Comprehensive Policy: Acko Advantage
Comprehensive Policy: Acko Advantage
Comprehensive Policy: Acko Advantage
WELCOME! We’re happy to have you at Acko, and promise to be there for you always. You’re now a part of the
Acko Advantage program, which takes care of everything if your car ever runs into trouble. Just call us
immediately on 1800 266 2256 when things go wrong and we’ll take it from there.
Acko Non-Acko
Advantage* Advantage
Free car pick-up
from home,
office or accident
Repairs at our
network of
expert garages.
Cashless and
*Only applicable in selected cities provided you call us immediately - Ahmedabad | Bangalore | Chennai | Delhi | Hyderabad | Kolkata | Mumbai |
Please Note: Previous Policy document is required in case of claim within 30 days of Acko Policy Start Date.
No n-Accide nt Damage C o nse que ntial Lo ss & Nucle ar Risk & War Ille gal Driving
Like depreciation, wear & C o ntractual Liability Damages to your car due to Damage due to the car driven by a
tear, breakdown, failures & Indirect damage or liability nuclear risk, war & mutiny person without a valid driving
breakages, and deductibles. arising due to your car license or under influence of
accident. liquor/drugs.
T yre , T ube s & Engine C ar Re vie w Exce ptio n C o mme rcial usage o f the
Not included unless the tyre, Pre-existing Damages as C ar
tubes & engine are damaged found on vehicle inspection. If the Car is registered as
due to an accident. Private vehicle & if it is used
for commercial purpose than
the losses or liability due to
accident during such usage is
not covered in this policy.
The info rmatio n pro vide d he re in abo ve is fo r the purpo s e o f illus tratio n o nly. Fo r mo re de tails o n ris k facto rs , te rms ,
co nditio ns and e xclus io ns , ple as e re ad the po licy wo rdings ( https ://www.ack o .co m/do wnlo ad ) care fully.
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Private Car Package Policy
Basic Own Damage ₹ 118 1.02 Basic Third Party Liability ₹ 2094.00
Consumables ₹ 38 .03
Net Own Damage Premium (A) ₹ 1339.03 Net Liability Premium (B) ₹ 2493.00
Received with thanks from BHUSHAN SAGARKAR a sum of ₹ 4521.80 towards premium on Car Insurance
We he re by de clare that tho ugh o ur aggre gate turno ve r in any pre ce ding financial ye ar fro m 2017-18 o nwards is mo re than the aggre gate turno ve r no tifie d
unde r s ub-rule (4) o f rule 48 o f C GS T Rule s 2017, we are no t re quire d to pre pare an invo ice in te rms o f the pro vis io ns o f the s aid s ub-rule .
We wish to inform you that the Insurance policy number DCCR00825865400/00 has been issued on the
basis of the information and declaration given by you, the transcript whereof is mentioned below.
Please be informed that this Policy shall be construed to be void ab initio/invalid in the event we find that you have not
disclosed material or correct information required for the purpose of providing the below insurance cover and in case of any
claim arising under the policy in such a scenario, we shall be under no obligation whatsoever to settle such claim to you and the
premium paid by you under this policy shall stand fully forfeited.
PA Cover -
Consumables -
Zero Depreciation -
1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue and
insurance in respect of any kind or risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any
rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate expect such
rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the prospectus or tables of the Insurer.
2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to 10 lakh rupees.