
repeatedly claims his right to tell of his experience, remarks upan the utility
of the study, tells M2 when he is off-tapie ( " Anyway, that's a different
story " ), and declares when the focus group is over ( " Anything else you like
to know " ? ) . Returning to the focus group transcript, it is fascinating to see
how quickly he establishes his dominance. He is the first to speak. He
quickly establishes that what distinguishes Indian from Canadian society is
respect for elders. When FSP invites a young non-English speaking woman
to participate, Ml establishes that he, rather than FSP, will translate. The
following transpires:
Ml : She says she has been here for four years, and she carne on married
Ml : She first carne t o Kelowna, where her husband was. A n d later they carne
to search for jobs here. In search of j obs . . . We can ask her questions. [Ml
asks her a question in Punjabi.]
F2 : [Speaks quietly in Punjabi.]
Ml : They didn't have any problems regarding housing. They found a house.
Gerry: How? Through friends or relatives ? [Ml and FSP ask her questions
in Punjabi. ]
F2 : [Speaks quietly in Punjabi.]
Ml: From, err, through their relatives. They got information and they got
contacts. And, err . . . [Ml asks question, FSP clarifies and F2 provides
answer that elicits laughter.]
Ml : Let's elaborare a bit. She, um, gradually, she says she doesn't have any
good remarks. [General laughter. ] But we like to elaborare. [Ml and FSP ask
her questions in Punjabi.]
F2 : [E/abarates in Punjabi, speaking a little louder. ]
Ml : She says she has got frustrated because she couldn't attend school.
Because it was too costly. And, um [asks question in Punjabi] .
F2 : No.
M1 : She wanted to further her studies. She could not pursue those.
Ml: She says when she was in India, she had heard about Canada's garden
side, or better side.
M l : Other difficulties sprout here. And she is not happy. What else
questions ?
Gerry: Because of the education, and help with caring for her child?
Ml : Yeah. She has said that due to child care, she had to baby-sit, she
didn't have time and err, financia! . . . [Asks F2 a question in Punjabi. ]
Ml: Yeah. But n o financially, she doesn't have problems. S o when you are
to continue, you can continue. [General laughter. ] So any other question you
would like to ask her ?
Gerry: What kind of child care would help now ? [M1 asks question and F2
answers in Punjabi. ]
Ml : You don't have father-in-law? Mother-in-law?
FSP: But, you know, it is not easy to pay. 1 think $400 a month for day
care. Every family can't afford this much.
M2: No. You suggested them, rather than her. The way you want the
S T U D Y I N G I M M I G RA N T S I N F O C U S G R O U P S 225
system changed. 1 mean, what is the problem handling, what is the problem
handling ?
Eventually we ascertained that finances were not the issue, but that F2 had
been upset by [an] Indo-Canadian woman in Kelowna who babysat her
own child along with F2's child; she judged that this babysitter treated the
children unevenly. One pressing issue here is the difficulty of working in
translation, to which I return below, but another is the tendency for young
women to be spoken for. " Listen " to what happened when another
woman, who could speak English, is introduced.
FJ : [ With fluency.] Okay, 1 carne here five years ago. August 1 992. 1
married in August 1 992. And 1 carne here. My husband live here and he
sponsored me. 1 got baby in 1 9 93 . 1 got educated, no 1 . . .
FSP: No. You got less education. Because she has tenth grade.
This is the last time we heard from F3 although three other people ( FSP,
Ml and M3 ) describe her great success in sorne detail. ( M l describes her
progress as a miracle. )
Status hierarchies do not disappear i n focus groups and Michell ( 1 999,
p. 4 5 ) cautions " against a headlong rush into adopting focus groups in an
unreflective way if this means further disenfranchising those at the bottom
of the social hierarchy. " Certainly, as Michell notes, sensitive group
composition (in above case, a women-only group - although note FSP's
role in speaking for F3 ) can help. But for sorne people - particularly
stigmatized ones - being brought together as a group can be further
stigmatizing. Michell writes from the perspective of a study of eleven-to
thirteen year-old boys and girls. For the lower status girls in particular,
there was a marked difference between what they said in focus groups
( basically very little) and personal interviews. lt was only in the latter that
stories of extremely stressful circumstances, particularly at home, carne out.
She asks that we consider which voices might be silenced in a focus group
Sorne circumstances may dictate the privacy of an interview. Michell
argues that the distinction between the privacy of the interview and the
public nature of the focus group is particularly acute when the participants
of the focus group are drawn from a relatively closed social world, as was
the case in her study conducted within schools. Any statements made
within such groups surely circulare beyond them. In these cases, focus
groups have the potential of being exploitative because participants are
persuaded by the artificiality of the context to revea! intimare details in
front of peers with whom they will interact long after the research is over
and the researcher is gone ( Green and Hart, 1 99 9 ) .
But a l l focus groups are public performances and, even among strangers,
it is unclear where the line between privare and public should be drawn. In
the focus group with recent Indo-Canadian immigrants, I began to feel that
questioning F2 about her childcare was intrusive, especially given the
confusion about her financia! circumstances and the invidious comparison
to Ml 's own daughter. But if sorne participants seem vulnerable to over
exposure, the other part of the public nature of focus group performances
is that disclosure is selective. From the segments of transcripts quoted, one
gets a sense of Ml 's representation of his daughter. But his glowing
presentation of his daughter was typical of every parent in the room: ali of
their children were the brightest, the most brilliant in their class. Certainly,
one of the parents did not revea! that part of their child's pleasure in
coming to Canada is that they can live their homosexuality more comfort
ably, an insight communicated to us by their "child " in a subsequent
interview. At the focus group we heard only about their satisfaction with
the educational system and success at university. The academic success is
S T U DY I N G I M M I G RA N T S I N F O C U S G RO U P S 227
1 hope that 1 have conveyed sorne of the potentials of focus groups. 1 have
used focus groups at different moments in the research process . For the
Surrey study, they were used in the first stage of research, to get a sense of
what research would be useful to service providers and community groups,
and to identify key themes and concerns among recent migrants to Vancou
ver, themes that we pursued in more depth through longitudinal interviews
with a small number of households ( sorne of which were recruited from
focus groups ) , as well as a broadly based community survey. In the
domestic worker study, the focus groups were the main source of data and
1 have collaborated with the Philippine Women Center on a number of
papers and reports ( Pratt, in collaboration with the Philippine Women
Center, 1 99 8 , 1 999; Pratt 1 99 9 ) .
1 hope as well t o generare sorne enthusiasm for the unique potential o f
focus groups. They offer something other than a way of collecting interview
material efficiently (six to ten interviews at once ! ) . They offer a vantage
point from which to observe social interactions. By bringing people
together to share experiences, the researcher creares a small group that may
generare ideas and plans for action. And although 1 have not discussed in
depth the " how-to-do" aspect of focus groups, part of appreciating the
particularity of focus groups is recognizing that it is a methodology, and
not j ust a loosely organized conversational event. Careful thought must be
given to sample selection ( its appropriateness determined in relation to the
research question ) , and the moderator must be trained to probe effectively
and to lay down the rules that create a permissive environment for fair and
open discussion. The focus group is a single event and not equivalent to
interviews with the same number of individuals. This means that a single
focus group is insufficient; at least three or four should be done to evaluare
the consistency of the emerging themes. Krueger ( 1 994) suggests the
principie of " theoretical saturation " ( Glaser and Strauss, 1 967) to deter
mine sample size. That is, you conduct focus groups until the themes
stabilize and no new significant information is obtained. Focus groups are
public performances, and although interviews are no less performative,
they are certainly more privare and usually more appropriate for engaging
individuals in detailed discussions of their " privare " lives. As with any
methodology, focus groups are not appropriate for answering ali questions;
they are extremely useful for sharing experiences and assessing how ideas
circulare in a given cultural context.
S T U D Y I N G I M M I G RA N T S I N F O C U S G R O U P S 229
Cod i n g
Autoeth nography
E m bodied/e m bodiment
Eth n ography
Field work
Focus gro u p
l n -depth interview
Mu lti-method
O pe n - e n ded q uestion
O pportu n ism
Participant o bse rvation
Research d esign
Research q uestion
Sam pling
Structu red interviews
Triangu l ation
Many of the authors note they have difficulty drawing definite conclusions
given that their research critiques the certainty of knowledge claims in
geography. This resistance is often viewed as a weakness of feminist
research . Do you agree with this view ? Why or why not ?
Sorne feminist geographers discuss their own complicity in the produc
tion of masculinist knowledge in situations such as being a feminist
employer, working within the academy, or accepting conditional funding.
PART 1 1 1 : S T U DY MATE R I A L 231
Explore other tensions between research and activism, theory, and practice.
lteration 1 : Set a research question . Find a partner who has similar research
interests. Together design two interview guides with between five and seven
open-ended questions focusing on the tapies of the two research questions.
Through this process, each research question is further refined.
Iteration 2: Conduct thirty-minute interviews with one another on
audiotape. Be sure that each partner is interviewed about her/his own
research tapie. Transcribe ten minutes of your own interview. Code it
according to examples in a handbook that you find useful. Analyze the
data according to particular themes. Themes arising from the data will be
useful in refining the research question even further.
lteration 3: Write up a brief ( 3 -5 pages ) interpretation of the data from
the interview. Be sure to include a discussion of the research process, the
analytical process, and the empirical findings. At the end of this process,
the research question should be clarified enough to conduct the research
itself. Good luck !
too easily from the objective fact of shorter female worktrips to subjective
explanations insufficiently supported by evidence but which happened to fit
very neatly their feminist preconceptions of sex discrimination with respect
to labour markets " ( Gordon, Kumar and Richardson, 1 9 8 9, p. 500 ) .
Critically evaluate the data used, statistical analysis, arguments, interpre
tation, and presentation of the results in the paper in light of feminist
epistemologies and methods. What kind of methodological flaws can you
identify ? Do you think the authors' conclusion is warranted ? Consider the
How was women's household responsibility measured ?
Who were the individuals studied, and what groupings of these individ
uals were used in the statistical analysis ?
Which geographical area was included by the study? How was location
in the regression analysis represented?
Isabel Dyck
categories a n d concepts that are given life i n other contexts, a s for example
the policy document or media story. Constructing knowledge from field
research is a potentially daunting task and a heavy responsibility when, as
severa! authors suggest, it is from a context of fluidity and uncertainties
that we eventually " fix " meaning!
In these concluding notes 1 pursue sorne of the issues emerging from
such fluidity and uncertainty as they have interested me in my own
research. 1 focus on "context" and power, using the notion of geographic
scale to help trace sorne of the implications of the shifting, continually
changing research situations and relations that we encounter as researchers.
Pamela Moss emphasizes (chapter 1, this volume ) that the practicalities of
doing research are embedded in the relationships among contexts, power,
and knowledge; in verification the chapters in the book indicate that there
is a spatiality to research relations, laden with complex relations of power
that are negotiated throughout the research process. Here 1 aim to draw
out sorne of the issues relating to spatiality and context that 1 have found
useful in thinking through what it means to do feminist geographical
research in specific places. This means, for me, moving away from prescrip
tive research "to dos " and thinking a bout research issues as an embodied
researcher whose interpretations tell a particular story of others' lives and
lt is clear from the chapters of this book that feminist geography has come
a long way since the early work of the 1 970s. Yet struggles remain, albeit
unevenly. Severa! chapters tell of personal journeys through the challenging
terrain of practicing geographical research that is feminist. Sorne of the
challenges in doing research about the ways places and spaces make a
difference to how women live relate to responsibilities in how data are
used. Who will benefit from our research ? How can our analyses go beyond
local meaning to make points about structures, discourses, and practices of
inequality that are relevant to many women's lives in different parts of the
world ? Other challenges come from the practica! and emotional experiences
of doing research in a specific place, whether this is familiar to us as "our"
country, "our" city, or carries the unfamiliarity of a perhaps exotic
"otherness. " As well-rehearsed in feminist methodological literature, much
of the challenge of research comes from a feminist sensitivity to issues of
power and ethics, not readily resolved ( see for example Wolf, 1 99 6 ) . But
such challenges are highly contextual; who one is and where one is make a
difference to how power plays out and ethics unfold in a particular research
project. There are intricate links between power and " context" for they
236 I S A B E L DYC K
It is from this point of connection, between body and place, that 1 now
go on to reflect on sorne of the issues in the practice of doing research
opened up in the preceding chapters. Conceptualizing these issues through
different scales, helps to reiterate the links among " context, " power and
fluidity that affect research practice. As the chapters of the book emphasize
we as researchers are part of this context. The in-betweenness of the
" researcher" and the erasure of the notion of the field, as noted by Nast
( 1 994 ) , is particularly pertinent to thinking through research as an embod
ied researcher interacting with research participants, each with her own
history and geography brought to the research. This takes on particular
importance when working in the fluidity of many contemporary places
which are experiencing rapid social and cultural transformation .
which, for example, the in-depth interview takes place. The " safe " space of
the home advocated in much feminist research may not be so safe for the
recent immigrant or woman in a vulnerable position. One-on-one inter
viewing methods, also advocated in feminist research in arder that a
woman may speak unhindered, may also have to be adapted in the social
reality of doing research. In our research experience with newly immigrated
women, we have interviewed mothers and daughters together, husband and
wife together, sisters together, whole families, and other combinations.
Increasingly, sorne type of focus group or group interview is found to be
more amenable to study participants who may be unused to western
interviewing, or indeed, tell tales in a different way. Collective story-telling
may also be combined with individual interviewing in gaining a more
holistic picture of a tapie. As contexts shift, intellectually and geographi
cally, a flexible approach to methods is a necessity. And what we consider
appropriate feminist methodology may have to be sensitive to the con
ditions in which we do research - much can be learned from negotiating
how and where stories are told .
The fluidity of th e contexts within which w e negotiate o ur research and
ourselves precludes a simple approach to accounting for and working with
the issues of power that feminists have centered in methodological discus
sion. Just as we get something " right, " another dilemma or puzzle is likely
to confront us in the exacting venture of doing ethically sound research
that takes our responsibilities as feminists seriously. We may be tempted to
blame ourselves for problems in the field, but in doing so miss a chance to
bring an analytical lens to such problems which can help us learn more
about the links between the practica! issues of fieldwork and the context of
our research. I have found thinking through the body a useful lens for
exploring links between power and knowledge in conducting fieldwork.
Feminists drawing on poststructuralist thought have focused on the inscrip
tion of normalizing discourses on bodies, such as those of " gender, "
"class, " and " race," set against the " unmarked" heterosexual male, middle
class, and white subject, and how this both mediares and ( re)constitutes
experiences, identity performance, and spaces through regulatory practices
and self-surveillance as the body as " text" is made and " read. " In relation
to constructing knowledge ( s ) , the body can be viewed primarily in two
ways. First is the body of the researcher, as the key research " instrument"
or "too! " of qualitative research , and, second, the bodies of research
participants - those we study - tell us more than the words of the
transcripts of their accounts, and help to integrare the body with other
geographical scales. In these ways research is embodied. The notion of
embodiment emphasizes the material spaces within which and from which
women speak or, alternatively, are silenced. Ir is from embodied positions
that threads between situated, local knowledges, and the organizing rela-
242 I S A B E L DYC K
ensure the ( bodily) experiences of women are the basis of our analyses, and
that the scrutiny we apply to our field methods includes reflection and
analysis of the ways they are embodied as we translate " data " and create
the legitimacy of our interpretations through the social and political
processes of academic knowledge construction .
In this volume, the authors provide a number of examples of ways of
operationalizing feminist research in geography that implicitly recognizes
the centrality of experience through the body as the basis from which to
construct knowledge. In addition to being exemplars of " doing gender " in
the specificities of place, the chapters also show that research is not a
matter of taking " abstract " feminist research principies and applying them
in any simple way. Ways of doing feminist geographical research have
emerged from feminist geographers' experiences in concrete situations that
have their own materialities and imbricated pattern of relations of power.
However, such local settings and the situated subjectivities of those we
study within them need to be placed in processes and discourses beyond
the immediate visibility of the interview setting.
A further point arising from these chapters is that the snap-shots of
people's lives from which we construct knowledge are located in a narrative
flow with which we may have little or no ongoing, direct connection. Our
interpretive acts - analysis, writing, and presentation - "fix" such ethno
graphic moments in the tales that we tell, perhaps with consequences we
may not be aware of. While the exercise of reflexivity in our research
cannot make ali transparent (after Rose, 1 99 7 ) , it is important to continue
to make our best efforts to uncover the mechanisms of the truth claims we
produce. This is perhaps particularly important when speaking as feminists.
Chandra Mohanty ( 1 99 1 ) draws our attention to the heterogeneity of
feminist discourse and practice, with these grounded in specific cultures,
histories, and geographies. White, western feminist influences dominate
geographical work at this time. In this volume, the authors, rather than
rigidly defining feminist research practice, open up a space far imagining
possibilities of doing feminist research in different ways. The examples of
research in this volume provide an exciting array of insights into what it is
like to do research. Mistakes can, and are, made, lessons learned, and
research practices adj usted to engage us in a richer way in our research. As
the Feminist Pedagogy Working Group notes ( p . 2 3 , this volume ) , there is
no one " good" way to do feminist research - every project must create
logical and practica! links to approaching a specific tapie in a particular
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