Drug Study CHN

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The First Nursing School in the Philippines, 1906
Iloilo City, Philippines 5000
NCM 3115b


Submitted by:
Elijah Dale A. Guillergan

Submitted to:
Prof. Harley De La Cruz

Submitted on:
July 5, 2023

Name: Jona Berso Anacan Sex: Female Age: 21 Address: Tubigan, Zarraga Chief Complaint: Cat bite, Right foot

Category: III BP: T: P: R:


Equine Anti- I: For patients at SE:  Make the patient feel safe  Educate the patient about
Rabies risk of being These side- and comfortable. the effects of Vinrab Equine
Immunoglobulin infected with effects are  Take the Vital Signs of the Antirabies Immunoglobin
(Vinrab) is a rabies following possible, but do patient, weight and height. Injection may alter if you use
sterile interaction with a not always occur.  Recheck the right name, other medications or over-
intramuscular rabid animal or  Pain dosage, and expiry date of the-counter remedies
solution that an animal that is  Fever the vaccine. concurrently. This could
contains thought to be  Vomiting  Check the medical history of make the medication less
antiviral rabid, VINRAB  Drowsiness the patient. effective or put at a greater
Brand Name: Vinrab components offers passive  Stomach  Advise the patient to consult risk for side effects.
that are immunization upset to the doctor if she has  Advise patient not to drink
extracted from against rabies.  Urge to vomit hypertension, congestive alcohol with medicines as
Generic Name:
Equine Rabies the blood serum Antirabies serum  Nausea heart failure, or kidney alcohol intensifies
Immunoglobulin (ERIG) of healthy should always be  Diarrhea problems. drowsiness side-effects.
horses that have administered  Muscular  Notify the patient let the  Educate patient to not to
received rabies along with rabies twitching doctor know about all of the self-medicate and increase
Classification: Specific
vaccinations. vaccination the body's dependence to
Immunoglobulins – used  Inflammation current prescription and
Additionally, it because it does over-the-counter medicines without the
in passive immunizations. of the
includes the not function as medications, as well as any advice of a doctor.
Dosage: 40 IU/kg body
antibacterial an antirabies
al tract allergies, pre-existing  Do not use more than
cresol. treatment on its conditions, and current prescribed dose. Taking
weight  Congestion
own. health conditions (such as more medication will not
 Eye irritation
CI: In patients AE: pregnancy or impending improve symptoms; rather
with a history of Hypersensitivity surgery). they may cause poisoning or
allergic reactions of the  Instruct patient to inform serious side-effects.
symptoms or immediate or the doctor of all the  Avoid activities like driving
equine serum delayed variety medications, vitamins, and or running machinery until
hypersensitivity, may occur. herbal supplements that she the patient feel better since
vinrab should be Anaphylactoid use so they can assist in the rabies vaccine might
administered reactions avoiding or managing drug cause lightheadedness.
with the utmost involving interactions.  Instruct patient to monitor
care. hypotension,  Instruct patient to use the the site of bite and do
dyspnea, and dose as soon as the patient proper hygiene (soap and
urticaria are the realize if she misses one. If water) to avoid further
immediate the next dose is coming up infection and cross
reactions that soon, skip the missed one contamination.
have been and carry on with your  Eat healthy food such as
noticed. regular dosing plan. Never vegetables and good source
Inflammatory take an extra dose to make of protein to support
reaction, fever, up for a missing one. stronger immunity response
pruritus, rash or Recommend the patient to and regain affected tissues.
urticaria, consider setting an alarm,
adenopathy, and calendar makers, or asking a
arthralgia are family member to remind
examples of the patient if she frequently
delayed forgets to take medication.
reactions. To discuss alterations to
your dose regimen, notify
the doctor.
Biogenetech (2011). VINRAB. Retrieved July 5, 2023, from https://www.biogenetech.co.th/products/vinrab/

TabletWise (2023, April 21). Vinrab 1000iu Equine Antirabies Immunoglobin Injection. Biogenetech. Retrieved July 5, 2023, from

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